#and the trans pride flags in her house kinda hint at it
werewolf-cuddles · 1 year
okay first you bend over the woke mob and say bridget is a transwoman and now you're saying gwen is trans? come on man what happened to you? you're slowly becoming an sjw
Acknowledging that trans people exist is "becoming an SJW"?
lmao, sure buddy
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viviansuggestions · 3 years
This may be weird but could you do some “Being the daughter of Scott Summers and Jean Grey and dating Viv Vision” head canons plz?
Hm... this is a tough one... a lot of it would be things that anybody dating Viv could expect:
Cheesey date ideas easily googled but with a slight Viv twist to them, like if you go ice skating she'll phase you two through other people if you don't have much control of where you're going yet and kinda just slide around on the ice wherevee the breeze takes you.
If you're into science, she'll find ways to hide an "I love you" message in whatever scientific thing you're best at. If you're into microbiology you'll find it on a slide one day while you're using your microscope, if you're into computer programming you'll find it in the code you've been working on but out of the way and easy to remove.
If you go into the superhero line of work she'll make sure to help you with any aches and pains at the end of the day.
If you go into spy work, she'll hack into anything to keep you safe.
If you two end up working together you can expect her to take all possible hits she can for you, as she insists she is more durable even if you have powers that directly contradict that statement.
She will always have pain killers, heating pads, chocolate, and other such supplies ready for that dreaded time of the month for you and if you find it odd since she herself doesn't experience it she'll point out there is more than one other girl on her team unlike on her father's team, and they have Loki, who changes between male and female and sometimes has to go through that time of month too, basically using her team as a scapegoat for this even though the only one that isn't prepared themselves for it is Loki.
If she wants to surprise you her team is again used as a scapegoat and usually Loki is the first to jump in and help because of their silver tongue.
If you're into videogames she'll mod them for you even if you're not supposed to be able to mod them on that console.
You will never get hurt black friday shopping with her.
She will always help you with homework if you need it but she knows when you're actually struggling and when you're just being lazy.
She knows all your favorite things and has a word document saved listing them, you will never get a flower that is not your favorite if you date her.
If you are trans and trying to transition she will make sure you have what you need for that and whatever wigs/clothes/tucking or waist training things you may want.
You will get dresses with pockets even if you don't like dresses because sometimes they are necessary (mun only recently learned that my school has a rule that if you're a girl you have to wear a dress for graduation so things like this are what I'm thinking of)
If she can't afford something and you know she can't afford it, expect a call from Tony Stark later in the day asking if your precious robot gf has recently aquired the thing she can't afford: chances are, she used his credit card without asking again and will reimburse him when she can.
You gotta remind her to update her antivirus software and sometimes even argue with her about the timing of it because it takes a whole day and she always feels icky after, just like a vaccine can do to someone, but it's important just like vaccines.
If a reporter asks a stupid question about your relationship, she's retort with one they have to google words to understand or "visit sapho and friends on Reddit" before turning away.
She will occasionally change her hair style or add streaks of pink, which will last a couple days before going back to the long, straight, green it was before. Experimenting doesn't last long for her.
If you're smaller than her, she'll make sure all her sweaters are soft and a little big and warm.
If you are bigger than her, she will steal your sweaters.
If you two are the same size, expect to trade sweaters a lot. It is no longer "yours" or "hers", it is now a shared sweater collection and you cannot tell her otherwise.
If someone is flirting with you, she will get jealous and float behind you and wrap her arms around your shoulders, claring daggers at the other person until they get the hint that she's not going anywhere and while she trusts you entirely she still doesn't want them flirting with you because it's not just the bro code, it's thw life code, don't flirt with someone you know is in a relationship.
She will overheat if you flirt with her and it is adorable.
She will play with your hair even if you're busy.
She will do your makeup if you ask her and she will do it perfectly on the first try. Unbeknownst to you, she's practiced everything she can find on the internet on Loki already just for this possible occasion.
The occasional tereible pun followed by a very proud grin.
Vision and Wanda making terrible (in the adorable kinda way like when a parent or child makes a pun they think is clever and can't atop laughing at it) lesbian jokes. Most of these jokes will be along the lines of "I was asked by a reporter how I view lesbian relationships today, apparently "on your channel when my daughter and her girlfriend kick villain ass together" was not the answer they were looking for", these jokes also get changed to gay jokes for Teddy and Billy so it's not like Wanda and Vision are just picking on you two either, they're just proud parents who like to try and embarrass their kids with humor.
Her uncle is even more embarrassing because he'll actually crack up at his own jokes.
Gotta watch out for Grampa Eric, he's overprotective even though he didn't want his daughter to get with Viz in the first place, so if Viv is upset and he finds out and suspects you, expect an attack on the school.
Every time the school is attacked by Magneto, the new like kf questioning is now "was Viv crying again" instead of "what the hell is wrong with you" when he's finally brought down.
Spoiler: usually she's crying because of something stupid and adorable, like snakes not actually being able to taste anything, and Eric just assumed you upset her in some way because he's a dumbass.
You have no clue why he always assumes you did something but you figure it has something to do with the multiverse.
Things to expect as a child of Jean and Scott:
Viv looks up horrible puns to share with you father.
Viv helps your mom cook dinner when she visits.
Your parents will most certainly blame you if you two ever break up, mostly jokingly, but also kinda wondering what happened.
Suddenly the curtains are varying shades of pink when you start dating, even if you haven't told your parents yet.
Jean read your mind and made the mistake of telling Scott, who then could not control his impulse to display his pride for his daughter by trying (and failing) to subtly incorporate the lesbian flag colors into everything in the house.
Viv's family isn't much better.
You two can never escape the embarrassment of your parents but honestly, would you even want to?
You don't actually have to tell either of your moms anything, you just have to think about it really loud and they'll both know.
Arguments are not left to fester if either mom has anything to say about it.
Vision makes sure you two are always safe, even when it's embarrassing, because he doesn't care how embarrassing it may be, he doesn't want anybody getting hurt.
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