#seethe and cope
ilynpilled · 2 years
not to actually take power scaling discourse seriously, but remember when george said that his chosen champions in a trial by combat from his asoiaf characters would be arthur dayne if he was still alive, jaime with both hands, or brienne, and everyone got mad and said he said that for virtue signaling actually
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melon-moth · 10 months
watching the girlies screaming crying throwing up over the new episode, expecting it to be bad and then watching it to find a silly goofy one that’s objectively a fine episode is so funny to me. we can have a few episodes that aren’t plot relevant. as a treat.
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werewolf-cuddles · 1 year
okay first you bend over the woke mob and say bridget is a transwoman and now you're saying gwen is trans? come on man what happened to you? you're slowly becoming an sjw
Acknowledging that trans people exist is "becoming an SJW"?
lmao, sure buddy
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theexodvs · 7 months
Self-forgiveness a narcissistic cope is for antinomian dweebs.
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nicolamagnas · 10 months
being a bears fan is not for the weak
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xxplastic-cubexx · 15 days
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with these hands i can draw whatever i want
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comiclysmic · 1 month
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The Wolf and The Hart
Baldy Solas and Aury Time 👍
Timelapse under the cut! (Flash warning)
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valtsv · 3 months
I'm a mortician and I have to tell you that there's something about your first decapitation case that you'll never forget. Having someone on your table as you embalm them but their head resting nearby on the counter watching and judging your every movement from behind you is special and unsettling in a way no other case is
i need to add a clause to my will that says if my head hasn't already been severed i want to be decapitated so i can watch my own autopsy
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lycorim · 1 month
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aurrad · 2 years
They're fictional who gives a shit lol
nonce take
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papirouge · 2 years
Strangely enough, I was just thinking about how I disagree with your black qualifications.
Sorry to say I think your standards are arbitrary. Obviously you inherit traits from both parents, including race. That means, even if you're a tiny percent black, white, red, yellow, or brown, you are literally still that race. No one is 100% one race either, so that's out the window anyways.
Gatekeeping race based on mixed parents is just nonsensical. Scream until you're blue in the face, facts are facts.
"Scream until you're blue in the face, facts are facts" lmao @ the projection of this statement when you are literally out there in my askbox to shove your flop opinion onto me. Only losers are obsessed to shove their opinions as "facts". Screams insecurity to me...
You got so pissed that you didn't take some time to grasp about what I was saying. A mixed person with a Black and White parent isn't Black, it doesn't mean't they aren't Black and White (i.e "inheriting traits from both parents"). They're just a mix of both ; not White or Black. Following your own logic, there wouldn't Black or Whites in the USA with all the mixing of all population, I guess we should all stop calling them White, Black, Indigenous or whatever.... no?🙃 And I wish we would stop this whole "we're all mixed" kumbaya; not all populations are like the USA. My ancestors from the Congo Basin weren't mingling with imported population from the whole world for centuries like that, so I'm pretty sure I don't have 20% Italian and 15% Native American blood in my veins like some of yall have 💀
"if you're a tiny percent black, white, red, yellow, or brown, you are literally still that race"
Then why are you mad at me calling mixed people White?
Congratulations for playing yourself.🤡
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gawki · 2 years
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I felt the need to share here as well—
Say no to AI art. Please read before commenting. Fan art is cute, putting my art into a parasite machine, without my consent, and throwing up horrifying monsters back at me is not.
We are not fighting technology in this AI fight. We are fighting for ethics. How do I say this clearer? Our stuff gets stolen all the time, we get it, but it is not an excuse to normalize the current conditions of AI art.
These datasets have >>EXACT<< copies of artists’ works and these parasites just profit off the work of others with zero repercussion. No one cares how “careful” you are with your text prompts when the data can still output blatant copies of artists’ work without their permission. And people will do this unknowingly since these programs are so highly accessible now. There are even independent datasets that take from just a handful of artists, that don’t share what artists’ works they use, and create blatant copies of existing work. There’s even private medical records being leaked. Why do you think music is still hard to just fully recreate with AI in comparison? It’s because organizations like the RIAA protect music artists. Visual artists just want similar protection. So, wonderfully for us, Concept Art Association has started working towards the steps of protecting artists and making this an ethical practice. I highly suggest if you care about art, please support. Link to their gofundme here. One small step at a time will make living as an artist today less jarring. Artists will not just sit and cope while we continue to get walked on. For those who apparently do not get it, it is about CONSENT. Again, the datasets contain EXACT copies of artist work without our permission. Even if you use it “correctly” there’s still a chance it’s going to create blatant rip offs. This fight is about not letting these techbros take and take and take for profit just because they can while ignoring the possible harm and consequences of it. This is just ol’ fashioned imperialist behavior with a new hat and WE SEE IT. Thanks for reading!!! Much love!
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Here’s the link again to support the gofundme.
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hilacopter · 4 months
can't wait to hear hamasniks bitch and whine about the four hostages being rescued alive
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qiu-yan · 20 days
If Jiang Cheng has a million fans, then I am one of them. If Jiang Cheng has ten fans, then I am one of them. If Jiang Cheng has only one fan then that is me. If Jiang Cheng has no fans, then that means I am no longer on earth. If the world is against Jiang Cheng, then I am against the world.
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nicolamagnas · 10 months
Commentators stop mentioning last lion game challenge
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Thank you IDF!
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