#and the umbrella academy were just the luckiest of the bunch
in-tua-deep · 2 years
Couple of dream things today:
First dream I can’t remember fully, but I remember being a god. a demi-god? I remember my father tenderly taking my face in my hands and asking if he needs to extinguish me when I stood there with my eyes closed, and that I watched my god-self open my eyes and just. They were pure light and fire all the way through, beacons set in my face.
I remember thinking that it was because I was fire on the inside. Not regular fire, fire like on the sun. Fusion. I remember that it hurt. 
I remember explaining to my brother, who was travelling with me and my father (I think they freed me from somewhere?) that godhood isn’t something that dilutes, that it is potential that you just have to push hard enough before it snaps - like a chemical reaction. But I also remember telling him that you don’t get a choice, that if you are placed within a crucible of suffering you become no matter what you want.
I remember trying to remember who I was, and all I could come up with in the end was a single name:
Second dream was actually tua themed!
The squad found out that they weren’t the only academy. They were just the most successful. They found these files full of information on... horrendous things that the other kids went through. I think all of them died young. 
I remember Klaus looking at the files and someone asking if he could investigate and him shaking his head saying, “Kids these young don’t tend to leave ghosts.”
I also remember the squad voting Diego to be investigator because a) he stole some of Viktor’s food that morning and b) he played a prank on Five like 15 minutes before this discovery that involved a thin line of fishing wire and Five’s pants.
so they were both like “fuck diego, i guess! he gets to investigate the horrors” and the rest of the fam was like “sorry bro better you than me”
Same dream had the squad celebrating their birthday. I think Five was staying at Viktor’s place? They were just. Constantly together tbh. Anyway they were waiting on a rooftop-type area for the others to arrive that they had rented to celebrate
You know the beads that make up mardi gras necklaces? they had like, BUCKETS of those individual beads. When the rest came up and got off the elevator, Five and Viktor both reached in and grabbed handfuls of gold beads and just pelted the others with them while chanting “HAPPY BIRTHDAY”
Mostly I just remember Five jumping just about everywhere bc there was a brief moment where I was Five and I remember jumping as much as possible bc usually when I have powers in dreams they don’t work but this time they did - cue Five-me jumping 2 bed >:3c
I don’t remember this part very well but I think my brain very briefly considered an au where ben was the one who saved the world? that ghost!ben and five worked together and ben ended up sent back, way into the past when they were kids
and Ben took up post as Klaus’s ghost guardian and changed the future? very fuzzy
anyway that’s all enjoy my night ramblings
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