#and their other coworkers playfully poking fun at how similar they looked
willowbyte · 2 years
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Tamara as Tom's older sister because i find fun the idea of the ellsworld girls existing in the same universe as the boys
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heavenunderthemoon · 4 years
Line Without A Hook- Jennifer Jareau x Reader
summary: You were brought onto the team as a tech analyst to help with the new workload and find a certain blonde has taken an interest in you. 
warnings: none just some angst and then some fluff
I would recommend listening to Line without a hook by Ricky Montgomery while reading bc that’s what I listened to while writing (hence the title), always, enjoy! Also go check out my other works here
"Hey, hot stuff."
Your fingers tightened around the black, government issued telephone you had been holding up to your ear, eyes flickering to Penelope who was finishing up typing in a code to help filter your search results for the unsub.
Jennifer Jareau's arrogantly smooth (in your own, professional opinion, of course) filtered through the phone with ease and successfully made your cheeks tint pink.
"Jennifer." You said curtly, and Penelope spun around in her chair, her face twinged with amusement already.
Ever since you had started working at the bureau a month ago, the team had noticed a...flirtation between you and the blonde former media liaison. You remembered your first day, how her hand had gripped yours tightly and the way her lips had quirked up when you pulled yours back just a bit too fast.
The team had watched for a whole month as the blonde had found fun in her flirtatious poking, the first time she had expressed interest in anyone since her divorce. And you hadn't had any complaints- well, any real complaints. Sure, you answered her stiffly, choosing to only call her Jennifer (because, according to her, only  friends called her 'JJ' and you would vehemently attest that you were not friends), but, if you had actually been bothered by the constant poking you would've voiced it. So, she continued.
"Now, that's no way to greet your favorite co-worker." The blonde teased and you could swear you could hear the smirk in that overly-confident, pompous, velvety voice of hers.
You rolled your eyes as Penelope hit the button to put it on speaker, eyes glued to your face as if to gauge your reaction. But, over the last thirty days you had become excellent at putting on a poker face. With a dry tone, you responded.
"You're right, I'd never greet Emily that way." You cracked wittily, and a small chuckle ghosted from her lips.
They had only been gone for six hours and you knew she probably hadn't changed. She was probably still wearing that wonderful little blazer that fit her slender, toned arms so well. The one that made your eyes follow her as she moved throughout the room, that annoying, adorable little smirk on her lips because she knew it too.
"Ah, how you wound me, Y/N/N." The name grated against your ears and your lips twitched in annoyance.
You hated that nickname. You had never had a nickname before, which, you supposed should be surprising because you were well above the age that nicknames were typically given but no one had ever bothered to give you one and now that someone had (and that someone was Jennifer), you couldn't help but have your annoyance spike at the usage of it.
"Have I ever told you how much I hate when you call me that?" You asked sarcastically.
"Every time I use it." Jennifer responded cheekily, and you rolled your eyes, scooting in to your desk while Penelope giggled.
And just like that she was asking you for an address and you were dutifully searching for it. This case was similar to most you had worked on so far, though the likeness to the others did little to numb the severity of the situations these people found themselves in. You didn't know how they had all been doing it for so long. Looking at this team from the outside in had made it seem like a safe haven, a group of untouchables, of the elite. But now that you were one of them you could see that it was the opposite. That, eventually, this job chipped away at them, piece by piece. You wondered how long it would be until the first part of you left too.
The address pinged onto the corner of your screen and you were speaking into the phone once more, giving it to Jareau woman as she showered you in thanks. Perhaps it was the heat of the moment, or perhaps it was the case itself, the way the women all had blonde hair- it wasn't like Jennifer's hair, no, Jennifer's blonde was golden, like the sun itself had ventured down to earth to lay a kiss atop her head, bleeding some of its golden rays onto her long locks. Whatever the reason may be, you wouldn't particularly know because you were speaking far before you could think twice.
"Wait, Jennifer?" There was shuffling on the other end, the agent most probably gearing up as she walked to the squad cars, preparing to catch the man that had started the whole chase.
The blonde noticed the change in tone immediately. Of course she did, because you had developed a certain tone whenever you spoke with her. An exasperated, breathy, really adorably annoyed sort of tone that she knew was just for show because that cute little smile that you had, the smile that tilted down at the corners because you were trying so very hard to suppress it, always tugged at your lips. That tone was gone, stripped bare and all that remained was you.
"Yeah?" And now you noticed the change in tone, because the tone she normally used with you was irritatingly confident and poised and so frustratingly perfect that it made you automatically go in defense mode because, let's be honest, you were very far from it.
"Be safe." You said, and it seemed more like a plea than a statement and the back of your neck felt extremely hot when you recalled Penelope's presence behind you, the very excitable woman practically shaking at the small interaction and you hung up the phone before Jennifer could even respond.
"Not a word." You warned the Garcia woman, keeping your eyes glued to the screen before you. There was nothing to be done, at least, nothing pressing. You had given the address to the team. Now, what was left was the waiting. The waiting to confirm you had the right guy,  waiting to make sure your team turned out okay (the standards for okay, you had learned, was that everyone was in one piece or not in jail by the end of the case), and that the paperwork was filled out.
Penelope Garcia, being that she was Penelope Garcia, did not follow your request. Her earrings jangled as she rolled her way to you, your shoulders touching as she occupied the space next to your desk. She hadn't been too thrilled at the idea of a new occupant in her bat cave. In fact, she had detested it, all but striking where Emily had brought up the idea. But, the Prentiss woman had been quite adamant about the new addition, claiming that the technical analyst needed help with the new workload as they began to take on more cases, not to mention your resume had been nothing short of sparkling.
Grumbling, Penelope had met you, her eyes landing on the woman staring at the rows of action figurines on display on the righthand corner of the room. She had watched the way you peered at them, the recognition flashing in your eyes and successfully called you out on being a nerd (a secret nerd, as she called you, because you didn't broadcast your 'dorky' interests quite like Penelope liked to.) And that had been that, the Garcia woman clearing out a space for your desk and promising not to tell anyone about your weird niche interests that she had all but pried out of you.
"'Be safe', I think I'm swooning." The Garcia woman fanned her face teasingly and you huffed, refusing to meet her eyes.
"What part of 'not a word' needed to be translated into Penelopian-"
"Peneloponese is actually my official language, but continue."
And this time you did turn to face her with a cross look, arms folded. "Very funny, we'll have to get you on Seinfeld." You said flatly.
The blonde let out a laugh, as she so often did around you. As adamantly against she had been on your presence in her bat cave, she was grateful you had come into her life. Previously, she had relied on figurines and plush animals to bring her happiness when the darkness threatened to breach her area of sanctitude but now she had you, her secretly dorky, outwardly cool coworker who very obviously had a crush on one of her oldest friends.
"I tease out of love, Y/N. Speaking of love,"
You turned back to your computer, cutting th Newman off swiftly. "No."
Penelope let out a whine. "No? You don't even know what I was gong to say." She argued, though she knew you did.
And you did. You knew that she was going to ask what the latest gossip was on you and Jennifer was because that's what she always asked and, yes, while you typically playfully denied anything going on you didn't quite this you could do that this time because this time you were far too trapped into your own brain to dig yourself out long enough to lie. You were stuck, deep, deep in there, think about all the ways in which you thought Jennifer Jareau was an actual angel sent from Heaven above, starting from the golden color of her hair and ending with the way she twirled her pens out of boredom. And you hated that you noticed all those things, mostly because it meant you spent more time than you cared to admit sneaking Ito the bullpen, making excuse after excuse just to stand there and observe the funny way she did things (she ate Cheetos for almost every meal and it baffled you how she was still standing).
But you also hated it because it meant that you liked her and you could not like Jennifer Jareau. You couldn't like her because there was no way in hell that you were dumb enough to set yourself up for failure like that, you weren't that sadistic.
You would never be able to handle the crushing weight of rejection that would inevitably come from unrequitedly liking Jennifer Jareau and, of course, it would be unrequited because how could she like you? How could she like you, someone who simply refused to read a book unless it was a physical copy (you didn't understand the appeal to e-readers because you couldn't smell the old pages as you flipped them or run your fingers along the spine as you read it. Someone who had learned seven languages, one of which was Klingon just because you wanted to see if you actually could (it hadn't been too hard but now you had to live with the fact that you actually knew Klingon). Someone who hated polka-dots. Someone who had a fear of walking over sewer grates because you thought you might just be the one person unlucky enough to fall in. How could Jennifer Jareau, the woman who always walked in to work, never a wrinkle in sight or a hair out of place, possibly like you?
Surely, the flirty nature of your conversations was just something to tease you with, something she found satisfaction in and you hated it because as much as you wished it was true, those sultry looks and kind smiles, the shoulder squeezes and over the shoulder smirks, the walks to the car and greetings in the morning, it wasn't. It wasn't true and it never would be because she was Jennifer Jareau, a newly divorced mother of two.
"Drop it, Pen." And before she opened her mouth once more your tone was softening, shoulders deflating from the tense posture you held before, slumping in vulnerability. "Please."
Penelope's lips pursed shut, the two of you sitting in that silence you had created for what seemed like eternity. The hum of the machines, something that had typically served as a sense of comfort to you, seeming to mock you, a symphony of interruptions that added to the very loud, very panicked screaming currently happening in your brain.
It was the kind of silence that you asked for but once you received but, you regretted it. The silence that enveloped you in its entirety, consuming you whole and dropping you right into the belly of the beast. You started to drown in that silence because, for you, it wasn't silence at all, it was just a big, large, bottomless abyss that served as a chasm for your thoughts to fill and boy did you have a lot of them, none of them entirely pleasant and almost all of them torturous. You felt yourself teetering onto the edge of that metaphoric chasm, tiptoeing the ledge of hate and love for Jennifer Jareau.
But, Penelope Garcia was nothing if not a savior, and her hand latched onto your still one with gentleness.
"She likes you too."
And just like that the chasm was emptying, mind going blank, going absolutely numb because your ears were ringing at even the slightest notion that Jennifer Jareau liked you. Your face must've displayed that because Penelope was continuing.
"She does, I swear, she told me. Well, she told Emily but it was Girls' Night Out and I went to get more drinks and she told Emily but you know that JJ can't hold her liquor all too well and I don't think either of them know that I know and I can't tell them that I know because then they'll know I was eavesdropping- which I wasn't! My eyesight is just really bad so I think my hearing is just hyper-sensitive-"
Your mind raced attempting to keep up with the blonde. "Wait, hold on." You throat felt dry, full of cotton and closing up by the second so you forced yourself to breathe. "She...likes me? Not as a friend but actually likes me?" And you hated how juvenile it all sounded, cringed at the concept that you had to ask your friend if the girl you liked, liked you back, but you had to.
Penelope took a breath of her own, that brilliant smile she always adorned coming back into play. A nod toddled out of her head and she squeezed your hand. "Yes! She never told me, though I think that's because everyone thinks I can't keep a secret. But she always talks about you, never shuts up actually, and the look on her face-"
"She likes me." And as cool as you always tried to look, as mature as you always claimed to be, that childish little smile that overtook your features demolished all of those walls in an instant. Your heart beat quickened and you could've sworn they were singing, singing her name, cheering it, really.
Jennifer. Jennifer. Jennifer.
"She does." The Garcia woman confirmed.
The phone ringing cut off your inner symphony, your hand flying to the phone as you answered it.
"Hello?" You were breathless and you couldn't quite help it.
"First ring. Nothing better to do than answer my calls, huh, Y/N?" And Jennifer was back on the line, the sound of sirens haunting her background. It had been almost an hour since your last call and you could safely assume she had gotten out of the situation alive, the unsub apprehended and the team beginning their victory laps.
"Don't flatter yourself, Jareau, I thought it was someone else." And because your mind had emptied, because your thoughts had gone blank, your quips weren't;t as lethal as they always were, your guard lowered.
JJ snorted. "Oh yeah, like who?"
You spun your chair around, blurting out the first name that came to mind. "Penelope." And instantly your hand was slapping your forehead.
"Penelope? Is she not right next to you?" A breathy little laugh escaped her lips and you stared at the blonde tech analyst, eyes widened and hands gesticulating wildly to which she merely shrugged.
"Uh, yeah, she is...it's a, uh, game...we play." Your excuse was weak and asinine but it was the only one you could think of and if you could astrally project out of your body to smack yourself you would but you couldn't. "Anyways, did you catch the guy?" You asked, quickly changing the subject.
If JJ noticed the awkwardness, she didn't mention it. "Yup, so you won't have to wait too long to see this face if that's what you were wondering." That confidence, the confidence that you know understood was her way of flirting and also would probably be your cause of death.
And with that new understanding, your mind simply stopped working. "Good." And at the realization of what you had just said you attempted to recover. "I mean that's good that you'll be home soon, not good that I'll see your face- not that I don't want to see your face, it's a good face, symmetrical and all that-"
Penelope was waving her hands, signaling for you to stop and your hand was covering your own mouth to stop yourself.
JJ was silent for a moment, the sound of a car door closing before she was speaking once more. "Are you okay, Y/N? You're being...weird."
"Ask her out!" Penelope hissed and you smacked her shoulder.
"Was that Pen What did she say?"
"Nothing!" You shrieked, before clearing your throat, voice returning back to normal. "Nothing, just, uh,"
The Garcia woman was back to miming and you watched as she panto-mimed a date (very poorly, you might add, but it was enough to make you relax, shoulders regaining some movement).
"Do you want to go out for dinner sometime?"
The silence you had so loathed had returned with a sickening fervor and your stomach flipped at it. "With me...in case that wasn't clear." Your hand scratched the back of your neck, hot with embarrassment toward the entirety of this exchange.
And just when you thought you might die from the embarrassment or Penelope might faint from the whole ordeal, Jennifer responded.
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charmedbaek · 4 years
loyal - bbh - part 1
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index | part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 | part 8 | part 9 | part 10 |... (ongoing)
summary: a year ago, you landed your dream job and made your move to the city. not knowing anyone, you moved into the spare room of coworker’s beautiful apartment, and quickly became close friends. her loyal social circle quickly adopted you as one of their own, giving you some of the best friends you’ve ever known. you have it all. there’s only one problem: Byun Baekhyun. not only your friend via your roommate, but her longtime crush. completely off-limits to you, as she’s made it very clear. but when love interferes with the life you worked so hard to build, who do you stay loyal to?
genre: smut, angst, fluff, MATURE/NSFW lmao
warnings: explicit sexual content, swearing, alcohol use
words: 10.3k (she’s long i’m not sorry)
author’s note(s): she’s finally here!! i’m so excited for you guys to finally read this, i’ve been going CRAZY ever since i posted the preview and got so much positive support, so thank you all!! feedback is much appreciated so please let me know what you think. and be sure to let me know if you’d like to be added to the tag list for part 2. i’m planning on making the series somewhere around 10 parts so i hope you all are excited for shit to go down :)
tag list: @baek-byunies @baekhugme @falsemagic @fullsuninbloom @gyuniiverse @jummyjammy @kylomeyon @lightmochi @littleflowercrown13 @making-me-blush @marks-aurora @myexolib @smile2sushii4me​@stormymoonlight @yixing-jaebeom 
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“This is just pathetic.”
You looked up from browsing Twitter on your phone to see your roommate, Minji, staring at you disapprovingly from your doorway.
“What?” You asked innocently, setting your phone down beside your pillow and sitting up inside the fort of pillows you had created on your bed.
Minji sighed, entering the room and sitting at the edge of the bed next to you. “It’s Friday night. Are you really just going to lay here doing...” She waved her hand, gesturing towards your comfortable attire of an oversized hoodie and gym shorts. “...this? Again?”
You looked at her and scoffed. “What do you mean this? I’m fine. I’m comfortable.” You said, reaching over her lap to grab the bag of pretzels that seemed to live on your nightstand these days. Minji snatched the bag before you could get to it, tossing it to the floor with a groan. “I’d say you’re a little too comfortable,” She said, poking your bare thigh. “How long has it been since you came out with us? A month? Two? I don’t even know. The rest of the guys keep asking me where you’ve been, and I have to tell them you fell asleep on the couch after one glass of wine after work.”
“Shut up!” You exclaimed, grabbing one of your many pillows and smacking her with it playfully. She wasn’t wrong though. You’d had your job as an assistant editor for just over a year now, and it was draining. The assistant part of the title didn’t mean you were just grabbing coffee for the bosses, but rather doing all of the work that the senior editors at the magazine didn’t feel like doing. It was a lot of stress, and lately you hadn’t felt like doing much on the weekends besides sleeping until noon and taking a midday nap. 
And it was true, you hadn’t seen much of your friends recently. Well, technically they were Minji’s friends, but after a year you were finally comfortable referring to them as yours. You missed them a lot. But you felt too tired to be any fun.
You fell back against the pillows. “I’m just relaxing. I had a tough week.”
Minji raised her eyebrows at you. “Need a stress reliever?” She asked suggestively.
“Minji, before you even-”
“Come on!” She whined. “Just fuck him! Please! I know for a fact he likes you.”
The he in question was Minji’s friend Jongin. Yes, he was your friend too. Although it was evident to you, and everyone else, that he’d like to be more than that. His gentleman-like behavior towards you was a bit over the top, never letting you open your own door or pay for your own drink. The way he gently placed his hand on the small of your back while letting you walk in front of him was cordial, but it didn’t make you feel butterflies. The way he placed his hand on your knee, and never any higher, when you sat beside him was affectionate, but it didn’t get you... well, wet.
Sure, he was sexy. And kind. And tall. And honestly, drop-dead gorgeous. But that was the thing. He was too perfect. In the year you’d known him, you found it difficult to find a single area he was deficient in. It was unnerving. You just couldn’t bring yourself to want him like that.
Were you leading him on? You didn’t think so. But you were never one to pass on a free drink.
It would be a lie, however to say you’d never had a one-off fantasy about Jongin. After all, he was incredibly hot. You almost hoped he would just try his luck and kiss you one of these days, but his courteous demeanor would never allow him to be so bold with a woman. 
And though nothing close to fucking had ever happened between you two, the rest of your friend group seemed to assume you were meant to be together.
The group consisted of five before you came along. They had all known each other since high school, so it seemed like fate when you arrived, making an even group of three guys and three girls. They had laughed about how they were finally like Friends the TV show, all paired off into even male-female pairings.
The most solid couple was Chanyeol and his girlfriend Soonja. They had been high school sweethearts, and were very affectionate towards each other. Like, very affectionate. Always all over each other, even after ten years of being together. It was kind of gross at first. But you got used to it.
Next, was Jongin. He occasionally brought a random, boring girl to your hangouts, but things never lasted. And everyone seemed to have it in their minds that the two of you would make the perfect couple. In their minds, you were already together, making another seemingly perfect dyad to fit in with them.
Lastly, there was your roommate Minji. You had met at your job and quickly became close with one another. She was the one to indoctrinate you into the group, and for that you were eternally grateful. You had moved to the city alone with nothing besides your belongings for your job, and she had taken you under her wing.
Her pairing was the most interesting. Though she was technically single, there was-
Yeah, Baekhyun.
“Baekhyun!” Minji shouted again. “Come in here!”
You heard Baekhyun sigh from where he sat on the couch in your living room, slowly making his way to where Minji and you sat in your bedroom.
“What do you want?” He asked, peeking his head through the entrance.
Minji stood with a huff, walking to the door to grab Baekhyun’s wrist and pull him into the room. “Tell Y/N that she should just fuck Jongin. We all know it’s gonna happen eventually.” She said.
“Oh no,” Baekhyun said with a chuckle, shaking his head. “I’m not getting involved in this.”
“Please!” Minji exclaimed. “She said she’s stressed from work. I told her fucking him will get her mind off of it.”
“How? By dry humping on his bed? Him feeling her boobs over the bra?” Baekhyun made himself laugh. “How about when he asks ‘Is that okay?’ before doing literally anything?” Baekhyun was laughing hard now, wiping a tear from his eyes. “No, I don’t think that’ll solve anything.”
You laughed with him at the thought. Jongin was overly polite. Any sex fantasy you’d ever had about him was always ruined by thoughts similar to those Baekhyun had described.
Minji was not as impressed. “You’re no help!” She shouted at him, shoving him back outside the room and slamming the door.  She returned to your bedside with a sigh. “Please just consider getting laid, Y/N.”
“Hm...” You thought out loud, tapping a finger on your chin. “Baekhyun’s pretty funny. Maybe I’ll just sleep with him.”
“Ha!” Minji squawked as she slapped you on the arm. Hard. “You wouldn’t dare.” She said with a glare, only half joking.
And that was the final pairing. Minji and Baekhyun. No, they were not together. They never had been. Minji had had a crush on him since college, when she said he “got sexy”. They were close friends, and she was pretty much in love with him.
Whatever you wanted to call their relationship, Minji was overly protective of it. The very first time you had hung out with the group, she pulled you aside to explain to you that no, they were not dating yet, but he was hers. She joked that she would kill you if you touched him.
And if she hadn’t warned you, you might have tried. Baekhyun was extremely sexy. When you met him, his hair was the white-blonde that you loved the most on him. You were intoxicated by your first thoughts of him, that his plump lips would be incredible to kiss. That his long, slender fingers would feel amazing inside of you...
But it wasn’t just that. He had a bright smile that always lit up any room, and a fun, chaotic energy that could always make you laugh. You were smitten by him. Plus, the two of you had always had a great time together. You’d pretty much hit it off right away as friends, constantly texting about work, complaining about how annoying Chanyeol and Soonja were. 
It wasn’t uncommon for the two of you to hang out alone, either. You both loved art, and he’d taken you to a few gallery openings that he organized for his job. You often dragged him to the theatre to see foreign films that would bore the rest of your friends to sleep. Whenever you wanted opinions on your projects for work, Baekhyun would meet you at your favorite coffee shop to help. Out of any of your friends, even Minji, he was the one who was always there for you.
But whatever your outings with Baekhyun were, they were not dates. 
No, that would never be allowed.
It had been a year since Minji’s initial warning, which you had respected completely despite your attraction. From her description at the time, you had assumed they’d get together at some point, but it hadn’t happened. And you were pretty sure it wasn’t going to, so you didn’t feel bad hanging out with him.
That was, until a few weeks ago when Minji made you make a promise to her. She begged you to give her more alone time with Baekhyun. She asked you to stay in your room whenever he came over, worried that you might be scaring him from making a move on her. She asked you to stop spending so much time with him alone, because it was distracting him from the time she thought he owed her.
Sure, your feelings were hurt. But Minji was the reason you had these incredible friends and this beautiful apartment, so you didn’t argue. You were loyal to her. Even if you were sure she was imagining her entire relationship with Baekhyun.
But your perception of their relationship and your initial feelings towards Baekhyun didn’t matter. She was his. That was that.
You smiled through your teeth at Minji. “I would never. You know that.”
“I know,” She smiled back, patting you on the shoulder. “But I am being serious. You’ll feel better if you have sex.”
You sighed. “I don’t know. I’m not in the mood for being disappointed.”
“Trust me, I get it.” Minji giggled. “At least come out with us tonight? Please?” Minji pleaded, sticking out her bottom lip in a pout.
You let out a final sigh as you gave in. “Fine. Sure. Okay.”
“Awesome!” Minji cheered. “I’ll pick something out for you to wear. Be ready to go in thirty.”
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You exited your room wearing the dress Minji had picked for you, heels in hand as you shut the door behind you. With a huff, you sat yourself down on the couch next to Baekhyun to strap the shoes on. 
He looked up at you from his phone and stared. “What are you wearing?” He asked as he set his phone down on the coffee table.
“What are you, my dad?” You scoffed, looking up at him from your shoes.
Baekhyun chuckled. “No, no, I’m serious. Is that, like... lingerie?” He asked carefully, eyeing your figure while clearly trying not to stare too long at any one spot.
“The dress?” You asked, looking down at Minji’s selection. It was a black slip dress, short and decently low-cut, trimmed with lace. “It’s just a dress,” You shrugged. “Though I’m sure it’s some part of Minji’s plan for me to go home with someone.”
Baekhyun laughed again, turning his attention toward his phone. “Well, it just might work.”
“Yeah, I’m sure Jongin will love it.” You mumbled as you finished buckling the strap on your heel.
Before you could lament on that inevitable situation any longer, Minji burst through her bedroom door. “I’m here, I’m here. Let’s go.”
“I got us an Uber,” Baekhyun said as he stood from the couch. He turned to offer you a hand, which you accepted as you stood up on your wobbly heels. Minji was right, it had been a while since you’d been out, and your feet weren’t used to this abuse.
“You alright? Drunk already?” Baekhyun asked with a raised eyebrow as you stumbled a bit.
You squeezed the hand he had offered as you caught your balance. “Not yet, hopefully soon.” You laughed, not looking forward to the way your feet would feel at the end of the night.
“Come on, Baek.” Minji chirped as she grabbed him by the arm, pulling him towards the door and his hand out of your grip. She opened the door, leading him out and into the hallway of your apartment building. 
They continued down the hallway, her hand still latched onto his forearm. You sighed as you followed them through the doorway, fishing in your purse for your keys. Stopping to turn your key in the lock, you watched the pair turn the corner towards the elevators, catching a glimpse of Baekhyun looking back at you. You sighed. It wasn’t completely unlike Minji to disregard your existence when she was with Baekhyun. It was understandable, given her situation, but it was still annoying.
You rushed to catch the elevator with them, wincing as your heels pinched your toes with every step. You slipped in just before the doors closed, catching your breath as you clutched the railing. Minji and Baekhyun barely seemed to notice your struggle, as she was still clinging onto him and had begun explaining her latest business card design in lengthy detail.
You reached the ground floor and exited outside, finding your Uber on the crowded city street. Graciously, you got into the front passenger seat, allowing Minji and Baekhyun to be together in the back. You figured this was probably one of the times she would want you to give them space, to do whatever the fuck it was she thought they did.
You and the driver rode in silence, while Minji continued to chime about design and color theory to a quiet Baekhyun. In the rearview mirror, you watched her leaning on his shoulder and running a finger through his dark, wavy hair.
You glowered into the mirror as you stared at her fingers twirling his locks. It made your blood boil. You shifted in your seat to see a different angle from the mirror, only to lock eyes with Baekhyun.
You quickly looked away, embarrassed, choosing to stare out of the window for the duration of your ride.
When you arrived at the bar, you quickly exited the vehicle and rushed towards the building, not waiting for your friends in the car. You pushed open the front doors and looked for your friends. Quickly, you spotted Chanyeol towering over Soonja in the corner booth with his arm around her. You huffed as you sat, muttering a quick hello and sliding in next to Chanyeol.
He eyed you as he took a sip of his drink. "Did you come by yourself?” He asked as he set his glass down.
“No, Minji and Baekhyun should be walking in.” You answered under your breath, staring aimlessly at the crowd of twenty-somethings mingling loudly around you.
Soonja looked at you with concern. “What’s wrong?” She asked, reaching over Chanyeol to rest a hand on your shoulder. You shrugged in response, but she pressed. “Seriously, Y/N, what is it?”
You sighed. “They’re just being annoying. Minji can’t keep her hands off of Baekhyun, and they ignored me the whole way here, and it’s just...” You trailed off.
“Does that bother you?” Chanyeol asked with a raised eyebrow and a smirk.
You snapped to look at him. “No. I just don’t like being treated like I’m invisible.”
Before Chanyeol could ask any more questions, Jongin walked over from the bar, a drink in each hand. With a smile, he set one down in front you and slid into the booth beside you. “Gin and tonic with two limes, right?”
You gave him a small smile. “Yeah, thanks.”
He smiled brighter. “No problem.” As he put his arm around your shoulders, Minji and Baekhyun finally made their way over. Minji looked at you as she sat. “Why’d you run ahead?” She asked, clearly a little annoyed.
You raised your glass from the table. “Thirsty.” You said dryly, bringing your drink to your mouth and taking a large sip. You could tell you were going to need a few more gin and tonics to make it through the evening.
From that point, things proceeded as your nights out normally did. Soonja found her way onto Chanyeol’s lap, her lips close to his ear. The two didn’t pay much attention to anyone else, as per usual. Baekhyun made a few trips to the bar to order a drink, Minji following him each time. You chuckled each time Baekhyun returned to the booth with one drink, leaving Minji alone up there to buy her own. You chatted politely with Jongin about work, not paying much attention since you were busy watching Minji make a fool of herself.
A while passed as a few more drinks passed your lips, and you found your eyelids getting heavier and heavier as you leaned further and further into Jongin’s side. He was warm, but then again so were you from the amount of alcohol you had consumed.
“Want another?” Jongin asked, already getting up to go back to the bar.
You laughed a little. “Jongin, you know I can buy my own drinks, right? I have a job. It’s all I talk about, actually.”
He shrugged, not too concerned with your response. “Yeah, I know. I’m just trying to...”
“I know, I know, trying to be nice.” You rolled your eyes and gave him another small smile. “Let me get my own for once, please.”
Leaning forward to hop over Jongin and out of the booth, you noticed Baekhyun at the bar alone waiting for a bartender. Minji was nowhere in sight, and you took the opportunity to join him. She wasn’t there to stop you, and what harm could it do to just chat with him?
Shoving aside the drunken college students to his right, you rested your elbows on the bar and looked up at Baekhyun. “Hey, Baek.”
He turned to face you, flashing you his signature bright smile. God, you loved his smile. Especially when you were drunk. “Hey, what’s up?”
Your smile grew as you stared at him, leaning further onto the bar. “Drunk. Getting drunk.” You slurred, peering up at him through your eyelashes.
“Oh, yeah?” He laughed, putting a hand on your shoulder to keep you from completely falling flat onto the sticky wooden surface. “What are you drinking?”
“Please don’t,” You whined. “I just gave Jongin a speech about how I can buy my own drinks.”
Baekhyun shrugged and let out another laugh. “Suit yourself.” He said as the bartender delivered his drink. He grabbed it and took a sip of the dark liquid, tilting his head back to reveal his neck as he drank. You stared a bit longer than necessary. 
His neck was just so... pretty. You suddenly found yourself wondering what it would be like to leave a mark on it.
But before you could fantasize any further, he brought his drink down and turned away, heading back for the bar. You sank further onto your elbows and let out a long sigh, ordering another gin and tonic. Somehow, you felt like Minji could sense your dirty thoughts about Baekhyun. You felt guilty. You respected her wishes, but sometimes you just couldn’t help thinking about him, especially when he looked like... that. His white t-shirt and oversized denim jacket hanging effortlessly over his lean frame. The way his recently-dyed dark hair fell over his forehead in soft waves. It was a lot for your drunk self to take in.
Vowing to stop your thoughts before Minji read your mind, you suddenly felt a hand on the center of your back, just where the lace of your dress met your skin. You turned, ready to tell Jongin once again that you were capable of paying for one drink, but you were met by Baekhyun’s wide brown eyes. 
“Can I ask you something?” He asked, scanning your face with a bit of concern.
He seemed nervous, and it put you on edge. “Yeah, of course.” You replied a bit shakily.
Baekhyun suddenly leaned in close to you, his lips nearly touching your ears. You knew it was just so you could hear him over the noisy bar-goers and blaring music, but him being this close to you made your heart race.
“Do you... like me?” He asked softly before leaning back to search your face for an answer.
You gulped, feeling like you’d been caught, like he’d heard your thoughts about him moments ago.
He shook his head before you could answer, letting out a weak laugh. “No, I mean, like... we’re friends, right? You think I’m a good friend?”
You sighed a little in relief, taking a sip of your drink that had just been delivered. “Of course, Baekhyun, yeah. You’ve been a great friend.”
“Okay good.” He smiled. “Because I just felt like... I don’t know. Like you were avoiding me or something. When you ran out of the car. I feel like I never get to see you anymore.” He finished, his smile fading a bit as he finished his explanation. “I miss hanging out with you.”
You bit your lip, not wanting to reveal the promise you had made to Minji, or the fact that her being all over him had irked you earlier. “Baek, I swear I’m not avoiding you. It’s just, you know... Minji-”
As if your words summoned her, Minji poked her head between you and Baekhyun, ending your conversation as she grabbed his bicep. “Can we dance Baekhyun? You promised me we’d dance.”
It wasn’t much of a question, as she was already pulling him away from the bar. Baekhyun gave you a sad smile as he was dragged away, and you sighed for about the thousandth time that evening. You watched Minji turn so her back was pressed against him, grinding a bit sloppily onto him. Baekhyun seemed apathetic, more focused on taking another sip of his drink than on Minji’s hands on him. 
You lifted your drink once more, downing it before slamming it back onto the wood, having seen enough. You walked past your booth, ignoring Jongin’s expectant stare, and headed towards the bathrooms in a dark corner towards the back of the bar. Pushing past a few younger couples making out next to the door, you entered and leaned heavily on a sink.
You looked up to inspect yourself in the mirror. You could tell you were drunk by the way you swayed back and forth as you tried to focus. Your hair was a bit disheveled from resting your head on Jongin’s shoulder all night. Not being bothered to fix it, you wiped at the small amount of mascara that had rubbed off under your eyes.
Maybe Minji was right, you thought to yourself. Maybe you should just give in and fuck Jongin. You knew he’d agree if you went back out there and asked him to come home with you, especially given your sexy, unkempt state. Even if it wasn’t the best fuck of your life, it would probably help distract you from your outlawed thoughts about Baekhyun. You decided to consider that option after one more drink.
Giving your messed up hair one more quick tousle, you turned to go back to the booth. But when you opened the door, you were met by Baekhyun’s intense stare.
Before you could finish the word, Baekhyun was grabbing your wrist and pulling you towards a nearby empty corner.
“What the fuck are you doing?” You whispered harshly, wriggling the hand still in his grip. “That hurts.”
Baekhyun quickly let go and shoved his hands in his jacket pockets. “I’m sorry,” he said as he shook his head, looking up from his feet to meet your gaze. “I just wanted you to finish what you were saying before. About Minji.”
“Baekhyun...” You rolled your eyes. “Don’t make me say it.”
“Say what?” He asked, though from the look on his face he appeared to know what was coming.
You peered over his shoulder to look for any of your friends watching, but the entire booth was blocked from your view by another wall. You spoke once you were sure they couldn’t see you. “Minji likes you. A lot. Sometimes I think it’s better if I just stay out of her way.”
“You think that?” He raised an eyebrow and leaned in closer. “Or she thinks that?”
“I...” You pulled your bottom lip into your mouth, considering your words carefully. “Sometimes it’s easier to just do what she wants, right? I mean, you do it too. She can be kind of controlling, especially when it comes to you.”
Baekhyun scoffed, taking a step back and removing his hands from his pockets. “You think I do whatever Minji wants?” He asked bitterly.
“Not everything, but I mean-”
Baekhyun’s lips were pressed against yours before you could finish your sentence. The kiss was forceful, his eyes closing as he took your cheek into his hand. 
Your mind was racing. You knew you were kissing him back, feeling your own lips moving gently against his, but it didn’t feel real. You were floating, the alcohol in your veins simultaneously lifting you off the ground and pulling you towards the floor.
He pulled back slightly, his hand still resting on your face. You were both breathing deeply, clearly out of breath from the moment. His lips were nearly still on yours when he asked, “Do you think she would have wanted me to do that?”
“No.” You laughed breathlessly into his mouth, looking up to meet his eyes.
He was looking at you intensely, his brown eyes sparkling in the neon bar lights. “Because I wanted to. And I’ve wanted to for a long time.” He said as he rubbed his thumb against the apple of your cheek. “What about you? Did you want to?”
“Yes.” You said softly, not being capable of much more than one word answers at the moment.
Baekhyun smiled. “Good. Then let’s do what we want.”
And with that, his lips were back on yours, just as intense as the first time. And this time, you were sure you were kissing back, and with just as much force as he was. 
Feeling Baekhyun’s tongue press against your lips, you parted your mouth to grant him access inside. The kiss deepened, and you felt your arms reach up to rest on his shoulders, your hands threading themselves through his soft hair, your nails dragging lightly against his scalp. The action earned a moan from Baekhyun, and he used his entire body to press you against the wall, his hands pressing flat against it on either side of your head. You whimpered, feeling his hips grinding into yours.
Kissing Baekhyun was just as intoxicating as you had imagined it would be, his lips just as soft as in the dreams you hoped Minji never found out about. He was taking you without asking for permission, because he knew you wanted him, too. And you didn’t need anyone else’s permission.
Except, maybe you did.
“Wait!” You broke the kiss to exclaim. You pulled back sharply, smacking your skull against the exposed brick. “Ow.” You reached up to rub the back of your head.
“You okay?” Baekhyun chuckled, replacing your hand with his as a rubbed slow circles on your minor injury. The feeling sent chills straight through you.
“Baekhyun...” You trailed off softly. “You know we can’t. It’s not right.”
“Says who? Minji?” Baekhyun questioned.
“Well, yeah.” You answered.
Suddenly, Baekhyun pulled his hand away from your head and took a step back, exhaling deeply. “God, I am so sick of her controlling everything I do. She thinks she owns me.” He said, beginning to raise his voice. “Everywhere I go she needs to know. Anyone I hang out with she needs to check out. Do you know how hard it is to meet girls, let alone have sex when I have Minji up my ass like that?”
You sighed. “She just really likes you, Baek. She’s being overprotective.”
“Yeah, and it’s ruining my life.” Baekhyun put his fingers to his temples and closed his eyes. “Do you know how long I’ve wanted to kiss you, Y/N?”
You shook your head. You honestly had no idea he wanted to kiss you outside of your dreams.
Baekhyun laughed dryly. “A long time. Basically since we met. But Minji made it seem-”
“Seem like what?” You interrupted.
He opened his eyes to look at you again, sighing. “She made it seem like you didn’t want me around lately. Said you’d rather hang out alone in your room than come talk to me. I even tried to tell her one time that I thought you were hot, and she completely shut me down, saying you’d never be interested in me, saying that Jongin would kill me if I tried anything with you.”
You stared up at him, bewildered. “She said all that?” You asked softly, voice laced with disbelief. Baekhyun nodded.
“No, none of that is true,” You clenched your fists, the anger running through your veins boiling. “She told me the first time I met you to stay away from you, because you were hers. And I wanted to respect that.”
You took a deep breath and continued. “But you and I are friends, too. And I like spending time with you. But lately, she asked me to give you guys time alone, which I tried to do.” You felt tears stinging in your eyes at Minji’s betrayal. “It makes sense, I mean, to try to keep me out of the way after you told her that.”
You waited for a long pause before you started again. “Look, I like you. Like, really like you. And I always have. But Minji-”
Baekhyun didn’t let you finish, returning his plump lips to yours to sweep them up in another kiss. This one was softer, more gentle, and he moved his lips across your cheek and against your ear. “I don’t want to talk about her anymore.” He whispered, lips brushing against your skin. “She doesn’t matter. We can just focus on us now. Okay?”
“Yes,” You breathed out softly. “I want to.”
Baekhyun smiled against you. “Good. Because I’ve been waiting for a long time to do this.”
He kissed his way downwards from your ear as you lifted your arms to wrap around his back. Gripping onto the denim of his jacket, you let out a small moan as he pressed his teeth into the delicate skin just below your jaw. And again, when he bit into the soft skin at the base of your neck.
Tilting your head forward to rest in the crook of his neck, you used your leverage on his back to pull his hips to meet yours once again. This time, it was you who grinded up into him, feeling the prominent bulge against you growing through the fabric.
“Shit,” Baekhyun whispered into your neck. “How are you so hot?”
You giggled, continuing the action as Baekhyun’s hands drifted downwards, exploring your curves through the silk of your black dress. They finally reached the bottom, and he rubbed his thumbs where the lace trim met the skin of your thigh. You sighed deeply at the repetitive action, as Baekhyun pulled his head away from your neck. He slipped his hand underneath the lace and lifted, looking to your face for a reaction.
All you could do was lean your head back against the bricks, anticipating the pleasure that was coming.
And Baekhyun didn’t disappoint. He slowly dragged his fingers from the spot on your thigh to where your lace underwear rested on your hip bone. Sneaking his fingers under the fabric, he pulled it back and released, letting it snap back against your skin. You moaned at the sensation. “You like that?” Baekhyun hummed into your ear. You nodded, feeling the wetness at your core getting more intense. “Kinda kinky,” He hummed to you again. 
You giggled softly. “Trust me, that’s just the beginning.” You whispered back.
Baekhyun’s eyebrows raised, his eyes wide as he looked back at you. “I’ll remember that for later.” He said darkly, turning his attention back to his fingers. He traced the bottom lining of the fabric, slowly going from your hip right to your center. You hummed at the feeling of his fingers so close to your most sensitive area, as he drew small circles with his fingertips over the fabric.
“You want me to touch you?” He asked, voice dripping with his sinful intentions.
You nodded as you hummed again, bucking your hips slightly into his touch.
“Then I want you to say it.”
Your eyes widened as his words sent another wave of arousal straight to your core.
You took a shaky breath. “I want you to touch me, Baekhyun.”
You’d barely finished the last syllable of his name when he slipped his fingers underneath the fabric, pushing it to the side. He cupped your entire heat in his palm, the hard flat of his hand pushing against your clit. “Already so wet,” He whispered before placing a soft kiss on your cheek. You groaned, pressing into his hand to increase the pressure.
He slowly curled and uncurled his fingers, running them softly back and forth over your wet, sensitive skin. You gasped when you felt the tip of his middle finger nudge against your folds.
“Baekhyun.” You sighed, reaching down to grab his forearm. 
He looked up at you with concern. “Everything okay?”
You nodded. “More than. But we probably shouldn’t do this here.” You looked around, noticing the thinning crowd of the bar that left you more exposed than when you began.
“Okay,” He said, removing his hand from under your dress. “Let’s go, then.”
“Wait, wait!” You whispered, grabbing his elbow as he turned to go. “We can’t leave together. Because of... you know. Her.” 
Baekhyun rolled his eyes. “Fine, you’re right. I’ll leave first. I’ll wait for you at the end of the block on the right.”
You nodded, and he gave you a soft kiss on the tip of your nose before turning to return to the booth of your friends.
Standing at the edge of the wall, you listened in when he said he was taking off.
“But Baek,” You heard Minji pout. “You came here with me, you can’t just leave without me.”
You heard Baekhyun sigh. “I’m going to my home. You’re going to your home. It’s fine.” Minji didn’t complain again after his short response to her, but you could feel her fuming through the wall.
Baekhyun said his goodbyes to Jongin, Chanyeol, and Soonja, and you heard his footsteps lead out the door.
You waited for a few minutes behind the wall, not wanting to make it too obvious that Baekhyun had just had his tongue down your throat only moments before. And he certainly had. And you had certainly kissed him back. And more.
Holy shit. 
The one man you were supposed to keep your hands off of, and you couldn’t resist. You didn’t even try to resist. Maybe it was the liquor, but you had completely melted under his touch. 
You could still feel his fingers on you, and suddenly you needed more. Every late-night sex dream you had compartmentalized and tried to forget for Minji’s sake came flooding back to you, and you wanted him. Bad.
Quickly coming up with an alibi, you turned the corner and faced your friends once again. “Hey, I think I’m gonna head out.” You turned to face Minji directly. “You know Chaeyoung, from work? She just messaged me and said she had a big fight with her boyfriend, and asked if I would come over.” You lied through your teeth.
“Oh, okay.” Minji answered softly, apparently still a bit bruised from Baekhyun’s words. “I’ll see you in the morning then, yeah?”
You nodded. “Yeah. Goodnight guys!”
Jongin stood. “Let me walk you out, Y/N.”
“No!” You shouted, a bit more forcefully, and suspiciously, than you meant. You bit your lip, lowering your voice back to a reasonable volume. “No, no, I’m fine. Thank you though.”
Before he could protest, you grabbed your purse from the table and rushed out the door and into the cold evening air.
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As he said he would be, Baekhyun waited for you at the corner, hands shoved in his pockets, his breath visible in the air. When he spotted you approaching, he was grinning from ear to ear. Wordlessly, you began walking together step by step around the corner. Neither of you needed to speak to know you were heading for Baekhyun’s high rise apartment building. It was only a few blocks away, quick enough to walk. And there was no chance in hell you’d risk taking him back to yours and Minji’s place.
The cold air was sobering you on the walk, but it didn’t change your mind about what you were on your way to do. If anything, you felt more sure of yourself, taking long, purposeful strides to keep up with Baekhyun.
You only stopped once on your way, when you passed your favorite corner coffee shop. They were closed, but you stared inside at the counter and chairs flipped upside down. “I miss this place.” You stated. You hadn’t been in a few months when you came with Baekhyun, since before Minji’s request was made. 
The darkness in the shop allowed you to see your reflection peering in, and Baekhyun’s figure next to you. You looked from his face back to yours in the reflection, and it dawned on you that this was really happening. You were here, with him, and only him. He caught your eye in the reflection and smiled. “Tomorrow?” He suggested. You nodded, and quickly went on your way to finish the walk.
Not long after, you made it to the building, Baekhyun buzzing you in through the main entrance with his key. The two of you politely walked past the nighttime security guard, giving him a small nod and continuing towards the elevators.
Once the elevator doors closed behind you, you picked up where you had left off.
Pressing your back against the wall, Baekhyun enveloped your lips in another powerful kiss, biting into your lower lip and pulling away slightly. Now that he knew you liked a little pain, there was no way he was going to be easy on you. Though you winced a bit at the feeling, you rested your hands on his shoulders and pulled him back against you, slipping your tongue inside his mouth.
You didn’t let go of each other when the elevator dinged and the doors opened. Hands and lips on one another, you moved out and into the hallway, making your way towards Baekhyun’s door. He took one hand off your waist to fumble in his pocket for his keys, never breaking contact on your mouth. Eyes closed in bliss and one hand still on you, he slipped the key in the lock and turned, opening the door to bring the two of you inside.
The door was slammed shut behind you, and you found yourself once again with your back against the hard surface. What was in front of you was nearly just as hard, Baekhyun’s erection back with a vengeance and pressing against you as he moved hip lips to your neck and began sucking.
Everything about this moment felt amazing, apart from your feet. As you predicted, these heels were killer, and you wanted nothing more than to get them off. “Ow,” You whispered mindlessly as you struggled to kick the shoes off.
Baekhyun pulled back to look at you. “What?” He asked, eyes wide.
You laughed. “It’s my feet, these shoes. They’re killing me.”
Baekhyun grinned. “I’ll take care of it.”
Suddenly, his hands were gripping the underside of your ass, lifting you up off the ground as he returned his lips onto yours. He pressed his chest against yours, pushing you harder against the door for leverage as he removed your shoes one hand at a time, throwing them aimlessly into the living room behind him.
“Thanks,” You laughed breathily onto his lips, wrapping both of your legs around his back and pulling him closer.
Once both of his hands were again focused on holding you up, he moved you from against the door and carried you past the kitchen, down the hallway towards his bedroom. He closed the door once you were in the room, before gently letting you down to sit at the bottom edge of his bed.
You looked up at him from where you sat, watching him shrug his jacket off and toss it aside. Next off was his shirt, revealing his lean body as he lifted it. You licked your lips at the sight, taking his actions as your cue to remove what little clothing you had on as well.
But just as you start to lift the fabric of your dress, Baekhyun’s hands were on yours, stopping you. “No. Leave it on, please?” He asked, his puppy dog eyes begging you.
“Why?” You looked up at him quizzically.
Baekhyun responded with a shit-eating grin. “I told you it was gonna get you laid, didn’t I?”
You snorted, recalling what he’d said to you before you went out for the evening. “I guess you were right.”
Removing your hands from the fabric of your dress, you placed them on Baekhyun’s backside and pulled him closer to you. Standing in front of you, his toned stomach was at your eye level, and your eyes lowered as your hands flew to his belt to undo it. It was quickly off and tossed to the side with the rest of his items, your hands already working to undo the button of his jeans.
Baekhyun chuckled. “You seem pretty eager, huh?”
“I guess I wanted this just as bad as you do.” You retorted, glancing up at him with a smirk.
Returning your attention to what was in front of you, you shoved his jeans and boxers down below his hips in one go. As they fell to the floor and he stepped out of them and kicked them behind him, you couldn’t help but stare as his dick slapped against his stomach. Given his smaller, lean frame, you were shocked at how thick he was, and the thought of him stretching you out made your mouth water.
You must have stared a bit too long, because Baekhyun let out a playful, impatient sigh.
“Are you gonna do something, or wha-Oh,”
Before he could finish the word, your hand was wrapped around his base, lips around his tip. Your tongue danced over his slit, tasting the salty precum that had already seeped out. “Oh, wow,” Baekhyun groaned softly, his fingers wandering through the hair on the back of your head.
Finding work for your free hand, you gently cupped his balls, gently dragging your fingertips back and forth along the underside. Baekhyun cursed under his breath, his head rolling backwards and eyes pressed shut.
Pleased with your work, you started moving your head to take more of him into your mouth, one hand still wrapping firmly around his base. You bobbed back and forth, humming occasionally as you did so, reveling each time Baekhyun softly repeated your name.
“You’re pretty good at this, huh,” He said breathlessly, head still tilted back in bliss. You hummed again at the praise, taking his balls in your hand once again as you gave him a squeeze.
He groaned loudly at the action, hips bucking forward harshly as his cock plunged further into your mouth and slammed into the back of your throat. It took you by surprise, coughing around him as you pushed him away by his thighs and leaned back.
“Oh god, shit, I’m sorry,” Baekhyun apologized profusely, hands moving from your hair to hold your face. You laughed, still out of breath as you looked up at him. “It’s okay,” You answered, wiping the spit off your chin as you quickly brought him past your lips once again. His hands returned to the back of your head, gently caressing the nape of your neck.
You knew he wouldn’t try to push you to go further, but you wanted to feel the sensation once again. You wanted to choke around him.
Placing your palms flat on his ass, you slowly pushed him further and further, getting ready for the gag reflex that you knew was coming.
“Are you sure you want to...” He started, but cut himself off with a sinful moan as your throat started to constrict around his tip.
You held him there for a moment longer, as long as you could take it, before pulling your head back slowly until only your lips remained on the swollen pink head. Taking a deep breath through your nose, you began to repeat the sequence, slowly bringing him inside further and further until he completely blocked your airway. “Fuck,” He moaned again as you held him there.
Once more, you pulled back slowly, but this time he slipped out of your mouth as he gently pulled your head back.
“Was it good?” You asked breathlessly, your chest heaving from your effort.
“Yeah, it was good,” Baekhyun also breathed heavily. “More than good, actually. I was about to cum down your throat.”
You laughed as you wiped your mouth with the back of your hand. “We wouldn’t want that, now would we?” You asked playfully.
“Absolutely not,” He growled, his sultry, low voice reminding you just how wet and desperate for his touch you were.
As if reading your mind, he raced to lower himself onto you on the bed, kissing you deeply as he moved you both further up towards the headboard. The kiss was sloppy and needy, and you moaned into his lips and you fisted his hair with one hand.
Breaking from your lips, Baekhyun pushed himself up over you. Gently, he rested his hands on your thighs and pulled your legs apart from one another. He settled himself on his knees between them, which prevented you from closing your legs. You smiled softly as his eyes hungrily raked over every inch of your body, licking his lips hungrily. “You’re so perfect.” He murmured, bringing his eyes back to meet your gaze. 
“Stop.” You blushed and looked away, embarrassed by the compliment. Quickly, Baekhyun’s hand was on your chin, turn you back to peer up at him.
“No, I mean it.” He said forcefully, his eyes wide. Your small smile grew into a bigger one. He smiled in return. “And I want to see your pretty face when you cum.”
Leaving you with his lustful comment, he returned his attention to the bottom edge of your slip. Pushing it upwards over your hips, he revealed the black lace fabric you had covering you underneath. “You know, I think black suits you best, like the dress.” Baekhyun smirked, his hands ghosting over your wetness through the fabric, “Too bad we have to take them off.” He said, slipping his fingers underneath and pulling the underwear down and off your legs.
He leaned back down so his pretty face was only inches from yours. His hand rested on your stomach just above your most sensitive area, drawing slow circles. “Now, remind me again what it was you wanted me to do earlier?” He asked, feigning ignorance.
You rolled your eyes, anxious for him to give you what you needed. “Baekhyun, just touch me.”
“Like this?” He asked, bring his palm to rest flat over your folds, the heel of his hand putting an immense amount of pressure on your clit just as he did at the bar. He rubbed his fingertips over your skin gently, picking up the wetness that had been building since he first kissed you.
You moaned softly at the feeling of him rubbing you like that, bucking your hips upwards to increase the pressure. But as you did so, Baekhyun’s free hand came down forcefully onto your hip, pressing it into the mattress so you couldn’t lift yourself off it again.
His hand on your pussy remained stationary as you whined, desperate for him to move. “Baekhyun, please,” You begged pitifully. But instead of moving his hand, he just stared at your face with a smirk as your eyebrows scrunched together in frustration.
Eager to mimic his words from earlier, you breathlessly spit out, “Are you gonna do something, or wha-”
And just as you had before, he cut you off before you could finish the word, plunging two fingers past your folds and into your core, a loud gasp escaping your lips at the sensation of him deep inside of you. Not even your fantasies of his long, perfect fingers inside of you could prepare you for how far inside you they reached.
You let out another whiny moan as he began to slowly pump his fingers in and out of you, his face still close to yours as he breathed in the sinful sounds you were making. “You can be as loud as you want, baby,” He sighed into you. “It’s just us, remember?”
As those words came out of his mouth, he curled his fingers upwards inside of you, hitting the spot that made you moan out his name.
He pumped in and out a few more times, increasing his speed. “Come on, I know you can do better.” He taunted, curling his fingers once again with more force. The feeling had you seeing stars, eye rolling back as you nearly screamed his name.
“That’s better.” Baekhyun sighed.
His hand that had been pushing your hip down was suddenly on your clit, rubbing fast circles as he other hand increased speed inside of you. 
“Shit, Baekhyun, oh my god,” You moaned, feeling every muscle in your body tensing in sequence as the pleasure built. You knew you wouldn’t last long with both of his hands working against you like this, and you screwed your eyes shut in anticipation of your climax.
Just before you tipped over the edge, Baekhyun removed both hands from you with a smile. You whined at the loss of contact, your orgasm ruined as your walls clenched around nothing. “Why’d you do that?” You asked breathlessly.
Baekhyun was clearly pleased by your reaction, his eyes glinting with amusement. “Because I waited for you. Now you have to wait for me.”
“I used my mouth. That’s harder work.” You pouted.
You were quickly shut up by Baekhyun’s fingers pressed against your lips, the ones that had just been inside of you. You parted your lips to allow them in. He slipped them inside, and gave you a smirk. “Next time, I’ll use my mouth, and I bet I can get you to scream even louder.” You sucked on his fingers, tasting the sweetness of your own arousal, and you felt your stomach flutter at the mention of a next time.
Baekhyun must have also felt the excitement his words caused, quickly bringing his lips back to yours to taste you on them. “Mmm...” He hummed against you. “I bet it’ll be even better when my mouth is on you for real.”
"Stop making promises and just fuck me, already.”
Baekhyun grinned at your words, just as eager to do what you both came here to do. Reaching over you, he opened the drawer of his bedside table, pulling out a condom. He ripped it open before tossing the wrapper somewhere on the floor, then sat back on his heels to roll it on himself. You watched as he did so, practically salivating at the thought of him finally inside of you.
Once it was on, he leaned forward again, one hand holding him up beside your head, and the other lining up his dick with your entrance. He looked down at you, his smile never fading, and stared into your eyes. 
“Ready?” He asked softly, gently rubbing his tip between your wet folds. You shuddered at the teasing sensation and nodded. “Yeah, ready.”
With that, Baekhyun began pressing into you slowly. You each let out a mutual groan as your walls pulled him in deeper, and your fingers latched onto his back for dear life. He slowly pushed himself inside of you further, inch by inch. “God, you feel so fucking good,” He growled, using all of his strength to not start pounding into you immediately.
Just as you had imagined, his girth was stretching you intensely, causing a dull ache as he slowly gave you more and more to take. He let out a sharp breath when he felt himself bottom out. The feeling of his tip press against your cervix forced a cry from your lips, which Baekhyun swallowed as he kissed you deeply.
“Hurts?” He asked with concern, lifting his lips from yours to search for any amount of pain in your eyes. “A little,” You admitted, still pressing your fingertips deep into the skin of his back. “Just give me a minute. It’s been a while.” You laughed breathlessly,
“Whatever you need.” Baekhyun obliged, holding himself stationary above as the sweat pooled all over him, the dark hair sticking to his forehead becoming damp above you. You could tell he was struggling not to move by the way he turned away from your gaze. The sight of him falling apart above you made your discomfort dissipate and turn to pleasure, your walls squeezing around Baekhyun.
“Please, I have to move.” Baekhyun sighed, the feeling of you clenching sending him to the edge. You nodded, and he slowly pulled out before easing back into you, creating a slow and steady pace with his hips. You groaned at the delicious feeling of him moving inside of you, filling you completely with every slow thrust. You found his eyes, giving him a reassuring squeeze on his bicep. “You don’t have to be gentle with me, you know.”
"Oh, thank god.” He let out a sigh of relief. “I can’t take it this slow.”
And with your words guiding him, Baekhyun increased his pace, earning small groans from you each time he filled you to the hilt. You bounced on the bed with each rock of his hips into you, opting to grab the headboard above you with both hands so as to not slow him down. “Don’t stop, Baek,” You moaned up at him. “Feels so good.”
He groaned at your words, squeezing his eyes shut to focus on his movements. You watched his face contort in concentration, thoroughly enjoying the look on his face as he fell apart above you, whispering your name each time he thrusted in. “Does it feel good?” You questioned him teasingly.
Eyes still shut, Baekhyun let out a breathy laugh at your words. “Yeah, feels amazing,” He answered between grunts as he continued thrusting.
“Then fuck me harder.” You egged him on breathlessly. “I know you can.”
Baekhyun’s eyes shot open at your challenge, catching the impish look you threw at him. “Harder? No problem.” 
And he met your challenge with determination. Carefully, he pulled himself nearly all the way out, before slamming himself back down onto you as hard as he could. The blow caused you to let out your loudest moan yet, and before you could recover he was crashing into you again. And again. And again. Each time, you screamed louder than before, causing the smirk on his face to grow. “How’s that?” He asked sarcastically. “Hard enough?”
You let out laugh between gasping breaths, trying to regain some amount of composure in your current situation. “Yeah, good,” You managed to pant out. “Not gonna be able to walk tomorrow.”
“That’s the goal,” Baekhyun muttered back. Suddenly, his long fingers were wrapped around your neck, as he pulled you to lay sideways. Not letting go, he quickly repositioned himself so that he lay behind you, and began thrusting up into you once more.
You moaned louder and louder with each thrust, the new angle allowing him to hit the spot that had you screaming his name just minutes before. You felt yourself starting to slip away, your vision going hazy as every muscle in your body began to tighten, the pit of your stomach dropping. You clenched around him as he groaned, the tightness pushing him closer and closer to his own edge.
Baekhyun could sense you were nearly there, bringing his free hand down to where you were connected to rub fast circles into your clit. You knew you were a goner, and syllables leaving your lips incoherent. You pressed your hand on top of Baekhyun’s that was still around your neck, encouraging him to squeeze harder. He groaned as he followed your instructions, tightening his grip on your airway. “Cum for me.” He whispered delicately into your ear. “It’s just us, remember? I’m here.”
His words pushed you over the edge, and you struggled to gasp for air as Baekhyun brought you to your climax, both hands on you and dick buried deep inside you. The wave of pleasure that washed through your whole body was so intense, your vision completely blacking out as you shuddered and shook in Baekhyun’s grasp, repeating his name over and over, “Baekhyun, Baekhyun...”.
He continued holding you and rubbing your over-sensitized area as you came down, your walls clenching spastically around him. Releasing his grip from your throat, he continued thrusting fast and hard into you from behind. “Gonna cum,” He muttered out between fast breaths, the feeling of you spasming sending him over the edge. His hips sputtered and a string of curses fell from his lips, mixing with your name as he came undone in your ear and released into the condom. 
He slowed and pressed himself deep inside of you as both of your breathing subsided, still coming down from both of your highs. You turned your head to look back at Baekhyun, his cheeks flushed and drenched hair framing the blissful look in his eyes. He was absolutely beautiful. He caught your eye, noticing you staring, before kissing you deeply, his hand coming up to rest on your cheek.
You pulled back slightly, smiling. “Didn’t you say you wanted to see my pretty face when I came?”
Baekhyun laughed, rubbing his thumb on your rosy cheek. “Next time, yeah?”
You nodded, not able to control your smile.
He slipped out of you and stood from the bed, looking around the floor to locate his boxers. As he pulled them on, you adjusted your dress that had remained on but migrated up to your chest. You sat up on the bed, bringing your knees into your chest and admiring Baekhyun’s figure. 
Turning back to look at you, he grinned. “I’m gonna get some water. Need anything?” He asked.
“Water would be great.” You replied as he turned to exit the room. Hearing the faucet run in the kitchen, you decided to rid yourself of your sweaty garment, opting for Baekhyun’s discarded t-shirt on the floor. Slipping it on, you smelled the remnants of his cologne, heaving a deep sigh and smiling involuntarily. The shirt didn’t completely cover your ass, but it would do. 
You slipped into the bathroom to inspect your appearance in the mirror. You hair, which was already somewhat of a mess to begin with, was even bigger now, and your makeup a bit more smudged. But you looked free. You felt happy.
Baekhyun appeared in the mirror beside you, glass of water in hand for you. You accepted it with a quick thank you, gulping it down.
“So you like being choked, huh?”
Coincidentally, you nearly choked on your water when Baekhyun blurted it out.
Catching yourself, you gasped for air and tried to recover.
“I mean, first you want to choke on my dick, then you want me to choke you out?”
“Baekhyun!” You gasped, slapping him on the arm.
“I know you said you were into some kinky stuff, but damn...” Baekhyun chuckled the shit-eating grin returning to his face.
You rolled your eyes. “Like you didn’t like it.” You teased back.
Baekhyun shook his head. “Never said I didn’t. Looks good, by the way.” He paused to look you up and down, his shirt draped over your body. He scratched the back of his neck. “I assume, you’re, uh, gonna spend the night?”
You blushed a bit at the question, shifting on your feet uncomfortably. “I mean, yeah, if that’s okay. If I went home now, Minji would-”
“It’s totally fine, don’t worry.” Baekhyun reassured you, gently placing a kiss on your forehead. “You wanna borrow some shorts or something? If I wake up in the middle of the night with your bare ass against me, I can’t promise I’ll behave...”
You laughed, the comfort of being with Baekhyun returning. He graciously offered you a pair of gym shorts, which you accepted.
As you set your glass of water on the bedside table, you felt drowsiness from your activities and night of drinking overtake you. Slipping between the sheets, your eyelids felt heavy.
Baekhyun flipped the light switch before joining you in bed, snaking an arm around your waist and pulling you close. 
“Goodnight.” Baekhyun whispered, intertwining his legs with yours.
You smiled, eyes closing. “Goodnight.”
Before you lost consciousness, one last thought passed through your mind-
“It’s just us, remember?”
You hoped it was true.
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poedjarin · 4 years
santa baby.
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oh, baby. is this what the kids mean way they say “sister snapped”? if you know me, you knew that was coming. i couldn’t let christmas past without doing it. i realize it’s a little weird and taboo, so if it’s not your thing, don’t read it! it’s also my first “real” smut, so be gentle! i hope you like it, and that santa brought you everything you asked for, outside of this fic. 
sugar daddy!roger taylor x reader ; 2,976 words ; smut and innuendos, don’t touch this shit if you’re under 18. 
It was no secret that Christmas was your favorite time of year. There was nothing you loved more than getting to show the people you held closest to you how much they meant to you. Whether it was a kind gesture or a small token of appreciation, you made your best efforts to present every person who made your days brighter with something special. In years’ past, your creativity and thriftiness had proven great success in providing joy to your loved ones. But this year, things were a little bit different.
You found yourself with a little more money than you usually had. Well, in fact, it was a lot more money than you have ever had. Things had changed a little bit dramatically this past year, and it was certainly for the better. You were living a lavish lifestyle that you couldn’t have pictured, even your wildest dreams, and it was all thanks to him. Your friends and family would certainly reap the benefits of your new way of life; there was no questions about that. But what were you to give the man that had given you everything in such a short amount of time?
These thoughts loomed over your head as you sipped champagne in the lobby of the grandiose theatre during the interval. You hadn’t meant to go quiet; maybe it came off as if you were pondering the first act of the ballet he’d taken to you. He seemed to be preoccupied with staring up at the Christmas tree that towered over those who inhabited the lobby during this twenty-minute pause before the next act, so maybe he hadn’t noticed.
He was impeccably dressed, but when was he not? He wore a sharp black suit, with a baby blue dress shirt and a white tie. He looked like a winter’s dream; who would you be not to indulge him in a coordinated outfit? Your blue sweater-dress left little to the imagination and paired perfectly with taupe knee-high boots. Presently absent was the elegant fur coat that was waiting for you at coat check until the performance was over - a gift he gave you as soon as the seasons had changed. You complemented each other perfectly.
It was hard to pin-point how exactly you’d gotten to this point. How did you become the arm-candy of a successful musician who kept you around for far longer than you’d predicted? What steps had you taken so that the universe could have lead you to him, or even he to you? You’d been at this for just short of a year now, and the arrangement, which was once strict and regimented, had become natural and fluid. You found yourself walking a thin line between appreciation and adoration. It was becoming increasingly more difficult to tell the difference between the two.
An usher had entered the vestibule with a set of bells and played a tune to notify theatergoers that that second act was going to begin. You downed the rest of your champagne quickly and stood from the seat you’d been occupying in the lobby. You reached for his hand and his lips curved upward into a smile as he laced his fingers with yours. Giving his arm a pleasant tug, he stood, and situated his arm around your back.
“Shall we?” He gestured to the theater, and you nodded.
As you began to walk back to the entrance of the theater, you were slightly startled by a dramatic gasp. You turned to your left to see a little girl with her hands covering her mouth. The reaction wasn’t one you’d ever seen from someone so young. Did she know who was holding you close, and if so, how?
“Papa, look! It’s Santa Claus!” The little girl, dressed up in a holiday dress with huge bow in her hair, pointed at your companion and squealed.
You let out a pleasant giggle and hid your blush in your hands. The young girl’s father quickly ushered his daughter away, apologizing profusely but managing to fit a “love your work” in there somewhere. Your date seemed unfazed by the interaction, ushering you both back to your seats. He took his place next to you and wrapped his arm around the back of your seat to hold you close.
“Honestly, I’m relieve that I’m not the only one who sees it.” You finally said, placing a hand on his chest and cozying up to him.
“See what, love?”
Was he serious?
“That you look like jolly ol’ Saint Nick.”
He gave you one of his world famous eye rolls.
“I do not! I look like - me.” He countered, shaking his head.
“Roger…” You did your best to not sound condescending. “Surely you must realize that you resemble father Christmas”
“You’re right mad, you are.” Roger shook his head, playfully squeezing your thigh.
“It’s not a bad thing. Roggie, I love Santa.” You teased.
Roger shot you a look, which was similar to ones you’d seen in times of disobedience. Thankfully the show had started up again, so the discussion came to an abrupt ending. What was so bad about looking like Santa? Did he feel that you were poking fun at his age? Or was it that you’d said that you loved Santa? Did that mean that Roger thought you were telling him that you loved him? There weren’t supposed to be any feelings between the two of you. There were times where you thought that Roger did care about you, but it was safer to believe that he didn’t. You were always disappointed in yourself anytime you’d done or said anything to let Roger believe you cared about him. You didn’t want to come off as immature and naive. After all, this was just an agreement between the two of you.
You still struggled to find the perfect gift for Roger. He was adamant about you not getting him anything either. He assured you that your presence at Christmas dinner was more than enough. Of course, it wouldn’t actually be Christmas dinner, as you had to spend the holiday with your respective families. Little details like that kept reality in the forefront of your minds. Roger had five children to spend the holidays with. And also a wife.
When you arrived at his condo the day before Christmas Eve, you held a small cheesecake in your hands. You hoped that maybe Roger would be smitten by the fact that you rolled your sleeves up and baked him something, but you didn’t hold your breath on that one. It was easy to impress a coworker with your baked goods, but not a rock and roll star. You had the key to the place and let yourself in, calling out for him after you made your way into the foyer.
You shuffled the dessert back and forth between your hands as you took off your coat, revealing a green satin wrap dress, as foot steps approached from behind you.
“Ho, ho, ho…” The greeting was playful enough, but you knew better from the tone of the words.
When you turned to Roger, he smoothly leaned his arm against the entryway between the foyer and living room. He wore one of his famous velvet suits and had a hat on to match. You felt like you were being mocked by the festive red fabric the covered your lover from the top of his head to the bottom of his ankles. The color of your cheeks was a near perfect match to his outfit.
You quickly hung up your jacket and then offered the dessert to Roger.
“It’s a cheesecake. It’s not much but I thought it might pair nicely with some wine for dessert.” You shrugged awkwardly and watched Roger’s eyes dart between your gaze and your outstretched arms.
“Bold of you to assume we’ll make it that far.” Roger responded smugly, but accepted the desert anyway. He nodded his head towards the living room and you followed closely behind.
Roger set your cheesecake down on the bar that resided in the far side of the living room before he took a seat on the leather coach. He pat his thighs and ran his fingers over his fabric-covered lap.
“Have a seat, darling.” Roger watched you linger a few feet away, towering over him in your high heels. You overestimated how a pair of black pumps could elevate your look.
You hesitantly went to Roger, seating yourself on one of his knees. You tugged the ends of your dress towards your knees and crossed your legs. Roger’s calloused fingers coasted along your nylon-covered legs before stopping at your knee and squeezing playfully.
“Someone’s working on getting her last minute nice-girl points in before the final tally…” Roger cooed in your ear, his beard tickling your cheek.
“Roggie, what’s this about?” You didn’t want to come off as annoyed or insulting; you knew that Roger had better things to do so close to the holiday rather than entertain you like this.
“Well, I was told that you love Santa, and since I look so much like him…”
You groaned, dropping your head to Roger’s shoulder.
“Look, I didn’t mean anything by it.” You assured him, hand on his chest.
Roger took your hand in his and kissed your knuckles softly.
“No need to explain, lovey.” Roger assured you. “You see, the big guy and I had a little talk. He said he’s not too sure which list to put you on this year. You’ve been awfully nice in more ways than he could tell me. Still, the amount of times you’ve been naughty nearly outweighs the good.
Roger’s hand ghosted up your thigh, slipping underneath the hem of your dress.
“So, he’s given me the task of submitting the final rating.” Roger’s tongue was pleasantly pinned between his teeth as soon as he revealed his motive.
You had to admit - he was playing the part exceptionally well. He was looking so incredibly suave in his suit, even with the hat he wore for dramatic effect. His beard was snowy white, probably a result of a good scrubbing in the shower before you arrive. All that was missing was Roger’s reader glasses, which made a rare appearance every few months. The man was blind but refused to wear them. You weren’t quite sure of what his intentions were, but Roger was successful in coming off a hot version of Santa.
“Doesn’t Santa know that whenever I’m with daddy that I’m usually very naughty?” Your hands smoothed over Roger’s shoulders as you hiked your leg over his thigh and straddled his lap.
“I did my best to explain that to him, but he didn’t seem bothered by it. ” Roger shrugged sympathetically as his placed his hands at your waist.
“Well… I’m going to think of it this way.” You squeezed Roger’s shoulders and rolled your hips against his, earning a breathless sigh from him. “If you tell him nice, then I get a present or two. If you say naughty, I get nothing. Right?”
“I would assume it goes a little bit like that, yeah.” Roger sputtered, his fingers toying with the tie of your dress.
“I think you’ve given me enough in the past year to last me the next few Christmases.” You explained, brushing your lips against Roger’s.
“Right.” Roger accepted after failing to chase your lips. “You sure that you don’t even want to attempt to earn a spot on the nice list?”
“Nah.” You decided, pulling the tie of your dress loose. “Being nice is overrated.”
You let the dress fall from your shoulders as you worked the sleeves off, revealing a black lingerie set. It was lacy but mostly transparent, just as Roger liked. Your stockings were held up by a garter belt, practically begging to be undone by Roger’s deft fingers. Rogers hands went to your bum, kneading the flesh that remained exposed thanks to your skimpy panties. With a grunt, Roger stood with you in his arms and urged you to wrap your legs around him.
“What are you doing?” You questioned, playfully nipping at Roger’s earlobe.
“Well, if you’re accepting of naughty, then I’m going to give you a proper lay.”
Roger carried you to the master bedroom and set you down on the cushy mattress. He shrugged off his jacket and quickly unbuttoned his shirt, peeling the sleeves off and dropping it to the floor. He leaned over you and kissed you with a fervor that was strictly reserved for these moments. Just as you settled into the kiss, Roger moved his lips to your collarbone, playfully sucking and biting your skin.
“Careful; I don’t want have to explain any foreign marks to anyone over the next few days.
Roger chuckled, his hand reaching to spread your legs and run his fingers over your clothed core. You whimpered in response, which brought a heartier laugh from his mouth.
“I’ll be sure to place them in more strategic places - like under your tits or along your inner thighs.”
If you knew anything about Roger Meadows Taylor, he was a man of his word. Your hands made a mess of his hair as he kissed and nibbled his way down your body. He was particularly cruel when he nudged his nose against your clit. You silent cursed the thin piece of fabric that stood as a barrier between your skin and his, tugging gently on the tuffs of hair at the nape of his neck.
“Daddy… I need you.” You whined, letting out a frustrated huff that vibrated through your chest.
“My girl’s so needy for someone who seemed so satisfied with receiving no gifts this year. “ Roger teased as he unhooked the garter straps from your stockings.
“Yeah, well… Just because Santa’s not coming down my chimney this year doesn’t mean that you can’t.” You retorted, ridding yourself of your bra.
“You’re filthy.” Roger snickered as he pulled your stockings down your legs, followed by your underwear.
“Good thing I didn’t vow to be nice then, hm?” You quirked your eyebrow at Roger, undoing his belt and popping the button his dress pants.
“Touche.” Roger punctuated his response by licking a stripe up your pussy.
The best part of sex with Roger was how worked up he was able to make you with little-to-no effort whatsoever. Your panties were soaked just from some playful touches and a series of love bites. The bastard was good, and it was one of many reasons that you stuck around.
Roger kicked off his pants and boxers in one go, taking his cock in his hand. He gave himself a few tugs before he lined up with your entrance and gently entered you. You relished in the melodic sighs of pleasure that left both of your lips upon contact. Roger stretched you deliciously, waiting until you’d taken every last inch before placing a kiss to your lips. He distracted you just enough to pull nearly all the way out and thrust back in again. You cried out loudly, thankful to be found underneath a drummer with soundproof walls.
A pleasant rhythm was developed quickly before you began moving your hips with Roger’s. It didn’t take long for him to find the perfect spot.
“Fuck - Daddy… right there.” you instructed, and Roger obeyed.
Your legs wrapped around Roger’s waist, linking at the ankles as you clenched around his length, causing him to falter and groan against the skin between your breasts.
“I’m not going to last if you keep that up, baby girl.” Roger warned, but you took it as a challenge.
“Then don’t.” You laughed breathlessly, moving your hips quickly against his, chasing your orgasm as you fought to give Roger his. “Come for me, daddy…”
“Fuck…” Roger’s tongue flicked against his fingers before they found a place between your bodies, tightly circling your clit.
Your orgasm washed over you without warning, both your muscles and legs clenching around Roger. With the ounce of coherency that you held onto, you released that Roger was coming too. It was the first time the two of you had ever come in tandem. You did your best to fuck each other through your aftershocks, but gave up shortly after. Roger was happy to let you rest against his chest as you came down, pressing a kiss to your temple before using his fingers to tilt your chin upwards so he could kiss your lips.
You smiled at Roger when he separated from the kiss and then bashfully hid your face against his chest. He took that moment to ease out of you, which caused you to hiss at the sudden absence of him inside of you. It was one of the best feelings that you’d ever known, and you always missed it as soon as it left you. Roger combed his fingers through your hair and sighed before sitting up a little bit.
“You’ve certainly earned your title of naughty, baby girl.” Roger gloated, his fingers tracing a light bruise that had formed near your shoulder.
“I can always try for the nice list next year.”
“For my sake, I hope you’ll reconsider.”
You and Roger laughed and shared another kiss before you finally rolled off of him. You found a comfortable position sitting up against the headboard and snuggling under the covers. Roger got up from the bed and stepped into his boxers.
“Oh, I nearly forgot.” Roger said as he snapped his fingers.
You looked over at Roger, your eyelids droopy from being spent. “Hm?”
“The jolly dude - He wanted me to tell you that he loves you, too.”
You grinned at that, your eyes struggling to stay open. “Yeah?”
Roger nodded, leaning over you in bed to kiss your forehead. “Definitely.”
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