#and then I read stuff from peole like you and I'm like
fiepige · 1 year
Hey I just wanted to let you know that your comments on crying wolf have done SO MUCH for me over the past weeks. Seriously I go back and reread them at least once a day and they're such a delight every time. I oftentimes feel like my writing is subpar and not up to scratch when compared to other authors (terrible habit, I know, but one that's hard to kick) and your comments reassure me that at least I'm doing something right! I've also never attempted anything like crying wolf before - I never really got into writing action or violence but I'm being self-indulgent right now anyway because I figured if I enjoyed reading and watching it then I should have a crack at making some for myself. And as with most things, it takes a while to really get the hang of it (and I'm bad at accepting that I might be bad at something).
This is just a really long-winded way of saying thank you for your comments. Readers like you really encourage and motivate us to keep chugging along <3
(This is candyfloss-esophagus btw. If you hadn't realised by now lol)
Hey thank you so much for sending this message! I'm honestly just sitting here like:
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Your writing is amazing and it makes me so happy to hear that my comments mean so much to you! Idk how to explain it but reading your fic just makes me feel so many great emotions!
I've been thinking about chapter 3 all day and I get this great bubbly feeling in my chest whenever I think about it? Idk how to describe it, but it just makes me feel incedibly good whenever I think about it? Does that make sense? Probably not but I don't know how else to articulate it ^^'
(Also that last line hits me so hard every time! I'm stil NOT over it!!!)
Like Idk I haven't read a lot of fics that had such a big impact on me emotionally (in a good way!) so I really want to do what I can to support you in return!
(Seriously I love how you write, your way with words is so creative and it really sets the scenes so well! Like I can just FEEL the tone of the scenes when I read them)
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beclight · 2 months
so uh.
i saw the news this morning and sparklecare is going 18+ and. to say im shattered would be an heavy understatement.
dont get me wrong, i understand why kneeby took this decision. but come on, i feel like it shouldve been 18+ from the beggining, not a third into the comic's public release. after many now "underage" people got foxated on it and have had 6yrs (reboot) to start reading it, and especially not after building a community, a fandom, that is mostly composed of autistic people that lowkey rely on it in their everyday life;;;;;
sparklecare was everything to me. everything.
(more personnal stuff and opinions under cut, i just needed to vent and let go. read tldr at bottom if lazy.)
it has been my main hyperfixation for more than a year and a half now. literally all i think about, all day. my only consistent fixation and the first one that lasted as long as it did since years, and was so prominent in my life. genuinely my only constant source of happiness that would help me through the hardest moments of the past nearly two years, and now its.. out of reach, gone, until i turn 18 in two years.
i hate to say this. i hate it so much, but its so, so disappointing. why was this comic, which is mostly aimed at mentally ill people lets not lie to ourselves (literally every single person i met within the community was autistic/nm and taken aback in the best way possible by the amout of mental health awareness and representation in the comic and it's AUs), taken back halfway through, after it has now become thousands of people's hyperfixation, and for the most, a life altering one..? its. so sad. ive been shaking all day i dont want it taken away from me, not now. not so soon.
as i said previously i understand kittycorn's decision n everything but considering the ENORMOUS amount of trigger warnings for literally evrrything on the site (which im not complaining about dgmw!!! i think its great to have sm and for everyone's triggers :] but you cant deny that not every warning is necessarily triggering to the biggest amout of peole reading it), -
- ,it feels like making the comic, the AUs, the fandom, LIKING the characters, and engaging in the community ALL 18+ ALL OF A SUDDEN in the middle of it is... too much?;
it may just be my opinion but considering how heavily everything is triggered, and how every slightly bloody/nsfw joke scene has a clean transcript avaible to replace it, it's kinda silly to me that everything has to be 18+ now.... kit's blogs i can understand, shes an adult and may not feel comfortable with engaging with minors anymore and that i understand and respect 100%!. but making all her previous current and future content and ocs un-likable by minors, even stuff that was released before TheGreatMinorBan™, considering how many people kin characters from sch, have it as their main hyperfixation and escape from the outside world, is way too much in my opinion, or the decision shouldve been announced and only enforced when a really triggering volume was about to get released(since now nobody can go back to make it 18+ from the start..). you can ask people to stop interacting personally with you or engage with your online profiles but taking away their hyperfixation for content that has been released for years without any real limit out of seemingly nowhere, after spending months teasing the future of your work.. is really disappointing. :/
i legit dont know what ill become for the next two years without sparklecare. i wouldve genuinely "unlucky-friend-of-hemera-that-has-their-limbs-attached-to-her" 'd myself if i hadnt stumbled accross it and idk how im expected to just? forget about it? for years untill i become 'of age' again to read.
i know lurking from alts is a thing but thats dogshit to me. i wanna interact with and be a part of the community, which is such an amazing one. i had sm art i wanted to make and share with the world. i dont want to not talk to anyone or pretend to be a person that i'm not to stay up to date with my favorite author's work and other bloggers' fanart surrounding it. feels scummy and would prolly hurt me more anyways.
sch shouldve either been 18+ from the start - annoucned that itd become 18+ but kept at 15/16+ until the announcement of a RLLY triggering volume - or just kept at 16+ all along considering literally everything has trigger warnings anyways. idk it feels sooo shitty to develop an enourmous fixation on smth for years just for it to one day out of nowhere have it taken away from you in the middle of it's release because a character will verbally mentions j3rking 0ff in a volume released in 5yrs, and be expected to JUST FORGET IT EXISTS..
no hate for kc's decision, i understand and respect it, but it hurts like a bitch to have your fixation taken away from you, and in the middle of it too. ..
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frobin · 2 years
it’s hilarious how frobin stans try and debunk every other robin ship. I found your debunking of lawbin post just by searching them up. Like your shit and stay in your lane. I recognise you too. You’re the try-to-be sanctimonious frobin stan on Twitter that says they always try to “check” toxic frobin stans but your likes consist of posts that trash other robin ships. I like frobin but the stans are worse than lunami shippers and have ruined frobin for me. It gives insecurity. The whole basis is “oh oda said they’re the mom and dad of the crew”. Yeah he also said Zoro is the dad and Usopp is the mother. So what then? All of u need to stop being so annoying
EVERYONE, I'm going to answer this ask because I want to educate. I have no idea if you return anon but hey... maybe you do and maybe you actually learn something from my post. But be aware I wrote it while being pissed off.
And sorry to all the LawBin fans who find this because of anon who did not censor the ship name. I don't control the anon.
Mate... if I would try to seriously debunk La:wB:in I would put much more effort into it.
And what post do you mean? This one, that is two years old and posted because I tried to understand where you fans saw La:wB:in?
Or this one, with ONE (1) note, that I only answered because someone asked me? And sorry that I got a bit prissy in this one but I was annoyed by the fact that La:wB:in fans had spoiled me - while I was searching for FRobin on twitter - with something that turned out to be one of the thinnest anti-FRobin arguments that I've ever laid eyes on.
And I've seen quite a lot of anti-FRobin arguments. Honestly I have better anti-FRobin arguments than two people sitting beside each ohter!
"Like your shit and stay in your lane"
Yet, you are in my inbox.
"You’re the try-to-be sanctimonious frobin stan on Twitter that says they always try to “check” toxic frobin stans but your likes consist of posts that trash other robin ships."
True and even though it might seem insincere this ist the thought process: I hope that when I like their stuff - instead of retweeting it - they follow my twitter and see the many times I tweet "Please don't engage in fandom wank! Leave other shippers alone! Ship and let ship!"
And it is also true that I do sometimes tell peole "hey I'm sorry you had bad experiences with FRobin fans" because personally I mostly had positive ones. In my opinion FRobin fans are smart, calm, silent and love FRobin because it's healthy and wholesome. The exception from the rule? Most of the times Trolls.
I've told "FRobin fans" to stop to annoy others and they told me that they actually don't ship anything. Often enough people just want to stir shit up, making people hate "the shippers" and so "the ship".
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Just like you. You fell for it and you also give a very bad image towards all of the La:wB:in shippers. But I know you're just a single warrior on your path of righteousness. Good luck finding the chill to not do that anymore, mate. Maybe read my pinned post?
Before anyone wonders why I made those screenshots: I sent them to a Zo:Ro:bin shipper to show them that maybe not every attack made by FRobin fans are actually FRobin fans. And the same goes for EVERY SHIP! EVERY SINGLE SHIP!
We different shippers and organiziers sometimes work together to bring shippers home, where they belong.
"I like frobin but the stans are worse than lunami shippers and have ruined frobin for me."
Here is a little fun fact: You can still enjoy FRobin without engaging with the fans. Just go read fanfiction on Ao3 without an account. Go on pixiv and deviantart and look at fanarts. Don't read tweets or tumblr posts. Curate your online expirence. It is really simple.
Also I don't know what LuNami has to do with anything... but you will find assholes for every ship and every fandom (yes, FRobin too). I tend to be quite the asshole sometimes. Luckily most of the time I calm down before I go full rage.
"It gives insecurity."
FRobin fans have nothing to be insecure about. We constantly make fun of our ship because of how safe we feel in our little vessel. It's a strong ship because we have a shipwright. ;)
"The whole basis is “oh oda said they’re the mom and dad of the crew”. Yeah he also said Zoro is the dad and Usopp is the mother. So what then? All of u need to stop being so annoying"
..... oh god I'm so tired. Please if you want to debunk FRobin just do your homework. If you want to know why people ship FRobin, here is some reading material. Go through it and then please give me something else to work with.
Why people ship FRobin:
Too much to read for you?
Take this:
"Franky and Robin are the mom and dad", mate that is not even accurate anymore. It's Jinbe now. Franky is a perverted Grandma.
God, imagine shipping FRobin only because of that... that is even a worse argument then "People only ship FRobin because of one non-canon scene in the anime". No dude...
The tag is "why I ship it" on this very blog. Educate yourself
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vanaera · 4 years
@nixwrites replied to your post The Heart Holiday | Act 2 (2/2) | myg
OMG. This was so good and uggh this made me feel mad and so so so glad! Like I was up  to that point where I had to stuff my face in a pillow to stop myself from laughing ny head off because there are people around me.  " It sounds weird—like a grandpa wheezing in front of an electric fan." This made me laugh so hard 😂 This chapter was so good. And drunk Y/n is just the cutest. I wanted to hug her so bad after the call with Nancy and when Yoongi did, I was trying to
muffle my voices with the pillow beside me lol(I think the pillow experienced this fic too 😂) And author, your writing is sooo good don't even try denying it. Well idk but if my fic is able to make peole use their pillow to hide their feelings their face is showing because other people are around them and might think their crazy then that's really something. Your writing is so tremendously awesome and spectacular I think I'm in love and I will desperately, patiently
Wait for the next update, thank you so much for this fic it's so good! I loved this so much ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
And I have more to say about the moments in this chapter but I'll keep them to myself because I already wrote a huge comment there and oh! I almost forgot please tag me too in the next update :)
Hon, what you just said here...is I think every writer wants to hear from their readers. I'm happy that this fic made you ride the emotional roller coaster with my characters. I even got you using a pillow to hide your facial expressions! This comment just makes me remember why I even want to write. I want my readers to experience things and feel things they may have never felt before through my characters. To take them to the worlds I make and make them just...feel. I think the constant shits that's happening in the world rn have deemed some of us unable to feel bc some of us might have long been dealing with dread, anxiety, or sadness that it's hard to even tell the difference if we're happy or not. I want my writings to make them see that it's possible to feel other things, even if it's just through fictional worlds. And I think I accomplished a bit this goal bc I was able to make you feel this way.
You're right. I think our pillows also experienced the stories we read. Fluffy fics make me squeal into my pillow too! And some angst stories gets our tears to keep running down our pillow. I remember reading a really angsty fic back in 2015 that I cried so hard that my tears left a stain on my pillow for three days! Ugh, idk why I suddenly got this emotional about pillows, I just realized this now bc of your commment.
And yeah, drunk THH!Y/N was the cutest! Can you believe I was also squealing hard while writing the scene of Yoongi piggyback riding her while stressing about finding her keys in her bag? Tbh, my single-since-birth ass wants so hard to experience the stuff THH!Y/N did 😭. And omg, you laughed at OC's description of yoongi's laugh! I also laughed hard whike writing that! I think I'm not that funny so I just try to be funny in my writings. And I guess my humor went well with this one!
Thank you for thinking so highly of me, Nix 🥺. I try my best not to disappoint...Thank you so much for these kind words. You don't know how happy I am to read them again and again. Don't worry about sending a long comment. I always love hearing what my readers has to say. So just comment all you want! Thank you so so much for loving THH, hon. You really got me like this: 😭😔🥺😊🥰I am so blessed to have you as my reader! I love you 💕
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frobin · 2 years
please try to not send so many "why X and Y is not a thing" in my inbox.
I appreciate that you want to know my opinion. I really do. Also for other ships!
But please also understand that I am no expert for any of the other ships!
I'm a person who can tell you in detail about FRobin and the fandom surrounding it and give my headcanons about the story and the Strawhats. I can try to give my honest opinions and ideas - as a storyteller - about what is going to happen in One Piece (probably not correct but with good reasoning, lol).
But I try to stay neutral about other ships! I do ship other stuff of course. But they don't belong here even though I sometimes slip... I am far from perfect (it's not hard to find my main or art blog, lol).
I am very much a friend of ship and let ship! So if someone is shipping Law and Robin, they can do that. If they love Nami and Robin, they are absolutely fine. They like Robin and Jinbe, good for them. They ship Franky and Book, more power to them. They enjoy Franky and Zoro, hey why not. Franky and Doflamingo, unusual but be my guest.
Just don't try to argue why FRobin is not a thing. Because I know it's not a thing. But your ship is also not a thing. We're in a stalemate, friend.
Yes, you can come into my inbox and tell me why for example Zoro and Sanji is going to become canon and not Zoro and Robin and I will answer to that and give you the platform... but that is not the point of this blog!
This blog is first and foremost PRO FRobin.
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Give me FRobin headcanons and ideas (like some of you already do and I love you for that!!!) or post on your blog too so I can reblog your stuff! Headcanon, texts, analysis, ideas!
And I'm sorry if that is not what you hope for but this is what I made this blog for. To create a place for people to find Franky/Robin content to have a place to talk about it and to find other fans.
Anway, I'm still working through all your asks. right now every 24 hours two posts are coming out of the queue. To answer the asks it takes a few hours most of the time, sometimes because tumblr decides to bugger off and eat the post and I have to rewrite it or maybe because I reread some chapters or rewatch a whole movie. I don't take any of your asks lightly.
Which reminds me:
Hey anon, whos' asks I consider a Troll ask because of the way it is asked and the time it appeared in my in-box... sure smells like stirring the shit to me.
So, if you weren't a Troll, consider how you ask your questions...
But to answer it: I don't think Oda even thinks about the people behind the ships. He might know which ships exists and have opinions about those but won't think about the people behind them except for maybe "lol, girls.".
I know I wouldn't think about the people behind the ships if I were a famous author. And I don't think about the people behind other ships nowaday. Why would I? I rather concentrate on the peole who are shipping with me and try to create a good time for them! I sometimes wonder what kind of people are here with me...
I think it's people who might be disappointed by their parents, who enjoy wholesome relationships, are into height differences and love it when the man, not afraid of his emotions is adoring their badass wife. They might be mostly on the oder side 25+ but some are also younger. They are more silent and calm but often very dedicated.
That is how I see FRobin fans. And still this is so vague and I like to think I'm an expert. But everyone is different.
Anyway, everyone please be patient with me. I do have a real life and I have other fandom blogs too. I try! I really do!
If you all read this, thank you so much.
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