#and then I want the black hoodie when I go to MetLife
hellwasthejourney · 1 year
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Pulled from Facebook in case anyone is worried about merch 🤗
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eternally-writing · 3 years
tour troubles | jjk
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genre: fluff, angst
rating: G (no swearing or sexual content)
pairing: Jungkook x reader
theme: idol!au, boyfriend!au, one-shot
word count: 1.8k
warnings: none
Synopsis: When surprising your boyfriend Jungkook on tour doesn’t quite go as you planned, it’s up to you now to help cheer him up.
banner by me!
After a grueling 6 months apart,  you were more than happy to be in MetLife Stadium watching your boyfriend live out his dreams on stage. The Map of the Soul Tour was no joke; Jungkook was practicing all day and performing all night, and combined with your final exam season passing by it left little time for you to talk to each other.
Finally wrapping up the school year, you got in touch with Jimin to see if he could help you plan a surprise visit for Jungkook on one of their final tour stops.
All of the members had become like family to you, but it's no secret that aside from Jungkook you are closest with Jimin. He was like the older brother you never had, and you always ran to him whenever you needed relationship advice or a good hug.
As you watched Jungkook on stage you noticed his smile falter sometimes as he would be slightly out of position or dance off beat. You could only pick this out because you had spent hours in the practice room dancing with Jungkook. 
You and Jungkook had come together because of your shared love for dance. He had first asked you out inside a very sweaty-scented Big Hit practice room, almost half of your dates ended with some form of dancing, and whenever one of you was frustrated you could always find the other teary-eyed, lying on the marley floor of a dance studio. You had always been there to whisper words of encouragement in his ear when he was feeling down, and you wished nothing more than for her voice to reach the stage at the moment.
Soon enough, the concert came to an end and you were flashing her pass to the backstage security guard to get to see the boys. Despite your  uneasy feeling watching the concert, you couldn't ease the butterflies in your stomach at seeing your boyfriend for the first time in months.
Ever since you had planned this, you spent your nights imagining exactly how Jungkook would react: whether he would hug and kiss you first, stay frozen on the spot in shock, or start crying right away. 
As you stepped into the Big Hit dressing room, you were instantly greeted with several smiling faces. 
I didn't take you long to do a head count and realize that there were only 6  boys standing in front of you, and that your boyfriend was nowhere to be found. 
Making eye contact with Jimin, you saw the softness in his eyes as he motioned for you to come closer so he could explain. 
“He’s not feeling well Y/N, and none of us can get him to talk about it. We’re so worried. I swear I’ve only gotten like 2 words out of him tonight, and I even tried to make a nutella sandwich for him to cheer him up. I’m sorry this isn’t what you had planned, but can you talk to him please? For us?” 
You took a deep breath before pulling back the curtain divider in the dressing room. Your nerves catching up to you, you considered just turning around and telling the boys you would surprise him at their next concert instead. 
You had dealt with Jungkook being troubled and frustrated more times than you could count, but you were worried you had lost her touch after being apart from him for months. 
Your mind also flew the other way. How many times has he felt like this after a concert and never told you? When he said "It was fun I'm just really tired now" after every concert was he truly feeling like this? 
With that, you pushed forward because you knew that you had to be there to support Jungkook today, even if you couldn't be there for all the other times. 
The sight that greeted you behind the curtain was not a pretty one. 
Jungkook was staring blankly at the monitor in front of him, dark fringes of his hair matted against his sweaty forehead, tour hoodie zipped up completely with the hood on, and worst of all, his eyes were clearly puffy and swollen, with tinges of red coming through from underneath his makeup. 
Jungkook barely even glanced your way as you sat down an ample distance away from Jungkook on the couch. It was clear from his lack of surprise at your appearance that one of the boys (probably Jimin) had probably told him about your surprise visit earlier in an effort to cheer him up after the concert, but even that could not get him out of this slump.
 Of all the scenarios you came up with for how Jungkook would react to your surprise, somehow this one never crossed your mind. 
You turned your focus to where Jungkook was staring - a TV monitor replaying video footage from tonight's concert. You watched as his eyebrows stayed furrowed as he glared disapprovingly at himself for making even the smallest of mistakes in the video, almost wincing as the TV monitor continued to play the footage.
"Do you want me to help point out things in the video?"
Jungkook didn’t even move a muscle.
You took the silence as a yes, and pulled a pen and the closest thing you could find to paper, a napkin, out of your purse to write on. 
Working as a dance teacher had taught you more than a couple tricks about how to give constructive feedback, and you were a firm believer in the "give 2 compliments and then 1 thing to work on" approach. However, you knew the issue with Jungkook wasn't that he was truly bad at dancing, but rather that he was way too hard on himself for the smallest details that the audience wouldn't even notice - so she threw in a few more compliments than usual. Unsure of how Jungkook would react to seeing the list, you still threw some of those very nit-picky details on there, knowing that if he was still frustrated he would throw the list out all together if he thought you were just coddling him. 
And so you both sat together in front of that grainy TV monitor, in complete silence aside from the sound of your pen scratching against the napkin.
June 10, 2020 MOTS:7 Tour Feedback Report for Jeon Jungkook ( by Y/N)
- match angle of arm placement in Black Swan Opening Choreo
- footwork on DNA ending choreo could be cleaned up 
- the ARMY at the corner of the screen during Euphoria had the biggest smile when you looked at her. I think she’s gonna remember that moment for the rest of her life. 
-  I like the way you wink at the camera during So What! Gave me butterflies babe. 
- could add more energy into the last Fake love chorus ( hot bod btw!!)
And the list kept going on and on as you diligently focused on the screen and writing notes, taking occasional glances at your silent boyfriend.
Upon glancing over your shoulder and seeing your list, Jungkook smiled at your thoughtful and sweet comments. 
All of sudden, a wave of consciousness and realization washed over him. 
He finally has the girl he loves in front of him again after months apart, and instead of cherishing his limited time with you he was spending it watching himself dance, which is what he had already spent the last 9 years of his life doing. Most of all, you never let your smile falter once in front of him, even though he knew you may be upset with his response to your surprise, and you went along with whatever he wanted to do - even if that meant watching a very very low-quality video of his performances on a loop. 
Grabbing the napkin gently out of her hands and placing it on the table, Jungkook cupped your face and looked gently into your eyes. 
"Thank you",  he said softly, as if not wanting to startle you with his sudden character change.
In your head there was absolutely no need for Jungkook to be thanking her for anything she was doing.  She knew dating an idol would have its challenges, and she made a promise to Jungkook that she would be by his side through it all, even if that included rewatching Euphoria on loop. 
It was now your turn to sigh. 
“There’s nothing to thank me for babe, it’s just me. I wanna be here for you when you’re like this - I didn’t just date you so I could be there to celebrate your Billboard #1s and daesang sweeps, I’m here for these moments too.”
Jungkook further eliminated the space between you both by wrapping his arms around you and pulling you into his chest. In that moment he realized that maybe all he needed was you. That all these hurdles he had been facing alone would have been much easier if he had just let you in on his problems.
“I just feel bad Y/N, I haven’t even seen you for months and the first time I see you I’m like this? I’m sorry.”
The gears started turning in your head. Batting your eyes overdramatically at your boyfriend, you smiled. 
“Okay how about we make a deal then babe?”
Jungkook looked at you curiously and let you carry on. 
“From now on, every time you feel like this you come to me okay? We can figure this out together, but I can’t help you if you don’t let me in,” you expressed, grabbing his hands in yours.
“Also, if you felt like making it up to me you could buy me some ice cream? It’s not the same when I eat it without you,” you joked.
Jungkook’s melodic laugh vibrated through the room. 
“Just ice cream? You’re selling yourself short babe. I’d buy the whole world for you, my love.”
As you emerged from behind the curtained section of the dressing room, hand in hand with a smiley Jungkook ( a stark comparison from how he was a mere hour early), you were greeted with Jimin jumping up and cheering loudly upon seeing the maknae.
Unable to contain his excitement, Jimin ran towards the two of you, chiming “you did it Y/N!! You brought back our maknae!”  
“Good to see you smiling, Jungkookie,”  beamed Jimin as he stepped forward to ruffle Jungkook’s hair. 
Jungkook chuckled and looked up at his hyungs. 
“I think I owe you all some ice cream. Ready to go? It’ll be treat.”
If his hyungs weren’t already excited to see Jungkook feeling like himself, now they were ecstatic. And you definitely felt the same way as well. ♡
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If you liked this, please interact/follow! Thank you for reading ♡
- Emily
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Only Mine Pt. 3
A/N: I know this is a part 3, so it’s on the verge of a mini series, but I got this idea and thought it would be cool so we’re going with it. aLsO I know Instagram and most social media and modern iPhones were not around during the Black Parade era of 2007. But let’s all just pretend like they were for the sake of this fic. Also, if you have ever been to a Taylor Swift concert, I’m pretty sure you’ll understand that the entire things is based off of one, specifically 1989 (my favorite era if we’re being honest). Pairing: Gerard Way x F!Reader Words: 3,270 Warnings: Mentions of sex, a bit of swearing.
You could feel the corset back of your bodysuit be tightened and tied once again, after dozens of times. This was not your first rodeo.
Playing in front of over 150,000 people may have seemed impossible even a year ago. But the huge demand of fans and observers to see your tour led your record label to agree to send you on a solo stadium tour, something you had never done before.
“On in 5.” One of the stage crew walked back into your suite behind the stage to tell you. You nodded, looking over to your best friend, Y/B/F/N.
“You ready for another one?” You rolled your eyes and lightly laughed.
“I don’t think I was ever ready to go on a tour and play in front of this many people.” You admitted, getting up, “But I need to be.” She tightly smiled at you.
“Hey, you’re absolutely incredible at this. Like genuinely, fucking great.” She smiled. You had begged her months ago to go on tour with you as a companion. Ideally, your husband would have been the one to go with you, but he was touring at the exact same time. So obviously, that wouldn’t have worked out.
“Thanks.” You gave her a tight hug, her doing the same back, as the two of you walked out and into the main area behind the stage.
Going on tour had been exciting and fun in every way, but draining for so many reasons. You hadn’t seen Gerard in over six months until the night prior when he willingly flew in during a one week break MCR had from touring, so he could visit you. And, well, be a surprise guest for the show in New Jersey. Because who else would you have invited?
You had even put a sneak peek on your Instagram story earlier that morning, being up on your ginormous stage with a runway spanning over 70 feet and curving around so you could see everyone who was there. The free light-up bracelets everyone got helped too (if you’ve ever been to or seen a Taylor Swift concert, you know what I mean).
“Hey guys,” You smiled while recording yourself in one of your tour hoodies, during rehearsal on stage, “I’m super super excited because tonight, at MetLife Stadium in New Jersey, we have a very special guest. They’re literally one of my favorite people ever, if not my favorite person, and they’re so extremely talented. They’re so important to me, and I consider myself maybe their number one fan.” You lightly laughed before turning it off and posting it to your story.
“Already dropping hints, huh?” You heard Gerard walk the stage from behind you. You rolled your eyes.
“Of course I did Gee.” You smiled, “I’m just too excited!” He smiled back.
“How do you do this every night, by the way?” He asked, arms crossed with a water bottle in one of his hands. His hair was a mess, as per usual, and he had a jean jacket on.
“I don’t know,” You shrugged, “You just kinda get used to it.”
“It’s just so incredible,” He sighed, “I mean, genuinely, I don’t know how you do it.” You nudged him playfully.
“Oh please, Gee, you’re an absolute beast while you’re performing.”
“Makes sense, you’re the beauty.” You nudged him again, this time a little harder.
“You’re so cheesy sometimes.”
You walked out below the stage to where an elevator would lift you up onto it. Your nerves will still co-exist with your mind, as you took a single deep breath to calm you down. You and all your backup singers, dancers, and the band all put yourself in a circle, with your hands in the middle. “Ready guys?” You asked and everyone hummed and nodded with smiles, “I don’t know why but I feel like tonight's just going to be awesome.” You smiled. “3, 2, 1... Midnight!” Everyone shouted, cheering, and breaking away. The entire crew dispersed to their own areas where they would go out on stage as you prepared to be lifted up.
You weren’t sure whether it was the crowd or the fact your lover was there. Of course, Gerard has seen the show before. He was at the first one in a reserved section of the floor that was completely isolated from everyone with a minibar even where family and friends sat. And celebrities were invited. That entire show was basically you serenading him in front of almost 100,000 people by stealing glances during songs (all of which were about him) and motioning your hands and such towards that area. And you knew he noticed by the way his smile grew even wider than before whenever you did. And tonight would of course be no different.
“So what should I do?” He asked, standing next to you during rehearsal as you two began to plot and plan what would happen.
“Just be you.” You said.
“Babe,” He began, “I love you, like a lot, but I don’t know if me doing my usual thing is best.”
“Why not?” You pouted with a frown, “You’re fucking amazing on stage!” You argued.
“Because I tend to go a little wild, ya know, stage Gerard is different than normal Gerard-”
“Yes, I know, and that’s fine.” You insisted, “But, and trust me when I say this, stage Gerard tends to be more entertaining for a large crowd than normal Gerard. No offense.”
“No, you’re right,” He agreed, “But, ya know, we can get destructive sometimes.”
“Well you don’t get really destructive when you’re by yourself,” You said right back, “If Frank were here, that would be a different discussion.” He lightly chuckled, almost under his breath.
“You sure?” He asked again, “I mean, you’re a pop princess, and I’m a rock dude who kinda does random stupid shit like a 14-year-old with no understanding of what consequences are.”
“And love,” You told him, grabbing one of his hands, “That’s exactly what I want you to fucking do.”
The first part of the show went exactly as planned, everything went smoothly, and the crowd was incredible, to say the least. It seemed like everyone knew all the lyrics which made your heart flutter, and your glances and gestures towards Gerard always resulted in a little smirk or smile from it. You could’ve sworn you could see his blush through the nearly blinding stage lights.
It was time for another outfit change, this time Gerard would be backstage preparing for his section on stage, considering you had another song, then he would come on, then a few more before the finale. You crawled through some of the spaces in the back, running to the makeshift changing room. You saw him right outside, doing some vocal warm ups, but the moment he heard you he looked up and smiled, you return the gesture. “You’re doing incredible.” He told you, approaching you. You leaned in and gave him a peck on the lips.
“Thanks, babe.” You smiled, “I wish we could talk more but I gotta, ya know-” You motioned to the black box of a changing room behind you.
“Yeah, right, of course.” You ran in, stripping off your first bodysuit, with a second layer of spandex under it, with a group of three on your team getting you into your second bodysuit, this one a dark purple instead of light blue, and changing some minor aspects of your makeup like eye shadow color and lip color.
Running back out, you couldn’t help but notice Gerard’s stares of awe and confusion. “H-how’d you do that?” He asked, dumbfounded. You couldn’t help but laugh considering he had been in this business a few years longer than you.
“Magic!” You yelled back at him while running back to the stage door.
You crouched down again on the platform as it lifted you up, the music begging to play. You only had Cruel Summer, a relatively shorter song to play, before you could finally announce one of the most exciting things of all tour.
Once you finished the song you had to wait a few seconds, just standing there and smiling waiting for the crowd to settle down. “So guys,” You began, walking around the stage for a bit, “I don’t know how many of you may have seen this, but I posted something on my Instagram story today,” You smiled even more as the crowd cheered once again, “And I have a special guest for all of you to meet. He’s honestly the most incredible, genuine human being alive. I feel very lucky to be able to have in my life, and I don’t know what I would do without him. And I thought because we’re in New Jersey,” You shrugged, “There wouldn’t be anyone better to bring here tonight, so please, help me welcome Mr. Gerard Way!”
You could’ve sworn that you had heard the loudest crowds ever, but were you wrong. The moment you mentioned “Gerard” it was as if you were giving away free money, you were sure every person in that stadium was screaming to their fullest potential, it was almost deafening.
From the backstage lift your husband appeared, in his usual black jeans and leather jacket. Even better, one of your tour shirts on. You smiled at him as he smiled right back walking down the stage to where you were, the intro to Teenagers was already playing, everyone's light up bands turning red so the entire stadium was the color.
Gerard began singing as the crowd sang along. You could’ve sworn they were just as loud as you two were. What made it all the better was the level of cheers when he did his typical hip moves and bounced his leg to the beat. You could see a small smile form on his face, breaking his usual stage persona by the crowd’s reaction.
“Because, they sleep with a gun, and keep an eye on you, son, so they can watch all the things you do.” You sang next as he stopped to let you shine a bit before continuing the song on his own until the chorus where the two of you sang together.
You had to admit, you missed rock performances primarily because you could do whatever you wanted for no reason and people loved it. So naturally, both you and Gerard were jumping around and practically yelling, but the crowd seemed to love it.
Both of you stage personas took over which resulted in more PDA than usual, including a lot of close duets where you two were within an inch of one another, making deep eye contact while singing. The fans ate it up, yelling every time you two got within a reasonable vicinity of the other. Everyone seemed fascinated by the chemistry you two had, but you weren’t complaining.
By the end of the song, you two were standing next to each other at the end of the runway, smiling as the crowd roared like never before. You both looked out happier than ever, then back at each other where you smiled once again. While the crowd was still going crazy. “Can we give it up one for time for Gerard?” You asked, and even more, cheers erupted. You had never heard a crowd go this nuts before. Gerard smiled, even more, leaning in and giving you a quick kiss on the lips.
“Thank you, everyone!” He smiled, “And I have to give an even bigger thank you, to my wonderful, beautiful, talented wife beside me.” More people cheered, “She genuinely one of the kindest, and considerate people I’ve ever met. I feel incredibly blessed every day to have her be my wife, and she amazes me with everything she does.” He smiled, “So why don’t we give a quick round of applause to her too?” He turned to you and more of the crowd screamed and clapped in response. You scrunched your nose, smiling at him in an attempt to hide the growing blush on your cheeks. The two of you walked back up the runway and to the back, down the elevator together, Gerard giving a final wave.
One you two were out of sight, you looked up and just hugged him, squeezing him as tight as you could, him doing the same back. “You’re so perfect it hurts.” You told him, as he looked down at you smiling, his hand still on your waist.
“Can I be honest?” You nodded, “That was one of the hottest things I have ever seen.” You nudged him lightly, in a playful manner rolling your eyes. “What? I can’t say anything about my wife singing my song? Damn your hips were moving so right and-”
“Okay, c’mon lover boy, I’ve got a show I gotta get back to.” You reminded him, pulling away so you could get changed again. You could hear a light whine he let out in protest as you walked to your dressing room again, but you chose to ignore it.
You changed only two more times before the show was over. After the finale, you, the dancers, backup singers, and band all taking bows, you waved once more going back down to under the stage where you took off all your equipment and sighed in relief. Another successful show completed.
The adrenaline was still pumping through your brain as your boots clicked in the hallways of the empty backstage arena, into your dressing room. You first removed your makeup, redoing it to look more natural, and changing from the sequence dress you wore during the last song into a pair of jeans and a solid-colored sweatshirt.
While you were putting on one of your pairs of sneakers you heard a knock on the door. “Come in.” You responded. Opening the door, Gerard appeared on the other side, smiling and closing it behind him. “Hey.” You smiled back.
“Hey, babe.” He said, leaning on the wall beside the door. “You did incredibly amazing.” You lightly laughed.
“Thanks.” You got up from where you were sitting on the couch, walking over to him and placing your arms loosely over his arms and behind his neck. “I couldn’t have done it without my special guest.”
“Well, yeah, you probably could have-” You placed your lips on his, immediately making him go quiet.
“Just shut up and take the compliment, Way.”
“Only if you insist, Way.”
“I gotta go meet some fans.” You pulled away, grabbing your water bottle and taking a sip. “You coming with?” He gave you a confused look. “Oh, c’mon,” You grabbed his hand, “They’re gonna freak.”
You never did paid meet and greets. Instead, you had hand-selected some of the fans to meet you after the show for free or had some people in your team go and find some lucky fans who you would meet. But tonight they would get a two for one with both you and Gerard. “Stay right here.” You whispered to him when you got to the meet and greet area, you two hiding behind a curtain. He nodded.
You walked through the black felt, as all dozen of the fans looked up to you wide-eyed, one of them even screaming. “Hey, guys!” You said, which resulted in all of them screaming, and one of them began to cry. “Oh my gosh.” You looked at her. She couldn’t have been much older than 16. But when she looked up, you immediately knew who she was. “Hi, Rachel.” You said. At that, she began sobbing more. “Can I give you a hug?” You asked, trying to calm her down. She nodded frantically as you wrapped your arms around her, and she hung onto you for dear life. “Don’t cry!” You insisted.
After talking to each of them individually for a few minutes it was finally time for a photo op. “By the way guys,” You said, “I have one more surprise.” You smiled, going back to the curtain that you emerged from previously. You looked at Gerard, who got the cue to come out. Of course, the fans gasped again as they saw him standing there now next to you. “This is my husband, Gerard, he was the guy on stage with me. And he’s the lead singer of this really awesome band called My Chemical Romance.”
“Uh, yeah, duh.” One of the girls, Lyla, said and you all laughed.
One by one you took photos with the fans and the people they came with, some of them doing poses and such which both you and Gerard were down to do. You also handed out free merch bags, which had some collectible items that were exclusive to only the fans who had been invited backstage.
You said goodbye to all of them, leaving you, Gerard, and some of the team plus security behind. The two of you walked back to your large dressing room, grabbing your personal belongings, and going out back where a car was to pick you up and bring you back to the hotel.
In the backseat of the solid black car, you couldn’t help but lay your head on Gerard’s shoulder, having not done so in months. Everything from his scent to the feel of his various jackets on your cheeks always put your mind to ease. You could feel his hand on your thigh, giving it a tight squeeze of reassurance that he was there.
The car ride was silent. Not an awkward silence, but more of an enjoyable one. Just the presence of one another was enough to occupy your minds from any conversation.
Once you had reached the hotel, you two walked in hand and hand with security around you and up to your room. Inside the suite, you couldn’t help but take off your shoes and immediately sit down on the bed. “I’m really tired.” You admitted, “I’m sorry.” You looked up at your husband who couldn’t help but have an extremely confused look on his face.
“Why’re you apologizing?”
“Just because we would usually, well ya know, have sex which I’m pretty sure was on both of our agendas today.”
“Babe, you just performed a sold-out show in front of over 150,000 people. The last thing I want you to do is to worry about sex.”
“Okay,” You huffed, “I’m going to take a shower.” You got up giving him a quick kiss.
“I’ll be waiting for you, love.” He smiled. You got into the bathroom, closing the door, and stripping yourself of your current clothes. You took a quick and speedy shower. Considering your current state of being tired, you knew if you didn’t get in and out of there you would have just fallen asleep.
You changed into a pair of sweatpants and an old t-shirt, walking back out to find Gerard, comfortably suited on his side of the bed in his pajamas, reading a book. You went over, climbing next to you, prompting him to put the novel down. “You can continue to read with one of the lights.” You told him, feeling partially guilty.
“No need,” He said, “As cheesy as this is going to sound, I’ve been thinking about cuddling with you for months now.” He slumped down so he was parallel with the bed. You lightly smiled, moving closer. He wrapped his hands around your waist and onto your back, letting your place your face in the crook of his neck. “I’m so incredibly proud of you.”
“Thanks, Gee.” You responded, “I would’ve never gotten here if it wasn’t for my wonderful muse.”
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traaaaaassh · 5 years
All Too Familiar Finn Balor x Reader One-Shot
Summary: A makeup artist for the WWE is asked to handle a big job. It doesn’t help that she’s hopelessly in love with her client.
Warnings: none
Word Count: 1622
Author’s Note: Hi!  I wrote this today in honor of Wrestlemania! This is my first one-shot attempt, my first time writing for the WWE, and my first time writing a reader insert piece. Any commentary is welcome! I want to start taking requests for WWE star oneshots and imagines, so if you have them, send them my way!
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“So…” Alexa Bliss delivered a wicked grin, “Who are you going with to Hall of Fame?”
I chuckled, blending a bit more contour onto her cheeks, “I don’t even know if I’m going. The event isn’t really for the girls who do makeup.”
“Oh please,” she scoffed, “I know who you want to take, you’re just scared.”
“Y/N, if you don’t ask him, I am going to have to use my endless power as the host of Wrestlemania to make it happen.” She was smug.
Just as she finished, I spotted him. He was wearing his black trunks and a hoodie.
“Alexa, hush. He’s right over there,” I warned.
She whipped her head around quickly, making me regret my warning, “Finn! Get over here!”
I turned back to the various palettes I had laid out on the table.
“‘Ello,” I could hear the smile in Finn Balor’s voice.
“And how is my favorite soon-to-be-again Intercontinental Champ?” Alexa was so good at making things happen, and I knew she was set on this.
“Actually, I wanted to talk to Y/N about that…” Finn trailed off. I turned around, hoping the blush on my cheeks wasn’t too bad.
“Hi Finn.” I whispered. Alexa looked at me with wide eyes, encouraging me to say more. Shit I am blowing this. “What can I help you with?”
“Well, I want to bring Demon Balor to Wrestlemania but the girls who used to do the makeup left the company a while ago. Was wondering if you could help me?”
Alexa smiled big ust over Finn’s shoulder
“Sure,” I agreed, “Let’s talk business.”
“How about tonight after Raw? Maybe over a drink?”
Alexa looked like her eyes were going to pop out of her head, I’m sure I did too.
I agreed to meet Finn later and he left without another word.
“You are going on a date with Finn Balor!” Alexa squealed.
“It’s totally not a date, Lex. He just wants help with his paint.”
“Y/N Y/L/N, you are naive.”
The next two weeks passed quickly for the company. When I wasn’t helping other wrestlers with makeup and hair, Finn sat with me and a sketchbook, trying to perfect his demon paint. We ate our meals together, looking at pictures of Demon Balor from previous matches and pictures of the demon king from Irish lore. My phone was full of texts and pictures of ideas from Finn. The awkwardness of our previous encounters had completely disappeared.
Alexa demanded updates about my relationship with Finn, but I always told her there wasn’t much to tell. I was just helping him with a project and we worked long hours to make it happen.
“Hey, Picasso!” Finn called down the hall at me. I wrapped up the last of Sasha’s look for a promo and sent her on her way. It was Friday before Wrestlemania, NXT Takeover was happening a state away and everyone was in the MetLife Stadium preparing for the largest sports entertainment show of the year.
“Balor, how nice of you to show up,” I smirked. We planned on doing one, and only one, test run of the paint on his body. I had begged him to let me practice more, but he insisted I would get it right the first time.
“Sorry, love, got caught up in the gym with Rollins,” My heart skipped a beat at his nickname for me. He smiled, “Needed a shower, figured you wouldn’t want me all sweaty for you.” Oh I do.
“Well, you’re here now,” I swallowed hard, trying to shake the image of a hot and sweaty Finn Balor in front of me. As I had my back turned to him, grabbing the paint, Finn shed his shirt and sweatpants. I turned back to him to see him sitting in just his trunks. I bit the inside of my cheek.
With a shaky hand, I started outlining the black streaks down his chest to his abdomen.
“Don’t worry, love, I won’t bite,” Finn winked.
From: Finn: pick you up in 10 minutes :)
“Alexa, I’m freaking out and can’t get my eyeliner even. I look like a panda.” I whined.
“Y/N, you do makeup for a living. You look great,” she joined me in the bathroom, practically floating in her pink gown.
“I’m freaking out, I don’t go to these things. I get people ready for these things,” I frowned.
“You are going to Hall of Fame with Finn Balor. You have had a crush on him for months. You are going to go, have a few drinks, and have a great time.” She grabbed me by the shoulders.
With minimal arguing and worrying, I let Alexa lead me down to the lobby where Finn promised to wait.
He was seated in an armchair by the fireplace, looking at his phone.
“Hey, Mr. Abs, I got your hot date for you,” Alexa shouted in his direction from the elevator, pushing me into his direction.
Finn stood promptly and looked at us. He smiled widely, practically beaming.
“You look…” He wrapped me in a hug, “Amazing.”
“You look pretty great too,” I reciprocated. I took a longer look at him, he was wearing a very simple tuxedo, slim black pants and a fitted suit jacket.
“I’m just glad my suit matches,” He chuckled, staring down at my red gown.
Finn took my hand in his and led me to the waiting car, where Alexa and other stars were waiting.
“I could not have asked for a better date tonight,” He smiled before opening the car door.
“So, Finn, can you tell me a little bit about what we can expect from the Demon King tomorrow?” The reporter on the red carpet pushed the microphone into his face.
“Just know, he wants to win. And he always gets what he wants.” Finn smirked mysteriously before grabbing my waist and walking further down the carpet.
“Always gets what he wants, huh?” I snorted.
“Always, love,” Finn winked at me.
“Well, that was something else,” I sighed, walking out of the Barclays Center after Hall of Fame. Finn nodded in agreement.
“And tomorrow is a big day,” I commented, hoping he would speak this time. Since we sat in our seat in the stadium, he hadn’t said a word. He nodded again.
“Do you want to walk back to the hotel?” I asked, “It isn’t that far, like a twenty minute walk.” He wrapped his arm around my waist and kept walking, signalling his agreement again.
Even though it was April, New York was chilled at night. As we walked, passing closed buildings and dimly lit bodegas, I shivered. Finn stopped us in our tracks and slid his jacket off, handing it to me. I graciously accepted and put it around my shoulders.
“Guess I didn’t think this whole walk through,” I laughed, reveling in the warmth the jacket provided, and the strong smell of cologne that hung to it.
“Well, I can’t have my girl freezing on me,” Finn smiled, pulling me closer than before, “Besides, who would paint me up tomorrow if you get pneumonia?”
I slapped my hand to his chest, rolling my eyes, “You don’t need the demon to win.”
“No, I don’t,” He ushered me across the street, “But it gave me an excuse to talk to you.”
My heart skipped a beat, but I put on a brave face.
“Oh, please, like you needed an excuse.”
“Are you kidding?” He laughed, “Gallows and Anderson were going to kick my ass if I didn’t talk to you. There were tired of hearing me talk about you.”
“Talk about me?” I looked at Finn and then back at the street seeing our hotel in the distance, and the cameras and fans waiting outside. Finn followed my eyes and pulled me into an alley.
“I have been watching you for months,” He paused, “That came out wrong. But, I have liked you for a while now. And Gallows and Anderson would have to listen to me go on about how pretty you are and how sweet you are. So they got sick of my shit and told me if I didn’t talk to you they would make me.”
I smiled, this sounded all too familiar.
“Finn, can I tell you a secret?”
He looked at me, expectantly.
“Alexa has been trying to get me to talk to you for months… The day you came to me about painting for Mania she was threatening to use her host powers to get me to talk to you.”
Finn laughed.
“Well, since we can admit that to each other,” Finn took a step closer, pressing me against the brick wall behind me. My breath was caught in my throat. I was suddenly aware of all of the places Finn was touching me, my waist and the top of my arm were on fire.
“Finn,” before I could say another word Finn pressed his lips to mine, gently at first. His hands moved to the back of my neck and pulled me close. We separated for a moment and dove back into each other passionately.
Time passed slowly and quickly all at once, and after a while we parted. By the light of the streetlight on the road, I could see that some of my lipstick had tinted his lips.
Finn sighed,“I would take you back to my room, but-”
“Mania is tomorrow, you need rest,” I smiled.
He planted another kiss on my lips.
“But, after Mania, you and I have a very important date.”
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world, Mr. Balor.”
Finn squeezed my hips tightly.
“I like the sound of that.”
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dimplegf · 5 years
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ok this is like my blog post/diary/logbook/memoir or whatever you want u call it no one asked for this but im giving it to you bc all thats on my mind rn is my eternally burning love for bts and a dying desire for mcdonalds 10 pcs chicken nuggets
may 18, 2019 🥳
The train ride there literally took my entire life out of me it was so crowded and i felt like i was gonna lose a leg but thankfully i didnt. also the view next to me on the train to metlife was so beautiful the sun shining over the water shined like crystals on a chandelier so so pretty and ethereal angels were with me. the weather this past two weeks was so bad but today was really lovely i got to say that really is the bts Effect
I waited on line for this cute black shirt that has drawings of the boys on the back and idk whenever i see the words love yourself i feel so much warmer and happier bc they care for their fans sm their entire concept for their tour was to make sure armys know they are loved! Thats so endearing and im gonna cry again and OH my fit today was just a white shirt w black leggings and i carried this pink hoodie for when it got cold. I tried really hard for not wear all black but.....mission failed
i decided to enter the stadium early for some reason???? so when i asked if i could exit they said no :( so i just walked around and took pictures of the poster of the boys and they were all, for a lack of a better word, very pretty. After a bit i sat by the side and ended up drawing bunny ears on jk
i eventually did wait in that merch line after i went into the stadium but i did some deliberation and i decided that getting whatever i would get would not worth missing the dionysus stage so when i was literally in the front i ran out of there real quick
THE PERFORMANCES OMG it never amazes me how flawless and unreal they are like Wow. I dont even know what to say theyre all so talented and during the concert i was trying to rank the solo songs but everytime another member sang his song i was “this is my favorite” “NO this is my favorite” “WAIT i love this one too.....” these boys really dont make bad music AND whenever they said i purple you all the army bombs lit purple THAT was the moment i actually cried
finally krystal if u read this im free on next bts concert date n would like to hang out. please respond to this n then hang out with me on next bts concert date when I'm free
anyways its 12:36 rn and im going home and i have my chicken nuggest i dont know if anyone will read this and i dont know why you would but if you did i love u i purple you 💟
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