#and then S killed J and I went ah okay. this is useless to me now.
typinggently · 1 year
I’m so fascinated by fics where one of the boys kills John. Like what a way to ignore the premise and heart of the core seasons.
0 notes
sinofdelusion · 5 years
SINoALICE x Code Geass: Resolve to Take Up a Sword: Turn 3
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*As usual, text that is just italicized indicate in-battle dialogue
Part 1
"This is all your fault!" A young man suddenly yelled, attacking Suzaku. "You?!" "Why did you kill the shrine maiden?! Even though she wished for the peoples' happiness!" With those words, Suzaku guessed in that instant. This young man was probably the chief priest the girl had mentioned. "... It can't be helped. It couldn't be helped. She became a Nightmare." "You made her do that!" "No! I tried to help her!" "But you killed her!"
"Once someone becomes a Nightmare, they're no longer human. Surely you know that? If I had let her be, more people would've died." "Yeah, I know that. What you did was right. People will praise you for it. But do you understand what killing someone precious does to someone?!" The chief priest's shout struck Suzaku's heart. (... Euphie, I...) "Even though there might have been a way to turn her back to normal... Shrine maiden, shrine maiden...!" A black mist slowly covered the chief priest who was howling with fury.
" W h y  d i d  y o u  k i l l . . .  w h y  d i d  y o u  k i l l  h e r . . . "
"— If I had left her like that, she would've killed other people!"
"W h a t ' s  w r o n g  w i t h  t h a t ? !  I  h a v e  m a n y  m o r e  l i v e s —  I  l o n g e d  t o  b e  c l o s e  t o  j u s t  o n e  p e r s o n ,  I  j u s t  w a n t e d  t o  s a v e  h e r !  I s  t h a t  w r o n g  a s  a  h u m a n ? ! "
Suzaku looked at his sword in half-dazed state, the corpse of the chief priest who had loved the dead shrine maiden dearly in front of him. The blade of his sword was wet and red with the blood of the things he had killed. (Since that day, both of my hands have been soaked in red.) — Yes, from when he was very young, trying to stop his father from escalating the war. And then— (Now my entire body is... covered in blood) How many would you say you've killed for the sake of saving people? How many people's desires have you trampled? "Aa... aaaaaaaaaaaa!" Suzaku screamed, overflowing with unending repentance, but at that moment—
"Don't, you'll be swallowed up!" At the familiar sound of his best friend's voice, Suzaku regained his sanity. "Lelouch...?" "I finally came in time."
Breathing heavily, Suzaku met that familiar figure halfway. "Lelouch... is that really you?" "Yeah, sorry for being late." With the entrance of his childhood friend, a question burst out of Suzaku. "Lelouch, I've killed a lot of people. I've taken someone's beloved with these hands!" "Suzaku..." "What should I do—?!"
- Part 2
In front of his disoriented childhood friend, Lelouch took a deep breath and steeled his resolve. "Suzaku, listen well. The abnormalities in this world are our fault. So let's end it all." "How do we end it all?" "... You really don't know?" "What?" "With our own hands, we have to—" At that point, Lelouch stopped talking. (I'll let him calm down a little more before I continue talking... It's too soon right now.) "Suzaku, we're moving."
"My ally's house is here."
"Ally, you said?"
"Yes. My goals align with hers. To return the world back to normal."
Lelouch pointed ahead, to a house that looked like it came straight out of a fairy tale. "You made it this time." "Thanks to your help. Thank you, Alice." Inside the house, the girl called Alice stared blankly at Suzaku. "... Sleeping is the best way to recover. Because those who are weakened become a burden." "Eh? Y-Yeah." "Use the bed as you like." "Let's take advantage of her kindness. Come, Suzaku." Lelouch walked briskly, like he already knew the place.
Laying on the bed on the second floor, Suzaku spoke to Lelouch. "She's a little strange, isn't she?" "But her skills are reliable. She has deep knowledge of this world." "Alice... Like the 'Alice in Wonderland' Nunnally likes." "Yeah..." "Speaking of, Nunnally... your little sister..." Whether it was out of relief that he met up with his best friend or not, Suzaku lost consciousness.
- Part 3
Suzaku awoke to the sound of faint voices talking. Killing his presence, he headed towards the voices, where Lelouch and Alice were talking. "Is that so?" "Yeah. This world is looping according to Suzaku's desires. If we want to end it, he has to change himself." "The method for that is.... that, isn't it?" "Suzaku has to kill the Nightmare behind all of this with his own hands. The Nightmare in the form of someone dear to you. For you, it would be your little sister, Nunnally..." Killing someone dear to you with your own hands— The truth made Suzaku feel dizzy.
Without realizing it, Suzaku was outside of the house. (A Nightmare in the form of someone dear to you...) He knew that without a doubt, and he'd surely met it many times. That was the person who acknowledged him. The person he swore loyalty to. The person dear to him. — Someone he hadn't wanted to lose. "Euphie..."
"Can I kill this Nightmare that looks like Euphie... with my own hands?"
How many times has it been? How many mistakes have I made? How many lives have been taken by my hand? The truth is, I know. That Euphie died. The truth is, I know. What I have to do to that thing with Euphie's form. I have to have the resolve to move forward. Even so, I've always believed. In this world, you can live alongside everyone before you make a mistake. "... But that's no good. Time moves on."
- Part 4
Grasping his knight's pin tightly, Suzaku raised his voice. "Come out! I'm here!" Responding to his voice, the Nightmare with Euphemia's form appeared before him. "Suzaku... my knight..." Euphemia's hands reached for Suzaku. "... Thank you, Euphie. And, I'm sorry. I— can't take your hand!" A strong flame burned in Suzaku's eyes.
"Trust me, Suzaku. You can start over in this world!"
"I can't, Euphie. I... don't want to waste the real you's death!"
"Goodbye, Euphie." Suzaku turned to stop Euphie with one strike. But at that moment— "I'll tell you the truth." What he thought had been Euphemia's body dispersed in an instant and wrapped around Suzaku. "If you know the truth of how I was killed, will you still say you blame me?" Something popped up in his eye and images streamed in. "This is—?!" "Do you know why I massacred the Japanese...?"
Cold rain fell from the red skies. Cold drops fell relentlessly on Suzaku's body. "This is where you were, Suzaku!" Perhaps Lelouch had been looking for him, breathing heavily as he ran. "Let's go back in, you'll catch a cold." "You've been lying to me, haven't you?" "Suzaku...?" "You drove Euphie mad and killed her for your own goals— as Zero." "......... That's right." In the pouring rain, only the mystery and Lelouch's response echoed.
- Part 5
Lelouch's confession threw Suzaku's heart into disarray. "What about all that talk with Alice earlier? To stop this world's loop, I tried to kill Euphie, but is that really a Nightmare?! Isn't that... isn't that the real Euphie?!" "Calm down, Suzaku!" "You want to go back to the world where Nunnally is so you want to use me to—!" "No! I've already killed Nunnally to end this loop! It's useless if we both don't overcome this!" "You've betrayed me!" "Suzaku...!"
"I can't forgive you for this. Because it's important, because you're my friend... I can't forgive you... for lying to me and betraying me! You lied in both this world and in our world! Lelouch! You're covered in lies!"
"I am a liar. But that's enough! You're the only one who can defeat the cause of this abnormality!"
"Aa... aaaaaa!"
After yanking Lelouch close, Suzaku struck him with all of his strength. "You can't do anything alone!" "... Ah, that's true, isn't it." Spitting out the blood spilling out of his mouth, Lelouch grinned and laughed. "Alone, huh." "— tsk! Damn it!" By the time Suzaku noticed, his field of vision was spinning and his back was on the ground. "Tsk! Alice!" "Be quiet for a bit. Are you okay, Lelouch?" "Yeah..." Lelouch's eyes seemed sad as he nodded.
- Part 6
How much time has passed? The fortuneteller with dull rose-colored hair came to visit Suzaku while he was restrained to the bed. "You're..." "I'm Cinderella." "You're... Cinderella?" "If you say I'm different than you'd imagine, how about I take one of your arms?" She wasn't lying, only telling the truth, as the smile on her face showed. With that strange intensity, Suzaku gulped. "Now then, should I talk to you for a bit? If you don't change, the loop will never end. We can't go back to our world either."
"You know that too, don't you? That the Euphie or whatever's a fake. The more you loved the real thing, the better you can pick out the flaws in the fake." "... Ah." "You averted your eyes from that woman's death. This world captured that weakness. The real you would've had the courage to face that thing and give it what for by now." "Then I'm..." "A shadow that was left behind... or something." "That Lelouch too?" "The same as you. A shadow that averted his eyes at the moment that woman died."
"Well, I noticed the loop pretty early on and tried to get out of it quick." "Then Lelouch actually...?" "This isn't real. I killed it by declaring my weakness." "..." "If you two don't stop the loop, both of you will be suffering here forever, trapped in your regrets. Both of you need to get over it." "Both of us..." "Remember what the old lady said. There's some things you can't get across if you don't talk, yeah?" With that, Cinderella untied Suzaku and quietly left the room.
After a while, Suzaku left the room and knocked on a nearby door and Lelouch came out. "... Lelouch, I want to talk to you for a bit." "... Okay." The two said no more words than what was necessary, silently leaving the house.
"A human who has become a Nightmare can't be changed back."
"That's right. There's no way you can help them."
"... You drove Euphie mad. But I have regrets."
"... Ah. But that's why we're here."
"... Why?"
"That was an accident. My power went rampant..."
"Geass... an unusual power that lets you control other people."
"As long as I use it properly... I... wanted to take Euphie's hand..."
"I used Euphie's death to make the most out of it. That was the path I believed I was bound to go down. But my feelings of regret brought forth this world..." "... I see. You accepted Euphie's death in your own way and tried to take responsibility for it." "Yeah, that's why I can't forgive my own weakness. And—" Lelouch pointed to a large number of Nightmares, all of which were being eaten by Euphemia's figure. "Whatever she is, I can't forgive her blasphemy!"
- Part 7
"Suzaku, those are the true colors of the one who's been showing you illusions. If we kill her, this world will return to the way it was before!" Suzaku pointed his sword towards the thing in Euphemia's form eating Nightmares. "Lelouch, before that, one more question. What happens to the people who turn into Nightmares?" "All of them will die. But the world will be saved." "... I have seen this world many times.There are those left behind by the people who were killed, mourning them." "Ah..." "You're..."
"You're telling me to bear the burden of all that hatred?" "Yes. Only those who are prepared to be killed should kill. But Suzaku— you've made a mistake." "Eh?" "You and I both carry that burden." "— Ah. Yeah, you're right! Lelouch!" "Let's go, Suzaku! To change this world without a future!"
"Don't you feel like we've been forgotten, Alice?"
"I don't care. As long as we can return to our original world. I only want to hurry up and revive my author."
"As usual, you're a boring girl."
"Are you two friends?"
"Ahaha! No way! Won't we kill each other at any rate?"
"Because only one person can have their wish granted."
"It doesn't matter if we're only temporarily fighting together. I'll use your power as I please!"
"Thank you... thank you, Suzaku. Your stubborn side and your kind side.... your sad eyes and your awkward side... the side of you that gets bitten by cats... I came to love all of it. Suzaku.... meeting you truly made me happy."
- Ending:
"It looks like we say goodbye here." "Are we finally free? God, those fucking dolls. Dragging us into annoying issues like this." Suzaku smiled and held out his hand to the two girls who had helped them. "Thank you, both of you. If it weren't for you two, Lelouch and I... we'd surely still be wandering around." "Thank you too." Seeing Alice as expressionless as ever, Cinderella let out an annoyed sigh— In the end, without shaking hands with anyone, the girls returned to their original world.
"So, what do we do now?" "We're shadows after all. Maybe one day, we'll disappear..." Lelouch held his hand over his left eye, where his power dwelled. "Maybe this world will be consumed by war again. And the weak will be oppressed. A world without a future will appear. To guard against that, this power of Geass will be needed." "Lelouch..." "Until the day I disappear, I intend to protect this word. I believe that's my duty, as one who holds the power of kings." "Yeah."
"So Suzaku... won't you wield your sword for that?" "— Of course. If we're together, nothing's impossible!" Lelouch and Suzaku's eyes met, and they laughed as they did when they were children. "Alright, let's go, Suzaku. To bring a future to this world." "Yeah!" Unnoticed by anyone, the swirling, red sky above turned a brilliant blue.
"And with t h a t ,  case closed."
" H a p p i l y  e v e r  a f t e r ~ ! "
"For a  w h i l e ,  I was  w o r r i e d  about what would happen."
" A s  e x p e c t e d ,  the power of friendship is strong."
"Now this  w o r l d  has a  f u t u r e . "
". . .  I s  t h a t  s o ? "
"Is something  t r o u b l i n g  you?"
"Is the loop  r e a l l y  over?"
"... Oh my,  o h  m y .  What an  o m i n o u s  thing to say."
" H e h e h e . . . ! "
" H e e  h e e  h e e . . . ! "
" W e l l  t h e n ,  everyone."
"Have a  g o o d  d a y . . . "
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mmd-ask-italy · 5 years
The Askblog games. Day 3
previous night 
With that eventful night behind them that left 2 dead, what will happen during the day? 
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Well it seems the day begins with more medical supplies, seems that Mother Germania will be able to treat that infection from last night, the supporters must have heard her plea, that is what you get if you are the most popular, but seems even an underdog like 2p Canada can get some.
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 another hunt starts, who is he looking for, or is he just trying to weed out the weaklings
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another one dead, would that be a landmine that was set by Nyo Norway so long ago, did she set one up succesfully, but then die setting up the second, a bit of late reference. but what a way for a man like him to go out
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Even more hunting, i bet they are looking all looking for one person in particular, and are just grouping out of confidence 
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Wow, another brutal kill from Germany, pushing her off a cliff..that..that must have hurt, and suffer, i just hope she died instantly. But she held her own to the bitter end in that knife fight! Germany, i am not sure if i am impressed or disgusted by your tactics
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Just when luck was on his side again...the sprain in his ankle probably hadn’t healed properly yet, the poor kid. (p.s  I find this a perfect icon for this death)
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Crafty, very crafty, good weapon, and good for catching food
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Yes get food, that is good for you, you’ll survive longer
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yes yes, scout out the land, see what it has 
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I hope you catch something and have food, not sure if you’ll get stuff after killing a favorite 
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And wow...i did...What? Of course i am stupid enough to poison myself, Other me, learn from my mistake, and DON’T do that okay, you are the only italy now, this is from the mun, You must win for Italy pride (we started with 3 italy’s already down to 1, that went quick)
and with that
 the day ends, as the sun sets you’ll hear 6 canon shots 
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and an audio file of their last words
Denmark “Please....make..it...stop... “
2p Germany “I can't believe communism is the death of me”
Germania “ . . . .  “
Greenland “AAAAaaaaaaaaaahhhh”
Hongkong “aah, ow. ah o- “
mmd italy “A toast, may the best Italy win! “
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12 dead, 11 left to go, and then we will have our winner. 4 districts completely cleared out. (and hey! look almost a bingo on the 3 horizontal) 
let’s make another poll, who of these 12 do you thing wil win vote using the link below
And again, i Wanna thank everyone who was willing to participate, and you all replying, reblogging, commenting, and all really makes me happy, let’s enjoy this ride till the end 
Participants list
@mmd-ask-italy @huggiebird  @ask-the-amazing-greenland   @ask-badly-drawn-hongkong  @ask-belarus-the-useless  @ask-mother-germania  @askfemboyfeli  @the-rebellious-musician  @ask-useless-german  @ask-mr-germany @romemustbestopped @grandparomeaskblog @ask-the-icelandic-little @askme-dolce-italia @ask-medieval-nyo-morway @askglamorousitalian  @matt-j-williams @ask-his-flower-and-her-bear @ask-aph-mohawk @ask-avatar-alfred​ @ask-bonnefoy @ask-kirkland @hungry-for-tulips @askthedanishdork 
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illtrytobegood · 8 years
Home for the Holidays: goodbye (1 of 3)
Cookie Bun:  Quinton watched shifter leave, before turning around to see gummy. This was one of the people who tried to eat him at school. Be didnt trust this guy…but it seemed like shifter did.“…..Hey.
GUMMY (LLA):  Gummy looked over to the strange cookie flower, he knew Shifter trusted them for some reason, but he was freaking out. Shifter was gone…he tried to compose himself before he finally said, "We need to find Shifter….” Cookie Bun: “….well…i agree with you on that….
GUMMY (LLA): Gummy gripped the exit candy tightly in his vine, he didn’t know how to feel about the cookie flower, he gave a shaky sigh, "Let’s check the park, then the library… he couldn’t have gone too far, not in the condition he’s in.”
Cookie Bun: “Oh…uh…o-okay.” Quinton forgot this place had a Park…he forgot alot places even existed. But that wasnt important at the moment, what was more important to him was finding shifter.
GUMMY (LLA): Gummy offered a vine to Quintion. "Here, follow me, we can look together”
Cookie Bun: “……Quinton was very hesitant…but he took gummys vine, with his own small chocolate vine.
GUMMY (LLA): Gummy gripped tightly on Quinton’s vine tightly and burrowed the two flowers into the park.  Gummy glanced around, unsure of where to look in the park first. "SHIFTER!”
Cookie Bun: Well, aside from getting pulled from place to place, quinton looked around for a few moments, before calling out.“SHIFTER? SHIFTER! SHIFTER WHERE ARE YOU?
GUMMY (LLA): Gummy dragged quintion around, looking around the park. he looked around noticing the large half omega, by a tree. What was Chimera doing? he went in closer. "Chimera, have you seen…” his voice trailed off seeing a flower being smooched by Chimera.
CuteCat: Shifter froze as Chimera’s mouth pressed against his face. His mind went blank - this had never happened before. He could not account for it, could not understand what it meant. Was this what they wanted of him? His leaves lowered and he just stared at the giant abomination that was kissing him in shock, not hearing anything else that was said to him.
(Dunal) Chimera: he pulls away after a moment, blushing a bright red right down to the tips of his petals, covering his face with his paws
Cookie Bun: Quinton eyes widened as he saw this. He mumbled something to himself, before staring at the floor.
Eclipse/Petals: “Uh.. see? We care!” Petals just smiled awkwardly. Third wheel, much.
GUMMY (LLA): Gummy looked shocked seeing Shifter being the flower of the smooch, looking at chimera… Those two were smoochbuddies…? Shifter had a smoochbuddy…? Gummy didn’t know why but it sort of hurt him…. he couldn’t place the feeling…Gummy shook his head, finally looking over to Shifter, “Shifter! Shifter, I got the candy for you”
CuteCat: Slowly, Shifter’s head tilted to the side. He was staring blankly at Chimera, his voice faded. “Is this why you tortured me?” He didn’t hear Gummy. He had been crying again, but now his gaze was all… wrong. Empty. … He started to laugh, loudly. “You really are all freaks!! It’s not even about him?!” He was bleeding, he was sure of it. He pulled the soul from his chest just to see how badly it was cracked and broken. “It’s all just so you can have fun. Like I tried to have fun.” He couldn’t stop laughing. Nothing he did or promised would stop them. They’d torture and kill him even if he helped Pointy. There was no way out. And that fact held a desperate hilarity.
Cookie Bun: Quinton didnt say anything. He was just eyeing down chimera.
(Dunal) Chimera: No, that isn’t-!
GUMMY (LLA): Gummy went closer to Shifter, he was terrified, this didn’t make sense, why did this…, “Shifter! Shifter, please don’t do anything you’ll regret!”
Eclipse/Petals: Petals was getting restless, unable to get Shifter to understand. “If you want to be like that, ITS ABOUT YOU, IDIOT. Thats why they want YOU to help, cause only YOU know how. Did you not even check out how many are trying to help him too? There are other also worried about you, jeez…”
SpaceConstellation: His head seemed to twitch from yET another argument abrewing in the distance
CuteCat: “Oh right.” Shifter looked straight at Petals, his smile stretching all across his face. “It’s for my own good. He put acid in my eye for my own good.” It had burned, it had hurt. It was for his sake. It was supposed to help him. “He almost decapitated me to make me happy.” He had choked, screamed, everyone staring and watching, telling him to let it happen. “He ripped out my throat over and over to save me.” Screaming, pleading, unable to move. No anesthesia. Unable to breathe. “He tried to keep me here because I’ll be happier that way.” Cut off from his friends, askers, people who wouldn’t hurt him. No way back. “He tore out my petal because I didn’t need it.” Tried to leash him. Cutting, hurting, laughing. Not giving it back. “He hugged and held and called me his baby all to comfort me.” Pleading didn’t help. Nothing helped. Bad touch. “He drugged me so I’d feel better.” Unable to even remember what he had done. “He put metal shards in my neck for my sake.” Painful static images. Couldn’t breathe. So much blood. His voice was getting more and more genuine the more things he listed. My sake. It’s about me.
Eclipse/Petals: Petals felt even worse now, and cringed as he went on. “I… Oh God, they all wanted to help you, but they did it half-way. C'mon Shifter, don’t let those dense people break you…” He went up to Shifter and hugged him, as awkward as it was.
SpaceConstellation: Ayye i could give y'all a piece of my mind for making things worse for him! Ah, he’s bloody innocent n all of you go n think he’s me. hAH I dont know whether to be proud of the insanity or absolutly miserable for bringing this upon him! he cackled, continuing to twitch and watch them in the distance
GUMMY (LLA): Gummy started shaking, tearing up as he heard Shifter talk. did he think that he was going to hurt him too…? did Shifter think he would…“Sh-Shifter….I….” Gummy gripped the candy tightly, he was a horrible friend… he should have come here faster, he should have… “I’m sorry…. I….”
(Dunal) Chimera: Chimera looked down, silent now and in obvious emotional pain
CuteCat: Shifter wrapped his vines around Petals, tightly. Too tight, not letting him move. He whispered to the other flower. “I’ll help you, too.” A third vine searched the ground until he located his knife, raising it and then moving to stab it through Petals’s stem.
Cookie Bun: Quinton stopped eyeing chimera, and floating over to Shifter *Shifter….He was at a lose for words….he knew what it felt like. People forced his to feel someway…others tried and eat him…and people he cared about the most betrayed him.
SpaceConstellation: hOLY FUCK A storms a-brewing! he howled in laughter as the glint of the knife caught his eye
Eclipse/Petals: Petals felt trapped, and with the ominous words Petals tried to escape. “Uh, S-shifter? Are you okay?-”  He did not notice the knife.
(Dunal) Chimera: Chimera moves to stop him, then hesitates Shifter….?
GUMMY (LLA): Gummy gripped the candy tighter, breaking it in half  as he started to worry. Gummy noticed how they candy broke taking part of it going towards Shifter, “SHIFTER! I CAN SEND YOU HOME!” He couldn’t take it anymore, he wanted to help shifter, he knew whatever was happening it was just like him before, Shifter was scared, he had to be… “SHIFTER PLEASE- j-Just listen to me!”  " ….I can….“ gummy sniffed, shaking. "I…”
CuteCat: Shifter dug the blade deep into Petals’s stem , then unwrapped his vines from his victim and backed up a step. “It’s for your own good,” he said, more amused than he had any right to be. He twisted and pulled the knife, not back, but to the right as he tried to slice most of Petals’s stem apart and cripple him. “You’ll thank me later.” He laughed, remembering those words. Immense, blinding, helpless pain with that little phrase attached. … Why were there tears in his eye? No matter. His insides were still bleeding. He wanted it to stop.
SpaceConstellation: WOOOOO! Hes laughing so freaking much stop that MUUUUUURDEEEERRRRR!
Nightmare (Celestia - Admin): Nightmare appeared next to Gummy and put a vine on him gently. Looked at him then on the place where Shifter was. He noned to this side, like… giving signal to someone. After a moment Candy appeared next to Shifter behind his back and used on him quick sleep magic.
Eclipse/Petals: When that slice cut through Petals stem, all he could do was open his mouth in a silent scream. “Don’t… be… 3…” was what he managed to croak out, just before fainting from the extreme pain
GUMMY (LLA): Gummy looked over to nightmare he was sobbing. he pulled out a few more vines, he just wanted his friend… he just wanted to help… why couldn’t he… “Shifter… pl… please….”  " I just…. I…“
Nightmare (Celestia - Admin): (will wait for CC response now, moment)
(Dunal) Chimera: Chimera just listens, crying Please, don’t…! Don’t do this….!
CuteCat: Shifter was cackling and crying at the same time, a deranged grin on his face, but before he could do anything else something struck him. He froze, faltering and swaying, trying to fight against it, but he was weak and within moments he had collapsed, dropping his knife and passing out. he picks up both fainted flowers in his paws No….
Nightmare (Celestia - Admin): Nigthmare took Gummy to his vines and hugged him, trying to make him calm down. "I-it’s okey… h-he is alright… just fell asleep…” He said also shivering and crying little.  He could come faster… if he only knew…
SpaceConstellation: HAHAHA! Castor had seemed fo limp toward them now wHAT A SIGHT!  look at em swirling eyes of murky green insanity~
Nightmare (Celestia - Admin): “Chimera! Take Petals to hospital! Now! We will take care of Shifter with Gummy…” He said still hugging friend.
SpaceConstellation: wHY did cha stop it? It woulda been nice to see an argument escalate that far! You gotta go aaaalllll the way or its useless!
(Dunal) Chimera: he nods, putting Shifter down and Petals in his maw, barreling at Castor with rage in his eyes
GUMMY (LLA): Gummy held nightmare tightly, he couldn’t stop crying, he couldn’t stop. his shaking wouldn’t stop, he was a horrible friend, he did everything he could and still… why couldn’t he be a good friend, he tried, he’s do anything… Shifter didn’t even notice him… it was like he…. “I… I just want to send him home… I j-just want him to be safe… I… just want…. ” Gummy’s grip tighted as he started to get thornier. he could hardly speak, “I just want…. to wake up….”
Eclipse/Petals: Petals barely reacted to the surroundings, still unconscious from the pain
SpaceConstellation: he sneered, sliding to the side and whipping his tailcoats like he was that person with the red flag n Chimera was the bull Too slooowww! Why dontcha take your rage into a tree?
Nightmare (Celestia - Admin): “SHUT UP!” He looked angry with his scary face at Castor. Then he pet little Gummy stem. “G-gummy… we must take Shifter to somewhere safe, without people which can hurt him… i-is he… is he even alright? Is someone hurt him physically? I must know!” He looked worried but tried to stay calm and help Gummy to calm down.
(Dunal) Chimera: he snarls, putting Petals beside him and quickly healing him before running at him again
Nightmare (Celestia - Admin): Candy after moment, came next to Nightmare, just listening with frown to talk.
SpaceConstellation: You charge with no clear sense of attack! And oh my dear Nightmare, dont flatter me with that look! he seemed to enjoy the scary face Nightmare made while sidestepping to the right again just as before
Cookie Bun: This whole thing was confusing. Everything had happened so fast… *…Wha…Shifter…why……
CuteCat: Unconscious as he was, Shifter could not move in any way and was thus easily carried. Small, too.
SpaceConstellation: Im not here to hurt anyone, seeing as everyone hurts tHEMSELVES! I would rarher talk thank you!
Eclipse/Petals: Petals twitched a little from the brief healing, but still did not wake up. Still stuck on the ground.
SpaceConstellation: he seemed to bubble with glee in the chaos
GUMMY (LLA): Gummy sniffed, he try to calm down, he could hardly get out the words, “I-I have space… he’ll be… safe…” he reubbed his eyes..pausing a moment as he tried to settle down, “ L-letep kept… stalking u-… I tried to stop hi-…. ”
(Dunal) Chimera: he manages to twist once he side steps and lunges right at him
SpaceConstellation: his hands lash out and stomp onto the beasts muzzle, propelling him up and over the beast instead of being smushed flat. Unfortunately momentum wise he lands on the beasts back
(Dunal) Chimera: he tries to buck him off, and Castor has a clear line of sight to his sensitive antenna, damaged speaker and vital soul tubes on the back of his neck
SpaceConstellation: His hands latch onto the back,  and once his legs are locked around in a stradle,  it’s awfully hard to buck him off. Stick man has great muscles in da legs or how would you poledance~? His whole mouth n teeth snap out to chomp into the antenna
Nightmare (Celestia - Admin): “Hm?” He didn’t understood the last words but at least understood that there is some place when Shifter can be safe. “O-okey… we… must go there… take Shifter with us and go there. I have few things in inventory for him if he will feel bad or will be hurt.” He looked at sleeping Shifter… “You should take him to your vines  Gummy… if he would wake up suddely it’s better for him to have you as close as it’s possible…”
GUMMY (LLA): Gummy nodded, rubbing his eyes one last time and going to grab Shifter, he wrapped him in his vines and carried him towards nightmare. “Follow me….”
(Dunal) Chimera: he screeches, desperately trying to claw him off, his antenna easily snapping, but giving his mouth a powerful zap in the process CuteCat:  Shifter was easily picked up, hanging limply in Gummy’s vines. SpaceConstellation: He twitches in pain from the zap, hair fizzling with electricity ,but it turns into a moan as he lets go and drops to the ground, since the reflex is to arch your back, thus tilting down. He hits the ground running in a sporadic way
(Dunal) Chimera: he instantly follows, even more angry now
SpaceConstellation: Im sO glad i flustered uou this way dear Chimera! Oh Guuuummmeeeeyyyyyyy!
(Dunal) Chimera: he starts moving faster, surprisingly fast for a beast his size
GUMMY (LLA): Gummy gripped Shifter tighter, extending a vine to nightmare, and attempted to burrow with the 2 in vine to the hotel room. He wasn’t going to let Shifter go no matter what. Nightmare (Celestia - Admin): Nightmare burrow with Gummy to some room in hotel. He looked little around at least here Shifter will be safe. Nightmare was silence for a moment. "I… don’t even know what exactly happened there… and… I don’t know if I want to know…“ He said sadly llooking at the floor.”
Cookie Bun: “Hey wait- “ Quinton teleports tot he hotel, looking around for nightmare, and gummy.
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