#like he wouldn’t just go ‘Aw baby mistakes happen here I’ll help’
typinggently · 1 year
I’m so fascinated by fics where one of the boys kills John. Like what a way to ignore the premise and heart of the core seasons.
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thewulf · 1 year
Pretty Girl || Aaron Hotchner
Summary: So, the request/idea is an Aaron Hotchner x F!Reader where the reader is actually a criminology or psychology professor and is good friends with Spencer... Read Rest Here
A/N: Loosely based on one of my favorite story lines because I sat here for an hour trying to come up with a good enough story that’d stump Reid and failed. Mosely Lane. Doesn't get fluffy until the end. Hope you enjoy!
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Y/N
Word Count: 5.4k +
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Dismissing the class for the weekend you sat back at your desk in the front of the auditorium strumming away at the keyboard. You heard the clapping before you saw him. Eyes crinkling a touch you smiled brilliantly at your longtime friend.
“Another excellent lecture Professor.” He grinned at you.
“Spencer!” You laughed shooting out of your seat hugging the tall lanky man tightly, “To what do I owe this visit to?” You asked after breaking apart from the hug.
His face shifted from one of joy to a downcast expression, “I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t serious.” He sighed taking a seat on your desk, “We need some help.”
You nodded listening, “Go on.”
He looked down as if he was ashamed to ask for help. As if he should’ve been good enough to solve it. But nobody was perfect. Sometimes cases can get away from you. You’ve had it happen once when every decision you made was the wrong one. It was always awful when you realized you might’ve made a mistake that got somebody killed.
“Kids. They’re just kids.” His voice wobbled as he looked back up to you. You felt your heart clench at the voice crack, “Another child was found off the Potomac just north of here.”
Your cocked your eyebrow in curiosity, “A local case? How many children?” You asked quickly hopping from professor to profiler in your mind.
He drew a deep breath, “Ten.”
Your eyes widened, “Over how long?” That was a lot of murdered kids. Who in their sick minds could do something like that? You’d been around a lot of sick people in your years in criminology, but this was already coming to the top of the twisted pile. Killing kids was another level of sick you despised coming across.
“A year and a few months.”
Your eyes bugged even further, “Christ.”
He nodded solemnly tossing the case file down on your desk. He watched as you meticulously poured over everything the team had put together in two weeks. You hummed and hawed as you fingers ran across the pages. Reading everything.
“These poor babies.” You let out an equally defeated sigh looking at the pictures of the mutilated bodies of the innocent.
He hummed in agreement, “We can’t figure it out. Another girl just got abducted in the same way the last boy was. We just found his body. I’m missing something here. I can’t see it.” You looked up at him. He looked utterly defeated. Tired eyes gave way to the lack of sleep he’d been getting. Messy hair and wrinkled clothing also adored his figure.
“I’m in. Let’s go.” You shoved your laptop in your bag before closing the massive case file to read in the car.
He gave you a confused look, “Right now? Don’t you have to teach?”
You nodded, “I’ll cancel it. Let’s go. Time is ticking for the girl. First to the office.” Hurriedly, you stood next to him eyeing him to lead the way. He nodded seeing your seriousness, You followed him all the way back to Quantico after calling your Dean. It had some perks, being the Director of Criminology at Georgetown. It almost made you giggle it sounded so ludicrous.
You flashed your badge having consulted on a few cases for different departments of the FBI. Security let you through in a flash. You’d never worked with Spencer on an actual case of his. Hell, he’d normally figure it out before he’d ever dream of pulling an outsider into the team. But even he knew he was missing something. A puzzle piece he couldn’t seem to find. That’s when he thought of you. His longtime friend from postgrad. The two of you were ostracized early in your studies. You for being an incredibly intelligent female and him because he was a know it all. The two of you found each other and the rest was history. You stayed in academia while consulting on the side and Spencer went the FBI route. Luckily, you’d stayed in touch through all the years. You found it easy to love him as a friend once you knew how to deal with the boy genius.
“Team, this is Y/N. Y/N, the team.” Spence said quickly once he all but yanked you into the large conference room on the floor. Your eyes glossed over each of them quickly before falling to the one on the end. Tall, dark hair, dark eyes, and a smoldering look? Whew, he was just your type. He’d make you nervous. You didn’t see a ring on his finger as you scanned him from head to toe quickly.
You nodded bashfully. You could lecture hundreds of students but the eyes of six profilers right on you was rather intimidating, “Hello.” You nodded quickly walking over to the white board that listed intricate details of the case you hadn’t skimmed across in the file.
“Director of Criminology at Georgetown?” The handsome man stood next to you. A quick nod before turning your eyes back to the board.
“Yes, sir.” You cringed at your own voice sounding so unsure of herself. That wasn’t like you, not at all.
You noticed the hard stare turn to curiosity for a second before the stoic gaze returned, “Aaron Hotchner, BAU Unit Chief.”
Ahh, the infamous Hotchner. You had to admit it was almost fun putting faces to the names you’d heard from Spencer throughout all the years. At no time did he mention that Hotch was as striking as you’d found him to be. It never crossed your mind to find them online. It seemed too invasive on Spencer’s life but now you were second guessing that decision.
“Nice to meet you Agent Hotchner.”
He wasn’t being unfriendly, but he certainly wasn’t warm. You could tell he didn’t want you here but agreed out of necessity. They weren’t able to save the seven-year-old boy and Aaron was sure as hell not going to let the little eight-year-old girl meet the same fate because of pride. Even though it stung.
He didn’t reply though, only giving you a quick nod. He stood there rereading the same damn sentences he’d read over a thousand times over the last week.
“This is the order they were taken and killed?” You pointed to the wall seeing the boy-girl pattern curiously.
“Seven-year-old boy and then an eight-year-old girl every time. Over and over.” It sounded like the case had depleted him entirely. Haunted eyes scanned over each of the children’s faces. Helpless. All looking eerily similar too each other.
“And you all interviewed 21 suspects in northern Virginia.” You stated more than questioned as you looked up to the curious eyes. They were expecting you, but they weren’t expecting you.
The blonde woman nodded with a gentle look settling on her face, “All dead ends.”
“Can I read their case files?” You asked ready to spend the next few hours scouring over the notes. Maybe a fresh set of eyes could pick up on something they’d missed.
She nodded running out of the room to grab them. Spencer watched you before joining you at the table as you read through the entire file from where you left off in the car. You thanked JJ when she set another
“Y/N will stay here with Reid. The rest of us, we’re heading back out.” Spencer nodded reading what you were. Still not seeing anything. He watched as you scrunched your eyebrows and highlighted certain words on the page. Gray Honda. Black scooter. Pink bike. What were you onto? What did you see? He wracked his brain as you worked seamlessly between pages.
You read over the next potential suspect. He must’ve heard the small gasp escape from your lips. As he immediately urged you to go on by asking, “What is it?”
“The Darcy’s. We need to go back. There’s something here Spence.” Your finger held over a simple line in the interview. One that’d been glossed over. A seemingly useless detail in a sea of muddled mess of facts and fiction.
He shook his head not getting it continuing to urge on with his eyes, “He messed up. He slipped up and said gray.” You started reading from the transcript, “He said, ‘I took the car out for a spin at that time.’ And then JJ asked, ‘What kind of car to you drive Mr. Darcy?’ He responded, ‘A gray… shoot I mean black Honda Civic. Sold the gray one last year to a family member.’”
His head cocked, “A gray Honda Civic... oh, shit.” He dove into the papers finding exactly what you were looking for, “The interview with the witness who found the body. She spotted a gray Honda along her route.”
You nodded, “She thought it was odd because it was so early in the morning. Nobody is ever out.”
“We need to call Penelope.” Spencer gaped.
He pulled out his phone, “Garcia, who did David Darcy’s sell his car to last year?”
She hummed, “Well hello to you too! Give me a second boy genius.” You heard her typing away through the speaker phone, “Looks like it’s Mike Darcy. His brother.”
He looked at you with nothing but approval. He knew you were good at your job, but this was exceptional. You’d pieced it together so easily he was almost embarrassed he hadn’t caught that himself, “What do you have on him?” He asked. Again, silence with more typing before another really long silence and the faintest gasp.
“Garcia?” Spencer was finding it rather infuriating he was the one on the other side. He was the one who couldn’t seem to piece it all together. It wasn’t like him.
“He lost his entire family in a car accident two years ago. His wife and two children.”
He was shaking his head know all too well the aged of those two children, “An eight-year-old girl and a seven-year-old boy?”
“They don’t call you boy genius for nothing right?” Her laugh sounded strained but relieved. It wasn’t an easy life. Often times so much harder than you could ever dream of. The horror of humanity never ceased to amaze you in the worst ways imaginable.
“Thanks Penny. We gotta call Hotch.” Reid’s eyes were huge before as he dialed his boss’s number, “Hotch, you’re never going to believe this.” He walked off spouting off everything you’d just concluded. Letting out a huge sigh of relief, you listened to your friend off in the distance. It had to be the brother. That had to be the missing puzzle piece.
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You felt somebody watching you as you cleaned the files up. You’d begged Spencer to let you go but he straight up refused. Hotch wanted to talk to you or some bullshit like that. You’d, very reluctantly, agreed.
“We looked for days.” His voice sounded harsher. A bit meaner than it did earlier. You turned to meet his eyes that looked how his voice sounded, unhappy with you.
“Just needed a fresh set of eyes was all.” His eyes didn’t change. His state only seemed to harden as he took you in.
“Thank you. She was found safe.” It sounded as if it was torturing him to give you the thanks.
You nodded quickly turning back around to clean the mess up, “Anytime.” He didn’t look bad by any means. Must’ve been a pretty easy arrest. You’d seen Spencer at his worst after unsub’s had been confronted. It was inevitable when you hunted the worst of humanity.
“We won’t be needing your services any longer.” Your heart both sped up and dropped a little at that statement. He didn’t like you. Plain and simple. Had you done something to piss him off? Upset him somehow? You ran through the events of the last few hours and came up miserably short. You’d just have to ask Spencer later.
Before you could respond though an older, almost more intimidating than him, woman walked into the room shaking her head, “That’s not what we agreed on Aaron.” She turned to smile at you, “Erin Strauss, BAU Section Chief.” She walked over to shake your hand eyeing you up. You’d were curious to what she was thinking as she approached you.
“I didn’t agree.” He all but mumbled out. That didn’t sound like the intimidating man that had just tried to put you in your place moments before.
“One vote matters more.” She turned to him. She must’ve given him a look you couldn’t see because he mumbled an agreement. It was surely a sight to be seen. Spencer would eat this one up later. Your longtime friend loved gossiping even though he’d never admit to it.
“That was impressive.” She kept sizing you up, profiling you. She wasn’t shy about doing it either. She’s the big boss and she knew it, used it.
“A new set of eyes can do wonders.” You’d downplay it, for Aaron’s sake. Not that he deserved any of your mercy at this point. He hadn’t exactly been the nicest too you.
She nodded quick, “Sure.” She didn’t have the time to go back and forth with you, “You teach close?”
“Yes I do. Georgetown.” You kept it short and sweet not bothering to elaborate with details she clearly didn’t care about.
A smile broke out on her face, “Dean Willow is a dear old friend of mine. I’ll give him a call. We may call in the future. That is if you want.”
She was giving you the option now, “I would like that. Real world examples are invaluable for my students.” You could’ve sworn you heard a scoff from over her shoulder.
She smiled though, “Wonderful. I’ll give him a call later. Nice to meet you Doctor?” She questioned trying to find out more about you.
You nodded giving her the confirmation you too were one, just like Reid. He wasn’t the only one with a PhD, “Nice to meet you as well Erin.”
She walked off quickly leaving you alone with Aaron. Instead of chatting with him you turned back to the table trying to finish what you’d started long ago, cleaning the damn table up.
“You have no right.” His voice was much louder, much closer now.
Heart hammering in your chest you had to be strategic here, “It was an offer.” Your voice was soft, too soft, and gentle for the moment. You hated confrontation this aggressively, it always seemed to get the best of you.
His lips pursed as he considered his words, “Stay out of the way.” Was all he said before walking out just like Aaron. Yikes. That couldn’t have gone worse.
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You’d been called back for almost every local case and even a few further away ones that needed urgency on the clock. That’s where you’d seemed to thrive when the clock was ticking. It never seemed to get better with Aaron. He was cold with you. Never downright mean but brushing the line that he knew he couldn’t cross. Still, you’d never seemed to grow to dislike the man. Spencer let it slip that he felt like he let the entire team down when I came in and solved a case in hours.
You knew how finnicky pride could be. You knew just how dangerous that emotion could turn out to be. You’d let it get the better of you a few times. That was the difference between life and death though. The difference between bringing a family back together or giving them the worst news of their lives. So, you’d give Aaron a pass even if he didn’t really deserve it.
You’d also grown to adore his team. You’d made sure to ask Spencer time and time again to confirm that you weren’t overstepping but he shook it off each time telling you that he enjoyed having you on some of the cases. It brought him back to the fun they had in post-grad all those years ago. Naturally, you’d gravitated towards your friend during the cases you’d been asked to join. Aaron’s eyes always seemed to be glaring at you whenever you caught him. You had a sneaking suspicion you didn’t catch him nearly as often as you did.
Spencer would always just tell you that it was just Aaron. But it had been months now and he was still as ice cold as he was on day one. One by one you’d become close with each of the other members but never dreamed of approaching him. He’d let you know just how much he disliked you. You’d gotten the message loud and clear.
A call came through in the dead of night waking you from the light sleep you were in, always ready, “Hello?” You sounded groggy.
“Y/N. It’s Strauss. Another abduction. Fifteen-year-old girl this time.” She didn’t elaborate waiting for your response.
You sighed, “Why is it always children? I’ll be there in forty.”
Sleepily, you drove into Quantico. You were delighted to see you were the last on there, the team already at work. Yawning you slipped into the conference room greeted by a rather
“Y/N! You’re here. I was getting nervous.” Emily smiled patting your shoulder before moving over next to JJ.
Derek laughed, “Pretty boy was just about to call.”
You grinned looking over at Spence, “Sorry guys, the apartment is closer to Georgetown than it is here.” Your commute was just under an hour. Forty minutes if you pushed it.
“We’re just glad you’re here.” JJ chimed in patting the seat next to her, “We think we have a lead, come take a look.”
Hotch watched in awe as you moved to sit next to her. You’d seamlessly integrated yourself as a semi-permanent member of his team. They’d all seen you an integral member to specific types of cases. Cases that had time constraints. And unfortunately for you that seemed to be child abductions more often than not. Had he been too harsh on you? Was he doing it to protect his team that didn’t even need it? He had a sinking feeling he already knew the answers to those questions, and it wasn’t going to be what he wanted to hear.
He continued to watch as Rossi joked with you, Reid smiled far more often than he’d been used to, Derek already gave you the nickname ‘pretty girl’ to match Spencer’s own pretty boy. You brought ease and order to the team. You took the stress and siphoned it out of a situation. Even Aaron had to admit you were a hell of a profiler. He wasn’t blind either. He found you exceptionally beautiful. A detail Spencer conveniently left out.
He knew he might’ve already burnt that bridge with you though. He’d been nothing but an ass to you. You’d never snapped back though. Always taking everything in grace. You knew the pecking order and it wasn’t up to you to dismantle that or shake up the status quo.
Spencer noticed Hotch’s apprehension to his friend. Spence felt awful that his boss had yet to warm up to you. You were nothing but kind and incredibly good at your job. A combination that Hotch was usually a sucker for. Was his pride really that badly wounded?
He heard you let out a string of cuss words seeing the pictures of the last crime scene. Brutal. Absolute brutality. Whomever was doing this to children was beyond help.
“Jeeze Y/N, you kiss your boyfriend with that mouth?” Derek smirked laying it on thick. That comment brought Hotch right back into the present far too curious to hear what you had to say.
You threw your head back in laughter, “Hardly Derek. Between the teaching, directing and this. I don’t have the time to go meet anybody.”
Derek’s eyes flicked to Hotch’s so quickly even you didn’t catch it, “Who says you haven’t met him already?” Your eyes found his, a fiendish persona reveled in your bashfulness after tops of your cheeks turned a twinge pink.
You couldn’t let him win like that. Not with all those eyes listening in to the conversation intently, “In your wildest dreams Morgan.” A wink sent him into a fit of laughter. He too loved your ability to give and take. Knowing how to play along with him seamlessly.
Hotch coughed drawing all those curious eyes back to him, “Let’s get moving. Reid and JJ head back to police station and update the chief on the latest. Emily and Rossi go update the family. Morgan and Y/N you’re with me. Unsubs house.” You gave him a twisted look. You’d never been with him, and you’d certainly never been to an Unsubs residence while on a case. You were a profiler. A professor. Not a cop. Not comfortable with confrontation your heart was already picking up the pace just thinking about it.
“I don’t think this is a great idea sir…” You’d managed to mumble out once most of the team had cleared the room. You were sure your nervousness was full front, and center displayed across your facial features.
He cocked his head studying you again. Always studying you. Always on guard around you, “I think it is.”
You cursed under your breath almost embarrassed to admit it to him, “I’ve never done that before, going to an active scene.”
He shrugged loosening his gaze a smidge for the first in front of you, “First time for everything. You’ve been through the training in the last few months. You can do it.” He nodded eyeing the door but making sure your head was in it before he left. Last thing he needed was you not 100% ready and getting injured. He knew you were ready for it though. He’d had a daft curiously of how you’d handle that type of pressure.
The three of you sped to the crime scene. Morgan forced you to sit up front by diving into the truck and taking the entirely of the back seat up shooting you a sly grin before shutting the door. You felt the weight of the bulletproof vest
“Stay behind me, pretty girl. We’ll go room to room on the main level.” Derek spoke with conviction once the three of you made it to the front of the home. Your heart was hammering so hard you could hear the blood echoing in your ears. Focus. You could do this. Aaron believed you could.
Hotch nodded, “I’ll take upstairs. Listen to Morgan.” He ordered before nodding at Derek. All hell broke loose as you went room to room clearing. Before you heard the gunshots upstairs. Morgan rushed upstairs with you behind him. Hotch stood with his gun pointed at the now deceased unsub who had a shotgun in his own procession.
“The girl. Where is she?” You asked turning away from the blood spatter that laced the wall behind the body.
“Go, find her.” He barked turning away from the kill. You prayed that was something you never had to do.
You ran out downstairs searching. It wasn’t until you found the basement door that you flew down there. A strangled gasp came from your throat as you spotted the girl in the corner on a bloody mattress. You shuddered at the thought that it wasn’t only her blood coating that mattress.
“Hotch! Morgan! She’s down here!” You bellowed out dropping the gun immediately and softening your expression after witnessing the shaking, bound girl. She’d been beat up. Quite a few times by the look of differently faded bruises littered haphazardly around her hardly dressed body.
You unzipped your jacket clutching it in your hand. Putting your hands up you dropped down to your knees keeping a distance away letting her know you weren’t a threat. You put your hands up, “Hi sweetheart. My name is Y/N. I work for the FBI and we’re here to help you. Can I bring you this jacket to cover up?” You asked her in your most gentle voice. Like you were talking to the most helpless soul on the planet. She might’ve been at that very moment.
Aaron and Derek watched from the stairwell as you stood up walking over to her with slow small steps. Once you reached her you dropped down again, “Is it alright if I touch you? What hurts the worst sweetheart?”
She shook her head before breaking. Breaking down completely. The tears turned to ugly sobs. She reached out for you, and you grabbed her quickly. Pulling her right into your embrace. She fisted your shirt like her life depended on it unaware of the two men watching the scene unfold before them. They’d called for an ambulance and just had to wait. But you were there for her. He felt a light flutter in his stomach as he watched you caress her face and play with her hair. Whispering in her ear and hold her tight. You were a natural. Aaron could see it plain as day now.
Slowly her harsh wails turned to strained tears. Almost all her energy depleted as she leaned on you. You wrapped your jacket around her small frame to cover whatever decency she had left. The poor babies life was over as she knew it. Her life was going to be an uphill battle from this point going forward. Your heart shattered as you brought her back into your chest. Whispering those sweet reassurances to the utterly broken girl sitting in your lap.
Once the ambulance took her away Hotch turned towards you observing once more. Your usually chipper grin was downturned. It had affected you more than he had sensed. It was hard. Impossible sometimes. And this was a good outcome. An exceptional one even.
“Are you okay, Y/N?” He asked finally letting that guard down.
You nodded so softly he didn’t know if you truly meant it or not, “Yeah. I just… I’ve never done that. Spence always told me stories, but I guess… I don’t know.” You sighed at a loss for words.
He stepped forward placing a hand on your shoulder this time, “It’s okay. It’s difficult. We all know. But think of the good you’d done. You were there for her when she needed it most. We didn’t train you for that. You’re just a good person. Don’t let this job ever take that away from you.”
Your mouth almost dropped as listened to him. He was always a man of so few words this felt like an all on speech for you. So long was that hard gaze you grew to expect over the last few months and was replaced with something much softer and kinder. The look he gave him other agents. The ones he’s known and worked with for years. Maybe Spence was right, maybe he was warming up to you a bit.
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Things had been going well. Another month had passed, and you’d been called on for few more cases. You’d refused pay simply because you came and went as you had time. You called it tunning up for your professorship.
Aaron had completely warmed up to you over that time. You were still terribly timid around him. Old habits died hard with you. But he was trying. Making small gestures when you were around. Getting you coffee, holding open the door for you, smiling a little bit more.
It wasn’t lost on the team. They’d seen the change even if you refused to. Spencer constantly bugged you about it once Morgan put a big in his ear. Planted a seed that bloomed in that beautiful brain of his.   
Aaron had a scowl on his face watching you and Spencer joke around in the conference room. Why weren’t you even remotely like that with him?
“You could just tell her instead of shooting daggers at Reid.” Derek clapped his bosses back cracking a smile at him.
“She doesn’t like me.” The scowl dropped as he turned towards his agent.
“So, you think. More intimidated by you than doesn’t like you. You were kind of an ass there for a while.” Derek egged his boss on. It wasn’t often he was able to get under his skin.
Aaron rolled his eyes, through gritted teeth he answered him, “I know Morgan.”
“Why were you anyway?” He asked, digging for more and more. The true king of gossip at Quantico.
He shrugged, “To protect you guys. She was an outsider. We didn’t know anything about her.”
Derek let out a laugh that even drew your attention away from Spencer and over to them. Giving them a sheepish wave, you looked away back to Spence quickly. Aaron’s hard eyes turned soft made you feel a certain type of way. He was back to being that handsome man you first laid eyes on. A man who seemed so far out of your league it was laughable.
“Whatever you want to tell yourself boss man. But we both know that’s not the case. It’s okay to have feelings after Haley. It’s been years Hotch.” Morgan squeezed his shoulders urging his friend on, “I’m going to go grab Reid. Go apologize and tell her how you feel. You might be surprised. Go be happy instead of being jealous.”
He mumbled something incoherent but didn’t stop him. Spencer gave Derek a knowing look. You waved him off turning back to the case you were reviewing. It wasn’t a moment later the same chair Spencer
“I’m sorry.” He spit it out certainly not afraid to beat around the bush with it.
Tilting your head to the side you asked, “What for?”
“Being an ass your first few months here.” Again, he was com
You were a bit stunned, “Oh, thanks. I’m happy to be here.”
“You are an exceptional profiler Y/N and an incredible asset to this team. You’ve got a heart of gold. You work with victims better than anybody I’ve seen. Do you know how heartwarming that is to witness? You’re a natural with it all. So, I’m sorry. I’m so happy to have you here.” He let out a breath after airing it out there.
Your heart rate sped up to that rapid rate that made you feel almost uncomfortable, “You mean it?”
“Every last word.” He looked at you expectantly. It could go either way. Either really good or horrifically bad.
You gave him your first genuine smile. One he’s seen come out for everybody else except for him. Until now, “Thank you Aaron. That was very kind.”
He nodded, “Of course. It’s the truth.” You could tell he wanted to say more but didn’t know how to.
You felt a weird surge of confidence brush over you, “For the record. I’ve really enjoyed working for you. With you. I’ve learned a lot.” You too wanted to say something more, but the words were impossible to think of.
The tension was thick. But Aaron decided to cut it. Throwing caution to the wind, “Since you technically don’t work here I don’t think what I’m going to say next is really crossing the line.” He breathed taking a second before gathering the courage he needed, “You are absolutely beautiful Y/N. Inside and out. You’ve been chipping away at my heart ever since you stepped into this world. You are exceptional. I like you. Way more than a boss should. Way more than a friend should.”
Your mouth did drop this time. That was everything you wanted to hear and exactly what you expected not to hear. He liked you? You’d thought back on the month and didn’t see the signs. It seemed so obvious once he spoke it so clearly.
You started giggling at the hilarity of it all.
“What?” He asked smiling, easing back in his chair feeling eased by the lightness of the room.
“I can profile everything but my own damn life.” You kept giggling only to be stopped when he grabbed your hands.
“You’re even prettier when you laugh like that.”
Your blush was mad by now, “Thank you Aaron.”
“Would you let me take you out sometime? On a date? A proper one. Where we get dressed really nice. I’ll take you to a fancy restaurant. All that jazz.”
You smiled even wider, “If that’s really what you want.”
Squeezing your hand as a confirmation he nodded, “Pretty girl, it’s all I want.” His grin was everything as you both sat there smiling at each other like two lovesick fools.
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Permanent Taglist (Message me or comment below if you want to be added!): @loving-and-dreaming @kmc1989 @memeorydotcom @matisse556
Request Taglist: @evansflowers
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I can't find the art, but I saw Batstarion round like a jelly donut and wrote about it. You're welcome? SFW.
Agnetha hurried as fast as she could in her condition (seven months along) to where she heard her husband in his bat form in his home studio. “Love, I’ll be right there!” When she entered the studio, she let out a small scream.
“I think…I overdid it…perhaps made…a terrible mistake…”
“Astarion!” She shrieked and picked him up gently in her hands. “What the—”
“You see,” he squeaked. That almost sounded like a moan. Oh dear. “I found some fat little mice and decided to take care of that rodent problem. Normally, it wouldn’t be so bad, but I…well, forgot I’m in this form. Hence, this.”
Her mouth moved for several seconds but no words escaped her. Then she nearly shouted, “How the fuck do you forget you’re a bat? How? How does that happen? That’s like if I forgot I’m pregnant. Astarion, you mad man!” She laughed and kissed his cute little head. Awww, his little ears are twitching. “You mad, mad man.”
“If I am mad, madam, I am mad about you.” He teased and doing a little bat smirk. Awwww he’s so cute I wanna squish him. Oh wait, nope. Don’t do that. “Ha! Now, I wonder what I will happen if I change back…”
She raised an eyebrow. “That is an interesting question. Do you want me to bring you to our room, put you on the bed, and then you do it?”
“Yes…let’s try, darling.”
After she placed him on his side of their bed, he changed back to his elf form---hair disheveled, expression soft, and beckoning her to lay down with him. “I think there might’ve been more mice than I thought, because I am quite full.”
It took a moment, but I am laying down…and don’t want to get up again for a bit. One of her hands reached for his and squeezed. “You didn’t have to kill the mice. I could’ve gotten poison or something—” You don’t have to do this. You don’t have to eat vermin anymore. I made sure you don’t, because I love you, and once our baby is born, you can feed from me again instead of beef and pork blood from the butcher.
He let go of her hand and put a finger to her lips. “Shh. It was my choice, darling. It makes it easier, especially for you. One less thing for you to deal with.” His hand traveled down to her belly. “You need to rest.” His gaze softened further (I can’t say no to his face. I can’t. I’m sorry but I can’t.) as he scooched closer to her. “Let’s stay here a while, sweetness. Let’s stay right here, and I’ll watch over you both. How does that sound?”
Why do I always blush so much when he uses his soft voice on me? WHY?!?!?!? I just…can’t say no to him. She closed her eyes, feeling more tired than she originally thought. “Yeah, sounds good, love. You rest too, okay?” He works long hours. He’s taken on more at home in the past month or so. He’s not getting my blood, so he’s not as satisfied as he normally is, not as sharp, and I wish I could just give him what he needs—
He chuckled. “Even without tadpoles, I can hear you thinking, darling.”
She opened an eye and pouted.
“What is going on in that pretty head of yours?”
Opening her other eye, she sighed. “I feel like if I was still feeding you then you wouldn’t have gone after the mice.” It’s stupid. It’s so stupid. But I can’t help but feel awful.
He let out an annoyed huff. “Did you not hear me earlier? I said it was easier to have me drain them dry than having you get someone in here to take care of them or getting poison or whatever you would’ve done.” His gaze went towards her swollen belly. “I made that choice. It wasn’t being forced on me, my love.”
“I know.” She reached for his chin and tilted it up so she could look at him properly. He’s so beautiful. I still can’t believe he loves me. Wants to be with me. He could’ve had anyone, and he chose me. “I love you.” She laid a hand over his. I love you. I love you. I love you.
“I love you too, my darling girl. Rest now…” Upon seeing his wife try and fail to stifle a yawn, he laughed softly and rubbed her growing belly. “My poor little butter bun.”
“Sorry love,” her brown eyes fluttered closed as she exhaled. “Now that I’m in bed I feel so tired all of a sudden…” Probably because I’m literally growing a dhampir inside me. “Probably” doing a lot of work there, Agi.
He hummed, his hand on her belly now squeezing her fingers gently. “It’s alright, sweetness. Just rest. I’ll be here when you wake—”
Say it.
“I’ll always be here, my love.”
Me too, Star…I’ll find a way…I will…You’ll never be alone…
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Swap prompt: what if Gregory was Michael and Elizabeth's younger brother while Evan was Vanessa's?
Anon, your brain!! I love this idea, I love how swapping them changes everything. I’ve kept both Gregory and Evan’s personalities the same, which means their new respective older siblings are the ones who’ve changed as a result. I didn’t include Elizabeth, sadly, partly because I wanted to focus on Michael as a better parallel for Vanessa, and partly because I find Elizabeth difficult to write for some reason, so I avoid her, oops. 
A Very Different Story
Michael sidled up to Gregory, who, for a kid at his own birthday party, didn’t look very happy. “What’s up, short stuff? Don’t like the entertainment?” 
His little brother sent him a deadpan look far more befitting of a tired old man. “They’re boring.” 
Yeah, any magic the animatronics might have held for Gregory was lost when the kid saw their father helping someone dress up as one of the characters. The party being here hadn’t been the birthday boy’s idea; Gregory would probably have liked literally anywhere else better. 
“I could give you an up-close and personal look,” Michael teased him. 
Gregory eyed him, calculating. “Michael,” he said sweetly, “it’s my birthday.” 
Oh, he totally shouldn’t have provoked the little beast. “It sure is,” he agreed, trying to inch away.
“We should bail and go to the arcade instead.” Gregory didn’t bother with puppy-dog eyes. He just smiled like he knew he’d get his way. 
But Michael had to at least try to pretend like he couldn’t be bossed around by his baby brother. “Mom and Dad wouldn’t like us leaving.” 
“Mom and Dad aren’t going to like what happens if I have to listen to one more of these stupid songs.” 
WIth a great, put-upon sigh, Michael caved. “Fine, fine. But if anyone asks, you threatened my kneecaps.” 
He couldn’t even pretend to stay mad at the brat because his monstrous little brother could be a really great little brother when he wanted to be. Gregory slid off his chair and took Michael’s hand, as if he wasn’t perfectly capable of crossing the street on his own. “I’ll let you win me a stuffed animal from the claw machine and I’ll be very impressed about it, if you want.” 
Michael laughed, shaking his head. They slipped out of the diner unnoticed, hand in hand. “What the birthday boy wants, the birthday boy gets.” 
“Now you’re catching on,” Gregory said, beaming. He hopped through a stray hopscotch square on the sidewalk without letting go. “Congrats, you’re my new favorite.” 
“New?” Michael asked, outraged. Gregory giggled. “What do mean new? I have always been your favorite, and don’t you forget it.” 
“Am I your favorite?” Gregory asked as they stopped at an intersection, waiting for the light to change. 
Michael looked down at his little brother. “Yeah, pipsqueak. You’re my favorite, too.”
• • • 
Vanessa looked up from her homework, her older sister sense going off. Sure enough, Evan was wobbling toward her table, a stack of books precariously balanced in his arms. She hurried to help him, relieving him of the top half of his burden.
“Geez, kid, don’t clean out the library.” 
He grinned sheepishly. “They all look good.” 
She scanned his collection as they spread it out at her table. Tapping the Goosebumps book, she said, “Absolutely no reading this before bedtime. Been there, done that. Don’t make my mistakes.” 
Evan nodded, accepting her words of wisdom as he always did. As the both sat down, he leaned over to peer at her homework. “Chemistry?” 
“I hate the periodic table,” she grumbled. “Exam’s tomorrow, and I’ve got a lot of studying to do.” She glanced at him, aiming for casual. “You okay hanging out here for a while?”
Vanessa felt awful for the way he perked up, smiling eagerly. It wasn’t just ’cause Evan loved the local library—though that made her feel less like crap—but he shouldn’t dread going home so much. She hated their parents for that alone. 
Just gotta graduate, she reminded herself. Just a little longer. 
As soon as she was done with high school and turned eighteen, she was grabbing everything she could carry and getting the hell out of here with Evan. A lot of her friends had already offered to help. Terrible as it felt, knowing she was getting ready to drag her little brother along couch-surfing until she got a handle on things, it would still be an improvement. 
“Cool,” she said. “We’ll go get something to eat in…” She checked her watch. “An hour or two? And then come back to keep going. Sound good?” 
“Sounds very good,” Evan said quietly. It was his default tone, and Vanessa frequently agonized over whether their parents were responsible for that too. She wasn’t always home with him. But he was smiling and wiggling a little, the adorable little munchkin. 
Vanessa ruffled his hair, making him squeak indignantly, before turning back to her homework with a sigh. Two months until graduation. And then a few more before she turned eighteen. 
She… could probably get away with leaving before then. So. Two months. 
Two months, and then she could save herself and her little brother. 
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sukirichi · 3 years
reckless [02.]
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With a lackadaisical playboy as your boss, being reckless wasn’t an option. But on the one time you let loose and made mistakes, your life is shattered, and now you’re playing house with your insufferable boss who is the father of your baby.
✘ cw. angst, toxic situations
✘ note. yes, feel free to scream at me in the asks. but like don’t worry, i promise there’s more to come and there’s more to happen! it’s going to get fluffier as we go hehehehe. ALSO, I can’t help but feel that Zayn’s “Let Me” speaks perfectly to CEO playboy Gojo. hmph.
one  ✘  two  ✘  three 
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One glance at the tall man beside you, and you would’ve thought he would pass out soon.
Satoru had been endlessly fidgety hours before the appointment. Flicking from music stations to another, drumming his fingers on the steering wheel or sighing at the sight of you calmly watching the city go by in a flash – it was clear he was restless. Judging from the dark circles he tried to conceal under a pair of shades, he probably hadn’t slept much last night as well.
Now that you were both inside the clinical room, with you laying back down on the reclined bed, belly exposed and all for him to marvel at, his knee hadn’t stopped bouncing. “Satoru, calm down. It’s just a doctor’s appointment.”
“Sorry,” he apologized sheepishly, rubbing his sweaty palms on his pants. “I’m just…excited yet nervous, you know? It feels so real now.”
Real didn’t begin to cover it. Although you masked your nervous quite well, you felt your stomach tighten when a woman came in. Her smile was gentle and comforting enough, talking you both through the process and spilling little fun facts about pregnancy. She applied a cool gel over your belly before turning to a screen, where mixed dots and waves of black and white blurred in front of your visions. Your eyes widened in awe, throat dry from the inability to speak. The baby had always felt real, but seeing it with your own two eyes, a small figure barely even a comprehensible shape in the screen, you couldn’t help but tear up a little.
“That’s mine?” Satoru breathed out, absentmindedly looping his hands through yours. It made you stiffen for a quick second, but your attention was quickly pulled back to the sonogram. “We made that?”
Your heart clenched at his words.
He sounded so happy – like all his dreams came true and you’d just given him a gift that was beyond priceless. You supposed it really was; a baby was always a miracle and joy to have, but this child wasn’t made out of love. How could he have so much fondness for something he didn’t want in the first place?
“The baby is perfectly healthy. This pregnancy doesn’t seem like a high-risk one, but it’s too early to tell so we’ll keep checking in on you,” the doctor pushed her glasses back to her nose, the sound of her cool voice pulling you back from a dangerous path of self-doubt and wariness. “Do you guys want to know the gender?”
Glancing at Satoru, you shook your head. It was amusing that you didn’t need to share words before he got the meaning behind one look, and he squeezed your hand as if to say he understood.
“I’d like that to be more of a surprise. Thank you, doctor.”
“Congratulations on being a father, Sir,” she bowed, and it occurred to you just now she was probably a family doctor. Satoru did end up keeping his promise that your pregnancy be kept private for a while. This little detail made you turn to him with shock written all over your face, though his attention was centred in on the swirling monochrome colours on the screen. Whether the doctor noticed the brewing tension between you two or not, you were still gad when they bowed once more to excuse themselves. “I’ll leave you two to talk now.”
The moment she was gone, you sat up and pushed your blouse down. Satoru’s demeanour had changed as well. His smile was wiped from his face, replaced only by a slight downturn of his lips.
Sighing, you swung your legs over the bed, not minding one bit that he was inches away from resting his chin onto your thighs. “Is there something you’re not telling me? You’ve been so worried since we got here.”
Satoru winced.
“Am I that obvious?”
“Even if you aren’t, it’s not that hard to see through you,” you spoke gently, a spirit possessing you because there would’ve been no other logical reason on why you placed a palm over his. Satoru’s hands were warm and large as he cupped your knee, tracing little patterns over your jeans as he kept his gaze lowered to the floor. It was an odd sight to see; that the Gojo Satoru refused to look a woman in the eye. “Tell me. What’s wrong?”
Satoru’s sigh is painfully drawn out, though his chuckles took the brunt.
“I don’t know what to do – how to be a father, I mean. Don’t you ever get worried…that maybe we might fuck up and ruin someone’s life?”
“Hey,” you cupped his cheek, forcing him to look you in the eyes – which you really wished he didn’t, because you’d never seen such azure this up close before. It was no secret that his eyes alone stole the hearts of people, but you had to remind yourself he broke them as well, so that you pulled away right before he got too close for comfort. It wasn’t what he needed anyway. Satoru simply required reassurance, so you opted for an awkward pat on the shoulder. “Weren’t you the one telling me the other day we’ll work it out?”
“Yeah, but…”
“But what?”
“It’s nothing,” he shook his head, a smile lighting up his features once more. “Are you feeling good? There’s someplace I want to take you, as a celebration for our healthy baby.”
You pursed your lips. As much as you appreciated his enthusiasm, this ‘celebration’ didn’t sound like a good idea. You’ve made mistakes before and now you lived the consequence of it; being reckless was outdated. Caution, wariness, and space were the top three perfect recipes for the complete opposite of a disaster.
“I don’t think that’s necessary.”
“Why not?” he challenged, taking your hand in his as he guided you out the clinic. You made no comment on why he led you out the back where he’d parked his car, even going as far to bow for you as he opened your door. “Liven up a little, we got good news today! Plus, we didn’t both take a day for nothing. Come on, you’re going to have fun, I promise you!”
“And where would we go where people won’t recognize you?”
“Somewhere people are too lost in their own world to focus on others,” Satoru announced before sending you a side glance, smooth hands already on their way to rev the engine.
This wouldn’t go down well. Or at least that was what you wanted to believe, because his smile and excitement were too contagious that you couldn’t restrain the smile you wore.
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“A carnival? Really? We’re too old for this.”
“We’re never too old for anything,” he insisted, placing his hands on your shoulders as he maneuvered from stall to stall. Everywhere around you, children and people of all ages milled by, laughter and screams that fading into the distance. One survey at the long, endless lines for the rides and crowded spaces, you grimaced, feeling an uncomfortable weight resting on your shoulders that was beyond Satoru’s hands. “Aw, come on, don’t be such a bore. Day offs like these are rare and think about the baby! Don’t you think they would’ve wanted us to get a long?”
“You’re just using the baby as an excuse to have fun.”
Of course he would – Gojo Satoru was like a man-child. Whether it was someone randomly bringing donuts or puppies into the office, he easily lit up like a firework, seemingly finding joy in every little thing. Being stuck in the office and forced to work his ass off under your supervision must’ve taken a toll on him too.
Add on the fact he hadn’t gone out on dates or parties ever since he found out he was going to be a dad, the desperation to go out and do something was written all over his face.
Satoru pouted. “That’s mean. Take that back.”
“And I’m the childish one here?” he snickered. You merely rolled your eyes at him and gave in; too much time spent working and not enough time relaxing (not that being a carnival was your definition or relaxation, but alas, Satoru was dragging you around everywhere like always) wouldn’t be good for the baby.
“You see that bear over there? I’m going to win that for you. It could be my first ever present for our baby.”
There was no stopping him. You didn’t want to, either, because you just stood there, arms crossed against your chest as you let him do whatever he pleased. A literal man-child, a youthful soul stuck in an irritatingly attractive man’s body – these were the thoughts that ran through your head while Satoru kept swinging his arm back and forth. He chose a stall where you had to knock down stacks of cans down with one set of three balls, all because he wanted to win a bear. You would really rather go home than watch him fail four times now, but he wasn’t giving up, only flexing his shoulders before gesturing to the young man.
“Hey man, three more balls please.”
Nothing was funny about it at all. Watching your boss fail miserably even after ten tries shouldn’t have been so hilarious, yet sweat was dripping all over his face and his patience was hanging on a loose thread that you were giggling before you knew it.
His usual confident bravado began to tear down bit by bit, his face flushed from the sounds of your teasing.
“Satoru, stop,” you laughed, “We’ve been here for twenty minutes and your wallet might as well be empty! You can just go buy a bear at the mall.”
“You’re too functional. Where would be the meaning behind it if I just bought a random bear?” he huffed, pushing the sleeves of his denim jacket up to his elbows. Determined now more than ever, he even stretched his long arms side to the side with a shake of his hips. You could tell the young man manning the stall was hiding his amusement by whistling to himself, but Satoru really was such a ridiculous sight you couldn’t blame him. “No, I’m going to get that for you, then I’ll brag to my baby how cool their dad was when he knocked those cans down.”
“You mean, if you knock those cans down.”
His shoulders deflated. “Support me a little bit, will you?”
“Hmm, I don’t know, it might just inflate your ego and you’ll be too distracted by yourself to ever actually knock those cans down,” He threw a ball with a force so strong it hit the curtain above the cans, and it bounced back somewhere below the tables. It didn’t even touch the can by a smidge, and you snorted. “See what I mean?”
Expecting that Satoru would take insult to heart (as his ego was easily wounded, this much you knew when he refused to talk to anyone at the office for a whole day because one of his directors forgot his name) you smirked at him, but that smirk immediately dropped when he grinned back at you. He was no longer wimpy like before, an aura of confidence brimming from him. “That’s like the second time you’ve told me I was distracting,” he mused, leaving you baffled because he was right. “On the contrary, I think you’rea lot more distracting, so I take that back. Just stand there and watch me win.”
“Okay,” you drawled out in faux disinterest, thankful for the corny carnival music and chatter from the crowd that he couldn’t hear your poor beating heart.
You were too focused on pretending to be unbothered by him that you failed to see how the cans were knocked down. The counter guy was already picking them up as Satoru pumped his fists in the air, way too much like a child high on sugar.
Was this really the father of your baby?
“I won! I fucking won! That huge brown bear, please!”Satoru’s smile from holding the bear that was half his size couldn’t even compare to the city lights and sparklers. Even his eyes were lit up in joy as he skipped back to you, happily waving the doe-eyed bear in front of you. At your lack of reaction, he sighed before jutting his cheek out to you. “No congratulations kiss?”
“How about a slap?”
“Kinky,” he teased, sending your brain to overheat when he tapped his chin in thought. “Well, you did make my back bleed so I kind of got the idea you’re sort of extreme in bed – ow! Would you please stop hitting me? I just won you a wonderful prize and your first reaction is to hit me! This arm is exhausted from swinging endlessly, you know.”
“Maybe if you aimed better, you wouldn’t have had to exhaust yourself. Like I said, you could’ve just bought a bear,” you scolded, raising your arm threateningly when he opened his mouth again. Idiot. “Give me that.”
Satoru effortlessly swung the bear until it was under your chins, his white lashes ethereal as he peeked at you through them. He was close enough that you could feel the warmth of his breath dusting on your cheeks, that same warmth that had been mixing with yours in a sloppy, heated kiss just weeks ago. “And who said I was letting you carry this?” he taunted, thoroughly enjoying how for once, you weren’t hitting him.“I’m supposed to wave this around proudly then place it in our baby’s room when we get home. Besides, your hand looks heavy already.”
“My hands? Wait, what do you mean our baby’s room?”
At your words and questioning gaze, Satoru did a quick turn, trying to use the bear as a shield.
“Yeah, I forgot to tell you,” he scratched the back of his head awkwardly, “I may or may not have had my parents’ guest room renovated as a baby room, although if you ask me, I think moving somewhere else would be much better. Raising a child in a penthouse doesn’t seem like such a great idea if you ask me,” opening your mouth to scold him, Satoru stopped you by placing a finger on your lips, noses grazing against each other. “Don’t scold me right now; I know that look on your face and I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner, okay? We can still decorate it ourselves. I just had the beds removed and the space cleaned out. Now stop over thinking and let me help you with your problem.”
You pushed his face away for the sake of your heart. In fact, you should be paid for your acting skills for looking so unaffected.
“What problem?”
“Your hands look heavy,” he beamed, long fingers looping through yours as he swayed them side to side. “So let me carry it for you.”
“Satoru, I—”
“Don’t get me wrong,” he blinked innocently while surrendering his free hand, “I’m not doing this for you, it’s for the baby. Did you know oxytocin is released and makes you feel good and reduces pain, maybe even stress? We can pump your oxytocin levels through touch. It also lowers your blood pressure, and we want you at your happiest and healthiest for this pregnancy, right?”
“Since when were you an expert on this?”
“Since I found out I’m becoming a dad,” his words struck you speechless, mouth pressed into a flat line as you stared him openly. You hadn’t mean to come off as rude in that moment; you were just trying to gauge the sincerity behind his words, to explore the depth in his eyes, but Satoru must’ve took it wrong as he cleared his throat, “I can let go if you really want me to.”
“N-no! It’s fine…can we move? We’ve been standing here for ten minutes now,” Embarrassed, you pointed to the closest thing in your sight – a photo booth. “How about there? That looks fun.”
Satoru followed where your arm was pointed, laughing when a couple exited the red curtains while giggling amongst themselves. The guy even leaned down to steal a long kiss from his lover, and if you were embarrassed before, you wanted to crawl into a hole and never come back again right now. “You know, if you wanted me to be stuck in a cramped space next to you, you could’ve just said so. I didn’t bring the limo with me, but the Audi could be pretty small for us, I guess…”
You hissed at him in warning, “God, you never shut up do you?”
“It made you smile.”
“I wasn’t smiling!”
“Sure, mommy, whatever you say,” bumping his hip with yours, Satoru led you inside the cube. There were a plethora of filters to choose from; ranging from heart frames and ones that placed shades on your face. Not really thinking of what to pick, you reached out to press the frog hats one, but Satoru was swatting your hands away for the effect with heart emojis everywhere. “This is cute. We can show this to our baby once they’re born.”
“They won’t really know what a Polaroid is, Satoru.”
“It’s still sentimental!” he grumbled before clicking the camera icon, a huge smile already on his face until he saw you squished on the other side of the booth. Only one side of your ear could be seen, and Satoru furrowed his brows at you. “Come closer, you’ll be cropped from the frame.”
“I don’t want to.”
“Jesus, Y/N, don’t act shy now, I already fucked a baby into you,” mouth falling open at the vulgarity of his words, Satoru took the chance to drag you beside him. “Relax, you’re always so stiff. Our baby might come out frowning if you keep huffing like that.”
“You’re too close for comfort.”
“My apologies, I’ll try not to be included in the photo when you’re the one who suggested this in the first place,” he muttered playfully, booping your nose before he wrapped an arm around your shoulder. He was close, too close, that his musky perfume filled the close space. You wanted to lean closer to his warmth and sturdiness of his broad shoulders; his mere presence bringing about a sense of tranquillity despite your words. You told yourself it shouldn’t be too bad to lean into him for just a little while, absentmindedly following him as he cheers, “Smile!”
One photo turned into two, and Satoru ended up inserting a few more bills into the slot to take more. He tried out as many filters as he wanted, acting as if you two had been long time friends from how easy it was for him to be around you like that.
You supposed it came from his heavy experience with women. You were so unlike; while he was open to touch and didn’t care too much about space, you craved it deliriously.
It was obvious none of this meant anything to Satoru. You were probably just another woman in his life, with the exception that you had a kid, but you couldn’t mean something more. If anything, he treated you more like an old friend than a lover. He’d said it himself before that you weren’t his type and you didn’t mind, so why did it hurt the longer you mulled about it? Sure, you may not be as attractive or luxurious as his previous lovers, but did you really not even have charismatic pull? Is it because you weren’t his type that he was so casual with you, while you on the other hand, felt like you would lose your mind at every little thing he did?
You watched as Satoru pulled out his wallet and kept the Polaroid of you both grinning at the camera, forming a silly heart shape with your hands per his request. It was silly and platonic – yet the gesture confused you to no end.
“Why’d you do that?”
Satoru’s hand paused. “Am I not allowed to…?”
“We’re not lovers. You can’t just put a photo of us in your wallet.”
As if to prove a point, Satoru pulled out more photos of his wallet and showed it to you. There were several more wallet-sized photos, mostly of his white cat with black shades, another of him and his best friend, Shoko, and the last photo was of him skiing. They were all placed in his wallet along with a small, faded out photograph of what seemed to be his parents from the younger days. You couldn’t understand why he was showing you this, much less how patient he was as he smiled softly at you. “It’s memorabilia. I keep photos of everyone I care about everywhere with me,” he said, pocketing his wallet back before gazing up at the night sky. “I like to think we’re friends, at least. We’re definitely not just boss and employee anymore.”
Then what are we?
There were so many things you wanted to ask. You always knew he was always this overly friendly and nice, but what did make you? What did a friend mean to him? Other than Shoko, who was his lesbian friend who was also the company’s resident doctor, you’d never seen him be platonic with another female before.
The realization made your mood drop.
Maybe you were right. He probably didn’t even see you as a woman, but what did it matter? You didn’t like him. You shouldn’tlike him. Even if he had no intentions of wooing you, Gojo Satoru was far too appealing for his own good. Being around him was dangerous for your heart.
“Wanna ride the ferris wheel? The night city always looks beautiful.”
He was just your boss...and you were just a friend. Things were going to be alright as long as no feelings were involved. You survived seven years of working with him with not a single moment where your heart fluttered when he spoke your name; a baby made between you shouldn’t change anything now. At the end of the day, you were both only doing this out of responsibility. Satoru was trying his best to become a supportive co-parent to you, and that was all it ever would be. Strictly business – purely professional – as it always had been and always will be.
Foolish girl, you could hear a voice whisper at the back of your head, don’t get too lost in his eyes.
“Y/N, are you tired? Do you want to go home now? We can just order dinner to be delivered if you’re exhausted,” Satoru tugged at your sleeve to get your attention, and you chuckled awkwardly, not meaning to have spaced out the whole time. Worry was written all over his face from the way his brows dipped, stunning blue eyes darkening like the night sky you both made memories under.
Don’t look at me like that...
“Are you okay? Do you wanna go home?”
“Yeah,” you chirped far too brightly than you would’ve liked. Right now, it was more of a mission of fake it til you make it. You would just have to keep exerting the same amount of effort into making this work for the baby’s sake. And if that meant pushing aside any budding desire for this to last any longer to focus on your ‘friendship’, then you would do it. Taking Satoru’s hand for the first time since the baby ordeal, you flashed him a genuine smile. “The ferris wheel sounds nice. Let’s do some sightseeing before the night ends.”
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Neither of you speak inside the cab. Beautiful the night was as the city shone into awakening illumination beneath you, comforting you with the thought that in the grand scheme of it all, you were small. Insignificant. That somehow everything you worried about wouldn’t matter when there was a much bigger world out there, and you were but a fickle dot in the middle of its entirety. But that was you, and Gojo lived in a much different world than you did. For somewhere in the city, you could recognize several of the sky towers, buildings, and establishments owned by his family. He mattered in the grand scheme; you were a small factor in his world.
Glancing back at the man who’d been silent the whole ride, you smiled upon seeing that he was doing the same. Satoru was practically bouncing in his seat as he snapped several photos of the city, mumbling something about he’d never seen this view before.
He was so innocent yet so out there, igniting within you an urge to take care of him and wanting to be taken care of by him.
You’d already accepted that you may just never have him that way. That small, fleeting crush was like a butterfly – pretty look at, but damn near impossible to catch. You’d already stopped crying yourself to sleep over the new changes brought about in your body, that in a few months’ time, you’d look back into everything and see that everything had changed. The mistakes you made that night were still something you regretted because you wished you could’ve done better, but seeing him right in front of you now, there was only gratefulness blooming within. Grateful that he was right by your side, grateful that at least the father of your child was more than capable of giving them a comfortable life, grateful that he didn’t push you away like you expected.
Acting more on impulse than logic, you leaned over to press your lips on his cheek.“Thank you,” you mumbled, eyes closed as you let your lips stay there for a few more seconds.
His skin was warm underneath your touch, and when you opened your eyes, Satoru was gazing up at you with stars twinkling in the vast galaxy he called his eyes. You smiled at his reaction, watching as he reached a palm out to caress that spot your lips had landed.“For what?”
“For everything,” you crumbled,“You’re not a bad person, Satoru, I know that,” with shuddered breaths, tears sprung at the back of your eyes again. “I’m sorry for being so difficult. I just need time to adjust to…well, all of this.” Your voice cracked at the last sentence and you were crying before you knew it, face hidden behind your palms in fear he’d look at you differently. In his eyes, you were always his stoic secretary who didn’t even bat an eye when people gave you backlash after Satoru hired you despite the lack of a college degree.
This all felt new – to cry, to trust, to rely on someone – and there was a flurry of emotions you couldn’t quite place yet.
Scooping you into his arms, Satoru patted your back as your cries grew louder. “Take all the time you need. We don’t have to rush into anything at all.”
In the harsh world of conglomerates where the laws of business blurred thinner and thinner with each day, it was hard to believe that not rushing into anything would be possible. It was always a flurry of hurried phone calls, frantic preparations for emergency meetings, anxiety over presenting new proposals and hoping that your superiors would sign your documents so you could go about your way. Time was as imperative as money was to them, but Satoru had proved he could be beyond that.
From the moment you met him, he never treated time as if it was something that slipped through his fingertips. He enjoyed every second he had of his life, and perhaps that was why you hated him so much in the first place.
You thought he took everything for granted, when in reality, all he did was bask in the little things life offered.
This much, at least, you trusted him with. If he said there would be no need to rush and you could both take it slow, he meant it. Around him, time felt more like a secret whisper than a treasure you both had to seize to protect. The night drifted off until it was already midnight and the crew was ushering all visitors out. You and Satoru made it home safely and quietly, hands linked together as if it was the most natural thing ever. No rush, you kept telling yourself, and you plopped down on the couch heavily as you let your muscles relax from such a long, eventful day.
You stayed there for a solid minute or so when you felt warm hands take your heels off. Opening your eyes, Satoru kneeled before you, his fingers expertly rubbing and pushing against the sore muscles of your feet. “Wh-what are you doing?”
“Your feet must be tired from all that walking,” he mumbled, looking up briefly to meet your eyes and tease your shoulder back. “Lean back for me. I’ll take care of you.”
Judging by the sentiment behind his smile, you figured it wouldn’t be harmful to enjoy this at least once. You’ve never gotten foot massages before but his hands kneading yours felt heavenly. You knew from experience beforehand that Satoru was quite godly when it came to the skills and magic his fingers brought, though this one was on a different level, and you were sinking deeper into the couch from the bliss. He was right; you were tired, and if having your boss massage you like this every night after dragging you wherever he pleased, then you wouldn’t complain.
The ringing of your phone made you sit up abruptly, surprising Satoru whose head you almost knocked into. “Sorry,” you croaked out sheepishly, “It’s my dad. I need to take this.”
“Do you need me to leave you alone?”
“Uh, no, you’re fine.”
Satoru gestured to your foot as you took the call, mouthing, “Should I continue?”
“Yes, please,” you answered back, palm pressed over the mic before you answered. “Hey, Dad!” Your father greeted you back with much enthusiasm, his energy heard even by Satoru who sent you small smiles and curious glances every now and then. A part of you wanted to ask if he was fine kneeling on the floor like that, but his knees were on the fur carpet anyway that it shouldn’t hurt him. He extended your leg and trailed up your calves, pulling a soft moan from you when he kneaded the flesh and rid it of its knots. His ministrations distracted you until you were nodding absentmindedly to your Dad every now and then, not really paying attention to what he was saying.
Then the call ended, and his last words kept ringing back into your head ominously. Satoru took quick notice of this as he tapped your knee, bringing your attention back to him. “Is something wrong? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
“I...” you started, helplessly fumbling around Satoru. “My dad is in Tokyo. He said he wants to have dinner with me.”
“You don’t look particularly happy about that. Do you not want to meet your father?”
“I do but...”
“I have to tell him about this,” you shivered, refracting your legs back to the couch until his touch disappeared from your skin. For a moment, you had the urge to crawl back to his heat, but you were restless, agitated. “About us. He’s going to want to meet you and I don’t want to hide the pregnancy from him either,” Satoru remained unmoving as you rambled, and you hid your face behind your arms again as you remembered the rules you asked him to follow. “Listen, I’m sorry if I sound unfair right now, I know I said I didn’t want anyone else knowing—”
Warm lips brushed over your knuckles, large hands peeling your wrists to reveal your face. “Hey, it’s fine. He’s family and you can tell him. It’s not like your Dad would ruin your image or something like you expected to happen.”
“He won’t but...” you frowned, “My dad isn’t going to like this. I can’t guarantee he’ll be civil the whole time, especially towards you.”
“You told him about me?”
“A few years ago, yeah, when I still couldn’t tolerate you.”
“So you can tolerate me now?”
“Only a little bit,” you corrected, pushing his hands away as you opened your phone to check your schedule. It was mostly Satoru’s schedule, truth be told, but you were free for the most part tomorrow. Satoru could just longue back in his office while you clocked out early to meet your dad. “You don’t have to go if you don’t want to. On second thought, he doesn’t have to know at all. I’m only a few weeks in and it’s not like he’ll notice—”
“Y/N,” Satoru interrupted you, rudely snatching his phone from your shaking fingers. You would’ve scolded him had he not sounded so worried. “I did promise I would take responsibility for you, right? I want to meet your dad and introduce myself properly. As a father-to-be, I think I can somewhat understand that he might react strongly to this, but I also need to reassure him you’re in safe hands,” taking your hand in his, Satoru leaned into your palm, the smile he wore way too charming than what your heart could handle. “As long as you’re okay with it, I would like to meet him.”
“I’m sorry if he does something stupid.”
“Don’t be,” he reassured with a chuckle. “I’m sure everything will go well.”
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It didn’t go well. Your father wasn’t throwing a fit or causing a scene like you originally feared, but the current situation wasn’t any better either. He looked like he was on the verge of tearing Satoru’s head apart, his grip on the bread knife so tight his knuckles flashed white. Your father was the literal definition of unpredictable and out of nervousness, you held Satoru’s hand under the table for comfort.
In complete opposition of yours, Satoru handled it with class and composure. His head was ducked down in respect, making sure to be curt and precise in counters to your father’s harsh accusations.
“I’m really sorry for everything, Sir.”
“Did you ruin my daughter’s life?”
Satoru finally tilted his head back up to look your father in the eye, both your hands turning cold and sweaty in between the seats. “Pardon?”
“I asked if you ruined my daughter’s life by getting her pregnant.”
“I would never intend for that to happen, Sir,” Satoru straightened up. From your perspective, he looked every bit the man parents would want their children to be with – handsome, elegant, educated, polite, respectful and well-off – but your father was no ordinary parent. He sized Satoru up like a predator hunting his prey even as the latter acted cool about it. “Granted, it was an accident and neither of us are prepared for this, but I promise I’ll take care of her. I take responsibility as the father and you have nothing to worry about.”
Your dad slammed his palms down on the table, the loud smack catching the attention of nearby tables. “How dare you tell me I have nothing to worry about?”
“Dad, please don’t do this.”
“No, he needs to know,” he snapped. Unable to help it, you groaned inwardly and scooted closer to Satoru, knowing where this was leading. “I lost her mother right after she was born; raised her by myself when I was barely out from high school. Rich men like you may never understand the struggles of taking care of a baby all by yourself, but I did everything I could to make sure she grew up well. My daughter had a happy, comfortable life. When she told me she wanted to follow her dreams in Tokyo, I supported her, and then you go take everything away from her because you couldn’t keep your hands to yourself? You dare defile her like that?”
“Dad!” you roared, clutching Satoru’s hand who’d gone limp. “It was equally my responsibility as it is his! I wanted this; we both got carried away but we’re doing our best, so please stop being difficult to us.”
“You wanted this?” he laughed dryly, “A child with this man you kept moaning to me about; the same man who went to clubs every night while he left you all by yourself to work, to clean up his mess from him? You wanted him?”
“Dad,” you gritted your teeth, nails sinking down onto your thigh. Satoru remained silent between you both, although you could feel his burning gaze penetrating through the back of your skull. “It’s both our mistake. But this child...we don’t see it as that. We like to view it as a blessing. It may be true we harbour no affection for one another, but we want to be good parents. That’s all you need to know and I find no reason to explain myself to you. If you have nothing else to say, you can go back home. I’ll pay for your ride,” slamming down a few bills his way, you glared at your father, who shrunk back at the anger radiating off of you. “You’re not welcome here, Dad. Just go back home.”
“I’m just worried for you.”
“You don’t have to. I’m not a little kid anymore.”
“I never said you were,” he sighed, rubbing the sides of his temples. “But he just took all your opportunities away from you! What about your dreams? What about your plan of having your own career once you have enough experience? What about—”
“Are you implying that because I’m pregnant, suddenly I’m not qualified to fulfil my goals?”
“Sir,” Satoru cut you off, releasing your hands as he leaned forwards on the table, becoming more and more like the CEO he was trained to be – all authority and gentle command that won the hearts of multiple investors. “I assure you that I won’t be holding your daughter back from the things she wants to achieve. As her co-parent, I’m perfectly capable of supporting her in the dreams she wishes to achieve. I’ve worked with her for years; I know she can reach for the stars if she wanted.”
Your mind blanked.
“Young man, don’t talk to me as if you know my daughter better than I do,” your father scorned, “I’m not questioning your capability to support her, but what about your credibility? How can you assure me you’ll really be there for her? How can you assure me you won’t leave my daughter stranded in the middle of nowhere? How can you assure me you can protect her from the harsh criticism of society? Money can’t provide nor does it solve anything,” your father copied his gesture by leaning forward, but it was to poke Satoru’s chest. “From what I’ve heard about you, I suppose you understand perfectly well why I don’t trust you.”
“Sir, I do plan on marrying your daughter and to give her the life she deserves,” Satoru confessed, effectively stealing from you the ability to speak as he glimpsed your way. “If she lets me.”
“You’ll marry her? Be faithful to her as your wife and have a family? Are you sure you can do that?”
“Yes, Sir, I’m highly confident I can. I’ll make sure of it.”
“Then that’s all I need to know,” your father leaned back in your seat, arms crossed against his chest and a stern expression on his face. “And if I find out you hurt or make my daughter cry in any way, I’ll beat up that pretty face of yours. I have two more sons that’re willing to do the same, if you don’t watch your actions.”
Satoru beamed at your father’s ‘approval.’ “I’ll face any consequence if I fall short on my duties, Sir, but I assure you, it will never have come to that.”
“So we’ve come to an agreement?”
The two men linked and shook hands across the table, completely disregarding the fact you were right beside him. You were beyond appalled, but mostly hurt that you’d been reduced to this way. And they were unaware of it, too, sickening and satisfied yet tense smiles were masked on their faces as they decided your future.
You stood up and left the restaurant.
You kept walking as fast as you could in the cold night, hands shoved into the coat of your pockets. Thousands of pin needles pricked at your heart and your skin the more you replayed the memory in your head. How stupid were you to think that Satoru would be different? And marriage? Was he serious? It all made you sick to the core to the point you wanted to throw up and disappear, until a heavy set of footsteps echoed behind you and tugged your wrist.
“Y/N, wait!” Satoru panted, hands on his knees as he tried to catch his breath. “What’s wrong with you? You just up and left—”
“Seriously, Satoru, you’re asking me that?” your face fell flat at his cluelessness, “What’s wrong with you? You men are sickening; planning my entire future like that right in front of me as if I don’t have a say in what I want. None of you asked if I’m okay with this. You really went ahead deciding we’ll get married when I told you already, I don’t want to marry you and I never will!”
Satoru brushed a hand over his hair, a hand on his hip. You could tell his patience was being tested – after being verbally harassed by your father and now with you pushing back in the same heat, it was only a matter of time before he lost his cool. Surprisingly enough, however, his voice remained levelled as he sighed. “What did you expect me to do back there? Tell your father that we’re just going to be roommates and raise a child together as if we’re not already family?” he defended, words slow and pronounced with a hint of hurt behind them. “I respect you and I truly do want to be with you, that’s why I wanted us to get married.”
“You respect me?” you laughed incredulously, “Are you hearing yourself right now? No person respects another by deciding what happens to my life without my consent!”
“I’m sorry I didn’t ask, okay? I apologize for it and I acknowledge my mistake that I didn’t give you much of a choice. Me being cornered and pressured isn’t a good excuse, but I wasn’t lying when I said I want to take care of you and—”
“What do you mean why?”
“Why do you want to be with me?” you demanded, “Why do you want to take care of me so badly? How did you even take this so well? You weren’t even that angry when I told you I was pregnant.”
Satoru paled. “Was I supposed to be? Should I have pushed you away and kicked you out my life? Is that what you wanted me to do, or is that what you expected from me, considering you’ve made it extremely clear I’m nothing but your airheaded boss and a man who always wants his dick wet, right?” the sting of his words pricked you both – you with your guilt, and him with his pride crushed. But he didn’t let on, didn’t waver and didn’t match your anger as his chest shook with impatience. “I’m trying to be good to you; I want to be good for you and the baby because despite what you think of me, I’m not the devil the tabloids make me out to be. I sleep around, yeah, but I wouldn’t go so far to turn someone away especially when I know I’m supposed to be there.”
“Satoru, if you’re only doing this out of obligation, you can be a good father without marrying me. Marriage is not a requirement; I don’t care what people say that I got pregnant without getting married. That’s the least of my concern, I just want the baby to grow up healthy but I don’t want to be involved with you.”
With how stunned Satoru looked, one would’ve thought you slapped him right in the face. That mere sight of seeing your boss tear his walls down in front of you almost made you feel bad, but you had to be strong.
You had to be firm with what you stood for.
“I really don’t want to be with you, Satoru. I’m so sorry.”
“What do you want me to do?” his voice cracked, begging and pleading as he stood before you, looking every bit of a man lost in uncharted territory. “I don’t know what you want me to do, Y/N. One moment, you’re telling me you want me to be a good father, and then the next you’re pushing me away. People are so sure that I’m a man who can never settle down because they believe I have commitment issues, but I’m telling you I can commit to you right now,” he held your hand, rubbing some of his warmth at your comparably cold ones. You didn’t fail to notice that he was trembling, but what about what you couldn’t decipher. “Are you really sure I’m the one here who isn’t capable of that? What are you so scared of that you can’t trust me?”
“Because you’re you! Because you’re a fucking asshole who’s been treating me like I’m an overworking machine and always expects me to undo your shit for you! Because you make me sick and I don’t want to be with someone who doesn’t know what love means!” Exploded. You exploded. “I regret everything that happened between us that night. No, in fact, I regret ever meeting you at all.”
Satoru took a step back.
All the light and joy that fit so perfectly with him had now disappeared.
“I’m sorry,” he demurred, “I’m sorry that I’d been so repulsive that you’ve felt miserable for all this time. I’m sorry I haven’t been a decent boss and I’m sorry I’m not good enough for you.”
“Gojo, stop. Stop doing that; stop apologizing!”
“Then tell me what you want me to do,” he barked desperately. “Because I can’t read your mind and I just want to be good for you.”
“What if I don’t want you to? I don’t want you to be good to me, I don’t want you to care about me. Be there for the baby, but don’t involve yourself too much in my personal life. Stop asking me to marry you because you and I would never work out. We’re impossible, okay?”
“How do you know we’ll never work out when we haven’t even tried?” he pushed, “You never even gave me a chance.”
“You’re not worth that chance.”
If someone could receive an award for effortlessly trampling over someone repeatedly, you would’ve been crowned winner a long time ago. You had no idea what came over you as you spat all those hurtful words to Satoru, but did your words bear no truth? The fact that he no longer defended himself meant he also knew that he wasn’t worth it – that he wasn’t someone to be trusted. It wasn’t that you were completely unfair too; of course you considered it. Weeks of living under the same roof as him and you most definitely considered it. Say you did get married and became a real family – what then? It wasn’t a marriage out of love, but rather out of responsibility and obligation.
As much as you loved your child, you couldn’t imagine throwing away your future and living miserable for the rest of your life like that.
A life built on lies wasn’t a life worth living.
“I would never hurt you.”
Your heart cracked. After everything you said, after all your efforts to keep him away from your own safety, after all the hurtful things you’ve done to him, and he was still apologizing? Why did he have to make it so hard to let go? You were tired, so tired that you could no longer refrain your lip from quivering as tears caked your face.
“Gojo, please, don’t—”
“So if me stepping away from your life is what would really make you happy, then I’ll respect it. But there’s one thing I have to ask,” Satoru swiped a thumb under your eye to catch the tear. His smile was forlorn, his touch cold and words melancholic. “Do you want the baby? Do you...want to keep the baby and be a mother? You don’t have to do anything for me, I just want to know if the mother of my child even wants to be one. And please be honest, because everything you say right now are words that I’ll mark seriously.”
The word left your mouth before you could stop it.
“No what?”
“I don’t want to be a mother,” you admitted, hands trailing over your belly. It felt like you were betraying your own child, but you hadn’t planned this. “I’m too young, Satoru, I-I’m not ready for this. With you there beside me or not, I really don’t want this.”
“Then,” he cleared his throat, turning his head to the side to catch a moment. You swore you saw his eyes shine under the city lights with tears, but it was gone so soon that you might’ve just fooled yourself with it. Once he deemed himself ready to talk, Satoru took a deep breath. “Do I have your consent that once the baby is born...it’ll be under my care? Would you prefer to reach your own dreams, then? You’ll never have to be a part of the Gojo family if it’s really not what you want, even though I could support you as much as you need me to.”
Your eyes widened at his proposition. “You’ll take care of our baby?”
“Yes, of course.”
“Can I...can I visit them, at least, once in a while?” It was more than just your heart that broke that night. There was no telling whether you’d hurt yourself in the long run with this decision. It was no easy choice to make – to actively pursue your dreams somewhere else more than being a mother. You wanted to do your best, of course you did, but it wasn’t that easy. Gojo didn’t have to tell you for you to understand that once you married him, you’d be expected to run the business with him and be involved in his family and their dramas. Now that wasn’t a life you wanted.
“You’re free to visit them whenever,” he promised, voice fading even lower into the background. “So is this it? We’ll just be living under the same roof until the baby is born and once they’re here...”
“We’ll part ways.”
“We’ll part ways,” he nodded in agreement, sniffling for a brief second before fixing his tie. The Gojo Satoru you got to know for a few weeks had now disappeared. Not even the goofy boss you spent seven years with could be found in the coldness of his eyes, almost as if he’d put up such impenetrable walls around him and nothing could pass through. The sudden shift in aura made your heart clench as he offered his hand to shake. “Okay. Let’s stay professional until then?”
“Yeah, Sir, I can do that,” your hands shook as you enclosed it around his, but now all the warmth had disappeared – from his eyes, his touch, his soul. It hurt, but this was necessary. It was what felt right. “Thank you – for everything.”
“You’re welcome. Anything for you and the baby,” Satoru proclaimed, perplexing you both when he suddenly pulled you in his arms. Just like that, the dam broke, and you were staining his precious suit before you could stop it. His arms rubbed up and down your back the longer he held you there, almost like a final moment to lean on one another before you had to say goodbye eventually. Beneath your palm, his heart beat exuberantly loud, so much so that you might’ve heard the prayers it whispered. “Stop crying now. The baby might feel sad too. We’ll both be alright – we just have to get through this.”
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2K notes · View notes
myherowritings · 4 years
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SUMMARY. Todoroki Shouto was a wealthy, young CEO who inherited his father’s enterprise. You were a barista at a local cafe who wouldn’t mind some extra cash. One day, Shouto came in during an early morning shift and tipped you such a large sum of money, you were certain it had to have been an accident. To your surprise and complete pleasure: It was not.
PAIRING. ceo!todoroki shouto x barista!reader
GENRE. ceo/barista au, fluff, eventual smut
WARNINGS. sexual tension !! and umm sexual frustration ;p, not explicit but prob rated 16+, just read the title of this chapter BAHAHA
A/N. sorry this is coming a little later than planned ! :( but i hope the dressing room scene can make up for it u.u tysm for reading and for all the feedback! enjoy :3 xx sof
© myherowritings — all rights reserved. reposting, modifying, copying, or translating of any kind is not allowed. do not read my writing as asmr. do not plagiarize.
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What were you supposed to wear to a shopping date? you asked yourself. Not that today was a date or anything. Though maybe you sort of wished it were… 
The Naruhata Charity Gala was in a little over a week and Shouto would be coming over to pick you up in less than one hour and you still sat in your room with nothing but a towel on feeling more and more hopeless. 
It was a strange dilemma. He met you in your work apron wearing an unflattering work shirt and work pants. And when you met up over the weekend previously, you never paid too much mind on what you would wear. In fact, you were positive he wouldn’t even care how you looked. So why was it such a big deal to you now? 
Probably because of your recent admission of your growing feelings towards him, you thought crossly. 
In your defense, it wasn’t like it was your fault! Right? Seeing someone everyday… Wanting to see someone everyday… Texting regularly about the most random things, having the most banal objects you saw throughout the day remind you of something Shouto did or said… With all those occurrences it would’ve been practically impossible to not start crushing on him! 
Time passed as you stared at your ceiling blankly. If you kept this up, he was bound to show up in your house and find you half-naked. (Now that you mentioned it, that didn’t sound like the worst idea. But it wasn’t something you’d randomly spring upon someone.)
“Get up, Y/N!” you scolded yourself, rolling off your bed and heading towards your closet. 
In the end, you ended up settling for another variation of your usual go-to outfit and called it a day. It happened to be perfect timing since, by the time you finished getting ready, you got a new message on your phone. 
Shouto: Parked in front of your place
Shouto: Sorry I’m a little early. You can take your time getting ready :)
Y/N: it’s okay i’m ready now!! 
After hitting send, you put your shoes on, gathering your belongings you wanted to bring with you, and headed out the door. Excited to hang out with Shouto again, you walked with a skip in your step down the path until you reached his car. 
“Hi!” You waved through his half-opened, tinted window. To no one’s surprise, his car was a sleek black color with dark, tinted windows, and gold details along the sides. If it didn’t look so oddly sexy you would’ve laughed at how cutely dorky he was for matching his car with his credit card. “This is one hot car.”
He turned his head to the side when you entered the passenger’s seat. “Should I turn the AC higher?” 
“Huh— Oh!” You stifled a giggle when you processed the pun he made. “You’re funny, Shouto.” 
He only looked a little confused. “Thank you.” 
The interior of his car was no less—for lack of better term—sexy than the outside. Leather seats, a large screen for the radio and carplay, and the dashboard and side doors lit up a nice blue color. 
“Pretty!” you complimented, poking at the colorful light.
“Want to pick a color?” 
Your eyes widened. “It can change colors?!” 
Shouto nodded.
“Can it be pink?” you asked intently. 
“Light pink or hot pink?”
He swiftly obliged and with a hit of a touchscreen button, the interior lighting changed from blue to pastel pink. 
It turned green.
Cue the orange. 
Once you were thoroughly satisfied with Shouto showing you the whole color selection (you were almost embarrassed to admit it kept you entertained for a good ten minutes), you settled on a bright turquoise that reminded you of the color of his left eye. 
“Ooh, this color! My favorite,” you said simply, giving him a wide smile. 
A faint blush dusted his cheeks as he developed a sudden interest in adjusting his rearview mirror. “Hm.”
Shouto drove the rest of the way in a comfortable silence, occasionally asking how your week was outside of work and what type of outfit you wanted to wear so he could have a better idea on where to take you. 
“Did you eat?” he suddenly asked when he hit the next stoplight, one hand holding the wheel and the other resting comfortably on the gear shift. 
His hands looked nice and slender and soft to the touch. Pretty hands, you thought but shook yourself out of it because you could go down a rabbit hole of examining his hands and going into detail about them. 
You remembered the single, measly granola bar you had due to your rush getting ready. “I didn’t really eat yet, no. Did you?”
He shook his head and pulled into a food plaza with lots of stores to choose from. The two of you agreed on a noodle restaurant that apparently had some of the best cold soba (once you learned it was his favorite food, you wanted to be able to have some with him and today was the perfect opportunity to do just that) and promptly headed to the location. 
In the shop, a waiter sat the two of you down at a dimly lit booth with the perfect amount of ambience that if someone were to casually look over, they might even mistake this outing as a date. 
You grinned at the thought. 
“Excited for the soba?” asked Shouto, examining the smile on your face thoughtfully. 
That’s not why you were smiling, but it was close enough. “Mhm. And the udon. You can never go wrong with noodles!” 
Yes, you got both udon and soba. But in your defense, where else would the fun in life be if not in sugary sweets and carbs? 
As the two of you waited for your main dishes, you ate some fish cakes and edamame while talking about the ways in which capitalism could be dismantled. Rather sexy of him, if you did say so yourself. 
Before you knew it, you were done with your meal and headed back into his car to go fancy-people shopping. On the remainder of the ride, you asked yourself what color you should pick that would match well with both you and Shouto. After all, nothing said a cute couple who totally liked each other going on a totally real date to a gala like color-coordinated outfits, right?
He parked in front of a street of buildings with a dark glass reaching from ceiling to floor with security guards at the door. Just standing near it made you feel fancy. 
“This is a place my sister told me she liked,” he said, leading you to the store front with his hand on the small of your back to guide you. “I hope you’ll find something to your liking.”
You tried your best not to pay too much attention to the warmth you felt both on your back and your stomach from the fuzzy feelings that spread. 
“Hello, welcome!” the both of you were greeted as you walked through the doors. The interior of the store was lined with designer dresses, some long, some short, and all incredibly stunning. There were only a few other patrons in the store, but all of them looked so elegant as they tried on their dresses. “It’s so lovely to see you again Mr. Todoroki.”
Shouto nodded subtly. “Hello. This is Y/N, my date to the gala who’ll need your assistance today.”
“Hi!” you chimed in at his cue. “Nice to meet you.” 
The worker smiled and made her way over to you. “And you as well. I’m Masuda and I’ll do my best to make sure you leave the store satisfied with your purchase! Did you have a particular style or perhaps color in mind?”
“Umm,” you said sheepishly, looking around the wide variety of clothings and unsure where to start. “I’m not too sure. It’s my first time going to one of these things so maybe something comfortable, but also still...fancy?” You scratched the back of your neck. “Does that even exist?”
“Of course— Just have to find something that feels comfortable to you.” She told you to hold on one moment as she disappear into the rows of fabric. 
As Masuda collected some starter dresses for you to try on, a customer walked by with bags of clothes in her hands, her gaze lingering on Shouto, though neither of you paid her much mind. 
“In this setting, you look almost fit to be a sugar daddy,” you said jokingly, looking around in awe at the sophisticated yet lavish dresses. “You take all your sugar babies here?”
“Only the ones I really like,” he teased back. His voice was deadpan but there was the telltale hints of a smirk on his face to let you know he was only messing with you.
The door chimed to signal that a customer left and by then Masuda had returned with bundles of fabric draped on her arm. She led you away in a hurry and you hesitantly looked back at Shouto who followed in a safe distance. Seeing your moment of panic, he gave you an encouraging smile that somehow was enough to ease a significant fraction of your nerves. This may be new and confusing territory, but at least he was here to help you through it. 
Masuda set a dressing room up for you—it was one of those rooms in the middle of the store with curtains that reached the ceiling and mirrors all around—and placed a bunch of outfits she thought would suit your taste. It reminded you of when a bride would go wedding dress shopping with their family. When you had enough outfits for the first round, she told Shouto to sit down on a leather seat in front of your dressing room while he waited for you to try the different dresses on. 
In a way, it felt oddly intimate: Shouto sitting just a few feet in front of you as you undressed, only separated by the veil of a curtain. Would he offer to help button the back of your dress up, fingers brushing against your bare skin? The thought made you feel almost hot inside as you changed out of your street clothes and into the first dress. 
Unfortunately for you, this dress had no such difficult buttons to reach. 
“How’s it look?” you asked shyly as you emerged from the dressing room. 
The dress was pretty and didn’t feel uncomfortable to walk in, but there wasn’t any sort of attachment you felt towards it. In other words, it was simply...meh. 
Shouto looked up from his phone to take in the sight of you. He smiled. “You look amazing as always.” 
“You think so?” You spun around and curtseyed jokingly and he chuckled. “I don’t think it’s bad, but I’m not sure if it’s the right one.” 
“We’ll be here until you find the right one you want, then. Take your time, Y/N.” 
His voice was normally on the deeper side, but it sounded even more sensual and gravelly at this very moment. You felt goosebumps on your arms and it wasn’t just because of the sleeveless dress you currently had on. 
“T-Thanks, Shouto,” you murmured, turning around and walking back into the changing room to hide the look on your face. You didn’t even know what kind of look you had on your face, but you knew it was one that might give too much away. 
It wasn’t fair that he had to be so sweet and caring and thoughtful and handsome and rich… Most guys you met barely fit into one of those criteria, let alone all five. (Sure, the last two weren’t necessary in your opinion, but you couldn’t deny they were a nice bonus.) It was too bad you had no clue how he felt about you. 
There were moments where he felt flirty and teasing, like maybe he viewed you in a more-than-friends way. But other times he was so polite and proper and you couldn’t help but wonder if he was just being nice because that’s simply the sort of person he was to everyone. 
While you were trying to sort through all your thoughts, you completely forgot to change into a new dress the whole time you were in here. 
You saw a shadow at the floor of the curtain before a voice said, “Y/N? Are you okay in there?” 
Jumping at the sound, you scurried to put the next dress on, a blue one with almost translucent fabric and a delicate neckline. Judging from the proximity of Shouto’s voice and the shadow of his shoes, he was right next to you as you changed. 
“I’m okay!” you managed, hoping you didn’t sound as wobbly as you felt. You held the dress closed at the back, fumbling with the fastens. “I just, ah, needed help buttoning this one up.” 
A light ruffle on the curtain then a pause. “Should I...come in and help?” 
Your eyes widened, not expecting him to actually offer to button it up like you fantasized earlier. You fully thought he might called the worker to aide you just so he wouldn’t risk making you uncomfortable. (Not that he would’ve. At all.) 
“I apologize,” he said somewhat tensely after you didn’t respond. “That was indecent of me—”
“No, no!” you said profusely, poking your head out of the curtain while holding the fabric at the front of your dress to your chest. You tilted your chin to meet his gaze with a determined one of your own. “I’d love your help, Shouto.” 
With a dusting of pink coloring his cheeks, he nodded and entered your dressing room. “This dress is a nice color on you.” His voice was loud against the silence. 
Shouto ran his hand down the length of your spine and then up to unfold the column of buttons on your dress that curved inwards at your movement, his knuckles grazing against your skin like lightning striking water. You jolted at the sudden feeling but he didn’t remove his touch when he felt it.
“Sorry.” His voice was low, almost like a whisper. “Was just getting the buttons out.”
“N-No worries!”
His fingers began working on the bottom-most button at your lower back as he applied a steady pressure on the base of your spine to control the motion. Shouto slowly began his way up, fingertips cold to the touch. But you knew that wasn’t the only reason you felt yourself shiver. As he fastened the dainty buttons with immense concentration (much more concentration than was actually needed to fasten buttons, you were sure), you felt the heat of his breath tickling the back of your neck. You almost couldn’t keep yourself from arching your back in a mixture of anticipation and delight at his constant touch. 
When he finished the last button, Shouto let one hand rest on your hip, grasping the fabric between his fingertips to examine its silken texture. Your breath caught in your throat as you stepped back and bumped into his chest, but he was already there to steady you. 
With his arm on your waist and your back leaning against his chest, you made eye contact through the mirror in front of you. You weren’t sure if the pounding you felt was from your heart or his or a combination of both. 
There was something almost erotic about holding each others’ gaze in the mirror after Shouto just helped you dress, the two of you still not letting the other go despite the task being complete. 
“The dress… You look gorgeous,” he said, not taking his eyes off you for one moment. 
You nodded slowly. It did look amazing on you. And it was breathable and soft. (Plus, Shouto liked it, which made you happier than you’d care to admit.) “The only downside would be I need help getting into it.”
“We could get ready together so it’s no issue.” 
“I’d...also need help getting out of it.” 
You held your breath as his eyes darkened, his grip on your waist tightening ever so slightly in a way that made you curve your back before you remembered you were flush against Shouto and he could feel even the most subtle of movements coming from your body. But by the time you stopped yourself, it was too late. He already felt it and you wanted more.
His voice was hoarse. “I could help you with that too.”
Instead of beginning to unbutton the dress like part of you thought he would, he surprised you by spinning you around to face him, your shoulder blades pressed against the cool glass of the mirror and your palms lingering on the muscles of his warm chest. The contrast of the cold glass and Shouto’s body heat left a shiver down your spine.
“And how do you plan to help take off my dress when you can’t even see the buttons?” you said challengingly, a smirk on your face despite knowing full well your body was showcasing just how affected you were by this situation. By Shouto.
He tilted his head to the side in response to your daring tone, hands swiftly finding their way to your back and unbuttoning the top five buttons. It wasn’t enough to completely expose your breasts, but it was enough to loosen the fabric at the neckline in a way that made you gasp. 
“Seems doable to me,” he commented. 
You tugged him down slightly by the collar of his shirt. “I don’t quite believe you. Maybe you should prove it.” 
A guttural noise sounded from the back of his throat as he cupped your jaw and leaned in closer. You inched forward, eager to meet his lips. But before they could touch, a knock came from the wall next to the curtain, causing the two of you to freeze in your spots, bodies pressed against each other in an intimate flush.
“Hello, Y/N?” said Masuda cheerfully, blissfully ignorant about what was about to happen in a public dressing room in the middle of the store. “How are the dresses coming along? Did you like any?”
“Ah, actually…” you trailed off, exchanging frustrated but amused glances with Shouto. “I think we’ll take this one.”
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a/n: so...mirror sex/sex in a dressing room as a bonus chapter? u.u why yes of course. i’m one step ahead; did u even have to ask? LMAO and hm i wonder if y/n’s fEeLiNGs~ are reciprocated skfkfkdg ALSO THEY WERE SO CLOSE TO KISSING BUT DIDN’T I CRY hopefully the wait will be worth it ;3
what to expect in the next part:
yes y/n finally gets the fancy candy they so desired
we get to see shouto’s sexy penthouse
shouto says eat the rich >:c
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pingutats · 3 years
i just had such a good request for a fic. dom/sub dynamic with dom!harry where y/n is being spanked for misbehavior and she ends up crying during it because she feels like she deserves to be hurt, and harry stops immediately and there’s a lot of fluffy aftercare and physical affection
thank you for the request!! i know it took me a million years to get to writing this but finally did it... i know it strays a little bit from all the details of your request but i hope you enjoy regardless!
warnings: spanking, dom/sub dynamic, descriptions of anxiety (maybe don’t read if you’re in a weird headspace, it’s not exactly pleasant!)
word count: 1.7k
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As soon as Y/N hears Harry’s car in the driveway, she dashes from the kitchen to the front door like a kid that’s heard an ice-cream van. After the day of work at home she’s had, of redoing paperwork she’d messed up the first time and struggling through technical issues and communication errors over email—she just needs Harry so badly.
In fact, she’d texted him earlier to let him know. Quite blatantly. With a photo she prays he opened when there was nobody else around.
When Y/N opens the door for him he freezes, taking in her appearance. She’s wearing just panties and one of his shirts, her bare legs completely on display for him. His gaze sweeps up and down her body for a second, then he swears under his breath and strides in quickly. Y/N jumps back to give him room, waiting a few feet ahead in the hallway.
He shuts the door with his arm swinging back behind him, not even glancing over his shoulder to watch it close.
There’s a second of silence as they stare each other down, and it’s in this second that Y/N feels them slip into the roles of the game she’s been wanting to play all day. His eyes go from wide in shock to steady. Her head bows almost of its own accord, responding to the straightening of Harry’s shoulders after he drops his bag.
He inhales sharply through his nose and drops his keys into the bowl on the bench. “You’ve been doing this on purpose, darling,” he says in a measured tone. It isn’t a question. He won’t be asking questions now—she won’t have to think, she can just listen to him, let him take over now.
She plays with the bottom of his t-shirt that she’s wearing, pulling it up enough to reveal the slightly paler skin where her shorts would usually cover.
Harry’s tongue darts out to wet his lips. “Come here,” he says, beckoning her over.
She considers refusing, just to be a brat, but it’s a lot easier to just go along with him now she’s getting what she wanted. She twists her hands in the t-shirt in front of her as she approaches him, averting her eyes from his as he watches her, suddenly vulnerable under his gaze.
When she’s close enough, he reaches out and grabs her wrists to yank her grip on the shirt free, pulling her off balance so the only thing that stops her falling flat on her face is his arms. She tries to relax into his grip, tries to let herself go.
“Been so fucking needy today. That photo — nearly had me getting hard in the studio right in front of everyone, love,” he says, squeezing her wrists almost painfully. “And look how you answer the door, nearly naked for anyone walking on the street to see.” He shakes his head, clicking his tongue condescendingly. “Do you want to apologise for anything?”
She looks at him, pretends to think, and then shakes her head.
He sighs. “Of course not, you little brat.” His grip loosens. “Alright then. Go upstairs for me.”
She blinks at him.
“I’ll be up in a minute. Go on.” He spins her around and nudges her towards the stairs with a gentle push.
She glances over her shoulder at him before she goes and he only raises his eyebrows expectantly. She’s almost tempted to pull the back of the t-shirt down over her ass to cover herself, but that wouldn’t get her what she needs, and what she needs is Harry to take care of her—so she keeps her head bowed as she walks up the stairs, adding a little swing in her hips with each step just as the icing on the cake. She smiles when she hears his deep inhale from the hallway as he watches her the whole time.
Upstairs, she sits on the end of their bed with her hands in her lap, scratching at days-old nail polish she’ll need to redo soon. There’s a knot in her stomach that’s been twisting all day, stresses piling up and morphing into some ugly feeling she can’t shake, not without Harry’s help. She manages to peel all the bright pink colour off her left thumbnail while she waits.
It seems like forever before she hears Harry’s footsteps up the stairs but when she does, she straightens up. The sound of the door opening makes her jump in nervous shock. She flexes her fingers, trying to calm her jitters. It’s Harry. She needs him.
“Being such a brat today,” he says when he’s finally in front of her. “Aren’t you? Don’t know how to behave.” He sits beside her, squishing her cheeks with his thumb and forefinger. “Need me to teach you a lesson, hm?”
She nods at him, eyes moony. Yes, this is what she wants, needs from him—to let him take over for a little while, let him take out his frustration on her, help her let go of her own.
His grip softens a bit. “This okay, baby?” he asks more quietly.
She swallows. “Yeah.”
He leans forward and gives her a quick kiss. She feels like melting against the softness of his lips, pressing against her own, the mouth she knows so well. It’s a comfort in the mess that her mind is feeling like right now.
But he isn’t so gentle as he drags her over his lap a moment later, her face roughly pushed down into the mattress. His hand squeezes her ass, only barely covered by her panties, and her breath hitches.
“Count for me.”
“Yes sir,” she breathes, closing her eyes.
Her exhale is cut short by the force of his palm cracking against her skin, jolting her forward over his lap. The sting dissipates quickly, taking none of the tension inside her with it.
“One,” she says.
“Good girl.” His hand comes down on her again, harder this time.
She screws her eyes shut. “Two.”
It isn’t feeling like how she wants it to feel. She’s too tense, restless, her mind unwilling to float away under Harry’s touch. The pain, which usually is laced with something brilliant and exciting, is just pain today. But with all the mistakes she’s made today, all the things she messed up that have just added to her workload and her stress—maybe this is what she deserves. Punishments are called that for a reason.
So she stays where she is, her head lowered so Harry won’t see anything wrong. She gasps at the third, and it takes her a second to remember she needs to count. “Three,” she says, her voice shuddering.
Harry pauses and she fears she’s made him upset, spoken too quietly, taken too long—she can’t do anything right.
“Love,” he says. His hand comes to rest on her shoulder gently. “Are those good tears or bad tears?”
She squeezes her eyes shut for a moment and in the pause, realises her cheeks are wet. “Um,” she says. Her voice shakes.
Harry’s arm snakes underneath her and pulls her up, manoeuvring her so she straddles his lap and he can see her face. The crease between his brows is deep as his eyes dart over her face, his thumb coming to her cheek to brush a tear away.
She leans her head into his palm that was cracking down onto her skin just a minute ago and closes her eyes, taking a deep breath to steady herself.
“What happened? When did it change?” he asks, his voice soft again, his character leaving.
She shrugs. She doesn’t trust herself to speak without crying more, and she feels stupid enough already.
“It’s alright, love,” he says, shifting so he can sit up straighter and pull her closer to his chest. He rubs her back, kissing her hair. “Let’s just rest for a moment, alright?”
She nods into his shoulder, hiding her face. His hand cradles the back of her head. The panic that she was feeling is dissolving into nothing. All day she felt so tense with so much twisting inside her, and she’d thought she could force it out painfully—she was wrong, of course, and now she feels awful for roping Harry into her misguided attempt to fix herself.
After a couple minutes, Harry taps her to get her to look up at him. “Why’d you want a punishment today?” he asks, without accusation.
She shrugs, raising her shoulders as high as she can and then letting them drop sharply. “Just felt like I needed it.”
He nods. He understands that sometimes she feels like this—needs to lose herself in playing a role for an evening, forget about real life and its responsibilities—because he knows the feeling too. She’s helped him in this way before. They take it in turns: give each other what they need, when they need it. “Wasn’t helpful today, though?” he prompts, his eyebrows raised sympathetically.
She shakes her head, looking sheepish. “Sorry.”
“Hey,” he says. He smiles a little bit and a shallow dimple appears in his cheek. “That’s fine. It’s just a game. We play it whenever you want to, we stop playing when you’re not enjoying it. That’s important, alright?”
“Yeah,” she says quietly. “Sorry.”
“Need to stop apologising, baby,” he tells her. “Just keep talking to me. I don’t want to hurt you.” He kisses her cheek and the gesture raises butterflies in her stomach, even still after all the months they’ve been together. It reminds her that he’s there for her, to look after her, to take care of her when she can’t do it for herself. His lips stay close to her skin as he asks, “How can I help, though, really?”
She buries her face back into his shoulder. “Dunno,” she says, her voice muffled. “Just need you.”
She feels his chin gently knock against the top of her head as he nods, his arms tightening around her again. “You’ve got me, baby. Always got me.”
.                               .                           .                               .                           .
thank you for reading! if you did like it, a reblog would be really appreciated as well as any feedback/comments you might have! you can find more of my writing on my masterlist.
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shyvioletcat · 3 years
For zoom interrupted could we have one where aelin is attending a meeting and Rowan is supposed to take care of Elspeth and well hell ensures
Well, I don’t know where this came from. But it’s here and it’s fluffy, so enjoy.
Zoom Interrupted
It was Rowan’s turn for ‘keeping the toddler out of the study’ today. Aelin had a meeting and they weren’t as accepting of interruptions as his colleagues were. Dorian didn’t mind, neither did Aedion, but a lot of the others had sticks up their asses and didn’t understand kids at all. At least with Dorian as her directing manager, Aelin wasn’t going to cop any flack for it if something happened. He just listened to the complaints, reminded those complaining of the situations they were in, and left it at that.
The only problem was that Elspeth had woken up today feeling like Aelin was the only person that existed in the whole entire world. She wouldn’t have a bar of him. Rowan had tried everything –– snacks, her favourite toys, cuddles, video chatting the grandparents. Nothing worked. The best he could manage was cartoons and being regulated to the opposite of the couch after she had pulled just about every possession she had into the living room and left it there. Even then she was still restless and whiny, every so often she whimpered a little. It was enough to break his heart.
Rowan was checking his phone ignoring the annoyingly high voices on the TV, when there was a loud clatter making him snap his eyes away from the screen. The remote had landed on the floor, the batteries spilling out.
“Elsie,” Rowan said sternly.
It was a mistake. Her green eyes went wide and started to fill with tears. Rowan sighed, he knew what was coming so he slipped off the couch to deal with the remote before it did. He’d just got the batteries in and the back on when Elsie cracked it, crying like her world was ending when all he’d done was say her name in a slightly lower octave than he usually used. Kneeling on the ground Rowan looked over at his daughter, who was now lying down on the couch, her little face heartbreakingly sad.
“I’m sorry, little one,” Rowan said gently. “But you can't throw the remote, it will––”
She didn’t let him finish.
Rowan sighed again, knowing this was a losing fight. “Do you––” more crying, “I can get you a chocolate milk, how about that?”
That caught his daughter’s attention and her crying stopped as she nodded at him. Rowan smiled triumphantly and pushed himself off the floor to go to the kitchen. He got out Elsie’s favourite sippy cup and the milk and the chocolate powder. Spooning in just enough that the milk was convincingly brown, Rowan screwed on the lid and went back to the living room.
“Elsie, here’s your…” Rowan’s voice trailed off when he took in the oddly quiet couch.
Elspeth was gone.
Aelin loved babies. And she loved making babies. It was just the in between bits she wasn’t too fond of. If the vomiting and near constant nausea, along with the fatigue, wasn’t bad enough there was also the fact she was shut in their little house with nowhere to go. Aelin understood why she couldn’t go out, she really did. But being stuck inside with a toddler and her husband with no one else to see face to face was driving her a little stir crazy.
At least today she had something to break up the monotony of the days. She had a meeting for work, meaning that she had to at least look somewhat presentable, giving her something to do and a reason to wash her hair. The hard part had been convincing Elspeth to play with her father for a while. She’d been extra clingy today and Aelin had to literally pry off the little hand that held her shirt in a vice grip. Throughout the meeting she’d heard muffled sounds of tantrums and Rowan’s efforts to placate their daughter, all in all it didn’t sound like it was going great.
And neither was Aelin. She’d zoned out a little while ago while Kaltain droned on about something that wasn’t relevant to Aelin so she put all her attention to keeping her breakfast in her stomach.
Then there was a silence and Aelin hoped that the meeting was over but then her name was being said, and from the tone of it, it wasn’t the first time.
“Aelin,” Dorian said.
She took in a deep breath, not quite exhaling as she said, “Yep.”
“Have you finished that manuscript?”
“Not yet,” Aelin managed to get out, swallowing back the nausea. It usually took Aelin no more than three days to finish a manuscript with her notes for the publishers. But she was more than a week behind on this one. It wasn’t her fault, every time she tried to read she just fell asleep.
“It was meant to be finished last Friday. I don’t think you’ve ever been late before,” Dorian mused.
Aedion snorts from his little rectangle. “Being late is kind of Aelin’s thing at the moment.”
Aelin sends her cousin a scathing look while Dorian looks confused.
“Well that’s it for today,” Dorian said. “Same time next week.”
“Before you go,” Aelin adds quickly before the call ends. “I need a minute with you Dorian.”
“Okay, I’ll just disconnect everyone else.” It took Dorian a minute but then it was just the two of them. “What’s up?”
Just then the door to the study swung open and then a small figure launched itself at Aelin. She gagged on impact, but managed to keep from actually throwing up.
“Elsie!” Dorian cheered. “How’s my favourite little gremlin?”
Aelin saw her daughter give Dorian a look on the screen that looked all too much like Rowan as she clung tighter to Aelin.
“Aw, what’s the matter, petal? Do you want to see the puppies?” Dorian asked.
Elsie nodded at that, wiping her nose on Aelin’s shoulder. Dorian’s dog had had puppies a few weeks ago, Aelin was a little jealous and had cried over the photos more than once. Dorian apparently had one on his lap and he lifted it up so they could see. Aelin’s eyes started to tear up immediately and the fluffy little things. It was enough to get Elsie’s attention and she moved forward, nearly knocking over a drink bottle, making Aelin jump up to catch it before it did some damage.
“Aelin Galathynius-Whitethorn, is that what I think it is?”
Aelin looked at her own screen, at the view Dorian had. The shirt she had worn today hugged her very small baby bump, all the more noticeable from the sideways angle she was standing at. Aelin readjusted Elsie who was currently tucked under her arm, and sat back down. “Yeah so… I’m going to have to put in for leave. I’m pregnant.”
“Again?” Dorian all but blurted.
“Hey,” Aelin pointed a finger at him, feeling irrationally angry. “What do you mean again? It’s only the second one.”
“Sorry,” Dorian said meekly.
“Well, you say it like it’s my fourth or something.” For some reason this conversation was now making her cry. Damned hormones.
“Did you just make my pregnant wife cry?”
Rowan now came into the study, no doubt looking for his escaped charge. He was scowling at Dorian, green eyes staring him down through the camera.
Dorian cleared his throat. “If we weren’t in lockdown I might be afraid for my life right now.”
“Lockdown won’t last forever,” Rowan threatened. “And I never forget.”
“Unless it’s contraceptives,” Dorian muttered.
That set Aelin cackling, her erratic emotions coming full circle, especially when she saw the faint blush on Rowan’s cheeks. Elsie started laughing too, cheered up by being in her mother’s arms and the little puppy.
Dorian sighed. “I hate to lose my best proofreader, again,” he added with a wry smile. “But congratulations. To all of you.”
“Thanks, Dor,” Aelin said, giving Rowan a nudge.
“Thanks,” Rowan said tightly, making Aelin roll her eyes.
“Okay, I’m gonna go before Rowan finds a way to murder me through a screen, we can work out deatils later.” That was all Dorian said before he ended the call.
“You’re the worst,” Aelin said, looking up at her husband.
Rowan sighed, “Sorry, I’m just tired.”
“How convenient, me too,” Aelin said. “How about we take a family nap?”
Rowan grinned at her as he helped her up from the chair while Elsie still clung to her. “Sounds perfect.”
Tags: @fucking-winchester-trash // @literary-licorice // @galyxsy // @tangledraysofsunshine // @highqueenofelfhame // @3am-reading // @soup-that-is-too-hawt // @aelinfire-bringer // @nalgenewhore // @highladyofthesith // @http-itsrebecca // @sleep-and-books // @alifletcher2012 // @westofmoon // @sleeping-and-books // @ttakeitbacknoww // @armixers-unite // @mariamuses // @chocolate-eating-bitch-queen // @velarian-trash // @queenofxhearts // @heroesofterrasen // @highladyofstoriesandmusic // @empire-of-wildfire // @camerooonchiu // @crackedship // @lowhangingtreebranches // @over300books // @yourwhisperingshadows // @thesirenwashere // @tswaney17 // @impossiblescissorspeachpaper // @cat5313 // @judelovescardan // @flowerspringsea // @chaoticskyy // @the-regal-warrior // @fanfictrash3000 // @blueeyes425 // @starseternalnighttriumphant // @bamchickawowow // @thehuntressofmoon // @giorgia-the-trashpanda // @flora-and-fae // @thereaderandfangirl // @illyrian-bookworm // @chemicha // @meltalgel // @gay-book-nerd // @that-odd-puzzle-piece // @i-love-all-books // @in-love-with-caramel-macchiato // @girl-who-reads-the-books // @hizqueen4life // @the-third-me // @1islessthan3books // @bestmelle // @cursebreaker29 // @b00kworm // @superspiritfestival // @aesthetics-11 // @maastrash // @mynewdreamwasyou // @the-last-apprentice // @charincharge // @firestarsandseneschals // @scarznstars // @absolute-dissapointment // @thesurielships // @df3ndyr // @trinitybailey2003 // @hellasblessed // @booknerdproblems // @larisssss // @sevenfreckles-for-sevenloves // @rolltide7 // @scandinavianromantic // @tillyrubes10 // @starwarsslytherin // @minaidss // @paytin77 // @jesstargaryenqueen // @anntheintrovert // @starbornvalkyrie // @loudphantomdragon // @woollycat22 // @claralady // @perseusannabeth // @fangirlprincess09 // @maddymelv // @sierrareads // @more-espresso-less-depresso-xx // @jlinez // @lysandra-ghost-leopard // @rowaelinismyotp // @pullnpeeltwizzlers // @anne-reads // @jadeaffliction // @gracie-rose // @elriel4life // @miserablesmusings // @tothestarswholistentodreamers // @thenerdandfandoms // @castielspelvis // @swankii-art-teacher // @grandma-noob-lord // @vanzetanze // @highlady-brittney // @story-scribbler // @linguine-panini // @pastasiren // @surielandiareendgame // @silentquartz // @littleboxofthunder // @empress-ofbloodshed // @booksbqueen // @rowanwhitethornisbae // @charlizeed // @feysand-loml // @aelin-queen-of-terrasen // @alyx801 // @amandaswallowtail // @louiseleblancdiggory // @abookishfreak // @danibutterr // @thegreyj // @lizzyfirebringer // @endlessdaydream // @magnifique1807
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ray-ray-writings · 4 years
Forget Me Not-SBI
…. To the person that requested this…. Why? Why would you rip my heart out like this… 
This is a SBI x gn!reader in the dreamsmp. So in this, Dream is kind of like an immortal being who is one age and has been that age for a really long time… You’ll see more what I mean when you get into it…. 
This is fine in the beginning and then it gets hella sad….. You’ve been warned.
Masterlist here 
The garden. That’s where it all began with Y/N and the Minecraft family... It’s unfortunate that’s where it all ended as well. 
I met Phil many years ago in my garden. I had lived alone in the middle of nowhere for many years. After months of feeling lonely, I built a beautiful garden with not only lots of fruits and vegetables, but also lots of flowers so that all types of animals and insects could come and hang out in my garden. One day, I peeked out into the garden and found a man with two young children admiring the rows of plants. I didn’t mind, I was just curious as to the new people that had wandered onto my property. 
“Hello” I greeted softly, approaching the three carefully trying to appear non threatening. The blonde man whipped around with wide eyes, revealing that what I thought was three people is actually four because there was a baby strapped to his chest. “Who might you new friends be?” I asked softly. “Oh! I’m so sorry. I didn’t know anyone lived here. I just wanted to show my sons around a beautiful garden to get them to calm down, I’m sorry again, we’ll leave!” He rushed out, grabbing his two standing son’s hands before trying to leave. The poor man looked exhausted. Like he just needed a break from… Well from his children. 
I quickly held my hand out to stop him from moving, “No, you’re quite alright. You just startled me. It has been quite a long time since I’ve had visitors. My name is Y/N!” I introduced myself, hoping to further reassure the father and his children. The blonde man gave me a kind smile and let go of his brunette child’s hand, “I’m Philza, you can call me Phil.” I took his hand with a smile and shook it. “It’s very nice to meet you Phil.” “You as well Y/N. These are my three sons, Wilbur” he says, motioning to the brunette, “Techno. And the baby is Tommy.” I gave each child a warm smile. “It’s very nice to meet you boys as well…. Would it be alright if I showed your boys around the garden myself? You could go inside and relax for a bit if you wanted!” Philza hesitated for a moment, but couldn’t help the wave of relief that washed over him. “Yes. Please, that would be lovely.” 
After chatting for a few more moments, Philza handed me Tommy and told the two other boys what would be happening. “I’ll be right inside, okay? Yell if you need anything.” And then Philza went inside. I had just met the man, but I knew I could trust him. “Alright boys, what do we want to look at first?” The four of us slowly moved about the garden. I told them everything there was to know about the plants I had been growing and answered each and every one of their questions with the utmost patience. 
“Y/N! What kind of flowers are these?” Wilbur asked, his eyes wide and his small fingers reaching out and caressing the blue petals of a small flower. I smiled fondly at the flower before diving in. “Well Wilbur, those are Forget Me Nots and they are my favorite. They represent remembrance, a promise to always remember someone. They also represent love and protection. If you give someone a Forget Me Not, it means you truly love them and would go to the ends of the earth to protect them…” I explained softly. 
Pondering for a moment, I reached out and picked four of the flowers. “Here,” I offered the boy softly, extending out the flower to him. Wilbur stared at me with wide eyes before softly reaching out and taking the flower from my fingers, “But you just said-” “I know what I said,” I cut in gently, extending my hand out and offering another of the flowers to Techno who also carefully took it. “I know I just met you today, but I would do anything for you boys okay? Anything you need, I’ll be there.” I told them softly as I rested yet another of the flowers next to Tommy’s sleeping head. For the first time today, the boys were silent, staring intensely at the blue petals of the flower that symbolized my promise to protect them. 
“Now how about we go inside and give this one to your dad, huh? Then you boys can help me make dinner” The boys seemed to break out of their trance at that. Snatching the remaining flower from my hand, Wilbur bolted to the house, “I’m going to win!” He called over his shoulder to his pink headed brother. “No you’re not!” Techno screeched back, chasing after him. I couldn’t help but laugh at the interaction before slowly following the boys inside. Yeah, I’m pretty sure I would do anything for them. 
Ever since then, the boys had become my family. Phil would come over with his sons and hang out. Sometimes when he needed a break, I would offer to take them off his hands for a while. At first he felt guilty for accepting, but he soon faded from that habit and learned that just because he needed some help sometimes did not make him weak. I watched the boys grow before my eyes. Tommy went from being carried everywhere to throwing a tantrum if you tried to pick him up without warning. Wilbur slowly became more and more invested in the garden, spending many hours out there with me, helping me in any way he could learning everything for himself. Techno broke out of his shell more and also spent a lot of time in the garden with Will and me, although he usually sat back and just watched. 
One day while we were out in the garden, Dream appeared. I hadn’t seen Dream in a long time. We had once been friends. But over time, he slowly became a completely different person. Ruining people’s lives for fun and having no regret or remorse for it. So one day I left. I left for the middle of nowhere and never looked back, never expecting him to find me. But of course he had. 
“Well, well, well… What do we have here?” I almost couldn’t believe the voice that called from behind me. I slowly stood up from what I was doing and carefully turned around. I could feel the twin’s eyes on me as I stood to confront the figure. “What are you doing here, Dream?” I questioned in as stern of a voice as I could. Dream let out a mock laugh as he crossed his arms in front of him, “Now, now. Is that anyway to greet your best friend?” I let out an irritated sigh and rolled my eyes, “You’re not my best friend. You are just somebody that I used to know. Now tell me what you want or get the hell off my property.” I finally snapped, just wanting answers. 
A fake pout peeked out from under Dream’s white smiley face mask. “Awe, Y/N/N. That hurts. That really hurts… But I would watch your words and your tone… You wouldn’t want those two boys to get hurt, would you?” My eyes snapped to the two young teens standing by my side. “Boys, get inside the house.” I growled under my breath. “But Y/N-” “Now” I snapped. They didn’t question me again. Wilbur and Techno sprinted to the house. I watched carefully as the door shut behind them before turning back to Dream. “If you even so much as think about laying a single finger on them, I swear to God I will kill you.” Dream smirked, “Oh come on now. You wouldn’t hurt your best friend, would you?” “You’re not my best friend!” I broke, I marched forward and swung my fist at his face, which he caught. “And here I thought we could have a civil conversation.” 
Dream threw my hand back and quickly struck back, his own fist flying for my face, which I easily blocked. The two of us took a step back, each scanning the other’s body before lunging back into the fight. Punches and kicks fly as both of us try desperately to get the other hand. It’s no use. We know each other too well. 
The fight could have gone on forever if not for Philza. Wilbur and Techno must have gone and gotten their father because all of the sudden there are hands on my shoulders and I’m being pulled off of Dream. “Y/N!” He exclaims, turning me to face him, “What’s going on? Who is this?” I broke myself from the concerned man’s grip and turned to the green hoodie cladded man. “Go home Dream. Go home.” 
Dream reaches up and gently removes his mask from his face allowing our eyes to connect. His emerald green eyes burned with a fury that I hadn’t seen in many many years. I allowed my eyes to roam his face, taking in the subtle changes that have taken place over his face. A small smirk quirked on my lips as I watched blood drip from his nose, knowing I was the one to do that. It must hurt… Good
“You’ve made a big mistake Y/N. All I wanted to do was talk. Wanted you to stand by my side once again.” I let out a scoff, “I will never stand by your side again Dream. You’re a monster and that is something I will never be.” The fury in his eyes seemed to burn brighter as his deamour shifted even darker, “You’re going to regret this Y/N. I swear. I’ll get you one day and you will regret not joining me. It will come from nowhere and you’ll regret it.” “That will never happen. Now get the hell out of here.” And for once in his life, Dream did as he was told. 
After I was sure Dream was gone, I turned back to Phil with a sheepish smile on my face, “Thanks for that… That fight would have gone on for literal ever. Turns out when you’re best friends with someone for many years, you learn their fighting styles and can predict their every move.” Philza just stared at me in shock. “Who was that?” I let out a sigh before delving into a short version of the story. “That was Dream. He’s been alive for like, ever, and will be alive for the same amount of time. We used to be best friends… And then he changed and I didn’t want to be around that, so I left. Today was the first time I’ve seen him in years. It doesn’t matter anymore. I’m here and safe.” Philza seemed to accept my answer and pulled me into a tight hug. “Okay, well I’m glad you’re okay.” I hugged him back tightly. 
My eyes flickered to my house and I let out a small laugh at the thing that stared back at me from inside my house. Philza pulled back and gave me a curious look. “We should go inside. It looks like two boys are very eager to ask questions.” I noted, pointing over his shoulder at the two boys that were peering through my kitchen window, curious looks on both their faces. Phil turned around and laughed at the sight as well. Phil put a hand on my lower back and walked with me inside the house. 
Once I was inside, two sets of arms wrapped around me. I immediately hugged Techno and Wilbur back. “I’m okay guys. Thank you for listening and going inside the house. And thank you for getting your dad for me. I really appreciate it.” “Anything for you,” Wilbur murmured against my shoulder, “You promised to protect us the day we met you… We’re going to do the same for you.” His words caused me to melt. I can’t believe he still remembers that. I squeezed my arms around them tighter. My boys. 
We embraced for a few moments longer before pulling away with a small smile. Techno cleared his throat drawing my attention to him. “Do you think… That maybe you could teach me to fight like you? Just so that I can be prepared in case Dream comes back I can help fight?” His question surprised me. I slowly looked over to Phil who simply gave me a shrug, “Up to you.” I turned back to Techno with a soft smile. “Sure bud, we can start tomorrow morning if you want.” A bright grin, one I rarely ever see from Techno, spread across the pink headed boy’s face. “Yes, please! Thank you!” “Of course kiddo… Now let’s get cleaned up for dinner.” 
So everyday since that day, I trained Techno in the morning. It didn’t take long for him to become better than me. But still, everyday without fail Techno and I sparred. I would also tell him about Dream’s fighting style so that if he ever did come back, Techno would be ready. I assured him though, that Dream wouldn’t be back though. That nothing would ever happen. Oh how I wish I was wrong. 
Dream did come back. On the day I least expected it. 
I was in the garden, tending to the flowers. I gave Techno the day off of training, deciding he had been working hard enough that he deserved a day off. So having the morning free, I decided I would take the time to tend to my garden on my own, something that I hadn’t done since the day I met the Minecraft family. It was nice to have a little time to myself, but as I tended to the Forget Me Nots, I couldn’t help but miss my boys. 
“Hello Y/N” Dream’s cruel voice greeted me from behind, startling me from my work. I felt irritation flood my veins as I rose from my kneeling position, turning around to face him. I felt my blood run cold as my eyes caught sight of the enchanted netherite sword that rested by his side. “Dream… What are you doing here?” I questioned, my eyes flickering to his white mask. I watched the bottom half of his face flicker into a smirk, “I warned you didn’t I? I would be back when you least expected it. Today’s that day.” He claimed with a huge grin, taking a few steps forward, raising his sword toward me. “Dream,” I whispered, horrified, “Don’t do this.”
I was defenseless. I had no shield, no weapon to defend myself. I knew if I tried to book it to my house, Dream would kill me before I even got half way. I couldn’t yell for anyone, I lived in the middle of nowhere and none of the boys were around. I was trapped with no way out. 
“Don’t do this? No I think I will do this. I told you, you would regret it, today’s that day Y/N. Today’s the day.” I didn’t get to respond. Dream lunged forward and the sword was plunged into my stomach. I wanted to scream but I couldn’t. All I could do was let out a painful gasp as I collapsed on top of the sword. I couldn’t stop my hand that reached out and grabbed onto Dream’s bicep. Slowly, I looked up and met the white mask. Making a decision, I reached up with my free hand and ripped the mask off his face. If he was going to let me die, he would have to look me in the eyes when he does it. 
Utter shock filled his face as the mask fell to the ground. His emerald eyes flickered down to where his sword had punctured my body. Regret seemed to fill his face, but only for a moment. Indifference took its place before a forced smirk played on his lips. Another gasp was ripped from my throat as Dream wretched the sword from its place in abdomen. The only thing that was keeping me on my feet was the hand on Dream’s bicep. Once he realized that, my hand was ripped from his body causing me to lose my balance and crash into the ground. 
Dream loomed over me, a satisfied smirk painted on his lips. “Should have listen to me Y/N… Should have-” “Y/N!” A scream roared through the air. Techno was here, why is Techno here? Dream’s head snapped away from me toward the direction of the voice. He looked back to me and forced that smirk once more. “It’s too late,” he stated calmly, “You’ve lost too much blood… Goodbye Y/N… Should have taken me up on that offer” Dream almost sounded sad. I didn’t get a chance to say anything because then he was gone. 
“Y/N!” Techno’s voice called again. I couldn’t call back. Everything hurt too much and I was getting too sleepy. Through my blurry vision, I could see Phil kneel down beside me, Techno, Wilbur, and Tommy close behind him. I could feel his hands find their way to my stomach where he tried to put pressure on the wound. “No, please. Y/N” Philza begged, trying desperately to stop the bleeding, but deep down we all knew it was too late. “Phil,” I whispered, my hand reaching out and cupping his face. “It’s okay. It’s going to be okay. You’re going to be okay. You’ll be okay without me.” 
“Don’t talk like that Y/N. You’re going to be okay too. Please, you have to be okay,” Wilbur’s voice broke as he sank to his knees beside Phil. Tommy and Techno both joined him, each of their hands reaching out and grasping at a part of my body. “Yeah, we still have so much to do together. I have so many pranks I have to pull on you… Don’t leave.” Tommy said, trying to remain strong, and failing a bit as tears streamed down his cheeks. “Please don’t go,” Techno begged, “I still have so much to learn from you. Don’t go. Stay. Stay here. With us.” 
I gave them all a sad smile, pulling my hand away from Phil’s face and resting it by my head above me, my fingertip brushing against the flower bush planted there. “Stay? I would love to stay and be with you boys. But it seems that I can’t.” Gathering all my remaining strength, I reached up and pulled a handful of the flowers from the bush. I let out a small laugh as they came into my view, just as beautiful as the day I planted them. Slowly, I reached my hand out to the boys. Techno was the first to get the message. His fingers reached out and softly plucked one bunches of flowers from my hand, as careful as the day we met. Three other hands slowly reached out and plucked the remaining flowers from my hand. 
Once the blue flowers left my hand, I allowed my arm to collapse to my stomach to rest. “Forget me not” I breathed out before my eyes fluttered closed. Sobs filled my ears as I allowed myself to fall deeper and deeper into a black nothingness… And soon, there was nothing at all. 
*POV Switch*
Third Person POV
Y/N was buried the next day in their favorite outfit in their favorite place, the garden, under their favorite flowers, the Forget Me Nots. The death hit the family of four extremely hard. Days and weeks went by as the four tried desperately to fix the hole that Y/N’s left in each of their hearts. 
Techno was in denial the longest. Going to Y/N’s house everyday in the morning, knocking on their front door waiting for them to answer the door so the two could train together. But every morning without fail, the hole in Techno’s heart grew as his incessant knocking when unanswered. Techno only leaves the house once his eyes catch sight of the grave constructed in Y/N’s garden. 
Wilbur took over taking care of the garden. He could be found many times a week slaving in the hot sun making sure that every single plant was thriving and perfect. He feels like he owes it to Y/N… If he couldn’t protect Y/N, maybe he could protect the garden.*
Tommy got really quiet. His usual loud manner and joking demeanour vanished once Y/N died. His pranks against his family stopped. He didn’t feel right joking in a world Y/N wasn’t in. 
Philza was hit the hardest. He had to put up a brave front for his children. But at night he would allow himself to collapse. Y/N was his friend… His best friend… No. A piece of his family. They understood him like no one ever had. They had taken care of him and his family asking for nothing in return for years. Philza blames himself for many months. Had he gotten there quicker, Y/N would have survived. It was his fault they were dead.**
Everyone grew more protective of one another after that. Never letting one go anywhere alone, not that they wanted to anyway. Although they were protective of each other, the three boys were way more protective of Philza. They had already lost one parental figure. There would be no coming back if they lost the other. 
Techno was almost always the one to accompany Philza on his trips. Training even harder to make sure that nothing would ever be able to sneak up on them or take him down. Every possible threat would find itself dead before it could even think to agro to Philza. With every swing of his weapon, Techno silently thanked Y/N for teaching him so well and swore to avenge them by killing Dream… One day. 
Wilbur became protective over the words that were said about and to Philza. Not hesitating to physically fight someone that said a single bad word about his father. Philza was the strongest man Wilbur had ever known, he understood that now, and so insulting Philza would not fly by Wilbur. 
Tommy began to do everything he could for Philza. He wanted to make sure that Phil knew how much he was appreciated and how much he was loved by his children. Tommy would make sure that Philza had enough food, that chores were done, things were clean, and everything was put in its place. Tommy knew now how much the little things meant. 
Slowly, the four healed together. Laughter and smile crept back into their household as months passed by. The four made regular trips to Y/N’s house. They left gifts and letters one Y/N’s grave, hoping wherever they were they would accept them as an unspoken apology. Taking time to admire the garden started by their beloved family member, currently being kept by Wilbur. 
Their eyes always linger on the Forget Me Nots. The flower that they got at the beginning and the end. Y/N’s favorite flower. Each time they visit, gentle hands reach out and pick five flowers… One for each of them and the final one for Y/N. No words are ever said as they gather their flowers, they don’t need them. The meaning of the gentle blue flower speaks for itself. The silent promise. Forget me not. 
There you go… I really hope you enjoyed. Writing this legitimately made me cry, see the notes below. (the asterisks correlate to the ones in the imagine and points out where my tears occurred). If you did enjoy, please please be sure to leave a like and maybe even a reply or a reblog!
*I kid you not, I know I’m the one that wrote it, but I began crying at that line. Like full on crying because it made me so sad. It doesn’t help I was listening to my sad playlist when I wrote this imagine.
P.P.S. This is what a forget me not looks like if you didn’t know. 
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bex-la-get · 3 years
Take Care of You (Ethan x f!MC)
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Book: Open Heart
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x Natalie Cusack
Special Appearance: Tobias Carrick
Word count: 2175
Summary: When Ethan falls sick, Nat steps in to take care of him.
Rating: T
Author’s Note: Hi, hello. It’s been a crappy week and I’m emotionally/physically exhausted. So here’s some fluff to counter the bad week. This is unedited, so please forgive any mistakes. Hope you like it. 💙
Ethan never got sick. Ever. Despite working in a hospital, surrounded by sick people on a daily basis, Ethan always managed to stay as healthy as possible. He had prided himself on his strong immune system and seemingly inability to fall ill.
Until today, that is. He woke with so much pressure in his sinuses, he thought his head would burst. Getting out of bed was a feat in itself, as his whole body ached. He sniffled as he made his way to the bathroom and nearly jumped at his own reflection: his eyes were puffy, his nose was red, and his posture was significantly slouched. He tried to stand up straight but only groaned as his body protested the movement. Today was going to be long. 
Pushing through, he swallowed a couple of DayQuils with his morning coffee, stuffed some tissues into his pocket, and gave Jenner a pat on the head before sluggishly making his way to work. 
Arriving at the hospital, he noticed the looks of surprise and concern that people gave him as he passed. He didn’t know why; it was just a little cold. It wasn’t like he had grown a second head. He rolled his eyes and continued towards the seventh floor, ignoring everyone he walked past. 
Finally arriving in the Diagnostics Office, he found himself breathing heavier than normal. As he sat at his desk, he attempted to take a deep breath but instead triggered a coughing fit. He grabbed a nearby Kleenex and coughed hard, his body wracking with the movement. He took a deep breath and coughed one last time before his lungs took pity on him and stopped causing him distress. Ethan groaned and dropped his head into his hands. 
“Ethan? You okay, man?” a voice said.
Ethan looked up to find Tobias looking at him with concern. He hadn’t even heard his old friend come in. He nodded and sighed. “Yeah; just a little under the weather today, is all.”
“If you’re not feeling well, you should probably go home,” Tobias suggested. “There’s no point in pushing yourself to further exhaustion.”
Ethan shook his head. “I’m fine; I just need the DayQuil to kick in.”
Tobias pursed his lips then clicked his tongue. “If you say so; Nat’s not gonna be happy to see you like this though.”
“See who like what?” the aforementioned doctor asked as she walked into the room. Natalie looked to Tobias first then Ethan, her eyes widening. “Woah, are you okay?” She quickly made her way over to Ethan and rested the back of her hand to his forehead. 
He weakly brushed her hand away. “I’m fine, Nat. Just a little under the weather.”
“I’d say more than a little; you look terrible!” She exclaimed. He frowned and she gave him a small smile. “Sorry babe, but it’s true.”
“I also walked in on him having a serious coughing fit a moment ago,” Tobias said. Ethan glared at Tobias but the latter deliberately avoided eye contact with him, choosing to look at his phone instead.
Natalie gently placed her hand on Ethan’s cheek and turned his face towards her so she could look at him. He watched as her eyes scanned his face and knew she was trying to figure out how sick he really was. He both loved and hated how well she knew him sometimes. “You should go home, Ethan.”
“I’m fine,” he argued. “I already took some meds, they just need to kick in.”
She pulled out her stethoscope and pointed it at him threateningly. “Go home or I’ll admit you.”
Tobias coughed back a chuckle and Ethan raised an eyebrow. “You do remember I’m your boss, right?”
She nodded as she put the headset into her ears and placed the cold chestpiece against his chest, making him jump. “You’re my boss, my boyfriend, and now, my patient. Breathe in.”
“Nat, this is ridiculous--” he argued but stopped when she glared at him.
“Breathe. In.” she repeated. Shaking his head in reply, he did as she said and found taking a breath was difficult. He fought the cough he could feel bubbling up but to no avail; thankfully, however, this cough was not nearly as violent as the last one. Nat pulled the chestpiece away and nodded. “Yeah, you’re a mess. You’re going home.” He opened his mouth to protest but she held up her hand. “Don’t argue with me on this. You’re in no state to work, let alone be around other sick patients.” 
She pulled out a prescription pad, scribbled something down then turned to Tobias and handed it to him. “Tobias, can you send this down to the pharmacy so they can get it filled? I’ll pick it up when it’s ready.”
He nodded and took the form. “Sure thing.” He turned to Ethan and smiled sympathetically. “Get better soon, Ethan. Nat’s not as fun to be around when she’s in charge.”
Natalie rolled her eyes and smirked as Tobias made his way out of the office. She turned back to Ethan and softened her gaze as he frowned and sniffled. She caressed his cheek with her hand. “I love you.”
His frown shifted to a small smile. “I love you too.” He sneezed.
“You see why I’m sending you home, right?”
He sighed and nodded. “Yeah; I do. I hate being sick. I always feel so useless.”
“You are still human, my love; and humans get sick from time to time. It’s normal.” She crouched in front of him and took his hands in hers. “I’ll come over after my shift and make you some soup, okay?”
“You don’t have to do that--” he weakly protested.
She shook her head. “I want to; let me take care of you, baby. Please.”
Sighing, he nodded and stood, bringing Natalie up with him. He reached for her but hesitated as he didn’t want to make her ill. She smiled at him and stood on her tiptoes to place a gentle kiss on his forehead. “Go home and get some rest. I’ll be there in a couple hours.”
He nodded. Sighing, he left the hospital and made his way home, his head in a fog for most of the journey. After safely arriving home, he changed into some more comfortable clothing, with the intention of getting some work done on his laptop; but the bed looked just so inviting. I guess I could lay down for a few minutes, he thought. Gently, he laid on the bed and closed his eyes. Five minutes is all I need. Within seconds, his body relaxed and he began to emit quiet snores, work completely forgotten.
Several Hours Later
Ethan woke to the muffled sounds of the television and someone shuffling around in his kitchen. He groaned and got out of bed, padding his way to the source of the noise. As he exited the bedroom, he was greeted with the various sights of onion, tomato, and meat that were cooking on the stovetop. Unfortunately, due to his stuffed sinuses, he could barely smell anything but he presumed it was heavenly.
“Hi,” a voice said. He turned his attention to the source and smiled as Natalie approached him, throwing a hand towel over her shoulder. “How are you feeling?”
“Not great,” he replied, truthfully.
She gently brought his forehead to her lips as she judged his temperature. She hummed as she pulled away. “You’re warm.” She turned around and grabbed a small box out of her purse then handed it to him. He looked it over appraisingly, realizing this must be the prescription Nat wrote out earlier. “Take one of these now; it should lower your fever and help you feel better. Go get comfortable, the soup will be ready soon.”
“You didn’t have to do all this, Nat,” he began.
“Of course I did,” she said, cutting him off. She rested a gentle hand on his back and guided him towards the sofa. “Now, relax and get comfy. I’m almost done.”
Ethan did as she said, plopping down on the couch. He opened the prescription box and took the prescribed medication as Jenner trotted over and rested his head in his master’s lap. Ethan patted the pup’s head soothingly, giving him a tired smile. “Has she been giving you orders today, too?” he asked.
“Unlike you, Jenner is a spectacular patient,” Nat answered from the kitchen. “He’s been very good and even earned himself a few treats for being so good.”
“Did you, now?” Ethan mused, looking down at Jenner. The pup, none the wiser to the conversation happening about him, simply wagged his tail and gave his best doggy smile to his owner. Ethan chuckled. “Good dog.”
Taking the remote, he flipped to the Classic Film channel and sunk lower onto the couch. He felt his body begin to shiver and grabbed the nearby throw blanket, covering himself with it. “God, this is awful. I hate being sick.”
“I know, my love,” Nat soothed. “But the meds I gave you should help. They just need time to kick in. And,” she walked over and placed a bowl of hot soup in front of him on the coffee table, “this should help too. It’s an old family recipe of Dani’s. It works wonders.”
“Speaking from experience?” he asked, leaning over, letting the steam from the hot bowl wash over his face. 
Nat nodded. “Yep. Both Dani and I got the flu within a week of each other when we were still living together. She made this soup for us and we both felt better almost immediately. I’m convinced it’s got magic powers.”
Ethan chuckled. “I’ll take your word for it.” He pulled the coffee table a little closer to the couch and smiled at Nat. “Thank you for making this.”
“You’re welcome,” she said, returning his smile. “Now, eat. I’ll be right there.”
Lacking the energy to argue, he did as she said, bringing a spoonful of the hot soup to his lips. Within minutes, Ethan felt the hot liquid warm up his body, which had been starting to feel cold. Nat smiled as she joined him with her own bowl, nodding in approval as he steadily ate. 
Nat filled him in on what he missed at work while they ate, which hadn’t been much, thankfully. Their new patient wouldn’t be admitted for another week so the team had just done some prep and research today but nothing else beyond that. Ethan asked a few questions as Nat explained but otherwise, remained quiet through their conversation. Nat raised an eyebrow, suspicious. “You’re being unusually cooperative. What’s the matter?”
He chuckled and placed his near empty bowl on the coffee table. “Nothing. I’m just feeling a little drained, is all.”
“Mm, I’m not surprised. When you get sick, it hits you like a freight train.”
He frowned. “Thanks.”
Nat chuckled and settled deeper into the couch. She opened her arms and gestured towards herself with her fingers. “C’mere.”
Needing no further invitation, Ethan maneuvered himself into Nat’s embrace, covering them both with the throw blanket he had still been wearing. As he relaxed in her arms, he wondered aloud, “Aren’t you worried about getting sick?”
She hummed. “Nah. But even if I was, it wouldn’t stop me from being here.” She ran her fingers through his hair. “I would take care of you, anytime.”
He looked up at her and smiled. “Thank you, Nat. You’re too good for me.”
“No, I’m not,” she replied, smiling. “We’re just the right amount of good for each other.” She kissed his head. “Can I get you anything else?”
He shook his head, tightening his hold around her midsection. “No. Just you.”
“I’m right here,” Nat reassured. 
“Love you,” Ethan murmured, his eyes fluttering closed.
“I love you too. Now, rest.” She gently leaned over and took the remote from the coffee table.
“Don’t watch the next episode of Bake Off without me,” Ethan said, his voice drowsy.
Nat chuckled. “I wouldn’t dare. When you’re feeling better, we’ll pick up where we left off.” When he didn’t respond, she glanced down to find that Ethan had fallen asleep. Smiling to herself, she turned on an old favorite film of hers and watched, while running her fingers up and down Ethan’s back. 
It would be a few more days before Ethan was back in top shape; but Nat took care of him the entire time. From bringing him food to ensuring he rested instead of working, Nat took better care of Ethan than he had ever done himself when he had been sick in the past. He’d never been so well taken care of before, and it made him all the more grateful to have her in his life. He’d always hoped she’d take over the DT for him one day; and after the way she cared for him, he knew the team would be in the best possible hands. And so would he.
Tag List (let me know if you want to be added or removed): @genevievemd @jamespotterthefirst @paulfwesley @ethansdique @openheartfanfics @perriewinklenerdie @little-flowers-on-heaven @stateofgracious @coffeeheartaddict @liaromancewriter @potionsprefect @mm2305 @gryffindordaughterofathena @actuallybored @writer-ish @queencarb @takeharryandgo @lsvdw-blog @itsjustwinter @chaoticchopshopheart @ohchoices @maurine07 @oldminniemcg @parisa-kh @shanzay44 @uberamsey @izzyourresidentlawyer @adiehardfan @custaroonie @mia143 @a-crepusculo @takemyopenheart @toadfrog26 @quixoticdreamer16 @barbean @headoverheelsforramsey @natureblooms24 @jerzwriter @crazy-loca-blog @dorisz @thegreentwin @cryomyst @kalinahonore @choicesficwriterscreations @rosebudde @trappedinfanfiction @custaroonie​
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pigeonp0st · 4 years
Hi!! Can you possibly write a head cannon where y/n is kurts twin and is dating Quinn? Sorry if this isn’t specific any storyline is ok.
Quinn Fabray x Reader #3
Words: 2,024
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Warnings: Mention of Car Crash, Hospital
I was reading a story that involved a car crash and just...sort of took inspiration from that for more direction. I hope this is what you were looking for, thank you for requesting (and sorry for spelling mistakes)
You got into a car crash.
It wasn’t really your fault, it’s not as if you could have known that some dude driving a truck wanted to push you off a cliff…well, you’re sure he didn’t exactly want to; but that’s not the point, you think.
The point is that you got into a car crash. A car crash (or truck crashing, really) that you should have died from, but you didn’t. A car crash that should have presented lifetime injuries, but it didn’t.
And you’re lucky. That’s the magic word that keeps going around. You’re lucky.
Yeah, fuck that.
You don’t feel very lucky, laying down in your hospital bed and feeling so much pain everywhere, laying down in your hospital bed and not even being able to go to the bathroom by yourself... this doesn’t feel lucky. This feels miserable and shitty and—
Quinn. Quinn is here.
Quinn is sitting in the corner of the hospital room, reading a book with red rimmed eyes and shaky hands.
Quinn she— she wasn’t here yesterday. You wonder for a moment how she could have found out, and then you realize…
Kurt went to school today. You figure he must have relayed the news to the Glee club. If you had been awake yesterday, or even the day before—the night you got into the crash—you would have told him not to tell her.
Quinn doesn’t deserve to find out about this the way she probably found out about this. Quinn doesn’t deserve the worry she’s probably feeling...you know it would have been better for you to text her yourself so she knew immediately that you were fine. So you would be able to downplay the injuries.
Kurt likes being dramatic, and Quinn likes to panic.
“Quinn, you can’t be here,” you rasp out, your throat dry from lack of use. Her green eyes immediately snap up towards you.
“Y/N,” Quinn breathes out, voice full of relief as she sets her book down and moves towards the side of your bed to cup your cheek. “They said you woke up earlier but I had to see it to believe it.”
You give her a weak smile, not able to resist nuzzling your face into her hands. Her eyes watering with more tears almost makes you regret it. “Baby,” you whisper, “Kurt...my dad...what if they see? Where are they?”
Quinn’s face morphs into something guilty and apprehensive. “They both... sort of know about our relationship now…” she rushes to continue when she sees your wide eyes, “they were shocked, but they seem to be doing fine with the news.”
You blink at her, once, twice, and then drop your eyes closed with a wince. “Kurt’s gonna bother me so much about this,” you mumble. “How did they find out?”
You feel Quinn tense before you manage to open your eyes to see it.
“Me yelling at the nice lady up front to let me see my girlfriend probably told them as much,” Quinn says slowly, as if she expects an angry reaction. You don’t feel much anger. You haven’t really cared about them knowing for a while now…
In the beginning it just made sense to keep it a secret from them. Now, not so much.
Plus, nearly dying put some things into perspective for you.
“Does Finn know?”
Now it’s Quinn’s turn to wince. “I’m not sure,” she admits quietly, then adds, “i’m sorry if i’ve made things awkward for you.”
You can’t help but laugh at that, a laugh that turns into a coughing fit, and then turns into a whole bunch of growling while you grit your teeth in pain. “Fuck, fuck, that really hurt.”
Quinn’s hand is trembling again. “Do you want me to get the doctors?” She asks, with no small amount of panic. She’s terrified, and has been terrified since the moment Kurt told her you were in an accident.
“No, no, it’s fine,” you assure her, ignoring the pull of stitches that feel like they’re everywhere, and the hurt in your ribs. “I’m sure Finn will get over it eventually, when he finds out.”
“It’s not as if you two were siblings when I dated him,” Quinn jokes, though her eyebrows are furrowed with her worry.
You give her a smile that you hope is reassuring and try to relax into the hospital bed. Your eyes are heavy with tiredness, and you feel extremely drugged (yet at the same time not drugged enough), but you want to stay awake for Quinn.
Quinn has other plans.
She kisses your forehead, then promises against the skin there, “i’ll be here when you wake up.”
And right before you drift off into the dream world, you hear her say; “please don’t do this to me again,” in a voice that’s so weak and scared that you want to open your eyes again and reassure her.
You fall asleep instead.
Quinn is there when you wake up again, but so is Kurt.
They’re talking. About you, you realize bitterly. About the crash, and the physical therapy you’re going to need to go through for your shoulder.
They’re talking quietly, as if to not disturb you, and it’s weird hearing the two most important people in your life talk. Especially since you know that just a day ago Kurt was terrified of Quinn.
Maybe not terrified...he was intimidated. Everyone is of Quinn.
(Quinn admitted to you once that sometimes she thrives in their fear, and other times she just feels alone. She told you that she doesn’t want to hurt people anymore just because she’s hurting, and that she’s trying to make people comfortable around her again.
The intimidation used to be from fear, now it’s from awe, so you suppose her plan hasn’t really worked. People worship the ground she walks on.
You worship the ground she walks on.)
Quinn is more deep than you expected though, and more deep than you’re sure everyone else expects. She’s more funny, more smart, more self-deprecating, more hurt, more nerdy, more goofy—than you ever realized.
She’s just a person full of surprises.
You jump in the hospital bed in alarm, your side and shoulder aching in protest. Yep. Quinn is full of surprises.
“Are you okay?” Quinn asks, giving you a sad smile. “Sorry for shocking you.”
Kurt pokes his head over her shoulder (it’s weird seeing them so close), “you don’t look so good,” he points out, as if you hadn’t already figured that out. The glare you send him has him shrugging.
“I’m fine, babe.” You ignore Kurt’s smirk at the nickname. “Could one of you just ask the doctors for about twenty pills for the pain?”
“And a hairbrush,” Kurt jokes, though his eyes are lined with the worry he thinks he’s hiding well, “got it.”
“You try getting pushed off a small cliff by a truck, see how you look afterwards!” You yell at Kurt’s retreating back.
There’s a tense silence the second Kurt is out of the room. Quinn’s eyes are focused on a spot on the hospital sheets, and she doesn’t look at you, even as she tries to make a joke for some levity;
“Twenty pills is a definite overdose. I hope Kurt isn’t actually asking for that amount.”
You snort, shaking your head. “They wouldn’t give it to him even if he asked.” Then, quietly, you ask; “Quinn, are you alright?”
She shakes her head. “You almost died,” Quinn mumbles, and she says it like an explanation, you suppose it is one.
It was terrifying, those moments when the truck hit, and those long moments after when you were still conscious.
“I keep thinking about what would have happened if you weren’t even a bit as lucky as you were,” she admits, closing her eyes. “You almost died. The only reason you're here now is because you were lucky.”
“You can’t die,” Quinn says, her eyes desperate when they snap open to look into yours. “You don’t get to leave me. That can’t be an option.”
But it is, because nothing is really guaranteed in life. Quinn knows this, has known this since a very young age, you imagine.
“I’m sorry,” is the only thing you can manage to say in the face of Quinn’s sadness.
Quinn seems to get a hold of herself after your apology. She just shakes her head and runs a hand through her hair and she’s Quinn again. “It’s not your fault. Just work hard at getting better soon so you can help me get through the school days.”
You nod, then hesitate. “Will you love me if I never drive again?” It’s meant to be a joke but it comes out more seriously than you intend. Quinn’s eyes immediately go soft and loving.
“Yes. I’d love you even if you didn’t even want to sit in a car again,” she says, and you believe her. You believe her.
“Then you’d have to walk everywhere with me,” you laugh, even as tears fall down your cheek. Quinn immediately bends down to kiss them away.
“The more calories burned, the more junk food I can have,” Quinn reassures, and you love her.
You love her so damn much.
Kurt is eyeing you and Quinn with something like wonderments in his eyes later that day.
Quinn can’t bring herself to care much though. What he thinks about her relationship with you in the least of her concerns right now. The only thing she really cares about right now is you.
She cares about you looking at her the way you’re looking at her right now, with a dopey drug induced smile. She cares about the fact that you’re looking at her at all. You’re looking at her right now because you’re alive.
You’re alive, Quinn reminds herself. The what if’s don’t matter.
“Quinn, will you marry me?” You ask, words slurred together. It brings Quinn straight out of her thoughts and into the real world.
She blinks at you for a couple of seconds and then nods uncertainty. You won’t remember this anyways, Quinn assures herself, but as she looks over her shoulder at Kurt’s wide eyes she realizes that he will.
“One day,” Quinn continues, for appearance sake. Kurt snorts behind her.
She can’t be whipped enough for her girlfriend that she accepts a proposal this young. (She is though. She hates to admit that she’s incapable of saying no to a question like that from you, but it’s the truth.)
“I wanna get married now,” You protest, and Quinn doesn’t really know what to say to that.
“Y/N you can’t force the girl to marry you. Have some respect,” Kurt says, laughter in his voice. Quinn’s thankful for his intervention, though she won’t show it.
You pout at Kurt, and then at Quinn, “Fine. Just tell me when you’re ready, okay?” You ask, and Quinn loves desperately. She loves.
“Yeah. Okay.”
Not even Kurt’s rambling about ‘the disgustingness of love’ keeps her from the lightness in her chest at seeing you smile at her the way you are now.
You’re going to be okay.
The both of you will be, Quinn realizes, when Kurt cuts off his complaints to start planning for your wedding.
“We won’t be getting married for a while,” Quinn reminds the both of them. She gets blissfully ignored after a side glance from Kurt and another pout from you.
She’ll be okay, and even—Quinn realizes—Kurt will be. She wasn’t paying attention to how devastated he seemed earlier today, but in the face of his relief and happiness the differences between his behavior now seem obvious now.
He was devastated, but he’s okay now, because you’re awake. Quinn’s okay now because you're awake.
“Quinn, will you wear a suit for the wedding?” You ask, bringing Quinn out of her thoughts for probably the fifth time today.
Kurt snickers at Quinn’s resounding grimace, and his amusement only raises when Quinn mumbles, hesitantly, “we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it.”
“That sounds like a no, dear sister.”
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dreamescapeswriting · 4 years
BTS Reaction | Thinks You’re Cheating On Him [Request]
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A/N: So these are…they’re a little long [BTS X GenderNeutral!Reader]
You were standing in the hallway between Yoongi and Namjoon's studio waiting for one of them to come out so you could head to the dorms together.
"Look," You stared down at the floor hearing people whisper about you, you weren't stupid you knew what they were all talking about and accusing you of since Jin was the one also accusing you of it.
"You okay?" You glanced up at Yoongi who had a pained look on his face, he and the boys were the only ones to believe that you weren't cheating on Jin but he was far too stubborn to believe them which resulted in your breakup.
"Yeah, fine." You lied clearing your throat once you finished your sentence, you were the talk of the building after someone walk in on you and Yeonjun together in a studio. Nothing had happened and nothing would ever happen since he was like a little brother to you but rumours travelled faster than the truth and before you knew it you were ''sleeping'' with the younger boy.
"Come on, before Jin comes out of his studio for the first time in weeks," Yoongi mumbled taking out his keys and walking with you down the hallway, you hadn't seen Jin since he decided to move out of your shared apartment and call it quits on everything. He didn't even want to try and talk to you, to try and listen to your side of the story, he was adamant that you were cheating and wasn't going to have it any other way.
"Now they're going for Yoongi, what's the point?" The pounding in your chest got worse the longer you heard people talking about you under their breath - some were doing it in front of your face which you liked since they weren't hiding it but it still hurt to hear. Yoongi could see that it was bothering you as you got into the elevator, your eyes were downcast at the floor and he saw a tear roll down your cheek.
"The cheek of it, imagine sleeping with every band member." He slammed his hand on the doors to stop them from closing and you jumped back.
"Enough! Do you have any idea how fucking ridiculous you all sound?!" You flinched as he began racing his voice at them finally having enough of all of their pathetic quips and digs at you whenever they had the chance.
"Are you really that quick to jump onto a rumour? Y/n is one of the sweetest people I know - scratch that! That you all know and yet you were all quick to jump onto the bandwagon as soon as someone said they were cheating on Jin." Jin came out of one of the rooms upon hearing his name and you groaned wanting the elevator to drop down until you hit the bottom to get out of this situation.
"Don't you even start!" Yoongi said before Jin could even open his mouth to say something, Yoongi released his hands and pushed the ground floor button.
"You didn't have to-"
"Yes I did, he's as stubborn as a mule." You knew the boys had all fallen out after you and Jin split up, they'd tried to convince him that nothing was going on between you and Yeonjun but nothing was going to convince Jin of anything else. Not even you screaming at him to listen to you for two seconds just to let you tell your side of what happened. He didn't want to hear it so he wouldn't.
 "Jin Hyung?" Jin looked up over his shoulder to see Yeonjun standing in the doorway of the lounge, he felt a rage bubble up inside of him as he pictured you and Yeonjun together. This was the first time that the younger boy had come by to see him since the rumours started and he wondered what he was going to do to defend his actions,
"What is it?" He would say he didn't mean to grumble at the younger boy but it would be a huge lie.
"I just wanted to come by and tell you that nothing happened between me and Y/n...They were helping me with something-"
"I don't want to hear excuses or lies anymore, I'm sick of it. You don't have to lie anymore," Yeonjun sighed he wasn't supposed to disrespect anyone let alone someone older than him but it was really starting to bug him the way Jin was treating everyone.
"Y/n was helping me with dating advice, dating under the contract like they used to with you." Jin's shoulders tensed and he turned to look at the boy properly,
"They were helping me with a secret date, there's nothing going on between me and Y/n." All of a sudden it was like a light bulb went off in Jin's head as he realised that you hadn't been sleeping with Yeonjun,
"I wanted to tell you because I know you're not talking to Y/n and they've been trying to tell you from the start." Jin began rushed to get up from the sofa in the lounge panicking as he went looking for his car keys and phone, he knew you were going to be at the dorms since he'd heard the boys talking about it all morning. He had to get there and see you as fast as he could.
 "Thank you again Yoongi," Your voice came out as barely a whisper as you hunted around Jin's room for some of your clothes you'd left there,
"I'll go get another box. I had no idea you had so much stuff here," He chuckled looking around at the three full boxes already. You'd been together with Jin for years, it was no surprise that most of your clothing and other things were spotted around the dorms.
"Thanks," You called out as you heard him walk out into one of the other rooms.
You were on the floor in the wardrobe when you felt a presence behind you,
"Oh hey, can you get me the box with tops inside? I think I put-" You cut yourself off when you turned to see Jin standing there, he was panting and covered in sweat. Your first instinct was to reach out and check that he was okay but then you remembered you weren't together anymore.
"I'll be out of your way soon, I just need my stuff and I'll be gone forever-"
"No." His voice was cracking and you stared at him confused as to where all of this was coming from,
"No?" You questioned taking the shirt you'd folded up and putting it in one of the boxes.
"You can't, you're not leaving." You scoffed at him,
"I'm pretty sure I am, you moved out? You accused me of cheating, I have to leave."
"No. I was an idiot-"
"You are." You whispered shutting the box and going into his en-suite to look for anything you might have left in there but he continued talking to you, telling you about Yeonjun and how he'd made an awful mistake.
"Jin you're supposed to trust me when I tell you I didn't cheat on you and you didn't." You said to him as you walked back into the bedroom, Yoongi had heard you both talking and left empty boxes on the bed for you to use. He didn't want to be involved in any of the arguments.
"I know and I know you're never going to forgive me for it but please let me make it up to you...Give me another chance to try and make this right?" You looked up into his pleading eyes, it was hard to throw everything away when you'd been in love and together for so long.
"Nothing is going to be right again Jin you know that? Everything is going to be hard because you don't trust me-"
"Please." He begged, taking your hand into his and looking deep into your eyes as if he could somehow hypnotise you into giving him another chance.
"Fine...But you're staying at the dorms until we can figure something out." You whispered looking around at your boxes,
"Only if you leave everything here." You nodded and he wrapped his arms around you kissing the top of your head and promised he would make things right between you if it was the last thing he did.
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"You know you look good in this one," You giggled turning the magazine towards Felix and showing him the photo. It was one of you and him huddled under an umbrella together and laughing about something he'd said - neither of you could remember what it was about.
"Shut up, I look like I've got a pig nose and look at my hair!" He groaned shoving the magazine back into your hands as you laughed harder than ever before at the phone.
"I'm saving it, it's going to be my lock screen forever and when you get married I will post it all over the wedding banners." You smirked taking a photo of the magazine but he lunged after you trying to take the phone from your hands when the door to your apartment opened.
"Hi, baby!" You yelled at Yoongi who had walked in to see his partner being mounted by someone else,
"Hi." He said slowly as he dropped the bag he was carrying onto the floor, he'd always be wary of your friendship with Felix it wasn't that he didn't trust you or him but there was just something that bugged him about it.
"You should see this photo of Felix." You giggled slipping out from under Felix and walking over to your boyfriend who took one glance at the photo before nodding and acting like he didn't care.
"I think I should go," Felix said slowly as he read the room, he could already tell it was going to be an intense conversation between you and Yoongi.
"I'll see you tomorrow!" You called out as he walked out of the apartment,
"Are you sleeping with him?!" You scoffed at the question before laughing at it,
"What are you talking about? Felix is like a brother," You'd explained this a million times before and you can't believe you were going to have to explain it all to him again.
"Really?! Do siblings normally crawl over one another like that? It wasn't what it looked like in this," He reached down into his bag and pulled out another magazine which had the same photographs splashed along the front page as the one you had except some of them were clearly photoshopped to make it look like you were closer than the others.
"Yoongi they're clearly fake-"
"Oh sure, conveniently. I was going to talk to you about it and then I see him practically dry humping you in our own living room." Your heart fell flat as he began talking to you like this as if you were smaller than him.
"Yoongi believe me when I tell you that there is nothing between me and Lee Felix." He shook his head, he was as stubborn as ever about this. He knew you were cheating and nothing you could say or do would change his mind,
"Do you really believe I would throw away 2 years of a relationship to be with Felix?"
"No." You relaxed a little thinking he'd thought it all over but he folded his arms across his chest,
"I believe you'd throw it away for another idol who will earn more money than me." That was the last straw for you, the tone of his voice told you all you needed to know and that was that he believed everything he was saying.
"Fine. You know what if that's how you feel than you keep this apartment that I pay for, you keep everything inside of it as well." You shoved past him not caring that you'd barged into him with your shoulder, you grabbed your phone and headed out of the door.
"You just let them leave?!" Namjoon questioned looking at Yoongi as he sat carefree on the sofa in front of him,
"So what? They're sneaking around behind my back-"
"Are you that dumb?!" Jimin turned to look at Yoongi as he quizzed him on this, they were all sitting in the dorms asking him what had happened since you were supposed to be there with Yoongi that night for a game night.
"Don't tell me they have you sucked in as well, it's clear. Look." He threw the magazine down in front of them and Jin was the first one to pick it up. He took one glance before rolling it up and began hitting Yoongi over the head with it.
"You're idiotic! Haven't you seen photoshop before?!" He threw the magazine into his lap and began pointing out all of the markets for what had been edited in the photo. The longer that Yoongi stared at them the more he began to realise that the boys were right, the photos had been messed with and that he should have listened to you anyway.
"You better go and make this up to Y/n," Taehyung said as he folded his arms over his chest clenching his fists as he did so, he couldn't believe how stupid he could have been. But Yoongi was stubborn,
"No, if they have nothing to hide why did Y/n run off to him? Explain that one to me." The boys all rolled their eyes at him trying to tell him why you'd left but he was having none of it, he only heard what he wanted to hear and that was you leaving to go be with Felix.
Cookies were Felix solution to everything so here you were pushing the trolley around a supermarket while he was on the hunt for the ingredients he needed. It had only been three days since you and Yoongi broke up but to you, it felt like a lifetime.
"You have to cheer up or Felix will never stop baking," Seungmin said as he came back over to the trolley, he put something in and you sighed.
"I know, I'm sorry it's just that if I could see Yoongi and ex...plain-" Your voice trailed off slowly as you looked up to see Yoongi watching you from the end of the aisle.
"I brought some salted caramel bites since I know how much you like them," Felix said as he came bounding over to you and Seungmin,
"Lix let's go and get something from the freezers." Seungmin pushed him away from you and you looked down into the trolley. Upon seeing you and Felix together like that it suddenly hit Yoongi that nothing was going on between you and never had. You were just friends with everybody you met, his mind kept going back to the dubbed photos.
"Save it Yoongi, if you've come to tell me that you suddenly believe me I really don't want to hear it," Your voice cracked as the tears began building up in your eyes. Days ago you would have jumped into his arms and thanked him for finally coming to his sense but now you were ticked off, you didn't want him to suddenly come by and start saying sorry for not trusting you. You wanted him to just trust you in the first place.
"I should have just believed you when you told me there was nothing going on between you both." You looked away from him as he came closer to you, trying to explain everything away like it was nothing but it wasn't nothing. This was a huge thing, not only had he accused you of cheating but he'd accused you of only being with him for his money.
"Trust is the only currency in relationships Yoongi and then you told me I was just after money-"
"I was a moron and I realise that now-"
"Yoongi it's too late to realise it now, what about days ago when I was begging you to believe me over some stupid photos you'd seen?"
"I know, I was wrong and I should have just listened to the one I love when I had the chance but I'm listening now and I believe you." He was standing right in front of you staring into your eyes as you tried not to cry in the middle of the supermarket.
"You have to come home, it's not the same without you there." You looked over your shoulder when you heard Felix saying something, he was nodding at you to do it.
"My lawyer is telling me to give you another chance." You whispered looking at Yoongi who was smiling at Felix, probably having a conversation through their looks at one another.
"You won't regret it," He promised you, Felix came back over and began inviting Yoongi to help you all bake cookies together while you tried to find a way to forgive Yoongi for what he had said.
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Jin was helping you pack up a box while Jimin guarded the door to Hoseok's dorm room, you and Hoseok had broken up two weeks ago and it was the first chance you were getting to come by and clean out your stuff.
"Did he say anything to you?" You questioned Jin as he folded up your clothes and began putting them into the suitcase you'd brought along with you. Over the years of you dating Hoseok you'd practically moved into the dorms with them and most of your wardrobe was there along with a lot of your other belongings.
"None of us are really talking to him right now," He admitted but that only made you feel worse about everything that was going on, you didn't want them all to fall out with him over this. It wasn't their problem to deal with in the first place,
"You can't ignore him, he's your band member." Jin rolled his eyes at how nice you were being about everything but you'd been nice about the entire thing. From the moment Hoseok started accusing you of sleeping around and coming to conclusions that you were cheating you'd been calm about it. Trying to tell him that none of it was true and give him the facts but he'd never believe you because of how set in his way he was about all of this.
"We can ignore him all the while he's being stupid about all of this." You had to admit that Hoseok was being a huge jerk about all of it if he'd just listen to any of you talking about who it was in the photos none of this would have happened.
"Y/n?" You looked over at Jimin who was glancing back and forth from the door to you and you knew what he was trying to say,
"Stall him, we're almost done," Jin mumbled folding up the rest of your clothes while you packed a bunch of other stuff into your boxes.
"I'll see you later, thanks again." You whispered to Jimin as he walked you and Jin out towards the front door, Hoseok was sitting on the sofa shaking his head at how all of them were quick to forgive you for what you had done to him. The front door shut and he grumbled something at Jimin,
"Sorry I don't speak stupid." Jimin quipped back at him turning to leave the room when Hoseok repeated himself,
"I find it funny how you're all quick to forgive them for cheating on me!" Jimin had enough of it, that's all they'd heard since the breakup. How Hoseok was the one being done badly and you were the bad guy when you'd done nothing to him or to anyone for that matter you were the innocent one in all of this.
"Jimin leave it," Yoongi warned but he wasn't going to let Hoseok just sit there and bad mouth you when they'd all tried to tell him before, this time Hoseok was going to sit there and listen even if he didn't want to.
"Look! I've had enough of it, Y/n has done nothing to you-"
"You saw the photos!"
"Yes! I did! Of Y/n and their cousin." Hoseok rolled his eyes at the excuse that they were all buying into, it was conveniently your cousin who you had never mentioned before and never showed Hoseok before.
"They sure looked comfortable together-"
"You're unbelievable Hoseok! Do you have any idea how much Y/n loves you or are you actually that dim-witted?!" The boy was finally snapping after everything he'd heard Hoseok saying about you,
"If they loved me then why did they cheat?!" Jimin wanted to pick up the closest thing to him and throw it in Hoseok's direction for being this dense, he just wanted him to hear himself speaking for two minutes.
"Do you really think that Y/n would cheat on you and then post images of themselves with the guy they cheated on you with all over their social media!?" Jimin was red in the face from anger and physically shaking as he tried to get Hobi to see his point, Hoseok just shook his head staying with the fact that you'd cheated on him.
A month had passed and Hoseok was still convinced you had been cheating on him,
"Do you think you'd go back to him if he ever came out of his bubble?" You cousin asked as you sat in a cafe together, today was his last day in Korea with you before he flew home to be with his family again. It was only supposed to be a sort visit with you at the start but he wounded up staying for a month to help you get over the breakup with Hoseok - which would never happen. You were hopelessly in love with him no matter what he said or did to you to make you hate him a little.
"If he realised what he said was wrong? Yeah, I would," You whispered putting down the cup of hot chocolate you were drinking and looking out of the cafe window. You'd wished he'd come to his senses sooner but it wasn't likely to happen if it hadn't happened by now.
"Once Hoseok is set on something though it's hard to change his mind about it." You told your cousin as you turned back to look at him. A bell above the door rang to signal that someone else was coming in and out of habit you looked up to see Taehyung, Jungkook and Hoseok all walking into the cafe, your eyes went down to the table not wanting to drawer attention but your cousin knew Hoseok.
"Excuse me." You heard him speak before you could reach out and stop him, Hoseok looked at your cousin and then to you scoffing and shaking his head,
"Still not trying to hide it-"
"The fact that they're my cousin? I see no reason why they should hide that I'm their cousin." Hoseok shook his head as you had yet another person in on the lie with you,
"Leave it, he's never going to believe me so it doesn't matter. I just thought he had more faith in me than that." You put the money down onto the table and got up to leave when your cousin began ranting very loudly about how you'd given up your whole life to move to Korea to be with Hoseok.
"Why would they then cheat on you? Huh? Think about it." He tapped on his chest and walked out of the cafe with you pushing him out of the door, Taehyung was smirking at Jungkook proud that someone else had finally said something to him.
"You going after them?" He questioned raising his eyebrow at Hoseok who was out of the door the second the words left Taehyung's mouth.
"Y/n! Wait!" You slowed down your walk to a stop and stared up at Hoseok as he bound over to you,  
"What is it? He has a flight soon and I promised my auntie I'd see him off-"
"I want to say I'm sorry." Your mouth was agape as he spoke to you, your cousin smirked from behind you knowing he should have just gone to him before the month was up and everything could have been avoided.
"I don't have excuses for what I did, I was a bumbling idiot and I should have just listened to what you had to say in the first place I just thought that...I thought you deserved someone better and went for someone else." Your eyes softened as you realised he was feeling insecure about being with you, he used to be like that all of the time. Claiming that you could do so much better when there was no one else in the world you would rather have than him,
"Hobi you know that there is no one else in the universe I love more than you." You whispered to him stepped closer to him and making him look at you,
"I'm sorry." His voice broke as he finally began crying for the first time since accusing you of cheating on him. You wrapped your arms around him in a tight hug and promised that once your cousin was on his flight home you would talk to him about everything and work on it all.
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"Are you at the studio all day?" You whined as you walked towards the front door of your shared apartment that you owned with Namjoon - your boyfriend of four years. He kissed your lips as he walked behind you,
"Yeah, are you out with your friend?" You nodded and looked over the road, he was parked up waiting for you to go out and meet him. You were spending the entire day shopping together for Namjoon's birthday and you needed a guys opinion on everything...Not just a guy but someone that didn't know Namjoon and would help you without going back to Namjoon and telling him everything you were going to get him.
"You've been spending a lot of time together," He acknowledged as he locked up the door to your house. You hummed turning to look at Namjoon and smiling,
"He's my best friend, of course, we spend a lot of time together." Namjoon was probably reading too much into it. He'd seen photos of you together and you seemed close, closer than any best friends he'd seen before and it bugged him a little.
"Make sure he drives safe," He grumbled looking over at your friend who was watching you both closely, Namjoon had never been this jealous before and it was a feeling he never wanted to experience again. As you went to walk away he took your hand in his and brought you back into his chest, kissing you passionately. You yelped before wrapping your arms around his neck and drawing your body closer to his while he kissed you like this.
"W-What was that for?" You stuttered as he pulled away from you biting down on his bottom lip as he checked you out,
"Just showing my love for you, have fun." You felt a warm feeling spread through your neck as you got a little shy at the sudden public display of affection he had for you. He was normally the type to keep everything inside of the house.
"Look at you getting some!" Your best friend yelled as you reached his car, you got inside and greeted him with a hug before he began pulling out and driving down the road.
"I saw you!" Namjoon yelled later that night, you'd come home from your day with your best friend and he began yelling at you like an insane person. Calling out that you'd been sleeping around your best friend all day,
"Saw me where?!" You yelled back at him finally having enough of him accusing you of something that you hadn't done and would never dream of doing.
"You were coming out of that motel together! I have photos." You looked down at the coffee table as he dropped photographs of you and your best friend laughing and hugging as you came from a motel room,
"How did you get them? Did you have someone follow me?!" You yelled finally realising that the photos were taken with a wide lens and zoomed in on - you could tell by how some of the pixels were grainy in comparison to others.
"I wanted to make sure there was nothing going on and I guess now I know the truth." You shook your head at how unbelievable he was acting,
"You could have just asked me if there was something going on which by the way, there isn't." You were calmer now wanting him to listen to you but he wasn't going to. He had photos of you entering and leaving a motel room with someone else that wasn't him, he wasn't going to listen to anything except the sounds of you leaving him.
"You can't actually believe I would cheat on you would you?" You were hoping he would say he didn't believe it but he did, he was convinced you'd been sleeping around with someone else and you shook your head at him and threw your hands in the air in defeat,
"It doesn't matter what I say does it?" He shook his head and you took your phone trying to call one of the guys to come and get you instead of taking a taxi.
Jungkook had been letting you crash at his place while you were on an apartment hunt,
"Has he said anything to you guys about it?" You asked one morning - you were sitting cross-legged on the kitchen counter with a slice of toast in one hand and your phone in the other.
"I'm not talking to him but Jimin said he's still convinced about it all," You sighed looking at your phone, no new apartment listings within your budget. You could only afford the last place because you and Namjoon were splitting the bills straight down the middle.
"He'll realise today,"
"Today?" Jungkook questioned jumping up onto the kitchen side next to you. The rest of the boys had heard what happened and why you were at the motel, to begin with, but Namjoon hadn't, he wouldn't listen. Whenever someone brought it up into conversation he'd blank it out and pretend he couldn't hear anyone speaking.
"The motel were going to send us a cute welcome package, supposed to get there today."
"You didn't cancel it?" You shook your head,
"It's a way of proving to him I wasn't cheating and never would." You knew it was probably petty but you didn't care, you wanted Namjoon to know the truth and it was going to be the only way you could do it without talking to him.
"Package for Mr Kim Namjoon?" Namjoon signed for the box and carried it through to the living room, it was from the motel you'd been seen coming out of and he frowned.
"Happy Birthday Namjoon and welcome Y/n, inside we've inclosed everything you will need for your romantic getaway?" He read the card aloud before opening the box and finding matching PJ's, dressing gowns and a bunch of other small romantic gifts inside. The realisation began to hit him as he realised you hadn't been cheating on him at all, you'd been trying to plan him something new for his birthday.
"Hello?" Your voice was like warm honey, it was so sweet and nice to hear after so long and he was almost lost in it.
"Namjoon?" You called out and he cleared his throat trying to think of where to start but you started for him,
"You got the box? I'm assuming you now believe me when I said I didn't cheat you?" He could hear you giggling down the other side of the phone so he knew you weren't all that mad at him for being the worst boyfriend in the world.
"I'm sorry-"
"I know, which is why you're going to order pizza for when I come in. Jungkook has me living off rabbit food here." He chuckled hearing you be so calm about everything, he was going to do everything in his power to make up everything he'd said about you and your best friend.
"Then you're driving us to the motel because I don't want to." He could hear the pout on your face without seeing you and he promised he would.
"I'll get Kook to drop me off, order my favourite!" You said before hanging up the phone, you both knew it would take a while for you to forgive him but you could kind of see his side of the argument...You weren't going to let him know that though.
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Jimin watched as you and Taehyung began walking towards the dorm exit together,
"Where are you going?" You looked over at Jimin not knowing he was home yet, you thought he was supposed to be at the studio all day,
"I thought you had work." Your voice trembled as you nervously looked between Taehyung and Jimin. Taehyung had thought he was as well which was why you'd come to the dorms before going to your appointment together.
"I finished early, where are you going?" He repeated himself and you looked to Taehyung for help on this one. Everything was supposed to be a secret from everybody the only reason that Taehyung knew was that you were far too nervous to go alone to your appointment today.
"Y/n has somewhere to be," He told Jimin as he eyed him up wondering why Jimin was standing with his arms folded across his chest and watching you both.
"You've been spending a lot of time together." He mentioned looking between you both and back at Taehyung who was nodding your head. You and Taehyung had been close since you grew up together and you thought that Jimin understood that after all Taehyung was the one that introduced you and Jimin together four years ago and insisted on you both going out on a date. You looked at Taehyung nervously, if you didn't leave right now you were going to be late and it was going to take forever to get another appointment booked in.
"I have to go," You told him and he nodded at you,
"We have to go. Talk about it when we get back Jimin-"
"You're cheating on me with him aren't you?" Your whole world froze as he came out with that. It had come out of nowhere for you and Taehyung who were used to hanging around a lot but Jimin had this feeling for the last couple of weeks. He'd watched you talking in secret, whispering to one another and constantly laughing behind his back.
"At least fucking tell me that you're sleeping with one of my best friends," You shook your head trying to search for the words to say something but your head was empty, it was the baby fog happening to you. It was making things almost impossible for you to comprehend.
"You can't even come up with an excuse, unbelievable." Jimin had already made up his mind that that was what was happening behind his back. Taehyung tried to explain it to him without giving away what you were really doing but he wasn't listening,
"Go on. Go and fuck her! See if I care, she doesn't matter to me." You couldn't stand to hear any more of it, you stormed out of the door and in the direction of Taehyung's car.
Taehyung came back later that night alone with the ultrasound screening in his wallet, you told him to do whatever he wanted with it. If he wanted to show Jimin it was up to him but you weren't going to go back there and be accused of something like that. You and Jimin were supposed to be in love and in love there was supposed to be trust and if he just assumed you would do something like that to him you didn't want to talk to him.
"Got bored of fucking her?" Taehyung scoffed at Jimin's crude ways, he was acting as though this didn't bother him at all but Taehyung knew Jimin too well for this to just be nothing to him. This had to be coming from a place of hurt.
"We're not sleeping together Jimin, are you really that dense?" He questioned looking from his wallet to Jimin trying to think quickly about showing him the baby scan. He knew you would tell him eventually but if Taehyung told him now that everything could still be fixed and you could both work it out together. Be the big happy family that he knew both of you wanted to be,
"Whatever Taehyung, you could at least have the decency to tell me the truth. I thought we were friends-"
"We are," He took out the small black and white image and shoved it into his chest,
"Which is why I'm giving you this so you go and make it up to her. She wanted it to be a surprise." He grumbled looking at the photo one last time before leaving Jimin to stand there and stare at it. His hands were shaking as he ran his small fingers over the black and white blob that was on the photograph.
You opened the front door expecting your pizza to be there but you were shocked to see a tearful Jimin holding up one of the copies of the baby scan. You'd gotten seven copies one for each member to have since they were all going to be like uncles to the little one anyway.
"He told you?" You questioned moving away from the door so he could come into the apartment,
"He said it was supposed to be a surprise?" You nodded your head trying not to act happy in front of him, you were over the moon about being pregnant but having him accuse you of sleeping around wasn't something you were going to be quick to forgive him for.
"I was going to have the scan and then find cute places to leave hints in for you all but then-"
"I acted like a complete and utter pig and accused you of cheating?" He offered and you nodded laughing softly,
"That was the nicer way of saying it." He smiled softly glad that you had some kind of humour about it, you could see his side of the argument but you also hated him for not being able to believe you.
"I should have just accepted when you said there was nothing between you," You nodded along waiting for him to continue on with what he was saying and he began ranting about how sorry he was. About how it would never happen again, he was just feeling bad about you spending so much time with someone else instead of him.
"We're going to have a son or a daughter you're going to have to trust me-"
"I do, I trust you in every sense of the word. I trust you with everything." You looked at him knowing he was serious about this but it was going to take a lot more than one apology for you to get over something like this.
"No more accusing me of cheating," You warned him and he nodded locking your pinkies together before touching thumbs with you.
"I promise."
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You'd been whispering down the phone all week and it was starting to get on Taehyung's nerves, you were constantly smiling down at your phone but when he would ask you about it you would tell him it was nothing and then go back to laughing at whatever it was.
"Seriously what is it?" He asked that morning as you smiled at your phone, if he didn't know any better he would have thought you were cheating on him. You were always sneaking around, hiding your phone from him whenever he looked and you'd changed your passcode from his birthday to something else. He just wanted to know what you were doing, he trusted you with everything in his life but it was starting to feel like he shouldn't anymore,
"Nothing. I have to go out. I'll make dinner tonight." You said as you put your phone into your back pocket and walked towards the front door, he watched you closely as you began rushing around looking for your keys.
"What's the rush? I thought maybe we could spend the day together." You shook your head at him, you would have loved to drop everything and spend time with him but you had to go out and do something first.
"I'll be back soon, just wait for me okay?" He nodded his head at you and watched as you rushed out of the door without even a kiss goodbye. He swallowed the lump in his throat as he grabbed his own keys and decided that he was going to come after you, just to see what you were doing and who you were sneaking off to meet all of the time.
You pulled up in a car park and Taehyung stayed back so he could watch from afar,
"Hi!" You yelled throwing your arms around a guy he'd never seen before, he tensed up as he watched you pull back from the hug and start engaging in some kind of conversation with him before getting into the car with the man. Taehyung sighed following behind you both wanting to know what was happening, it all could be just some huge misunderstanding but once he watched you and the guy he'd never met before going into a house he headed up to pack up his things and leave so you wouldn't have the joys of being able to pretend to love him anymore.
"You're going to love your new home angel," You giggled as you walked the golden labrador up the steps to your front door. The door was locked which was strange since you'd told Taehyung to stay home and wait for you,
"Daddy probably just went to see his friends." You cooed unlocking the door and letting your new puppy begin to sniff around her new home. You glanced at the coat rack to see that it was almost empty, you could have sworn there were more clothes on it that morning before you left. That was when you noticed that most of Taehyung shoes were missing, you walked further into the house and noticed that almost everything that belonged to him was gone, no traces of him being there except for old photographs.
"Taehyung, w-where did you go? I have a surprise for you but you're not here." You tried not to think of the worst as you left a voicemail for him but it was hard not to think of the worst when all of his things were gone and you were left in a home without him there.
"Are you actually insane?!" Jimin yelled looking at Taehyung, you'd done nothing but call all of them all night when he didn't show back up or call you.
"They've been cheating on me, I watched them get into a guy with a car and go back to his place." Jimin stared blankly at Taehyung as he tried to get to grips with what he'd just said.
"Did you really just accuse Y/n of cheating on you? The one person in the entire world that loves you more than your mum does?" He shrugged his shoulders and Jimin groaned at him trying to make him see that you would never do anything to hurt him. He knew where you'd been, you'd been sneaking off for weeks to go and see Angel from the moment she was born. You wanted to surprise Taehyung with your own dog who was already getting along well with Yeontan since you'd taken him to see Angel a couple of times whenever you could get him away from Taehyung for long enough.
"That'll be Y/n, open the door," Jimin said to Jungkook not wanting to look at Taehyung as he realised what kind of mistake he'd made. The front door opened and the golden fur was the first thing that Taehyung saw then he saw you.
"We'll give you a minute," Jimin said as he took Jungkook by the ear and dragged him away from the dog, you looked at Taehyung while you stroked angel by your side.
"This is what you've been doing?" He questioned as Angel began walking towards him before pouncing and jumping onto his lap,
"I've been sneaking off to see her whenever I could, I thought it would be a nice surprise but you ended up surprising me more." You stated referring to the empty house you'd come home to and he looked down at the floor. It wasn't one of the proudest moments in his life,
"I should have just asked you when you got home-"
"You shouldn't have followed me either," You told him and he sighed knowing you were right. You were right about everything and Taehyung knew that,
"Do you think you can forgive me?" You looked at Angel who was licking his face,
"I think we can." You whispered knowing that he did what he did because he assumed the worst and he was going to have to learn to trust you if the relationship was going to last.
"We've been together for years Tae, I would never throw that away." You informed him and he nodded at you while he tried to fight the small puppy from his lap so he could go over and give you a hug.
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"How am I supposed to know what you're doing when you're there!?" Jungkook yelled at you from the other side of the bedroom. He'd started yet another fight about you wanting to hang out with your guy friends, he didn't want you to go though since you would be alone with them. He was busy that day and couldn't come with you so you just told him that you would go alone it was no big deal but to him it was. He couldn't see why you had to just hang out with them alone,
"They're my friends Jungkook, we're just going to hang out and play some video games, maybe a card game or two." You told him as you looked around for your car keys, you were going to go to their place even if he didn't like it.
"Friends? Y/n the last time I checked one of them wanted to fuck you!" Here you went again with the same excuse he used last time on you, it was always the same one with him.
"You don't trust me?" You quipped at him and he froze in place,
"It's not you I don't trust and you know it." You rolled your eyes at him as he began the usual speech about how all of them had some kind of crush on you when they didn't. You'd grown up with them and they were like brothers to you, just like the BTS boys were like brothers to you. It was no big deal for you to hang out with them either but for some reason, it was bad when it was just your friends.
"But I'm the one that's there, trust me that nothing will happen." You told him as you got your keys and headed for the door,
"If you walk out on me right now that means you're sleeping with all of them." You stared at him,
"Jungkook! I can barely keep up with your stamina, what makes you think I can keep with seven other guys?" You deadpanned but he wasn't finding you funny at all, he stared at you waiting for you to make a decision.
"It doesn't matter what I say does it? You're still going to think I'm cheating on you aren't you?" Your voice fell flat, you wanted to be serious now. You wanted him to realise what he was saying and accusing you of. His silence was all you needed to confirm what you already knew, he thought you were cheating on him.
"If there's no trust then why are we together?" You asked him,
"I don't know! I don't know why we're together!" He yelled and you felt your heartbreak as he screamed that at you,
"Just go and fuck all of them," He grumbled at you, you walked out of the door making sure to slam it behind you as you walked over to your car.
"He's one of the biggest idiots I've ever met," Changbin grumbled handing you a spoon to eat ice cream with him, you'd gone straight to their dorm room after walking out on your fight with Jungkook.
"He's just insecure that's all," Even now you were trying to defend what he's said to you as you left the apartment. You knew where it was coming from, he'd had a past with someone else who'd cheated on him and you knew he just didn't want to get hurt in the same way again.
"Namjoon said none of them are speaking to him," You told Changbin as you stared into the tub of ice cream, he wrapped his arm protectively around you and you sighed.
"You can't feel bad for him, he accused you of-"
"I know but with his past, I don't blame him." They hated how nice you were being about this. All of them and BTS had tried to talk some sense into Jungkook when you first showed up on their doorstep but he was as stubborn as ever and would never admit that he was wrong about this.
"I'm going to call him and give him a piece of my mind." You stared at the back of Jeongin's head wondering what piece of his mind he was going to give him when the doorbell rang.
"What do you want?" Felix was trying to make his voice deep and you looked over to see Jungkook standing at the door looking glum,
"I want to talk to Y/n."
"They don't want to talk to you-"
"Felix...I can talk for myself," You whispered as you got up and walked away from the dorms with Jungkook, they all stared at you until you got out of the dorm building and into the street.
"Look I didn't mean what I said-"
"I know-"
"I was judging it all on past experiences and I shouldn't have, I trust you I really do but I just-"
"Jungkook I know." You told him and he relaxed a little turning to look at you,
"I assumed you'd need time to calm down and come to your sense, you know I would never hurt like that." He hated how understanding you were being about all of this. He wanted you to get mad at him and start yelling at him for being so mean to you when you were just trying to hang out with your friends.
"Can we go home?" You asked linking your hands together, you were tired from the lack of sleep you'd been getting, you could never sleep without him by your side and he could never sleep without you either.
"Do you think we should go and tell them-"
"No, they'll eat you alive like a lion, I'll text them." You groaned pushing him towards his car and taking out your phone to let them know you would be going home and thanking them for everything they'd done for you over the last couple of days you were there with them. 
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@writingdreamsnottragedies @snowy-meowl @jooniesdarlingdimples @fan-ati--c @lyoongx @mitzwinchester @callingmyangel @rjsmochii @kneel-begyourpardon​ @taestannie​ @innersooya​
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Birthday Girl | Raul Mendes
Where Raul makes sure his girl will have the best birthday ever despite anything else
Hello everyone, pausing a bit on the Heart by Heart series (I'll be back to it Thursday as usual) to celebrate the beautiful and amazing @sinceweremutual birthday! This a small blurb/oneshot I started writing as soon as I found out her birthday was today, so I hope this was worth it. Happy Reading!
And honey, happy birthday! Hope you like it!
*Word Count: 3.5K+
*Warnings: stablished relationship, minor cursing and overly sweet Raul.
*Posted: August 15th, 2021.
Y/N loved her precious hours of sleep.
Loved the sensation of waking up and knowing she had some time to go back to bed and cuddle back into her pillows (or boyfriend if he haven’t left already). She liked sleeping in just a bit more on the weekends and taking naps after a long hard day. Last night was not an exception. Her day sucked and Raul was stuck at the hospital for a night shift, only being able to make it back home on the early hours of the morning.
They weren’t necessarily living together yet, but they’ve been together for almost two years, having known each other for a lot more than that and nowadays the pretty much were always together, but both had their own apartment, even though they’re barely separated. So she came back to his apartment since he promised he’d come as soon as he was allowed to join her in her sleep.
Her day sucked. Her boss was unnecessarily mean towards her for a mistake she did not commit and wasn’t her responsibility to make sure that wouldn’t happen. Then she had to spend the whole day fixing the other team’s mistake and it took over three hours and a bunch of paperwork, but at the end of the day she was able to figure it out. Only to receive a half assed apology, her boss blaming it on his wife’s strange behavior or whatever lame excuse he could find to put the blame on someone else.
So by the time she reached his apartment she felt dead at her feet, only having enough energy left to shower and pull on one of Raul’s hoodie over her head, burying her nose on his faint scent in the fabric, before falling onto her back in his bed and allowing herself to relax. What was supposed to be a five minute nap, ended up being the whole night, even skipping dinner in favor of resting in peace, nuzzling further into her boyfriend’s bedding.
Raul got home around 2 a.m. and found his girl asleep in his bed, holding his pillow tight to her chest and he could feel his heart swelling in his chest at the sight. He carefully dropped his things in the closet before coming out to check if she was still asleep and unperturbed with him roaming around, and his suspicious were confirmed by her steady breathing and peaceful demeanor. He decided it was best to take a quick shower before diving under the covers with Y/N and pulling her into his chest.
He was at the hospital for goodness sake.
As soon as he was out of the bathroom and back into his dark room, with only a pair of sweatpants hanging low on his hips, he plugged his phone, checking his alarms and carefully climbing onto the bed. But as soon as the mattress dipped under his weight, he noticed Y/N shifting on her side, and he stilled his movements to check if he had woken her up or was just a dream.
Y/N turned her face to his side completely, eyes still hazy and sleep clouding her senses “Baby?”
“Hi, sweetheart, it’s just me” he mumbled hovering over her with his hands planted on each side of her head to hold himself up, before he leaned down to press featherlight kissed all over her face.
“Kissy?” her voice small and soaked in sleep as she puckered her lips at him.
Raul let out a low and warm chuckle, making an involuntary smile appear in her lips as she looked up at him, feeling all fuzzy inside with the sound of his voice and the way he looked at her, before leaning down and placing a slow peck on her pout “you know you can get all the kisses in the world, my love, you don’t even have to ask” he then connected their lips again in a longer yet sweet kiss as she sighed into his mouth happily.
“Missed you” she said as soon as he pulled away, only to place his pillow back in its place so he could lay down properly, then pulling her pliant body to accommodate on top of his.
He hummed placing a kiss to her forehead as she curled her body around his, throwing a leg over his to tangle them “Missed you too, but I’m here now and you should rest, your four minutes voice message was enough for me to know you need to relax”
Y/N just nodded nuzzling her face in his neck sighing contently as he rubbed circles on her back, slowly drifting off himself as well “good night, darling, sweet dreams” he whispered into her hair but she was already asleep, but that didn’t stop her from tightening her embrace on him.
She had a peaceful night of sleep until being coaxed awake with a bunch of tiny soft kisses being placed all over her face, making her scrunch her nose before slowly blinking her eyes open. She was met with her gorgeous boyfriend hovering over her with his megawatt smile he reserved only for her shining bright. Y/N giggled softly tucking her head on the bicep on her left that was holding his weight above her. Raul couldn’t help but laugh at her.
“Good morning, birthday girl” he murmured a bit raspy as he dragged his lips across her cheek until she looked up at him with a smile on her face.
“Hm good morning” she mumbled sleepily letting her eyes fall closed.
“Oh no, don’t sleep on me” he whined and she giggled.
“I’m not sleeping, silly, just resting a bit”
Raul let out a low chuckle before kissing the tip of her nose “happy birthday, my love”
“Happy birthday indeed” she mumbled before wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him down to lay on top of her.
But before he could smash her into the mattress he was quick to roll them both over “no, no sleeping again” he laughed sitting them both up with Y/N on his lap.
“Why not?” she was physically unable to stop herself from pouting.
He only smiled sympathetically at her “you made me promise you I wouldn’t let you skip work today, and that was only two days ago and I don’t break the promises I make to you”
Y/N groaned rolling her eyes “stupid past me who thought working was worth skipping a day with you when I’ll have a crowded night and won’t even properly be able to enjoy my time with you”
“Having second thoughts on your night out, sweetheart?” he asked teasingly and she nodded “well, good thing Angela texted me to tell me she’s not making it tonight so she’ll reschedule with you later”
“Really??” she asked with a smile “I know I shouldn’t sound too excited about this, but this week was so long and I needed some chill time, you and a movie would be wonderful”
He only giggled and leaned his forehead against hers “That can be arranged, darling”
“Good” she hummed gently with a smile.
“Kissy?” Raul begged with a pout but a slightly teasing tilt in his voice.
It took her a while to realize he was mocking her from last night and she felt her face burning up “oh fuck you” she said trying to leave abruptly, but his arm around her kept her pinned in his lap as he laughed.
“No, no, drop it, it was just a joke, you were just so cute last night, could never say no to you” he mumbled kissing her jaw “come in, don’t be mad at me, I’ll do that thing you like for dinner, yeah?”
“This doesn’t sound like a food offer” she said with knowing look in her eyes and he had a smirk on his lips before she had even finished her sentence, making a laugh bubble up her throat “you’re the actual worst!”
Raul threw his head back in laughter, placing a kiss on her cheeks “come on, it was just a joke, you know I’ll give you anything you’d want, doll” and his eyes were so serious and so tender she almost melted into his chest.
“Oh God, it’s barely seven in the morning, I’m barely functioning and awake, and you’re already flirting, how do you manage that?” she asked incredulously, looking at him and he just laughed shaking his head.
“Well, I can’t help it when you look like that” he mumbled leaning in closer, rubbing their noses together.
“Like what?”
“Like the love of my life” he answered like it was the most obvious thing in the planet.
And he did it so easily, not even flinching at that, leaving her speechless.
Their relationship started with teasing and mindless flirting, becoming close friends pretty quickly. He flirted with everyone without even realizing, it was just natural, and she was just good with quick funny and slightly flirty remarks they just clicked. Their friendship blurred into a serious romantic relationship so easily, everyone surrounding them rooting hot it to happen. So this wasn’t necessarily a weird situation, they’ve been like this for years, but sometimes he’d utter the sweetest confessions between the little teasings and jokes with such rawness and adoration in his eyes that she’d end up frozen in place.
He did it because it would turn things a little easier to digest and he felt better that way, wouldn’t feel so intimidated since, and Y/N didn’t mind. She knew he could be honest and serious whenever he needed, but these tiny declarations that could be fitted into a casual conversation about their grocery list always caught her off guard. And it was so genuine and spontaneous, she couldn’t help but fall even harder for him.
So she just stared at him in awe for a couple of seconds before realizing she hadn’t said anything in return, before she babbled up a “I love you too”
Raul couldn’t contain the fond smile gracing his lips before he leaned in and pressed a long yet sweet peck at her lips “wait here only a sec, yeah?”
“What? Baby, you said no surprises!” she whined but got out of his lap anyway and he only smiled at her.
“It’s not a huge surprise or anything, I promise” he said before leaving her laying in his bed.
“Of course that is the only promise he’s able to break” Y/N grumbled under her breath grumpily.
Then she heard Raul chuckle as he approached the room again “I can hear you, you know?” and she only rolled her eyes from the bed and gasping as soon as she met him by the door.
He was holding a huge breakfast tray that had absolutely all of her favorite breakfast food and a beautiful flower arrange holding her favorite ones. The smile on her face was enough to make him aware that waking up after only 4 hours of sleep were worth it, and he’d do it all over again just to see her smile like that again.
“You didn’t have to” was all she could mutter.
Raul smiled and nodded “I know, I just wanted to make your day a bit better before work, and we can celebrate later”
“Thank you” she said in a hushed tone as he placed the tray on the nightstand, and as soon as it was out of danger of suffering a strike she lunged forward wrapping him in a hug as she knocked them both on the bed again “thank you so much”
Raul laughed wrapping his arms around her waist tighter “you’re so very welcome” he said as he placed a kiss to her hair.
“I love you so much” she mumbled squeezing him just a bit tighter.
“I know, love” he said with a hand tilting her chin up look at him “but I love you so much more”
“Ew” she teased and he laughed, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear and shaking his head.
He snorted making her laugh “Cruel beautiful thing”
Y/N leaned down to press a kiss to his lips “good thing you love me more than” mumbling before sitting back up to eat her breakfast.
And that was how she got ready for work, with one of the best breakfasts she’s ever had in her life, and sure the food as good, but that wasn’t all of it. She was still at home, in bed and content. Then after eating through light banter and little silly jokes, Raul followed her around his room and watched her get ready for work. She had enough stuff in his house she could easily live in there for a while, since it’s where they spent most of their time. So as soon as she was ready, with her boyfriend still hot in her tracks with every move she made, trailing behind her.
“Okay” she said as she grabbed her purse “this is your day off and I know you’re up super early for this and came home super late, so please sleep”
“Why? You plan on keeping me up all night?” he teased with his signature smirk and Y/N shook her head laughing.
She gently cupped his cheeks in both of her hands “you need to sleep, doctor’s orders, honey”
“I'm the doctor here” he protested and she only shook her head in response.
“Well, I’m in control here, mister, so to bed you go”
“Fine, but I’ll pick you up, alright?” he said pressing a kiss to her forehead and she nodded “Love you”
“Love you too”
Six p.m. sharp she heard her phone buzzing softly, indicating her overly excited boyfriend was already downstairs waiting for her. So Y/N started grabbing her things, letting him know she’d be there soon, and turning off her computer for the weekend. Before she could even get up from her chair, she saw her coworker and friend, Claire running towards her with a big smile on her face.
“Your prince charming is here!” she beamed and Y/N cringed at how loud she exclaimed.
“Keep it down, people are still working” she hissed at her friend but she only rolled her eyes at her antics in response.
“Come on, don’t leave him waiting!”
She shook her head laughing softly “okay, okay, I’m leaving”
“Happy birthday, girl, enjoy your six feet boyfriend”
Y/N looked at her funny “I will, thank you? What did he say to you?”
“Just go! And text me later!” she said as she pushed Y/N into the elevator, pressing the buttons and leaving her alone.
She laughed to herself, adjusting the strap of her bag on her shoulder as she looked down at her phone, her foot tapping against the marble floor as she waited for the doors to open, and as they did, all the stress rolled off of her. Raul was standing just in front of her building wearing a beautiful button up, with a chain necklace hanging from his neck and peaking through the first opened buttons. His black shades covering his beautiful eyes and showing the reason behind his reputation of being a bad boy, when in reality he was just a softie.
But in his hands, he had another bouquet of flowers and as soon as he set his eyes on her, his face brightened up with a big smile. He was just leaning on his jeep and as she got closer he straightened his posture and took the final steps to meet her in between. He pressed a quick peck to her lips and extended the flowers to her, keeping their affection to minimum since neither of them were a fan of PDA.
“Hi there, gorgeous” she said trying to mimic his flirty tone and he only chuckled.
Raul opened the door for her “Hello, my love, ready for our birthday celebration?”
She kissed his cheek as she climbed in, bouquet on her lap as she buckled up “Is there food involved?”
“Of course, homemade and everything” he said closing the door before climbing on the drivers seat.
“Are you for real?” she asked as she turned to face him.
He only smiled starting the car, backing up and starting to drive them both to his place “Of course, could never lie to you, and it’s your favorite, even asked you grandmother for the recipe”
“Oh shit!” she squealed from her seat and he smiled at her nodding “you have to be kidding me”
“You can call her” Raul said teasingly “Or you could trust your very honest and loving boyfriend, both pretty simple options”
Y/N laughed shaking her head “you’re absolutely ridiculous”
“But you love me” he quickly added and she couldn’t stop herself from laughing harder.
“Of course I do, silly, it’s impossible not to when you’re literally being the best human being I’ve ever met and always making sure I’m happy” she said looking at the flowers on her lap before looking up at Raul.
“Stop it, you’re gonna make me cry” he teased and she shook her head with a giggle “I just want to make you happy, promised it to your mom and myself”
“And you’re acing this” she said and he grabbed her hand, planting a kiss on the back of it before parking on the garage of his building.
“Baby, before we go back home, could you please grab me my wallet, I think it's one the glove compartment” he mumbled grabbing his phone probably to reply to someone’s text.
And she did, but she was not expecting what she saw.
Inside the glove compartment there were a bunch of polaroids of them and rose petals scattered around, and right on the back of it there was a little key hanging under the phrase ‘move in with me, please?’ written in his calligraphy. She was still processing the whole thing when he cleaned his throat slightly nervous, making her look up at him with wide eyes and still not sure what to say.
“I know this is your birthday, and this is technically a gift for me, but I really couldn’t wait another day” he said softly, seemingly shyer than his usual confident self, making her heart swell twice its size in her chest.
“Raul, I- yeah, yes, of course I’ll move in with you!” she practically jump on him as much as she could due to the fact that they’re still in his car and space was limited.
Y/N was quick to capture his lips in a searing kiss and she felt him relax under her touch, tucking her bottom lip between his two, a hand cupping her face as the other held her waist to give her some sort of support on the pose she had. She backed way to recover a bit of breath she didn’t think she would need when she lunged forward to her boyfriend, so instead the pecked his lips only about a million times, making him laugh and press one long kiss to her lips then leaning away completely.
“Glad you agreed to it, cause I already told your parents” he said a bit nervous about it, a sly smile gracing his features to match his rosy cheeks.
“Of course you did” she said with a smile “what about yours? Are they okay with it?”
“Are you kidding me?? Mom wanted you to move in like three years ago” he said as he grabbed the key and the photos from the glove compartment “sorry, sweetheart, this is actually symbolic since you already have a key and this is actually mine”
“Figured” she laughed as she grabbed her stuff “And what do you mean three years ago? We weren’t even officially together back then”
Raul shrugged “guess that’s a mom thing, she said something about having never seen me this happy before and she was sure we were in love with each other, turns out she was right, I already loved you back then and didn’t want to admit it, and yeah, you make me the happiest man alive, sweetheart”
“You're absolutely ridiculous but I still love you” Y/N admitted and he smiled at her.
“I know” he opened his door “your real present, meal and a few other stuff are waiting for you upstairs”
“Oh my God, you really went all in” she giggled getting out of the car, and as soon as she was out, he was quick to pick her up bridal style making her squeak “what the hell are you doing?”
He looked down at her, taking a while to cal the elevator “Isn’t this how we’re supposed to do it?”
“Baby, I’m sure it’s only the door, not all the floors and we’re not married” she said with a giggled
“Well, miss skepticism, just let me be a goofball once in a while” he said with a mocking tone.
“Once in a while?” she asked incredulously.
He had a pout on his lips when he spoke up again “Come on, no teasing when I’m trying to be a hopeless romantic, please let me do this and treat you right” he said with a smile
“Alright, whatever you want” she admitted in defeat as she giggled, wrapping her arms around her neck “just don’t drop me, please”
“Would never, sweetheart”
*Please reblog or like this post if you liked it so I’ll know.
*I’m sorry if there are any spelling mistakes.
*Please do not repost this without giving me the credit, this is a completely original piece and I do not give permission to copy this!
*Hope you guys enjoyed it!
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draco-and-tom · 3 years
Dirty Girl- James Potter
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Summary: James has been busy lately and you take things a little too far too get his attention
A/N: I loved writing this request so much because I'm in love with the marauders and haven't been able to write a blurb/one shot for them do to my requests which are basically always open. To both of the lovely people that requested marauder stuff I love you <3. 
WARNINGS: Slut shaming, unprotected sex, choking, degrading, praise, pet names, grinding, sensitiveness, spit kink, mirror sex.
Type: Smut to kinda fluff
REQUEST: Hey girl I really loved your all of your stories, Do you think you could do another one but a little more focused on james being a Dom james x reader. with a lot of degradation and bdsm. But please no daddy kink just her calling him like jamiese.If it don’t want to it fine I totally get but just asking!
Around this time of year was really stressful and annoying for you. You couldn't seem to get your boyfriend’s attention because he was always training for quidditch.  Here you were, watching your boyfriend mumble to himself about game strategies. You had already gone most of the summer without seeing him and now you had to deal with this. You were bored, horny, and sad. The worst part of it all was that James knew it and didn't care. He would always try to hush you with “later bunny” or “not right now y/n” just so that he could enjoy your frustration. Plus in all honesty, he truly was busy. You watched carefully as James wrote plays on parchment and hid your body under the sheets, not wanting to be caught. You started touching your body, sliding your hand slowly down your stomach and to where you wanted him most. As soon as your hand touches the wet spot in your panties James turns his head to look at you. You quickly moved your hand away, but there wasn't a point, he had caught you. James looked at you sternly and you tried hard not to cry from frustration. “What the hell do you think you’re doing Bunny?” you looked away from his face, unable to make eye contact any longer. You sigh and wiggle uncomfortably under his gaze “I’m sorry Jamiese” your voice was barely above a whisper. James turned back around to continue his work but still talked to you “Get out from under the sheets”. You lifted the covers off of you and sat on the bed, your legs crossed. You kept sighing and whimpering, just trying to get your boyfriend's attention, but he didn't even tell you to be quiet. He was ignoring you. Once you understood what he was doing you got up off the bed. James didn’t even turn to look at you, it was like you weren't there. “Jamieseeeee” you whined as you made your way over to him. He continued to write down things for quidditch. You wanted to snap the quill in half, but you knew that if you did that he would just get out a new one. When James was ignoring you he went all the way out, pretending like what you were doing didn’t happen. Either that or that it was completely normal for something to happen out of nowhere, almost like a ghost. You huffed and sat on his lap, your legs on either side of his waist. You knew you were being a whiny brat, but right then you didn’t care like you usually would. James looked everywhere but at you and what you were doing, even when you wiggled your hips against him trying to get friction. You’re lip quivered as you watched him ignore your actions once more. You felt like you could scream and cry from frustration. You knew that if you cried James would more than likely wrap you in his arms and give you all of the attention that you had been craving, but you didn’t want to be that much of a needy baby. You hid your mouth in the crook of his neck and rocked your hips gently against his. You whimpered and moaned against his skin as you rocked your hips. You could tell it was hard for him to ignore you. His breathing became more ragged and the movements of his hand as he was writing were more forced and seemingly un-structured. You pant and moan in his ear with pleasure as you grind against him. James grew hard underneath you and had stopped writing, unable to focus, but still refused to give you even a shred of his attention. “James” you whined. At the sound of his name, the act was finally broken. He lifted your chest off of him and made you look him in his eyes. James scoffed at your state “don’t be such a needy slut Bunny. I told you to be good, but you’re acting like a dirty whore,”. You looked him in the eyes and felt your lip quiver. James stood, holding you in his arms, and walked over to his bed. He laid you on the side of the mattress “bend over whore”.  You listened to him, it was the least you could do after everything. There was a mirror on the wall in front of you and you immediately knew where this was going. James had joked around about fucking you in front of a mirror, but you always knew it was more than a joke. You were glad that it was finally happening, every time he would bring it up you could feel your panties dampen. The worst part was that James teased in detail. He would talk about how deep he would be and how you would take him so good as he watched your face in the reflective surface. Once he noticed how his dirty talk got you he would whisper things in your ear “aw. Poor bunny. One day beautiful”. But now it was finally happening and you were practically buzzing with excitement. You felt James lift up your skirt lightly and rested your face against the bed “please Jamiese”. He chuckled and lifted your face to look at him in the mirror “this could’ve been a completely different experience if you would have been a good girl,”. You whined and made sure to not look away from him “You wouldn’t have given me anything if I was a good girl.” as soon as you said it you knew it was a mistake. You immediately felt James’ hand reach over and pop yours, leaving pink tink on your skin. James kept eye contact with you as he spoke hash words, all of them going straight to your core. “You better be glad I'm giving you anything slut” you whimpered under his touch as he felt you through your soaked panties. You saw James smirk as he touched you, thanks to the mirror “You like it when I talk to you like the needy whore you are, don't you? Pathetic”.  You nodded “can't help it Jamiese” and you hear his chuckle at your words. He pushes your panties down your legs and you let out a shutter as you feel the cold air hit your soaking heat. James tosses your panties somewhere on the floor and returns his attention to you “you’ll look at me in the mirror until I tell you otherwise. Understood?” you nod and he shakes his head “use your words slut”. You let out a shaky breath and answer him “yes sir”. You cringe at how needy you sound and James rolls his eyes “you act like it’s a surprise. You know you’re needy for me, don't deny it”. You sigh and nod your head. You didn’t notice that James was touching you until you felt two fingers thrust inside of you quickly, causing you to moan. He pulled his fingers out and you whimpered as you saw him lick your arousal from his fingers. James ran his hands up and down your thighs, speaking softly in contrast to his filthy words. “You’re tight for a whore, but then again I'm the only one that gets to touch you. Isn’t that right?’ you let out a shaky breath you didn't know you had been holding and nodded “only you”. You heard James groan and watched as he stepped back slightly, undressing himself. Before you knew it you felt James’ cock against your dripping pussy and shuttered at the feeling. James gripped your hips with one of his hands and lined himself up. You struggled to keep your eyes on the mirror in front of you as James slammed into you, giving you no time to adjust. Soon the burning pain turned into pleasure and you watch his face contort from pleasure. The marauder opened his eyes and looked at you, watching your reaction as he pounded into you. One of his hands made its way to your hair, holding it away from your face, he wanted to see everything he was doing to you. James adjusted himself and barely lifted your hips with his free hand, causing you to moan. He groaned at your reaction “That's it. Take it like a good little slut.”. James’ thrusts became faster but still precise. It felt like he was getting deeper with each thrust if possible. Your boyfriend let go of your hair and gripped your jaw, still looking into your eyes “You can look away now. I need to show you what a whore you are”. You nod and James tilts your chin back and kisses you roughly. It almost felt like the two of you were having a moaning contest. The feel and sound of the moans he spilled in your mouth cause you to return the favor. Suddenly James pulled back and tapped your lips “open” you raised an eyebrow in confusion but obliged anyway. James spit into your mouth and you let out a shocked moan, clenching around him. He looked at you and scoffed “well…. What the fuck are you waiting for?! Swallow whore”. You immediately followed his instructions, earning yourself a few grunts from James. You felt so weak at the moment. Your legs were shaky, and your pussy was clenching tighter around your boyfriend, moans continuously slipping from your quivering lips. After a few more thrusts you felt the sparks in your stomach grow stronger “please let me cum Jamiese. M’ so close”. Your boyfriend chuckled “Does my little slut want to finish? Look back in the mirror and I’ll help my dirty girl out”. You look in the mirror and watch as James’ hand wraps around your throat, tightening little by little. He chuckled as he watched you struggle against your fluttering eyelids, his hand tightening more and making your breathing even more ragged. You finally felt the wave of relief crash over you and watched James’ reaction as your pussy squeezed around him. His eyes were shrewd shut and his lips slightly parted. It wasn’t just how he looked though. You could hear and feel his reaction too, making it so much better. His thrusts lost their perfect rhythm and he was struggling for breath as he moaned. James’s hand was now blocking a lot of air from coming in at once and you began to feel your mind become foggy. His hips shuttered against you and you knew how close he was “want me to cum in my slut’s tight little hole? Hm?”. You struggled to form words, but eventually let out a shaky whine “please J-James please”. There was something about the way you said his name. All whiney and ruined, he loved it. “Fuck y/n. So good” you moaned at the praise and the feeling of his cum spilling into you. Your boyfriend laid his body against yours and trailed kisses down your neck and shoulder until he gained the strength to lift himself and pull out. You whimpered at the empty feeling. James lifted you up lightly and laid you on his mattress. He climbed in right after he made sure you were comfortable laying on your back. James pressed a sweet kiss to your lips and you smiled against his lips tiredly. The boy pulled back and looked at your fucked out state. You felt the marauders gaze on you and listened to him as he spoke. “You did so good for me Bunny” James watched as you opened your eyes and beamed up at him with a lazy smile. You were the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen. The look in his eyes was so sweet you were almost shocked that you were what he was looking at. You survey his face as a grin makes its way onto his lips “really?” you ask and James just nods sweetly. The boy kisses your cheek and rubs it with his thumb like any more pressure would break you “can I clean you up beautiful?”, you nod and he moves down to the pool all over your thighs and pussy. James spreads your legs gently licks your thighs clean of the liquid. You whimper and grip his hair in your hands, almost as a hint. James pulls back and sighs, placing a kiss on both of your thighs before speaking “I know bunny, I promise I'll try to be careful". You nod and mumble a slurred “mkay” and that was the only permission he needed to continue. Once James was finished licking you clean he laid beside you and pulled the covers over the both of you. You let out a sigh of content as the boy you loved pulled you closer to him and cuddles you. James placed a soft kiss on your cheek and you both share three words that go way beyond their definition. “I love you Y/N”        “I love you, James”    
TAGLIST: @harrypotter-whore​    ( @georgeswh0re​ I lost the message where you told me which characters you wanted to be tagged in, so I figured safe>sorry) @msmb​
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robininthelabyrinth · 3 years
Spilled Pearls
- Chapter 24 - ao3 -
The Cloud Recesses was calm and serene, tranquil and undisturbed. But unlike its usual tranquility, Lan Qiren felt that it was the calm of the moment before a firework exploded, the air thick and heavy with the impending eruption of an oncoming storm.
Lan Qiren’s brother continued to neglect his work to court He Kexin, who seemed to have improved her opinion of him somewhat during the time that Lan Qiren was gone, though whether it was the earnestness of his passionate pursuit, flattery at the idea of a man gone mad for her, or just that she’d become resigned to the idea for the moment, it wasn’t clear. What was clear to anyone with eyes was that her regard for him, although apparently now genuine, was nowhere near as fanatical as his. Lan Qiren suspected that they had started sleeping together, which seemed like a mistake on her part.
Still, brother or no, this was not a matter in which he was qualified to intervene.
Lan Qiren returned to his usual life, although he again temporarily delayed his planned departure in order to assist with sect matters – whatever his relationship with his brother, Lan Qiren loved his sect very much, and he, at least, would not so easily allow it to slip into disarray through neglect. No one asked him about the matter of He Kexin; his teachers pretended his unjust punishment had not happened but avoided his eyes for several weeks, and his peers had mostly moved on with their lives.
(His brother pretended he didn’t exist, but Lan Qiren didn’t hold it against him. Rumor had it that Wen Ruohan had either threatened or actually hit him or both to make clear how much he disapproved of what happened to Lan Qiren, and whether or not that was true, Lan Qiren enjoyed the thought too much to quibble over how his brother wanted to salvage his dignity.)
Lan Yueheng passed along news – not gossip, he said self-righteously, just news, as if Lan Qiren would somehow miss the fact that ever since he’d paired up with that pretty storehouse clerk of his, Lan Yueheng had belatedly discovered the joys of gossip and taken to it like a fish to water – but there wasn’t much of it, not even with his beloved Zhang Xin’s prodigious capacity for romantic stories and ability to embroider just about any situation into something resembling one. Cangse Sanren wrote Lan Qiren several letters, but once she’d been assured of his health and wellbeing, they largely shifted over to complaining about the Jin sect, where she was now residing, and occasionally included lurid descriptions of Wei Changze specifically meant to shock his conscience.
How are you even seeing him, Lan Qiren wrote back. Aren’t you in Lanling? He’s a servant in Yunmeng. Doesn’t he have a job?
Jiang Fengmian has ascended to the position of sect leader, she wrote back. He has to visit the other sects relatively often, and the Jiang sect has always been close to the Jin sect. Why shouldn’t they visit?
Lan Qiren thought about his brother and shook his head. Was irresponsibility in the rainwater this year?
I trust you’ve made your view on the matter clear to Jiang Fengmian.
Of course, she replied. He seems to live in hope that one day I’ll change my mind.
You’ve never changed your mind about anything.
So I’ve told him. Really, the fact that he doesn’t realize that is yet another reason why we wouldn’t be a good pair – putting aside his role, which I don’t want to share. Can you imagine me as mistress of the Lotus Pier? I’d be awful at it.
Lan Qiren imagined it, and shuddered.
Anyway, I’m like you – I want to travel! There’s so much to see out there. What a pity it would be to be trapped inside all day, like a caged lark singing only for a select few.
You could always invite others to come share their stories with you instead, he replied, thinking of Wen Ruohan sitting alone in the room he had designed for Lan Qiren like a dollhouse, waiting for a maid to help him vent his emotions over Lao Nie and Lan Qiren both. The rumors from Qishan said he’d recently taken on a concubine and that she was pregnant; Madame Wen was apparently furious over it. Bring the world to you, if you can’t go to them. That’s what sect leaders generally do, to my understanding: feathering their nest to make it bright and pleasing to their eyes because they cannot leave lest it fall apart. That’s a way of living, too.
I suppose, she replied, fearless and carefree as ever. But not for me!
There was Lao Nie, too.
He visited the Cloud Recesses a month or so after Lan Qiren’s visit to the Nightless City, belatedly concerned about Lan Qiren’s well-being – “I didn’t hear about it,” he said, looking shamefaced. “I had other matters on my mind…I’ll talk to your brother, though. I can’t believe he would order something so disproportionate. Is he here?”
“He is not,” Lan Qiren said with a sigh. Those who said you couldn’t change a man’s essential nature were not wrong, he thought, already forgiving Lao Nie despite his lack of actual apology.
Lan Qiren had always liked people whose spirits were bold and relentless, uncompromising and unbending just like him; there was really no other way to explain his truly inexplicable fondness for Cangse Sanren and Lan Yueheng and even Wen Ruohan, except maybe to say that he found himself compelled to love where he was loved in return. Lao Nie was like two drops of water with the rest of them, forging his own path in the world, wholly and truly himself – even if he left chaos in his wake, why should Lan Qiren expect more of him than to be exactly what he was?
“He’s out night-hunting,” he added. “Down in the south. There were tales of some very unusual beasts roaming there.”
He Kexin had expressed a mild interest in response to a storyteller’s tale, and naturally Lan Qiren’s brother whisked her away at once, her and all her friends that he always seemed to be paying for. Lan Qiren had thought that she kept them around her as a means of holding his brother off, but Zhang Xin had opined over a shared cup of tea that she thought He Kexin was treating the great and powerful Qingheng-jun as a convenient purse, that treating her friends to his largesse was the point and not the defense. 
Zhang Xin liked to hold forth on her views, forthright and unstoppable and loud, and Lan Qiren could see why Lan Yueheng constantly looked so infatuated whenever he gazed upon her – she was not dissimilar to one of the explosions he created in his alchemy laboratory. They were very well matched, and Lan Qiren deeply pitied whichever teacher got stuck with their eventual offspring, which he foresaw as being the least Lan sect juniors to have ever graced their ranks.
“Gone? I’ll see him when he comes back, then,” Lao Nie said, entirely unperturbed by such concerns. “Let me tell you about my son instead! He’s wonderful – a big, fat baby.”
Lan Qiren crossed his arms. “We can talk about your baby later. What about your wife?”
“A goddess!”
Perhaps he was going about this the wrong way, Lan Qiren mused. “Lao Nie,” he said. “What about Wen da-ge?”
Lao Nie blinked at him. “Hanhan? He’s doing well, too.”
Lan Qiren resisted the urge to strangle Lao Nie.
“Oh,” Lao Nie said, apparently figuring something out based on Lan Qiren’s sour expression. “You mean the fact that he’s angry at me?”
“Yes,” Lan Qiren said patiently. “He’s very angry at you. Do you know why?”
“I’ve tried talking with him about it,” Lao Nie complained. “I don’t know why he’s being so stiff all of a sudden…it’s not like he doesn’t know what I’m like.”
This, Lan Qiren supposed, was definitely true.
“He thought of you as his,” Lan Qiren said. “Didn’t you know?”
Lao Nie shrugged, careless as a boar in full charge, heedless of the damage wrought around him as he moved through the world, none of which could penetrate his thick hide. “Of course. But being his doesn’t make me any less my own, and I can belong to others, too. Who’s he to tell me not to give myself where I will? Does he have dominion over me?”
“He doesn’t want dominion over you,” Lan Qiren said, and Lao Nie looked at him skeptically – which was fair enough. Wen Ruohan was possessed of a strong desire for domination, whether of people, places, or things; he truly believed all good things in the world ought to belong to him, and Lan Qiren only hoped that he never shifted over to thinking that he was actually the rightful owner of all things, for that path led inexorably to the reign of the tyrant. “Truly! Not over you, or any of the people close to his heart. If he wanted merely to possess you, he might as well try to snatch you off to his sect and give you his surname.”
“Not with the sort of relationship we have,” Lao Nie said, a smug smirk curling his lips. “If you know what I mean.”
Lan Qiren sighed. Truly, it was a pity to have reached the age in which everyone around him seemed to think of nothing but sex; he couldn’t wait until they were all too old for such things. Surely it couldn’t be that long…?
“You know what I mean,” he said patiently. “He’s not after Sect Leader Nie, not making some powerplay or attempting to seduce you in order to win your talents over. He likes you, Lao Nie, and all he expects from you is that you like him back.”
“I do!” Lao Nie protested. “I really do. He’s my darling Hanhan, isn’t he? He’s the one setting up walls between us, all because he’s gotten his feathers in a twist over something that’s really nothing. If it’s my time that he’s worried about splitting, what’s the surprise? My sect will always come first, as will his for him. I don’t even have a wife anymore!”
“You – don’t?” Lan Qiren stared, expression blanking out in his shock: this was not a piece of news that had reached his ears. He put down his teacup. “Lao Nie, if something happened –”
“Oh, no, it’s not like that,” Lao Nie said dismissively. “She’s a goddess, like I told you! She’s off and around, coming and going, everywhere and nowhere at once – how could my Nie sect hope to contain such a creature?”
“But…you married her?”
“So? Does that mean I need to live with her?”
Lan Qiren was truly taken aback. He had never heard of such an unorthodox arrangement. “You have a son together! Who is raising him?”
“Me, of course! With the aid of plenty of servants, naturally. I wouldn’t dream of tying her down…ah, Qiren, don’t look so shocked. We’re all our own people, with our own wants and desires. Sometimes those desires pair well, and you can live together happily and well for the rest of your lives; sometimes they don’t. If you fall for someone whose desires don’t line up to your own, you can still pursue something with them. That you wouldn’t match well in what’s considered the orothodox fashion is no reason not to match at all, not if there can be an unorthodox arrangement that causes no one any harm.”
“Are we still talking about your ‘goddess’ wife?” Lan Qiren asked. “Or Wen da-ge?”
Lao Nie smiled ruefully. That sharp cleverness that was always with him lingered in his eyes, having been hidden beneath his distraction and his infatuation and his deliberately careless manner. “I tried to tell him,” he said. “From the very beginning…I was the one doing the pursuing, you know. He didn’t even want me at the start. The stupid fool, he thought he’d be better off alone, alone with the cold delights of political power and the miserable fascinations of that Fire Palace of his, leaving no room in his heart for any human warmth at all. You know what they all say about him: that he lost something when he passed the boundaries of his first human lifetime, his cultivation so high as to make him closer to a god than a man.”
Lan Qiren had heard that, too. At the beginning, he’d seen what people meant, but later, once he got closer, he didn’t see it at all.
“Before I convinced him to have me, he was far worse,” Lao Nie said bluntly. “If you think he was bad when you were younger, you have no idea – forget putting you in a dollhouse and dressing you up to suit his whims over your complaints; if he’d wanted you alongside him back then, he wouldn’t have hesitated to carve out your soul and turn you into a heartless puppet instead. It wouldn’t have satisfied him, of course, and eventually he would have discarded you, never knowing why he couldn’t get what he wanted from you.”
“Know your own mind,” Lan Qiren quoted. “What he would have wanted was the heart, sincerely given, and yet that was the first part thrown away…but such a realization would be too late and too bad for the victim, even if he later regretted.”
“He didn’t regret much, when I first got to know him,” Lao Nie said. “Nothing but trouble, down to his bones; that’s what he was, and what he still is, really. Lucky for him, I like a bit of trouble.”
That was an understatement. Lao Nie liked a lot of trouble, the more the better; it was really no wonder that he’d attached himself to Wen Ruohan.
“I pursued him,” Lao Nie said, picking up the thread from where he’d left off. “I dug out all the human parts of him that I could from underneath that stiff and stern human mask of his, and in the end he wanted me, too. But throughout it all I told him, I told him, that I wasn’t free for the keeping – that I knew myself, with my nose for trouble and wickedness, that I’d never be satisfied with just the one. That the only one who’d ever have all of me was my saber, and only because she doesn’t want anything in return but blood. He liked that, once. He thought it was a good thing.”
Yes, Lan Qiren could see that. Especially in the beginning, Wen Ruohan would not have wanted someone who gave him everything; he was like a wild cat, standoffish with those that longed for him and close to those that rejected him. One of the most powerful cultivators, sect leader of the most powerful sect – if he wanted someone who would simper and flirt and yield for him, he could have a dozen at the blink of an eye.
Someone like Lao Nie, who had a firm sense of identity and neither needed nor wanted anything from the outside world, who was always truly fundamentally himself, was far more his style.
So was someone like Lan Qiren, for that matter. Uncompromising and strict, mind preoccupied with his idiosyncratic obsessions – Wen Ruohan had thought him interesting, for whatever reason, and in time had grown jealous of those other thoughts, longing to be counted among them.
Lan Qiren rubbed at his temples. “He always seemed to enjoy you going off with others,” he noted, wondering if Lao Nie had more insight into the matter. “Why is this different? He got married, too.”
“Hanhan’s tastes are changing as he remembers more of what it means to be human,” Lao Nie said thoughtfully, accepting more tea when Lan Qiren poured it out for him. “I only excavated the surface, the rough parts of him that suited my interests, and he was content with our relationship being friendly and casual. But for you he brought out his soft underbelly and the hint of civilization that he used to have, remembering what he used to be and the things he used to want…I see he even gave you some of his paintings.”
Lan Qiren looked where Lao Nie was looking and saw the two paintings on his wall by the mysterious artist. “His paintings..? He painted these? It doesn’t feel anything like him!”
“Trust me, his qi is unmistakable to one who’s known it as intimately as I have. It’s definitely him – though I’d say these paintings are nearly a century old. Can we say that we are the same people we were between yesterday and today? Even the course of the mighty river can shift over time.”
Lan Qiren was stuck looking at the paintings. Free, he’d said to Wen Ruohan, all unknowing. The person who painted these was free and happy. Their soul is like a falcon’s, tied down by nothing. 
For all the power and might that Wen Ruohan could bring to bear these days, Lan Qiren wouldn’t use any of those terms to describe him as he was now.
“He’ll forgive me,” Lao Nie said confidently, putting his cup down. “Give him time to remember why he liked me so much, remember all the warnings I gave him, and he’ll get over it. Maybe we’ll be a little less close than before, maybe there’ll be more anger and jealousy between us - at any rate, I haven’t pushed him so far to the brink that he would try to kill me to keep anyone else from having me, at least not yet. He’s just disappointed, that’s all. He’d only just realized that he wanted more when he realized he couldn’t get it.”
Lan Qiren nodded slowly. He thought that Lao Nie was right, although he also thought it was stupid of him to knowingly play with fire in such a brazen manner – Wen Ruohan really wouldn’t hesitate to murder a fellow sect leader, even one in another Great Sect, if he was determined enough, and he was smart and twisted enough to think of a way to get away with it, too.
Still, just as Lan Qiren had gotten over his feelings about Wen Ruohan’s inclination towards seeing torture and pain as entertainment, realizing that if he wanted him then he had to accept him as he was rather than rejecting him for it, Wen Ruohan would do the same for Lao Nie. He would remember what Lao Nie was like, what he’d always been like, and he would teach himself to appreciate those traits that he had once thought preferable, even as he resented them.
They’d get over this. Lan Qiren was sure of it.
What would come of it in the future, though...
“Anyway, I’ve dithered for long enough,” Lao Nie said. “I really only swung by briefly to say hello. I’m due at the Jin sect before the week’s out, and that means I have to go at once. Anything you want me to pass along to your lady-love rogue cultivator?”
“Leave Cangse Sanren alone, that’s what you can do for me,” Lan Qiren said. “Also, we’re still not lovers, nor will we ever be. Not everyone’s you!”
“No, they’re not,” Lao Nie said, grinning at him. “And that’s the way I like it – the richer the variety of the world, the more interesting people I can meet and be friends with, just like you.”
Lan Qiren was so overwhelmed by the compliment – he of course considered Lao Nie a friend of his, having as he did so many acquaintances and so few true friends, but he hadn’t realized that Lao Nie saw him as a genuine friend in return – that it didn’t even occur to him until it was too late that he hadn’t brought up the matter of his brother and He Kexin, nor told Lao Nie that he needed to stop his reckless encouragement of that relationship.
He’d tried to put that whole thing out of mind, Lan Qiren thought to himself with a sigh, and he’d succeeded – too well.
Whatever. His brother wouldn’t listen to their own sect elders, even as their exhortations shifted from encouragement to censure and their suggestions to leave it alone got more and more pointed, their interventions less and less subtle. Why would he listen to Lao Nie? 
He’d just go his own way and do what he wanted, no matter what.
Lan Qiren ought to learn from his example and put the whole thing aside, accepting the facts just as they were. He’d finally given up on the idea that he could help his sect through this moment of disaster - there would simply be nothing for it; they would have to stumble along without him or else force his brother to actually do his job, but in any event, it wasn’t his problem.
He was going to go - he was going to finally make his way out of the sect for his long-planned travel, and when he did, he wouldn’t need to worry about his brother, or He Kexin, or any of it.
Only a few more months from the date he’d informed the sect elders of, he thought, and this time he would stick to it, not delay. A few more months...he could even count the time in days, if he wished. 
His brother (and He Kexin) would return from their night-hunt in a few days, likely straight into the various elders’ less-than-subtle plans to find them and scold them over the whole thing. 
Lan Qiren would give his brother ten days after he returned - the same ten days his brother had given him - before he formally informed him that he was leaving.
It wouldn’t be long now.
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Did he come home with a bloody nose?
The last thing Percy expected that night was Charlie to return home after a party with a bloody nose and bruised knuckles.
Percy had never expected himself to live past 18. Let alone get married and have 4 kids with the love of his life. Nothing could have prepared him for having a child for the first time. He had never expected how much a person could love. The moment Charlie and Zoe were born he was sure that his life would never be the same. And he was right, both his and Annabeth’s lives changed for the better. He also had the privilege to be at home with them for the first 3 years of their lives. There wasn’t anything more magical for him to watch his babies discover everything for the first time. Although parents aren’t supposed to have favourites, Percy had a soft spot for Charlie and Zoe (especially).
Annabeth was on a business trip for the weekend and Zoe, Lana, and Theo were sleeping over to other houses. That meant that Percy had the house for himself on Saturday night as Charlie had a party and wouldn’t return until it was at least 12 which was totally fine as he was the most responsible out of the siblings.
Percy felt sometimes that Charlie was putting too much pressure on himself so that he could be the best in something. Sure, that could also be a good thing as he was succeeding in all of his goals. In his Sophomore year, he managed to get on the Varsity Football Team and be in the top 3% of his class. Percy was sure that he got that quality from Annabeth. Well, he was sure that all of their children took all of their good qualities from Annabeth and not from him. But after that night he kind of changed his mind.
Let’s get this thing straight. Charlie was one of the last people who would get in a fight. It just wasn’t his kind of thing. He couldn’t understand why people would rather solve a fight with violence. His philosophy was either finish what you started or don’t start it at all. Well, that night at the party his philosophy went down the window and he got into the first and last fight of his life.
Charlie was good with people. He was never involved in any drama and if he didn’t get along with someone he wouldn’t do anything to provoke them. He found no point in screaming and shouting in the halls of the school. That was one of the many reasons people liked him.
The Quarterback of the football team was having a big party at his house and almost the entire school was invited. Charlie went with Colin and Nate as Zoe and Bianca had concert tickets for that night. Jake certainly knew how to throw a great party. Every time he was having an even better party. Charlie was minding his own business with some of his friends from the football team when he overheard Bianca’s ex-boyfriend trash-talking her. Then one thing lead to another, and he threw the first punch. And the second and the third. Tyler punched him in the eye, but he didn’t have any more strength, so Charlie decided to let him go as it was never his intention to punch the guy unconscious.
“I’m getting out of here,” Charlie said to Colin and Nate.
While they were making their way to the exit many people including Jake congratulated him. He couldn’t understand on what planet it made sense to congratulate a person who punched another guy. “I need a second.” Charlie sat on the side of the pavement.
“Where do you want us to take you?” Colin asked him as he handed him a cold water bottle to put on his eye so that it wouldn’t swell until they got home.
“Home. Only my dad is going to be there.” Charlie’s nose started bleeding badly.
“Are you sure you don’t want to go to my house and patch you up before you go back home?” Colin questioned him. “The bruises are a bit incriminating, and you might get in trouble.”
“So? I punched Tyler to the point his eye closed shut. That’s kind of a reason to get me in trouble. Just get me home.”
“Whatever you say.” With a little help from Colin and Nate, he managed to get up and walk.
“You did the right thing punching him. I don’t have the guts to do something like that.” Colin admitted. “I know that you’re against violence or whatever, but he deserved it.”
“I just wanted to punch him. I wanted to do it for a very long time, and it just happened.”
They got inside the house from the kitchen door. Charlie sat on a chair while Colin handed him some ice for his hand that started numbing.
“How and you’re home so-.” Percy started saying, but then he saw Charlie. “What happened?” He asked him.
“You guys can go. We’ll talk tomorrow.” He said to Colin and Nate who both left without thinking it twice. Then he turned to Percy. “I can explain everything. Can you help me make the bleeding stop?”
Percy brought the first aid kit. He gave Charlie a piece of Ambrosia and after his nose stopped bleeding, he gave him more ice. He flinched from the pain when Percy placed the ice pack on his hand “Can you tell me what happened now?”
“It’s nothing.” Charlie sighed.
“You aren’t the kind of kid to get in a fight over nothing. If you don’t want to tell me, it’s fine. But if you tell me I’ll be able to cover for you until the Ambrosia kicks in your system.” Percy reassured him. “I am not mad or anything. I was just wondering.”
Charlie looked at his dad. “There was this guy, that Bianca used to date. He said some awful things about her and-“ He paused. “I was mad. I was holding it back for weeks now. I know that getting in a fight is stupid and reckless, but I felt deep down that he deserved to get punched. No guy should mess with a girl like Bianca and get away with it.”
“I would have done the same. But please promise me that you won’t do something like this again.”
“Be sure about it. I know that it was a mistake I just felt the need to do it.” Charlie explained. “It must be on top of the stupid things that I’ve done. It will never happen again.”
“I’m sure. It just felt personal. I totally get it. You and Bianca are friends.” Percy isn’t stupid. He knew that Charlie liked Bianca, but he was oblivious about it like he was with Annabeth. He pretended not to notice that Charlie flustered a bit when he brought up Bianca. “Let’s just put it behind us and never talk about it again. How does that sound?” He proposed.
“Works for me.” Charlie had an appreciative look on his face. “Thanks for helping me and not making a big deal out of it.”
That night Percy found out that Charlie hadn’t gotten just Annabeth’s good qualities but also his extreme loyalty towards the people he loved.
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