#and then cor sees her doing that and looks pained as he tosses a package of baked goods at her
sparklecryptid · 2 years
More random thoughts that made me laugh - a Lovecraft-inspired thought about how a Lazarus might respond to a question about Luche’s whereabouts. “In her Uncle’s home on Angelgard Rita’s daughter lies dreaming.”
Auto-correct, the bane of everyones existence!
have a thing.
Cor is good at getting information. He knows he is good at getting information. Cor is one of the best at sniffing out leads and then rending the leads and the trail of traitorous garbage it leads to to ashes. There is no trail he can't follow and no one he can't threaten.
Or at least he thought that was the case, until Luche Lazarus blew up half a battlefield, ripped fate apart in a carnage of magic and blood, and proceeded to vanish off the face of Eos.
Cor can't find her. Her comrades can't find her. Titus fucking Drautos probably knows where she is but is refusing to tell him or Regis where the erstwhile princess is. Drautos had pulled out some bullshit about honoring a 'life debt' when threatened with treason and Regis and Cor had back down because the two of them know what that means.
It's the same thing that binds Cor to Regis after all, punishing Drautos for not tattling on his princess seems to be in bad taste.
So Cor goes to the next available source of information.
He goes to Clan Lazarus. The fact that they're seers means they must have some sort of information on their wayward daughter.
It turns out they do.
It also turns out they do not want to share that information with Cor or the King.
"She's with her uncle," one says, repeating the words others have spoken to Cor in the past three days, "She's safe."
"I need to know where she is," Cor grinds out.
"She's safe," the Lazarus repeats, "That's all that matters isn't it?"
Cor finally gets an audeince with the Clan Elder. She's an old woman, the white in her hair overtaking the strands of black that that still show.
Terra is also warm - not in body temperature - in the same way Regis is warm. Like she looks at you and knows that you're a threat but will treat you kindly anyway.
Cor is uncomfortable.
"Where is Luche Lazarus?" He asks Terra.
"Tita's daughter rests in her uncle's home on Angelgard," Terra says and Cor's blood runs cold.
Angelgard is unpleasant. The smell of salt in the air and the warmth of the sun that Luche can finally feel on her skin doesn't detract from that. Angelgard is too full of memories, of the echoes of Ardyn screaming and begging for it to be pleasant.
Still Luche is here for a reason. No one will think to look for her here, and although walking into her uncle's home - a small two bedroom cabin that is furnished far too expensively for Luche's taste - had gotten Luche almost sliced open by a scythe she can't say that she minds having Ardyn be a hovering presence as he scowls at her and drags her away from the parts of the island that hold his worst memories.
Luche doesn't mind it.
That doesn't mean she's expecting it when a furious Tredd blasts open the door and is treated to the exact same treatment Luche received when she arrived.
Cor has a blade to her uncle's neck and Luche considers stabbing him for the affront.
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it took me all day to think of a request that didn't sound 100% like a shitpost!!! The bros and cor with an s/o who has chronic pain and tries to act like they're fine but they're like "I'm dyin lol" --joioliviapolaroid
Well…well…well As you have come to know, I love shitposts as much as serious inquiries.  Let’s see if I can make some magic. ╰(•̀ 3 •́)━☆゚.*・。゚Gonna throw in some Lunafreya for free since you know, Waifu. @joioliviapolaroid
Weapons vanished in hands as Noctis moved over to you for his celebratory hug and peck from you. Only to watch as you collapsed to the ground, holding your back. Worried that you had gotten hit by a stray attack the Prince quickly rushed over to you.
“Y/N are you okay?” He asked the others were slightly further away having got separated in the fray of battle.
“Ah, you know Death is near.” You responded with a laugh, as those worried blues eyes checked you over. It felt like you were in an X-ray machine with the way that he looked at you.
“You’re not, let me see,” Noctis called.
“I’m not getting undressed in public, what kind of lady do you take me for?” You gasped playfully.
Noctis wanted to growl, as he sent you what was hopefully a stern glare. It must have worked as you slowly turned around, slightly raising your shirt. He didn’t see anything different, aside from that old burn wound from years ago when you were attacked as a child which caused considerable nerve damage. His hand reached out touching the wound softly, as you jumped.
“Cold, cold.” You muttered.
“Does it hurt?”
“Nah, I’m good.” You smiled, lowering your shirt to go and stand, only for a jolt of pain to go up your back again, sending you to the ground, your boyfriend immediately hovering over you. “No, No, I’m a big girl, I can do this!”
Noctis groaned as he rolled his eyes, bending down too quickly scoop you up into his arms. Where you started to flail demanding to be put down, and that you could walk when you could hardly stand.  Why couldn’t you let him know when you met your limit? “Stop it.”
“No, you’ll end up hurting your back, and leg.” You objected.
“Just let me do this for you!”
You froze, suddenly realizing just how embarrassing you were. You wrapped your arms around your Prince’s neck, allowing him to carry you back to the others burying your face in his shoulder.
Prompto’s camera slowly slides down his face as he looked to you, hunched over on the rock. Well sprawled out facedown was more than likely the correct answer, you had overdone it again and you didn’t tell him. He always hated when you did this.
“Sweetie,” Prompto called, not wanting to startle you off the rock and risk any further injury. “You okay?”
“Perfectly…*huff* fine. Just *huff, huff* who needs air to live, y’know.” You smiled, turning towards him, still heavily panting.
Prompto moved beside you, resting his hand on your back, feeling your labored breathing. Both you and he should have known better than your sports asthma was going to act up in this heat, and with the dust kicked up walking here, “Do you have your inhaler?”
You waved it off, “No,*huff* no I left it at *huff* the campsite. I’m fine *huff, huff* it’s cool.”
Prompto put his camera away, your panting was getting worse, the blonde then begun to pet himself down.
“What *huff* are you doing?” You asked, trying to sit up, only to have Prompto gently lay you back down.
Prompto remained checking his pockets, what a dumb time to wear cargo pants, so many pockets.  Still, he shouldn’t have asked you to come out in this weather and should have made sure that you had your inhaler.
“Got it!” He cheered, pulling the red pump from his pocket, he knew that he had your spare. “Sit up for me, Sweetie, and put your arms up.”
You wanted to swat him away and prove you were fine. Yet those tears within those baby blues made you take his hand, allowing you to sit up, as the pump was put to your lips. You inhaled as he held the pump, pushing the medication within you, then again.
“Feeling better?” Prompto asked, your wheezing was already getting under control.
“Mmhm.” You muttered, “Sorry for making you worry.”
Prompto smiled, pocketing your inhaler, before turning around, “Here I’ll carry you back.”
“You don’t have to.”
“Yeah, but I want to.”
He saw it before you were even aware that it was happening, Gladiolus was no stranger to pain. So when you suddenly lost your balance and had a wooden sword slam into your head, lucky the man had only done it with enough force to knock you off your feet.
“Dead.” He called.
“Who you telling?” You muttered, rubbing the spot where your beloved boyfriend had the gaul to actually hit you in the head. “Wanna be a little nicer to your girlfriend and not give her a concussion big guy? I’m already jacked enough.”
Gladiolus groaned as he sat down before you, “What the hell was that?”
“What, I’m just off my game,” You scoffed, crossing your legs. “Like you’re mister perfect.”
Gladiolus tried to stare you down, yet unfortunately, with you being his girlfriend it held no effect towards you as it would for others. Instead, the man rolled his eyes, you always got kind of - what was the best word for it - bitchy when you were in pain or your ankle was acting up.
“Come on, I’m not getting any younger, again.” You called, moving to stand, only to shriek as your left leg was suddenly pulled out from under you and you were all but dangling from Gladiolus hold. “What the, put me down!”
“No, you’re hurt and not taking care of yourself.” He replied, as he removed your shoe, showing the angry bruise already forming. “Where’s your brace?”
“I don’t…I don’t need.” You growled, only to shriek as he stood, holding you upside down, yet now rather by wrapping an arm around your waist. “I’m a grown ass woman, put me down Gladiolus!”
“Obviously not,” Gladiolus replied.
“You asshole, I said put me down!” You yelled, trying to kick at him.
“If you’re not going to take care of yourself that I’m going to.”  He stated, managing to situate you so that you were instead tossed over his shoulder now, as he begun moving toward the infirmary to get you another brace.
“I’ll kick your ass! I said I’m fine! Put me down!” You barked, yet he was much stronger than you, and you were only making yourself look foolish, but still the principal of the thing!
“Darling, are you feeling alright?” Ignis inquired.
“Yes, why do you ask?”
Ignis had noticed that instead of drinking your tea, you were instead cradling it with your hands, and constantly shaking out your hands as if they were cramping up. “You simply aren’t enjoying your tea, are your hands bothering you?”
“Oh, it’s just a little flare, and as you know I do love flair.” You giggled batting your eyes to the man.
“Would you like for me to massage them?”
“That is not necessary, all I need is to enjoy a cup of…oh and you’re taking off your gloves.” You cooed, as he moved to you taking your hand within his own. “Iggy this is nessac…oh my.”
Ignis chuckled his hands working through the tenseness in your hand as you purred and mewled softly. “Darling, perhaps we should look into those injections.”
“Mm…but how…oh gods…how would I get you too…” You couldn’t finish your sentence as the man pressed just right, and was now slowly moving up your arm. “Sir, if you continue this, I can not promise what comes from my mouth next will be rather ladylike.”
“I will be fine with that, so long as we do one thing first.” He replied, leaning forward to press his lips against your neck.
“Anything.” You moaned, only to stare in confusion as Ignis sat back pulling out his cell phone. “Ignis what are you doing?”
“Scheduling you for cortisone injections.” He replied.
You could do nothing but pout as he begun to speak to the clinic, “Freakin tease.”
He had the nerve to even wink at you!
It wasn’t often that Cor was home to share a bed with you, and you were rather excited when the man had actually come home for once rather than crashing somewhere at the Citadel. For a while, you had thought the man didn’t need sleep, part of the whole ‘Immortal Package’ deal. Yet lying within his arms now was the most beautiful and painful thing in the world to you.
You attempted to shift again, but Gods, your shoulder was on fire.
“What are you doing?” Cor inquired out of the blue, which caused you to jump further aggravating the pain in your shoulders.
“Just getting comfier.” You lied quickly, only to stare at those ice blue eyes turned to you. “What, my arms going to sleep.”
“Is it your arthritis?” He asked.
“I’m not old Cor!” You hissed, an automatic response at this point. “I’m just, you know out of practice.”
“Out of practice?”
“Yes, we can’t all be in top physical form like some immortals.” You replied, moving from his arms, to flop over on your other side, back facing the man, which only made the pain flair more. “Calling a lady old is so rude, we can’t all look like we’re still in our late 20s while pushing 50 like some people.”
It took everything in Cor not to roll his eyes at you, he loved you more than anything, but when you got into one of your ‘I’m not old’ moods it made it really hard for the man to get a word in edgewise. Besides he knew that you were avoiding the fact that your arthritis was indeed acting up So without a second thought, the man moved from the bed going to the bathroom to get some nighttime pain relievers.
Returning to the bed to find you still curled up on your side of the bed, muttering away angrily that you weren’t in pain or old. Cor sighed as he reached out, ever softly poking you in the shoulder which immediately sent you tense and curling away from the man. He waited, for you to sheepishly turn over eyes cast down as you sat up.
“Here.” He offered, handing you the pain relievers and a glass of water, making certain that you took them, before moving back into bed, gathering you within his arms again.
“Thanks.” You finally offered.
Cor sighed, as he pressed a kiss to your forehead, getting a purr and nuzzle into his chest. Always the same reaction to when he showed you a little sweetness. Stubborn, beautiful, woman.
Being a part of the Oracles entourage was the best thing you could have ever hoped for. Granted the entourage was yourself, Lunafreya, her two dogs and Gentiana, so three women and two dogs, it sounded like some strange sitcom, but was a beautiful place to be. Now if only you could open your eyes and actually greet the beauty that was Lunafreya who was laying beside you in your large shared bed.
“Are you feeling okay?” The woman’s voice called, as you felt a soft hand stroking your head.
“Oh, I’m just blinded by the most beautiful woman.” You cooed when you were mentally cursing that everything in the room was white or silver and made your migraine worse with all the light bouncing around. You felt her hand rest on your forehead closely followed by comforting sensation, “You cut that out!”  You called rolling over, knowing that when Lunafreya used her powers she was putting a tax on herself. “I’m just dying, it’s cool.”
You heard the woman pout, rather than saw, and knew she looked adorable, her arm across over her chest, lower lip sticking out and then you heard it.
“I just want to help.”
You quickly flopped back over, groping around, before you hand came into contact with her silk white night dress. Wrapping your arms around her waist, you pulled yourself into the woman’s lap, burying your face within her lap, enjoying the feeling of her warm skin underneath the white silk. “I know, I know, I didn’t mean to get snappy.”
Feeling her arms circle around you, “I just want to make you feel better.”
“As long as I’m with you, I already feel better.” You replied, nuzzling into her lap, flinching as her hand began to stroke your head.
“I’ll go get you some medication.”
“No…what am I supposed to with you gone?” You cried, as you felt her leave the bed.
“I’ll be back soon.”
You grunted clutching her pillow to your face, hearing her leave the room, requesting for some to bring you some headache medication. Then move back into the room, moving back into bed to cuddle with you.
“I’ll nurse you back to health the old fashion way.” She cooed pressing her lips to your own.
You finally opened your eyes to look to the woman cuddling you, “I demand 50 CCs of cuddles and kisses, please.”
Lucky your girlfriend was more than happy to oblige. 
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