#luche: i dont care what happens to him. you might though
sparklecryptid · 2 years
More random thoughts that made me laugh - a Lovecraft-inspired thought about how a Lazarus might respond to a question about Luche’s whereabouts. “In her Uncle’s home on Angelgard Rita’s daughter lies dreaming.”
Auto-correct, the bane of everyones existence!
have a thing.
Cor is good at getting information. He knows he is good at getting information. Cor is one of the best at sniffing out leads and then rending the leads and the trail of traitorous garbage it leads to to ashes. There is no trail he can't follow and no one he can't threaten.
Or at least he thought that was the case, until Luche Lazarus blew up half a battlefield, ripped fate apart in a carnage of magic and blood, and proceeded to vanish off the face of Eos.
Cor can't find her. Her comrades can't find her. Titus fucking Drautos probably knows where she is but is refusing to tell him or Regis where the erstwhile princess is. Drautos had pulled out some bullshit about honoring a 'life debt' when threatened with treason and Regis and Cor had back down because the two of them know what that means.
It's the same thing that binds Cor to Regis after all, punishing Drautos for not tattling on his princess seems to be in bad taste.
So Cor goes to the next available source of information.
He goes to Clan Lazarus. The fact that they're seers means they must have some sort of information on their wayward daughter.
It turns out they do.
It also turns out they do not want to share that information with Cor or the King.
"She's with her uncle," one says, repeating the words others have spoken to Cor in the past three days, "She's safe."
"I need to know where she is," Cor grinds out.
"She's safe," the Lazarus repeats, "That's all that matters isn't it?"
Cor finally gets an audeince with the Clan Elder. She's an old woman, the white in her hair overtaking the strands of black that that still show.
Terra is also warm - not in body temperature - in the same way Regis is warm. Like she looks at you and knows that you're a threat but will treat you kindly anyway.
Cor is uncomfortable.
"Where is Luche Lazarus?" He asks Terra.
"Tita's daughter rests in her uncle's home on Angelgard," Terra says and Cor's blood runs cold.
Angelgard is unpleasant. The smell of salt in the air and the warmth of the sun that Luche can finally feel on her skin doesn't detract from that. Angelgard is too full of memories, of the echoes of Ardyn screaming and begging for it to be pleasant.
Still Luche is here for a reason. No one will think to look for her here, and although walking into her uncle's home - a small two bedroom cabin that is furnished far too expensively for Luche's taste - had gotten Luche almost sliced open by a scythe she can't say that she minds having Ardyn be a hovering presence as he scowls at her and drags her away from the parts of the island that hold his worst memories.
Luche doesn't mind it.
That doesn't mean she's expecting it when a furious Tredd blasts open the door and is treated to the exact same treatment Luche received when she arrived.
Cor has a blade to her uncle's neck and Luche considers stabbing him for the affront.
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amidahime · 8 years
FFXV React: Just been told they are to be a father/mother
Suggested by: Anon Noctis: Ah, c-could you repeat that? I-I’m going to be a dad? *looks away in shock, but turns quickly back around* No, I’m not upset! It’s just, wow….Lucis is going to get a little prince or princess. *smiles* Gladiolus: *embraces you tightly without warning* You’re going to be a great mom! I-I mean, we’ll BOTH be great parents….*grins* I wonder what it will be? Either way, they’ll make the Amicitia name proud, I just know it. Prompto: SERIOUSLY! I-I’m gonna be a dad?! *quiet for a few moments, silently screaming - when he suddenly embraces you* I-I’ll make sure to take care of the two of you really well, I promise! Hee, I wonder if they’re gonna be a “mini me” or “mini you”? Ignis: Ah, *looks away for a moment, and chuckles with a smile on his face* Well, considering all the time we’ve spent together I’m not too surprised. *takes your hands in his* I promise the two of you, that I’ll always be there for you. Cor: I guess the universe is telling me to finally retire. *places his arms around you* I wouldn’t have it any other way though. I'll admit, I have mused over being a family man for some time now. Regis: I see, *embraces you gently* I never would have dreamed to be blessed so much in my lifetime. *carresses your cheek and chuckles slightly* I wonder how Noctis will react? He’ll no longer be an only child. Cidney: A mom? Me?! *places hands on her stomach, as do you* We-We're gonna be parents???....Oh Six! What will Pawpaw say? I hope his heart can take it at his age. *laughs* Iris: I'm going to be a mom? *turns towards you in silence and without warning jumps on you for an unsuspecting embrace* I always wanted to be a mom! I just, never thought so soon! *laughs* Oh boy, Gladdy and dad are sure in for a surprise. Aranea: Are you - kidding me right now? *starts to pace* I mean yeah, I figured with all our "get togethers" something might happen but...*you ask of she wants to have the child* I dont know!? Maybe....I'm not exaclty mom material ya know! I just....*you embrace her, reassuring her that whatever decision is made you'll stand beside her* Thanks...I'll admit, I always kinda wondered what would be tougher; raising a kid? Or being a mercanary? Dino: Y-Ya serious hun!? You ain't just messin' with me right!? *You glare at him and repeat the news. He remains silent for few moments more when he suddenly grins and picks you up* THIS IS FANTASTIC NEWS!!! Of course I'm happy! Are ya kiddin!? I know, let's put it in the papers! Why? C'mon, havin a kid is the best news anyone can get! Clarus: I - at my age? I suppose wonders never cease. *smiles gently* Is this, what you want? I see, in that case we best give Gladiolus and Iris the news. Heh, I'm sure they'll be happy. Ravus: *He remains silent for a time, enough to get you to slightly worry but surpises you when he suddenly draws near and rests his forehead on yours.* It was beyond my wildest dreams when you accepted me as your lover, and now you give me these news? I vow, no harm will come to you. Both of you. Lunafreya: *She gently places her hands in her stomach and smiles* By the Six, to be blessed in such a way. Hmm? Yes, I am happy. Truly happy. This world can be frightful, but it holds such beauty. I cannot wait to show them! Gentiana: A child, born of man and the Gods. What future could possibly await them? *She smiles at you and despite her eyes being closed, she exudes a gentle, loving warmth. Much like an expecting mother* No matter the future, they will be alright having you alongside them. Ardyn: Truly my dear? *He remains silent as you repeat yourself, his eyes wandering from you, to your stomach and off towards the distance. After a time he draws closer and kisses you gently* I thought as much that sooner or later this would occur. For a time I thought it best if such a thing occured that - that it might be best for me to leave, considering who and what I am...But not only would that be beyond selfish, it would be cruel beyond words. Especially towards the person I love more than my own life. *He places a hand on your stomach* Dont worry little one, I love you as well. Nyx: *Is in a state of dumbstruck/awe and breaks into a grin, laughing slightly* I, I really dont know what to say exactly...All the more reason to fight for "hearth and home" huh? Libertus: *Lifts you up and spins you around as soon as you tell him the news* I'm going to be a dad!? Really!? *kisses you* What? Of course I've always wanted kids! They're adorable, and our kid is going to be super adorable having you as their mom! *grins* Crowe: I thought I'd get to be a mom after all the fighting was said and done? *she nods and chuckles slightly* The Six have other plans I guess....Then again, who wouldn't want me as their mom? Luche: *Is surprised but fades quickly into a smile as he hugs you and proceedes to kiss you* I suppose we're really serious now aren't we? Pelna: *He's smiling excitingly* Please tell me you are not joking? You serious!? *he let's out a cry of joy and embraces you tightly, let's go quickly however* Sorry, sorry! I shouldn't be squeezing you so tight now that you're carrying precious cargo. Drautos: Well, I, good to know you're not falling ill as we initually thought. *he smiles with a laugh* Of course I'm happy, who wouldnt be? All the more reason for me to keep fighting for what I believe in.
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