#and then even if I do get in contact eventually there's no guarantee that she'd even want to take my commission
rubenesque-as-fuck · 1 month
Really want to get a tattoo from this artist that I've had my eye on for years and I finally found their newer website a few months ago thanks to a follower tip but their books have been closed the entire time since then and I'm starting to think it might be time to look elsewhere 😔
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trans-cuchulainn · 1 year
i had a friend who got a massive book deal, translated into 12 languages or something right off the bat, huge publicity campaign, etc. and we weren't very close friends, just online acquaintances via a particular community, and she'd been inactive there for a while due to being busy, so there was no, like, regular contact between us. which meant for several months i had this kind of festering jealousy, but i did my best never to show it, because we were acquaintances if not friends, and that would be mean, i was supposed to be happy for her. i just... didn't have enough personal associations to disrupt those feelings, you know?
and then when the book came out, she was doing an event fairly near me, at a bookshop i had been looking for an excuse to visit. (it was far enough away that it required a specific journey.) she normally lived in another country but her publisher had arranged this uk tour, because, big book deal, meaning it was a rare chance for us to meet. so i went along, planning how i would introduce myself: "hey, i used to be in that group chat with you, not sure if you remember..." she would not, i thought, remember me or recognise me without context, and this was going to be embarrassing, but i would power through
the event, when i got there, was actually pretty small. i sat myself in the front row because it made it easier to prop my cane up in front of me without getting in anyone's way, and waited
and she walked in. and she saw me. and she went "oh my god! néide, is that you?" and, ignoring that she was meant to be starting the event, came over and hugged me. "how are you? i had no idea you'd be here, this is so cool!", genuinely curious, genuinely happy to see me to the point of throwing off the professional author persona entirely, apparently genuinely thrilled that i had come at all. after the event, we chatted for a while and took pictures together for me to send to the group chat and all of that, holding up the whole signing line until i eventually pointed out she should probably talk to someone else and ducked out
and you know what? while i still feel a level of professional jealousy (which i think is natural when you work in a similar/adjacent field to someone), on a personal level, the resentment is GONE. because she was kind. because she put our acquaintanceship above the event for one minute and treated me like a friend even though we hadn't chatted in months. i have had acquaintances who left everyone else for dust when they found success, but it was wrong of me to assume this friend would do that without any evidence of it, and she proved that to me in a moment
i don't have a moral here, this is just an anecdote that i think about sometimes. it's hard when you have successful friends but it taught me that if i am ever in the position of being the successful friend, i want to be the one who makes them think "oh but they're so kind, though, i legit can't resent them" and not the one who prompts a "wow well they pissed off as soon as they made it, didn't they? fuck them then". i can't guarantee to recognise my internet friends on sight because i am faceblind as fuck but. i want to be the one who takes time for the people i care about, no matter what else is going on
and. yeah. i can hold a grudge like nobody's business but i can also hold whatever the positive equivalent of a grudge is. "that person was nice to me once when i was feeling insecure and i have never, ever forgotten it" can be just as powerful, sometimes, as "that person was a bitch to me and I never forgave them"
so, i want to be the kind of person people hold positive grudges about
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Do you think Plankton made Karen because he was lonely?
Just something that popped into my mind
Do y'all think someone would marry a computer if they weren't lonely? Plankton is the irl version of someone who'd marry their waifu from some trash anime. He'd be obsessed with dating sims. Someone like that would be INCREDIBLY lonely.
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Jokes aside, he doesn't seem to be super into Karen romantically. I believe more that he keeps her around otherwise he would suffer insatiable loneliness. And I imagine he doesn't like being left alone with his thoughts. Keeps him sane to talk to someone else. Even if he doesn't really listen to them.
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From what we know about Plankton and Karen. She was a security camera when they first met. We know Plank was a lonely kid. Aside from Krabs who he was beginning to have a falling out with. He was bullied relentlessly and we know he doesn't really get along with his family (he never bothered to keep contact when he grew up, that's not a good sign)
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Imagine him conversing with a security camera! You know he must've been desperate to start chatting with the junk yard security camera. And then eventually started dating it the mOMENT the Krabs and Plankton fight happens. I'm assuming Karen must've been at least somewhat sentient on her own. From what we've seen in the show, regular objects do have a soul, even if they can't really talk back so, we can assume the same for Karen. Plankton didn't completely create her but he gave her the means ro be able to be more interactive and take care of herself.
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In Kamp Koral (if you want to consider it canon) she's working as an assistant for plankton. She's a little old fashion calculator. Enthusiastic and bubbly and always happy to help Plankton. You can see that Plankton definitely gave her some upgrades. Albeit very rudimentary. She's attached to a roller skate and that's how she gets around. And this is the youngest we've ever seen her. Plankton is key to granting her access to the world. She can see the world, meet new people, she can interact and talk with others. She can finally be seen. No wonder she's so happy during this period of life. No wonder she has a much happier and sweeter attitude towards plankton. He gave her everything. She'd surely look up to him and think of him as some sort of god in her eyes.
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Plankton on the other hand doesn't seem so interested. While he talks a little more with interest of his third date in the episode Friend or Foe. He doesn't really seem as interested in her at this point. I can assume at first he liked her because she was the only one there to listen to him. As someone who is pretty emotionally starved. He'd definitely latch onto that. But that isn't a substitute for a genuine romance. I'm assuming with the years having gone by, those feelings had faded. While Karen's feelings have only blossomed further. Its not like he doesn't like her, but it's clear he doesn't feel those sorts of affections towards her. But he still keeps her around. She's a good listener, she's always happy to be around him, she's a massive help towards him and he's happy to help her and further exercising his scientific knowledge by creating new upgrades for her.
I'm assuming this will probably continue on until he proposes. I can definitely see Plankton proposing more out of obligation than actual feelings. Karen is all over him and bubbly and this is what normal folks do right? Get married? Though I don't think he sees this relationship as anything more than the scientist and his assistant thing for years. He just doesn't expect it to change with marriage so what does he have to lose? At least this is a guarantee he'd never be alone. He'd never have to worry about Karen moving on to someone else and him losing his only listener. Besides it makes Karen over the moon happy. I can also see her constantly hinting towards marriage and white bread and it probably annoyed him until he eventually gave in.
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Years would go by, Karen's optimism fades as she sees Plankton for what he truly is. From the episode Karen's virus, we've seen she has an idealized version of plankton in her head. A smart and kind and handsome version of him. Which irl he's clearly not. And while she's always happy to listen to him, he doesn't do the same for her. No wonder she's grown so cynical. He's just not the person she always thought him to be. Now she's more familiar with the world, he just doesn't have that wonder he used to have. And plankton, well his social skills are poor. He cannot properly reciprocate a relationship with Karen. He just wanted her to fill that loneliness. Except now she's become another antagonizing figure in his life (she's nothing like that, but for the state he's in, he sees it as such)
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Funny thing to mention, Karen's idealized plankton literally dies in the episode. If you want to know how their relationship is.
Plankton has now found other ways to fill his loneliness. This weird co-dependant relationship he has with krabs and obsessively trying to steal the formula. I doubt he even really wants it. He does want fame and success but he can achieve it any other way. He's brilliant in his own right but believes the formula is the only way. Karen eventually being slowly being pushed into an after thought in these shenanigans. Plankton ends up being able to maintain a real person to person relationship by constantly doing this with Krabs. Even if it's not a healthy one. And any objection Karen has, he denies her personhood. Which definitely must've felt like a stab. The person to give her her personhood is now denying it ever existed. How cruel.
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Sorry I kept rambling about Karen when this is about Plankton. But from what I've gathered, I seriously doubt he keeps her around for any other reason besides loneliness. He tries to get with Krabs' mom and claims Karen just doesn't fulfill his emotional needs. Yet in the end, always comes back running to her when it doesn't work out. Similar case in Karen 2.0. He does need her. But that doesn't mean he respects or genuinely loves her. She fulfills his need. Just barely. And even then it's never enough.
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Plankton get therapy 2022
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moonacrefarm · 3 months
anticipating love
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summary: your parents marriage didn’t survive the test of time and neither did you first love. 
contains: childhood friends to lovers to strangers, second-chance romance, angst, hurt/comfort, slight miscommunication, fluff, 18+ series, mentions of stalking, mentions of cancer, no mention of y/n
authors note: it might be a second before the third chap is finished bc im in the middle of finals ^.^
series masterlist
previous part | next part. 03. fated ones
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02. never hesitating
A biting chill fills the air, numbing your fingertips instead of warming your bones, a striking difference from the scintillating sun that scorched San Diego. You adjust your jacket, trying to fight off the cold as you walk through a graveyard. The place is meant for rest, for the souls of the living to find peace in their loved ones' death. Yet as you stand elbow in elbow with your mother, peace does not find you. It takes the shape of a man you had told off not even a night ago.
Bradley hunches in front of his mother and father's tombstone, hands moving wildly as he speaks to them.
"I completely froze! I was surprised she didn't slap me. Mom taught her a mean backhand when we were like 6 and I've been scared of it ever since." His voice carries through the graveyard, a few other visitors side-eyeing him with curiosity.
Your mom scans you up and down. "And you weren't going to tell me Bradley was back?" Eyebrow raised and accusatory, you have nothing to say but a shrug. You were going to tell her eventually, but it wasn't high on your priority list. It was just another way for you to run. She nudges you, slowing down your walking pace as if to give Bradley more time with his parents.
Since you landed back in California, your mom had a few things to do. Her long list of "do's before I die." You weren't a fan of the list name, but making peace and making amends was important to her. This was her second round battling cancer, and there was no guarantee she'd get another one. Visiting the Bradshaws' grave was one of the first things she planned to do. Carole was her right-hand from before you and Bradley were even thoughts. She pats your hand, letting you go as she approaches Bradley. You keep your distance as she gently squeezes his shoulder, softly calling his name.
You aren't sure how you expected him to react, but you didn't expect him to cry. His initial shock is washed away by teary eyes and tightly hugging your mother as if he'd never see her again. When Bradley officially cut contact with you, you hadn't expected him to ice your mother out. He didn't have family to spare, and it was out of character for who you thought he was. Seeing him now, you can tell that never changed. Maybe he'd been scared to reach out to her, maybe he felt ashamed, felt isolated. You weren't sure, and only he could tell you. But that would require being on speaking terms with him.
The sound of your name pulls you out of your stupor, eyes switching from your mother to Bradley's.
"I raised you better than that. Come say hello to the Bradshaws." Your mother's playful scold makes you wince. Here you are, a full-fledged adult, being scolded in front of the Bradshaws like you're still 3. You aren't sure what to say. Anything you had was lost to thought the moment you saw Bradley. You meekly sound out a greeting, staring at the pictures on their tombstones with watery eyes. You didn't know Bradley's father, but you knew Carole, and she never failed to tell you stories of whirlwind love.
Your mother launches into her update, chatting with Carole as if no time had passed. Updating her on the latest and greatest, from their old high school classmates to her argument with your father.
"C'mon," Bradley taps the back of your elbow, "Let's give them some space."
You walk off with him, the silence heavy between the two of you. Neither of you knows what to say, especially after the other night.
"Welcome home," is all he says, hands stuffed in his pockets as he searches your face.
"Welcome home," you answer back swiftly. You allow the awkward silence to engulf you, hoping it'll tear him down and he'll leave you to wander around by yourself.
"You're killing me, Bugs. Please say something."
"There's nothing to say."
"There's everything to say." He steps in front of you, blocking your path with scrunched eyebrows.
"You wanna hash it out here?" You question him, urging him to think wisely.
"No, I just—"
"Just what? What do you want from me?" Your whisper is harsher than you realize, a few glances from the other visitors catching your attention.
"I want to talk. I want to explain what happened, and...and I want answers too." He holds his chin high, knowing that if he caves for a second and loosens his resolve, he'll bend to whatever you will him to. He always does.
The thing about Bradley Bradshaw is that he gets straight to the point. He itches to resolve conflict, waiting for the right moment when he can swoop in and fix everything. The timing is never on his side, the moment never quite right. For whatever reason, Bradley Bradshaw couldn't understand the value in "time and place." So there he sits, snug on that perch of his, waiting for a sunrise that'll never come.
"You want answers?" You bark out a cold laugh, one that sends a chill through the back of his neck. Your finger prods his chest, enunciating each word as you speak. "You want answers? I wanted answers for the past 8 years, and look where that got me. Stuck, waiting for someone who never showed."
"Please..." He says breathlessly, "Please Bugs, just let me—fuck I don't know what you want me to say, just let me explain. Let me apologize."
"Why did you leave?"
His eyes flicker to yours, back stiffening as you take one small step closer.
"Well, what is it, Bradshaw? Why did you leave that night?"
"No, you walked right into this. Why did you leave?" The sharp edge to your voice has softened, weakening to a state that matches your heart: broken.
"I didn't want to, Bugs, but you were engaged." You flinch, stunned into confusion as he continues. "When we slept together I had no idea you were engaged. What’s worse? When I found out, I didn’t think you did anything wrong, I didn’t give a shit about your fiancé or his feelings. I just wanted you…in anyway you’d have me.” His voice became small, rubbing the back of neck and moving to play with his right earlobe. A habit he’s had since childhood.
"You had so much power over me,” He continued, “and it terrified me." He takes a pause, gazing at you as if he's debating on saying this last piece of information.
"I loved you so much, but I didn't know who I was. And when I found out you were engaged, I couldn't face you. It felt like you chose him, and Bugs, I regretted it the second I drove off, but I couldn't go back. I tried to call, text, and nothing ever went through. You never responded, and I was too ashamed to contact your mom. I was stuck, Bugs. I'm sorry I hurt you."
The confession leaves you in tatters. Engaged? You hadn't gotten engaged to River until a year and a half later. Did he try to call you? Text you? It was radio silence whenever you tried to contact him, so how did you miss all his attempts?
"Yeah, Bugs?"
"Where the fuck did you hear I was engaged?"
"What do you mean 'where did you hear I was engaged?' River told me."
Your conversation is now the center of attention on this side of the cemetery, the sound of your voices too loud.
"River told you? When the fuck did he tell you?"
“That morning. I got a message from him, called him and asked if it was true but he showed me your engagement photos. I didn’t know how react so I just…left.”
Your mind is a whirlwind of confusion. The only reason you'd even gotten engaged to River was because Bradley left you that morning. You didn't see a future with him and broke it off weeks before you'd even spent the night with Bradley.
Both of you stand stupefied, looking at the other for answers neither of you has.
"I didn't get engaged to River until a year and a half after you left. I had already broken things off before you even visited Virginia. What do you mean he called you? How did he even know you were at my place? He was in New York.” You rub your temples, feeling a migraine coming on. It’s sudden by the information send a splitting ache through head.
"That's why you left?" You continue, massaging your eyes from the sun. "You thought I cheated on my fiancee with you? Did you think I lied about the breakup?"
"He showed me the engagement photos, what was I supposed to think?"
"You were supposed to ask me. You were supposed to stay. That's what you were supposed to think."
"Bugs, I didn't want to leave, but in that situation, would you have stuck around? Finding out I was engaged after sleeping with you? Seeing the proof right there?"
He might've been right. You probably would've fled. As angry as you wanted to be at him, you felt that you couldn't. Putting this in perspective made you feel guilty for being angry at him in the first place. Did you have a right to be? Maybe not, but how did River know Bradley was at your place that morning when he was supposedly in New York and you both had cut contact. Let alone to send engagement photos.
"Are you lying to me?" The question falls from your lips as you try to make sense of it. He has to be lying. The timeline doesn't make sense.
"Now you think I'm lying? I may have left that day, yes, but you never reached out, you never returned my calls. You chose your 'fiancee' over me, and I didn’t have it in me to look at you after that."
The look on your face makes his stomach twist. Something doesn't add up, and you pale. Hands shaking as a shiver takes over your body. "Bradley. River was in New York that week. We broke up a while before you even came back to visit, and never took engagement photos. I called and texted and called and texted, and you never responded to me. Didn't you?" Nothing you do soothes the throbbing behind your temples and nausea whirls in your stomach.
Bradley’s hands are warm as they find purchase on your arms, pulling you towards him and tugging your chin to face him.
"You called me?"
You nod weakly, "For weeks. For weeks, I called. I got scared that something happened to you, and I couldn't reach you. One of our old neighbors said they'd seen you alive and well, and I had to accept the fact you didn't want to speak to me."
All the anger you had used to guard yourself is withering. Suddenly you feel cold, a cool tingle spreading in the back of your head. The puzzle pieces are there, but you refuse to put them together.
Why would River do all that? How did he do all that? It doesn't make sense. But if the look on Bradley's face tells you anything, he's as confused and hurt as you are. Both of you have been wallowing in resentment these past few years, only to find out it'd been built on a lie.
"Bugs, you're shivering. Let's get you back to the car, okay?" You nod numbly, allowing him to guide you. He sits you in the passenger seat of the Bronco, and you stare blankly out the window, watching fellow visitors clean their loved ones' graves and cracking open beers with them.
Everyone has their special way of dealing with grief. Others never visit, and some spend all their time here. Some people decorate with flowers and seasonal decor, while others pour out liquor and loud music while they talk with their tombstones. You'd grieved when you lost Bradley. Halfway convinced he was the love of your life and you'd never find anything more. You didn't, and that made the loss hurt even more. Years of resentment grew and blossomed, poisoning the relationship you had with River. But was it really ruined because of you? If all that Bradley said is true, your relationship was built on the same lie it died on.
You see your mother approach Bradley, her brows creased as she looks at you. You can't hear what they're saying, but at some point, they've moved you back to your car as your mom hops into the driver's seat. You can do nothing as the fear and anxiety freeze you. If River had planned all of that, what else could he have done? Did do? The thoughts consume you whole as they finish up their conversation with hushed whispers and sideways glances.
"Please drive safe. I'll call the number you gave me when I get back home." Bradley taps the car, watching as you two drive off.
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b000mbayah · 2 years
Itzy as Yanderes
·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ ﹥ˏˋ♡̩͙♡̩̩̥͙♡̩̥̩ ⋆ ♡̩̥̩♡̩̩̥͙♡̩͙ˊˎ﹤ .·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ '
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Yeji- Possessive
•Would want to literally own her love interest.
•Would treat you like a child's favourite stuffed plush.
•Would use you for her own purposes and would refuse to let anyone do the same.
•Can't even stand the idea of someone touching or even making eye contact with you.
•You're HER property, no one else's.
•Yeji would generally lock you away from the world for the rest of your life without needing a second thought.
•She's the type to make you stay home and forbid you from going outside for as long as you serve purpose on this godforsaken planet.
•Your forever purpose is to be Yejis.
•Guess you're never leaving...
•On the severe end of the chart compared to the lighthearted Yanders out there.
•Yeji would have a short-lived temper that tends to be the case of a lot of "missing cases" in the local area.
•Uses extremely overbearing force to get what she wants.
•Doesn't care, she will do everything in her power to dominate you.
•Eventually leading to her getting whatever she wants from your forever bloodclotted existence.
"You're mine now, don't let anyone look at you. Better yet, stay home today, tomorrow and everyday following. Okay my love?"
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Lia- Obsessive
•Tries her hardest to learn everything possible about you.
•Personal information, job, hobbies. Could be anything when it comes to Lia.
•Would be constantly blowing up your phone with messages.
•Claims to just be "checking up on you"
•She'll ask you what you're doing constantly, like it's her profession or a job to do so.
•She knows what you're doing anyways, so if you lie, that's one further punishment for your future together.
•Not far up, not low down. A centrepiece on the chart if you will.
•She'll let you go out with those you are close with e.g friends and family, with the acceptance of having rules, she must know everything too.
•Guarantee stalking the whole time unless she trusts that other person 110%
•If she doesn't trust them and they're getting too close, she won't hesitate to attack at full might.
"I've sent you 63 messages! Why didn't you answer? Where were you? What were you doing? Tell me now y/n!!"
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Ryujin- Confined 
•Acts as if she doesn't care
•Keeps all emotions at bay
•Ruijin would rarely show emotions, but when she does, it's because of one of two reasons
•You've just p!ssed her off completely, and she won't accept it.
•Or you've somehow made her extremely joyful .
•Second reason being less prominent here, it's rarely ever the actual situation.
•When she does show emotions, be very afraid.
•Intense stares and thinking sessions for what seems like years.
•High up on the scale but not quite there just yet, nothing like the sadistic type who is top of their game.
•Her love is what drives her over the top.
•She would kill anything moving if it sets foot near you.
•Even though Ryujin prefers not to express any meaning behind her actions or words, you can tell there's a thunderstorm of emotions whirling around in there.
•She may act like she hates you, but she's only doing this to protect herself in case all goes bad.
•She's just thinking smart… yeah, smart.
"Can't you see I'm trying to protect you? Why are you so naive! Huh! I should let you just die next time"
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Chaeryeong- Over protective
•Extremely close to you, up in your personal bubble kind of close.
•Thinks of herself as only being mildly protective.
•Would love having you rely/depend on her.
•It shows that you think of her.
•Chaeryeong could be clingy at any time she is given the opportunity.
•But if Chaeryeong feels like you've been hurt or affected in any negative way, she'd step over the line, becoming something way more than just overprotective.
•Chaeryeong would cross any line for you, so that's no surprise.
•Chaeryeong would be somewhat high on the scale with her reputation of going overboard.
•Chaeryeong couldn't help it. It's like an instinct to inflict pain on those who hurt her love interest.
•Instincts, that what her other side runs on, the murderous side to her innocent charm.
"Hug me, let's forget the reality of this world, let's escape, even if it's just for a few minutes… or hours-"
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Yuna- Manipulative 
•Will literally control you and your emotions towards her.
•Would never be able to tell if you naturally love her or if it's because of her manipulative doing.
•Would also control your daily events and struggles.
•Yuna would generally put you in life-threatening situations to "unexpectedly" save you.
•Does this just so you'll trust and depend on her more often.
•Even though she loves you and is forcing you to love her back, she's a wild card.
•Her being a wild card means that she will use the push and pull method, playing hard to get mixed in the fine lines somewhere in the rubble of her clingyness.
•That, or she'd be with another person just to make you feel jealous.
•Seeing you jealous is always pleasing to her controlling eyes.
•If you were to try the same, however, she'd snap.
•Yuna would instantly break at the thought of anyone taking you away from her, making Yuna flip a powered switch.
•She'd go from controlling you in a state of jealousy to a state of guilt.
•Would act up so much and so well that she could win an oscar.
•Would act fragile/unstable, tricking you into spending time away from the one you're supposedly with, alternatively breaking that relationship after a while.
•Definitely more dangerous in terms of emotional, considered as massively weak when it comes to physical damage.
•She has plans for everything, and she'll use them no matter the cost.
"I've just missed you y/n.. it's been so long, please, stay the night, we can cuddle and watch whatever… just like old times, You know?"
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nameless-shrimp · 3 years
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Characters: Yuji Itadori, Megumi Fushiguro, Nobara Kugisaki & Satoru Gojo
Type: Headcanons/Small one-shot | GN!Reader
Warnings: Heavy angst/slight mention of sexual content.
Shrimp Notes: I was just casually thinking of writing angst, hehe.
Yuji Itadori
He noticed that you were being distant for quite some time. The majority of the time, his classmates would see both of you close together, it was impossible to separate the both of you. Though, there came a time where you didn't bother to stick close to his side; the usual excuses of "I'm busy" would be thrown out there.
Everyone knew that Yuji had a partner, though it became a shock when you didn't come by the school every once in a while. You didn't have any cursed techniques, but that didn't stop Yuji from falling in love with you.
It was hard ignoring his text messages, but it was best that you'd tell him that you were occupied with your own studies and your own part-time job; it was hard for Yuji to not see you as often, but it was for the best.
You didn't want to break up with him. Truly you didn't. Though, the life of dating a jujutsu sorcerer was dangerous. Nonetheless, he was the vessel for a dangerous curse, and you didn't expect your long-term boyfriend to fall into this scary and risky path, and you were also dragged along with it.
The times when Sukuna would pop out during your dates with Yuji became frustrating, you only wanted to spend time with your boyfriend yet the curse that was within him had to keep teasing and messing with you. It was tiring.
His words were barely audible as he stared at you, hands clutching onto the bouquet of flowers that he was hoping to give you since he hadn't seen you in a week (which felt like forever to him). You didn't know what else to say, and you only sighed, placing your hands on his cheeks. You loved him tremendously, it was hard to let him go; the life of a sorcerer was not for you, and you couldn't endanger yourself any longer with the life that he was going down in.
"I will always love you," you spoke, and you felt your bottom lip quiver. Three years of dating this boy will now end, and your heartstrings tugged at the thought. Maybe this wasn't the best decision for you, but you knew it was to guarantee your safety, and your unhappiness in the relationship was growing. "I'm sorry, but I can't do this."
"We can work this out," Yuji raised his voice, clearly desperate to hold onto you. "I'm sorry you feel this way but you know I'll protect you, right? I know that I can be too much sometimes but I want to stay!"
"I can't put myself through this, I can't," you explained. "It's too dangerous for me."
"I'll never let anything happen to you, you know that right?"
"I'm aware," you responded. "But it's best that we go our separate ways."
"I don't want this to happen, please."
"I'm sorry."
It was hard for Yuji to move past the breakup. Many times, he skipped his private lessons with Satoru, and he'd lay in his bed, listening to music that reminded him of you. It would end up with him crying or holding back tears while falling asleep for a couple of hours.
Nobara would try to drag him out of his room but it was pointless. She'd joke about how she'd carry her shopping bags this time, but it was no use to get him crawling out of his bed.
Megumi left trays of food near his door. Eventually, Megumi would barge in sometimes, telling Yuji to try to come to training every so often, but Yuji had difficulty getting out of the bed. Even Satoru would knock every so often and try to give some advice that relationships were tough, but losing you was tougher.
The fact that you weren't in Yuji's life anymore; you weren't there to hold him and to help him through his mental struggles, and that he'd do the same for you when you'd freak out over final exams or the moments when you called because your favorite character died; he missed those moments, he missed you, and you weren't planning on coming back.
Megumi Fushiguro
After finding out that he was a jujutsu sorcerer, the thought of it scared you, but you trusted Megumi with your life. You knew he was capable of handling his own, but when he'd come to see you with bruises and bandages all over his face, there'd be moments where you feared that you'd lose him due to the battles he was in.
While you'd be out on dates with him, he'd get stopped by Satoru with endless calls of a curse that he'd have to take care of. You knew Megumi had priorities, especially with the sorcerer he was, but it was frustrating; you wanted some time with your boyfriend, yet he'd have to leave you every so often to take care of some situations.
Megumi would hardly contact you since he was busy, so keeping in touch was fairly difficult. However, the one night when you cuddled with him in his bed, his arm on your shoulder as he pulled you into his chest, you felt empty and that the feelings you'd get when he'd do small affectionate gestures like this were vanishing.
For quite some time, you knew you were slowly losing feelings for him and that the relationship of a regular human and a jujutsu sorcerer was very difficult. It was hard to fall into the life of someone who was consistently endangering himself and now your life was sucked into that kind of path; you didn't want it. You just wanted a normal, happy life, but when there were a lot of injuries, battles, and dangerous fights, you couldn't find yourself being on that worrisome path.
When Megumi would text you, you'd find yourself responding in bland and hollow texts. You'd make up excuses to not attend any of the dates, such as exams coming up or that you needed to attend some club meetings (Megumi knew you though, he knew that you weren't engaging in so much activity since you always made time for him when he could barely try to squeeze in time for you).
He saw it coming, but he didn't expect it to hurt this much.
"I can't be with you anymore," you spoke, tears falling down your cheeks. Maybe this wasn't the right decision, something good can work out, but it had been months. There would be times where Megumi didn't talk to you for a week or more because you knew that his teacher, Satoru Gojo, would be assigning him these missions, and he'd be too tired to talk to you. The consistent neglecting, yet you couldn't blame him, he was busy and he was growing into a stronger sorcerer every day. "I can't do this."
"I don't want to lose you," he responded, not bothering to make eye contact. It seemed as if he was starting to become lost in his thoughts. "I'm sorry I haven't been the best boyfriend, I just... I never stopped thinking about you."
"I know, but..." your voice trailed off, and you fought back a sob. "It seems as if you aren't putting any more effort into us, and it has been so long; I know you're busy, but I can't keep up with this. The life you have is dangerous and—"
"Every time I'm out there, I think about you," Megumi explained, finally making eye contact with you. "I don't want to lose you. I really don't want that to happen. But—it seems like it is happening."
"I'm sorry, 'Gumi, but I don't think we can do this."
You really had to call him by that nickname. Within seconds, Megumi burst into tears and then hugged you tightly, you felt yourself crying as well and he held onto you as if this was the last time you'd ever see each other. He never found himself to be so desperate before, clinging onto you, and he rested his forehead on your shoulders, pleading inside that you'd change your mind. But he knew you; you had your mind set in stone, and although this hurt the both of you, it was for the best that you'd say your goodbyes.
"I'll never stop loving you," Megumi spoke, words barely audible as he let out a saddening sigh.
"I know," you responded.
Megumi didn't come in contact with a lot of his friends, even his older senpais worried for his sake since he didn't actively try during their training sessions. Satoru would take note of this and attempt to play around with the boy's thoughts, hoping Megumi would try to smile, though when did he ever with his sensei?
Satoru would purposefully avoid having Megumi go on missions, though at some point, Megumi should have been able to come out of his little shell at some point. However, Megumi would look at old photos of you two together, and then he struggled to avoid the memories from flooding in.
He didn't want to admit it but he'd try to stop himself from texting you, not to ask for you back, but he still worried about your well-being after you both said your goodbyes to each other.
Once Megumi began trying in his training sessions, it surprised everyone, even Satoru, but he was glad that his closest student was finally coming to an acceptance prior to your breakup with him. It took Megumi some time, but he was able to accept that you were no longer in his life; still, it would've been a lie if he said that he never thought about you.
Nobara Kugisaki
Knowing her, she'd always make time for you. Whenever she was free or even taking a break from training, she'd send you photos and text messages to keep that close connection. Although, you were losing that sense of touch, and you tried your hardest to stay close to her, but when she decided to move to Jujutsu Tech and be away from home where you both met, long-distance became difficult.
Most nights, it would just leave her falling asleep on calls or her talking about her shopping trips. You'd sit and listen, laying in your bed, wishing she was there next to you, but she was far away now, and you were no longer physically close to her.
The consistent responses of your text messages began to die down; your heart felt hollow, you wanted to talk about how you felt, and when you did, Nobara tended to brush it off, saying that it was because you weren't used to a long-distance relationship. Perhaps she was right, but that connection was slowly fading.
She'd talk about visiting you constantly; she said she'd try to be home for the weekend but it never happens. When you tried to talk about how you felt, she could only sigh and apologize, though it became a cycle. You became used to the false hope of her ever visiting you - it hurt you, but it wasn't her fault. Jujutsu sorcerer life wasn't easy.
You'd ignore her messages and only respond dryly, you'd make excuses that you couldn't attend the calls that you had a ton of homework, or that you weren't feeling good. She'd try to encourage the both of you to talk more, but it always led to her falling asleep from exhaustion, and the sight of bandages on her faces always made you feel so empty.
"I think we should break up," you spoke, words barely audible.
She stared at you, hands clutched on her blankets and it was hard for you to look at the webcam of your laptop. You knew that this choice had to be done; you were losing that spark in your relationship, and you tried to reignite it so many times, but it was difficult due to her life as a jujutsu sorcerer. You weren't as unique as she as in that aspect, she had abilities while you were a student and only worked as a part-time associate. You knew both of you had different paths, different desires, different places to go; one life was normal yet one was dangerous and filled with life-threatening risks.
"N-No," Nobara stuttered, quickly grasping onto her phone before it fell down into her sheets. You could hear her fighting back a sob immediately, and your heart broke at the thought of her crying. "I'm sorry, am I not trying hard enough? I promise I will call you more, next weekend, I will actually come home and—"
"No, stop," you interrupted, fighting back a cry. "I have talked about this. About us. But you're too busy with the curse fighting and stuff. You and I both know we are opposite people here."
"It doesn't mean it can't work out!" Nobara cried out loud.
You gritted your teeth, wanting this moment to be over and done with. So badly, you wanted to end the call right away, but you couldn't just leave the conclusion to be empty and lost. "It's hard being away from you," you explained. "Long-distance is hard; you don't try to keep up with me in calls."
"I try to talk to you as much as I can..." she retorted.
"I don't feel the same way as I used to, Nobara," you sighed.
She was crying; of course, she was. You wanted to hug her, but you knew that you couldn't let unhappiness consume you anymore. You wanted to move on from this, and you knew it was best that the both of you moved on, really.
"I'm sorry," you said, breaking the silence.
She didn't say anything in response for a moment, but then she softly spoke, "it's okay... I love you, I always will," and then you sighed, before wishing her goodbye and that you wished that she would always be safe wherever she was.
The phone screen went black after the call ended, and then you were left with an empty heart, though you knew you had made the right choice for yourself.
Nobara found herself snapping at her classmates every now and then when they tried to have her train, even if it was a simple jog around the track or when they asked her what kind of food she wanted to eat, she'd snap at them. Though, they understood why, and even Yuji would offer to pay for her food or take her out shopping (even hold her bags for her) but she'd refuse or avoid the offer.
She'd check her phone, hoping you'd contact her but no messages or any ring of a notification. She knew it was wrong, but she'd change her ringtone to a song that reminded her of you just so she could try to feel a little close to you.
When Nobara would break down crying out of nowhere, Maki could only try to persuade her to block your number so she could move on and Inumaki only provided a bunch of back rubs as a sign of comfort. However, Nobara wished you were the one comforting her.
She still kept photos of you two together; back at her home town and that big smile on your face kept her going. Eventually, she'd realize that you made the choice for the sake of yourself, but she still missed you endlessly. Needless to say, she was still planning to find you if she ever went back to where she grew up in.
Satoru Gojo
You were dating the strongest sorcerer and you knew that would lead to consequences. But when there would be weeks of him not contacting you due to his overseas travels, it became rather difficult to keep that connection with him. Sure, he'd text you that he loved you here and there, but Satoru was quite the busy man and you accepted that, but the connection you both had was fading out.
Satoru loved you unconditionally, always wanting to call you after he completed several missions and went through multiple lessons with his students, but he fell right to sleep once he hit the bed. It left you alone at night, you trusted him, but you were slowly fading out of the feelings you had for him.
There would be a few moments here and there where he'd say he would make it to your important events, but he wouldn't come. Your dinner with your parents, one of your anniversaries, your birthday, your graduation—he was too busy with his job and his lifestyle; you understood it, but you couldn't deny that it hurt you.
Usually, he'd surprise you when he'd come home, but he'd be exhausted to do a lot of other activity unless it was sex or a small bit of cuddling. You wanted a movie night or to go out for dinner, though he didn't have enough strength for that. Sleeping in bed together was most of what you got, and it became tiring and mentally draining to not receive so much of what you had hoped for.
You felt bad; Satoru provided a lot of gifts, affection, and he comforted you even during your darkest days, but there was something missing. You wanted to reignite the feelings you had for him, but it was slowly dying out; you were both different. You couldn't see any curses, yet he was able to, and he was risking his life every second of each day; both of your paths were different, and you couldn't deny that.
"You're breaking up with me, aren't you?"
He spoke first, and with that look on your face, he got the answer already. He hoped that you weren't serious but he knew you all too well. Satoru knew that this moment was coming, and he dreaded it; he tried to avoid it, but with who he was and what he does on a daily basis, his personal life got in the way of the relationship. No matter what, he did his best, and he knew that.
"I-I'm sorry," you choked out a cry before he came up to you and then hugged you tightly, and you started to rethink your decisions, but you knew this was for the best.
"I know," Satoru sighed, fighting back his tears. "I don't want you unhappy, it pains me to see you in so much pain."
"I wish you could do more," you cried.
He sighed again, deeply this time. "I'm sorry too. I am trying. I always have."
This was a hard conversation to have and so badly, you wanted it to be over, yet you didn't. You still loved him and he loved you. He held onto you tightly, he knew how your mind worked; once you made a decision, you were going to be sure of it, and Satoru knew that as a grown adult, you were capable of making your own decisions. Still, his heart continued to pain as each second passed by.
"I'll always love you," Satoru whispered.
"I will always love you," you responded.
And this was the last time that he'd ever say these words to you, or at least he would try to keep it that way.
Satoru sat on the bleachers most of the time while his students trained and he was lost in his own thoughts. He'd think about your whereabouts and he'd have an itchy feeling in his thoughts, wondering if you were in any danger since he always came to your rescue when a curse appeared and you weren't aware of it or even when someone made you uncomfortable at a store.
He'd look at his phone, occasionally texting you if you were doing alright and the conversation was either dry or you wouldn't respond. Part of him felt childish for thinking that you'd try talking to him again, but Satoru knew that it was best for him to avoid contact with you.
Some days, Satoru was more cheerful than ever, mostly because he tried to keep up that annoying persona of himself to make his students look at him like they wanted to punch him. At least that cheered him up the slightest. But when he was out and about, either assisting his students or exorcising a curse, he'd be reminded of the little things that you liked. If a car was your favorite color, he'd think of you, or the times that you said you loved a specific pastry, and just by eating it, he'd think of the memories he had with you.
Satoru didn't want to admit it, but he'd find himself crying every so often but he didn't sob too much. He knew that it was for the best to let you go and that you made the decision to leave. Perhaps he wasn't capable of a relationship for the lifestyle he had. Though whatever it may be, his heart still tugged at the thought of you, and he yearned for a hug whenever you came across his mind—a hug from you, of course.
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lover-of-skellies · 4 years
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I went and did some sketches of my main guys. Had to trace head shapes because I can never seem to get a good or consistent one of my own. Other than that, everything else was doodled by me
The little abandoned toddler Papyrus that Necro eventually ends up adopting? I decided to call him Lucky
Zerif though,, his situation is nothing short of weird. He is not a Sans or a Papyrus, but a completely different individual altogether. He doesn't have biological parents or a specific AU that he belongs to, because he was created by Life
Life was doing her usual thing: creating life. Normally it's animals and humans, and sometimes other monsters, but never before had a skeleton monster been something she'd produced. Especially not an infant. Even though she would've loved to keep Zerif and act as his mother, she wasn't entirely sure how skeleton monster children needed to be cared for, and she came to the conclusion that it'd be best for him to be raised by another skeleton. Someone who'd know what they were doing, at the very least
The only problem though was that the only skeleton she knew was Reaper. The next time he appeared for a brief visit, she told him about Zerif, and though he was a bit hesitant, he eventually caved and took the child. Life even created a charm for him to wear that guaranteed that his touch would not effect Zerif
Reaper has little to no experience with raising kids though, and even if he had a really good amount of knowledge and know-how, he's... not exactly mentally and emotionally stable most of the time. He at least knew that he couldn't leave the baby alone, so little baby Zerif got to go with him one day when he turned up to pester none other than Geno
Geno immediately registered Reaper with a baby a bad situation, and even though he himself can be a little unstable, he volunteered to take Zerif and raise him the same way he raised his brother, way back before the genocide run in his timeline. Reaper still turned up from time to time to check on them, and began joking about how it's almost like they were a little family, with himself and Geno raising their first child together. Naturally, Geno was quick to shut down even the mere concept of what he was saying
Zerif was raised (kinda sorta) by both of them, so he acts a little fruity sometimes too. Mostly because he was a kid who learned by example and by seeing Reaper and Geno on some of their not so good days. He especially looks up to Reaper for reasons that no one really understands, but because he can't become a death god like him, he has to settle for second place. Being The Undertaker. Going on missions with Reaper, and when Reaper was done harvesting the souls of the newly deceased, it was his turn to clean up the mess. He has a massive sense of sympathy and empathy though despite his upbringing, so once he's cleaned up the messes, he preps the dust or bodies to be taken to the deceased person's family, as to help give them some form of closure
Physical bodies (like those of humans and animals) are handled in a more delicate manner that involves him personally contacting the family and arranging a funeral or burial, or whatever they want done. If he's cleaning up the dust of a dead monster though, he'll typically gather it up with his magic and put it in an urn or some other small container, tape a note to it, and leave it on their families doorstep before knocking and disappearing just before the door is opened. He makes sure the urns/containers are never left unattended and will stay with them until he can sense someone coming to answer the door
Because of Zerif's overall energetic and strangely upbeat personality combined with his ridiculously high levels of persistence with various things, he eventually becomes Necro's mate. He's extremely gay for his necromancer bae and shows 0 hesitation when it comes to expressing that
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