#and then he immediately changes his mind and climbs to mount olympus and tries to fistfight zeus
itsdappleagain · 1 year
a tale as old as time: a neurodivergent suicidal artist bro and the centuries old greek goddess who comes down to earth to inspire him. they might kiss. if they do that the muse might get executed by her own father. and the artist might as a result kill himself. but they might kiss
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inkandpen22 · 3 years
The Heiress and the Gangster (1/?)
Pairing: Tommy Shelby x Female!Reader
Warnings: violence, swearing
Word Count: 2.7k
Part Summary: Y/N Adair, an American heiress, is visiting London for the social season with her fiancé Alfred Bamford. Alfie Simmons and Tommy Shelby have formed a plan to kidnap Y/N and hold her for ransom, that is until Tommy changes his mind...
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The car rolls up to the entrance of the race track. My driver, Mr. Richards, comes to a steady halt and immediately hops out of the car.
"Ready, darling?" Al questions with a grin beside me.
I pull back the velvet curtain covering my window to peer up at the arena. "As I'll ever be."
Mr. Richards opens the door and offers me his glove-covered hand. "Miss Adair."
I step out gracefully, my wide-brim hat blocking the beaming sun from my face. Al crosses behind the car to join me. His head finds its way to my back securely. Robert, my main bodyguard, climbs out of his own car with two more security my father hired. Al escorts me inside the stadium to the boxes. Robert leads the way with his two henchmen behind us. It's like being put into a human box.
When we arrive at our box, we're greeted by our friends in attendance. It's rare that we make it over to England, so when we do it's nice to see everyone. Al and I perform our social duties, making small talk and asking about everyone's families as though we all didn't have dinner together last night. It's the same couples in different settings for the entire month we're here.
I watch from one of the pub tables at the top of the box with John as posh folks shuffle in to find their spots. When news broke that Y/N Adair would be visiting London for a month, both American and England were over the moon. The youngest child and only daughter of William Vincent Adair, the richest banker in America. She will inherit a third of his multi-million dollar fortune. It's a known fact amongst the public that's she's the favorite child so the percentage may be greater than just a third. My boys and Alfie's team are banking on that rumor. If she were to be kidnapped and held for ransom by a couple of English gangsters, it's certain her father will pay a hefty sum for her safe return to The States.
John nudges me subtly to avoid attention. "There she is!"
My eyes flicker away from the hustle and bustle of the crowd toward the entrance of the box. A young woman in an all-white lace dress crosses our path. A gentle smile rests across her lips as the Viscount and Viscountess Furness approach her, each greeting her with an embrace. Her Y/H/C hair peeks through beneath her lavish matching hat. For a moment, I experience hesitation. She's not what I expected at all.
John nudges my arm with a snicker. “You alright, Tom? Look as though you’ve seen a ghost.” 
I shake my head, taking a smoke from my cigarette. "No, that can't be her. She's far too young."
"Of course it is!" John argues.
A young gentleman in a brand new navy suit follows close beside her, keeping a protective hand pressed to her back. He shakes hands with his peers, charming his audience as he and Miss Adair are greeted with cheers.
"And her arrogant playboy fiancé, Alfred Bamford." My brother scoffs. "His family owns more railways in the U.S. than any company in the entire world!"
As my brother babbles, I watch closely as Y/N stands beside Alfred with a restrained, but convincing, smile. As he gloats and encourages banter with their fellow posh folk, she's quiet and glancing about the arena.
"Their marriage will create a media frenzy!" John describes in my ear. "Adair Banks and Bamford Rails, it's a match made in posh people heaven. Shame she'll never live to see it," he snickers.
I press my cigarette into the ashtray and turn my body toward my brother. "As soon as the gun fires that's when Alfie's man takes the shot.” I check my watch. “He'll be here in five minutes. That's when you leave and fetch the car. Understood?"
He nods sharply, "right, Tom. Got it."
Anticipating the race, Al and I stand right against the rail with our dainty gold binoculars, searching for my family's horse.
"I need Olympus to win," I worry outwardly. "I need to prove to my father that this trip was worth it."
"I’m certain William will be pleased no matter the outcome."
"You don't know my father then," I chuckle.
"Excuse me!" A voice announces over the chatter of the box.
I glance over my shoulder as a well-dressed middle-aged man hurries up to my security. His brow is sweaty and his white suit wrinkled. He rushes out words to Robert before being escorted over to me.
"Welcome to Ascot, Madam," he welcomes, gesturing to the large building. "I'm John Wilkson and I'm a partner at the track. May I get you anything before the festivities?" He rubs his hands in circles nervously.
I offer John my hand with a warm smile. "Pleasure to make your acquaintance. If possible, I would like a pot of Earl Grey."
"Oh yes! Yes, definitely!" The man gushes as Robert leads him toward the door. "Right away, Madam!"
"Thank you!" I nod, maintaining my smile until he's out of view.
Al chuckles beside me at the man’s expense as he rubs his palm up and down my spine. "How are you enjoying it so far, My Dear?"
"I don't see what all the fuss is about," I remark. " It doesn't appear any more luxurious than Arlington Park."
"You are far too difficult to please, darling," he teases, scooping up my glove-covered hand and planting a kiss to the back of it.
"Welcome ladies and gentlemen to today's festivities..." the announcer begins, causing widespread cheering across the crowd.
Al and I clap our hands along with our friends.
"Your tea, Miss Adair, a young waiter informs me as he sets down the set on a side table by our chairs.
I thank him quietly before he dismisses himself.
"Don't forget, tonight is the dinner with Prince Albert and Lady Elizabeth," Al reminds me.
"Aw yes, thank you!" I express with relief as I step back to pick up my teacup and return to my spot beside him. "They're quite lovely, aren't they? Their engagement is such delightful news." I bring my cup to my lips for a sip.
"I'm certainly looking forward to the wedding, it'll be a spectacle." He smirks. “Another excuse to return in the spring.”
I narrow my eyes mischievously, sharing the same agenda as him. "They can be the social event of the season in England, but we shall claim America."
Two of Miss Adair’s men are positioned outside while his Head stands against the far wall, just a few feet from her. Alfie's hitman enters the tent without suspicion, dressed like a posh race-goer and his gun well concealed. He glances in my direction, giving me the signal to release my brother. I give John a brief nod and he disappears through the opening in the curtain.
"Jockeys! Prepare your horses!" The announcer declares, marking the start of the races.
I clap along with the crowd. Everyone in the box is zoned in on the gates where the jockeys are mounting their horses. Alfie's man claps as well, keeping his eyes on the horses to blend in as he continues toward Miss Adair and Mr. Bamford. He stops in the second row, just behind the couple.
My eyes flicker to Y/N. A glowing smile forms across her face as she switches her sight away from the gates toward her fiancé. Her eyes glimmering with optimism and excitement. There’s a youthfulness in her I haven’t seen in anyone since the war. She has no idea that the man behind her has been sent to point a gun at her head and kidnap her. Her attention travels about the box, at her friends and peers. Her eyes glance in my direction, her soft Y/E/C eyes meet mine. Her radiating smile softens as her hands slows to a steady halt. Then, something in me just... snaps.
My attention changes to the man on the field lifts his gun into the air. At the same moment, Alfie's man reaches into his coat pocket.
"No! Wait!" I shout, knocking the table out of the way. "Everyone down!"
I leap over the chairs and tackle Alfie's man. He sets off the gun as we stumble to the floor, chairs flying all about. Screams ensue as we wrestle on the floor. A man I recognize as the Head of Y/N's security steps on Alfie's man's hand. With a hiss, he releases his fist around the gun and the security knocks it away. I rush to my feet to inspect the damages, to see if Y/N was hurt, but I see no sign of her. Where did the bullet hit? A hanging bit of cloth that was once the awning answers my question. The arena is in chaos as people travel upstream toward the exists. People are being trampled and pushing each other about.
I work against the traffic down toward the railing to where I last saw Y/N. I shove people out of my way in a hurry. Then, that's when I spot her hat, squashed flat on the floor. I lean down to pick it up and that's when I finally find her resting against the wood base of the rail, holding her head with a bloody hand.
I remove my hand from my stinging forehead to see my once white-glove soaked in blood. One minute I was scanning the reaction of the crowd behind me, then there was a shout. The shot for the race to begin rang and I was knocked forward. My head hit the metal railing and I fell to the floor. My forehead was stinging and I realized I was bleeding. Then, I swear I heard another gunshot. I've tried to stand up, but everyone’s scrambling to get out. Plus, my head is throbbing
Suddenly, a man appears hovering above me. He stares down at me with a clenched jaw and a look of determination. He leans down, scoops up my unscathed hand. Before I utter a word, he begins to usher me through the chaos. My feet shuffle across the floor briskly to keep up as he grips my hand tightly. People continue to shout and scream for their loved ones, frightened.
"Who are you?" I ask loudly over the noise.
He ignores me, guiding the way through the arena. People rush down the closest stairs, eager to reach one of the main exits. This man, however, avoids all the staircases and remains on the walkway of the top floor. I sense he's leading me to the furthermost end and hopefully to an emergency exit.
"Answer me this instant!" I demand, attempting to yank my hand free. "Do you know who I am?"
"Yes, Miss Adair, I do!" He finally answers and whips his head around to meet my gaze. "Now, if you wish to not get shot, I suggest you follow me!"
I check over my shoulder for Al. "But my fiancé-"
"They're not after him," he states turning his attention back ahead.
My stomach drops. "You mean you know who's behind this?"
"I know enough..." His answer is vague and it worries me.
"Why do they wish to hurt me?"
"Your family is the wealthiest in the United States! You should really travel with more security," he suggests over his shoulder.
My prediction was correct, the man takes me to the furthest end of the platform to a fire escape of sorts behind a curtain. It's much less hectic than the main stairwells other than some workers attempting to escape. The man never releases my hand as he leads the swift way down the metal stairs. Once we're on solid ground, we weave through various parts of the arena. Booths and vendors scatter the area. The man seems to know this well, making a bee-line for a large white tent tucked away near the main staircase where Al and I first entered the race track.
When we rush into the tent, I first note a series of telephone booths, the dirt floor, and the absence of any of else. The man releases my hand and starts marching around. I assume checking to make sure we're alone. I spin around, checking my surroundings, frightened that one of these men this stranger speaks of will attack me suddenly.
My head is pounding and I can feel the warm blood twinkle down my cheek. My hair must look a fright. Who am I kidding, my white dress is covered in blood and dirt, every part of me is messy.
Y/N and I both struggle to catch our breath. I double-check that neither Alfie nor any of his men are hiding out in here. "We should be safe in here," I announce.
"Don't you think we should fetch a car or something!" She rushes out worriedly. “My car is parked just-”
I shake my head, moving back toward her. "No, not yet. They'll be expecting that."
Now that her hand is away from her head, I can inspect her injury properly. A minor gash above her brow. It doesn't appear awful, won't need stitches, but she has significant amounts of blood down the side of her face and cheek.
"Here." The man reaches into his pocket square and pulls out his handkerchief. He brings one hand behind my head and the other presses the fabric to my forehead. "We'll have someone look at this once everything is settled."
I nod, still a tad dazed to say the least. "Thank you," I mumble as my eyes fall to his tie directly ahead of me.
For a moment, despite the chaos outside the tent, there's a sense of peacefulness as the stranger pats my cut.
"So, you know my name, what's yours?" I ask. Considering he saved my life, I don't think we should be strangers anymore. “Since we were in the same box, I suspect you’re friends with the Bowes-Lyons.”
"Thomas, Thomas Shelby," he answers directly without much emotion.
"Well, despite the circumstance, it's pleasure to make your acquaintance, Sir. I'm surprised we've never met before considering we share friends."
A faint snicker escapes him as a smirk creeps onto the edge of his lips.
I grin. "What's so funny?"
"An heiress calling me "sir," he chuckles, glancing down from my forehead to meet my gaze. "It's not exactly something I thought I'd ever hear."
My brows scrunch together in confusion. “But aren’t you-”
"Tommy!" A voice calls from behind me.
Frightened, I rush to stand behind Mr. Shelby. My hands wrap around his bicep as I peek around his shoulder. His arm reaches around to keep me close to his back.
"In here Arthur!" He hollers.
Wait, he knows the person?
Suddenly, a lengthy man with a mustache marches into the tent. When his eyes land on us, his brows scrunch together. "What's this? What happened to-"
"Change of plans," Mr. Shelby states, physically relaxing at the sight of him.
The man switches his sight between me and Mr. Shelby. He rocks on his heels nervously. He steps to the side to get a better view of me. "Oh uh... hello then... Miss Adair. Nice to meet ya," he greets.
"And he's a friend?" I ask Mr. Shelby quietly.
He chuckles. "Yes, he's my brother. He's safe."
I step out from behind him hesitantly. I redirect my attention to Arthur and remove my glove to offer him my hand slowly. "Pleasure to meet you as well."
His brows rise at the sight of my hand, but he shakes it nonetheless. He chuckles. "She's awfully friendly," he tells his brother.
"Did you happen to see my fiancé? Alfred Bamford," I ask, growing worried that Al may have been hurt.
"He was escorted to your car I believe by one of your security."
"And the others?" I press urgently. “Are my friends alright? What about Lord and Lady Elphinstone?”
His features fall. "I lost them in the crowd, Miss..."
My eyes grow wide. "I should go find them!"
I go to head back outside, but Mr. Shelby grabs my wrist and steps to block my path.
"The men trying to harm you may still be out there," he warns.
"But my friends! Alfred!” I argue. “They’re probably worried sick! I’ll find my car and have them take me back to the hotel!”
"They'll be searching for you there! I'm sure they already have it staked out."
I huff. "Then where do you suggest I go?"
His eyes flicker to his brother and it's evident a thought has crossed his mind.
"I have an idea..." he states vaguely.
Oh no...
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