#yeah they find out that their love is fake and actually a curse placed on them in order to sabatoge kira
itsdappleagain · 1 year
a tale as old as time: a neurodivergent suicidal artist bro and the centuries old greek goddess who comes down to earth to inspire him. they might kiss. if they do that the muse might get executed by her own father. and the artist might as a result kill himself. but they might kiss
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waldau-archived · 11 months
husband — lee seokmin | 1,220 words | fluff
this one is dedicated to lee seokmin's smile :)
gender neutral reader. warnings: none.
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"what do you mean, no?" dokyeom asks, manspreading. the exasperated eyebrow raise you give him doesn't deter him in the least.
"no, i'm not sitting on your lap to watch a movie."
"there's not much place on this sofa, though," he says, spreading his arms along the back of the sofa to emphasize his point. he really can take up a lot of space if he wants to.
"the floor is all free real estate, as far as i can tell."
"there's no way i'm letting my sweetheart sit on the floor when i'm on the couch."
"this is how your sweetheart can do it," you say, simply sitting down cross-legged on the floor in front of him and fumbling with the remote to find some good movie. you barely have two seconds of peace before he scoops you up in his arms and pulls you onto himself, so you're exactly where you said you wouldn't be.
he gasps. "my whole name?"
"be thankful i didn't call you seok—"
"can't hear you," he says loudly, one hand coming up to your mouth to stop you from saying his real name. you shut up for a second.
"ew," he says a moment later, taking his hand away from your mouth like it's on fire. "you licked it!"
"be thankful i didn't bite it."
"i'm thankful for you! isn't that enough?" he whines, hand returning to its place around your stomach.
your retort dies on your lips. you're still not used to how open dokyeom is with his words.
"i guess," you say. the remote lies forgotten on the floor.
"so," he says, turning you to face him, "why don't you want to sit on me?"
"i paid for this sofa, silly. i should be able to sit on it if i want to."
"but you know you don't have to pay anything for me. i mean, unless you want to," he adds with a sleazy wink, and it makes you laugh.
"what about functionality?"
"what about it?"
"the sofa's soft. sitting on you is like sitting on a rock."
"all that workout and you call me a rock? at least i'm warm!"
"okay, but what about a headrest when i need one?"
dokyeom guides your head down to his chest. "how's this?"
"hm. your heart's beating a bit too fast."
"that's because you're so close to me."
you let out a fake groan. "why did i have to get stuck with the cheesiest husband in the world?"
the moment you actually hear your own words, even mortified doesn't begin to cover what you're feeling. dokyeom lowers you down to the sofa and sinks to the ground on his knees, looking at you like you've given him the best gift he could've ever asked for.
"stop looking at me like that," you say, but you're not trying to bury your face into the fabric of the sofa. part of you wants to know what he thinks about your words.
he has that shit-eating grin on his face, the one that's burned into your eyelids even when you close your eyes. it never fails to make you smile.
"i'm not looking at you like anything," he says, but one of his hands has snaked up to your face, tracing your cheek.
"you look like you're in love. it's embarrassing."
"you're the one that called me your husband. that's worse."
"is it?"
dokyeom looks at you with a softer smile before he leans down to press a gentle kiss to your lips. you loop your hands around his neck, pulling him back in for more. you never do get enough of him, even on days you spend all twenty four hours by his side.
"i think," dokyeom says when he pulls back, having kissed you to the point where you've forgotten your name for a few moments, "being married to you would be the worst thing ever."
"yeah?" you ask, tugging him up to his feet and letting all his weight fall on you. it's not often that he lies on top of you, and you're reminded of how strong he really is.
"mm. you'd have to change your last name to match mine."
"what if i don't want to?"
"i could always take yours."
you smile. "oh? and how would the wedding be?"
"we could run away and get married, just the two of us."
"and what, have seungkwan curse us for the rest of his life?"
"our lives," he corrects, propping his chin up on your chest. "we could have a beach wedding, though. or a wedding at our dining table."
"who'd be your best man?"
dokyeom shudders. "not facing that headache till we actually get to it. your turn. what kind of a ring do you want?"
you pretend to think. "an adamantium one."
"funny," he deadpans. "i was thinking we could get married on the moon."
"you were thinking about marrying me?" you ask, wiggling your eyebrows.
"isn't that what we've been talking about all this while?"
"what else would be terrible about being married to me?"
dokyeom is the one who pretends to think now, his chin digging into your collarbone. not that you mind. "i'd want to be around you all the time. i'd make you call me your husband every time we meet someone. i'd spend so much time trying to find houses we'd like. terrible, no?"
you press a kiss to his forehead. "horrifying. would you marry me if i asked you to, right now?"
he looks at you for a moment more before hiding his face in your neck. "i hid something in the knife drawer that says yes," he says, voice muffled.
"the knife drawer?" you ask. "of all the places you could possibly..." dokyeom really does have the annoying ability to steal your breath, both with his kisses and words; your words dry up when you realize what exactly 'something' means.
"i learned it from the boys," he says, looking at you again, all proud. "you never know where to expect the mafia to hide their money."
you're not listening to him. it's the way he says it so easily. you were just joking about it, not even intending to say it, but the fact that he's had it in there since who knows when...
"kyeom, has anyone ever told you how beautiful you are?"
dokyeom looks up at you with wide eyes. "are you saying that just because i have a ring for you?"
you snort, tears pricking the corners of your eyes. "no, silly. i love you. i know i don't say it enough."
"you don't need to," he says, gentle. "i know you do."
both of you lie like that for a while, your hand gently scraping through his hair.
"so if i ask you to marry me right now..." you say again, because you just want to hear his voice.
"ten more minutes and that ring is yours. but it's not adamantium."
"what a shame."
you can feel his grin against your skin. "what did we even want to watch?"
you can't be bothered to remember. "i don't know, but i want to watch you."
dokyeom snorts. "stop trying to be cheesier than your own husband."
you don't think you're ever going to tire of hearing that.
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goldsbitch · 4 months
part 3 to p1, p2
It's time to tell you exactly what makes me your soulmate. Disaster dinner continues.
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Is it possible to miss someone you've never met? In what strange corner of the universe would this make sense? It felt just like that to Lando - as if he just reunited with an old friend and desperately searched for a way how to connect again. Where to start?
Anita solved that one for him. "Y//N is one of the medics on grid. She was so lovely today. Helped me a lot!" She turned to Lando and then Y/N in a search of some reaction, but those two were stuck in their own silence. She brushed it off and continued. "I figured it would be nice to take her out for a dinner. Wanted to have her join for the club later, but I am afraid it's for invited only, sorry..." she said, with fake modesty. Lando scoffed, completely unbothered by anyone noticing. Anita was doing it again, luring people in and then making sure she nonchalantly pointed out that she is more "VIP" then they are. He usually brushed it of and sometimes found it funny, but this time it made him fuming.
"You are more than kind to do this," Y/N replied and Lando had to close his eyes in order to hide how overcome he was instantly by hearing her speak. Her own voice was always blurry in his visions. Hearing it now, in real life...It was like getting new headphones. "But remember, you should not drink today after the heatstroke...I just need to point that out, can't stop myself," she said semi jokingly.
"Oh course, sweetheart," she replied and took a sip of her cocktail.
Y/N felt a little out of her place in the restaurant, not really sure what she was doing there and why she agreed to come with them. They were a couple, so why was she there playing the third violin? She tried to stop all her intrusive thoughts about Anita's boyfriend. But how could she, the most gorgeous and alluring guy was sitting right there. She secretly watched all of his little moves, the way how he twitched his fingers while holding the menu and wondered how his skin would feel on her own. She cursed herself for being so easily distracted by him. Barely glancing at the menu, she waited for what the two would order and was planning on matching them.
A charming waiter came, shared few words with Anita and recommended some dishes from the special menu.
"I'll have the truffle pasta, sounds great," Anita said, smiling flirtatiously at the waiter. There was an awkward silence, which Y/N tried to fill in. "Yes, I'll have the same, sounds great."
Lando did not even think twice before speaking up. "Um, actually, I really think you should try their salmon. It's to die for. I think you'll love it." He was not able to look at her, while she did the exact opposite. She was taken back by his forward comment. Salmon was her absolute favorite dish. What a strange coincidence that he would recommend it. "Can we get two of the salmon dishes? If that's ok with you, Y/N," he continued, this time finding the courage to look at Y/N. She panicked. "Yeah, yeah. Salmon. Great."
It was like a fire was lit in Lando. He opened the can of worms and there was no way going back. Suddenly, he had all the answers right at arms lenght. And the questions just started flowing.
"How do you like working at the formula 1 medics team?" "Will you be tracking the whole season?" "Do you like traveling so much?" "Are you missing your friends and family?"
It might have been too much for someone to be bombarded with questions, but she found herself excited and eager to overshare. Those two danced a dance of their own, laughing gently and speaking over each other, while also eagerly listening to what the other one had to say.
Anita felt like she was sinking into the chair deeper with every minute that passed. She knew the feeling all to well. Lando, without knowing probably, found anyone apart her interesting. Practically inhaling every word Y/N said. Or at least that's how it felt. Poor girl had absolutely no idea how different this situation was for her this time. Unlike Lando, Y/N still took Anita into account.
"So, Anita, you're a model, right?"
She came back alive and started sharing model related stories, while Y/N listened. Ever-so-impatient Lando just stared at her and started biting his lip in order to stop him from speaking for a moment, realizing that he is in fact not alone with Y/N, but still in a very much public social setting. Y/N listened to Anita, while all familiar phantom pain kicked in, this time in her lips. She kept glancing over to Lando, because it was just too hard not to look at him, when she noticed how vigorously he was biting his own lip. It sometimes happened that her own inexplicable pain aligned with the actions of other. Nothing special.
Lando was at the peak of rude that evening, impatience getting the better of him. "So, Y/N, why have you decided to study medicine?" he said, when Anita took a breath, fully intending on continuing her story. The same way as he interrupted her, she did not give Y/N any room to answer.
"You know what Lando, I am getting real sick of you publicly making it obvious that you don't give a shit about me or what I have to say," she said straight to his face, internally begging for him to deny it.
"I'm sorry, it's just....not every day you meet someone who really does something special with their life," he said, as if Y/N was the first medic he had ever encountered.
"Wow, that's rich. So on top of you not caring what I have to say, you also don't think what I do is interesting."
Lando knew she was right. He knew it all along, but he was also aware of the fact that most of the times, the relationship had been beneficial to both of them. So many emotions mixing in him got him holding his fragile glass real tight.
"Don't play the innocent card," he started, looking deeply into Anita's eyes. "We both know the moment I'm not on the grid anymore, you're jumping to someone else."
The walls felt like they were closing on Y/N. Witnessing couple's fight, however quiet, was never pleasant. All the more when you'd literally just met these people. They played their little verbal tennis, while keeping the decorum composed, as they seemed to be quite skilled at that. Until Lando slipped up. His tight grip on the thin crystal finally ending up with a thousand tiny shiny glass pieces everywhere. It was like a slap to the couple, making them wake up and notice their surroundings. The good old clean up and apology dance began between the guests and the waiters, all of them rushing to help the F1 star with a minor cut that bled crimson drops on the white table cloth. Everybody was so focused on him, that they all missed the second wave of drops hitting the table, this time coming from Y/N hand. She stared at her hand and time stopped. It's not that she was scared of blood. It wasn't that it was the first time something like that happened out of nowhere. It was precisely because it did not happen out of nowhere. Her veins were rushing with panic, instead of blood. She grabbed one of the napkins and pressed hard on her hand, praying that nobody had noticed. Thousands of ideas appearing out of nowhere. So wait, anytime he got hurt, she got hurt as well? Or was it more people? Another coincidence? Her brain was an analytical one. She ran through all the possible little pains that a formula driver could have. It somehow checked out.
She stared at him, completely missing the whole scenery happening in front of her. Anita making a scene, waiters rushing around and Lando trying to calm everyone down.
"When did you crash last time? Like a big one, hospital one," she shot out, as if it was the most important piece of information known to mankind.
Lando felt her panic and intensity for a few moments before she managed to silence everyone, but was equally surprised by her question as everyone else.
"Um, I'd say...yeah, Las Vegas, November." He gave her a questioning look, trying to figure out what was going on her mind, while gesturing the staff of the restaurant to leave them alone.
A massive wave of panic settled over her, images of herself getting admitted to a hospital at that time flashing by. She had to get out there, immediately. And Lando felt that.
"No! No, you're not going anywhere. This is important, you can't just run away like you always do," he said, before she even had a chance to move, because he knew precisely what she was doing. Seen it enough times to recognize the look. If nobody stopped her, she'd be out of there in seconds, not even saying goodbye. A true flight type of person. As if she hadn't been perplexed enough by this point.
"How do you-" she started to ask before being interrupted by Anita, who had have enough.
"I'm sorry, but do you guys know each other?" she asked, with a tone of annoyance barely hidden behind a fake smile.
Lando froze once again, like he had many times that evening. It was not his fault. His soon-to-not-be girlfriend set this seventh circle of hell up. How was he supposed to respond to that?
Y/N hesitantly responded. "No, of course not. I mean, I've only worked with the team here for few weeks anyway."
"Seems like you do, by the amount of questions you're asking" Anita said directly at Lando, fully ignoring Y/N at that point.
"If I had known her, I would not have had to ask questions, right?" he responded, failing at letting his sassy side dormant.
"Is that why you never ask me any questions? Because you know me?"
He bit his tongue. Lando was trying to be good.
Anita made her signature "I knew it" smile once again, which finally set Lando off.
"One asks when they want to hear an answer."
"Great. Charming as ever. You know what? I've had enough."
"Ani, I am really sorry. This is going to sound incredibly rude. I apologize. It's nothing personal. But this is really between me and Y/N."
Absolutely mortified Y/N did not even dare to look at Anita. What the fuck was his game. That was his girlfriend, she was just a random girl.
Anita replied, without missing a beat. "You two can go and play your weird little game without me."
Heavy silence fell, as Anita hastily grabbed all of her things and walked out. Y/N was waiting to see if Lando would even consider getting up and rushing over to her, but knew well enough that that was not the case.
Lando cared. He deeply cared about what Y/N thought of him. "Before I say anything else, please know that I plan on breaking up with her and sorting it out like an adult. This is not how I usually am."
"Ok. I mean, you do you. This is all very...personal," she said, her mind still caught up in her recent discovery. "I'm sorry, this is going to sound strange, but bare with me, this evening is already so much drama, this will not be a great addition."
She was talking to him! Getting curious. Lando would be willing to sit there for hours and listen to her. "Go for it".
"Do you get that weird pain in your left elbow?"
"Yes, after a heavy work out."
"Do you bite your tongue out of nowhere?"
"Only when I'm nervous."
"Ok, ehm. Your wisdom tooth is growing, right?"
"Yup, and it hurts like hell sometimes." This time, it was her shooting questions and him trying to follow in a direction he could not yet fathom. But it was like she was in a trance.
"Ok, ok. You'll think I'm crazy."
"I know you think that," he smirked, knowing they were reaching break through.
"What?" she snapped out of it back to reality.
"You first. I think I also have something you should know." Lando was half excited, half terrified to get his truth out. After all those years, this was all happening in a matter of hours. His life was turning upside down.
Y/N took a deep breath. "The reason I went into medicine is because I have a condition. Random inexplicable pains, cuts, bruises with no real cause of correlation to what's happening with my body. Nobody knew what it was when I was growing up, so I was determined to figure it out on my own." She took out her own blood stained hand from below the table. Lando's eye's went wide. She reached out with her other hand to gesture him that all is fine and no help is needed.
"I think my body mirrors what happens to yours."
"I can feel your emotions. And see glimpses of your life," he blurted out, unable to hold this in for any longer.
They did not stay in the restaurant for long. Felt all too public for this type of conversation. Instead, they were back at his hotel apartment, having to sneak in to avoid any unwanted publicity. Once again, they were sitting opposite each other in his living room area.
"So wait...you feel everything I feel? Like physically?"
"Apparently," she said, flabbergasted. For some reason, the two emotions mixing with each other was anger and relief. Her biggest life mystery solved, in the weirdest way possible. Without saying a word, she kicked him in the shin.
"Ouch," he said and she flinched.
"Yep, checks out."
"I can feel your anger, you know? And frankly I don't understand why you're mad at the moment." He was fascinated. The possibilities that laid ahead of them were thrilling.
"I believe at this stage you should also be able to also see my anger. Pray tell me why, why did you have to pick a career that is so physically exhausting!" she moaned, causing him to laugh out loud. Yeah, that was really unfortunate on his part. He made a note mentally to hire a physical therapist for her one day.
She calmed down a bit, slowly coming to term that her emotions were not a private thing anymore - well, technically they never were.
"So what, you just casually know what I feel and see random glimpses of my life?"
"I think it's the strong emotions I feel. It seems the closer I am, the stronger it is."
She was silent, hoping to get a little more out of him. He took a deep breath, desperately trying to ease up the mood.
"Your first nights at the university apartment you shared with those three loud girls. No idea about their names, but I remember the excitement about leaving your home. And jesus, the massive mess the four of you made the first week. How at one point you had to wash your dishes in the bathtub, because it was just too much. And how much fun you'd had while doing it."
She couldn't help but smile at that very specific memory. Gone were the unhinged early uni days, for the better probably. It was absolutely breaking her mind in two, knowing he had these random glimpses in her life.
He saw (and felt) the positive emotions that entered the chat, so he tried to sway the conversation that way. "Oh, and the incredibly awkward morning when you brought that one guy home, did not realize that one of the girls was in the room the whole time and how in the morning it turned out to be her ex."
"My god, you saw that?" she said, absolutely mortified. He just nodded, his heart jumping when he made her squeamish.
"It was like being there during the incredibly awkward breakfast."
"Well," she gulped, trying to switch attention from her. "Nobody knows this, but...pain is not the only thing I feel."
She dropped the ball and watched it rolling, wondering if he'd catch up.
"What do you mean? Like exhaustion?"
"That as well."
He was still not connecting the dots.
"Had a fun night last night, didn't you?"
His eyes went wide and a strange rush of guilt washed over him. He just stared at her, finally getting why one of her first reactions was an angry one. Not that he felt that way, but the level of intrusion he must have presented to her was a lot to take in.
"Well...you're welcome, I guess?" he said cheekily, smirking because he knew exactly what she would do.
Shocked, she opened her mouth and smacked his hand jokingly, not realizing it would hurt both of them.
"Fuck this shit," she exclaimed and once again, he could not hold his laugh in as she tried to shake the pain out of her hand.
"This is going to be very funny."
"I'm sorry, Lando - this all just so bizarre. I'm barely taking it in. Literally don't understand how you're so calm."
He laughed gently. "Well, I did have few extra days to process. And hearing my name roll of your tongue is distracting enough," he said flirtatiously.
Her cheeks went red and her mind stopped, mind getting filled with desire and arousal. Lando lips turned into a wide smile, him feeling her arousal as if she was screaming it loudly to his face.
"Glad to see my words have an effect on you. This is indeed going to be fun..."
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srjlvr · 1 year
,, once upon a time there was a commoner and a prince ’’ — lee heeseung
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lee heeseung x fem!reader genre: strangers to lovers , commoner and a royal , fluff , angst ! warnings: loads of curse words. (please let me know if i missed something else!) | NOT FULLY PROOFREAD!!
WORD-COUNT ; 7.5k+
NOTE. finally we’re starting! i’m hoping to be able to finish the series as soon as possible for you all to be satisfied with all the works! please leave here feedbacks!! i love learning from others and i want to see if the work i put here really paid off!! hopefully you’ll be able to enjoy reading it!! there are a few hints of jay’s story, hope you’ll be able to notice them ;)
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“morning y/n! be nice today” your co-worker put on a smile once you entered the restaurant. you rolled your eyes and faked a laugh, “very funny”
you swear you’re a nice person, a very kind one too actually—until someone gets on your nerves.
you come off as rude sometimes which is very unlikely to other people, you just cant seem to control your temper.
working as a waitress sounds like the perfect job to anyone—except you, and yet you found yourself working there and serving people.
not a day goes by without you having a fight with customers, “you’re on thin ice” your boss always says. he’s never that serious, he needs more workers anyway so firing one would be a trouble.
“good morning, what can i get for you?” you put on a smile and started to take orders.
“hey! waitress!” you heard someone calling, “i have a name” you cursed under your breath and went up to them.
“the food’s cold, can you warm it up or something?” she looked at you disgusted. you sighed and put on a fake smile this time, “sure”
after a few minutes the food was ready and you gave it back to her, “finally, what took you so long? how much time does it take to heat up food?”
“i apologize” you clenched your fists, trying to be the mature one and not get angry this time.
“yeah you better be”
you went back before you could burst on her.
“waitress!” she called you again, you walked lazily over to her and sighed, “i have a name” you pointed at your nametag.
“yeah, whatever” she rolled her eyes, “the food is still cold”
“there’s no way” you looked at her in disbelief, “i got burnt because the plate was too hot to hold, it was very much heated”
“yeah, not for me, get it heated again” she held the plate out for you to take and you did. “oh, and bring me more water”
that’s it. that was your last straw.
you took the water can and poured it all over her, “what the hell is your problem!” she shout in disbelief.
you rolled your eyes, “oh i’m sorry, i thought you’d like to get extra cold so you’ll feel the heated food better” you smiled, “if you weren’t a total bitch and actually took the time to eat instead of talking with your friend, maybe the food wouldn’t be so cold”
“how dare you! where’s your manager” she shout.
“he has a day off today, so i’m letting myself to be a bitch towards bitches like you” you smirked.
“i’ll come back” she said and ran out, “you won’t be missed until then!” you shout for her to hear.
you went outside on your break time and listened to some music.
“did you hear? the first crown prince will pay a visit in town in a few days!” you heard two people gossiping around, you looked over and saw two girls sitting in one of the tables and eating.
“i heard he’s just looking around to see the town he’s going to take over, you know they’re taking each another town! he’ll be taking control of this one!”
hybe kingdom decided to divide their towns equally to their seven sons—each one is getting a town of his own to control and rule. you learnt all of that from all the gossips around your work place.
“i heard he has to marry someone before getting the crown!”
“i wonder if he found someone to marry to! i’ll gladly volunteer if he’s yet to find his soulmate”
you rolled your eyes, who’s that prince anyway?
you hate the royal families, they always put on an act and come to “visit the town”, not even minding those who need help, they just keep walking around until they reach the end of the town as soon as possible.
your town is not so big, but not so small either—you can walk the whole town in up to four hours, if you do it nice and slow. it takes you about an hour if you’re the royal family.
everyone knows everyone, and gossip about everyone as well. the society is low and so is the economy, lots of stealing cases are happening, cheating and taking advantage of other people is really common in the town. you know that, you’ve been there.
a lot of people used your kindness against you, manipulated you and made you think you always have to take care of others before yourself. when you realized how bad you were treated, you shielded yourself from everyone.
you’re now known as the short-tempered girl who people shouldn’t mess with.
a lot of people actually like you, they know they shouldn’t mess with you so they’re actually being generous and kind, and it’s mutual.
you love the people in your town, except those who always get on your nerves. you can say you’re quite popular amongst the citizens and you actually have no problem with that.
the visit of the first crown prince you say? bring it on.
you flopped on your bed and thought about tomorrow. tomorrow is your free day and you thought about some things to do, such as going to the market or just having a little picnic with yourself.
you got so excited for tomorrow since it’s been a while since you had your free day—until you heard knocks on your door.
“sorry for the late hour, i need you to do a morning shift tomorrow” your manager showed up, “what?” you replied angrily, “no, tomorrow is my free day”
“y/n” he sighed, “we’re short on workers, i’ll pay you extra”
“and you came all the way here just to tell me that?” you scoffed and he nodded, “fine”
you live very close to the end of the town, your house is small, but it’s enough for you to feel warm and comfortable. since the town is small, it doesn’t take you a lot of time to arrive to the restaurant which takes place in the center of the town, but it’s still pretty much a long walk.
at six in the morning you opened the restaurant together with your boss.
“i heard the prince is coming to visit on one of these days” he said.
“as if i care” you rolled your eyes, “even if you don’t,” your boss pointed at you, “be careful and keep your temper around him if he happens to come in here”
“he won’t”
“you can’t be so sure”
“i can, after millions of visits of them in town, i’ve learnt that they have the same walking routine” you groaned.
“he’s different from his family”
“yeah, sure he is”
the rest of your shift went well, you were already getting ready to drop off as it was already time for your shift to end.
until the person from yesterday came, “hey! i see you’re still here” she said annoyingly.
“yeah, sadly” you sighed.
“get your manager here” she ordered you, “as long as you’re not a customer i don’t need to serve you, you have a mouth and walking legs so how about you call him?”
“y/n! don’t talk like that!” your manager interrupted and put his hand over your shoulder, “whatever, can you tell her to go away? her face is making me itch”
“y/n!” he shout, “i’m sorry ma’am for her behavior, is there something i can help you with?” he then bowed in front of the person.
“yeah! fire her!” she shout. “excuse me?”
“you heard me! fire her! she poured water on me yesterday and she’s just a waitress, she can’t do that to customers!” she pointed at you.
“y/n is that true?” your manager turned to look at you, “she was being a bitch and had to be taught, i’m not making the rules” you shrugged.
“enough! it’s your tenth complain already! and it’s only the start of the week!” he shout.
you rolled your eyes in annoyance, “so?”
“i’m sorry y/n, you’re fired” he sighed.
“what?” you gasped.
“you’re fired” he repeated.
“you said you’re short on workers—you know what? fine” you threw your uniform and took your bag, storming out of the store in anger.
you angrily looked at the ground and kept walking your way back home, until you bumped into something and fell.
“watch where you’re going!” you yelled at the person who just bumped into you, “my apologies madam, perhaps i can offer you some sweet cookies as an apology?” he smiled.
you got up and looked at him in disbelief.
you laughed at the nickname and the cute offer, “people don’t offer here cookies just because they want to apologize, are you new in town?”
he then shook his head, “you keep your things to yourself if you don’t want people to keep asking you for favors”
you ran before the person could even reply, “didn’t she realize who is she talking to?”
when you arrived back home, you flopped on your bed and groaned. “his face looked familiar though” you said and then chuckled, “offering a cookie? am i a child?”
“i must admit that it was cute of him”
you then looked outside your window, your window is facing the hybe castle that stood far away from your house, but you could still see the outstanding building. living in a place like this must be so fun and relaxing.
meanwhile, inside the castle there was pure chaos, “where’s heeseung?” jay asked.
“he told me he was just going to take a walk in the garden” jake shrugged.
“he’s nowhere to be found around the castle” sunghoon sighed.
“find him! search everywhere around, right now!” the queen ordered and the guards nodded, getting their swords and storming out.
“mom, you need to relax, he’s probably in the garden just playing hide and seek or something” ni-ki giggled.
“ni-ki, it’s not the time now” she replied worriedly and ni-ki nodded, “sorry”
“i’m sure he’s okay, you know heeseung hyung, he can deal with everything” jungwon said.
“why was she talking to me like that?” heeseung, who you just bumped into, was left dumbfounded and lost, full with questions.
“probably because i’m not showing my official clothes” he nodded to himself, “but my face” he then touched his face, “she didn’t recognize me at all?”
“yeah, he’s probably just fine” sunoo agreed with jungwon.
after a few minutes of talking to himself heeseung stared at the house in front of him, it was the one you entered.
it was quite far, but enough for him to see you storming off and entering the house.
he was staring at it for too long to notice the guards entered the town, “did you see prince heeseung around the town?” he heard someone asking a citizen.
that’s when it suddenly hit him—he ran away and now they’re searching for him.
quick heeseung, think!
he then looked at your house, “it won’t hurt to try” he let his leg lead the way.
you were about to get out and get some fresh air, maybe even search for a new job.
you opened your door and jumped when you saw someone standing outside, “stalker! stay outside! wait here i’ll get the police!” you shout.
“no no no wait!” he said, “please help me out!”
“what” you lowered your voice.
“can i please enter? i’ll tell you everything” he sighed.
“why should i trust you?”
“uhhh…because i’m heeseung?”
“did you hear? heeseung…the first crown prince”
“oh, a prince” you chuckled, “and i’m queen elizabeth”
“no i’m being serious!” he argued, “look” he removed the big sweater he was wearing, and you could see the formal suit only royals can wear.
“get in” you ordered him.
“you shouldn’t be the one the to order me out” he got inside your house and sat on your sofa.
“and i shouldn’t be the one to help you out either” you rolled your eyes.
“you’re talking to a royal, you know that righ—“
“yes, exactly, a royal” you sighed, “i couldn’t care less about you”
“i can put you into jail for speaking like that”
“then do it” you crossed your arms and raised your brow.
“can i get you anything to drink?” you asked after not receiving a reply from him.
“water would be just fine”
you gave him a glass of water and sat across him on the sofa, “i knew you were familiar to me when i saw you”
“which by the way, you didn’t apologize about that” he remarked, “about what?” you asked him.
“i mean, you were the one to bump into me but you got angry and acted off rude”
“just had a rough day today” you shrugged.
“why are you talking to me like that?” he asked.
“like what?” you poured him some more water into his glass once you noticed it was empty.
“like i’m like every other person you know in town”
“because you are, aren’t you?” you asked back, “you’re no different, the only thing that does make you different is the title ‘prince’, and i don’t like princes”
“yeah but—“ he got cut off with a few knocks on your door.
“wait a second!” you opened the door and was welcomed by two royal guards. “hello l/n y/n. we’ve been searching for prince heeseung, did you happen to see him?” they asked.
“no, not at all actually” you replied, “i stayed at my house all day alone”
“thank you” they bowed and you closed the door.
“what the fuck?” you asked. “what?” he replied innocently.
“didn’t think about telling me you basically ran away?” you looked at him angrily.
“i’m sorry about that” he sighed.
“go back now before it’s too late” you rolled your eyes and went back to your room. “close the door after you! i’m not one of your servants!” you added.
the poor boy sighed and carefully got out to go back to the castle.
“where have you been?” the queen was raging mad by the time he got inside the castle, “i got lost around, a nice citizen helped me out and i found my way back here” he found the perfect excuse.
“don’t do that again without informing anyone that you’re going out! we’ve been worried sick!” the king sighed, “i apologize father, mother” heeseung bowed and they let him go back to his room.
“i’m not one of your servants” he mimicked you and giggled, “she’s cute”
“bro!” jungwon entered his room, “where have you been? mom and dad went feral, you should’ve seen them” he laughed.
“i’ve been out in town” heeseung replied shortly.
“anything interesting happened?” he asked.
“i met someone”
“ohhh, someone someone?” jungwon teased.
“i think her name was l/n y/n, from what i’ve heard from the guards”
“you’re not sure what her name is?”
heeseung shrugged, “but i know where she lives”
“that’s just creepy”
“it wasn’t like that” heeseung sighed, “i ran away from the guards and asked for help from her”
“she was pretty rude mostly” he added.
“she knew who she was talking to?” heeseung nodded.
“cant you just put her into jail?” jay suddenly joined the conversation. “we don’t do those things anymore jay”
jay only shrugged, “just ignore her from now on then”
“she’s quite interesting though”
“don’t tell me—“ “i’ll probably meet her again”
“it’s hopeless at this point”
“shouldn’t you be focused on your future wife? your wedding is soon” heeseung asked jay.
jay rolled his eyes, he’s clearly had enough of these conversations, “i don’t care, i just want the throne”
“it’s a bad way of thinking, who knows? you might fall in love with her”
“don’t worry, that won’t happen”
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“i’ll be going out to the town mother” heeseung bowed in front of the queen, “take two guards with you” she ordered and he nodded.
“get back early today!” she added and heeseung waved.
while walking around the town heeseung actually took his time to greet the citizens and ask them how’s their condition and if they need any help.
he even sat in one of the restaurants in the center of the town.
“this is ridiculous! first you fire me and then you’re not giving me my money? what kind of a cruel monster are you?” he heard someone shouting.
“y/n relax, the prince is here be quiet”
that’s it, it’s you again.
“i could care less about the prince! give me my money” she argued.
“you don’t deserve that money! i’ve lost tons of money because of you so now you won’t get any”
“i can go to the prince and make a complaint, he’s here anyway, isn’t he?”
your manager giggled and heeseung frowned, “you know your complaint won’t get to anyone right? you already know the royals don’t care about us!”
“enough!” heeseung couldn’t take it anymore, he stood up from his chair and walked up to you.
“i’m trying to eat here peacefully” he sighed.
“no one stopped you from doing that” you shrugged.
“you did” he pointed at you and you rolled your eyes.
“tell him to bring me back the money i deserve and i’ll leave”
“you deserve no money—your majesty, she’s been making a mess ever since she started working here, a lot of people left and i’ve lost a large amount of money—“
“bring her back her money” heeseung glared at your ex-manager.
“w-what?” “did i stutter? bring her back her money”
your ex-manager looked at you and you smirked, he then went to grab your money and you glanced at the prince.
“i could’ve done that myself” you scoffed.
“you,” he pointed at you again, “you’re coming with me”
right after you got the money he dragged you outside with his two guards behind.
“let me go!” you tried to let go of his hand that was holding yours tightly.
when you realized it was no use, you stared at your hands together and blushed. “no y/n this can’t be happening” you whispered to yourself.
he stopped dragging you when you arrived in front of your house.
“what the hell is your problem?” you shout.
he sighed and put his hands on your shoulders, kneeling a bit, “you’re my problem”
“we barely even know each other, you’re a prince and you shouldn’t be bothered by a commoner” you rolled your eyes
“right, i’m a prince” he nodded, “so why don’t you treat me like one?”
“treat you like what? do you want me to bow and clean your shoes everytime i see you?”
“a curtsy would be fine”
“you’ve got to be kidding me”
“i’m not” he hissed.
“a commoner like me shouldn’t be a bother to you, just ignore me and move on with your exploration of the town” you scoffed, “as if you care about the town”
“come work for me in the castle” the guards that stood behind him gasped and so are the rest of the citizens who gathered around.
you laughed at his face, “yeah, funny”
“i’m serious”
you shared an eye contact and you could see his eyes softening.
“over my dead body” you let go of his grip and entered your house.
everyone around was so shocked about what just happened. a commoner and a prince? how dare you talk to a royal blood like that?
later that day, you went to search for a new job in town. you found one right next to your house, it was a small cafe with such a nice aroma.
the owner is the only one who’s working there, and was pretty glad that you’re searching a new job, “we need people like you y/n” she said.
“short tempered who are not afraid to fight for what’s right for them” you know the owner already, she helped you a lot as you grew up.
with your parents mostly being out of town, she took you under her wing and raised you well. she’s more like a mom figure to you than your own mom.
“i promise i’ll do my best and get the best achievements” you smiled and she nodded.
she taught you all about what you had to know and you started working right away.
it was the relaxation you needed the most. since the cafe is small, not a lot of people come by, and those who do come are usually so kind and generous towards you.
that night, heeseung stared outside of his window and noticed a small house, “it looks so warm and comfortable” he whispered.
it was your house he was staring at, it was far but not too far away from the castle.
he went to his bed, lying with his face facing up the ceiling. “she’s interesting” he thought, “why did i even suggest her to work here?”
“when would she stop acting so rude?” he scoffed, “is she always like that?”
it was 1 AM already and his millions of unanswered questions kept him up until then. he grabbed his big sweater and slowly yet surely got out of the castle, he couldn’t bare staying in his suffocating room anyway.
before he noticed it, his legs led him in front of your house. when he realized where he was, he got flustered and froze, that was until your door suddenly opened.
you jumped in place and pushed down the person who was standing outside your door right away.
“who are you?” you shout at the person who just fell. “it’s me, heeseung” he coughed.
your eyes widened and you held your hand out to help him get up, “i’m sorry!”
“oh so you do apologize sometimes” he groaned.
“don’t get on my nerves hee”
“what did you just call me?” he asked surprised.
“i called you hee, heeseung is too long for me”
“what about ‘your majesty’? or, ‘your highness’? not so hard”
you laughed, “no”
“why are you standing outside of my door at 1 AM?”
“why were you about to leave your house at 1 AM?”
“i couldn’t sleep” you both answered at the same time.
“you know i sometimes forget you’re a prince” you sighed.
“am i supposed to be different? you said the only thing that keeps me different is my title”
you shook your head, “you’re not what i expected to see when i heard the first crown prince is going to visit this town”
you opened wide your door for him to get him, and poured him a glass of water as he sat down on your sofa. “what did you expect to see then?”
“i don’t know—a rude, ignorant, snobish and cruel prince? i can keep on going” you shrugged.
“why do you hate the royal family so much?” he whispered.
“i can list you my problems with the royal family but it’ll never end,” you rolled your eyes, “but one of the things is that all of you are so ignorant and careless, it’s quite embarrassing of you”
“ignorant and careless?”
“look, this town is so small that you can walk from one corner to the other in like four hours if you’re actually taking your time to explore,” you breathed, “whenever you come to visit you’re barely here for an hour”
“you don’t care about how low the economy is here, some people are suffering and can barely survive till the end of the month”
“i’m sorry” heeseung’s eyes softened as he noticed a few tears starting to form in your eyes, “as if sorry can change anything” you wiped away your tears and poured him another glass of water.
heeseung took the time to observe your face, it looks like every part of you was touched by god’s hands. god you were so beautiful he couldn’t take his eyes off of you.
“are you okay?” you waved your hand in front of him. he blinked a few times and nodded, “i was just thinking about something”
“i think you should go back, before they realize you ran away again” you chuckled.
“and please don’t scare me like that again, i could’ve killed you so easily” you added.
he gave you a wide smile as he got up from the sofa, “thank you, y/n” he suddenly said, “i’ll do my best to help this town, and you”
you could swear your heart skipped a beat when you heard his last words, you shook it off quickly, then smacked him and pushed him outside of your door, “i don’t need help,” you rolled your eyes, “goodnight hee”
“goodnight” he replied and ran back to the castle.
you closed the door after he was nowhere in sight and dragged your back down against the door, “relax y/n, he won’t come back anymore”
you tried to relax yourself, you felt like you were holding your breath as long as he was close to you. it has never happened to you before and it scared you.
“there’s no way you’re catching feelings for the spoiled prince” you rolled your eyes and went back to your bed after a while.
“well well well” as soon as heeseung entered his room he was welcomed by the triple brothers, jay, jake and sunghoon.
“and where have you been in this late hour?” jake asked.
“i went out for a walk” heeseung whispered.
“wrong, we followed you outside” jay remarked.
“what have you thought to yourself?” sunghoon asked, “getting inside a commoner’s house?”
heeseung looked down, he didn’t know what to say or do.
“you know you can’t marry a commoner” jay shook his head.
“why not?” he suddenly asked. they all looked at him in shock, “are you seriously considering marrying her?”
“what if i am?” he rolled his eyes, “it’s not like you’d understand anyway”
“heeseung, you know it’s wrong” jake said and the rest nodded, “mom and dad are not going to approve your relationship with her” sunghoon added.
“worry about yourselves instead of me” he said and shoo them out of his room.
after closing his door he flopped on his bed, “what have you done to me, l/n y/n?”
“good morning y/n!” the owner of the cafe smiled widely at you, “i’ll be taking my leave early today, you’re in charge of the cafe”
you nodded and put on your apron, “have fun on your free day” you winked and she giggled, “you know me so well y/n”
“good morning” you heard a familiar voice calling.
“what are you doing here lee heeseung?” your eyes darted over the two guards that stood behind him.
“just visiting the town” he shrugged.
he lied. heeseung asked the guards some questions about you and one of them was about your work place.
“she used to work as a waitress in a restaurant, now she’s working in a cafe nearby her house” the guards said and heeseung nodded, “are you thirsty for coffee? we’re going to get some”
“what can i get for you?” you asked as it was a part of your job. “your favorite” he winked and sat at one of the tables.
you rolled your eyes and made him your least favorite drink, “enjoy” you served him his drink and your hands brushed with his. he quickly coughed and thanked you.
“your majesty, we need to go back to the castle, the queen’s orders” one of the guards remarked.
“just a few more minutes” he replied.
“we’ve been here for a few hours and all you do is drink that drink and stare at the girl” the other one said.
“a few more minutes” heeseung repeat and they sighed, they’re definitely going to get fired because of him.
he was busy staring at you while you were busy working. you didn’t fail to feel his fierce eyes staring at you—and he didn’t fail to notice your blushing cheeks.
you tried to focus on work, you really did. but how could you when the first crown prince was staring at you the whole time?
you finally breathed out when he left the cafe, a slight disappointment passed through your mind but you shrugged it off quickly.
that night you failed to fall asleep. turning right to left and then left to right on your bed.
lee heeseung. the first crown prince was driving you crazy.
“lee heeseung what have you done to m—“ you got cut off by a few knocks on your door.
you looked at the clock and saw it was already 1 AM.
“who could that be?” you opened the door and was welcomed by heeseung’s presence on the other side of the door.
he cleared his throat and waved, “hey”
“hey back” you raised your brow and opened the door for him to get in.
“what are you doing here again?” you asked.
“i couldn’t sleep” he groaned.
that’s it. that is his lame excuse to see you. he could go wherever he wants but he still chose to walk all the way to your house at 1 AM, all because he can’t sleep stop thinking about you.
you poured him a glass of water as he sat on your sofa.
“do you want me to read you a story before bed?” you rolled your eyes and he shook his head, “telling me about yourself is my kind of stories before bed”
you slightly pushed him out of embarrassment, “my life is boring, there’s nothing so interesting about me to know”
“what made you so short tempered and annoying?”
“human beings” you shrugged, “when people use you for your kindness, you want to protect yourself in a way, my way was to shield myself from everyone and i slowly forgot how to control my temper when i got pissed off at someone who got on my nerves”
“i don’t think i’ve done anything that got on your nerves but you still act so rudely towards me” he pointed out.
“that’s because—you’re a royal blood” you sighed, “you already know why i don’t like your kind”
he chuckled, “my kind?”
“you know what i mean!”
the rest of the night happened to be more interesting than you thought it would be.
you figured heeseung is more than just a spoiled prince who cares about himself only.
he told you stories about his childhood and how he was raised as a prince, and you told him about your favorite stories from your childhood.
you got closer by the end of the night, thinking about the fact that he might show up tomorrow suddenly excited you.
“i have to leave now before someone realizes i’ve been gone for the whole night” he giggled and you nodded.
both of you didn’t want the night to end.
“goodnight hee” a disappointment was hinted in your voice, “goodnight y/n” he replied sadly and left.
ever since that night, heeseung came from time to time around these hours and you always welcomed him with a glass of water and new enchanting stories to tell him.
you realized heeseung is the one you’ve been searching for a long time. someone who didn’t care about your rude behavior and couldn’t care less about your short temper. he embraced you and made you feel warm and comfortable around him.
heeseung found himself thinking about you all day, everyday. he wanted you, he fell in love with you. he figured that long time ago.
he felt like he could be himself around you, and not some prince people should be threatened by. you treated him like every other person and he couldn’t feel more lucky when he has you.
as much as you love his presence and him in general, you know it’s wrong.
the last time you saw him, you asked him not to come around anymore.
you were cuddled up with him on your sofa, you thought about it a lot and had to tell him how you felt, “hee,” you called.
he hummed while playing with your hair, “i don’t think you should show up here anymore” you gulped.
heeseung stopped playing with your hair and tilt his head, “what?”
“what you’re doing is basically sneaking out, people will start to notice sooner or later, it’s dangerous” you sighed.
“let’s just stay like that a few more minutes” he said, almost begging you not to let him go.
you agreed and hugged him tightly, scared that he’ll slip away from you.
you sat on your sofa and checked the clock. 1 AM—maybe he’ll come around today as well?
“no! he’s been here yesterday and i told him not to come! why would he do that?” a part of you really wanted to see him today, hug him tightly again and apologize for pushing him away from you.
you relaxed yourself and walked back to your bed, until you heard knocks on your door.
“who is it!” you shout behind the door.
“it’s me, open up!” you heard a soft voice calling.
you already knew who that was when opened the door, “you again?” you asked.
“i remember telling you not to come around anymore” you tried to act cold towards him. keeping yourself strong and making stupid excuses to yourself that it’ll hurt the both of you less than it hurts now.
“oh really? i thought you said to come over around these hours” he giggled.
how can you hold yourself back from someone like him?
you rolled your eyes and poured him a glass of water again as he entered the house.
“you know it’s wrong to do that,” you whispered, “so why are you coming here again and again?”
he then held your waist and pulled you closer to him, you could almost feel his lips on yours when he answers, “you’re interesting me y/n”
“i want you”
your cheeks started to heat up, you quickly shoved him away and coughed, “i’m a commoner and you’re a prince, it’s not going to work”
“but what if it will?” he said, “my parents are not so strict, i don’t think they’d care”
“maybe your parents won’t care, but the rest of the world would” you whispered.
“i don’t care about the rest of the world as long as i can be with you” he said.
“that’s too early for you to know that” you argued.
“and look how you made me feel about you in such a short time” it’s been two months ever since you started to meet up. for the both of you it felt like a week and no more than that.
“why me then?” you asked.
“you’re the first one to treat me like a normal person and not some kind of a threatening royal blood” he held your hands, “i feel so free around you”
you shook your head, “you’re risking your crown”
“i’m willing to do that ten times more if it means i can have you”
you stared at him and you two shared a long eye contact. his eyes were full with nothing but love, and yours were filled with hesitation and fear.
“let’s take it slow, i don’t want to rush things at all” he hugged you.
“i’ll come everyday around this hour, that’s a promise”
you slightly punched him, “i’ll kill you if you won’t”
he suddenly released a breath he didn’t know he was holding and smiled. it was definitely a confirmation that you’re willing to try it out with him.
“what made you change your mind?” he asked.
“just you” you replied, “apparently not all royal bloods are as bad as i think they are”
“yeah i don’t think you’ll think highly of my family” he shrugged, “i’m not a fond of them anyway”
you giggled and rolled your eyes, “shut up”
both you and heeseung made yourself a daily routine. the day starts with you working at the cafe and heeseung walking around his castle and trying to warm up his parents about marrying a commoner—and ends up with you and heeseung either cuddled up in your bed, or talk the night away from 1 AM until the last minute that he has to go back to the castle.
“mother” heeseung started to speak up in one of his lunchtime with his mother, “yes?” she asked.
“what do you think about me marrying a commoner?” he asked.
the queen laughed, “you? marrying a commoner?”
heeseung nodded, “will you approve my marriage if i happen to marry a commoner?”
“no,” she shook her head, “a royal blood needs to marry a royal blood”
“but,” he argued, “what if she’s the only one i love?”
heeseung was more than determined to change his mother’s way of thinking.
he has been spending months together with you every night, he falls in love with you all over again each time he sees you.
he was dead serious when he said he doesn’t care about losing his crown as long as he has you.
“you’ll learn to love other people, not a commoner” the queen argued back.
“not a chance” he cursed under his breath.
“i fell in love,” he finally confessed, “with a commoner”
the queen gasped, “for how long?”
“a few months now,” he nodded, “i’m willing to do anything in order to marry her”
“even if it means losing the crown” he added.
“a no is a no. and i’ll make sure you won’t be able to see her again” the queen shout.
“i’m giving up on my crown then!” he shout back and the room became quiet.
“what?” the queen asked surprised.
“i’ll give up on my crown, if it means i can have her” he repeat.
“very well,” the queen got up from her seat, “i’ll be taking that to your father”
that day he couldn’t rest, walking back and forth in his room out of stress. he wanted to run back to you, he wanted you to hold him tightly in your embrace, he wanted to hear that everything is okay from you—but he couldn’t.
not until he has a final answer to all the chaos.
it was around 5 PM when he was called to his parents bedroom.
the queen and king must’ve been talking about it for a few hours.
“heeseung,” the king called him, “yes father?” he whispered.
“i want to see the girl before i can decide” the kind nodded and heeseung felt relief.
in a few days, the youngest boy in the family will have his birthday party thrown in the castle.
“i’ll let you meet my siblings there” heeseung smiled as he played with your fingers, “since no adults are allowed” even though you and heeseung were already grown adults, the six brothers were invited to the celebration nonetheless.
you hummed, “what about your parents?”
“they wish to see you beforehand” he whispered.
“for dinner, later today” he said, the clock already hit 4 AM which meant he already has to leave back to the castle.
“i’ll come pick you up” he said, “dinner, today, with my parents”
you tried not to freak out, but your boss already figured how stressed you are, “take a day off today honey” she pat your shoulder and you nodded.
you arrived home and went up to search for some neat clothes.
you heard a knock on the door and opened it, “hey” it was heeseung, the love of your life if you might say.
“hey” you let him in and he closed the door behind him.
“didn’t you bring any beautiful dresses or something?” you asked.
“why would i do that?” he tilt his head.
“so i would look formal in front of your parents dumbass!” you shout.
“y/n we really need to work on your temper,” he smiles, “my parents will throw us both outside of the castle if you act like that around them”
“i can’t control it” you rolled your eyes, “yes you can” he argued.
he then took your hands and plant a kiss on your forehead, “i’ll hold your hand the whole time, to help you relax”
you nodded and closed your eyes, leaning in his chest and hugging him, “i’m scared”
“nothing bad is going to happen, i promise you” he smiled, “and there’s nothing wrong with your clothes, you look so pretty in them”
“thank you” you whispered and hugged him even tighter than before.
you stood outside the dining hall and your hands started shaking, heeseung took your hand and held it tightly, his embrace was warm and comfortable, “relax, i’m here with you” he smiled and you nodded.
you opened the door and was welcomed by the queen, the king and the six other brothers which you thought will be introduced to you at the youngest brother’s birthday celebration.
“h-hello, your majesty” you curtsy in front of them.
“y/n, we’ve heard a lot about you from heeseung” the queen spoke first, “you look, elegant” the king added and you smiled.
“please, have a sit” heeseung guided you to the seat next to him and helped you sit down.
he held your hand again as he saw you trembling. you glanced at him and saw him smiling, moving his lips and assuring you everything is okay.
“tell us about yourself” the king smiled warmly.
“i work at a cafe near my house, i live close to the end of the town and close to the castle” you nodded, suddenly your whole life seem so short and boring, you realized you didn’t do much in your life.
“that’s nice” the queen smiled.
they were actually looking pretty kind and generous, not what you expected at all.
“how did he even manage to fall in love with someone like you?” one of the brothers suddenly asked.
“jay,” heeseung sighed, “please don’t do that”
“why not, heeseung? you fell in love with a commoner, she’s working in a small cafe and i bet she’s not even getting enough money for living, you broke the rule of not marrying a commoner, that’s messed up” jay argued.
“jay that’s enough!” the queen ordered.
“i don’t know if you’re married or not, nor have experienced love or not, but what i feel towards heeseung is different than any other emotion i’ve ever felt” you suddenly spoke, “i’m ready to give up on everything just for him, that’s how much i love him”
“i’m sorry it happened to be me” you whispered and looked down. heeseung clenched his jaw and sighed, a few tears fell from his eyes.
“commoner or not, i don’t care” he cleared his throat, “i love y/n, and y/n only. she is the one i’m willing to spend the rest of my life with, and i’m not going to let anyone get in our way”
“i approve your marriage” the queen said.
without even noticing, you made the queen and the king shed a few tears, “we know and we trust you that you’re going to take care of our child” the king wiped his tears.
“commoner or not,” the queen spoke, “you’re always welcomed in our family” she got up and hugged you.
you froze for a few seconds before hugging her back.
what kind of a weird royal family is that?
a few days passed and the rumor about the first crown prince marrying a commoner has already spread out. the whole world heard about the news and swoon around the new royal couple which was quite unexpected.
“you’ve made everyone believe in fairytales” the queen joked. “i’m very happy for you and my son” she added and held your hands.
“you made him realize what does it feel like to fall in love with someone” she smiles, “i can see the way he looks at you, he’s willing to die for you y/n. keep him close to you and take care of him for me and his father”
you nodded, “i will, mother. i love him more than anything else”
she then hugged you tightly, “we trust you”
the next day, you were getting ready for ni-ki’s birthday celebration when heeseung got inside your room.
“you look so beautiful y/n” he whispered and pecked your forehead. “you look even prettier, hee” you giggled.
“i just had a conversation with my mother, i don’t know what you did to her but she said she’s already planning our wedding” he chuckled.
“it’s just my charm i guess” you shrugged.
you and heeseung walked down to the ballroom, where the celebration was held, and were greeted by jay.
“i wanted to apologize” he said, “about our last conversation”
“that’s okay” you nodded.
“i also wanted to thank you, you made me realize that love is not something i can just give up on” he smiles, “thanks for saving my marriage”
you and heeseung chuckled, “i’m happy for you” heeseung said and hugged his brother.
“let’s raise a toast to the birthday boy!” everyone cheered for ni-ki and heeseung hugged you tightly.
“i can’t wait to marry you” he whispered in your ear and kissed your cheeks.
you turned to face him and wrapped your arms over his neck, “and i can’t wait to marry you too, my love” he leaned in to kiss you passionately and held you closer to you than ever.
“i love you” he mumbled after the kiss, “i love you too, hee”
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TAG-LIST ; @jaeneohee @hsgwrld @enhastolemyheart @enhacatalog @kaykay11sworld @ipoststuffandyeah @beomsbeanie @queestionmark @ineedsomezzz @ikayyyyyy @nshmrarki
PERM TAG-LIST ; @sungwhoonz @ohdudehesflirting @unlikelysublimekryptonite @deobiis @manooffline @miumiuoi @in-somnias-world
••• copyright © srjlvr all rights are reserved.
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restlesswritings · 1 year
NCT 127 Reaction to you wearing their clothes
A/N: Requests are open; I removed Taeil from and will not be including him in my works. (For obvious reasons) Pairing: NCT 127 x GN Reader Genre: Fluff Warnings: Suggestive, Cursing Masterlists : JPOP & KPOP
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After a shower you quietly make your way into the room to see Taeyong sitting on the edge of the bed, already in his pajamas, scrolling through his phone. "Hi baby.” You say, making your way to the bed and getting under the covers. He doesn't notice you at first when he looks up to shoot you a smile but as soon as he registers your attire his head flies back up, shock evident on his gorgeous features as he looks at you with wide eyes. "Wha! Y/N.. you're wearing my shirt?" He asks shocked, stumbling over his words as he takes in how his clothes make you look more delicate than normal. "I hope you don't mind.. I forgot to grab my pjs.." You say sheepishly, he shakes his head with a smile on his lips. "I love it.. damn you look so good jagi, I can't stand it." He says, letting out a laugh with a flushed face as he lays down next to you before pulling you onto him, crashing his lips onto yours.
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Johnny’s eyes light up when he notices you walking towards him but his eyebrows soon furrow when he realizes what shirt you are wearing. “Y/N, I didn’t think you’d look this good in my clothes, you little t-shirt thief!” He says with a loud laugh and snort as he runs to you, the other members now looking in your direction causing you to blush. “Yah! It looked so comfy I couldn’t not wear it!” You defend yourself while crossing your arms over your chest with a fake pout causing your giant boyfriend to smile down at you, “Damn babe.. you look actually so adorable like that” He says before pulling you into his arms, squishing you in the process. “I ca-can’t br-breath you big goof!” You say through giggles. “Well that’s what you get for stealing my clothes!” He says with a laugh before adding. "All jokes aside, I really like seeing you in my clothes." He says before placing a kiss on your forehead.
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“Come on Y/N! I’m getting antsy out here!” Yuta yells dramatically from the other side of the bathroom door causing you to roll your eyes as you finish pulling his t-shirt over your head. “I’m coming!” You tell your boyfriend as you walk out of the bathroom causing him to immediately burst out in giggles as he takes in how adorable you look. “Damn jagi! You look so cute !” He says with a big smile, squeezing the pillow in his hands. "You like it?" You ask with a giggle before he gets up, catching you by surprise when he pulls you into a quick kiss before you can say anything, booping your nose with his finger. “I really, really do.. Oh! You should try one of my button ups next! I like seeing you in my clothes.." He says before a mischievous smirk graces his lips. "And without them..” He says with a wink and a big toothy grin before finding his previous spot on the bed, leaving you blushing.
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Doyoung walks through the door whistling, he comes to a stop in his spot as he takes in your attire before taking a deep breath. With red ears he walks over to the couch causing you to look over at him with a warm smile. "Hi baby, how was rehearsal?" You ask, sending a smile towards him, completely unaware of his stare. "Uh it was good..” He says, continuing looking at you causing you to look up at him and shift in your seat. “What's wrong?” You ask, sending a look of concern to your boyfriend. “Uh.. is that my shirt?" He asks while scratching the back of his neck. "Oh yeah! I got my shirt messy and didn't have an extra change of clothes here, is that okay?" You ask, scooting closer to him causing him to let out a stream of giggles. "Y-yes! It looks good on you." He reassures with a flushed face causing you to shake your head and pull him into a hug. "Thank you goof!"
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"Okay I got you the dumplings because they didn't hav-" Your words cut off by your Jaehyun. “Wow babe, you look..” He says with a smirk, pulling you into his arms. "Wha- what are you doing?" You ask, confusion evident on your features. "You look so good in my t-shirt Y/N.." He says, kissing your neck, causing a giggle to escape your lips. "Yah! The food is getting cold!” You say, a blush creeping up your cheeks as you playfully push him away. “And as much as I want to continue this we aren't doing anything in your studio big boy." You say, poking a finger into his hard chest, a laugh bubbling out of his throat as he puts his hands up in defense, giving you a big smile. "Okay, okay.. fair enough but can you maybe wear MY clothes around the house next time so I can do something about it?" He asks with a wink, quickly kissing your cheek and snatching the bag of food from you, leaving you with a flushed face.
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You can't help the big smile plastered on your face as you make your way down the hallway to see your boyfriend, excited to show Jungwoo your outfit. You look around, smile widening when you see him running over to you, his eyes immediately widen when he sees the outfit you put together, noticing how well his cropped t-shirt suits you. "Y/N! I love it, you look.. incredible!" He exclaims, pulling you into his arms, spinning you around causing a giggle to escape your lips before he puts you back down. "I didn't think it would look good-" You start with a big smile, looking up at him as he cuts off your words. "Seriously jagi.. I can't take my eyes off you.." He says, pulling you closer to him, kissing the top of your head. You smile at his sweet affection as you wrap your arms around his waist, "I love you." You say, earning a toothy smile from your boyfriend. "I love you too." He says before his lips meet yours.
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"Can I wear your hoodie, Mark?" You ask your boyfriend as you make your way into the living room, already wearing said hoodie. "Wha- hahaha you already have it on!" He says through laughter, clutching his stomach as you shoot him a smile. "Of course you can!" He adds, patting the seat next to him on the couch. "Thank you baby" You say as you plop down next to him, raising an eyebrow when you notice his eyes on you. "Wait hold on, you actually look so cute in my clothes Y/N.." He says with a giggle, turning to look down at your body in his hoodie, a small grin forms on his face. You shoot a smile at him in return before he looks up at you with a different expression. "Stop looking at me like that!" You whine, playfully hitting his shoulder, which only causes him to burst out into laughter. "I can't help it! Jagi you look so cute" He defends, pulling you closer. "Thank youuu" You coo, snuggling into his warm body.
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"Yah jagi, Johnny just invit-" Haechan says out of breath as he bursts through the bedroom door, going silent as his eyes land on you, wearing his sweater. "What?" You ask, a little confused by your boyfriend's sudden silence, “Hello?? Earth to Haechan?" You say with a giggle, looking at him, eyebrows pulled together as you wait for his response. "You're wearing my sweater?" He asks with a smirk now dancing on his lips, as he pulls at the bottom of the sweater playfully. "I didn't think this was something I needed to see.. until now.." He adds, causing a laugh to escape your lips. "So you’re not mad that I stole it??" You say, adding a wink in his direction. "No, it is completely okay" He responds with a serious expression on his face as his eyes trail your body again causing you to laugh as he pulls you into his embrace. "Wait, what about Johnn-" Your words cut off by his lips capturing yours.
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A/N: Wow.. my thoughts are everywhere after that
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darkbluekies · 1 year
Silas asks #5
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Previous one next one
Concept: I've put multiple asks into one post to avoid too much loose posts on my account! This way, you have more to read too<3
Warnings: mafia, yandere, isolation ... the normal stuff
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In Intruder, would Silas still have been able to find the reader if she didn't look to see what was on the USB? (Perhaps she didn't know she had a foreign USB in her purse in the first place) You mentioned Silas could see her on the webcam, but I assumed that was because she used the USB on the computer. Also, if she didn't see the USB would Silas have taken it back without question or would he have still kidnapped the reader? Sorry for all the questions, I'm just curious hehe 😅
Hm, interesting question. I think that Silas would be able to find the USB one way or another, either through a tracker on it or hacking into surveillance cameras to follow her. He would most likely not be too interested in getting her, but would think of her when he leaves ... which means that he'll be back for her.
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There's this meme on tiktok that goes "my blickyyyyyy upon the dresseeeerrrrr" it remind me so much of Silas who definitely is the type of dude with a gun in his dresser 🔫 🔫
I haven't seen that meme, but Silas would 100% keep a gun in his dresser! For uh "safety reasons". Not to keep you in the room no no
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Do you think the reader would ever develop Stockholm syndrome with Silas?
I actually think so. He treats you well when you're obedient so if you don't try to escape and actually listen to what he says, he will be the most wonderful man you can ever get your hands on. And that's dangerous for your mental health because anyone would fall for that.
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With that Broken reader x Silas fanfic Does the reader have a caretaker that had been helping them?
Oneshot it's basef off of (i think)
No, Silas doesn't want anyone to be close to you, escpecially not after what you've been trough. He's scared that you'll fall for someone else in your fragile state. He needs you to be reliant on him only. You're vulnerable, perfect for him to mold how he wants you to be.
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LOVING SILAS SM MWAH MWAH MWAH LEMME KITH YOU omg but like.. 😳 what if he grows to lowkey miss gen z reader's remarks and jokes in the long run😶. like ok yeah big man got what he wanted😮‍💨🫥 but now reader doesnt laugh or smile anymore cause theyre lowkey highkey traumatized😁💧 ykwim????
[omg thank you for the kith hehe]
Then he'll try to bring it back! Silas thinks that you're a toy that he can break and bend to be how he wants you to be. Somehow you'll be back to normal, he just needs to figure out how. He'll regret breaking you down so badly and will do his best to crack your numb shell.
"I like it when you smile. Come on, baby, curse at me. You know you like that. Tell a joke, I'll laugh, I promise. No, you won't get punished, little thing."
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The Valentine's day ask for Silas got me thinking, what if his s/of wanted to get job? (cause I can't just do nothing all day) And since I'm sure he wouldn't let us go somewhere, what if we asked for him to hire us? (Cause if he wouldn't we can start looking for a online job or a job where we could leave and come back without getting caught) We can basically do some clean up or just paperwork 🤔. Also sorry if my English is bad
He'd hate the thought of you working because he thinks that you should be doing things you liked, but if you really had to, he'd keep you in his office, right by his side, where you can go through some papers. Of course not the ones that could make you scared. If there are no papers for you to go through, he'll print fake ones, just so you'll have something to do. As long as he'd keep you occupied, you'd not complain about being bored or wanting to leave.
"Ah, how about a break? We should take a nap on the couch. We've been working so well, don't you think, little thing? Come here, baby, let me hold you."
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Silas be like "I'm gonna torture you badly" I be like "I like that"🥴Chain me up in the basement for punishment? "oooh kinky"Psychological torture? "Hey how'd you know I like mind games?"Threaten friends and family? *Looks around sarcastically "where are they? I don't see them!" 🙃In conclusion, I identify as a chaotic neutral that cannot be contained. Go ahead, do your worst! It'll be fun~ >:3
You'd be Silas's nightmare.
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Ok that was weird how would Silas react to a mc who was in awe about how rich he was and shocked when they arrive at his mansion?
[what was weird ...?]
He'd be shocked. He's been in defense mode to give you a fright, to scare you into obedience ... but you're not scared?
"If I live here? Uh yeah, i do ... what about it? You like it? Yeah, I guess it's nice. Do you really like it that much?"
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Hello 👁🫦👁. I love all your stories and I'm trying to figure out how best to behave with Silas so that he doesn't lock me in the basement, but also doesn't break my mind or bones😭p.s. i love the yandere characters but even chatting with AI yanderes gives me bad endings
As long as you do as he says, (you stay in your room, doesn't complain too much, doesn't nag and demand him to be let out) he'll be pleased with you. He'll take you out for dinner and dates and be more patient with you. The more you demand of him, the less likely you'll get it and the quicker you'll end up in the basement. He wants to be treated as a human being, depsite all the bad things he's done to you :)
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ouiouimochi · 2 months
Part 2 of the Abyss x reader that I wrote a while back.
Part 1 - Part 3
there won't be an mc(you) and abyss reunion just yet
inconsistent and unedited writing. kinda wrote in a rush to destress so it's gonna be short
synopsis: abyss unexpectedly finds himself a place at easton and becomes busy with magia lupus
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abyss never would have thought that his parents would even send him to school, much less one as prestigious and famous as easton magic academy
although he never understood why, he more or less preferred being in school than live in the same household as his parents
even though there's only little differences to how he gets treated by his peers and his parents
but the worst thing his peers had ever done was talk bad about his cursed eye— not that it actually made the situation much better
at least he managed to get himself into a group that didn't make him feel too out of place
he also found himself admiring a male by the name of abel walker who he swore to serve in gratitude for looking past his evil eye and recruiting him into magia lupus
abyss forgot about meeting the eccentric lady from a few years back since he got busy with wanting to make himself useful to abel in making the goals of magia lupus a reality
the hallways were bustling with more life than usual and abel seemed to be curious what it was about
while walking a bit slower, abyss also tried to listen to the loud whispers but opted to focus his attention to the closest group of girls
“hey, did you hear?”
“are you talking about the new student joining our academy this late into the semester?”
“yeah, yeah. apparently they got in because of family connections”
“ehh… even that kind of thing can't be avoided in easton, huh?”
“well… do you actually know who it is?”
“i heard from someone that it's a girl”
“really? that sucks i was hoping for a cute guy”
“oh stop being delusional already”
“so continuing, she's apparently a double liner”
abel and abyss’ ears immediately noticed and they shared a look
another potential recruit
but before either of them could learn of the new student’s identity, the whispers significantly quieted down, taking notice of abel and abyss' presence
then the gossiping students hurriedly dispersed themselves without further wait
abel calls for abyss to recruit the new student and the masked male only nods in acknowledgement of the task
apparently everyone, even the other fangs, were tasked to try recruiting this new student
one would think it was an easy task with how quick word got around and how many members there were in magia lupus
but alas, none of them were successful in finding even finding out the identity of the new student aside from the information that they were female
none of the gossiping students seem to be spilling anything that could expose the new student's identity despite there being talks about the topic
like a magic spell had prevented anyone from speaking of it— or perhaps it was just a coincidence
some fangs also proposed that maybe the new student is from a very powerful family that anyone who spoke ill or exposed her identity could get in more than just trouble
love cute suggested that maybe news of a new student appearing was fake
at that, everyone also started thinking love’s statement made sense despite a huge percent of the student population buzzing with gossip about this new student
abel then called for the fangs to focus on other objectives instead while keeping an eye out for the new potential recruit
at that, the magia lupus meeting ended
“that's the report, my lady” a maid bows while finishing her report
you sighed at the information you received
“things haven't quieted down yet, huh?”
the maid, your attendant, only nods, dreading what you had schemed in that head of yours
you were due to present yourself in school a few days ago, but then you made a fuss about not wanting to go when the campus would be noisy
your reasoning was that it was bothersome to try and tolerate it
the attendant sighs internally, not even knowing what to expect from her lady anymore
it's pretty obvious this poor attendant should be given a well-deserved vacation at this point
all the while, you were coming up with plans to at the very least entertain yourself in a situation where you got forced by your family to attend easton
you might as well have fun, right?
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Imagine Dancing Under the Star With Vash
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Vash the Stampede X FemReader
Rating: T
Warnings: Angst, Suggestive themes
Word Count: 1.2k
(A/N:) SOMEBODY GIVE THIS MAN A HUG! Man I know I have wrote a couple things for Nicholas but I can’t deny Vash is a looker to. But man I want to hug him and make sure nothing bad ever happens to him ever! Poor thing! So this is me trying to give this handsome weirdo the comfort he needs! Enjoy and until next time happy reading! ~Countess
When you had gone to bed laying under the stars and glow of worms, Vash had been right next to you. You slept easier with him by your side not only because of the protection but the warmth as well. You rolled over expecting to find his form but nothing but cooling rock met your wondering hands. Sitting up and blinking sleepily you called out quietly with no answer. You gave him a few moments to return but grew frustrated when no sign of him even appeared. You liked your sleep and you liked being warm while sleeping, so you couldn’t help but be a little grumpy by the blond’s disappearance.
He’d been ran out of another town while the people cursed his very name. Vash liked to act that he was used to this sort of treatment and it didn’t bother him but you knew, it hurt him every time, despite him trying to hide it. You stuck close by never willing to leave his side, especially after these moments of receiving animosity from others who he wanted to protect. Vash always means well even though the majority of the time it ends in disaster. 
Wrapping your thin blanket around your shoulders you set out to find him and drag him back to bed. It was cold tonight and you were exhausted. He had found a large mesa for you both to camp out on. It was fairly easy to climb up, but the trek was still exhausting for you. You knew Vash was exhausted himself, but when he was in a state like he is now he’ll keep pushing himself until he drops. It didn’t take long to find him, sitting on the edge with his feet dangling. You blew a stray strand of hair out of your face, ready to do whatever it takes to comfort him. Vash didn’t even look your way when you sat beside him. His bright blue eyes staring vacantly across the land that always seemed to be against him.
“It kinda sucks sleeping without my heater,” you teased after you had given him a few moments of silence in your presence.
“Sorry about that,” he chuckled looking towards you with a sad smile.
“I guess I can forgive you this one time,” you stated before shuffling closer. You draped half the blanket over him before nuzzling into his side. Vash stiffened at first as your body pressed against his before he melted with a sigh.
“Thanks,” he said. You nodded giving him another round of silence before you would press a little further. He needed to talk about it, but that didn’t mean he was not going to be stubborn and hide it with a fake smile. Worms danced around you both, lighting up the night with a bright green flicker. They did freak you out at first until you had grown used to the creatures and now you could say that they were even pretty as they bunched in the sky. You looked back up at Vash watching him hide the tears and forcing them back once more.
“Y’know you can talk to me,” you whispered. “I know you can’t be in a good place right now.”
“It’s fine,” he replied flatly.
You glared at him, “No it’s not fine. Vash, you don’t deserve to be treated that way. No matter what you’re just trying to help!”
“Honestly,” he looked away knowing that you would get mad at him, “I think I hurt more than I help.”
You huffed before elbowing him in the ribs, “If I didn’t love you so much I’d push you off this cliff. You’ve helped me a lot and I’m much better off for it.”
“Yeah,” he said bitterly, “I’ve gotten you shot at, almost killed, and now you get to sleep outside under the worm lit sky.”
“I actually think that wormy sky is really pretty now thanks to you.”
He turned and smiled but you gripped his cheeks causing his lips to pucker.
“Stop it. You don’t have to fake smile for me. It never reaches your eyes,” you released him, “and it breaks my heart.”
“Sorry,” he dropped the smile.
“And stop apologizing!”
“So...,” Vash stopped at your glare. “I get it.”
“I hate it when you’re sad,” you huffed. “It’s like I can never get you to cheer up. You just bounce back like a ball, it’s a little annoying.”
Vash chuckled quietly. “Wanna dance? It’ll make me feel better.”
You were floored by the request and it seemed like you couldn’t get up fast enough. You had become so close to the man they call Stampede and you couldn’t deny feelings were growing deep inside. Your womanly wants couldn’t deny his handsome features despite the goofy attitude. You took his offered hand the warmth of his skin seeping into yours while the cool of the metal tingling against your waist. He hummed a nameless tune while pressing you closer into his chest. You reached up stroking the hair from his eyes and he pressed in further enjoying the gentle touch.
“You have such a handsome face,” you purred.
“Careful you don’t want to stroke my ego too much,” he warned teasingly.
“Please,” you blew a raspberry. “You’re the only man on this forsaken sand pit that needs to get a little bit of an ego. Cause honey you ain’t got one.”
“Hey,” he laughed holding onto you tighter. You squeezed back, just holding him while the sky came alive with the buzz of worm wings. You both didn’t need music, as just swaying to the natural rhythm of the land was enough. Vash had a hint of the smell on him mixed in with his natural musk. You didn’t know how you made it so far without him but when you looked up from his hold to see that genuine smile finally pulling at his lips you felt overjoyed.
“Finally got you to smile for real.” You brushed his cheek once again. Vash leaned down getting closer to you. You searched his face quietly seeking answers to his deepest secrets within the depths. But they were going to be hard to unbury and it would take time, and you were willing to give all the time you needed to discover what makes Vash, Vash. 
Vash leaned closer and you knew exactly what he wanted so you opened yourself to him and he took his chance. His lips started gentle before picking up pace. You moaned into his mouth pulling him closer as the green light painted you both in the night. He pulled away panting gently as you kept a hold on him. You kissed the side of his mouth before pulling away but still keeping a grip on his metal hand.
“Let’s get some sleep you handsome typhoon,” you yawned.
“Your wish is my command,” he bowed comically.
“Good! My wish is to be warm,” you started walking and he followed. “Come on heater the night is a wasting and I am not one to pass up good sleep.”
Vash chuckled again helping to ease you down onto the ground. He followed suit nestling beside you with an arm wrapped around your waist. Your scent comforted him and the feel of you against him brought good memories.
“Goodnight Vash,” you mumbled already falling asleep.
“Goodnight,” he replied waiting a little longer after you succumbed to fall asleep. He wondered what he did to deserve you until he too fell asleep. Maybe time would answer that question for him, but until then he wouldn’t question it much as he was thankful for you.
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its-a-me-mango · 8 months
okay i know im late to this but like-
your wolf smg4 design is so cool i wanna pet him lol
may i ask if you have some lore behind this? (if not thats ok just curious🤗)
Sure you can pet him! Good luck! :3
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As for his lore, I went with the more "traditional" version of werewolves. Yeah turns out a lot of modern werewolf trivia and stuff is just for movies so I wanted to be a bit more true to real folklore with him. But also it's my AU so I get to add and remove whatever I want LMAO.
I'm not a writer at all (heck I can barely read) so forgive me for rambling lol.
Basic story is that, SMG4's hat got stolen and on his chase to get it back, he found a newer, cooler hat which he (stupidly) decided to wear. To no one's surprise it was cursed and now every night he turns into The Beast™ and wreaks havoc on everything around him.
I like showing him as just a big doggy but he's actually really dangerous, 4 isn't aware or in control at all as a werewolf so he has no memory of all the destruction he's causing. At first no one around knows its him but they pick up on it before he does (4's kinda in denial because he doesn't believe in werewolves), they all try their hardest to help him out to get rid of this curse while he's busy fucking shit up every night.
I like leaving his lore open ended (mainly so I can play around with it as much as I like hehe, and also I haven't decided) but in order for him to be freed from his curse, he has to either;
Find whoever cursed the hat and get them to remove it.
Kill whoever cursed the hat in the first place.
The angst potentials are out of this world maaan. I haven't made this AU to be ship oriented but you knowwwwww, I can make it gay for the hell of it tee hee! SMG3 is the first person he tries to attack/kill so I'm sure that does well for him lol. Also he keeps the hat on all the time and can't take it off, it repairs itself when he turns back into a human because oooooo the curse.
Thank you for asking though I promise I have more stuff planned for him soon! I've got a few fake screenshot type pieces I wanna do for him when I get the chance so stay tuned! :D
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lilmoonbunny · 10 months
Fake Dating AU; John Price
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When you ask Price to be your fake boyfriend for a family event, he chokes on his cigar.
“Please, John. I wouldn’t ask if I wasn’t desperate.” You told him, something which somewhat offended him.
“What about Soap? Or Gaz? Or even Ghost! C’mon, Love, everyone knows I’m too old to play fake boyfriend.”
You simply stared at him with puppy-dog-eyes until he caved.
“Fine, but you owe me.”
John couldn’t help the way he returned your happy smile once he agreed.
Coming up to the dinner, he was extremely nervous.
Although it was fake, he didn’t exactly want to mess this up, especially considering how much he actually likes you.
So what if he took over an hour getting ready? He wanted to make a good first impression on his fake girlfriend’s parents!
As he knocked on your door, flowers in hand, he didn’t know where to look. That was, at least, until you answered the door, and he swears his heart had never beat faster. Not even whilst being shot at.
“Hi!” You grinned, a smile which only widened upon seeing the flowers. “My mum will love those.”
“Actually,” he cleared his throat, “they’re for you.”
A blush ran up your cheeks and you stuttered out an embarrassed ‘thank you’.
You were both as nervous as each other when you reached the restaurant, hands intertwined.
“Are you ready, Love?” He asked, nudging you as you seemed frozen in place. “C’mon, you can’t bail on me now, you’re the one who invited me.” He joked, hoping to ease the nerves you and him were feeling.
It seemed to work as you snapped out of your internal dilemma and nodded, both of you entering the restaurant.
Your parents seemed shocked at John’s presence and in those few moments of silence as you two sat down, he cursed himself for agreeing to something so stupid. Of course, they’d think he was too old for you!
“Mum, Dad, this is John. My… boyfriend.” You introduced and he held his breath.
“You never told me how handsome he was! You’re so lucky, Y/N.” Your mum was the first to speak and John laughed as he heard you curse under your breath.
As he released your hand to shake your parents, he found himself missing your warmth.
After pleasant introductions, you all ordered food and John, being the perfect fake boyfriend he is, had his hand on your thigh the entire time, leaving you breathless and blushing whilst he chatted with your father about something you couldn’t pay attention to with your mother telling you how perfect John is.
Then came the question that made you both panic: “How long have you two been together?”
John looked over at you for a response, only to see you frozen in panic.
“A year,” he replied, squeezing your thigh to snap you out of your stupor.
“Y-yeah!” You agreed, reaching beneath the table to squeeze his hand to silently thank him, at which he smiled. “We just couldn’t mention it before due to work.” You giggled nervously.
Your parents nodded and before they could say anything, food arrived.
The dinner went extremely well, and John found himself forgetting that this was fake and genuinely making an effort at getting to know your parents.
It wasn’t until your parents asked when they would see him again that he remembered that this wasn’t real. That you weren’t his, and that someday you would find somebody real to introduce to them and this would just be a distant memory.
“Next month?” You interrupted the question, turning to face John in a way that would let him know he could refuse if he didn’t wish to do so. “Dad holds a barbeque every summer, I’d like if you were there.” You smiled at him so sweetly that he agreed with his own smile before he could even think about what he was getting himself into.
So, maybe you had gotten as carried away as he did and didn’t think about the aftermath of the whole ordeal, but in that moment, all you could think about was John’s hand wrapped around your shoulders.
Once your parents had left, leaving just the two of you in the restaurant, you let out a sigh of relief.
“I’m sorry.” You muttered to him. “That was probably really awkward. I mean they’re so like…”
“Parents?” John finished for you, chuckling. “Don’t worry, Love. I get it. I’m quite looking forward to this barbeque, maybe your dad can teach me how to cook.”
“Well, you could use it.” You joked with a smile, earning a slight pull of the hair from John’s hand which was still placed on your shoulder.
Sure, it might be fake, but for once in his life – for just one moment – he could pretend that he had you as his.
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tange-my-rine · 6 months
love, love, love || tangerine × he/him! reader
Part 2 of find yourself (and me).
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Summary: You knew Tangerine well, you'd fallen in love with the guy. But when a mission goes wrong and you fake your death, he can't know a word of it. And when you finally transition after years of wishing, you can hardly even imagine running into him again. If you thought you might, you'd run the opposite way. But fate had different plans. (PART 2)
TW: just murder mention (no descriptions of violence or anything), cursing (it's Tangerine), soft!Tangerine, and all things bullet train.
[[A/N: Based on a request by @random-thoughts-004. Y'all I wrote some clingy af Tangerine in this one, be ready. This is just more establishment of the universe, enjoy :)]]
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Despite Tangerine almost getting down to his knees and begging, you still worked with your agency. The same as Ladybug, and he was still your partner a majority of the time; Tangerine decidedly hated it, but you weren't switching over just because of the twins.
Maria had been with you through a lot, you'd hate ditch her.
This conversation was one well due to Ladybug, explaining well... everything. You thought he deserved to know (Tangerine did not). But it was your secret, so your opinion trumps.
"Wait, so," Ladybug started, leaning back into a chair in a way that shouldn't be comfortable but you somehow knew it was, "-4 years ago, almost 5 now, you were Butterfly?"
"Mhm," you nodded.
"And you faked your death?"
"Because of the White Death," you clarified.
"So, when he was killed on the bullet train," he continued, gears turning, "-you came out of hiding?"
"Yes," you answered.
"And you're a man now," Ladybug added, before turning to you thoughtfully, "-That's a lot of personal change to go through, are you sure you don't want my therapist's number? They're great-"
"Ladybug," you chastised.
"Sorry," he stopped his train of thought, before returning, "-and, just so I know because they could and would kill me at any moment, what's your relationship with the twins? I know you were partners before but mustache has that pendant on his neck and its kind of..."
He fell silent but you could tell by the look on his face -he meant romantic. That you and Tangerine were in a romantic relationship, which you... kind of were? He didn't say anything exclusively, but you assumed... Shit, maybe you shouldn't have assumed.
Later, you told yourself.
"First, you know his name is Tangerine," you responded, "-Secondly, they are my best friends."
He placed his hand over his heart, gasping, "You wound me, Beetle."
You rolled your eyes, "You're a close second."
Ladybug was already passed it, however, "Now, I hate to tell you this, but that pendant thing? Romantic. Romantic as hell. He keeps you next to his heart? Yeah, the guy's head over heels."
You furrowed your eyebrows, opening your mouth to respond.
"Although," he countered (to himself?), "-he is a strange man. I'm not even sure he has feelings past anger."
"Ladybug," you sighed, motioning to yourself, "-come back to me."
He shook his head, before blinking and refocusing on you, speaking then, "Tan's got it bad. Hate to ruin the dynamic, can't imagine the fallout with those two-"
"Ladybug," you replied, "-I know."
And then you paused, for a moment, "Well, I know he has feelings for me, we had this whole reuniting thing-"
"Reuniting thing?"
"Later," you answered, before thoughtfully adding on, "-but he didn't like clarify anything. Should I be assuming?"
Sure you kissed, countless times actually -like every time you met up. But Tangerine had never expressed his feelings to you, or you to him. You loved the guy, but who's to say he loves you?
"Clementine is a very strange man, Beetle," Ladybug paused, pursing his lips, "-but he's not stupid."
"Tangerine," you corrected, before exhaling, "-and stop doing that. You know the only thing keeping him from killing you is me, right?"
"And I thank you for that every day," he spoke gratefully, making prayer hands toward you.
You picked up a pen from the desk, and threw it at his head, "You're such an idiot."
After yet another 'you wound me', the conversation faded off. The next mission being run through (about a month or so away), your day, with Ladybug anyway, was over. You had no job today, mostly because you requested it, but the next one would be a few weeks' worth so you figured it balanced out.
Speaking of jobs, Tangerine (the twins, really) was in New York, you think, doing a job -a hit, maybe. He didn't tell you much about work, you weren't entirely sure why, but you thought it just might have to be a residual torture for not switching agencies. Or maybe he didn't want you to be worried. You could never really tell with him-
Hence the uncertainty. You'd hate to be the one to ask 'What are we?' because it had been so long, and there was something in you that assumed he loved you but... that wasn't certain.
It made you a little on edge, that you didn't have a label, that you didn't know if he loved you too. In fact, maybe all of it was just the adrenaline of you being alive-
Enough thinking for today, you thought -decidedly, before beelining into a bakery.
You'd seen it before with cute puns and a chalkboard outside on the sidewalk -you'd always wanted to go in. Why not today? You were free, and alone... and could really use a sweet of some sort.
Spiraling thoughts meant a sweet craving, what could you say?
Just as you slipped in the door and the warm scent of just... bakery crept through your nose, your phone rang. Vibrated in your pocket, you should say. You patted it for a second before pulling it out, not even reading the name -you kind of already had a clue.
"Hello?" You asked, brushing into the line, and skimming through the menu board. There were so many-
"Hello, love," he sighed out into the phone, and you could hear he was definitely frustrated, "'s good to 'ear your voice."
He called you sometimes, when he got angry -helped him calm down. At least, that's what Lemon said, and you tended to believe him. He was right about a lot, to be fair.
"Lemon tell you to call me?" you questioned, still flicking over the menu boards -there was some sort of toasted sweet bun called 'a bun in the oven'. Interesting choice.
"Yeah," he confirmed, before switching his tone, "-the fuckin' twat."
"What did he do now?" You laughed, you imagined him all harsh edges but still soft with you -you enjoyed the new dynamic. It was... nice.
Made you feel like you were special.
How special? your brain chimed, Boyfriend special? Love special?
You swatted away the thought, trying to listen attentively to your... Tangerine. This was not the time to be worrying about labels, nor was it ever but you knew you would later. Always something to ruin the good.
"Doesn't matter, love," he exhaled out, and you wanted to contradict but something in you said he just wanted to hear you, "-how has your day been? That fuckin' prick treat ya well?"
It was always so weird, to hear such casual things from him. But he always seemed to want to know, he was so genuine about it -wants to know everything. (Maybe so he can kill whoever is necessary if it was a bad day, but still-)
"Ladybug responded very well," you hummed out, "-totally understanding. And it's been... uneventful. Had the meeting with him, and now I'm..."
You paused for a minute, realizing you'd told him about this place before, "Oh! I'm in that bakery I've always wanted to stop by. Had nothing better to do, so, thought I'd see how it holds up."
"You went without me?" He was smiling, you could tell, "-You'll 'ave to tell me the verdict, yeah?"
"Just wait a few minutes and I will," you smiled, chest warm and fuzzy, there was something so domestic about these calls. It made you think that it was labeled, that you were... something.
"'ve got a few minutes," he hummed, low and soft -you could nearly see him in your head. Hunched over a counter, curls falling forward and a ghost of a smile on his lips -listening attentively.
It was midday there, and he usually called you at night, so it must've been something in particular. Maybe bigger than Lemon doing something. You wanted to ask, truly, but he didn't seem to want to about whatever it was.
"Glad you could clear your schedule," you responded with a bitten back laugh.
"You think you're fuckin' funny, yeah?"
"Very," you answered with a smile.
You were next in line, so you skimmed the menu and picked what you wanted. Even with its atrocious name, it still sounded pretty promising; plus the smell in here helped.
Slipping into a booth, you scoot to the wall and place your treat on the table in front of you. The bakery was a little busy, but not the kind that you could hardly think in. It was calmer, like a murmur in the back of your head.
You questioned, toying with the packaging -it probably made a crinkling noise in the background, "How's the job going? Any more staking out?"
He paused, and you could hear a little of the frustration again but it felt distant, "It'll be another day, the guy ended up in the wrong fuckin' safe house. Not the one we'd been at for six hours."
You heard the distant voice of Lemon but you couldn't make it out, Tangerine decidedly did not tell you what he said.
"You not enjoying the city, Tan? The Big Apple?" You posed, a little sarcastically.
"Fuckin' 'ate it 'ere," he muttered, "-'s crowded and stinks. And..."
He faltered for a moment.
"And you're not 'ere," he finished, a little nonchalantly.
Oh, your heart stuttered in your chest, was he sweet now?
You knew he was always sweet, always a gentleman, but he rarely ever said it. He was more of a show-er, not a tell-er. You didn't mind, but to hear it out loud was something entirely different.
"I miss you too, Tangerine," you spoke, gently, so as to not break the moment.
"Yeah?" He asked, seemingly genuinely inquisitive.
"Of course," you nearly laughed, "-what, you think I don't miss you?"
He fell awfully silent, and something in you shifted. Did he really think-
"Tangerine?" You questioned, a bit in disbelief, "-Seriously?"
"You 'ave friends around," he murmured, low like he didn't quite want you to hear it, "-I'm halfway across the fuckin' country-"
"Sure you are," you echoed out, now fully drawn into the conversation, "-but that doesn't mean I'm not going to sit and wait for you. You know that's what I do, right? Wait for you?"
"When... When I come back," he hummed out before sighing big and long, "-no more waitin' on each other, yeah?"
"I'll wait as long as I need to for you, Tan," you hummed out, picking a piece of your treat off, "-but, if you're saying let's go somewhere, I am very into it."
Popping it into your mouth, you heard him chuckle -it made your stomach swirl. You missed the noise; it felt so special to hear, so special, to see the little grin twitch onto his lips.
"You don't 'ave to wait for me."
"I do," you clarified, "-you're my Tangerine, of course, I'm going to wait for you."
"Your Tangerine?" He questioned, and you couldn't tell the tone.
"Well," you finished, awkwardly -fidgeting with the wrapper even more, "-yeah, I guess."
He hummed, letting out a little laugh, and it felt like everything in you was on fire. Did he agree? Did he not agree? Your brain was running at 100 miles per hour, as you listened to the silence on the other end.
Finally, you decided to change the subject.
"This is really good," you picked off more and popped it into your mouth, "-you'll definitely have to come here."
He paused for a minute, before replying -thoughtfully (and maybe a little nervously), "You think we can go together sometime? When I'm not... halfway across the fuckin' country."
"Yeah," you smiled, "-whatever you want, Tan."
The rest of the conversation was slow, and boring, honestly, but it seemed to relax Tangerine. You could almost hear the frustration dissipating, rolling off his shoulders the more you talked. You didn't have much to talk about, but you did your best for him -filled the silence.
He didn't bring up the 'my Tangerine', and promptly neither did you.
Before you could hang up, though, you heard a bit of a scuffle, and the voice changed on the phone. Footsteps pattering and cars honking, you realized suddenly they were outside.
"Hi, it's Lemon, stole the phone," he let out quickly, "-just wanted to let you know, because he's too pig-headed to fuckin' say it, he misses you like crazy. It's actually drivin' me mad."
You opened your mouth, but he kept going.
"Should've fuckin' heard 'im on the stakeout, 'Beetle this' and 'Beetle that'," he spoke mockingly, "-and as much as I love you, mate, and I do, he's drivin' me fuckin' insane."
"Lemon, calm down," you laughed out, "-I can barely understand you."
"But you did, yeah?" Lemon clarified, "-Got the whole, 'my brother seemingly can't survive without you constantly in his circle' thing?"
"You're overreacting," you pointed out, "-I'm sure he-"
"No, mate, seriously," he began again, almost desperate, "-I'm goin' to tell 'im to start callin' you daily. He gets so pissy, it's like he's gettin' fuckin' withdrawals."
"Lemon," you sighed out, "-your brother is always pissy."
"Not with you around," he countered, and your heart fluttered in your chest, "-and I can handle regular Tangerine, trust me 'ave my whole life, but this... this is new."
You somehow believed him, "Really?"
"Yeah," Lemon confirmed, before speaking softer, "-I just wanted you to know. I know my brother... isn't exactly open with 'is feelings. It's not 'is strong suit, and you know 'at, but I figured it might help to 'ear from someone else."
You paused for a moment, touched, "Thank you, Lemon."
"The bloke is crazy about you."
You paused, just listening for a second. Digesting it, maybe you didn't need a label. Maybe you already knew.
"Actually, he's fuckin' insane about you," and suddenly he was worked up again, "-just keeps repeatin' and repeatin', I swear to fuckin' god-"
"Lemon," you spoke, exasperated, but still with a smile, "-I get it."
"Yeah, yeah, okay," he sighed -seemingly stopping on the sidewalk.
"Both of you, be safe, yeah?"
"Oh, trust me, mate," he laughed, "-my brother will kill everyone in 'is path if it means he gets to come back to you."
He did end up calling you everyday. You hadn't expected it at first, but then the next day you saw his name flicker across the screen, and the next, and the next. You get the picture.
You're not sure if Lemon forced him to or not, but the text ('thank you, I owe you everything') from him seemed to say it was helping.
And you were glad to help. The idea of a daunting label and love faded to the back of your mind; because even if he didn't love you, he really cared about you and that was a big deal for Tangerine.
Plus, you think he'd love you back eventually.
That brought you to now, you were teetering around your hotel room -still safely in the same city. Ladybug was too somewhere, but he was off on his own thing -he'd call if it was anything dangerous. Or he should anyway.
Ladybug was a wildcard sometimes.
Like the time he hadn't brought a weapon on a hit, because he was doing some "self-cleansing". There were a few times of the same caliber.
You'd gotten used to it by now.
Just as you finally roamed to the couch, grabbing a blanket from the back of it and pulling it over you -switching on the TV, there was a knock on the door.
You furrowed your eyebrows in thought, who the hell could that be?
Your mind immediately went to Ladybug, and to be fair, he did usually show up with no warning. So, it could definitely be him. Plus, he was in the same city. And then, you had the sudden thought that he was hurt and needed your help.
You scampered to your feet without an extra thought, rushing to open the door -waiting for the ever-familiar face. God, he's probably-
That, however, was not the face you expected.
"Tangerine? Hey, what are you-"
Before you could say another word, he gathered you up in his arms -wrapping himself completely around you and slouching slightly to shove his face in your neck. He kicked the door shut without even looking up.
You fell silent -a bit in awe.
This (cuddling?) was very new.
You paused for a moment trying to steady yourself, before relaxing, and raising your hand to brush over his scalp. Threading your fingers through his hair, you could nearly see his shoulders drop the tension they held. Huh.
"Hey, Tan?" You offered, slow and timid.
He hummed into your skin, and you took it as a response.
"Can I-" you spoke, hesitantly, "-lock the door?"
Tangerine sat up at that, arms still wrapped around you with a quirk in his brow, "We're fuckin' assassins, love. Are you really worried about someone breakin' in?"
Still, he pulled you with him and flipped the lock.
"Well," you echoed, a touch embarrassed, "-now that you say that."
He laughed, his head tilting back slightly and you got a woosh of his cologne -which really smelt good. Your head went a little fuzzy at it.
Before you could say a word though, Tangerine leaned forward and kissed you -simple and domestic. Warm and fuzzy. It was just a press of the lips, but it was a little longer -like he somehow needed it. Wanted to feel it longer. Have you around him, maybe.
When you parted and your eyes fluttered open, you brought a hand to his face, "Are you okay, Tan? You're kind of... freaking me out."
He pressed his lips together, and something in him softened -you did not see the hard exterior at all with the moment. It was both refreshing and terrifying -you couldn't decide which one wom you over.
You took his silence as the initiative to keep talking, "You have never hugged me like that, ever, and you're being sweet. Suspiciously sweet."
Tangerine smiled at you for a moment, before pulling you forward and resting his head on top of yours. Moving slightly so he could bury his nose in your hair, he muttered out, "'Ere's a first time for everythin', yeah?"
"Tan," you pressed, but decidedly didn't move, "-it's not that I don't like this, far from it actually, but you... Are you okay?"
He took a deep breath in, before pulling back -running a hand through his hair, "Just tired, love, exhausted."
"You weren't supposed to be here until Monday," you questioned, grabbing his hand and placing yours in his stead -fingers brushing through the hair (like you'd ever give that up), "-it's not Monday."
"Lemon, the dick, told me to come back," he explained, leaning ever-so-slightly into your hand, "-told me he was fuckin' sick of it and booked me a ticket."
"Did you get the job done? The hit?"
"Yeah," he clarified, "-he just wanted to stay in the city longer. Wanted to go 'sightseeing' like a fuckin' tourist. Did he forget we were 'ere on a job?"
"Tangerine," you laughed, "-Lemon deserves to have fun. Life isn't just about the job."
He looked at you a certain way then, some affectionate haze bloomed across his eyes, "Yeah, it isn't."
You thought for a spare second, he may have been talking about you. That you were the other side of his life. And the more you thought about how he showed up, sweet and touchy, maybe he was.
"You know you can-" you paused, "-relax with me, right? I didn't mean to say you can't be like that, I just... I wanted to make sure everything was okay."
Tangerine pursed his lips.
"I'm not, shit-" you exhaled, "-You can be whatever sort of Tangerine you want to be with me. I won't mind."
"'At's an odd way of sayin' it, but-" he responded, "-I understand, love."
"Good," you patted your hand on his chest, "-because I was really hanging on by a thread there."
He laughed, a tiny little chuckle, and without hesitation, kissed you again -soft and slow. There was no end goal with it, just like he wanted to know you were there -you were real.
You'd talked about it before, the nightmares. The ones of you with a different face, dying, and all he could do was stand by watching; or even the ones with your same face, and the same thing. Dying right in front of him, and he was helpless.
"Tangerine?" You hummed, soft and in between the press of lips.
"Yes, love?"
You pulled back, raising your hands to cup his face and thumbs lingering under his eyebags, "Let's get some sleep, yeah? You look tired."
He turned his face into your hand, kissing your palm -his mustache tickled a little, and with a slow, succinct nod -he agreed.
Just as you began to pull him into the room though, he suddenly stopped. Feet frozen in place, you spun around to look at him.
"Just so ya know," he spoke, slow and soft -not breaking the mood, "-you're my Beetle too."
You smiled, mimicking, "Yours?"
"Yeah," he smiled -big and bright and only for you to see, "-definitely fuckin' mine."
Yeah, he loves you. You were surprised you'd ever even wondered otherwise.
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lizzieislife94x · 10 months
Woman In Red. (e.o)
LizziexFem Reader
I'm reposting every one shot and fixing what mistakes i find along the way haha, i know they're not new but i hope yall enjoy them just as much!! 
I'm to busy looking at my phone rushing through the busy streets of New York running extremely late to my job at the local bank next thing I know I crash into something and drop my phone ''fuck'' I groan as I drop my phone kinda pissed seriously what else can go wrong today I think to myself, I'm pulled out of my thoughts my the sound of a woman's voice I look up to the direction the voice is coming from and instantly feel my face flush red almost as red as her well flitted pant suit "I'm so so so sorry I didn't see you are you ok?'' she stutters trying to study me making sure I'm not hurt ''im yeah I'm fine honestly are you ok?'' I question ''it was completely my fault I should have been looking where I was going not my phone its just I'm running extremely wait for work so I'm truly sorry'' she giggles fuck her laugh is adorable, no y/n stop if you don't hurry you're gonna get fired I curse at myself ''no it was my fault your all Good can I get you a coffee or something as an apology ?'' she questions I give her a saddened smile ''as much as I would love to I can't unfortunately if I don't get to work ill have no job tomorrow" she almost looks disappointed and I apologies as I go leave I get maybe 5 steps away from her as I hear her call ''wait whats your name? Maybe I can get you that coffee after work?'' I smile and blush a little as I step towards her ''y/n l/n whats yours?'' she smiles ''lizzie Olsen its nice to meet you y/n so a coffee later?' Her smiles is so beautiful I reach into my bag and grab a business card with my work an phone number on it and hand it over to her ''yeah absolutely I really have to go but this has my phone number if you want text me a time and place and ill be there'' I gave her one last smile and walk away unable to get the smile off my face.
Ugh today is going so slowly and I can't get the woman in red off my mind she was a breath of fresh air why have I been thinking about her all day I let out a sigh and lean against my office table resting my face on my hands being rudely disturbed by my assistant calling through the speaker ''miss L/N your 1 o'clock is here to get their account set up should I send them in?'' I walk over refilling my coffee cup putting on a fake smile as I hold the buzzer to reply ''yes thank you Ashley'' I say in a not so enthusiastic tone I look down at the paper work in front of me as Ashley leads them into my office ''your one o'clock miss l/n'' I put on a smile and look up instantly frozen its her fuck the woman from this morning lizzie the woman in red fuck act professional y/n I stand up and offer my hand for a hand shake and Ashley leaves the room."its you'' is all I hear and I clear my throat I laugh nervously ''lizzie right? What are the chances what can I do for you'' I smile and offer her a seat as we both sit ''yeah small world'' she giggles and continues ''im actually here to open a new bank account I got divorced last year and its always been joint accounts and I thought it was time to open my own account'' I smile and smirk to myself She's divorced Good to know ''im sorry to hear that lizzie but you came to the right place ill be more than happy to help you get your account set up'' I get to work setting everything up.
Its been 3 hours she's still here we finished all the bank account stuff almost 2 hours ago but we've been sitting chatting and laughing unknowingly getting to know each other slowly, fuck her smile and laugh are perfect everything about her is perfect I shouldn't be thinking like this stop it y/n ''i still can't belive I crashed into you'' she laughs and I laugh with her ''hey it was 50/50 I wasn't looking where I was going'' her laugh calms a little as she looks at me ''honestly tho I'm glad we crashed into each other'' is she blushing holy shit, I play with my fingers nervously ''me too I enjoy chatting with you'' she leans over and gently rubs her thumb over my hand she must sense my nervous energy ''so are you still up for that coffee offer''she looks excited as she asks ''actully if I drink anymore coffee today I don't think ill sleep tonight'' she looks disappointed and I smile wide ''buuuuut we could go get ice cream or milkshakes'' I offer and her smile returns she looks like a child on Christmas morning ''that sounds perfect y/n so what time do you get off work" she questions I grab my phone to check the time ''umm now actually its just past 4pm I only had a half day today'' she nods and leans back in her chair fuck she looks sexy ''great we can leave together and go get some milkshakes'' I agree and gather my things as we leave the building together
"Holy shit this milkshake is amazing wow'' I say a little to loud, she has a smile on her face ''yeah this place is amazing I love coming here to unwind its always so peaceful to me'' I smile and look at her with a mischief smirk ''i think I'm going to have to steal it from you lizzie because these milkshakes are amazing'' I confessed with a smirk ''i dont mind but I'd rather you come back with me ''she looks down playing with her shake ''id love that if your being serious ''she looks up with a huge grin ''im completely serious but I was thinking the next time we hang out if you maybe want to make it a date?..'' she looks at me with hope in her eyes and I blush ''id love to go on a date with you'' we spend the next 2 hours laughing and chatting and gosh  she's fucking perfect and she asked me on a date I still can't believe this beautiful woman asked me on adate, After another hour we leave and part ways sharing numbers before we leave, I head home with the biggest smile on my face people probably think I'm a weirdo but I honestly couldn't care less.
as I get home and settled for the night my phone buzzes grabbing my attention, i take a quick look and bite lip to stop the smile as i see her name on my screen or the name i gave her at least, i chuckle to myself before giving all my attention to the text
 woman in red: Hey just making sure you got home safe, i had such a great day today thank you
 Me:I did indeed get home safe thank you, and no thank you for the great day I'm so glad we met there's something special about you..
 I turn my phone why did i say that I'm so stupid she's gonna think I'm crazy she won't reply fuck, my phone buzzes and I hide my face to scared to look at it fuck just look at it i say to myself mentally
 Woman in red: I felt it too..i couldn't stop thinking about you after this morning and I felt something special I thought it was just me I don't want to freak you out so if you think its to forward please forget I said it haha..
  Fuck, I can't help but smile at my phone like an idiot
Me: I don't think its to forward beautiful but hey ill text you later im so sleepy goodnight ❤❤
  Woman in red: Goodnight beautiful sleep tight 
Its been 6 weeks since I met lizzie we've been out on  9 dates and hungout loads since, she's fucking amazing and the more time I spend with her the more I feel myself falling in love with this amazing woman, I really  want to make our 10th date something she will never forget..
AN:this chapter was just the meeting etc I wil post a part 2 with loads of smut don't worry but if  you read these yall need to comment I need feedback I don't wanna keep writing if you guys find them garbage I don't know if its Good or bad anyway see you in the chapter, word count 1.5k (I'm just gonna keep the original ANs in haha)
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lomlhotchner · 2 years
❛ faking it! ❜ … aaron hotchner
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↠ the heart wants what it wants masterlist
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༘♡ ⋆。˚ SUMMARY : the mission is on, act like a rich loving couple, dig some information, catch the unsub. seem easy enough right?
༘♡ ⋆。˚ WARNINGS : high tensions 😫 mutual pining, cursing, they’re shy okay, the plot doesn’t really make sense (i tried), english isn’t my first language!
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ HANA’S NOTES : here we goooo!!!!! thank you so much for yalls patience 😭😭 this is part two to for zipper but you don’t need to read the it to understand this! i am so sorry from the bottom of my heart if this doesnt make sense lmao i dont know what i was going for. hope yall enjoy 💗
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“Remember the plan?”
You took a deep breath and nodded your head, “Yeah, go in there, bond with the rich, find the unsub, piss him off so that he’ll take the bait, and then lure him outside so that he can get his ass kicked.” you stated confidently.
Hotch raised his eyebrows at you, amused “When does the ass kicking happen?”
You shrugged your shoulders, a smirk playing on your lips, “Whenever I get the chance.”
He scoffed out a laugh, making you grin at the sound. You arrived at the elevator, sending the elevator operator a warm smile in greeting before stepping inside. He was an old man with grey hair, he had wrinkles and the most comforting smile on his face.
“Where are you two lovebirds headed?” he cheekily asked while looking at the both of you with a knowing look.
If only he knew.
Hotch smiled at Stan—the nametag says, “Dinner.”
Stan nodded his head and press the respected level before sending you a warm smile, "May I say you look stunning in that dress.”
You shyly laughed and lowered your head, but before you could thank him, Hotch’s deep voice cut you off, “Doesn’t she?” he spoke with the softest tone you have ever heard and when you look up at him, he was already looking down at you with the certain look in his eyes that anyone can decipher as fondness.
No, he’s just being in character. Don’t be delusional.
Hotch has been acting different with you since the undercover task began. Although the whole point of it was to make everything up and act, you can’t help but think that he was just showing a part of himself where no one has the privilege to know. In easier words, you think he wasn’t really acting.
So does that mean the almost kiss…. ?
Do you really want to go there?
You weren't sure.
You guys continue to stare at each other not noticing the operator’s grin. He has seen a handful of couples in this part of the job and he knows when he sees fools in love.
The elevator dinged, indicating you arrived at the respected floor. You guys broke from the little staring contest, your cheeks heating up. Sending Stan a smile before walking out of the elevator.
The venue was enchanting, to say the least. Bright elegant chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. Beautiful flower arrangements placed on the table. People in gorgeous dresses and suits and suddenly you felt underdressed compared to them. Because this isn’t actually your real lifestyle, but for them, this is just a normal Tuesday.
Hotch interrupted your thoughts by bend down so he was level with your ear, “I didn’t get the chance to say this earlier, but you look absolutely gorgeous.” he whispered before standing up to his full height.
You couldn’t even count how many times you were flustered tonight. Your body was all tingly with excitement as you looked up at him, “Thank you, honey. You don’t look too bad yourself.” you teased.
A smirk formed on his lips. You could see his Adams apple bob at how hard he swallowed and maybe it’s the lights, but you can vividly make out his rosy cheeks after your comment.
He subtly tries to hide his face in the crook of your neck, giving it a soft kiss for the extra effect. “Did you turn on your coms?” he mumbled.
Your eyes widen a little. right, you’re undercover. You move to your ear and click the device resulting in it turning on with a beep.
The audio cracks for a moment before JJ’s voice appeared, “Y/N? Hotch? Can you guys hear us?”
“Yeah, we can hear you JJ.”
“Okay, good. Any signs of the unsub?” she asked.
“No, not yet.” you answered, giving the place a once over for any suspicious acts.
“Nope.” Emily sounded through the coms. Followed by the other’s negative response of the unsub’s whereabouts.
“Alright, everyone be cautious. We know the unsub is unstable, keep an eye out for any weird behaviors.” Hotch ordered as he led you to the ballroom.
He took two champagne glasses and handed you one of them. You sent him a small as gratitude. Your hand was shaking slightly when you bought the glass to your lips.
Hotch took notice of that and rub his hand at the small of your back, “Relax.” he smiled.
You shyly nodded your head as you both moved to one of the tables. Taking a seat that Hotch has gracefully pulled out for you.
"You okay?" Hotch asked, sitting beside you.
"Yeah, kinda excited."
"Excited to catch a murderer?" he raised his eyebrows.
"That, but also this." you gestured to the ballroom you guys are in, "Everything is just so fancy, and pretty! I can't even remember the last time I actually got ready and wear a dress." you chuckled, not realizing that your hand has gravitated to the tip of Hotch's fingers, softly playing with it.
Hotch felt like he was going to melt at how adorable you are, plus the feeling of your hands on his skin? He's a goner. He has always known that you were a touchy person, having to see you hug or link your arms with the rest of the squad except him was not entirely unnoticeable. So when he gets the chance to have this pleasure, he isn’t sure what to do.
As you continued to talk about … —okay, he isn’t entirely paying attention— he has a small smile played on his lips. He just can't tear his eyes away from you. His eye move to your cheeks, your eyes, the flutter of your eyelashes. Have you always been this pretty?
"Hotch? Did you hear what I said?" you tap the inside of his palm, trying to get his attention back to whatever daydream he went.
Hotch could feel his cheeks at getting caught red handed, "Yeah, yeah, sorry just got distracted."
You almost laughed at the absurdity, "By what? Me? You play this part too good Hotch, cause I can almost believe you're in love with me." you eyes widen slightly at your word vomit, you instantly regretted what you said but Hotch surprised you by laughing along.
"Oh honey, you have no idea." he softly chuckled.
God, I hate how he can act so good.
Your eyes move to surveillance the room as a distraction and noticed something, "Okay, don't look right now but the table on our left have been staring at us for the past 5 minutes."
Hotch subtly nodded his head and glanced at the table. It was a group of men in suits staring at you guys.
You. Specifically.
He clenched his jaw and protectively wrapped his arms around your waist. Your stomach fluttered at the sudden contact. "We should split up and dig more information. I'm going to those gentlemen, and you can scout out the ladies over there."
You cleared your throat, brushing off your bashfulness, "Yeah, that's- that's a good idea." you stood up and brush the wrinkles of your dress. "See you later, handsome." you boldly left a kiss on his cheek, softly patting his shoulder.
Hotch felt like he was in a daze as he stared at you walking away. His tongue poke his cheek, trying to fight back a smile from forming when you sneak a peek around your shoulder, send him a cheeky smile and a wink.
He composed himself before he trudged to the table, “Evening, gentleman.” he greeted, noticing how they all pretend that they weren’t staring at his date. Fake date. “How are you guys enjoying the event?”
Enjoy drooling at my date? he wanted to add.
On the other side of the room, you have to control yourself from getting overly sheepish at the compliments the girls are giving you guys.
Both of you guys.
You and Hotch. Together.
“How long have you guys been with each other?”
“You guys look so good together."
"The ring is beautiful."
"He's so fine, girl. You are so lucky,"
"Are you joking? He's lucky one. Look at her, she's gorgeous."
The compliments are making you blush, "Thank you, ladies." you smiled, glancing at Hotch absentmindedly.
They were right, he is fine.
You shook your head, remembering the real reason you are here. "So. do you guys know the host personally?"
The girl on your right, —Barbara you think, "Oh no, I just work for them. But this one," she nudged the girl beside her, "works as a personal assistant for the host's mom."
Your eyebrows rose at the new information, "Oh? The pay's probably good huh?"
She chuckled, "I don't want to say much but it is definitely better than working as an accountant. If you exclude the constant bickering between her and her son in law."
That peeked your interest, but before you can dig up more information, Barbara spoke, "Oh my god. Your husband is literally head over heels for you. He won't stop ogling you!"
All of you subconsciously turned your head at the direction she was looking at.
Your eyes meet Hotch's and low and behold, he was already looking at you. And at the sudden addition of eyes his own widened as he shy away from the attention.
The sight made you grin.
The girls giggled and moved their conversation to a different topic. But you can’t help yourself from taking a peak at Hotch again. You both made eye contact, sharing a flustered smile.
Okay. What the fuck’s that about.
Countless of thoughts running through your head. The interaction have caught Emily’s attention as you make eye contact with her. What was that? Her face wearing a shocked, questionable look, as she teasingly smirked.
You subtly shrugged your shoulders. I have no fucking clue.
If this is going on for the whole night, you dont know how much your heart can take.
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reblog / tell me what you think for a smooch <3 check out my other works!
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tmntxthings · 2 years
it’s spooky season 🎃👻 may I please request some headcanons for the turtles with a friend or S/O (up to you) who can see & talk to ghosts? like in paranorman?
Humans, Mutants, and Ghosts!
author’s note: OH MY! you really know how to spark that creative writing energy, but I definitely think my brain went haywire after Raph’s lol, went from angsty seriousness to straight up ghost crack 💀 idek anymore but we gonna just go ahead and post anyways
warnings: spooky fluff, angst, cursing, crack, unedited
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“Hey Raphie” you said entering his room and immediately going to collapse on his bed. “Rough day?” Raph asked as he continued with his dumbbell reps. “More like rough life,” you muttered into his pillow. “Oh c’mon Y/n, school was that bad?” You sighed, wondering if you should shed some light, Raph didn’t know about the endless bullying you endured.
You weren’t like most, and try as you might to fit in, to be normal, it never worked out. You were cursed with an ability to see the dead. No one else knew, no one else could see them, only you. You had made the mistake of confiding to your friends when you were younger, and ever since then you were bullied. “Stop lying!!” “You’re such an attention whore,” “Really? Ghosts?? They’re not real.” “Freak.” “Weirdo”
The berating continued through high school. Some days were better than others. But today, you had witnessed something so creepy you couldn’t keep quiet. To not force yourself to relive the whole experience let’s just say it involved, three ghosts, and a guillotine. Enough said. And you just couldn’t keep in your gasp, causing the whole classroom to look your way. Whispering and side glances thrown your way as the teacher asked if you had something to say, “No, sorry” you replied already knowing you were gonna pay big time for your interruption.
“Fuckin’ phoney,” a group of your regular bullies had decided to follow you after school ended. “Hey! Creep! We just wanna talk, what did you see in class?? A ghost peen??” Laughter trailed behind you as you started to walk faster, ignoring them. You couldn’t go home. They’d just follow you inside, posing as actual friends to your parents. You decided you needed to lose them in the crowd, maybe visit your real friends… the group would get bored of trying to find you if you spent an hour or two at the lair.
“Don’t let them get away!” The head honcho growled, the group noticed your change in direction, heading for the bustling streets. But it was no use, you were a master of blending in, sneaking away, sticking to the shadows, you had ninjas for friends after all. When the coast was clear you dashed into the familiar alleyway, prying the manhole cover up so you could descend down the ladder quickly.
“No, it’s not all that bad..” you told Raph, sighing to yourself as you lied. You didn’t want his pity. You were lucky to finally have friends that treated you normally, regardless if they weren’t human, you’d take cool, friendly mutants over mean, fake humans any day. “Well if you ever wanna talk about what’s bothering you, I’ll be here,” Raph said reassuringly, knowing you were holding something back. He grunted as he placed the dumbbell on the floor, finished with his reps. “You wanna go to the arcade?” Raph asked, knowing it would help get your mind off of things. “Yeah,” you said turning your face to his voice, smiling at him, he always knew how to cheer you up, even if you weren’t telling him everything.
“They’ll find out eventually Y/n,” you slowly got out of Raph’s bed trying to keep a neutral face as you ignored the ghost pestering you. Did you mention that the ghosts bullied you just as much as your fellow classmates? Yeah, they loved to toy with you ever since they found out you could hear them, see them. “Then you’ll be all alone again, without a friend in this world, at least you’ll have me hahahahha” you held your tongue, following Raph to the arcade as he talked about what game the two of you should play. You were trying to pay attention to what he was saying. But it was hard with the ghost in your ear, circling you and coming in between you and Raph, distracting you so much that Raph stopped. “Y/n?”
“Huh?” You said blinking, looking through the ghost up at Raph. “I said, do you wanna play DDR? Or table hockey?” Raph was used to your dazed state, he didn’t mind repeating himself for you. But he was worried because you seemed tired. More tired than usual, like everything was draining you today. “Table hockey,” you said after a moment. “Heh smart choice, I’d beat you in Dance Dance Revolution,” he teased. “Yeah at least I’ll have a chance with the hockey,” you laughed, even though Raph was so big he had the moves!
You stood on your end of the table, holding onto your pusher, in a defensive position to cover your goal. You’d let Raph get the first push at the puck. But it seemed the ghost that had been badgering you wasn’t giving in that easily. Floating over to Raph, it always bothered you more when they went closer to your friends. You could handle ghosts in your face, in your ear, you were used to it. Still you took in a deep breath, reminding yourself Raph couldn’t see it, couldn’t feel it, couldn’t hear the horrible things it was saying. “What do you even see in this big lump? He’s totally stupid, rocks for brains!” You shot a glare at the ghost, but to Raph it looked like you were glaring at him.
“Uh Y/n?” He said sheepishly, wondering if you were that pissed that he had already managed to score on you. “Nice Raph, I was uh- getting my game face on!” You recovered, grabbing the puck from your goal and placing it in the center. You decided to go on the offensive this round. “Heh your game face is real scary!” Raph was half joking, half serious. That round had been quite intense, you hardly could hear the ghosts droning on as you focused on the game. Earning a point for yourself! “Yes!” You cheered, a big smile on your face as you looked up at Raph. It faltered slightly as you saw the ghost had it’s arms wrapped around Raph’s neck, acting as if he were choking your friend. “Nice one!” Raph said grinning, “last point to decide the winner!”
You blinked, nodding as you looked back down at the hockey table. That round took the longest, Raph ended up with the victory and he did a little dance in celebration, causing you to laugh. “Oh yeah!! oh yeah,” he sang being silly. The two of you ended up back in his room, talking and laughing. “So, you wanna talk about earlier?” He asked gently, a soft smile on his face. You knew he was talking about school, and you chewed on your lower lip. You would like to think that Raph was a really good person, someone who wouldn’t judge you for your curse. But you had thought that before and had been burned.
You sighed, looking at Raph, “tell him tell him tell him tell him tell him tell him tell him tell him” you wanted to, despite your fears. Despite all the things the ghosts told you would happen if you did. “Raph, I’m not really liked at school,” you admitted quietly and he joined you on his bed, sitting next to you. He had a confused look on his face, not understanding how people couldn’t like you! You were so nice, you were easy to talk to! Among a bunch of other great qualities that Raph listed off in his head. “I don’t understand, why??” Raph asked. “Well, there is a rumor about me,” your eyes looked past him, in a daze as you remembered. “People believe the rumor and think I’m weird…”
“What rumor?” Raph said gruffly, not liking how judgmental the people at school seemed. Whatever rumor it was, surely people would see you for you! “That I can see ghosts,” you spoke so quietly it was practically whispered. “Ghosts?” Raph said thinking that was ridiculous. “And people believe that rumor??” You nodded, cringing at yourself for not saying the entire truth. “How could they?! I mean ghosts aren’t real!” And you looked down at your hands in your lap. The ghosts in the room cackling and laughing. “Hear that ladies and gentlemen, we ain’t real! Pftahaha hahahaha”
“I mean honestly Y/n they’re the weird ones for making up such a rumor and then believing it!” Raph continued. You looked up at him with shiny eyes, “the rumor.. it was started by me.” And Raph’s nonexistent eyebrows came together in even more confusion. “Huh??” And your hands went to your face, you couldn’t believe you were about to do this. Raph obviously didn’t believe in ghosts from what you just heard, yet you were still going to tell him. “Raph, I can see ghosts. I can hear them too. They are everywhere, they follow me around. I once told my friends and they didn’t believe me, and told the entire school… so I’m the ridiculous one,” you said rubbing your eyes with the palms of your hands.
Raph’s mouth opened and closed. “Oh,” he said finally, trying to buy himself some time to formulate some thoughts. Then Raph reached for your hands, and you were surprised. You had been ready for him to laugh at you to call you a liar. “Can you see them now?” He asked curious, as if he was actually considering that you were telling him the truth. You nodded and went full on descriptive mode. “There’s actually been a jackass of a ghost following me around all day today, much like the bullies at school, he kept telling me how you wouldn’t believe me, that I’d be casted out again and alone for real this time. Of course he’d still be there, he went on to insult you… which was why I made that face back there in table hockey, and yeah wow I sound insane!” You said squeezing his hands and looking into his eyes hoping you hadn’t just scared him off.
“No no it makes total sense now, I had never seen you make such a face before in table hockey, you don’t really get upset when you lose at games,” Raph said remembering all the times the two of you had played together or with his brothers. You weren’t a sore loser. You smiled softly, “So… you believe me??” You asked and he smiled, “well I guess even if it sounds pretty unbelievably! I am a mutant after all I’m sure a lot of weird things exist even if I can’t see them!”
You hadn’t thought of that. But sure enough if you could have a cursed ability to see and hear ghosts, and you now had ninja mutant friends, was it really all that crazy? Or was this just a normal day in New York and most people were just utterly oblivious to? You decided it was the latter. “Thanks Raphie,” you beamed, he really did know how to cheer you up!
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“And now she’s peeing,” you said in disgust as you watched the ghost dog squat right over Leo’s comic book pile. Leo gasped, “where did you say it was?!” He said putting the comic he currently has in his hands down to his lap as he looked around his room. “…do you really wa-“
“YES!” Leo cut you and said quickly, sitting up now and eyes his comic book collection. Already having an instinctual feeling as to where the invisible thing was. “Over the comics,” you said swiftly and watched as Leo jumped over you and out of bed. Stomping over to his collection and waved his arms frantically in the arm. “Stop it! You criminal how could you?! These are my babies!” Leo said dramatically and you couldn’t stop from snorting.
No matter what Leo did his arms were just going straight through the tiny corgi. The ghostly pew stream still going steady all over his babies. Though you really didn’t understand why Leo cared it wasn’t like they were actually wet. But you were sure he was thinking some dum dum of a thought. That it was about the principle and discipline and the blatant disrespect of his prized things. He said as much. “Lee, it’s a corgi, and let me just say it’s not mine! The pup just won’t stop following me!” You made sure to reiterate.
No doggo of yours would pee inside the house! Nope you would definitely train them, if for nothing else than to be potty trained! Leo grumbled, “and the only reason why I didn’t grab my odachis was because it’s a dog!” And you smacked your forehead. Not even bothering to explain how even his swords wouldn’t be able to do anything to a ghost. Mystic weapons they may be, you highly doubted teleportation swords qualified to be able to pierce ghostly beings.
Yes, Leo knew of your curse. And in the beginning he was a big nonbeliever. But you were way past the caring of what others thought. You’d continue to react to seeing your ghost friends, animals and slowly but surely Leo came to believe, it was either that or your imagination never stopped running. And even Mikey didn’t have that much creative juice! So Leo had decided you were either the world’s greatest actor and Donnie had paid you a fortune to prank him for forever. Or you could see ghosts.
Leo had annoyed Donnie on many occasions on that specific topic just in case. “Nardo. I’m telling you there is no prank with Y/n” he would say with a long sigh, tired of being badgered. “Poochie,” you said in a high pitched voice, calling the corgi over to Leo’s bed where you laid. Leo placed his hands on his hips. “Oh so now it can get in my bed too?” Leo questioned and you just gave him a smile, “oh come on she’s not gonna pee again, she literally just did!” You said pointing over to the comics and he admitted you had a point. Though Leo didn’t exactly know how to climb back into his bed without wondering if he was going to crush the dog.
“Lee, just hop in, it’s floating,” you pointed toward the foot of his bed. “Oh okay,” he said. “Goodnight pooch,” Leo said going to pat where you just pointed and you snickered as the dog licked Leon’s face, happy for the attention. “What now?” Leo questioned as he got next to you, laying down. “She likes you, licked all over your face when you petted her,” you explained, turning to face him. “Awwww, I love you too pooch!” Leo said happily and waggled his brow bones at you. “We’re gonna have to come up with a better name,” Leo said seriously. And you nodded, “how about Princess?” You offered and Leo asked you to pull up a picture of what the corgi looked like.
“Hmmm,” he said once he was supplied with a similar look-alike picture. “No not Princess,” he replied. “That’s a Lady,” he said in complete confidence and you gasped as you nodded. He was completely right because the dog started barking and jumping around excitedly. “It really is!” You nodded and smiled telling Leo the dogs reaction, or rather Lady’s reaction. “What can I say, Mikey ain’t the only one who can name like a boss!” He said hands going behind his head and legs crossing casually. You laughed shaking your head at his cockiness. “All hail the new name king,” you said sarcastically bowing your head towards him. “Rise peasants, no need for flattered,” he continued on with the bit.
But you pushed him arm, at the word peasant and he immediately snickered. “Just kidding just kidding,” he told you. “Yeah that’s what I thought,” you stuck out your tongue and he copied you. That night Lady had sneakily crept up to lay in between you and Leo, you woke up with the green ghostly outline of the dog missing it’s front left paw. And you couldn’t help but smile, noticing Leo’s mouth parted open and slightly drooling on his pillow. He was such a goofball, but he was your goofball!
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“Alright Y/n, have you ever seen the greats? Darwin? Newton? GALILEO?! EINSTEIN?!” He was getting more and more excited at the possibilities. Just to make sure you knew who he was talking about he flashes holographic images in front of your face of all the scientists he just named. “Well, no I don’t think so, they don’t exactly look the same as when they were alive,” you tried to explain.
Sometimes whole heads were chopped off and the ghost would just float around aimlessly. Yeah… you were immune to the gore. “Hmm well most of these guys died from heart issues, though Darwin did pass from both heart attack and seizures.” Donnie explained, and you wondered just how much of his brain was filled with information on his favorite scientists. “Oh well, then they should look much the same,” you noted as you tried to remember the faces from the images he still had up. “Though… Einstein’s brain was removed after his death,” Donnie said making a face at what you assumed he was imagining you would see.
“It’s not all that bad, though I might be saying that just cause I’ve seen pretty much everything death related at a young age,” you watched as Donnie turned in his swivel chair, tapping his wrist tech to turn off the holograms. “Well if you haven’t seen them then that’s fine, they probably don’t haunt the sewers of New York,” he joked. “You’d be surprised, a lot of ghosts just like the company I reluctantly provide, and they are all total gossips so I’ve seen a lot,”
“Why don’t you just lie? I can pretend to be Charles Darwin,” one haughty ghost stated. You sighed, “see now I’m getting suggestions to lie to you because they want attention, that one just said he’d pretend to be Darwin for you,” you said as you pointed across the room. “No thank you, no lies needed to appease me,” Donnie said shooting a glare across the room. The ghost grumbled as he faded through the walls.
The conversation took a turn as you asked Donnie about what he was working on. He went in a deep dive explanation for you, even if you could only understand a quarter of what he said, you still listened. Nodding and asking questions when you were completely confused. “It’s still in beta though, I’ve got a lot of work to do,” Donnie said as he looked back down at the blueprints. “Well I should probably be heading back up anyways,” you said as you stretched up from the swivel chair you had resided in. “Want me to fly you home?” Donnie offered knowing you had quite a walk. “That’s okay,” you had started to say when you heard commotion from across the room.
You turned your face taking in the group of ghosts that suddenly appeared. “So this is our biggest fan?” Galileo said eyeing you up and down and you sputtered, “no no that would be him,” you said pointing a thumb in Donnie’s direction who was staring at you confused waiting for an explanation. “This is Donatello Hamato, he’s one of the greatest minds of our generation, a scientist just like all of you,” and Donnie gasped immediately shooting out of his chair.
His feet tapping the ground excitedly, “Incredible!” Darwin said, no doubt wondering how Donnie came to be. “Darwin just said incredible,” you whispered and Donnie almost squealed. “Okay Donnie, don’t freak out,” he said to himself. “I’ve always had so many questions!” He started and you became a translator. Donnie did have a million and one questions for his idols and they were more than happy to answer. As the hours passed and you started to yawn the ghosts promised if Donatello ever wanted more answers they wouldn’t be far.
“They’re gone,” you said tiredly and Donnie was jumping up and down. “I CANNOT BELIEVE THAT JUST HAPPENED!!!” He said stopping the voice recording that he just happened to have running the entire conversation. “Just in case! Wouldn’t want to forget any precious answers,” he said holding the recorder close to his plastron as if it was the most valuable thing he ever owned. “I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep for a week!” He fist pumped the air and while you were happy for Donnie, you were about to fall asleep. Right then and there, the hours of scientific talk had been too complex for you to really understand.
“Thanks Y/n, that was-“ he finally looked over at you to see your head down on his work table. You were fast asleep and he smiled endearingly. He knew you had wanted to head home hours earlier so he really did appreciate you staying. He quietly picked you up, holding you to his plastron just like how he had with the recorder, taking you out of his lab to his room. Everyone else was fast asleep or at least in their own respective rooms. Donnie gently placed you on his bed, and pulled the covers over you, “Goodnight,” Donnie whispered, he on the other hand headed back to his lab. Too excited to do anything other than conduct more experiments with the new knowledge provided by none other than his great scientist idols!
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“Say what??” Mikey said wrapping the blanket that was around him tighter. “Don’t worry Mikey I won’t tell you anymore than that, I just know I probably look a little ditzy when I stare off,” you said quickly knowing he was afraid of ghoulish things. You had decided Mikey was a really good friend and keeping secret from him was hard enough. He was the sweetest, well he did have that Dr. Delicate Touch to him, but still the sweetest!
So you had decided to tell him about your strange ability. He often caught you staring off and not realizing you were being talked to until someone snagged your attention back. But now that you had told him you could not only see ghosts but also hear them, he was now looking around his room with a scared expression. “Mike, nothing’s in here!” You lied, feeling absolutely horrible that he was now scared! “Really?” He sighed in relief and you nodded quickly.
“Plus they don’t look like scary ghosts, they’re actually mostly harmless animals, like cats and dogs!” You said continuing to spew out white lies. “Wowwwww, that sounds cool!!” He said as his grip on the blanket loosened. “Yeah,” you smiled, happy he wasn’t worrying as much. Even though you had counted about twenty ghosts floating around in front of the tv that you and Mikey were currently watching. Seriously ghosts were like moths drawn to a flame when the television played. They especially liked Mikey’s choice of movie. Though you decided to keep that to yourself.
While it looked like you were watching the movie, you were actually watching ghosts argue back and forth with whose turn it was to get front row seats. The all argued like a bunch of annoying kids even though they were probably hundreds of years old. “Y/n?” You blinked and turned to the orange clad turtle. “Are there any ghosts now?” He whispered, and you wondered he was trying to act brave. You scanned the room, eyes roaming over all the ghosts acting as if they weren’t really there. A couple of snickers and grumbles were met with your stare. “Nope!” You said again and Mikey narrowed his eyes.
“What?!” You said feeling sheepish, were you that much of a bad liar?! “I can handle it,” Mikey said and you sighed. This boy was definitely going to run for his room. “Angelo, are you sure you want to know?” And he nodded. “Okay… there’s about 30 ghosts in here now,” you said calmly. And you watched as Mikey blinked and looked around the empty living room. “Do they look like Hamato’s?” He asked curiously and you glanced back at everyone for a moment. “A couple wear the family crest, yes,” you noted, you hadn’t really thought about that before. But every time you saw Splinter he was always being followed by many ghosts unbeknownst to him.
“Well then they’re family!” Mikey said getting comfortable and snuggling up under his blanket. Wow, no running for the hills?! “Why were you so concerned earlier then?” You asked unable to stop yourself. “Well a bunch of stranger ghosts haunting the lair is pretty creepy but it’s totally cool if they are family,” he said as if that rationalized it all. “Righttt,” you agreed, shaking your head with a smile. “Are they enjoying the movie?” He suddenly asked and your smile brightened as all the ghosts turned and said their praise about his movie choice. “Yes, they all really like your taste in movies,” you told him and he gushed. “Aweeee you guys!” He said looking around the room and you couldn’t help but giggle. Knowing he was looking at nothing in his eyes but truly it looked like he could see them too!
“They particularly hate Leo’s movie nights,” you sputtered, laughing out loud. Mikey snickered too. “I’ll have to tell him,” he said happy to have won out over his blue brother. “I’m sure he’ll never live it down,”
Later in the kitchen you sat on one of the counters watching as Mikey decorated the cookies he had just finished cooking. “Looks delicious!” You said eyeing them all hungrily. “What does the fam think?” Mikey asked and you turned your face, “well uhm, they can’t really eat they stopped getting hungry a long time ago, but they appreciate your artistic talents,” you explained after a bunch of answers were thrown in your face. Soon Mikey was always asking for ghostly validation to which you readily answered, becoming a translator of sorts. If Mikey wanted to know what his great great great great great ghost grandparents thought of him, then sure, you’d tell him all the wonderful things they said. Because he deserved to know, he deserved all the love and praise!!
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woahrarepairsagemare · 3 months
headcanons which are very badly written due to me not having watched all of steve saga
The Exorcism- at one point rainbow had been possessed by ghost ( ghosts can do that ) and was acting overly aggressive towards plague but very little to his actual friends , at one point it got so bad they had to restrain him and knock him out . They were trying to exorcise ghost out of him right ? so plague took the chance to attempt a murder , aka killing off rainbow . He faked how nothing else can be done and rainbow just had to go , before he could even bring down his infected sword on rainbow he collapsed going into a vision where there was sage ( first green steve rainbow met ) slowly caressing rainbow's (sso) head , exactly in the place where he had been restrained . In this vision plague was no longer plague , but his past effigy . A purple steve named wisteria , sage said a lot of stuff which ill list later but soon a crowd was heard behind wisteria , they were literally killing him off as sage smiled before saying ' you truly were a disease ' and glitching between ghost and sage before the vision ended .
plague failed in killing off rainbow but managed to exorcise ghost out of him , once again helping him instead of harming him .
Past effigy- In the last hc i did mention that sage was glitching between himself and ghost right ? This is because sage was what ghost used to be . After the whole kidnapping thing , both sanguine ( first red rainbow met ) and sage parted ways with rainbow and both of them landed in land of the lost steves . There they remained peaceful until sage started seeing faceless in different places , giving him paranoia . Sanguine didnt believe him at first , but soon did . Wisteria ( plague ) agreed to help find faceless , but instead he ended up helping faceless . Sage did a lot of research and soon found out how to stop faceless , which was by killing himself and becoming a spirit trapped on earth . He ended up scaring off plague and possessed faceless , trapping both of themselves in teh catacombs and creating an unwanted bond .
eternal smile- Yeah .. rainbow is not a steve . He and faceless are both shapeshifters , thought he didnt reveal this at all ( cause it aint canon in steve lmao ) , many things happen to shapeshifters eventually causing them to go senile , and doing stuff . It caused rainbow to never stop smiling and it at one point made faceless .. ( not saying this part cause its SH )
Pull me apart- The exorcism made rainbow so paranoid he would often shapeshift into other steves and stalk his friends and plague without them noticing , or thinking he was some random steve .\
Even though I loved you- Nightmare was originally a yellow steve called gold and he had a red steve called vermillion for his friend , who'd manipulate him . This caused gold to do a lot of stuff that displeased the elders and eventually they decided to either kill him or send him into exile . Vermillion tried to manipulate him but gold finally snapped and killed vermillion , absorbing his crystal and becoming who he is .
Cursed- Rainbow was killed by void while he saved sabre right ? well he was so enraged and saddened by his death that he stopped smiling , he first apologized to sabre for ruining what was left of their friendship , before cursing void to a painful death lmao
Eye have you- dark found out about hypno helping rainbow so he got mad and ripped out one of his eyes
Fake it all- Rainbow acts all silly and goofy in fear of sabre leaving him if he saw what he truly was
Taste of Beauty- Dark is a ruthless cannibal and eats people even if theyre only half dead , hes torn light apart several times ( lights been resurrected and what not but that aint canon ) . This a curse where hes never satisfied and always hungry , and it originated from killing something so pure .
Look of longing- There are very little red steves left due to the massacre caused by the blue kingdom . An elder blue ( periwinkle ) killed off most of the red kingdom due to his hatred for them , and also because he wanted power ( he becomes evil elder blue later ) sanguine had witnessed this along with prof. crimson , and they were both traumatized , this caused sanguine to start speaking in broken english and made prof. crimson isolate himself from paranoia . Sanguine and storm blue ( rainbow's friend blue ) once made a pilgrimage to a steve temple and as they were looking at statues , sanguine saw storm looking longingly at one of the elder blue statues This caused him to immediately hate storm because of how similar he looked to that elder blue . He immediately ran out of that temple .
You did this to me- Elder blue ( periwinkle ) would often give storm blue training , this was to become like him . This training was actually abuse in disguise to weaken storm because he was afraid that storm would dethrone him . He trained ( forced ) storm to drink poison sometimes , which would help hiim adapt tp it incase someone poisoned him , this caused him lots of pain but didnt kill him and hence periwinkle used this as punishment . He also used religion and fear of going to hrell to manipulate storm , giving him religious trauma .
Father please- the trauma of genocide got so bad that professor crimson no longer could recognize his own son sanguine , and that made sanguine bitter from resentment
It means nothing to you , but a lot to me- Sage would often breakdown during the time he had been in captivity of nightmare because of how afraid he was , he didnt know if nightmare would decide that he was useless and kill him off . Eventually he went very quiet near the end of his captivity .
Death cant separate me from you- Ghost found out that rainbow was in the rainbow town and would haunt him , this was only done so that no one hurt his emotional son .
Dont call me useless- People over look the fact that it was sage who saved rainbow .
In the sewing machine ive lost myself- green steves would often sew clothes near the end of their days which they would wear in the afterlife , which is what sage did before he killed himself
ill think of more headcanons
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peaky-shelby · 2 years
New Romantics | Mbappé [1]
» summary: in which an arrogant and talented football player (the best of his time as some say) and a focused and harsh critic of a journalist are gonna have to find a way to co-exist.
» pairing: Mbappé x Oc
« previous chapter: prologue
» chapter one: bored, young & dumb
» writer's note: the response was insane so i wanted to post the next chapter asap. Thank you all for cheering for this story it means a lot to me and i hope you wont be disappointed. Please continue commenting and sharing your thoughts its crazy important to me.
» Taglist: @moonchildohh @formulahoe @princetongirlll818 @mavieesttriste16 @kiwisa @godessstela @hummusxx @kodzuvk @pink-manz @corbyns-smile @ippid @jayruiewo265738 @blueanfield @mrs-bellingham @sorceresski @sooblovebot
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Ah Paris, the city of lights and love or whatever, she couldn’t remember what the quote was, she was just happy to be here. She reached her new apartment and met with her landlord to give her the keys. She basically dropped her stuff on the floor when he left and sprinted out of there, went to find herself a taxi to drive her on the PSG offices. No surprise, she was ready 10 minutes when she got there but in her defense it wasn’t personal, she just couldn’t ever be there on time. One of the things Trish hated about her. Julie, the woman that had sent her the email was waiting for her outside. It was when she got out of the car that she realized, this wasn’t just a building with the PSG offices, it was the freaking training center. She swallowed her nerves and followed Julie at the top of the building, where Galtier’s office was located.
It was a corner office with Large glass walls that allowed him and anyone else to look at the field below. A gasp escaped her lips when Julie let her in, informing her that Galtier would be with her in just a few minutes. She nodded, unable to speak and walked towards the glass walls. She looked below, recognizing a few of the figures, Neymar, Messi, Mbappe, Hakimi, Ekitike-
“Pretty view, isn’t it?”
Taylor spun around quickly, Galtier was standing by the door, dressed in his suit. She mentally cursed herself for choosing to go with a casual style. Maybe she should have worn a suit as well or something “DO you need anything? Water, coffee?”
“No no” she shook her head, walking closer “Je suis bien” she smiled, hoping that she had said it right and the fact that he didn’t laugh at her, made her feel better. He motioned his hand towards the seat for her to sit down while he made his way around his desk, to sit on his comfortable chair. Avoiding eye contact at any cost, she sat down, on the edge of the chair, shifting a little. She was nervous, of course she was. She kept smiling awkwardly, trying to look cool but his eyes were very persistent, looking at her like he was about to interrogate her for a crime.
“You’re a woman.”
She laughed- no that was a mistake. She shouldn’t be laughing. She cleared her throat, recollecting herself, looking as serious as she could. She didn’t know what to answer to that, she kept expecting him to say something more but he didn’t so she replied with the first thing that came to mind “I think so” she joked.
He didn’t laugh.
Her smile faded away. She gulped. Silence. He kept staring, analyzing her. She hated it, it was like she was under a microscope. She pulled on her jacket, coving herself better, like she was naked underneath, suddenly self conscious.
“I didn’t expect that-“ she jumped when she spoke again, placing her hand on her chest. Her heartrate had gone increasingly fast. “You don’t write like a woman.”
She laughed again “Yeah I keep my smut stories for the players on another website-“ she bit her lip, remembering who she was speaking to. “I don’t actually- that was a joke. A bad one. I’m sorry- I’m a little nervous. I talk fast when I’m nervous, my mother says I could speak for hours without saying anything at all and make stupid jokes- you see it’s happening right now” she faked a cough, looking around “Is it hot in here? I think it’s hot. Is that water?” she reached for a glass on the table, picking it up and drinking it, Galtier leaned forward to stop her but she had already drank what was left of it-
“That was from the person that was here before.” He said. Taylor tried not to show her disgust and put it back down, keeping a poker face.
“Of course it was.” She said in a whisper.
“You can relax” he told her, almost smiling. “I researched you.” He added “the name Wilock, it reminded me of something, I just couldn’t understand what. Then I remembered, you were on Chelsea Academy, under 16s. Promising star. 7 years ago?”
“8” she corrected. “it was 8 years ago.”
“You were really young” he reached for a folder on his desk, opening it. Taylor noticed her picture on there, it was her file from the academy. “I’m sorry for your accident, it was terrible.” All of a sudden, She wanted to leave. She held on the arms of the chair. He closed the file, leaving it back on the table. She wanted to grab it and run. “With your gift I don’t understand why you didn’t keep at it.”
She scoffed “I don’t understand. Is this a job interview or an interrogation?” she snapped. Galtier was taken aback by her response, raising his hands up to apologize.
“You’re right. It’s actually neither.”
“Then what is it?”
“I don’t like being proven wrong but you have wrote a lot about me on your website. Corrected me a lot of times.”
“Don’t take it personally.”
“I don’t. You made some points, I looked back at the games. There were things that I had missed.” He pointed at her “but you didn’t. I need that. I want you to watch the boys through out the next month, training and games. I want you to be our new assistant coach.” Her mouth opened in shock slowly. She was a journalist, she wasn’t a coach. She had let go of the game years ago, this couldn’t be a possible offering. “this is an offer-“ oh so it was an offering “I want to try this for a month. Meanwhile you can keep writing about us on your website, a special article, perhaps.” She could barely focus “You’ll be consultant for the next few games and we can test if this could actually work out.” She gazed around the room, suspiciously. She got up, rubbing her face, looking closely at the library, looking for a camera.
“Am I being punk’d?”
He laughed “No. No you are not.”
She looked at him, trying to form a sentence “I- um- I-“ she laughed “sorry- I just can’t. I can’t be your assistant. I’m a journalist. I write things-“
“You were ones a player too.”
“yes. I was. But that was a long time ago.”
“So you don’t think you’re up for it?” She hated that question. It challenged her. She couldn’t shy away from a challenge, it was physically hard for her. She tapped her foot on the floor, nervously. Thinking about it. “You’re free to leave.”
She shook her head, smiling “why would you trust me, with so much power? There are dozens of other journalists making the same points as me-“
“So you copied the points from somebody else?”
“No of course not-“
“You speak like coach when you write. You’re harsh and brutal even.” He got up, walking over to her “You have the knowledge, the experience and the spirit.”
“there must be a trap. Something.”
“If you fuck up, you’ll get fired in a month.” He smiled.
She thought about it “and what about the articles?” she bit on the inside of her cheek “Do I have to suddenly take it easy on your team? Because that’s not happening. I write what I see. If what I see is bullshit I call it what it is.”
He laughed, nodding “fair enough. Just one condition. You tell me it’s bullshit before you write about it.”
That wasn’t so bad.
“Think about it. Get back to me tomorrow.” He walked over to the door, opening it and walking out first.
That’s when they were ambushed by Kylian Mbappe and his two buddies, Hakimi and Neymar. The first one did all the talking. Taylor knew how much he hated her before she even got here and she still hadn’t gotten back to him for his tweet that got all his 12 year old fans to attack her as well. But then she realized, he thought she was just the assistant so she played along because she knew, if he knew she had written the articles his approach would change. She didn’t want it to change and when he got close to her face, she wanted to punch his right then and there.
When he left, she watched him crossing her arms “He seems like a fun guy.” She said to Galtier.
“He has better days. But he’ll get a good calling out for this-“ she raised her hand.
“No need to. Do me a favor.” She looked at him “I’ll help you, work for you but at first at least I will be in direct contact with you. They don’t have to know why I’m really here, or who I am. I want them to get to know me first. If they find out their new assistant coach is a woman, they wont listen.”
“I’m not sure I agree with this.”
“Just for the first week at least. I want them to see that I can be one of the boys first. That way it will be easier for them to trust me.”
He thought about it, then put his hand out for her. “deal.”
She took his hand, shaking it. Her smile reached to her eyes. “Can I start today? Watching the training I mean.”
He nodded “go ahead.”
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Mbappe was still shaken up, hard to focus while he did forward and backward sprints, running from one cone back to the other quickly. After doing it for about 50 times, he stopped. Noticed her on the bench, writing something on her notebook. Every inch of his body wanted to walk up to her and he would if it wasn’t for Hakimi stepping up in front of him stopping him “how about some drippling exercises” he asked. Mbappe looked at him, pissed.
“So is she just gonna be here now? Watching us?”
“She’s just a girl Kyky. By the end of this session you’ll forget she’s there.”
“I wish he was here instead-“
“I thought you said you knew you overreacted”
“That doesn’t mean his opinions don’t piss me off. Or his anonymity.” Hakimi tilted his head, giving him a questioning look. “He’s obviously a snob.”
“I bet she thinks the same about you as well after the way you spoke to her.”
He didn’t respond to that. He took the ball from his hands throwing it on the floor and the started a 1v1 drill, trying to steal the ball from each other. But Hakimi was wrong because Kylian never forgot she was there, how could he? When she kept staring at him, looking like she was noting everything about him. When training was finally over he went straight to the changing rooms, passing right by her but giving her zero acknowledgement.
None of the players gave her a lot of attention. Some of them had no idea who she was or what she was doing. Marquinhos was the only one that approached her after he was done, running up to her. “you must be Taylor.” She looked up from her notebook, standing up quickly when she realized who was in front of her. She felt like a soldier- “Relax” he laughed, motioning his hands up and down “You’re good. Galtier told me about you. You need anything you come to me alright?”
How much had he told him? She wished she knew but she couldn’t ask because then he’d probably know more than he knew and- oh well you get the point. That’s when she remembered she had to say something because he looked at her like he was confused and she was weird.
“Well thank you for that Mr.-“
“Marquinhos. Just call me that.” He smiled and patted her arm before running inside the building. She stood still where she was, taking in deep breaths because this was surreal, everything about this day was surreal and all she wanted to do was scream at her best friend for it. Instead she mouthed an inaudible “OH MY GOD” jumping up and down for just a few seconds to regain her composure. She took a deep breath.
“AH! FUCK!” She jumped, looking behind her scared. It was an employee.
“All the players are gone. If you don’t mind I have to lock the door-“
Taylor cleared her throat, recollecting herself “Of course, yes. Have a good day.” She walked into the building, facing the lengthy hallways, endless and terrifying. She wanted to look around, explore the place. She took a few random turns, walking down the stairs. She wasn’t sure where she was, but it was darker here. The doors were all closed and she had to go against every impulsive though in her body to not open them because she could imagine it was probably the changing rooms, she turned around to leave suddenly bumping into someone-
She jumped back when she realized it wasn’t a door or a wall, it was too soft to be either. It was somebody’s chest, dark skin. Please don’t be him, she thought while she looked up but Kylian was already yelling at her-
“You can’t be here! What the fuck-“ he was holding on to the towel around his waist while she was struggling to keep her eyes away from his chest or anywhere else that could have been inappropriate. “Get out- Putain- is that what your article is about?” he let out a bitter laugh but she actually took that last comment to heart. She knew what he meant, she didn’t appreciate it and what’s worse is that he took it farther “Your boss know? You want a better view to the players-“ she slapped him before he finished the sentence. He almost dropped his towel by the surprise, he scoffed. Stroking his cheek and kept his face away from her, even when she got closer.
“view is not as great as your arrogant ass may think.” She told him and went to leave but his grabbed her arm, pulling her back to him. His eyes were dark and strict. She’d be scared but she was too stubborn and angry for that at the moment. She tried to pull away but his grip got tighter, pulling her closer.
“You raise that hand of your again you’ll be in real trouble.”
“take your hand off me before I raise my leg too and kick you were it hurts.” She warned
“Who do you think you are?”
“I could ask you the same thing. So far all I see is a butt hurt, arrogant, son of a bitch.”
“you’re just as annoying as your boss.” He replied, staring in her eyes.
“I’ll take that as a compliment.” She pulled her hand away, shaking it like she was trying to shake off his touch. “Try to work on your manners Mr. Mbappe. You’ll find it makes a great difference on the field, not being a complete asshole.” With that she left and went straight for the exit. She was stopped by Julie that talked to her about tomorrow’s schedule, Taylor was barely listening after what happened. She just wanted to get home, call Trish and maybe even write about how much of a prick Kylian was. She asked Julie to email her the details and walked outside, of course it was fucking raining. She groaned, punching the air and took out her phone to call an Uber which of course had ran out of battery. Another bad habit of hers, never charging her phone. She went to one of the guards trying to explain to them who she was and that she needed a taxi but they didn’t speak a word of English. She hated this, but it got worse when she saw Kylian coming towards the doors. She kept saying “Taxi, taxi” hoping that they would understand but they just answered with words that made no sense to her and pointing at the street across. Like they were telling her to go there-
“BUT IT’S RAINING” she complained because she would much rather to call for someone to come get her from here while she waited under the kiosk.
Kylian came out, he saw her, he watched her for while, pointing at the sky, speaking French in an accent that sounded more like German. He wanted to laugh, he did actually because he enjoyed watching her suffer, knowing that he could help her. She walked closer and her head snapped at him-
“What the hell are you laughing for? Just get out of here!” she yelled. Kylian wasn’t gonna beg to help her, he backed away smirking and leaving her alone with the guards again. She wanted to punch herself for that but thankfully Marquinhos showed up, saw her struggling and offered to help.
“I’ll drive you.” He said and motioned for her to follow. She wanted to hug and she would if she didn’t fear showing affection would get him assuming the same thing Kylian did. She followed to his car, little did she know, Kylian was on his car behind them, watching. There was something that annoyed him even more when he saw that. He held on the steering wheel, angry. Why was Marquinhos befriending her? He was convinced she wasn’t just here for the article and she’d probably flirt with the entire team before she left… the entire except him, who she very obviously hated.
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Taylor had to read the address from where she had written it on her notebook because she still hadn’t learned how to pronounce it or remember it.
“Is it your first time in Paris?” he asked her, while she was going through her daily notes.
“Yeah.” She said, looking up “It’s a bit terrifying.”
“It’s a big change.”
“Yeah.. in more ways than one.” She confessed “but this job-“ she stopped herself “Being JW’s assistant I mean-“
“Right” he smiled, nodding “is he a nice guy?”
She opened her mouth but not words came out. She puffed, thinking “great guy. He- he um- he’s very-“
Marquinhos started laughing, shaking his head. He looked up at her, smiling. That’s when she realized she was being teased. She laughed as well, a weird feeling of relief washing over her “You know..” she said and he nodded.
“Of course I do, I’m the captain. Me and Galtier need to be crystal clear with each other.”
“Yeah that make sense”
“But don’t worry your secret is safe with me. I like the way you think, earning their respect before you demand it.” He made a turn according to the gps on his phone. “Just don’t take it too far. Especially not when it comes to Kylian.” He pulled up in front of her apartment building. She looked out the window. She couldn’t believe this was her new home.
“Thanks” she said smiling at him “for everything.”
“See you tomorrow JW.” He said and she go out. When she reached the door she found something she didn’t expect, a box upside down and she could hear meowing from inside. Her heart broke, she knelt down and raised the box slightly, seeing a black kitten underneath.
“Poor little thing” she said and took held it up in her arms “We can’t just leave you here now can we?” she asked, smiling and went upstairs with the cat, that was barely bigger than her palm, in her hand. It didn’t feel like home when she walked in, it was just a small studio, but at least now she had a buddy to help her through it. “I’ll call you Luna” she said giving it a kiss.
She had a shower, washing away the craziness of the day. After she was done she stood in front of her mirror, putting her creams on her face and then her hands- she paused when she reached the spot Kylian had held. It was weird, she could still feel his hand on her arm, his grip. Could there be a part of her that liked it? Seeing his chest, him holding her like that “no!” she answered to herself and put the cream over her arm, ignoring her thoughts.
Later she sat on her computer, the cat had already made a home on her lap. She sat on her while she started writing-
“Perhaps Mbappe’s problem at becoming the next Leonel Messi doesn’t lie in his skills at all but to his character. The key in sports is to never think of yourself as the best especially when you are on a team. You are not there to be the best, you are there to do the best that you can. The minute you put your skills above anyone else’s, you lose trust and if you lose trust out of arrogance… well games like Friday’s happen.”
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What are we thinking? Are we still excited? I mean Taylor is a badass right? Gotta love a good slap when a certain someone is being an asshole 😌 comment your thoughts pretty pleeeease!! I love you all xx
Next chapter: Trains that aren't coming »
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