#and then i have class from 6-830 and need to do about 100 pages of reading and finish an essay due tuesday. sigh
librarycard · 2 years
im so tired should i just force myself to get up early and do work then
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pbandjesse · 4 years
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My throat feels all gummy. It is probably allergies. But man it is annoying. 
Today was an excellent day for the most part. I slept alright but man getting up was hard today. But once I got up things were okay. I was a little snippy when I found that the laptop wasnt plugged in last night and so I had to bring the cord with me and I was pretty upset. I felt bad for being snippy though. So yeah I wasnt in the best head space. But James made me lunch and gave me hugs and sent me off to work. 
GPS was still on random mode because it took me the weirdest way possible. It was real pretty at least. Lots of nature. But also so weird!!
I got to work around 830 though and the two new kids were there. Theyre twins! All the kids I have are lovely and fun to hang out with. I got all their schedules written on the board. Which only had a few issues because. They are children. But we got things done and it was a really good day. 
I worked on the first aid portion of my class. There wasnt a test at the end but it was a lot longer than the CPR. It took me a lot of today to work through it. But I got it done. 
I also worked on a few frogs and got things up and going on the instagram page. Felt productive. I checked in on the kids a few times but really this job is wicked easy and they dont need me much. Just gotta refocus them a few times. 
Me and the two older girls went outside around lunch for a bit. Played with my circus silk. It was a lot of fun. The brother of the twins came out to join us and me and the twins stayed out while the younger girl went back to class. 
We went back inside and I spent some time teaching them all how to sew. We made little felt patches. They would tell me they were failing when they had loose threads. But I would show them how to fix it and they were just like OH! and then moments later tell me again they messed up and had to start over when that was not true. But by the end they were telling me what they wanted to make next. Very sweet. 
Once everyone was done with their classes we headed outside and man. What a perfect fall day. We played with the silk. We made a leaf pile! We jumped in the pile! The girls went inside to grab cardboard boxes to help us make the pile bigger. And once we were done with that we used the boxes to slide down the hill and that was stupidly fun. I had a great time. 
Soon we went inside. The youngest girl was very tired and was throwing a little bit of a fit. Mostly whiny. So I gave her a piggy back ride inside. And we all washed our hands and had juice. 
But then it was time for me to go home. I wrote notes to their moms, saying how great the kids are but also saying please send more info for this one class we cant figure out, and to please send headphones along. And then I was off. 
I headed to a joanns to get some more large eyes for the large frogs I am working on. I meant to get cotton and I forgot. Felt dumb esspecially because I used ALL my cotton to stuff these guys. Ugh. 
I stopped for a sandwich and fries. And I am glad I did because I got stuck in traffic for like 15 minutes and while I was sitting still on the highway it was nice to have fries and a drink. 
I got home around 430. I was tired. I ran into Mr Will on the corner. Told him how well my online store is going. He was really excited for me. Including the upcoming commissions we have broken the $400 mark! I am so excited about how well things are going. And I hope it just grows and I can make other things too. But the frogs are great and I love them so I am pretty happy. 
I got inside and unpacked my stuff. And played animal crossing for a little while. I wanted to catch snails. So I did that. But then I heard sweetP chittering at a squirrel out on the fire escape so I had to go get him inside and decided that was when I would get to work on my frog stuff. 
I stuffed the large frogs. And had a lovely conversation with someone who has made a few orders. They encouraged me to open commissions for them. So I have done that. I will have to get more large eyes. And not at the store because I paid the same for 100 eyes on ebay as I did for one pair of eyes today in person. Gotta be smart. 
I did get really upset though because I thought I was printing test labels to get the paper lay out correct but I wasnt. I was getting charged. And so I wasted like $6. So I feel very very dumb and bad. James and Jess tried to make me feel better. But it is still hard. 
I am pretty tired though. I have been laying in the studio writing for a while. Researching. I thought I had missed an order and so I went through all the orders matching paypal to instagram and writing down everything in my spreadsheet. It took forever but I will just do it as they happen from now on and that will keep me more organized. Im so afraid I will miss an order.  I have already made mistakes sending the orders to the wrong people because of paypal vs instagram names. But I am doing my best and thats all I can do. 
Now though it is after 9. And I want to go get a shower and wash my face and get ready for bed. I dont have class with the kids tomorrow but I do have the in person portion of the First Aid/ CPR class. So that will be all morning it seems. But then I can go home. But what I will actual do is go and buy more cotton fill and maybe go to the thrift store. I think it will be a nice day. 
I hope you all have a great day. Take care of eachother and be safe. Wash your hands. Goodnight!!
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