#i need to write this essay but 1 it doesnt have to be that good 2 i cant even think right now
sunsetconcert · 11 months
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god. i love these three panels. you could write a goddamn essay about these panels. im not nearly qualified enough to do it but like. fuck.
metal sonic is a machine. a weapon. a thing. the number of times it has emoted anything beyond raw murderous intent can be counted on two hands. and even then, it was usually just implications. his facial expression never changed, the only indication of any internal thought being pure body language.
and then sonic offers him a way out. "be your own person."
i dont know what this means to metal sonic. but it sure as fuck means something. his hand moves down from his head to in front of his torso, almost defensively. he leans back, like this is... new. hes never been offered this before. the hell of it is, you can see metal sonic actually consider the offer. he doesnt react immediately. sonic has enough time to fully extend his arm out between panel 1 and panel 2, an absolute eternity for two speedsters like them.
and then metal sonic lashes out. its not a simple "fuck you im evil", though. because his eyes change shape. metal sonic EMOTES. this walking death machine is offered personhood, and it clearly does something to his head. is he afraid? is he angry? is he grieving for eggman? does he think sonic is wrong, that there's no way out? does he think he already has personhood, and he doesnt need more? its not just a slap, either, its not just a dismissal. this is a full-body motion, you can see that both arms are in motion, the chain on metal sonic's arm is still in the air and hasnt been pulled down by gravity yet.
that could have been an actual attack. metal sonic is weak, sure, but he still could've tried to actually physically harm sonic. but right now, in this instant, metal sonic is feeling SO STRONGLY that the most important thing to him is to make sonic aware that this offer is, at least to metal sonic, crossing the goddamn line.
and its conveyed to you in three panels. goddamn idw sonic is good.
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hiemaldesirae · 4 months
Hiii :) it’s me again, the anon who yapped about fanon Vox, I’m here because I need to yap again: I’m kinda worried about season 2
After rewatching season 1, I felt like the stakes weren’t high enough for Charlie & the Hotel. One would think going into battle against Heaven would be devastating and disastrous but the only characters that permanently died were…background characters. I don’t count Sir Pentious because bro is alive and will most likely have a bigger role to play in the story now that he’s in heaven. The hotel was destroyed, yeah, but like minutes later it was rebuilt with the help of Lucifer.
That’s another reason why I feel like the stakes aren’t high enough, they added Lucifer way too soon. How are Vox & other future villains meant to stand a chance against the King of Hell?? I think it would’ve been better if took Charlie a couple of seasons to convince her dad to help her cause.
My main worries for season 2 are about Vox because I can’t stop thinking about him LMFAO. Anyways, I’m scared Vox will be a second Adam, goofy villain that gets killed off pretty quickly and anti-climactically. Vox was already a silly villain in season 1 (sending Pentious to the Hotel as a spy, cheering when Alastor got his ass beat, etc, etc.) so it’ll feel like a waste if they continue writing him that way. I want Vox to be an actual threat and kill one of the main characters PERMANENTLY. Preferably Angel Dust cause it’ll cause a shit ton of discourse since he’s well-loved by both the characters in-universe and the fandom but I don’t think that’ll happen. I just need Vox to lock in 🙏
Don’t get me wrong, I love Hazbin Hotel (only because of Alastor & the Vees but shhh 🤫) but I want the story to evoke emotions from me, I wanna be anxious, I wanna feel hyped, but I don’t feel any of this when things go too perfectly for the main characters and everything goes wrong for the antagonists.
I’m so sorry for the long ass essay, I would make my own post but I don’t wanna be perceived 😭😭
oh i completely understand ur worries nonny dont even worry about the essay
i definitely feel like theres a Risk of that happening to vox especially since . well. vivz doesnt have the best track record to begin with (cannot speak for hb but the way she deals with some characters and resolves their arcs is. questionable) but i personally think (hope? believe?) that since there are members on the writing and animation team who are fans of the vees that she wont just kill vox off for no reason / comic relief(or any of the vees, really) + also of all the vees vox is probably the most likely to die in a dramatic scene considering how he and al are set up to be character foils and killing him off in the stupidest way would be such a horrific storyline fumble i cannot in good conscience believe that vivziepop would even be able to fathom its stupidity. of course im holding out hope still because if theres one thing ive learnt about the internet its that you do not under any circumstances trust any public figures to make the right decisions ever and this applies to animated shows too.
vox killing someone forever would really manage to cement his place in the storyline as a big baddie, but i do have to disagree on wanting angel dead- personally- and as much as it pains me to say this- i think him killing husk or niffty would have the same effect while not interfering with angels healing arc: in fact itd even further angels healing arc and self discovery, alongside giving alastor a reason to perhaps go toe to toe with vox. (i do think that killing angel off would have an interesting result but it feels like an abrupt and unnecessary move to make, tho it may just be ny preference to want to see recovery arcs fulfilled so those characters can live their best lives)
++re what you said ab the hotel not having enough stakes for the next season, i totally agree- bringing in lucifer feels a bit like a cheap copout and didnt really serve to further **charlies** character arc (arguably you could say making up with her father developed her backbone more but. hm. idk you couldve done that in a multitude of other ways sooo)
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swiftfootedachilles · 4 months
Hi! 47, 48 and 49 for the headcanon tag if you are still writing them please ty ily 🧡🖤
47. AU if they had a more normal childhood- How would they be in high school? (Would Ian be a jock? a cheerleader? would he be popular? Would Mickey enjoy studying? what's his favorite subject?) i don't think there's a universe where ian and mickey have normal childhoods and still come out the other end as ian and mickey. but if they had somewhat-stable childhoods? i think they would still be the goofy army kid and the drug dealer. mickey would barely make it to graduation and he would be a class behind, but he wouldnt drop out without even finishing freshman year like in canon. ian loves rotc but he doesnt have tunnel vision fkr joining the military, because hes not as desperate to get away and start a new life. maybe ian gets his math tutoring from mickey, and mickey studies for english tests with ian. i love aus where they are more than just secret fuckbuddies in high school. i need more of them holed up in ians room at dinnertime, passing cigs and joints, teaching each other about inverse trig functions and symbolism in the great gatsby. yeah a lot of things are still shit and they still make a lot of mistakes. yeah mickeys dad is still a piece of shit and ian barely makes it through senior year from the stress of his diagnosis. but it's better. and they are still ian and mickey. so it's all still worth it in the end
48. After awhile, do you think people got to Ian and Mickey for relationship advice? (Gallaghers / friends / franny ) i definitely think debbie tries to subtly hound mickey for info about sandy. what she's doing, where she's at, who she's hanging out with. at first mickey tells her to ask sandy her fucking self, but he realizes 1. he has to be nicer to the only free welder he knows 2. nothing he does to deflect the questions actually makes debbie leave him alone. so he answers her curtly and holds in his annoyance for debbie's obsession with his cousin. eventually he actually tells her something worth listening to, and debbie takes the hint and tries a new tactic for approaching sandy (debbie hasn't been able to get her out of her head and she needs closure or she's gonna combust)
i think lip and tami also sometimes try to drag gallavich into their fights. "you know what it's like living together in a small space, tell her im right." "you've made your relationship work for a while, why dont you give him some advice on how to do the same thing." ian tries to stay out of it because hes very biased toward lip, but mickey honestly dgaf about lip and tami's relationship so he tells them they're both equally and dumb and annoying and they better find someone else to talk to about all this relationship shit before he rigs their duplex with c-4s
49. Gallaghers post canon: Does Lip go back to school/ gets a profession? Do all of them talk to Fiona? What happened with Debbie and Heidi/ Sandy? Franny? Does Carl open the cop bar/ stays a cop? Does Liam live with Lip and Tami? How does he deal with Franks death? okok i have many thoughts about post-s11. i will be as succinct as possible as to not write a 10 page essay about my fanon theories. if y'all want that you'll have to pay me to go on a podcast or smth.
i don't think lip goes back to school, at least not in the near future. maybe further down the line, but for now he's in the mechanic and refurbishing business. which honestly he can make a hell of a lot of money doing so i see no reason why he would feel the need to go back to school and burn himself out and be in debt all over again.
the siblings keep in contact with fiona. i like to imagine she eventually moves much closer to chicago like fort wayne or springfield. somewhere that makes long weekend visits possible. they definitely facetime and are on good terms. if she moves closer i can see liam possibly moving to live with her? or at least stay with her during summer break
fuck heidi i really dgaf about her. i hope debbie and sandy can at least make up and be cordial with each other. i think they are very off-and-on for a looong time. toxic situationship that neither can seem to get away from. they both got shit they gotta figure out if they ever wanna be girlfriends again. sandy throwing debbies trauma in her face was FUCKT UP. and what the hell was with her secret son?? that plot was weird as hell😭
carl dont need to be a cop so yeah i will make him a bartender instead. fuck the cop bar thing, but they can have, like...a cop night or something. like tuesdays and thursdays during happy hour they get a discount or smth. but i REFUSE to turn it entirely into a cop bar. carl lives in the apartment above it
ummm okay so first and foremost lip is NOT selling that house idc what anyone says I AM NOT LETTING HIM DO THAT. DO YOU KNOW HOW BAD THE HOUSING MARKET GOT IN 2021? FUCK OFF. he and tami are either gonna have to suck it the fuck up and live in the gallagher house (ITS A FREE FUCKING HOUSE!!!!) with liam and probably also debbie and franny at least for a little while longer, or lip has to stop being an idiot and live in one of the MANY FREE HOUSING OPTIONS TAMIS FAMILY GAVE THEM. DONT piss me off phillip. with carl, ian, and mickey out of the house i don't see why they can't live there for at least a couple years. debbie can take her time finding an apartment while still living there, liam can have some semblance of normalcy in his life without having to move schools, the older sibs can get their own room (lip and tami, debbie, liam, franny and fred), if they can't make it work then they can't make ANYTHING work. it's literally half as crowded. and i think liam takes franks passing really hard, but i like to think everyone is much more supportive of him than ian was toward mickey when terry died. liam, carl, and mickey can have a heart-to-heart about their complex relationships with their dads. i dont think fiona comes up for the funeral - she probably goes on a bender in miami lbr. but i imagine liam has a decent enough support system that he won't be traumatized by franks deathl
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Trying to do something but uuhhh
I've been wanting to make a video essay of one of my pieces on here for a while now (fingers crossed my adhd will ever let me finish it as i finish nothing ever ): )
but i'm really not sure which piece
i was thinking about writing and entirely new one about how Hobie has mastered being Spider-man cause hes the only Spider person who 1) doesnt have to hide his identity and 2) weaponizes his identity on purpose - and what that means for him in the story, in terms of the 'Spider-man' identity, how he boils spider-man down into the only thing left - being a 'good guy'
But I feel like....that might be a copy of the Hobie lied Facism died video.... so i got discouraged lol
So i might do one of my old pieces.
My essays are basically scripts right?
like the hobie dialogue one as how to radicalize a character in ten minutes or less
I was originally gonna do the video on Miguel but that in itself would be so complicated to explain jkgfhjkfg
But uh yeah..if you have a piece you like let me know or any thoughts theyre welcome im off focusing on art and stuff but I really wanna start thisssss I need the practice in Premiere.
Lemme know or whatever
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zeravmeta · 1 year
being thoughtful about media and analyzing it as much as possble is very important and fun but a cornerstone to understanding and performing your own meta analysis on things is that you really do just need to accept that 90% of the times the writer did not think as deeply into the subject as you did and that doesnt devalue any of the weight you are putting into your analysis
writing meta on media and characters and themes and narratives are essentially exercises in connecting information based on what you personally took from it. people can share common ideas on what a piece of work is saying but ultimately they will have different interpretations based on what they have previously consumed and how they developed their critical thinking skills when it comes to understanding stories.
this sideblog is all about writing meta and the way i do it is by just considering what the overall thematic idea of a character is and what that contributes to the story, and i can definitely point to tons of examples from many different franchises on here, and ill also see analyses from people where they do an entire masterfully done literature review style paper essay with sources connecting back to mythology or contemporary works and its all incredibly well done. it's all just exercises in critical thinking and connecting information!
and ive definitely seen it in series that arent truly that deep. in series i personally think suck or do not consider that deep. hell, IVE done the same in applying far more thought and weight into my analysis of series that arent truly that deep, series i would readily admit arent that complex or 'deserving' of the thought put into them, but all of that is simply part of the fun in watching new things. this also applies to series' that i DO think are more nuanced and complex, because to someone else they may not be, and its not always solely because 'they didnt get it.' sometimes stories dont resonate with people thematically, and that in itself can color just how 'good' a series is to someone.
and when it comes to the authors of works, you as a reader can end up putting far more thought into what their story was trying to say then what the author intended, and thats the fucking point!!! sometimes it is that deep sometimes its not. what did the story tell you? did it align with what the author was trying to say? are you asking questions for the sake of understanding or for the sake of asking questions itself? what was the point? all of that matters! you need to eat words in order to acquire a taste for the words and when you get that taste only then can you truly appreciate or even hate it!!
no real point to this post but just remember that you have a shovel and digging in deeper into things you like is always an exercise in passion never stop growing never stop thinking never stop analyzing never stop trying new things to repeat steps 1-3 with
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So we know Jo is your number 1 fav but who would you say are the other nine with reason?
always illegal to ask me who my faves are but nine's a healthy number so like. in no particular order it's gotta go
mine genuinely i do not need to fucking. i have enough essays on why i like him ok dont ask me to write nine comprehensive essays my brain doesnt work ever. tl;dr alexa play Lay All Your Love On Me
daigo i just think his character development is really cool and overlooked and underappreciated and how the idolization he has for kiryu affects him is wild and makes me insane
masato he used to be goth and he hates his body and wishes people liked him and you can just tell he hates himself so much wow hes just like me fr but he also sucks which is not like me fr. he traded his emo swag for lungs, should be deducting points for that one tbh
ichiban im goign to start crying if i even try to explain why i like him im so deadass just please know i love him with my whole heart and if i type anymore the tears WILL start
arakawa peepaw:) he was a theater kid once :) plus the horrors that come with being a parent and trying to get connect with your son but then gradually having to watch him grow up to commit Horrors and trying to figure out how this couldve happened and ouuguggghhh.. also the only good dad aside from HIS dad in this goddamn franchise jesus fucking chri
tanimura sorry i like cop stories where one dude tries to figure out why everyone sucks, plus his plot was the only part of y4 that had me invested. and he speaks tagalog and i want his jacket and i just think hes cool shoot me officer
kiryu i dont even know. i dont know where to start. he's so silly but so serious and he's not a horrible father but his priorities are so fucking Im Going To Kill You and he has such a savior complex Oh Kiryu......... im hitting you with a rock but can we go fishing later
shinada he loves boobs and i love him. also he likes baseball and his vibes are immaculate. i also want his jacket.
adachi big fan of his vibes :) team grandpa
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yellow-yarrow · 1 year
1, 3, 8 for the violence ask meme?
the character everyone gets wrong
I think this has been said before but Cindy and Liz, people seem to think they are mean to everyone and forget that they probably behave like this cause they are talking to a cop/in front of a cop. Sure Cindy teases other characters, and Liz is mean to Angus, but I imagine that when they are with their friends they are kind people. Especially Cindy, even when talking to Harry she's often very nice to him. I saw someone say that Liz is a bad lawyer which pissed me off (like ok I don't know much about lawyers but again, blaming her for being tense when the weird cop is telling her that she's being aggressive in a situation where its possible for the cop to get shot or shoot himself is not fair. of course she's tense. she's young and she has been given so much responsibility, she constantly has to tell the hardie boys to back off, etc.) So annoying to see that female characters are still judged more harshly than the male ones. People who get mad that she drops the fake nice gardener tone should take a feminism 101 class and write me an essay on why saying "Why are you being so aggressive?" to her is problematic.
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
oh boy. Ok so no hard feelings towards the person who said that, I have not interacted with them since that one post. But the worst fucking take I've seen was that the Coalition is an allegory for the ussr, and the Return is like the fall of the Berlin wall. "because the fall of the Berlin wall wasn't political" i uh. hm. hmmmm! no. (this all stemmed from that person interpreting it thought their own opinions and not what the text says)
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
that it's good for Cuno to become a cop. it is not. its is a good way to become more violent and addicted. what he needs is someone who would look after him and some kind of healthy activity that he enjoys doing, and this doesnt have to come from a police precinct
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hojichasunrise · 7 months
Finally finished NATLA. Thoughts:
They ruined Yue's character. Why would a princess be helping casually in the kitchen. Why would a princess display 0 manners around someone she just met. personality completely different.
They had Yue faint repeatedly just to magically sit back up when they needed an exposition dump, then faint again.
They made Hahn a good person? Why is Yue suddenly a waterbender and traipsing around the spirit world? It doesnt add anything and feels out of place.
The interactions between Pakku and Katara were stilted and forced. In the cartoon she had a training period and earned his trust, but here it was just instantly granted that she was the person to report to during battle, yet she doesnt know AQa's defense layout or anything else because she just arrived.
battle pacing in Agna Qel'a is weird. too much standing around talking.
The dialogue is so Marvelized. quip quip quip quip quip.
Aang is joyless and talking like Iron Man. (not the actor's fault.)
Zuko is perfect, 11/10. Every change they made is perfect.
Combining arc beats (e.g. Jet + mechanist) worked surprisingly well.
They made Bumi into an asshole and his dialogue was repetitive, that arc dragged out way too long.
Wasn't atmospheric enough. everything felt like a set.
How did Momo, half the size of a housecat, push that girl out of the way? physics are not mathing.
Why did they take Momo to the spirit oasis to heal but not any of the battle participants or injured civilians. Scene ate too much screen time and sapped urgency from the battle. Makes AQ'a look stupid.
Jet was perfect.
Multiple issues with logic, too long to post. Writing is shallow.
Azula is snarking to her father too much considering she just watched her brother get half his face melted off for one instance of disrespect.
Pecs. 🙏
not enough in-series justification for why Ozai wanted Zuko out of the way in favor of Azula. We know why, but they aren't standing on their own for this beat and have to lean on the cartoon.
Katara and Sokka getting btfo by Koh felt... really strange. they were just there to job and create stakes.
Kuruk and Kyoshi were great inclusions.
Jee/the 41st was a great detail, best part of series.
Azula being the puppetmaster behind Zhao is strange. She knows things by magic I guess, they made a 14 year old girl not just plausibly cunning but straight up omniscient. Logic breaking keikaku doori with her and Ozai.
Ozai using AQ'a as a distraction to take Omashu makes zero logical sense and I don't want to write an essay so just think about this for 5 minutes. I almost screamed.
bf's contribution: "this feels like it was written during the writer's strike."
Visually it was beautiful and the scenery and costumes were great. Other than Yue and Pakku the actors were all fine. Zuko's actor was beyond perfect and his firebending was next level gorgeous.
Sokka's new backstory was a good inclusion. Sokka got a lot of great scenes and the actor is a perfect fit.
Gyatso was also astonishingly perfect. chef's kiss to the actor, his performance was beautiful.
Very much noticing the Kataang scenes were all removed and we got some Zutara allusions. I ship that so yay.
The Sokka/Suki scenes were spicy. However she removed her makeup in 3 seconds flat and that broke my immersion. Please ask a woman next time. otherwise yes I ship that. Just kiss already!
I like the beautiful older lady they put in charge of Kyoshi Island. Nice to see more females in leadership positions.
The lack of the Azula chime is criminal. Her using feminine charm to lure rebels into a trap was a great scene to introduce her. Glad to see rebels, it makes it feel more politically realistic.
The opening scene in ep 1 had Mulan's opening scene vibes in a good way.
Overall: enjoyable with a few caveats but writing quality falls apart upon critical inspection. Much better than I expected, rewatch-worthy. 8/10.
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clonehub · 2 years
Copied from discord because i lost it in there KJASDHFLKAJSDFHLK
Who was developed? Wrecker. Why? Because of his trope. They stick to those tropes HARD all the way to the end gotta hand the writers that at least. Was the empire really developed? No Andor creating everything it did in six episodes and I think roughly the same number of hours and and tbb gives us a hiccup about the chain codes and the ends of the production of clones which we already knew about The lighting is nice the render is nice the lip sync is okay the VAing needs WORK. the soundtrack esp the main theme leaves much to be desired. the story just needs. some kind of overhaul. how tf can your premiere actually make the show less appealing. it went from unbearable to tolerable ive had that happen once to me before and that was The Office AKJSDHFLAJSFDHLKAS remember how they kept saying tbb would be darker than tcw. they had bitches heads bouncing in season 1 what did the tbb do HM? every time i went into an episode i was like wow the needle has not budged theyre digging their feet in on the whole Tell over showing wowowowow Did you know that Wrecker, as the demo expert, almost exclusively uses a gun? Did you know that crosshair's absence actually did not materially affect the team at all either in performance or emotional cohesion? Did you know that these people actually dont really care about each other and they really feel more like roommates with weapons who all have to look after a spunky kid than a family? You can't just call everything found family they gotta actually act like it and omega waiting until like 4 episodes before the finale to call the batch her brothers is not. how you wanna go about that. and they dont like. call her their sister when speaking about her to other people crosshair's fascism is actually a lot stronger than I remember like he's just on a constant path of doubling down i think his stans are just deluding themselves as to his moral standing and also frankly disrespecting his character for insisting he has 0 autonomy and is actually Really Good deep down why was one of the nicest moments when tbb all turned their guns on crosshair bc they thought he had the capacity to shoot hunter and/or a literal child why dont we get more tense moments like that
lie hot damn. what a (nothing) show. this could have easily faded from the collective conscious of star wars but its animated and animated well and also the Trope Troupe (4/5 man band set up) is always popular ig because of how goddamn easy it is to write and absorb? because who ever strays from that i was called slurs over this show lmao NAWT to spam yall with essentially a preview to the video essay about tbb i may or may not be writing next year but the fact that i cant even nail down a central theme-- is it family? only at the end and some parts in the middle. is it choice? not really? are they always on survival mode? yeah. does it FEEL like that? no because these bitches got something giggly going on 24/7 like the tonality is allll over the placeeeeee your fascist brother is hunting you for sport because he willingly joined a genocidal authoritarian regime that wants you and your kid sister dead why was the humorous writing outpacing literally every other mood by a mile
this show is like. style over substance. it wants the credit of creating an emotional story without doing any of the work to create that feeling in the slightest. a nothing burger. fireworks but its more smoke than flash. a tease of a theme here or there to keep you on the edge of your seat in the sense that youll sit there like "wow will they go down that road? will they address the size 00 elephant (crosshair) in the room?" and its almost always no some say a show doesnt need to be deep to be good i say yes it does because i have taste and no patience. and also good is so subjective as a metric for quality it just sounds like a disingenous argument from the start my friends and i were harassed over this show entire people leaving the fandom bc-- ok. im done. thats my review!
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smoosnoom · 1 year
hello moonie :] i listened to the songs u gave me and !
i really really luved 'how soon is now?' by the smiths and i definitely need to listen to them more !!! im so obsessed w how he sings certain lyrics it sounds So nice (literally listneing to the song rn as i type lol)
u were right abt me enjoying 'crybaby' by destroy boys a lot as i already know that song and its one of the 2 or 3 songs i know from them lol . its really really good
i Immediately added 'saturnine' to my main playlist once it was over !! the chorus is So nice to listen to i really luved it !
i had forgotten u said u were going for the vibe of floating in the ocean and when listening to 'andromeda' i literally thought 'this song feels like floating down a river or something' . the way she sings 'let me in if i break / and be quiet if i shatter' was So. gah . its good.
as for my recommendations:
summertime - my chemical romance
heaven, iowa - fall out boy
unpunishable - ethel cain (the chorus of this song is Everything)
so far so fake - pierce the veil (1:30-on, but especially 2:25-~3:00 is Beautiful. i . luv guitars .)
and bonus song because its all that stuck in my head currently : bury me in black (demo) - my chemical romance . very different from the other ones lol .
ok that is all i think :> i hope your week is good and not stressful and that any writing block u may have is broken <33 also do not worry about answering this quickly i am So ok w patiently waiting until ur able to answer please do not feel bad if it takes a while ok byebye ily
yes omg ok i am such a fan of the smiths . which is probably my biggest red flag LOL but i cant help it !!!! theyre so good !!!!! and i think half of it is just how morrisey sings some certain words . he is such an asshole but Damn it if he doesnt make his songs unique .
i think u already knowing and liking the song is so crazy but also . i am kind of proud of myself for guessing right on ur taste :D
im honored !!!! and yes i have a whole playlist about just . songs that feel like floating around on some mystical beach, its based on this freaky dream i had but . if u ever want it ...
ohhh i should say . i am in fact an mcr and fob fan LOL . i have already listened to both those songs, summertime is sososoooo good but so is the entire album, and ive been loving the new fob album :D i think my personal favorite is maybe . well ok i have three LOL "love from the other side", "heartbreak feels so good", and "i am my own muse" ofc . i feel like i picked the most popular ones 😭 theyll probably change ! also . completely unrelated omg but ive been . kind of . crushing on a specific white man ok and specifically ethan hawke and then imagine my surprise when i see him on the album ??:W?? what the hell was that . what the he lll . anyway .
ok i listened to unpunishable and i love love loveeeeed the section after 3:30-ish . like it was soo like . metallic sounding with her vocals and the ringing guitar and it was just so everything . it made me want to write something crazy so badly, it was amazing !!! ive only heard a few songs by her but this one is definitely top three for me i think . wow
i did have . a pierce the veil phase for like fiveseconds in middle school LOL but i enjoyed this one !!! i got flashbacks to 2018 but i really did enjoy it :D i think ill always like their sound, its always so . indulgent . i did really like the bit at 2:25-3:00, i didnt even realize u commented on it LOL i was like Wow . wow . it was so so good
oh i loveee bury me in black . that entire era will b so close to my heart forever i think and its just so . good . oh my god . the brash guitar and drums are soooo . i need them permanently playing forever and ever
ok sorry for giving u a whole essay 😭 i just had a lot to say i think LOL
but here are mine !!!!
if u liked how he sings certain lyrics then u would loveeee "a rush and push and the land is ours" by the smiths . the way he sings rush and push . oh boy
are u a fan of p!atd ? i think u would like them even tho i am brendon urie's biggest hater . but ryan ross ... loml . anyway . "new perspective" is so underrated and one of my favorites, very reminiscent of the 2000s pop punk scene !
also a more like . "weird" sounding song but its so so good . "girls & boys" by blur ! its one of their more popular songs but it holds up so so well
and . in honor of me purchasing a radiohead poster . i think u would love radiohead . i recommend . "just" . a popular song but i think u would absolutely enjoy it and My Bad if u have already heard it before . if u have i would not be surprised !!! i think it trended on tiktok for a second ? idk
anyway . thank u so much for being so so patient, it means everything to me :) i adore the songs u recommend me and i was kind of itching to answer this to get some more recs LOL . ok byebye ilyt !!!!!!
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marsgod · 2 years
the fact that we actually became friend because of ur first matchup event and now u have another one is just >>>>>
so to honour (a previously nonexistent but shhh) tradition imma request again, but this time for genshin instead of twst.
i'd sure hope u know me by now but still (ill help jog ur memory if needed and try describe myself in a diferent way than i usually do too). my mbti is intp im a cat person and i hate getting up early in the morning w every bone of my body. my green flags are that im a good listener, loyal, selfless (when it come to ppl i care abt) and i value honesty. my biggest red flags would be the fact that my top kin is (unfortunately enough) dazai osamu from bsd (idk if u know who that is but hes not someone u wanna relate to even after reading real dazai's books) and the fact that i use humour as a coping mechanism (it does make me extremely funny but still)
im still look the same, except my hair is shorter cuz i had to cut it at the beggining of the school year since my school doesnt allow dyed hair. so no more blue tips :(
my hobbies are literally anything creative from painting to writing (ofc) and my dream date is still smth like stargazing on top of this very specific abandoned building near my house w a picnic if junkfood or visiting all the hole in the wall type places in a city of all dif types (from restaurants to smoll libraries to unknown thrift shops) and holding hand in the public transport to get there.
still u get the ideea.
(also u dont have to do this if u dint want to i wont take it personally or anything)
and again congrats on ur milestone ily dont forget to drink water and eat something! (its 1 am as im writing this i had a history essay to finish lol, but i know its like midday for u so enjoy the rest of ur day im going to sleep now byee)
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╰┈➤ I’d match you with… Thoma!
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Thoma is like.. The ultimate animals person in general, imma be honest, and he’s def gonna take you on cat island dates for lunch and stuff
Maybe camp there if you two get the chance!
He’s slightly concerned at the humor as a coping mechanism, but if it helps you then you’ll receive a slight nod with and small smile
He might snort due to being caught of guard
Thoma writes these little entries just to keep track of when was what, but writing overall isn’t his thing, but lean/lay on top of you while you write and mess with your hair<33
since Thoma generally makes it a point to get to know local residents of wherever he’s at, he learns about any “secret” and hole-in-the-wall places fairly quickly, specifically for food!
Abandoned buildings specifically make Thoma sorta jumpy, but he loves you so he’ll go for you
Thoma will just be incredibly nervous and sweating
Not super into PDA but still likes to hold your hand and. all that<333
Thoma, unfortunately, gets up with the sun, and manages to run into every possible thing while still drowsy
Don’t be surprised if you wake up scared shitless because Thoma just ran straight into a door frame.. Or your desk, or literally anything
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“- And the tabby over there is Mei, she’s an old lady.. Be careful, she’ll scratch you!”
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irregulardiaryposts · 7 months
01:37 16/02/2023
Well... its obvs been a while since i updated huh. reading back on some of those .. some of its nice ig and some of it is quite articulate but looking back on some of it with my perspective now, idk its sad but also a little cringe lol. but thats the point of a diary to keep it cringe and truthful to how im feeling in the moment. well anyway
its 2023 woooo im in my second year of uni and things are pretty okay i guess. im still a litlte lonely dont get me wrong but im sure things will get better. um. ive got an essay due at midnight on the 16th (technically today) and im like a third through it? but the first 1/3 is the easiest part cos its just explaining the concepts. anyway im behind on a lot of uni work. for no reason. at all. like theres no good reason behind it other than i need medicated i guess. maybe i really should get meds im an adult now so im hoping they can. its genuinely really affecting my uni performance i cant get out of bed most days during the winter cos its so so cold. why is the world so so cold. my feet are also so so cold. can you tell im procrastinating :P unis still lonely but also i barely go anyway so what would i know anyway. i got some hobbies i guess. anime has revived my want for a tumblr blog so in november i made a new blog for anime ToT. its fun tho i really do enjoy it its so fun and silly and i can be as insane as i want to over fictional characters. better than twitter by a mile cos well yeah. it has also reignited my want to make art, cos then i can post it and other people who are also insane about the same characters can enjoy it too. even if its kinda bad idgaf. the whole 'oh shit two cakes' meme constantly runs through my head.
ahh anyway i also like playing video games too, or ig the difference is i have the money to buy them and a decent laptop to run them on. so that helps fill the void of community im missing. i really miss people. and im a huge introvert for the most part (unless im drunk but shhhh) but i miss not being in my room 24/7. i guess the theme of this update is i need meds ToT. not that it will necessarily be a perfect solution sometimes theyre not but ig it doesnt hurt to talk to a doctor about it. that depends on if i can actually get an appt ahhhhh. i dont have too much to talk about ig just that im alive and barely staying afloat but not actively suicidal so *thumbs up*. i really do need to write this essay i would dislike to get an extension because then i would just put it off again until next week lol. im such a good procrastinator :D this definitely isnt detrimental to my non-existent work ethic.
maybe i can talk about something thats itching at me from my philosophy course. my essay isnt exactly on this topic but i rlly wanna formulate some thoughts on it lol.
so we're talking about what exists in the world right? things people would easily say exist are things like tables, chairs, frogs, dogs, atoms and molecules. things that are a little harder to figure out if they exist are things like love, morality, goodness, numbers, gender. the lists are not exhaustive but that kind of thing. and there's this concept of Ordinary Objects(OO) and Extraordinary Objects(EO). the first list has almost all OO, which are defined as being highly visible objects right before our eyes (that do not escape our notice). the atoms and molecules make things tricky in philosophy as nothing can ever, ever, be simple in this subject. anyway. EO are objects that are also highly visible objects that do escape our notice. you're thinking how can an object, a physical object, that is so obviously in front of us, escape our notice??? well you're not alone in thinking philosophy just makes up things along with justifications of said things just for shits and giggles, and calls it a day, cos that's exactly what i thought when i heard this the first time. and genuinely so much of philosophy is just postulating and theorising about this thing and that thing but its done with such earnestness and sincerity that i get endeared by these stupid dead guys. ANYWAY. the existence of EO are obviously controversial (of course) and even OO are argued too. but yes what are EO exactly? the example given in the reading was a Trog - an object that is composed of a dog and a tree trunk. no, they are not connected in any way, and no they don't even have to be near each other but they can compose this object called a Trog. this is what you can call an EO. it is highly visible (assuming the dog isn't microscopic and the tree is not invisible) and it is right before our eyes yet we never notice it. well of course, who would? but the question is do EO really exist or is it a baseless theory. well...
another example of an
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librarycard · 2 years
im so tired should i just force myself to get up early and do work then
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asianjeremyheere · 5 years
please mr [redacted] let me keep my >300 words of joe iconis' creative history and also my "im gonna talk about out of town tryouts so i can bring up other shows" paragraph im literally going to cry
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fricktic · 2 years
ur writing essays abt scc's color scheme wheres k_ks . fanny write an post about them being green . we need every member of the polycule . please
if its an essay on k_ks color scheme u want its an essay on k_ks color scheme ur gonna fucking get . hold onto ur antennas boy
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well right off the bat i think its relatively safe to say that . green . cant exactly see this being all that controversial of an opinion and as far as ive checked (spent hours scrolling thru the scc tag looking at art) i havent seen anyone interpret them as a color besides green , better yet differed from the canon green at ALL . like everyone agrees yeah this is a good green . and coming from local green enthusiast i can confirm its a good green so this is completely understandable
i will say that something im EXTREMELY INTO is the shade of green on k_ks shop sprite
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like look at it . it goes fucking crazy . changed the line art and bg color because with just white and black it doesnt show how truly this shade fucking rocks . i know that its just green a bit hue shifted towards purple but come the hell on this shit rules
i dont care if this is unrelated its still something that came up while looking at k_ks sprites and i want to talk about it anyways . and its still color related so eat my shorts
we all know about normal sprites vs shop sprites being very . yknow . but two things that bother me intently is that
1) her handle goes from black to purple
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this one doesnt bother me crazy much bcus it can just be played off as “shop sprites are gonna be more detailed than normal sprites” and yeah fair i guess but . u get where im coming from
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this makes me furious this makes my blood boil why does this happen . there is no need for this to happen why did this happen . k_k baby im not mad at u im mad at the person over at deltarune headquarters responsible for this
this is turning into me looking at details of the sprites themselves instead of what this all originated from and that was literally just “what color is k_k” soooooo what if it was purpleeeeee lets see it purple
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i will admit that it doesnt look . Crazy Purple . some may argue it looks a lot more blue and while yeah i guesssss it is blue to my brain it registers as purple especially when paired with the green . compared to the purple that sweet and capn are usually associated with tho yeah it isnt the most purple of purples , and in saying this k_k isnt even typically associated with purple anyways . but do u really think i care about that NO i like how they all have a bit of purple one way or another i think it links the three together nicely . theres a lot about their designs that link them together nicely but thats a whole other post
any fucking ways
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enderspawn · 3 years
an incomplete sloppy guide to ethical rpf
rpf (real person fiction) isn't inherently bad, as long as you learn how to do it respectfully-- after all, you are writing abt Real People. also note: rpf doesnt have to be an irl fic (where a CC is a CC in story), just a story using real people as the characters. that fantasy au where they all team up to fight god or whatever? rpf baby.
the line blurs a LITTLE with dsmp and other self insert-ish rp, but where i usually draw the line is if they're closer to their characters characterization or the ccs/their personas characterization. again, main point is rpf doesnt always equal irl setting.
im too lazy to properly write a full like essay or paper abt this, so instead heres a few key steps to follow to make sure ur not being Weirdchamp abt it all.
also keep in mind: these are rules ive gathered over my years of yt-based fandom(s) that also assume its a situation where ppl Can contact ccs enough to like. get their word on shit. idk how to handle big celeb rpf lmao good luck w that on your own.
tldr for ppl who dont wanna look under the cut: 1. respect cc boundaries at all times no matter what, 2. keep in mind that this is all fiction, nothing based in fact and that you are Not Their Friend, and 3. dont share it w ccs
until proven otherwise, assume everyone IS NOT okay with being written about. doesnt matter if they're a cc in the public eyes, see if they're okay w it to begin with. some are, some arent.
the above statement also includes a CC's family (including parents, spouse, siblings, etc) unless specifically specified otherwise as okay.. make OCs to fill those positions if you really need them, give em alternate names or whatever. but family of CC especially deserve privacy
never include a CC's kids. genuinely, idk a single cc with like... a kid old enough for that not to be creepy. again, give em an oc kid or get rid of the kid entirely.
if possible, check the cc's boundaries or ask to see whats cool and what isnt. some people aren't gonna be cool w shipping, some people are, some people have their own sets of limits.
again, you are writing about other real life living people. make what you write something they're okay with existing. if you break those boundaries ill break ur fucking kneecaps
some ppl aren't gonna be cool being in fics with certain topics or themes in them. if they say so, respect that.
be aware at all times you are writing rpf. aka, fiction. what you write is 100% not real and fictionalized. never incorporate any forms of "truthing" into your rpf or rpf consumption. you dont know any of these people, you are writing things based on the persona they show you. you have no idea how this person actually is.
dont fuckin ship minors. also if you ship minors with adults go straight to fucking jail bc thats illegal!
dont make nsfw of minors. again, straight to fucking jail bc thats legit just child porn and you CAN and should be arrested for it!
never show a CC your rpf fanfic. i can guarantee, majority of the time they dont want to see it. don't bring it up to them, dont ask them to see it out or read any, let it be a FAN thing.
writing rpf is a fandom privilege, not something you are inherently given or deserve. it is something the cc allows to happen, and they can take it back at any time.
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