#and then i look EXTRA dumb and awkward like some wet beast
auspiciouscat · 10 months
god i hate the birth of day
0 notes
jaws330 · 4 years
Four men sitting apart from each other in the hull of a ship. Wood creaks as the ship pushes through another swell. None of the men have spoken much to each other since preparing for the trip 2 mornings ago. Marlow hadn’t moved in hours. The groups Palico, Thellow, had brought fish from the upper decks down and encouraged everyone to eat but no one seemed interested in eating. Somehow the journey was worse than many hunts the men had been on.
Jackson and Ike had been hunting wyverns and dragons all over the continent for the last 10 years. Marlow was new. That isn’t to say he was without skill. Jackson and Ike had seen the kid rip a diablos tail clean off with about 5 good slice shots that Ike had bet strongly he wouldn’t be able to make. Marlow had a keen eye, but he didn’t have the same will power the others did. Jackson was worried he wouldn’t be up to par for this hunt.
He didn’t have the greatest tact when talking to others so after a while of contemplation he moved over to Ike and sat down next to him on the floor. The floor creaking more as Jackson’s weight came upon it. The damp wood smell didn’t help lift the mood either. Not that any of them seemed to notice. The simple act of moving towards the pray they had been asked to hunt was harder than any of them expected. Jackson leaned his head over to Ike and whispered, "could you check on Marlow? I don’t think he’s doing well". Ike looked back at Jackson. His eyes were red and the skin under them had sagged. he must have been sobbing without Jacksons notice. Ike gulped and took a deep breath. he was about to say something but couldn’t find the words and just exhaled in despair. The two looked to Marlow who had lifted his head at the new activity. Marlow stared back at his two seniors and within a few moments he broke down and cried out loud. Ike rubbed his eyes and started to compose himself. standing up he walked to Marlow and placed his arm around his shoulders. Comforting him as best he could.
Hans hadn’t said anything or even noticed the energy in the room change. He had been meditating for the last day. The Wyverians had it easy. they could focus their minds and remain steeled even in the worst situations. The rest of the men were only human and could not help but dread the impossible task they had been given. The monster they had been sent to kill was growing more and more confident in its prowess. Each day it seemed like its area of influence had grown. More towns burnt to the ground. More bodies incinerated while running for their life’s. And more hunters burnt, killed, or mutilated beyond recognition. The impression of glory from the hunt had faded from most hunters’ minds. All that was left was the depression of knowing that those who face this creature have forfeit their lives.
Jackson was nervous but had expected a fight like this to come at some point in his career. Ike to, but with less acceptance than Jackson. Marlow had only been an official hunter for 2 years. He showed lots of potential but still had allot to live for. Despite showing strong will in the face of an impossible task, Jackson still had something burning in the back of his mind. He had a song stuck in his head for the last few days since news of the hunt came in. He was surprised by the persistence of his own brain to keep the song running at every waking moment. It was not even a good song. It was only ever sung by kids playing games and Jackson couldn’t remember the last time he had even herd it sung out loud. But in stressful situations the mind can fixate on things. Even things you might not want it to.
A few hours later the boat came up to port. "finally," said Ike. He was the first and by far the most eager to get off the boat. Actually getting on with things was probably the best move for everyone. Waiting just let the mind stew and overall wouldn’t help the hunt at all. Hans jumped to shore first and tired down the boat. The others prepared their gear and passed it over one by one. The metal boxes of explosives, ammo, and blades were an awkward shape and heavy for most. Ike jumped on shore as well to help Hans with carrying it over while Jackson and Marlow passed the boxes across. They made extra care not to slip on the wet stone of the port. It had been sleeting rain here for some time and most of the stone and wood was covered in algae or moss. Losing a weapon box here would be not just embarrassing but tragic. Even loosing one weapon would put a huge burden on the rest of the hunt and create even more risks none of the men wanted to take.
Once the supplies were on shore, they set about looking for a place to stay the night. The clouds around Schrade were always thick and dark ever since the beast moved in. The port town down the mountain where they had just landed was a hollow shell of what it had used to be. The towns name had been burned away with its people. Now all that was left was a few streets of wooden shacks. Either black from ash and fire or bleached white from the sea and time. The streets were a coble path of wet granite. Grass and small plants pushing past the stone to reach what little sunlight they could. The group ventured into town and already knew the location of the one building that would give some refuge for the night.
At the end of the main street was a rather well-built stone and oak building used by the towns fire brigade. Suitably it was the only building that was not totally destroyed by fire. The hunter’s guild had already scouted out the area to make the journey a little easier and after the two nights of boating the old abandoned building seemed like a luxury hotel. The metal door swung open easily and inside were a few old sleeping mats, a pile of firewood, and a pile of scrap papers. The group paused after seeing the rather basic and dismal interior. Marlow had been looking forward to a real bed. Hans entered first and moved to the right-hand side of the building. He dropped his bag to the floor, swung around and clapped his hands together. "all right boys, who’s getting the fire started? Thellow crawled in between the hunter’s legs and ran for a pile of old drapes. Rain was not a Palicos friend and scrapes of cloth seemed like a nice reprieve. Marlow, Ike, and Jackson let out probably the first smile in a few days. They needed someone like Hans to take the reins for a bit.
After about an hour Marlow got the fire burning. Thellow had set up a camping grill and was preparing some fish for the group. Hans was thumbing through the scraps of paper while Ike was writing on one of them. "Would you like to write one to, Jackson?" Hans called out from across the fire. Jackson was going through the metal boxes they had brought. Checking everything was where it was meant to be. Some hunters hated how neurotic he got when preparing. However, his policy of triple checking before a hunt meant that no one hunting with Jackson had ever worried about running out of medicine or drugs during the expedition. He had checked the weapons and med packs 12 times since packing. Hans called out again " Jackson, do you want to write something?" finally out of his packing trance Jackson perked his head up and quickly replied "yes, yes, of course I’ll write something. Let me just finish and I’ll come over". Hans rolled his eyes while Ike snickered. They were both a bit sick of this behavior.
Ike stood up and said "I think this will do. If anything happens then at least people will know how cool I was". Hans added Ikes paper to the stack. For a hunt of this caliber it was tradition for hunters to leave a note at base camp. Each hunter would write a bit about themselves and why they were going after monster they were. The Notes would pile up at base camp until someone slayed the monster. Only the winning person or team could take the papers home with them. A symbolic way of carrying the efforts of other hunters with them. Even if hunters did not lose their lives it was still a way of showing respect to others in the field. After another 3 minutes Jackson walked over and took the pen from Ike. He didn’t want to write anything to sentimental or emotional, but considering the monster they were fighting, he tried his best. Thellow was just about done with the first part of dinner. Grilled fish with lemon and mashed potato. It was basic but filling. Marlow and Ike both took the first serving. Hans would probably eat a small amount after everyone was done. He wasn’t the one hunting. Hans was a Recorder and handler for the hunt. It was his job to get the hunters safely to the monster and gather what info he could during the fight.
Jackson put his pen down, satisfied with the dribble about the honor of such a hunt. the song rattling in his head didn’t help. He wrote and scratched out a few parts and the whole thing looked a bit fake. He moved to get the next serving of dinner while Hans started reading Jacksons note. While Jackson filled his mouth with potato mash, Hans snapped at him "is this really what you want to leave? you’re not doing any of these other notes a service by mixing your crap in with them" he gestured to the pile of about 50 or so papers piled on a supply crate. Ike and Marlow both looked at Jackson assuming he had written something dumb about it all been bullshit that they even need to do this. Jackson finished his bite and swallowed "I did really try but I couldn’t find it ya know? It’s kinda hard to think about good things for a hunt that we are been forced into" Ike and Marlow looked back to Hans expecting a well formed argument but surprisingly He nodded in agreement "I know its not the best situation but every day more and more towns are destroyed. The guild can’t get hunters up here on short notice like this" Marlow cut in "if we don’t kill it now then the next closest town is Minegarde. Hans is right, we should knock on its front door rather than let it come knock on ours." They were both right.
the port town of Minegarde was usually rather safe and had a high quantity of hunters ready to take on whatever challenged them. But stories of an elder dragon, Darhen Mohran had drawn most of the town’s skill away to the east. Ike let out a laugh and said "bet you don’t think the Mohran hunt is overrated now Jackson" Jackson laughed and sheepishly said back "yeah I kinda wish I had gone with the rest. Probably would have been a livelier trip" Marlow let out a small smile and Hans chuckled.
Jackson looked back to Hans "would you like to write it for me then? you seem to be better with words than me" Hans shook his head "no this will be fine. I’ll make sure anyone who comes here will know of the great Jackson who thought he had better things to do than hunt an elder dragon”. It was the first time the 4 men had laughed together in days. The joy a simple meal and good conversation can bring to people’s hearts is astounding.
The dinner bolstered the spirit of the party far more than expected, and when armor and skill are stripped away, spirit is all that’s left. An hour later the group had settled in for the night. They all tried to get a good sleep before tomorrow’s hunt. Jackson still struggled to sleep, the song running in his head like a ticking clock. He started thinking about how maybe the song was written by the monster itself, to drive hunters mad before even fighting it. eventually he dozed off.
Morning came but day did not. The sky was still dark and only a few rays of sun could pierce the black clouds that loomed over Schrade. They were unnatural. They weren’t from a volcano or storm, but they lingered around the mountain where castle Schrade once stood. The castle had been destroyed hundreds of years ago. The town was a settlement that tried to take advantage of the castles well-built infrastructure. They planned to turn castle Schrade into a hunting hub for the mountain ranges above Minegarde. It would have made a great port town between the western coast and northern town of Pokke. It would have if it wasn’t for the last living resident of castle Schrade.
The group spent the early morning getting ready. Hans helped the men get their heavy armor on while Thellow sorted the packs to make sure everyone had the correct equipment at the ready. Jackson had his armor on first, a nice well-made set from a Brachidios. He had a reputation at the guild for his humorous encounter with it, so he figured it was a good armor to wear for a hunt like this. The Brachadios obsidian hide was naturally fire resistant and considering his roll at the front line, it seemed like it fit both thematically and practically. He cleaned his gun lance one last time while Ike and Marlow were getting ready. Ike was a jack of all trades and enjoyed hunting with whatever he found most suitable for each hunt. For this he chose the matte red Rathalos armor and a great sword. he figured that to kill a big monster he would need a big sword. Marlow would provide cover fire and support from behind with his bow gun. He didn’t usually bring more than a few kinds of ammunition. He liked to keep it simple. As long as he could shoot the monster down then it would be fine. For this hunt he made sure to bring an intense variety of ammunition. Poison, electrical, a few sticky bomb shots. Each of the hunters had prepared an appropriate kit for a fight of this caliber.
Finally, the crew was ready to depart. Hans would be climbing the neighboring mountain to observe and record the encounter. From there he would be able to tell if crew was successful and if anyone or anything survived the fight. Hans grabbed Jackson’s hand and looked straight into his eyes "don’t let this beast be your end Jackson. I will see all of you when you return. legends of the guild" the three waved him goodbye as he started his own journey. The group didn’t waste any time and set out climbing the mountain where castle Schrade sat atop.
The sides of the mountain were a trial in of themselves. They had narrow walkways with sheer drops on one side. For a gun lance user like Jackson this was a bit of a joke. He had Ike and Marlow go before him for the first part of the climb and even tied a rope around his waist just in case the weight of the cannon mounted on his back became too much. Eventually the path came to an end at a plateau. The area was larger than expected at this height. The group could have easily fought the beast here if it were not for the rusted graveyard of old weapons.
Infront of them was about 20 or so old worn out Dragonators. A metal spear a few meters in length designed to drill straight into the hide of even the toughest monster. They were a devastating defense the guild had been employing since its early years and they were a staple of elder dragon defense operations. This pile must have been hundreds of years old. It was hard to tell if the previous occupants of castle Schrade had used this as a close by dump or if they were been hauled to the castle and simply forgotten. Regardless the team climbed over with care. Making sure not to slip and fall onto one of the viscous spikes.
Then the real climb began. A sheer cliff with only a few outcrops for about 100 meters. Jackson and Ike tied their equipment to a rope and would hoist it up after they had made it to the top. They weren’t the best mountain climbers, but they made do. At about halfway up Jackson pulled his head up into a cave that could easily fit the party. He called out to the crew "we should take a rest here" after entering the cave the group lined up and together pulled the weapons and Thellow up the cliff, into the small cave. The Palico made sure the knots stayed firm and the weapons didn’t rock to much while ascending. Ike made snide remark while huffing and pulling on the rope "jeez Thellow how much fish did you eat last night". The Palico meowed loudly from outside the cave as the group pulled the equipment inside.
They each fell to the ground and passed around a water bottle. While Marlow and Ike had a drink, Jackson investigated the back of the cave. Finally, been able to spend more time examining it. It wasn’t very big but at the back was a pile of ash and rusted metal. He walked over to inspect it. Reaching out to wipe the ash away, the whole thing crumbled and exploded into a black cloud. He wiped the black soot from his visor and had the chance to see what remained. It was an empty suit of old armor. It only took a second for Jackson to realize what the ash filling the armor had used to be. He lost focus for a moment. The song was louder than ever. He could even hear and make out the voices of the children singing it now. His heart was pounding, and he felt like it was banging on the metal armor around his chest. "What was that?" Ike asked from behind. It snapped Jackson from his trance, and he swiveled around, quickly replying with "nothing, just some old scrap". Jackson had some water and the group continued up. Another 40 or so meters and Jackson finally put his hand onto the stone base of what once was castle Schrade.
They just finished pulling up the last of the weapons. Quickly both Ike and Jackson grabbed their tools. Been un-armed for that long had made them both a little jumpy. Marlow had already started surveying the area. He needed good vantage points and places to move to while gunning. Infront was a large courtyard using stone bricks. On the upper side was a castle wall connected to a stone watch tower. spears and swords lay around it, as if the men they belonged to simply evaporated. It was giving all of them chills.
Behind that was still more of the castle. The entire building was massive and expanded over 2 mountains and across the range in between. This was only the entrance way. It was by far the best place to fight something big. The rest of the castle was to jagged with corridors that would restrict movement to much. The team knew that the monster would almost certainly take advantage of that and blow them to pieces before they even knew it was attacking. Out in the open was the best they could hope for.
Marlow had already started moving to the side wall to get some height. It was a great place to have a gunner and gave a brilliant view of the area. There were a few pieces of old ammunition around. Not much but some ballista and cannon balls might help if given the opportunity. The castle wall even still had one intact Dragonator in it, still unfired. Jackson had already set to work getting a plan ready using what little they had on the castle.
It was only morning but still extremely dark. Not much light could get through the clouds even this high up. It still felt like night was around them. Ike moved over to one of the cannons and started checking the fuses while loading a ball in. Jackson started walking to the eastern side to check if the last cannon had a working fuse. He stopped. frozen in place. The creature appeared out of blackness. As if the clouds that swirled around this mountain were the monster itself. A beam of light shone across it revealing the full size of the dragon.
It was allot bigger than anyone expected. Standing on his back legs it stood easily over the entire watch tower, over 40 meters tall. Its tail was an enormous black chrome whip that stretched the whole length of the beast and more. Its legs were short, but its claws were long. Covered in crusted blood from those who had come before. The spines along its back looked like bladed gravestones. Its scales were a hideous black and blue, as if its entire skin was one giant bruise. The wings on its back stretched out in the air, welcoming the hunters to its roost. Its neck was long and gave it incredible height. At the top was a head full of more teeth than its mouth could hold. Two sets of two horns each side of its head that twisted away from its skull. And its eyes. Its awful eyes. They had black slits like a snake but furious red Iris that looked like a fire storm inside its head.
It hadn’t even made a sound. Jackson wasn’t even sure it was real yet. He didn’t know if Ike or Marlow were even still here. The world paused for a second. The dragons tongue slithered out of its mouth and licked its lips. It stared down at its new guests. Jackson had fought allot of monsters and after fighting enough he could tell why a monster fought by the way it looked. Some were hungry. Others scared. But this was something new. Never had Jackson seen a monster smile back and its combatant. This unholy creature of night didn’t care for food or to defend its home, it just wanted to kill. It was genocidal to the core and wanted nothing more than hunters to die. The dragon was going to enjoy this.
Jackson yelled out to whoever might still be behind him. "Time to show it what were made of!". He flicked the main barrel of his gun lance down and took out his shield. Turning the safety off with a click, he rotated a few shells through the main gun. The dragon let out a bellowing cry that changed from a roar to a shriek. This close, it felt as if his ears were going to bleed just from standing near it. His heart slowed down, and a smile crept into the corner of his mouth. Both the song and his fear had left his mind. Without his fear he felt confident, nothing holding him back from his fate. The song’s lyrics made sense now.
 The Legend of the Black Dragon
When the world is full of wyverns, the legend is revived
meat is eaten, bone is crunched
and blood is sucked up dry
he burns the earth and melts through iron
he boils the rivers and mows down trees
he awakens the winds and lights the inferno
he is called Fatalis, the wyvern of destiny
he is called Fatalis, the wyvern of destruction
call for help, run for your lives
and don’t forget to pray to the skies
he is called Fatalis, the wyvern of destiny
he is called Fatalis, the wyvern of destruction
Fatalis, Fatalis
Heaven and Earth are yours
Fatalis, Fatalis
Heaven and earth are yours
Quick note. i wrote this over a few days after having some dreams about monster hunter. Im not a writer or much of a creative. i work with animals mostly so monster hunter has a good place in my heart. This is very much a first go at writing and im hoping people enjoy it. 
3 notes · View notes
jaws330 · 4 years
Fatalis but with actual edits this time
Allot easier to read and with real grammar. cheers Sonya for the help. im not a writer by nature so it helps when people with actual talent help out.
Four men sit apart from each other in the hull of a ship. Wood creaks as the ship pushes through another swell. The men haven’t spoken much to each other since preparing for the trip 2 mornings ago. Jackson scans the room, checking on his team members. Marlow and Ike hadn’t moved in hours, and Hans was still focusing on his meditation. The group’s Palico, Thellow, had brought down fish from the upper decks and encouraged everyone to eat, but no one seemed interested. The journey was worse than many of the hunts the men had been on.
Jackson and Ike had been hunting wyverns and dragons all over the continent for the last 10 years. Marlow was new. That isn’t to say he was without skill. Jackson and Ike had seen the kid rip a diablos tail clean off with 5 good slice shots that Ike had bet strongly he wouldn’t be able to make. Marlow had a keen eye, but he didn’t have the same willpower the others did. Jackson was worried he wouldn’t be up to par for this hunt.
He didn’t have the greatest tact when talking to others, so after a while of contemplation he moves over to Ike and sits next to him on the floor. The floor creaks more as Jackson’s weight sinks upon it. The damp wood smell doesn’t help to lift the mood either, not that any of them seem to notice. The simple act of moving towards the prey they had been asked to hunt was harder than any of them expected.
Jackson leans his head over to Ike and whispers, “Could you check on Marlow? I don’t think he’s doing well.”
Ike looks back at Jackson. His eyes are red, and the skin under them sags. He must have been sobbing, though Jackson hadn’t noticed. Ike gulps, taking a deep breath. He looks like he’s about to say something but can’t find the words. He exhales in despair. The two look to Marlow, who has lifted his head at the new activity. Marlow stares back at his two seniors, and within a few moments he breaks down and cries. Ike rubs his eyes and starts to compose himself. Standing up, he walks to Marlow and places his arm around his shoulders, comforting him as best he can.
Hans hasn’t said anything, or even noticed the energy in the room change. He had been meditating for the last day. The Wyverians had it easy. They could focus their minds and remain steeled even in the worst situations. The rest of the men were only human and could not help but dread the impossible task they had been given.
The monster they had been sent to kill was growing more and more confident in its prowess. Everyday it seemed like its area of influence was growing. More towns burnt to the ground. More bodies are incinerated while running for their lives. And more hunters burnt, killed, or mutilated beyond recognition. The impression of glory from the hunt had faded from most hunters’ minds. All that was left was the depression of knowing that those who face this creature have forfeited their lives.
Jackson was nervous, but had expected a fight like this to come at some point in his career. Ike too, but with less acceptance than Jackson. Marlow had only been an official hunter for 2 years. He showed lots of potential but still had a lot to live for.
Despite showing strong will in the face of an impossible task, there was still something burning in the back of Jackson’s mind. He’d had a song stuck in his head for the last few days since news of the hunt came in. He was surprised by the persistence of his own brain to keep the song running at every waking moment. It was not even a good song. It was only ever sung by kids playing games, and Jackson couldn’t remember the last time he had even heard it sung out loud. But in stressful situations the mind can fixate on things. Even things you might not want it to.
A few hours later the boat comes up to port.
“Finally,” says Ike.
He is the first and by far the most eager to get off the boat. Jackson thought that getting on with things is probably the best move for everyone. Waiting just let the mind stew and overall wasn’t going to help the hunt at all. Hans jumps to shore first and ties down the boat. The others prepare their gear and pass it over one by one. The metal boxes of explosives, ammo, and blades were an awkward shape, and heavy for most. Ike jumps on shore as well to help Hans with carrying everything, while Jackson and Marlow pass the boxes across. They take extra care not to slip on the wet stone of the port. It had been sleeting here for some time and most of the stone and wood was covered in moss. Losing a weapon box here would be not only embarrassing, but tragic. Even losing one weapon would put a huge burden on the rest of the hunt and create even more risks which none of the men wanted to take.
Once the supplies were on shore, they set about looking for a place to stay the night. The clouds around Schrade were always thick and dark ever since the beast moved in. The port town at the base of the mountain where they had just landed was a hollow shell of what it used to be. The town’s name had been burned away with its people. Now all that was left was a few streets of wooden shacks, either black from ash and fire or bleached white from the sea and time. The streets were an eroded cobble path of wet granite. Grass and small plants were pushing past the stone to reach what little sunlight they could. The group venture into town, already knowing the location of the one building that would give them some refuge for the night.
At the end of the main street there is a well-built stone and oak building used by the town's fire brigade. Suitably, it was the only building that was not totally destroyed by fire. The hunter’s guild had already scouted out the area to make the journey a little easier, and after the two nights of sailing the old abandoned building seems like a luxury hotel. The metal door swings open easily and inside there are a few old sleeping mats, a pile of firewood, and a pile of paper scraps. The group pauses after seeing the rather basic and dismal interior. Marlow let out a disappointed exhale. He had been looking forward to a real bed. Hans enters first and moves to the right-hand side of the building. He drops his bag and swings around, clapping his hands together.
“All right boys, who’s getting the fire started?”
Thellow crawls in between the hunter’s legs and runs for a pile of old drapes. Rain was not a Palicos friend and scraps of cloth were a nice reprieve. Marlow, Ike, and Jackson let out the first smile in days. They needed someone like Hans to take the reins for a bit.
After about an hour, Marlow got the fire burning. Thellow had set up a camping grill and was preparing some fish for the group. Hans was thumbing through the scraps of paper while Ike was writing on one.
"Would you like to write one too, Jackson?” Hans called out from across the fire.
Jackson was going through the metal boxes they had brought, checking everything was where it was meant to be. Some hunters hated how neurotic he got when preparing. However, his policy of triple checking before a hunt meant that no one hunting with Jackson had ever worried about running out of medicine or drugs during the expedition. He had checked the weapons and med packs 12 times since packing.
Hans called out again. “ Jackson, are you going to add your own letter or not?”
Finally out of his packing trance, Jackson perkshis head up and quickly replies: “Yes, yes, of course I’ll write something. Let me just finish and I’ll come over”.
Hans rolls his eyes while Ike snickers. They are both a bit sick of this behavior.
Ike stands up and says: “I think this will do. If anything happens then at least people will know how cool I was.”
Hans addsIkes paper to the stack. For a hunt of this caliber it was tradition for hunters to leave a note at base camp. Each hunter would write a bit about themselves and why they were going after the monster they were. The notes would pile up at base camp until someone slayed the monster. Only the winning person or team could take the papers home with them. A symbolic way of carrying the efforts of other hunters with them. Even if hunters did not lose their lives, it was still a way of showing respect to others in the field. After another 3 minutes Jackson walks over and takes the pen from Ike. He doesn’t want to write anything too sentimental or emotional, but considering the monster they were going to be fighting he tried his best.
Thellow was just about done with the first part of dinner. Grilled fish with lemon and mashed potato. It was basic, but filling. Marlow and Ike take the first servings. Hans would eat a small amount after everyone was done. He wasn’t the one hunting. Hans was a Recorder and Handler for the hunt. It was his job to get the hunters safely to the monster and gather what information he could during the fight.
Jackson puts his pen down, satisfied with the drivel about the honor of such a hunt. The song rattling in his head didn’t help. He writes and scratches out a few parts, and the whole thing looked a bit fake. He moves to get the next serving of dinner while Hans starts reading Jackson’s note.
While Jackson fills his mouth with potato mash, Hans snaps at him. “Is this really what you want to leave? You’re not doing any of these other notes a service by mixing your crap in with them.”
He gestures to the pile of 50 or so papers piled on a supply crate. Ike and Marlow both look at Jackson, assuming he had written something dumb about it being bullshit that they even need to do this.
Jackson finishes his bite and swallows. “I did really try, but I couldn’t find it, ya know? It’s kinda hard to think about good things for a hunt that we are being forced into.”
Ike and Marlow look back to Hans, expecting a well formed argument, but are surprised when he nods in agreement. “I know it's not the best situation, but every day more and more towns are destroyed. The guild can’t get hunters up here on short notice like this.”
Marlow cut in. “If we don’t kill it now then the next closest town is Minegarde. Hans is right, we should knock on its front door rather than let it come knock on ours.”
The port town of Minegarde was usually safe and had a high quantity of hunters ready to take on whatever challenged them. But stories of an elder dragon, Darhen Mohran, had drawn most of the town’s skill away to the east.
Ike lets out a laugh and says: “Bet you don’t think the Mohran hunt is overrated now, Jackson.”
Jackson laughs as well, and sheepishly replies. “Yeah, I kinda wish I had gone with the rest. Probably would have been a livelier trip.”
Marlow offers a small smile, and Hans chuckles.
Jackson looks back to Hans. “Would you like to write it for me then? You seem to be better with words than me.”
Hans shakes his head. “No, this will be fine. I’ll make sure anyone who comes here will know of the great Jackson who thought he had better things to do than hunt an elder dragon.”
It was the first time the 4 men had laughed together in days. The joy a simple meal and good conversation can bring to people’s hearts is astounding.
The dinner bolsters the spirit of the party far more than expected, and when armor and skill are stripped away, spirit is all that’s left. An hour later the group settles in for the night. They all try to get a good night’s sleep before tomorrow’s hunt. Jackson still struggles to sleep, the song running in his head like a ticking clock. He starts wondering if maybe the song was written by the monster itself, to drive hunters mad before they even fight it.
Eventually, he dozed off.
Morning came, but day did not.
The sky is still dark, and only a few rays of sun pierce the black clouds that loom over Schrade. They are unnatural. They weren’t from a volcano or storm, but they linger around the mountain where castle Schrade once stood. The castle had been destroyed hundreds of years ago. The town was a settlement that tried to take advantage of the castle’s well-built infrastructure. They had planned to turn castle Schrade into a hunting hub for the mountain ranges above Minegarde. It would have made a great port town between the western coast and northern town of Pokke. It would have, if it wasn’t for the last living resident of castle Schrade.
The group spends the early morning getting ready. Hans helps the men get their heavy armor on, while Thellow sorts the packs to make sure everyone has the correct equipment at the ready. Jackson gets his armor on first, a nice well-made set from a Brachidios. He had a reputation at the guild for his humorous encounter with it, so he figured it was a good choice of armor to wear for a hunt like this. The Brachadios’ obsidian hide was naturally fire resistant, and considering his role at the front line, it fit both thematically and practically. He cleans his gun lance one last time while Ike and Marlow are getting ready.
Ike is a jack of all trades, and enjoys hunting with whatever he finds most suitable for each hunt. For this particular hunt, he chooses the matte red Rathalos armor and a greatsword. He figures that to kill a big monster he would need a big sword.
Marlow was to provide cover fire and support from behind with his bow gun. He doesn’t usually bring more than a few kinds of ammunition. He likes to keep it simple. As long as he can shoot the monster down then it will be fine. For this hunt, he makes sure to bring a wide variety of ammunition. Poison, electrical, and a few sticky bomb shots.
Each of the hunters have prepared an appropriate kit for a fight of this caliber.
Finally, the crew is ready to depart. Hans would be climbing the neighboring mountain to observe and record the encounter. From there he will be able to tell if the crew is successful, and if anyone or anything survives the fight.
Hans grabs Jackson’s hand and looks straight into his eyes. "Don’t let this beast be your end, Jackson. I will see all of you when you return. Legends of the guild.”
The three wave goodbye as Hans starts his own journey. Jackson feels hollow, as he watches the only natural leader among them walk away. Now it's his turn to lead. The group doesn’t waste any time, and sets out climbing the mountain to castle Schrade.
The sides of the mountain area trial in and of themselves. They have narrow walkways, coated in damp mud with a sheer drop on one side. For a gun lance user like Jackson this was a bit of a joke. He has Ike and Marlow go before him for the first part of the climb, and even tiesa rope around his waist just in case the weight of the cannon mounted on his back becomes too much. Eventually the path comes to an end at a plateau. The area is larger than expected at this height. The group could easily fight the beast here if it were not for the rusted graveyard of old weapons.
Before them was 20 or so old worn out Dragonators. A metal spear several meters in length, designed to drill straight into the hide of even the toughest monster. They were a devastating defense the guild had been employing since its early years and they were a staple of elder dragon defense operations. This pile must be hundreds of years old. It’s hard to tell if the previous occupants of castle Schrade used this as a nearby dump or if they had been hauled to the castle and simply forgotten. Regardless, the team climb over with care, making sure not to slip and fall onto one of the vicious spikes.
The real climb was just beginning. A sheer cliff with only a few outcrops for about 100 meters. Jackson and Ike tie their equipment to a rope and would hoist it up after they had made it to the top. They aren’t the best mountain climbers, but they make do. At about halfway up Jackson pulls his head up into a cave that can easily fit the party.
He calls out to the crew. “We should take a rest here.”
After entering the cave the group line up and, together, pull the weapons and Thellow up the cliff into the small cave. The Palico makes sure the knots stay firm and the weapons don't rock too much while ascending.
Ike makes a snide remark while huffing and pulling on the rope. “Jeez, Thellow, how much fish did you eat last night?”
The Palico meows loudly from outside the cave as the group pulls the equipment inside.
They all fall to the ground and pass around a water bottle. While Marlow and Ike have a drink, Jackson investigates the back of the cave. Finally he’s able to spend more time examining it. It isn’t very big, but at the back is a pile of ash and rusted metal. He walks over to inspect it. Reaching out to wipe the ash away, the whole thing crumbles and explodes into a black cloud. He wipes the black soot from his visor and has the chance to see what remains. It is an empty suit of old armor. It only takes a second for Jackson to realize what the ash filling the armor used to be. He loses focus for a moment. The song is louder than ever. He can even hear  the voices of the children singing it now. His heart is pounding, feeling like it’sbanging on the metal armor around his chest.
“What was that?” Ike asks from behind.
It snaps Jackson from his trance, and he swivels around. “Nothing, just some old scrap”.
Jackson has some water and the group continues up the mountain. Another 40 or so meters and Jackson finally places his hand on the stone base of what once was castle Schrade.
 Pulling himself up, Jackson pauses for a brief moment to take in the fortress. The enormity of the structure staggers him for a moment. The wind blows softly but carries the scent of decay. Distant metal structures can be heard creaking and clunking as time passes them by.
Jackson, realising he still has friends climbing the cliff, turns to assist them up onto the final ledge. Without hesitation, Ike and Jackson begin pulling up the weapons once again. Upon reaching the top, both Ike and Jackson quickly grab their tools. Being unarmed for that long has made them both a little jumpy. Marlow has already started surveying the area. He needs good vantage points and places to move to while gunning. In front of them is a large courtyard made of stone bricks. On the upper side isa castle wall connecting to a stone watchtower. Spears and swords lay around it, as if the men they belonged to simply evaporated. It was giving all of them chills.
Behind that is more of the castle. The entire building is massive and expanded over 2 mountains,crossing the range in between. This is only the entrance. It is by far the best place to fight something big. The rest of the castle is too jagged, with corridors that will restrict movement to much. The team knows that the monster will almost certainly take advantage of that and blow them to pieces before they even know it’s attacking. Out in the open is the best they can hope for.
Marlow has already started moving to the side wall to get some height. It is a great place to have a gunner, and gives a brilliant view of the area. There are a few pieces of old ammunition around. Not much, but some ballista and cannon balls might help if given the opportunity. The castle wall still has one intact Dragonator in it, unfired. Jackson has already set to work getting a plan ready, using what little they have in  the castle.
It is only morning, but the sky is still dark. Not much light can get through the clouds, even this high up. It still feels like night is around them.
Ike moves over to one of the cannons and starts checking the fuses while loading a ball in. Jackson starts walking to the eastern side to check if the last cannon has a working fuse. He stops, frozen in place. The creature appears out of blackness. As if the clouds that swirl around this mountain are the monster itself. A beam of light shines across it, revealing the full size of the dragon.
It is a lot bigger than anyone expected. Standing on his back legs, it stands easily over the entire watchtower, over 40 meters tall. Its tail is an enormous black whip that stretches the whole length of the beast and more. Its legs are short, but its claws are long, crusted with blood from those who had come before. The spines along its back look like bladed gravestones. Its scales are a hideous black and blue, as if all of its skin isone giant bruise. The wings on its back stretch into the air, welcoming the hunters to its roost. Its neck is long, which gives it incredible height. At the top is a head full of more teeth than its mouth can hold. Two sets of two horns each side of its head that twist away from its skull. And its eyes. Its awful eyes. They have black slits like a snake, but a furious red iris that looks like a fire storm inside its head.
It hasn’t even made a sound. Jackson isn’t even sure it is real yet. He doesn’t know if Ike or Marlow are even still here. The world pauses for a second. The dragon’s tongue slithers out of its mouth and licks its lips. It stares down at its new guests. Jackson has fought a lot of monsters, and after fighting enough he can tell why a monster fought by the way it looked. Some are hungry. Others are scared. But this is something new. Never has Jackson seen a monster smile back at its combatant. This unholy creature of night doesn’t care for food or to defend its home, it just wants to kill. It is genocidal to the core and wants nothing more than for hunters to die. The dragon is going to enjoy this.
Jackson yells out to whoever might still be behind him. “Time to show it what we're made of!”
He flicksthe main barrel of his gun lance down and takes out his shield. Turning the safety off with a click, he rotates a few shells through the main gun. The dragon lets out a bellowing cry that changes from a roar to a shriek. This close, it feels as if his ears are going to bleed just from standing near it. His heart slows down, and a smile creeps into the corner of his mouth. Both the song and his fear leave his mind. Without his fear he feels confident, nothing holding him back from his fate.
The song’s lyrics make sense now.
The Legend of the Black Dragon
When the world is full of wyverns, the legend is revived
meat is eaten, bone is crunched
and blood is sucked up dry
he burns the earth and melts through iron
he boils the rivers and mows down trees
he awakens the winds and lights the inferno
he is called Fatalis, the wyvern of destiny
he is called Fatalis, the wyvern of destruction
call for help, run for your lives
and don’t forget to pray to the skies
he is called Fatalis, the wyvern of destiny
he is called Fatalis, the wyvern of destruction
Fatalis, Fatalis
Heaven and Earth are yours
Fatalis, Fatalis
Heaven and earth are yours
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