#oh my god when she said that my heart fucking dropped bc i could not IMAGINE the spotlight at work rn
adamsrcnan · 5 months
OKAY OKAY here we goooo an annoyingly long-ish post about all my thoughts on The Sunshine Court
Spoilers Spoilers Spoilersss you've been warned
First things first it is so interesting to see Nora writing from not one but TWO new people's perspective. Jean's perspective is just devastating being inside his head is heartbreaking the constant fear and panic and how much of his energy is used on just pushing down every memory of what was done to him. His coping mechanisms are terrifying and i truly do hope by the end of book 2 he has a healthier way of dealing with it bc baby boy stop hurting yourself :( Every sentence was so painful to read. But also his resilience the entire time to get through it no matter what, god i fucking love him!!! He is a fighter.
Jeremy's perspective is sooooo refreshing. He is such a little sweetheart i could cry. The fact that he sends hand written letters and he's so caring and genuine but he can also be so stern. When he dropped that "i asked you a question" to Lucas fkehdjdfjdh OK SIR. I'M SAT. His relationship with the family butler is so endearing as well i need more background on that for sure! My only one criticism is that he didn't have enough pov chapters and i'm hoping we'll learn more in the second book of course because there's still so much about him and his (dysfunctional? toxic?) family dynamic that we don't know yet but also i'm greedy and i wanna know EVEYTHING about him !!!
Kevin and Jean are so just tragic it actually breaks my fucking heart like "you didn't have to slit my throat on the way out" JEAN??? and "promise me you won't try again. I can't lose you." KEVIN??? And the fact that Jean to this day is still keeping that promise. Also Jean's obvious but secret long term crush on Kevin the way it's subtly dropped every time Jean has to stamp down on his desire's and "temptations" GOD PLEASE I CAN'T STAND IT
Neil and Jean oh my God like where do i even start?? The guilt Jean feels at what happened to Neil in the Nest and him finally calling him by his name after Riko's death and telling him his game was good. And Neil seriously needs to give himself more credit for how much of a caring person he is because the way he indirectly told Jean that he thinks he is worth saving and didn't even hesitate before asking Stuart to send someone after That Guy after what Jean told him. Neil Josten the man that you are!!!
Jean's little sister Elodie what a beautiful name. Them being so close and him reading to her. The way he found out about her death jolted me differently. It was so awful and i'm so sorry Jean didn't get to see her grow up and meet her again.
Renee and Jean oh my god. Jean thinking she's beautiful (bitch me toooo) And the whole right person wrong time ugh i can't stand it. Him wearing her necklace all the time, enough that Jeremy always notices it. And unabashedly stealing her picture from the foxes lounge. Like he did not give a fuck. He said this one is mine. One good reason to stay alive being rainbows i'm gonna FKSJSKDHDH. Theirs would be such a soft love.
Speaking of soft loves Laila and Cat are EVERYTHINGGGG. God they are so cute with their little domestic life and their rich gay boy son who crashes on their couch with his cardboard cut out dog. That whole friendship dynamic is beautiful. Their fierce protectiveness and care over Jean as well and the patience they have with him even after the little kitchen incident. When Cat took Jean out for a drive on her motorcycle god that was such a heart warming moment and Jean helping them cook as well and becoming the girls' little sous chef it's so cute so endearing !!!
Jeremy being the one who told Jean that Riko was dead i don't even know what to begin with THAT like hhhhhhh. The way they're both stupidly attracted to each other but won't/can't do anything about it. THE WHOLE "say yes Jeremy" SCENE WTF WAS THATTT I WAS GOING INSANEEEE. Both of them having to stop mid sentence when they catch the other looking FINE as hell. Jean being so obvious that even Lucas picks up on the way he looks at Jeremy. Jeremy being there to ground Jean in a Moment and helping him come down from it. Grabbing his face and telling him he's okay. Moving into the room with him to make him feel more comfortable !! The way Jean grabs Jeremy's chin (boiiiii). Jeremy constantly reminding Jean that he is NOT A RAVEN ANYMORE no matter how many times he has to say it. Jeremy saying he'll wait as long as it takes until Jean speaks to him. JEREMY GIVING HIM A HUG AND JEAN CLUTCHING DESPERATELY TO HIS SHIRT FUUCUFHDHSJHSSUHDH and then the "will you help me?" And the "Anything you need" AND THEY'RE GOING TO TAKE A CERAMICS CLASS TOGETHER?!?!?!!!! i can't i can't i can't i caaan'ttt
There's so much more to say but i'm gonna leave it at this for now because i need to go re-read it again and take my time with it this time round but i really could not have asked for anything better Nora truly outdid herself here !!! I'm forever grateful she blessed us with this after so long.
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mllersjoel · 6 months
you're obsessed
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you're obsessed
Pairing: Jamie Tartt x fem!actress!reader
Warnings: swearing, no use of y/n
Summary: jamie tartt fic where he has a huge crush on an actress and sees her at a richmond event and she flirts w him he’s really shy bc he likes her but they hook up after idk
Wordcount: 1.6k
A/N: didnt manage to write any smut bc this was getting way too long teehee :D general warnings for swearing.
writing comms are open!
“Oi, Tartt! Stop stalking your actress and give me some laps,” Roy yells, shaking Jamie from his reverie. Jamie is not stalking her instagram. He’s just not; because a stalker would have notifications on as they obsessively checked their profile at least four times every minute. Jamie is only checking once every five minutes, and he doesn’t even have her notifications on. So there. Suck it, Roy.
“Fine, don’t give yourself an aneurysm,” he mutters, taking a quick minute to stretch before he’s running around the pitch. He just has a crush. That’s all. A little one. He first saw you in some thriller that came out last month, and something about you had him hooked. Initially he thought it was just the character you played, a regular yet charming civilian, pulled into the crime world. After watching (admittedly, way too many) interviews, he realised it wasn’t the character. It was you.
You with your witty remarks and comments. The way you laughed good naturedly and poked fun at your costars. The way you were clumsy and scatterbrained, in a terribly endearing way.
It didn’t help that you were also gorgeous.
So, yeah. Jamie had a slight crush. It was fine, though, because you were currently based in Los Angeles (you were in a new Marvel movie) and had no plans of coming to the UK anytime soon. 
“She’s right fit, though,” Isaac says, nudging Jamie as he runs past. 
Jamie feels his stomach tighten with jealousy before he catches himself. Why was he jealous? He didn’t know you and you probably didn’t even know he existed. Well, maybe you did, because he was sexy and a hot football player. Did you even watch football? Would you watch it if you knew he was in it?
Jamie remembers hearing something about a parasocial relationship from Keeley and resolves to not think about you.
At least while he was training.
He’s spraying on cologne in the locker room when Keeley bursts in, all smiles and pep.
“Oh. My. Fucking. God!”
“Is everything alright?” Ted asks, breaking away from Coach Beard who as far as Jamie could tell, hasn’t said anything but is managing to have a full conversation with Ted.
“You will not believe who I booked for this years’ Gala!”
Roy’s ears perk up at this as he slides into the conversation. “The Muppets?”
“No, Roy,” Keeley says, exasperated, “not the fucking Muppets. Only the hottest new actress on screen right now!”
At this point, all the boys have gathered around Keeley, jostling each other and trying to see the screen of her phone. Jamie fights his way to the front, and when his eyes focus on Keeley’s phone, he’s pretty sure his heart drops into his stomach.
It was you. There. With your smile and your eyes and your name and a headline.
You were coming to their Gala.
He feels his heart drop into his stomach. This couldn’t be real. Maybe it was a mistype, or someone accidentally said they scheduled you but in reality you were on the other side of the globe. It was faked. It had to be.
He broke away from his team, practically running back to the changing rooms. Opening up your instagram, he pulled up your story. There, you had reposted the announcement.
Oh. Oh fuck.
On the day of the Gala, Jamie seriously considers hiring a stylist rather than just going with his gut. He needs to look good. Tonight is most probably one of the most important days of his life. His favourite actress, coming to his club’s Gala. Maybe, if he plays his cards right, you’ll bid on him.
Wait. Who was he kidding? He’s Jamie fucking Tartt. Of course you’ll bid on him. He could wear a trash bag and you’d bid on him, because he is just that fucking sexy.
He shoots a quick text to Keeley, desperate for a second opinion.
thoughts? Xx
Ur hot babes!!
Gonna knock em dead xx
Lose the tie u look like a prick <3
He takes one last look in the mirror, running his hands through his hair. Yeah. He’s gonna show up and be so cool. He’s so cool.
They’re taking pictures on the carpet, and everyone can tell Jamie is not all there. He barely tells the paparazzi to take pictures of his good side, following it up with “And that’s any side.” His eyes keep darting around, every scream and shout of delight sending his stomach in knots in case you’re the one to step out of the limousine.
Maybe you just won’t show up. Maybe you were already inside.
He can’t decide which option is worse.
When he’s at the end of the carpet, about to head inside, he hears whistles and screams, different from the ones before. These sound a lot more excited, filled with more adrenaline and anticipation. Or maybe he’s just projecting. 
He turns, and sure enough, you’re there.
Stunning. That’s the only thing he can think of. You smile beautifully at the photographers, working the crowd with ease. It was as if you were friends, had a solid rapport with them with the way you were conversing back and forth.
“Close your mouth. You look like a fucking basking shark,” Roy says, elbowing Jamie in the stomach.
He flinches back, giving Roy a shove in return. “Oi, what was that for?”
“You’re not gonna make a good impression with you gawking like a fucking idiot. Go say hi or something. Be fucking normal.”
Jamie sends Roy an affronted look. “I am normal, you old bastard. Just because we don’t act like how you did in the 1800s doesn’t mean I’m being an idiot.”
Roy just growls, shoving past him into the building.
Jamie takes a step forward to follow when a voice catches his attention.
“Hey! You’re Jamie Tartt, right?”
He turns on instinct, a winning smile already plastered on his face. “I’ll do autographs once—you.”
You raise your eyebrows slightly, waiting for him to go on. “Once I what?”
“You’re, um, you’re her.” He says your name, almost reverently.
Your grin widens, almost giddy. “You know who I am?”
“I follow you—” before he could say more, your manager rushes in behind you, ushering you inside. You wince at him, apologetic, before heading inside.
Jamie stands there, dumbfounded. 
I follow you?  That’s what he had to say? Now he really does sound like a stalker. He scrubs his hand over his face, groaning in disappointment.
He’s gonna make it up to you. He has to.
Inside, he sees he’s sat with Ted and Roy as well as a few other people and an empty seat next to him. He largely ignores his own table, trying to catch sight of you and not succeeding in the slightest. He huffs a sigh of annoyance, sliding into his seat.
Ted notices his glum aura, nodding sagely. “It’s the oysters, isn’t it? Because I know they have to try to make the flavour appeal to everyone but adding this much lemon is just downright insultin’.”
“It’s not the oysters, coach.”
Ted frowns. “The placemats? I was never really an eggshell white person myself but—”
“Jamie’s pining over an actress he thinks I don’t see him stalk on insta when he’s supposed to be running drills,” Roy cuts in, tired of Ted’s guessing.
“I’m not pining,” Jamie pouts, crossing his arms in a decidedly not childish way.
Before Roy could get another rebuttal out, the seat next to him is being filled, and once again he sees you, smiling at him. “Actresses are overrated,” you say, placing your napkin over your lap, “trust me.”
Jamie’s blood runs cold, convinced the universe is playing a cruel trick on him. Running into you is an absolute dream, he’d never deny that, but running into you with both Ted and Roy there? He may as well be taken out back and shot.
He must’ve been sitting there agape for too long, because before he knows it, Ted is reaching a hand over and giving yours a shake.
“Ted Lasso, it’s a pleasure to meet ya’. I absolutely loved you in that thriller that came out last June. Had me on the edge of my couch! And I know Jamie here liked it as well, he was bawling a right mess by the end of it.”
You turn to look at Jamie, and having the full force of your attention on him made him nearly choke on air. “Were you really?”
Jamie licks his lips, trying to gain some composure. “Bawling is sayin’ a lot, really. More like a reasonable cry.”
You nod along, clearly not buying it. 
“I’ve been keeping up with your games this season. The goal you scored against West Ham the other day was seriously impressive. You were practically miles away from the net.”
Immediately, Jamie perked up. “You like football?”
“Well, I’m no expert, but I definitely try to watch all your games if I can.”
Jamie leans in, feeling bold and taking your hand in his. “Richmonds games? Or my games?”
You shrug. “Depends on the hair.”
He laughs, leaning back in his chair, body turned towards you. Maybe tonight won’t be so bad after all.
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artificialbreezy · 8 months
Omg dad Noah is the cutest but could you imagine him being so much more protective of his pregnant partner
i feel like Noah is just protective of the ones he loves period but when he sees the little plus sign on that stick it’s like something changes in him. he takes you EVERYWHERE. your midwife will be on the tour with you because god forbid anything happen to you. you guys find out when he’s on tour, your standing in a random hotel bathroom in New York and your pacing bc you’re so worried it’s gonna fuck up his career but Noah is anxiously waiting bc he wants his to be positive so bad. he hasn’t told you but he’s been thinking about this for months now. he hears the timer go off and looks at you and says “you wanna check it or do you want me too?” and you just kinda shrug and he checks it and his eyes immediately water and your stomach drops straight to your ass because you think he’s gonna leave and he looks at you with the happiest eyes and biggest smile, “baby, we’re gonna be parents!” and you’re like “wait. you’re not mad?” and he’s like “oh my god no. i’m so excited. we’re gonna have a little us running around before we know it.” and he’s immediately making plans for you to move in so he can watch you because he refuses to leave you alone. he’s gotta keep an eye on you. he makes sure you take your prenatal every morning, if you want any sort of take out he’s on his way to get it, when you show any sign of pain or discomfort he’s immediately asking “what’s wrong? do we need to go to the hospital? how can i help? baby why don’t you sit down?” and you’re like “noah i’m fine it’s okay, im growing a whole ass human inside my stomach. my guts have moved to make room for your baby-“ he’d interrupt you so fast, “our baby.” and you’d just smile and sit down like he said so he’d calm down. now he can’t keep his eyes on you 100% of the time. like when he’s on stage. but he’s also worried about the loudness of the venue being too much for your little ole body to handle now that your 7 months pregnant, so he makes you sit in the back with Davis. he’ll run back to the room during song breaks to check on you. he’s totally missed his cue a couple times because he got caught up feeling his baby kick. when he got back to the stage, he’d announce “sorry guys my girlfriend’s here and our baby was kicking like crazy and she never lets me feel her kick so i HAD too”. If noah has an interview he’s texting you the whole time and he’s making Jolly, Folio, and Nick keep their EYE on you. and he knows you wouldn’t tell him if something was up because he’s busy so he’s message the band group chat asking for the opinions on how you are and it’s always. she just has lunch or she’s sitting on the couch. it brings him ease knowing his family is keeping you safe when he can’t. bro and when you go into labor? he is your voice, your advocate. you guys talked so much about your birth plan (he wrote it all down so it would go according to plan) and when the hospital (if the hospital) is being picky he shuts it down FAST. “we are doing this the way she wants. no ands, ifs, or buts about it. the only reason we’re stepping outside of this plan is if it’s life or death”. he definitely would talk you through the pushing, he’d hold your hand, kiss your forehead. it broke his heart seeing you crying because of the pain but he knew you’d be okay. when he heard the cries of his little baby, the man wouldn’t be able to hold back his tears. he’d look at you, tears streaming down his face, “you did it mama.”
i got so carried away with this omfg
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serqphites · 2 months
hiiii katie!! i’ve been in a massive longlegs phase (mostly bc of lee let’s be honest) and your blog has been a GODSEND 🤍 i’ve been thinking of writing a lee fic for a while but i had a lil idea that i wanted to send your way 🤭
i cannot get over the idea of wife!lee with r on a beach trip—especially if her wife fucking loooves it. she’s not a huge fan of going to the beach (her autistic ass does not fuck with sand) but she’ll go every couple of years bc ofc she’s going to deal with it for her woman!!!!! she’d sit on the beach watching r letting herself get absolutely DEMOLISHED by waves and she thinks it’s cutie af. she will (VERY reluctantly) get in the water once her twice but if something touches her leg? she’s screaming like he arm is getting chopped off she would HATE THATTT.
lol that’s all!! i just love ur blog and i would love to see u expand on this because ur like The Lee Harker Blog Ever for me :) much love 🤍🤍
— gracie
hello gracie !! oh my god PLEASE write a lee fic i will reblog it until the day that i die. also so honoured you wanted to send this my way hello?? i could cry 🫶 AND THEN YOU ALSO SAID IM THE LEE HARKER BLOG FOR YOU?? sobbing throwing up rolling around on the floor literally deceased
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lee fucking HATESSSS the beach (girl me too) her autistic ass can’t handle it. the sand sticking to her? AHHHHH. the water that’s freezing and lowkey stinks? FUCKKKKK. yeah no this really isn’t for her.
except for the fact it now is because her wife loves it arguably more than she loves her!!
god i can just picture it now, you’re walking onto the beach so fucking happy to finally be back after not going for ages (lee cried and locked herself inside the house the last time you tried to go), and then there’s lee… 🧍‍♀️ girly is just stood on the pathway that leads up to the sand, your bags and folded up towels in hand as she refuses to take just one little step forward onto the sand.
you have to push her to the spot you’d like your towels placed
lee sits on her towel and doesn’t move, she won’t even uncross her legs. she’s just sat awkwardly leaning over the towel so she can make you a sandcastle <3 she’s using various children’s tools she’d ordered from amazon to build, picking up the shells around her to turn them into decoration.
she’s so proud of herself when you come back from the water for a drink 😭 “honey! look what i made you” and she’s all shyyyy
also lee is 100% the kind of person to write your initials in a heart in the sand, and not small too she wants it to be seen by everyone, just so they all get the message (aka “stop staring at my wife’s ass you pervs”).
ice creams on the beach!!! lee is so mad at the wasps swarming her LMAOOO you’re actually petrified so you’ve moved, poor lee is trying to be brave and impress you but if they get too close she drops her act to scream like a child.
after hours of trying to convince her to get into the water, she finally agrees! you lead her to the water (despite her purposefully moving slower than a sloth) and let go of her hand to make your way in, assuming she’d follow.
🧍‍♀️”i don’t want to :/”
“come on baby you can do it! it’s just water!” you attempt to encourage her, and surprisingly it works. lee veryyy slowly starts inching her way towards the water, a wave crashing into her ankle just as she does so. she makes various weird noises, you know when you eat something that feels like it’s just come straight out of a volcano? it sounds something like that.
but hey she’s doing it! she’s walking towards you with a big smile on her face, your expression mirroring her own. that is until lee feels something slimy wrapping around her leg, imagine the scream she lets out when she glances down to discover there’s a green alien trying to worm its way inside of her (there’s seaweed on her leg).
my girl runs for the hills. screaming like she’s being tortured before dropping onto the sand and swatting her attacker away (which is again, seaweed).
you make your way over to her in an instant, removing the seaweed from her leg as you stifle a laugh. the woman, your wife, now caked head to toe in sand… even the poor girls eyelashes have sand in them.
“can we go home please?” poor baby :(
once you’ve returned to the comfort of your own home, lee gets the most cuddles she’s ever gotten from you in her life. despite her silliness (not silliness, she was very viciously attacked by aliens) you’re still so incredibly proud of her for facing her fears and going on a fun little adventure with you.
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*hold gun cutely* Your turn to share headcannons for us to stea- take inspiration from
I find this so funny because there was a period of time where I only posted HCs… and it’s so weird bc damn I don’t do that anymore huh
A lot of my HCs have obviously changed in the 2/3 years I’ve been posting for this fandom, so…
If you ever want any SPECIFIC HCs, do ask, like I’m genuinely happy to offer any info you want. Anyways
DIVINE WARRIORS, because mfers keep talking about them.
TW, for like, sacrifices, and attempted child-murder/sacrifice... and child-on-mother cannibalism... if it counts as cannibalism when the child is a god.
They’re all gods or god-adjacent. Everyone talks about how they are making them not all gods, but fuck that man I find this fun.
They all reach their godhood in different ways, though. and godhood is something that is... complicated. fluid, even.
i'm just gonna talk about Shad (Judgement, in LR) and Irene, tho, bc otherwise this post would be mega fucking long. and i'm pretty sure i have a Kul'Zak ask anyways.
Y'know how people say 'the world is your oyster'? Well, the world is shad's egg. literally. He's the Draconic God of Death, and his entity was created in the belly (centre) of the earth, in heat and warmth and magma. He clawed his way out of the world, and this lore is mentioned in the prologue of LR, but his emergence from the core of the earth caused the earth to bunch up, and created mountains and valleys, and ravines. similarly to dropping a pebble into water, his emergence caused literal ripples. which is why most mountains and such are kind of in a radial pattern outwards from the 'belly of the world', which is just a huge fuck-off ravine. That said, not all mountains, because it's been thousands/millions of years since his emergence, and things do change. He was created as a god, before anyone knew what gods were. He was not the first being to exist, Early humans were around to witness his birth, but he is by far one of the most ancient. Hence why his followers call him 'the Ancient'.
Irene was born a god, though she was birthed by human parents. It's a whole situation, really, very lengthy. More about her mother than it really is about Irene. But she was born during the emergence. Her head crowned as Shad's emerged from the earth, and when he had fully freed himself and laid upon the cool ground, Irene was put into her mother's arms. Her and Shad are perfectly the same age, born at the same exact moment, to balance each other out. It's unclear which one sparked the creation of the other, but it doesn't matter. Both were born bloody and screaming, made to match. Irene was, however, not born looking human. She was a creature from day one. And she was ugly asf too bc like, she's feathered in her creature form, and have you ever seen fresh baby birds? Them mfers ugly. So, reasonably, her parents' people went 'aa' and decided to sacrifice her to the juvenile god of death bc they have volcanoes now, they can do that. However, Irene's mother was fiercely over-protective of her, and instead hid her in the woods to keep her out of the grasps of those wishing to harm her. She meant to go back and get her, so that she could find somewhere safe for her, but Irene's mother kind of got caesar'd (happy ides of march for two days ago), for trying to keep the fucked up little thing she birthed. Her body was dumped into the forest, and Irene ended up finding it and going 'oh a snack'. so... that's fun. However, as is how blood magic works, when one of magic consumes the heart of another, they consume their entirety. It was how Irene claimed a human form, by eating a human heart, and whilst it wasn't particularly an instantaneous transformation, it also lead to her becoming a mother. If not for eating her own mother's heart, she never would've had the maternal traits that ending up characterising her for most of her existence.
half of the irene stuff wasn't even info on how she became a god lmao, just 'oh she was born that way... also she ate her mother lmao'
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querenciasturniolo · 10 months
idk if you told that alr but what was your experience meeting them, who was your favourite, if theres a difference between what they look like/sound like on vid vs real life, and basically how was it 😚
so i wasn’t able to get the like, small talk, i only got the meet & greet bc your girl was BROKE when i bought tickets lmaoo. i went with my sister, who is not a fan at all HAHA, and we kind of made like a little girls trip out of it.
the show itself was so fun (i was a little sad that the boys weren’t on stage for as long as tril and malcom, but i still had so much fun), my sister enjoyed the music a lot and thought the boys were funny and all that, which i was grateful that she had fun as well. so we’re in line to meet them after the show, and then i start wigging out HAHAHA. i’ve never met anyone at a meet & greet before, so i was especially nervous.
when it was my turn next, i REALLY started wigging out, and i basically threw my sister my phone and was like “RECORD ME PLS” and then i had to go.
i turned the corner, and there was chris and i was like “holy fucking shit” and he smiled at me and was like “hi ! how ya doin ?” and held his arms out, and bc i was wigging out i was like “can i like, hug you ?” and he goes “oh absolutely, bring it in”. and when i tell you, he gives great hugs, i’m not exaggerating at all
i turned to nick and almost had a heart attack (as a nick girl, i was this close 🤏🏻 to losing it) he said “hello, how are you ?” and i was like “OH MY GOD I’M GOOD HOW ARE YOU” and he grinned at me and said he was good, and then i got to matt.
i was absolutely so intimidated by matt, and i have no idea why. i only looked at him for a split second, and my stomach dropped before i hugged him. he was grinning so wide, and he hugged me so tight and oh my goodness, i was almost sobbing, but he was so sweet ???? it was crazy ?
i panicked, bc i realized i only had limited time with them, and i had questions, but bc i was anxious, all i got out was “are you guys tired ??” bc it was their like, tenth tour date and matt answered first and goes “oh definitely not, wide awake” and nick goes “eh, not really” and chris went “what ? oh, no. wide awake”
and then we took the picture, and bc i was again, wigging out, i didn’t look back at them as i went back to my sister, i just went “thank you SOOO MUCH” and walked away. i watched the video on the car ride home a million times, and sobbed when i saw that matt smiled down at me, shit was crazy oh my god i love them so much.
as for my favorite, i’d have to say matt (even though i was wigging out and so intimidated by him) bc he was so smiley and he hugged me so tight, and i could tell he could tell i was nervous (i love him so so much).
lemme tell you, videos and pictures don’t do these boys justice, which is CRAZY considering how good they look in pictures and videos. like we know that their eyes are super blue, but in person ??? it’s like they’re almost WHITE with how blue they are. i’m like 4’10, so i was SHOCKED at how tall they were compared to me
all in all, i can say it was one of the best nights of my life. the next time they go on tour (i couldn’t go to versus unfortunately), i’m getting the small talk option bc i would love to chat with each of them individually for longer than like 20 seconds
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ghostedeabha · 1 year
i read the family fic you wrote and OOHHHH MY GODDDD I LOVED IT i swear fluff family fics have my heart i love them too much!!!
and reading the author note i would love to see how bug chose their name! :3
ahhh i'm so glad you liked it !! like seriously, this ask has me giggling, twirling my hair, kicking my feet. i die for the smallest bit of praise so i'm truly so so happy you liked it. MWAH MWAH, platonic kisses on the forehead for you nonnie <3 (and anyone else who read and liked it, all of you get platonic kisses too)
now, as requested, a cute blurb of how bug chose their name (and came out to simon and reader)
simon "ghost" riley x child!OC (bug riley)
word count: 824
warnings: a teeny bit of angst (bug is an anxious baby), but mostly just sweet sweet cotton candy :3
a/n: bug is 13 in this fic, it is told from their perspective. their dead name is mentioned twice.
a/n 2.0: i wrote this really quickly so it might not be that great, i'm stoned as fuck and it's like 10 to 05:00 rn but i really wanted to get this idea out for you guys bc i love this lil oc sm🥺 created them literally a day ago and i would die for them already
it'll be fine, it'll be fine. mum and dad are so accepting and loving, mum is always telling me she'll always love me no matter what. i siked myself up as i walk into the kitchen where i hear my mum and dad making dinner again.
i wanted to come out to them before dad left for work again, but every time i got up the nerves i backed out, not this time.
"uh, mum? dad?" i spoke up as i walked into the kitchen, catching the attention of my parents who gave me their signature loving smiles.
"hi my little bug, how was your day at school?" mum asked me, opening her arms for her a hug, which i happily gave her.
"hey ben, how was school bud?" dad asked, making my stomach churn a little at the sound of my birth name.
"it... it was good." i replied with a heavy sigh, mum's face immediately contorting into worry at the sound. "i actually wanted to talk to you two about something. can we sit down?"
"yes, of course." mum says as soon as the words are out of my mouth, she gently grabs my shoulders and walks to the dinner table with me, making sure dad was following behind.
as we sat at the table i felt a lump begin to form in the back of my throat and my heart begin to race. this was really happening. oh god this was really happening, i'm doing this.
"what is it benjamin? did something happen?" mum asks me with worry in her voice.
"if someone is hurting you just say the word bud, i'll deal with them." dad says gruffly, standing behind mum with a hand on her shoulder.
"no, no it's nothing like that," i begin, mouth running dry as i try to for words. i try to think of what to say, but the words wont come out right.
"i don't think i'm a boy!" i blurted before i could realize what i was saying. this was not the course of action i wanted to take.
"huh?" dad said with a raised brow. "what.. what does that even mean?"
"it's a legitimate question babe!"
"it's rude to ask it like that though!"
"guys! please! just," i sighed. "i don't... feel right as a boy. i'm nonbinary."
their silence makes my stomach drop, but my heart stops when dad just leaves the dining room to return to the kitchen without even looking at me. fuck, he hates me now.
"we'll be right back my baby, don't worry. stay there." mum says softly, putting a gentle hand on my head before she gets up to follow my father. leaving me to sit in silence. i just disappointed my fucking hero. my dad hated me now, i never should've said anything.
it's only five or so minutes before they both come back, dad seems... calm. i didn't expect that, in a way that scared me more.
"first off, we want to say that we love you so much baby. and we're so happy you felt comfortable enough to tell us this. we wont pretend we understand what that means but we are prepared to learn." mum says softly, taking my hands in hers and rubbing her thumbs over my knuckles as she speaks.
"wait... really?" i ask, feeling tears of relief welling in my eyes.
"of course, you're our son- our child, and we want you to be happy. we love you for you." dad said, putting a rough hand on my head.
that's all it took to break me, the waterworks flowing freely as i fall into my mother's arms. i feel her wrap them around me and she rubs my back, whispering sweet affirmations to me and kissing my head.
"this means you'll want to change your name, right? have you decided on one yet my little bug?" mum asked sweetly, causing a wide grin to spread across my face.
"yeah, i have. i picked it because it means a lot to me. you know, you've been calling me this my entire life when you realized how intrigued i was by bugs as a baby. so i went with bug. because mum always calls me her little bug." i explained to my parents, this time it was apparently my mother's turn to cry.
i watched as my mother began to sob in joy, pulling me to hold at arms length and look me in the face. "oh sweetheart, that's amazing. that makes me feel so special. i love you so much, bug."
my heart swells as mum calls me by my name, as she pulls me in for another hug i feel dad wrapping his arms around the two of us and giving my head another rough but loving pat.
"we both love you, bug."
"i love you both too."
what the hell did i ever have to be worried about?
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so-long-soldier28 · 9 months
Who would you give the hottest milf and dilf award to in the tvd universe?
oh boy did i have fun answering this question...
okay so both these categories have soo many options, i'm gonna root through my options before awarding the hottest. 😅
also, we've got actual milf / dilfs to compare, plus children-less folks who have milf / dilf energy, but that's a separate category.
but if we're looking at genuine parents, i've already got my dilf picked out.
let's go...!
(tw: bit of kink mention smack in the middle; dirty thoughts)
(also this is my opinion and certainly doesn't reflect the entirety of the fandom so no one come for me plz)
i had three pop in my head immediately, as soon as i processed the question.
first, katherine. ofc. and she is technically a mom, even though i forgot about nadiya at first.
she's both a badass and super hot (my bisexual awakening at the age of 12, actually), so she definitely qualifies for this category.
second, bonnie. not a mom, although she would make an amazing mom, given the chance. i was just watching 8x9 and she looked so freaking gorgeous, i had to pause to catch my breath (literally, my jaw dropped).
and all respect to kat, but let's not forget 1x5, the car wash episode… she looked fking amazing in that bikini, like, i died.
also, the entirety of s7, she was both sassy and gorgeous. i was so happy she got a chance to shine (finally) & she killed it. long overdue but soooo worth the wait.
she's always gorgeous, always badass, and like i said, would make a wonderful mom.
third, elena, but specifically season 6. idk if it was the single life that brought out her confidence or what, but she was glowing in that season.
i wasn't a fan of her most of the time, but she had huge mommy / milf energy throughout s6. i can't explain it, it's just vibes.
now, since you said tvd universe, i must also add rebekah and hayley to the mix.
rebekah is totally a qualifier for many of the same reasons katherine is, minus the actual kid. i fucking love her, and given the chance, she'd be a great mom, too.
hayley… loved her in the first 1-2 ish seasons.. liked her less when it felt like she was leading on both elijah and werewolf boy / nathan parsons wtf was his name.. JACKSON, that was it.
wasn't a fan of that.
she was a great mom to hope, always defended her daughter, and was very protective towards the people she loved, but she's only a contender for my list.
before i move onto dilfs, i must also add a note about caroline. i just remembered she's a mom, too, but tbh, while i love her to death and she's a great mom, she seems too babygirl-ish to be a milf. this could be bc the whole alaric/caroline thing freaks me out, or maybe it's bc the gemini coven forced pregnancy on her, but i just don't feel milf energy from her.
she was absolutely glowing, and beautiful when she was pregnant, and i adore her to death, but she doesn't fit the vibe.
now onto dilfs. i have less contenders.
first… elijah. huge dilf energy, like, insane.
always very protective of his family, of hayley and hope, of his morals and his home… whatever is important, he will defend it.
the suits only add to the dilfishness. that's it. that's the point.
certain scenes, especially throughout the originals are so dilf energy, it sends me to the moon.
the one where they're at the farm or whatever and he's rebuilding fence boards, every scene where he's drinking bourbon, whenever he rolls up his sleeves to deal with someone, or rips out a heart... you know what i mean?
second, you know i have to mention my boy kai…
that scene in 6x22 when he's in that suit… plz for the love of god put a baby in me. 🫣
he's so hot in that scene i can't actually handle it.
also something tells me he's got a breeding kink + he had 7 siblings & certainly knows at least somewhat how to raise kids.
as long as they're no threat, i think he could be a good dad (but i don't think he'd hurt his own kids).
not very dilfy pre-1903, but is very much so afterwards. (like caroline, he's got babygirl energy to me.)
oh! and while we're on the topic of dilf energy, i need to include marcel.
this man is spicy and kills me with his smile alone.
admittedly, there were times he pissed me off, but everyone pissed me off in the originals at some point, even elijah (loml).
i think he would be a great dad. he was so good with helping & being there for davina. he would defend hope despite the shit klaus & elijah put him through. he also kind of "adopted" josh as he did davina.
great leader, too. knew how to keep people in line (even if his system was majorly flawed).
and he's so fucking hot.
dilf energy. that's it.
now, for the actual dilf, i have one contender and one winner.
i really hate to admit it, because he's a terrible, awful person, but he's so fucking hot & obviously has great genes.
joshua parker.
fuck, something about this man does something to me that i can't explain.
i hate his guts.
but he's so hot.
all of his kids are hot, too. like i said, great genes.
definitely on the older side, but that just makes it so much better.
with him it would be like… "my wife died but now idk how to cope & i need to fuck out my sadness," and i would be like, "okay daddy. hey, i heard your eldest killed 4 of your kids, do you wanna make more?"
he's on my list with john winchester, called, "fictional men who would be dilfs if they were not child abusers."
Now to crown the winners! ✨👑✨
hottest milf: katherine pierce
hottest dilf: joshua parker
hottest with milf energy: bonnie bennett (s6 elena is a close 2nd)
hottest with dilf energy: elijah mikaelson
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greatyme · 2 years
8 Shows To Get To Know Me
Thank u for tagging me @jyuubin!!
Invader zim
I was a big nick/cartoon network kid & invader zim is just such a classic. I would watch the shit out of it, I’ve bought the whole series, the whole deal. When I was little I based my identity off of gir and when I was rewatching not too long ago I realized I still have so many lines memorized… it’s so silly and stupid and smart and gross I love it
My babysitter’s a vampire
Since this is a get to know me tag we’re like going through time with these series. This is another one I have lines memorized from! If I were to say which character I am it would be Rory and that is Important to know. A bunch of my friends love it too and we’ve rewatched it together it’s so fun whenever we do <3 another classic if u ask me
If u asked me in like 2015-2017ish what my fav show is I probably would’ve said Merlin. And it stayed up there as a fav show for a WHILE. I’ve never been able to rewatch it bc of like. The Pain the finale caused me but I was obsessed with it when I did watch it. I had some huge multiship mindset going when I watched it and was shipping basically everyone together which I don’t think I’ve done for any other show… I watched tf out of the bts for it too. Like I was kinda in deep…
Skam/druck/skam austin
Is it cheating if I put a show and my two fav remakes LMAO… I’m a big skam girlie. We should all know this. I made this acc when druck was airing as a skam + remakes blog. I had a skam austin username for the longest time (rip gracefulnosplinters). The og is such a classic and gave me some of my fav pan rep (so did druck)! I was so so so obsessed and in my heart I still am. I’ll defend skam austin to the ends of the earth. I met some of the druck cast members (heyyy Lukas). I lived and breathed those clip drops in real time like they were AIR. I completed the Norwegian duolingo course and my streak is still going. But really which skam viewer has ever been not entirely invested in the series. I’ll stop now cuz I could talk Forever about it all…
The untamed
Oh god. If you knew me when I first watched cql I’m genuinely so sorry… I would NOT shut up. It was every other word out of my mouth. I related every goddamn thing I saw to the show. It consumed me for MONTHS. As in I literally couldn’t watch anything else until a few months later after binging all sorts of bts, adaptations, and reading parts of the novel (funny thing is I still haven’t seen all adaptations/everything lmao). I always say it’s a good thing I couldn’t legally drive people when I was in this phase cuz I ONLY listened to/played the fucking character osts in the car for months like I knowww my mom was sick of it (she’s the only one who had to deal with me in the car lmfao). It was also the first time I ever actually made a sideblog for anything. I found the show at a very fitting time in my life too. Probably one of the hardest times ever but some of the themes in the series stuck with me in ways that felt so personal. A lot of love here
Another one I was super invested in at the time. Would not shut tf up about vegaspete. Very annoying about. Rewatched tf out of it. You know the drill. The few months I spent watching it was so eventful
HIStory2: crossing the line
Okay I think I’m really just in a HIStory mood lately but this fucking show. THESE TWO. YU HAO AND ZI XUAN. WHAT THE FUCK. The best way I can explain this is in a way no one else can understand: it appeals to a younger part of me in a very specific way. Like it’s scary. The chemistry is insane like going back to it after about a year still made me feel the exact same crazy way. One of the greatest losses caused by covid was the sequel that got cancelled 💔
Bad buddy
We all saw this coming. Gotta end with a bang. My favorite ql of all time. Insane to experience live and such a perfectly crafted show (thx p’aof). Layers upon layers of depth to write about (which like tbh every bad buddy fan basically has, me included). Just so much to love. Speaking of love: milklove origins too!!! We get it all from one silly little series. I remember exactly where I was so vividly when I experienced so many iconic scenes. It’s legendary!
I’m gonna tag @dumpsterslugz (I can tag you in things like this now >:D) @pondphuwin @heart-ming @markpakin & anyone else who wants 2 do this !!
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moriihana · 2 years
we can’t fix each other but we sure as hell can enable each other instead || nineteen: little sister
pairing: dabi x disabled!gn!reader
overview: you meet dabi pre-canon because your cat, nugget, literally won’t leave the guy alone. friendship, fluff and (eventual) angst ensue.
chapter summary: you and dabi go to toga's childhood home.
content: fluff, a little suggestive at the end bc i'm an indulgent little shit
word count: 1179
a/n: i promise i'm trying to get stuff out in a timely manner, i'm just not doin so hot as of late & my motivation's been pretty low lmao. also didn't have a gif for this one so i made a quick title card. oh shit i just realised i got the chapter wrong don't look at me oh no oh god
taglist: @iincandescenttt
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You eyed the graffiti on the brick wall you were approaching, your heart twisting in your chest painfully. Oh, Himiko…
“She’s in there,” Dabi said, nodding at the house behind the brick. “We can wait out here until she comes out.”
“You sure I shouldn’t go see her?” Your eyebrows furrowed as you bit back tears. “How could anyone write those things about her…? They don’t know her.”
Dabi placed a hand on your shoulder, steering you into the building facing Toga’s house. “You know how this society is. Spoonfed by heroes, whenever they see something that doesn’t fit their narrative, they try to stamp it out.” You simply hummed in response and climbed the stairs behind him. You watched as he broke off the window panes of the room you entered and perched on the windowsill, gesturing for you to sit next to him. Amused by his antics, you shook your head a little bit and sat down, dangling your legs out.
You sat in silence for a few minutes before nudging Dabi’s shoulder when you spotted Toga leaving the house. “Touya, she’s coming out,” you said softly.
“I see her.” Dabi nodded, eyes trailing after Toga. When she walked out of the gate, he spoke up. “Never knew you actually had a heart, nutjob,” he ignored your stern look and continued, “But even you can get caught up in emotion, huh?”
Toga looked over her shoulder. “I was just curious about my old house. That’s all. Totally normal.” 
Your heart clenched at how Toga still wasn’t her usual, bubbly self. I’ll kill Hawks myself, you thought with hatred. And that U.A. girl who made Himiko cry. They’re the reason she’s so sad. I hate heroes, I hate that nobody cares about the ones who don’t fit in…
Dabi let out a laugh as he grinned down at Toga. “You sure you’re ready for what’s coming?”
“And what might that be?” Toga asked as she started to skip away.
“I mean, us putting an end to this rotten world.”
“Little late to ask that now,” Toga quipped in response.
Dabi lifted his arm with smile as he lit a flame in his palm. “Good. Whether we’re crying or smiling, the sun’ll come out tomorrow. So I say…” He smirked, directing his flames at Toga’s childhood home. “Let’s smile, Toga Himiko. Smiling…” Blue fire engulfed the building. “Is why we live our lives!”
You watched the fire blaze, a soft smile gracing your lips at the destructive beauty of it. I really can see the big brother in you, pretty boy. As emotionally stunted as you are, you’re still a softie. Thank you for helping cheer Himiko up, Touya. You didn’t really need me here, did you? You chuckled quietly to yourself. You were looking for a scapegoat to hide the fact you actually do have emotions. 
Toga stopped skipping and turned to look at the inferno. “You’ll get us caught, Touya-kun,” she said softly, “But… that was awfully kind of you.”
“Caught? Society don’t got the juice to take us down right now.” Dabi snorted as he dropped from his perch in the window, softening the landing with his flames. He raised an eyebrow at you. “You comin’, mouse?”
“You’re joking,” you deadpanned, shaking your head. “I’ll break something!”
Dabi barked out a laugh—if you didn’t know any better, it could be mistaken as mocking. “You think I’d let that happen? I’d catch you, idiot.”
You eyed him with suspicion. “Ah, fuck it,” you grumbled with a roll of the eyes, heaving yourself out the window. A small squeak slipped from your throat as you tumbled out, grunting when Dabi caught you with little difficulty. “You’re infuriatingly strong, pretty boy.”
“Told you I’d catch you. The recoil from my flames is no joke—takes a good amount of strength to handle,” he drawled with a sly grin. He then turned his attention back to Toga. “And it’s not kindness so much as twisting the knife in Endeavor some more!”
“Oh, stop being so emotionally constipated, Touya,” you teased as he set them down, which earned an icy glare. You looked over at Toga and gave a sympathetic smile, noticing her fiddling with one of her blood vials. Poor Himiko…
Dabi followed your gaze. “You’ll be able to use it, y’know—if the person’s someone close to your heart, you’ll be able to use their Quirk by drinking their blood.”
You limped over to Toga. “Touya made sure we grabbed some of Twice’s blood for you, Himiko,” you murmured, placing a hand on her head. “It’s not much, but,” you trailed off with a sigh.
“We’ll help that sad, sad parade to keep marching. And the ones having the last laugh? That’ll be us,” Dabi finished your thought with a grin. 
Toga pulled out the vial she was fiddling with and held it as if it were something precious, which it was. “Thank you,” she said, a small smile tugging at her lips. The ache in your heart eased slightly and you pressed an affectionate kiss to the top of the girl’s head. 
“I’m glad to see that sweet smile again, Himiko. I hate to see my little sister so sad,” you said kindly. That smile on her face grew bright, and you felt like the weight in your heart disappeared. “There we are.”
Dabi huffed and trudged over to the two, wrapping an arm around your waist. With a mischievous smirk, he leaned down where he could whisper in your ear, “Now don’t go ignoring me again, little mouse.” You withheld a shudder, giving him a soft glare. 
“Behave yourself,” you said sharply, though there was little heat in your voice. You tried—and failed—to conceal the way his voice affected you. Asshole, you thought. He knows good and well that his voice flusters me. Little shit.
Toga giggled. “Your love smells so sweet,” she cooed. You groaned and nudged Dabi away with your shoulder.
“Look what you did,” you grumbled. “And you’re always the one talking about not encouraging her tendencies.” 
The man huffed and pulled you right back against him, tightening his grip on your waist possessively. “You behave,” he quipped back lowly before looking at Toga. “Oi, lunatic. We’re headed back—don’t stay out too late. We still need you around, so don’t go and get yourself killed just yet.” Despite his rudeness, you couldn’t help but smile at the small bit of care he let show—even if he backtracked.
“You’re being awfully possessive, pretty boy,” you said with a grin as Dabi led you away, his arm still wrapped possessively around you. “You still all pouty from me not paying attention to you?”
“I don’t like being ignored, doll. I’m just making sure you don’t think you’re getting away with that again.” 
You raised an eyebrow playfully. “Mmhm.” 
“You’re being awfully bratty for someone who’s in trouble for ignoring me,” Dabi drawled, squeezing your hip.
“I know you’re all bark and no bite,” you laughed. “Actually—no, you do bite. Hm. Fuck.”
“That’s what I thought.”
Oh dear.
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I posted 741 times in 2022
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248 posts reblogged (33%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 507 of my posts in 2022
Only 32% of my posts had no tags
#riddlebat - 224 posts
#batriddler - 200 posts
#riddler - 189 posts
#batman - 142 posts
#bruce wayne - 110 posts
#edward nygma - 94 posts
#the riddler - 93 posts
#edward nashton - 78 posts
#the batman (2022) - 55 posts
#edward nigma - 50 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#also im in a discord w lfwrites and. she said this was also sent to her so like. not really inclined to respond to a prompt sent en masse
My Top Posts in 2022:
Literally ran to ur blog as soon as I could pick my brain back off the theater floor to post comprehensibly what r ur thoughts I am so AAAAAA
oh my god no thoughts im screaming
holy shit
1) eddie was SO horny. the whole time. he kept up a boner in every fucking scene. that man was the horniest hes ever been. i think he came in his pants when he got cuffed. AND THEN STARED BRUCE IN THE EYE AFTER sticky pants and theres his fucking Beloved watching him hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
2) the arkham breakdown.......... he fully believed bruce would fall in love with him then and there........... this really was the same eddie as batman forever he had the same exact pair of glasses and he was just as convinced one conversation would drop that man to one knee ring in hand
hed practiced that speech so many times but never saw past his heart eyes BRUCE you could have done something there!!! YES hes unhinged but now hes unhinged AND has your voice replaying eternally in his head digging at him hhhhhhhhhh god i love bruce making these men worse
3) Batmobile.... Sexy.
4) Bat boots...... Sexy.
5) Selina owns no good wigs and thats so funny. shes wearing the 5 dollarest wigs she could find
6) bruce punching gordo. bruce and gordo besties. this was a buddy cop comedy.
7) bruces shirtless scene being his fucking conspiracy board scene.................... if eddie had seen THAT fucking CHRIST heda been all over him like jam on bread i tell u hwat
tangentially bruce and eddie the same man. stalkers. creeps. standing there silently. watching waiting etc. love when theyre similar makes me fuzzy inside
the fact that bruce just instantly guesses the right thing to find the next clue so many times he and eddie think EXACTLY the same way theyre on SUCH a wavelength!!! the same fucking wavelength!!!!
anyway my brains fucking scattered and i need time to process and im so fucking hhhhhhhhhhgghh
i gotta write i gotta draw i gotta cosplay eddie in his lil arkham outfit w his shitty collar i need to learn to sing ave maria i love that man with my whole heart and soul i cant believe i wasnt kicked out of the theater i got so many compliments on my eddie jacket
296 notes - Posted March 5, 2022
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328 notes - Posted October 12, 2022
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397 notes - Posted March 6, 2022
today.... i am thinking about....
bruce taking the rats from eddies apartment home bc theres no one to take care of them w eddie in arkham and he looks up absolute mountains of rat care info and gets them an absolutely MASSIVE enclosure, fucking floor to ceiling, 5-6 levels, different stairs and platforms etc to get to each level, different chew toys on every level, and theyre fat and happy and he sometimes w take one out to sit on his shoulder and nibble at his hair when he needs a Rubber Duck for a case
and maybe also he goes to visit eddie in arkham once in a while and updates him abt how the rats r doing and its just that little connection between them like hes given the rats a better life as a proxy for edward and
anyway. bruces new pet rats.
601 notes - Posted March 15, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I find your power to rewrite history (create random bondage edits that get so high on google images that multiple people believe the Riddler just regularly wears rope under his clothes) to be awe-inspiring, and everyone should follow you if only to hear the next words of a prophet. What is the new fanon, wise one?
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bruce wayne trans
835 notes - Posted August 5, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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kithtaehyung · 2 years
Okay, not trying to monopolize the inbox lol, but ive been thinking about things all morning, and i want to give context to my reactions to some things because you’re so talented you deserve to know exactly how much this affected me!
- Oh god, Ryen, dont take this from us: “Yoongi decides that he wants more of it. In a lot of other aspects of his life.”
He’s wanting things for himself! Yes, reader was the catalyst, but everyone gets inspired by something, and you kind of have to to come out of dark shit. That he’s gotten to a point where he wants to be better for HIMSELF! In more ways than outside the relationship! I know this was discussed more in the interlude, but this line right here hit me right in the feels. The way you have fully given us this example of what this type of growth looks like, how painful that process can be while it’s happening!
- “If he’s gonna bow out, he’s gonna do all the shit he wants to do first. One last time before reality fully severs the string that shouldn’t have tethered to your heart.” No he’s going to break her… no no no no no
I love that i was proven wrong here, that even if he didn’t open up to her, she would have been okay, that she learned how to be okay for herself!!! It still would have been devastating for me, but she would have been okay!!
- “If it was Yuri instead…” oop!!
Again you explored this further (i just love your writing, man), when she was talking about feeling betrayed. I love this exploration of the role reversal!! I’m guessing when they tell bro or in the build-up to that you’ll go more i to WHY she would feel betrayed… I’m trying to imagine one of my friends dating one of my sisters behind my back, maybe i just hate my sister’s current boyfriend enough that i can’t relate lol
- “Of course, this could just be another byproduct of your worrying, so you blaze past it. No more of that, remember? He’s proven himself over and over that you don’t have to second guess.” Ryen no!!!! How could you!!! Worry, girl worry!!!!
Ryen, I was gonna throw hands if my girl’s non-worrying was punished!!! Seriously though, just the way you show this growth in her thought process and how it can be hard to find where you can trust your instincts, but how she can do that by clearly identifying the external cues that give actual credence to the fear! It’s like a masterclass! I’m taking notes! I feel weird that my feedback is mostly about like… how you demonstrate anxiety… But it’s the way you talk about something so important (at the very least to me, but im guessing a whole lot of people) in a way that’s clear but still entertaining, emotional, is a catalyst for conflict and resolution story-wise in a way that’s true to life. It’s so good!!
- “This old, silly man.”
My favorite fucking line. Especially bc when i watch videos and clips of real life Yoongi i express this same sentiment all the time lol! Also this as the turning point for her realizing how she impacts him, of not just seeing herself as the recipient of good things in this relationship. Chefs kiss!
- “And you’ll be okay. No matter what happens now, you’ll brave those waters.”
Like i said before, this was so great! The joy i felt here for her! I felt so proud!!
- “Holy fuck, what else has he been screaming without a word? “ shit
‘Screaming without a word’ that hit me so hard! Just making me feel things over here without holding my hand?!?!?
- “Yoongi [10:06pm]: It’s all good. I got us” oh thank fuck
Not my distrustful ass ruminating last night about whether Jimin or Tae took his phone to reassure her bc he’s actually freaking out smh Literally none of my predictions of angst have been right! Need to get like reader and take your cues and not make up pain in my head!
I’m so glad i came across your blog and this story! You’ve given me so much, and done so in the most masterful way! Such a talent!!
BUSSSS IM FINALLY HERE DFKDSF you posted this so quickly after forfeit dropped, too.. goodness. i will try not to be this late to responding again omfg i feel so bad for all the late ass responses T^T
Okay, not trying to monopolize the inbox lol, but ive been thinking about things all morning, and i want to give context to my reactions to some things because you’re so talented you deserve to know exactly how much this affected me!
you aren't monopolizing omg!! you can send as many messages as you want to, anytime<33
- Oh god, Ryen, dont take this from us: “Yoongi decides that he wants more of it. In a lot of other aspects of his life.”
He’s wanting things for himself! Yes, reader was the catalyst, but everyone gets inspired by something, and you kind of have to to come out of dark shit. That he’s gotten to a point where he wants to be better for HIMSELF! In more ways than outside the relationship! I know this was discussed more in the interlude, but this line right here hit me right in the feels. The way you have fully given us this example of what this type of growth looks like, how painful that process can be while it’s happening!
you really do have to get yourself out of dark shit, bc at the end of the day you only have you! and i'm glad you noticed that he wants to be better for himself before anything else. that's the growth that i want all of us to have, not just our beloved 3tan yoongi. and it really can be so painful and scary?? but we will all be better for it when we start that process.
- “If he’s gonna bow out, he’s gonna do all the shit he wants to do first. One last time before reality fully severs the string that shouldn’t have tethered to your heart.” No he’s going to break her… no no no no no
I love that i was proven wrong here, that even if he didn’t open up to her, she would have been okay, that she learned how to be okay for herself!!! It still would have been devastating for me, but she would have been okay!!
i'm glad you were proven wrong, too! because we all expect the worst (3tan yoongi very much included) but that didn't happen. reader would've been okay because they are so strong, but i'm glad that things unfolded the way they did.
- “If it was Yuri instead…” oop!!
Again you explored this further (i just love your writing, man), when she was talking about feeling betrayed. I love this exploration of the role reversal!! I’m guessing when they tell bro or in the build-up to that you’ll go more i to WHY she would feel betrayed… I’m trying to imagine one of my friends dating one of my sisters behind my back, maybe i just hate my sister’s current boyfriend enough that i can’t relate lol
AHHH YES. not a lot of people talked about the realization that reader had when thinking about the situation if it was flipped. like what if bro was hooking up with one of her friends? what if it was one of the friends we are used to seeing?? like that would be awkward as hell!! so why wouldn't reader and yoongi's situation be perceived any differently?
it's always fun to introduce new perspectives, especially when we're so entrenched in one for a long time. reality is a b it ch sometimes so there's that lol
- “Of course, this could just be another byproduct of your worrying, so you blaze past it. No more of that, remember? He’s proven himself over and over that you don’t have to second guess.” Ryen no!!!! How could you!!! Worry, girl worry!!!!
Ryen, I was gonna throw hands if my girl’s non-worrying was punished!!! Seriously though, just the way you show this growth in her thought process and how it can be hard to find where you can trust your instincts, but how she can do that by clearly identifying the external cues that give actual credence to the fear! It’s like a masterclass! I’m taking notes!
DFLSDFHSD you really brought out to the masterclass word i'm gonna cry!! but yes, i knew reader has matured mentally up to this point - i mean, it's been a few chapters, so.. gotta see some incremental growth throughout them all! to show that growth in different ways is certainly a challenge, but one that i am very fine with trying to overcome.
I feel weird that my feedback is mostly about like… how you demonstrate anxiety… But it’s the way you talk about something so important (at the very least to me, but im guessing a whole lot of people) in a way that’s clear but still entertaining, emotional, is a catalyst for conflict and resolution story-wise in a way that’s true to life. It’s so good!!
whoa whoa don't feel weird about that at alllll, bus. you know my writing is intentional, so everything i bring up and talk about? you bet it's on purpose.
what is writing if not a little bit of social commentary? anxiety, depression, and any other mental subjects people deal with are prevalent and need to be discussed - and taught accurately about - a lot more. whether people pick up on these subjects while reading or not, i want them to be as normally presented as they would show up in life. because they're there.
we can't shy away from these things or see them as weaknesses, either, bc they are not.
- “This old, silly man.”
My favorite fucking line. Especially bc when i watch videos and clips of real life Yoongi i express this same sentiment all the time lol! Also this as the turning point for her realizing how she impacts him, of not just seeing herself as the recipient of good things in this relationship. Chefs kiss!
AHAHAH YESSS we love our silly old man that's my age but i digress. and the realization hidden in this line, too? i'm glad you noticed<33 now reader knows that they aren't alone in the cloudy mind department.
- “And you’ll be okay. No matter what happens now, you’ll brave those waters.”
Like i said before, this was so great! The joy i felt here for her! I felt so proud!!
god, i'm so proud of both of them. i really do wanna dive back into this chapter again just to witness everything all over again.
- “Holy fuck, what else has he been screaming without a word? “ shit
‘Screaming without a word’ that hit me so hard! Just making me feel things over here without holding my hand?!?!?
ahhhh.. thank you omg.. this commentary hit me in the feels!!
- “Yoongi [10:06pm]: It’s all good. I got us” oh thank fuck
Not my distrustful ass ruminating last night about whether Jimin or Tae took his phone to reassure her bc he’s actually freaking out smh Literally none of my predictions of angst have been right! Need to get like reader and take your cues and not make up pain in my head!
SLDFDSHF the overthinking aspect is so real, too!! like yes it makes for something to write about but dear god i know how overthinking can really get to you.
I’m so glad i came across your blog and this story! You’ve given me so much, and done so in the most masterful way! Such a talent!!
thank you so much for everything, bus!! you've been so wonderful to have here and i'm glad you're enjoying all the writing. i am blushing so hard right now LOL you better quit before i cry even more!
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1d1195 · 2 months
Okay so this part was SOOO GOOD! I'm literally BUZZING with their reunion! I think it’s just so cute that she has kept so many notebooks about her and Harry even after all this time😭This speaks to the journal obsessed part of me lol and the fact that she thinks he’s moved on is CRAZY but im not surprised since she did get insecure about their relationship(fuck Lauren lol) so I ger her! The detail of the pic on the figure was just so 💔 bc MY MAN WOULD HAVE AND WILL NEVER GET TIRED OF HER😭 oh and that little part about how ‘hope” feels, bestie that was such a beautiful way to explain it! 
also the image of Harry in a fireman uniform… yeah I just know he’s so😵‍💫 is it kind of creepy he knew where she would be? Yeah but like idgaf THEY ARE SOULMATES so I'm choosing to believe that their bond was calling him to go there lol the KITTEN NAME DROP AFTER SO MANY YEARS MY HEART😭 but ugh god the mention of Lauren still being somewhat close to her MAKES ME WANT  TO SCREAM!!!(trust me I love it for the plot) Now I loved their balcony moment and it was nice to see how his instinct was just to take care of her! Oh tell me why I was giggling so hard about everyone’s reaction to Harry sending that text! And you know I love a good jealousrry moment even if it’s small! Though I did love the mention of how each of them mourns the loss of their friendship with her differently and going through a friendship breakup is just as painful! Was so sad for Louis :( BUT OVERALL I LIVED FOR THIS SAM!! So well written and I'm so excited where this story is going to go! Very excited!!! Loved it so much!
Hope you have a lovely and relaxing weekend! Wishing you the best! LOVE YOU!!-💜
I realized I was writing almost entirely from Harry's POV. I try REALLY hard to split the POVs from Harry and my MC. This part was completely uneven even after I added her part, but it just was SO much better from his perspective lol. But I did end up really loving the part I wrote from her POV. I thought the notebooks were a cute touch and I actually am really proud of the candle/hope analogy 😭🙈 sometimes I get an idea in my head and I'm like "It would be so cool if I could come up with something profound right now. Like John Green saying 'slowly, then all at once'." I'm not sure I'll ever get that, but I'll keep trying. But humbly, I do surprise myself with what I come up with solely because I have this moment of clarity where I'm like "Okay, I'm writing Harry Styles fanfic do I need to inform the masses about how I think roses are prickly and wildflowers are strong?" probs not. But it happens I suppose.
Spoiler/not spoiler I'm really looking forward to writing about her finding out that Harry hasn't moved on even a little 🤭 I'm glad you liked the journaling part! Our little writer girly wouldn't do anything less I don't think. I don't know if I knew you were a journal-er! I need to start keeping notes of you on my computer to consult after a year 😭 It would look like this:
has 4 dogs that don't like fireworks
studies psych (and takes way too many classes)
enjoys drag brunches and record stores
Paramore [Wikipedia page biographer?]
enjoys thrifting (and can alter her finds!?)
Anti-Victoria's Secret
has a competent MALE therapist
But anyway 😭 I know you're more than this and I would so add more but it's a good starting point to keep track of things 💕
I probably glossed over the explanation of him just knowing where she was so YES we should assume it's just that soulmate connection that brought him to her. I SWEAR I saw an AI photo of him in a firefighting uniform. I'm also DESPERATELY trying to get on fireman TikTok for inspo and for my own personal gain 👀👀
I know we hate Lauren lol it's so funny what you guys pick up on because I don't even THINK about her at all when I think of this series 😭
I believe so fully that Harry would be the kind of guy that lays his jacket down on a puddle for her to walk across (probs shouldn't have said that, now I gotta come up with another analogy to write 🤣) so I wanted him to just fall right back into being so infatuated with her and taking care of her immediately. I figured I needed a mood lightener and them all worried about Harry was the best I could do on short notice 😅 I like to keep the friends in my stories as mostly minor characters (except for Traditional) mainly because I struggle to sustain prolonged interactions with others (I just want all my couples to live in their own little love bubbles). UGH I wanted to make him more jealous! But I think rationally, he wouldn't be jealous of his friends. Maybe I'll do it for the next part hehehehehe As it is not in my notes above, I believe I recall that you weren't TOTALLY into 1D but Louis was always denoted as the goofball and I think that was a gross underestimation of his emotions (see also the times I've said his lyrics are 👌) ANYWAY
Thank you for attending this week's book club 💕
FINALLY A QUIET WEEKEND 🎉 Hope yours is good too! 💕
P.S. In true-Sam fashion, my lack of feedback on this part is making me so sad and feeling like it's an absolute flop. I wish I didn't write so much sometimes because my series tend to start off SO good but fizzle by the end. My one-shots do SO much better. But I want MORE to happen. Maybe I'm just bad at having stories progress? I know, I know, notes aren't everything and summer is a weird time for people and I know with Harry being MIA in real life people are missing him and not writing as much and also not reading as much. But yeah, it's part of why my updates are far between :/
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honeybee-0 · 2 months
grown f*cking man
TW: s*xual assault, r*pe.
Hi. 2.5 years after being sexually assaulted multiple times by the same man & now 17 days away from my wedding to my best friend, I am finally allowing myself to process my trauma. God does trauma just pick the worst timing.
This is something I am terrified to talk about out loud very much. Not bc I don't think people will believe me (thankfully), but because the reaction I feel in my own body when I talk about it is just more than I can handle at the moment.
I just need to post somewhere that feels safe & semi-anonymous. Anyway, here's a poem I wrote. It's ok if no one reads this. I just need to scream into the void for a while.
Though, if you're reading this & know me irl.... it was a guy B who graduated our high school in 2012 & had a sister M who graduated with me in 2014... I am not afraid to drop names in DMs.
Went to the doctor the other day
For a pain I couldn’t explain
All that I knew
Is it felt like a fist
Was squeezing my insides
Til they split in two
She said maybe it’s this
Maybe it’s that
You could see this specialist
To rule out some disease, 
But we didn’t know
That in fact.
It was just you.
You & what you chose to do
To me & my body
I never knew you could be this cruel.
My therapist sat with me in shock.
Helped me breath through the pain
I thought my heart would stop
She told me you should be in jail
When I finally said the words out loud.
I shook in fear
When she asked me to picture
How I’d feel if I saw you in a crowd.
I thought you knew better 
You’re a grown fucking man
Thought your heart was soft
But instead you kept going 
til I finally got the guts to push you off.
You made me hate a part of myself that I held so close.
You made my life a living hell.
You should be in a prison cell.
I don’t know why, but I still wish you well…
My boyfriend hates you
My mom fucking hates you
My dad fucking hates you
My friends fucking hate you
I fucking hate you
I fucking hate you
I fucking hate you
So why does it make me feel guilty?
I thought you knew better 
You’re a grown fucking man
Oh god, do I hate you
You & what you chose to do
As soon as I was alone with you
I swear to God I’ll fucking sue
You’ll always be that person who
Tore my body into two
Ripped me to shreds 
just so you could cum
You nasty motherfucker
I thought you’d be a lover
Not a devil undercover
I fucking hate you
I fucking hate you
I fucking hate you
No thanks to you, 
I’m healing. 
No thanks to you,
I’ll be ok.
I wrote you a letter
Putting this shit on blast
Unsure if I’ll send it
But it gave me release that will last.
At the end of the day
All I really have to say
Is I hope you never experience this kind of pain.
And also.
My boyfriend hates you
My mom fucking hates you
My dad fucking hates you
My friends fucking hate you
I fucking hate you
I fucking hate you
I fucking hate you
Fuck you fuck you fuck you.
0 notes
thehoundwrites · 2 years
Morticia x Reader x Gomez (nsfw bc youre a god(ess??) at that)
God or goddess is fine 🖤💕 if you wanted more gn terms; diety, royalty, divinity, Ruler, celestial, embodiment, higher being, all mighty are all terms I've heard used 🌌🖤💕
Tagging: @nora-xox @colourfulkidglitter @midnightsk13s
NSFW: the addams are dark! BDSM, Dungeon, Poly
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Gomez and Morticia have an undying love, an eternal flam of passion keeping them together. Nothing and no one can ever change their intensity no matter the sort of meddling.
In poly relationships, open relationships, or just hookups they have an inhumanly low amount jealousy. They know that no love could be like what they have, that all love is different in forms, ways, intensities, feelings.
That being said most people who decide to try out loving one or both end up resenting them, that they could never be with them.
They end up never being serious with anyone. But you so far have met their standards. You adore what they have. Knowing that they both deserve to be loved so truly so deeply. That everyone deserves a love like that.
You understand you're theirs and them yours but you could never replace either of them. You adore what they have but not envy. You want your own form of love from them.
You're one of the family, and them being so different from most they take new things with a grain of salt. The kids not understanding why they'd they'd need to explain any of it. Met with a "mother love is gross why so much of it." Or a "Oh-" or an uninterested sigh or nod.
You adore dinners, and crazy nights in the graveyard watching from afar rather than joining in a with a smile on your face almost in shock. That they're so horrifyingly friendly, you try to take a part of the family, similar to a babysitter, just going about blending in. Joining the kids with their shinnanigans explaining that normal humans die from this so let's keep knives out of my stomach.
You'll help clean, and set up parties, your heart almost dropped when Gomez invited you to waltz with him at a party, you were shocked. And tried to explain that you had no idea how. And he replied with "nonsense I'll do the work my love you just follow my lead." Kissing your knuckles eyeing morticia with a wink before lifting your chin to make you look at him while he swept you away.
You find yourself awake sometimes since some nights are louder than others, Morticia always has a way of knowing and the two of you end up going on nightly walks through the graveyard and swamp and basement talking about who knows what. She seems so interested in what you say, silently listening with smile on her face. Ready to woo you with her words. Effortlessly make your heart beat faster.
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I'm just gonna come right out and say they're both switches and extremely kinky. They're dark deranged and twisted and will make you question your morality. They'll show you things you'd never thought would get you begging for more. They both love domming you, since for them you're most likely less deranged and not willing to do... what needs to be done...
They also know that you're much more innocent than they are so they love seeing your face beat red, body sweaty your chest heaving, drooling for them.
Not a thought in that over fucked brain. You have to remember your safe word, they're used to much much much softer limits so they'd most likely after only a couple times end up make a little poster. With the safe word.
Gomez is more of an ease you into this, plenty of kisses and encouragement, going just passed what you can handle and smirking at you with your tear stained cheeks. "Mi amor, you look divine covered in tears, oh dear. I haven't had such a cute tembling thing on my hands in so long. You can take it I know you can, you're mine aren't you? Just a little more. No? You know the safe word darling. That's it. I wish morticia could see you right now gorgeous. Absolutely stunning."
Morticia is more of a push you until you break then kiss away the tears. Unless you don't break in which she tells you how proud she is of her darling thing. She's more into giving you pain than seeing you react to it. Loves seeing burns or marks or bruises. Then kissing them reminding you of how precious you are. "So sweet for me, wow. What a lovely thing, oh oh you like that? I knew you were filthy, afterall you're here with me aren't you? Your bodies so soft and pretty I can't wait to scratch it up. I want you to remember all the things mommy's about to do to you, my love. My dearest, my precious gorgeous thing. That's it. Louder. Let me hear you scream."
But when they're together you stand no chance, it's romantic to them. Teaming up on you, it builds their relationship as well as yours with them. They get off tying you up, gomez worshipping you as morticia marks you up. They take turns kissing eachother, so many poetic phrases about being divine. And gorgeous and some rather grotesque but somehow romantic lines of how good you look vulnerable for them, so trusting and willing.
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aristrocrat · 3 years
Chapter 4
S1 Episode 3
The day after Y/N kissed Stiles and this man can’t keep his mouth shut about it. Can you blame him? He’s a simpin’ man. The pack sneaks into a crime scene and then Stiles has dinner with your pops. Also, keep in mind that I’m heavily basing Y/N’s dad’s personality on ✨Phil Dunphy✨ bc he’s the best TV dad ever
“SCOTT!” Stiles squeaked as soon as he caught glimpse of his friend. “SCOTT OH MY GOD!!”
“What?” He chuckled, looking at the disheveled running towards him.
“You have to promise on EVERYTHING that you won’t tell a fucking soul,” He said, holding out his pinky. Scott simply looked down at it unamused. “Right, okay. Yeah, that’s Y/N’s thing sorry but swear it!”
“Okay, I swear just tell me.”
“Y/N kissed me,” Stiles said quickly, making Scott’s eyes go wide as his jaw dropped. “I mean technically I kissed her but-“
“SHHH!” Stiles flailed his arms. “Shut up! I don’t want her to know I told you, I promised her!”
“You kissed her?” Scott asked again in shock. “When? How? Wait, did she kiss you back?”
“Literally not even fifteen minutes after you kissed Allison. She told me to. I thought it was like a platonic thing with the way she did it but then we kissed and there was SO MUCH chemistry! And yeah, asshole. Why is that such a surprise?”
“Because she refuses to even admit to me that she liked you!” Scott replied. “Dude so like how was it?”
“AMAZING!” Stiles shouted, gaining the eyes of a few passersby. “Dude, it was like electric. I could feel it in my bones. It was- I don’t know. All I know is I wanna do it again and again and-“
“Okay, ew. She’s like my sister so maybe tone it down a bit,” Scott cringed.
“Oh yeah sorry about that,” Stiles said as they walked into the school. “But then we went to her place to like look into the Laura Hale thing and she didn’t even let me talk about it. She’s like teasing me or something. I don’t understand and I’m FREAKING out, okay? … But anyways, how are you doing? You good?”
“Yeah, I mean I had this dream last night that’s been bothering me,” Scott went on to explain everything as they entered the building. They continued to psychoanalyze the dream when they saw you at the locker.
“Hey!” You smiled, hopping into step with them. Scott smirked and gave it all away. “You told him?!”
“I-What?! I didn’t- How the hell did you- How could you tell?!” Stiles stammered. Scott started making kissing noises, making you groan and walk away. “Wait, Y/N! I-.. And she’s walking away. This is your fault, you know.”
“I’m sorry,” Scott chuckled before continuing on with the previous conversation.
You walked to your locker and unloaded the contents of your backpack in there before grabbing the things you needed.
“Hey, Y/N!” Lydia smiled, walking up to with Jackson right behind her. “Would you tell him that Scott isn’t taking steroids?”
“Scott? You mean the boy who told my mom I stole her liquor?” You deadpanned. They waited for your response. “No, you idiot. He’s the definition of a goody two shoes.”
“Well, something’s off. I need to find out what it is,” Jackson huffed. “I mean what is up with all of the dead bodies and weird vibes?”
“Bodies? Plural?” You questioned.
“Yeah, rumor has it that the janitor got torn to shreds last night in the bus,” Lydia responded. Your heart dropped.
“Jesus, I don’t even feel safe in this town anymore,” You mumbled, feeling as if Derek somehow had something to do with it.
“I gotta go,” Jackson interrupted. “But if you hear anything, tell me.”
“Okay?” You shot him a confused glare.
“About Scott I mean-“
“Yes, I know what you meant. You can leave now,” You rolled your eyes, shocking the couple with the attitude. “God, what is up with your boyfriend?”
“He’s jealous of Scott,” Lydia replied, starting to make her way to class. “I would be too. Scott’s starting to become quite the player. He’s kind of hot too, don’t you think?”
“No,” You laughed, passing by Allison and nodding at her. She smiled and held up her finger, signaling she’d be right behind the two of you after she was off of the phone.
“He’s not the only hot one, you know. The whole school’s been talking about you,” Lydia gleamed. “You’re welcome!”
“You’re ridiculous,” You laughed, walking into class and taking your seats. You chitchatted for a few more minutes before continuing on with your school day. The first half of it went by really quickly and before you knew it, you sat at a table with your lunch, waiting on your friends.
“Okay, I know you’re still mad but listen-“
“You think it was Scott?” You looked up at your friends. “Yeah, I heard you talking about it last hour.”
“I don’t think it was him,” Stiles argued, taking the seat next to yours. “He dreamt a similar dream. Maybe it’s like a werewolf thing to predict the future?”
“Yeah, and kind of like how it’s a Stiles thing to bounce off ridiculous theories,” You said sarcastically.
“I remember it clearly though,” Scott mumbled. “I need to talk to Derek.”
“What?!” You both exclaimed.
“He has the answers,” Scott shrugged. “He knows how to hold back the urge to turn on a full moon, he’s gotta know about this. I can’t go out with Allison. I have to cancel-“
“No, you’re not cancelling, okay? You can’t just cancel your entire life,” Stiles interrupted. “We’ll figure it out.”
“Figure what out?” Lydia smiled, taking the seat next to Scott.
“Homework,” You smiled before everyone else joined you at the table. They all made small talk before Stiles confirmed that it was a bus driver who got attacked.
“Can we talk about something slightly more fun, please?” Lydia said. “Like, oh! Where are we going tomorrow night? You said you and Scott were hanging out tomorrow night, right?”
You all looked up at her.
“I mean we were still thinking about what we were going to do,” Allison replied nicely.
“Well, I am not sitting home again watching lacrosse videos so if the four of us are hanging out, we’re doing something fun,” She said.
“Lydia, we could-“ You began before she gave you a look, shutting you up.
“..Hanging out? Like the four of us?” Scott looked over at Allison. “Do you wanna hang out, like us and them?”
“Yeah, I guess. Sounds fun.”
“You know what else sounds fun?” Jackson spoke up. “Stabbing myself in the face with this fork.”
“Well this sounds like a recipe for disaster,” You leaned over and muttered to Stiles. He nodded in agreement as you listened to the four kids make plans, cringing when Scott claimed to be an excellent bowler.
“God, it was like watching a car wreck,” Stiles spewed after school. “And then out of nowhere comes that phrase.”
“Hanging out.”
“You don’t hang out with hot girls, okay? Once it’s hanging out, you might as well be her gay best friend,” Stiles said, making you roll your eyes. “You and Danny can start hanging out.”
“You’re overreacting,” You finally said. The boys ignored you and continued voicing their thoughts.
“How is this happening? I either killed a guy or I didn’t.”
“I don’t think Danny likes me very much.”
“ I asked Allison on a date and now we’re hanging out.”
“Am I not attractive to gay guys?”
“Make first line, and the team captain wants to destroy me, and now-now i’m gonna be late for work!” Scott marched off.
“Wait Scott! You didn’t answer my question! Am I attractive to gay guys- he didn’t answer my question,” He looked at you. “Oh my god wipe that smug look off of your face.”
“Sounds like you should’ve asked Danny to be your first kiss,” You teased, making him groan. “No no don’t be embarrassed! You two would make a very cute couple!”
“Not as cute as we would,” He smiled. You rolled your eyes again, shaking your head as you walked past him. “Wait, Y/N! Am I though?!”
“Take me home, Stilinski!” You replied, not even bothering to look behind you.
“Fine,” He mumbled, catching up to you and doing as instructed.
“This is so reckless,” You shined as Stiles pulled his jeep up to the school.
“Relax, I just- I need to do this, okay?” Scott replied, hopping out of the jeep, following Stiles.
“Right. Walking into a crime scene. What could you wrong?” You muttered to yourself, leaning back in the backseat. Stiles came back not even a minute later.
“Am I Robin?” He asked you.
“Stiles, we’ve been over this. I need an explanation when you ask something like that,” You said. “I can’t read your mind.”
“Scott’s Batman and I’m Robin,” He explained. You stayed silent. “Ugh! I knew it!”
“What does that make me then?”
“Alfred,” he said matter of factly.
“The fucking butler?!” You laughed. “Okay, I definitely have the shorter end of the stick here. I thought I’d be Lois Lane or something.”
“You hurt my heart when you say things like that,” Stiles cringed. “That’s Superman’s love interest.”
“Maybe even a Princess Leia,” You smirked.
“Okay, now you’re just trying to piss me off,” Stiles chuckled. “What’s next? You hate Star Wars?”
“Don’t.” His smile faded instantly, making you throw your head back in laughter. “Wait wait.. do you see that? Oh my god that’s a light!”
Stiles began to honk his horn to get Scott’s attention. Your heart raced at the thought of getting caught. There goes any chance of a full ride. You’d be lucky to be accepted into a community college at that. Scott jumped over the fence and got in the car.
“Go! Go! Go!” He shouted.
“Did it work?! Did you remember?!” Stiles yelled as he drove off.
“Yeah, I was there last night. And the blood. A lot of it was mine.”
“So you did attack him?” You asked.
“No. I saw glowing eyes in the bus, but they weren’t mine. It was Derek.”
“What about the driver?” Stiles interrogated.
“I think I was actually trying to protect him.”
“Wait, why would Derek help you remember that he attacked the driver?”
“That’s what I don’t get it.”
“It’s got to be a pack thing. Like an initiation. You do the kill together,” You said
“Because ripping someone’s throat out is a real bonding experience?” Scott asked sarcastically.
Yeah, but you didn’t do it. Which means you’re not a killer. And it also means that-“
“I can go out with Allison!”
“I was going to say it means that you won’t kill me,” Stiles finished
“Oh yeah.. that too,” Scott said.
“Can you guys take me home yet?” You asked.
“Shh, the adults are talking,” Scott smirked. You leaned forward and punched him in the arm. “OW!”
“Dude, you kinda had that one coming,” Stiles winced. The two boys continued to throw around ideas until you got to Scott’s house. He thanked Stiles before he walked off and you took the liberty of hopping in the front seat.
“Since everyone’s going out, do you wanna do something?” Stiles asked excitedly.
“You mean.. hang out?” You smirked.
“Ouch!” He pretended to grab at a wound on his chest, scrunching up his face.
“I’m kidding!” You laughed. “God, I wish I could but my dad’s about to leave for two weeks. I kind of have to go eat dinner with him tonight. Do you wanna come with me?”
“Oh, I don’t wanna intrude-”
“Are you kidding?” You laughed. “I’m convinced my dad likes you more than me.”
“Oh I think he does too. We’re tight. Sometimes he even games with me and Scott on Xbox but-”
“You guys play games with my father on Xbox,” you deadpanned. “Nerd by association my ass.”
“I’m going to choose to ignore that very hurtful comment and finish my sentence that you so rudely interrupted,” Stiles held up his hand. “But your mom scares the living hell out of me.”
“Yeahhh, she scares me too,” You chuckled. “She’s working the night shift though so it would just be the three of us. My dad’s making chicken parm.”
“Say no more,” He laughed, reversing the jeep so he could pull into your driveway. “Can’t promise you that I won’t play Call of Duty with him.”
“Is it too late to revoke my offer?” You rolled your eyes.
“It was too late as soon as you said he was making chicken parm.”
“Did I say chicken parm? I meant-”
“Look at that! We’re here!” Stiles shouted, hopping out of the jeep. You smiled as he opened your door. As you reached forward to open it, Lydia’s mom swung open the front door and yelped.
“Mrs. Martin?” You asked, confused as to why the hell she was in your house.
“Hi, Y/N! Stiles!” She smiled. “Have you seek Lydia? I’ve looked everywhere and I told her to be back by dinner. She just will not abide by the curfew and she’s driving me nuts.”
“Uh, I think she’s out on a double date but I don’t remember where they said they were going,” You covered. “I can call her if you’d like.”
“No, no. Thank you, sweetheart. I just needed to know she wasn’t alone,” She chuckled. “Have a good weekend, you two!”
“Yeah, you too,” Stiles mumbled before turning to you. “What the hell?”
You simply shrugged and continued to walk inside of the house.
“Hey, kiddo! I’m in here!” He shouted from the kitchen. You followed the sound of his voice and saw him washing off a few dishes and placing them in the dishwasher. “Your friend’s mom was just here. Have you heard from-”
“I let her know that Lydia’s out on a double date. With Scott and Allison actually,” You smiled, sitting down at the counter. “Are you cool with Stiles joining us for dinner?”
“Only if he promises to let me kick his ass on some Xbox!” He chuckled, throwing a small towel on his shoulder. “How’ve you been, son?”
“Good! But I haven’t let you beat me yet, Mr. Y/L/N. Not starting tonight,” Stiles laughed, still standing behind you.
“That’ll change in about an hour,” You father replied. “Dinner won’t be ready for another thirty minutes, though. You kids go upstairs, I’ll call you when it’s done.”
“Okay, Pops,” You got up and led Stiles to your room. Once he shuffled past you, you closed the door and turned to him. “He’s acting weird.”
“He’s acting totally normal. What do you mean?” Stiles laughed, walking to your computer.
“I don’t know. It’s just the vibe, I guess,” You mumbled. “You’re probably right. Anyways, whatcha researchin?”
“Okay so, hear me out,” He began, not looking away from the computer. “I was up late last night looking for more information regarding the Hales, specifically Laura Hale. I couldn’t stop thinking about why she could transform into a wolf. Get this, it says that only the strongest of werewolves are able to do that. Well, who’s typically the strongest wolf in a pack?”
“The alpha?”
“Exactly!” Stiles said, turning your screen towards you. “There were only a handful of survivors from the fire that burnt down their house. Laura, Derek, and an uncle, but he’s out of the picture because he was left like in a coma or something. Laura must’ve taken the role whenever the previous alpha died. Or maybe she was it the whole time. My theory is that Scott’s alpha might’ve killed her. For power or maybe they were intimidated or they were mortal enemies or-”
“Pause. Could she have been the one to turn him?” You interrupted.
“No because I think that would make Derek the alpha and his eyes aren’t red like the ones Scott’s seen,” Stiles dismissed. “All I’m saying is that, as if we need another reason not to trust him, we definitely shouldn’t be asking help from Derek if there’s tension between the packs.”
“Okay so the comatose uncle is completely out of the question then?” You asked. “How do we know he’s not faking it or something?”
“Because A.) he’s been bedridden and unresponsive for years, and B.) he.. wait it’s better to just show you,” Stiles typed for a minute before finding what he was looking for. “Ah! Here’s a picture. He hasn’t even healed. See? My best guess is that it burned the werewolf out of him.”
“Wait, wait so were they all bitten by their previous alpha?” You shook your head.
“Maybe,” He shrugged. “Or they were born that way. I read somewhere else that it’s possible.”
“God, I feel like the more we uncover, the more questions we’re left with,” You groaned, falling back into your bed. “Have you looked into werewolf hunters?”
“…No, actually,” he muttered after a few seconds. “That’s a good place to start tonight.”
“Stiles, I’m just so tired of researching all of this,” You said, looking up at your ceiling.
“Woah, now this is interesting,” He said, completely ignoring your comment. “They’re everywhere. Even Mexico!”
“That actually doesn’t shock me. Everything is in Mexico,” You laughed. “I have a cousin who lived down there and-”
“What if I email them and ask for information?!” He interrupted. “Maybe they can give us something to go off of. A book? A dark website?”
“Don’t. You might just lead them here and put Scott in even more danger than he’s already in,” You said, sitting up. “What if they’re all in league with each other?”
“But what if they’re not?”
“Stiles, it’s not worth the risk. The last thing we need is an army of werewolf hunters in Beacon Hills. Not when Scott can’t really keep it under control yet,” You argued. “Plus, I’m sure all they know about werewolves are how to torture and kill them.”
“Good point,” He sighed. “Yeah, I should just leave that alone then. It’s just frustrating because I feel like I’m running out of websites and books to read that seem legit.”
“Scott’s taking the night off. Let’s do the same! We can just do something to take our minds off of all of this,” You suggested. “We could watch a movie or play board games or-”
“I vote that we make out,” Stiles said, earning a disappointment glare. “What?? I’m just throwing it out there!”
“You definitely threw that option out of the window when you told Scott,” You laughed.
“What the hell did you expect me to do?!” He laughed. “Keep that to myself?”
“Yes, remember how I explicitly asked you to, and I quote, not tell anyone?” You deadpanned.
“Okay, I couldn’t just keep that from him, okay? He’s known how long I’ve wanted to kiss you for so he definitely had a right to know that it happened!” He defended his story, pausing only to see the look on your face. “I mean- fuck. The point is-”
“No, no, no. I want to hear your first point,” You smiled, getting up to poke his side.
“Stop! Stop!” He giggled, trying to run off to no avail. “Tickling is so not fair!”
“How long have you wanted to kiss me?” You kept on.
“Days!” He shouted, only to get another series of pokes. “OKAY! YEARS!”
“Years?” You stopped dead in your tracks, smile instantly dropping into a look of shock.
“Yeah, years,” He affirmed softly. “Since like elementary school, actually.”
“Why didn’t you ever-”
“Dinner’s ready!” Your dad barged into the room, causing the two of you to awkwardly stand in your respective sides of the room. “You ready for the best chicken parm you’ve ever laid your eyes on? I mean.. tongue on? Is there a better phrase for that?”
“Yeah, okay,” You finally managed to peel your eyes off of the boy standing in front of you. “Let’s, uh, go eat.”
“I think you mean feast!” Your dad said excitedly on the way downstairs, trying to ignore the weird tension in a subtle way. “And I was thinking. Maybe we should play Mario Kart on Y/N’s old Wii tonight instead of Xbox so everyone can join in on the fun.”
“Well, I’d hate to make two men pout when I dominate the game,” You teased, taking your seat at the table. “But if you’re looking to be humbled, I guess this is a good way of doing it.”
“What are you talking about?” Stiles laughed. “You got 5th place last time we played. And it was just three of us. You lost to not one but four computer generated players!”
“Stiles, you got 6th.”
“That’s beside the point,” He mumbled, taking his first bite of his dinner. “Mm, oh my god. Okay, this is hands down the best dinner I’ve ever had. Wow.”
“I’ll send you home with some leftovers,” Your dad chuckled. “You should come join us for dinner more often! The girls never appreciate my meals!”
You three spent the rest of the dinner cracking jokes. There was no longer any tension and you all told hilarious stories your and Stiles’ childhoods. Your dad jumped at the opportunity to tell Stiles a few embarrassing stories as well, making you hide into the arms you rested on the table. Once you cleared the table, you all played a couple rounds of Mario Kart. You ate your words and accepted the defeat. Your father placed first, Stiles third, and you fifth again.
“Alright, guys. I should probably hit the sack,” your dad looked at the clock. “I have an early flight tomorrow.”
“Alright, Dad. Love you,” You smiled from the couch. He walked over and placed a kiss on your forehead. “Goodnight.”
“Goodnight. Love you too, kiddo,” He smiled. “I’ll be gone before you wake up but call me if you need anything. Thanks for swinging by, Stiles! I left the leftovers in a container in the fridge.”
“Thank you!” Stiles smiled. “Dude, your dad is seriously the best.”
“You’re only saying that because you two are practically the same person,” You laughed, turning off the TV. “Any word from your dad about the bus driver?”
Stiles sighed, looking down at your phone. He opened his mouth to say something but followed your distracted gaze. You both realized Scott’s mom was pulling into her driveway. “Oh shit. Weren’t we supposed to cover for Scott tonight?”
You both shot up and sprinted toward the door.
“Stiles, wait! Let me give her your leftovers!”
“What?! Why?!” He stopped as he reached for knob.
“I’ll knock and say that they’re for her! As a distraction!” You scoured the fridge for the leftovers and grabbed the container.
“I don’t like this idea!” He shouted.
“Well you won’t be able to make it up there unless I distract her!” You said opening and walking out of the door. “Go! I know the recipe! I’ll bring you some to school! Come on!”
“That’s bullshit but okay! I’m coming!” He ran behind you, splitting off as you walked to their front door. You rang the doorbell and knocked a few times before Melissa opened the door.
“Y/N! What are you doing here? It’s late,” She smiled. She already changed into her pajamas. Damn this woman moved quick.
“I saw you come home. My dad made chicken parm and I figured you’d be hungry after your shift,” You smiled, holding out the leftovers. You caught glimpse of Stiles climbing in your peripheral and moved a little to your left to guide Melissa’s gaze away from the clumsy boy.
“Oh, sweetheart!” She grinned. “That is so thoughtful, thank you! Come in, it’s chilly. Want a hot chocolate?”
“Oh, I don’t want to bother you-”
“I insist!” She smiled. “Unless you’re here to see Scott, I can go-”
“No!” You said a little to loudly before clearing your throat and smiling back. “No, I’m sure he’s asleep! But sure, I’ll take that hot chocolate.”
“Let me just make sure Scott is asleep. He’d hate to miss out on hot chocolate,” She smiled skeptically. You closed your eyes in shame as she walked upstairs, knowing you just blew the cover. You heard her call out to him before hearing her footsteps begin to go back down stairs again. “Y/N, do you happen to know where-”
She was interrupted by a loud thud from his room. You ran upstairs and she held you back, grabbing the bat on Scott’s floor and charging.
“OH, NO, NO!” Stiles shouted, making Melissa scream.
“Stiles, what the hell are you doing here?!” She exclaimed.
“What am I doing?!” He asked. “God, do either of you even play baseball?”
You saw Scott enter through the front door and run upstairs. He walked into his room and you followed.
“Can you please tell your friend to use the front door?” She said. “Like you, Y/N. Thank you for being a normal person.”
You chuckled, shaking your head at your family friend.
“But we lock the front door. He wouldn’t be able to get in,” Scott said.
“Yeah, exactly,” She glared. “And by the way, do any of you care that there’s a police-enforced curfew?”
“No,” You all mumbled.
“No. Alright then. Well, you know what?” She began. “That about enough parenting for me for one night so goodnight.”
“So no hot chocolate?” You teased, making her chuckle on the way out. You sat beside Stiles as Scott pulled up a chair to face at you.
“So I just found out that my dad left for the hospital 15 minutes ago,” Stiles sighed. “It’s the bus driver. He said that he succumbed to his wounds.”
Your eyes shot to look at Scott, heart sinking more and more by the second.
“Succumbed?” He asked.
“Scott, he’s dead,” Stiles mumbled.
“Take me to Derek’s house.”
Omg the romantic tension is RISING. Years?! I’m living vicariously through this series lmao. Please let me know what you think of this series so far. Let me know if you have any suggestions, constructive criticism (besides the fact that I don’t proofread it lol i’m lazy, okay?), or if you want to be added to the tag list for upcoming chapters!! ily guys :3
@okay-j-hannah @mitchloveswriting @itscheybaby @cevans-winchester @moon-child @rrrogertaylor @janalustare @loveangelic69 @angelxfics @rutosruru-world
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