#and then i realized that i only owned one (1) volume of haikyuu while i was binging it
altruistic-meme · 5 months
as we can all see, the bsd brainworms got me. so i am adding bsd to the manga collection chart 🫡
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haikyuucollective · 4 days
Part 1/? - Why Volume 37 of Haikyuu is Goated
Rereading Volume 37 never gets old. I'm so confident that I could reread it over 1,000 times and still never tire. The amount of anticipated events unfolding during it is definitely one of the two main factors, but of course, it couldn't have been executed as wonderfully as it did without the author himself. Furudate is amazing at his craft, and in my opinion, I think this volume showcases it extremely well; for starters, lets talk battle. Spoilers ahead!
The End of The Battle of The Garbage Dump
Perhaps one of the biggest attributes to this volume was the greatly anticipated ending to Nekoma vs. Karasuno. I can only imagine the excitement going on during the release of this volume; would Nekoma somehow take the last set? Is Karasuno going to lose against them again? Are they going to win? How will both teams react, regardless of the outcome?
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With only a few pages left in the battle, each team pushed themselves to their limit, with even the opposed-to-sweat-and-tiredness Kenma giving it his all. While watching this scene in theaters, I was literally at the edge of my seat, gripping my ICEE cup and armrest as if one of them scoring would cause the theater to crumble. My friends and I were so entranced, that we, along with Hinata, didn't realize that the game was truly over until the scoreboard was shown.
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I remember feeling my grip slowly release, gasps from both sides of my seat (along with my own), slapping me back into reality.
Turns out that the slight mishap Kenma had with setting the ball due to the sheer amount of sweat accumulated on it lost Nekoma the game.
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However, even though they lost, Nekoma was dedicated the entire time. I figure they knew that this was the last set, and as such, every point mattered 110% more than usual. They forewent being passive and instead chose to try and truly embody their schools' motto: connect.
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We can see how they did this until the very end, with Nobuyuki and futakuchi rushing, slamming themselves against the floor in order to have a chance at receiving the ball.
Even though they lost, Nekoma lost knowing they had given it their all.
The ending sequence right after, although having zero dialogue, was perfect. Words didn't need to be said; their actions speaking for them all.
In the panels below we see friends from both teams embracing each other, celebrating Karasunos victory and a match well played. Rivals are respected, kouhais are praised, and our beloved seniors in the bottom left corner are seen holding eachother after winning yet another match during their last season.
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We also see supporters from both sides, giving both teams their applause at the very end. While rivals, the respect they hold for each other is clear, and no negative responses were shown. Both sides won, and lost, with grace.
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Finally, and in my opinion the most heartwarming, the thanking of the mentors. Similar to the supporters, both of the mentors show obvious respect for the other. However, while this scene may seem sweet to those who have not been keeping up with the series, it's even moreso meaningful when you have. This match may had been highly anticipated by the viewers, but it was even higher for the teams themselves. Finally being able to play each other again at nationals was a defining moment for these players, and especially, coaches.
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As we see Nekomata shaking hands with Takeda, our eyes scroll to the next page to find Coach Udai, the retired renowned coach of Karasuno and Nekomatas close friend. He had been watching the match closely with his neighborhood team, and seeing Nekomata with Takeda, both congratulating on a game well played, reached out his hand as well.
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In spirit, he is with Nekomata, the two of them standing on the court where their teams finally played against one another again. They shake hands; the cat and crow both satisfied.
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And there you have it, a game well played. I was planning on going even further with this, however tumblrs 10 image policy politely said "not today". However, with what I have jotted down onto here, I hope your opinion on Volume 37 has been affected at least the teeniest bit. Furudate was able to convey so much with so little, which is inherently a gift most mangakas acquire, however I believe he went above and beyond here. The third years with their backs towards the crowd, facing the future. The players embracing their parallels from the other team, showing friendships and rivalries that continue to stay strong. Nekomata and Udai finally being content, the cat and crow standing passively towards each other, the battle of the garbage dump finally complete. All in all, the ending to The Battle Of The Garbage Dump was one of the key reason why Volume 37 is goated because it wraps up the highly anticipated match in a way that is satisfying and meaningful. I'm sorry I couldn't go into as much detail as I wished to, but I hope you all enjoyed nonetheless.
Thank you for reading! I'll try my best to get the next part out extremely soon.
Furudate, Haruichi. "Haikyu!!" Shonen Jump, April 4th 2019, vol. 37 chapter 324
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dokifluffs · 4 years
This is My Wife | Akaashi Keiji
Pairing: Akaashi X Reader (female)
Genre: college professor, domesitccc, fluffyyy 
Author’s Note: I hope @k-eijiakaashi​ you die reading this out of pure love 
Warnings: Pregnant reader! 
Part 2: I Love You | Akaashi Keiji
Part 3: This is My Child | Akaashi Keiji 
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The house was still and quiet as snow slowly fell outside as the end of the year came closer to its end during this unprecedented pandemic
Akaashi carefully leaned forward, clicking his trackpad in order to let the few students who came to the final zoom call of the year, into the call 
“Hi guys,” he leaned forward to his laptop, turning down the volume his intermediate Japanese literature class created just a bit, cautious about moving around too much to not disturb you
You laid peacefully in his lap as a simple head on his self display on zoom, though his class couldn’t really tell since no one paid no mention or comment 
“Thank you for coming. I know you’ve been staring at your screens all semester, but it’s the end. You’ve made it to the end of this really strange school year,” he congratulated, a small smile spreading on his features as he clapped silently, looking to the exhausted few as they donned comfortable clothes, all in their personal bedrooms or dorms from what he could see
“How did the exam go? Unless you all don’t want to talk about it and we can talk about other things,” he suggested
there was a pause of silence as his students made certain expressions 
“It was actually really hard this year,” one student piped up as others agreed with, adding their own comments, nodding
The low ten of students out of the forty in the call went off about the various passages, describing their confusion and obstacles they faced, how difficult it was to keep their eyes from drying or straining after staring at the screen in a silent room for hours
Akaashi listened to his class, a slight smile on his face as he listened to their remarks while his arm rested on your arm as you laid on your side, facing the back of the couch
He rubbed his thumb over your arm as you slept, glancing to his side to you, adjusting the light, fluffy blanket as it kept your body warm
Over time, he offered suggestions about the passages to his class, offering his words of wisdom on how they could’ve approached it differently or in this way in order to figure out what the message/ what the question(s) were asked of them and only afterwords did any misunderstandings they faced with on the exam were cleared 
His voice was silky smooth and clear, still dressed professionally even at home in casual attire
He wore a tanned beige turtleneck sweater, his sleeves neatly rolled back on his arms while wearing black pants with a belt, his glasses tying the entire look together
Some students even took the class after seeing him once around campus
the conversation shifted to non-academic topics, talks about possible plans or solid plans of what his students were going to do over break surfaced 
“Dr. Akaashi, what’s that on your lap?” A student asked, making everyone look at their screen’s closer to what the student had pointed out
And then they saw it, not really realizing it before
There was a white cushion on his lap with what seemed like a head of some sort on it
“This is my wife,” he adoringly glanced down to you, carefully tucking a strand of hair from your face as you slept soundly 
his students listened in awe at how long you had been there and they didn’t really even notice it until now
but they also listened since he never really spoke about his private life at home, he always had a false background during calls or sat in front of a blank white wall 
“She has a cold but she wanted to be with me during class today despite all the times I wanted to tuck her into bed. She’s fast asleep,” he smiled, his eyes trained on you 
All the girls in the call erupted in awe seeing how affectionate their professor was
They could see so clearly how much he loved you just by seeing how the way he looked at you after a few seconds
“I hope she feels better,” one added
“Is it like a flu cold?” Another asked
“She’s about seven months pregnant so it’s mainly dizziness and chills from morning sickness.”
Another wave of awes, even louder, erupted from the class, making Akaashi break into a smile both from his students but also the fact that you now held his hand in your sleep, right in front of your face
Your short, hot breaths tickling his skin
“Alright, guys, great job this semester, I hope you all enjoyed the class and now have an excellent understanding of intermediate Japanese literature. Good luck to those who have more exams and happy new year and holidays to those who are done.”
“I will end the call here, good bye,” he waved off his class as he ended the final zoom of the year, having the rest of winter break to spend with you, and his soon to be born child
He stayed still where he was for the next couple of hours, combing his fingers through your hair, making sure you were comfortable while he caught up on his novel, looking down to you ever now and then, a tiny part of him wishing you were awake so he could see your eyes
~~~~~ Thanks for reading! Masterlist for more! Please do not repost anywhere else!
Tags (let me know if you wanna be tagged for all my haikyuu posts): @yams046  @mazey-chan  @sunboikyo00  @kara-grayson04​  @fortheloveofbakugo​ @tsumtsumsemi​ @osamuonigiri @1-800-wholesome @yamagucci​ @realityisoftendisapointing@plantisnotplant @k-eijiakaashi​ @pink-panda-pancakes​ @differentballooncollection​ @osamusamusamu@therainroguefanfiction​ @euphorihan@turquoiselace​ @macaronnv  @oxmaddy​​ @mrkoala4prsdnt​​ @curiouslilbeast​ @plantisnotplant@therestless101​ @abcdaichi​ @oyasenpai​ @kaaidalupita​ @lovinnoya​ @wisepandaslimeland​ @killuaking​ @bbymilkbread​ @tsumtsumland​ @suunikimchi​
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beanst0ck · 4 years
—NSFW Alphabet with Bokuto Koutarou
note: lmao me and @parttime-simp were talking about this while playing something and someone kept trying to get our attention but we were too invested in bokuto’s thighs
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
The absolute sweetest. He’ll ask you if you’re ok, how if he was too rough etc. He’ll be really cuddly afterwards, wanting nothing more than to just hold you in his arms, but if you wanna take a bath he’ll run over and make sure the temperature is just right then hop in with you. Expect lots of kisses and cuddling.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
I’d say he loves his arms because he gets to wrap you in them and hold you tightly while nuzzling his face into your neck. He also loves his thighs because the face you make while coming undone from riding them nearly makes him cum.
Loves your hips, mostly because he gets to hold them while you ride him. He also loves your stomach, especially if you’re on the chubbier side! He doesn't care if you have stretch marks or any other kind of scar, he still finds you extremely wonderful.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He’ll ask before doing so, but he loves coming on your stomach or on your face. Just seeing it on you will get him going again, so expect another round.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
I don’t think he has a dirty secret? He’s pretty open about anything and everything with you.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Not very experienced. He’s had maybe one relationship before you, but he didn’t go far with the person because they couldn’t handle his energy. The first couple of times you did it there were some issues. He may not know exactly what to do at first which caused him to sulk but after comforting and praising him Bokuto grew confident with you and learned quickly what you liked and didn’t like.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Doggy style, cowgirl, and missionary, but he especially loves any position where he gets to see your face. He wants to see you come undone by him. The way your face scrunches up in the pleasure he’s giving you, yea he loves that. Also loves it when you top him too, he’ll be a great power bottom.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He will most definitely crack a couple of jokes while doing it unless the moment is really heated. He wants you to be comfortable, and he knows you usually respond happily to his jokes so he’ll say a couple if he notices you’re not in the best mood.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
The carpet does not match the drapes, it’d be concerning if he dyed his pubes gray. Before he was with you he didn’t trim or anything, but once he got with you he started taking more care of himself down there.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
While yes he can be goofy, he can also be very intimate. In the beginning there’ll be a couple of giggles, but once things start getting more heated you can literally feel the mood shift. He absolutely loves kissing your lips and feeling you grind down on him. He’ll also lay you down and leave a trail of kisses down your body.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Before you two got into a relationship he watched porn, but once you two got together he stopped because he wasn’t into it anymore. He’d much rather cum with you than to some other girl.
The only time he’ll masturbate while in a relationship with you is if you’re far away or if you’re too busy to give him attention. Even then it doesn��t feel the same and he’ll beg you to spare him some attention. Please give him attention.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Praise- He loves it when you praise him. If he’s ever in a sulky mood just compliment him and he’ll instantly perk up. While doing it if you praise him his grip on you will tighten and he’ll speed up his pace. Hell, moan in his ear and watch how his eyes turn dark with lust.
Body worship- He’ll praise your body so much, especially if he knows you’re insecure. He wants you to know he loves you so much and he thinks your body is so beautiful and you shouldn’t think otherwise.
Thigh riding- Like I said in the beginning, bokuto would just love to see you ride his thigh. Will get off just seeing you cum on his thigh.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
He likes doing it in your home, makes him feel like he doesn’t have to hold back as much and he gets to hear you more. But, he will fuck you wherever in said home. Please put away anything breakable or else you’ll lose track of how many times you’ve broken something.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Seeing you with something of his own (jersey, hoodie, etc) with nothing underneath, but thigh high socks. Show him your thighs and he will melt, he loves that little pudge that sticks out when wearing thigh high socks at the top the most, it drives him crazy. Along with that, praising him also gets him going. Compliment his skills and how good he is and he will do whatever you want.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He’s willing to try anything and everything with you, but I have a feeling he wouldn’t be too into degrading you.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He loves receiving, but he also loves giving. Hearing the sounds you make and the way you moan out his name are worth it. He’s not that good, but his enthusiasm makes up for it.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Depending on the mood he can go both ways. Most of the time though he’ll be fast and rough, occasionally leaving bruises on your hips. Other times he’ll be really sweet, giving you gentle kisses and holding your hand while thrusting into you.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Not a big fan, he likes to take his time being with you. With quickies he doesn’t feel fully satisfied and he always finds himself wanting more, especially if it’s right before practice or a game, but he will not deny a quickie if it’s been awhile and the both of you are needy.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He’s willing to experiment with some things, if you wanted to try something he’s not gonna say no because 1. he might enjoy it and 2. he wants to see you happy. Now for risks, is is not afraid of taking risks. He’s willing to risk fucking you in the locker room before practice as long as you’re ok with it.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Being with an athlete has its perks, one of them is this boy has stamina.. and lots of it. He can last a long while before tiring out, especially if he’s excited to be with you because he wants to please you.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Probably wouldn’t mention it unless you brought it up first, in which case he’ll try them out on you. At first he thinks he won’t like it but once he sees you squirming and moaning in pleasure he immediately changes his mind. Don’t expect to cum using them though, he’d much rather make you cum himself.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
If you tease him he wouldn’t be able to handle it. He’s too impatient and wants to get right down to the point. If you tease him before or during practice he will lose his mind and either you’ll have a fun time once practice is over or he’ll pull you into the closet for a quickie, promising a round two once he’s free.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He is not, I repeat not, afraid to hold back his groans. He’s loud and he knows it too. If anyone confronts him about hearing him doing it with you he’ll just go “oops” and promise to be quieter next time which.. doesn’t work out. He’s loud unless you two are in a public area. When that happens he’ll bite down on your shoulder or hide his where in the crook of your neck to muffle his moans.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Didn't realize he had a dump truck until you pointed it out. He then proceeded to ask his teammates if they thought he had a dump truck, to which they all responded with “yes”.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
He’s above average, around 7 inches with a bit of girth to it which feels extremely nice when he’s stretching you out. He’s gentle as to not hurt you unless you tell him to don’t mind the pain.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
During the beginning of your relationship his sex drive was low and whenever he was feeling something he held himself back because he didn’t want to pressure you. Once you guys do it once though, that changed and he found himself thinking about you more often. He couldn’t get enough of you and he found himself craving you more and more. Expect to get railed by this man at least four times a week if his schedule allows it.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He uses up a lot of energy while doing it, so he’s out like a light as soon as you two finish. But he loves having pillow talk with you afterwards so sometimes he’ll fight off the sleep just to talk to you. If anything your voice will be the thing that puts him to sleep.
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haikyuu mlist
reblogs are greatly appreciated :)
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tsukkisbean · 4 years
haikyuu nsfw alphabet series | tendō satori
please block #claras steamys if you don’t want to see this type of content!!
warnings: sexual themes, mentions of (unprotected) sex, voyuerism, bondage, edging,  fem!reader
a/n:  based on post time skip!! okay i don’t talk a lot about tendō so it was super fun to analyze him and bring my headcanons to life bc he’s definitely a hard hard dom!! this is also unedited pls excuse any unfinished sentences or mistakes
return to nsfw alphabet series masterlist
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
i think tendō would be surprisingly big on aftercare. given how he acts in the bedroom (detailed later) he makes sure that you are well taken care of after a long session together. like he’ll grab some water and a towel and help you get cleaned up and comfortable. maybe in the morning he’ll have a super simple breakfast ready like a toast and coffee or tea or maybe even some chocolate depending on the time of day
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
his favourite body part of his is 100000% his fingers. his hands are large, fingers long and skinny and he absolutely loves the way they look shoved down into your pretty mouth, around your throat, or fingering your wet cunt.
he absolutely loves your mouth (detailed more below!!)
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
so based on the above tendō loves when you’re sitting on your knees, waiting for him to cum in your mouth. there’s just something about the way you look with his cum painted all over your tongue. and it drives him especially crazy when you lick your lips to clean up the drops that are spilling down the corner of your mouth because you don’t want to waste a single drop
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
honestly? i don’t think he has any, mainly because he’s not afraid to be open with you. he strikes me as the type with absolutely no filter and so he’s going to tell you everything and anything on his mind whether it’s a random dirty thought or something new that he wants to try with you
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
i’m a little on the fence about this mainly because tendō has a personality that people need time to get used to and understand. so that being said, i don’t think he has a lot of experience, BUT he knows what he’s doing (from watching a lot of porn probably)
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
you’re on your back, legs spread out wide, his hands wrapped around your ankles, holding your legs in the air while he fucks you
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
not goofy, but i wanna say he’s more playful. he likes to talk dirty, and say things he knows will make you embarrassed. loves the expression when you’re lost for words but also clearly turned on!!
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
not groomed whatsoever like i cannot see him giving a crap about what he looks like down there
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
honestly i think he gets so into the whole sex aspect that he completely forgets about being romantic for the most part. he’ll do things like praise you, and maybe a kiss or two here or there but most of it will just be him focusing on fucking you and help you reach your high
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
he knows that you know and you know that he knows, yet you don’t move from your spot hiding spot. you didn’t intend for this to happen; all you wanted was to surprise tendō by finally coming home early for once. you peer through the crack in the door, reveling at the way your boyfriend looked with his eyes shut, head thrown back, and those beautiful fingers wrapped around the base of his cock. it feels weird to be spying on your boyfriend, someone you were regularly intimate with, yet you can’t seem to tear your eyes away.  you don’t realize, but your mouth hangs open, drool dribbling down your chin.
the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end as your boyfriend’s voice cuts through the silence in the air, “are you going to just sit there like a dirty slut and me jack off or are you going to come suck my dick?”
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
tendō enjoyed seeing the look of defeat on his opponents faces when he played volleyball and i think that translates into the bedroom. he’s the type that loves to see his partner struggle (i would say he’s pretty much a sadist) and so i can think of A LOT of things he’d be into but i’m going to just keep it to top 3. 
1. bondage: loves to tie you up, your hands completely bound, eyes covered with a blindfold so you can’t move in any way. the power he feels just seeing you struggle, the way your face contorts in frustration because your arms are bound and your vision is temporarily taken away is immense
2. exhibitionism: absolutely LOVES the thrill of the two you possibly getting caught will having sex; the expression of the unsuspecting person.he gets especially excited at the way you clench around him because you’re nervous someone will spot you even though you’re okay with the exhibitionism
3. edging: favourite way to do this is first by eating you out. as soon as he feels your thighs about to quiver, he’ll pull away. next, he’ll pump his fingers in and out of your drenched cunt, fingers curling every so often. when he he feels you clench around his fingers, he’ll stop again. to top it off, he’ll fuck into you, slamming his hips against yours but at a painstakingly slow pace. loves the way you beg and cry for him to let you cum.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
the balcony of your apartment!! checks off all his boxes. it’s accessible and there’s the possibility of getting caught
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
dirty talk!!! if you want to get him all riled, tell him all the things you want him to do. better yet, tell him all the things you want to do him and you guys will be in the bedroom in no time
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
i can’t think of a single thing. i think tendō is one of the most open to experimenting when it comes to sex and he won’t really know he doesn’t like it until he actually tries it
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
this might come as a surprise to some, but i think he prefers to oral. the man is skilled with his tongue. he loves the way you squirm in his grasp, needy for more, but refuses to give it to you just because it’s fun to him
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
fast and rough; he likes to build up the momentum and right when you’re about to cum he’ll stop. continues that pattern until you’re reduced to a blabbering mess
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
not a fan because he prefers to draw out each time with you as long as he can. will only do it if he’s super desperate and he knows you guys can’t wait for the right moment
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
this man is down to do everything and anything that you want. he probably has a long list of things he wants to try with you and it grow every single day.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
can accomplish anything he puts his mind to so i would say his stamina is pretty high. he could probably go for at least 3 rounds, each lasting around 30-45 minutes (including foreplay)
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
lots of different toys for the both of you to use on each other!!
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
given his kinks tendō is the biggest tease but he’s not cruel; over time he’s learned your limits and will push you just until you’re a quivering, crying mess  because he knows you can take it
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
not super loud, but he’s extremely vocal in the sense that he likes whispering dirty things and praises in your ear (with the occasional grunt or moan in-between) cause he knows it makes your skin crawl.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
at a time when the entire city should be asleep, there you stand on the balcony of your shared apartment with your boyfriend. one hand grasps the railing in front of you, the other presses firmly against your mouth. the feeling of your boyfriend’s lips merely ghosting against the nape of your neck is enough to send electric currents up your spine, “kitten, why are you so shy today?” 
in one swift movement, both your arms are pinned against your back, your chest meeting the frosty glass of the balcony. his thrusts are long and deep, and with each one it becomes harder and harder to hold back your pathetic cries.
at a time when the entire city should be asleep, there you stand with your boyfriend for anyone to watch as they please.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
longer than average, average girth and a slight curve to the right
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
h i g h. mainly cause he randomly thinks of something new that he wants to try with you and can’t calm down until it happens
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
honestly he probably falls asleep while cuddling you almost instantly after you guys are done
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Fawning Over Someone can Lead to Trouble
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This is a Choose Your Own Character. This is part 3 to Oikawa’s story. Go to part 1 and part 2 to read the full story. What is your first fight?
Oikawa/Reader Pt 3
After the first night together, I found myself intermixed in the spotlight of volleyball and fame. Soon, every day became filled with roaring crowds, hollow, slapping rubber, and adoring girls. Too many adoring girls for my own liking. Women would line up to talk to the setter in hopes of gaining his attention. I, unfortunately, seemed to always end up in the line of adoration for Oikawa more times than not. 
All of it hasn’t bothered me until Oikawa started to flirt back with them. I hadn’t noticed at first due to our own laissez faire relationship. It wasn’t as if we were an item. The few dates we had been on made it very clear that this was the start of something that a name wouldn’t really do justice. 
However, he still set my heart ablaze with the quiet moments and joking banter back each time we talked. Standing in this line, I realized our relationship wasn’t uncommon for him. To these girls, he’d do the exact same thing. A few snide comments here and a few kisses on the cheek set a fire down in my heart. Rage, an unfiltered image of my own self doubt, washed over me. 
I stepped out of line before more of my unfettered heart would leave my body. As I moved to go back towards the exit, I heard my name calling in the distance. A call that I would gladly ignore. The thought of watching him interacting the same way with his adoring fans sickened me. 
My name is called again but I make a conscious choice to fade into the approaching crowd. The call seems to become quiet while mixed in to the ravenous crowd of fans for the next team and fans leaving. 
A chill ran down my spine as I pushed past the glass door. Tingles of regret mixed with the autumn air made perks of freshly formed tears in the corner of my eyes. I hadn’t decided if it was dumb to want something or to only find happiness within the confines of his determined eyes. 
The slight touch to my finger made me turn to face those same eyes. Instead of meeting his confused gaze, I found myself watching the cracks in the sidewalk. “Oikawa, I don’t want to talk.” 
His hand released the gentle touches of my own. “I didn’t know there was something to talk about,” he murmured. His voice became a whisper against the seas of people. “I wanted to walk you home.” He reaches in to brush away thin strands that fell onto my face. I wince away from his gesture. 
“Not now Toru,” I say. Even I could hear the fight in my own soft tone. “Why don’t you walk home the other girls that seem to adore you.”
Excess air left the setters lungs. I couldn’t tell if it was a sigh or a chuckle. “Is it really about the-”
“-no, it’s not about the-”
“-I can’t exactly tell them to stop. P.R. says I have to-”
“-You don’t do everything P.R. tell you-”
“-I can’t tell them no.”
Our interruptions speak volumes. I finally look up to meet his face with my own tear stained ones. Sadly for myself, I found them to be held behind furrowed brows and blurred by threatening tears. “I know you can’t. It would be nice if I didn’t have to watch you fawn over them.”
“I’m not fawning over them,” he says; tone starting to sound annoyed at my accusation. “You think what I’m doing is fawning over these women?”
“I don’t kiss my customers on the cheek. ”Stark silence filled the tension between us. I had said my peace. 
Oikawa placed a soft hand to my cheek. A simple gesture that makes the moment fill with him. “Do you think I really want to do all that fan fair?”
I scoff; however, my body reacts differently. My hand moves to cover his. “I don’t want to be your second place, Toru.”
His thumb brushed over the wet skin in hopes of removing some of the pain. He replaced his cocky smile with a worried, melted one. “I would never choose you second.”
“What are we?”
My question hung in the air like a leaf falling to the ground. It danced back and forth between our minds. The one question we had yet to discuss in the few weeks we’d been seeing each other. The weeks spent learning everything about each other. Everything but what we were.”
Instead of answering, the setter’s lips met my own. His sudden action caught me off guard. Our lips had touched many times up to this point but this was different. The moment of realization between us as the leaf falls. 
“I want you to be mine. In every way,” Toru said while still pressing his lips to my own. “You’re the only person I want to see me after a game. The only one I look for as I serve. The only one I want cheering for me. You’ve been in my life for so little time and I feel like I’m getting consumed by you.”
Fresh tears run down the already made streaks. This time, for different reasons. “Toru,” I mumble while pulling away. “I’m sorry for getting mad.”
“It’s alright.” Oikawa takes a step back but grips my hand. “As long as you allow me to walk you home. You’re mine now, okay?”
“Okay,” I mumble; wiping away the lingering wetness. “And you’re mine too?”
Oikawa chuckled while looking down at me. “As long as you’ll have me.”
Haikyuu Masterlist
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applepiry · 4 years
Karasuno Uni (Chap 3)
Chapter 3 - Saturday Afternoon
Contains: Jealousy as always, Flirting, smidgens of xNoya and xHinata Pairing: Short Fem Reader x Multiple Haikyuu Characters  Ry: Look at that i’m blushing ;;  WC: 4.4k+ 
YN- Your Name || LN - Last Name || YNN-chan - Your Nickname (From Family) || B#1 - Brother #1 Oldest Brother || B#2 - Brother #2 Second Brother 
It had been an extremely awkward walk to the bus stop with Kageyama and Hinata, and when you had gotten home you had told Kenma you had decided to go to sleep instead of playing. You had taken a long, hot shower and paced around for a while before you ended up passing out on your plush couch while sketching to calm your mind down. 
You had woken up to sunlight in your eyes, and had made yourself your favorite hot beverage before you even began to think about what today would hold for you. Finally, when you look at your phone, you see so many texts from last night from Noya, Hinata and Tanaka, as well two from this morning, one from Kenma and another from Kageyama. Geez, these boys were going to drain all your energy before you could even get ready to go. 
Texting Kenma first, the safest choice, you send; “Good morning. Sorry for not meeting you online. I was so exhausted. Let’s play tonight tho!ヽ(・∀・)ノ”
After that, you send a very similar good morning text to Noya, Tanaka and Hinata; “Morning! Can’t wait to kick your butt in any game we play! \(^ヮ^)/ ”
One last one, texting Kageyama a reply; “Morning, how did you sleep? ٩(ˊ〇ˋ*)و”
Doing your usual morning routine, you play your favorite music, dancing around as you ready yourself. Humming along to the song, you pick out an outfit that was going to be comfortable for all day; some slightly loose fit jeans that hugged your hips and thighs, a graphic u-neck t-shirt, and your favorite hoodie. 
Right as you grab your phone, it goes off with a text from Noya, saying to head over whenever, as he was up now. Looking at the clock, it was almost 9:00 now, so it was a good time to head out anyway. Grabbing your backpack and putting the essentials, you also add some snacks, your phone, a charger and your 3DS into it. 
 You put on socks and laced up your shoes, lock up, and walk down the steps, seeing your grandparents out in the courtyard having their morning tea. 
“Ojiisan! Obaasan!” you say happily as you reach them, giving them greeting kisses on their heads.
“Going out, YNN-chan?” your grandma wonders with a sweet smile.
“Yes, I was just about to tell Mom, is she in the shop?”
“No, she’s out at the store. Your father is, though,” your grandpa tells you, “We’ll tell them for you later, go have fun today, okay?” he tells you, handing you some money and patting your hand. 
You thank him several times before grabbing your bike, glad that Noya had been so excited he texted their address to you last night. Right before you leave, you remember something and run into the bookshop, grabbing the next volume of a manga that Noya and Hinata had mentioned liking, shoving them into your bag before heading out on your bike, music playing in your headphones. 
After half an hour, you come up to a three story apartment building, finding a place to lock your bike into place. Finding the right door on the third floor, you knock twice, rocking on your heels only once before the door flung open. 
“You came!” Noya’s happy voice filled your ears, his hand grabbing yours as he ushered you in. It seemed like a basic three bedroom, one bath apartment with a small living room and kitchen. The living room had a huge tv with two consoles under it, many games and manga lining shelves, several arm chairs, a few beanbags and a three seater couch in the middle. 
“Of course,” you say with a soft laugh. “Why wouldn’t I?”
“Well, girls aren’t... usually interested when we invite them for video games,” Noya replies honestly with a shrug. “But whatever! I’m so stoked you came,” he added. He leads you to the couch and offers you some water, coming back with a bottle and handing it to you. “Taka is still asleep, we stayed up kinda late,” he laughed out.
You nod and take a sip of water, “Really? I went to sleep right after I got home… I don’t know how you didn’t pass out after that game!” you respond with your own laughter.
“We can’t usually sleep right after a game. Takes time to wind down!” 
“Makes sense.” You stare at your water bottle, wondering what to say. 
“Any games you like to play the most?” he wonders, your eyes finally landing on his face. 
You realize how close Nishinoya sat to you, despite there being ample room on the couch. His eyes lock with yours, the two of you seemingly moving closer to each other with each slowly creeping second. Your breath hitches and you prepare yourself, a hundred percent ready to kiss this man in front of you, right here, right now. It wouldn’t be your first kiss, no, but your first in a long time. 
Finally feeling the softest of connection from his lips, you go to close your eyes before the feeling is gone in a flash, his entire body across the couch in the blink of an eye. You sit there, confused and concerned you had done something wrong until you hear what he had obviously heard. 
A door swings open and you hear a loud yawn, “Uggh, what time is it?” Tanaka grumbles, wearing nothing but boxers as he scratches his bottom. 
Your face heats up instantly, looking away and fidgeting. 
“Taka! YN is here!” Noya says, throwing a blanket from the couch at him. 
Tanaka’s face turns blank,  and he makes an ungodly sound as he goes back into his room with a slam. A moment later he comes out wearing sweats and a bright smile as if nothing had happened, “Hey YN, how are you this morning?” he asks with a new found confidence in his voice. He obviously didn’t mind being shirtless in front of anybody, you had noticed. 
“Oh, yaknow, not bad. I fell asleep on my couch, though, so my backs a little sore,” you tell him with a soft laugh.
“Want me to rub it?” Tanaka offers without any hesitation.
Your face goes hot and you shake your head, holding up your hands, “N-No, that’s fine. If anything, I should give you guys a massage after that awesome practice match! It was so cool to watch a game up close,” you tell them with a soft chuckle. 
“I’ll totally take you up on that!” Noya replies with a grin.
“I’m cool…!” Tanaka said, grinning ear to ear. 
All three of you turn and see a blonde girl coming out of the last room, looking extremely exhausted. 
“Long night at the bar, Nee-chan?” Noya asked with a grin.
“Very! But I made lots of tips,” she said grinning back before she realized you were there. “Oh, who's this? A girl?” she snickered, jumping over the back of the couch and sitting beside you. “Wow, you’re hot~” licking her lips she leaned in close and touched your cheek gently. 
“Saeko! This is our new manager we were telling you about!” Tanaka said from between gritted teeth, annoyed with his big sister. Well, more like jealous of her touching you so casually. 
“Oh that’s right! LN-chan, right?” she wondered, smiling at you. 
You nodded, leaning in a bit to her touch, not at all phased with women touching you. “Yes, YN is my first name,” you tell her, looking up at her with interest. You always admired a confident woman, and women weren’t at all that hard to get along with. Perhaps the fact you had never been a threat in middle and high school kept them genuinely nice towards you, but it had been an overall pleasant experience. 
Saeko’s face went pink for a moment before she grinned, “I like you, YN-chan!” she laughed, pulling away and hopping up. She heads into the kitchen and rummages around, “Hey, are you going to stay for lunch, YN-chan?” she calls to you.
“Oh, well if that’s okay?” you wonder, looking towards Noya and Tanaka, both who were trying to find ways to get closer to you.
“Hinata and Kageyama are coming sometime, too,” Tanaka adds.
 “Let’s go get stuff for hot pot later then,” she calls back, coming back into the living room. “Who wants to go?” she wonders, looking around.
“I don’t mind?” you say.
“Me!” both Tanaka and Noya say at the same time, then look at each other.
“Perfect, I'll take Tanaka!” Saeko says with a grin, “You can carry all the bags back,” she adds as she goes to her room to get changed. 
“Argh!” Tanaka groans and stomps into his own room with an annoyed look.
Noya looks away, but you can tell he’s grinning to himself. 
After the two leave with protests from Tanaka, you fidget for a moment on the couch, your eyes flickering to Noya after a few moments. Locking once more with the beautiful pair, his eyes remind you of dark honey, your lips part in a way that Noya obviously finds inviting. His eyes flicker down to your lips, his body shifted towards you. 
“Can I…?” his words barely register before your own answer is out. 
“Yeah,” is all the acknowledgment he needs before he's back beside you. 
In a moment, his lips nearly crash against yours, his body pressed against yours. Your eyes are closed as your hands find their way up his chest and hold onto his shoulders. One of his hands finds its way to your lower thigh, resting there as the other rests on your cheek. His lips feel so soft against yours, moving sweetly against yours despite being so deep at first. Wet warmth crosses your bottom lip, his tongue asking for entrance. Parting your lips as a reply, his tongue is exploring your mouth, making your knees quiver a bit, you definitely hadn’t expected this style of kiss. Finally, the two of you part, panting softly in synch, staring deep into each other's eyes.
“Wow,” you murmur once you catch your breath.
Noya’s face spreads into a grin, his thumb running over your jeans, gently pressing into your soft thighs. “Yeah, seriously…” he says, licking his lips. 
Your hands gently squeezed onto his shoulder for a moment before letting go, sliding down his chest. “U-Um.. want that massage?” you wonder, shifting a bit. “A-A shoulder massage?” you add quickly, biting your bottom lip gently.
He nods happily, “I’d love that!” he says excitedly, and moves himself, getting onto a beanbag in front of you, so he's now leaning back in between your legs. Leaning his head back even further to look up at you as you begin rubbing his shoulders, he hums happily before speaking again. “Hey, do you think-”
Knock Knock Knock!
Both of you look towards the door, wondering who in the world was here, knocking. Noya jumped up quickly and went to the door, peeking out the eyehole. He let out a deep sigh, “It’s Hinata,” he says, his face turned away from you as he opened the door. “Hey Hinata!” he greets him happily, ushering him in. 
Hinata happily says hello to Noya, then sees you on the couch and stiffens a bit, “YN-chan!” he trots over to you and sits beside you, “Did you guys get the new volume in yet?!” he wonders. When he and Kageyama had dropped you off at your stop, you had mentioned during the walk your family owned a bookstore, and Hinata had asked you to keep an eye out.
Noya quickly takes his place in the beanbag between your legs before Shouyou notices it. He acts as if this is normal, and begins turning on the tv as you answer Hinata.
“Oh, yeah!” you say, grabbing your backpack and pulling it into your lap. You pull the manga out, setting them down on the table, leaning across right beside Noya’s head. As you pull back, your breast brushes against Noya’s head, causing both of the boys to stiffen. Hinata watching your chest closely, and Noya staring straight ahead, savoring the feeling. Your breath hitches for a moment as you lean back, swallowing hard, “S-Sorry, Nishinoya-senpai…” you murmur. 
He turns to you with a grin, although his face shows he's panicking inside as he gives you a thumbs up, “Nothing to apologize for!” he proclaims, turning back to look over the manga.
Hinata shifts a bit and turns away, grabbing one of the manga off the table. “Thank you so much! I didn’t expect you to bring them! I could have stopped by later,” he laughed. He starts rummaging through his pockets, pulling out some money for you.
You smile and shake your head, “You can still stop by any time,” you tell him. You close his hand and push it back, “No need to pay me for any of this,” you declare.
“What?! No way! You can’t just give me something without getting something in return!” Hinata whined.
“It’s totally fine, I wanted to get you guys something, so I got you and Noya-senpai the manga volumes! Ah, I haven’t figured out anything else for anyone, though,” you explain, scratching your neck gently as you nervously spoke. You weren’t sure what their reactions would be.
Noya tilted his head back and grinned at you again, holding the book, “Thanks so much! I really appreciate it,” he told you, leaning slightly so his back was touching your legs. He opened his mouth to ask a question, but Hinata spoke first.
“Wow you’re so nice…!” Hinata says, and unable to help himself, wraps his arms around you and hugs you, squeezing you for a moment before letting go. “AH! I hope that was okay…” he says, fidgeting. 
A smile spreads across your face, “I don’t mind. I actually like hugs,” you tell them, feeling a bit more confident around them. The fact that you could relax around both of them, and they both seemed to think highly of you, helped the situation. 
Hinata’s face goes red and he nods. Both of them look like they have something to say when the clicking of the door’s lock causes everyone’s heads to turn. Tanaka and Saeko had returned with the groceries, since the store really was only around the corner. 
“Oh, Hinata is here!” Saeko says as she comes in, holding only one bag in each hand, heading to the kitchen. “I wonder when Kageyama will show up?” she wonders to mostly herself as she starts putting stuff up. Tanaka isn’t far behind, helping put the groceries up before he greets Hinata, his gaze going to Nishinoya who hadn’t left his spot between your legs. Noya was sitting firm, not willing to jump up to help like he usually would, focusing on the tv and acting as if he was finding something for entertainment. 
“Oh, hey, Tanaka-senpai, what kinds of things do you like?” you wondered.
“Me? Hm, well, I like video games, meat and melon bread, and hot girls!” he tells you, grinning.
To most people, that would not have been helpful but you had a secret, something you never shared. You loved to bake, and were rather amazing at it. You could totally make melon bread, you had been thinking of making milk bread for Kageyama last night but had been way too tired. In fact, you had started pre-mading nearly all the pastries on Sunday for the little cafe in the bookstore these past two months. Then your parents would bake them as needed. 
“I can work with that,” you say with a soft laugh. 
“What do ya mean?” Tanaka wondered.
“She’s getting everyone on the team presents!” Hinata chirped happily.
“Doesn’t that sound like something that should be a surprise, Hinata-chan?” Saeko said, laughing loudly.
“It’s okay! It is for a present,” you laugh it off, not minding. It wasn’t like any of them knew exactly what you’d be getting anybody.
“She got me manga!” Noya said, holding up two volumes with a large grin.
Hinata did the same, nodding happily, “Me too!”
“That’s awesome! I can’t wait to get a present from a pretty girl!” Tanaka said happily, dazing off into his own daydream.
“It’ll be monday if that's okay?” you wonder. You would be busy most of tomorrow, but you knew you could make an extra few melon breads during that time.
“Whenever is fine with me!” Tanaka replies, grinning as he sits beside Hinata on the couch. “What are we gonna play?” he asks Noya.
Noya grinned at him, “Any of the Kario games we have, it’s like the only series we have that’s four player,” he said, shifting through the game selection to find the perfect one. 
“Oh, do you guys have Kario Kart?” you wonder with a sparkle in your eye, freakishly good at that game.
“Oh heck yeah we do!” Noya pulled it out, putting it in the gaming console as everyone picked a controller. 
“I love playing this game,” Tanaka said smugly, “I’m pretty damn good at it.” You were sure he was trying to impress you, but they seemed to forget who your friend was already. 
You had spent hours upon hours playing games with Kenma, Kuroo and your brother. You and Kenma preferred to join as a team, but on the occasion you were on opposite teams, things got heated as the two of you were competitive. 
“I am too!” Hinata said with a grin, enjoying sitting next to you. 
Knock Knock! 
“Ah, that must be Kageyama!” Noya said, hopping up and leading to the door, opening it and ushering Kageyama inside. 
You wave, “Morning Kageyama,” you say as you fiddle with one of the controllers, picking a character as you, Hinata and Tanaka all get ready to play a round.
“Morning... is this why you didn’t text back?” Kageyama wonders as he sits in one of the empty chairs, eyes flickering to your chest for a moment before looking back at your face. 
Your face flushed a bit, surprised he was being so upfront. “Oh! Yes, I’m so sorry, I rode my bike here and forgot to check my phone,” you laugh, feeling a bit bad you had forgotten to text him back. You pull out your phone, checking the messages, even if it is too late now. You quickly reply to Kenma as Noya sits between your legs in the beanbag, all of them watching you closely. 
“Come on and put that away! Let’s play~” Hinata says, just barely noticing the contact name out of the corner of his eye. 
“Sorry,” you reply as you put it away, picking the controller back up. 
“Alright, let’s play!” Tanaka shouts happily, “You can play next, Kageyama,” he says as he begins the game once Noya picks out his character.
It went on like that for a few hours, everyone switching around as you all played games until around noon, when Saeko started the hotpot. Noya was the first to suggest turning on a show in the background as you all gathered for lunch.
Your phone began going off right as you had taken your first bite. “I wonder who that is…?” you wonder mostly to yourself as you go to your bag, finding your phone and answering it. “W-Wait, hold on, slow down,” you said as you heard your mothers frantic voice, asking where you had been and why you didn’t tell them you were leaving for so long. “I told grandpa!” you tried to tell her, but she wasn’t having it. “F-Fine, I got it… See you soon,” you finally mutter, hanging up the phone and frowning a bit. You turn back to see all four boys, and Saeko, watching you from around the corner of the kitchen. 
“Do you have to go already?” Hinata and Noya whined together.
“Was that your mom?” Kageyama wonders.
“Man we were just starting to have fun!” Tanaka complains, heading over to you. 
“Yeah, I’m really sorry. It seems my grandparents forgot to tell my parents I was leaving, so now my mom’s all mad…” you explain, sighing. You weren’t upset with your grandparents, though, as you knew their memories were slipping due to old age. Plus, you had had a lot of fun and knew you’d definitely be coming back to hang out again. 
“Want to take some hot pot?” Hinata asks, which earns him a smack from Kageyama.
“How is she supposed to do that, dumbass?” he grumbles.
“So mean!” Hinata whines.
“It’s okay, thank you for thinking of me, Hinata,” you say, smiling at him. 
“Here take this as a snack~” Saeko offers, handing you a protein bar. She hugs you tightly, “And be safe okay? Here, have my number so you can text me anytime!” she says happily, taking your phone and putting her number in it. You hug her back, feeling a bit embarrassed with all the boys staring at you, but enjoy the way it feels. 
All of a sudden, Noya and Tanaka are hugging you too, “Yeah be safe! Text us!” they say as they hug you and Saeko. Hinata joins in, leaving Kageyama to awkwardly stand in the corner. You laugh and agree you’ll text everyone once you’re back home. 
“Oh, wait YN,” it’s Hinata as he moves quickly towards you, “Can we go together? I just saw the text from my mom! She needs me to watch Natsu,” he explains, sighing a bit, being made to watch his little sister's babysitter still, at the age of 18. Not that he minded watching her, but he had been having fun too.
“Dang, Kageyama, you should check your phone too or everyones going to be banned from coming over, jeez!” Tanaka complained. 
“I don’t have any younger siblings, though? And my mom knows I’m here.” Kageyama replies, confused but still looks at his phone just to check. “Nope, no messages.”
“It was a joke,” Tanaka laughs and slaps Kageyama’s back.
“I’m really sorry guys, again,” you say, bowing to all of them again before nodding to Hinata, not minding if he took you home, or at least part of the way. You honestly weren’t sure where this place was compared to yours. Last night, you had taken the bus, having forgotten your own bike, while he had ridden his bike home. And you hadn’t ever gone home together before. 
The two of you had bikes, so you agreed to race to the base of the mountain, apparently his family’s house was on the other side. 
“Wow, so close! Only right down the mountain!” he said excitedly when you had told him which street to stop at.
The bookstore you lived above was near the base, a two story building, the bottom being the bookstore and the top being your home with a balcony overlooking the courtyard, the entire outside surrounded by six foot walls that connected the two buildings. The back building was a four bedroom house, which your parents and grandparents lived in and had been your mothers childhood home. You had spent summers here, and some winter breaks, but your hometown was a bit further away. 
It was odd, you wished you had somehow met Hinata back then, when you had wished for someone your age to play with when your brother would pick on you and run off with his own friends. 
“I won!” Hinata shouts, breaking your thoughts as you realize you got to the corner across from your house. 
“Darn it! I spaced out!” you groan, hopping off your bike and walking it the rest of the way.
“Wow, this is where you live? I’ve been in this bookstore before!” he said as the two of you crossed and you stopped in front. You invite him in, going through the gate and parking your bikes beside one anothers. 
“I need to go find my mom, but thanks so much for bringing me home,” you tell him, gently biting your lip as your eyes flicker to his soft looking lips.
“Thanks for the manga… and hanging out with me, u-um! I mean us!” he stammered, obviously nervous, but you had caught him looking at your lips too. 
Gently placing your hand over his mouth to stop his ramblings, you lean up, moving your hand just in time to plant a sweet kiss on his lips. 
“I enjoyed hanging out with you,” you whisper, having just barely pulled away. 
His face was bright red, but something in his eyes told you he wanted more. Leaning in again, he pressed his lips to yours, his hand finding your waist to pull you in. It surprised you since you weren’t sure if he was going to actually do it, but you quickly leaned into him, kissing him deeper for a moment. Hearing a door open, you quickly pull away, your face feeling like it was on fire.
“I’ll text you, okay?” you whisper, kissing his cheek before pulling back fully, right as you hear your mother call for you.
“YN! Where have you… Oh! Who is this?” the short woman who looks similar to you, just without your eye color, walks up to Hinata and smiles at him. 
“Mom, this is Shouyou Hinata, he’s from the Volleyball Club I started managing with Kiyoko-nee-chan,” you explain to her.
“Nice to meet you, ma’am!” he nearly shouts, stiffening up. 
She laughs, “No need to be so stiff, son,” she tells him sweetly, “Nice to meet you, dear.” 
“Ah, well, I’ll see you Monday, YN, I gotta go!” he says, bowing to your mother and thanking her for letting you spend time with him before taking his bike and disappearing down the road.
“What a cutie~” your mom coos. “Well, you’re not in trouble this time… but make sure you tell us, okay? Can you go work in the cafe for a bit for me?” she asks, although you know it’s really a frequest. “I wonder when I’ll get a cute son-in-law like that?” she wonders loudly as she walks off, 
Your face goes red, mumbling as you go into the cafe, putting on an apron and getting a snack first, considering you hadn’t had a chance to finish your lunch. Once you’re at the counter, you pull your phone out of your pocket and quickly text everyone that you got home safely, as well as tell Kenma you got roped into working today. 
Jingle! Jingle! 
“Welcome!” You say, setting your phone down as you look up, your eyes going wide when you see two familiar faces, Sugawara and Sawamura Senpai’s.
“Oh, this was the right one!” Daichi said, grinning as he looked at you.
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Ry: Next part is right after this~ Ohohoho May contain Daichi and Suga fun~
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