#and then i see the lore and im like?? HELLO? THIS IS MY CUPPA TEA
gomzdrawfr · 2 months
I bought Dredge Art Book and decided to do a study based on their Fish Species Notebook :>
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I absolutely adore this artstyle, Idk what it's called by the mix of 3D and 2D feel is honestly so good
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here's some content from the Artbook itself too! I can't wait to study more of it when my finals are over
I think this requires a strong fundamental of lighting and shadows, and also face planes? Im not used to drawing without lineart so this is going to be interesting
here's a short gif i made for the process of coloring the crab
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im not sure if this is how it works? xD But i basically drew a rough outline of the crab first, making sure the line is really thin, I also opted to use the straight line tool for that 3D look (and also I don't trust my hand to draw straight lines lol) Then I color in the legs, claws and the shell, I basically use a base color first, then alpha lock it to layer the different shade of colors in Lastly I add the shadows and disable the lineart layer and voila
I plan to do a few more fishes when Im free, so expect more of these haha
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the-vibes-are-off · 1 year
The Stormlight Archive Volume 1: The Way of Kings’ Review: Chapters 12-15
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link to contents page - https://at.tumblr.com/the-vibes-are-off/hey-hey/96xd9ohihrzs
aaaaaaaaaand the energy continues to be low, naturally I would continue to be lacking recovery at the height of essay writing season. This part comes fresh from the fingertips of my post nap self since I did a grocery shop this morning (i forgot to buy tea :’)))) and just passed tf out after lunch. I would make another cuppa to attempt to feel the benefits of a little caffeine boost but, even though my kettle is in my room, bed too snuggly and warm to leave.
Deffo intrigued by part 2, the prelude and prologue are making more sense in relation to the plot now and im liking the characterisation and relationship dynamics that are being built :))
Spoiler Free Zone: 
The absolutely heart wrenching feeling seeing Shallan NOT in this part that I experienced yesterday was not ok. BUT the introduction of the Elhokar, Adolin, Dalinar, Renarin and Sadeas interactions is kinda worth it bc they’re hella entertaining.
Kaladin maintaining the better energy in this part is great too, he’s on some kinda wild grindset like I could personally never but pop off ig king.
Syl and her progression too? Living for it. I can’t wait to find out more about her as the book continues.
Spoiler Zone:
Interesting change in chapter quotes, I was very much enjoying the before death quotes but I dont know I think I vibe with these too. I’m assuming they’re from a letter to someone and whoever is writing it is so sassy I love it: “I hope this missive find you well” to “now that you are essentially immortal, I would guess that wellness on your part is something of a given” is so iconic.
In the ways of tabs, I simply loved Dalinar’s little moment just riding his horse with the wind hitting his face like mf needs a break from having these visions like the destress must’ve been immense. 
And then his little smile when Elhokar won their little like race thingy, so cute, we love positive masculine relationships omg 
Which naturally just had to be interrupted by memories of his vision and stress out the poor guy. I will say though I love a character that has questionable means of acquiring knowledge that is untrusted by their peers (hello Jonathan Sims of The Magnus Archives) so I’m super on the edge of my seat over this visions business 
On my earlier topic of character interactions tho, Wit is READING the whole family to filth my goodness. Like yeah it was chill whatever when he was just teasing Renarin over girls but the shade on Sadeas? As he fucking should. Sadeas is a bitch and should be treated as such. 
Then the fight, ugh. While I love the lore of like chasmfiends, and gemhearts and how they’re harvested and their uses and all that jazz; and OBVIOUSLY you can’t beat a cheeky little beat down of some insect like creature; Elhokar’s little main character ‘I’m hard as fuck’ call to destiny “I defy you” moment made my blood boil and instantly lose any likeability towards him. It was a major ick. You’d thinking having inherited the title of king that long ago that he would have matured more.
Alas, all I had tabbed in Kaladin’s bit was between him and Syl (what can I say I love her). Her whole self-awareness into gaining intelligence and sentience is so cool and I’m so intrigued to see how it progresses. Its kinda sad that shes stuck inbetween the threat of forgetting into being ignorant of everything that has happened and all she knows and, although that would be easier, not wanting to lose the freedom of what she knows. 
And on that same page, Kaladin says something I think everyone needs to hear: “I don’t know what I am either. A bridgeman? A surgeon? A soldier? A slave? Those are all just labels. Inside, I’m me.” 
Tab Count:
Cute <3 - 1
Fights - 1
Sad ;-; - 0
Death - 0
Cool - 1
Wtf wow - 0
Wtf Why - 2
Slay Quotes - 3
Love this! - 2
Hate this >:( - 1
Lore - 0
Tab Total:
Cute <3 - 7
Fights - 5
Sad ;-; - 2
Death - 2
Cool - 5
Wtf wow - 2
Wtf Why - 3
Slay Quotes - 8
Love this! - 8
Hate this >:( - 3
Lore - 2
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