the-vibes-are-off · 2 years
The Stormlight Archive Volume 1: The Way of Kings’ Review: Chapter 28 + Interludes 1-4 - 1-6
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Hello hello hello, I am back, again, with another edition of ‘This Book Delights in Not Respecting the Structured Chunks I Planned to Write on’ bc naturally there had to be ONE chapter in between the previous part and interludes so they’re getting smushed together. No cool accompanying image this part bc all I have done is sit inside and do nothing so enjoy Twilight and mess (and technically Twilight counts as research for my final year project as I’m doing it on vampires so technically I’m working rn). 
Honestly, I think Brando delights in making me forget that Szeth exists only for him to re-emerge and fill my head with his stupid ass name (see one of the previous parts for my inital anger and outrage). All in all tho, I do love the interludes, they have such a palate cleansing vibes after the end of chapter 28 that help you kind of get over the wtf before moving on to the rest of the story. I will never understand when I hear that people skip or disregard them.
Spoiler Free Zone: 
With being so busy recently, I honestly forgot what happened in chapter 28 bc I read it so long ago now it seems but it does not disappoint skimming over it again. Not necessarily the whole chapter, I honestly didn’t have much tabbed, but the Dalinar character development and tHE END?? besties...
Brando’s book structuring is great. Minus the interludes (which again if any of you out there are skipping these ur so wrong for that), this feels so much like a Victorian three volume novel, which for those unfamiliar (tho it kind of speaks for itself) was a form book release under the serialisation umbrella that was popular at the time (for example the Bronte’s Wuthering Heights and Agnes Grey, as the two were too short for a traditional three volume release, were released together in the three volume format). Naturally this is my lit student side coming out but I feel like this isn’t done enough and it makes for an interesting structure. Ok, nerd moment over.
The interludes themselves, I mean, always iconic. I love the world building element it brings as even having a multi-perspective narrative, considering how expansive the universe is, is limiting to the possibilities you can explore in this. READ THE INTERLUDES AND APPRECIATE THEM. 
Spoiler Zone:
And now, the epigraph for this part had me like so ready for this chapter. I was like thinking this shit right here just feels like theres something coming. Now initially I was a little disappointed bc I was thinking this just feels like an average chapter like I’m not seeing anything I feel like tabbing am I missing sections???
Then Navani comes in and starts chatting up my home slice Dalinar and I am like I was sensing tension earlier but more in the traditional sense over romantic tension like what is going on. But like this isn’t the climax I know it isnt.
BUT DALINAR ABDICATING ??? I know its bc like everyone is disrespecting my guy and he needs Adolin to fill the role so nothing like shady can happen but I was like floored man. For it to be then followed by interludes? Bro like just shoot me bc I have to read them its who I am.
It was interesting to see different character perspectives and locations etc in the interludes tho it always is. I love how Brando uses his writing at times to portray clear moral messages like in interludes 1-4 with the farmers as a respected population amongst the Shin and how Rysn finds that odd. For that to be followed by Vstim establishing that its not strange and just different and that should be respected was just such a lovely moment to see. 
A little bit obsessed with Axies tbh bc frankly if there were little spirit creatures that appear with what seems to be a wide range of idk what to call them like states of being or occurrences idk stuff and things basically I would be studying that shit too. 
And then, the bane of my existence, the bastard that haunts my nightmares: Szeth :|. Idk WHY his name passionately enrages the very core of my being but it does. Not to mention that I am actually invested in his story bc wtf is this now with some random geezer materialising from the shadows with the head of his former master? OF COURSE I would eat that shit up man. (I do applaud Brando tho for clothing him like a slut but acknowledging how impractical it is and making it an annoyance that was extremely iconic). 
Tab Count:
Cute <3 - 1
Fights - 0
Sad ;-; - 0
Death - 0
Cool - 5
Wtf wow - 0
Wtf Why - 1
Slay Quotes - 1
Love this! - 3
Hate this >:( - 0
Lore - 1
Tab Total:
Cute <3 - 13
Fights - 9
Sad ;-; - 5
Death - 4
Cool - 13
Wtf wow - 3
Wtf Why - 4
Slay Quotes - 15
Love this! - 17
Hate this >:( - 5
Lore - 7
34 notes · View notes
the-vibes-are-off · 2 years
The Stormlight Archive Volume 1: The Way of Kings’ Review: Chapters 24-27
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link to contents page: https://at.tumblr.com/the-vibes-are-off/hey-hey/1bqju41z4c8r
Did I say I was going to post weekly every Sunday? Yes I did. Have I lived up to that commitment? I have not. IN MY DEFENSE, uni has started up properly this week, I’ve been reading like 4 books at once this past week and its been vvvvvvvv hard. In my limited spare time I crocheted a bookmark for TWOK!! I used the same yarn as I did for my partner’s hat so its like there is a piece of him with me every time I read with is super comforting. All in all, I am just super exhausted this week so I am sorry for the late addition to the series.
Spoiler Free Zone:
The first couple chapters in this part were, honestly in my opinion, kinda uneventful. Not boring per say just kinda average.
24 just kinda felt like rehashing the same war stuff (again this could be that I’m more lalala silly little fairy in a mushroom house vibe than war n strategy fantasy vibe) and 25 was just a flashback (which structurally I love) that was like grrrr mean nobility
26 and 27 though were like descriptively and wholesomely more my vibe and I read SUPER fast 
Spoiler Zone:
I quite literally tabbed two things in the first two chapters of this section, like I said like its not that it was bad it just like wasn’t great (for me anyway).
Like I get the for plot it is necessary for Dalinar to be turned down by Roion but the like collective narrative of ‘war is a game that is meant to be won’ and ‘soldiers are just pieces that can be sacrificed to win’ is something I personally dislike - again which is why I like Dalinar but like I need the other like lords or whatever to gain some originality 
I will say, the flashback did step it up - the description of the stalactites was very pleasing to me - but, while I am all for criticising narcissist in power positions, I feel like it could’ve been better in the way it was presented in the text. I’m not sure. Again its not that any of these plot points are bad particularly, I just think they could’ve been better executed. 
Definitely picked up after, the description of candles and fires at the start of 26 was so beautiful! As well as Dalinar fighting and the grace within it towards the end of the chapter was so cool - if there’s one thing I can commend Brando for its his style of describing things. 
Then, in chapter 27, everything I had tabbed was cute xD. Syl helping Kaladin at the apothecary? Absolute icon. I love her. And I CANNOT get over the bridge four friendships being built. All the singing and shit is so cute and just warms my heart, needed that cuteness this week.
P.S: I am so sorry this came late and if it sounds low energy at all. Having a tough week and encountered so many interruptions while trying to write this to the point it took me two days. Writing has definitely helped me relax a bit. I hope it can continue to do so.
Tab Count:
Cute <3 - 3
Fights - 1
Sad ;-; - 0
Death - 0
Cool - 2
Wtf wow - 0
Wtf Why - 0
Slay Quotes - 0
Love this! - 1
Hate this >:( - 1
Lore - 0
Tab Total:
Cute <3 - 12
Fights - 9
Sad ;-; - 5
Death - 4
Cool - 8
Wtf wow - 3
Wtf Why - 3
Slay Quotes - 14
Love this! - 14
Hate this >:( - 5
Lore - 6
30 notes · View notes
the-vibes-are-off · 2 years
Hey Hey ^-^
Welcome to my blog!! Whether familiar with or new to my posts, I hope this pinned post receives you well! Since I have procrastinated doing this for a while, I figured I would smush an intro to me and my contents page all into one so if you’re here to look for links to posts I’ve made, feel free to scroll down juuust a smidge :).
Intro :))
While some of you out there have communicated with me in comments, I have not formally introduced myself:
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Hi, I’m L, or at least I am for the purposes of remaining somewhat anonymous on tumblr, and I am a 20 year old English Lit student from England! My all time fave genre will always be horror, particularly of the gothic variety, but I am an enjoyer of many things (just not comedy, ik ik but ugh I NEVER find it funny). I do occasionally stream on twitch (shameful shameful plug) under the name skrunklydegenerate, although not often, and I gravitate towards cosy games, league of legends, and the occasional game of call of duty zombies (the combo of which displays that I am at the height of mental illness ik). 
My blog, at least for the time being, will be focussed on my *extremely biased* book reviews? chapter by chapter criticisms? word vomits? I am not exactly sure what to call them but they’re essentially my incoherent thoughts and reactions as to what is going on in whatever I am reading in my free time because I am frankly sick of my degree dictating what I read and making me lose all enjoyment of reading. Will this contents page grow stupid amounts over time? Very likely. Will I have to find a better system later? Absolutely. Is that, however, a problem for my future self? You bet your ass it is.
(the bit that people acc care about is below <3)
The Stormlight Archive:
The Way of Kings -
Prelude + Prologue - https://at.tumblr.com/the-vibes-are-off/the-stormlight-archives-volume-one-the-way-of/sz13ao38ye59
Chapters 1-4 - https://at.tumblr.com/the-vibes-are-off/the-stormlight-archive-volume-1-the-way-of/iq5ktvch2j3h
Chapters 5-8 - https://at.tumblr.com/the-vibes-are-off/right-well-you-know-how-i-said-in-my-previous/y7fsydl8q0go
Chapters 9-11 - https://at.tumblr.com/the-vibes-are-off/oh-yeah-i-want-to-do-these-in-chunks-of-four/18o5rdjwaf5d
Interludes 1-1 - 1-3 - https://at.tumblr.com/the-vibes-are-off/oh-have-the-gods-cursed-me-today-idk-if-im-just/pm8orn4zqgoa
Chapters 12-15 - https://at.tumblr.com/the-vibes-are-off/aaaaaaaaaand-the-energy-continues-to-be-low/3cjzlq5dq24a
Chapters 16-19 - https://at.tumblr.com/the-vibes-are-off/finally-i-woke-up-this-morning-with-some-semblance/g14as4wkj5ze
Chapters 20-23 - https://at.tumblr.com/the-vibes-are-off/hello-my-dear-sweet-angels-it-is-me-i-am-back/0qp1uka7s974
Chapters 24-27 - https://at.tumblr.com/the-vibes-are-off/the-stormlight-archive-volume-1-the-way-of-kings/ralojekwcu9a
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the-vibes-are-off · 2 years
The Stormlight Archive Volume 1: The Way of Kings’ Review: Chapters 20-23
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link to contents page - https://at.tumblr.com/the-vibes-are-off/hey-hey/96xd9ohihrzs
Hello my dear sweet angels, it is me, I am back after a stressful ass week - final essay deadlines, dumb ass uni reading, consuming of alcohol, the touching of grass (pictured above as evidence to myself and everyone else that I do, in fact, go outside). While TWOK is definitely a reprieve from working, I have been so tired that I have found it difficult to muster up the energy to do read more than necessary so I have had to pick and choose days and only had time to write this up today.
Fret not! I am for sure still enjoying the book and these reviews will continue on :) I am thinking of writing up reviews weekly, every Sunday as it tends to be a more relaxed day of the week for me so expect these every Sunday unless stated otherwise (not as late in the day as this tho, I was napping ;P).
Spoiler Free Zone:
This part was majority Kaladin, including a cheeky flashback which you all know I love!
Its nice to see some wholesome bridge four interactions after so much indifferent to one another too, my little heart ;-;
I also got more of Wit, whose presence I will always be ready and waiting to receive. He reminds me of the vibe my friends and I have when were together and I think that’s why I love him so much as we dont see each other often with studying in different cities :((
Spoiler Zone:
Chapter 20 really had to start by ripping my heart out and dancing on it still beating with young Kaladin crying and the whole like was there a salve that stopped the tears thing after failing to save that kid. Like bro the chapter was like 2.5 pages long you cant be doing that Brandon :’’’’’)
To go from that to like giving me more reason to hate Sadeas even tho its not necessary by trying to make further example out of bridge four. Like ugh people who treat other humans as less than really boil my blood more than any other like villainous archetype bc its such a real thing and there is fully no excuse for it. Its becoming why I like Dalinar more and more as he is changing to become more progressive in his treatetment of others. Not to mention him roasting Adolin’s serial dating thats also a plus 
At least I had Wit in the next chapter to put more pep in my step. As a frequent roaster of the upper class with being a povo northerner, nothing delights me more than seeing others with the same sentiments as me :)) Plus the classis “oh *insert god or deity here*” “no just me” exchange is one of my fave ever since watching the shadowhunters movie as a kid so that was a welcome addition too.
The highlight tho has to be the bridge four relationships like by far. Rock and Syl friendship? iconic. Teft giving into helping and acc enjoying it to an extent? love to see it. Rock putting chull dung in Sadeas’ food? Literally cannot be topped ever.
P.S: This literally took so long to write bc I still had residual sleepiness from my nap omg this is to my future self to NOT write a review part just after waking up xD.
Tab Count:
Cute <3 - 0
Fights - 0
Sad ;-; - 1
Death - 0
Cool - 0
Wtf wow - 0
Wtf Why - 0
Slay Quotes - 4
Love this! - 3
Hate this >:( - 1
Lore - 1
Tab Total:
Cute <3 - 8
Fights - 8
Sad ;-; - 5
Death - 4
Cool - 6
Wtf wow - 3
Wtf Why - 3
Slay Quotes - 14
Love this! - 13
Hate this >:( - 4
Lore - 6
19 notes · View notes
the-vibes-are-off · 2 years
The Stormlight Archive Volume 1: The Way of Kings’ Review: Chapters 16-19
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link to contents page - https://at.tumblr.com/the-vibes-are-off/hey-hey/96xd9ohihrzs
FINALLY I woke up this morning with some semblance to get out of bed before 8am and actually make the most out of my day. Essays are going hella slow and I honestly think the weight of dealing with them is just draining me hard, I cannot wait to get them tf out of the way; not to mention I’ve just spent £70 on Shakespeare for the coming semester :’) yay so excited for them to arrive today ;-;. 
Unfortunately, as the next semester approaches I imagine the frequency of these posts will decline as I’ll have to reduce my TWOK reading to 1 chapter a day at most in order to fit in all my uni reading. Which I am so gutted about because honestly I have enjoyed reading this chunk so much and the thought of having to slow down makes me so sad :(((.
Spoiler Free Zone:
This section does so much in the way of widening the scope to fill out the history of the plot and I’m living for it. Seeing more about Kaladin’s history AND like fckn ancient history as well???? I am so in.
I feel like this section has really got me into the swing of things more. With TWOK largely lying outside of the genre I normally read and not having the motivation of reading it like out of necessity for my degree, I was worried that I’d lose motivation but this section has really solidified my interest to the fullest !!
Spoiler Zone: 
I have loved finding out more about Kal in the flashback sections and this has not changed. 1. Ofc Mr. Edgy Boy is a simp and fought to impress a girl just ofc 2. and on top of that, ofc he’s secretly soft round the edges, especially for his brother. The bit when Tien gives him a sick rock ??? Bye I would smile too what a cute interaction. Bit of a RIP that he then like immediately got into a fight, over some juicy Shardblade lore nonetheless? Brando feeding us fr. 
I love that he has Kaladin also thinking what everyone else is thinking in observing Sadeas as a pompous ass xD. It read so similar to what I love about some of my fave English Lit books in the critique of the upper classes and I will forever appreciate it (fuck the tories :p).
Then again tho, as ever, Brando refuses Kaladin a break and has his men dropping like flies bro. Ik he was trained as a surgeon but mf is not a miracle worker cut him some slack. 
Then onto the Kholins and my goodness these have to have been my fave chapters so far. Starting off with the slightly less preferred, but still great, chapter of family revelations like Dalinar not remembering his wife and Renarin’s feelings of inadequacy. My little heart breaks for them :((
BUT THE VISION CHAPTER?????????? Oh my goodness I loved this chapter so much I lit had the whole chapter tabbed as a love this fro the start bc I just knew it was gonna slap so hard. You’re telling me, all in one chapter, I have been given an epic fight with shadow creatures, WITH some of the knights radiant, AND one of them is a woman, all wrapped up in sick fucking lore in a vision of the past brought on by a storm that ends in a mystical voice giving vague advice. Jesus take the wheel.
Tab Count:
Cute <3 - 1
Fights - 3
Sad ;-; - 2
Death - 2
Cool - 1
Wtf wow - 1
Wtf Why - 0
Slay Quotes - 2
Love this! - 2
Hate this >:( - 0
Lore - 3
Tab Total:
Cute <3 - 8
Fights - 8
Sad ;-; - 4
Death - 4
Cool - 6
Wtf wow - 3
Wtf Why - 3
Slay Quotes - 10
Love this! - 10
Hate this >:( - 3
Lore - 5
46 notes · View notes
the-vibes-are-off · 2 years
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Shallan Davar
[Transcription, Shallan draws on her pad while looking off in the distance, surrounded by creation spren]
650 notes · View notes
the-vibes-are-off · 2 years
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Shallan Davar by Lulybot
905 notes · View notes
the-vibes-are-off · 2 years
The Stormlight Archive Volume 1: The Way of Kings’ Review: Chapters 12-15
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link to contents page - https://at.tumblr.com/the-vibes-are-off/hey-hey/96xd9ohihrzs
aaaaaaaaaand the energy continues to be low, naturally I would continue to be lacking recovery at the height of essay writing season. This part comes fresh from the fingertips of my post nap self since I did a grocery shop this morning (i forgot to buy tea :’)))) and just passed tf out after lunch. I would make another cuppa to attempt to feel the benefits of a little caffeine boost but, even though my kettle is in my room, bed too snuggly and warm to leave.
Deffo intrigued by part 2, the prelude and prologue are making more sense in relation to the plot now and im liking the characterisation and relationship dynamics that are being built :))
Spoiler Free Zone: 
The absolutely heart wrenching feeling seeing Shallan NOT in this part that I experienced yesterday was not ok. BUT the introduction of the Elhokar, Adolin, Dalinar, Renarin and Sadeas interactions is kinda worth it bc they’re hella entertaining.
Kaladin maintaining the better energy in this part is great too, he’s on some kinda wild grindset like I could personally never but pop off ig king.
Syl and her progression too? Living for it. I can’t wait to find out more about her as the book continues.
Spoiler Zone:
Interesting change in chapter quotes, I was very much enjoying the before death quotes but I dont know I think I vibe with these too. I’m assuming they’re from a letter to someone and whoever is writing it is so sassy I love it: “I hope this missive find you well” to “now that you are essentially immortal, I would guess that wellness on your part is something of a given” is so iconic.
In the ways of tabs, I simply loved Dalinar’s little moment just riding his horse with the wind hitting his face like mf needs a break from having these visions like the destress must’ve been immense. 
And then his little smile when Elhokar won their little like race thingy, so cute, we love positive masculine relationships omg 
Which naturally just had to be interrupted by memories of his vision and stress out the poor guy. I will say though I love a character that has questionable means of acquiring knowledge that is untrusted by their peers (hello Jonathan Sims of The Magnus Archives) so I’m super on the edge of my seat over this visions business 
On my earlier topic of character interactions tho, Wit is READING the whole family to filth my goodness. Like yeah it was chill whatever when he was just teasing Renarin over girls but the shade on Sadeas? As he fucking should. Sadeas is a bitch and should be treated as such. 
Then the fight, ugh. While I love the lore of like chasmfiends, and gemhearts and how they’re harvested and their uses and all that jazz; and OBVIOUSLY you can’t beat a cheeky little beat down of some insect like creature; Elhokar’s little main character ‘I’m hard as fuck’ call to destiny “I defy you” moment made my blood boil and instantly lose any likeability towards him. It was a major ick. You’d thinking having inherited the title of king that long ago that he would have matured more.
Alas, all I had tabbed in Kaladin’s bit was between him and Syl (what can I say I love her). Her whole self-awareness into gaining intelligence and sentience is so cool and I’m so intrigued to see how it progresses. Its kinda sad that shes stuck inbetween the threat of forgetting into being ignorant of everything that has happened and all she knows and, although that would be easier, not wanting to lose the freedom of what she knows. 
And on that same page, Kaladin says something I think everyone needs to hear: “I don’t know what I am either. A bridgeman? A surgeon? A soldier? A slave? Those are all just labels. Inside, I’m me.” 
Tab Count:
Cute <3 - 1
Fights - 1
Sad ;-; - 0
Death - 0
Cool - 1
Wtf wow - 0
Wtf Why - 2
Slay Quotes - 3
Love this! - 2
Hate this >:( - 1
Lore - 0
Tab Total:
Cute <3 - 7
Fights - 5
Sad ;-; - 2
Death - 2
Cool - 5
Wtf wow - 2
Wtf Why - 3
Slay Quotes - 8
Love this! - 8
Hate this >:( - 3
Lore - 2
58 notes · View notes
the-vibes-are-off · 2 years
‘ The Stormlight Archives Volume One: The Way of Kings’ Review - Interludes 1-1 - 1-3
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link to contents page - https://at.tumblr.com/the-vibes-are-off/hey-hey/96xd9ohihrzs
Oh have the gods cursed me today idk if im just generally dead of if COVID took a few days off and just decided to start kicking my ass again. I did such a good job of waking up at 7 this morning to eat breakfast and plan to work out and all sorts but no, I ate and then went back to sleep for nearly 2 hours. Luckily the reading today was quite light and nice and cute actually and I enjoyed reading it with my first coffee in the past week (which has not even touched my tiredness at all). So glad its just a day of criminal minds and essay prep today ;-;. 
Thank you so much to @worldofprocrastination for recommending me the Kaladin album (https://open.spotify.com/album/6TkE0QEZnDt6ABujASZMuj?si=xt4qk4i7RMOuzCiK-kkJ9w) to add to my reading experience. I almost didn’t remember to put it on and so didn’t play it through my headphones :( but I will for sure tomorrow when I’m reading. It gives off DnD campaign soundtrack vibes which I absolutely live for always. 
Spoiler Free Zone:
Honestly, this was a nice little plot reprieve, especially when I’m feeling so icky. Its clearly Brando values perspective and the interludes are essentially just offering character perspective of goings on the outskirts of the main plot which I really liked. 
Honestly not much to say without involving specific details of what happened since I’m trying to have this section include as little as possible of any detail as like just a general opinion but, as someone who values breadth as well as depth in plot and world building its so lovely seeing it in official canon and not through fan fic. 
Spoiler Zone:
Now, my mind is not in any position to be thinking about things intelligently so my tabs are kinda jokes in this at the minute. For interlude 1-1, I literally did not even process anything that could be important for the plot I was too focussed on cool fish and flirting to process whatever those guys were talking about in the ways of looking for someone.
Similarly in 1-2, while Balat was worrying about Shallans bad bitch stealing quest, I was just loving the idea of creeping vines and considering how cute Scrak is and how much I relate to their name and disposition. 
Literally all I had tabbed for 1-3 was how much I hate Szeth’s name. Like I have hated it since before I started reading bc I did a quiz online with my partner once, it is so dumb. Szeth-son-son-Vallano? Really? Idk it pisses me off. I love how chill he is being slaved about tho like his behaviour really tickled me. 
This part is less than coherent and I apologise. Its like the fever is taking me again. Pray for me :’).
Tab Count:
Cute <3 - 2
Fights - 0
Sad ;-; - 0
Death - 0 
Cool - 0
Wtf moments - 0
Slay Quotes - 0
Love this! - 1
Hate this >:( - 1
Lore - 0
Tab Total:
Cute <3 - 6
Fights - 4
Sad ;-; - 2
Death - 2
Cool - 4
Wtf wow - 2
Wtf Why - 1
Slay Quotes - 5
Love this! - 6
Hate this >:( - 2
Lore - 2
14 notes · View notes
the-vibes-are-off · 2 years
The Stormlight Archive Volume 1: The Way of Kings’ Review: Chapters 9-11
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link to contents page - https://at.tumblr.com/the-vibes-are-off/hey-hey/96xd9ohihrzs
oh yeah I want to do these in chunks of four chapters yeah that’ll be nice .. WRONG no it wont bc part 1 is 11 chapters long :| *sigh* ig I’ll have to live with it. I have drank so much tea since I tested positive that I have 1 darjeeling tea bag left I could cry I need more someone send me more im begging pls. If anyone gives a shit about the Criminal Minds progress, I’ve watched 20 episodes since my review yesterday. 
ugh, I respect Brando setting everything out in satisfying chunks but like you should have seen just the utter defeat I experienced reaching the end of chapter 11 man ;-;. I’ll allow it because I really enjoyed this chunk....
Spoiler Free Zone: 
finally, FINALLY at the end of this chunk I am starting to like Mr Edgy Boy Kaladin more like I have finally realised that the reason I wasn’t liking him that much was because he felt so low energy so it made me low energy to read it because it didn’t fit how I thought his character should be and its finally getting out of that now *phew*
I liked the flashback chapter, it felt good to get some context on why Kal is the way he is and it finally makes sense. Deffo a connecting the dots on Kaladin section which feels great I really didn’t want to go the full series having some ick over him 
Spoiler Zone:
genuinely, at the start of this section all I could think was Kaladin needs a fucking break man, poor guy is absolutely slammed at every fucking corner like I just want to run him a bath and make him a cuppa. Like everyday hes acc just being rained on by a barrage of arrows and watching everyone die im not surprised he’d want to throw himself into the honour chasm i have wanted to do that over less
Living for his surgeon dad, he had the right idea. Maybe if he’d listen to papa about the whole fighting to save lives is like trying to stop a storm by blowing harder maybe Kal would just be a run of the mill surgeon saving lives and way of kings would be like greys anatomy (Kaladin the next McDreamy fr?????)
Syl is acc my fave as well shes so cute ;-; she rlly said Kal have cute leaf and its straight up poison skskks shes so me 
then to round all this up on the slay of Kaladin being like yeah I died, this is my vengeful spirit just fucks so hard pop off, as he should. Its nice to see him taking his life into his own hands finally some energy brought to his section 
Tab Count:
Cute <3 - 1
Fights - 0
Sad ;-; - 1
Death - 0 (Ik there was technically deaths but I’m only tabbing significant named characters or I think I’d run out of tabs)
Cool - 0 
Wtf moments - 0
Slay Quotes - 2 
Love this! - 0 
Hate this >:( - 0 
Lore - 0 
Tab Total:
Cute <3 - 4
Fights - 4
Sad ;-; - 2
Death - 2
Cool - 4
Wtf wow - 2
Wtf Why - 1
Slay Quotes - 5
Love this! - 5
Hate this >:( - 1
Lore - 2 (I forgot this on the last one :/)
25 notes · View notes
the-vibes-are-off · 2 years
The Stormlight Archive Volume 1: The Way of Kings’ Review: Chapters 5-8
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link to contents page - https://at.tumblr.com/the-vibes-are-off/hey-hey/96xd9ohihrzs
Right, well, you know how I said in my previous post that my COVID test was negative? Yeah so I was swiftly clowned and I am now SICK right on essay season. I have dug out crusty dusty old HP Pavilion to do work but I’m essentially only using it for Tumblr so. My partner is officially in another country now (I know you’re going to read this so pls come back I am dying) so I cant even be babied 24/7 due to the time difference. On season 4 of Criminal Minds already tho so ....
In terms of reading, I am officially back and LOVING it. I am limiting myself to 4 chapters in one setting because that’s how much I want my review sections to cover and writing this takes longer than I thought it would tbh. Lets get to it! 
Spoiler Free Zone:
The split narrative is like definitely managing my problems with maintaining my attention. I will say that since Kaladin’s story line, although definitely interesting don’t get me wrong, would probably get boring if it was all I was reading. I’m more a magic and lore and pretty women fantasy enjoyer than a grr fight fantasy enjoyer since my like gritty lit enjoyment comes from different genres.
Loving the direction that Shallan’s plot line is going in, I’m glad Brandon doesn’t just give the characters what they want straight away and there is at least the illusion that they’re working for something even though its obvious they’ll achieve it eventually.
Mostly, I’m just loving the characters they’re introducing in Shallan’s story, maybe not so much SOME people (a certain person specifically I dislike is beginning, BEGINNING to grow on me) as they’re just so lovely and cute and nice and ugh we love to see it.
Spoiler Zone:
I’m saying it now, I did initially think Jasnah was just a bitch tbh like I get she’s all important and up her own ass or whatever but she doesn’t appreciate art??? I get Shallan like couldnt just get what she wanted but like .... come on. I was so mad when she just started shouting n shit when Shallan was waiting in the alcove like get a grip pls. However.... turning a boulder to smoke? I had to tab that as cool, like that was just a smart idea to clear it and a cool fckn power to have 
Shallan wanting to steal tho? I love her, a true icon as she should steal from the bitch. I literally just tabbed it love this bc ? Slay like what else could I do. I’d steal it too 
aaaaaaaaand then were back to Kaladin actually just getting fucking shit on at every turn yet again. mf has to carry a bridge?? and then get shot at with arrows?? my goodness give this man a break 
The spren getting a name tho like Syl is acc like carrying Kaladin’s arc for me I want to know what is going on there I am trying so hard not to spoil it for myself
From an arts and humanities student standpoint, I did tab Shallan describing how she views her art and the process of creation as like fleshy and human. Like in both studying and writing poetry I relate to capturing a person or a place or a moment on paper 
And then 2 cuties that I simply had to draw attention to in Brother Kabsal and Yalb. They are iconic and I adore them the end :*
Tab Count:
Cute: 2
Fights: 1
Sad: 1 
Death: 0
Cool: 0 
Wtf wow: 1
Wtf why: 0 
Slay Quotes: 0 
Love this: 2
Hate this: 0
Tab Total:
Cute: 3
Fights: 4
Sad: 1
Death: 2
Cool: 4
Wtf wow: 2
Wtf why: 1
Slay Quotes: 3
Love this: 5
Hate this: 1
PS: If anyone actually reads this far down comment (or post me if you’re feeling generous) your fave tea to drink when you’re sick because I’m going through maybe 10 cups a day and I am swiftly running out....
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the-vibes-are-off · 2 years
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‘The Stormlight Archive Volume 1: The Way of Kings’ Review: Chapters 1-4
link to contents page - https://at.tumblr.com/the-vibes-are-off/hey-hey/96xd9ohihrzs
Alas, I find myself wrenched from the comforts of my partner’s home, painstakingly counting down the days til he flies back to the US for his study abroad - the threat of catching COVID from his father looming over my head, test pending (edit: I am safe… for now -_-). I am cursed by the intense skrunklage of my uni room and I lay in my disheveled bed procrastinating writing my imminent essays to read a book I actually want to read for once (and naturally watching criminal minds for the billionth time).
Overall, in comparison to the preparatory sections of the novel, I can definitely say the first few chapters are more enjoyable. The prelude and prologue’s pacing felt a bit strange idk but the pacing of the first chapters definitely feels good and I’m enjoying it so far!
Spoiler Free Zone:
So we start with edgy boy characters and edgy boy setting. From what I had heard of Kaladin I am not surprised in the slightest and admittedly his story is not exactly my vibe but I am definitely interested to see where it goes.
BUT we do meet an icon in Shallan. Since this is a spoiler free zone I am keeping any details to a minimum but I just KNOW she is going to be such a slay throughout I can feel it in my bones.
We’ve also got some cool little advancements on some fantasy creatures and both aesthetically and characteristically the main spren in particular has me intrigued.
Also got some cool ass art work, which I’m always happy to see, of some eel ass things. Absolutely adore it tbh and love what it adds to the lore.
Spoiler Zone (Proceed with Caution):
So Brando clearly loves a fight bc he’s started the first chapter with yet another fight to introduce the edgy boy himself - Kaladin. Admittedly, he is cool af and does save Cenn (ish, I can’t tell if he dies at the end of the chapter as his death is mention by Kaladin later but isn’t explicit at the end of the chapter but I tabbed it anyway since I’m only tabbing witnessed deaths of naked characters and it kinda sounds like he dies) 1 v 6 like just fighting like if he has powers too he’s just OP by the looks of it.
Doing romantic lit and being a slut for landscape descriptions I simply had to love tab the paired hills and Windspren at the start of chapter 2 bc like even tho I’m on the fence about the name of the species as ‘spren’ (idk feels awkward to me) they’re interesting as like physically spirits of certain things - especially considering the like sentient windspren that follows Kaladin about.
Speaking of. 1. They sound like they look cute as fuck. 2. You’re telling me there’s a random sentient spirit that shouldn’t be? Colour me fucking intrigued.
Going back to the mention of the eel drawings from the start. I love that it makes sense why it’s there as the chapter goes on …
… which leads into talking about Shallan <33333. Love her already. Artistic and academic queen? She is serving cunt at all times doing the bare minimum. Realistic too on the idea of the fragility of expectations. Ugh I love her.
More pieces of lore as well. Idk why I focus on the most random bits of lore sometimes like why have I tabbed that soulcasters use emerald to make food? Idk. The fact that both arts and science are feminine too? Brando feminist ??
Lastly Tvlakv (fuck some of the names on the real) rlly ate telling saying like Kaladin bestie i find any portraits of my exes you can rip them up like you did the map 🤭🤭. A likeable bastard Frfr.
Tab Count:
Cute: 1
Fights: 1
Sad: 0
Death: 1
Cool: 2
Wtf why or wow: 0
Slay quotes: 2
Love this: 2
Hate this: 0
Lore: 1
Tab Total:
Cute: 1
Fights: 3
Sad: 0
Death: 2
Cool: 4
Wtf why: 1
Wtf wow: 1
Slay quotes: 3
Love this!: 3
Hate this: 1
Cool lore: 2
25 notes · View notes
the-vibes-are-off · 2 years
‘ The Stormlight Archives Volume One: The Way of Kings’ Review - Prelude + Prologue
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So is the way when my partner buys me his favourite book and I study English Literature, so must I be overly thorough in reviewing it. Welcome to my scuffed part-by-part criticism and appreciation.
link to contents page - https://at.tumblr.com/the-vibes-are-off/hey-hey/96xd9ohihrzs
Now I’m busy today so I’m only doing the prelude and prologue for now as a way of introducing what I’m tabbing and why. Since I don’t know a lot about the series I’m tabbing it like I would most other non-focused tabbings mainly with just bits that I like over anything else and, since it’s an author I’m unfamiliar with in a genre I don’t read, I have included a ‘hate this’ tab in case this reaches anyone who is either interested in reading the series and wants honesty or for any particularly argumentative fans that want to debate.
I’ve decided to split into spoiler free and spoiler filled sections in order to explain my tabbings to both read and unread readers - tab count for the current section and total read so far will be at the bottom.
Spoiler Free Zone:
The prelude definitely starts off the book with an interesting historical baseline and soft introducing what I assume is lore to be further revealed as time goes on. Very typical dark and gloomy fantasy setting I would say, definitely could probs be written better but is certainly interesting.
This follows in the prologue 100%. Brandon deffo has the imagination to be thinking up races/groups of people, characters, weapons, abilities etc and the scenes are descriptive and dynamic to an extent however I have beef with some of his basic writing technique. Clearly with it being 1007 pages long he has no qualms with book length but has a tendency to repeat paragraph openers (which whatever like that is admittedly minor) and tell rather than show (which is the bit that gets me).
Spoiler Zone - Enter at your own risk:
Admittedly I can’t say the first page was initially gripping me, typical large scale beast fight. I think the desolation of the fight could definitely have been described better but from what I can gather the fight is more of just a precursor to the important lore so it isn’t that deep.
Naturally I tabbed cool swords yes yes yes cool swords gimme cool swords followed by torture (horror fan me very happy at any gruesome adjacent description). Tabbed a ‘WTF? Why?’ At furthering lore. Oathpact? Cycle of Desolations? Why is it ending? Gimme more pls pls pls but at the end of the day it is the prelude so I had to live.
Loved the quote at the start of the chapter, a lovely form feature I wasn’t expecting. 100% first slay quote I love when books have quotes at the start of chapters, usually allusions to other texts but an in world quote definitely still works.
First love this was at the description of the women. What can I say. I love women. I am biased.
My first beef (hate this) was with the explanation of a ‘lashing’. I get it needing context with lashing typically meaning something else but like maybe gloss it in the back or at the bottom of the page so that it doesn’t take you out of the fight and rather acts as like an optional contextualisation.
Tbf tho Brandon hit me with more cool swords for my first ‘WTF WOW’ tab bc sword that cuts someone’s soul? Come on man like that’s so sick.
We love a cheeky bit of lore too - I had to add a bonus tabby for lore insertions. Nice to have more context for the start (I assume?).
Our first named death too? Before chapter one? With a cryptic last wish. Classic set up that you can’t help but love.
Tab Count:
This Part -
Cute: 0
Fights/Violence*: 2
Sad :(: 0
Death**: 1
Cool: 2
Wtf why: 1
Wtf wow: 1
Slay Quotes: 1
Love this!: 1
Hate this >:/: 1
Cool lore insert: 1
Cute: 0
Fights/Violence: 2
Sad :(: 0
Death: 1
Cool: 2
Wtf why: 1
Wtf wow: 1
Slay quotes: 1
Love this!: 1
Hate this >:/: 1
* - fights are tabbed at a new enemy (ie in prologue when it changes from guards to the king)
* *- deaths include named character deaths only
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the-vibes-are-off · 2 years
the amazing world of kimball
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the-vibes-are-off · 2 years
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The Romance of the Forest - Ann Radcliffe
This isn’t necessarily a review and more the start of a new beginning for myself.
Although I loved it, the way it was written is incredibly beautiful, this book represents so much more to me than just another text to be read. This was the first Christmas gift, in fact first gift ever, that my partner ever bought me in 2020 and it is only today that I have finally completed it after years of putting myself second to my studies, amongst other things of course.
Finally finishing this is the start of a new chapter in my life. I was going to wait until New Year, resolutions and all that jazz but I’m sick of making excuses to put my life on hold - now is as good a time as any to start doing things for me.
- L
0 notes
the-vibes-are-off · 2 years
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‘An Ideal Husband’ - Oscar Wilde in The Importance of being Earnest and Other Plays
First of two posts that I’ll be making from this collection of plays by Oscar Wilde that I’m reading for my Victorian module.
Went in knowing absolutely nothing about the play (which I like to do for most things that I read) and tbh it was a fairly entertaining read. I HATE reading plays bc it feels wrong - they’re written to be performed and watched - but the plot was engaging enough to mitigate that.
Quite unsure whether I can say I liked any of the characters bc they’re all in some way misogynistic and up their own arse but tbh I think that propelled me to keep reading in order for their fates to be revealed. However, and I will keep spoilers to a minimum for anyone that may not have read it, the eventual lack of overall consequences felt anticlimactic. Naturally the wealthy get away with whatever they want and that is likely the point so from an analytical standpoint it’s an obvious criticism and something that could be well used in an essay but, from a enjoyment standpoint, it felt unfulfilling to read for fun.
Overall still an interesting read regardless of the fact everything seemed to end too well put together and nicely but definitely excited to look more at Oscar Wilde (especially in a lecture setting). Since this is my first post, I’m still unsure what I’m wanting to do with these little responses to my reading - whether I want to engage critically with texts or for it to be more like a keeping reading diary of sorts (?).
If you’re interested in this kind of content pls give me feedback on what you’d like to see in these and I will adjust accordingly,
L :))
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the-vibes-are-off · 4 years
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Mary Oliver, Long Life : Essays and Other Writings
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