#and then in a minute ill reblog this with some ooc content that provides further info for muns that muses
apotheoun-a · 3 years
Dossier: Kimina Hisaka - Zanpakutō
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Subject: Kimina Hisaka Status: Alive - Exiled ; Inaccessible Former Rank: 19th Seat ; Hachibantai Shikai: Hō-ōhime [鳳凰媛 - Phoenix Princess] Bankai: Registered as Unachieved ; Data Supports Competency: Average Potential: Unknown
Subject obeyed standard procedure in sealing one's zanpakutō when a member of the Gotei. Zanpakutō is an unadorned katana: length - 2.2 shaku (66.6cm), shinogi-zukuri blade shape, tsuba is circular steel with phoenix embellishment, tsuka is dark, tsuka-ito is light blue. Subject wears his zanpakutō on his left hip. There are no further identifying details.
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Pre-Exile Observations
Release Command: Yakiharau [焼き払う - burn down (to the ground); clear away by burning; reduce to ashes; burn off​] Shikai: Type - Melee
Hō-ōhime inherits the form of a red yari pole-arm (spear, see recreational sketch below). It is a melee weapon with no noticeable kidō or [fire] elemental benefits despite the release call. Hō-ōhime is 7.6 shaku (230 cm) in total with a blade length of 1 shaku (30.3 cm), sansaho ("leaf shaped" or "bamboo leaf shaped") dual edged blade, and a shaft (nagaye) reinforced with metal rings (dogane) The subject is more competent in sōjutsu ('art of the spear') than in zanjutsu. The shikai further includes a pair of heavy metal armor shoulder pads and accompanying light armor.
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Post-Exile Observations
Inconsistencies of Note:
�� Release Command has changed - name is unchanged • Shikai type has changed • Shikai form is unstable - release shape changes
Release Command: Yaki Tsukusu [焼き尽くす - burn completely; consume (by fire); burn to nothing; burn to the ground; reduce to ashes​]
Shikai: Type - Kidō
Hō-ōhime no longer summons the armor shoulder pads. The weapon will occasionally appear in the same sansaho-yari form as observed in pre-exile, however the subject occasionally manifests the shikai in a second form (see below). This form is that of a wooden staff, approximately 2 meters long, with a club like head. The club is adorned with a ring with three ornaments dangling from it. In this form the Hō-ōhime possesses fire elemental abilities - enhancing the subjects own proficiency with kidō.
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It is unknown whether this second form is due to the change in release command for for some other reason. Reiatsu outputs do not suggest this form is a Bankai. No other variation is noted.
It has been proposed that this change in the subjects shikai is related to the introduction of Hollow reiatsu into the subjects soul.
As all other survivors of hollowfication were subject to a different experiment, this hypothesis cannot be discarded or accepted at this time due to a lack of data.
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Further Hypothesis
Notes recovered from Prisoner Aizen Sosuke's reveal that hollowfication test subjects with less than a fukutaicho's reiatsu supply suffer from soul-suicide upon the introduction of hollow reiatsu into a subjects system.
As a low ranking [19th] seated officer , the subject has not displayed such a supply of reiatsu (though reiatsu output has been observed to have increased drastically following exile). The following hypotheses have been proposed:
1) Subject has displayed a proficiency for kidō. Advance usage of unknown kidō has allowed the subject to survive or avoid soul suicide. - Discarded [Subject was never tapped for Kidō specialization or for recruitment into the Kidō Corps. Kidō is not more advanced than captain class, nor Prisoner Aizen Sosuke, who failed to identify a way to stabilize the soul following injection of hollow reiatsu.]
2) Subject has inherent ability (zanpakutō inherited?) permitting the survival or avoidance of soul suicide. - Data inconclusive. [Subject was not under close surveillance prior to exile. Insufficient data collected.]
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