#and then of course theres those who don't have anybody left to drag them.
cousticks · 9 months
bsd is good because people don't just go "damn this sucks" and then get better. those bitches get dragged kicking and screaming and fighting towards a better life for themselves all while actively against it every step of the way.
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artificialqueens · 2 years
🎁 Part of Your World, Ch. 1 (Raja x Adore) for Dartmouth420 - Grinder
SECRET QUEEN 2022 by @grinder-lector
AN: Hey, Hi, Hello! Dear Dartmouth420, it was so fun writing this fic! I don't think I've ever written Raja as a lead in a fic so it was an exciting new experience! I really hope you enjoy this story, theres so much more to come! 
"Laila, did you eat your slug this morning?" Raja stopped her marching, staring down at the group of baby witches kneeling before her. 
Laila in particular failed to make her dead fly come back to life, let alone even show any sign of resurrection.
"Yes, I did. And slugs are slow. Maybe that's why I'm so sluggish today," Laila quipped. There was a bit of bite there, Raja could hear it. It was always Laila who decided to be a cunt about everything.
But Raja tried to smile, one that suggested she wasn't having it. "Laila, you and I both know if you had eaten the slug, your magic energy would be soaring right now." And then the sass came out, "maybe the reason for your fatigue this morning is because of that drop of pixie dust you had last night."
As usual, whenever Raja would bite back at one of her students, both Kim and Farrah snickered, while Gia and Aja glared. 
"How do you all expect to become the best dark witches that you can if you can't take this seriously?" Raja’s dark eyes scrutinised all of them now, enough to make them silent again. Fuck, how she loved this once upon a time, tutoring the younger girls. Not even just the task, but this whole camp. Set on the edge of the forest not too far from the coast, the coven resided, and they stayed there. 
Being surrounded by so much beauty and nature, one would think that was paradise. But with other covens nearby, not the friendliest of bitches, not like they could venture too far. 
The last ten years saw the claustrophobia set in. And Raja was slowly losing the will power to tolerate it any longer.
"Oh, Raja!" A voice called.
Already, without turning, she knew that voice. How could anyone fail to recognise it?
Raja's baby witches smirked, the dark witch already over the oncoming shenanigans. "Fuck you all," She murmured under her breath, sweeping down her long dress.
Even before turning, she already knew how this conversation was going to go. It felt like a weekly occurrence now when Bianca would approach her with preaching words.
"Yes, Bianca. How can I assist you today?" Raja dragged herself towards Bianca's hut, the woman already lingering in the door, her auburn hair freshly curled without any use of magic.
When Raja was below the doorstep, she leaned up and kissed Bianca — not something unusual within the coven, unless blood-related. It was their sign of peace, the wish for good luck.
The redhead glanced at the baby witches, all of them running free before Raja could call them all back to continue their morning lessons.
"You're kind of wasting your time on tutoring those sperm donations." Bianca raised a brow as she looked at Raja again.
"Somebody has to. I mean, who else is going to teach them?" Raja threw a hand up in questioning as she watched her students flee to their homes. "Don't call them that, by the way."
"Raja, you know fine well there are other dark witches here who are capable of teaching them how to use their powers."
"Like who?"
"Raven?" Bianca raised her brows tauntingly.
"Pfft. As if I'd let Raven train anybody. Darkest of the dark witches. No fucking way." Raja leaned against the door frame.
"Oh, well, that's true. But still. There are others here capable of what you're doing right now." Bianca started, and Raja rolled her eyes. "No - no. Don't do that, honey. You know you could be learning for when you take over as the Mother Witch."
The Mother Witch. Oh, how Raja was sick of hearing that term. Why did her mother have to be tethered to the late Chaderia, why did they have to marry? 
It had only been a year since Raja's mother passed away, and twelve years since Chaderia did. Of course, this left Raja, the only heir to the throne left.
But she didn't want that. Having gone a whole year with no true Mother Witch, the ladies of the camp were feeling lost. But what Raja wanted was to break free, venture further out of the forest, live something bigger. And if it took a couple of trials and tests to determine who would take over, then so be it.
"Or maybe I could be training you to be the Mother Witch," Raja's smile was teasing.
"Oh, honey, I already know so much more than you do," Bianca leaned in close to Raja before pushing her away from the doorstep.
The dark witch chuckled. God, she loved Bianca. Of all the centuries she’d been alive, Bianca was always right there with her, having been born the same year. Of course, they became bestfriends. And there was that strange period in which they thought there was something a bit more between them. Every time they locked lips, however, every time they fucked, there was just something not right. With no real spark no feeling of energies mixing together, they were a complete mismatch.
Raja had tried to reassure herself that, in more current times among the witch clan, just because one may not tether with someone else, they can still love each other just as strongly.
But Raja longed for that — to find her tethered other half.
And Bianca had potential for things greater than sticking around and trying to make things work out between them. As much as Raja wanted freedom, Bianca wanted it ten times more. And with that willpower, she could take the throne, be the best Mother Witch that ever lived, and bring the wider circle of covens together.
“Well, maybe you should pursue that, Bianca,” Raja was already walking away from her bestfriend’s home.
“And put myself through the whole trial process? Oh, sounds delightful.” Bianca quipped, following behind her.
"How's Courtney?" Raja changed the subject. 
"Great. She's fine. Still manifesting for a girl so we can keep the baby. Not that Courtney cares. She says no matter the gender, it's her baby and the warlocks aren't getting them."
Raja felt like a dick, for she was losing track of how far along Courtney was into her pregnancy. Most likely four months at this stage.
Every year, both the witches and warlocks of the other camps looked forward to spring time, when they got to fuck like rabbits in the wild and produce many more little magical beings.
"But let's not change the subject, dear," Bianca's voice drew the dark witch’s attention back.
The dark witch ignored her friend and carried on. She had baby witches to teach. Striding across the camp, the green grass tickling her bare feet, her brown eyes scanned the area for them.
Trixie was sitting outside her hut playing her handmade guitar. “I once met a young man by the glittering blue stream…It was very la-da-de-da.”
At just two hundred years old, she was the only musical witch on sight. Before her birth, predictions said a trickster would come into the lives of the coven. Of course, they assumed it was Trixie, hence the name. But along came another baby girl from another witch, a child who would grow up with Trixie and become her best friend. This one was Katya. Now she was the torture, and her cunning ways brushed off on all the other witches. Hence why…
“Then again, you don’t have the brains to fulfil the role,” Bianca commented, now walking alongside Raja.
Raja shot her a look. “What? How? I’m so fucking intelligent. You can’t even - -”
“Oh, what’s that over there?” Bianca pointed.
“Where?” But there was nothing. “Bianca…” Raja started to look back around at her friend, “What are you tr - -”
Nothing could have prepared her for the illusion of a moth flying at her face. Raja flinched, swiping it away until it was nothing but dust.
Bianca lowered her hand, quickening her steps as she chuckled. “Intelligence at it’s finest.”
“Oh, you wicked old bitch!” And with Raja’s voice now raised, she moved faster too.
Bianca laughed harder, taking off in a run, too much energy for the morning. 
But Raja ran right after her. “You’re a dead woman, Bianca!”
As much as the dark witch could kill her, she loved this side of Bianca ー the one that wasn’t so sharp and quick with her wit. Despite being four centuries old, she was still young at heart, with her playful wiles.
And because Raja loved it so much, she chased Bianca into the forest, calling after her every cruel name she had ever learned.
But Bianca kept running, cackling at one point even. 
The two witches ran straight forward, hopping every fallen tree log, avoiding any sinkhole, ducking out of the way of any puddle. This wasn’t the first time they did this after all; they knew what to avoid.
The only thing different this time, taking Raja by surprise, was when Bianca dived to the left of the trees.
“Bianca, stop!” Raja shouted. She brought her body to a grinding halt at where Bianca disappeared, and peering off to the left; the witch was nowhere to be seen. The fuck? Was this a spell used to hide her? “No magic! That’s cheating!”
Raja just stood there for a moment longer, waiting for any sign of movement. But when none came…yes, this had to be a spell. There was no way Bianca would be able to disappear that fast.
“Okay, if that’s how you want to play the game, B’, so be it.” Raja didn’t know how just yet, but if she was going to use magic, then it would need to be a quick one. 
Maybe a revealing spell…too slow of a build-up. 
Then perhaps a quick blast of wind to knock Bianca off her feet, and probably make her yell in shock…Eh, maybe she’d end up hurt somehow.
Then, maybe - -
Fuck, Bianca must have read her mind. A strong gust of wind practically slapped Raja’s whole being, sending her sprawling to the ground. The witch yelped in pain when her body met the ground, nothing agonising but still irritating.
“Fuck,” Raja rubbed her elbow as she gathered herself.
Bianca rounded the trunk of a tree, stepping up to Raja, a quiet chuckle leaving her lips. “Sorry. Magic makes it more fun.”
“Magic makes it unfair, actually,” Raja grumbled as she brought herself to her knees, catching her breath.
“Might want to slip yourself a bliss elixir if you’re going to cry about it.” Bianca put her hands on her hips, raising a brow.
“I will get you,” the dark witch was already standing to her feet.
“Should be good.”
“Count your days, witch.”
Bianca had no counter insult, her long skirt wrapping around her legs as she spun and took off in another sprint.
Raja cussed before she could even chase her friend. Her body was already wrecked, having been awake for just an hour. Right about now, she should have been finished with her morning tutoring and enjoying a relaxing cup of tea with Sasha. Yet here she was, acting like a child, a baby witch, exploring this forest.
As she finally took off running again, she was reminded of the barrier separating her coven from the others. Raja had no idea where in the forest she was right now, therefore couldn’t be sure how close to it she was. 
Now she wished she could have at least warned Bianca before she ran off again. For if she were to accidentally run past the barrier…it would not be pretty.
Bianca wasn’t stupid however, so hopefully she’d remember.
“Bianca! Remember the barrier!” It was the least Raja could do, just shout out to her friend.
If she didn’t see the bitch back at the grounds later, the dark witch would bring her back and beat the shit out of her.
Raja kept running, her heart hammering now. God, this was so tiring. She’d need a good bath and nap after this.
As much as she thought the forest was unrecognisable anyway, just an endless sea of trees, she knew now, that this particular part was unknown to her.
She came to a stop when she saw the rocks building up high in the sky, almost like a barrier in of themselves. Yes, definitely unrecognisable. Even the smell around her, salty almost, unfamiliar.
There in the wall of rocks was a large hole, leading into a cave. 
Raja sighed. Of course, if Bianca came across this, she’d investigate. “Damn it.” She neared the cave carefully, “Bianca? Are you in there?” 
The dark witch braved herself and entered the cave. “Bianca!” Her voice echoed all around. The smell of salt was intensifying now, and the air seemed to turn cold. Raja trailed her hand along the stone wall as she ventured further in. 
Her vision took a few seconds to adjust to the dark. She peered around her as she rubbed her arms in an attempt to keep warm, not that it was doing much. Before she could even give in and spark up a flame from the tip of her finger, she saw the blue glowing light at the end of the walkway, trailing around a corner.
What was this place?
Curiously coming closer to the blue light…the salty smell in the air, she could taste it on her tongue now. What did she just stumble upon? 
That’s when the sound of water rippling reached her ears. 
Again — what was this place?
Raja reached the end of the tunnel, rounding the corner. And she took it all in. The source of the blue light.
A bigger, more open space — cave walls surrounded her, of course, but in the middle of the room was a large pool of water.
“What…” she stopped herself from speaking, moving further into the room. How had she only found this now?
“Bianca?” She said quietly as she neared the edge of the pool. Surely Bianca wouldn’t have gotten into the water, right? The bitch loved her curly hair too much to ruin it.
Raja inspected the bright blue water for a moment as if she’d be able to see Bianca floating around in there.
But the witch was nowhere to be seen. Not even her berry smell lingered in the air.
And when Raja turned to leave, ready to find that witch and put her in her place…
Curiosity got the better of her. She turned back around, unable to leave. How could she? This was just…too interesting not to investigate. She neared the pool once more, bending down to get a better look.
The water was so pretty, and mesmerising to look at, but the bottom was invisible to the eye. How far down did this thing go?
She reached out a hand, the tip of her finger hovering over the calm surface, as if too afraid to even break through that barrier of water.
And the pool began to ripple, gentle at first, but eventually becoming more aggressive…as if something was moving down there…
Or someone.
Raja let her hand remain there, above the surface as dots of salty water sparked her fingers. Her eyes were too focused on the dark abyss just below her.
And her heartbeat quickened.
Yes. There was someone…moving closer to the top, moving too fast for Raja to comprehend. 
Too fast for the witch to react before two hands shot up from beneath the surface, snatched her wrist and dragged her right under.
Breaking through to the water, all Raja felt was cold. The salty taste was overwhelming now, and her ears filled with bubbling water.
At first, she squeezed her eyes shut upon going under. But if she was going to get back out, she would need her vision. So she opened her eyes. 
All around her was blue, small bubbles leaving her lips and floating up to the surface in front of her face.
Everything was a blur for a moment. But when her vision cleared…There it was…
There she was.
A woman floating towards her, practically face to face.
Before Raja could even open her mouth to yell in fright and fill her lungs with water, the mysterious woman moved even closer, long bright blonde hair floating around her alluring face. So blonde it could have been white. 
Raja just stared, watching this mysterious woman as she took the witch's face in her pale hands…
And she pulled Raja towards her…the dark witch accepting what was happening…
Their lips making contact. 
And that was it…There it was…Energies passing between them both, time seemingly stopping. Raja was warmed in this cold pool now, and she couldn’t deny her hands that moved to the woman’s face in return.
It was…euphoric.
So when the woman pulled away, Raja could have cried. This felt like…life force…the only way she could breathe.
And with that thought…how the fuck was it possible she was breathing right now? How could she inhale air when she was surrounded by all this water.
Her train of thought was pulled back to the woman again. This mysterious yet beautiful stranger caressed Raja’s cheek, searching the witch's dark brown eyes with her own green ones. There was something about this look…as if…she knew it too…she felt it — the energies mixing.
The woman smiled, almost playfully. Raja couldn’t help but reciprocate.
She was just about to kiss the woman again when she felt something slither along her bare foot. And looking down to investigate…
Her blood ran cold. 
Fins…feathery white translucent fins attached to the long white, almost iridescent white tail that was this woman’s lower body..
Reality sank in. Raja backed away, eyes back on the woman’s face.
The stranger’s smile dropped, brows joining together in concern. And when she tried to move forward again, Raja pushed her away.
The witch didn’t even take time to watch how the woman seemed to crumble. She powered it to the surface, finding she wasn’t that deep in.
Reaching the top, Raja yelled, clambering out of the pool, water pouring from her whole being.
“Fuck! Fuck!” She yelled, dragging her body up onto the rocky surface of the cave, scrabbling away from the edge.
As she neared the far wall, a chorus of splashing sounded all around, bringing her eyes back to the pool. The creature was clambering out after her, her face practically contorted, something monstrous compared to how she previously looked. The woman yelled a series of nonsensical words. Raja may not have recognised this language, but she could feel the venom in the words.
Raja didn’t know what to do with herself — to just run for it, or try and reason with the woman.
But her answer came when the creature’s angry shouting ceased. Now, she was crying, letting out a quiet disappointed sound at first before this became sobs. The poor thing hid her face, her trail curling up under her as she wept into her lap.
Raja’s heart ached for the poor woman. “I’m…I’m sorry. I - -”
But the creature held her hand up, silencing the witch’s words.
And that was it — Raja’s cue to leave.
Of course, Raja was met with so many comments when she returned to the coven grounds.
“A wet look! Love it, Raja!”
“Wow, you look like hell, honey.”
“Bianca get you with a blast of water or something?”
“What’s up, loser?” Bianca began, lingering outside her home while Courtney wove berries into her tethered partner’s hair, “I know I’m hot, and the chase is intense as fuck but I didn’t realise it would get you that riled up.”
“Shut up, Bianca!” Raja growled, storming towards Sasha’s hut.
She’d have the answers for her. Sasha may have been the Autumn witch, but she prided herself more on her knowledge. She knew shit.
Inviting herself in, Raja shouted, “Sasha,” her dress dripping all over the floor.
“Oh, good morning, Raja,” Sasha’s voice came from the makeshift fireplace, her back to the dark witch, “next time you invite yourself into my home, make sure you dry yourself off first. I can smell it.”
The dark witch cussed, quickly putting the spell out there and instantly drying herself.
Sasha looked around, putting down the book she was invested in, “come sit with me, darling.”
“You don’t need to tell me twice.” Raja stepped up towards the fire, already feeling its warm flames warming her. She sat down on the ground next to the smart witch, rubbing her hands.
“Um…excuse me?” Sasha’s voice pulled Raja’s attention back, puckering her red lips.
The dark witch rolled her eyes, leaning towards Sasha and kissing her gentle. “Sorry.”
“Not like you to forget the greeting,” Sasha eyed Raja, sniffing the air and finding herself enjoying the smell of salt water. “And not like you to go down to the beach this early? You normally go out there when Blair lowers the moon.”
“I wasn’t at the beach,” Raja swept a hand over her face. “I was…I…” Fuck, how was this going to be easy? “Alright, please don’t judge me and don’t repeat anything we talk about. Promise me.”
“Well, of course, I would never - -”
“No. Promise me, you’ll keep your lips sealed.” Raja lifted a now glowing hand. 
Now Sasha was concerned. In situations like this, when an oath was being made, it had to be serious. “Alright.” Sasha placed her hand against Raja’s. The gold glow intensified for a moment.
And Raja began. “So…I found a cave. A-And, there was this…this pool and, something came up and dragged me under.”
“Something?” Sasha repeated.
“Yes…And…” Raja swallowed, casting her eyes at the flame for a moment. Fuck, she could still feel it, “she kissed me…” those soft and gentle lips, “and something happened…”
“Wait. Hold on. She…kissed you?” Sasha raised her brows.
And Raja nodded. “Um…do you think that…that mermaids exist?”
Sasha was silent for a moment. “Mermaids?”
“...Well, I mean,” Sasha paused, looking around at her long bookshelf, seeing the exact one, “I’ve read that they do. Or, at least, they did. There have been no sightings of them for so long. We’re talking millenia here.”
“But, they could still exist?” 
“I guess, maybe. I mean, we’ve been stuck in this forest for so long, I haven’t found a way to claim new books.” Sasha shrugged.
“It’s okay, honey.”
Raja sighed. Finally, the glowing of their hands stopped, so they lowered them. She knew how she sounded — crazy. But she had to know. “So, what do…what do mermaids do? Are they…” and the image flickered in her brain — the woman’s contorted face of anger, “are they evil?”
Sasha shrugged. “Sometimes. I read tales of mermaid sightings that didn’t end well. You know; women of the ocean luring handsome sailors into the dark waters and drowning them. Then again, how do these records exist if no one survived such an event. On the other hand, I’ve read mermaids just…stay in their own grounds, those grounds being the ocean, and mind their own business. The only time they show aggression is when they’re threatened.”
Was that what happened back there? The creature was trying to drown Raja? But when the witch resisted her advances, she felt threatened?
Those eyes…that look…It couldn’t have been the case. The woman seemed too smitten with Raja to do such a thing. And not to mention, she gave her the ability to breathe underwater. Not a very deadly gift to give someone.
“So, do you think there would be mermaids in this area?” Raja raised a brow, looking back at Sasha.
The witch laughed a bit, “Oh, my future Mother Witch,” she tucked a strand of Raja’s hair behind her ear, “anywhere there’s saltwater belongs to a mermaid. Of course, they could be in this area.”
“Ah, I see.” Raja nodded. 
“So. Let me guess; you think this was a mermaid who kissed you.” Sasha proposed.
“Look. Don’t judge me. I know what I saw Sasha. I could…I could breathe underwater. It was just so…magic.” Raja shook her head like she couldn’t believe it herself.
“I believe you.” Sasha said sincerely.
“Good.” Raja nodded again. She moved forward and kissed Sasha again. “This stays between us. Okay?”
“An oath is an oath.” Sasha nodded.
And just as the twisting in Raja’s stomach was beginning to subside…
“Well, too fucking bad you didn’t make that oath with me!”
Both witches turned their heads to the entrance.
Oh, fuck. Katya.
“Everyone is going to love this!” The mischievous witch skipped away, ready to spread this information to as many people as possible.
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