#and then one day they're gone from your world and you hope someday to catch a glimpse of them again.
eorzeashan · 2 years
something something eight reminds me of a wolf that keeper tried so hard to convince everyone was a dog so they wouldn't put him down and for the most part, performed that role admirably. but he was too strong, too fast, and too fierce that in the end those fangs were too long to hide. keeper tries again and again to keep him by the fire and by his side where it's safe and warm, but can't change what he was from the start and has to let him go when it's apparent that not even a muzzle or a lifetime of domestication can hold him back. so he leads him out into the cold, says one last time that he wishes he were a dog, and lets go of the leash. he prays he won't be hurt. he prays he won't be killed for being what he is. yet he cannot keep him.
the wolf loves him in return; he will remember him for all his days. but he does not look back when he tears off into the woods.
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starmuselove · 2 months
What they miss about you and consequently how they act 'cause of it?
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Hello my mystical babies, I was just chilling looking out in the morning cause it was raining and the ambience was so good I just sat there for quite sometime taking it in. And I was feeling my creative senses tingling, so I decided for a somewhat romantic moody suave reading. So I hope you too are able to enjoy this like I could enjoy the rain.
Disclaimer: Take a deep breath, have some fun and pamper yourself as you read this. If it doesn't resonate with you now, it's not time for you to read this yet, maybe read it at another time. Have a lovely day!
𝕯𝖊𝖈𝖐𝖘 𝖀𝖘𝖊𝖉: ℜ𝔞𝔦𝔡𝔢𝔯 𝔚𝔞𝔦𝔱𝔢 𝔗𝔞𝔯𝔬𝔱 + 𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔚𝔦𝔩𝔡 𝔘𝔫𝔨𝔫𝔬𝔴𝔫 𝔗𝔞𝔯𝔬𝔱.
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Quote: "I Hope that someday, Somebody wants to hold you for twenty minutes straight and that's what they'll do. They don't pull away. All they do is wrap you up in their arms, without an ounce of selfishness in it"
9oW, The Fool (R)(3oC) ° 4oS, Mother of Wands, 5oP
One word I'm getting - Pookie. They're a softie aww. They miss your light-heartedness , your innocence you bring in their difficult world. The positivity that you have, which you encourage them with. How you guide them with it, with hope and faith. They could consider you their sunshine/source of strength.
They could probably get silent, introverted and moody when you're absent. A bit defensive and moody for little things cause they haven't talked to you for a long time lol. It's like the bird being defensive about her little ones, so cute. They might have a life crisis, like their life has been frozen one side and they're just existing or surviving. They would want to fight people sometimes 😭Their brain don't work well at those times when missing you guys(I'm giggling here sorry luvs) They definitely pout and sulk. They might be a little dramatic with it.
RANDOM: Infinity, Yellow, My Sunshine My only Sunshine, Pookie, Pookie Bear.
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Quote: "How could I not love eyes that see me in all of my forms of beautiful?"
9oS, The Emperor ° 7oS, 8oC, Justice
We've got two groups of people here- First, They miss the foundation and structure you provide to their life. It's like you are their rock. You might be a person who is self sufficient and knowledgeable. You absence is definitely very noticeable for this person. They could feel like their nightmares are coming back to swallow them whole again, you could have saved this person from relapsing into bad habits.
They might want to travel to see you. Even if you are cities apart, catching a flight just to see you. They might feel very dejected and might even start praying to the spirits to bring you back to them soon. Yeah, the separation might make them realise what's right and what's wrong. They could reassess the things they could've done or happened to deliver you the fair treatment or what you deserve.
In Second type, Some of you might be reading this for your ex? A further division in that- for some of you, they don't really have nothing positive to say they miss you, they're probably thinking it's good riddance. They are happy they could explore other options with you gone(this sucks :(( )
If it's indeed an ex that does miss you, they would try to show off how they would love you and take care of you to persuade you to get back with them.
RANDOM STUFFS: Structure, Building Blocks, Driving, Car, Meeting,Aloy/Aloha, Thrice, Moon Gazing, Snow.
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Mild mention of 18+ themes below.
Quote: "No, we're not soulmates. This is not divine intervention. And this is most certainly not a chance. I willed this. I knit the threads of fate myself until it wrote our name. I love you intentionally. I love you with every bit of conscience I was born with."
5oS, Ace of Wands,Page of Pentacles ° The Moon, 3oP, 5oS.
First thing I got was they don't wanna live without you, life seems meaningless in your absence. They really seem to love you a lot. This is my fun/adventurous couple, pranksters, very active couple. They miss the mind blowing sex and the play fights they have with you. The navigator and manifester energy that you bring. Tbh this pile really values what you bring to the table, they see you as a very valuable person in their life- more like invaluable. I also think you might be their dream person manifested in real life.
Like i said before they find any victories that happens in their life to be meaningless without you around. They want it to share with you. The quote too says similar stuff- they want YOU to be with them and vice versa. They turn into this self doubting phase. They might feel like people around them are gonna do things behind their back, to destroy them. I think you might be the person who restored their faith in people maybe that's why your absence could give such impacts. They could be the type of person to call people around you to check on you or if you were ever in a position of no contact.
Tiger, Cheetah, Cub, Matching Couple items, Despair, Torment, Pink Gun, Dildo, Toy , Children's Gift, Night, Insomnia, Discord.
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This is a part of my HADES series of PACs. Like, reblog or even comment so I can get your feedback. My ask box is open to express feedback too. Negative behaviour absolutely won't be tolerated!
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vocalyrics · 1 year
Religion of Loneliness - Translyrics
Free to use and modify with credit.
A song about love without affection.
I'm the kind of person who's never really sad,
And I'm not too stupid to even notice something like that;
Oh, no, no, and if you bottle it up deep in your heart,
You won't ever understand those plain pains tearing you apart.
Whatever I do and whatever happens,
I don't really care, either way I would be satisfied;
But even so the thoughts running late at night feel like they could explode at any time.
Those super-duper normal average thoughts echo,
That's why I declare I'm a sicko, haha haha (lolol)
But even with this crazy mind I'm still living a healthy life
And all of it is thanks to you.
Really, I am
Not lonely at all, no
If I was lonely I would know, but
Even though I know that, this hunger for love won't disappear.
I really
Want you to trick me,
I want you to trick me completely, so
Even though I know my trust and love for you
Are nothing but a game of make-believe,
Let's together cleanly and righteously live.
As much as I don't like shifting the blame,
If I take on that much I think I'll end up going insane;
I'm still hoping, twice a day, both AM and PM
That it will save me, guess it goes to show how stupid I am.
Say “I don't like it,” say “I'm sick of it,”
But I was clinging harder as soon as we started to split.
But hey, “At least it's better than being dead,”
The seal of death on my face read.
This pure and innocent little fucker
Won't always be this much of a pliant sucker;
An old man's opinion, an arbitrary viewpoint
They're both the same brand of askew.
Really, I am
Not honest at all, no
If I was honest I would know, but
Even though I know that, I can't join in with these normal days.
I really
Want to be swept away,
I want to be swept away someday, so
So we can catch the last train to a happy end
Before we lose sight of the track,
Let's run with nothing but the clothes on our back.
That simple and clear blue picture
I'm still chasing after right now, right now.
A life without my naivety scorning me
Is all I really want, but even so, even so...
Sleep at night, wake up in the morning,
It's nothing but that, repeating repeating,
I'm sure I had hopes and dreams once
I suddenly realize all of it is gone
But I wonder how far I can go
If for that one thing all else I forgo
O world, please laugh from the bottom of your heart at this one coward's foolishness.
Really, I am not lonely at all, no
If I was lonely I would kno-ow, but
Really, I am
Not lonely at all, no
If I was lonely I would know, but
Even though I know that, this hunger for love won't disappear.
I really
Want you to trick me,
I want you to trick me completely, so
Even if the chains binding us to this world snap
And we end up flying to space,
Let's join hands and have fun falling from grace.
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CW. LONG POST for the immortal!mc... I see lady yuu having a personality like toph from "Avatar the last Airbender". People are careful around her do to her status and doesn't know why she likes to hang around adeuce and grimm, but she likes how open they're around especially when grimm calls her "his henchmen".
Immortal!mc: *has been calling grimm for an hour* GRIMM!
Grimm: *ignores her*
Mc: *sigh* *dramatically* Oh the great and powerful grimm lord of flames
Grimm:*smugly* hmm~yes~
Sebek: *windows exp crashing noises*
Has a Harry Potter the Half Blood Prince moment in alchemy class.
Mc: *reading potion text book* *under her breath* cut up the moon bloom? You crush the moon bloom *notice a lot incorrect information in the text book* CREWEL!
Crewel: *walks over* yes mistress yuu?
Mc: You let these children brew these potions incorrectly? I hope they haven't been drinking them!
Crewel: with all due respect mistress yuu the information in the book is correct i can assu-
Mc: I know you're not telling ME of all people the steps in the potion book is correct?
Crewel: *gulps*
Mc: you crush not cut the moon blooms and you use the blue spider mushroom and not the yellow puff ball mushroom! And the final product should be yellow and not a lilac color!
I see her having a staff or something of the like and it has everyone confused because 'she doesn't have magic' yeah she doesn't have magic but she likes to uses it like a walking stick. She likes to watch the students with Ashton during P.E occasionally hit them with her staff.
Immortal!mc: *bonks student* No your form is all wrong! *shows them correct form* DO IT AGAIN!
Somedays when Trein wants to grade papers he'll have immortal!mc tell stories of her youth, she tells the a story of a flying ship with a captain with a hook for a hand, a medicine woman of a young emperor and her ditzy henchmen, a shady voodoo man she met at a tavern, and a woman just as old as her who kidnapped a princess to keep herself young.
During chapter 5 vil catches her in the mirror chamber one day and askes her about the mirror the beautiful queen.
Mc: *walks up to the mirror of darkness, touches the side resting her head on the frame of the mirror* It's been a long time my old friend
Mirror of darkness: *appears* I you my friend I you...
Everyone in the mirror chamber: 👀👀👀
Vil: *in shock and awe* ᵂʰᵃᵗ ᵗʰᵉ ᶠᵘᵘᶜᵏ..
During chapter 6 Vil comes to yuu during vdc training camp and askes her questions about her relationship with the mirror of darkness.
Vil: Miss yuu can I ask you about the mirror.. again?
Mc: *puts down her tea* oh yes! I never did answer your questions earlier
Mc: long ago I heard whipers in a village that a house deep in the forest lived a very handsome man who had magic... he had a daughter a real daddies girl.. I found her odd at first as she'd ask him everyday if she was beautiful and he'd reply 'the fairest in the land'
Rook: *knows where this is going*
Mc: but like most people around that time he became sick. One day me and the girl went around the forest collecting herbs for his medicine... when we came back he gone all that was left was a pile of his clothes and a mirror..
Kalim: *blinking back tears* then what happened 🥺
Mc: the poor thing was inconsolable.. she locked herself in her father's room and refused to comeout. Though I should have told her but I found a letter from him, detailing what he had done.
Deuce: *on the edge of his seat* them what
Mc: he used the rest of his magic to turn himself into a mirror for his daughter.. i'd seen that once before when I stayed the night at a beasts castle, but thats a story for another time.
Vil: was the girl you speak of the beautiful queen?
Mc: yes her name Grimhilde... in his letter he asked if I could look over his daughter make sure she lived a happy and long life... though I feel I failed him.
When yuu has the prophetic dreams before overblot and she's mickey in the mirror
Mc: *notices a shadow in the mirror above the fireplace* that shape seems oddly familiar...
Mirror figure: Aha
Mc: *eyes widen* KING MICKEY
Mickey:*in shock aswell* YUU!
The first years remind her of Sora and Co. and catches herself reminiscening about them. They don't know what to do when they catch her crying.
Ace: M-Mc! Are you okay?
Grimm: *rubbing against yuu worried* henchmen?
Mc: No no.. I'm fine it's just you six remind me of some people I knew years ago.
During history trein asks mc about the great war and if she knew the inside scoop on why it started.
Mc: which one? there have been many
Trien: many..? I know only of one..
Mc: yes! There was the first keyblade war, the first human-fae war, Chernabog's war, the inter-species war, the second keyblade war and the second human-fea war.
Lila: *who came to drop off some papers* two human-fae wars..?
Mc: oh Lila! Yes the first one is when I crowned Maleficent as queen and the second one happend when a close friend of hers betrayed her...there was to be a third on but the human queen that started it was turned into a goat
Trein: keyblade war?
Mc: when magic was just becoming accepted..*clears her throat* it was revealed that there was a secret society of heros who wielded keyblades. It was believed there was a world where all magic come from.
Ace: are there still people who have keyblades?
Mc: no.. the hearts of people to day are to dark..
Deuce: to dark..?
Mc: back then people hearts where pure, why? The keyblade wielders protect people from the darkness. The people believed in a world where all from, only the Wilders could access the world.
Trein: *writing every thing down* what was this place called?
Mc: Kingdom Hearts... but as most stories go all of them wanted control over the world, but they needed the X-blade this caused a war of cataclysmic proportions. It pushed the world into darkness and killed many and shattered the x-blade and scattered across the world... kingdom hearts was to be forever lost.
Scarabia mob: you where alive during all that!?
Mc: no, but a close friend of mine was, but I was alive during the second
Sorry for my rambling and if i broke any of the rules during this feel free to delete of so.. but This is where I'm gonna stop as I've been typing this up for the past hour or so.. 🙇🏽‍♀️🙇🏽‍♀️
No rules have been broken (I didnt have very much anyway lol)
I really like this whole post lol though unfortunately I have not seen kingdom hearts so idk a lot of references here
Also Yuu does carry a staff in formal occasions. Lilia made joke on her saying she looked like an old woman with that but was promptly shut up when Yuu recalled a story of Lilia when he was younger
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bubblymochicat · 2 years
More thoughts on what I have kind of decided to call my Grounded Luffy au or my Dimension Hopping au which you can find https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/bubblymochicat/686467420425256960?source=share
The crew starts talking to the sad Luffy and find he's not too different from their captain, same dark unkempt hair, same onyx eyes admittedly more empty and dim, even the same scar under his eye. He's just sadder and lonelier.
He's also a few months short of his 17th birthday, when their captain had set out.
They start up a conversation with him and he finds out that they're pirates and a small spark, like a dying ember, ignites in his eyes.
He starts telling them about how when he was a kid that he wanted to be a pirate, King of the pirates actually. How he had wanted be King after meeting Shanks. He gave them the run down of the story of how they had met.
It was just the same as their Luffy. Right down to Shanks giving him his hat and promising to meet again. Though, instead of telling the story with barely contained enthusiasm and fondness you couldn't help but be infected by, he told it with a sad nostalgic sorrow.
Nami asked him why he had given up on his dream, and more importantly, where his hat was.
Luffy's already small smile slipped off his face entirely as his eyes clouded over. He looked down and continued his tale.
His grandfather had apparently returned the day that Shanks and his crew left.
He was furious when he heard what happened and that his grandson had been exposed to pirates for so long. Even more so when he saw Shanks' hat on Luffy's head. He didn't do anything though, and night fell.
The next morning when Luffy woke up, the hat was gone. Luffy looked everywhere with growing panic. Finally, he came across his grandfather at the table. Luffy rushed over and frantically asked if his grandpa knew where his hat had gone or if he had done something with it.
Garp took a deep breath before turning to Luffy with a stern expression. "Luffy," he started, "Last night, that red haired pirate came back and took his hat back. He told me to tell you not to leave this island. That you just aren't cut out to be a pirate. Give up your dream, it will never come true."
Luffy felt his world shatter around him. He felt numb as his grandfather continued to speak, his words falling on deaf ears as he trashed pirates and told Luffy this is why he would join the Marines, to catch scum like that.
From that day forward, Luffy lived his life a little more hollow than before. He still trained and got stronger, he still got sent up the mountain to Dadan where he met Ace and Sabo. During that time, his dream sparked back up, and he was happy. But after Sabo died, that hope fizzled out.
He still loved pirates, even if they had hurt him so, but he gave up on being one himself. Slowly resigning himself to becoming a Marine as his grandfather so wanted.
He sent his remaining brother Ace off, saying that he hoped they would meet again someday. Ace had smiled like he knew a secret and promised they would.
As Luffy finished his story, the Strawhats stood shocked. They felt their hearts ache for their captain in this twisted world. None of them could believe that Shanks would do something so cruel.
Hold up guys. I have more on this that I'll type later. Consider this part one, so sorry babes
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toujoursmiraculous · 3 years
Thoughts and Reaction to Guiltrip!
Alright, so this one is a bit more of a serious one for me. But I'll be going in order of the episode so the more serious talk will be a bit further down! First thing we get is this lovely moment:
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I've already addressed it in a post, but I'll say it again here. Guiltrip is episode 11, several episodes take place before Guiltrip that we haven't seen yet, so this is awhile after Marinette and Luka broke up. We also know that Marinette has always had feelings for Adrien, even when she was with Luka. Luka always knew that fact too. None of this is new and is to be expected, obviously, when Love Square is endgame. But! I also want to point out here that this is just a soft look. Very gentle, very common. I see people looking at each other both in real life and in other shows all the time. A look that says "I adore you". And I think it's sweet! Very subtle, but enough. Something's wrong with Rose. We never get told (in this episode anyway) what it is, but it's a chronic illness that's a worry in Rose's life, ever since she was young. I feel really bad for Juleka, knowing that her friend's been struggling with an illness, and whenever something happens she has to worry about it alone. Also that really sucks when you try to cheer somebody up and make a joke, that because you were mislead about a situation you end up making things worse. Poor Marinette. :c Adrien when he realizes he's bumped into someone (and the pink bubbles to remind us of Marinette's feelings for him):
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Adrien when he realizes just who it was he bumped into!:
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Scroll up now and look at how Marinette was looking at Adrien earlier that day. It's the exact same look. Yet, something feels different from usual to me, idk. But continuing on. Marinette gets slightly jumbled with her words, but manages to give herself a kick and says nope not now! Good for her! You can't expect to change overnight, but she's working on it.
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She looks to the side, gathering her surroundings for a split second and she misses the top step. I'd like to say that this is just a joke for the show but well, this kind of thing has happened to me a lot because I'm that much of a klutz so I feel for her here. (On Halloween I forgot that there was another step as I was walking down as I wasn't paying attention. I couldn't walk on my foot for 2 weeks. It's a serious problem, guys. Really. xDD) Marinette had told Adrien she's concerned it was something she said that upset Juleka and Adrien tells her while sometimes she doesn't make sense, what she says is never mean. This scene reminds me of when Ladybug's worried about something and Chat Noir's there to keep her grounded and remind her of how things really are. I very much appreciate seeing such a scene with Adrienette! Makes the Love Square much more rounded. Also the way he stops her and says let him go talk to her to try to help the situation and any possible misunderstandings from taking place. ;-;
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Can I just say... oh my gosh. He went from determined, to hearing Marinette trying to comfort her, to looking with confidence "This girl is amazing." and the whole Ladynoir vibe I'm getting from this scene makes me happy. The thing that's unrealistic about this scene though is you expect to tell me that 8 kids went down those stairs and came up behind them and Marinette, Adrien, and Juleka didn't hear? XD Now here's where the serious comes in. Rose is hospitalized with an illness we don't know about, but has been a long-term thing that has Juleka really worried a lot. That must be so stressful :c I'm going to be honest and say I never really saw Julerose romantically. Like I can see how people do, but to me, I could see that their bond was really unique. It didn't really fit completely in the "BFF" category either. But if felt like there was more to them that I didn't really understand. I think the best example off the top of my head was during Zombizou, when Rose was going to help Chloe after she slid down Chat's stick and she went too fast for him to catch her. Juleka seemed especially worried and concerned for her. Rose never seemed to get concerned about Juleka in the same way Juleka was about Rose. Juleka's always been more protective and worried and it was always one of those things that made me go "hmm, interesting". Now this episode finally explains why and I'm honestly super glad for it. Because this kind of a relationship is not a common one in media, especially kids media. Partially because having such serious illnesses in young people is not particularly common, and having someone who's so caring and protective of that person is even less common. And most people probably don't realize how amazing it is to have health problems and then have someone in their life who acts like Juleka does for Rose. I had a life-threatening illness as a kid, one that still affects me greatly today. When in school, my friends knew about it without me having to say anything unfortunately, and while they didn't usually treat me differently, sometimes they were pretty ignorant and didn't understand why I wasn't "normal" like them. They asked questions that were harder ones to answer, and tended to forget my answers. I got a lot of "I know you have X problem but I still don't see why you can't..." as well as thinking I was lying if I said I wasn't well and couldn't go to a party, and that was hard to deal with, being limited in what you can do which makes you different and being judged for things out of your control. So seeing these kids who only know something's wrong with her, but are willing to do so much to make her life better and happier, not judging her at all, wanting to take care of her no questions asked was really heart-warming for me. I only had one friend during that time that was anything close to this. I never had to explain anything to him if I didn't want to. He never asked me personal questions I didn't want to answer. And he seemed to know what he could do to make things for me easier if I was having a hard time without me ever saying so. And this is another reminder to me that this show is aimed at kids. To show kids that they'll likely encounter someone around their age that's going through something serious like a health problem, and what that kid needs most is kindness and not to be made to feel like they're even more different from the other kids than they already feel. The way they handled that aspect of it for such a short, limited intro to it, I think they did good. I discussed this next bit with a friend. She mentioned it first, the trope where those with chronic or serious illnesses are usually an "inspiration". With this episode, you kind of get the feeling that because Rose's been through so much, she's therefore a really positive and bubbly person and it kind of gives off the vibe that if you don't view things the way she does, then you're not doing it right. "What matters isn't the problem, but how you handle it." While I agree with this, and that when you come out of or regularly deal with
such hard times, automatically trying to see the world better and brighter can easily happen, but it's not exactly realistic either, at least not to the extent Rose and other people the media has portrayed. For one, I think you have to have always been more of that kind of person from the start to realistically be so positive. As my friend said and I agree, positivity is just who Rose is, she's not who she is just for the sake of a trope. But honestly, when you've gone through something so difficult, and if life continues to throw you more difficulties on top of it, being positive so much can sometimes turn into a negative and be harmful too. When you've been through a lot, it's important to allow yourself to feel the negative too because it's part of dealing with such problems. And if you've been through a lot in life and you haven't come out of it being all sunshine and rainbows, always looking on the brighter side of things, that's perfectly okay. Life's hard and tends not to work out how we'd like, or even for the better sometimes. If being positive and hopeful after struggling is hard to do, you're not bad or wrong for feeling that way, everybody handles things differently. c: ANYWAY, moving on to the rest of the episode! Juleka being all irritated and worried that the class was going to expose her spilling Rose's secret xD While the situation isn't ideal, it's nice that this is the most involved she's seemed with everyone in the entire duration of the show. But Rose knows something's up, and I love that she talks to her about it and realizes that she should've told everyone herself instead of Juleka being the only one who knew. Which has been such a burden on her. (Oh no, what if this is a reflection of Alya knowing Marinette's Ladybug later on? I'm hoping not.) Ugh these children and how much they care about Rose! These kids are the absolute best. But then they kind of ruin it a little with going overboard. Which, frankly, I think is just ignorance of her situation really. I mean, we don't know what exactly is wrong with Rose. Just that she ends up in the hospital. If they knew about her condition, what causes her to get sick, what to look out for, etc, they'd be much more informed and much less likely to be frantic whenever something's not perfectly "normal" with her. All of these kids are going to be overprotective parents someday, aren't they?
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Okay so like... are Adrien and Marinette going to question at all how Ladybug and Chat Noir showed up immediately after Juleka was akumatized, and no damage had happened outside of the school for it to be known to the public? Literally the only ones that could've possibly known were the class to have shown up that fast. ??? I am confusion. "I can't help my best friend face his father." "No, Nino..." Two things: The fact that THIS is what he's feeling guilty about? My poor Nino! Dx I just love him, he really doesn't get enough love and appreciation imo. Also, um, isn't Ladybug like right by Chat? Didn't she hear that? What? Idk but I feel like we're really missing something here. Usually we get things that are kind of hints, that make us wonder if they know right, but this? This is a bit too blaring-in-your-face, and there's two major things so close together. Really strange. Chat about to use Cataclysm on himself. Good grief that was not expected. Chat Blanc threatened to destroy himself along with everything else. Now Chat Noir while affected with negative emotions from an akuma almost Cataclysmed himself. This show really is getting deep and dark isn't it. o.o Also is there something Adrien needs to work out with someone...? Daizzi and Rose saying the other's so cute, ugh they're both so cute! And Pigella's costume and transformation is so adorable omg. Okay so Pigella's power allows people to see their biggest wish, the thing that'd make them the most happy and feel positive emotions. I know some people probably think "That's it?" Considering that Shadow Moth preys on people's negative emotions, such a power is actually extremely useful facing Shadow Moth. (And let's not forget, that while that's her power, she has the ability to fight and make a difference just from being transformed too) BUT AWWW Juleka's wish! And her face when Pigella said it aloud. ;-; Am I the only one wondering if Pigella may someday use her power on Shadow Moth and that's how they learn his motive? I'm so impressed with how Rose knew how to handle everything. She knew she can't slip up with Juleka. She knew to sneak away to detransform and come back as Rose. She knew to subtly give the Miraculous back so nobody would ever know she had it. Even Chat Noir had no idea! I don't know why, I'm just so very proud of that. "She doesn't need a Miraculous to be a superhero." She really has the characteristics of one, and I can't wait to see more of Pigella. Also I'm really wondering. This scene here:
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All the kids that are part of that friend group are there...except Marinette and Adrien, of course. Alya knows why Marinette isn't there. But is she wondering about why Adrien isn't there too? LOL Marinette being like "I'm taking your pillow back, sorry! Gotta wait for it like everyone else." and the boys being like LE GASP. Marinette's right, she's not fragile! The fact Rose jokes with her and makes everyone laugh, and Chloe saying "Hey, why doesn't everyone laugh when I say something like that?!" Adrien: Because in your case, it's never a joke. Chloe: Hm, that's true. Which is super funny, especially how he just so casually says it. But also it really shows again how Chloe wants to be liked. She wishes the kids would laugh when she makes comments, but it's because they're said in a serious/obnoxious way, instead of making light of something like in Rose's case here, that they don't. I know she talked about it with Ladybug in an episode, but it again shows that that's what she'd like. All that needs to happen is someone helping her get there. Maybe Zoe and Luka will somehow help with that later on. Anyway, this was a really great episode! I feel like some things might not make quite as much sense as they should if we got it in order, but what can you do when Gloob has to air them? Even a friend of mine who's been doing what she can to avoid spoilers, still got spoiled. She's having to delete tumblr to avoid future spoilers because people can't help themselves and tag things properly. So thanks Gloob. :P All we wanted was the episodes in order. We've waited this long for S4, we can wait a bit longer. But they gotta make money I guess. I'm glad other countries are trying their best to keep it in order anyway. c: Guiltrip also has some really great Adrienette moments, and covered a more serious topic which was really interesting and shows how much the show's changing. Especially with some of the choice of camera angles and movements! Like the zoom-in on the door with Adrien and Marinette, the boys LE GASP scene. Very cool artistic choices! Looking forward to the episodes that come before this one to try to help fill in some of the gaps! And apologies to those that frequently read these posts from me, I started writing it up late and couldn't finish so you get it the day after instead. xD
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topweeklyupdate · 3 years
TØP Weekly Update #142: A Formidable Album (5/21/21)
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So... how 'bout that album release week?
There's so much to cover; the release of nine new songs, the hype that's building for the World's Best Band to return to the stage, and (if we're able to come up for air) the massive speculation of what the future brings for our band.
I'm gonna get right into it, laying out my thoughts regarding this bold new album and covering all the most notable news from the week. I'll be sharing my (mostly) positive opinions about Scaled and Icy under the Read More line; I hope they're the start of a fun conversation with all of y'all who have stuck around through this last year.
Scaled and Icy Review
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First, my general thoughts on the album: It's good! Really good. Do I think it's a no-skip like Vessel or a cohesive piece of art like Trench? Absolutely not! But it's also not the potential misfire that I worried that we might be getting when I first heard "Saturday" (more on that later); I think all of the songs are at least good, and some of them are downright great tracks that hold up with anything else that our band has ever released. It is also indisputably very different, but I think that generally works pretty well. Many of the songs evoke '60s rock or Britpop sounds and structures that you can tell Tyler is still trying to navigate, but I think he does a very solid job at adapting them to suit his strengths- namely his lyricism and knack for melody- rather than change to suit them. Unfortunately, this does result in a bit of square-peg-in-round-hole syndrome at times; most of the rap verses on the album feel like they're here just to fulfill an obligation to fans who would be mad if they weren't here, and most of the songs that use them are the weakest ones in the project.
"Good Day" plays a major role in getting the rest of the album to work as well as it does. Its gradual ramp-up, introducing the sound that will be used throughout the rest of the album. Its playfulness belies its message about how one can project a somewhat false optimism for oneself in the midst of tragedy: the type of dark stuff in a bright package that Tyler is so so good at. It's perhaps not an instant classic, but I am excited to see how it comes across when it's eventually used as a show-opener. 9/10
I've of course already discussed "Shy Away"; an anthemic, inimitably catchy track that I just wish had a bit more going on under the hood. Still going to be so good to hear thousands of voices scream "An 'I LOVE YOU' that isn't words!" someday. 9.5/10
"Choker" definitely took a little bit to grow on me. I think part of that was a bit of disappointment from over-inflated expectations and the environment I was in when I first heard it. With further listens, I fall more and more in love with the melody of the song... well, most of it. Like the rest of this album, the biggest weakness in the song is when Tyler tries to tick the box of having a rap verse; it just feels really out of place, unfinished, and almost amateurish, and it doesn't end the song on the note that it really should. Without it, it'd be one of my favorites on the album; with it, "Choker" is a solid 8.5/10.
Speaking of unfinished-sounding songs really hurt by their rap verse: "The Outside". There's a definite something to the vibe of the song, but that seemingly nonsensical verse is one of the two weakest parts of the entire project for me. The way the song meanders only adds to the feeling that there wasn't as much energy and attention paid to it compared to other parts of the project. It's pretty easily my least favorite track on Scaled and Icy, and the only one I might regularly skip. I've also seen plenty of people saying it's the best song on the album, so please tell me why I'm wrong! 6.5/10
"Saturday", as mentioned above, had me really nervous about this album. Like "Choker", it's grown on me a bit since I first heard it, in part because it fits better with the context of the rest of the album. However, this one really does feel undercooked lyrically and overreliant on the novelty of using a disco-inspired sound that seems to chase trends more than almost any other TØP track. The inclusion of that very sweet audio clip from Jenna boosts the song in some ways, but also adds to the disappointment in others; there are many other songs on this project that would be more worth surrendering time watching Friends. Thankfully, those come next. 7/10
"Never Take It" is fascinating. I never thought I'd hear a Rolling Stones-style song from Tyler Joseph featuring a gd guitar solo of all things, and it actually sounds pretty great. However, I also predict that this song will see some of the greatest critical scrutiny out of all the songs on the album. The lyrics seem to be Tyler's criticism of the media for playing up division in our society, but he's extremely vague when discussing which entities are spreading said division and ultimately recommends that people "educate yourself, but never too much". I'll be honest: maybe it's the fact that it sounds like something my dad would listen to, but it feels like this would get tons of play on Fox News. Since it makes specific reference to the events of last summer, it's hard not to feel like song is at least partially inspired by Tyler's brush with cancellation last year. Maybe I'm reading too deeply into it, but those reservations come from the song's lack of specificity, which is an issue of songwriting more than politics. They hold me back from truly loving a song that still manages to be one of the most exciting the band has ever put out. 8.5/10
"Mulberry Street" seems like the perfect realization of the entire album's intended tone. It is so pleasant, so lush while also simply produced, full of great lyrics, metaphors, and imagery. It really brings the whole project together, even if it's missing That One Line to really move this up to the top tier of the canon. 9.5/10
"Formidable" is the best song on the album and one of two songs I would truly rank in the top tier of the band's canon. Extremely pleasant and brimming with well-crafted lines to make your heart swoon. Jenna (and Rosie) is (are) a lucky gal(s). Or is it about Josh? Who's to say? 10/10
"Bounce Man" is just plain wild. I think Tyler's smuggling someone to Mexico to escape the feds? The playfulness of it all really covers up any frustration I might have with the clarity; it makes it clear that there's not really stakes here, just vibes. 8.5/10
"No Chances" sees the album take a turn that I'm sure the Reddit Clique is going to have an absolute field day with; it and "Redecorate" both sound quite different from the rest of the album and evoke enough elements of Trench to make me think that's it's actually possible that all this 'SAI is Propaganda' stuff might actually have something to it... until I actually pick apart the lyrics, then I'm even more confused. The song has some of the best rapping on the album, though that's not saying much (the feng shui line is a groaner right out the gate) and the gentle pre-chorus is really pleasant. I still haven't made up my mind on whether the chorus is effective or just plain goofy. This one might get worse or better on repeat listens, impossible to say for now. 7.5/10
"Redecorate" rounds out the album by opening with a Clancy quote (Tyler, you bastard), firmly setting this as a coda to Trench more than the album we just listened to. The rest of the song is really storytelling, with Tyler describing a bunch of people who are struggling deeply. The idea of "redecorating" here stands for how they are faced with the option to clean and resort their own spaces and lives or leave that to their loved ones to do after they're gone. By the time it gets to the album's name drop, you begin to wonder how much of this is potential autobiographical of the last year. It's moving stuff, a callback to some of the great strengths of the band's discography. 10/10
If I average those scores all up, this project ranks below almost every album among the Pilots discography on my rating scale, very narrowly edging out Self-Titled. That's still a very solid 8.6. Scaled and Icy is a very good album on first listen. We'll see how I feel about it after having a little more time to sit with it, but I've rambled enough: let's move through the rest of the week's news.
Other News
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Of course, there was a lot else going on this week! To accompany the release of "Saturday", Zane Lowe over at Apple Music dropped an interview with Tyler. As usual, Zane did a pretty solid job of getting to the heart of the craft and the creation process. However, Tyler also wound up skirting a lot of the questions to just talk more about how much he loves being a dad, which makes me happy; if the cost of getting a little less attention and mental energy devoted to the music is that little girl getting all of his attention, that's honestly preferable for me.
The album rollout is not even close to over. Later today, the concert will be streamed live. It's our first real performance that we've gotten from the band since 2019, but the previews that we've seen have completely exceeded any of my expectations, and really anything that we've seen from the band. It appears that they've transformed the entire arena (which I think is the ol' Schott at Ohio State) into a whole TØP world, with different sets laden with Easter eggs and a cast of backup dancers. If the website can hold up to the traffic (and I acknowledge that might be a big ask), this could really live up to Tyler's promise of this being the best livestreamed concert ever.
Oh, and this guy dyed his hair pink.
What a time to be a fan. Catch you all tomorrow.
Power to the local dreamer.
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sukkatherapy · 3 years
So in my fandom career, one of the first stages of commitment to a ship is dedicating a music playlist to them. As you may have guessed, Sukka is no exception.
Out of all the playlists I've made, Sukka's was definitely the most fun to make, as they are just so aesthetically pleasing. 🤧
I have 11 songs total and I recommend copying the songs and insert them into a playlist on whatever music service you use.
Good Times ~All Time Low
(you can see my post for this song here)
{"I never wanna leave this sunset town, but one day the time may come. And I'll take it at your word, and carry on. I'll hate the goodbye, but I wont forget the good times."}
Reread those lyrics. I dare you to tell me that isn't the fire nation attack scene in "The Warriors of Kyoshi".
Desert Moon ~ Mena Massoud & Naomi Scott
{"'Cause it waits for you there, and if you see it too, I can find my way to you."}
So the graphics I vision for this song are sorta based around Book 3 Sukka. I headcanon that Sokka would look up to Yue for reassurance when feeling lost, such as when Suki was imprisoned and he had no idea where she was. Also, post-Book 3 when they are in their long distance relationship, I know they would miss each other like crazy. Something I see comforting them is the fact that they see the same moon.
White Horse ~ Taylor Swift
{"I was a dreamer before you went and let me down, now its too late for you and your white horse to come around."}
{"And there you are on your knees. Begging for forgiveness, begging for me."}
Now we all know Suki is our resident independent- badass- queen who doesn't need anyone to look out for her, especially a man. I thought that this song was a good parallel to when she was fed up with Sokka's sexist bs in "The Warriors of Kyoshi". Like I can imagine her having to hear this from so many people around her growing up, and to hear it from someone she showed interest in must be disappointing. Not a super happy rec, but a necessary one nonetheless.
Even When/ The Best Part ~ Olivia Rodrigo & Joshua Basset
{"The best part is knowing there's something in my dreams that always makes me smile, its you. The best part is knowing there's someone in my life that makes it all worth while, its you."}
{"Even when you and I are worlds apart, I hold you in my heart. Even when I'm a thousand miles away, I wish that I could stay with you."}
So oddly enough, I actually find enjoyment in 'High School Musical: The Musical: The Series'. But in the scene, the main couple sang this to each other when they couldn't be together for Valentine's day, and when I first heard it, my head immediately went to Sokka and Suki. Seeing that they had a long distance relationship for a decent amount of time and have many individual responsibilities, they are bound to miss some holidays and events. But even through that, they know they are the most important parts of each others lives.
Like I'm Gonna Lose You ~ Meghan Trainor & John Legend
{"So I'll kiss you longer babe, every chance that I get. I'll make the most of the minutes and love with no regret. Let's take our time to say what we want, use what we got before its all gone. 'Cause no, we're not promised tomorrow."}
I really love this song for them because after losing Yue, Sokka came to appreciate time, and didn't want to waste a moment with Suki. He realized that death can be sudden and real, which was why he was so protective of Suki during 'The Serpent's Pass'.
If I Can't Be With You ~ R5
{"I'd rather stay with you, if I had to choose. Baby you're the greatest, and I got everything to lose. And I just wanna be with you. And I can never get enough. Baby, give it all up I'd give it all up, if I cant be with you."}
I thought this song fit really well, and this lyric in particular reminds me of the failed escape attempt in 'The Boiling Rock Pt. 1'. Suki was willing to give up the concept of freedom if it meant staying to wait for Hakoda with Sokka.
Thinking Out Loud ~ Ed Sheeran
{"'Cause, honey, your soul could never grow old, it's evergreen. And, baby, your smile's forever in my mind and memory. I'm thinking 'bout how people fall in love in mysterious ways. And maybe it's all part of a plan. Well, I'll just keep on making the same mistakes, hoping that you'll understand.
That, baby, now take me into your loving arms. Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars. Place your head on my beating heart. I'm thinking out loud, and maybe we found love right where we are."}
Another headcanon service. I can just picture them leisurely dancing to this in the living room when they're married.
Stuck With You ~ Ariana Grande & Justin Bieber
{"So, go ahead and drive me insane. Baby, run your mouth, I still wouldn't change being stuck with you, stuck with you, stuck with you."}
I thought this would be a good choice because as we see in the show, Suki will humor Sokka's jokes every once in a while versus just brushing them off. I can also see her being like "Hmm, you're an idiot, but I love it. I'm keeping you."
Gotta Find You ~ Joe Jonas
{"I need to try to get to where you are. Could it be you're not that far? You're the voice I hear inside my head, the reason that I'm singing. I need to find you, I gotta find you."}
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Enough said.👏
Lift Me Up ~ The Afters
{"You know my heart is heavy, and the hurt is deep. But when I feel like giving up, you're reminding me. That we all fall down sometimes, When I hit the ground,
You lift me up when I am weak, your arms wrap around me. Your love catches me, so I'm letting go. You lift me up when I can't see, your heart's all that I need. Your love carries me, so I'm letting go."}
So I really love this song and feel that it could be used for literally any atla ship or even atla as a whole, due to the theme and aesthetic (might mess around and make an edit😏). One of my favorite things about Sukka is how supportive they are of each other, and how easily they make each other happy. They've seen each other at low points, they've been on death row, but through that they were still there cheering each other on.
Lucky ~ Jason Mraz & Colbie Caillat
{"They don't know how long it takes, waiting for a love like this. Every time we say goodbye, I wish we had one more kiss. I'll wait for you, I promise you, I will."}
I think this pretty much sums up their time together during 'The Serpent's Pass'. They were apart for so long-and with the war, had no reason to really believe they'd see each other again. But then by chance they were brought together again, revealed their feelings, only to have to split up again. But through that, they didn't let the distance bother them, as they stayed committed to each other.
{"Lucky we're in love in every way. Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed. Lucky to be coming home someday."}
Well, we all know they're hopelessly in love, but I feel like this highlights one of the most important aspects of them; no matter how long or far apart they are, they always come running home to each other.
Well that was defiantly a doozy😅. Thanks to those who stuck around this far!
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The Tropes:
Secret Places
First Kiss
Time Jump
Just say you won't let go (Rated G) [Julie/Luke] by @fanfics-she-wrote
Summary: Hey, Julie
You're the heart and soul 'round here, it's plain to see
in which Julie has a second chance with her boys, and then another
we will fight to shine together (bright forever) (Rated G) [Bright Lighting Guy/Rob from the Orpheum] by @screamin-amuseum
Summary: “Hey,” Chris says, walking up to the boy. “What are you doing?”
“Oh,” he puts the dandelions down and stands up. “Hi. I’m trying to make a flower crown, but I don’t remember how.”
“Cool. I’m Chris, I live--” he points to his house. “Over there.”
The boy gives him a lopsided smile. “I’m Rob. I’m staying with my grandparents for the summer.”
or: the rob/bright lighting guy fic literally nobody asked for but i wrote anyways. enjoy gays, bring ur tissues
what happened when (Rated G) [Alex/Luke] by @janaikam
Summary: Before Julie and the Phantoms, before the guys became ghosts, before Sunset Curve -- they were Luke and Alex. Not 5 feet apart cause they're totally gay.
who cares if one more light goes out? (in a sky of a million stars) (Rated T) [Ray/Rose] by @tonightthestarsalign
Summary: Rose moves in across the street when he’s eight and she is seven. Their parents push for them to play together, because that’s what parents do. They’re not wrong about it though. The two of them get on like a house on fire and some of his happiest memories from his childhood are just him and Rose, sitting in the large oak tree behind their houses. Hidden up in the branches, between the millions of dark green leaves, they played together.
or: The first and the last time Ray ever kissed Rose.
we can forget the world (just you and me) (Rated T) [Alex/Willie] by @sunsetcurbed
Summary: “This was the first place I ever came out to someone,” Alex says, spinning around and taking in the tree house.
together we can take on the world (Rated G) [Alex/Reggie] by @comeonpeters
Summary: Alex Mercer meets Reggie Peters on October 8, 1983, which means that two days have passed since Reggie's sixth birthday, because Reggie is a Libra according to the magazines that his mom reads when she gets Reggie to paint her toenails. He’s also just moved to Los Angeles, California from his hometown of Gatlinburg, Tennessee, a small town in the mountains, and he’s told Alex Mercer about all of this in the three minutes that they’ve known each other, and he might be the loudest, most obnoxious boy that Alex has ever met, and he absolutely has to be Alex’s new best friend.
The Peters family moves in down the street from the Mercers in 1983, and so begins the rest of their lives.
Long Live (Can I start another life with you?) (Rated T) [Julie/Luke] by @smolfangirl
Summary: It’s all too much for one day: first a muffin, then more heartbeats. Julie just needs some time to think. If Luke runs after her to sit by her side so she doesn’t lose it, she won’t complain.
Except afterwards, he starts acting weird. Very weird. And months later, she’s tired of letting him keep his distance.
She can’t do this. Not right now. Not today.
She jumps back on her feet.
The excited grin falls from Luke’s face. She doesn’t try to catch it.
“I – I think this is too much. I need some time. Alone. Sorry.”
Then she runs. She runs past the calloused fingers reaching out to her. Past Reggie and the door, past carved pumpkins on porches and Cornelia Street.
She just runs.
Roses (Rated G) [Emily & Luke, Alex/Luke] by @americanhoney913
Summary: It becomes a sacred place she shares with her son. Mitch is usually off at work from dawn until six o’clock, but Emily’s working from home for now. She works as a florist’s shop right outside the neighborhood. So she brings home seeds and little flowers and other cuts from the store; she and Luke will spend hours out in the dirt, planting seeds and making mud pies and Luke will babble about whatever happened in daycare and make up stories about the different flowers.
Somewhere Only We Know (Rated T) [Nick/Carrie] by hufflebibin
Summary: Nick Danforth-Evans met Julie Molina when he was six years old. He had no idea how much an impact that afternoon would have on his life.
A journey through Nick Danforth-Evan’s life as experienced in the safety of his backyard hide away.
The Itty Bitty Details (Rated T) [Alex/Willie] by @williexmercer & @futurearchaeologyprof
Summary: “Did I forget to mention William, I also get your soul,”
Willie could feel a stinging feeling and a purple stamp appeared on his hand. When the stamp appeared he could no longer remember who Alex was. The name meant nothing to Willie now.
Or 5 times Willie knew Alex and one where Alex knew Willie
you’re the only one who makes me (my wildflower) (Rated T) [Bobby/Reggie] by @willexxmercer
Summary: The tree was Reggie’s safe space, and Bobby was his safe person. He could escape all his troubles there, except for one nagging thought - did he have feelings for his best friend?
Dying complicated things.
because i’ve known you so long, i know every cadence and what they mean (Rated G) [Alex & Julie, Julie/Luke] by @tmp-jatp
Summary: Alex and Julie have always lived right next to each other. Through highs and lows, they grow up together. Also, 5 times Luke kisses Julie and it doesn’t count plus 1 time Julie kisses Luke and it does count.
Alternatively, the Juke 5+1 fic from Alex’s POV. Strap in, folks.
Someday (I’ll See You Again) (Rated T) [Alex/Willie] by @kybee1497
Summary: They’re wrong. Alex, you are not a failure. You’re incredible. You’re smart. You’re funny, and the best friend I could ask for. You’re a wicked talented drummer and you have a beautiful voice. And more important than all of that, is that you’re you, Alex. And the you you are is wonderful, and lovable and perfect. If your parents can’t see that, that’s their own fault. But I swear, Alex. If you’re afraid of them, I need you to tell me. You have to be safe.” Willie’s voice had gone desperate by the end. Alex deserved to know how freaking amazing he was and the fact that his parents didn’t bother to tell him, and actively worked to tear him down instead, was infuriating.
But Willie also worried about him. He’d worried about Alex since the first time he heard Mr. Mercer shouting through the window, a worry that never really went away. Not with the way Alex automatically straightened up when his parents were mentioned, as if he could hear his dad lecturing him about appearances from miles away. Not with the way Alex looked when he was with them, perfectly pieced together and falling apart at the seams, eyes distant and shoulders tense. Willie was pretty sure he had worrying about Alex etched in his bones by this point.
The Energy Never Dies (Rated T) [Gen Fic] by @americanhoney913
Summary: Well, I ain't always right, but I've never been wrong
Seldom turns out the way it does in a song
Once in a while, you get shown the light
In the strangest of places if you look at it right
--- Scarlet Begonias, Grateful Dead
Four moments across time in the loft of the Molina's garage.
All the Winners can be found here.
We hope you enjoy these fics from our fabulous Fantoms! Make sure to leave kudos and comments to show them some love! And don’t forget, if you missed the initial writing deadline you can still submit your fics to our Non-Anon Collection at any time! Thank you all so much for participating this round! Now that winners and authors have been revealed feel free to post about your fics, create artwork for it, if you like, and don’t forget to tag us!
We hope you all will join us for the FINAL Round of the TROPED: JATP Event!!!! The prompt drops at Midnight tonight!
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path-of-fire · 5 years
No Way Out
Aghadi x Fem!MC
Word Count: 1,276
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Warnings: Angst
A/N: I hope you all enjoy this Aghadi snippet, and I'm sorry if it's not very good.
Everywhere I turn, I hurt someone, but there's nothing I can say to change the things I've done. Of all the things I hid from you
His daughters words swirl within his mind. His heart breaking more and more at each word. He could feel his tears starting to stream down his face. His mind was starting to fill with darkness and there was nothing he could do to stop it.
His little girls voice only causing his pain to grow. Everything he has done rushing back towards him at her question.
A question he hadn't been able to answer.
A question that completely shattered his heart.
I cannot hide the shame and I pray someone, something will come to take away the pain
All the memories of what he's done rushing back at that moment. Reminding him of everything he's done to the people he loves. Everything he has ripped away from them.
He wants nothing more than to shield himself from the pain, but he doesn't. He doesn't deserve the comfort of warmth and security. He deserves all the harsh iciness of solitude.
It's what he deserves for everything he has done.
There's no way out of this dark place. No hope, no future I know I can't be free, but I can't see another way, I can't face another day
What would his daughter think of him?
Would she still look at him with eyes full of love when he returns from council meetings all day? Or would she cower in fear at his mere presence?
The mere thought alone causes his already battered heart to break that much more. How could he live with himself knowing what he's done? Everything that he has destroyed.
How could he face his family, his wife and daughter, when he knows what he has ripped from them? When he knows what he made his love see. The nightmares that he has caused
The nightmare he, himself, is.
How could he allow their light to be tainted by his darkness?
Tell me where, did I go wrong? Everyone I loved, they're all gone. I'd do everything differently, but I can't turn back the time. There's no shelter from the storm inside of me
He remembers a time in his life when there was nothing but sunshine. When his smile was permanently on his face. The birds seemed to always be singing. Their beautiful songs filling the air with beauty and grace.
Now there was nothing but darkness. The birds dying long ago. Their harmonious song disappearing, leaving him alone.
Just the way it was supposed to be. He was always meant to be alone. There was no saving him and there was nothing anyone could do.
There was no way out for him.
There's no way out of this dark place
There was nothing he could do.
No hope, no future
There was nothing that he could stop the darkness from taking over.
I know I can't be free
He would never be able to get rid of it.
But I can't see another way
There was nothing left for him to do.
I can't face another day
I can't believe the words I hear. It's like an answer to a prayer. When I look around I see this place, this time, this love of mine
The soft voice breaks his train of thought. His body stiffening at the soft tone. The voice that causes his heart to skip a beat in happiness.
A happiness he doesn't deserve.
Turning he looks into your eyes. The beauty within your gaze causing his breath to catch. Still to this day you were the most amazing creature he has ever set eyes on. Your beauty and light making him feel like he could be better than he was.
Makes him believe that maybe someday he could have his light back too.
Feeling your soft hands cup his cheek causes his eyes to close. Feeling the comfort only you could ever give to him.
Your voice being the only thing that could make him open his eyes. The concern laced within your tone causing his heart to lurch. "Aurora told me about what she asked you. I knew you would be here and I knew that I would find you like this. Are you okay, my love?"
He tries to respond to you, he does, but he can't bring force the words from his lips. He could only stare at you with more tears falling from his eyes.
Seeing his expression causes your own to fall. A soft sigh escaping your lips as you press them to his forehead.
"Oh, my love."
I know its hard but you found, somehow, to look into your heart and to forgive me now
"Don't let your thoughts control you, my love, you are stronger than you were back then. Okay? You are more then what you used to be. Don't let it control you. I love you. Aurora absolutely adores you and nothing will ever change that."
You've given me the strength to see just where my journey ends. You've given me the strength to carry on
Raising his tearful face, to look at you, he can't help the smile that spreads across it. Your eyes were shining with love and your voice was full of comfort.
Bringing his hand up to cup your cheek, he stares at you with wonder within his gaze. His voice coming out in reverent whisper. "How did I get so lucky to have you as my wife?"
A soft chuckle escapes you lips at his question. Your eyes sparkling with delight at his words. Bringing you forehead to his you brush your noses together with your smile on growing.
"About as lucky as I am to have you as my husband."
He could only stare at you, in awe, at your words. Your sparkling eyes filled with so much light. Your beautiful laugh filling the optessive silence of the air.
I see the path from this dark place
Your presence causing the darkness to recede. Filling the world, once more, with light and happiness.
I see my future
You you everything he you worked for, and he would work even harder to keep you.
Your forgiveness has set me free
He would work to make sure his forgiveness had been earned.
On and I can see another way
Your love and your light was what set him free.
I can face another day
He would spend the rest of his life filling you world with love and joy.
I see the path, I can see the path
He would love you till the day the both of you passed on.
I see the future
The rest of his days would be with you and the family you have made. Filling Ioria with the sounds of laughter and joy once again.
I see the path from this dark place
The darkness will be forgotten and in its stead there will be only beauty and joy.
I see the future
There would be no more suffering as long as he could help it.
I see the path, I can see the path
And as he wraps you in his arms, pulling you close, he presses a kiss to your head. He couldn't help the smile that spreads across his face.
You were the light that he has been waiting for his entire life. You were the way out of the darkness.
You were the one that makes him feel less alone, and he will always be the same to you.
I see the future
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hookedonapirate · 7 years
So this idea I have can be a one-shot. It's based on something I saw on pinterest. "It's midnight when Emma hears someone playing the piano in the apartment above her. They're playing the song from Titanic 'My heart will go on'. She opens her door and yells 'Jack'. The music stops and she hears someone running down the hall above her shouting 'Rose'." Something like that... Just let me know if this sounds too boring for you.. :P You don't have to write it if you don't want to. Have a nice day
A/N: @eagleeyes460​ sorry it took so long for me to write this but here it is. I hope you don’t mind I reversed their roles. Hope you enjoy!
Every Night 
Every night he hears the piano playing from upstairs. The soft melody, the smooth transition of the keys, the familiar ballads that he’s heard a thousand times now. He hears it when he comes home from a long day at the docks, he hears it when he’s sitting on the fire escape nursing a glass of rum, he hears it when he sleeps.
The music invades his dreams even when he’s unconscious. He can hear it occasionally when he’s in the shower or when he’s reading. He has all of the songs memorized, unable to shake them from his mind. He’s often humming the tunes when he hears the smooth melody echoing off the walls above his ceiling. He’s humming the tunes even when he’s not at home.
Killian’s never met the mysterious neighbor upstairs whose songs taunt him on a daily basis. He imagines his neighbor is a woman, he imagines she’s just as beautiful and lovely as her one of her numbers. He wonders what she looks like and what kind of shapes her lips form when she’s playing the piano. He imagines her getting lost in her music, letting her fingers unconsciously work their own magic on the keyboard. He wonders what she wears or how she does her hair when playing such fine tunes. Is her hair long with curls splayed over one shoulder or straight and pinned up in a bun?
He thinks about his neighbor often, hoping one day he will meet her. Would she even like him or would he scare her off? Would she like his leather jackets or his unruly hair? Would she like his AC/DC t-shirts or his sarcastic humor? Would she mind that he drinks rum on occasion or has a tendency to leave the toilet seat up after he uses the restroom. Would she mind his DVD collection or how tidy he keeps his flat? All of these things plague him constantly, hoping someday he’ll get the chance to find out.
What would they even talk about? Music, he fathoms. He used to play the guitar before he injured his hand. Now he can only appreciate the sound of someone else’s songs. Which is fine by him. He could listen to his neighbor’s music for all of eternity. He would never admit it though. He’d never admit that he enjoys a good, satisfying love ballad.
When his mates come over to visit, he often complains about his neighbor and her annoying music. He’d never let them know that he hums along to songs like Journey’s “Don’t Stop Believing” or the Aladdin number “A Whole New World”. He’d never fess up to the fact that the famous track from Titanic “My Heart Will Go On” is his all time favorite song played by his neighbor. If he did mention such things to his mates, he’d never hear the end of it. The mocking and teasing would never stop.
He would never be able to explain the effect his neighbor’s piano skills has on him; how the melody captures his attention and livens up his small lonely apartment, the sound enveloping each room in such a way that makes him feel less isolated. His neighbor’s tunes often put a smile upon his face when he comes home from a dreary day. He can relax and put his feet up on the coffee table with a glass of rum, just listening to her play.
Tonight is one of those nights. He’s listening to her music, a low rumble in his throat as he hums along to the tune. He only takes a sip of his drink between numbers. It’s the stroke of midnight when she starts playing “My Heart Will Go On” and he gets goosebumps. He always gets goosebumps when she plays that song, a chill shooting down his spine. And maybe it’s the alcohol in his system or the way he gets caught up in her melody. Or maybe he’s just losing it all together that night, but he starts playing out the scene of Titanic in his head when Jack is handcuffed and trapped in one of the rooms while the floor starts flooding with water. Jack hears Rose calling his name and starts yelling back so she can find him.
It’s been awhile since Killian’s watched the movie, but it activates the waterworks every time.
Thinking about the film, he unexpectedly feels the urge to stand up from the sofa and does just that. Getting up on the coffee table, he extends his hand dramatically, calling out, “Rose!”
Suddenly the music stops and he hears a female voice shouting back at him. “Jack!”
Killian jumps off of the coffee table and goes over to the door, opening it, his voice producing a more powerful noise. “Roooose!”
He then hears footsteps running down the hall above him. “Jaaaack!”
Killian emerges from his flat and he hears a door slam shut as he follows the voice and runs down the corridor, taking the first few steps of the staircase. “Rooooose!”
He hears the voice directly above him now and looks up, seeing a woman staring down at him over the banister. Her beauty takes his breath away. Her hair is cascading over the railing in long, golden curls and her eyes are a glistening green, her lips red and parting softly.
Killian runs the rest of the way up the stairs and he’s panting for more than one reason. He reaches her, his eyes taking in her entire form. She’s barefoot and wearing a long, pale blue nightgown made of silk and lace. Her high cheekbones are flushed with a rosy shade of pink, her pale skin soft and creamy.
She looks like an angel.
Managing to summon a warm smile, he extends his hand, offering it to her. “The name’s Killian,” he breathes out in a shaky voice. “Killian Jones. And you must be the mysterious piano player I presume?”
A coy simile curves her lips and she blushes even more. Eyeing his offered hand, she hesitates ever so briefly before slipping her palm into his. Her touch is gentle and warm, and his heart speeds up in response, pounding erratically against his rib cage. “Yes. Emma Swan. And you're the guy from downstairs who's always humming,” she laughs.
Killian nods, feeling his cheeks growing warm with blush. “Aye, that would be me. Sorry if it's annoying.”
“Please... I'm sorry if my music is too loud,” she apologizes. Her voice is just as soft and delicate as she looks.
“It’s not a problem, lass.” Kilian raises her hand to his lips, placing a gentle kiss to the back of her fingers, his eyes never breaking away from hers. He hears the small hitch in her breath as he brushes his lips along her skin. He reluctantly tears his mouth away, flashing her a soft smirk and offering a flirty lift of his brow. “In fact I quite fancy your music.”
Emma’s smile overtakes her face, her cheeks the darkest shade of red and her green eyes sparkling with curiosity as he releases her hand. “Thank you,” she murmurs, shyly glancing down at the floor.
Killian scratches behind his ear nervously, peering down at his feet as he tries to speak again, but her beauty overwhelms him and he finds it very difficult to form words. He knows the question is bold but he can’t help but ask. “Do you mind if I watch you play?”
She lifts her eyes to his again, appearing to be intrigued by his offer as she speaks in a soft, delicate voice. “Okay.”
Killian follows Emma to her apartment and she offers him some hot tea before allowing him to join her on the piano bench. Her fingers move easily and naturally, stroking every key with so little effort as her mouth purses into a soft pout. Emma's hair is gathered over one shoulder, exposing the other side of her long, slender neck to him. Her  emerald depths are gentle and focused, and every so often she closes her eyes and bites her bottom lip, which he finds to be very enchanting. The music she produces from her fingertips sounds even more magical up close. The tune is gorgeous but doesn’t hold a candle to her physical beauty as she gets lost in her talent. He's completely captivated by her. He watches her play for what seems like hours and by the end of the night, he wants so badly to kiss her.
Before she finishes the last number, she’s gazing over at him with a smile, her fingers still playing the keys as he somehow finds the courage deep inside of him to act on his desires. He slowly leans in, lifting his hand to her cheek as he kisses her softly on the lips. She hits a few wrong notes before tearing her fingers away and curling her hand around the sleeve of his shirt responding to the kiss with the same tenderness. Tilting his head slightly, his thumb affectionately strokes her cheekbone as her other hand slides through his hair, fingers caressing his sculpt and bringing him closer. Her creamy skin is so silky and smooth, her lips exquisitely soft as he deepens the kiss, getting caught up in her warmth. His heart is skipping beats and his breath is quivering when he finally breaks the kiss, leaning his forehead against hers for balance.
The moment is a bit awkward as they try to catch their breaths, so he flashes her a slanted smile, breaking the silence with a breathy whisper. “Promise me you’ll never let go…” He’s not sure if that’s exactly how the line goes but he’s too far gone from the kiss to care.
A delicate smile crosses her lips as she replies, her voice strangled and wrecked as she nuzzles her nose against his. “I’ll never let go, Jack… I’ll never let go.” No longer able to contain her composure, she lets out an adorable snort and they finally pull away from each other so as not to smack their heads together as they share a laugh.
He goes back to his apartment just after two in the morning, his fingers brushing over his lips, still feeling the tingle from her kiss. If there’s one thing he learned that night, it’s the undeniable truth.
Killian’s neighbor is everything he imagined and more.
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