#and theres nothing he wouldn't build to make her safe
fivevotesdown · 2 years
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i could save everyone, but lose you.
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Thanks Captain America
Previous Chapter /part 6 How she was saved. Part 7
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WARNINGS: 18+ Just incase. Have tissues on hand.. There's kidnapping, being held captaive heartbreak angst, depression probably some type of psychological thing besides depression going on because she is has been alone for months, she's very upset so it could be triggering for anyone a tiny bit of fluff if you squint but another of angst and heart break maybe disillusioned, tons of confusion. And fear. Theres fighting. Avengers are flightly, bloodshed people being knocked out gas causing confusion guns and gunfire i think thats litterly everything
Nat and Steve were at the only 2 exists/entrances to the facility while Clint was on top. He let a few Stark Drones Carrying in the gas while Nat and Steve were at each door ready to open them and throw in canisters they held.
Wearing clear and lighweate gas masks S.H.I.E.LD. developed Steve, Nat and Clint were able to move through thr facility with ease while it incapacitated the enemy.
It wasnt as big as they anticipated. But as Steve and nat moved through the building they both stopped at opposite ends of a large medical room. It looked sterile, for surgeries and a chair that could be held to tie someone down. But it was empty of people. After a quick glance at eachother they both continued on thier way.
Steve was getting close to her first he knew that the minute a bullets rang out. The gas was fairly potent but Steve didn't know what or who they were shooting at so he ran in with the shild just under his eyes. It only took a few seconds to incompacitate the men then he found the door it had a slant on the bottom and mirrors to see inside on the inside. He saw her cowering on the side. His mind immediately went back to when she said she was terrified watching a horror movie and curled up on Steve. She had looked up for a moment and she was so.....
He bust the door down quickly.
"I'm here to help."
"Nat I found her. She's... I gotta get the mask on her." he pulled her into his arms but she went to fight.
"It's ok it's ok its me I'm taking you home sweetheart. It's going to be ok you need to put this mask ok."
She fought against him.
"Its ok, hey I won't hurt you I swear you're ok."
It was like he said nothing nothing and his words kept being met by pleas of terror. Steve said he'd be on his way one he got thrmask on her.. She finally calmed down when he had said, "it's me my love. I've come to take you home." And he caressed her cheek.
He knew then she wasn't completely lost to anyone. She was still in there. Whatever they had done. His strong sweet girl was still in there. He knew if anyone could survive this she could. If anyone could survive... whatever anyone did to her she'd survive, and he would kill whoever touched her. But that was for another day.
Steve said he'd be on his way one he got the mask on her but she was fighting him. His little fighter well not little but he was proud of her
"Hey its me, my love, I've come to take you home." She relaxed again,
"I need too put this on you before we can go home."
"Yea love home."
She let him put the mask on her.
"Ok babe i need to hold you and run ok. I'll keep you safe, I swear love, you'll be safe."
Steve held her tightly, closely. He knew he wouldn't get these moments for much longer not unless she took him back but he knew the only way to to that was to prove himself to her. But in love or not he never let a civilian get hurt on his watch, he wasn't going to start with her.
"We're on our way out."
Clint was on the roof taking out any who were making a run for it.
"Copy cap its all clear out here."
"I'll meet you at the front door" Nat replied
They took her back to the quinn jet.
She was shaking scared confused out of her mind. But she relaxed in Steve's arms. On one hand Natasha was happy for Steve that he had these moments. She saw little glimpses oh what made them work. But on the other hand Nat saw her student who had grown so much and grown into her friend, who had admitted to being terrified of her ex and who ran. But the most important thing was comfort. She was held in a cell for more than 60 days had relaxed only when she was in his arms and rested only after the said the same words . It was like she was sliding in and out and his voice his words pulled her back.
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Nat and everyone else let it be for now. The minute they land Steve is on borrowed time. They heard his side but they also saw his words and her fear. And no one could come back from that.
Part 7
@nana1000night @sapphire-rogers @hawkeyes-queen @sparklybarbarianninja @patzammit
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darkestdesired · 4 years
Mates In Hell
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Heidi,Jane,Esme x reader (Romantic)
Alec x reader (platonic)
Cullens x reader (platonic)
Tags: @rexburn12
Part 1
An:Since this is a romantic pairing i aged Alec and jane up to 18 so their of legal age.
Also Idk why but i imagined the reader having a Russian accent while writing this XD it was strange but anyways I'm so sorry this took so long,i hope you like it!
Esme stuck close to my side ever since we met,though i didn't mind one bit.After years of solitude i had finally met my beautiful mate,i was content.
At least...i should be..
No matter what i did i still felt this empty hole in my chest,and though Esme helped to fill it i still felt empty.I felt selfish in a way,i didn't want Esme to feel like she wasn't enough.So i tried to brush it off and continued on living with the cullens.
Easier said then done.
I jumped into attack mode when the sound of glass shattering caught my attention,Esme followed after me as i ran downstairs to the first floor of our cottage,flames about to ignite from deep within.A sigh of relief flew out as i saw that it was only alice,who had merely dropped a vase of flowers she was bringing over,"Is everything alright little one?" I asked,helping her keep steady.
"How..Riley biers..he's still alive...and he's coming with a new army of newborns." She muttered. Apparently he was bad if Esmes terrified expression was anything to go off of,"Who is this..Riley Biers?"
Esme took Alice's hand,leading her into the living room as i followed.Mentally preparing herself before explaining everything.
"He tried to kill you all? Lost and has the audacity to try and fight you again?Does he have no honor?" Alice nodded before looking to her mother who was currently pacing infront of the fireplace,"when will they be here by?" I asked. "Before sundown tomorrow.In the same field from last time." Alice looked down,trying to recall every detail of her vision.
"What do we do? We can't risk him getting to Renesmee." Esme said as i stood up and pulled her into my arms.Kissing the top of her head i stared deep into her golden eyes,"I won't let them get her,i promise to protect all of you. Because if they want you they'll have to go through me first,and I'll unleash hells wrath on them." I stated cupping her cheeks protectively.
With that settled we called the others for a family meeting and went to the cullens house,quickly filling them in.
"But the Volturi are coming to check on Renesmee tomorrow." Bella stated hugging her daughter close,"We'll have to deal with them after...i should have finished Riley off myself but i didn't realize we never burned his body." Edward stated rubbing his wifes shoulder.
"Theres no use dwelling on that now.But Edwards right,one problem at a time.Riley was a follower,merely the face of the army before,he had no real control.But he's had a while to prepare,we'll be outnumbered." Jasper added,the major peeking out a bit in his tone.
"Yes but you've never had a Hellhound fighting beside you." I said with a smirk,"I've fought worse enemies then a few puny newborns.My fire and strength will deal with them quickly." Esme giggled when i flexed my arm muscle before wrapping one around her shoulders,surrounding her in my warm embrace.
While the others discussed battle tactics she watched my profile,She knew her family would be safe with me around.But she couldn't hide the pinch inside of her,I had been so off,as if there was a chunk of myself that wasn't satisfied.She hoped it was nothing,since i had been alone for so long she assumed i was just getting antsy.She just hoped the battle will satisfy me enough.
Heidi froze suddenly causing the twins to look at her in confusion,"Heidi what is it?" Alec asked seeing her dazed expression. "Don't you smell that? It's calming like lavender and as intoxicating as blood."
Jane sniffed the air,suddenly sharing Heidis expression."I do...where is that coming from..?"
Alec looked between the two with worry and confusion,"What are you guys talking about? I don't smell anything like that at all." Before he could even finish the two were already speeding off deeper into the forest,he huffed before following.
When the three guards finally stopped they realized they had stepped into the middle of a battle,newborns were being torn apart left and right by the cullens,the wolf pack and..a (P/n) on fire?
"Aro never mentioned another newborn army..where did they come from?" Alec asked watching as a newborn was ripped to shreds by one of the wolves.
As the two women watched they realized the person on fire was the source of the intoxicating smell.
They had to get closer.
Standing over Riley Biers i watched as he cowered down at my intimidating appearance,right as i was about to go for the kill the wind picked up.Sniffing the air my pupils dilated.
This familiar scent...where had i smelt it before?
Ahh that's right..the same scent that had flooded my senses when i first met Esme.
Turning around i saw two beautiful women and a confused man watching me,the womens red eyes widened slightly with parted lips.
As if under Zafrina's power their world suddenly changed around them.
Aro sat with his usual melicious grin, an evil glint in his eyes at the presence of the incoming figure.
"Is everything ready?" Aro asked raising a brow.
"Yes Master,training has gone wonderfully,their ready for the real thing." The ravenhaired king clasped his hands together.
"Wonderful,I'm counting on you...Riley."
Said man nodded,"But master,didn't you send the witch twins and Heidi to check on the hybrid?"
Aro tilted his head,clasping his hands together,"I trust that you'll dispose of them for me,If you succeed then you'll be replacing them." He said with a bastardly grin and an echoing chuckle.
That was the last thing they heard as the world returned to the present.
The three glanced at eachother with the same hurt expression,"He truly didn't care? Was he so ready to get rid of us?" Jane growled now glaring at Riley tempted to use her gift.
Heidi crossed her arms,"I should have seen this coming,no wonder he was so eager to send us on this mission..He wanted to kill us." Alec looked down,"He had planned this all along, and we played right into his trap.."
Esme watched them sadly,knowing immediately who they were talking about. But a sudden movement caught her attention,she gasped and yelled to her distracted mate.
"(Y/N)! LOOK OUT!"
Right as i turned back to Riley a newborn had tackled me off,As we rolled and tossled for dominance trying to find a leverage over the other Riley stood up glaring with a smirk at the Volturi guards."I'd say i pity you and apologize, but i really don't care." The three got into a fighting stance but Esme was quick to speed over and push the three behind her,"Stay away from them Riley." She hissed,he chuckled and walked closer"Or what? You're just the weak mother of the cullens right? You can't hurt me." She glanced past him for a moment,before looking at him with a smile.
"You're right,I might not be able to....but i know who can." Right as he went to attack a clawed hand ripped through his chest.The fire burned his marble skin causing him to scream in agony.
I roared as i tore him in half,throwing his upper half away from his lower half.My flames from hell were quick to turn him to ash,the wind blew his ashes away,proving he wasn't going to hurt anyone ever again.
"Are you all alright?" Esme asked quickly running to my side as i fell to my knees,my fire dispersing."I am alright my love,merely overwhelmed with my emotions." I huffed looking over at the two woman behind her.
Jane and Heidis red eyes were enchanting,a small smile rested on their lips,"You two,you are my mates?"
Esmes eyes widened,"What? I..I didn't realize you could have more than one? How is this possible?" I chuckled as she helped me up,"I am a hellhound,i stopped questioning why and how a long time ago." Walking over to them with a wide grin i held out my arms,chuckling when they ran into them.
"This is it Esme,All three of you together is what filled the whole in my heart!" She watched us for a moment before smiling,walking into the hug.
"I always thought I'd be destined to never find my mate,my gift never made anyones feelings for me anything more than lust." Heidi said burying her beautiful face in my neck. Jane rubbed her cheek into my chest,finally relishing in the touch of someone other than her brother.He was the only one to ever hug her.
"I suppose we'll need a bigger cottage now to fit all four of us." Esme said with a smile.
Janes head shot up,"Wait,what about my brother." She turned back to Alec who had a sad smile on his face,"It is alright sister,you have waited so long to find la tua anima gemella(your soulmate).I will be fine."
She looked up at me sadly,With a sigh i nodded,"I wouldn't dream of splitting siblings apart,he may live with us as well." She smiled and nearly toppled me over in a hug,laughing i lifted her and heidi up,esme brought alec over with a motherly smile.
She should feel jealous,but as she watched us,seeing the happy smiles on all of our faces made her realize something.
After years of waiting to finally find her mate,she finally found me,and now we were building a family of our own.
And so long as she was 'alive',nothing was going to tear us apart,she knew I'd make sure of it.
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kenmas-consoles · 4 years
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It had been more than two hours since Tanaka and Tsukishima's dispute, with majority of the members siding with the latter's decision to take refuge in the gym and Tanaka's outburst, it had caused the atmosphere to be eerily tense. Tanaka still unmoving from his spot by the benches clutched and glared at his phone so hard that the phone might as well break, onlookers would pity the phone in his grip as he held on it with a vice. The other members were all busy with other tasks but still stayed cautious and tensed everytime they so happen as passed by the buzzedcut haired boy in fear he might blow up on them.
Since the team had opted with Tsukishima's idea the boy was the unspoken "leader" of this little survival game as the boy likes to put it. Teams of two were made and taskings were settled upon to make sure that the whole team would survive the night.
Kageyama and (Y/n) would gather the food supply they acquired by rummaging through their fellow teammates' bags and distribute rations afterwards. Yamaguchi and Kinoshita were on look out duty, perched towards the windows of the gym to see if amy of the volleyball club members who left would make their way back to the gym or if someone looked to be a threat to them and made their way towards the gym. Lastly, Ennoshita and Narita were scavenging for tools, supplies or anything that might be useful to them at all by the storage closet. Then by nightfall each would take turns and patrol in shifts.
"I can't believe theres no reception right now" Narita said with a sigh waving his phone around in the air to see if he could get any bars.
"Quit doing that and help me out here."
"Alright alright I'll help, its just gah a little reception wouldn't hurt"
Ennoshita, who was carrying a small box looked over to his companion with a rather unreadable look before opening it up and looking at its contents, "They must've cut it off right after they sent the broadcast"
Shrugging at the response, "I mean maybe?" grabbing a box of his own his face grew solemn before looking up at his partner, "Hey. . . did you ever get the feeling that this was. . . I dunno like planned . . . and someone knew about it. . . and-and that we aren't locked in by accident."
"Wait. . . what do you mean? planned? knew? a-accident? you aren't making much sense." The dark haired boy said sweating and laughing it off dismissively with a slightly panicked look in his eyes as he went on carrying the box to the other side of the storage room.
"Someone locked us in on purpose."
Ennoshita stood a few feet away from Narita. The box carefully laid on the floor, his back was turned towards Narita. His second year companion couldn't see the expression the dark haired boy was making but he did note the split second Ennoshita had froze up.
Meanwhile. . .
Kageyama and (Y/n) were sorting through various snacks and lunches they had found in their teammates bags. Water was scarce and it was noticeable to anyone that two bottles of water wasn't enough to fit 8 people. The nearest fountain and vendo was literally just a few feet outsode the gym yet it doesn't seem like they were getting out anytime soon.
"This is stupid." Kageyama muttered under his breath.
"What is?"
"This," he gestured towards the food supply they had and at the two bottles of water, "We could be finding a way out but instead we're doing this."
"Tsukishima is trying to stall us"
The girl met the boy's cobalt blue eyes and furrowed her brows trying to make sense of what he was saying.
"He could've told us to just gather the all the food and leave it at that but he's making us do ration counts and listings for this. . . we don't need to do that since this will definitley last us the night and he knows that."
The boy then cautiously looked around to see if there were anyone other than them before continuing in a lower voice, "The gym door. . . it locks from the outside with a key."
"Well. . . I know that," the female stared at him deadpanned almost judging in a way.
Kageyama's face twisted to a scowl from the look their manager had given him, "Dumbass, I'm trying to say that we were purposely locked in. . . someone," his face hardens before continuing his words, "Someone used the key and locked us from the outside."
"I-impossible the key's in my bag a-and I thought it was jammed"
"I did too, before that lamppost told me to stop before the hinges broke.”
The girl bit the inside of her cheek not liking where this was heading, “Do you mean to say-?”
“That bastard locked us in.”
Going back to Narita and Ennoshita
“That’s absurd”
“I'm not saying that it is but It’s a possibility though. . ."
Ennoshita's legs were unnoticeably shaking as he carried another opened box to the side of the room. The boy's mind was clouded with thoughts at the moment and momentarily forgeetting about this loose floorboard that he was unconsciously heading towards.
A jolt woke him up from his almost spellbound trance his thoughts ensared him in, the next moment he had found himself in pain wincing as his elbow collided with the floor. The floorboard continued to squeak as his body weight still put pressure on the wooden tile.
The boy ignored the searing pain by his elbows and prepped himself up by his forearms.
“We ought to do something bout that wonky floorboard.” Narita said offering his hand for the latter to take, “But now that I mentioned it. . . It’s my first time seeing that loose board.” The boy thought aloud.
The two shared a look before inspecting the floor. Running his hand over the creaking surface Ennoshita felt and irregular bump over the surface, sharing a look with his companion the boy audibly gulped before taking the board in his two hands and lifting it up a bit.
An object wrapped and covered with a white cloth lay before them in the place of the now missing tile. Narita dared to touch the unknown object but when he had lifted it up the cloth fell of revealing a M-60 revolver with a single bullet.
The two boys shared a panic look.
"Now do you believe me?"
Meanwhile with (Y/n)
(Y/n) had just finished her chat about Kageyama being suspicious of Tsukishima. The boy went over and joined Yamaguchi and Kinoshita on look out duty leaving the poor girl all alone.
She couldn't help but be paranoid at the words Kageyama had spoken. She was looking around to see if others were looking at her general direction before stalking of to where she had left her bag.
'Please don't be true, please don't be true' the girl pleaded in her head as she rummaged through her bag looking for the gym keys. Her eyes widened and felt her blood run cold as she didn't feel it anywhere. She quickly took of all the contents of her bag and still nothing.
A small 'ding' emitted from her phone, the screen lighting up enough to signal that she had just recieved a message.
'Odd' she thought as she vaguely remembers the others saying that there wasn't any reception anymore. Sliding her finger across her phone she had tapped on the notification to see an unknown number.
𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝚌𝚑𝚘𝚜𝚎 𝚒𝚗𝚏𝚒𝚛𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚢 𝚝𝚎𝚊𝚖
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𝙳𝚊𝚝𝚊 𝚍𝚘𝚠𝚗𝚕𝚘𝚊𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐
██████░░ 80%
𝙸𝚗𝚏𝚒𝚛𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚢 𝙿𝙾𝚅 𝚗𝚘𝚠 𝚞𝚗𝚕𝚘𝚌𝚔𝚎𝚍 🔓
7:19 (2 hours and 37 minutes prior)
"Hinata, I think your nose already stopped bleeding." Kiyoko, the dark haired female manager said as he inspected the boy as they made their way towards the nurse's office.
Hinata quickly removed the tissues that were plugged up his nose and started skipping. Yachi frantically waved her arms coaxing Hinata to stop.
"I-i don't think it's safe to run right after getting a nosebleed."
"Nonesense, its gonna take a heck more than a ball to the face to bring Hinata down, right Shoyo."
The four were just a little ways pass the gym and heading towards the main campus building when Kiyoko had abruptly stopped as one of her classmates had called on her from the halls.
The trio was only a few feet away from the two girls but they talked in hushed voices but somehow Hinata caught a hint of, "Class has been suspended today."
"Eh? Kiyoko-senpai?" Hinata called out towards the girl who was having a conversation with one of her fellow thirdyear. The girl shook her head before excusing herself from (R/n) who patiently and headed towards her underclassmen.
"I have things to do as they're calling for an emergency meeting in the teacher's lounge, Hitoka-chan I'm placing Hinata-kun in your care."
"Ehhh? did something happen??" Noya said pushing past Hinata and Yachi standing slightly infront of them in an attempt to get closer to Kiyoko.
"Apparently, class would be suspended for two days because of an emergency national protocol and the teacher's and student volunteers are going to have a meeting about it." She said before walking back towards her female companion who walked on the opposite side of the hallway they were in.
The door of the infirmary was standing before the trio. Nishinoya twisted the knob open and called out, 'obaa-san'. The boy then bounded inside the room after hearing no reply.
"Maybe she went home early after hearing the news." Yachi quipped with a finger on her lips in a thoughful manner.
" I don't know much about first aid but I'm pretty sure we gotta ice down that swelling on your face before it gets worse." Noya said.
Hinata was seated on one of the beds while Noya taped an ice pack around Hinata's head. Yachi was on her phone looking for news updates on the Emergency Protocol.
"That's funny, there doesn't seem to be any reception anymore," the girl said as she saw one bar on the upper left corner of her phone screen.
Faintly they could hear the sound of an alarm gradually growing louder and louder. The three had lifted their heads uo and peered outside the hallways to check what the alarm was about.
"Maybe it's a nationwide earthquake drill?" Yachi said.
"Uwoohhhh so cool." The boy had shouted while the alarm was blaring. Nishinoya was still looking left and right in the hallways as he saw a figure in black at the end of the hallway.
The boy had shook his head to see if it were just his eyes playing tricks on him, he turned his gaze back and saw that the figure was gone. Faint inaudible words could be heard from the intercom inside the nurse's room. The boy had just reentered with two of his other companions to hear;
"Any and all crime, including murder will be legal for 12 continuous hours. Police, fire and emergence medical service will be unavailable until 7-"
A loud bang was heard from outside the nurse's office as loud footsteps followed. Noya ran towards the door and locked it, switching off the lights and holding a hand up to cover Hinata and Yachi's mouths.
"ᴍᴀʏ ɢᴏᴅ ʙᴇ ᴡɪᴛʜ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀʟʟ." The intercom finished before a shrill scream and a gunshot was heard.
(Y/n)'s text message
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𝙿𝚘𝚕𝚕 𝚃𝚒𝚖𝚎: 𝚆𝚑𝚘 𝚔𝚎𝚎𝚙𝚜 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚐𝚞𝚗?
𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚔 𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎
➣ 【 Narita 】
【 Ennoshita 】
【 (Y/n) 】
【 Kageyama 】
【 Tsukishima 】
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@burnt-tomato @afuckingunicornn
@reogou @blushinbbbyy
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