dearest-painter · 1 year
Ooo what about a hellhound reader with a platonic Yandere spidervers?? Reader is there with Blizo, Moxxie and Millie there to kill a target and has to save Miguel, Gwen and Pavitr. How would they react to that?? Oooo what if reader human form looks similar to Miguel’s dead child? (In this au Miguel had two children) who would want to pet the reader?? I think that reader in hellhound form is the same size as Miguel.
Pavitr and Miles would want to pet Reader, like no questions asked. Miguel hates how you look like his dead kid but..he wants to raise you at the same time. Gwen finds you badass and has asked once for you to carry her. Miguel and Blitzø be arguing whose the better dad for you while Moxxie and Millie watch it all go down while Pavitr and Miles are petting you.
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murdrdocs · 4 months
imagine luke and hades!reader who has a hellhound as a protector bc she’s a big 3 kid. this hellhound is very protective so this got me thinking. imagine the r is going at it with luke, and luke makes her moan and barely a second later, this hellhound is clawing at the door and barking bc it thinks r is hurt, when really it’s the opposite.
idk just a thought i had :)
want to make it known that @gh0stsp1d3r has written a hades!reader w a hellhound concept as well
your moan is still echoing around the empty barn whenever you hear the first scratch. at first, you attribute it to nothing, choosing to focus on the long and steady strokes luke is pushing up into your gut.
but when you groan at the feeling of luke pushing down on your lower abdomen, making you feel the outline of him within you, you hear the scratching again, this time paired with a whimper you recognize well.
"wait, luke." he's quick to stop, curls flopping as he looks up at you with his eyebrows pinched together.
with the wet sounds of your cunt and the shared groans between you and luke eliminated, you can hear the sound of an upset dog on the other side of the bolted barn doors.
you don't have to be looking at luke to know he's frowning whenever you start to push him away. he doesn't go far, though, only unsheathing himself just to the tip.
"drac?" your voice elicits another whimper from the dog on the other side of the door.
you turn back to luke with a pout on your lips. "luke, he's sad. he wants to come in."
luke, clearly not as fond of your hellhound as you are, scoffs and pushes you to lay back down.
"so he can try to bite me as soon as i touch you?"
you hit his shoulder halfheartedly. you intended for there to be more power behind the jab, but it's then that luke sinks back into you and your limbs have a tendency to turn to mush whenever your boyfriend fucks you.
"that was ..." it takes you a moment and loads of determination to finish your sentence. "that was one time."
"one time too many." luke dips his head to suck on the spot that always clears your mind. psychological warfare that works up until dracula barks.
you're whining when you tell luke that you should at least go check up on him. eventually, he sighs, lets up on your skin, and faces you with his lips turned down and his eyes a little emotionless.
"lemme at least make you cum and then we can all go play a nice game of fetch. okay?"
you're quick to agree, laying back complaisantly and holding up your half of the deal so luke can do the same.
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supercap2319 · 2 months
"Dude! Who's the hot naked dude on fire!?" Cody asked. In the doorway of Cody's house, a naked man stands in the door frame. He's covered head to toe in fire but doesn't seem to be affecting him in the slightest. His eyes burn with an orange hue color while the most enormous cock that Cody and Y/N have ever seen, twitched in the air. Fire licks all around his body as he slowly enters the house as Y/N and Cody back up.
"Parrish? Sheriff Parrish?" Y/N asked.
"Sheriff? Dude, you know a Sheriff?"
"He's the Sheriff in Beacon Hills. I can only assume he's here for two reasons." Y/N said.
"Which are?" Cody gulped.
"He's either here to kill us, or fuck us. I'm hoping it's the former. He's possessed by a Hellhound." Y/N explains as they back towards the living room, Parrish following their every step.
"Why would he want that?" Cody says as Y/N waved a hand and couch moved between them and Parrish, but the Hellhound burned it up with a single touch. "Submit."
"Like hell. Why is he doing this?" Cody asked.
"Hellhounds have a confusing relationship with witches. It's hard to explain at the moment. We need to get out of here." Parrish reached out a flaming hand towards Cody, and before he could grab the mortal boy, Y/N flicks his wrists, and Parrish froze in place.
Cody looks shocked as the flaming man stopped his advancements on them. It's like someone pressed pause on a big TV remote. The flaming man had stopped, but his frozen expression was enough to make Cody shiver.
"How did you do that?"
"I'm a good witch, remember? I put up both hands, and bad things tend to freeze."
"For how long?"
"Not very. Let's go before Parrish decides to make us ride that pitchfork all the way to hell." Y/N grabs Cody's hand, and they run for the doorway and into the night as the Hellhound unfreezes and roars, following the witch, and his human pet.
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helluvadyke · 4 months
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what a mighty fine chin rest ya got there
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colourstreakgryffin · 1 month
Loona x female!bird!soft reader headcanons
Hehe! Awww! I haven’t written for Loo-Loo yet! Pretty excited to see how Loona is with an opposite-personality gf, all for Bisexual Loona!
Loona- Fuzzy Kisses
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You are Loona’s bisexual awakening and she doesn’t know how to feel… she really thought she liked only men and liked only Vortex but all of the sudden, you scooted into her life and now, she can’t stop blushing at the sight of you
Loona struggles to court you at first, like… a lot but eventually with support and some months of friendship, she ends up winning the heart of the beautiful bird demon girl called you and now… you’re dating and it both terrifies and excites Loona to her core
Loona refuses to admit it but she loves how feathery and warm you are. So, she’ll just sneakily lay her head on your lap whilst glued to her phone so she can deflect you trying to point it out… she isn’t doing anything!
Loona’s a fluffy wolf Hellhound and you’re a soft raven bird demon… the irony is there but also precious. She is the predator but she’s defeated by merely how beautiful you are
Loona will absolutely use her tail to keep you warm. If you’re cold or uncomfortable, suspect to feel Loona’s fluffy long tail curl around your body whilst she is still scrolling on her phone or reading an margarine quietly
Loona is quiet, she’s antisocial and doesn’t do the best at parties but if you want to go out to abnormal date at some restaurant or café, or just want to go enjoy a Beelzebub house party, she’ll accompany you to ‘protect you’ but mainly to make you happy
Loona also tries to deflect anybody mentioning she is dating you… she isn’t trying to refuse the relationship, more push off the embarrassment of it being thrown out publicly. It’s just so humiliating that people find her affection for you funny to point out
Loona is a hard Tsundere at heart. She never means to hurt you when she acts all tough and harsh, she just gets flustered so easily and she doesn’t know how to handle her feelings well… be patient with her, she does love you
Loona will genuinely try to comfort you should she accidentally make you cry when being a bit aggressive, since you’re just… so beautiful and it hurts her heart to know you’re upset or scared of her. She’ll try hard and she tries by peppering you with presents and blankets and cuddles, even offering her tail for you to play with. Whatever she can to make you smile again
Like her adoptive father, Blitzø, Loona does struggle with openly expressing herself but she does try since you always do so much for her. She does and she is getting better with telling you what she wants and how she feels
Loona loves it when you brush your hair, she tries her hardest to not show it but she can’t stop her tail thumping on the ground and her ears drawing down. It feels so good, your hands raking through her pretty messy soft hair with the brush… she hates people touching her but you’re the only exception and Blitzø
Loona actually kinda likes the whole opposites girlfriends thing you and her have. She’s cynical and barky, you’re optimistic and gentle-hearted. She’s hard as nails, you’re softer than a cloud. She’ll protect you with her life and you’ll calm her down effortlessly
Loona only really trusts Blitzø to talk about her infatuation with you and talk about how much she likes you, her adoptive father always listens to her so she can just simp as much as she wants without being judged
Talking about Blitzø, Loona takes a while dating you to feel comfortable enough to introduce you to her father and when you come over to the apartment to have dinner with him, the Imp immediately jumps into treating you as his daughter-in-law since he is confident his Loony-Toony has found herself her soulmate
Loona will also let you do her makeup and if anybody says her makeup looks shit, she’ll personally rip their heads off for daring to insult your work. She looks beautiful, thanks to you and she won’t take any shit. Her precious girlfriend did this and little things like that means a lot to her
You supporting and defending Loona like Blitzø does strengthen her growing trust and growing desire to open up. She doesn’t have both with you right away but everytime you do something for her, the more she feels like she can be attached to you with nothing going wrong
Loona is so afraid you’ll end up replacing her with somebody else that her insecurity sometimes bleed out the rare times you two argue. She needs reassurance that you only want her… a lot
Loona values anything you give her. Even give her a simple phone case and she’s using it the next day. She likes to picture that your heart is inside the gifts you give her and it makes her feel… well, happy. Since it means she has you with her, even when you’re not in front of her
Loona defends you and your personality. You’re purer than any angel up in Heaven and she’d be damned if she let anybody rip up your spirits. You’re such a likeable soul that she will happily listen to you chatter for hours
Loona is a deep listener, as confirmed with her knowing Blitzø so well, and remembers very small details so well, she can identify how he acts. Your little habits or behaviours, she picks them up and she can read how you feel at times or what you may mean fluently
Loona out here using her precious sparkly puppydog eyes on you so you’ll try on goth/emo style for her, just to make her mentally drool over you. Wow, you look… well… hot
To sum it all up, Loona isn’t the BEST girlfriend in Hell, nobody is but she loves you deeply and she’ll try her best for you, since you always do it all back for her. She knows you and she feels like you understand her so well, the opposite personalities don’t matter to her. Who you are matters to her, she is just in love, nothing more to say…
Loona doesn’t know how to feel when she sees your bird mannerisms. She often just thinks ‘cute’
“Eh— you… want to go to that shithole for a party, Babe? Uh… I guess… ugh. Okay, okay. Fine, fine. We can go but stay with me, alright? I don’t want any creeps or that fucking honeycomb Sin touching you. We can dance together”
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dilatorywriting · 1 year
Monster Mayhem: Little Red Rapscallion
Gender Neutral Reader x Jack Howl Word Count: 3.7k
Summary: 'Dear Evil, Overlord, Patron. Please stop sicking your demon guard dog on me. I'm only trying to help. Kind Regards, Little Red Ridinghood'
A/N: Thank you so much to @insideous-beez for the brain rot, which became brain fertilizer, and eventually a functional story; This one is a bit darker than the other installments due to the Warlock/Evil Deity goodness, so there is a bit more horror here!
[PART 1]
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Your grandmother had always told you to mind your manners when it came to the creatures who made the forest their home.
Or, well. That was a lie. Many lies, really. If you wanted to be nitpicky.
Firstly, the old crone who lived deep within the borough of the cursed trees wasn’t actually your grandmother. At least, not in the biological sense that seemed to matter most within your little, provincial, town. She was just a kindly, wrinkled, turnip of a woman who found you wandering the mudflats one day and decided she liked your spunk and general lack of self-awareness. She patted your head, served you strange, bubbling, teas laced with sweet magics, and always returned you to your fretful parents by sundown. And so, she was Grandma. Even if calling her that aloud made your parents go nearly green and had the local shopkeepers crossing themselves and spritzing you with Holy Water.
Secondly, Grandma had never told you to keep to your manners. Usually, she encouraged the opposite. (‘Why not curse them, huh?’ she’d complain loudly. ‘They’re thieving bastards, the lot of them.’ ‘Grandma,’ you’d sigh. ‘The street cleaners are just doing their job. They didn’t mean to steal your dead racoons.’) The idea of her demanding you act ‘proper’ and ‘kind’ was damn near laughable. But what she did enforce upon you with all the firmness of a world-weary teacher was the concept of not fucking with that which ought not be fucked with.
And the sprawling, Shaftland Forest was not to be fucked with.
It had always been a great, creeping, thing. The trees would groan and whisper as you passed, and when their sharp branches tangled in your cloak like grasping fingers, it never felt like an accident. The animals that lived beneath those trees were even stranger—wild, large, beasts with glinting eyes and an arcane mysticism about them that left icicles in their tracks even on summer days, or tangled the undergrowth into something that moved.
The people of your village did not enter the Shaftland Forests. They put up signs, and wards, and spun cautionary tales to every traveler who dared step even a single foot into their teeny, terrified, homestead.
You visited regularly. Because you were half-stupid at least, and because Grandma lived in those woods. And while she’d cautioned you about treating her habitat with care, she’d promised ages ago that so long as you were sweet to the forest, it would forever be sweet on you too.
‘There is a great power in these trees,’ she’d hum to you, as she stirred a simmering pot that looked to be filled with the blood of… something you probably shouldn’t think too hard about. ‘You would have been a lovely gift for it, you know.’ She laughed under her breath. It didn’t sound like a joke. ‘But you were too precious to ruin like that. So he decided we ought to keep you.’
You had no idea who ‘he’ was supposed to be, but you always made sure to shower the forest with compliments. As thanks for not using you as whatever being a, uhm, lovely gift entailed. ‘Oh what nice leaves you have,’ you told many a tree. ‘And what large petals have bloomed today,’ to all the flowers. You’d always been safe in these woods—sheltered beneath a bubble of golden affection and the soft scents of the richest perfumes. The forest always welcomed you with open branches and the coo of creaking bark.
Which is why the twisty field of black thorns blocking your usual pathway gave you pause.
You reached out a finger and prodded one of the sharp points. It bit into your skin with the clear intention of drawing blood, before swaying away at the last moment to twine loosely around your wrist.
Huh. How peculiar.
“May I pass?” you asked the thorns.
The shivering web of ebony tightened along the path and you frowned.
“May I pass, please?” you tried again.
The briar patch seemed to heave with a gusty, angry, sigh. You were about to reach forward and try your luck one more time when a deep, rumbling, snarl curled out from the shadows beyond. Out of the sea of roiling darkness and dainty thorns strode a great, white, wolf. It bared its teeth at you in an expression that was entirely unpleasant.
Immediately you held up your hands in placation and took a wide step backwards. The wolf just kept growling at you like you’d murdered its entire family or something else equally egregious. It skulked forward soundlessly, ears pinned flat.
“My apologies,” you said, dipping your chin in a gentle bow. “I didn’t mean to overstep. I’m just trying to use this path to—”
The wolf lunged at you with a near roar, and you just barely managed to roll out of the way with a shriek. The thing landed hard in the dirt where you’d just been not a moment prior, and it swung its great, fanged, maw in your direction.
“Apologies, old one,” you tried again, just as Grandma had taught you. “But I really just—”
The wolf snapped, nearly taking off your fingers, and you folded over like a turtle that had been upended on its back—rolling around helplessly with your limbs flailing wildly as you went. The sharp crack of your head against the ground left your brain rattling around like dried beans in a can, and you could taste the copper sting where you’d bitten down into your tongue. The failed cartwheel had set you back a solid fifteen feet from the wood’s edge, and the wolf huffed at you—a stupidly pointed ‘stay away’ if you’d ever seen one. It glared at you with glowing, golden, eyes for a long moment before melting back into the shadows.
You spat out the cocktail of mud and blood pooling along your tongue, and wiped angrily at your sore chin. The forest had never denied you before. So maybe it wasn’t your lovely, lonely, trees that were sending you away. Maybe it was just this stupid wolf. Maybe the beast was trying to make a stand—to usurp the role of whatever spirit had ruled over this dark land for so long now. You grumbled and made your way back to your feet. It was fine. Your forest was strong. It would never lose to such a stupidly fluffy opponent. You’d just have to try again tomorrow.
The next day you armed yourself with a small arsenal of goodies. Daggers, ropes, armloads of talismans, and kindling, and rations. You hoisted your bow across your back and carefully plucked at the soft fletching of the arrows. The feathers buzzed beneath your fingers, and after a moment of uneasy hesitance, you cautiously replaced the weapon where it hung over your bed. Grandma had never liked the idea of you carrying weapons in the forest (‘it invites troublemakers’ she’d warned), but if something really had gone wrong in her woods, then it was better to worry about asking forgiveness than permission. And surely you could argue for a dagger. The bow… With its weighted arcana and strange, dissonant, strength felt like something dangerous.  
So you apologized to the rippling thorns before cutting them back with swift, precise, strokes of your blade and starting down that familiar path to Grandma’s cottage.
You made it about fifty yards before one of your talismans began to ping worryingly. The tingling thrum along your side was just enough of a warning to keep you from being mauled outright.
The White Wolf lunged from between the trees and you skittered out of the way of its attack. For such a huge creature, it was so silent. And its gleaming, downy, coat should have more than given away its position in the gloom. There must have been some kind of magic to it—something old, and ancient, that let the beast slip through the darkness unseen.
The Wolf situated itself firmly in the center of the path, hackles raised and shoulders hunched like it was readying itself to pounce.
“I need to get through,” you told it, firm, and raised one of the Protective talismans. After a heavy moment you scowled and bit out, “Please.”
The Wolf snarled and propelled itself forward. It latched its overlarge teeth in the fabric of your red cloak and quickly began to drag you to the ground. You frantically flailed about, and just managed to avoid those glinting fangs enough to thrust the talisman up into the beast’s ribs with a heavy smack. The charm lit with a brilliant, amethyst, gleam and sparks shot through the air. You let out a triumphant, ‘ah HA!’ And then all that magic fizzled out like a dying candle. You gaped in horror as the ‘one hundred percent foolproof, don’t you worry about that child’ Protective talisman fluttered to the ground like a discarded bit of newspaper.
“Oh, shit,” you croaked, as your cloak was shredded between the wolf’s canines with a horribly shrill wriiiiiip.
You sprinted like a bat out of Hell, tearing through the undergrowth and only just managing to collapse beyond the border of the tree line before the wolf could snap its jaws around your ankles. You curled your limbs protectively up beneath you, and watched through a veil of cold sweat as it paced along the foliage—leaving no tracks in its wake.
Fine, you thought bitterly. Two can play at this game.
The next morning you walked North, beyond the only safe paths you knew. Carefully, you began to scuttle your way up the nearest, gnarled, tree. The bark groaned and rattled beneath your fingers, as if disquieted. But there were no trails of white fur yet darting about the underbrush, so you offered the tree a hasty apology before climbing higher.
From there, it was only a matter of cautiously hopping from branch to branch. Normally when you’d tried ridiculous feats of stupidity like this in the past, the trees seemed more than eager to help you along—practically reaching out with their branches to catch you in their willowy, wooden, fingers. But they seemed stiff today, testy. The leaves themselves seemed to complain as you went, and you shushed them as politely as you could.  
There was a sharp bark from beneath you, and you looked down to see the Wolf circling your perch in a frantic, pacing, dance.  
“Hello!” you beamed, perfectly, poisonously, pleasant. “Nice to see you too!”
The Wolf sneered, lips curling up into a tight, tense, bow over its fangs.
You leaned forward, keeping a hand securely looped into your roost.
“Aww,” you cooed. “Is it too hard to climb up here with those big, fluffy, paws?” you mocked, wiggling your own fingers contentedly. “Bet someone really wishes they had opposable thumbs, huh?”
And then, like you were being smited by God Himself, the branch beneath your feet cracked clean in half, and you plummeted to the ground bellow with a harrowing screech. Naturally, you landed right at the wolf’s aforementioned stupid, fluffy, paws. Its great head lowered, and you could feel the heat of its breath as it growled into your face.
With a pathetic little ‘eep!’, the talisman tucked into the back of your boot burst into life and you flickered like a janky illusion. You stumbled to your feet a dozen or so yards away, fighting the urge to double over and barf. Slipping through planes was unpleasant at the best of times, let alone when under actual fucking duress.
The Wolf blinked its wide, golden, eyes at the empty space beneath its paws, and then whipped its head in your direction like a blood hound. You pushed yourself upright with the help of the very tree who had betrayed you so thoroughly, and began your hasty retreat.
You crashed through a curtain of thorns and out into the open with a gasp.
You rolled forward like the world’s most inelegant acrobat and came to a skidding halt in the dirt. You sat up with an achy cough, dislodging muck, and rocks, and leaves from your windpipe.
The Wolf prowled behind you—its glare a set of golden pinpricks in the gloom.
“What is your problem?!” you wailed.
The wolf tossed its head, like rolling its eyes wouldn’t have been enough. And snapped at you with another one of those pissy, bitten off, growls.  
“You know what?” you seethed, swinging back onto your knees to jab a finger at it accusatorily. “Fuck you!”
The thing had the absolute gall to snort at you before turning to return to its ceaseless patrol.
By the time you hauled yourself back to your family home, you must have looked an absolute mess. No one bothered to stop you when you practically clawed your way up the stairs and into your small bedroom. Though to be fair, no one really bothered to stop you for anything anymore. Not since an old women with too much spare time and not nearly enough light in her eyes had decided that you were a child to be treasured.
You grabbed your bow off the wall and slung it over your back. The sleek, silvery, wood hummed beneath your fingers. It had been a gift, one whose very existence you stalwartly refused to question. The weapon was finer than anything that could have come from your village’s blacksmith, or honestly probably any human craftsman. It was weightless. It was too heavy. It sang in your hands. It was not a token to be bestowed lightly. But… Well. Whoever it had belonged to before, it was yours now.
And you were going to shoot that goddamn Wolf right in the ass.
On the fourth day of your apparent banishment from the Shaftland Forest, you stormed those woods like a would-be conqueror. The silver bow keened beneath your palms, and you held a thin, spiked, arrow knocked and at the ready. Your nemesis found you in no time at all, and you bared your teeth at the stupid, fucking, mutt before it had the chance.
“One last time,” you said, drawing your bow as tight as you could. “Let me pass, beast. Or I will go through you.”
The wolf’s hackles were raised, but the snarl had slipped off its face. It dug its claws into the dirt, and you watched something like surprise work its way across the thing’s regal features. Its golden glare flickered from you, to the bow, and back again, like it couldn’t quite believe what it was seeing.
“I have business in these woods,” you demanded. And then, petulantly—because you just wanted to know that your stupid, devil worshipping, turnip of a grandmother was okay, and you were so fucking fed up with this garbage—you stomped at the ground and shouted, “And I was here first! So scram, you overgrown Pomeranian!”
The Wolf’s ears drooped, and something like a tremor worked its way down its spine. But then the thing was shaking its giant head like it was surfacing from beneath a pool of water, and it straightened its posture with a rumbling growl.
“Fine,” you snapped, and unleased the first arrow. It whizzed past your fingertips with a thready, shrill, fwoom faster than you could track. The booming force of it shocked you enough to have you shooting wide, and you watched that pin-thin arrow hit a tree trunk and sink all the way through to the other side.
The Wolf rushed forward when you went to reload, fur standing on end like you’d run it through with a bolt of lightning. It tackled you bodily to the ground with a yelp, and you wheezed as the air was knocked out of your lungs in one, fell, swoop. The bow tumbled out of your hands and you scrabbled for it wildly. And then the beast lunged for the bright red of your hood, as it seemed so keen to do in each of your past scuffles. But maybe it was done playing with you. Or maybe it just wasn’t expecting you to flail around so terribly. Because its garish fangs bore down past the soft, billowy, fabric of your cloak and tore straight into the meat of your arm instead.
You gasped and weren’t entirely able to swallow down the sharp shriek of pain that bubbled up and out of your throat. The wolf reared back in shock, its mouth stained red. It immediately ducked back in close, and then away, and then in again. Like it wasn’t sure what to do. The stalwart resolve from earlier was gone—replaced entirely by a bumbling sort of panic that had your head swimming more than the blood loss.
You tucked your arm in close, feeling the tattered remains of shredded fabric curling beneath new, warm, wetness. The Wolf cautiously nosed forward, but when you flinched it reared back like you’d struck it. The beast stepped pointedly away, and then began to pace frantically back and forth. Occasionally it would stop, like it was going to move in close again. But then its pointy ears would press stiff and flat atop its head and it would skulk away all over again.
Whatever, you seethed silently, jerkily ruffling through your bag for some of the Healing talismans you knew were tucked away at the bottom. If the monster felt some kind of weird guilt for taking a chomp out of you when it’d already been doings its damndest to maul you for the past four days straight, that was its problem.
It was taking you longer to unearth the talismans than you would have liked, and your hand was really starting to shake in earnest. The Wolf whined high and miserable in its throat, and you rationally decided that it would be a terrible, petty, idea to waste what little composure you had left just to tell it to fuck right off.
The horrid mess of crimson had begun to seep its way along your skin—dripping down your wrist to plop against the damp, mossy, earth with an echoing plip plip plip that was not unlike the fall of slow, fat, spring rain. The air around you seemed to grow heavier with it—the trees swaying at their roots and the dark, shriveled, flowers straining against their stems to get a taste. The Wolf’s golden gaze flicked around the grove cautiously, and you watched its black nose twitch in obvious discomfort. You swore you could see hands—dozens, hundreds of inky appendages reaching out from the shadows. Fingers twisting up into claws like they meant to grab onto you and dig in, never letting go. The Wolf settled itself at your back like a brick wall, snarling doggedly at the wispy talons. The beast was so large it practically enveloped the entirety of you, and you had to fight the delirious, dizzy, urge to lean back into its impractically soft fur.
“Hey! Are you alright over there?”
Both you and the Wolf jolted in surprise as a group of adventurers plowed their way through the trees. The Wolf’s already distressed expression twisted into something nearly manic and it roared—putting all those ferocious teeth on display.
“Woah!” one of them yelped, crashing to a halt and dragging their friends to a stop beside them. “What the fuck?!”
The others all looked equally startled, hands settling heavily on their weapons. And while right now Mister Wolfy wasn’t outright nomming on you or your limbs, there was a still a steady stream of blood trailing from the wound near your shoulder—a set of very obvious teeth marks sitting stark and red against the rest of you.
“We heard a scream,” another spoke up. Then, pointedly raising the sharp edge of his sword, asked, “Is this your companion, Ranger?”
‘Ranger?’ you blinked, confused, before remembering the bow still sitting in the dirt by your feet. Before you could respond, the Wolf lurched forward over your shoulder. It didn’t leave you—didn’t stray from its steadfast position at your hind—but it pushed its gaping, angry, maw as close to the group as it could. The trio reeled back as the monster snapped, and snarled, and nearly vibrated out of its skin with rage. But… no. Something wasn’t quite right. As viciously angry as all that harsh barking sounded, there was something very, very disquieting about it. Something strained, something afraid.
The one with his sword raised stepped forward, the others moved to follow. And then they were gone.
You blinked, shocked silly. There had been people there—not a second before. You were sure of it. What the fuck was happening?—
And then there was a discordant scream from somewhere deeper in the woods. Distant, but close. Like there were arcane tricks distorting the way of the world. Keeping you separate from the horrible, grinding, shrieking noises while… whatever was happening carried on—not a dozen yards away. Cloaked in shadows and rotten, violet, petals like how a parent might gently close a curtain around a child’s bed at night.  You watched in half-awe, half-horror as seeping, purple, miasma leached from the trees and into the air. It chased the intruders with vicious intent. You could feel the sharp, dark, heat of it prickling along your skin, but when that swirl of near-black enchantments made its way to you, it slipped past you like smoke—leaving only a faint trace of awful, coppery, perfume against your clothes.  
“Why couldn’t you just stay away?” a deep, miserable, voice echoed in your head, and you jerked around in shock to see the Wolf staring at you with heavy, gold eyes.
“Did… Are you…” you trailed off, swallowing. Not sure how to even begin asking what you wanted to ask.
The Wolf sighed, bone deep and weary.
“I tried so hard to keep everyone away,” its voice rumbled in the back of your mind. “Why did you have to be so stubborn?”
“This is my forest, too,” you said after a long moment, fingers digging into the dusty material of your pants. “What’s wrong with it? What happened?”
The Wolf stared at you, quiet and considering. And then it lumbered to its feet with a defeated sort of slouch.
“Come, then, Little Red One,” it huffed, and swished its tail against your back. “I’ll show you.”
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How about this? Headcanons for Loona and Octavia (separate) with a nerdy!male!reader??
Idk, but when I was thinking of this I thought of him just being Milo thatch from Atlantis: The Lost Empire if he was an imp (and maybe looking like him with a human disguise).
"My Geek" ; Loona, Octavia Ars Goetia
AN: I have never seen ATLA, so I hope I did this okay for you!!
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Loona would tease you. Brutally, in fact. But she does it all out of love. She just doesn't really know how to show people that she cares about them, so she resorts to teasing to hide the fact that she does. She doesn't want to seem vulnerable, after all. Look where that's gotten her in the past.
With that said, that doesn't mean she lets anybody else makes fun of you. No, only SHE'S allowed to do that. Girlfriend privileges, she calls them. Even before you're actually dating.
But the second someone else tries? Ohhhh dear, be prepared for tears. And not hers (or yours).
"Don't be such a prick when he manages to pull hot bitches with his nerdiness, and you're going to die a loser virgin."
She'd of course comfort you afterwards, in her own Loona way. Telling you how that person was a loser, anyway. How they didn't understand your "weird, shitty hobbies", but that that only made them a little bitch.
Loona will act like she doesn't care about what you're suggesting to her, but in reality... well, her Mammazon cart is full of her gift ideas for you for special occasions. Comic books, manga, movies, costumes, you name it.
And y'know what? She'll never tell you that she actually paid attention to what you told her.
"Here. A random shut-up gift."
That's code for "I've been listening a lot, actually, and I know these are things you like, so I wanted to get you something that lets you know I paid attention", by the way.
Honestly, I feel like she'd prefer a nerdy S/O for a guy, though?? Someone she can be playful and fun with without having to maintain her stone-cold persona.
Now your human disguise... oh boy.
You saw how she was with Vortex? Yeah, well, with you, you can basically amplify that by ten.
Basically heart eyes lmao.
Don't worry, she eventually starts acting more normal around you in that form once she begins associating it back to you, her loving boyfriend.
She'd still have those momentary slip-ups where she says something she normally wouldn't, though, although they're much more welcome when you're actually her boyfriend.
"Uh... Loona? You okay?"
"You're hot... I mean, uh- Y'know, literally. Cuz it's... a hot day out."
Girl is down bad.
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Honestly? Octavia seems pretty nerdy, too. Probably has a secret comic book hobby. So she doesn't see anything wrong with your hobbies. She even finds them endearing.
Likes to hear your little hot takes, whether or not she really agrees with them. It opens the floor for some productive discussion and banter.
"Oh yeah? And what happens if I do something like this?"
And she proceeds to either do it, if it's a physical thing she can do, or explain the idea, eager to hear your take on it or if it's something you'd suggest in that scenario.
Due to that, she really isn't hard to make conversation with at all, since she can relate pretty well to your more geeky interests, and even be persuaded to get into the same fandoms. Or have fandom battles, like Marvel vs. D.C..
She'll always side with D.C., though.
And of course, she'll happily come with you to those types of movies, since she usually really enjoys them, herself.
She's more of a music nerd, though, and she'll definitely try to get you to listen to some of her favorite artists. The music is pretty angsty, but it's not bad, either. And you love her, so you bear with it for her.
Definitely the type to take you to one of those geek stores for your birthday and just let you pick whatever you want.
Girl comes from money, and she knows how to spend it. :)
"S/O? What about this one? It's got that thing you like on it."
As she's proudly showing you a T-shirt of a character you mentioned liking, excitedly looking around for her own things, as well.
Always a fun couple experience.
Oh, also, Stella HATES you, but that's probably to be expected. Not that Octavia really cares for her absentee mother's approval.
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lucifers-rubber-duck · 2 months
𖤓 Being part of I.M.P
would include 𖤓
Warnings: Blitzø's stalking tendencies.
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Having to deal with Loona
• Loona by herself is already a piece of work, she's rude to everyone for no reason, doesn't do her job well and is lazy as fuck.
• You would be no exception and she would make comments about your clothes, your hair, the way you talk, anything that can put you down.
• She constantly steals your lunch, and doesn't matter where you hide it, she will just sniff it and eat it all, she even throws tantruns if you get angry with her about it.
• You constantly have to do her job for her. She will just take a break no matter the time and leave the clients hanging on the phone. Not only you have to work as a assassin but also as a secretary when she just decides to not be around.
• It doesn't help that 60% of the time the calls aren't from raging clients but from that horny owl prince Blitzø slept with and you have to listen to his deranged commentary on your boss.
Blitzø's shenanigans
• Your boss is far from being responsible and you learned that way too late. He's loud, unprofessional, has a weird thing for horses and doesn't care on respecting your personal life.
• He constantly spies on you the same way he does with Millie and Moxxie. You already changed the locker five times and always makes sure the windows are closed but he always gets in and eats your goddam food.
• His weird thing for horses also makes your life worse, most of the times the cleaning duty is up to you and his drawers are full of pictures, art and horses figurines, you want to clean your eyes with bleach after seeing some of those images. He also info dumps to you about his OCs.
• There's also multiple occasions were you have to pick him up from places, either because he got way too drunk or because he got in trouble with another demon and got kicked out of the place he was.
• You don't even bother asking about your paycheck anymore, you just wait until Blitzø feels like paying you for the month and try not to waste it all at once 'cause you never know when he will remember to pay you again.
Moxxie and Millie being clingy
• At first you thought the two were very cute together, who wouldn't? A loving couple that like showing to the world they were in love, what's so wrong about it?
• But then you actually started working with them and oh Satan were they a handful to deal with. They just can't keep their tongues away from each other and in the worst timing too.
• You'll enter a room and the two of them will be all over each other, being all flirty and gross that you can't help but make fake vomiting noises and leave. Or you all will be in the middle of killing and they will get turned on by nothing and will start making out while shooting the target, you just don't get why.
• Working with them is basically just being a third wheel for hours and is a mental test because they will make sure you know they love each other and will start singing togheter like they're in some type of musical.
Villain of the week kinda bullshit
• Your paycheck doesn't make justice for the amount of trouble you are pulled to by default just by existing close to them. You lost count of how many close to death experiences you had with these Imps.
• When you thought it would be a easy job, boom, your target was actually a crazy woman with a shotgun. You wanted a nice time at a theme park while working as security for the owl guy, nuh-uh, can't have that, the park is now on fire. Going to the Warth ring to have some fun and happened to meet a hot cowboy guy? Too bad, he's also evil.
• You all somehow always get out of it unharmed, sometimes with major brusies like the time you came back with a big cut on your arm because one of the Cherub's arrows actually hit you, but it's still a miracle to you that you're all alive. But your coworkers always move past it like it's nothing.
• And to be honest? You do the same, after so much time having to deal with this crazy scenarios, you just grow used to it. Your free time at the office is just waiting for a new costumer to come or to a new wacky adventure to start.
• Also, I hope you know how to sing because said Villains of the week like singing a lot and will do at any given opportunity.
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chloeriversong · 2 months
[Angst And Fluff] Carmilla Carmine And Hellhound Female Child! Reader Care
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Warning, Warning: This Oneshot may contain: The loss of a Parent, Death, Blood, Angst, Exorcists being Exorcists
You have been warned! Please skip this if you’re easily triggered by the warnings that I mentioned above.
Characters may be out of character.
Both Odette and Clara were watching their adoptive sister while their mother was in a meeting with a client who wanted to purchase some of her weapons, their new sister was a hellhound that they and their mother stumble upon during Extermination Day, they saw her kneeling next to her mother; who had an angelic spear in her back. The Exorcists were known to attack Sinners only, but one of them killed a Hellhound, which is hellborn by default but a few seen in the pride ring are rare.
Carmilla took pity on the child as she just lost her mother and couldn’t leave her by herself, not in the open and especially not alone when the Extermination just ended. Odette brushed [Name]’s [Hair Length] [Hair Color] while avoiding her ears that were flicking as her tail was resting on the ground, Clara was checking her phone to check on orders that were getting shipped to Clients that had paid for weapons. “Mother should be back in any minute,” Clara pointed out, putting her phone away.
Carmilla and her daughters were gathering angelic spears that were left behind by the Exorcists, surely they were careful since they had been attacked before and Carmilla didn’t want to make the same mistake and put her children in danger again. They had stopped when a muffled cry caught their mother’s attention, making the older demon narrow her eyes as they approached the source of the crying. Once they arrived at the area where the crying was coming from, both Odette and Clara stood there in shock and horrified.
A hellhound child was kneeling next to an adult Hellhound with an angelic spear in her back, Carmilla felt her eyes widen when she saw the spear in the adult’s back, did an Exorcist kill a hellborn? Were they breaking the tradition and going after Hellborns now? Questions run through the older demon’s head as she approaches the child, watching her ears perk up before they’re pinned back.
[Name] lifts her head out of her hands due to hearing approaching footsteps and the clicking of metal sound, at least she thinks it’s metal clicking against the ground. “Don’t be afraid, young one. What happened?” Carmilla asked while she kneeled to the child’s eyesight, looking over her [Fur Color] for any wounds if she got injured but didn’t see any blood on her. “My mother was trying to protect me and a sinner child from an Exorcist…” [Name] looked over to her mother’s dead body, only to hide her face in her hands again.
“My mother gave us enough time to escape, but another Exorcist came behind her…” She explained as Carmilla felt her stomach drop when the child explained what happened, no child should experience such a thing, making the older demon pull the hellhound child close to her; taking pity on the child since she lost her parent to an Exorcist while protecting a sinner child. “Mother, what are we going to do? We can’t leave her by herself,” Odette spoke up, watching her mother pick up the young hellhound.
At that moment, Carmilla had taken in [Name] and adopted her as her daughter, giving her some time to adjust to her new surroundings and newfound family. Clara placed a hand on top of [Name]’s head, giving her a warm smile as her eyes watched her little sister’s tail wagging happily, watching as her ears flickered softly. The sound of metal clicking against the floor had the hellhound’s ears all the way perked up, both Odette and Clara looked at each other and nodded their heads to each other.
Clara had gotten up from her spot to let their mother in, surely the older demon can open doors on her own, but sometimes one of her older daughters would open the door for her. “Welcome home, mother,” Both Odette and Clara greeted their mother, while [Name] ran up to her adoptive mother to give her a hug, which made her smile. Soon enough, her two daughters joined their little sister in hugging their mother, which made Carmilla smile wider. “I missed you too, my children.” She returned the group hug.
It stayed like this for a couple of minutes before a yawn escaped from [Name], showing her small canine-like teeth, covering her mouth due to exhaustion kicking in. “Somebody is tired,” Carmilla looked down at her adoptive daughter, being careful as she boops the hellhound’s nose as she had long fingers. “We took her out for a walk since we had some deliveries to make, we thought she could use some exercise and we couldn’t leave her alone,” Odette explained to her mother, who nodded her head softly.
“Thank you, girls. I appreciate your help with your sister,” Carmilla carefully picked up the [Fur Color] hellhound in her arms, hugging her youngest child close to her, watching as [Name] curls up close to her. “You’re welcome, mom.” Clara smiled as she and Odette watched their mother closely, as their eyes landed on their young sister’s tag; it was wagging softly. “Sweet dreams, little sister. We’ll see you whenever you wake up,” Odette couldn’t help but grin softly, the two still had some deliveries to make, and wanted to spend time with their sister.
[Name] looked over her adoptive mother’s shoulder and waved at her sister, saying goodbye to them as their mother started taking her to her room, surely it wasn’t her bedtime yet since there was some daylight left outside; even though a nap wouldn’t hurt a child since they attend to take naps after an exhausting day. “Did you have fun with your sisters, my little one?” Carmilla asked while walking down the hallways, feeling her youngest child shifting around a bit before she got comfortable again.
“Yes, they took me shopping for new clothes and hair clips, plus we went to the small park that the Princess opened up.” [Name] smiled happily as she remembered that the Princess of Hell, Charlie Morningstar had opened up a park for the little children that were hellborn or a sinner can play in and give their parents or adoptive parents a place to relax, the princess had a good heart. “That sounds relaxing, maybe one of these days I’ll take you back when I’m not busy with the other Overlords.” Carmilla couldn’t help but chuckle softly.
Things had quieted down when Carmilla reached [Name]’s door, the door itself was decorated with stickers and small drawings, along with having [Name]’s name on it. She carefully opened her adoptive daughter’s door to her bedroom, which was decorated with small things and a bed for her to sleep in. The older demon walked over to the child’s bed and placed her daughter down, carefully as she covered the young hellhound up. “Sweet dreams, my little princess.” She kissed her adoptive daughter’s cheek.
“I will, mom.” The young hellhound let out a small yawn as her [Eye Color] eyes started to close, only shifting comfortably in her bed as she drifted off to sleep, making Carmilla smile as she walked out of the room; closing the door quietly and carefully since she didn’t want to startle her young daughter. Carmilla soon headed to her office to work on some shipments and such, since her two older daughters deal with shipping them out and having their clients sign the forms that they take with them. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I'm sorry if this seems short, I am tired and very hungry.
P.S I only did this for fun and stress relief since I was going through a tough time on a weekend, but I feel better.
Hazbin Hotel and it's characters belongs to Vivienne Medrano (Vivziepop) and Amazon Prime (Network)
The image does not belong to me, it belongs to its rightful owner/poster
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dogsayswoof · 1 year
Hounds From Hell Chapter 2
Summary: Football game, afterparty, and an unexpected development in your friendship with Wednesday
Word Count: 1.9k Pairing: Wednesday Addams x Reader (Hounds from Hell Masterlist)
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Wednesday could not believe that you or Enid was able to get her to attend such a trivial extracurricular event. As she sat in the crowd with her friends watching you move with such athletic grace, scrambling out of the pocket to launch a deep pass to your counterpart on a wide-open look. 
The crowd went wild as Benton caught the ball making a mad dash to the end zone, orange jerseys chasing after his purple figure. Your entire pack, except Elizabeth, and a few other athletic guys who wanted to join were on the team. Explaining the unspoken chemistry you had on the field. 
Enid was next to her, her face decorated with purple and black designs in cheery support for the school's pride and joy. Next to her was Ajax, who had dressed up in support of his girlfriend, followed by Yoko, Bianca, Xavier, Divina, and Kent. On the other side of Wednesday a smiling Eugene, who was just glad to have been invited to the event. 
"Oh come on, he was so close" yelled Enid as they watched Benton get slammed to the ground.
Wednesday was watching your tall figure jog up the field with the others in order to set up for the next play. While you intelligence for chemistry was lacking, your athletic IQ was superior to all. You were able to read the field within a second and make a decision. Your innate ability for strategy was heavily noted by the young goth girl.
"Wednesday, I was surprised to see you at an event like this, I thought it was a waste of time?" asked Bianca.
"It was of a friend's utmost importance that I attended." she said eyes not leaving you.
"Yeah friend" said Enid giving Wednesday a small nudge and a wiggle of her eyebrows.
"Touch me again and I promise you, I will break every individual bone in your arm" Wednesday said turning towards her a scowl plain across her face.
"What are you hiding from us Addams" said a smug Bianca and Wednesday's gaze shifted to her.
"I have nothing to hide, I am an open book." 
"Yeah, that's why you've been having study sessions with Y/N" said Enid before jumping up and screaming as you threw a touchdown pass to George. 
"You've been seeing Y/N??   Y/N   Y/L/N????" exclaimed Xavier and Wednesday nodded.
"She cannot pass chemistry to save her life and I simply offered my assistance"
"Damn Wednesday, I did not think that you had that in you... Y/N huh"
Wednesday turned back to face the game again watching as the boys celebrated at the score.
When the game was over the last thing Wednesday expected was for you to interact with her. Your team was happy, coach was elated, and as her and her friends got up to leave the bleachers she heard her name being called.
"Wednesday!" you yelled jogging over to the side of the field her friends had been sitting.
You leaned on the railing looking up to where they were at.
"Wednesday, thank you so much. I wouldn't of been able to play without you." you said grinning up at her.
"It was a tortuous task but we did it anyways" she said and you stared at her for a second before noticing the smirks on her friends faces.
"Hey everyone" you said with the dopiest smile on your face and a small wave.
"Do you need anything else?" she asked and you opened your mouth but before you could say anything Bianca cut you off.
"The sirens are hosting a party tonight to celebrate your win. I better see you and your team there" she said and you nodded.
"Yeah of course, couldn't miss a party" you said and you heard your name being yelled, "Well I should go shower up, but we'll definitely be there" you said winking at Bianca. 
Wednesday felt a pang of jealousy, a similar feeling to spiders in her chest, at your small interaction with Bianca. She bit back the scowl that threatened to spread across her face at the risk of you thinking it was for you.
"See you guys later!" you said back peddling, "Wednesday.." 
The shift in your tone when she said your name sent her stomach flipping. 
"You're definitely going too" said Bianca with a finger in Wednesday's chest.
What have you done to her.
You were fighting with yourself and you were drunk. On one hand you definitely had feelings for Wednesday. The one on one time you had got to spend with her was.. enlightening to say the least. You had found yourself shredding back the layers behind the short dark girl, learning more about her than anyone else besides Enid and her family ever has. 
On the other hand you knew that she distained physical affection and emotional attachment. She would never let you in no matter how hard you tried. Maybe it would be better to just detach yourself before you got hurt. You could have anyone you wanted at this school except for the girl YOU wanted.
Sighing you threw back another shot of whatever the sirens had managed to sneak onto campus, in an attempt to calm your thinking. There were girls of all kind throwing themselves onto you and you entertained their attempts to flirt as you sipped your drink, though the image of the goth engrained at the back of your mind.
"Y/N" yelled a voice and you looked over to recognize Enid bouncing in, Wednesday trailing behind.
"Oh good, you made it" cheered Bianca over the loud music.
Quickly embracing Enid, she leaned in to Wednesday and whispered,
"Girls have been throwing themselves onto her all night. If you want her, you need to make a claim." she pulled back and disappeared into the mass of bodies.
Enid and you were talking as you made her a drink, chugging yours and making another.
"You want a drink?" you slurred at Wednesday and she nodded.
You made her a drink too, and handed it to her. She sipped it lightly and proceeded to put it down.
"I enjoyed your sporting event more than I thought I would" she said shortly and you had a small smile.
"I'm glad" you sipped your drink again scanning the room, "You want to meet my friends?"
You lead her through the crowd towards where your pack was standing.
"Guys, this is Wednesday Addams" you said gesturing to her, "Wednesday this is George and Elizabeth"
You pointed to the two white haired siblings. They had shimmering blue eyes and pale skin. Almost ghost like, Wednesday noted. Must be the soulhounds. They had small smiles and quietly said hello.
"And this is Atwell and Benton" you said at the two black haired kids. Benton was smiling wide, extremely friendly. 
"Pleasure to make your acquaintance ma'am" he said in his country accent and pretending to tip his hat at you.
"Hey" said Atwell, his accent not as thick.
"They're real country hicks" you laughed rubbing Atwells hair while he smiled sheepishly.
"It is a pleasure to make all of your acquaintances" Wednesday said politely.
One of the girls from earlier walked over and she grabbed onto your arm. Latching on to you and looking up at you with hearts in her eyes. It made Wednesday sick to her stomach.
"Y/N, come take a shot with us, to celebrate. Bianca said you would love to" she said in cheery sing-song-y voice.
Mental note: Make sure to murder Bianca   thought Wednesday.
"I'll be right back" you said being led away.
Except you weren't right back. At all. And Wednesday had lost tabs on you. She thought maybe that girl had taken you away to her dorm and you'd come walking around on campus with her attached at the hip tomorrow so she found Enid.
"I think I have had enough of this social interaction for the month" she said and Enid pouted.
"C'mon Wednesday, it's fun" she said throwing back another shot.
"I'm going back to our dorm, but you should stay and have your fun" she said heading for the door.
Wednesday had not had anything to drink besides the small sip she had when you had handed her the cup of foul liquid. The walk back was painful. She had tried to suppress her feelings for you chalking it up to nothing but teenage hormones, and she refused to prove her parents right. But the feeling she had when that girl looked at you dragging you away, was undeniable.
Wednesday Addams was jealous. 
She sat on her typewriter in an attempt to distract herself but she kept typing mistake after mistake having to crumble up the paper and toss it into the bin which was overflowing.
You are the reason. You infiltrated her mind and-
There was loud knocks on her door.
She chose to ignore them but they began to get louder and more frequent. She got up in a huff and swung the door open causing you on the other side to half stumble into her room.
"Hello Wed-nes-day" you slurred and she did nothing but stare at you.
"Why are you here?" she said coldly as you swayed on your feet in front of her.
"Because you disappeared" you said with a frown on your face.
"You're drunk" she stated and you nodded a dopey smile replacing the frown as you looked down into her onyx eyes.
"You're pretty"
Wednesday felt the spiders in her stomach and her breath catch as she processed what you said.
"Say that again and I'll cut your tongue out and feed it to the crows"
"Yeah.. oooookay" you chuckled and she crossed her arms at you.
You half walked - half stumbled around her room some more and she followed behind you.
"I'm serious Y/N"
"I am too" 
"You are one of the most frustrating and incessant people I have ever met" she said and you stepped closer to her slowly closing the distance.
"Oh yeah?" you said standing right in front of her, her arms still crossed.
"Yes. You are bothersome and aggravating and-" 
She was cut off by your lips. You were soft, a lot more softer than she imagined. Not that she had imagined kissing you before. Your lips were gone quicker than they appeared and you were standing in front of her. You cheeks stained red and the smile gone as your drunk state realized what you had done.
You both stood there breathing cautiously. Moments passing between you, tension palpable. Unspoken words shared before she grabbed your collar and pulled you back in.
Your hands grasped her waist pulling you close to you. You both moved back until you hit her desk in which you lifted her up and sat her on it. Allowing you to lean further into her. Your kisses were full of passion and unspoken desire building from your last few weeks together. 
Her hands wrapped around to your neck scratching it lightly as your lips moved to her neck. Softly kissing the skin that you ached to explore. Her shaking breathing as you left little bites before soothing them with a soft kiss on each, caused you to smirk into her skin before you kissed her once more.
You pulled away and stepped back as you saw her vulnerable sitting on the edge of the desk.
"I'm sorry" you said quietly and you admired the purple marks you left along her neck. You ran your hands through your hair before lying down on Enid's bed.
"Don't apologize. There is no need" she said hopping down from the desk and straightening her typewriter and smoothing her uniform.
When she turned back around to you, she heard the soft snores and saw you asleep strung out among the colorful sheets below.
Oh she was so fucked...
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Hellhound Mate
Summary: “A new Hellhound moves into Beacon Hills. And Jordan can’t seem to take his eyes off of her. Something about her, just makes him go wild.
Warnings: Smut, 18+, Breeding kink, Mating, Lots of sex, Biting, Scratching, Car sex, public sex, Woods sex.
A/N: I thought this last night and can’t get it out of my head.
It was summer and the sun was out. Jordan Parrish woke up from the hottest dream he’s ever had. In the dream was a girl with long Firey head hair. And no, not Lydia. She is happily dating Stiles.
He groaned as he sat up and looked down at the boner that he had. He’s been having these dreams for the last month or so, and he doesn’t understand why. He quickly went to the bathroom, hoping int the shower, did his business...took care of his problem, and then got dressed for work.
He left his apartment, and when he pulled up to the station, he walked in, but froze when a smell hit him like a train. It smelled like coal, and fire. He loved the smell though.
He looked around, and his eyes landed on the same girl he had dreams about. She was standing at the front desk. Noah saw him and waved him over.
He walked over and the girl looked over at him. He froze once again, at the color of her eyes. They were Firey red.
Noah: “Parrish this is L/N. She’s new around here and is our next front desk. Can you show her around?”
Jordan looked at Noah shocked but nodded his head. He left the two alone, and the girl smirked up at him. 
L/N: “Hey, I’m Y/N L/N. But you can just call me Y/N.”
She held out her hand for Jordan to shake. He smiled and took her head, but instead of shaking it, like a normal person. He instead kissed it. She blushed at that, and Jordan looked shocked. He let go of her hand.
Jordan: “I-I am so sorry. I don’t know what came over me!”
Y/N smirked and took Jordan’s hand and did the same thing to his. Jordan blushed and looked shocked.
Y/N: “It’s okay, hot stuff. I don’t mind.”
She then winked at him. Jordan felt like he was going to explode any minute. He showed Y/N around the station and what to do. All while flirting with her, and she flited back at him. After the tour was over, he decided to shoot his chance with her.
Jordan: “So hey...I can always show you around Beacon Hills if you like?”
Y/N smirked and leaned on the front desk, which caused her shirt to show Jordan the sight of her breasts a little bit. He blushed at the sight and didn't’ look away.
Y/N: “Are you asking me out, deputy?”
Jordan nearly melted at the way she called him that. He grinned and nodded his head. She smirked at that.
Y/N: “Well, I would love to have you show me around, Deputy.”
Jordan blushed and got super excited. They both went back to work but would glance at each other a lot. Flirting the whole time. Teh other deputies grew annoyed by it.
(Time skip)
At the end of their shift, Jordan got up ready to leave, when Scott and his pack ran in. This annoyed him a little bit, since that always means there is a supernatural problem that needs to be solved, and he most always needs to help.
They went to Noah’s office, and Jordan took this has his chance to leave, but he’s never that lucky.
Noah: “Parrish.”
Jordan groaned and he went to Noah’s office. The others were around the office. 
Jordan: “Yes, sir?”
Noah: “You tell him.”
Jordan looked confused.
Lydia: “There is another Hellhound in Beacon Hills.”
Jordan froze and looked shocked. I mean, shouldn’t that be a good thing? Now he’s not alone.
Jordan: “Shouldn’t that be a good thing?”
Scott: “Yes, but it also means this Hellhound is either protecting something...or hunting something.”
Jordan nodded his head and glanced out the window to see Y/N packing some of her things. This worried him.
Stiles: “So what we need you to do, is find this other Hellhound. Ask what he wants and kick him out.”
Jordan was bouncing in his spot, glancing out the window so he didn’t hear what Stiles just said.
Jordan: “Yeah, okay.”
They looked at him shocked, and worried.
Lydia: “Are you okay?”
Jordan: “Yep, am I done here?”
They looked shocked since Jordan is never like this. Noah just sighed.
Noah: “Yes, you are.”
Jordan quickly ripped open the door.
Noah: “And Parrish.”
Jordan looked over at Noah.
Noah: “You just met her...do not have sex with her after one date.”
Jordan looked offended by that while the others looked shocked.
Jordan: “I am NOT going to have sex with her, sir!”
(Time skip)
Jordan was sitting in his squad car, all the windows were rolled up, they were fogged over. The car shook a little bit, as a hand pressed against the glass.
Inside the car, Jordan was sitting in the driver side while Y/N was in his lap. Her shirt and pants were burned away from Jordan’s flames. 
Jordan’s shirt was opened, and Y/N dug her nails into his chest, leaving a trail of soot. His pants were undone, and down a little bit.
Y/N was ridding him, as one arm was on the roof of the car, and the other was wrapped around the seat. She pushed her body up and down on Jordan’s cock.
Jordan’s arm was pressed against the window, his hand pressing against it. His other hand wrapped around the streeling wheel, as he sucked on Y/N’s neck, shoulders, chest, any skin that he could find.
Though he felt to crowded, to tight. He didn’t like it. He moved his hand to Y/N’s back and tapped it. She looked down at him confused.
Jordan: “Do you feel stuck in here?”
Y/N: “*Moans* A-A little. Why, do you?”
Jordan groaned and nodded his head. He wanted to do this somewhere different. His...his Hellhound wanted to do this somewhere different.
Y/N: “*Moans* W-Well, we can always go inside your *Moans* a-apartment.”
Jordan groaned and shook his head. He needed something different. She looked down at him confused.
Y/N: “T-Then where?”
Jordan thought about some place to have sex, and while thinking he didn’t notice how his eyes glowed. Cerberus came out. He turned on the car and drove off away from the apartment...with Y/N still sitting on his lap.
Y/N’s eyes glowed as well, and she smirked, almost knowing here he was taking her. She started bouncing again, almost as if she HAD to do it.
They finally pulled up to the woods, and Jordan parked the car. He opened the door, and carried Y/N into the woods, with him still inside of her. They walked for a bit, until they came up to the Nemption.
Jordan growled and laid Y/N on the stump. She laid on her back, spreading her legs open for him. As if accepting him.
He growled, got between her legs, and shoved his cock back into her. She let out howl of a moan, and Jordan’s Hellhound clawed came out. He dug them into the stump, as it let up.
He started thrusting in and out of her at a slow pace, feeling this place much better than the car. 
Y/N wrapped her arms around Jordan’s neck, digging her nails into his back. The lights on the stump grew bright and brighter. 
Jordan’s leans his head down and stuffed it in her neck, he started sucking on her neck, shoulders, chest, arms, any skin that he could find. Y/N did the same thing to Jordan.
Jordan picked up his pace, slamming into her. She wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him closer to her.
Jordan was huffing and growling the whole time. Y/N would move her head up, exposing her neck any time that he did. Submission to him.
Then some flames broke out around them, all around the stump. Jordan’s Hellhound flames formed on him, and her. But it didn’t hurt her at all. In fact, it pushed out her hellhound flames as well. Their eyes glowed and their teeth came out. 
Jordan: “*Groans* Y-Y/N I love you!”
Y/N: “*Moans* I-I love you too Jordan!”
Jordan: “*Groans* I-I want you so bad~! I-I want you to *Groans* to carry m-my puppies~!”
Y/N moaned at that thought and dug her nails down Jordan’s back. This was what he needed to know that Y/N felt the same way that he did. He picked up his paces, digging his nails into the stump deeper.
A huge fire broke out around them, so if anyone tried to stop them, they couldn't’ get through, unless it was someone immune to fire, or another Hellhound.
Y/N: “*Moans* P-Please Jordan! P-Please Cerberus~! I-I want to carry your *Groans* your puppies~!”
That was all Jordan and his Hellhound needed to know. He picked up his pace, and Y/N raised her back up. Jordan moved his head to her neck and stuffed it there. He inhaled her scent and rubbed his scent all over her. Marking her as his.
Jordan felt his cock twitch, and he picked up his pace. Causing Y/N’s body to shake pleasurer. Jordan opened his mouth, and when he felt like he was going cum, he latched his mouth and teeth on her neck.
Y/N moaned out loud as the flames got brighter. Jordan huffed as he came down from his high. He moved his head away from Y/N’s neck, and looked down at her, blissed out expression. He felt pleased with himself.
He then suddenly hears someone clear their throat, and he spun around and covers Y/N’s body with his own. Growling at whoever was near them.
The pack, Noah, Melissa, and Deaton looked at Jordan shocked. They never seen him. act like that.
Noah: “I thought I told you not to have sex with her on the first date? Why did you two even come here?”
Jordan didn’t answer him and kept growling at him. Y/N huffed and slowly got a little bit of her energy back.
Lydia: “Why is he acting like that?”
Deaton: “Because that’s a female. Hellhound.”
They looked at him shocked.
Stiles: “Wait...SHE’S the Hellhound?”
Deaton nodded his head and they all looked over at Y/N... or well they TRIED to. Jordan blocks their sight with his body and growled at them.
Scott: “Why is he acting like that?”
Deaton: “Because he’s protecting her. Female Hellhound and male Hellhounds, if they meet each other, they mate. They try to make more Hellhounds. He’s going to be like that with her...well forever.”
They looked shocked by that.
Lydia: “What...so that’s why she came here?”
Deaton: “No, she probably was drawn in by the Nemption. She didn’t know there was a male Hellhound here. When they saw each other, their insticts kicked in.”
Noah: “That’s why he was so eager to leave today?”
Deaton nodded his head. Jordan growled at them all, and they backed away from him and the girl.
Deaton: “It’s best to leave for now. They’re going to stay out here for a while, until she gives birth. His hellhound basically claimed this area as his nest.”
They looked shocked but nodded their heads. They left Jordan alone for now.
Malia: “So, like me with my den?”
Deaton: “Yes, in fact it is like your den. Sheriff, best keep runner from coming near here. Don’t want Jordan to see.  them as a threat and kill them.”
Noah sighed and nodded his head. They left, and Jordan laid down next to Y/N, he snuggled close to her, and covered her body with his, using it as a banket to warm her up. She wrapped her arms around him, and they both fell asleep.
A/N: Not REALLY want I wanted to write. But I’ll make one later on one of my Wattpad's.
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techs-goggles9902 · 3 months
Oh oh oh Imma request something 🤔🤔
How about.... female character/reader who is unsure about how she fits in with the bad batch and Tech reassures her?
Was even thinking about my oc Raven and maybe our female character/reader is unsure of her relationship with Hunter and seeks out Tech for (brotherly) assurance 🤔
You can do it however makes sense 😊 also no pressure 💖
Female reader x Tech (platonic)
Summary: You're unsure about your role in the batch and you talk with both Raven and Tech.
No warnings. Fluff and stuff
Word count: 863
a/n: Raven is the lovely oc created by @hellhound5925 ! Go check her out! Sorry Raven doesn’t have a huge role but she’s here! I hope I did her justice 🙏🏻
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You sigh, bending over to pick up another piece of mantell mix. 
These things are everywhere! Wrecker, I swear… 
The light chatter from the cockpit reaches your ears as you discard the snack in the small trash bin in the corner of the Marauder. The squad, excluding Tech, are talking about the latest mission. 
Hunter, sitting in the pilot's seat, smiles gently at Omega as she exaggerates how she hustled a man on the last mission in a game of dejarik, earning enough credits to fix the ship. 
“Oh, and then I took out his Ghhhk! He said he’s a ‘Top Tier Player’ but he wasn’t! Hunter, you wouldn’t believe how he put himself in a bad position. Backed himself in a corner!” Omega rants with a grin, making big gestures with her small arms, imitating the game characters. 
Wrecker gives a big, hearty laugh as she continues. Echo sits back in the co-pilot’s chair, a hint of a smile tugging at the corners of his pale lips. You watch as the girl keeps proudly going on and on about her victory. 
You joined the Batch a few months after they began working for your employer, Cid. Ever since that day where you accompanied them for a mission, you were essentially adopted into their merry band of clones. 
Tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, you sigh again. Although you’re “one of them now”, you still feel as if they have their own little circle that you’re not a part of. How long will it take for them to see me as one of their own? I’m more than capable…
“Hey, you okay? You don’t look the greatest…” A familiar voice says. 
“Raven, hey. I’m fine, don’t worry about me. Just… contemplating things, I suppose.” 
“K’olar,” Raven says, pulling you to the nearest bunk. Lowering yourself onto the bunk, you pick at your nails. “What’s up?”
“I don’t know. I feel like I’m… not 100% a real squad member. I’m the last addition, not romantically tied to anyone, and just… here,” you admit. Raven has been your lifeline ever since joining the Batch. Both of you are non-clones, even if she did train them, and you related to her the most. 
“Vod… I… I felt that way, too, when I first came along.”
“You did?” Raven nods. 
“Mmhmm. This tight knit group with a very good looking sergeant-” 
“Okay, okay!” You both laugh, easing your nerves. This is why you’ve always liked Raven, she knows how to cheer you up. Always. 
“Cyare, c’mere for a sec,” Hunter calls from the cockpit. Raven gets up and sighs, mouthing the words, so needy, making you giggle once more. 
“Why don’t you go talk to Tech? He listens,” she suggests, giving your shoulder a gentle squeeze as she walks past you. 
You watch her go and you see a foot dangling from the ceiling panels. Tech…
You push yourself off the bunk and you stand beneath the opening in the ceiling and watch Tech tinker with the ship’s innards. 
“Hm? Oh, hello, vod’ika,” Tech replies, leaning over a little to see you better. 
“You don’t need to call me that. I’m older than you are,” you say with a quiet giggle. 
“Well, given the fact my brothers and I age twice as fast as the average being, I am technically older than you, vod’ika,” Tech says with the faint trace of a smile, emphasizing the nickname. 
You scoff with a smile, climbing up into the ceiling with him. He’s slightly hunched over because of his height, but it doesn’t seem to bother him. 
“Can I ask you something, ori’vod?” you ask, fiddling with one of his tools. Tech hums in acknowledgement. 
“I’m not sure if I… If I exactly fit in with you guys. You’re all brothers and I get that but I don’t feel-”
“Vod’ika, you’ve been one of us since the moment Hunter asked you to stick around. Omega especially felt that you would make a good friend, and I agree,” Tech cuts you off, looking away from his tinkering and directly into your eyes. 
“I…I’m a good friend?” You ask. 
“We may not have known each other very long, but you are an adequate fighter and an even more valuable member of our squad.” 
Our squad… Our squad… 
“You think so? Hunter… He’s nice and all but… We haven’t really bonded I guess,” you say with a small sigh. 
“Vod’ika, Hunter has to put up with Omega and Wrecker, has to find us jobs, feed us, and still sees himself as our leader, our sergeant, our protector. I’m honestly astonished he hasn’t gone gray with all the stress,” Tech remarks, that little smile tugging at his lips. That little grin is so contagious, managing to make you smile as well. 
You’re about to say something else when Tech continues, “Echo will come around eventually. He’s lost brothers and he’s distancing himself to save him the pain of losing a sister. I’m sure he’ll soon realize you’re not going anywhere.” 
Not going anywhere… 
“I guess I’m stuck with you, huh?” You say with a smirk, nudging Tech’s elbow. 
“For the long run.”
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Cyare = beloved [sha-rey]
K’olar = come here
Vod’ika = little sibling [vohd-eeka]
Vod = sibling
Ori’vod = big sibling [ori-vohd]
Ghhhk = character in the game dejarik
Taglist: @fionajames @sevdidntdie @will-is-silly @skellymom @dangraccoon (feel free to tell me what you want or don't want to be tagged in!)
Dividers by @saradika
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thatstonedwriter · 5 months
⋆。˚ 「 Oblivious 」 ⋆。˚
◉ Sinopsis; Loona struggles to flirt with her crush, who's oblivious to her advances
◉ Warnings; swearing, mentions of anger issues, pining
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── ˙•˚∘✮🌙ᯓ🪐˙•˚∘ ──
It was abundantly clear to everyone- except you. Sometimes Loona hates that she caught feelings for you because it's so obvious; her eyes follow you when you pass by, her ears perk up when she hears you in the other room. Loona can't stand it, because no matter how obvious her feelings were to everyone else, somehow you never noticed.
Even Moxxie can't help but feel bad. Watching Loona's attempts at flirting crash and burn was amusing... At first. Now it was just kinda sad. How is he not supposed to cringe Loona asks you out on what is clearly a date, only for you to ask to invite more friends along.
Every time this happens, her tail droops just a bit, and she stutters out an "uh- I mean, yeah. Sure.."
Loona's not one for big, romantic gestures. Instead, she'll find cool stuff that she thinks you'd like as well. Most days, she shoves whatever she finds in your hands and mumbles something like, "Hope you like it."
Being introduced as the "friend" or "coworker" is another habit of yours that makes Loona think she doesn't have a chance with you.
With all her conflicting emotions and predisposition to anger issues… the end result is her “attitude problems” only worsening. Sure, she’ll be nice to you, but everyone else better hope they're not on the receiving end of Loona's temper
If Blitzø approves of you, he may end up trying (and failing) to be Loona's wingman. Most of the time, his plans end up backfiring, which results in Loona calling him a "dumbass" and "shitlord."
It would take a lot for Loona to make the first move. I'm talking like- Millie, Moxxie, and Blitz working together to get you and Loona into a room together with candles lit and music playing.
Needless to say, it takes a few months, if not longer, before Loona would even consider directly telling you how she feels. A woman can only drop hints for so long, though. And obvious ones, at that.
── ˙•˚∘✮ 🔭๋࣭ᯓ🌙˙•˚∘ ──
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helluvadyke · 4 months
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GUARD OC GUARD OC!! it’s iris!!! i’m hopping in on the guard oc train huehue :] got inspired by @puffymucher and @theacedragon0w0 so blame em for that (u guys r awesome)
iris is rosie’s bodyguard! since she’s a bloodhound mix (bred to hunt deer) she’s got some mad beef with alastor. she tolerates him for rosie though, not bc she likes her or anything
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n04hfiction · 2 months
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Dating Loona Headcanons
Content/Warnings (If applicable): Sexual Content (MDNI, there’ll be a split between the NSFW content!), Profanity, Implied!Male Reader (Usage of “guy” once), OOC(?) Loona
Proofread: ✅
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Loona spent years in the adoption center, infact, a good chunk of her life, and she had only been with Blitzø for a few years now, so it’s safe to say you’re her first partner
She was most likely very awkward during the talking stage, she doesn’t talk to many outside of IMP, so honestly, it may not be easy for her at first
A talking stage with Loona consists of her being extremely awkward and nervous, borderline geeky in a sense, whether you realized it or not. She probably found you attractive from the start, like before you guys ever properly spoke, so it’s not even like she had something to start off of with you.
Going back to her life in the adoption center, we can tell that she wasn’t seen as something or someone important, and let’s be real here, she probably knew they thought that — So I can see her love language being words of affirmations, after so many years, the only thing she really needs is to be told she is enough
I can also imagine Loona’s love language in terms of giving being physical affection, she’s probably very clingy after her years in the shelter, and she just wants to hold you and never have to let you go, because she feels like if she does she might lose you forever
In terms of petnames, I can see this going two ways, Loona won’t really call you petnames aside from “babe” or maybe “hun” cause she feels like a lovesick teenager otherwise, but if you call her something she absolutely FOLDS!! Loona really gets into it whenever you call her something with “my ____”, or anything with “dear” or “sweet” - Which might surprise you, because she doesn’t use petnames BECAUSE she thinks they sound cheesy, but when you call her the cheesy petnames, she folds like a piece of paper!
An ideal date for Loona would be staying in and just cuddling while watching a movie, as much as Loona is down to party, her social battery can get drained pretty easy, so she’d much rather stay in with the one person she knows gets her - Except at your place, she’d rather die than cuddle with you infront of Blitzø
Speaking of Blitzø, she’s hesitant to introduce you both, she knows how Blitzø can be, especially when it comes to her and a guy, but she knows she has to have you both meet at some point.
Blitzø is protective (as well as defensive) at first, which honestly, is fair enough, but once he gets to know you he ends up liking you just fine! Especially if you let him ramble about his horse fantasies, he’ll really like you then!
This might be a surprise, but Loona isn’t much of a hand-holder, it’s just not her thing — and she really only kisses you in private, but she loves hugging you! This girl loves hugs! She hugs you goodbye after every date, she hugs you as her way of saying thank you when she can’t form the words quite right, she loves hugging you
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Along with being Loona’s first partner, you are also her first time, which comes with a few different things to unpack here.
Firstly, Loona is very insecure when it comes to sex (at first), and she hardly ever even touched herself before you. The first few times of even attempting sex she’ll back out, she’s really insecure and overall scared of being abandoned, the shelter really did do a number on her.
I also personally headcanon that Loona has body-image issues, she’s a bit thick in certain places, and she’s covered in fur - So if you’re not covered in fur, she’ll get very anxious about how you’ll choose to handle it. (Occasionally she’ll slip into her human disguise specifically for sex, because she is terrified of you getting annoyed by her fur for whatever reason).
Loona is very subby for the first few months of having sex with you, but as she starts to grow and get used to it, she can definitely start to dom, maybe even lean towards it, I see her as a softer but also teasing dom, but I can also see her being rougher when and if the situation calls for it
She fucking thrives off of anything to do with her clit (fingering, eating out, ect) - It’s also probably her more sensitive area. Making out with Loona while fingering her and fondling with her breasts is probably one of the things that gets her off the most, and (as long as you’re not opposed), she is definitely into the idea of riding your face
In contrast to her love language, she definitely has a degradation kink, she gets the biggest kick out of being called a whore or slut or a bitch or anything of that sorts (even if in non-sexual situations things would be much different)
Another thing, Loona isn’t one to cry or get overly vulnerable in a relationship (although she does from time to time), making her cry during sex is definitely something you do a lot (in a healthy and consensual way, ofc)
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A Sires Bond chapter 1
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Summary: When your hopes for the future are destroyed and your soul mate rejects you, you are exiled into the woods for your heat. But instead of finding the cabin you flee into the dark sires wood; where all fear to tread. You soon realise that the old tales and the silly childhood rhyme was more then just silly prattle. The dark sire was real. And he was listening
Warnings : A/B/O, Adult themes, Werewolves/shifters au, Dark magic,Fluff?, Angst, swearing
A/N: so here is the start of another au. This one combining a few different ideas i have cut out of other fics in the past. So its like a melting pot of 'that doesnt fit there' anyway i hope you enjoy 🥰😘
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Images of them together crossed your mind as you staggered through the wood blinded by sorrow and grief. You ,oured the loss, your chest aching an invisible gaping wound as your mind replayed the scene pver and over. Him and her, their declaration of bonding and expectations of you to do your duty and povide for them what they cannot. To conceive and birth the next alpha but never raise it.
You sobbed, dry heaving into your hands as you fumbled through the thickets of the deep wood loosing your way in your temporary banishment. It was too much, you felt you would truley die, this pain was far to much to bare. You could bearly breath through it, yoh were only moving from the adrenaline of what had just transpired.
They were holding hands infront of the entire pack as the others cheered somewhat uncertainly, their eyes flickered to you. Forsaking an omega was rare, frowned upon even but not entirely unforgivable. Especially when its the soon to be alpha denying their mate.
Your maturity had finally come. And it came in the form of heat. Omega. It was daunting but not unexpected, you had all the signs of an omega, you were slight. Had a frail look to you. As if a harsh wind could carry you away. You suited your name. Willow. Unasuming and gentle. Dark hair, shy bookworm, wide pale eyes and very meek. Petite. Youd never consider yourself ugly. Well you didnt, not untill a few moments ago when your would be mate had tore yoh down so harshly, criticising you so cruely infront of everyone.
You always thought you had a unique look, oddly pleasing in a frail way. Lithe and slight like some type of pixie, yet refined beauty. Delicate is the word you used to describe yourself while gazing in to the mirror. You were delicate.
And then this happened. You matured and just like that you attained a the bond. At first you were happy. Ecstatic! You wanted to mate and be a mother. Ou did t even register your intended was the next alpha!
All you knew was you could npw create a nest and live your life as a mother. All omegas feel the pull but most do not untill they found their mate. However its something youd dreamt of. As a child and teen youd wanted your own pup. You helped watch over the younger ones as much as you could. Just enjoying spending time with the tiny pups as they toddled about. You were never happier then when you were surrounded by the packs newest editions reading stories and teaching them their letters and numbers.
Not that there were many. Despite being werewolves you couldnt produce more then one pup in your life. It stemmed from your creators. Its said your race was one never meant to be. The legend says that goddess luna had been bred with the great beast, the hound of hell himself. They had been inlove but the great beast had forced his pup into the luna. She had been terrified, the moon godess and hell hound? What beast would be the outcome? She panicked fretting day and night over the unborn worried over their fate. She almost lost the pregancy and for that the dhell hound cursed her.
This curse was one of true cruelty. The dark sire made it so luna will be barren after his seed had left her dead or alive. It was a curse to ensure she would be careful when carrying his precious child. To force its creation.
And even then he wasnt satisfied with her, he was soo angry that she had almost failed him and had tried to sway him from such hexes with her body. That he extenderd his curse onto all female decendants. It was barbaric to think about. Taking something like that away from the decendants. Punishing an entire race for her almost failing him?
Luckily in her fear for her child luna created a small reprieve. She created bonds, soul mates. She had been so frightened of the beast she would birth, of the life her child would endure she gifted them with a soul mate. Someone who would love them unconditionally and walk this world with them untill the end.
But even then the dark sire found a way to mar such beauty! His curse out manoeuvred the lunas gracious gift. Not only would a female ever have one chance at producing a pup. Now they could only conceive that one pup with their soul mate, managing to bind the two spells into one twisted gnarled curse that clu g to every generation of lycan.
Most treasure the life mate they are given, love and protect them. Defend them and create a family and nest together living in harmony. But it is a mans world, and even in the twenty first century some men see themselves above such things. Mikhail is one of those men. He found you to be lacking, he wants a model. One of the slim vapid and quite frankly stupid females. A blonde beta that was acustomed to the goings on in the bedroom.
And so he took her, destroying the soul bond you began to create in favour of giving another the bite. Your mate had found you lacking and bound himself to another. And the second your soulmate took another as his intended your dreams of a happy future crumbled.
You had heard about this but never witnessed it. And never thought this would happen to you. Dont get anything wrong. You were the soon to be alphas true mate, and he intended to use you for his heir. Yet he would raise it with that blonde tart. Youd be the nanny untill the pup was old enough to forsake you. And then youd live out your days alone and cold.
No. no! Your resolve made you argue. Finally you snapped out, called him cruel and dishonourable. To your shame you wept. Repeating what he had said to you that very morning. About how he promised to honour you as his soul mate. How he was eager to see your bond grow and he wanted to spend some time at the alters to give thanks to luna for gifting him his female so young.
Yet he laughed, he denied all of your acusations. Called you pathetic and delusional. And painted a much more pitiful picture. Claiming youd begged for him on all fours like a truley desperate bitch in heat. That he wanted to wait because he belived you were mistaken. That he was sure you were not his mate. And he wanted some time to cool off before speaking further about it because you were hysterical.
Youd been laughed out of the village. Youd gotten yourself so worked up at that point, acted to out of chatacter that the others had belived his lies. Yet still some seemed to belive you. Or perhaps it was pity. You been told at that point to go and stay in the house of reflection. A tiny cabin away from the village normally used for people being banished for a few weeks.
It had been when you were on your way youd strayed in you dispair. Only halting when you saw the dim, frightfull trail that disappeared into the forbidden sires wood. Your pack was said to be the oldest. That you lived on the ancestral motherland. That the dark sires power lingered within the wood itself and you should be wary, for anyone could unknowingly draw him out.
Your eyes focused on the lesser traveled paths, bearly visable to the naked eye. Was he here? Did he know what he had done? Could you plead with the dark sire? Make a bargin like you could with any other god or demon? Would he show mercy?
You contemplated these thoughts, toying with them as you wandered further into the sires wood. It wasnt like anyone would see you or reprimand you for veering off the path. No one in the pack would defy the alphas heir and seek you out in your shamefull banishment.you walked quietly, mind jumping from vengeful anger and cruel hopes and wishes all the way back to sobbing panicked anxiety with a mournfull depression seeping into your bones.
And then you stepped on uneven ground. The soft earth and crunch of gravel beneath your feet pulled you from your silent weeping. You blinked pawing your eyes and glanced around you. What the?
Your feet had carried you down a shallow bank to a small stream. The trees were thicker here, yet the small stream seemed open and peacfull. It was beautiful, the clear water trickling down towards the packs village gave a gentle calming feel, the sound almost lulling you.
You spun trying to see where you had come from only to pause. The shallow bank youd walked down was actually a swooping path, curling around a huge stone. Sigils were carved into the rock face. And achient looking brick arch decorated in old runes and scripture. To stone was smooth within the arch, chisled to perfection there was ivy and moss covering some of the structure but it was mostly clear.
You inched closer to the odd stone, it was pale with tiny flecks od crystal flickering in the lowmlight of the dying sun. You could almost mistake it for light granite with quartz ingrained into it, but no? There was something different about it. You stepped back tilting your head inspecting it. And then focused on the inscription. You laughed out loud seeing the chant you'd get scolded for singing as a child. The adults said it was bad luck and draw the dark sires attention.
But that what you hoped for right now wasnt it?
"I seek the sire of these bones. Cast your shadow on my home. Hear me now answer my plea, and my soul be yours eternally" The summoning rhyme felt strange on your tongue. It was silly really, the small hex like lymirick was something children uttered in the woods late on hallows eve to frightene one another. A foolish game played in the dark like bloody mary.
You blinked waiting halfheartedly before sighing. Suddenly feeling very stupid for uttering the silly spell. Of course it wouldnt work, the dark sire and luna were nonsense! Your kind were interbred, a shifter mating gone wrong!
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"Now this is a nice surprise. Its not often im called by an omega. Tell me young one are you brave or stupid?" You screamed snapping your head up and quivered as the smooth stone seemed to have filled with smoke, a dark black mist curling its way within the stone, clearing slowly revealing what appeared to be a window peaking into a cavernous space. And then you saw a dark silhouette.
"Oh, oh god i? You... your real" you staggered back from the stonework stumbling over your own feet and fell over landing in the shallow stream that ran through the darkened glenn. A part of you didnt believe your eyes, you shook your head covering your eyes, rubbing them slightly before opening again.
It was when you looked back up to saw the feared sire of your kind. He was draped in black robes from another time. The black smothered him, wafting around his form as if guided by his own awe inspiring power. He was stunning, it was unsettling. The volatile ill tempered powerfull spitefull sire that cast curses and claimed revenge was never said to be this beautiful.
He sat tall, straight in his seat. Eyes the brightest blue you had ever seen. Like two sapphires gleaming in the dark. His face was stunning, carved by the gods to give you a false sense of security. He was clearly designed to entice and tempt you. And tempt you he did, the teasing smirk on his face told you he knew. He knew you were flushed, squirming under his gaze.
"Indeed little one, now dry your eyes and speak your piece, you have a plea do you not?" his smooth voice carried clearly, a slight echo from the chamber around him causing a shiver to climb up your spine.
"I... i am... i have a request..." you stuttered, slowly realising this may have been a mistake. Perhaps in your grief you shouldn't have been so rash and tempted fate. Because now you were face to face with the sire who as a child youd prayed did not exsist, he had cursed an entire race to spite the luna.
"Oo a request? I am intrigued, just what would a delicate ripe omega scenting her first heat wish to ask of the big bad hell hound? What is it you wish to ask of your races evil sire?" His glee made you falter, eyes flicking to him to the floor. You just? There was something frightful about him. You were glad you had fallen, becuase the quivering fear that wracked you would have made your knees weak and collapse anyway.
"I suppose i have? Well er... i came to ask you to... to lift your magic, and allow me to overcome your spell and have a pup with a choosen mate, not my intended" you fumbled over your words, stumbling and stuttering terrified to insult him but more terrified to remain silent and anger him. Not that youd planned to even meet him! I mean in your spite youd fantasised about it, calling the mihty sire to your aid and have him punish mikhail for you. But it wasnt really meant to happen, or even be a possibility.
He chuckled errily and you froze. A cold chill wrapped around you, you couldn't help feeling that youd just made a grave mistake.
"Oh my dear, you are a very deciving. To think such an innocent looking female would be so very naughty. That you would seek a child outside of your precious lunas gift? Tut tut" his voice dropped, lowering to such a tone you could hear the gravel from the ground digging into the words. You paled drawing panicked breaths, as he rose. His height seeming to grew beyond what was possible.
"Im almost tempted to make you barren for even asking me to aid you in such a betrayal." The words were a violent growl. He was offended. Surely you must know his own story. His own love betraying him so calously which insighted his rage and curse. Fear gripped at you as the sire raised a hand, a deep purple miasma began to coil around it, a serpentine length of magic coiling threateningly between his fingers, glowing brighter as the seconds passed. The purple became a haze, seeping into the air reflecting his face in the vallainous light.
"No, no its not that please- he said he wanted to wait. My mate he said for us to wait before bonding, that he was going to lunas alter to thank luna for granting him a mate abut then? He betrayed me! He ripped our mating bond apart by claiming another! Raced to her bed while i waited like a fool" You cried out crawling forward slightly remaining on the ground
He paused, his magic dimming. Fingers clenching slightly threatening to kill the magic. A single brow arched and his mouth drew into a frown. You took that as a sign to continue, to expalin and plead your case. You had been wronged, just as he had all those years ago. You hoped he would give you leniency and help you in your request. You slumped back down not caring that you were sitting in the shallow stream.
"H-he wanted a slim, tall athletic female. He likes blondes. Im not... he mated and gave her the bite. I felt it, it hurt, still aches. Then lied! The pack thinks im mad, he said i was delusional when i recited the promises he made." you held a hand to your heart absentmindedly rubbing trying to sooth the physical pain the loss caused.
"I dont care for him now. I cant but? But he had me cast out of the pack for my first heat for embarasing him. I yelled and swore at him." You uttered softly, tears welling in your eyes. You mourned. Grieved for all you had lost. A home, family, mate, a pup! A life you had always wanted. To be a mother and have your own nest to raise them in. You had longed for it, so much so youd come and seek out the forbidden sire and plead for help.
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You paused for a moment before locking eyes with the sire who hovered ever closer to the almost frosted madic portal sealin him from you. He was inches from it, haveing prowled closer to hear your plea.
"He has left me alone. I... all i wanted was my own mate and pup. Now i will never... now i will be forced to birth him a pup only to have them stolen by his chosen mate once the pup has weane. And then i cannot have another to raise myself. I willnever have a child or mate or home. I am completely alone, and im begging you please, please sire if its in your power at all please grant me the ability to have a second chance. Another pup one of my own, with who i chose. A pup i may keep, please dont let my mediocre looks take what i have longed for" you whimpered, slowly drawing closer to the portal. Kneeling with your head bowed in respect understanding your precarious position, awaiting what ever he decided to do.
"Poor little one. Forsaken by your mate, your goddess and soon your pack? To think you will never be the mother you wished to be. That your form wont be used to its upmost potential." The breath hitched in your throat, heart stuttering in your chest as his words caressed your form, softly slipping over you. His eyes glazeing a bright orange only to return to the impeccable blue. The icey eyes lingered on your chest he smirked showing a single fang that seemed to elongate just to pin his own bottom lip to hos lower teeth, eyes squinting with a sultry mirth. He lapping his lower lip as if to sooth it from his own sharp fang.
"It is cruel is it not? The deciet and betrayal of one promised to you? Ruining your entire existence without a care, making there own plans for you. Useing you." Hisssing words entwined themselves into an almost soothing siren song. Pretty awful words thatheld a heavy meaning hung in the air like wisps of poison. Threatening to taint your very being.
"I know of that feeling, the bitter sorrow and painfull ache. The lonliness that eats away at your very being, blackening your heart until you are made a beast of your own burden" he paused, takeing a deeper breath tilting his head at you eyes twinkling with an odd appraisal of you. Then he blinked slow heaving a deep sigh and flicked his gaze the the edges of the portal that seperated the two off you.
"You are like me arent you little omega? Alone; Truly alone with absolutely no one to hold you close in the everlasting dakness. An unworthy mate abandoning you so callously creating nothing but a bleak empty future for you" He crouched, lowering himself bending his knees shifting his weight to his tip toes. He hesitantly pressed a palm to the frosted portals barrier just above your eyesight. You flinchted with a slight yelp, still awating some form of punish,ent for dareing to even seak him out. But he hushed you drewig your eyes back to him. His palm lied flat on the opaque surface. The portal glistened shimmering around his skin in uncomfortable crackles of glistening magic.
"Yes young one,I too am alone my sweet. Rejected by my own heart, i loved her so. Adored her from afar with a longing no mortal coild ever endure. I spent a millenina waiting, hoping praying for her to notice me." You inched closer and closer, becoming invested in his words. His legend was always spoken in hushed fearful words, yet you always wondered if there was more to the tale. It would seem there was, and he seemed willing to share the story.
The sire continued, a melancholy shrouding him a deep calming acceptance surrounded him. He looked wistfull, longing. Hurt. Your chest clenched, you knew these feelings. Though yours had not had the time to ease as his did. Yours were raw, like severed nerves stining and throbbing with each breath and beat of your broken heart. But still you listened intently, as if he may indeed have a remedy for your pain.
"And then she did, she accepted me. Laughed with me, we shared our hopes and dreams with one another. I bedded her and she turned on me when the dawn broke. She used me for her own carnal pleasure. It was a game in which i would always lose"
"She fled crying wolf, had me imprisoned after spouting her lies. And then threatened to rid herself of my seed. That is why your kind only birth one child" you gasped shaking your head as you realised he was speaking of your worshiped luna. Youd thought he had loved another before her.
"No that cant be... luna would never.." you voice trailed off, there was no way? She was good, kind, pure. She was your all mother, life bringer the one you thanked for each mateing and birth. Surely she had not twisted her tale to such a degree.
"Oh but she did. I merely ensured my childs survival by curseing her very own mother. I did nothing more then curse luna" the words held a sting, a bite that only truth could provide. You knew he was speaking the truth, revealing the lunas millenina long secret.
"Contrary to what you were taught or belive. I am not the one who limited your procreation, or any other females. Nor am i the reasonmyour life mate is the only possible partner. That was seen to by luna herself when she hastily threw her spell together forour daughter gehenna. She is terribly jealous, she made you suffer her own fate" The male shrugged before sneering. His lips curling with rage and disgust. He was sickened by the past, angered and hurt. The emotions made his eyes flare brightly once more but he didnt stop. Couldnt stop, like he finally had the chance to get this off his chest. Someone was finally willing to listen. But it didnt seem like he was trying to win you over, it was more like he was getting a release hexd craved. He was venting? You felt privileged, in a fascinated frightened kind of way.
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The sire heaved a deep sigh, feeling lighter after relieving himself so thoroughly. But he managed to compose himself before you truley noticed how much he had needed that. Instead of leaving you to mull over the new rendition of the old tale he smiled weakly at you. Eyes now regarding you with a thoughtful look.
"So you see I understand your pain well child. Once we are cast aside we are said to be forever alone. Yet perhaps not? All is not lost. I could still intervene as you are untouchedby that filth luna so cruely paired you with" his words caught your attention. He could help? He could actually help you conquer your mate and pack? Free you?
"Not alone? I could? You can help me?" You asked desperation clawing at your words,with painfully raw pleading on the tip of your tongue. He spike before you could utter another word.
"Of course sweetling. You have sought me out. A kindered spirit, we have been wronged young one. A great injustice brought about by self-righteous fools that would mock us for our loving hearts, they would celebrate in our misery. Watch as we descend into the darkest depths of loathing and dispair" he grinned down at you and brought his hand to his chest dipping his head forward. You sniffled, pawing at your eyes wimpering trying to fend off the tears. But it was hard as his words resounded around you. Reiterating your fate making it a reality.
"Hush my dear, its okay. Would you like to know what ixd do for you? Yes? Oh my little darling I would see and end to that suffering before it has even truly began. It would be such a shame to let you go without the love of a pup. It would be a travesty for such a young gentle obedient omega to be denied that which she craves so desperately" you nodded with him, feeling your heart thinder in your chest. But the dread and fear coiling in your gut softened as he began cooing softly. Drawing you closer, tempting you.
"I can remove lunas selfish magic from you, allow you to be the exception to the rule. Twist the wretched restrictions thus turning the tide in your favour and gift you pups" he finally admitted offering you a empathetic look. Eyes sparkling with promise.
"You will? You can i didnt?! I wasnt sure; thank you! Thank you so much" you sobbed quietly, hanging your head crying into your hands softly as the relief washed over you.
"Ah ah, hold on a moment sweet girl. With everything there is a price, all magic has an exchange. Whats given must be taken from somewhere and there is a cost to this boon." He said quickly, tapping a finger against the portal drawing your eyes back up to him.
"Though your womb will ripen once more, it will be at the expense of your life mates own virility. Do you know what that would mean pet?" He asked gently
"Th-that Mikhail would become sterile?" You asked slowly wiping your nose and patting your eyes wanting to retain some sort of dignity and not wpbe seen as a completely pathetic child.
"Indeed. And one other thing my sweet girl. It must be me who gifts you the pups. Myself" you swore his fangs lengthened again at his admission. The sire sat still watchingnyou from his chamber, a predtory glint in his eye. Hunger of the flesh. You blinked up at him not understanding for a moment then it dawned on you.
"You? That means I'd? That we would have to?" You trailed off pointing between yourself and him. The penny dropped and you began to blush realising he meant to mate you himself. Oh god?! Sex with him? You couldnt!
"We would have to bond and mate. Just as you would have with your own mate had he not been so blind"
"But you said it was luna who made us fertile in our bond. I-if you give me fertility why would i need to?" You questioned becoming flustered. But you couldnt deny you werent entirely agaist the idea. He was a very handsome male. Godly even, beautiful and powerfull a prefect mate to protect you and you pup. He smiled shaking his head showing off his perfectly sculpted face, enjoying the way you drank in his form, this time imagening him naked.
"My sweet girl, i cannot completly remove a hex that has been bred in to you over generations. I am powerfull but even i have my limitations. I can tweak things, alter and twist the magic untill it is in your favour. I can grant you your pups, but only within a mating bond. This is the most i can offer you omega" his explanation rang out with a sense of finality putting his offer on the table so to speak.
"I? But i dont know how would we? I mean if we do... im here and your there.." you frowned still trying to figure out if he was toying with you. Afterall it was said he was a trickster. He could just be telling you what you want to hear, preying on your moment of weakness.
"Well you would have to free me my sweet female. Theres no other way around it. You have that ability, all omega do. You just need to ask. Just reach for me, let me bond you. Become my anchor in your realm and guide me through to you" he chuckled at you, half amused at you trying to poke holes in his deal and find loop holes, and half proud of his prospective omega. You were a quick thinking little thing with a good head on your shoulders
"F-free you? But... wont that be bad? You might hurt someone?" He paused, regarding you for a moment. So that was it. You were concerned he'd live up to his reputation and harm someone. It was sweet, in a sad kind of way. Your loving heart wanted to protect those around you even when they cut you so deep. He found his voice once more and began tomcrfully weave his web. He could see you giving him a future, the more he learned of you the more he needed you. You were his salvation he could taste it.
"On the contrary my sweet omega, it will be glorious. I will serve you faithfully. Not only love and cherish you but destroy all who would seek to harm my mate and children."
"You would be the mate of one of the ancient beings. All my power will be yours to command I assure you, I will reward you. Id sow my seed within you again and again untill we have our own litter. I would make us our very own safe haven, give you your own pack to rule"His silver tongue contined to work its magic, useing his words carefully making sure you knew exactly what he was offering. He'd give you a life tht others envied if only youd release him from his imprisonment.
"L-litter? More then one? You can... thats, no one ever" you uttered breathlessly. U able to think of such a thing. It was too much to hope for, but then again? It was magic. He was casting a spell, breaking a curse. So it could be possible, couldnt it?
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Seeing you come around, thinking over his words and the possibilities he could make a reality he spoke once again. Building on what he had said. Painting a picture for you tempting you with a life no other omega had been blessed with.
"I will gift you your males virility, he can mate with humans over and ofer can he not? Leaving a trail of filthy half bloods? I would give you anything you asked for. I would create a family and pack just to spite our selfish life mates."
"Gift you as many pups as you like. I will see you birth twins, triplets! And i will do more then that. I will fight for you. Kill that pitiful alpha of yours and force your mate to watch as you; his denied omega become the envy of all females! bareing pup after pup.I will make you the luna, all will worship you. Even the goddess herself would watch your glory. Packs far and wide all bow to you. The single female who bore her own pack. The one beautiful omega capable of birthing sliblings" his rant became almost desperate. His eye glowing and blown wide. But even through to almost manic decleration you didnt feel threatened. No, only inspired. He was swaying you didnt seem to care. Maybe you were to lost in your own head to realise. Or maybe your pack had just crossed one line too many.
"I dont want to rule... i just want family. Pups and love" he chuckled once more, the honestly in your statment was adorable. It remided him that you were but a tiny wisp of a thing. Youd settle for a single child and tiny home. Yet he would give you the world should you free him.
"I will give that to you. I swear to you, i will cherish you as my saviour, my mate and my wife. I can make you a mother over and over. Imagine a small battalion of pups at our feet." You sighed, smiling. You could imagine that, an army of tiny feet running around you. Pudgy hands reaching for you calling out mama with happy smiling faces. You wanted that, longed for it!
"Imagine the look on your mates face when he sees you as pack luna. When he and his chosen harlot bow to you. When they spy you pregnant again, with a pup already on your hip. Imagine forcing that blonde cunt to tend to you. Watching longingly as you birth another and another while she remains bonded to a sterile 'prized' male. Imagine knowing our little secret~ that youve mated the sire of all sires. That your pups father is the most powerful of all. Imagine knowing that mate and his disrespectful whore will endure a fate they had so cruely tried to bestow upon you?" you drew a breath as the sire words grew harsh, menacing. Yet you didnt feel shame or fear. No. You felt a deep burning need.
Yes. Yes you wanted that to, not just a pup but you wanted something more. You wanted revenge. You wanted to taste a victory over the male who'd thrown you aside so quickly. Wanted to ruin him, make him pay the price. You wanted to force him to endure this painfull fear. You wanted to be in control. To taste power, to know what it felt like to be protected by a powerfull male. To birth heirs and have a bloodline. But most of all? You wanted to be vindicated. To prove yourself worthy when your pack decided you wasnt.
"I... is it bad that i want that? I want them to... to know, to get their just deserts" you uttered slowly trying to feel some guilt, or shame. Something! Anything!
"No. Its natural my girl. You want retribution, you crave for karma and fairness. And you crave justice so much you have sought out the one they fear. I commend you for it. Your bravery has touched me. I can say our bond will not be a loveless one. I dare say you'll spend a majorityof your time full of me one way or another" He grinned at you, cooing sweetly before praising you. He understood, and didnt judge. It made you relax it was as if you were asking permission. And he had granted it.
"So what do you say little one? Will you free me? Set me loose on those who have turned their back on you? Allow me to provide you with everything you are owed? Will you let me cater to your every whim for the rest of your mortal life?" The sore finally asked stareing at you in a kox of excitement and knowing. As if he already knew the answer youd give him, like he didnt need to ask properly.
"I shouldnt. They say you are silver tongued. A trickster that will twist words into fairytales to seek your own end. That you will destory our kind, run us into the ground" your voice quivered, eyes glossjng over once more as you tried to clrea your head once more. Surely you cant really be consideringnthis? It was maddness!
"Why would I destroy what i put on this earth? I created your race in lunas womb. I wont destroy it, i want to nourish it. To give it new strength. New life" he argued softly, bareing himself in the most intimate of ways. He may be coniving, hurt and so etimes bitterly cruel. But he did want to boost the race he helped sire. He never intended something born of his love to become so painfully unhappy. He sometimes regretted his first born and the suffering her creation had caused to so many. He couldnt take it back, but he could help if given the chance. This was his chance.
"You wont cast me aside?" You whispered to him, barely letting out a sound. Frightened he'd only toy with you and throw you aside. You were hurt and afraid of being used again.
"Absolutly not. I will make you a shinning beacon to all. You will remain by my side. I swear on gehennas memory. On the blood even." The conviction in his words sounded true. But you couldnt held doubt them. Mikhail had been convincing, whats to say you wouldnt fall for another males bluff once more?
"Look at me omega" you did. Snappingnyour gaze to the stern male. He looked frightfull, lips a thin line brows furrowed. Yet there was a softness to his eyes. Something sincere and almost pained, he looked hurt. Pleading almost? Like he just wanted someone to trust in him.
"I make an oath to you. Release me and you will not know loneliness, or pain or suffering again. Accept me as your mate, i will see to the rest" you sat still for a moment, debating the stories of this creature. He was said to be deceitful, to have lied and bedded the luna and curse her for daring to fall pregnant against his wishes.
But it would seem it was the luna who had been deceitful. She had lied, twisted the tale and she was to reason for the mating bonds restrictions. A mistake in a hasty spell within the blood fucking over generations of females.
You flicked your gaze to the male before you. His hand splayed on the barrier a hopeful look on his face. Without even pausing to think of the unforseen consequences you brought a hand to his. In that moment all you saw was a male willing to save you from a miserable loveless existence. A male who promised protection and something similar to love. And right now with your broken spirit he was the lesser of two evils. He was a chance to create your own future, and youll take it.
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