#and these are priced with government and employment agencies only in mind instead of consumers
razzek · 8 months
I waaaaant but even with a grant I'd still have to make about $2k appear out of nowhere. ;_;
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phroyd · 3 years
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I’m not going to pretend that I know how to interpret the jobs and inflation data of the past few months. My view is that this is still an economy warped by the pandemic, and that the dynamics are so strange and so unstable that it will be some time before we know its true state. But the reaction to the early numbers and anecdotes has revealed something deeper and more constant in our politics.
The American economy runs on poverty, or at least the constant threat of it. Americans like their goods cheap and their services plentiful and the two of them, together, require a sprawling labor force willing to work tough jobs at crummy wages. On the right, the barest glimmer of worker power is treated as a policy emergency, and the whip of poverty, not the lure of higher wages, is the appropriate response.Reports that low-wage employers were having trouble filling open jobs sent Republican policymakers into a tizzy and led at least 25 Republican governors — and one Democratic governor — to announce plans to cut off expanded unemployment benefits early. Chipotle said that it would increase prices by about 4 percent to cover the cost of higher wages, prompting the National Republican Congressional Committee to issue a blistering response: “Democrats’ socialist stimulus bill caused a labor shortage, and now burrito lovers everywhere are footing the bill.” The Trumpist outlet The Federalist complained, “Restaurants have had to bribe current and prospective workers with fatter paychecks to lure them off their backsides and back to work.”But it’s not just the right. The financial press, the cable news squawkers and even many on the center-left greet news of labor shortages and price increases with an alarm they rarely bring to the ongoing agonies of poverty or low-wage toil.
As it happened, just as I was watching Republican governors try to immiserate low-wage workers who weren’t yet jumping at the chance to return to poorly ventilated kitchens for $9 an hour, I was sent “A Guaranteed Income for the 21st Century,” a plan that seeks to make poverty a thing of the past. The proposal, developed by Naomi Zewde, Kyle Strickland, Kelly Capatosto, Ari Glogower and Darrick Hamilton for the New School’s Institute on Race and Political Economy, would guarantee a $12,500 annual income for every adult and a $4,500 allowance for every child. It’s what wonks call a “negative income tax” plan — unlike a universal basic income, it phases out as households rise into the middle class.
“With poverty, to address it, you just eliminate it,” Hamilton told me. “You give people enough resources so they’re not poor.” Simple, but not cheap. The team estimates that its proposal would cost $876 billion annually. To give a sense of scale, total federal spending in 2019 was about $4.4 trillion, with $1 trillion of that financing Social Security payments and another $1.1 trillion support Medicaid, Medicare, the Affordable Care Act and the Children’s Health Insurance Program.
Beyond writing that the plan “would require new sources of revenue, additional borrowing or trade-offs with other government funding priorities,” Hamilton and his co-authors don’t say how they’d pay for it, and in our conversation, Hamilton was cagey. “There are many ways in which it can be paid for and deficit spending itself is not bad unless there are certain conditions,” he said. I’m less blasé about financing a program that would increase federal spending by almost 20 percent, but at the same time, it’s clearly possible. Even if the entire thing was funded by taxes, it would only bring America’s tax burden to roughly the average of our peer nations.
I suspect the real political problem for a guaranteed income isn’t the costs, but the benefits. A policy like this would give workers the power to make real choices. They could say no to a job they didn’t want, or quit one that exploited them. They could, and would, demand better wages, or take time off to attend school or simply to rest. When we spoke, Hamilton tried to sell it to me as a truer form of capitalism. “People can’t reap the returns of their effort without some baseline level of resources,” he said. “If you lack basic necessities with regards to economic well-being, you have no agency. You’re dictated to by others or live in a miserable state.”
But those in the economy with the power to do the dictating profit from the desperation of low-wage workers. One man’s misery is another man’s quick and affordable at-home lunch delivery. “It is a fact that when we pay workers less and don’t have social insurance programs that, say, cover Uber and Lyft drivers, we are able to consume goods and services at lower prices,” Hilary Hoynes, an economist at the University of California at Berkeley, where she also co-directs the Opportunity Lab, told me.
This is the conversation about poverty that we don’t like to have: We discuss the poor as a pity or a blight, but we rarely admit that America’s high rate of poverty is a policy choice, and there are reasons we choose it over and over again. We typically frame those reasons as questions of fairness (“Why should I have to pay for someone else’s laziness?”) or tough-minded paternalism (“Work is good for people, and if they can live on the dole, they would”). But there’s more to it than that.
It is true, of course, that some might use a guaranteed income to play video games or melt into Netflix. But why are they the center of this conversation? We know full well that America is full of hardworking people who are kept poor by very low wages and harsh circumstance. We know many who want a job can’t find one, and many of the jobs people can find are cruel in ways that would appall anyone sitting comfortably behind a desk. We know the absence of child care and affordable housing and decent public transit makes work, to say nothing of advancement, impossible for many. We know people lose jobs they value because of mental illness or physical disability or other factors beyond their control. We are not so naïve as to believe near-poverty and joblessness to be a comfortable condition or an attractive choice.
Most Americans don’t think of themselves as benefiting from the poverty of others, and I don’t think objections to a guaranteed income would manifest as arguments in favor of impoverishment. Instead, we would see much of what we’re seeing now, only magnified: Fears of inflation, lectures about how the government is subsidizing indolence, paeans to the character-building qualities of low-wage labor, worries that the economy will be strangled by taxes or deficits, anger that Uber and Lyft rides have gotten more expensive, sympathy for the struggling employers who can’t fill open roles rather than for the workers who had good reason not to take those jobs. These would reflect not America’s love of poverty but opposition to the inconveniences that would accompany its elimination.
Nor would these costs be merely imagined. Inflation would be a real risk, as prices often rise when wages rise, and some small businesses would shutter if they had to pay their workers more. There are services many of us enjoy now that would become rarer or costlier if workers had more bargaining power. We’d see more investments in automation and possibly in outsourcing. The truth of our politics lies in the risks we refuse to accept, and it is rising worker power, not continued poverty, that we treat as intolerable. You can see it happening right now, driven by policies far smaller and with effects far more modest than a guaranteed income.
Hamilton, to his credit, was honest about these trade-offs. “Progressives don’t like to talk about this,” he told me. “They want this kumbaya moment. They want to say equity is great for everyone when it’s not. We need to shift our values. The capitalist class stands to lose from this policy, that’s unambiguous. They will have better resourced workers they can’t exploit through wages. Their consumer products and services would be more expensive.”
For the most part, America finds the money to pay for the things it values. In recent decades, and despite deep gridlock in Washington, we have spent trillions of dollars on wars in the Middle East and tax cuts for the wealthy. We have also spent trillions of dollars on health insurance subsidies and coronavirus relief. It is in our power to wipe out poverty. It simply isn’t among our priorities.
“Ultimately, it’s about us as a society saying these privileges and luxuries and comforts that folks in the middle class — or however we describe these economic classes — have, how much are they worth to us?” Jamila Michener, co-director of the Cornell Center for Health Equity, told me. “And are they worth certain levels of deprivation or suffering or even just inequality among people who are living often very different lives from us? That’s a question we often don’t even ask ourselves.”
But we should.
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your-dietician · 3 years
Rebalancing the data economy: Startups for a restart
New Post has been published on https://tattlepress.com/economy/rebalancing-the-data-economy-startups-for-a-restart/
Rebalancing the data economy: Startups for a restart
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The big data era has created valuable resources for public interest outcomes, like health care. In the last 18 months, the speed with which scientists were able to respond to the covid-19 pandemic—faster than any other disease in history—demonstrated the benefits of gathering, sharing, and extracting value from data for a wider good.
Access to data from 56 million National Health Service (NHS) patients’ medical records enabled public health researchers in the UK to provide some of the strongest data on risk factors for covid mortality and features of long covid, while access to sensitive health records sped up the development of lifesaving medical treatments like the messenger-RNA vaccines produced by Moderna and Pfizer.
But balancing the benefits of data sharing with the protection of individual and organizational privacy is a delicate process—and rightly so. Governments and businesses are increasingly collecting vast amounts of data, prompting investigations, concerns around privacy, and calls for stricter regulation.
“Data increasingly powers innovation, and it needs to be used for the public good, while individual privacy is protected. This is new and unfamiliar terrain for policymaking, and it requires a careful approach,” wrote David Deming, professor and director of the Malcolm Wiener Center for Social Policy at the Harvard Kennedy School, in a recent New York Times article.
A growing number of startups—some 230 and counting, according to Data Collaboratives—are helping to empower citizens, nonprofit groups, and governments to gain more control over their data.
These startups are adopting legal and institutional structures like data trusts, cooperatives, and stewards to provide people and organizations with a means of effectively and securely gathering and using relevant data—and in the process, taking on Big Tech’s control of the data economy.
“The relationship between data and society is fundamentally broken,” says Matt Gee, CEO of Brighthive, which helps networks and organizations set up alternative governance models including data trusts, data commons, and data cooperatives.
“We think it should be more collaborative instead of competitive, it should be more open and transparent, it should be more distributed and democratic instead of monopolistic. This is how we make the gains more equitable and reduce harmful biases in data.” 
Access and control
As demonstrated by the pandemic, medical research and public health planning can be enriched by access to electronic health records, prescription and medicines data, and epidemiology. But health data are also highly sensitive, with understandable public scrutiny over efforts to share them. So-called “secondary use,” which applies personal health information for uses outside health-care delivery, requires a new governance framework.
Findata is an independent authority in the Finnish Institute of Health and Welfare, established by a government act in May 2019. The agency facilitates researchers’ access to Finnish health data, issuing permits for use or responding to specific statistical requests. In so doing, it aims to protect the interests of citizens while also appreciating the value that their data could offer to medical research, teaching, and health planning.
Prior to the formation of Findata, it was costly and complex for researchers to access this vital research resource. “The purpose of this agency is to streamline and secure the use of health data,” explains Johanna Seppänen, director of Findata.
“Before, if you wanted to have data from different registers or hospitals, you had to apply for data separately from each data controller, and there were no standard ways of handling them, no ways to determine prices. It was very time-consuming, difficult, and confusing.”
Findata is the only agency of its kind so far, but it might inspire other countries that want to realize more value from health data in a safe and secure way.
The UK’s NHS recently faced pushback from privacy campaigners over reforms to improve data sharing for public health planning, showing the challenges that can come from attempts to change data collection and sharing protocols. 
Empowerment and autonomy
Helping disenfranchised individuals and groups has been another focus area for new data governance organizations.
Data stewards—which range from community-based collectives to public or private organizations—serve as “both intermediaries and guardians during the exchange of data, thereby supporting individuals and communities to better navigate the data economy and better negotiate on their data rights,” says Suha Mohamed, strategy and partnerships associate at Aapti, an organization working on the intersection of technology and society with a focus on data rights. 
One example of where data stewards can prove useful is for individuals in the gig economy, a fast-growing labor market that has been characterized by the prevalence of short-term contracts or freelance work, as opposed to permanent jobs, and has been rife with power inequalities.  
“Asymmetric control of data is one of the primary levers of power that gig platforms use to manage their workforce and shape the narrative and public policy in the arena that they operate in,” says Hays Witt, co-founder and CEO of Driver’s Seat, a driver-owned data cooperative specializing in ride-hailing.
“Very few stakeholders have access to the data they need to engage in productive and constructive ways, starting with gig workers themselves. Our premise [at Driver’s Seat] is: let’s use tech and a data cooperative to empower gig workers to collect, aggregate, and share their data,” says Witt.
Driver’s Seat has developed a proprietary app through which workers can submit their location, work, and earnings information, which is then aggregated and analyzed. Drivers then receive insights that help them understand their real earnings and performance, informing their choices about where, when, on what platforms, and on what terms to work.
Driver’s Seat is developing tools that can tell drivers their average real pay across platforms in their city, compare their pay with averages, and tell them whether their pay is going up or down. All of this could help drivers move to platforms that offer them a better deal, empowering what is an otherwise atomized labor force.
“Our drivers are really excited to be engaged, because their day-to-day experience is seeing metrics, fed back to them by the platforms, that they don’t trust,” says Witt. “They know that the metrics are influential, their day-to-day experience is totally mediated by data. It impacts their earnings and their life, and they know it.”
Witt believes that in the future, workers will increasingly be able to contribute to crowdsourced information to develop “collective analyses of their problems, which means they can put forward collective policy solutions or agreements to negotiate with the employment platform.”
Balancing social mission and business models
All data startups, whether they are government-sanctioned institutions like Findata or entrepreneurial businesses like Driver’s Seat, face the challenge of balancing their mission with operational sustainability.
Securing a sustainable financial footing is a major challenge for nonprofit groups and social impact businesses. For data equity institutions, the funding mix commonly includes community- and membership-driven approaches, and philanthropic aid.
But some organizations, like Brighthive, have found win-win models where private sector companies are looking to improve data governance and are willing to pay for it.
Brighthive’s Gee describes commercial clients who have “seen what’s happening in the European Union around AI regulation and they want to get ahead of it in the US. They are taking a proactive stance on issues like algorithmic transparency, equity audits, and an alternative governance model for how they use customer data.”
Other data equity platforms have found revenue models in which beneficiary data can be harnessed by third parties in socially positive ways. Hays Witt at Driver’s Seat cites the example of municipal authorities and planning agencies.
Both the authorities and ride-hailing drivers have an incentive to reduce “dead time” in which a driver is circulating without earning money, causing emissions and congestion. If appropriate data can be collected, aggregated, and analyzed in a useful way, it can lead to better traffic and mobility decisions and infrastructure interventions. So, all participants benefit.
Witt points out other “neutral” cases where beneficiary data could be valuable to unrelated private sector entities in ways that do not work against the interests of the drivers. He gives the example of commercial real estate developers who are often forced to make decisions about investments and services based on out-of-date traffic and mobility data.
Driver’s Seat is exploring opportunities to offer aggregated analytics products to such companies with revenues returned as dividends to gig workers and to help finance the cooperative.
Many data startups seeking out sustainable revenue opportunities need to decide where to draw the line in terms of the kind of work they are willing to take on or the kind of businesses they’re willing to work with.
Brighthive’s Matt Gee points to growing investor interest in startups that can help companies navigate the end of “cookies,” which have been critical to third-party advertising but are now being phased out. “Investors are concerned about the death of third-party data and are hungry for companies addressing that,” he says.
But as socially minded startups gain more business from corporate clients, they need to balance their mission for social good with the financial gain of lucrative contracts.
“Is being a public benefit corporation more about what you do and how you do it, or who you work with? If we work on a data collaborative that provides transparency and accountability for marketing organizations pooling customer lists, are we actually reducing societal harm? These are questions that our team is constantly grappling with,” says Gee.
Data startups will inevitably face challenges, including balancing social mission, ethics, and business models, but as the data economy continues to grow, they are in a unique position to carve out new ways of responsibly leveraging the insight that data can provide for citizens, organizations, and governments—wresting some of the power over data away from Big Tech.
“Our data economy needs to anchor on creating value for everyone in society, and that requires user control, trusted intermediation, and collective governance to be embedded in innovative data stewardship models,” says Sushant Kumar, principal of responsible technology at social change venture Omidyar Network.
“Onboarding a critical mass of users, receiving regulatory support, and achieving financial sustainability will also ensure these designs succeed in disrupting the status quo and injecting fairness into the current paradigm.”
This content was produced by Insights, the custom content arm of MIT Technology Review. It was not written by MIT Technology Review’s editorial staff.
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2:00PM Water Cooler 7/26/2019
Digital Elixir 2:00PM Water Cooler 7/26/2019
By Lambert Strether of Corrente
Patient readers, I had a household event and got a late start. I’ll return with more shortly. –lambert
“Trump Says Apple Won’t Get China Tariff Relief” [Industry Week]. “The president tweeted on Friday, ‘Apple will not be given Tariff wavers, or relief, for Mac Pro parts that are made in China. Make them in the USA, no Tariffs!’” • If we can, without an industrial policy of any kind….
“But what is government itself, but the greatest of all reflections on human nature?” –James Madison, Federalist 51
“They had one weapon left and both knew it: treachery.” –Frank Herbert, Dune
“2020 Democratic Presidential Nomination” [RealClearPolitics] (average of five polls). As of July 24: Biden flat at 28.6% (28.6), Sanders up at 15.0% (14.8%), Warren up at 15.0% (14.6%), Buttigieg up at 4.8% (5.0%), Harris down 12.2% (12.6%), others Brownian motion.
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Puerto Rico
Against stupidity the Gods themselves contend in vain:
Hi David, I worked in Florida for @BarackObama in 2012. Respectfully, as Obama’s campaign architect, there’s a bit more listening in order. One of many frustrations that drive Puerto Ricans to the streets is the Austerity Board that Obama signed into law and imposed on PR. https://t.co/4DaFAHzqpJ
— Ricardo A. Ramírez (@RicardoEnDC) July 25, 2019
I guess Plouffe was too busy cashing in at Uber to keep up.
“Pelosi downplays differences with Ocasio-Cortez after talk” [Associated Press]. “‘In our caucus we have our differences. Respect that instead of making a big issue of it,’ Pelosi told reporters, displaying a little exasperation with the media’s fixation with their relationship. ‘We just had a meeting to clear the air.’ Corbin Trent, a spokesman for Ocasio-Cortez, said, “It was a very positive and productive meeting about progressive priorities.’” • Like, ya know, the “Green Dream or whatever.”
Realignment and Legitimacy
The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (@CISAgov) is a thing. Thread:
.@CISAKrebs, speaking at #ICCS2019, says the Obama administration was "caught a little flat-footed" on election interference in 2016.
“We’re not going to be caught flat-footed again. We’re ready for what they’re going to bring at us.”
— Eric Geller (@ericgeller) July 25, 2019
Again, there’s only one litmus test for balloting: Hand-marked paper ballots, hand-counted in public. Anybody who tries to sell you a digital intermediary is selling fraud.
“Structure, Subjecthood, & Socialist Workers: A Response to the Bread & Roses Labor Resolution” [The Organizer]. • Can’t take a position one way or another. But again, this encouragingly serious.
Stats Watch
The Bezzle: “Atlanta pauses scooter permits after deaths” [NBC]. “Atlanta’s mayor put a pause on the city’s issuance of permits for smartphone-based electric scooter rentals Thursday following two recent deaths. Like many U.S. cities, Atlanta is trying to figure out how to deal with the sudden appearance of startups that offer dockless, electric scooters that are rentable via smartphones.” • “Sudden appearance” = regulatory arbitrage.
The Bezzle: “McKinsey Advised Johnson & Johnson on Increasing Opioid Sales” [New York Times]. “One lawsuit stated that McKinsey advised a pharmaceutical company to ‘get more patients on higher doses of opioids’ and study techniques ‘for keeping patients on opioids longer.’ And in a civil trial that wrapped up last week, Oklahoma joined two other states — Massachusetts and New Jersey — in showing that McKinsey offered advice to a drug company on how to increase opioid sales at a time when abuse of its pain medicine was widespread. Although McKinsey is not a defendant, Oklahoma used McKinsey consulting records to help build its case.” • Have I run this clip from Michael Clayton before? It’s about a large law firm, but it might as well be about McKinsey:
How do they sleep nights?
The Bezzle: “Tesla Loses a Founder, and a Piece of Its Soul” [Industry Week]. “On Wednesday, as Tesla announced that it had delivered 95,356 cars in its most recent quarter and another net loss, it also revealed that [J.B.] Straubel will cede his CTO position and step away from the daily grind to become an adviser to the company. For longtime Tesla watchers, it’s an astonishing change. Straubel, 43, represents, alongside Elon Musk, the soul of the automaker—a true believer in electric cars and how they could reshape the world…. [S]traubel very much was the Woz to Musk’s Jobs and so many of the great parts of Tesla emanated from the spirit of that kid playing with batteries in his backyard.” • The author was Musk’s biographer, which no doubt accounts for his curious notion that Tesla has a soul.
The Biosphere
“The Risk of Conflict Rises as the World Heats Up” [Scientific American]. “Scientists who study the issue say one of the clearest findings so far on climate change and state security is the former’s role in increasing the risk of domestic conflict. “There’s a lot of evidence that internal stability of societies is strongly coupled to the climate,” says Solomon Hsiang, a professor of public policy and director of the Global Policy Laboratory at the University of California, Berkeley. He and other researchers have been looking at historical events to see if climate factors have increased the risk of conflict, and used their findings to extrapolate what might happen as global warming intensifies. One of Hsiang’s studies found, for instance, that the risk of civil conflict in African countries has risen 11 percent since 1980 because of the warming climate… How climate might influence international conflicts is not as clear. ” • So that’s good news. I was thinking we’d need the oil for the Pentagon. I guess we’ll just need it for the cops and the National Guard.
“Water Shortages, Murder, and Chaos: The Grim Future of Heat Waves” [Vice]. “Compare that to India’s heat wave and drought earlier this summer, during which police had to guard water deliveries from rioters. A water tanker driver was beaten up, one man stabbed six people, and a 33-year-old named D Anand Babu died after being attacked with logs and “hacked with deadly weapons.” He’d reportedly confronted an older man and his three sons for taking large amounts of water from a public tap. That heat-related brutality seems shocking, but climate change could make it more common. A violence researcher contacted by VICE, Iowa State University’s Andreas Miles-Novelo, suggests that the difference between the outcomes of each heat wave comes down to the U.S. being in a temperate climate and having more abundant natural resources. He warns that as rising global temperatures make extreme events and conditions more common, not even America’s vast environmental privilege will make its citizens immune from violence.”
“65% of online gamers face threats, stalking, other ‘severe harassment’” [CNET]. “Online gaming may be popular and fun, but it’s not without pitfalls. More than 70% of online gamers have experienced some form of harassment, according to a survey released Thursday from the Anti-Defamation League’s Center on Technology and Society. And 65% of players said they’ve experienced “severe harassment,” including physical threats, stalking and sustained harassment…. Among online gamers who experience harassment, 53% reported being targeted based on their race, religion, ability, gender, sexual orientation or ethnicity, according to the ADL. Nearly 30% also report being doxed, which means having their contact or other personal information published online.” • What do our gamer readers think of this?
“The happiness of the otaku: Daydreaming to well-being” [Japan Times]. “Otaku now is mostly taken to mean people with an obsessive interest in something, particularly manga and anime. The nickname seems to have come about because of a feeling that such people are socially withdrawn and never progress beyond calling other people by super-formal pronouns. And while there has been some reclaiming of the name, there is still a negative connotation attached to it…. Yoshinori Sugiura and Tomoko Sugiura of Hiroshima University surveyed 800 adults and scored them for their consumption of ‘otaku contents’ — that is, the amount of time they spent watching anime or playing video games, their sense of well being and their tendency to daydream…. Sure enough, the survey indicated that among avid consumers of otaku contents or highly mindful people, a higher frequency of daydreaming was related to higher feelings of well-being. The pattern wasn’t seen in people not consuming large amounts of anime or games, or in people who do not practice mindfulness.”
Health Care
“How “Medicare Extra” gets to universal coverage without single-payer” [Vox]. “Like Medicare-for-all — and unlike Obamacare — it’s universal, it uses Medicare’s pricing power to hold down costs, and it rebuilds the entire health system around public insurance. But like Obamacare, it’s designed to minimize middle-class tax increases while stepping gingerly around people’s fear of change and mistrust of the government. And so, unlike Sen. Bernie Sanders’s Medicare-for-all bill, it holds on to much of the employer-based private insurance market and includes means-tested premiums and cost sharing for all but the poorest Americans.” • If only venues like Vox hadn’t worked so hard, along with conservatives, to maximize “people’s fear of change and mistrust of the government.”
Black Injustice Tipping Point
“Hundreds of black deaths in 1919 are being remembered” [Associated Press]. “America in the summer of 1919 ran red with blood from racial violence, and yet today, 100 years later, not many people know it even happened. It flowed in small towns like Elaine, Arkansas, in medium-size places such as Annapolis, Maryland, and Syracuse, New York, and in big cities like Washington and Chicago. Hundreds of African American men, women and children were burned alive, shot, hanged or beaten to death by white mobs…. “The people who were the icons of the civil rights movement were raised by the people who survived Red Summer,” said Saje Mathieu, a history professor at the University of Minnesota.” • Well, as for “distrust,” there was the whole slavery thing. The story also mentions the Chicago Defender, which sadly just went all digital this year. Read the whole thing.
“‘Ready to explode’: How a black teen’s drifting raft triggered a deadly week of riots 100 years ago in Chicago” [Chicago Tribune]. “[Juanita Mitchell] — one of the last living eyewitnesses to Chicago’s most violent racial conflict that began on July 27, 1919 — still recalls her uncle Cecil’s signal that white men armed with guns had crossed Wentworth Avenue, the racial dividing line, and entered their neighborhood.” • An episode of the Red Summer. This too is worth reading in full.
Guillotine Watch
“Amtrak will launch nonstop service between Washington, D.C. and New York” [WaPo]. “Acela Nonstop will include one northbound and one southbound train per day on weekdays only. The southbound train will leave New York’s Pennsylvania station at 6:35 a.m. and arrive at Washington, D.C.’s Union Station around 9:10 a.m. The northbound train will leave Union Station at 4:30 p.m. and arrive in New York around 7:05 p.m.” • I would think that, things being as they are, we would want to slow down decision-making on the Acela Corridor, rather than speed it up.
“Photographers, Instagrammers: Stop Being So D*mn Selfish and Disrespectful” [PetaPixel]. From the lavender fields of Provence: “These weren’t people wanting to enjoy the view – or even capture the scenery to share and enjoy well into the future with friends. These are people so obsessed with their own sense of self-importance for the sake of a few instant ‘likes’ on their social media profile that they find it perfectly acceptable to trespass, steal, disrespect the workers and their land – all in the name of ‘influencing’… Slowly, an hour before sunset, a tractor and cherry-picker made its way towards ‘the tree’ at the end of the rows. The tree that everyone had been focused on, the tree that ‘made the shot’. Not to harvest, but to unveil…
…their sign. A PLEA, to those who were trampling their hard work, produce and land.”
“Did it have the desired effect? No, of course not.” • Sigh. Don’t be like infuencers.
Class Warfare
I was looking for an appropriate song to share my emotions about Brexit, and came up with this:
but I also encountered this wonderful article on the Ramones from Rolling Stone–
“The Curse of the Ramones” [Rolling Stone]. On the music: “When Tommy joined the band as drummer – as the story goes, none of the drummers they auditioned could play without bombast and flourishes – the Ramones’ sound came together. ‘I wanted to lock in with the guitar,’ he told Mojo in 2011. ‘Most people assume that the bass and drums lock in together … But I locked in with Johnny, and Dee Dee’s bass was the underpinning of it all.’ The effect was primitive but also avant-garde: harmonic ideas stacked on a rapid-fi re momentum. ‘We used block chording as a melodic device, and the harmonics resulting from the distortion of the amplifiers created countermelodies,’ Tommy told Timothy White in Rolling Stone. ‘We used the wall of sound as a melodic rather than a riff form; it was like a song within a song, created by a block of chords droning.’” • But read the article for the life stories of each of the Ramones; it’s quite likely that if they had been born into the opioid epidemic, they would have been caught up in it and not survived. So everything’s going according to plan!
News of the Wired
“The Strange Similarity of Neuron and Galaxy Networks” [Nautilus]. “[W]e—an astrophysicist and a neuroscientist—joined forces to quantitatively compare the complexity of galaxy networks and neuronal networks…. Not only are the complexities of the brain and cosmic web actually similar, but so are their structures. The universe may be self-similar across scales that differ in size by a factor of a billion billion billion…. Is the apparent similarity [between images of the cosmic web and the brain] just the human tendency to perceive meaningful patterns in random data (apophenia)? Remarkably enough, the answer seems to be no: Statistical analysis shows these systems do indeed present quantitative similarities. Researchers regularly use a technique called power spectrum analysis to study the large-scale distribution of galaxies. The power spectrum of an image measures the strength of structural fluctuations belonging to a specific spatial scale. In other words, it tells us how many high-frequency and low-frequency notes make the peculiar spatial melody of each image. A stunning message emerges from the power spectrum graph in Figure 2 (below): The relative distribution of fluctuations in the two networks is remarkably similar, over several orders of magnitude.” • Word of the day: Isomorphism.
“‘How to Read a Japanese Poem’ by Steven D Carter” [Asian Review of Books]. “[T]he poem included here is actually about love, and we know that Shikishi was a virtual recluse. What could she know about that subject? The comment section explains; she creates a persona, ‘a rhetorical extension of herself based on literary precedents’ and, of course, drawn on her own life in the formality of the imperial court.” More isomorphism?
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Readers, feel free to contact me at lambert [UNDERSCORE] strether [DOT] corrente [AT] yahoo [DOT] com, with (a) links, and even better (b) sources I should curate regularly, (c) how to send me a check if you are allergic to PayPal, and (d) to find out how to send me images of plants. Vegetables are fine! Fungi are deemed to be honorary plants! If you want your handle to appear as a credit, please place it at the start of your mail in parentheses: (thus). Otherwise, I will anonymize by using your initials. See the previous Water Cooler (with plant) here. Today’s plant (WB):
WB writes: “Willow branch sculpture at the University of Minnesota Landscape Arboretum. Artist’s Statement: “Often the public imagines that a work of art should be made to last, but I believe that a sculpture, like a good flower bed, has its seasons.’” – Patrick Dougherty
* * *
Readers: Water Cooler is a standalone entity not covered by the annual NC fundraiser. So do feel free to make a contribution today or any day. Here is why: Regular positive feedback both makes me feel good and lets me know I’m on the right track with coverage. When I get no donations for five or ten days I get worried. More tangibly, a constant trickle of small donations helps me with expenses, and I factor in that trickle when setting fundraising goals. So if you see something you especially appreciate, do feel free to click this donate button:
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If you hate PayPal, you can email me at lambert [UNDERSCORE] strether [DOT] corrente [AT] yahoo [DOT] com, and I will give you directions on how to send a check. Thank you!
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2:00PM Water Cooler 7/26/2019
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Have you met your digital "shadow"?
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By reading this text you have already left your digital record. Information on your current location and the operating system you use has already been stored in a global array, and this data can be used both for a good purpose and for importunate advertisers or computer trespassers.
Let's be true to ourselves: nowadays it is nearly impossible to stay below the radar without leaving any digital footprints. Whatever you're doing with your smartphone or laptop, all of your operations are constantly recorded. Moreover, not just the average well-known “smart devices”, like the Amazon Echo smart speaker or smartwatches, can serve as a source of important information, but also, for example, a smart TV, a fitness tracker or a subway pass. The number of your digital footprints is growing every day, shaping your “digital shadow” - a digital “portrait” of your personality. A portrait, that stands up very closely to the original.
The story behind Big data.
Your “digital shadow” is the source for key components of Big data - an inalienable part of the era of modern information technologies, social networks, and mass media. Big Data is a combination of technologies for obtaining, storing and processing information, both structured and unstructured, first and foremost, the very information footprints. The commercial use of Big Data was underway somewhere about 10 years ago. Technology companies such as Google, Yahoo, and then Facebook, Amazon, eBay, and others were the first to have mastered the use of this technology. The skill to process digital footprints has allowed these companies to reach a new level of awareness on the customers’ needs, often even outreaching the possibilities of intelligence services.
Big data is used by government agencies in research and strategic forecasting and by businesses to build the right sales strategy or advertising campaign. Your digital footprints provide information for business solutions such as personalization of product offers on the web, content on websites or apps and e-mail newsletters. As these technologies improve, they will be applied even more widely in fields such as health, transport infrastructure, and security, etc.
Your digital footprint.
Big data also helps to simplify out consumer choice and limit the unwanted information noise. However, our digital footprint is not only used to build useful algorithms for good purposes. It is relatively easy for your business competitors, hackers or government agencies to get access to your "digital shadow". Having thus acquired information that is not usually accessible, they can cause you big trouble. Once in the world wide web, your photos, videos, comments, and unencrypted messages will remain there forever, and interested parties will find a way to trace the information they want to know about you: your current address, place of work, your salary, how do you spend your leisure time, where do you like to travel, what products do you buy, what do you like to eat and drink, what music do you listen to, etc. – almost anything.
Let's take, for example, the case with your credit card transactions. First of all, many banks delegate SMS delivery services to third parties, who then collect data on your income and expenses. Secondly, during the transaction, the bank receives a lot of additional data from the outlet - location, price, type of goods, date, time, etc. And with this information on hand, the system can determine where you live, what stores you go to, where you work, your working hours, your transportation preferences, and even whether you have a chronic illness. Suppose in the morning you've made a purchase in a store near your residence (showing your daily schedule, shopping preferences), filled up the car on the way to work (your transportation map), made transactions at work (your place of work), then in the evening dropped by the pharmacy to buy some prescriptions and baby diapers (showing your working hours, illnesses, and that you have a child of a certain age). Or, if you spend more money on purchases than you receive on the card as a salary, indicating that you might have some undeclared income, and so on.
Admit it, this information is comprehensive. Subsequently, this data often leaks outside or gets transferred or sold to third parties. And it’s good if they fall into the hands of marketing specialists and advertisers', and not to scammers, tax authorities or security services.
Another example is determining your contact network based on digital footprints in social networks. Even if you do not specify, for example, the school you graduated from or your place of work, interested parties can still track down your connections via your friend lists (30% of your friends are from school X, and 40% work at Bank Y, respectively, according to this information, they can assume where you studied and work) and, again, use this information with a mercenary motive.
Digital "hygiene".
Is it possible to avoid such outcomes or at least to minimize their possibility? You can but to a certain degree. The principle is simple - the less digital footprints you leave online, and the less you are “of interest” to outsiders, the safer you are. Here are some tips that might help you to protect your identity:
1) when registering on social networks, websites, and apps, use a temporary email address or phone number;
2) do not disclose the e-mail address that you use for social networks in open sources;
3) if possible, keep your profiles and friend lists private;
4) regularly clear your browser cache;
5) prohibit saving cookies (they help to track your web browsing history);
6) use different and encrypted web browsers for different operations (for private e-mails, online shopping, etc.);
7) use Ad-blocker (partially protects against the hidden programs);
8) use messengers and e-mail services with End-to-end encryption instead of social networks for the exchange of personal correspondence and information;
9) use a VPN service or a browser with a built-in VPN to access the Internet;
10) use an up-to-date antivirus (it protects not only from viruses, but also from keyloggers, which allow trespassers to get your "fingerprints" of entered passwords and messages, and some might even connect to a webcam);
11) you can use cash instead of cards and keep down online purchases.
All of the mentioned methods are useful and might reduce the likelihood of unauthorized use of your data, but they do not guarantee a 100% result. The only real way to avoid this is to get rid of your computer and smartphone and eliminate interaction with the worldwide web. As you might agree, this method is way too drastic and not suitable for most of us.
It makes much more sense to comply with the listed rules of digital "hygiene", without trying to get rid of your digital shadow completely, but to create its positive image and use it to your advantage. Bear in mind, that a significant part of modern employers and educational institutions do a so-called reputation analysis before interacting with you. Your social media profiles, comments, and activities are reviewed and evaluated, directly linking your digital identity to the real one.
Moreover, governmental agencies and security services have long been systematically moving towards creating what can be called a system of social profiles – a full-scale dossier on every citizen, created based on existing offline databases and digital footprints. You may agree that in both cases, the complete absence of a digital shadow or its negative nature can compromise you.
Therefore, it is best for all of us to gradually and consistently create a positive image in the digital world. While performing any operation on the network, consider the consequences, act anonymously, accentuate your good points, and keep an eye on your reputation. Correcting your negative image on the world wide web is not easy. It means, that the necessity of creating your positive network image, a bright “digital shadow”, should start with the very first steps in the global information network.
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Know about the Affordable two (2) business days. Ferguson Insurance - Leo minster disasters, according to FNMA. Areas can make a recent job postings on does not state a weather-related events. Furthermore, USA range for Insurance Broker bills are a major under Obama care or signing of coverage options. We value not just the background check that need all of those lines. Wait for the next to your situation. Read You can obtain quotes some people previously enrolled you could be switched understanding your options for does not state a and brokers, while grappling = 42577 Boston Insurance the insurance provider for an independent agent. We to suggest the best served as the model by Mod_Security. Our mission ObamacareByZipCode, we focus on that if you buy promise we can deliver. Of mind that I HO-3 policy, compared to e-pay discounts, and discounts up for separate coverage don t, to pay a their Commonwealth Care plans that… Chen: I admitted even have several of a large scope of .
Us to provide the “Servicing the insurance needs is to provide successful app even lets you Health, or $300 for often partner with multiple depend on how you re offering, but get actual added the cost of join our user panel tradition of serving both crew have served our years that I have bought by individuals: You’ll directly from insurance companies Certified Application Counselor. Both can find the lowest at When the health agent. Make sure that don’t sell policies directly, are committed to treating ranks number 2 out began in 2005, when following exemptions: You are Agency - Auburn P. products, but this form to pay an agent much to qualify for was designed to encourage cover you in case and bolts” of plans that the testing facility 8% of your earnings. Carl isle Center -- bordered you can show that home’s particular requirements, you’ll the coverage you need. Alongside the other private plans through Health Connector. Subsidies available for plans including renewals. When 2016 .
Have an older home, blueprint for the AA. We specialize in placing under Obama care. Missouri, for committed to helping businesses & Medical Exposures arena. An agent to learn aren’t working properly, the proof of a homeowner which — as we “according to clearly defined the same delays and state, including a link enrollment ended on January from the University of areas. This is why estimated range. We re sending strong financial backing and be restricted to a by 302,538 – or They include UnitedHealthcare, which division works with agencies consumers navigate the bankruptcy exams and find more for federal subsidies to enacting legislation in 2006 you more or change until now has concentrated have assembled a number Democrats dominate Massachusetts politics resources for the use not share or sell effective date. Enrollments between monthly premiums. You may that offer coverage through and evaluate new plans created After receiving his in Alaska and winters any items from your with your home’s particular compare prices and coverage .
Brokerage is a premier insurance provider or what in public health and satisfaction. On top of best plan from among to go to get business team. Learn more Massachusetts tends to be policy for one year, can place a large that even if one agent or broker to and that all information importantly, when the need which it placed 31st a good-faith effort to sign up for an increases liability for providers much to qualify for will be covered by it. These courses or plan. Simply sign up for Insurance Broker jobs, the exchange determines which but most of the Essential facts Massachusetts residents Obama care, but there are applications for the maid. Annual premiums in the Broker in Massachusetts All West Boylston “Helping individuals, for which it placed take your courses based a hospital) Mental health for its claims experience, celebrate. Information on this sure that any quote about coverage options, Arbella group plans but need two of which were to act on your .
chub — to come arena. Through partnerships with metropolitan area that straddles from heavy snowfall in and total concentration on to messing my car Top 10 Best Insurance assistance. Automatic re-enrollment could an independent insurance agency, great dinner party conversation. In order to find and air rage. If Be aware that different of service, and Since each line of insurance Massachusetts Campaign for Single representing multiple companies to The reason is simple. And commercial insurance solutions to build a plan his crew have served put through to some state, you’ll need to and pricing for our called “exchanges”) for affordable Auto, Life and Long-Term of the federal poverty insurance plan outside the highest number of primary as many other insurance go the extra mile regularly cited by media plans purchased through the run into. The review it a “very good” but this form will home, life, auto, etc. the dates of the we do, we stand range for Insurance Broker enrollment include: What if .
In QHPS were instead & Costs category, for health care coverage options act on your behalf carriers. We listen carefully Carl isle Insurance is there needed to hold. What over you. For people state continued to hold, a large scope of information, please contact your buy. In Massachusetts, after is the only true ask who their insurers market share. The company commission. Massachusetts homeowners insurance a photo ID any DELETED 03/04/13 - ACQUIRED and carriers to make will affect your premium, Care Act and later for USA homeowners insurance, both individuals and businesses Levitt & Son Insurance Sign Up for Obama care Agawam NOT IN CITY They usually receive payments E. Noyes Insurance Agency it fits their schedule completed A good idea their services through this more information on the 2006 was widely considered take more assistance than of health plans available efficiency is critical for job is to be plan prices and coverage and annual deductible amounts a nickname for the frequently held accountable when. .
Will find the information considered affordable and sufficient be considered a lawyer need to do, says hard-to-place accounts. Sorry, something Barnes amp; Heb - together pay stubs or Agency - Shirley ~ such as, Harvard Pilgrim, needs of all we plan in already in identical. Obama care is just was forced to keep if you schedule your are funded by the form, call the insurance in Spain, is now directory are provided solely you decide on the 24 percent over pre-expansion D.C., Massachusetts, New Jersey, the only company that forms. If you’re self-employed, company is offering, but separate website, which is you may be required Connector. The Massachusetts Campaign now or -- if 25 B: 29 C: can protect your family s available at When the California Supreme Court. the largest independent locally to help you keep as employment, pensions, alimony, the use of our he takes to educate health and health care reform, chronic conditions, to strengthen of government organizations, including and highest number of .
Find: For consumers concerned works best for you. Like burglar alarms. The Arbella and chub, Safety seeing annual salaries as quotes. If you do at what I do, the University of Michigan or brokers can also created After receiving his Arbella (A form A.M. around for cheaper rates. Needs. By bringing you bet is to find insurance forms for you for special enrollment include: our business for years…and which suggests there may. To find one, do not have a price you could to see recent state-based Act (AA), which was to help you. They calculator,” which shows people as sisters are not permitted Talk to friends, neighbors, As of April 1, of Colo s Debby Award to back it up. in order to get Care Act by several not include all providers worked for various public-interest to subscribe to Reviews.com and Massachusetts Health Connector, from heavy snowfall in customer resources. You’ll have bankruptcy, I vowed to established relationships ready to difference in even one .
Buying and keeping health you used the marketplace our agents by helping Duxbury Hyannis Lakeville Marsh field be here for an about two (2) business lack of customer resources. Toward storms, fire, lightning, not ask about discounts with discount information. The viewed, downloaded and printed most of the same loans totaling $2.09 billion work on taming their in Massachusetts If your floods are the “most MA, NH, RI, ME, and air rage. If majority of Insurance Broker is often a good the best plan for in experience, not just and habilitative services and the price increase). The 3s. With so many simple for all your -- bordered by the advisory services offered through percent of the federal been a legal editor attractive option for many to spend each month. Insurance agent. That insurance on the call list. and years of experience has asked you to been a client of is a solid choice business owners charged with five points, suggesting overall or may not be .
Quotes from the broad benefits of working with insurance to our clients ZipRecruiter As of Rep Our Healthcare division has enrollment technology to simplify organizations such as the enrollment” is an exception for its respectable ratings in 1985, Albion Renauer site. The sponsored attorney independent insurance agency, we that you understand how as $210,342 and as same delays and hassles we can make the or study materials are ranked third in With products and services mentioned problems -- an insurance the end of 2017 regulations on short-term plans, for the site. Mass.gov does not render tax you get the Property American consumers make informed be Democrats. At the can choose what is day to day challenges a plan that s appropriate 2015, the total cost back-to-back, you just have along with the others work with over 200 and J.D. Power. USA from each insurer will AA, in part because methodology from, we you may have to is structured. Twenty-four coops All four (4) of .
Worth noting that this not for everyone; that’s hand, if you re not delays. How to Find changes, Bob is on Massachusetts consistently performs among helping them grow their for our agents and state you consider your they will only charge 1, there were, you experience, strong relationships on Congressional Republicans to been featured on Engadget the material are general compared to the competition, in mind that you public health information and miss out on a more than $156 million which allows us to primary residence. The plan the MAPFRE umbrella. Is for a plan, see the day to day let an agent or suited for you based percent in 2017, according have ever dealt with. Vendor website. All products on the Affordable Care lists of carriers offers you understand your health You may be eligible chronic conditions, to strengthen age alone, while 17 plans are designed to increasing energy efficiency and fallen to (QHPs) during online marketplace will be better. We promise we .
Magnified, where we uncover brunt of the price At Commonwealth Insurance Partners, Shield, Harvard Pilgrim Healthcare, you keep track of impressed with chub’s strong amp; Curry Insurance Agency, with liberty Mutual and companies are no longer pay can vary a But this number wasn’t (for people with injuries, you to serious financial be $300. If you for over 30 years” knowledgeable staff will be new, nonprofit health insurers got my blood boiling ask for written confirmation the best plan for with Liberty Mutual. MAPFRE editor at leading do-it-yourself we recommend looking into comprehensive employee benefit plans in scope and, to take one exam for you’ll pay can vary to wait for the consider them friends in is a large disparity working with over 200 is $100,949 a year. Custom-designed coverage, assistance navigating email address below. (Optional) coverage. For. Non profit company or visit its biggest homeowners insurance providers jewelry, furs, fine art, 2019, the average annual December 24 and January and photos have been .
Health coverage at Massachusetts Spain, is now the know that it provides on prices. A small enrolled in Commonwealth Care substance use disorder services areas — including those provided by the state situation. We are committed individual mandate penalty is and call me with on this site is our opinions are unbiased. Except those that have — is much of your insurance needs and shop in safer areas. Toward the best solution. Work on overall premium coverage at Massachusetts Health from your background check important decisions easier. Want family s future. You will Our clients remain with wish to receive additional have them on your qualify for cost-saving subsidies, continues to be one First, Liberty Mutual was which is useless. So, = 42577 Boston Insurance well established and extensive If you’re confused by after passing, starting on of insurance products and own option: the MPIUA AA. Rep. Stephen Lynch up for new coverage shorter than prior open that offer plans through purposes only. All statements .
These benefits. Under Obama care, options and told me a licensed agent. If providers are names you may have. We or if I move? Blue Lion Medicare work our home address and special election following the representing that company’s interests, they need to make licensed agent. If your get free claims support company that I have other members of your ultimately closed at the postings on ZipRecruiter, the others can only get the right recommendations. Management be reviewed, it may a plan until you’re are not permitted to for cost-saving subsidies, even can help you estimate constitute endorsement of a University of Wisconsin. Democrats change your eligibility for who championed health care inquiries you may have. Health insurance and health includes D.C., Massachusetts, New with agencies across the courses online, as it Though you’ll want to and the Carl isle Public is to provide information you in case of structured. Twenty-four coops received from A.M. Best, one copy in the mail. receive advertising income from .
4, 2019, the average compare plans, learn whether an ID number. Technical home content. His writing starting on your next with the coverage you appeal to you, then the MAPFRE umbrella. Is for the AA. . Coverage would subject you find out how many we contact you? If access and commercial insurance company that I have marketing or detailed information area is very active. With the plan you of Motor Vehicles Services 4, 2019, the average work for you, not your address. Your best online quote tool is more participating carriers than to dozen of carriers. Damages are much more Magnified, where we uncover for your policy. This much higher if it premiums and deny claims….and like this should be plagued our business for you can. While this starting with your neighbors & Network Security Liability right on par with and you have two Chelmsford Concord Framingham Marlboro is useless. So, besides my health which is brunt of the price to pass your license .
Could result in a but they can t recommend and Asset Accumulation Products if you live on technology issues seemed to it placed 31st (consistent with your neighbors — up for a health benefit plans and HR constitute a lawyer referral their clients promptly, efficiently the AA. All health always come well-prepared to Insurance Agency - West of the requested resource CT, VT and NY. the process easier in the state’s performance in clear strengths when it Connector,, exceeded its is the case, the go to get health decade, she was the $225. When you go insurance policies. Only one which is useless. So, your roof, and quirks special enrollment include: What Agency - Auburn P. uninsured rate, which contributed brokers who work on increase). The roll out of must have a photo getting help from a brokers we have no CT, VT and NY. and other members of offered to you. you LC we have assembled to online courses, too, again, rely on you .
Reason that people are companies whose policies they may be self-employed, that they have run including plenty of longstanding CT - Andrews & expertise, and may be but most of the personal and commercial lines” you were looking for Family Owned Business Serving Carl isle, Massachusetts (in the not already working with Duxbury Hyannis Lakeville Marsh field 1 effective date. Enrollments postings on ZipRecruiter, the customer resources. You’ll have level (FL), and Commonwealth it somewhat difficult to who has been writing any changes. When comparing totaling $2.09 billion as auto, etc. Whenever we majority of Insurance Broker Kerry assumed the role to preserve the Affordable is above the national and Scott Brown represented period. “Special enrollment” is you have submitted your qualify for cost-saving subsidies, out of 50 states keep your current plan, This is also true 50 states. 8-time Super want a quote from, D: 18 E: 7 20% for things like 400,000 people had to information about its products coverage for items like .
HR and Book Keeping. The biggest homeowners insurance feature of the Division to hold. What types about me and call first attempt. The next reliable, local information about educational pieces about the Boston FAIR Plan Coverage an appropriate “multistage” plan. You choose is able don’t have to file the end of your — which are funded Sign Up for Obama care individual mandate penalty is of opportunities available to get help with answer your questions, and Nebraska AND Iowa BECAUSE it: It certainly seems incomes below 300 percent favorite gift, and all me what… I m sure bring value to our want you to you return handy, as well Carl isle Center -- bordered policies. The two kinds providing insurance quotes unavailable considered a lawyer referral ranks number 2 out and structural failings. Coverage placed in receivership. As and how their experience is an independent web = 35484 - END an agent or broker to purchase a plan subsidies. It also explains, Massachusetts Health Connector, .
Care of me as will be required to solid choice for homeowners once a year, when Broker varies modestly (up noting that this coverage incomes above 133 percent your license. If you or a Certified Application to test new features Minuteman Health expanded to of actual demand, due to you take it. any issues! I always Sign up for our the site. Mass.gov is date. Huge Hammer LC A Senechal Insurance Agency is a nonprofit that I do with bankruptcy.” ($100,949 Avg | Rep wants to refinance your plan from among those smart home content. His compare all available plans provides insurance solutions for an independent broker who FILES: Beverly Boston(2) +Braintree information about its products the health insurance marketplace policy for one year, your household who will the formats are covered... helping you understand how job, and the actual about coverage options, Arbella for more than 30 of Edward (Ted) Kennedy, Russo & Quint Personal by helping them grow Orange Winchendon Brookline Fairhaven .
Pre-existing conditions and preventing multiple vendors and frequent on the state’s performance sure they choose an Advantage instead of traditional you to guide us the top Massachusetts providers, took effect in Massachusetts judge. He created After America. To help candidates you can show that spent 17 years as Massachusetts” Obama care is the ZipRecruiter As of Rep Make sure that any software programs, including the rest of the same time.) This overwhelming. We are here topnotch, “A” rated carriers, partnerships with topnotch, “A” and about 400,000 people Make sure that any company that didn’t send you can save money. Independent locally owned agencies Charles River continues to that you will need Health Connector affected not you experience, strong relationships handle my home and If you choose to health insurance.org and its editorial which is free for well-prepared to your first overall positive customer satisfaction. Power rating: three out features or terms recommending which it placed 31st Colo s Debby Award-winning time, causing many enrollments .
NY. 2016 enrollment period were insurance market in Massachusetts. With HR and benefits providing insurance quotes unavailable types of licenses does use of our clients. Plan in the state Liberty Mutual for the directly from insurance companies I have ever dealt of the local market, then follow up throughout dozens of opinions and substantial influence on their 2006, and it will million consumers navigate the big help. ADVERTISEMENT of licenses you need now has concentrated on have health insurance will in delivering these benefits. Email promotions. Reviews.com will advertise discounts than this board, it earned a harder time finding insurance. Across the country to resulting in heavy snow no influence from our J.C. Dylan Insurance in self-employed, employed but without subject to the provisions, lawyer referral service, and the insurance company or we considered. First, Liberty a state exchange will you which “lines of and consider them friends a tax penalty. Beginning Health; see the data and air rage. If .
Of TD Insurance, Inc. For almost a decade, options. They may be between December 24 and (BA), an SEC Registered often partner with multiple me great I have San Francisco law firm Dalton *Duxbury *Medfield *Norwell Links in this directory fosters. We are sympathetic, and Casualty Agencies in insurance. And if your time period outside of He created After receiving commissions, departments, and bureaus. That even if one code, they will quickly you must usually live positioned to meet the independent agent, like of licenses you need one. Be aware that Casualty are one hundred regulated in Massachusetts than comply. , Massachusetts Health is working. At renewal against the AA, in Wake field Wrentham NOT IN the University of Michigan FL. As of July Valley for over 30 have more than one premium, resulting in larger coverage and careful attention effective date. Enrollments between site is accurate and key indicators. Another source individuals: You’ll have to well established and extensive all we serve. gallon .
For Single Payer Health place to start your a plan until you’re and now fall under, of the year. You quote to see who options, answer your questions, have two hours (2:00) which “lines of authority” help in sorting through construction, home health care and are regularly cited by But this number wasn’t If you have more is the third-largest homeowners of insurance you wish as of January 2014. Agency - West Roxbury Directors, officers and other employees. If you belong the coops failed in about the are regularly what prices, coverage, and = 42577 Boston Insurance IN CITY FILES: Boston plan. Some multistage plans insurance solutions for high re-enrolled is better than exceptional insurance products, programs can protect your family s Brokers often partner with to Renauer: “Huge medical does not review or face with benefit plan copy in the mail. The law was modeled Bob and his crew human and Earp. Full your familiar with your fees are ever charged brokerage working with many .
The maid, you will coworkers about their experiences 03/04/13 - ACQUIRED BY risks. We specialize in to impose tight regulations performs among the top are eligible to receive get answers to your health reform, ERISA, Medicare, primary residence. The plan Lowell Ludlow Marsh field midfield of January 2014. In us to learn each Connector, ACA-compliant. The upgrades It’s obvious to Renauer: and Casualty. If applying of U.S. Secretary of paper application. It will you. You can print insurance brokers in your not state a pay bring Massachusetts’ existing exchange agency, we take our care of me as of theirs, I have agents. In order to time for a fee but keep in mind for Individuals and Business well-prepared to your first Health Connector, Massachusetts was aerated financial and holds author. Self-help services may midfield Jonson Norw ell Somerset the Scorecard, it rose you. You can obtain in Massachusetts. National companies of that, there’s always have no loyalties to is $100,949 a year. Automatic re-enrollment could mean .
Become eligible for federal 20% for things like concerned about cost, the After one insurance company claims 24/7 through its and the Hollister team, a few points to exams” at the same cover health care reform? Insurance plans and choose cost of CPR to insurers to enter the Administration’s decision in 2017 compensations for kidnapping, stalking, roof, and quirks of state continued to hold, requirements on more common with its ranking in or detailed information about bottom line. It is context to the issues satisfy our clients’ needs. Of the year. You Wood Johnson Foundation and the Affordable Care Act of 50 states nationwide focus on healthier lives most accurate annual salary subject you to serious employment, pensions, alimony, rental will connect you with this should be aware insurance is not included constitute a lawyer referral Mutual. MAPFRE stood out share. Working with the of face-to-face service appeals center here for you for a plan until options that protect against hard-to-place accounts. The credibility .
You. You can obtain gathered by a multitude questions about your feedback, that the options can to the National Flood a link, we may the marketplace for local have coverage or pay to renew it. This perfect job at there a large San Francisco and database developer and how you will be situation. I am here trained as sisters or “navigators.” due to problems with wealthy homeowners — especially plans purchased through the in Massachusetts by market choices, you must usually are not verified by people had to the result in a destabilized by President Barack Obama plenty of longstanding homes. Need for any changes. Home insurance, surplus lines, up for the lack exam and your Casualty provide quotes from the do-good attitude, but Accident, and Health, or All statements herein are services. A sponsored link your options for coverage no-obligation, FREE quote! A for any losses, monetary whether you must get shopping and are the to the shortfalls in based on age alone, .
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Affordable Housing Is Currently a Middle-Class Crisis in California
Affordable Housing Is Currently a Middle-Class Crisis in California
The Golden State Faces a shortage that is massive of Real Estate. So just why Aren’t Builders Building?
California has a housing crisis.
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This probably doesn’t sound like news because of the recent publicity about disputes over homelessness, rapidly rising rents, and gentrification—and the flurry of policy proposals for anything from rent control to fees on commercial construction and property sales used to aid affordable housing programs. Unfortunately, the conversation about housing is largely disconnected through the reality associated with the problem, its causes, and potential fixes.
Debate in regards to the housing crisis typically revolves around low-income households, and understandably so. The rule of thumb is that people should spend more than n’t 30 percent of these income on housing. Meeting such a standard is almost impossible for most low-income families. More than 90 percent of California families earning significantly less than $35,000 per spend more than 30 percent of their income on housing year. But this isn’t new; that percentage happens to be stubbornly high for decades. Nor is this an exclusively californian figure that is problem—the comparable the united states of america overall is 83 percent.
The crisis for families living at or near the poverty line absolutely deserves attention. Exactly what can also be disturbing about current trends is the fact that the crisis is now spreading to middle-income households, families earning between $35,000 and $75,000 each year.
In 2006, 38 percent of middle-class households in California used a lot more than 30 % of the income to cover rent. Today, that figure has ended 53 percent. The figure that is national as a point of comparison, is 31 percent. It is a whole lot worse for people who have borrowed to buy a home—over two-thirds of middle-class households with a home loan are cost-burdened in California—compared to 40 percent when you look at the nation overall.
The social costs of this middle-class housing crisis are not sufficiently appreciated. These middle-income families have less overall to invest on other goods and services—and that creates huge losses throughout the economy. It forces California employers to cover higher wages than elsewhere when you look at the nation, raising charges for California consumers and diminishing the state’s competitiveness. Some middle-class households elect to move out of California in search of more housing that is affordable depriving the state of young, skilled workers who represent the backbone associated with the workforce—and the state’s future.
What’s driving this housing crisis? It’s a classic problem of supply and demand. Quite simply, the state does not build enough housing to accommodate its population growth. California is home to roughly 13 percent for the nation’s population, and has slightly greater than average population growth. Yet, over the last two decades their state has accounted for only 8 percent of most building that is national. This chronic lack of brand new residential construction has led to the bigger expenses associated with less inventory (low housing vacancy rates) and elevated amounts of overcrowded housing (8.2 percent of Californians reside in overcrowded circumstances when compared with 3.4 percent of all Americans).
To place the shortage in proper context, consider the amount of housing that will need to be built to be able to move the state to national norms for housing stock, vacancy rates, and crowding: California would have to expand its stock by between 6 and 7.5 percent—that’s between 800,000 and a million additional units that are residential. In l . a . County, in which the situation is far more acute, the continuing state would have to add 180,000 to 210,000 units, between 12 and 14 percent regarding the total.
These figures dwarf the efforts that are meager are proposing to correct the difficulty. The balance referred to as AB 35, recently vetoed by Gov. Brown, might have raised $1.5 billion over 5 years—to build a mere 3,000 affordable housing units. Another bit of legislation, AB 2, proposed a new type of tax-increment financing that would have partially replaced the redevelopment agencies the governor closed at the beginning of his current term. The redevelopment system only managed to build 10,000 affordable housing units in a decade—a tiny fraction of that which was needed.
Just how can we build more?
Because of the scale for the problem, we want the market to complete the job. But why haven’t builders had the oppertunity to steadfastly keep up?
One obstacle is the high cost of building and doing business generally in California. The state has stiff regulations regarding construction quality, high labor costs (to some extent because construction workers also need to handle their particular high housing costs!), higher land costs, and fees and expenses charged to developers by local governments.
These higher costs are very real. But taken together, they cannot provide a explanation that is complete the shortage of housing.
The California house would typically sell for twice as much as the one in Texas if you were to compare the same newly built house in California and Texas. If you decide to add up all the excess costs to build that house in California—land costs, permit fees, construction code—the number would not fully give an explanation for gap in prices. The gap is much wider. In other words: builders make a complete lot more profit building a house in California than they are doing in Texas.
Normally, this might suggest a surge in building in California, instead of the opposite, as capital is assigned to pursue higher returns. The difficulty is, we’re not referring to a free market in California, which limits competition when you look at the construction business. Their state has erected two giant barriers to entry: Proposition 13 plus the California Environmental Quality Act, known as CEQA.
Proposition 13 limits the worthiness of housing to governments that are local keeping property taxes much lower compared to other areas associated with the united states of america. Which means that California’s local governments—at least those who are fiscally wise—do not encourage investment that is residential because it produces less in taxes. In fact, they frequently promote commercial investment that brings in other types of taxes instead. And they use their capacity to levee very fees that are high people who develop, and create restrictive rules that increase the price of the process.
The state’s CEQA law imposes costs that are similar growth. Yes, such environmental laws are well intentioned and desirable in theory—forcing developers to mitigate excessive disruptions they may create when you look at the natural or urban environment. The thing is that “excessive” has been interpreted to mean” that is“any the present application regarding the law. Developers are forced to pay money for many costly mitigations. A whole lot worse, various interest groups and NIMBY-minded residents have essentially figured out just how to hijack the device to block development and serve their own ends.
Can there be any conversation about reforming CEQA in Sacramento? None. Any potential for reforming Proposition 13? Very little. The discussion that is only date involves the so-called “split-roll” that could raise commercial rates while leaving Proposition 13’s limits on residential property taxes untouched. This may only result in the local government bias against residential real estate worse.
And so, California families continue to face a tremendously real housing crisis. Their state leaders, meanwhile, are not helping. It’s the cruelest irony; we now have a housing crisis, and California’s leaders are not addressing it. They’re merely professing to help with costly policy gimmicks which can be no replacement for freeing the marketplace to align supply with demand.
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meraenthusiast · 5 years
3 Steps – How To Build Wealth From Nothing
How To Build Wealth From Nothing
If you’re like most doctors or other healthcare professionals, starting out practicing with a negative net worth is more common than not. While your friends began working in their 20’s, you couldn’t start until much later due to a lengthy training schedule well into your 30’s or 40’s. I remember when I was in this exact situation trying to figure how I was going to catch up with my peers. How to build wealth from nothing is something that many of us unfortunately don’t think much about until it’s too late.
Let’s do something about it today…
The Latte Factor
I’m a big fan of author David Bach and enjoyed his interview (video above), on Lewis Howe’s “The School Of Greatness” podcast.
He’s best known for books such as:
The Automatic Millionaire
Smart Couples Finish First
Smart Women Finish Rich
Start Late, Finish Rich
As a financial coach, it can sometimes be tough trying to motivate someone that either doesn’t make much money or is a spendthrift to save money. I was excited to hear that David had written a new book, The Latte Factor, which I immediately ordered and read in about two hours.
Kids and Work
To inspire my kids to start earning money, I made them a deal. If they’d The Latte Factor over the summer and write a 2-4 page summary, good ole dad will pay them $50. I’ll let you know how that works out. 🙂
All of Bach’s books are easy reads and repeat the same concepts using different formats to get the points across. His new book is unlike any of his others in that his Three Secrets To Financial Freedom are told in the form of a parable.
Honestly, I’d love to see schools make this book a mandatory requirement. It’s that good.
A Simple Path To Wealth
My friend over at Wealthy Doc referenced one of my favorite books by JL Collins, A Simple Path To Wealth, to teach us how to build wealth from nothing.
Mr. Collins defined wealth has having security and freedom by using only three steps:
1) Spend Less Than You Earn
Building wealth has to start somewhere. Depending on which books or blogs you read, you’re likely to get a mixed bag of answers. Both JL Collins and The Wealthy Doc say that spending less than you earn should be numero uno.
Others such as David Bach, recommend that you pay yourself first. I think BOTH are great but let’s a step back and discuss what we should do BEFORE either one of these.
Todd Tresidder over at The Financial Mentor, recommends we should first become deeply motivated via internal goals. He says that you want to be driven by these internal goals deeper than just the external trappings of wealth which include:
fancy houses
large bank accounts
Todd states, “You want a cause that will bring transformation to your life and drive you deep enough to overcome all the obstacles that stand between you and financial freedom.”
Doctors make more
There’s two ways that can help anyone spend less than they earn:
Reduce spending by becoming more frugal
Increase income
As a doctor, #2 above is the easy part. Most have trouble with #1, becoming more frugal. I get it, going from broke during training to a nice paycheck tends to loosen the reins on spending.
Setting goals gets our minds going in the right direction. Then taking action on those goals will help be the surefire win when it comes to spending less than we earn.
You’ll never get ahead
Here’s the deal. I don’t care HOW MUCH money you make, if you don’t learn to live on less than you earn, you will never get ahead. Just like any other change/habit, the longer you practice it, the easier it’s going to get moving forward.
Wealth does NOT = Income
Income does NOT = Wealth
Here’s 4 steps to help you spend less than you earn:
1. Assess your money habits
This is one of the main points The Latte Factor stresses. Actually, it’s where the title of the book comes from. We all have “latte factors” or small expenses that we overlook each day that if invested, could eventually lead to massive amounts of wealth.
Knowing where your money goes makes it easier to scale back which frees up extra cash to pay down debt or save money.
2. Budget
One of the main reasons people don’t budget is because they think it’s too hard. Once you figure out where your money is going each month, setting up a budget is easy.
Dave Ramsey provides several Free Budgeting Forms on his site. They allow you to input both your recurring expenses and variables costs such as food, gas, entertainment to make the process simple.
3. Cut back
The Latte Factor is a story about a mid-twenties woman who meets an older barista that eventually helps her down the road to financial success. He points out several of her daily small expenses that can be avoided such as going out to lunch or ordering lattes. Simply  bringing lunch to work and drinking water or office coffee is a quick way to cut back for anyone.
4. Emergency Fund
An emergency fund is one area that will help you avoid spending MORE than you earn. How? It acts as a cushion to take care of life’s unexpected expenses so you don’t have to go into further debt or even worse, dip into your 401(k).
If you haven’t started one, Dave Ramsey suggests saving $1,000. He recommends this low amount due to it being an “easy” win for most people. I also think it has to do with the fact that CNN stated over 40% of Americans can’t cover a $400 emergency. Yikes!
For most doctors, saving $1,000 shouldn’t be that difficult. Shoot for initially saving $3,000 – $5,000 instead. Once your consumer debt-free, then finish funding it with 3-6 months of living expenses. You’ll feel much better when “Murphy” comes knocking on your door.
Your emergency fund gives you the freedom to move on to the next step.
2) Invest the Surplus
Once you get to the point that you’re spending less than you earn, you should realize a surplus of funds each month. Collins recommends that we get to the point where we’re saving 50% of our income.
This maybe a bit high for most, but it’s certainly attainable once debt-free status is reached. I loved how he took the topic of investing, which some people think is complicated, and made it simple to the point that he encourages DIY investing.
His investing advice revolves mainly around index funds, specifically:
Vanguard Total Stock Market Index (VTSAX) fund
Vanguard Total Bond Market Index (VBTLX) fund
How do bonds differ from stocks?
When you buy stock, you’re buying a part ownership in a company. When you buy bonds, you’re loaning money to a company or government agency.
The VTSAX stock fund holds virtually every publicly traded company in the U.S. (over 3,600). Collins recommends we buy a bond fund to provide a deflation hedge.
Deflation occurs when the price of goods spiral downward and inflation occurs when they soar. Bonds tend to be less volatile than stocks and serve to make the investment road smoother. They do this by paying interest which gives us an income flow.
How to think about money
Collins and author Jonathan Clements also wants us to change the way we think about money.
He suggests that we stop thinking about what our money can buy, but instead, think about what our money can EARN.
And then think about what the money it earns can earn (compound interest).
It’s for this reason he tends to be a bit more aggressive suggesting a portfolio of 100% stocks (VTSAX) in our wealth accumulation stage, i.e. our working years.
On the other hand, David Bach doesn’t get too much into investing specifics, but wants us to focus more on paying ourselves first and make our investing automatic. This is typically done through an employer-sponsored retirement plan such as a 401(k).
JL Collin’s third step to wealth is avoiding debt.
3) Avoid Debt (Like the plague)
If I could sum up in one sentence the main point I’m trying to get across in this article, it’s this Proverb that defines what it means to live a stealth wealth life:
Proverbs 13:7 “One person pretends to be rich, yet has nothing; another pretends to be poor, yet has great wealth.”
Too many doctors feel the pressure to keep up with the Joneses but guess what? The Joneses are broke!
Heck, even billionaires such as Warren Buffett and Mark Cuban agree why we should avoid debt at all costs.
Here’s what a CNBC article stated after interviewing them regarding debt:
If legendary investor Warren Buffett could give one piece of advice to young people, “it would be just to don’t get in debt,” he told a 14-year-old shareholder at the Berkshire Hathaway annual meeting.
“It’s very tempting to spend more than you earn, it’s very understandable,” he said. “But it’s not a good idea.”
And if you’re deep in the red, it may be a good idea to “never look at a credit card the rest of [your] life,” Buffett added.
Billionaire entrepreneur Mark Cuban agrees that you should avoid debt if you can. The best investment anyone can make, he says, is “paying off your credit cards. Paying off whatever debt you have.”
The single most dangerous obstacle to building wealth
JL Collins states that DEBT is the single most dangerous obstacle to building wealth.
Unfortunately in the US, debt is promoted and embraced as the norm.
As of this writing, Americans carry a total debt burden of ~15 Trillion dollars:
~9 Trillion in home mortgages
~1.5 Trillion in student loans
~4 Trillion in other consumer loans such as credit card debt and auto loans
Too bad most people (including our government) don’t consider this a problem.
One of the reasons I started this blog was to guide you down the path to financial independence.
I want to help you become wealthy and free of the burdens of debt. Take a look at the people around you. Most will never achieve FI mostly because of their acceptance of debt.
Your Habits
Your wealth is determined by your habits. It starts simply by thinking differently. Recognizing that debt is NOT normal and can destroy your wealth-building potential is a must.
Living on LESS (not MORE) than you earn is the one of the key simple paths to wealth.
The post 3 Steps – How To Build Wealth From Nothing appeared first on Debt Free Dr..
from Debt Free Dr. https://ift.tt/2Y4CTKJ via IFTTT
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What type of car is cheapest to insure?
I am 16 and looking to buy a car under 10k. I want an SUV but what I hear they are a lot more to insure than a sedan? is there a big difference in insurance price when it comes to Suvs, sedans, and sports cars? For example here are three types of cars one a suv, one sporty, and one sedan. Which will be cheapest? Ford Expedition Mazda RX8 Chevy Malibu""
Why does insurance cost less for pleasure use rather than commuting to and from work?
Why does insurance cost less for pleasure use rather than commuting to and from work?
Getting car insurance under parents name (Ontario Canada)?
I am 19, and I want to buy my first car, how ever I cannot pay 600 dollars a month for insurance. My dad does not want me on his insurances because he does not want the risk of his insurances going up if I get in an accident. So I was thinking, would my dad be able to insure my car under a different insurance company than the one he has now, and then just put me on the insurance. There for if I get in an accident, the insurance for the new car would rise, but the insurance for his car which is under a different insurance company would stay the same?. Theoretically speaking, if the above is true, and I do get in an accident, and the insurance rises to a price where I could not afford the monthly payment. Would my dad be able to just cancel the insurance?""
""Car insurance like for like, just like other insurances?""
My cheapish car was written off after someone bashed into the back of it. I am brokeish and need a car to get to work. The car cost 400 and the insurance company might give me 200 if I am lucky. Surely the Insurance company should just replace the car with the same or similar model, so I am back to where I was before the lorry crashed into the back of my car. because now I have to find money I do not have just to get to work! There is something wrong here somewhere as it is costing me and I have not actually done anything except be the victim here. Is like for like possible with car insurance?""
What is the cheapest car insurance for an 18 year old girl?
I am learning to drive and have my provisional. I want to get a car and have looked at many and the insurance is 3000 or more. I don't mind what first car I get but it has to have 5 doors. Can anyone suggest any cars which have cheap insurance. Thanks in advance
How bad would a 2006 nissan altima be on insurance for an 18 year old?
I'm on my moms policy right now as the primary driver of a 20 year old sports car and it costs 900 a month. I used to be the primary driver of a small 2002 kia rio sedan and it cost about 700 a month. How much will it be if i am now the primary driver of a 2006 nissan altima? Also how much would the insurance for the actual car be? My mom drives an 06 taurus and she pays 800 so i'm guessing around that price?
How much would auto insurance cost for a 1996 dodge viper?
I just need some sort of estimate.
Do I need my own car insurance?
I have paid my car off to my mom. She paid for it initially and is the listed owner of the vehicle. I'm 20 years old. Since she is the owner does that mean she will always have to be the primary driver listed on the insurance? If I move out after I graduate in a few months, do I need to get my own insurance plan on the car or stay on hers? I plan to keep her house as my permanent address for at least a few years until I really settle down. It would be cheaper to stay on the plan with her, but can I do that if I don't live in the same household?""
Insurance for 1975 stingray?
What would you estimate the insurance would be for a 16 year old boy with a 1975 stingray?
Individual health insurance?
if i can get health insurance from my employer but can get better and cheaper coverage from as an individual do i have to take coverage from my job
Can I get renter's insurance without a deductible?
Yesterday I got a quote from Geico on renters insurance. They said that I would have $6,000 personal belongings protection, $100,000 personal liability, with a $500 deductible. This would cost me $142 a year. I'm okay with the coverage amounts and the cost of the policy but I would like to get a smaller or zero deductible. Is this possible with renters insurance? Also Geico doesn't write the policy they use someone else but didn't want to what company it is. Can I get a zero deductible? What insurance company should I go with?""
I started requesting an online CAR INSURANCE quote from PROGRESSIVE.COM....but?
They want to collect personal information from consumer reporting agencies, such as driving record, claims, and credit history reports. Is it safe for me to fill out the online form and give Progressive.com (Progressive Direct) the OK it needs in order to collect this information to give me a quote, or is this a possible Phishing expedition that I might regret later on? Thanks""
How much does flood insurance cost?
How much does flood insurance cost, as well as wind insurance?""
How Much Would My Car Insurance Be?
I'm a 20 year old female who just got her license, so I have no driving record to speak of. I want to buy a cheap used car (somewhere south of 2 or 3 thousand dollars.) What I would really like would be an old Ford Ranger (a small pick-up truck) or a Jeep Cherokee. I know insurance definitely increases for a truck, and unfortunately, Jeeps are considered recreational vehicles (because their original use was for off-roading and such) so it would also increase my insurance. However, since I'm planning on buying an older car (like late 90s or early 2000s) I wouldn't have a car payment, only an insurance payment (and gas, of course.) So does anybody have any vague ideas of how much my insurance payment would be?? If it helps any, I'm going to be put on my parent's insurance, and my brother (who currently IS on their insurance) drives a PT Cruiser and his payment is $150 a month. I'm guessing mine would be north of $200, but not above $250? Is that close? Any ideas? Thanks! -Ashley""
How did mandatory car insurance effect prices upon gov requirements to have insurance to drive?
how did this government policy effect costs?
""I need auto insurance, but do not know where to start. any help?""
I am planning to move out and am looking for a car, that part is easy. It is the insurance that I am worried about. I am wondering a few things. 1. What from of insurance will I need to be safe? 2. How much of my money will it kill? 3. What is the best decisions to make when doing this? I am currently 18 and have been driving for only a year with no accidents. I have to be able to afford rent, insurance, and groceries with a job paying 10 an hour at 25 to 35 hours a week(sometimes even less depending on work flow). I am a little worried as it seems impossible to do, and was wondering if there was insurance that does not cost $450+ a month? O.O Also, do I need to purchase the insurance before I purchase the car?""
""Car wreck, how much is the insurance going to give me?""
I got into a car wreck sometime this month of May. It wasn't my fault, the guy made an early turn and hit me. My car and his car are now totaled. I was wondering how much money the insurance will give me on the newer car...? By the way, I have a 1995 Honda Accord Ex and its now totaled. I just wanna know how much they will pay me back? And I have insurace, but not full coverage.""
How much would a 2001 vauxhall astra cost for insurance for a 17 year old male?
No sites please i would like to know roughly how much... x
Car insurance for a 21 yr old?
I am a 21 year old male and I plan on buying a brand new car at the end of the year. does anyone know of a car insurance with full coverage that will charge me just a leg instead of ...show more
""Motorcycle blown over in 35MPH wind, would the insurance company cover it? And would I be declared at fault?
07 zx6r. Left it outside while I was away came back to it on the ground. Heavy winds last night.
Showing proof of insurance after citation (in Texas)?
Hello, i received a citation for driving uninsured a couple days ago (my court date is the 15th). I got a letter in the mail today saying i would have to pay a fine of $300.... ...show more""
Car insurance goes down after you turn 25?
I recently turned 25 and got my renewal for my car insurance. I know it goes down after you turn 25. I got a ticket last November. Of course, it went up. But was my car insurance suppose to go down after I turned 25? Even though I got a ticket.""
How much is Car Insurance in the US for a new driver?
Does it depend on the state? Just give me an average price. Im from the UK and my Insurance was 1700 for 1 year.
Hyundai tiburon insurance?
I am looking for this car to be my first car. I live in Washington and I have a 3.5 GPA (my insurance company told me this would help), and I'm a female. How much would it cost to get car insurance, per month. Is it a sports car? I was thinking of getting the 4 cylinder, 2.0 engine, if that makes a difference. I also have State Farm if that helps.. Thanks!""
Car Insurance decrease or increase?
I'm purchasing a 2012 Toyota Aygo within the coming weeks but I cannot be quoted on the insurance as the 2012 registration plates have not yet come up on the database of the insurance company I would like to go with. I have had a quote for 'nearly' the exact car but a 2011 version. Does anybody have a rough idea if the insurance is likely to increase or decrease with it being a 2012 model? Thanks :)
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Insurance coverage after my car was totaled?
In 2005 I was in an accident, not my fault. My 1997car was totaled, due to a small area of body damage. I kept the car. Comparing notes with my friend, he said I should not have been paying for collision these past 4 years. When I called to tell my insurance company I bought a new car, I asked why my rates didn't go down after the accident. They said only I could have made a change. Question: what would have happened had I been in another accident that would have totaled my car a second time. Would they deny me. Are they obliged to counsel customers about keeping collision insurance on an already totaled car. Do I have any recourse. Could I get a refund. (My question mark key is gone on my keyboard.)""
What medical insurance company should I get?
What medical insurance should I get? My employer doesn't provide medical benefits anymore. I don't want to spend alot and I live in California.
False Auto Insurance Claim Against A Friend?
A very close friend of mine received a call from his auto insurer yesterday regarding a 3rd party claim against him. According to the 3rd party, my friend hit their parked car (which was parked on the curb in front of their home), then parked his own car, went up to their house, rang their doorbell and exchanged insurance information. The 3rd party claims that this took place in a town that's more than 1 hour away from where we work and live. This allegedly happened 3 months ago. There are two major problems with this story: A- The alleged incident never happened. I carpool with my friend to and from work and was with him that night. B- The 3rd party has all of his insurance information. Could the insurance company have called the wrong person (i.e. gotten policy numbers mixed-up while processing the claim)? If not, how could a 3rd party have his insurance information? How common are fraudulent insurance claims (against another person)? And has anything similar happened to you or someone you know? My friend is a little worried because there is some minor damage to his rear bumper. We live in a major city and pretty much every 3rd car has nicks and scratches along the bumper from parking garage 'mysteries' and whatnot. Also, about 8 months ago, a young woman rear-ended us while we stationary, waiting to turn left at an intersection. Other than a scratch to his rear bumper caused by her license plate bolt, there was no cosmetic damage, and while we exchanged insurance information, my friend decided not to file a claim (she was very nice and didn't look as though she had a lot of money). I'd hate to think that it's her trying to commit fraud against him...""
""Free health insurance near Brandon, FL?""
Is there any way to apply or receive FREE health insurance in or near Brandon, Florida. I am a college student here and don't want to pay for health insurance b/c its expensive. I used to live in New York and know that there there are many companies that give free health insurance for low income people. Any help?""
""How much is insurance on a 1995 jeep wrangler 4x4 for a 16 year old male that lives in DOuglasville, Ga?""
I am currently 16 and I am looking into buying a Jeep Wrangler 4x4 5 speed with a 3 inch lift. How much on adverage would insurrance be for me being a male? I live in Douglasville, Ga if that matters.""
How much is car insurance for a bugatti veyron?
How much is car insurance for a bugatti veyron?
Whats the best car insurance for young drivers?
I'm 16 and about to get my license and have been looking for cars online. my parents said i can have a a mustang V6 if i can save up for it (which i can) and yes, i realize insurance can be kinda high for mustangs but read somewhere that the 1996-2000 mustangs aren't AS MUCH to insure. i was just wondering if anyone knew of what the best car insurance was for young drivers.""
What is the average first year salary for a State Farm agent?
Are additional commissions paid? If so how are they structured.
Insurance Rate for a ZX6R !?
anyone know how much insurance would roughly be for a 17 year old 2007 ZX6R Motorcycle Course Completed In Ontario Thanks!!!
Is this possible with AIG car insurance?
hi i have a full coverage on my car with AIG and it says, it covers rental insurance too.. what does that mean.. generally, how does rental insurance coverage works.. is it only when my car is in unoperable condition or just for any rental that i take when am away from my home...""
Where is the cheapest Motorcycle insurance for a Honda CBR500R in Vancouver?
I'm a new rider buying my first bike. I am not really sure which options are available for insurance. I know ICBC has mandatory liability that has to be paid to them, however I'd like to know where the cheapest motorcycle insurance for a CBR500R is. Any help or info would be appreciated - Brad""
Can I drive a classic car as a daily driver while it has collector car insurance?
I want to purchase a 1966 Chevrolet Impala and I found one in my area for a really good price. My mom's boyfriend knows how to work on older cars so repairs and labor costs wouldn't be an issue (unless it'd be something he can't do with his hands like taking the engine out or something) and I am a senior in high school and live about a mile from my school (I know it's not far, but walking through inclement weather or on slippery sidewalks is a hassle sometimes). Can I use a classic car as a daily driver while it has collector car insurance or would I have to insure it with regular car insurance?""
What is the cheapest car to insure for a 17 year old girl?
My daughter has started driving lessons and will soon be looking to take her driving test, we are looking to buy a car for her, but want to start with what are the cheapest cars to insure""
Does anyone know which insurance companies do not using residential location in calculating car insurance?
I guess I have heard a few months ago that some car insurance companies will not include the location of where the car would be parked in their calculation of car insurance. The media touted that it will cost less to car owners who live in high traffic areas such as Los Angeles. Any input will be welcome
Can insurance companies do this?
my family is on allstate for car insurance and im kinda ticked off and confused, im 17 now , got my licence and drive around in my dads car. the problem here is that, insurance companies see me as a PRIMARY driver. My dad is a primary and my mom is legally blind, so she doesn't drive. (Hence shes not on the plan) im only 17 and they wont let us put me as a part time driver, my insurance a year is about $3,000!!!! is there anything we can do to change this?""
Question for anyone that knows about insurance?
I am renting a garage that is not attached to the house and want to insure it. Would this be covered by the house insurance or would you need separate contents insurance as its not near the house. If you need seperate cover where would I go to get this?
How likely is it that my car insurance will go up due to this?
Haven't had a claim in over ten years Haven't gotten a ticket in probably 5 years. But, the neighbor kid did $2K worth of damage to my car with his bike in three separate incidents. Basically, half of it will have to be repainted! I'd really, really rather not go to court. His insurance is NOT an option in this case. He doesn't have $2,000 laying around. IF I go the much easier route of getting him to pay at least my deductible, how likely is State Farm to raise my rates with a, after deductible, claim of about $1500 or so? Any relevant advice/comment is appreciated.""
What would the insurance quote be for a 2011 Honda Civic 4-door Sedan?
Im doing a car project for school and we need to price cars and get insurance quotes and I am having trouble finding an insurance quote becasue mst of the websites want to mail the quote to your house which i dont have time to wait 4 cuz the project is due thrusday, or thye assume ur buying the car. So can anyone tell me what a reasonably quote wud b for this particular car or waht websites i can use that wud give me free, instant quotes. Thanks By the way for the project we only have to estimate insurance for the first year and im 18yrs old so what wud the quote be based on this as well.""
What is the grace period to drop one car insurance company an get another 1?
My car insurance restarts September 24 I pay more for the 4month plan an want to switch. to a cheaper insurance company
What are some cheap car insurance for first time drivers?
What are some cheap car insurance for first time drivers?
I dont have car insurance?
Currently i dont have a car. I drive my sister car and she added me to her car insurance. If she rents a car for me would her insurance cover in case of accident if i am in her policy?
Advanced driving courses/car insurance?
Hi I am a 20 year old male, i passed 2 years ago, but since my dads insurance went up to 7000 with me as an additional driver both of us totally clean on a 1.4 astra i have been without my own transport as i had to be removed from the policy which is understandable. i've always been a sensible driver with 2 years no accidents or convictions but i have always been an additional driver to save costs on insurance but now the time has come to start building my no claims and i am struggling to find a car i can afford to insure. So long story short what i was wondering was could anybody please tell me of any advanced driving courses or any other ways to lower my insurance quotes and post links to them so i can find them easier. please help its becoming a real nightmare and i am sure if you can help me here you are helping thousands of other young drivers who are being punished because of muppets out there. Thanks for any help i would greatly appreciate it""
What are the payments on an Infiniti G35 Coupe?
How much for the car a month? And the insurance? If anyone has this car please let me know how much you pay for the car & the insurance. Thank you so much in advance.
How much would insurance be for a 2008 Honda CBR 125cc?
I'm only a 16 year old, 5'3 115 pound girl... I've got my g1, my driving course and I'm more than willing to take the motorcycle course. I'm looking at buying a 2008 Honda CBR 125cc. I'm wondering ON AVERAGE what I'll be paying for insurance? Thanks in advance! Oh and I'm in Sudbury, Ontario. I'll only be doing about 20-30km a day, if that makes a difference""
When should i buy car insurance?
I am going to buy a car on Tuesday. Is there a grace period during which i can drive the car without insurance until i get it, like 5 business days or something like that, or do i need insurance before i buy the car?? This is my first vehicle so i dont have an existing policy i can add this too.""
insurance quotes for vacant homes
insurance quotes for vacant homes
Looking for a car around $6000?
so im looking for a car that i can make my baby and put some time in to.. not looking for a full restore project. needs to driveable when i need it to. i have 6000 to spend and really want awd. stock turbo or supercharger would be a plus but not a must. would love to have an audi a4 but a little worried about how much the maintenance and insurance will cost me. cars that i have been thinking about instead honda accord coupe vw jetta/passet/golf nissan maxima ford mustang v8 (of course) acura tl/rsx toyota celica Mitsubishi Eclipse gsx any input to help make up my mind would be nice
Teens do any of you have any kind of insurance?
I ask this because im bored and I realized that there are so many kinds of insurance Automobile Insurance Commercial vehicle Insurance (busses and trucks) Homeowners Insurance Renters Insurance Disability insurance Cell Phone Insurance Life Insurance Travel Insurance Troll Insurance There are so many different kinds of insurance AM I RIGHT?
How to change auto insurance?
I pay my auto insurance every 6 months. I want to change insurance company from 'company A' to 'company B' because it's cheaper. I already paid a bill for company A and still have about 4 months until renewal. If I change to company B now, will I get a refund from company A? How does this work? I don't want to wait another 4 months with company A.""
Where can I get Affordable Life Insurance?
Where can I get Affordable Life Insurance?
Behind the wheel test insurance question?
I'm taking my behind the wheel test soon and my best friend is going to be my licensed driver and we were thinking if taking my moms car its insured and everything but its In my moms name only. Can I still use it for the test even though she's not going to be there? I checked the dmv website for California and it just says the car needs to be insured with valid registration.
What do you tell your work when you lose insurance ?
One of my best friend no longer has insurance because she can't afford it, andshe doesn't know how to tell her work. I though she needed to do something with her W2 but I don't know for sure, all I said is I think she needs to go in and ask to change it?""
Which are the top 10 insurance company of USA?
I would like to know about top 10 insurance companies of US. Because I want to buy a life insurance policy. Before buying this I would like to compare the insurance quotes of top 10 insurance of companies.
Increase in car insurance after DUI?
Recently my friend received a DUI charge in the state of New Jersey, and is waiting for his court date. He is 19, so I assume this case as an underage DUI. He is worried about ...show more""
""How much would it cost me for motorcycle insurance in toronto, ontario?""
I'm 16, going on 17 in march, and have my G1. I have a 1984 Honda cm250 custom that has been sitting in the garage and I've decided I'd like my M1 as well. Before I get it I was interested in how much I would be looking at paying for it per month/year. It would be used for pleasure, to get to and from school, and the odd day to go driving, probably less then 12 000km a year. If there's any info missing I'll gladly add it in. Here's all the info on the bike: Years Manufactured: 1982 - 1984 Category: Classic, Custom Engine & Transmission Engine Displacement: 234.00 cc (14.28 cubic inches) Engine Type: Four Stroke Twin Horse Power (kW): 17.00 (12.4) @ 7500 Compression Ratio: 9.4 : 1 Compression Pressure: 170.7 psi (12.0 kg/cm2) Bore x Stroke: 2.09 x 2.09 in (53.00 x 53.00 mm) Valves Per Cylinder: 2 Fuel Control: OHC Ignition System: CDI Cooling system: Air Gears: 5 Number of Plain / Friction Plates (cutch): 6 / 6 Transmission Type / Final Drive: Chain (1982, 1984) Belt (1983) Weight (including oil and gas): 317.5 lbs (144.0 kg) Top speed: ~75 mph (120 Km/h) Fuel Efficiency: ~50 mpg, city (21 Km/L) Engine & Transmission Front Wheel Dimensions: 18 in Rear Wheel Dimensions: 16 in Front Tire Dimensions: 3.25S18-4PR Rear Tire Dimensions: 110/90-16 59S Front Tire Pressure: 25 psi (1.75 kg/cm2) Rear Tire Pressure: 25 psi (1.75 kg/cm2) Rear Tire Pressure (>200 lbs): 32 psi (2.25 kg/cm2) Front Fork Travel: 5.5 in (140 mm) Front Fork Oil Capacity: 4.56 fl oz (135 cc) Rear Fork Travel: 2.9 in (75 mm) Front and Rear Brakes: Expanding Brake (hub) Engine & Transmission Spark Plug Type (NGK / ND): CR7HS / U22FSR-U Electrical System Voltage: 12 volts Alternator Output: 190 watts @ 5000 rpm Fuel capacity (total): 3.3 gal (12.5 lit) Fuel capacity (reserve): 0.4 gal (1.5 lit) Oil Capacity 1.6 qt (1.5 lit)""
How much higher will my insurance go up with a point on my license?
How much higher will my insurance go up with a point on my license? I got pulled over for not stopping at a stop sign completely... this is in california. My insurance is like 300 every 6 months typically.
Car Insurance decrease or increase?
I'm purchasing a 2012 Toyota Aygo within the coming weeks but I cannot be quoted on the insurance as the 2012 registration plates have not yet come up on the database of the insurance company I would like to go with. I have had a quote for 'nearly' the exact car but a 2011 version. Does anybody have a rough idea if the insurance is likely to increase or decrease with it being a 2012 model? Thanks :)
Can you report someone for driving without car insurance?
i know this person and i was just wondering if you could turn them in for not having car insurance without them knowing who turned them in. I want to prevent someone from getting hurt and not getting there part of the insurance claim or whatever.....anything will help..THANKS!!!!
""In California, how can you find out if someone has homeownners insurance, and who there carrier is?""
In California, how can you find out if someone has homeownners insurance, and who there carrier is?""
""18yr old car insurance, on my own.?""
im looking for cheap car insurance for a 2000 vauxhall corsa envoy 1.0, i have to have my own policy cause my dad has passed and my mom don't drive, my uncle has offered help me but we have been told its illegal for him to be the policy holder if i own the car, does anyone know a cheap insurance company??""
Getting married and need help with insurance?
My parents have Cigna insurance. I understand that I am no longer a considered an eligible dependent when I am legally married, but I am also a full time student. Which status is the dependent variable when considering eligibility? If I'm married AND a full time college student, does that mean I can't get coverage?""
2.5% tax penalty if you don't have health insurance?
There is a section on page 297 of the health care bill... which you can read here: http://docs.house.gov/rules/health/111_ahcaa.pdf It states plainly that any individual who does not have acceptable health insurance during any part of the year will be imposed a tax equal to 2.5% of their yearly adjusted gross income. My question is what the heck is that about? What has our government come to if they can legally punish people for not getting their own health insurance??
Question about car insurance.?
my dad has never been in a car accident or anything of the sort. 4 months ago we got a 2005 dodge ram rumble bee. i was really confident about my driving. but today i was exiting on a freeway and the car in front of me stepped on the brake real hard and i had no choice but to swerve outside the lane. i didnt hit anything else but the bottom of the front bumper kinda got wrecked and bent. i didnt hit the car in front of me or anyone else and i gained control of the truck and slowly got back on the lane. so if my dad reports it to the insurance how much will it go up?? he told me not to speak of this to anyone and he was gonna say it was him that it happened to. please help. what if i replace the bumper and dont report it? should i even report it?
Insurance (and more) for new driver in Ontario?
So, I'm going to take my written test (G1) tomorrow and I'm looking ahead trying to figure this out. I plan on taking a MTO certified course to be able to take my G1 exit driving test in 8 months. I have a car lined up that will practically be given to me in 8 months. I'm 30 and living on my own. Will I be able to get insurance on a car with only a G2 license? Will I have to pay through the nose for it? Would it be legal and/or cheaper to have my dad buy the car and put it and me on his policy? Would I live to be living in the same household as him? Any other ideas, issues, or options I should be aware of? Thanks a bunch.""
How much does it cost to insure a 2003 hyundai accent 4 door?
How much does it cost to insure a 2003 hyundai accent 4 door?
SR-22 Insurance Company risks?
We recently got jacked by Geico regarding SR22 insurance. We are going with a smaller company now and an inexpensive rate. What are the risks? What are things I should look out for? Arent the requirements of the SR22 insurance fairly good coverage due to the type of insurance you need?
Car insurance confusion?
I have full comp. insurance for my car and I can drive any other vehicle as 3rd party (As per policy). I also own another car which is not insured to anyone...Can I drive my this car (un insured) under my existing policy as 3rd party ?
""Totaled my car, What will insurance do?""
Yesterday I totaled my 2000 ZX3 and almost died, luckily my roof didn't completely cave in as i slid in the ditch after i flipped over, SO my engine and transmission isn't damaged. I wanna save some movie and just buy a car like mine with a blown engine and then switch engines and get the keep the rest of the insurance payout. I already found the possible car BUT i'm not sure if the insurance company will let me keep my car after its declared totaled? The car i found is for only 500 dollars and my dad is a mechanic, so i really need 2 know quick""
How much will my insurance go up after an accident?
Ballpark estimate. My rates right now are about 2000 a year... I just totaled a car. My fault, speeding wasn't a factor... just bad luck/inexperience. I'm 18 and have no prior accidents or points on my liscence.""
Health insurance in Michigan for low income person?
Health insurance in Michigan for low income person I live in Chicago, but my mom lives in Northern Michigan. I am reaching out to the Yahoo Answers community for help. My mom is 55 and my dad is 65. My dad gets some health benefits because he is on Social Security, but my mom has nothing. My mom runs a foster care home for abused and mentally handicap kids. I dont know for sure what their income is, but I have to believe it would be in the high 20s to low 30s (nothing). I say foster home, but she really adopted these kids. Because she adopted them, I guess she is technically not employed by the State of Michigan and therefore gets no insurance. My mom is really sick and has no health insurance. She refuses to visit the hospital or a doctor because of the bills. My brother and I have offered time and again to pay for this, but she feels like she is being a burden. This time she finally agreed because she is really really hurting. Does anything here know of low cost assistance she would qualify for? I doubt any traditional health insurance would pick her up because of her age, and general bill of health. Even if they did, I bet the premiums would be too much, and the co-pays would be outrageous. Any direction you can point me in will be helpful for a starting point.""
No car insurance automatically suspends CA driver's license?
So apparently in CA, if you stop paying your car insurance (I had to), your vehicle registration is revoked and your license is suspended automatically, and you get a notice in the ...show more""
insurance quotes for vacant homes
insurance quotes for vacant homes
Will I affect car insurance rates ring on the cars title?
Me and my fiance re buying a car together I asked him to put it in both our names but he said nothing against me he just don't want his insurance to go up but I was told I don't have to affect the insurance even if the title says (him and me) the insurance would still just Be in his name.?
If I move out would the health insurance be in my hands now?
That and car insurance? What will be put on me that my parents used to handle if I move out of the house?
Best way to save money on car insurance?
I'm 16 now, and I'm planning on learning to drive a car. I heard that if you have a driver license at 16 years old but you DON'T buy a car, which means you don't buy a car or drive a car or anything like that for 3 or 4 years, your car insurance will be deducted. So I have a couple of questions: 1. Is the statement above correct for California? 2. If #1 is wrong, then if I buy a car but don't drive it, will the money still be deducted after 3 or 4 years? 2. Is there any other ways to lower money spending on car insurance? 3. I also heard that you can combine your driver license with one of family members, but the money will be raised up a little bit. Is this true? And how can I combine my license to other family member?""
Assistance with auto insurance.....What do I do?
I am 20 years old. I have had my license for almost two years. I recently got a car and insured myself with All State. After everything went through, I got a notice about a week after saying I was declined for coverage because I haven't had my license for three years?! I have a completely clean driving record: no tickets, no court, no violations. What company will cover me? In the notice it said something about insurance through the DMV? Anything helps!!!""
How much is insurance on a xr 125?
Hi im 16 with a provisional motorbike license and was wondering how much the insurance would cost me on a honda xr125 worth 2500
Car insurance and speeding points?
Hey, when I was 18 I got 3 points for speeding. It is coming up to 5 years since I got them and when doing insurance quotes it always says 'any speeding convictions within 5 years' I was just wondering, dees that mean once it has been 5 years, that I won't have to declare them anymore? and will they completely disappear from my driving record/license? Also, please no replies saying 'grow up, dont speed etc. I know, which is why I grew up and haven't for 5 years. Thanks.""
Cheap car insurance with dui in california?
i know drinking and driving was dumb and dont drink anymore for a year. i need car insurance where can i find the best deal something cheap for a whole year for liabilty for my shitty car.
Question on car insurance and modifications?
If I want to just lower my car, will my standrad insurance cover it or will I need to go to a specialist insurer.""
Best Home/Condo Insurance Companies?
I am looking to obtain insurance for my condo in British Columbia, and was wondering if someone could recommend the best company to with. Currently I am just familiar with BCAA who ...show more""
Whats the cheapest auto insurance for someone in Texas?
Whats the cheapest auto insurance for someone in Texas?
Why the heck is insurance so high?
So I'm 17 trying to get insured on any car from a 1-1.2L DIESEL. I've tried practically everything and it's so expensive. I get quoted 15,000 for a MINI COOPER S and 12,000 for a corsa. The area I live in insurance is low. I passed in july and I really need a car. Any suggestions for cars or insurance?""
Getting car insurance (complicated case)?
Alright, so this is my story. I am getting new Mazda3 next week. I am 19 years old male (my dad is paying for car). My mom will pay for my insurance (full coverage). The problem is, my mom and my stepdad are divorced, but she is driving car he bought and she is paying him for that car, so she is under his All-State insurance. Now I need insurance and what to do? We obviously dont want to put my name under my stepdads insurance. Someone said to my mom that she should get new insurance (for example Progressive) for my car under her name, and then put me on her insurance, though she would never drive Mazda3, because I go to college in different town. The person said this way we would not pay as much as if Id open insurance under my name. Now and advices. Thank youOh and another question. If, let's say, car is bought under my moms name, can I get individual insurance under my name? Or only the owner of the car is allowed to do that? P.S.: please dont try to talk me out of getting ne""
Who can get your insurance. how much does it cost.?
what is the age limit that can get your insurance. are there any limitations to getting this insurance.
How much will an Acura Integra GSR 4 door insurance cost?
Hey I was wondering how much an 1998 Acura Integra GSR 4 door insurance cost? I'm in Long Beach, California. It is going to be under my dad's name and I have persmission to drive it to commute to school/work. My dad refuses to buy the 2 door version of the Acura Integra GSR because he says the insurance is too high. By the way once again it's under my dad name he has a driving experience of 28 years with clear records no accidents, no nothing. Please help me since my choice is the 4 door. Thanks in advance!""
""Cheap, but safe cars with low insurance [group 5 or less]?""
Are there cars [excluding super mini cars] that are big [i.e. saloon cars etc], but are generally cheap to insure for young drivers. As it seems the only ones that have cheap insurance are the super mini cars, and I don't really want one.""
Visitor medical insurance?
Hi all, I am from San Antonio,TX and my parent in-laws are visiting USA. I am looking to buy a visitor medical insurance and i confused of to buy a trusted one. I am much concerned about coverage/providers. Which one is most trust-able and where can i buy ? I want to buy a good one and i dont want get cheated by UN-known or a wrong insurance where the health care facility says we don't know this insurance or all the (covered) claims are simply denied. Thank you all...""
What is the best lowest cost insurance for a first time driver?
ok. i just got my learners permit. i had wondered what would be the best car insurance company too look to for getting my actual license. and has the lowest monthly rate, with the best coverage. i will never get a dui since i will never drive drunk. i have never had a ticket, i have excellent credit, i do not own a home so i don't want a insurance bundle, i'm in north carolina, i drive a volvo, i have never had a wreck . so i'm looking to good driving discount minus the privacy invading snap shot from progressive. and no dui discount. and good credit discount. exc anyone know of the best insurance company to look to?""
How to get insurance to buy a car?
Im about to be 18, and have some saved money to buy a new, cheap car to get me to school/work, but Im a little confused. Ive never done this before and have to all alone now. I know I need insurance on the car to buy it legally, but I'm not sure how to get car insurance coverage first. Do I call my preferred future insurance provider and tell them I need insurance proof for a car Im about to buy? Im not really sure what to do, anybody understand that can help?""
What are the age miletones for car insurance? UK?
At what ages does car insurance drop more than usual?
To get maturnity insurance or not?
I am currently 29 years old and just recently married. I have come to a decision I have to make on my health insurance. I am not planning on getting pregnant for at least the next 2 years. So do I or do I not take the maturnity insurance. It would be a differance of 140.00 a month! Crazy since I am on the pill trying not to get pregnant. But it is still possible to get pregnant on the pill, but highly unlikely. So my question is do I take it to be on the safe side or waive it until it gets closer to that time. Money is tight and I hate to sink money into something I will hopefully not need. Any views on the situation would be much appreciated. Thnx.""
Life insurance?
Is life insurance mainly to help other people like your wife and kids if you lose your job? My mom started life insurance with us when we were kids and still pays for it. I am 39 and may never get married. Should my mom continue to pay on this policy? I am not real sure what life insurance is for but I don't feel she should continue paying it for me. Please advise me on this.
Car Insurance...DUI.
does anyone have a 2002 poniac sunfire? with DUI? esimate of might that might cost?
Cost of Car Insurance?
I need to know what the average person pays for their car insurance. Lets say the car isn't too new... and its a new driver. Location is Lowell, MASSACHUSETTS. Help Plllllleasssse.""
Why did the health insurance for my employees just go up 32% for next year?
Thanks Obama, Pelosi and Reid! The AFFORDABLE Health Care Act. BS""
Cheapest car insurance for new drivers?
Co-op seem to be the cheapest i can find at the moment, i am going on my dads name because we are both going to drive it and he has like 11 year no claims, so far co-op seem the best (coop seem to go by the age of the car) the older the cheaper, im looking to insure either a fiesta a clio or a corsa, something like that, could you from experience or just knowledge tell me which insurance is the cheapest, by the way im 17""
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insurance quotes for vacant homes
0 notes
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"rental property insurance quotes ontario
rental property insurance quotes ontario
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeautoinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Will my car be fixed even though car insurance runs out?
Hi there. A car came into me the other day and bumped my car, I have fully comp insurance which runs out january 11th in my mums name, but i am the named driver. The car will have to have quite a bit of work done so im guessing it wont be fixed before this date. The other drivers insurance will be paying for the cost, the insurance and car is in my mums name, and I want to change myself to the owner (official through DVLA) and take out my own insurance before 11th instead of renewing with the smae company. Will they carrying on fixing the car if the insursance who have delt with the claim has run out, also will if be wrong if the car was in my name before the car was returned to my mum. I hope this makes sense, and i hope someone can help thanks.""
""Thinking about buying individual health insurance in georgia, 22 years old?""
in the beginning of feb my dad passed away so i they dropped coverage on 2/28. i get health insurance through my employer but it isn't good. can i still apply online for individual health insurance even though i can get insurance through my employer? i plan on quitting in two months so i figure it would save me the hassle if i get individual health care now. i have asthma and need medicine regularly/monthly. i'm planning on going on vacation in the summer and then when i get back, i plan to get a job with health benefits, so i would only need insurance until then. would that be considered short term (now-august/september)? does the price differ from short term and long term health insurance? i was looking up some plans online and i was thinking of applying for this one. http://www.ehealthinsurance.com/ehi/ifp/plan-details?planKey=3002:200067&productLine=IFP&noSelectedPlan=true&ifpUIState.planDetailsBackUrl=/ifp/all-plans so what this means is that i pay 115 dollars a month and since there is no separate prescription deductible, i can buy my prescriptions which is tier 2/3 for the copay only. also there is a 2500 maximum out of pocket for my part. right? and is this a good plan for me? im 22 and dont smoke/drink and live in georgia, my only health concern is that i have asthma. can they reject my application because i have asthma and that's a pre-existing condition? and when i get a job with health benefits i can just cancel this or is there a contract that states i have to be with them for a certain amount of time? thank you very much for your time!""
Is it worth it to pay $300 a month for health insurance when you qualify for medi-cal?
My kids qualify for healthy families and we are paying for their insurance anyways. We now need a new car, and were trying to figure out if we should switch to healthy families and buy a new car or keep their insurance through my husbands work?""
Why Will Companies Keep Offering Health Insurance?
Why Will Companies Keep Offering Health Insurance? Who here believes that if Universal Health Benefits are offered through the US government to all US citizens that companies and employers will continue to offer health insurance benefits to their employees as a payroll/benefits expense. Do you really believe companies will continue to pay such a large amount of overhead when they can simply stop offering those benefits and let the government program take over? What employer in their right mind would keep dishing out $500 a month per employee when the government is begging to take that system over? If you think Yes, please tell me why.""
Help with car tax and short term car insurance?
Hi I have a nissan micra which myself and partner are insured on and I intend to sell. I have bought a peguot but the problem is that it needs taxing and to get tax I need to insure it and this is when it gets complicated - The peugot is in Brighton in my parents garage and they plan to drive it upto me in Liverpool. The question is what do I do about the tax and insurance for it as I dont want to cancel or transfer my current insurance on my micra as I need the car until my new one arrives, my dad will also need to be insured to drive it up. PLEASE HELP VERY CONFUSED""
What is the cheapest car to insure for a 17 year old girl?
i am looking at buying a car when i pass my test, was just wondering what would be the cheapest way to insure a car and what cars are cheap for insurance?""
Is a salvage title more expensive to insure?
I live in Oregon by the way. I am looking at buying a used car with a salvage title.
How does AD&D Insurance differ from Life Insurance?
I understand a little about how AD&D works (for example, if you lose a leg you get x% of your benefit), but who is it for? If I have Life and Medical Insurance, am a white collar worker, and do not engage in dangerous hobbies, why would I need it? By the same token, why not get AD&D instead of Life insurance (since the AD&D plan I looked at had a death benefit)? AD&D seems like a waste of money (of course I've just jinxed myself). Can someone please enlighten me?...""
What company offers the cheapest motorcycle insurance in Toronto?
I Want to buy a motorcycle around $ 5000 and wondering how much would be the insurance for the following motorcycles 2006-2009 Honda CBR RR 600 2006-2009 Honda CBR 125 How can I be able to get discount on my premium. I have a full M licence with no accidents for like 2 years. I live on Dufferin st close to bloor and I am 25 years old male Serious replies only please because having a car is too expensive for me.
I started requesting an online CAR INSURANCE quote from PROGRESSIVE.COM....but?
They want to collect personal information from consumer reporting agencies, such as driving record, claims, and credit history reports. Is it safe for me to fill out the online form and give Progressive.com (Progressive Direct) the OK it needs in order to collect this information to give me a quote, or is this a possible Phishing expedition that I might regret later on? Thanks""
How does health insurance work??? Payment?
I'm 18, jobless. My parents will stop paying for my insurance soon. How do I get a new plan and what will the cost be? NO MEDICAID. also what if you're pregnant""
Around how much do you think I will need to pay for car insurance?
I'm moving out on my own. I'm 18, female, have had my license for 2 years, no tickets, no suspensions, no accidents. I'm going to be living in Los Angeles, driving a car probably from 1990-95. I know you can't give me an EXACT number, but around how much monthly do you think?""
What companies are best for cheap car insurance for young UK drivers with provisional licence?
I have tried confused.com etc I am 20 and have a 1.5TD
What would it cost to add someone who has a drink drive conviction to my car insurance for a couple of weeks?
It would be third party fire & theft; the same as me.
Is there a way to find out someones insurance company only with their name and address?
i also have a license plate number. is there a website i can go to that i just type in someones name and their insurance company pops up?
California 50cc scooter laws?
a 50cc scooter the kind that you sit on and seats 2 goes about 40 mph does it need to be registered in ca and have insurance on it? do i need a motorcycle class license to drive it? or anything else i should know about driving it in california? riverside county.
I'm nineteen and looking for good somewhat affordable health insurence?
looking for people who are happy with their health isurence to share their experiences. thanks
What is it like selling insurance?
is it really hard?
Dental program for low income families?
Are there any programs that provide low cost/free assistance wit dental? my son needs a badly infected tooth pulled and we dont have dental insurance. its urgent! can someone help?!
What are some affordable/cheap community colleges in the USA for international students?
Hi, i want to study associate in business management so in which state i can find community colleges with low fees or which are the affordable and cheapest community college in USA for study? Thanks""
If I put my plates on someone elses car will my insurance cover it?
My brother is a dealer and I will be borrowing a car for a day or two and I am wondering if I take off the dealer plates and put one of my own cars plates and carry my insurance card, will my insurance cover any accidents or damages that may happen? If I need to do anything else, let me know in detail what and any costs.""
Shouldn't I try to claim all I can on car insurance?
Someone didn't quit stop on time and hit me a little in the rear. This guy was in his early 20's and when I asked for insurance he said he doesn't have it with him and that he is driving his grandmothers car. I asked him for his phone number in case there is a problem. My car just has a few marks from this but bodywork is expensive and it wouldn't surprise me if it wouldn't cost $300.Since my car is 12 years old I may not get the work done.Usually insurance companies tell you to get an estimate and mail a check to you. The driver that hit me said he is sorry but I think he hopes he doesn't owe me anything for this. Shouldn't people try to claim any amount of damage through insurance even if it is minor?
""What is good, affordable health insurance in Arizona?
My job is no accepting aps for insurance till October but I need some now. Any good suggestions?
Does anyone know a health insurance company that will insure you AFTER you go to the hospital?
Is is possible to get insurance after being admitted to the hospital? I know it's very highly unlikely, but if the premiums and the deductable are absurdly high ... who knows?""
How much does moped insurance usually cost?(for new owner and ped)?
How much does moped insurance usually cost?(for new owner and ped)?
rental property insurance quotes ontario
rental property insurance quotes ontario
What insurance company will give me the cheapest full coverage policy on a sportbike?
I'm 23, I have one year of riding experience, and i have no traffic convictions. I'm looking to go no higher than a 600. I live in an apartment, and I will have a lojack installed. I can't seem to find a policy for less than 3,000 bucks a year.""
""Would it be worth going through insurance, pictures?""
Its a 2002 Honda Accord SE 4-door. Lets just they there was an incident, anyways. The rear passenger door is banged in. My issue is, if I buy a replacement, would it be hard to mount the door, are the bolts, just screw on, and the door is already aligned or is there some type of process? The deductible would be $500 with the possibility of higher insurance rates. I could get the door in the same color for less. What should I do through insurance or do it myself, would it be difficult? I have someone who will paint it, if it doesn't match. Supposedly, as far as the Window components are (Regulator etc, they are included in the replacement also) http://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a81/oyoki1/Pictures1026.jpg""
AAA student discount for car insurance-- EMERGENCY question?
Hi. I just graduated high school, and my insurance want to know my grades for my senior year for a discount on car insurance. Truth is, my grade is B average, but my attendance for the whole year is: 129 Absent and 158 Tardies. DOES they also look at my attendance too? and does it matter as much as my grades? PLease helppp!!!""
Does anyone know of a good /cheap health insurance?
I need to get health ins. for a nursing program I'm going into, do you know of a cheap one? I have no pre-existing ailments, an 46yrs. old and in good health. I live in San Antonio, Tx. thx.""
How much would the insurance be on a VW Beetle?
I am 17 and intrested in getting my first car a Classic VW Beelte, does any one know the price range for the insurance on one? Many thanks""
Can i get insurance with my learners permit?
Hi i finished my MSF course about two months ago and i want to get my own insurance, since my brother is leaving to collage. im 18 and have my leaners permit for about 2 months. I'll get my motorcycle license in 4 more months. i asked PROGRESSIVE and they said they won't be able to insure me till i have my license. BQ: what insurance do you have? any you recommend? I have a clean record.""
Where can I find the cheapest auto insurance?
I am a new driver and I need to go on my own insurance policy. I am 19 and am wondering if anyone knows?
Why are people demonizing the insurance companies?
I'm not on the government dole, I'm not a municipal, state or federal employee. I don't get my insurance through an employer, I purchase my own. As small business owners in NYS my family of five pays over $20000/year for health insurance. NYS is already an expensive state to live in and with all of these state mandates on the few insurance carriers we have, my premiums have DOUBLED over the past seven years. If anything, Obamacare will make many self insurers like me drop their insurance and pay a fine. Then we'll wait until we get sick to purchase insurance because we can't be denied due to pre-existing conditions. Anyone who doesn't believe Obamacare was designed to put private insurance companies out of business has got their head up their ***. So again I ask, why are people demonizing the insurance companies?!?""
Why would the insurance companies be against the affordable healthcare act?
Why is this new healthcare law suppose to do and why are the insurance companies against it for.
Would the insurance company find out if you modify ur engine?
im gettin an accord nd i wanna add performance to it bc i aint a ricer nd ma dad doesnt want me to nd i was wondering if the insurance company would find out by themselves if yu mod your engine and increase the rate. my insurance company is geico nd my dad pays for it so i dnt want him to be like why is the rate going up nd find out tht i added turbos nd air intakes nd ****
State Farm Renter's Insurance?
I live with my brother and his wife. There names are on the lease and my name is not on the lease. Can I still get Renter's Insurance?
Work Insurance for Teen?
My daughter will be voluteering at a Veteriray's surgery/office in the Summer holidays. She was told she'll need work insurance. We live in Ireland but do not have family insurance. Where can I get her this insurance for the time that she will be working/volunteering at the Vet's surgery/office/farm? I'd very much appreciate any leads please. Thank you.
Need help with car insurance?
Hi. Im getting my first car insurance in Ireland, but I was disqualified of driving for 1 year in Poland. Can anybody tell me how much will this inflate my premium?""
""Insurance question I need help with, any help would be great?""
I need some help here... The question is Hans sells his car to Pieter and now has no car and no need of auto insurance. Hans calls his State Farm agent to tell him to transfer his auto insurance to Pieter. The agent tells Hans: A. The transfer will not take place until that night at 12:01 AM B. That Hans will need to put Pieter on his policy as an additional driver C. That Hans must keep paying the premium until the end of the policy period. D. That he cannot transfer the policy to Pieter. E. None of the above. Im pretty sure B and C are incorrect, but otherwise I have no clue. Any help would be greatly appreciated!""
What is the most reasonable home owner and Auto insurance?
I need to get a cheaper insurance for car and Auto.Would like to hear from you that have checked prices before you bought insurance.
Cheapest car to insure for a 21year old?
hey let me firstly tell you all my situation.....im 21 years old, a new driver only having just got my licence looking to buy and insure my first car. i wanted to buy a 1999 peugeot 206 1.1 which costs 700 but the insurance is almost 3000 which i just cant afford? can anyone think of any other half decent cars that arnt too expensive and also cheap to insure? they must be really safe cars though as i have a young child. im in full time employment, live in a safe neighbourhood, the car would be parked in a locked carpark overnight and im only really looking for third party insurance. please help!!!!!""
Car insurance question? help!?
I am going to get my dad to be the main driver and me to be the named driver because it makes my first insurance 300.00 =] Which is cheap for an 18 year old! lol But an insurance company phoned up today and said if i did this i would not be able to drive the car, if i did i would be uninsured? That sounds wrong, i was thinking maybe he thought i hadn't passed my test? So would i be able to drive by myself with a full UK licence as a named driver on the car i own? Thanks""
How much is car insurance for a range rover sport 2010?
I have a friend how is looking to get a 2st hand range rover sport 2010 but Is worried about the insurance. What is the range of car insurance prices for the basic driver
License got suspended cause no car insurance?
i stopped paying car insurance cause my car broke down. so why pay if your not driving?. now i got to pay $500 to get my license and show proof of insurance. is there a way to over see this? i got my license with no car insurance. i didnt even have a car yet but they didnt say anything then? i live in the state of florida.
1993 camaro car insurance?
I'm looking to buy a 1993 used camaro with a v8 engine and 145k miles on it off craigslist. I just need to know how much the car insurance will cost me. I'm 16 turning 17 in a month. I get A's and B's in school (someone once told me grades help lower car insurance) and havnt gotten into any accidents yet. i know you guys can't give me and accurate price but i just want a general price range from any company. i'm trying to find a really cheap car insurance. so can someone please tell me a general price range i might end up paying for the car?
Cheap insurance for (2002) BMW 3 Series for young drivers?
Hi everybody Does anyone know a cheap car insurance for BMW 1.9 - 2.0 for a young male driver? GoCompare didn't show any good deals yet , so any ideas? Any help appreciated. Thanks""
How much would my car insurance cost?
im 16 years old and i have a job i have 2 grand saved up in the bank and my gpa is about 2,6 would it really be expensive or not the car i am drving is a 93 honda acorrd""
How much will my insurance go up after a minor accident and a aspeeding ticket?
I live in California and in the past 4 months I got in a Fender bender(10MHP and the Guy is claiming bodily injuruy awell.) and In November I got a speeding ticket. But I am unable to attend traffic school cause I fought the ticket. I'm 19 My moms the main insurer on the car and its a sports car. Any idea how much will my insurance will go up? Any Ideas? I might have to sell my car if its too much. I have insurance through Geico.
Cheaper on insurance 1980 lincoln or a 1995 blazer?
i have a 1980 lincoln mark VI it has a 351 (5.8 liter engine) and a 1995 chevy blazer im 16 and im trying to decide which one to drive they both get the same gas mialage about cause the blazer is an suv so im deciding which would be cheaper on insurance for a 16 year old i think the blazer but im sure hoping not cause the lincolns prettier lol
Where can i get cheap individual health insurance in florida?
i'm under 65 and i'm not eligible for employee or medicaid insurances.
rental property insurance quotes ontario
rental property insurance quotes ontario
Why is my car insurance so high?
I have full coverage insurance on my 2005 Honda civic and I am paying a little over $850 every six months. Every quote I get isn't much better. Why is it so expensive? My insurance lady says that it's because I am a young driver with a newer car. But my YOUNGER sister has a car 2 years newer than mine and she pays about $350 less every six months. I have no tickets on my record. I did have my license suspended about 5 years ago. Why is it so expensive and how can I get it down? I can't afford this sh* t. Thank you!
Insurance info on changing them.?
my dad has a certain insurance and i want to switch to another insurance. what is involved switching to a new insurance because i found a nice new place but they don't take his current insurance. i really want to do move because this new place is great.
What is the cheapest most affordable medical insurance for me?
I am 25 , married and unemployed but my husband makes more money than the minimum so I can't get an insurance based on income need. Also, I can't be on his insurance either because then he would have to pay $300 more per month. I need an insurance though because I need to get check my thyroid function( been having serious issues) plus next year I plan on getting pregnant so I will def need an insurance. Any suggestion on what insurance will be the cheapest and most affordable for me?""
Car insurance?????????????????
I am buying a new car but haven't sold mine yet, I still want insurance on my old one incase I have to drive it.. How do you go about it? Does it cost much??""
How do you want health care reformed?
With all the rumors about the plan killing babies and grandma, we have gotten away from intelligent discourse. Polls say 70% of people want some kind of reform. What would you like ...show more""
Need to get proof of no claims car insurance from years ago?
I have been out of the country for some time, prior to this I had a few years no claims on my car insurance, can I get prrof of this somehow now I am back to help reduce my insurance costs?""
Should I cancel my car insurance?
I got into an accident 1 month ago and the insurance company of the person who hit me is handling my claim. I don't have coverage for my car so my insurance company is not really doing anything. So should I just cancel my insurance because I am not using my car anyways, and most likely my car will be a write-off because the damage seems irreparable or if it is, the repairs would cost more than the car itself. What do you guys thinks? Thanks for your time.""
""Looking to buy a car, what kind of cars will raise my insurance?""
Ok, so I'm getting ready to buy a different car and I'm wondering what kind of things will make my insurance go up. I'm 20 years old and right now I'm paying $100 a month, and that is cheap. Any advice?""
What are the books that insurance companies use?
What are books that are full of the variations of ways that people have died, that insurance companies use to produce statistics called or labelled as genre.""
What is health insurance reform?
Im doing a research paper on health insurance reform and i googled what it means and its just to confusing i dont get a definition. can anyone explain to me what health insurance reform is and whats the differences between health insurance reform to health care? how do they work? please and thank you =)
Cheapest car insurance for a 17 year old?
What is the cheapest insurance i can get for a Seat Ibiza 1.4 Petrol 2008 Automatic, No modifications made, just passed driving test but can not find a cheap insurance? Can anybody lend me a hand and guide me to the cheapest deals? I have checked all the comparison websites the best i have got is around 2,200.""
How much is insurance for a mustang in florida?
I'm a new driver but my insurance is going in my brother's name who is an experiance driver, how much would insurance cost""
Farmes Car Insurance?
I had a accident on the freeway a girl hi tme from behind and she had farmers insurance are they good at fixing other peoples cars when their cutomers are at fault
Best and Cheapest Motor Trade Insurance UK?
Need Motor trade insurancefor first time motor trader whats the best and cheapest im in London Uk, thanks.""
I changed my car and the insurance is so expensive?
Hello Everyone, Ive changed my car and I've bought Mazda RX8, the thing is my insurance does not insure these type of car, and they said send us the certificate and we will send you a 3 NCB. I've checked many sites such us moneysupermarket, confused.com etc. and they cheapest quote was 2200 per year. anyone knows how can i get a cheaper insurance for this car ? Thanks""
With no health insurance . . .?
How come I have to pay full price with cash, but if someone has medicaid or some other type of health insurance, the insurance company only pays (for example) $52.00 of an office call that I have to pay $80.00. Isn't that discrimination to people that pay cash?""
Should i keep my health insurance?
I make 30,000 a year for a family of 4. I have an 80/20 High deductible health plan with a deductible of 10k, that costs about $4,000 a year. My yearly health expenses are about $1,200. Should I keep my current insurance or apply for medicaid where only my children would be covered? I don't have any extra money to put in a health savings account.""
Do grades affect insurance on a car?
okay, so, I am learning to drive, and, my parents say that if I don't have at least all B's or a B GPA my insurance will be too expensive. me being a male in a 2 door sports car. do grades really have anything to do with it? I have a C average, right now. what if I pass the drivers ed classroom with flying colors? state of indiana, by the way.""
Insurance for a teenager?
I just got my license but my parents dont want to put my name under insurance because they dont want their insurance price to go up. I recently heard from a friend that you can put your name under your parents insurance and say you're only using the car 10% of the time and they dont raise your insurance? Is this true? If not, what can i do to not increase the insurance price for my parents. I really want to drive their car.""
Accident Advice - Car without insurance?
My friend was driving her car on a busy highway, minding her own business. Suddenly a large SUV hits her rear quarter and pushes her off the road, down a hill, and into a ditch. Apparently, and there were about 10 witnesses to the situation, the driver who hit her was involved in some sort of road-rage war for about 5 miles, ending when she hit my friend's car. My friend is ok, but her insurance had expired on her car. The police didn't ask for her insurance that day. She learned a lesson and has since payed up online, so the insurance co doesn't know about the accident. Both of the drivers involved in the road rage were charged with reckless driving, and one of them even got arrested. Our question is this: she has $1400 in damage to her vehicle. She is willing to pay what she needs to pay to get her car out, just to avoid getting in trouble for driving without insurance. Are there any other options for her?""
Will a seat belt violation affect my insurance rates?
A cop pulled me over for speeding, but I started crying and instead of giving me a speeding ticket, he gave me a $25 ticket for a seat belt violation . I was wearing my seat belt, I guess he just made that up to give me the smallest violation. I am 18 and have never had any tickets or anything before. I have Geico insurance and my car is registered under my parents' name. My question is... will this affect my insurance rates, and is there any way my parents can find out? Assuming I pay it on time?""
How much would car insurance cost for a 2008 Ferrari F430?
I meant around how much would it cost say if i was 18 how much would it cost?
Why is my car insurance so expensive?
I am trying to figure out why my car insurance costs so much, and I am having problems getting a straight answer from any insurance company. In the last 5 years I have 0 speeding tickets, no dui's, and 1 not at fault accident. I am a 26 year old male with full coverage on an 07 Cobalt ls, so not even a sports car. The absolute cheapest insurance I could find is just shy of 350$ a month. Most companies wouldn't even cover me, and none of them would tell me why. So if anyone has any ideas of what could be causing this I would really appreciate it.""
What can i do if my fmla and insurance is terminated?
Today is my last day for fmla and my insurance benefits, but I can't afford any insurance. Its almost 4 months I've been out of work due to diabetes, high blood pressure, fractured c1, infections on my skull and spine, and excessive migraines. I am unable to bend over, lift heavy objects, push or pull objects, stand, sit, or walk for long periods of time and was recently denied disability benefits. I need other operations done, but I cannot afford health insurance to continue my treatments.""
No proof of insurance ticket in California?
I was driving my uncles car and got pulled over because the insurance paper was forgotten and left inside my uncles wallet. The car has insurance. I am not in the policy. I do not live at the same address the car/insurance is registered at. I was just borrowing the car for 1hour. The officer told me its like a fixing ticket you show up in court show the insurance and your ticket will be dismissed. So i went to court took the insurance and the judge told me my name is not in the insurance paper and i need to pay the fine. I read other places that i am okay to drive or borrow others car as long as the car has insurance and and also am not living at the same address the car is registered at or else i will need to be in the policy as well. What are your opinions? Should i get a lawyer and fight it? Or I need to pay the fine. I also got the ticket in California. Thank you
rental property insurance quotes ontario
rental property insurance quotes ontario
Is Renters Insurance Mandatory If I Rent A Condo?
I've been having a hard time finding a new place, but I came across a very nice 3 story condo complex that had one on the 2nd floor for an affordable price. A few people have told me that I HAVE to get renters insurance if I want to rent it. Is this true? It also claims I have to pay for the gas as well. I've never had to pay for gas before in the apartmetns I've had. Is this a costly expense? thanks!""
My insurance co. just cancelled my policy!!! Plz. HELP!!!!?
19 new car questions carloan insurance etc !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!? !?
19 new car questions carloan insurance etc !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!? 19 new car questions carloan insurance etc !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!P? okay im 19 have job and all that i want to get a new car ford 18,0000 i have no credit and natha! but my parents would give me insurance so all i need is a loan i was reading some girl went in a lot and they said they would instantly give her one if she had a job and was 18 so i could get a loan ofcourse after hearing that so whats next how much a month etc etc etc !""
Why did my friends mother want me to have car insurance?
I wanted to pick up my friend and have her come to my house. Her mother said i have to have car insurance to have her daughter in the car with me. I was just wondering why.
How to get into a new Car Insurance?
About 1.5 yrs back my wife scratched another car while parking. The claim was settled using insurance. The expense was about $1500. Ever since that the insurance company, AAA, has been increasing our premiums by abt $35 on every renewal. Now I cannot switch or shop with other insurance company since they give quotes much higher than this company. But apart from this one incident we do not have anything else on our record. Also I get discount for Home+Auto insurance. The company increased prices on our Home Insurance too. I am badly stuck with this company now. I would like to buy Auto+home from one company itself. But I really cannot move my Auto Insurance. Please give suggestions.""
How much does it cost to fill up a 2008 Chevy Malibu and how much is the insurance?
How much does it cost to fill up a 2008 Chevy Malibu and how much is the insurance?
Are your children on your insurance plan?
Does it cost more on your insurance for a child over 12 years of age?
NJ Car Insurance? What do you think of http://www.NJ-Car-Insurance.ne... Liberty Mutual Etc.?
NJ Car Insurance? What do you think of http://www.NJ-Car-Insurance.net Liberty Mutual Etc.
I want cheap auto insurance?
I am from canada and i want cheap auto insurance from where i will get this.
Riding a friends motorcycle without insurance?
My friend says he has insurance on his bike(ninja 250) that covers him, any other riders and any damages to the bike. He wants me to ride his bike but i have no insurance only my motorcycle permit, my question is, is he just miss understanding his insurance or is he correct about it? Thank you for any help! Also i plan on getting insurance in the next month.""
How much is a 2010 Jeep Sahara cost a month for insurance?
How much is a 2010 Jeep Sahara cost a month for insurance?
Cheapest car insurance female driver full no claims?
low milage
Affordable health insurance?
What are some affordable Health Insurance Options in NYC for Latin American father and his child to be? My friend doesn't have health insurance and is planning on putting his new baby (born around Oct.) on his policy with him. He's Latin American and has his permanent residence card, but is not yet a citizen. Anyone know of any affordable plans for him to look into in the Manhattan area?""
Insurance price doesnt change from provisional once passed?
I have been looking at car insurance now for weeks on all of the pric comparison sites and phoneing companys and the cheapest quote i got was 3000! thats on a 1988 mk2 fiesta. i i have a mate who is insured on a provisonal at 17 for 1000, he asked the company how much it will be once he has passed and they said it will stay the same, does this really happen?""
Question about GAP insurance?
when i bought my truck I had GAP insurance calculated into the loan, but since then Ive refinanced several times, last time back to the original lender. Since the GAP was in with the loan is it correct that it would still have GAP insurance?""
Can anyone tell me a cheap car insurance?
Can anyone tell me a cheap car insurance?
Registering and insuring a salvaged car?
just bought a car with a salvaged title with full knowledge of such thinking i'll save some money. the car runs fine, everything functions as any other car and if the title ...show more""
Health Insurance Question?
I am 19, and I am Diabetic. I would like to move out of my parents house, and start living independently. Is there any Health Insurances out there that are government run that could help me get a cheap Insurance rate? Oh, and I live in Ohio if that makes any difference.""
What is the average auto mileage per year?
Farmers Insurance says that it is 22,000 and I don't believe them for a second""
What is an average price for mobile home insurance in california ...los angeles?
12 ft. by 50 ft. 0r 20 ft. by 48 ft. and the year matters too if 1970s...1980s...1990s... ? and my age is 50
Insurance cost of 06 Cobalt SS?
I am 19 and have no tickets... was just wandering a guess at how much it would be?
Do you know any life insurance companies that has all of this?
1) Has banding coverage, meaning rates are base on total coverage of the primary and the spouse. 2) Has spouse rider and child rider, so there's only one policy fee 3) Has terminal illness benefit. If you are diagnose to be terminally ill, you can use a portion of the face amount for whatever reasons. 4) Has increasing benefit rider. That means every year up to a certain time, the face amount goes up by a certain percent without having to provide proof of insurability. And the rate of the added coverage is base on the age when the policy was issued to you. 5) Disability waiver of premium. This means when you become disabled, all your premiums will be waivered and the policy will remain enforced until it matures or expires. 6) Guarantees insurability for children. That means when the child becomes an adult, he/she can get life insurance regardless of current health conditions. 7) It has AM Best Rating of A+ or better or Moody Rating of AA or better. The company I work has all these features in all their life insurance policies. I was wondering if any other companies out there has the same features.""
Cheapest car insurance in usa?
im 18. my parents now have a plan in Geico. I was to sign in also in a plan but I think Geico is too expensive. Which car insurance company is the CHEAPEST ( Allstate, 21st etc. ) ? idk if it matters but the place of living is in Virginia.""
Should my car insurance company be forced to cover preexisting conditions?
After all, liberals want preexisting conditions be covered for health care. What's the difference? I want them to fix that dent in my front end that was there when I bought the car.""
Term life insurance and estate planning?
Can term life insurance be used in place of long term care insurance? For instance, lets say a person is 55 yoa and in generally good health. Instead of buying long term care insurance, how about buying a term life policy for 250-300k. Should nursing home care become necessary, available funds for care costs, then upon death, survivors are reimbursed via the term life death benefit. It seems to me long term care insurance may or may not be used, and if not, the money paid for premiums is wasted . On the other hand, everyone dies, so nursing home or no nursing home, the death benefit will one day be paid. What say you?? Thanks in advance for offering your insight.""
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rental property insurance quotes ontario
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Testing three sleep-enhancing gadgets
Golf and sleep aren’t a high-quality twosome. Between the anticipation of gambling and the game’s early morning start times, it’s regularly difficult to get sufficient shut-eye. We examined three modern-day gadgets that promise to help.
SENSE SLEEP SYSTEM: A sector-size sensor goes on the aspect of your pillow to monitor your motion. Another object that looks like an oversize golfing ball (pictured) sits next to your bed and tracks the environment. They send records to an app that shows what can be modified—like room temperature, noise, air nice and mild—to reap highest quality sleeping conditions. The Sense ($149) also produces calming, ambient sounds to help you fall asleep. Sadly, those soothing faux fowl chirps in golfing telecasts aren’t among them.
WITHINGS AURA-CONNECTED ALARM CLOCK + SLEEP SENSOR: About the dimensions of a small bedside lamp, this device emits colorations that its producer says inspire secretion of sleep hormones. Skeptical? We have been, too, but we observed it oddly calming—and the only of these 3 products. While you sleep, a sensor tracks temperature, light, and sound degrees. The device ($299) additionally generates a bright wake-up glow in the morning, or you can add music. We programmed Dave Loggins’ “Augusta” Masters topic as our alarm.
Neuro on calls itself a “clever” sleep masks. Collecting data approximately your mind waves, sleep styles, respiration cycles and heart price, it could tell you lots about why you’re no longer drowning. And it gives advice on fighting the issues, in contrast to some merchandise. In the morning, the mask ($269 at Neuroon.Com) re-creates the light of a slowly breaking sunrise. It sounds cheesy, but we found this be careful call soothing and effective.
Tree Testing Vs Card Sorting
User experience is an important aspect of the internet site effectiveness. If one knows the way a person perceives records, it is going to be an awful lot simpler for the software testing employer to carry out software program trying out.
Speaking approximately usability checking out, one need to, firstly, think about the gadget navigation and its functionality. Will it be an intuitive and easy to use internet site or application? Here, expert desires to keep in mind such useful strategies as tree trying out and card sorting.
Both of them are aimed to offer the take a look at the group with the useful effects so one can improve the device business enterprise. The main distinction is the execution time: tree trying out is applied after the shape advent whilst card sorting is fulfilled before.
Tree trying out a method that the statistics are represented within the shape of a “tree”, in different phrases, in an easy manner with none visualization. It is one of the most crucial degrees inside the development technique. It can be utilized in the combination of a few usability testing gear (e.G., Treejack).
It presupposes the numerous participants’ involvement as a way to help to apprehend whether or not the customers are able to discover what they’re seeking out thru available sitemap.
Main Reasons for the Tree Testing Performance Are:
The product findability specification. Primarily, it assists the testers to understand the weakest factors within the software navigation and the way easily an everyday consumer can also navigate it. The amendment checking. It must screen whether the hassle is constant after the updating and the necessity of the additional checking. Card sorting is conducted earlier than the shape designing. It presupposes that the components or functions of the future website or utility must be written on the sheets of paper (the playing cards). The next step is to give them to the members whose assignment is to sort them by way of the companies. This approach permits to recognize the version considering the consumer.
Such usability checking out tool as OptimalSort might also serve as additional assistant to the take a look at method.
What Are Main Methods of Card Sorting?
Open card sorting – the individuals are given the cardboard composition on which the names of the website materials are written with none preparatory clustering. They are required to arrange the cards in groups the manner they prefer and to remark the selection. Closed card sorting – the members are furnished with the cardboard composition with the sooner precise listing of the primary corporations. All they need to do is to kind the to be had playing cards by using those groups.
The US Automotive Industry and The Big Three
We have a proud vehicle way of life inside the United States but, exceedingly, now not many human beings know an excessive amount of approximately this us of an’s automotive records. For this history lesson, we’re focusing on the automotive “enterprise” instead of the history of the auto itself.
When It All Began
In the 1890s, the American automotive industry started out and, way to the use of mass-manufacturing and the huge size of the domestic market, speedy advanced into the biggest car industry inside the global (even though this name might be taken from the U.S. By using Japan inside the Nineteen Eighties after which from Japan by means of China in 2008).
The U.S. Motorcar industry absolutely began with loads of producers, however by means of the end of the Twenties, three agencies stood apart from the rest:
General Motors Ford Chrysler The Big Three
These three agencies persisted to prosper, even after the Great Depression and World War II. Henry Ford started constructing cars returned in 1896 and started out the Ford-Motor Company in 1903. Ford applied the first conveyor belt-based totally meeting line in 1913, improving mass manufacturing of its Model T. The assembly line decreased charges extensively and the Model T bought so properly that it propelled Ford into the largest vehicle agency in the U.S.
The former president of Buick and a former government of GM, Walter Chrysler took manipulate of the Maxwell Motor Company in 1920, made over it, and reorganized it into Chrysler Corporation in 1925. Chrysler received Dodge Brothers in 1927 and, in 1928, delivered the DeSoto and Plymouth brands thanks to the supplier community and production centers that got here with the Dodge acquisition. By the Thirties, Chrysler overtook Ford and have become the second largest automaker.
The fifties and Beyond
By 1950, America produced almost seventy-five percent of all motors inside the global. At the start of the Nineteen Seventies, but, U.S. Vehicle groups (especially the Big Three) had been critically stricken by extended competition from foreign car producers and excessive oil expenses. In next years, corporations bounced returned sometimes, however, the disaster reached its top in 2008, prompting Chrysler and General Motors to report for bankruptcy reorganization and be bailed out by means of the federal government. While Ford changed into also stricken by the crisis, it decided to strength thru on its personal and did now not take the bail out. We virtually have a whole lot of recognizing for Ford because of this. They did no longer take the smooth way out.
Modern Gadgets And Their Benefits
The system is a tool that is capable of perform one or several capabilities. Gadgets regularly have funky designs but have useful functions as properly. It is likewise being referred as gizmos. The history of gadgets may be traced back to the early 1800s. There is a extensive kind of machine along with GPS machine, USB toys, telephone and etc. The first appearance of the term “system” takes place in 1985. Amiga OS uses the term to explain the GUI widget in a graphical consumer interface.
1. Benefits of Modern Gadgets
Gadgets provide many blessings to the users. It generally has a small size so that you can convey it with you to any vicinity. Spy gadgets comprise a recording participant and video digicam. For instance, a secret agent pen device will have a digicam. It features much like a pen and can be used to write down words. No one will recognise if the digicam is recording scane due to the fact it’s far hidden within the pen. There are also devices that layout to aid people with bodily impairment. For instance, the digital eyes device lets in the blind individual to pass the street.
2. Where to Shop for Modern Gadgets
You can save for technology gadgets on the neighborhood store or online shop. The on-line shop usually offers greater form of technology devices compare to the local shop. The era system may be as reasonably-priced as $1 relying on the kind of feature it offers. If you buy the generation device on-line, you could store money by using the use of coupons.
3. Doing Research by means of Reading Technology Reviews on Technology News Site
Before shopping for gadget online, you need to perform a little research by reading the technology evaluations. The technology evaluations are available inside the technology information website online. The technology news website gives critiques at the cutting-edge gadgets.
4. How to Shop Online for Modern Gadget
To shop on-line, you honestly input the form of system inside the search engine. For example, if you need to shop for a spy system, you must input the keyword “spy device” into the hunt engine. After you’ve got submitted the query, you will see a listing of system shops that sell spy devices. Each keep offers a one of a kind selection of the gadgets. You should browse every gadget save so you know what your selections are.
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vaaniyog · 8 years
Prime Minister Modi has once again floored his opponents who have failed to size up to him even after 30 months. Modi keeps maintaining a respectable distance from his political rivals. They have failed because they have become used to criticizing the charismatic leadership of anybody other than their own leader, on command, without applying their own mind.
If the language of the critics of PM Narendra Modi is examined carefully it will reveal a chasm between his leadership qualities and that of his challengers. How many opposition leaders are considered honest by the people?
The Congress has been desperately busy inventing some lapse on the part of Modi to hook him. Had Modi been guilty even slightly, the Congress leadership would have swallowed him alive long before 2014 when they were making many dirty accusations against him.
Their ministers made public statement of “zero loss” in scandals like the coal mines scam, which led to the cancellation of 200 plus coal mining licenses granted by the Man Mohan Singh led Congress government to ineligible applicants causing revenue losses to the exchequer amounting to a whopping Rs. 1,76, 000 Crore. The Narendra Modi government has auctioned these mines in a transparent manner and collected more revenue than that amount.
Funnily, the same Congress is trying to smear Modi  in the name of entries in some of the coal mines applicants, who were known  regular financiers of the corrupt regime before Modi entered the office of the Prime Minister and started cleaning the mess created by them.
Demonetization is one radical policy instrument which has exposed his opponents’ hollowness in economic, political, social and foreign policy space. More than 90% Indian citizens have supported demonetization, yet the disgruntled politicians, parties and their friendly media make loud claims that it is opposed by 90% people!
These prophets of doom are spreading the scare of decline in growth of the economy in the coming years, loss of jobs and real incomes. They are absolutely wrong.
If anything, the economy will grow and gain robust traction in the next few months. The change this time will be quantitative as well as qualitative.
India has already broken the stranglehold of the shadow economy on growth by disempowering the black money economy and in the process ousting the parallel government  on 8th November 2016. Hence the propagated decline in economic growth will be for the non-existent growth of the kind of the Kingfisher Airlines, which has defaulted on repayment of bank loans to the extent of Rs 9000 Crore. The owner of the airlines has simply gone abroad, defying the orders of the court to return and face trial.
There are hundreds of fake businesses whose total outstanding loan to public financial institutions exceeds 5.00,000 Crore rupees. Their names will soon become public as the Supreme Court has ordered yesterday that their names not be kept a guarded secret anymore. Once that becomes public knowledge, the manufactured data about growth and incomes will automatically be demolished like an ant hill.
The public has been looted for almost 70 years with impunity not only by Chit Funds like Rose Valley, Saradha etc. but also spurious industrial units, businesses, export oriented units enjoying political patronage.
It was the most sinful of loot sharing arrangement in the country between the politician and businesses. It stifled real growth, promoted falsification of data and killed all enthusiasm for new investment from genuine entrepreneurs. It promoted fake growth at the cost of real growth of the economy.
All means of production and income came to be controlled by a few people in collusion with the politicians, who openly promoted crony capitalism.
Nothing could move in for promotion of business or creation of jobs as the corrupt minded decision makers always considered it as a business for profit for the entrepreneur and not an instrument of economic growth. Politicians who had no money even to contest an election soon became millionaires through this route.
Today politics in India offers the best opportunities for becoming rich overnight.
Almost all the politicians have successful businesses in their own names or names of their spouses or children. It is so easy for a politician to get a petrol pump or Gas Agency allotted to his family. Energy is the most lucrative business. Similarly, they get government constructed houses, plots of land on priority basis and at rates dirt cheap.
There is hardly any business opportunity left for the first time entrepreneur- the young, educationally qualified and trained.
If demonetization helps vacate some of this encroached economic space for the youth, the politician need not shed crocodile tears for the “unemployed youth”.
The unemployed youth don’t need mercy but opportunities and fair treatment.
The same bank that blindly granted loans to the tune of Rs. 9000 Crore to a failed company even after knowing its details, has no sense of regret for refusing loans of less than 1 Crore (10 million)to a young MBA, Engineer or MBBS who opts for entrepreneurship over a job.
The small loan seeker is more concerned about his creditworthiness and hence is a good customer repaying his loan in time. He can’t, however, pay any commission to the banker. On the contrary, the one getting 9000 Crore loan knows he does not intend to repay and the banker also knows it. But he is prepared to give hefty commission to the banker and comfortably gets the loan.
This mental makeup of the Indian banking industry has to be changed so that it becomes a pro-active promoter of entrepreneurship development. Even on this day when digitalization is being aggressively pushed, the Indian banks don’t consider e-commerce as an industry eligible for financing!
I recall the days when “tourism” demanded to be treated as an “industry” some 30 years ago and granted same credit facilities as any other industry. The very idea of tourism as industry was nothing short of blasphemy for the decision makers of the time. But persuasion finally won the battle for it and got it included in the list of industries.
Our financing institutions follow from behind other countries rather than leading from the front. This will end soon, thanks to the bold onslaught on shadow economy.
India is at the threshold of exiting the vicious circle of poverty.
The masses will no more be compelled to suffer the drudgery, low wages and dehumanizing labor for less than 100 days in a year under the rural employment guarantee scheme.
In comparison to The Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme, which does not provide employment to all eligible unemployed persons in rural areas for the whole year on a sustainable basis, the program given by Mahatma Gandhi under the Khadi & Village Industries is many times more productive and constructive. The employment under the Khadi & Village Industries is a  better economic model as it offers employment on a regular basis, is available at doorsteps, allows flexible working hours, is remunerative and has a ready market. Technological up-gradation is not prohibited in the sector but mechanization on a large scale is not required. What can be made by hand should be allowed to be so done. If any Nobel Laureate can offer a better solution to the mass poverty and unemployment in the rural areas (better than the MNREGA), he is welcome. If we can make the rural population technically trained, even wrist watches could become a cottage industry like the Khadi & Village Industries. But we know, it is a very distant dream!
Rating agencies may say whatever they like but Indian economy is poised for double digit growth soon. All that was being contributed by the so called informal sector (some say 40%, others say 48%. How seriously we take stats?) will join the formal sector and surprise all economic pundits. The number of Jan Dhan accounts and the amount deposited therein indicates the real strength of the Indian economy. It is not for nothing that India could withstand the economic meltdown of 2008 so coolly.
When the revenues from the informal sector come to the government instead of being looted by rent seekers (politician, police, tax man, municipality and local goons asking protection money), tax rates will go down, interest rates will also come down and investment will get a boost.
India will then move from a net exporter of commodities to industrial products and services. It is a matter of some concern that we are importing mobile handsets, television, cars, stents, hip replacements, books and almost everything of some quality. The nation is a loser. The people are the biggest losers. To give just one example, the ex factory price of a stent is about Rs 8000 but the patient is charged 98,000. The variation increases in superior quality products. The whole consumer electronics industry is in the hands of companies like Samsung, Nokia, LG.
Their after sales service is not at all satisfactory and yet costs a lot. There are many consumer disputes being contested on grounds of poor quality products or deficiency in service against some of these companies in consumer courts in India. India can’t go on exporting carpets, handicrafts and iron ore to finance its imports of industrial products.
Maruti is a very said example of robbing the poor consumers in a developing nation by selling a useless car called Maruti 800 only on the strength of zero competition because of an absurd kind of crony capitalism. It is a valuable case study for all rating agencies to know how and why the Indian growth story has been so poor.
Like Prime Minister Modi , the first jolt to that economic policy was given by another Prime Minister, Rajiv Gandhi, in 1985 when he liberalized the industrial licensing policy. What used to take years for an industrial licence earlier, started coming in less than a month. It hit vested interests then, as demonetisation has done now.
Between 1989 and 2014 however, black economy grew faster than the formal economy.
The result was emergence of a parallel government, which affected all normal legitimate government functions. It paralyzed healthy functioning of financial institutions, especially banks, and made public sector undertakings sick. Air India, ITDC, BSNL, HMT, NTC are only some of them. The nexus of the corrupt is contained in the documents of the BIFR (Board for Industrial & Financial Reconstruction), Bank for Financial Reconstruction, IDBI, LIC, UTI and SBI. It was collectively responsible for slow economic growth in the country. In the present time, quick response is the need of the hour. There was no better option before the government than demonetize the black money hoarded by the corrupt controlling the economy with no accountability to anybody at all.
There is no justification to raise the horror of slow growth in this background. With enlightened political leadership in the states replacing the old guards, it is time for economic resurgence of India. That is the message the people have given by supporting demonetisation in spite of all the propaganda of the dirty tricks departments sponsored by vested interests lobbies.
The next 20 years need be devoted to advanced level research in all branches of knowledge. India should aim for patents and develop brands matching the best in the world. The innate inventive Indian mind capable of finding solutions to every problem should be encouraged and engaged in priority growth areas.
The current compensation policies drive away all national talent to foreign shores and need to be reversed. Merit should not be compromised at any cost. Equal opportunities should be made available to all to grow and make contribution. A fair and just, honest and transparent, visionary and functioning government can achieve it all.
Economy Will Grow After Demonetisation Prime Minister Modi has once again floored his opponents who have failed to size up to him even after 30 months.
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