#and they agree to both date Reggie even though they're not dating each other
innytoes · 1 year
3 sentence prompt! Bullriding au reggie ship of your choice! (Saw that vid you RBed and couldn’t resist)
(Listen this video is inspired and we all deserve to see Reggie doing it. Special thanks to @anotherfantom who created this AU in their tags and then let me spitball about it for a few hours.)
Reggie's move to the Big City hadn't really been planned. The plan had been to stay in town and help Meemaw and Pops on the farm and save up for college. But well, after he and the Johnson boy were caught making out in the Johnson's hayloft, it had been strongly suggested to Meemaw that maybe Reggie get out of town.
(He'd heard later that Johnny Johnson had sworn up and down it had been a one-time, drunken mistake. He'd enrolled in the army the next day, disappearing almost as fast as Reggie had. He wasn't sure what stung more: the denial of all the sweet words whispered in the dead of night, or the fact that Johnny was throwing his life away in the exact way he'd admitted to Reggie he'd been afraid of. And for what?)
He'd been so lonely those first weeks. Getting a low-paying job (or several) hadn't been particularly hard. He made enough to rent out some nice old lady's attic. She thought his 'yes ma'ams' and country accent were charming. And every week, after her Sunday dinner with her family, Reggie would come home from his late shift at the gas station to find a bunch of leftovers in the fridge with his name on it.
He actually found the place through his second job as a delivery driver. When he drove onto the street with all the rainbow flags, it felt like something of a dream. He was already making plans to go back as soon as he had a night off, but then he stepped in the door.
It was like something out of Reggie's dreams: a country themed gay bar. Wood floors, wood paneling, a big wooden bar with leather-covered stools. And in the middle of the room, opposite of a beautiful dance floor, was a giant mechanical bull.
With an incredibly attractive man, well, riding it. Slowly, sensually, rocking his hips in time with the movements of the bull and the music. And all Reggie could do was stand and gape, clutching the package in his hands.
"Can I help you?" A voice from behind the bar called. "We don't actually open until six..."
"Oh!" Reggie flinched. "Um, package for a Caleb Covington?" He turned to the bartender, who was also unfairly handsome. He had kind eyes and he looked very... firm under that denim shirt, the sleeves rolled up to the elbows, and oh god, he was glad the bar didn't have many lights on, so maybe his blush wouldn't be so obvious.
The handsome bartender smiled and nodded over to the bull. "That's that show-off over there. Caleb! Package for you!" The man dismounted the bull in a fluent and mind-searingly hot move, and sauntered over. He looked Reggie up and down, and Reggie really wished the delivery uniform wasn't a pair of dorky shorts and a polo.
"I'll sign for that," Caleb said, and was Reggie just imagining it, or did it sound like he didn't mean the package?
So of course, after that, the second he had a night off, he went back. And again. And again, until he was recognised as a regular by all the other regulars. And of course, by Caleb and Ray.
His normal Wednesday night off was a pretty chill time at the bar. Which suited Reggie just fine, because when things were slow, Caleb wouldn't just do his scheduled show, he'd sometimes get on the bull just to show off.
And of course Reggie had to master the bull as well. He was pretty good at the fast settings they had, where the goal was to stay on as long as possible. He was actually number four on the board now, and he'd won a sparkly cowboy hat for making it into the top ten. But the slow setting... well, he was getting there. And it had lead to a lot of free drinks.
Except there were really only two people he really hoped would notice him. And they did. There were a lot of lingering looks and even some touches. Ray always let him in early, let him practice on the bull without paying, watched him with intense eyes from behind the bar. Caleb gave him all kinds of pointers, showing him how to move his body. That time Caleb joined him on the bull, Reggie nearly creamed his pants, it was so hot.
But neither of them made a move, and Reggie wasn't about to go wreck their marriage or anything. Flirting was one thing, but actually trying to kiss one of them? Ask them out? What if they got offended and said no? This place was the closest thing he had to home, to a community. He couldn't mess that up.
He was sulking his way through his third free coca-cola of the night (Ray was always very kind about telling people Reggie didn't drink, refusing to serve him anything he wasn't comfortable with. Instead of cocktails, he got a lot of free cokes, or sometimes even some bar nachos), watching Caleb on the mechanical bull, when another regular dropped a bombshell.
"What do you mean, wreck their marriage?" Fuego asked him. "Ray and Caleb aren't married. They dated like ten years ago, decided they'd be better off as friends, and that was that."
"But they-"
"Sound exactly like an old married couple?" Dante, Fuego's husband finished for him. Reggie nodded. Even when they bickered, there was an undercurrent of affection that reminded Reggie of his Meemaw and Pops. "Yeah, they actually sound more like a couple now than they did when they were actually dating."
"Sooo," Reggie said slowly. "You think I have a shot?"
"Kid, the only reason either of them haven't ravished you behind the bar is because you always leave before closing," Dante said, laughing when Fuego smacked his shoulder.
Oh. He did usually leave around midnight because he had an early shift the next day.
Maybe tomorrow he could call in sick.
He knocked back the last of his coke like it was a shot, squared his shoulder, and sauntered back up to the bull, waiting for it to turn the right way to hop on, wrapping his legs over Caleb's to keep hold. The man looked surprised, yeah, but his hands immediately settled on Reggie's hips, leaning forward to keep his balance.
"Hi," Reggie said, cheekily stealing Caleb's cowboy hat and putting it on. The answering smirk was enough to nearly make him fall off the bull.
"Hello," Caleb said, tugging him closer.
Oh, he was definitely staying until after closing tonight.
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invisibleraven · 1 year
Omg chaos prompts
You'd marry me if I asked, right?
Sweet tarts, bonus points if they're not actually dating when it's said 😆
"You'd marry me if I asked right?"
Carrie lowers her book to see Reggie sitting across from her, cheeky grin in place as he snags half of her cookie. "Hello to you too Reginald."
"Oh yeah, hey. So...?"
Carrie sighs, marking her place, knowing she wasn't getting back to her book any time soon. "Why are you asking me this? You don't need a green card or anything right?"
"Nope, it's to prove a point to Flynn," Reggie replies, popping in the last bite of cookie, and flags down the waiter to get her a new one, plus a coffee for himself.
"Dare I even ask?'
"I was whining to Flynn about being single," Reggie starts.
"Lianni dump you already?" Carrie snipes, getting the other half of her cookie before he can reach for it.
He shrugs. "You know the drill, she wanted a good time with a rock star, I wanted a loving relationship, and never the twain shall meet."
"You also have terrible taste in girls," Carrie snarks.
"Which was just what Flynn said!" Reggie exclaims. "She said that if all I really wanted was a loving relationship I should just marry a friend, and it would all sort itself out."
"And this led to you asking me?" Carrie narrows her eyes.
"Well I can't ask Julie, she and Luke are hella engaged already. Flynn doesn't like guys other than aesthetically, Kayla is aro, and I don't know the other Candis all that well."
"You are bi, you could always ask a guy," Carrie replied, taking a long sip of her latte.
"Well Luke is with Julie, Alex is with Willie, and none of them are poly. Nick ended in disaster and no offense to Bobby, but he and I barely managed to be roommates during college, no way would we be able to handle being married," Reggie said, ticking off each name as he said them.
"You need more friends," Carrie stated.
"Maybe, maybe," Reggie sighed. "Don't take it like you're my last choice or anything. But you're the best one."
"As rom-com as the whole married to your best friend idea is," Carrie said, "I would prefer to be in love with the man I intend to marry."
"And you don't love me."
"Not romantically, no."
"Could you?" Reggie asked.
Carrie sighed, putting down her cup. "Reggie, while I do agree that a friendship is a great basis for romance, I don't think us getting married would work out well. I'm driven and a perfectionist. You're all go with the flow and easy going."
"You ever heard the phrase opposites attract?" he asked with a smile.
"You know leading psychologists say that they may attract but they almost always repel each other way shortly afterwards," Carrie replied.
"So that's it? Cruel rejection and a lifetime alone?" Reggie said, hamming it up, throwing his hand to his forehead and Carrie couldn't help but giggle.
"Reggie, you're a great guy, someone just hasn't seen it yet," she assured him, reaching over to pat his free hand. "Tell you what, if we're both still single by 35, ask me again and I'll be your back up."
"Sounds good," Reggie said, polishing off his coffee. "So no to the marriage?'
"For now, yes," she said, giving him a kind smile and picking up her book once more.
"How about a date?"
She looked at him, his earnest expression, the hopeful look in his eyes. Reggie was cute, sweet, really talented and hell, Carrie hadn't been on a date since dumping awful Colin. "Why the fuck not?"
"Sweet!" Reggie exclaimed. "Pick you up at seven?"
"Sounds good," Carrie stated, and waved as he went off, a skip in his step. And found even though she picked up where she left off in her book, she couldn't concentrate, too consumed by the thoughts of the date.
The date that turned out to be the best one she'd ever been on, capped with a kiss that made her toes curl.
And the next time Reggie proposed? It was for real-as was the super enthusiastic yes she gave in reply.
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merihn · 3 years
Hi, if you want to maybe 35 with Ralex?
35. An awkward kiss given after a first date. Alive!au.
Prompt me! Prompts filled.
Alex rubs his sweaty hands on his pants as discreetly as he can, for the thousandth time that night. He’s lucky he wore dark jeans for this, or he'd be dealing with gross sweat patches and the embarrassment of that, on top of the anxiety of a first date.
And it's kind of amazing that his anxiety isn't as bad as it usually would be in this situation, and that's all down to the amazing, dorky guy beside him, talking a mile a minute as they walk down the street. It was hard to be too anxious when Reggie flashed his adorable smile Alex's way, his hands sketching shapes in the air as he rambled on. Usually people who talked too much, too fast, irritated Alex, but there was something about Reggie that mitigated that annoyance, even though he could see himself teasing Reggie mercilessly for it when they got to know each other better.
He'd been skeptical when Luke had suggested the date, the friend of a friend that Luke swore up and down was a really nice guy, even though he'd only met him twice. But he convinced Alex that Willie would never be friends with someone who wasn't awesome, come on man, just trust me. And he did, he did trust Luke and so he'd finally given in, but not before letting Luke convince him just a little more.
Before he knows it, they're standing in front of his building, and Reggie's still talking, and Alex just watches him for a few more minutes, fascinated by the way his mouth moves, how animated he is.
Reggie eventually slows to a stop, flashes Alex an embarrassed smile. "Uh. Sorry. I didn't mean to railroad you like that. Everyone tells me I talk too much."
"It's fine. I… I like it," Alex bites his lip and smiles, flushing a little when Reggie's eyes are drawn to the movement. Reggie takes a half step closer and Alex copies him, and their coats are almost brushing, and Reggie's eyes are so, so green up close.
"I had a really nice time," Reggie says, a little breathless, and Alex knows exactly how he feels, standing this close makes his heart feel like it's about to jump out of his chest.
"Me too." Alex shuffles just a little closer, his arm brushing Reggie's, and Reggie's smile widens.
Then he's leaning in, and Alex leans in too, but they both turn their heads the same way, and their noses mash together painfully, and then their teeth clack, but Reggie is laughing into his mouth and something that should have sent Alex's anxiety off the charts is suddenly just fun.
Because Reggie has an amazing mouth, his lips full and soft, and once they get over the initial awkwardness, he turns out to be an excellent kisser.
He takes it slow, just soft presses, before taking Alex's lower lip between his and sucking lightly. Alex manages to swallow the moan that rises in his throat, because damn, it’s only their first kiss. Then Reggie's tongue is teasing at the seam of his lips, and Alex is letting him in and everything is warm and soft and Reggie's hands are firm on his hips.
"Wow," Reggie breathes when they part, and Alex can't keep the smile off his face, that Reggie says exactly what he thinks, doesn't hold back the way that Alex always has.
“Yeah,” Alex agrees, pressing another small kiss to Reggie’s mouth before stepping back, creating a little space between them.
“Think we can do that again sometime?” Reggie asks, looking up at Alex from under his eyelashes. Alex’s stomach flutters and he bites his lip again as he nods.
“Yeah, definitely.”
They set a tentative date, promising to text about it, and Reggie gives him another lingering kiss before saying goodnight. He waits for Alex to climb the steps into his building, and waves when Alex turns at the door.
Alex thinks about Reggie’s soft lips as he drifts off later that night, a smile on his face.
Follow up here.
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barchiefanfiction · 6 years
Hey! Please do a prompt of Betty & Archie secretly dating and there at school and they're having cute fluffy moments in secret like in the janitors closet and empty classrooms. x
Love is a Wild Thing
AO3 // ff.net
Archie figures they’re pretty safe walking to schooltogether. They’ve done it a million times, no one is going to get suspiciousabout that.
Betty shows up on his front doorstep before school, wearinga pretty blue scarf that matches her eyes, and his heart still skitters when hesees her. He can’t stop the smile that spreads across his face either, not thathe tries very hard to. He reaches for her hand, interlocking their fingers ashe shuts the front door behind him.
“Hey,” Betty says, ducking her head as she tucks anon-existent stray hair behind her ear. Her smile matches his own; shy, but unhideable.She radiates joy, and Archie feels a swell of pride that he’s the reason forit.
“Hey,” Archie responds. He thinks he probably radiates the samejoy. He gives her hand a squeeze, as if making sure this is all real.  They’ve only been together a week, and Archiestill can’t quite believe it.
Occasionally he wonders if they should have waited longer.It’s only been two months since he and Veronica broke up, and even less sinceBetty ended things with Jughead. But he knows they couldn’t have stopped it,even if they wanted to. Once they were free of their respective partners, theywere like magnets drawn to each other. They sought comfort in one another, and theyrealised what they perhaps should have known all along. That they were meant tobe together. And deep down, perhaps they both always knew they would find theirway back to one another.
On a Friday night on Archie’s couch, his arm around her, amovie playing on the television screen that Archie had lost interest in half anhour ago, it hit him like a freight train. Something about the smell of herhair, or the warm comfort of her body against his. The realisation slammed intohim so hard he knew he couldn’t ignore it.
“Betty,” he’d whispered. He only hesitated for a splitsecond before he kissed her.  
And it was only after a weekend full of whispering, andlaughing, and kissing, that they realised they had to keep this to themselves.At least for a while. Neither of them is so cruel as to rub their new-foundhappiness in Veronica and Jughead’s faces.
They begin their walk to school, hand in hand. They talkabout much the same things as they did before, only now Betty loses her trainof thought when he starts tracing circles on her hand with his thumb. She stopsmidsentence, at the same time pretending she hasn’t noticed what he’s doing.
She swallows, and Archie watches her, amused. “What was Isaying?” she asks, flustered.
“I have no idea,” Archie grins. He stops walking and Bettycomes to a halt beside him. She tilts her head at him, exasperated. Archiegives a cursory glance around to make sure no one is nearby before tugging herin to kiss her. She laughs into his mouth, kissing him back, and her laughtertastes a little like lipstick and a little like love. They haven’t said that toeach other yet, though he constantly finds it on the tip of his tongue. But he’spretty sure it’s too soon.  
Betty pulls away first, though she looks as reluctant asArchie feels. She giggles as she reaches up to his mouth, rubbing her thumbacross his lips.
“It’s going to be pretty obvious if you show up to schoolwith my lipstick all over your face,” she points out. Archie just grins andlets her rub off the lipstick. “Am I still wearing any?” Betty asks.
“Looks normal to me,” Archie says. Betty smiles, slippingher hand back into his as she starts walking again, leading them towardsschool. They reach the end of the street, and hastily drop hands. They’ll startseeing other kids from school soon. Archie flexes his fingers. He seems to haveno use for them now that they’re not entwined with Betty’s.  He hooks his thumbs under his backpack strapsto keep them busy.
They part ways when they reach Riverdale High, and Archieresists giving her a peck on the lips, but not a longing look over hisshoulder.
There’s a couple making out in front of his locker, andArchie rolls his eyes. That should be him and Betty making out in front of hislocker. He shoos the couple away and shoves his bag into his locker, slammingthe door closed.
“Whoa, what’s got you all riled up this morning?” Jugheadasks as he appears, leaning against the locker next to Archie’s.
“Nothing,” Archie sighs.
“Right,” Jughead says, unconvinced.  “By the way, I thought we were going to hangout last night. What happened?”
“Oh, uh… my Dad really wanted to go fishing. I barely get tospend time with him anymore, now that’s he’s the mayor,” Archie lies. He’d beenwrapped up in Betty all night, his phone turned off. “Sorry.”
“It’s fine, I get it,” Jughead shrugs. “No hard feelings.Tonight though?”
“Sure,” Archie agrees.
He supposes he should feel guilty. Guilty about lying, butalso guilty about secretly dating his best friend’s ex-girlfriend. But he can’tbring himself to feel even a little bit guilty. Not when he’s the happiest he’sbeen in a long time.
His day is made up of furtive looks and secret smiles, sharedbetween only the two of them. They sit next to each other at lunch, theirthighs pressed together, Archie’s hand on Betty’s knee under the table while hetries to eat with one hand. Jughead and Veronica sit across the table fromthem, completely oblivious.
Despite having ended things with Veronica, and Betty havingended things with Jughead, somehow they’re all still friends. Archie would havethought it would have broken them, but somehow they’re stronger than ever.
Cheryl approaches the table, looking smug as ever, andArchie’s hand quickly falls from Betty’s knee, as if Cheryl possesses x-rayvision. He can’t forget that she was the one who busted them the last time.
“Why, hello!” she says. “If it isn’t my four favouritepeople!”
“What do you want, Cheryl?” Betty says.
“Must a girl always have an agenda when she wants to talk toher friends?” Cheryl responds with a pout.
“When that girl is Cheryl Blossom, yeah,” Jughead snorts. Cherylpurses her lips at him.
“I just came over here to tell Betty how much I like herscarf,” Cheryl smiles. Archie frowns, confused. Cheryl definitely has anulterior motive, but what it is he’s yet to figure out.
“Thanks,” Betty says, nervously.
“May I?” Cheryl says, pulling the scarf from Betty’s neck.Betty’s hand flies to her neck, but apparently not fast enough. “My, Betty,what’s this?” Cheryl smirks. “Is that a hickey I spy on your neck?”
Archie’s eyes practically bulge out of his head, and hechokes on the mouthful of food he’d been about to swallow. He can’t see theside of her neck where the supposed hickey is, but he knows it to be true.After all, he put it there. He’d forgotten. Betty’s face is bright red. Shesnatches the scarf out of Cheryl’s hands.
“Get lost, Cheryl,” Betty snaps. Cheryl smiles, proud ofherself, before flouncing away. Archie eyes Jughead and Veronica nervously.
“It’s not what it looks like,” Betty says. To Archie’ssurprise, Jughead just shrugs.
“It’s fine, Betty,” he says. “I knew you’d move oneventually.”
Betty gapes at him. She looks at Veronica.
“When you’re ready to spill, I’m all ears,” Veronica smiles.Betty nods. Archie feels he has to say something, else they get suspicious.
“He’s a lucky guy,” Archie says. And he is.
Betty finds him after school, falling in to step beside himlike it’s the most natural thing in the world.
“Hey,” she says. Archie’s hand itches to find hers.
“Hey,” he says.
“I have to show you something,” she says.
“Yeah. It’s… in this classroom,” Betty says, glancingthrough the small window in the door. Finding it empty, she pushes the dooropen and pulls Archie into the room. Her lips are on his before he can evenregister what’s happening. He crowds her up against on of the desks, kissing herhungrily.
“I’ve been thinking about this all day,” he whispers.
“Me too.”
“What if someone looks in here?”
“They won’t.” She goes back to kissing him, wrapping herarms around his neck, drawing him closer. Archie’s hands find their way to herwaist (they are still at school, after all) and he works his tongue into hermouth, letting her devour him.
If he’s being honest, these clandestine encounters are kindof a turn on, and being in a secret relationship adds a layer of excitement. Atthe same time, he can’t wait until he’s allowed to kiss her in public.
“I have to go,” Archie says, reluctantly. “I have footballpractice.”
“Come over when you’re done,” Betty tells him, trailing herfingers up and down his chest.
“I can’t, I told Jughead I’d hang out with him tonight,”Archie bemoans, regretting his decision immensely. But he can’t bail on Jugheadtwice in a row. He kisses her one last time, slow and sweet, before dashing outof the room.
He enters the locker room and is immediately greeted by theknowing grins of his teammates.
“Nice work, Andrews,” someone says, slapping him on theback. He frowns in confusion, a sudden panic coming over him. Had someone seenhim with Betty? He reaches his locker, still in the dark as to why the guys arelooking at him like that. Reggie appears beside him.
“What’s up with them?” Archie asks, turning to Reggie.Reggie’s grin grows mischievously.
“You’ve got lipstick all over your face,” Reggie tells himwith a laugh. “You’re shit at secret keeping, Andrews.”
Blushing, Archie rubs at his face, trying to get rid ofBetty’s lipstick. He consoles himself with the thought that at least Reggie andthe others don’t know who the lipstick belongs to. To his surprise, Reggiedoesn’t even ask, and practice goes on without incident.
Archie and Jughead meet at Pop’s, the usual meeting place. Jugheadis there first, and Archie strides over to the booth and slides in across fromhim.
“Have you ordered?” Archie asks. His phone pings, and he hasto stifle a smile when he sees it’s from Betty.
Betty ♥
Willyou come over when you’re done? Mom is out tonight.
Archie quickly responds with an affirmative before setting hisphone down on the table.
“Nah, I was waiting for you,” Jughead says.
“I’ll order. My shout, for bailing on you yesterday. Theusual?”
“Sounds good,” Jughead nods. Archie gets up and heads to thecounter to order, leaving his phone on the table. He gives Pop their usualorders and heads back to the table, where Jughead is glancing at Archie’s litup phone screen, sitting face up on the table.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to look,” Jughead says as Archieslides back into his seat. “It’s from Betty.”
Archie freezes. He picks up his phone to read the message.
Betty ♥
Okay xx
Archie glances at Jughead. As far as messages from one’s secretgirlfriend go, it’s fairly innocuous. But the heart next to her name. The twokisses at the end of the message. It has to be a dead giveaway. And yet Jugheaddoesn’t mention it, or even look uncomfortable about it. Perhaps he thinksthat’s the sort of friendship Archie and Betty have. Or perhaps he didn’t evennotice the heart or the kisses.  Eitherway, Jughead simply changes the subject, and Archie turns his phone off toavoid further incrimination.
Archie races to Betty’s after finishing his meal withJughead. He rings the doorbell and waits for Betty to answer. She swings thedoor open, smile tight and eyes wide.
“Archie,” she says. He’d been planning on grabbing her andkissing her as soon as the door opened, but the weird look on her face makes himhesitate. He frowns, about to ask her what’s wrong, when Veronica pops intoview.
“What are you doing here, Archiekins?” Veronica asks him.Old nicknames die hard.
“Um.” He looks to Betty. “I was going to ask Betty for her chemistrynotes. I… completely forgot to write any.”
“Uh huh…” Veronica raises an eyebrow at him.
“Come on, Arch, I’ll get them for you,” Betty says. Sheleads him inside and upstairs, while Veronica remains downstairs.
“I’m guessing you didn’t get my messages,” Betty whispers asthey walk to her room.
“Turned my phone off, sorry,” Archie says sheepishly. Bettypushes the door to her room open. She grabs her chemistry folder, flips throughit and hands Archie the notes.
“I don’t know why you didn’t say it was a class you actuallytake,” Betty rolls her eyes. Archie grins.
“Whoops. I panicked. Veronica doesn’t remember what classesI take,” he says. He kisses her softly.
“Come on,” Betty says. “Before Veronica comes looking forus.”
They walk back downstairs where Veronica is waiting forthem.
“You know, it’s been a while since we all hung out togetheroutside of school,” Veronica muses. “We should meet up at Pop’s tomorrow for lunch,and then do something fun after.”
“Sounds good,” Betty nods, glancing at Archie.
“I’ll message Jughead,” Archie offers.
“No need,” Veronica smiles. “I’ll do it.”
“Okay,” Archie says. “I guess I’m leaving now.”
He throws one last regretful look at Betty before exitingthe house and heading back to his own, feeling sulky.
Archie lies on Betty’s bed while she goes through herclothes, deciding what to wear. He’s been at her house practically since hewoke up, taking the rare opportunity they have to be alone with each other, andnot have to worry about someone possibly catching them together.
Betty pulls her chosen sweater over her head and tightens herponytail. She smiles at Archie fondly, and he reaches for her hand. She slipsher hand into his and he pulls her onto the bed with him, kissing her while shelaughs.
“We have to go, or we’ll be late for lunch,” Betty tellshim. Archie sighs. He’s at least comforted by the fact that Betty doesn’t letgo of his hand as she gets up off the bed, instead pulling him with her and guidinghim downstairs. They reach the front door and before Betty can open it, Archie spinsher around and pushes her up against it, his open mouth descending on hers.Betty’s arms instantly wrap around him and she kisses him back, the kind ofkiss that shoots straight to his core.
“God, I love you,” Archie groans into her mouth. Bettyfreezes. It takes Archie a second to realise what he’s said, and he pulls awayfrom her slowly, feeling like a complete idiot. It’s so not the time for a loveconfession.
“What did you say?” Betty asks, her eyes wide. Archieswallows.
“I love you,” he repeats, slowly, and then more surely, “Ilove you.”
Betty covers her face with her hands, and when she pullsthem away a second later, she’s positively beaming. “I love you too,” she says,laughing. Archie breathes out a sigh of relief, grinning from ear to ear. Hedarts in to kiss her again, and she cups his face, their noses brushing.
“We really have to go,” Betty says, reaching for the doorhandle.
“One more,” Archie says, kissing her even as she swings thedoor open, and they stumble out onto the front porch, still wrapped in eachother, where they promptly crash into Veronica and Jughead. Archie’s stomachdrops and his smile quickly fades, while Betty practically leaps a foot awayfrom him. Not that they can possibly deny what they’ve been doing.
“I thought we were meeting at Pop’s,” Betty says, lookingnervous.
“We did message you both,” Veronica raises an eyebrow. ToArchie’s surprise, neither she or Jughead seem either shocked or upset by whatthey’ve just witnessed.
“Guys, what you just saw…” Archie starts. He looks to Bettyfor help, but she looks just as lost as he is. This is not how their friendswere supposed to find out.
“It’s understandable,” Jughead shrugs. “You guys are inlove.”
“What?” Archie says dumbly.
“We kind of eavesdropped through the door,” Veronica says.
“And you’re… fine with it? With Betty and I being together?”Archie asks, utterly bewildered by their reaction. He thought they’d at leastbe surprised.
“Of course,” Veronica smiles. “We understand. Love isn’talways convenient. Besides, I think we’d have said something by now if eitherof us weren’t fine.”
“You knew?” Betty saysincredulously.
“Everyone knows,” Veronica says, matter-of-factly.
“You didn’t really think it was a secret, did you?” Jugheadsmirks.
“Uh, kinda,” Archie says.
“Please, Archie, you constantly have pink lipstick all overyou and honestly, the way you two look at each other is sickening,” Veronicarolls her eyes. “And you don’t even take chemistry. Neither of you have any subtletywhen it comes to each other.” She looks to Jughead.
“Veronica and I, on the other hand…” Jughead shrugs. “Weknow how to keep a relationship under wraps.”
Archie stares at him. “Wait… you and Veronica?” he asksincredulously. Jughead smiles and gives a short nod. Veronica beams. Archielooks to Betty.
“Did you know?” he asks her. Betty shakes her head. Shegrins and Archie gives a chuckle.
“Shall we go?” Veronica says, tilting her head. She takes Jughead’shand, and Archie reaches for Betty’s.
“I suppose there’s no sense in hiding it now,” Archie says.
“It sounds like we never did,” Betty points out.  
“I love you,” Archie says, enjoying the way it sounds,enjoying his hand in Betty’s.
“I know,” Betty replies.
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innytoes · 3 years
For the fanfic trope mash up 53 & 81 for Rukebox?
Mutual Pining + The Missus and the Ex
So Luke and Reggie used to date in the 90s. They broke up for the 'good of the band', but really they broke up because Luke knew he was a mess after he ran away and he didn't want to burden Reggie with it, and Reggie was heartbroken and thought he just wasn't good enough for Luke but agreed because he was scared if he pushed back he'd lose Luke's friendship too.
And then the events of season 1 happen and Luke and Julie are clearly a thing and Reggie is trying so very hard to be happy for them, but it takes a lot of long walks alone on the beach and maybe crying in the back of the shitty bike-rental where his house used to be. He loves Luke, he tells himself, and he wants Luke to be happy. And maybe he also loves Julie, more than just 'you gave us a second shot at music and we're best bros who are catching up on every Disney movie since the 90s'. But he sets aside that ache in his heart, locking it up in a little box next to his feelings for Luke, and tries to ignore it.
And Luke loves Julie, it is so clear, she is his kindred spirit, they make the most amazing music together, she makes him a better writer and a better person and they're literally standing on the edge of great...
But he misses Reggie so much. And maybe sometimes his eyes wander, and he just stares at Reggie's beautiful laugh as he's messing around trying to play catch with Carlos (even though the ball phases through his hand half the time). And maybe sometimes when they share a mike he lingers a little too long and looks at his mouth and wishes he could just kiss Reggie again. And he thinks maybe Julie has caught on, but she doesn't say anything.
And Julie is just like: clearly these boys are madly in love and it’s driving me crazy. I can’t take the sad looks they throw each other. And also I think I love them both. And I think maybe Reggie also likes me.
And Flynn is like: there is a very obvious solution to your problems and it’s called polyamory. 
And Julie is like: well yeah, but I’m waiting until our next gig so they’re extremely corporeal so I can threaten them with actual violence if they don’t talk to each other. Alex promised me he’d help sit on them if necessary. 
And Flynn high-fives her, because attagirl, and then Julie does just that and they talk and they all confess their feelings and now Julie has TWO ghost boyfriends who are no longer pining for one another, go Julie. 
Send me two tropes from this list and a pairing and I’ll tell you the fic to go with it.
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