#and they forgot to bring drumsticks before mass so i had to run across the entire school and ended up grabbing two that didn’t match o(-(
aztrosist666 · 10 months
i played the drums in front of my entire fucking school for mass ans couldnt hear anything i was playing 🔥🔥🔥🔥💪💪💪
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sleepyssnail · 6 years
Voltron AU: Three Men and a Baby (Part Two?)
“Where’re you going?!”
Walking to the door as he patted his pockets for his wallet, Shiro yelled, “I’m going to the supermarket for some baby food! Watch her!”
As the door shut, Adam glanced down at Katie who was still screaming and shook his head, “Your daddy’s a dead man.”
18 hours earlier
“Happy birthday dear Shiro, happy birthday to you!”
Laughing as the caterer wheeled out a cake made to look like a building with a man hanging on to the edge, Shiro looked around the room full of people invited to the celebration. Veronica smiled next to him while Matt and Adam smiled smugly at their friend and roommate.
Clearing his throat, Shiro gestured to the cake and around him as he said, “I’d, um, I’d like to thank you all for coming, and I’d like to thank Adam, Matt, and Veronica for embarrassing me like this. Um…thanks for coming!”
Laughing at the speech, the crowd dispersed to mingle and continue to dance. Grabbing his hand, Veronica smiled softly and kissed Shiro’s cheek gently before making her way to the dance floor.
“So many women,” Matt commented, leaning on Adam’s shoulder as he watched a man and woman dance too close to each other.
“So little time,” Adam and Shiro finished, their own eyes trailing across other occupants of the room.
Laughing, Matt separated himself from his friends and made his way through the large apartment, conversing with several of his friends with benefits before planting himself in front of the jukebox and selecting a song. Nodding his head along to the tune that was almost drowned out by the pounding music all around him, Matt heard his name being called.
“Matt! Long time no see!”
Shaking his head at the man approaching him, Matt pushed past towards a try of liquor saying, “Rolo, I’ve told you, I don’t do commercials anymore. I’m in a big movie, you’ll have to take your business somewhere else.”
“No, I actually-”
Waving his hand as if to dismiss his former director, Matt grabbed the hands of a girl and exclaimed, “Florona! How’ve you been? You look different.”
“I’m dressed!” Florona giggled, letting Matt draw her hand to his lips for a kiss.
“That must be it!”
Releasing the woman, Matt ran a hand through his hair and felt someone grab his shoulder. Turning to see Rolo, Matt shook his head again and began to protest only to be interrupted by the lanky man.
“Matt, I’m not here to ask you to do a commercial, I need a favor.”
Pausing, Matt nodded and turned to face Rolo head on as he inquired, “What kind of favor?”
Leading Matt through the apartment by the shoulder, Rolo explained, “I have a package being delivered tomorrow, but I won’t be in town to pick it up, I’m going to be in LA for a shoot.”
Stopping, Matt felt a tinge of bitterness rise in him as he asked, “LA? Who’re you filming in LA?”
Shrugging, Rolo stated, “Bii Boh Bi.”
“You-you’re shooting with Bii?”
Rolo snorted and threw an arm around Matt’s shoulders, “I thought you didn’t do commercials anymore. Anyway, I need someone to hold onto my package for me until I can get it, do you mind if I have it delivered here? Tomorrow?”
“Sure,” Matt said, forcing a smile, “No problem.”
Waving to Rolo, Matt wandered back into the main room where he noticed Adam duck into his room with a girl.
Clearing a few papers and some of his markers off the foot of his bed, Adam motioned for the girl to sit and asked, “You ever been in an artist’s room? It’s a bit messy, but it’s home.”
Nodding, the girl smiled and picked up one of the comic strip books Adam had written and flipped through it saying, “I can’t believe you draw Lion Cats. This is…amazing.”
Sitting in his chair, Adam frowned at the sadness in her tone and asked, “Is it about David again?”
“The good-looking one?” Adam asked, sitting up straighter as an image of a man with chocolate brown curls and just as beautiful eyes flashed through his mind.
“Incredibly good looking!” The girl exclaimed, looking wistfully back down at the book, “He used to read Lion Cats to me over breakfast.”
Exhaling deeply, Adam smiled as an idea struck him, “Nothing better to cheer you up, than dancing with an artist.”
The girl’s lip wobbled as she choked back tears saying, “David is an incredible dancer! He studied ballet in France for three years!”
“Th-three years?” Adam asked weakly, trying to imagine the man. Swallowing, Adam said slowly, “I think you two are gonna get back together.”
“Would it be okay if I invited him to the party?”
“Um, sure,” Adam said, standing up and moving to the door, “You make the call, I’ll be out here.”
Sighing in defeat, Adam rejoined the mass of people dancing and drinking, his eyes locking onto Shiro and Veronica slow dancing together in a corner. A small smile crept onto Adam’s face at seeing his best friend happy with the woman before ducking into the kitchen.
As guests left and the clean up began, Shiro hummed to himself and smiled at Veronica and commented, “This was nice.”
Raising an eyebrow at the comment, Veronica stated, “You hate parties. I’m surprised you didn’t jump out a window to get out of this.”
“Stay,” Shiro stated, putting his arms around Veronica’s neck and offering a smile.
Glancing around, Veronica smiled, “You don’t need me to stay over tonight. You’ll be fine, my platonic partner.”
“You sure?” Shiro asked, motioning to the bottles of liquor on the counter, “We can talk about the stupid sexual expectations of our generation.”
Standing on her toes to press a kiss on Shiro’s scar, Veronica whispered, “I have work in the morning. Spend some time with Matt before he leaves.”
Nodding, Shiro hugged Veronica gently before wandering into the billiard room and grabbed a glass of whiskey before pulling up a stool to the pool table. Sipping on the drink, Shiro hummed to himself as Adam pulled up another stool next to him.
“Rough night? Shiro asked, offering his drink to the other who quickly took a swig.
Making a face, Adam muttered, “You could say that. Veronica go home?”
Laughing nervously, Shiro leaned on the table and stated, “Looks like we’re gonna be alone with ourselves tonight.”
“Hey guys, what do you recommend for wooing a lovely lady this late?” Matt asked, walking past and looking in the liquor cabinet.
Tuning out as Adam quickly answered, Shiro yawned and rested his chin on his hand.
“Woah, woah, what’s got you two so glum?” Matt asked, cradling a bottle of wine in his arm.
“Veronica left,” Adam stated.
Rolling his eyes, Shiro sat up and teased, “Adam saved another dying relationship.”
Snorting, Matt leaned on the pool table and snickered, “You’re never gonna get a woman if you keep becoming her big brother when you get into the bedroom.”
“I know, I know, I just feel bad,” Adam said, taking off his glasses and rubbing his nose bridge.
Pondering for a moment, Matt put down the bottle he was holding and said, “Hey I have an idea. How about I get rid of Florona–stop laughing I’m serious! I escort her out, we play a few rounds, and drink the night away.”
“You wouldn’t do that,” Shiro commented, smiling at the thought of Matt refusing a woman.
“It’s my last night here, then I’m gonna be in Turkey for ten weeks filming. We should have some bro time!” Matt insisted, picking up the wine bottle again and offering a smile.
Pointing at the hallway that led to Matt’s room, Adam stated, “You go in there and have a good time, and we’ll see you in ten weeks.”
“Yeah,” Shiro echoed, “Enjoy yourself, don’t worry about us.”
Flashing a smile, Matt dashed to where Florona was waiting for him.
“Shiro? Have you seen Matt?”
“He left this morning, Florona,” Shiro called, completing his set of pushups.
Hearing the woman exit the apartment, Shiro smirked as the phone rang and the answering machine picked up. taking a breath and stretching out on the floor, Shiro listened as Matt’s voice came through the machine.
“Hey, it’s Matt! I forgot to tell you, but I’m having a package delivered today, it’s not gonna be a big deal, just set it aside and don’t worry about it. Anyway, I’ll see if I can bring you back a drumstick or something.”
Closing the front door, Shiro turned to look at his roommate’s door, still sweaty from his run. Waiting a moment, Shiro opened the door again and looked down at the very obvious baby basket containing said baby sitting in front of the door.
Closing it again, Shiro turned and yelled, “ADAM!”
“What?” Adam asked, yawning as he slid his glasses on his face and tightened his robe.
Smiling at what had to be a joke, Shiro pointed to the door, “Look out in the hallway.”
“Just do it.”
Shrugging, Adam opened the door and laughed at the little human in the basket, “It’s a baby.”
“What’s it doing there?” Shiro asked teasingly, playing along with the joke.
Staring at the kid for a moment, Adam whispered, “It’s sleeping.”
“Why’s it sleeping?”
“Oh! Shiro! There’s a little note,” bending down to pick up the piece of paper, Adam stood up straight and read the note aloud.
So…yeah I continued it. the tag for this is #three men and a katie and I’ll be posting this on my Ao3 for reading there too.
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