#and they found stuff yaayy!!
belphieslilcow · 2 years
all my health stuff is good minus the fact that im very vitamin d deficient and i have an iron deficiency
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nerdnag · 3 months
jfc i am so tired of always having to assume that there's an undisclosed, required app involved whenever i buy something these days
#my partner sent me a link to a watch he wants for his birthday that collects data about heartrate and sleep patterns and stuff#when he sent me this link he had already done the heavy lifting of even *finding* a watch that *works* in that way without being online#but i do not trust *any company* when it comes to personal data so i felt the need to additionally check if there was an app#there was no mention of an app in the product description on the link my partner sent me#but wouldn't you know it. after googling for a bit i found that there was an app.#read the info and privacy policy for the app and concluded that they ask for a lot of permissions and use a lot of data#including health data ofc#BUT the good thing was that the app isn't VITAL for the use#it just like. provides additional functions. (and uses your data for marketing purposes yay!!)#so i asked my partner whether he'd be ok with using the watch without the additional functions and he said yes#i still don't trust 100 % that there's nothing freaky going on here even without the app#but at least it *seems* like it should work as intended without data sharing to the supplier or a third party#success i guess#only took me half an hour or so of research#and that's as a privacy expert 🫠#i hate this world man#(the downside of living w/ a privacy professional is i refuse to buy or own things that trigger my 'ick sensor' in regard to personal data)#(the upside of living w/ a privacy professional is you can avoid common privacy traps in your daily life. yaayy)#nagnerd#a nerd nags
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zuzzebat12 · 5 months
Baby Sister
(Yaayy! My first story that I could think of for Angie that includes many stuff. No TW so it's okay.)
(This includes future Leo and Donnie, Casey too!)
"DONNIE!" yelled Leo, the last time he saw Angie was when she was in his lab looking for something. He didn't know. Donnie ran out the lab before something exploded, leaving smoke. "Okay.. so.. uhh.. Angie may have been right next to my invention..?" Donnie said looking at Leo, "What'd you do? Is she okay?!" Leonardo asked frantically. "Oh.. you know the baby invention where it turned both of us into.. Well.. babies..?" asked Donnie, "Oh..please don't tell me-"
Yep. Angie got turned into a baby.
Angie crawled out the room, she looked up, she looked rather confused. "Ohmigosh... Uhh.. Hey Ang.." Donnie crouched down, he reached his hand out, palm up. Angie looked at his hand, then up to him, she then started to tear up and cry. Donnie sighed, picking her up anyway."I almost forgot how sensitive she was when she was a baby.." Leo sighed as well, she calmed down a bit when he picked her up, she let out a small chirp, slowly starting to warm up to Donnie.
After some time, Angie was dressed in a small soft blue sweater they found. Leo had Angie nestled in his scarf while he played with her using his finger to gently mess with her. Donnie came back, he had a tablet in his hands. "Okay, so I found out this will only last for a couple hours, then she'll be back to normal. So don't let anything happen to her, Nardo." he informed. "Oh yeah, and Casey wants to see her too." he said, he raised his arm, revealing Casey going under and rushing toward Leo and Angie. "Sensei... Why does this keep happening?" he asked, Angie looked up at him, she gasped, she reached out, using grabby hands. Leo looked over at Casey, smirking. "Don't worry, she's not gonna bite you." Casey reached his finger out and let her grab it. She grabbed his finger, all she did was stare at it, then unexpectedly hugged it. Casey smiled, it was adorable!
A couple minutes later, Angie was hungry. Mikey was making something. "Uh.. Heyy.. Mikey, could you make something for Ang?" asked Donnie, who had Angie in his hands."Sure, what can I- OH- she's a baby now too?! " he yelled, Angie let out a happy chirp. She always had this smile, which her brothers would call her 'charm'.
After a nap, Donnie finally could give her the antidote to bring her back to normal. "Leo, stop. She'll still be your little sister." he said, Leo was holding Angie close to him, "Just a couple more minutes?" he asked, using puppy-dog eyes. Donnie easily grabbed Angie out his hands, and dropped her into the mug with the antidote. He shaked it, and POOF. She was back to normal. "Aaaughh.. what happened? Wha-" before Angie could question anything she saw the surprising look on her brothers faces. Before she could say anything, Donnie said something.
"Oh yeah, you turned into a baby."
He said with a nervous smile.
Angie stayed silent, until she realized what happened.
First story I made for this. FEELING GOOD.
Sorry I took so long btw, it took a while to think of the plot. It's kinda rushed so it's not the best quality, but I'll try better next time to add a bit more when I can.
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onlydorkythings · 2 years
Yaayy a new mission!!!
And it's a flashback!! 🎉
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Ooh the first view its a storage that says Keep out but probably that doesn't mean anything :D
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So Twilight found that place and it's an old army storage depot? Probably nothing bad is going to happen right? :)
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So nobody knows they're playing there and if someone knew they would be in big trouble... Yeah that's just normal kid stuff... Right? :/
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oh :'C
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penguinsledder · 6 years
For the ask: 43, 45 and 47. ^_^
YAAYY thanks Kristal
43.What’s your current problem?
Surviving my workload! Hahaha
45.Your thoughts of long distance relationships?
Ooh, that's interesting. I think LDRs are generally difficult, but relatively easier to handle these days because of the internet. They also take loads of trust, dedication, loyalty, and of course, love! I also think it's easier to maintain one when you've been together for a while already, as opposed to a couple that's just starting out. While LDRs are 100% possible, I would personally rather avoid this setup if I could. More because I'm worried a partner wouldn't be ok with it, cuz I'm not a very physical person anyway haha.
47.Have you ever found it hard to tell someone you like them?
Yknow I've hardly ever wanted to tell guys I liked them??? I'm not looking for a relationship so I have no inclination to confess. There was just one time—I really liked this guy and he'd had a crush on me for months but I didn't wanna get into a relationship at the time and wanted to keep our friendship. But I knew it’d make him happy if he knew I liked him? Before I could decide what to do tho, stuff happened, I ended up jealous, it slipped out, things got more complicated lol
Be nosy please
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suudonym · 8 years
all right you know what I’m stuck on the scene I’m trying to write so I’m just gonna take a second to go over the details of the single dad karamatsu au I was so attached to a while back and now am not actually sure if I’ll actually write but I don’t actually have any notes written down anywhere so might as well put em here
(that is to say, complete and total spoilers for a story that I may or may not write under the cut. very very long because apparently I had a whole lot of this planned out mentally)
so karamatsu’s got this bar he likes to visit sometimes because it has a nice aesthetic and it’s not too expensive so he goes alone just to feel cool. he even has an acquaintance there and they chat and drink sometimes and it’s just all around a good time and a favorite way to splurge when he wins at pachinko or something
one day he’s there and a woman shows up with a baby a little over a year old, flanked by a couple of intimidating guys in suits. she starts making a scene about how they hooked up a long time ago when he was really drunk and she’s been taking care of their baby alone for all this time while looking for him and now that she’s finally found him she’s not letting him off the hook without paying all the child support he weaseled out of
karamatsu’s really blindsided. she’s threatening all kinds of scary legal action and all he can do is shake his head and insist that he’s broke, unemployed, unskilled, has absolutely nothing to offer right now (and she is demanding that it be RIGHT NOW). in a fit of frustration, the woman gives the ultimatum that he can either come up with the money in a week or he can take the child indefinitely and have a taste of what she’s gone through. in a fit of desperation, karamatsu agrees to take the child
yeah, he says as he tries to convince himself that it’ll work out, because he has a big family and his mother has always always wanted a grandchild so if it’ll get net him a little leeway in how much time he has to get together the money she’s demanding, he’s okay with looking after the baby
the woman’s scowling but she agrees, shoves the crying baby into karamatsu’s arms, and turns to go.
but wait! what’s the kid’s name?
she stops and turns and looks at him for a second and then she gives her answer: aoi. it’s a little boy named aoi.
(kara’s actually kind of touched because, you know, he’s the blue one)
so the woman and her intimidating company go and karamatsu takes a second to apologize for making a scene to all the people that are staring - but only a second because crying baby and oh god everything just got really real really fast. he makes his way home pretty much dizzied by the prospect of having to explain this to his family
said explanation is about as hectic as he imagined it. matsuyo is fucking DELIGHTED and his brothers are fucking NOT because what the hell, he slept with a woman over a year ago (probably closer to two years, someone points out, since babies doing just manifest into existence immediately after sex) and NEVER TOLD THEM?! karamatsu’s excuse that he really and honestly does not remember it at all just doesn’t hold up because the others are the way they are. but it’s getting late and the baby is getting increasingly noisy as his needs go unmet so they let it go
karamatsu’s banished from the bedroom on the reasoning that there’s not room for a baby in their futon (I mean there probably is, since godmatsu managed to squeeze in there that one time, but more importantly none of them want a baby in the futon so that’s that) and ends up using a guest futon downstairs. the baby is really just not having a good time and cries and cries and cries and kara talks to him, saying he must miss his mother and kara’s sorry about all this and he doesn’t know if he can be a good father or if he even wants to be a father and how is he supposed to do this, how is he supposed to raise a child??
matsuzo comes downstairs and karamatsu apologizes, sure that the baby’s crying woke him up/kept him awake, and that’s part of it but actually matsuzo is there for a chat. so they talk about what a father’s abilities are and how matsuzo took care of the sextuplets by himself a lot when they were babies, like when matsuyo was sick or exhausted or had something she needed to do, and he assures kara that the whole “maternal instinct” thing is bullshit and promises him that he can do it - especially since he’s not actually doing it alone, he has his whole family for support
(and there are probably also some parting words about considering employment because babies are even more expensive than adults)
A-NY-WAY. things are more disjointed and vague from here on but the presence of a baby in the house, and the fact that it’s KARAMATSU’S baby, causes a lot of friction between the brothers. matsuyo’s super doting on aoi but she’s also a lot stricter on the sextuplets because they’re uncles now and they need to be responsible around the baby. the others treat kara increasingly coldly because 1) he’s either always talking about aoi or always has him with him and babies are obnoxious, smelly, and gross and 2) kara’s suddenly the family heirloom and they’re resentful of that. even chibita, who’s really into babies (ala the -kun episode where he tries to adopt an abandoned one), kicks them out of the oden stand to go and see when they show up without kara one night and explain the baby situation
(at some point they start saying that karamatsu should try to find the kid’s mom because it’s not fair that she just hoisted him off on their family and split and on one hand kara was really expecting to hear from her again sometime soon since she left her son in the hands of basically a perfect stranger but on the other hand he’s really glad that he hasn’t heard from her because he’s gotten attached to the baby and to the dad role... not to mention he kind of has his doubts about her credentials as a parent since she did pretty much just abandon the kid, so he’d rather not give aoi back to her)
karamatsu’s still thinking about what matsuzo said though and he feels guilty about making his parents pay for stuff like food and diapers for his son so he lowers his standards from “career” to “literally anything that will pay money” and snags a parttime job. matsuzo works all day of course and matsuyo is often out of the house too so the brothers end up responsible for aoi in turns when karamatsu has to go out. this goes on for a while but eventually someone, probably osomatsu, isn’t really paying attention and aoi ends up getting hurt as a result. kara’s pretty pissed off when he finds out about this and it throws more fuel on the fire that’s the still-growing tension between the brothers
eventually, ultimately, karamatsu decides he’s just gonna move out - he’s tired of burdening his family and burning bridges with his brothers and he wants aoi to grow up in a better environment. he changes jobs and starts working construction at night, which is kind of dangerous and really exhausting but it pays well and allows him to be home during the day to watch his son. he gets an apartment somewhere that’s not really great but he can afford it and that’s what’s important, and thus begins karamatsu’s life of independence
it’s... not anywhere near as glamorous as he always imagined it would be. his diet is shit because he prioritizes aoi’s needs, so basically the only time he gets to eat well is on the odd day when his parents or chibita visit to refill their baby charge and let karamatsu catch a break because they always bring/make proper food. add to that, he’s EXHAUSTED. working all night and taking care of a toddler all day leaves pitifully little room for rest and it wears him down something fierce but he keeps giving it his best because he doesn’t really have a choice, he’s all aoi has
it catches up to him, of course. karamatsu’s feeling really terrible but there’s bills to pay and a tiny precious mouth to feed so he drags himself off to work and ends up slipping up and getting hurt. it’s a minor injury but the real problem is that the cause of that slip-up was the flu. so now he’s home with a twisted ankle or something and the flu and he can’t take care of himself and he can’t take care of aoi (the flu is especially dangerous to young kids after all) and he’s just completely at a loss. he calls chibita practically begging for help, and chibita’s not heartless so he comes over to do what he can but he’s got bills to pay too you know? so when kara’s asleep and aoi’s occupied, he calls matsuyo and explains what’s going on
and matsuyo sends osomatsu
osomatsu’s still sore about the whole falling out plus the feeling of being abandoned by one of his brothers but matsuyo plays the “you’re the oldest” card so he grudgingly goes over. chibita fills him in on what’s up (ex. when’s aoi’s naptime and snacktime, when kara last took medicine, etc.) and leaves, and oso’s alone with aoi for the first time in foooreeeverrrr. but aoi’s a toddler now and so he’s a bit less obnoxious and smelly and gross and also he’s super worried about karamatsu and it’s hard to treat a kid like that too coldly so osomatsu ends up actually getting along with him okay, much to kara’s surprise and great relief when he finally wakes up
it all goes pretty well, bridges are rebuilt, the others stop holding grudges towards kara and aoi, and karamatsu gets a better job that won’t exhaust him and ruin his health with his dad’s recommendation. yaayy happy ending clap clap clap
haha no.
at some point much later, the police show up at karamatsu’s place one day. they explain that they apprehended some criminals for some crime or another and while in custody they wound up confessing to kidnapping a baby for ransom a long time ago. they were pressed for the full story and eventually gave it: they kidnapped a baby intending to hold him for ransom but the family wouldn’t pay so they went far away to avoid police pursuit and devised another way to get money out of the kid: extort someone for child support. they said that they spent a while figuring out a target and picked karamatsu because the information they got about him (from that acquaintance of his at the bar, who was there specifically for the sake of finding a guy like him) made them think that they could scare him into paying by threatening to sidle him with single fatherhood. well, they were wrong, but at least they didn’t have a kidnapped baby in their possession anymore so hey good enough, cut their losses and move on
karamatsu is... reeeally stunned. just. utterly disbelieving. he asks what that all means and of course it means that aoi has to be returned to his family. he tries to prepare himself for it but he’s devastated. he meets the family - the child’s real name is yuuto, and he remembers the way the woman looked at him when he asked the baby’s name and realizes she just said “aoi” at random because he was wearing blue that day. he tells yuuto’s parents all about his favorite snacks and toys and games and stories and the best way to give him a bath or put him to bed when he doesn’t want to and just, absolutely everything. he’s been living with the kid for like 2-3 years now and for that time he was his whole world. the parents seem kind of dismissive of him though and he’s just a little bit worried by that but he supposes he can understand if they want to learn about their son on their own instead of from a stranger
(at some point osomatsu probably tries to lighten the mood by saying something about well hey, so it wasn’t your kid after all, just like we all guessed from the beginning! he ends up getting punched)
and then he’s gone, and karamatsu is alone in that apartment that’s suddenly so drab and run-down and cramped and cold and lonely and the only thing keeping him going is the need to eat and the fear of shaming his family by saying “fuck it” and giving up, even though that’s all he really wants to do
some time goes by and karamatsu’s just really lonely with aoi/yuuto  around and eventually someone suggests that he go and visit. and that’s kind an exciting idea so he hunts down the address and goes for it, even though it’s winter and it’s freezing. when he arrives at the house (which is kind of big because apparently the parents are involved in some important and/or lucrative work), he sees little yuuto standing outside cold and crying
kara’s shocked and kind of angry and calls out and yuuto is just so happy to see him, running over and calling “papa, papa” even though karamatsu tries to gently correct him and remind him that it’s just “onii-chan” now - although he’s really not one to talk because he can’t help but say “aoi” himself
aoi explains that he got in trouble for making a mess and got yelled at and shut out and kara’s just livid because where’s your coat? your scarf? your hat? your boots? and aoi says he’s doesn’t get to have them right now because he was bad which is just. the last straw. karamatsu asks if aoi wants to come home with him, and aoi enthusiastically says yes
so karamatsu becomes an actual kidnapper. he does properly tell his family about it though so child protective services get contacted and one thing leads to another and it comes to light to aoi’s parents are neglectful at best, abusive at worst. his parents fight it because it would be a huge scandal for their son to be taken away and they accuse karamatsu of trying to ruin their reputations and careers and lives but cps ain’t havin it. aoi’s grandmother is contacted and things are put into motion to get him into her custody but she approaches kara and invites him to adopt aoi - not because she doesn’t love her grandson but because she can tell that her grandson really really loves karamatsu and vice versa and she knows that they were together for all that time and that kara would take good care of him
and that is the long.... LONG story of how karamatsu becomes a single dad
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vegbethany · 8 years
Day one of veganuary is complete! I feel great so far. :D Thanks for making veganism look achievable. Before I found your videos, all I had to go on was freelee's 30 bananas a day stuff. You showed me that I be vegan without eating 3 lbs of pasta and a grocery store worth of fruit a day, haha.
AWW YAAYY!!! This is what I dream of haha I’m so happy I could help♥
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