#and they sometimes wish their parents hadn't moved to america
soupydoobydoo · 1 year
i love watching movies about queer taiwanese people i love you my family
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lady-rose-moon · 11 months
Growing Up || TS!Loki & Haven fic ||
A/N; it has been over a year since Haven Lokdottir was introduced into my writing. Since that time, I've grown and improved. What better way to show that than to show Haven's growth? I hope you enjoy ❤️ this is more of a WIP that I know I won't finish so I'm posting this <3
Cabin in the Mountains || TS!Loki x Reader ||
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It took a while to accept that time was moving quickly for you and Loki. Your small bungalow cabin in the mountains had been remodelled and now had a second floor to accommodate for Kore now in your lives. After Haven's jealousy and self-doubt had passed through family therapy, Kore suggested that she take the room upstairs so that Haven could have her old room back just for herself.
It had taken Haven another hundred years through therapy to accept that she wasn't being abandoned by her parents just because they had a new addition. It was purely the opposite, they had Kore to strengthen their family but young Haven hadn't seen it that way. Now, through therapy, Haven felt accepted in her family again.
However, it wasn't long after that, just three hundred years, that Haven announced that she was leaving. The kitchen was silent in the wake of her statement and the eldest child of Loki saw her father cry for a whole new reason.
"Papa," Haven whispered solemnly, walking toward her father and holding his cheek lovingly, showing him her best smile as she fought her own tears, "I am of age, I want to live on my own now, go to University perhaps! Rule the world if I could! I want to... live. Not that I haven't lived here - of course I have! It's just..."
Loki chuckled and pulled his daughter into his arms, running his hand down her back as he tried to stop his tears. "I know, petal," he whispered comfortingly, feeling her body shudder with unshed tears, "I grew up in a home so different to the life you wish to leave but if it is what you wish, I wish you well, my dear daughter."
The Goddess of Dreams pulled away to look at her father and finally shed her tears as she nodded her gratitude. "I promise to write to you," she whispered, looking between her mother and father with emotions that she used to hide, "and Kore too. Mayhap I shall come home soon enough, bored of the world."
Loki barked a laugh at that, shaking his head with soft emotion, "if you are anything like your mother, sweet goddess, you will never tire of the world."
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It was two months later that Haven dropped her bags into her New York apartment. Loki's exile from America did not apply to his children as the US Government had no reason to judge them when their mother was considered an Avenger even if they were only legends now. However, his exile ended the moment Captain Rogers passed away a hundred years ago.
Already there was so much different from the peace of Haven's secluded life in the mountains of Norway. The cars on the streets were loud and the people were always in a hurry and Haven sometimes felt like she was suffocating when she was visiting.
Loki walked in with a few boxes floating behind him moments later and looked around the compact apartment with a soft breath. "A Princess of Asgard deserves better than a small block to live in," he grumbled, watching as his daughter brushed over the countertops of the kitchen and he sighed, "but will you be happy here?"
"I'm just starting out," Haven smiled at her father before walking into the equally tiny bedroom and biting her nail as she looked around, "it's just until I get more money to afford a better apartment or even a house!"
The God of Mischief frowned at his daughter, knowing that she had all the money she could ever want but chose to start out by herself. Instead of stating what he wanted to say, Loki took her into his arms and kissed her forehead with a gentle whisper, "you're so grown up, my princess."
Haven smiled up at her father and hugged him tight. "I'm going to miss you, dad, but I have to do this," she whispered before pulling away with a grin, turning back to her room and clicking her fingers making her furniture move into how she wanted it to be. With a delighted sigh, the girl jumped on her bed and laughed.
Loki wanted to follow her into her bedroom to assist but you gently laid your hand on his chest and whispered, "Thomas, let her decide, this is not our house. She's our girl."
The God of Mischief sighed and nodded, wrapping an arm around your waist before guiding you into the kitchen to begin unpacking the pans and glasses. "I'm... Not ready," Loki admitted, his hands fumbling with polishing a wine glass with Haven's name written beautifully on it, "I thought I would be but I'm not."
You softened and smiled, holding the nape of his neck and pressing a kiss to his lips, "you're ready, come on you're the great God of Mischief and the great inventor Thomas Sharpe! You are ready."
Loki smiled and shook his head, pressing a kiss to your forehead delicately, swaying side to side with you to an invisible tune as he processed the situation and took a deep breath. You were right, he was ready, he just didn't want to let her go.
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@lokisgoodgirl @lokisninerealms @slpnbty2001 @jennyggggrrr @hahaha12123445 @ozymdias @holdmytesseract @itsybitchylittlewitchy @lovingchoices14 @xorpsbane @huntress-artemiss @muddyorbs @nerdy-fangirl-65 @lonadane @silverfire475 @chantsdemarins @iamsherlocked1479 @kittiowolf210 @just-someone11 @stupidthoughtsinwriting @loki-laufeyson-1054 @fictive-sl0th @coldnique @anukulee @eleniblue @asgards-princess-of-mischief
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renatedagmarmilada · 2 years
grey viz print...roll down
sometimes it is necessary not to say things too openly,
yet not to keep them secret.
for giving away the secrets of the powerful is constant
and never subsides..
.They tested remote stuff,
tried and dusted over there.
.but small amounts on many..
Here they use large amounts on a few,
though already tried and dusted
by the States,
for their own purposes.
It is the future of war weaponry.
The War Lords have given permission.
I have to go they say-
because I put it into my poetry.
Renate Fekete
      Averell viz Reuben
> to us from our stampede West
> to where all things and safety lay
> America meant merely A viz R
> we knew both well from home
> we knew and believed truthful Averell
> but his own people doubted him
> we also knew Reuben's ways well
> his showmanship his charm to sway
> ere since on his journeying he began
> battling in an unseen mist
> averell and reuben as we preached
> the winner clear in a smudge to teach
> we sighed
> same methods
> we all knew so well
> maybe we'd better stay where we are
> look behind over our shoulders
> check our backs
> and where was home?
An ode for Colin, Art Lecturer RIP
> We continue to use her poetry
> intime it will blot out everything and pretty
> its for the Ausgust issue
> its one of hers I tissued
> I sent your stuff to the BBC and others
> and even used your very own venues
> I work at the lab, skinny Liz
> took along with friends of the lab and Chris
> and one or two are famous asked their help
> just to ensure you shut up and never yelp
> it is New York lab now robbing and topping
> beamed from england to their lab computer
> here bravery and decency dont count
> we don't mind losing artists and wont count
> and over there anything is fair game
> as long as it has personal gain....
    Red Herrings and their  ''fairer society''
> We are building a fairer society I quote
> led by the worst criminals
> even our east europeans
> have ever known
> with their wide experience of criminals
> as St Guys watches Hommerton and them
> or maybe we hadn't read the country
> correctly before
> has she shamed herself in your country
> now there's another experience
> the lab whispers in microsound
> We are not talking St Guy's whispers
> is everyone frightened on this island?
> atrocity after atrocity, include injustices
> sorry I made every person you met
> into a lover
> and asked them to study it as real
> you can never answer back
> nor can you stop the punishment
> they hand out
> one student adds
> it is the worst penitentiary ever
> with absolutely no human rights
> the lab tells him
> it is not
> it is an experiment with no bounds
> and no boundaries
> anything goes now
> this is Britain's Auschwitz they repeat
> this country is too small for camps
> every church, every shop, every school
> is your Camp 5
> we begin punishment when ever we wish
> plus the all nighters since November 03.
> why?
> why we messed up
> and Britian is never guilty
> especially when it is britains....
> well death is death,
> who ever metes out the death..
Ø  robbery is robbery
> the wedding was my parent's style
> motivated by what will the neighbours say
> not mine though our love showed through
> quarter of a century later
> a psycho-man persuaded him to freedom
> meant shaking off all responsibility
> only just moved to a new city
> a small town girl and the kids
> couldn't believe he wouldn't come back
> as he always had from south Africa
> from Austria from all his job
> it was CHristmas and we didn't know how
> first I drank a bottle of whisky though teetotal
> then life had to go on
> all proceedings have to go through a system
> I don't remember the day or the time
> I know I sat on a bench somewhere
> and people were very kind and nice there
> a Judge with a soft face and voice said something
> I don't remember what but it was gentle
> solicitor's young man arm around my shoulder
> he wasn't there so you can have the kids
> but I'm still not sure what happened
> and asked for a long time
   >another seven and intimidation
> more students in the lab
> doing the same file of constant lies
> spun around and around
> once they say..use your imagination
> (not what you think boys)
> over the tv voice
> the same old made up work
> by the members of the lab
> a book sent to a friend
> sensitive because it tells what they do
> a student gets a first
> he has robbed it
> they have a special letter to get the post
> we just call it fining any crime
> why?
> twenty years ago they split a happy family
> twenty years ago they watched us on screen
> day and night night and day
> every little action
> and certain parts sent everywhere looped
> seen by everyone
> all in the bedroom and the lounge
> adults nothing wrong
> twenty years of life
> common law husband
> the student got a first
> destroy all relationships
> then at the last the torture began
> squeezing arteries why?
> the effect is the same as a severe drug addict
> and pounding the heart like a smoker
> all things never experienced by this little healthy guy
> please see she is dead within this decade
> and I want a heart attack shortly
> last night was hell
> even for the brave and careful
> my skull hurt from the pressure
> and my spine trembled
> of course intimidation
> I'd gone to see a solicitor
> a visit to a solicitor always brings such reaction
> on line torture in Britain
> such a clever solicitor too
> asked you and who
> nay good Sir I aint telling
> you find out yourself...
> looks like London and Europe
> this is no small matter
> though dear madam
> you try to minimalise.
> why and where, what and who
   > why and where, what and who?
> Fay,do copy this now it is my pet project
> Jacki has taken half their carefully saved funds
> their sophisticated machinery
> over ten thousand pounds out of accounts
> lone mum and mother
> year by year year after year
> Jackie was strapped for cash
> and drinks heavily as he works for the lab
> the lab earn huge wages from taxes
> and take from the accounts at will
> it is a victim they say
> using it so as to distance their crimes
> so you are still hammering her and them
> we can't let it get out
> the Queen is in it
> I don't believe it
> they lied to the Queen
> but the Queen can easily find out
> she has she said so
> the Queen said
> victim sue..and sue ..and sue
> do they think we can't check
> Charles too told twice but we can say nought
> wither way but we know the truth
> and you never say
> Sir, we were brought up in a different way
> we sat silent and watched
> and were rewarded for our loyalty
> by a golden piece by our royals
> the only time we shouted
> the Nazis are coming
> no one listened
> and again no one is listening
> the lawyers say what is criminal elsewhere
> is not criminal here and those know it
> and the public must not know the truth
> or that the Queen is in it..
> though the Queen knows full well
> and more poetry books bite the dust
> I consider my real feelings for once
> but I went to school with them
> I married them, laughed with them
> cried with them, played with them
> was ill in hospitals with them
> gae birth with them
> was even divorced with them
> no not the jews here the english..
> there was once a famous english writer
> who went to Holland to escape
> island corruption!
> so this is the great democratic island
> we had put on a pedestal...
> Renate Fekete
> 66 Lloyd Street
 > whether it is a lab or not.
  Steve says
> steve says they can't say we used Stanis
> cause Stanis helped us to use Stanis..
> steve says Maxwell was in it and Murdoch too
> it was their choice both they chose you did not
> steve says divorce, death or 'what if..?'
> stanis say you forfeit your post as well as life
> steve says she had an advantage
> healthy, talented we are ordinarying her
> steve says can you put a hole in her heart
> she was brilliant then but then became ' ill'
> steve says yes she is still copying eveything
> the spin doctors are disturbed by the pencil
> steve says the girls can do them by the imprint after
> students say we don't want to come back to the lab
> steve says the Minister was in the lab by invite
> it was amusement watching peoples private lives
>.....> steve says that's why we put
they were seen
> but added all the rest for afters
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witchthewriter · 2 years
hey love! if you’re still taking them, i’d love to send in my ship request for a male stranger things, marvel, and Harry Potter character! (she/her), i’m a sag sun, scorpio rising,aries moon and i am an ENFJ! I around 5 feet tall, tanned with freckles, I have amber eyes a and full lips (my favorite feature on myself) and long light brown hair. I speak 4 languages! I have a major green thumb, and I have a talent for cooking and baking, and I do it often! I love sharing my creations with friends and family. I’m a very passive person, and I keep a small social circle. I work in a small french boutique and am currently in university studying geography. I love to hike, camp, and backpack and I do it often. I am a cat person, I love a good game of scrabble, I love the rain and cold weather so much, and I would love nothing more than a rainy day in, with a book and a cup of tea! thanks love!
Want one? Here be the rules 🦋
Thank you so much for participating my love! You literally sound so wonderful, I wish we were friends irl <3
What each ship has in common:
⋆ Responsible ⋆ Kind-hearted ⋆ Loyal ⋆ Admirable ⋆ Fair
𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬
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Right off the bat I ship you with Steve Harrington dude. Like you are THE perfect girl for him. I think I ship you the most with Steve out of everyone. He would love that you're into baking/cooking but also georgraphy because he's really bad with directions
・Picking you up in his car but also going to knock at your front door. If you try to open the car door by yourself he will literally make you close it, just so he can.
・He would take you on such cute ass dates man. Like he's just been waiting for the right person to come along so he can spoil them.
・Meeting his family and feeling even more close to Steve. You didn't realise how much they aren't there for him
・Being such good friends with Robin, like literally. Sometimes Steve gets jealous and then you both tease him. And then tackle him to the ground in a group hug.
・Being the Hawkin's group designated new parent... you love 'em but whew they stress you tf out
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I ship you with Sam Wilson! Captain America himself! I think his vibrant and boisterous personality would be balanced well with your mellow and peaceful one.
・Meeting his family; it was nerve-wrecking the first time. But they were wonderful people, and now good friends... well, good family.
・Cooking you the BEST homemade meal you had ever had. He's literally such a good cook
・You would definitely be worried when he went on missions. You told Bucky that if anything happened to him you would lose it.
"I'll look after him y/n. Don't worry."
"Ha! Sure you will," Sam laughed, wrapping an arm around your shoulder.
・Moving in with him, and his place is literally so nice. You bring all your plants and he absolutely loves it
・Each week you bake a cake, or cookies or muffins. He's so excited the night before and does a little bake-dance
𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐏𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫
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I ship you with Remus Lupin! (Joseph Quinn is my new fancast for him). He would love to sit with you, tea on the table and a book in hand. You perched between his legs, back against his chest.
・Meeting at Hogwarts - you were both in the library, searching for a particular version of a charms book. He had grabbed it first, not realising you were reaching for the same one.
"Oh, I apologise. Were you looking for this?" He automatically moved to give it to you, his eyes looking into your own. You realised that they were tired.
"No no, you can have it. I'm sure there'll be another copy around here somewhere," you smiled.
"How about we share?" His kind smile a lovely sight.
・Being Remus' safe place/person. He knows he can come to you with any problem
・You found out he was a werewolf by accident. You went looking for him at night, knowing he wasn't in the common room and you hadn't seen him go up to bed.
You were worried. Frantic, you grabbed your broom and marched out of the common room. You were determined to find him.
It wasn't until you had heard the screams from the womping willow that a sick feeling had turned to oil in your stomach.
Following the horrific noises, you found the boys transforming from animal to human.
"What is going on?" You gasped, eyes flicking between the four boys' forms.
"Y/N? Y/N, What are you doing here?" Peter nearly yelled. Remus was lying on the ground, shaking. James and Sirius were draping a blanket over his naked body.
"I-I came looking for Remus. I was worried." The others turned to see you, their eyes going wide.
・They had explained everything. Because really, you did live in a magical world. Anything mysterious or weird could usually be explained by ... well ... magic.
・Tracing Remus' scars and kissing each one
・Gently moving their hair from his face
・Kissing his nose
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