#and they're maybe a little jealous how much of y/n's time sun and moon get
starrspice · 9 months
hola! Just wondering, IS Eclipse in the desinger au? I think he would be more of a modle in the au.
YES! They are in the fashion designer au
Eclipse is Y/N's professor in fashion technology 👀
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lavenoon · 2 years
Another thought, what if Robin wasn’t a field agent? What if they were someone like command centre or backup?
Just assisting Dawn/Dusk over an earpiece, knowing their an animatronic but never seeing them. So Robin at home knows both their neighbours but they don’t realize that’s the agents they’ve been helping due to never seeing them + work has some sort of voice scrambler just incase someone hacks that frequency :)
Or to turn this around, Dawn/Dusk are command centre/ backup or whatever and they get to work with star agent Robin in the background. Helping them over an ear piece and yet again never seeing them due to always being in an office and talking over a head piece.
So Y/N knows their nice neighbors Sun and Moon, who are kind of cagey about their jobs, but it's fine, because there's so much else to talk about!
Field agents Dusk and Dawn still need to cover up gadget noise and can explain it with DIY, and Command center Dusk and Dawn may have a little home set up for urgent calls to take that uh. Okay vc planning makes me say there's now the podcast happening. A podcast that is more popular than anticipated but also way too personal so it doesn't amass too much of a following, but the people who do listen may develop some sort of parasocial relationship or the other gfhdjs
The podcast is kind of all over the place - they tried to scramble for a topic and kind of settled on electronics and life as an animatronic in a society still kind of adapting, like raising awareness about systemic inequalities and stuff? But kind of just trailing off into anecdotes about their previous jobs (since they job hopped a lot) and what their experiences were, maybe with early pre reveal guest appearance of Eclipse sharing his own experiences as a disabled animatronic. It's a good timeline for their brotherly relationship but also means there's a lot of heart to hearts they need to edit out of the fucking podcast FGDHJS
Y/N listens to it to fall asleep <3
(But also this Eclipse gets to meet Y/N pre-reveal as long as he promises not to mention the secret aspect of his job - he can introduce himself as researcher, and not talk about Sun and Moon's jobs, but otherwise there's room for interaction there! Supervised by Sun/Moon probably, but some actual small talk during potential visits!)
So, let's go:
Command center Robin and Field agent Dusk and Dawn: Robin, while an allover competent agent, is just a tad too reckless for the higher ups to tolerate and got demoted to Command center work until they learn to take the job seriously. Leaves them a bit miffed at any field agents they interact with, whoops! Different flavored idiots when Dusk and Dawn just think "jeez this guy is rude" and Robin jealous of these guys they end up paired with a lot because wow they sure are living Robin's dream life :/ Meanwhile they all get along splendidly as neighbors!
The reveal could be that the voice distortion breaks or the boys (well, one of them) just lose the device but have something urgent to share and just think ah, screw it, it's not like one time will hurt, or like the command center agent will know their voice! They know they're revealing one of their voices, yeah, sure, but it's a risk they're acutely aware of and deem acceptable in the situation. Command center Robin just gets fucking whiplash hearing their friend's voice from the guy they have been short with out of bitterness the entire time and still has to scramble to actually respond to the situation at hand. They're too scared to tell Sun and Moon - because they're already on the supervisor's shit list, that's why they work in CC! But they're kind of jumpy at home and zone out a lot more, something Sun and Moon notice, and unrelated to that it's strange but that CC agent suddenly is a lot... nicer? But also more subdued? I'd see the reveal going just a little like in the Fallout drabble - the boys confront Y/N about how out of it they are these days, and Y/N just... Kind of vaguely admits that they learned something they shouldn't about coworkers they were maybe (very vaguely) venting about before, because they were so jealous and now they just realized how rude they've been all this time and it shouldn't have taken this kind of mess and - and what kind of mess is that, exactly? And Y/N just admits that they know Sun and Moon are Dusk and Dawn - and then breaks down, pleading with them to please don't tell the higher ups, they didn't mean to find out, they didn't mean to mess up - and after the initial shock and cognitive dissonance trying to align the grumpy CC agent with their nice neighbor they just shush them and explain that hey, they were the ones knowingly engaging in that risk, that's not on Y/N, and if anyone would lose their job it'd be the boys - Y/N interrupting with a very insistent "I don't want that either!" and they just all figure it out from there, reassured that any bitterness was just superficial and not personal at all <3
Field agent Robin and Command center Dusk and Dawn: Dusk and Dawn start out as CC agents, similarly to the other alt timeline - the agency puts them not quite in the field yet, just to see if it's even worth the risk of allowing a whole family to join their ranks. And they do well enough! Eager to please and prove themselves, but also cheeky enough to try and break down the walls of the rather blunt and awkward field agent they often get paired with. For the sake of this timeline Robin isn't limited to either break ins or undercover work, so both boys gets attention. Robin of course isn't aware these two CC agents are one animatronic, much less that they're their neighbors. It's kind of strange, because they can't quite get behind these CC agents trying to... be funny? Flirty? Befriend them? But they're also kind of lonely, something they realize even more once they befriend Sun and Moon (who honestly just encourage them to befriend those two coworkers that seem to try really hard to get on their good side, relating to those poor sods for a change instead of being jealous, but being just as stupid as always still)
In this reveal scenario, it's Robin whose voice distortion device breaks, and who takes the risk of just opening communication channels anyway, maybe throws in a nervous joke about "ah well yes, I thought we were kind of ready for next base, scandalous, I know" and the boy in question just. Makes the immediate executive decision (after a short second of processing that yes, this is real and happening) to turn off his own voice distortion (as soon as Robin is safe enough for the surprise not to put them at risk of course), and then Robin just buffers before they start yelling through comms - just what the hell, what kind of coincidence, how didn't they all notice before? They aren't mad and the boy on the other end is just laughing his non existent ass off at the situation, but then they just vaguely end the conversation about how they'll talk later (work communication is not the right channel to discuss explicitly breaking work rules), and then later back at home the laughing and yelling just continues before they come up with the funniest way to tell the poor guy still in the dark about the situation, because now they're all friends and all menaces and whoops! Shenanigans <3
Also post reveal sleepover where Y/N just has to go "okay so ik it was a coverup and not actually real but it is real to me and I maybe listen to your podcast to fall asleep. And now it's a habit and if you don't want me to put it on that's fine but also please don't stop talking? Just... you can talk about anything I just want to listen to your voice" and they're so stupidly shy about it while Sun/Moon just fucking melts on the spot, finally channeling the unbridled affection into their voice as they get to talk to them directly and maybe also stroke their hair or hold them in their arms maybe ---
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seacottons · 4 years
—ateez as boyfriends [ domestic au ]
notes: swearing. suggestive dialogue. fluff. i blame a certain someone for this, not gonna say who. @kireiwoo
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— hongjoong
very caring and attentive towards you
so much so, that even his friends have complained how it isn't fair he doesn't scold you like the way he does to them
he enjoys many activities with you, such as
helping him dye his hair an ungodly color every other month
he'll insist you try experimenting with your own tresses
but you only have the courage to dye the very ends of your strands
"i don't think i can pull off that color as well as you do," you'd say.
"that's a load of bull. you'll suit every hair color."
you'll just roll your eyes playfully at his biased behavior.
other activities include getting tiny matching tattoos together.
the tiny flower and butterfly on your wrists was most likely your favorite due to its simplicity in design and the meaning behind it as well.
spontaneous dates are his favorite.
behind closed doors, he loves to constantly shower you with pecks and smooches.
often gets teased by his friends from how whipped he is for you.
randomly books vacations for you two to relax and unwind every so often.
although he enjoys it, he is a big, tired baby when it comes to traveling
always wanting to lean his head against your shoulder
or cuddling you close for warmth due to the airport's air conditioners blasting frigid air.
has written many songs about you
and when he's finally ready, he'll not only ask you to listen to them, but to also spend the rest of your life with him and share his last name as well.
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— seonghwa
constant pet names
"the sun to my stars."
"the moon to my sun."
"love of my life."
you like to call him mars, mostly.
but he revels when you call him 'twinkle eyes' for some reason.
has a habit of pulling you into his lap.
you'll subconsciously play with the strands of his hair as he does so, him being too distracted bickering with his friends to realize sometimes.
will always give you pleading looks whenever wooyoung or san tease him.
sometimes, you walk in to find wooyoung settling onto your boyfriend's back while he greedily devours the bowl of popcorn entirely by himself.
or other times when both wooyoung and san constrict his limbs with their arms whenever you're near.
"y/n can't save you now, so cut the whining."
you'll only sigh and shake your head in amusement.
"what are you guys doing to my poor boyfriend?"
"he changed the movie we were watching without our permission!"
"because i have no damn clue what's going on, and harry potter is too confusing!"
coffee dates.
loves to sleep with you tucked against his chest.
always has an arm draped around your frame.
butterfly kisses on your neck.
soft touches against the small of your back and waist.
his favorite pastime with you would be stargazing.
"baby, look. it's me, mars-io," he'd say whilst pointing up to the large, bright star in the night sky.
when it's too cloudy outside, or when the weather isn't forgiving, he'll turn on the indoor star projector he bought so the two of you can stargaze in the comfort of your own bed.
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— yunho
is the epitome of romantic.
is constantly smothering you in love and affection.
always has heart eyes and admiration in his eyes at whatever small task you do or say.
rant about an ancient dynasty?
heart eyes.
bombard him with useless information about a certain abandoned island.
heart eyes.
gush about the new cute bakery that recently opened up?
heart eyes.
if you had a money jar for every time he says 'i love you', you'd have enough money to buy a plane ticket or two.
always willing to drop everything to help you with whatever it is you need.
will wake up in the middle of the night when you text him to ask if he's awake or not.
willingly stays up to keep you company.
but sometimes, when he's too tired, he'll knock out accidentally and profusely apologize to you in the morning.
very supportive of your life choices.
hates seeing you cry because it makes him want to bawl his eyes out as well.
his hugs are bone-crushing.
but he is a gentle giant nonetheless.
likes to attempt to bake pastries with you.
half of the time, the goods either turn out undercooked or burnt.
"they have love in them, that's all that matters."
will always insist that you can rant to him about anything and everything.
you've never felt so valued in your life before meeting him.
is the most understanding human being you've ever gotten the pleasure of knowing.
"i wish we were vampires," he says one day.
you give him an amused look, lips outstretched into a smile, "why, silly?"
"so we can spend an eternity together."
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— yeosang
his heart flutters when you notice the smallest things he does.
it makes him feel appreciated and acknowledged.
like when he changes up his hairstyle or earrings.
or when he wears a new sweater.
a big, big softie when it comes to you.
can and will want to spend all day in your arms on his days off.
quick witted and has a knack for noticing the tiniest detail.
very shy and awkward at first.
but when he gets more comfortable as time passes on, you won't be safe from his snarky little comments anymore.
will constantly bring up the thing you said or did months ago to prove a point.
"oh, you like this flavor? three months ago you told me it tasted like vomit."
"remember that time you woke up in a rush to get to work thinking you were late, only for me to drag you back inside because it was three in the fucking morning?"
you stop mid-chew and peer up from your plate of rice.
"your point, yeosang?"
"oh, nothing this time. i just wanted to tease you."
is the type to have a mid-life crisis when you can't decide on a restaurant.
"but i don't want to eat at the chicken place again," you'll whine.
"it's been thirty minutes, and you still haven't decided what you want!"
"you're rushing me!"
"y/n! just pick!"
loves to cuddle with you, especially in the colder months.
wraps a blanket around your frame and tugs you in closer against his chest.
pretends not to understand your jokes just to spite and tease you.
loves when you cling onto him.
his favorite pastime with you would be just walking around together at night and trying out different types of street food.
or even visiting any of the local beaches for a relaxing walk together.
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— san
persistently keen about whenever you feel upset or down.
he reads you better than any open book.
sometimes, it scares you, but you appreciate how he's always so eagle-eyed about your behavior.
loves to hug your head.
you allow wooyoung to crash some of your dates with san sometimes.
other times, san will whine and tell him to go find his own date.
"if y/n accepted you as a boyfriend, then you should've disclosed that i'm part of the deal as well. buy one get one free."
"as what exactly?"
"the hot, clingy best friend."
will take numerous duck-faced selfies of himself because you think they're cute.
often times, he'll ask you to mirror his expression, only for him to press his lips against yours a second before his phone snaps the picture.
likes when you kiss his dimple.
"y/n! it looks like a crater from the amount of times you've kissed it."
he likes to tease you.
a lot.
very touchy.
always has an arm around you.
rests his chin against your shoulders.
playfully smacks your rear when you're sassy with him.
or leans in to hold your jaw whilst whispering teasing words into your ear that has you becoming docile and bothered in mere seconds.
has you wrapped around his finger as much as you have him wrapped around your own.
likes to have weekly picnics with you at the park and admires all the dogs running about.
"i should bring byeol next week. maybe she'll like to play fetch too."
"i don't think that's a good idea.."
you often find him fast asleep holding onto a plushie for dear life whenever you're away.
you'll pull it away from his arms, causing him to stir awake groggily.
he'll stare in confusion as you throw the plushie aside, before pulling you in tighter as you wriggle into his arms.
"you're softer than shiber," he'll mumble sleepily against the crown of your head.
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— mingi
mingi is sometimes self-conscious around the public eye and others, but when it comes to you, those layers of fear and insecurity get stripped away instantly.
doesn't mind being vulnerable with you.
he craves affection, adores it even, but is insecure about not being able to return it well enough for his liking.
likes when you give him attention.
easily gets jealous when someone else grabs your interest.
reassuring him 24/7.
"yes, mingi. you're the love of my life."
kissing his pouting lips for good measure.
the smallest of gestures has him a blushing mess.
even holding hands in public.
when he's not being a sentimental sap, he'll like teasing you lovingly.
"wow, you have this many photos of me in your phone?"
you'll scrutinize him in confusion.
"are you that obsessed with me, y/n?"
"mingi! you told me to take half of those photos of you!"
"oh, right. i forgot."
a silence weighs down onto the two of you.
"but would you have taken them if i never asked you to?"
constantly laughs about the things you say, although you don't think you're that funny.
always seeks your approval subconsciously.
will always shield you from the rain, playfully yelling at the droplets sometimes.
"you can't make y/n wet! only i can!"
"mingi! we are in public!"
wanted to go strawberry picking because he saw a celebrity try it out on instagram live.
accidentally steps on many berries though.
"it's okay, they'll just make another plant. i did them a favor."
brags about you like no tomorrow.
even for the tiniest, minuscule thing.
"oh, i've already tried the brand of ice cream. y/n always buys that for me."
"i don't need to pay all this money for a measly slice of cake. y/n's cakes are much better."
"no, wooyoung. i'm not jealous of your new shoes." he'll lightly pinch the boy's side, "y/n and i have already bought ourselves matching pairs."
"you two are so fucking cheesy, it hurts."
when he's not bragging about you, he's boasting about himself.
but if that's what helps him raise his confidence levels up, you'll gladly sit down hours on end listening to how he has more 'swag' and 'charisma' than all of his older friends combined.
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— wooyoung
teases you like his life depends on it.
says you can't get enough of him, when in reality it's the other way around.
but you let him believe whatever he wants.
but deep down he just really gets satisfied with himself if he raises your mood and makes you smile.
especially when you're not having a great day.
uses way too many emojis when texting you.
"wooyoung, why am i saved as as 'clingy bug' on your contacts?"
he'll squawk indignantly and laugh awkwardly for a second.
"who told you this lie!?"
always wants to show off your love in front of his friends.
"no, i don't want my early birthday gift now. wait until the others show up, and do it front of them."
"but why?"
"so everyone can see how much you love me. can you also cry for good measure?"
"absolutely not."
he enjoys the dates you have in his apartment the most.
the ones where he cooks for you and asks for your help, only for him to pester you about over-seasoning or undersalting something.
"okay, fine! we'll just order take out if it tastes that bad," you pout, flinging a small piece of onion on his face.
his head instantly snaps back to eye you judgingly, fist gripping the poor spatula.
"over my dead body."
"so, y/n. how does my plating look?"
"it's beautiful, wooyoung. you've outdone y-"
"what else is beautiful?" he demands, face leaning over the table to give you a knowing grin.
you shove a piece of meat and rice into his mouth, shrugging nonchalantly.
he deflates at your answer, spluttering pieces of rice onto your face.
"jung wooyoung, you slob!"
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— jongho
is the type of boyfriend to stop you in the middle of the road to tie your shoe for you.
very charming and goofy in his own way.
takes pride in himself and his abilities to cater to your every whim and need.
even when you don't ask for his help.
aggressively opens jars for you when you struggle to pry them open.
"no one messes with my y/n."
"you're fussing at a jar of pickled radish, baby."
the type to cling close to you in public in fear of any of the bicyclists or pedestrians bumping into you and harming you in any way.
sometimes acts like you're made of glass.
while it's endearing occasionally, it is a bit suffocating at other times.
doesn't believe you when you say you're tough and don't need protection.
very selfless and willing to help you with anything you need.
never one to shy away from social gatherings with his friends, always pulling you along with him despite you being shy and clingy most of the night.
also a big tease.
when you help him hold down his legs for sit ups, he asks for a smooch.
pulls away from you when you try to kiss him.
and will laugh at your pouting face as he urges you to try once more.
"stop moving, i just want to kiss you!"
after numerous tries, he finally allows you ( you truly think you over-powered him though ) to kiss his cheeks or lips.
he then proceeds to squawk loudly in retaliation and playful disgust.
although he loves teasing you, when the game is flipped the other way, he'll be a shy mess of embarrassment.
"i don't mumble your name in my sleep."
"you always do, silly."
tucked underneath his macho exterior, you know he's prone to criticism and takes it to heart much more than he likes to show and admit.
so, whenever you get the chance, you always fulfill his need to be appreciated, loved, and taken care of.
is utterly and extremely protective of you.
"who just whistled at you?" he grumbles, "i'll break their jaw like an apple, you know i will."
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babygirlkiki1016 · 4 years
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Chapter 4: Between Two Races
Chapter 5: The Ugly Truth
The moon was almost out as the sun slowly lowered itself behind the mountains. I sighed, might as well enjoy it, this might be the only time I'll ever get to see it like this. With no enemies chasing us, just me and myself, and the maids who were trying to get me to wear a dress.
"What about this one milady? It's certainly beautiful, any man would love to see you in this kind of dress." It was a long black gown, not as fluffy as the others they had shown me. It was slim, and just my size, I ran my hand over the cloth feeling the soft texture.
"I'll try this one." Trying on the dress was the best decision, it fits me in all the right places. It hung off my shoulders slightly, showing my family's crest. My eyes traveled to the v-line that showed my breast. Well, it complimented my figure, even though I don't like showing my body that much, it made me feel beautiful. "Thank you, you are dismissed." I bowed and left my chambers, I could hear them giggling as I walked away. I wonder what they were so excited about, maybe they're eager to see the dwarves?
"Y/n! It's wonderful for you to join us for dinner." Elrond greeted as he walked up the steps with Gandalf. "You look extravagant."
"Thank you, as do you." He wasn't the only one who thought so, cause every dwarf at the table stopped and stared. Their jaws dropping in surprise, and each of them blushed as I smiled. The moment I sat down at the dining table, Thorin couldn't keep his eyes off of me. His gaze traveled to my chest, I couldn't tell if he was looking at my markings or my breast. "Thorin, eyes up here." He snaps out of his trance, but he did not smile or grin, he scowled at me.
"Don't you think that's a little too much skin your showing?" He growled I didn't think it would be a problem, but now I was doubting myself.
"Even if it is, what does it matter?"
"It matters cause you look like a whore." He took a sip of his wine, Elrond could sense my discomfort. I looked down in shame, all I wanted was to feel pretty, and here I thought this man could change. No, I wouldn't let him get to me, he's just another dwarf his words shouldn't matter to me. I held my head high, making his eyes widen at my new profound courage.
"A whore would be wearing much fewer clothes than I, all that matters is that I feel beautiful the way I am. And if you don't like it, then you can shove it you ignorant pig." The other two people at our table let out a small chuckle, for the look on Thorin's face was unexpected. He was speechless now but turned his focus to Elrond who examined one of the swords that he had taken from the trolls’ cave.
"This is Orcrist, the Goblin-cleaver. A famous blade, forged by the High Elves of the West. My kin." He hands it back to Thorin with a small nod. "May it serve you well." Elrond grabs Gandalf's sword. "And this is Glamdring. The Foe-hammer, sword of the King of Gondolin. These swords were made for the Goblin wars of the First. I believe you will find it to be useful."
"What about this?" I hand him the blue stone I had found in the troll's hoard, he tilted his head to the side and put down Gandalf's weapon.
"It has your family's crest, I highly doubt you need me to tell you what it means."
"I know what the translation is, but why would it say to go back to the Kingdom of Larthas? There's nothing there but corpses and vines that have grown over time." He takes it from me and analyzes the markings, his brows furrowed as he racked his brain for what it could mean.
"I do not know, perhaps there is a secret there that remains hidden. Something only you can find out, you are the Queen after all. Only the royal blood can open the gates of Larithian."
"The gates of Larithian?" Thorin glanced between the two of us in confusion.
"The gates of Larithian is where our treasure remains, anything important goes in there. Yet it hasn't been open for so long." Were there more of my people out there? Maybe they made this gem, so one day when someone found it they would bring it to me. Why? What could be so important?
"How did you come by these?" Elrond still stared at the stone in his hand, I had a feeling he knew something about the stone. He just wasn't telling me what it was, he tried to look at it like he'd never seen it before but was failing.
"We found them in a troll hoard on the Great East Road, shortly before we were ambushed by orcs," Gandalf explained, which caught his attention.
"And what were you doing on the Great East road?"
"Our business is no concern of Elves. It's already bad enough that she knows of our journey." Thorin glared at me, that fire in his eyes returning once more. I could feel a few looks of pity thrown my way, but I could care less. I was a Queen, no matter how much he hurts me I have to stay strong for my people.
"For goodness sake. Thorin, show him the map!" Gandalf ordered, his grip tightening on his staff.
"It is the legacy of my people. It’s mine to protect! As are its secrets."
"Save me from the stubbornness of dwarves. Your pride will be your downfall. You stand here in the presence of one of the few in Middle-earth who can read that map. Show it to Lord Elrond!" Thorin grimaced at the thought, but he knew that the old wizard was right. Though he looked at me with a hopeful look, I returned it with a glimpse of confusion.
"Can you read the map?" His request surprised me, he would rather have me, a digonisk read the map than an elf? "You do know everything about dwarves out there do you not?" Thorin takes out the map and hands it to me reluctantly. I open it, and read what I already knew, it was mostly about the quest. Elrond took this as a signal to leave, for he knew the dwarves wouldn't want him to listen in on their secrets. So now all that remained was me, Gandalf, Thorin, Bilbo, and Balin.
"What am I looking for?"
"It’s mainly academic. As you know, this sort of artifact sometimes contains hidden text." Gandalf explains, walking with me to the pedestal. "You still read ancient dwarvish, do you not?"
"Of course, it was one of the first languages that I learned during my lessons." I studied the symbols and spoke aloud. "‘Cirth ithil’."
"Moon runes, of course. An easy thing to miss."
"Moon runes can only be read by the light of the moon of the same shape and season as the day on which they were written. Luckily for you, I do not need the same moon as I can create my own." I lifted my hand over the map as the two dwarves watched, with my magic I created a crescent moon making the paper glow with blue letters. "‘Stand by the grey stone when the thrush knocks, and the setting sun with the last light of Durin’s Day will shine upon the keyhole.’"
"Durin’s Day?" Bilbo asked curiously.
"It is the start of the dwarves' new year, when the last moon of Autumn and the first sun of Winter appear in the sky together. We still have time to make it to the mountain, as long as we move swiftly and take the fastest route. We have to be standing at exactly the right spot, at exactly the right time. Then, and only then, can the door be opened?" That's when everyone realized this journey was about to get a whole lot harder. Not only would we have to move fast, but that means barely any resting time for the rest of the company. After reading the map, I returned to my balcony, watching as the moon shined upon us. Lighting the town, making it glow with white light.
"You've been coming here a lot since you've arrived. Something on your mind?" Elrond joined me by the edge, his hands folded behind his back.
"Just wanting some peace."
"I do not believe that's the right answer." I looked up at him, he gave me a knowing look. Was I supposed to know what he was speaking of? "Thorin Oakenshield, Gandalf told me about how he's been treating you this entire trip. And I can see it in your eyes, it hurts you when he speaks ill of you." He was right, I didn't like it when Thorin was rude, it was as if he wants to break my heart.
"I just don't understand why it hurts so much." He places a hand on my head, caressing my hair gently to calm me.
"Perhaps it hurts because you are in love with him?" In love with him?! That can't be, I haven't thought of him that way at all. Though I did appreciate his time with me, and I liked it when he was around. His voice soothed me, those ruff vocals were music to my ears. "You know I never lie, your hurt because you love him, and when someone that you love is rude to you it pains you more."
"Even if that was true, he wouldn't love me back."
"That's not what I see, earlier when he commented on your dress I could see the jealousy flaring in his eyes." Could Thorin be jealous of what other men thought? Is that why he's always so rude to me? Because he wants me to be safe, or he doesn't want me to do a certain thing? "You should talk to him, tell him how you feel. If you don't it will only get worse for the both of you." I turned away slightly, looking towards the exit of the garden. Maybe telling Thorin wouldn't be so bad, let's hope he feels the same. I thanked Elrond for the advice and made my way around the castle. Eventually, I spotted Thorin with Dwalin speaking on the bridge over the waterfall. My heart was pounding as I made my way over to them, but before I turned the corner I heard something I hadn't expected. I hid behind the pillar, listening to them speaking about someone, uttering my name.
"You laid a hand to her?" Thorin growled.
"It was an accident Thorin, I was just angry-" Dwalin went to go apologize but Thorin interrupted him.
"She is the Queen of the Digonisks, the one who is going to slay Smaug. You will be nice to her, for she is the only one who can kill that beast." My heart fluttered, he was defending me, maybe he did love me.
"So that's it, you want us to be nice? What about the pain you've caused her?! And for what, so she'll do your dirty work?"
"If we hurt her more, she might turn her back on us. We need her to kill Smaug." So that's all he wanted, he just wanted me to kill that dragon. I was nothing but a pawn to him, he didn't love me after all. I was stupid to ever think such an ass like him could ever have feelings like that. Besides, he did say he'd rather be dead than ever be with me.
"And what about after that? What happens after she kills him?" Thorin sighed in disappointment, it seemed like he was upset about something.
"Then she can take her scrolls and leave." I let my guard down again, I shouldn't have listened to Elrond, he didn't lie but he was mistaken. A moment later I heard shuffling, Thorin was coming my way. Quickly I pretended to be just arriving, which startled 'The King Under The Mountain'. "Y/n." He bowed and smiled at me, but I knew it was just an act. "What brings you here?" My heart wrenched, I couldn't do it, I couldn't tell him. I didn't want to face rejection, nor humiliation.
"I was coming to tell you something." My eyes met Dwalins, and that's when he knew I had heard their conversation. "Though it's not important, not anymore." Quickly I rushed away to my chambers as Thorin called after me, and the moment the hard wooden door closed I slid down to the floor with a soft sob coming from my lips.
@fili-is-my-lover @kirenia15 @lunariasilver @depressedchilipepper @tschrist1
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mccnglade · 4 years
many reasons; dazai osamu
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In hindsight, you should have realised that running after Dazai was not a good decision on your part...
WORD COUNT: 1.8K words
WARNINGS: mentions of suicide, abuse (not reader's), angst (if you squint), fluffy ending. MILD SPOILERS FOR BUNGO STRAY DOGS SEASON 3
(e/c) - eye color
A/N: sorry if the formatting is a bit wonky!! i'm posting this on mobile because tumblr doesn't work on my stupid, old laptop.
this fic is really super, self-indulgent because dazai is my favorite in bsd and i love when situations like the one in this one shot happen in anime, so i combined the two things and wrote this. this was actually going be a scene in a dazai fic i'm thinking of posting on my wattpad, but i decided to scrap it and write it as a oneshot. i hope you all enjoy reading this!!
Also shoutout to @neonghxst who wanted me to finish this one shot hehe. thanks to her, i got the inspiration to actually write this and finish it.
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"Are you sure we should have left him like that?"
You fiddled with the ends of your coat sleeves. Upon hearing about Atsushi's new case and the end result, you immediately wanted to give the boy a hug and never let him go. He had been through so much these past few weeks and hearing about the death of that abusive headmaster of his old orphanage must have been incredibly painful.
But Dazai had promptly pulled you away, after saying exactly what needed to be said. (He always knew what to say in any kind of situation and that made you feel jealous a lot of times)
"Things like that are meant to be dealt with alone. Atsushi-kun will manage," Dazai answered with a cool tone. "You worry too much, (Y/N)-chan."
He tried to ruffle your hair but you slapped his hand away with a huff.
"I have every right to worry, you know," You crossed your arms, angrily staring at the ground. You and Dazai had already left the port area and now were back in the city, walking next to each other. "He and Kyouka just...I just wanna give them both a hug and adopt them as family."
This time, Dazai successfully managed to ruffle your hair."You are very funny, (Y/N)-chan."
"I'm not being funny! I'll actually adopt them, just you wait and see."
"As amusing as that would be, I'm gonna stop you there."
"Well, it's nighttime now. And we are almost near the river. The moon's pretty bright today. Which means one thing and one thing only."
"What, Dazai?"
"It's the perfect time for a double suicide!" 
Dazai suddenly grabbed you by the waist and spun you around. You felt your face grow warmer as he kept his hands on your waist, meanwhile going on about the benefits of a double suicide.
"D-dazai! Let go!" You physically tried to struggle out of his grip, knowing that your Ability was useless in this situation. "Just let go, dumbass!"
"Nope, not gonna." 
Dazai let go of your waist, but then immediately grabbed your hand. But you managed to pull it away. He stuck his tongue out at you. "You are no fun, (Y/N)-chan."
You glared at him. "How many times do I have to tell you no, you bandage squandering idiot?!"
"Ahh!! You sound so much like Kunikida-kun! Why didn't you tell me you were so great at impersonating others?"
"Huh?! What's that supposed to mean?" You went to shove his shoulder but he dodged it,  jumping aside with his annoying (endearing) laugh. You tried to hit him again, but he dodged this time too and started running.
"Oi, Dazai! Come back here, you idiot!"
You ran too, trying to catch up to him so that you could, at least, flick his forehead before slapping him. Why was he so annoying, you always wondered. 
'Isn't this why you like him?' Your heart whispered to you.
'Shut up,' You told it.
You kept on running. Even as you did, the sun had almost set, taking its red and orange hues and replacing it with the dark, navy blue of the night sky. The running brought you to the river bank, a spot where both you and Kunikida had to drag Dazai out of. For some reason, he declared this spot and drowning as his top favorite for a double suicide.
It was incredibly annoying, but at the same time, also incredibly saddening and you wished you knew more about why he was like this.
Finally, you caught up with him. 
In hindsight, you should have realised that running after Dazai was not a good decision on your part. 
Both of you stumbled down the river bank, holding onto each other because there was nothing else to grab onto. The slant river bank ended and they were on flat ground again.
But...but, both of you were in a rather compromising position. 
Usually, you were a pretty confident and self-assured person. But when it came to situations like these (or any romantic situations)…well, you were still pretty inexperienced. So inexperienced actually that you hadn't kissed anyone in a long while, almost two years to be exact. Relationships had always seemed like a waste of time to you, but being in such close proximity of the man you currently yearned for was doing wonders for your heart. (In a good way and a bad away)
Dazai's arms were on your shoulders, pinning you to the ground. He loomed over you, his brown eyes staring right into your (e/c) ones. 
You swore you could detect something there before it was hidden behind his mask again. 
No longer were you able to keep the warmth away from your face. You knew you probably resembled a tomato right now. You wanted to get out of this position quickly, but deep down, your mind and your heart both resisted. And you felt like agreeing with them this time. You wouldn't get a chance like this ever again.
So you decided to speak.
And immediately regret it.
"Your eyes are pretty," The combined forces of your heart and mind make you say something stupidly embarrassing and you immediately want to cover your face. But you can't. So you continue.
Even the darkness of night couldn't keep the redness of your cheeks hidden. 
"I mean, they're not just an ugly brown color. They have this amber-like quality to them. And everytime light hits them, they almost shine and it makes them more beautiful than I ever thought. Like seriously, you have really beautiful eyes. Personally, your eyes are your best feature and they're one of the many reasons I fell for you."
(You wanna crush your own stupid heart for that last bit.)
"Oh?" That was all Dazai said, that stupidly endearing smirk on his face. "Many reasons? What are they again?"
"Um, uh," You hesitated, turning your head to the side. This was more embarrassing than any other situation you had ever been in. There was nowhere else to go and while you could have kicked Dazai away with ease, truth be told you really didn't want to do that. How many chances like this would you ever get? "I don't even know when I started liking you. And maybe it's a stupid thing because nothing is ever going to come out of it, but yeah. I have feelings for you, Dazai Osamu. Truth be told, I can sort of understand why you ask women to commit a double suicide with you. You want someone to be by your side, right? You don't want to be lonely when you die. I guess I can understand that, though I wish I could show you the joy in living. But I don't think I'll ever be able to change your mind."
You laughed nervously, looking anywhere but at Dazai's face, where his smirk had been replaced by a more serious look. "I went on a totally different tangent there, didn't I? You can forget that last bit but to sum up everything, I have feelings for you. I don't expect you to return them anyways so...yeah."
Now, you looked at Dazai. His expression was unreadable. You couldn't understand what emotions were written on his face. You didn't even know what he would do next. Would he reciprocate your feelings? Would he reject them? What would he do? You wanted answers and you weren't getting them.
Then again, it was partly your fault also. You suddenly sprung these feelings on him. You shouldn't expect him to answer quickly. 
(Secretly, you also thought that Dazai wasn't the type of person who'd ever truly  love someone. It was just your stupid luck he was the person you fell for.)
Unexpectedly, Dazai suddenly moved off you, giving you the opportunity to finally sit up and contemplate your next moves.
'Should I just run away?' You thought, thinking about the pain of rejection. You'd deal with it. Somehow. 'It's the coward's way out. But what more can I do?'
"If you're thinking of running away, don't," Dazai suddenly said, meeting your eyes with a stare so intense that you swore he could read every single thought in your mind. 
"That was not what I was thinking," You clearly lied, crossing your arms. 
"You know, I can tell that you're lying, my Belladonna," Dazai put his hand on your cheek, his slender fingers brushing away the stray strands of hair on your face. "You are not a very good liar."
"D — wh-what?" You froze up completely. Because as much as you would like to deny, even an action like this left you wanting more. His hands were inexplicably warm and strangely soft. You couldn't even think about running away now. Dazai put his other hand behind your back, pulling you close to him. Close enough that your noses were almost touching and you could see the little flecks of amber in his pretty brown eyes. 
"D-do you also h-have feelings f-for me?"
What the hell was wrong with your voice? You wanted to ask your question again, but your words died in your throat. 
Instead, your heart chose to speak. You tilted your head slightly, barely brushing your lips against his. Even this small action sent volts of electricity coursing through your body. But then, your courage fizzled out and you tried to move back. 
Key word; tried. 
Dazai put his hand at the back of your head and pulled you closer, finally,  freaking finally, kissing you. 
You wished you could describe what you were feeling, but you really couldn't. Your mind was completely shut down and all you could really think was, that you were floating. And since it was your one of the few kisses you had in your life, you didn't know what to do. So you kept on pressing your mouth against Dazai's, trying to have more; trying to feel more of him. 
It was strange, it felt so strange. But kissing Dazai felt incredibly…amazing. Yeah, amazing. Just him and you and nothing else. You felt like you could touch the stars now and you didn't want it to end. You wanted to keep on doing this forever, or as long as both of you could. 
But then, Dazai suddenly ended the kiss, pulling back with a lazy grin.
You stared at him, breathing heavily. And then, you let your head fall onto his shoulder, grabbing onto to the front of his cream-colored trench coat. 
"Does that answer your question, (Y/N)-chan?" He asked with a sing-song voice, suddenly hugging you. 
"So you do like me?" Your voice was muffled by his coat, but you knew he heard you clearly. 
His lips were pressed onto your neck, moving with his answer. You understood it immediately. Releasing his coat from your hands, you hugged him back.  
You knew this moment wouldn't last very long, but you would revel in it for now. 
It was going to be the only thing on your mind for a very long time.
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a/n: i hope this was a fun read! with this quarantine, i've been thinking of attempting to write more character x readers because they are good practice for writing a multi-chapter fic. so you might see more bsd, haikyuu and bnha content on here. I might also post about DC so let's see.
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