#and this makes vampire potter from my immortal a possibility lol. im not sure how
seriousbrat · 6 months
ahh, what teenager doesn't crave a nice slightly criminal shopping date with a dark counterpart that definitely won't end in murder! but also while we're here, slayer!lily au when
lol yes, get you a man who will take you out on the town and then use dark magic to shower you with human organs and creepy poisons pretty things. it's making me want to write a mulciber x sev reunion oneshot, circa HBP.
also OMG lily evans as the slayer AU. I love it so much. she's the chosen one!! okay I have to expand on this I'm sorry.
Voldemort is clearly a master vampire, he even kind of looks like the master
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they could be brothers. anyway so here we go. 'purebloods' are vampires in this AU, even the term 'pureblood' fits nicely into the vampire thing. and obviously voldemort's plan is to bring about an apocalyptic dystopia in which vampires dominate and humans are basically their 24 hour buffets. voldemort also wants to 'ascend' and become pure demon, like the mayor, and rule over this hell dimension.
Sev is a vampire with a soul, caught between worlds. He's in love with Lily, the slayer, and they fight evil together for a while. Dumbledore is her watcher.
James is a (soulless) vampire, Sirius is a warlock. Sirius has a soul but is just edgy and morally bankrupt and he and James are best friends, along with their werewolf (who initially was kept as a pet until they kind of started to like him lol) and Peter is also a vampire sired by James, just a minion. Since the morality of the buffyverse is so extreme, all of the marauders are pretty much evil initially- they kill people lol, however they don't align with voldemort because they have a spike-ish philosophy of enjoying the world as it is.
james and snape were both sired by voldemort and were rivals for like 100 years, they hate each other, even more so because James left the death eaters (also fits nicely with vampires) to start his own gang, and then later Sev was given a soul. James initially wants to kill Sev and the slayer, but through working with Lily to thwart some of voldemort's plans to end the world, he does the spike thing and falls for her. thus begins his journey of redemption.
the 'prank' equivalent culminates in Sirius removing Sev's soul (through a ritual. not sex. that would be funny though.) Now Sev's goal is to turn Lily into a vampire. I'm actually going to get wild here and say that Sev and Sirius work together for a while, they want to bring both James and Lily to the dark side. Eventually Sirius is redeemed through his friendship with James, while Sev officially joins up with Voldemort. Through hearing a prophecy which foretells Lily's death, Sev switches sides secretly, working with Watcher Dumbledore to save her. Meanwhile vampire peter has also switched sides. There's obviously some mystical ritual hellmouthy type stuff going on as the voldemaster begins his ascension.
In the end the prophecy is fulfilled, James goes down fighting to buy Lily time to sacrifice herself to close the hellmouth and defeat voldemort. She saved the world. A lot. A heartbroken Sev commits to fighting evil in her memory alongside Dumbledore.
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