#im not sure if i want james to gain a soul or not. its maybe more interesting if he doesnt
seriousbrat · 6 months
ahh, what teenager doesn't crave a nice slightly criminal shopping date with a dark counterpart that definitely won't end in murder! but also while we're here, slayer!lily au when
lol yes, get you a man who will take you out on the town and then use dark magic to shower you with human organs and creepy poisons pretty things. it's making me want to write a mulciber x sev reunion oneshot, circa HBP.
also OMG lily evans as the slayer AU. I love it so much. she's the chosen one!! okay I have to expand on this I'm sorry.
Voldemort is clearly a master vampire, he even kind of looks like the master
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they could be brothers. anyway so here we go. 'purebloods' are vampires in this AU, even the term 'pureblood' fits nicely into the vampire thing. and obviously voldemort's plan is to bring about an apocalyptic dystopia in which vampires dominate and humans are basically their 24 hour buffets. voldemort also wants to 'ascend' and become pure demon, like the mayor, and rule over this hell dimension.
Sev is a vampire with a soul, caught between worlds. He's in love with Lily, the slayer, and they fight evil together for a while. Dumbledore is her watcher.
James is a (soulless) vampire, Sirius is a warlock. Sirius has a soul but is just edgy and morally bankrupt and he and James are best friends, along with their werewolf (who initially was kept as a pet until they kind of started to like him lol) and Peter is also a vampire sired by James, just a minion. Since the morality of the buffyverse is so extreme, all of the marauders are pretty much evil initially- they kill people lol, however they don't align with voldemort because they have a spike-ish philosophy of enjoying the world as it is.
james and snape were both sired by voldemort and were rivals for like 100 years, they hate each other, even more so because James left the death eaters (also fits nicely with vampires) to start his own gang, and then later Sev was given a soul. James initially wants to kill Sev and the slayer, but through working with Lily to thwart some of voldemort's plans to end the world, he does the spike thing and falls for her. thus begins his journey of redemption.
the 'prank' equivalent culminates in Sirius removing Sev's soul (through a ritual. not sex. that would be funny though.) Now Sev's goal is to turn Lily into a vampire. I'm actually going to get wild here and say that Sev and Sirius work together for a while, they want to bring both James and Lily to the dark side. Eventually Sirius is redeemed through his friendship with James, while Sev officially joins up with Voldemort. Through hearing a prophecy which foretells Lily's death, Sev switches sides secretly, working with Watcher Dumbledore to save her. Meanwhile vampire peter has also switched sides. There's obviously some mystical ritual hellmouthy type stuff going on as the voldemaster begins his ascension.
In the end the prophecy is fulfilled, James goes down fighting to buy Lily time to sacrifice herself to close the hellmouth and defeat voldemort. She saved the world. A lot. A heartbroken Sev commits to fighting evil in her memory alongside Dumbledore.
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unfortunatelysirius · 5 years
╰☆☆ ℕ𝕆𝕋 𝕐𝕆𝕌ℝ 𝔾𝕀ℝ𝕃𝔽ℝ𝕀𝔼ℕ𝔻 ☆☆╮ [Sirius Black – Marauders Era] [Part 14]
Previous Installments: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13
╰❂╮ prompt ╰❂╮ ☾ ¡Original! ☾ With the perpetrator on their tail, and Sirius’s prejudices no longer something that can be ignored, relationships shatter and a safe way out is near unimaginable. ╰❂╮ author’s note ╰❂╮ Sorry this is so, so late. I hope the installment is to your satisfaction. AND IM SORRY IT’S SO SHORT BUT PLS, FEEDBACK WOULD BE APPRECIATED AND I’LL BE MORE PROMPT ON UPDATES. Will be updating Chocolate Frogs and Love Notes soon. Tell me if you want added to any of my tag-lists! ╰❂╮ warnings ╰❂╮ Angst, Swearing, Violence ╰❂╮ word count ╰❂╮ 2043 ╰❂╮ tag-list ╰❂╮ @kapolisradomthoughts @rageofcaliban @saucyleftovers @bunnymother93 @siriuslyr5 @apareciumimagines  @random-quartz @ruefulposts @seabasstiantrash @starlightspidey @pinkettepoet @peppermintspecks @jiongyongguk​ @bethanystan​ @raindancer2004​ @where-are-my-gummy-bears​ @cutebutnotinorcent​
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           IT WAS NEARLY MIDNIGHT, and a disturbing sort of cold Y/N thought she might never experience in her lifetime, shivers up and down her spine within the dark, suffocating corridor. The stars were like silver dewdrops splattered across the navy sky, visible through each old window’s silhouette littered around the castle; with every passing step, Y/N caught another glimpse of Nature’s finest canvas. She was curled into Sirius’s side, squished between his subtly muscled body and James’s near-identical shape, both Remus and Peter trailing the three of them by seconds. It was reminiscent of times that seemed so far away.
         Y/N thought it was all too good to be true. Everything, from her and Sirius falling back into same-old, same-old routine like they’d never left the honeymoon phase to James looking quite sullen compared to his usual upbeat, enthusiastic self. She wondered if it was all a twist on reality to make her think things were fine when really, Sirius wasn’t anywhere near, James still hated her, and the Marauders were leading her somewhere to hex and discard their latest “conquest.”  It made all the more sense the longer she thought about it, but thoughts of the way Sirius felt—flesh, bone, whole—made her realize she was daft, and just a little bit mad.
         He was so obviously here, a living, breathing wonder, and she was trying to make it a mirage. She wanted it that way.
         Or maybe she’d just went long enough with things going wrong that miracles seemed far too good to be true.
         “I have to meet with Regulus,” murmured Y/N into the quiet air, after the silence became a tad bit too smothering. She was also alert of her own negligence, from her delirious daze to her angry soul’s demands for an apology, as Sirius’s arm looped around her became a bone-crushing reality. Not so much a reality she craved anymore, but one that needed multiple bandages slapped across it; the Muggle way of rekindling old flames and licked wounds. Y/N was beginning to grow agitated and nervous, as this reality crushed down on her. As her newly-put-together world fell apart in the wake of unanswered questions. “He—wants to help. He thinks I was Obliviated.”
         Sirius glanced down at her, looking unsure, his own face not betraying the inner turmoil running their world ragged. The two of them didn’t know how to approach their current problem, the one that kept them from falling together as happy memories asked them to; Y/N was afraid of what lay in wait, Sirius’s admittance that he thought so lowly of her that for even a millisecond he thought she might have been a slag, and Sirius dreaded the moment he had to let his betrayal out into the open. Neither of them were willing to ruin their reconciliation by simple, trivial ire, the kind that winded up someone alone and heartbroken, the kind that could get anyone and everyone hurt.
         Even the most painful of thoughts were best kept internalized, if it meant staying locked tight in a dream.
         Even now, the two of them were so different. Differences Y/N once overlooked in favor of what made them compatible.  
“Regulus doesn’t care about anyone except for himself,” Sirius snapped at Y/N, the three Marauders looking nervous in anticipation for the argument to come. “He’s a Slytherin. The bloody git is tricking you.”
         “How the fuck would you know?” Y/N was never one for confrontation. This was all new territory. She was tired, and depressed, and dying of questions; she loved Sirius, she did, but he was still the prejudiced, arrogant prat he was before they started dating. He’d always hate Slytherins because he grew up in a world full of snakes that rejected him for being who he was, and maybe that was a drawn line for why they weren’t meant to last. He was the charismatic, hateful railroad tycoon, and she was his subdued wife that tiptoed around his temper. Stupid, foolish—she was letting herself use another goddamned Muggle analogy—Americanized, no less. Maybe Y/N was running low on a lucid mind as much as she was excuses.
         He knows nothing about Regulus, she thought anyway, looking into those silver grey eyes she’d always loved. Sirius didn’t. He refused to talk to his brother; maybe Regulus was growing into himself and losing that part of him that preened and prawned from pleasing his parents. If he was scared, if he was determined to find the truth because he wanted to sabotage dark plans, he never once betrayed it. But deep down, there was nothing else rational to explain his motivations, and Y/N knew he was a scared little boy afraid the monsters would someday catch up to him—
And they’d eat him alive like all wolves just so happen to do.
“Regulus is your brother,” continued Y/N. “He doesn’t want to be part of whatever it is your parents do. I can see it in his eyes.”
“You didn’t grow up with him. You didn’t see him do nothing when his brother was lying on the ground, with their father standing above him,” seethed Sirius. “Don’t act like you know him; you sure as hell don’t.”
Y/N felt like crying, as she wrenched herself away from Sirius’s warm, comforting embrace. “Don’t act like you know me,” she spat. Sirius’s jaw fell downwards, a flicker of hurt flitting across his face. “Go mope in your dorm. I’m getting down to the bottom of this, with or without you.”
Sirius was silent. Y/N continued to watch him, imploring him to say something, wishing he wouldn’t just let her leave. If she left, she could get hurt, and Sirius wouldn’t be her knight in shining armor. They went so long in turmoil that Y/N wanted there to be some sort of compromise; if they could argue and fight for so long, the two a mess with their friends on the fence on how to fix them, then they sure as hell could be soft and melted together, too. Maybe they were different, maybe Sirius couldn’t let his old ways go, but truth be told—Y/N always wanted to show him a new perspective.
She’d tried doing that before things went wrong.
“Really, Sirius?” she said now, staring brokenly at him. “We could finally figure this out, and you’re backing down? Really?”
“Whoever’s done this is dangerous,” Sirius told her. His voice had lost all its shake, all its fury, rendered a new sort of mellow Y/N had hardly ever seen from him. He looked like he itched to hold her and reassure he was just an asshat, but his asshat ways betrayed none of his true love for her, or his need to protect her. None, nada, zilch: right? He was a teenage boy, a prat, but he didn’t mean anything out of his pathetically unfiltered mouth. “I want you safe, Y/N. We should leave this to the professors.”        
Those words were foreign out of his mouth. Y/N took a heavy breath and she said, “Sirius, do you even hear yourself? Merlin, what’s happened to you?”
“What’s happened to me? Me?” Sirius’s laugh was humorless. “You’re bloody mad.”
“Sirius, Y/N, this isn’t the best time,” said Remus, looking between the two with apprehension.
“This is the best time, Remus,” Y/N said, refusing to look at any of them. She knew Peter was fidgeting; she knew James was gap-mouthed like a pufferfish; she knew Remus was trying to hide his trepidation. She knew Sirius was silently seething. All of them, they weren’t clearly thinking. They didn’t have their nerves together. Y/N was terrified that solving the bottom of the mystery would never come if they fell apart before they came together. But Y/N could no longer go on if her experience with the love of her life was only going to be heartache and pain, two things she had felt since coming to this God-awful school.
You’re not any better than him, thought Y/N, her brain suddenly going to Ashton. He was dead, and she’d never get to see him again; she’d never get to tell him she was sorry, that she never meant to use him, that he was someone she came to love in her desperation to feel. He taught her about love. He taught her that it was okay to be without for a little while because wholes always regain their lost pieces. Maybe he threw her into an abyss after he broke her heart that left her sad and lost of all hope, but now, with her head on her shoulders again, she could safely say he taught her a lot—yet she gained nothing.
Y/N was happy with Sirius, but he did not teach her anything. He was a fun partner in crime, but when it truly came down to life lessons, he wasn’t a teacher; he was along for the ride, a mere passenger in a bus packed to the brim with faces from the crowd.
Standing in the hallway, letting these thoughts wash over her, Y/N could not do this anymore. She needed to find Regulus and reach the climax of this game. Someone was toying with her and her feelings, and if she didn’t put a stop to it, if she didn’t find a way to draw the villain out and stifle the madness, there was no way for her to get peace—and she’d stay stuck in an endless cycle of being a living ghost.
“I can’t anymore, Sirius,” whispered Y/N. “I can’t.”
She turned around and ran.
The Marauders watched after her, one looking horrified, two looking shocked, and the one this mattered to most—he looked heartbroken.
And none of them even bothered to go after her, as the guilt sunk in and they realized—
Was the love-potion maker truly the villain? Or was it them?
Y/N had stopped running after reaching the fourth corridor. She eventually stopped walking altogether. Her pace slowed until it was nonexistent, her harsh, shaking breaths fell into soundless sniffs, her erratic thoughts slowly but surely came to a close. All she could think about now was Regulus, who was waiting at the library for her presence. And that half-blurry, half-familiar memory of a white-haired girl in the very same forest Y/N was in herself
Y/N knew it mattered. She knew she’d been Obliviated, and she was foolish not to go to Headmaster Dumbledore for help in retrieving her memories… but she was a foolish girl, and foolish girls wanted to figure out mysteries by themselves.
“I’m a bloody fool,” mumbled Y/N to herself, clutching her head like that would heal all trace of confusion, as well as her sadness. It wouldn’t, but it felt like it did—so Y/N continued to grope at her temples and scalp. The corridor echoed with spooky creaks and even spookier whistles. Y/N felt regret seep into her bones, as she realized she was still a bit of ways away from the library—and she was totally, utterly, completely alone.
Y/N heard someone laugh.
“You are a bloody fool,” they said.
Out from the end of the corridor emerged a girl, whose entire face and hair were obscured by shadows—but the pretty little patch on her robes had a snake on them. Y/N knew it was a Slytherin. But all she saw was the patch, as her body and face were near invisible—and even then, the patch’s emblazoning was blurry to her. She felt her head grow light, her eyes squinting to see within the darkness. She was so caught in looking at the patch to even pay any regard to the words the stranger spoke or the wand as it lifted, pointing right at Y/N’s chest.
“Who are—”
The girl flicked her wrist. “Stupefy,” she said.
Suddenly Y/N was knocked off her feet by a powerful spell, the backlash sending her head cracking against the corridor wall, rendering her immobile and near-unconscious.
She felt her body crumble, but only half of the way—a steady stream of numbness shooting through her like lightning.
         The stranger walked up, a laugh emptying from her mouth.
“Got you!” the girl sang happily.
That was when things went black.
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queenpoetry251 · 8 years
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“Down By The Bay” Part 2. (Fictional Love Series)
(It’s a cool Friday evening in March. I’m basking in the brisk breeze on this beautiful, spring day at the the park on Main St. Daphne.
The weather in Alabama can be hot enough to wear for flip flops and a few hours later it’s snow boot weather. Im captivated by my new read written by Infinite Waters.
Listening to the laughter from a little girl’s birthday party held under the pavilion. Balloons popping and the tune from the happy birthday song being played on a violin. She managed to get cake icing all over her monogrammed birthday dress.
It bring back childhood memories for me. Watching children play always put me in a happy place, especially when I’m having a stressful day.
Coming to this park helps to relax my mind before a big show.
I guess I better head home to get dressed so I won’t be late.
I’m looking at the caller ID as the my cell phone ring.)
“Well hello Hyrim. Are you excited about performing your new spoken word piece tonight? ”
Hyrim answered, “Yes. I’m headed there now.”
“I’m on my way to, I’m packing up my new shipment of dashiki dresses and African art. I think it’s going to sell good at the show tonight.”
“I’m going to do a new poem tonight as well. It was inspired by a old friend I ran into a few weeks ago.”
“Ok then Queen sounds like love is in the air.” Hyrim said with laughter in his tone.“
(I just arrived at the Poetry Den in Fairhope. India Arie song “Brown Skin” is setting the tone. The lights are deemed with candle lights setting the vibe just right.)
“Thank you Shanarian for setting up everything for my art display.”
“You’re welcome welcome sis!”
“I have to hurry and arrange the open mic list because it’s almost time to start the show.”
(I’m looking through my emails and making notes in my composition book.)
(My heart is racing fast.)
“Shanarian, after all this time doing poetry I still get nervous before performing a new piece.”
“Queen you are my sister but I don’t understand why you be so nervous, you’re amazing.”
“Thank you for the encouragement Shanarian. I love you sis. I appreciate your support.
"By the way your new blush pink lipstick is banging! You’re always on point with the lipsticks. Shanarian smiles and replies back with a thank you, and yes I know I look cute tonight. Wow sis (I say with a giggle in my voice)
I see you’re feeling yourself tonight. It’s good to have a high view of yourself.
(We both laugh as I began to walk to the stage.)
(Music is turned down low as I walk on the stage.)
"Good evening beautiful people. Welcome to Rhythm & Rhymes Open Mic Show.”
“We have a lot of awesome poets and great comedians on the list for tonight.”
“I’m going to open up with a poem that was inspired by my high school crush that I ran into a few weeks ago.”
(Crowd clapping. I’m taking a deep breath. Now its silent.)
“I titled this poem "I’m longing for what we never had.”
“I get lost in thought thinking of you and what we never had. Maybe our paths will cross again in perfect timing.”
“As for now, I’m missing the romantic getaways we use to talk about but never took, to Jamaica and Hawaii, where we hold hands on the beach walking through the sand.”
“Enjoying the way the water feels between our toes. As the wind blows, we're captivated in every second of our stroll.”
“I’m missing the spiritual adventure to Egypt and Israel we never took. Surrounded by all of that knowledge I’m sure our souls would’ve been shook.”
“I’m missing the late night talks we never had.”
“I’m imagining a spring Saturday with picnics in the park on the green grass, as I enthusiastically laugh at all of your jokes.”
“No matter how bad our day may go, when our souls meet we create a glow.”
“I miss the first argument we never had. I know that the make up session would’ve been a blast. With me role playing, as I sing Etta James "At Last.”
“This may sound like a silly, high school girl’s fancy dream, but I know that in reality our spirits are meant to be.”
“I guess one day we will just have to see if the universe connects our journey.”
“If not, Erykah Badu said it best in her song "I guess I’ll see you next lifetime.”
“Our connection is so strong. Maybe when we fall into a deep sleep our spirits have meet in another dimension.”
“When our energy collides, earth is not strong enough to contain the power that God brings between us.”
“As for now I have my thoughts that I will use for the positive. Imagining you holding me as I fall asleep with my ear pressed against your heartbeat is my favorite tune you see.”
“I miss the massages I never had a chance to give you. The candlelight meals, sitting by the fireplace I never cooked for you.”
“The passionate love we never had a chance to make. The future marriage that hasn’t took place yet would’ve been great. Maybe it’s not to late.”
“As for now, I’m thankful to God for my imagination.”
“I’m missing what we never had. Thinking to myself, maybe just maybe, we will be like Darius and Nina in the movie Love Jones connected at last.”
“Until then I’m longing for what we never had.”
“Thank you.”
(Crowd clapping and snapping fingers).
“Are y'all ready for our first open mic artist!”
(Crowd scream yes!)
“Put your hands together and give a clap to Hyrim Ether!”
(Crowd clapping as Hyrim walk to the stage. He grabs the mic.)
(I’m noticing the look in Hyrim’s eyes as if he knows he’s going to rip this show tonight.)
“Walking off the stage I noticed a pair of perfect, white teeth glistening at me. ”
“He has a smile that will make the angels sing.”
“The candle light is reflecting and enhancing his coffee-brown skin. It looks like it’s been kissed by the sun.”
“The blinking stage lights is blinding me. I’m straining to see. I blink my eyes harder to gather my sight all the way back. My vision slowly comes back to me.”
“Oh my God!”
(I just noticed that it’s Darren.)
“My heart rate is elevating! My palms are sweating!”
“Thoughts rambling through my mind. I know he just heard every word from my poem.”
“I bared my soul on that stage. I wonder what he’s thinking? I hurry and gain my composure as he walks closer to me.”
“I’m trying not to blush hard. It’s not working. My smile is too powerful to submerge.”
“Hey Queen Ashley.” Darren speaks with his proper, educated tone. I loved that poem, he added as we embraced. “
"I wish I was that special guy you spoke of. I wonder who he can be? He inquired in a joking manner.”
(I’m laughing)
“Darren thank you. It’s good to see that you are still in town. How long will you be staying? Darren replied "I’m staying for good.”
“Wow are you sure you want to come back to this small town?” (He stands close as our bodies can be.)
(Looking deep into my eyes)
“He states that "New York was cool, but it was missing something. Hopefully I can get it back now that I’m here.”
“I’m working on a new development in downtown Mobile now. Maybe once you finish hosting we can grab a bite to eat at our old hangout spot, the Daphne Waffle House.”
“Sure, sounds like fun D I answered as I’m walking off, rushing back to the stage trying not to fall in my new heels.”
(Crowd clapping loud for Hyrim as he walks off the stage. The tenth open mic poet has performed. The crowd is eagerly waiting for me to introduce the featured poet.
“It’s a big crowd tonight because Steelwaters a local poet from Fairhope is in the building. He is the featured poet tonight. He started poetry here in Fairhope over ten years ago and the poetry movement has expanded.”
“Put your hands together for the one and only Steelwaters the poet! ”
(He’s taking his time walking to the stage confidently, with his head held high. Long dreads, skin the color of burnt brass, and looking like black Jesus in the flesh.
The crowd is screaming out the titles of their favorite poems by him and clapping as he take the mic. Thirty minutes has passed.
Steelwaters just finished performing. The crowd is standing and clapping.)
“I’m so glad the show is finally over. Darren I have to do a wardrobe change before I leave. I will hurry. I exclaimed as I ran to the dressing room. ”
“Darren answers saying "Ok I will be waiting outside.”
(He’s admiring the African art paintings as he make his way out the door. The walls are cover with culture and history about our African ancestors.
I finally make my way to the car, can’t seem to pack my African art in the car fast enough.
Darren chatting with his old high school classmates in the parking lot. He notice me struggling and comes and help me pack it all in.)
“New Edition old jam "candy girl” is playing on 93 blx radio station. I’m thinking about all the fun times we use to have as I follow him to the Waffle House.“)
(Sitting and eating at Waffle House. The waitress finally bring our food out. I don’t think I will ever get use to the sound of plates breaking in the cooking area. People are starting to flood in now after hanging out. It’s getting noisy.
Madonna "Like A Virgin” is playing on the jukebox. I’m digging for coins in my purse. I want to hear Whitney Houston “I believe the children are our future”, when this song goes off.
They still have the same songs they had when we use to hang out here after the high school games.
I might want to play Cyndi Lauper “Girl Just Want To Have Fun” and Janet Jackson “Rhythm Nation”.
I’ll have my own blast from the past music concert up in here tonight. I’m leaving from the jukebox. I’m headed back to the table with Darren.)
(Darren notice me walking back to the table and puts his cell back in his pocket.
He’s starring at me with his dreamy eyes as I make my way back to the table.)
“Darren begins to say, "Ashley I have really enjoyed catching up with you, but you owe me a date at the Mayday pier, since you stood me up in 1996.”
“Darren you are a mess. I don’t remember standing you up. I don’t think I would’ve did that.”
“The only way you can make it up to me is by letting me take you now.”
“Darren are you serious? It’s 2am!”
“Darren nodded his head up and down saying "Yes I’m serious.”
“Ok D for you the Mayday beach it is. I will leave my car here and ride with you.”
(He pays for food at the register. Then he head back to our table to leave a tip.
We exchanged have a goodnight with the Waffle House staff as we make our way out the door.)
To Be Continued!
Written by Ashley Waller/QueenBlack the Poetess ‪© 2017 ‬
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