#and this was like a HARD boundary. I missed ts's I'd wanted for months or over a year
Sky:cotl was more addicting for me than genshin impact is and im. Not actually sure why that is? Like missing a good travelling spirit would make me irrationally upset no matter how hard I tried not to be so I'd have to be grinding for candles every day to be sure I'd have enough,, I'd have to play every day of a season because god forbid I miss an ult gift. Even the way the daily quests r done feels like its keeping u in the game longer than necessary bc like. Sky and genshin r very similar games in terms of how the daily quests work. They both have u get 4 quests and then go out into the world and do them, and then come back to the quest giver and redeem ur reward,, except w sky if ur quest is at the end of the map u have to go through the whole rest of the map to get there. And oh, well I might as well cr a little bit on the way. And then u spend an hour on what should be a 15 minute task max
#sep talks#it's also to do with how they get u to spend money I think#when u play genshin u Know they're trying to get u to spend money#every new character every difficult obstacle every single thing is there to try and convince u to spend money#in sky they try and act like the whole game Isn't just a money grab which is probably why I spent so much money on it#like. It's technically free to play#but is it really? Like is it??#in genshin almost all the content is technically accessible if u don't spend any money save for like. 4 weapons#and some character skins#neither of which r the point of the game so its whatever. Ur experience is not affected by the lack of them#in sky half the content is locked behind the season pass. Sure it'll come back around eventually but god knows when that will be?#or if you'll have enough hearts/candles to get it#and sky is a game where half the fun is cosmetics!! It's a fancy dress up game!!! Sure they've added more stuff now but it is at its core a#fancy dress up game#so when half the cosmetics r behind the season pass it feels much less optional to buy it especially with the ults n stuff#I told myself when I first bought a cosmetic in sky (the witch hat) that I could buy cosmetics if I felt I really wanted them#but I could never ever buy candles#unsure why that was the limit I guess it felt like if I was having to buy in fame currency to have fun then I clearly had gone too far#and this was like a HARD boundary. I missed ts's I'd wanted for months or over a year#but leading up to that I had Wanted to buy candles for ages#and idk. I don't have that with genshin. Sometimes I get the urge to buy primos but it's not constant and its never more than like#vaguely entertaining the idea. In sky it was a serious consideration#idk. I'm not posting this to sound pretentious or tell anyone to stop playing or anything like that#I just think it's interesting that the actual gacha game is less addicting to me than sky:cotl#i think it's just. So much easier to not even worry abt buying currency on genshin when I Know its a gacha game. The point is for me to#spend money. But all the content is technically f2p so I'm going to play it f2p#sky doesn't advertise itself as a game u need to spend money on. It advertises itself as completely f2p#but u can spend a little money for a cosmetic <3 help the company <3#so I DID because the fomo was just too strong to avoid it#anyway rant over bye
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