#and tumblr only allows 10 pics/gifs per post
cyle · 1 year
Hi, I love hearing about the scale and magnitude of Tumblr. Are there any numbers you could share with us nerds? Daily users, daily new posts, daily reblogs, whatever you're allowed to share. Because, yeah, even if there's always something new to discover, it does tend to feel like I'm in a bubble or some sort of echo chamber, and you have said that users like us (however you name the chatty, bloggy, unhinged type of user, you know what I'm talking about) are the lowest percent, so, like, what even IS going on at Tumblr day round? Are there a bajillion taylor swift and K-pop blogs just uploading GIFs without having conversations? A thousand Turkish users uploading pics of their day to no followers like it's Instagram?
It feels like we're the top of an iceberg made of an eldrich sized collection of isolated communities, light years away from one another, with completely unrelated cultures and uses.
Can you share numbers? Can you share what the average user/blog/post is like? Anything else you would like to share?
i don't feel comfortable sharing most numbers, but we do share posts created per day on our About page, along with a couple of other numbers, like the total number of blogs on tumblr and how many blogs are created per day. tumblr is still a bit distinct from other social media (and blogging) platforms in terms of average user behavior.
we have millions of daily active users, and most of them aren't posting anything at all. but the percentage of people posting is higher than the typical assumed 1% rule of creation-versus-consumption, which is nice. the reblog-to-original-post ratio is like... 8 to 1 last time i checked. and likes-to-reblogs is like 10 to 1 or higher, at certain parts of the day.
most people on tumblr are "lurkers" who use the like button a lot, and sporadically reblog. also, most people only see ~25 posts or so per day, even if they have hundreds to see in their Following feed, which is why "Best Stuff First" is actually an important and used setting for many people. and the For You feed is similarly used and enjoyed way, way more than the typical old school tumblr power user would believe.
and yes, most content being posted are images, and a lot of it is stuff like taylor swift and kpop. if you go to the Explore Trending page logged out (like in an incognito window), you do get a sense for what's circulating around the platform. same with the Popular Reblogs dashboard tab.
regardless, even for me, who can look at this data in aggregate all day, it's impossible to get a birds-eye view of what's truly happening across the platform, let alone make sense of it. it's like trying to look at a city full of people and make broad strokes generalizations about it; sure, you can, but there's so much missed nuance that the numbers can't tell a story about.
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waitonmedarling · 5 years
#94 The way he always rolls his sleeves 👅👅
Part 1
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We have a 2 part appreciation post for this one. It’s one of the hottest things about his button down looks 🥵🥵🥵
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venussaidso · 3 years
Mean Girls/Bad Bitches Of Astrology (based on TV characters)
This post is entirely based on Sidereal/Vedic astrology, no zodiac generalizations.
There is always a certain pattern in actors' astrological charts when they play similar roles. I haven't seen anyone point this pattern out in the female antagonists of teen/young adult fiction, so I decided to make a post of it. And to also celebrate mean girls.
So I've searched the most popular, or should I say the most liked, mean girls/bad bitches on different types of media and looked for common placements in their top 3 (Moon, Ascendant and Sun). This post will start a series since there are quite a handful of characters/actresses to cover. But this is what I found so far:
Mars and Sun combo:
Regina George played by Rachel McAdams (Mrigashira Moon, Uttara Ashada Ascendant)
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Santana Lopez played by Naya Rivera (Mrigashira Moon, Krittika Ascendant, Uttara Ashada Sun)
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Alison Dilaurentis played by Sasha Pieterson (Uttara Ashada Moon, Dhanishta Sun)
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Chanel Oberlin played by Emma Roberts (Krittika Ascendant, Dhanishta Sun)
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Mars makes them combative and temperamental compared to all the other characters around them. Mars is the famous warrior, and a mean girl's sword is her sharp tongue. The combination of Sun and Mars makes them get a high from power. Sun makes them feel untouchable and superior, and Mars makes them an even bigger bitch as they find fun in provoking and mocking those 'beneath' them. They will literally have control over everyone yet don't even have to lift a finger.
This existing energy in the actors' chart makes them suitable for playing these roles.
Magha prominent placements :
Cheryl Blossom played by Madelaine Petsch (Magha Sun)
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Jennifer Check played by Megan Fox (Magha Ascendant — (undecided birth time, take with a grain of salt))
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Sharon played by Seo Ji-hye (Magha Sun)
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Go Moon Young played by Seo Yea-ji (Magha Moon)
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Magha is Leo, which is also Sun-ruled. Another thing common in all these women's charts is the presence of Sun (which is displayed negatively in their antagonistic characters). The arrogance, sense of entitlement and superiority. The lack of care for consequences and let's not forget their undeniable pretty privilege they use to manipulate others. Though, the Ketu influence doesn't give them the popularity and glam that the others have. They're more the loners kind and 'weirdos' of this spectrum. Them being different and misunderstood by normal people makes them feel even more superior. Their edgy aesthetic makes them much more eye-catching and generally more interesting than the typical mean girl. And anyway, this is my quote for what they'd say as an antagonistic bad bitch, "No one understands me because peasants can't have this level of mentality, peasant."
Venusian prominent placements:
Antoinette "Toni" Childs-Garrett played by Jill Marie Jones (Purva Ashada Sun)
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Sharpay Evans played by Ashley Tisdale (Bharani Ascendant, Purva Ashada Moon)
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First of all, all the Venus nakshatras are in fire rashis. Need I say more?? They will be confrontational, in your face, dramatic and impatient — they're all Aries, Sagittarius and Leo. And negative Venusian influence will make them more picky/discriminatory, shallow, too beauty-centered, greedy and extremely materialistic. They can be too ambitious or they can get too comfortable with things being handed to them for free. I feel like Venusian mean girls make the better archetype because these are traits talked about in high-maintenance 'bitchy' women.
Continued in part 2, since Tumblr only allows 10 pics/gifs per post and I can't add more characters 🙄
But anyway, in conclusion, to be the most iconic bad bitch, you need:
A combo of Mars and Sun nakshatras in the chart (otherwise, SUN in 1H or 2H/Sun Atmakaraka. MARS in 1H or 2H/Mars Atmakaraka. Sun conjuct Mars. Mars + Sun rashis).
You need some Magha in your top 3 (otherwise, Magha in your Atmakaraka).
And prominent Venusian nakshatras (otherwise, Venus in 1H or 2H/Venus Atmakaraka. Prominent Venus rashis.).
If you have all, then congrats, you have the potential of being an iconic bitch that everybody loves to hate. 💀
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musette22 · 3 years
Goooooood morning 😍😍😍😍😍😍
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minnie, my beloved, you are an angel and your blog is a ray of sunshine in my life 💕
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you deserve all the cute puppies in the world ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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and of course i couldn't forget our two favorite puppies:
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and a here's a puppy and a kitten:
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hope you're taking care of yourself, enjoying your new house and getting rest when you can ❤️
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ily bby, have a beautiful day and a great time on the weekend 💕
Christyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy 🥰🥰🥰🥰
I wanted to throw some gifs and pics back at you to show you how this ask made me feel but Tumblr is still only allowing 10 images per post even if it's an ask 😩 RUDE. But instead, let me just tell you in words that this message warmed my heart thoroughly, and I've spent at least 10 minutes oohh-ing and aaahh-ing at the glorious puppies 🥺💞 I LOVE THEM SO MUCH.
And that's just the puppies - YOU, my lovely friend, are even sweeter 💗 You've been nothing but lovely and supportive and gracious towards me and everyone I've seen you interact with on here, plus you're so damn talented!!! So happy to call you a friend, darling. Thanks again for this wonderful pick me up, and I hope you have an awesome weekend!! ilyyyy 😘
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cityoftheangelllls · 3 years
Masterpost of Freddie Mercury doing THAT thing with his finger (Part 2)
Since Tumblr only allows 10 pics/gifs per post...here ya go...
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This is one of my favorites (especially bc of Deaky in the bg lookin like a snacc and Freddie pointing backward at him)
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And finally, here's one from the recently found 8mm footage of "Big Spender" during Queen's first performance at Madison Square Garden in 1977! The quality isn't exactly 4K but if you look really closely you can see his finger doing that thing! It's only something I noticed while watching it for the 111th time in a row!
Well, that's all for now! If there's anything I missed, please feel free to add on!
Here's Part 1
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louisonthisday · 4 years
Hii! I love your account on IG, can you post more pics here on Tumblr? You post more content on IG, I would love it if you could post it here too! xx
Thank you! :) Tumblr only allows 10 pictures/gifs per post, that's why I don't post as much on here as on IG.
A lot of the photos that I share are from onedirectiongallery.org - if you want to see/download more pictures from a particular date, you should be able to find them there!
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kmp78 · 5 years
These are the UPDATED directions/guidelines for all who want to participate/contribute to this blog. Our topics of conversation revolve mostly around 30 Seconds to Mars/the Leto Bros, but we have been known to also discuss various other current events around the world.
By reading, and especially by contributing, on what goes on around this blog, you are willingly agreeing with all guidelines and directions I have mentioned below - no exceptions.
I am willing to give a space to those who wish to discuss Mars (or other topics), and I am washing my hands from any and all fuckery that may ensue from other people´s opinions.
Also worth mentioning: I am fully aware that some people who publicly and very vocally denounce any interest in either this blog or Mars gossip lurk around this blog and then spread shit elsewhere on the internet. 
By doing that, you are essentially outing yourself as a quiet kmp78 admirer, so to speak. 
Or a fangirl, if that suits better. 🤗
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Alright then... READ.
1.  This blog is laced with sarcasm, jokes, stupid and often very dark humor and PERSONAL OPINIONS - both mine and the people who participate in our conversations. This is not CNN, BBC or even Fox News - this is a personal blog run by a (sort of) fan. Not someone with inside information, and not someone whose opinions and views should be taken too seriously, and definitely not as gospel. I have no direct access to anyone in the Mars organization, and I do not work for them.
2. Nor do I work for YOU. This may be a blog which is mainly used for discussions about all things Mars and all opinions and topics are welcome, but the only one in charge is ME. I decide if a message gets published, if a message gets edited, if a message gets deleted - and if the sender gets blocked.
And not that it really needs to be said, but here goes anyway: I do not work for any Leto troll either.
3. And speaking of blocking: 
those who send threats or offensive messages will be blocked, as will anyone who I deem block-worthy. Rest assured, I never block anyone without a reason, so if you should discover that you have been blocked, that means I had a reason. I may or may not inform publicly when a person has been blocked, depends on my mood.
4. Everyone who sends messages is responsible for their own words - I do not accept any blame for other people´s opinions. Misunderstandings by accident or on purpose are not my headache. If I suspect a message will potentially cause unnecessary problems or annoyance for me, I will not post it (or will edit it), and  I don´t owe anyone any explanations as to why I´m not posting it. I may explain, or not - that´s up for me to decide. 
In any case, as I said: I will not take responsibility for anyone else´s words other than mine, and screaming at me over here or elsewhere online regarding comments someone else made and I posted...
Well, that´s just infantile. 🙄
5. All opinions are welcome, positive AND negative. A positive opinion does not automatically make you a sheep, and a negative opinion does not automatically make you a hater. 
Readers to this blog should be adult enough to handle both sides.
6. Calling women sluts or whores is not ok here. 
You also need to be able to tell the difference between calling a woman a whore and calling a Leto a whore. If you can´t understand the difference, then get out immediately.
the term “YACHT GIRL” when used in connection with an actually legit model who YOU ARE JEALOUS OF BECAUSE SHE GETS TO BONE A MAN YOUR FLABBY LOINS BURN FOR, actually is the equivalent of you calling her a whore, so kindly DO NOT.
Use whatever brain cells your parents genes bestowed upon you and make them at least somewhat proud. That should hopefully partially make up for the disappointment they most probably are already feeling knowing you actually read and participate in this shit.
7. What is also not ok is accusing people of crimes, calling them psychopaths, or threatening others with physical violence etc. - not even sarcastically or as jokes.
Think of it this way: 
when typing your message, if at any point you think that what you are writing might come across differently or more seriously to the person reading it than to you while writing it - then do not write it. Any innuendo about people´s potential “social diseases” is not welcome either, and neither are accusations of “obsessions” and people “stalking” the men this blog is focused on. Be VERY careful when using these terms. 
YOU are responsible for your own words. I cannot stress that enough.📣
8. We use a lot of initials and nicknames in our conversations - for a reason. 
Do not use people´s real names in messages. 
If you do not know who a particular person is, please come ask via chat (directions on how to use the chat feature can be found here). I may or may not blur out a name in a message if I think it´s necessary.
9. I post a lot of pics, gifs - and most of them are found from Google using various search terms, and sadly have no tags or indications as to who is the owner/maker. I don´t own any of the pics or gifs, or videos for that matter either (except the ones I have made and labeled as my own). If you find something of yours posted and prefer not to have it up or to have your name added as credits, please let me know and I will remove it.
As for links to either newspaper articles, IG accounts, other blogs or the like: you can find credits to the sources by either clicking on the links, or if I have decided to post screen caps, in the pics themselves. Again, I do not write articles or make videos and very, very rarely post anything other than other people´s comments - after all, this is prominently a discussion blog now. Opinions/messages from other people represent THEIR views and thoughts, my views/thoughts can be seen in my answers (in case of submits or multi-part messages, you will find my contributions to the message after this sign: ***).
To make this very clear: we don´t make news here, we discuss them.
10. When sending submits, if you are unsure of others potentially seeing your “ID”, please mention in your message that you want to remain anon and I will post it anon. Also please remember tho that there is no such thing as complete anonymity - so be careful when writing down your thoughts. Censor yourself if necessary - don´t make problems for me or others, or yourself.
11. I use Statcounter on this blog, which means I can see IP addresses from people visiting this site. However I choose to use that information is up to me, so if you are scared shitless of being outed due to your own actions/words, then DO NOT COME HERE.
If I out your IP, then there is a reason for it.
Don´t give me reasons if you want to remain in the shadows.
(And same goes for chat messages btw: don´t pretend to be my friend in private, but then turn your back and stab me in it in public. More often than not I WILL find out, and if I choose to then out your bullshit by posting private messages, THAT´S ALL YOUR OWN DOING, KIDDOS.
Play nice with me and you have nothing to worry about.
Start kicking dirt in my face and...🤷‍♀️
12. If you are addressing your message directly to someone (= other than me), please say so CLEARLY in your message, for example by starting your message with “For anon who said...”, or something along those line. I have had it with misunderstandings and unnecessary messes due to unclear messages! BE SPECIFIC!
13. ONLY write either in English or Finnish. I won´t waste my time on Google Translate, I have enough on my plate as it is and your weirdo mongrel lingos are boring as hell anyway.
15. I won´t post content from so-called private/non-celeb accounts such as Leto trolls (= VK for example IS a celeb so whatever she posts is most deffo getting posted, but anything posted by Lesser´s harem probs won´t be).
I´m beyoooooooond bored answering the same questions over and over again, sometimes in the space of just a few hours! The archives and search option are available on my blog for a reason! USE THEM. 😠
17. When sending messages containing info or “receipts” or whatever it may be that you think we should be made aware of, either clearly state WHERE that info can be found and WHO you are talking about. Do not simply send a message a´la “VK can be seen on Monica´s/Richard´s/Beatrice´s IG”. We don´t know who these people are! You may, but we don´t! I do not follow a single model or fashion industry creeper on social media so FIRST NAMES mean fuck all to me. GIVE FULL DETAILS OR SHUT THE FUCK UP. 
19. I usually try to post messages in the same order they have been sent - with a few exceptions: 
If a situation arises which calls for “immediate attention” (new troll pics or other sudden Mars-related activity, for example), I may leave older messages for later and focus on newer ones first. Also when I am operating on my mobile, I am often unable to post certain messages (videos etc.), so those will be left for later when I am back to an actual computer. 
20. More often than not, tumblr fails to deliver messages to my inbox. If you suspect that yours has not been delivered, please send it again. I don´t mind getting duplicates.
21. If I feel that a message offers no relevant or needed content, I won´t post it. For example, a message such as “JL & XX in Japan bang bang” is unnecessary and pointless and not worth posting. I only have 250 allowed posts per day, and on busy days I have to make judgments on what is worthy of posting and what is not. I apologize if I therefore have to skip some messages. 
When I run out of allowed posts here, I will let everyone know that I am switching over to use the secondary blog which can be found at @kmp78secondaryblog
(PLEASE NOTE: That blog is ONLY used when we run out of room here, and I never go there unless I have to so please don´t send any messages to that blog unless I inform we have to move there!)
Creating hater accounts dedicated to POSTING PICTURES OF MY BLOODY EYEBALL (that btw actually happened because of course it did! This is the echeLOOOOOON after all! 👍) won´t make me quit this blog, so...
Anyway, for further information, please contact me via private message here, on my IGs, or at [email protected].
Thank you. 🙏
PS: In case you run into accounts/comments made under my tumblr “identity”, or otherwise unauthorized “kmp78″ activity outside of tumblr which you recognize as being linked to this blog in any way (such as my posts being tagged with JL´s tags etc.), please report them immediately, both to the admins of the sites you found these accounts on, and to me directly so I can take appropriate action, thanks.
Any of my personal pics taken from this blog have been taken without permission and I have never and will never give permission to post them anywhere. And when I say I “appropriate action”, I mean just that. If need be, I will be contacting the authorities, like I did when I received public death threats. 
Be very aware that my tolerance for that is less than zero - and also be aware that these guidelines and my rules may change whenever I feel the need to change them.
#DEAL ✌️
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tippitv · 6 years
Recap: “Ouroboros” 14-14
Hey everyone! In an effort to get the recap out in a timely fashion, I'm trying something new. I'm doing it live-blog style and adding gifs already available on Tumblr as I format it for posting. Making pics with captions and photoshopping is super slow and laborious on my ancient computer. Just that part of the recaps usually takes 8-10 hours to do. In a recap that has a LOT of graphics, it might take 12.
Ooh I've apparently missed more episodes than I realized. Veronica Cartwright, who's one of my favorite character actresses ever, brought Jack back to life. 
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But with like... dire consequences, as per yoozh.
Raton, New Mexico. Hey I've been there! I was driving to Colorado when I was 19 and we hit Raton riiiiight before we had to start driving up a narrow mountain road... when an ice storm hit... and I, a Texan who'd never driven over so much as an ice cube, thought I was going to kill us all.
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Anyway it's nice to see an episode start somewhere in the Southwest for a change of pace.
This music is super cute. Someone let me know what it is? Also, I don't know who this guy is but he knows how to chop vegetables. I like him already! Oh... oh wait. There's a dead man on his kitchen island and the knife guy is harvesting his organs for dinner. Sorry, my dude, but I only have room in my heart for one cannibal
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Oh he's got some lizard eyes on him, too. That's also a deal breaker. Somehow his repto-vision allows him to sense that the Winchesters are coming for him, so he grabs his pet snake Felix and sneaks away.
The episode is titled "Ouroboros," and I can't see that word without thinking of the episode of Red Dwarf where the people found the cardboard box with Lister in it. They misread the word as "Our Rob, or Ross." Shout out to the handful people following me who know what I'm talking about.
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The Winchesters show up. Oh hey Castiel and Jack are with them, too! Snake Boy didn't see that. "Oh no," Cas says, despairing at the scene in the kitchen. I know. A wasted pasta dinner! Also a dead body.
Sam and Dean are frustrated that they've failed to catch this guy yet again. How is anyone not barfing at the smell of fried human liver? Have they become inured to it because of all the flaming hunter funerals? That's probably it.
"My money's on witchcraft," Dean grumbles. Rowena walks up behind him like
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Oh ho ho why's she so flirtatious with Castiel? What did I miss there? Well he seems as confused as I am, and less titillated. Maybe nothing happened and she's just someone with eyes who happens to see how cute he is.
Everyone wonders why the victim, like all the other victims, appears not to have fought back. I mean, there's a lot of nihilism these days. Maybe it's a case of "fuck it, if this guy doesn't kill me the climate change will." Jack finds a freshly shed snake skin on the floor.
They wonder if the victim had pet snakes but think he doesn't seem the type. Like, I know a stay-at-home suburban mom with multiple snakes so I don't think there's just one type of herp enthusiast. Jack starts coughing and everyone's like
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Jack assures them he's not dying again but he probably is.
Rowena notices there's a blackish powder around the victim's lips. The others tell her the other victims had something similar but they ignored it so that Dean and Rowena could look back and forth at each other with their best So Done faces.
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As funny as the exchange is, I do so hate plot-necessitated dumbness. There's no way they wouldn't have looked into the black powder on all the victims' faces.
Sam and Rowena do some research in the motel de la nuit, which has a fabulous Missoni-inspired wallpaper. Man I wouldn't mind having some of that! Anyway, she's curious about Jack being not-dead and Dean keeping an archangel locked up in his head somehow. Sam doesn't want to talk about it.
Meanwhile, Jack's in the bathroom having one of those Moulin Rouge coughing fits. Has anyone thought of like... getting the kid some Robitussin? He uses a small amount of power to heal his cough. I think Veronica Cartwright warned against this in the previouslies.  
Dean's growing a mite weary and still thinks their inevitable option is going to be the magic coffin. Cas's face goes
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Castiel tiredly explains what the word "liturgical" means when Jack and Dean give him confused looks. I mean I guess Jack might not know, but Dean should sure as heck know.
When they get back to the motel, Rowena says they're dealing with a Gorgon. "Like Medusa!" Dean pipes up. Oh I bet this leads to a Clash of the Titans jok---and there it is. They blah blah blah about how eating human eyes allows a Gorgon to see the future and evade capture. "So even if we use your tracking spell, he'll know," Cas says. Why do they assume it's a man when the Gorgons have always been depicted as shes?
So Snake Boy approaches a guy outside a truck stop and asks for help. "I'd find a way to pay you back." He turns the flirting up about ten notches and the trucker shiftily tells him to get inside. They kiss and the trucker is slowly paralyzed. Oh noooo I have a dozen things to say about queer villainy and victimization but I'm live blogging so remind me to come back to it.
Cas's hair is high as hell today. Remember there was this whole plot a while back about how Heaven is running out of power because there are so few angels? Maybe he's powering Heaven with his hair.
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Noah, that's apparently the Gorgon's name, has left a note on the body for Dean. "I see you standing alone reading this note," NUH UH he's standing with Cas. He warns Dean to stop chasing him. "Why doesn't he mention me?" Cas asks. Right?? "Maybe you're not his type," Dean says. Cas rolls his eyes upward but the low-hanging fruit is practically on the ground.
After a confab with Sam and Rowena, they work out a plan for Cas and Jack to go after Noah since they seem to be invisible to him. They just need some anti-venom in case the Gorgon tries to poison them. Or just tell them not to kiss the guy? Maybe they don't know kissing is how he
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Jack the dog gets a thermometer up the butt... Then the vet or tech or whoever she is just... leaves him on the exam table unattended. That's not remotely what happens at clinics but whatever. As soon as Jack is alone, he turns back into a person with all his clothes on. I don't know why that seems more unrealistic to me than him turning into a dog, period.
He finds the anti-venom, makes a joke about his poor butt, and then Sam and Rowena have a conversation in the parking lot about how he was brought back to life. Then the vet runs out and confronts them!
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Just kidding, they talk as long as they want without ever being discovered.
Noah's got his latest victim tied up somewhere. He says he finds more men to eat because women are more cautious. True dat. He kept the guy alive long enough to blah blah for a while but now he gives him a smooch on the cheek to paralyze him.
Rowena casts a locator spell... Why wouldn't Noah be able to see her and know something is up? Only the angelic ones are invisible to him. Oh my word Castiel kicks open the door VERY forcefully and I'm like
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But wait... first he knocked. Why did he knock first? You know what let's just move on. Castiel goes and de-venomizes the latest victim. For some reason nobody's cutting off Noah's head yet so he just goes on talking. Something about a snake and some chicken eggs. Even Castiel is like, "Why are you telling this story??" And Noah, looking at Jack, goes, "Because I can't tell if he's the chicken or the snake."
Fisticuffs attempt to ensue! Lolol it's briefly a slap fight. Noah kisses Cas on the cheek. This is the most unrealistic part of this episode. Why would you kiss some rando trucker on the mouth and not this guy.
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Hm there's still 15 minutes left. For some reason, the anti-venom doesn't work on Cas, so Jack has to use some of his powers. Maybe you should have tried giving him more of it first but whatever.
LOL they drive all the way from New Mexico to Kansas with unconscious Dean and rush him into the med bay. It's at least an eight hour drive! Maggie's like, "I'll get some ice!" It's been at least eight hours! Why didn't they just bring him to a regular hospital?? Nothing supernatural happened to him! He got his head wanged!
Jack is pretty upset about the prospect of Dean dying but Cas seems... philosophical about it. Maybe he knows they got renewed for season 15 and isn't too worried.
Oh Dean's awake and everything's fine! Just kidding he's on a rampage knocking everything over. Someone tell Maggie to forget the ice. He's in a rage because he "let his guard down" and now Michael has left. I mean... you were knocked out by a plot contrivance, my dude. Don't be too hard on yourself.
Oh shiiiit Michael's gone and killed everyone in the bunker. Not any of the main characters, obviously, but everyone else. Oh double shiiiiiit he's got Rowena as a vessel now. Wait. Why would she have said yes to him?
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Ah...Michael paid her a little visit in her mind and said he'd kill everyone she cares about. She's loath to admit it but she does care for these people. Well, the main characters, at least.
Oh my gosh I love Ruth Connell. This is my fave version of Michael yet. Too bad it won't last!
Jack decides to use his powers to save everyone even if it means dying! Except he doesn't die because it's only March. He forces Michael out of Rowena, then sucks down the evacuated grace like
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Everything goes quiet. Everyone's like... wtf? what?? the fuck??? They wait on pins and needles to see what happened to Jack. Jack's like, "I'm me again!" with the glowing flame eyes and the shadow wings. The music makes this seem very ominous. Maybe it means he doesn't have a soul anymore. Either way he seems very powerful again so good luck getting a rectal thermometer into him now.
Wait... why was this episode called Ouroboros when it was an entirely different snake thing? Ohhh maybe it was Jack eating/using his own powers to help himself? Let's say it's that.
If you enjoyed this recap, and are able, please drop something into my virtual tip jar here: https://www.paypal.me/tippiblevins  Henry the Hound and I could use grocery/vet money so anything is appreciated, including reblogs!
Thank you for reading!
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cloroxteen · 6 years
Seventeen Reaction To: Daddy Kink
You were having a dinner with him and the boys when he asked you if you wanted to eat from his desert. When your answer was "yes daddy", everyone's attention was drawn to you, waiting for his answer. (Slightly nsfw)
(Gif rights to the rightful owners)
Seungcheol (S.Coups)
He would look at you, a little surprised about how easily and innocently you were referring to him as "daddy". He would then go to Full Daddy Mode and smirk while he was feeding you.
"I am glad that you like calling me daddy..it is very hot.."
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He would give you THAT LOOK and smile while he was handing you his plate, whispering in your ear.
"Anytime, princess"
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He would panic and his eyes would get wide while he was trying to cover it up.
"Y/N! Maybe we should keep this thing only for the bedroom.."
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He would smirk at you and light dirty talk to you while watching the memebers' reaction.
"You like calling me daddy huh? What about you say it again when we are inside that bedroom?"
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He would go from Cutie mode to Daddy mode in 0.1second and come closer to you while beeing fully aware from the guys watching you.
"Y/N..if you want to play that game, you wave to follow my rules"
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He would get shy and giggle a little but would let it slide without saying a word.
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He wouldn't know how to feel. On the one hand, he wouls get very turned on but on the other hand he didn't want his bandmates to tease him about it.
"Y/N, please don't do that again. You don't know what it does to me.."
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He would feel proud but also shy about it. He would also feel a little uncomfortable with the hyungs that he is not so close to, but he would enjoy it anyways.
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He would get turned on but his teddy bear mode would cover it up, so he would end up with a huge piece of lemon pie and acting like it is alright.
"Jagi, eat and be careful of what you say next time okay?"
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He would get very shy and would smile akwardly but after a couple of seconds he would burst out laughing by the way his bandmates would be looking at you two.
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So Tumblr is so fucked up and it allows only 10 pics per post so the other ones will be without gifs, I am sorry:(
Classic Drama Queen Seungwan back at it again.
"Oh my gosh! Y/N! What were you thinking? Oh my gosh you are embarassing me!!"
He would get 100 times more akward and would avoid making eye contact with you, after a while though he would start sending you memes with the word daddy (okay I think this is soooo Hansol)
Would be hella proud of himself and this would be his chance to show you off ti the other members so they would finally accept that he was finally getting laid.
"Oh darling, I thought you would use this word only when I made wonders on your body..guess I am wrong huh?"
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