#and u can be like ‘Lina cope’ BUT NO
femmefatalelilgirl · 2 years
1. If he tries to make u jealous with another girl, dont give him a reaction itll feed his ego. Act unbothered. Maybe even pretend to like the girl.
2. If he tries to manipulate u the first 2 times or w.e, pretend to fall for it, itll give him reassurance that his technique works and he'd do it again in future. But after that if it happens again, you have the the power to avoid his manipulation, expose his truth, and let it him know that you KNOW hes manipulating u.
" In order to be smart, you have to act dumb"
"Always stay in control"
3. Be vulnerable with him, itll reassure him that he can be vulnerable with you as well. But dont let the amount of advice/reassurance of HIS overpower/be greater than yours. So during future arguments you can say you were there more for him than he was for you. Pull up receipta of advice if u need to.
4. NEVER use his trauma against him. It makes u look bad its way too far.
1. Personality has two components:
I.Having deep personal talks and giving paragraphs of advice to him, really get into his childhood trauma, act all soft and mommy with him, have a bit of female masculinity.
Have personality switchups from soft innocent girl to bad bitch mentality.
!! DO NOT BE TOO CONFIDENT/BIGHEADED. Maintain shy, softspoken personality like Lina. ANGELIC.
II. Actual characteristics.
masc AAVE slang, roasting eachother for fun, switching up to soft&innocent, being funny, TikTok humor phrases, good comebacks, general daily life talks like Lina, what did u do today, eat today, likes/dislikes, hit the gym, ask questions like "how long did it take",
3. NEVER brag abt anything. Always stay humble, stay broke.
4. Men secretly love the chase but dont play hard to get for too long or else they will lose feelings. Let him chase you but dont make him run a marathon just to say hi.
5. Act unbothered. If theres a fight dont lash out, call him names/ raise your voice. State the facts, not insults.
6. If theres arguments sometimes, let him win. Dont always try to win even if your good at it, or else he's gonna think "She always wants to be right"
7. Talk slower and dont rush your convos.
(( Getting obssesed is ur coping mechanism bc Daddy issues, but dont let that get in the way of your daily tasks ))
I. Get rid of that idea of him you created in your head. They probably arent all that.
II. Start prioritising yourself and self love more.
III. Instead of thinking abt him and his life. Think abt yourself and what you want to achieve and work on your own goals.
III. Dont blow up their phone with texts. Allow them to be who they are.
8. Dont be needy
9. When a man is not replying, give him 3 days. 3 days of no texting, no calling, no anything. If you stay attached to him and keep looking around for him, he knows and can feel that. If you give yourself time to detach, he will always come back.
I. ALWAYS live by your own rules. If you wanna do something do it, if you dont wanna do something, dont do it,
II. Move to your own rhythm instead of dancing to the beat of someone elses drum
III. Choose what you will or will not tolerate
10. Shower him with love then Ignore him for a while, keep the convos short, this drives the human need for consistency and validation.
Dont ignore fully just enough to keep him wanting more.
11. If he tries messaging other girls, let him. If he wants to ignore you, let him. If he wants to play with your feelings, let him. It will give you the clearest picture of when your gonna leave him or not and youll save yourself from bigger hurt in the future.
12. Give him compliments but dont overdo it.
Men love validation.
13. Dont let ppl walk all over you/be a doormat, stand up for yourself. Maintain bad bitch energy.
14. Find out his hobbies. Does he like working out? Does he like music? Does he like gaming? Figure that out and find out more abt what he likes and talk abt the subject to relate to him more.
15. Men subconciously pull back when they fall for a women because they experience a panicked feeling.
16. A girl that doesnt need anyones attenrion, not trying to make everyone happy, full confidence
17. To make him obssesed w cute things, be like "Like my hair?" "Like my outfit."
18. Make the moments memorable. You can tell if he likes you if he brings up past things u said to him. Thats how you know hes interested.
19. DONT speak bad about people. Always maintain that kind, soft, coquette energy. Never cross anyone unless they cross you first but try stay unbothered.
20. Walk out if he invalidates your feelings if your tryinf to get your point across on whats morally right thing to do.
21. NEVER complain that he doesnt do/get you enough. Praise is the way to make someone do better "I love it!"
22. Never overshare about your life. Oversharing shows a lack of confidence.
23. DONT enter the stages of deep trauma talks too soon after meeting him, he will feel his personal space kinda violated, try to figure out his boundaries. Try to be vulnerable with him with your struggles in a way that he can also relate to, that will let him know that its also ok for him to be vulnerable with you.
24. If he keeps asking for more general pics of you, then he most likely likes you for your looks and not your personality.
25. Dont trauma dump/ nag him abt ur srs life problems all the time. There are online therapists for that.
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So most of these are gonna be heavier than usual. I'll put a specific warning again when the dark ones come along but in the meantime just be warned.
- Basically what I'm proposing here is that Dylan is like an early 2000s scene/emo kid but more grounded in personality and more edgy in appearance. He and Brooke make kandi bracelets literally this is one of the headcanons of all time
- His partner system (my oc Lina if u remember?) Is transfem and genderfluid. Her name Carolina/Lina comes from the horror series Petscop, the in universe company Garalina and the character Lina. He and Brooke helped her pick it
- Sarah's mom is overprotective af of her daughter. She loves Millie but one wrong step around Sarah and that girl is dead jtnfhgbfhf (well really she doesnt want Sarah stuck in a loveless relationship in which she'll eventually be abandoned is the real problem lmao)
- Sarah's legal last name is Alton since her parents never formally divorced, but if anyone asks her what it is she'd say Morales, her mom's maiden name
- Millie feels very comforted by Maurice just, in general. They're very similar, and he was just like her at her age, and it's comforting to her to see that he found happiness and has lived the life she never thought was possible for her.
---DARK HEADCANONS. TW for descriptions of ableism, abusive friendships, cheating and child abuse---
- Dylan makes a lot of coping jokes about his family.
- Just before winter break, Dylan's mom finds out about his DID. His mother puts on a whole show, crying and yelling asking how she can trust him now because DID is a horrifying disorder and his alters will do awful things if they're "let out" and asking if he's trying to say she and his dad are abusive, saying how much she loves him and how scared she is, basically suffocating him in a hug. Dylan is freaking out and crying, and this causes one of Dylan's persecutor alters to switch in and retaliate physically asking when she's ever loved any of her children and calling her a sick bitch. They come to Maurice's house later, beaten up with a bloody nose and just ask if they can crash here for a few days.
- This "crashing here for a few days" ends in them staying for Christmas. (This does in fact mean that they get gifts from the Fitzsimmons family. Millie gets small gifts for every alter she knows.) During this time Brooke begins visiting often not only to see Dylan and his system but also to educate Maurice on DID so he doesn't think of Dylan's alters the way their mom did because it's how most people see the disorder, well meaning as they may be.
- Maurice subsequently makes frequent contact with Sarah's mom since she's a social worker to see what he can do to help.
- Dylan actually has a few siblings. He's the youngest of three, the other two are both adults and they turned out just as bad as his parents. Since Dylan has no younger siblings and his situation is vaguely under control Maurice is a little less urgent to take legal and/or violent action against his parents than he would be otherwise.
- Brooke has had a few relationships before Dylan and Lina. Being a popular girl they kind of push getting a boyfriend on her. None of them was she particularly happy with, and the one that she was happy with ended with him cheating on her. Her friends thought that was hilarious. She was devastated. To this day most of her favorite songs are about cheating/breakups/abandonment bc she's still not over it. It's something sort of comforting that both of her current relationships are among systems whose alters all like her.
- Dylan, Lina and Millie are trying to urge her to leave those friends to little avail, but Dylan at least understands the fear of leaving a bad situation so he doesn't push it too hard.
- Not hc related but uh fun fact for like half of my AU Millie is just fucking dead and no one knows cuz her ghost ass just keeps going about her daily life and no ones found her body yet
I'll have some more lighthearted ones someday
I'm gonna need some Dylan being "adopted" by the Fitzsimmons headcanons after this-
And I love seeing more of him, Lina, and Brooke's relationship! I feel like they would definitely get along with my Dylan, Brooke, and David
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Lithuania Back Story with Dana Lewis podcast:   https://www.buzzsprout.com/1016881/6103390
Linas Linkevicius/ For. Min. Lithuania: (00:00) Is president Putin a danger for you? And is it, is it not a danger to stand up to Russia right now and to speak out as your country does? No, we are now in a different situation. We are members of NATO members of European union. Then definitely he's a danger, but not just to us, I would say he's instability and everything we're doing lately. Russians. I mean, crumbling to be more precise on Russians, they instead of managing crisis, they are creating crisis and this is everywhere. Dana Lewis /. Host Back Story: (00:37) Hi everyone. And welcome to backstory. I'm Dana Lewis. America has under president Trump withdrawn on many fronts in terms of leadership in the world. Places like Syria, Iraq, Libya, he makes wobbly commitments to NATO based on money instead of ideology. Trump just didn't doesn't have a good knowledge of the dramatic loss of a superpower on the world stage. As a foreign correspondent, I spent a lifetime covering conflicts and how they can change if America speaks up. And if you're American, have no doubt about how the U S improves human rights and democracy in our world, not all the time, but most of the time we look to the U S until Trump came along and measured everything in terms of dollars in America. First Belarus is an example of where if Trump condemned the brutal arrest of opposition members, things could change Russia. Trump has refused to condemn the poisoning of Alexei Navalny. Dana Lewis /. Host Back Story: (01:40) Russia has gotten more involved in conflict. So as Turkey now also emboldened by the withdrawal of America from the world stage. Anyway, this podcast is about who fills that void when the leader of the free world is not really leading? Well, no one does completely, but there are some countries that have stepped up and spoken out Germany. For instance, Angela Merkel has pushed back on Russia. So was France to some degree. And here's another, you probably never think about little Lithuania. One of the former Soviet satellites that has become fiercely independent, independent in 1990. It has a long history dating back to the 12 hundreds situated along the Eastern shore of the Baltic sea to the Southeast of Sweden and Denmark. Lithuania is bordered by Latvia to the North Belarus, to the East and South Poland, to the self and clean and grad old blasts. Dana Lewis /. Host Back Story: (02:40) The Russian enclave to the Southwest Lithuania has become one of the most tenacious critics of Russia's annexation of the Crimea and meddling and Ukraine. Lithuania was the first to call for sanctions on Russia. After the recent poisoning of an opposition figure there, it has taken sanctions Belarus and its brutal leader, Alexander Lucas Shenko. And in fact, led the EU into more sanctions, embarrassing the EU into acting. And it took in the opposition leader from Belarus and gave her another safety and a place to speak out. Lithuania is a NATO country of only 3 million people, but it's a leader in democracy and human rights, and it exists in a dangerous area maybe because it's been trampled over so many times in history and has had to fight so hard for freedom. Does it understand the dangers better than anyone? And what happens if you don't stand up to them early? So on this backstory, we talked to Lithuania's foreign minister about America's loss of influence and why Lithuania risk standing up to the bullies on the block. Dana Lewis /. Host Back Story: (03:59) All right. You know, you don't always have to be the biggest brawler in the neighborhood to speak out. Sometimes the smallest one can be the toughest and it is a tough neighborhood around Lithuania. I want to introduce you now to the foreign minister who has been so gracious to give us a bit of his time today.  Lithuanian For. Minister Linas  Linkevičius joins us. Now. I believe you're in Vilnius? Yes, I'm am. Can you tell me just first of all, I've made it a practice generally of asking people how they're doing in COVID-19 in terms of, you know, we're in this incredible period of time, how is Lithuania fairing with all of this right now? No. Linas Linkevicius/ For. Min. Lithuania: (04:34) So raising, you know, second wave first wave was managed quite well. We were proud about that happy, but now it looks like situation complicates. So we'll see. We'll see, it happens to be seen, right. Are Dana Lewis /. Host Back Story: (04:45) You under locked down or are people no, no, Linas Linkevicius/ For. Min. Lithuania: (04:47) No. I'm in my office. Um, just everything is says usually, but yes, more restrictions and we'll see something to come. Dana Lewis /. Host Back Story: (04:55) Tell me why is Lithuania you've been so outspoken. I mean, let's talk about Belarus to begin with. You know, you've taken in the opposition leaders for Atlanta Tika know sky, uh, you've led on sanctions. Um, in fact, I want to note Lithuania was way ahead of the European union and you criticize the EU, I believe for acting too slowly. Linas Linkevicius/ For. Min. Lithuania: (05:16) Well, the, the thing is, uh, right, so, but you know, many reasons, one of the very simplest reasons that this is very close now, I'm sitting in my office, as I said, 30 kilometers to the border, the billers and the what is 650 kilometers long. So it's quite long enough external border of European union. And this country is quite integrated into Russia already before this crisis happened. And we can really have a business basically with [inaudible] enlarge the restaurant. So [inaudible] could be mentioned. Of course we still remember often can. It was also far away, 31 years ago, we had so-called, you know, Baltic way, if you remember what that means. It was chain of people standing from talent, 2 million people standing on arms in 1989, demanding freedom, which was still so the groups on the ground, and it was not, not clear what will happen next day. Linas Linkevicius/ For. Min. Lithuania: (06:20) And this alarm, this resistance, it's very strong feeling, you know? So, um, on one hand you are really not aggressive, definitely a peaceful, but on the other hand, very firm cannot neglect. You know, these arguments when something reminds us what happened with the indifference that these people were treated in completely different way, and this will be sent invitations and put into custody, torturing crave team. And, uh, all these accounts we were receiving were shocking to say the least. And even if small part of that distributes already too much. So people were not indifferent and I'm seeing people that's not just government, you know, officials it's also, people were not in different. And then they also have chain of freedom quite recently in the second part of August, [inaudible] usually happens. And that was changed from Venus to the border, you know, so, so not too long, but nevertheless, also a replica of this Baltic chain 31 years ago, and this is organized by NGOs, no government people with the children and over the flowers with the flags came to the show solidarity. So this is something very strong. And so, so why are we outspoken? So why, why we are not, not just indifferent, trying to also to mobilize international attention and what is happening. Dana Lewis /. Host Back Story: (07:47) Do you want to make a prediction on what happens in Belarus? How does this, how does the story end, Linas Linkevicius/ For. Min. Lithuania: (07:53) Uh, many options, unfortunately, so the victory, it's not so obvious, you know, uh, the outgoing leader, leadership still Collins on the same methods they used to be before this method. So as I said, brutality and everything will be, will be used. And they believe that thousands and thousands of people now. Yeah, that's it. Then they will even threads to use. So to say a munition was not done yet, but people are courageous enough to protest in spite of everything. And then who knows, maybe they count that people will be tired, scared winter is coming. So weather conditions different than maybe less than the streets. And they believe that they will cope with the situation as usually, I don't know what to believe. You know, it depends on many things on the threshold of patients, for the obvious people, also in very tough stance of international community, because they also counting that the national community to this opinion will be as happens. You know, not, not, not strong. Maybe, maybe it will be split. Maybe it will be some coals to be pragmatic. You know, it's usually it happens. And, uh, they, they accounting to survive. Basically not try. We'll try to save time. Now we're looking for various options. The talking about the constitutional uniforms, for instance, which is also taking time and still enjoying the support of political sponsors from Moscow. Dana Lewis /. Host Back Story: (09:19) You're also, you're, you're also trying to survive there as a country. You only 3 million people sandwich between you've got Poland and Russia and Belarus, and Lafayette is obviously a friendly country, but is president Putin a danger for you? And is it, is it not a danger to stand up to Russia right now and to speak out as your country does? Linas Linkevicius/ For. Min. Lithuania: (09:41) No, we are now in very different situation. We are members of NATO members of European union. And definitely he's a danger, but not just to us, I would say he's instability and everything we're doing lately. Russians. I mean, scrambling to be more precise, not Russians. They are instead of managing crisis, they are creating crisis. And this is everywhere would be, it could be South, South caucuses, right? 20% of Georgian territories occupied an extension of Crimea. Now aggression again is Donbass frozen conflict in Transnistria moving from European content that you can mention Libya, Syria every way, do not see any constructive approach. So instead of, as I said, managing crisis, they create and going through that, they're trying to influence the situation. Alerts is not exception. And again, the few will be in include this. And I do not think that they would like to solve, but probably they would like to really manage. And, uh, that's, that's the case. So, but this is different. Our situation is, as I said, we are belonging. We belong to important organizations which are protecting us. And if you will not be members of these clubs, that could be really dangerous and could be the same faithless, somehow neighbors, Dana Lewis /. Host Back Story: (11:00) But you have spoken out against them when they've used, uh, cyber attacks on the Lithuanian government. Um, you've, you've spoken out on democracy in Russia. You've spoken out on non-interference and Ukraine non-interference in Belarus. Uh, does that not infuriate the Kremlin and, and bring pressure your way Linas Linkevicius/ For. Min. Lithuania: (11:23) It does. Of course, definitely. They don't like it. And what I believe is wrong, you know, when you are too pragmatic too, too. So to say flexible, and this is definitely wrong perception because they expect that the world will take this new normal. As, as reality, they, they, they definitely violating international law. The next thing, as I said, never countries. And they expect that no people will disagree, but that there will be some small price to, and it's possible to continue with the business as usual. That's the expectation. So we're trying to say that this is not, not right. This is not right, because we have too many lessons before. You know, I mentioned this conflict. I will not repeat, but these are lessons not learned by my international community, but it's learned by them because it's possible to do something, to commit something and price is quite agreeable. Why not to repeat? So this is repeating every time and that's important. We have called international community. Dana Lewis /. Host Back Story: (12:25) It's repeating you mean is that the international community gets distracted and they, they let things deteriorate. And then that gives Russia, uh, I guess, more fuel to metal, uh, into a road democracy in places. Is that what you mean? Linas Linkevicius/ For. Min. Lithuania: (12:42) Yeah, that's exactly it. Because if somebody says, Oh, let's not, no, it's also matter of attitudes. When somebody is saying that you shouldn't provoke by your statements, you shouldn't provoke them. But I'm always saying that you're provoking by not stating something sometimes provoking by not doing, if you're doing not enough or reacting, not sufficiently, that means you implicitly provoking them to continue though. This is a different approach. And I don't think this shared by everyone, but it's also should be discussed. I believe very serious. Dana Lewis /. Host Back Story: (13:14) You're disturbed by the silence of, of us president Donald Trump on Russia, then Linas Linkevicius/ For. Min. Lithuania: (13:19) I'm not discussing foreign officials. I'm in position myself. So let me, let me stay where I am, but we have always read. We're talking with our friends who are the allies. We're trying to draw attention to these things, trying to say that this is not dangerous as you ask me, is it dangerous to me personally, to my country? Maybe it's not the case. We are talking about instability, the source of instability and especially the big players, big guys. So those will have influence in this world. They must be active. And definitely this is nothing to do with aggressiveness. By the way, you can consistency of how policy respecting our own decisions basically. And very three things are changing our mind or being flexible. Sometimes when we need to react, we cannot blame no one just, just ourselves. So why, why others should respect our decisions if we are not consistent ourselves sometimes. So these are the messages we're trying to send to our friends in the license while trying to be as clear as possible. Dana Lewis /. Host Back Story: (14:21) I'm not going to press you into us politics, but I will press you on your philosophy because I'm very curious about how Lithuania looks at the world right now. And I think we can all probably learn a little bit from a wake-up call in hearing you sometimes. And that is two years ago. One of your ambassadors wrote it's well known that the world today is in the midst of a grave crisis of democracy. The confidence we all had after the wool of the Soviet union in the inexorable progress of democracy has been replaced by pessimism and apprehension. Do you feel that way? Are we in a crisis of democracy right now? Linas Linkevicius/ For. Min. Lithuania: (14:57) Yes, I do. And may, may be allowed to quote to the client. [inaudible] she's a, as you said, leader for position stays in Virginia she's newcomer. She never been in politics. Yeah. And she, she said myself that look, I'm very new, I'm fresh. I'm not going to continue in this way because it's not something she expects to do in the, in the, in her life. But one of the messages I liked, you know, when, when she told once that when I arrived in the politics, she said, I noticed that so many organizations, so many frameworks, you know, and nothing is done basically. So she was surprised that, and she's so true. You know, we have so many organizations, we have European union noise, CE we have United nations security council. We have number of formats and frameworks and whatever, and nothing is done to back up to these people basically sometimes or little, okay, let's be Frank. Linas Linkevicius/ For. Min. Lithuania: (15:52) Something is done, but not sufficient. So this is a glance or view from somebody coming from outside to all these strange machinery of politics. What I believe your question is quite right, is it really, is it really a democracy? If we are discussing things, we're condemning things, making statements when the women need to act or to do something more tangible, we are late too late, too little. That's exactly the case. And, and somebody who will doing this wrong things, they are staying in charge of the situation. Basically they are controlling the situation, not us. And this is the wrong. So something should be changed here. Again, I'm not saying not calling to be aggressive. I'm calling just sometimes to be consistent and tough. And the messaging, because these, uh, those who are doing, I mean these wrong things, they accepting only strong arguments. They do not accept. Politesse, you know, nice sayings. They, they, they, they may make no impression for them at all. It should be tough, clear our position polite, but at the same time, very clear, if it's not clear, that's taken as a weakness and they are continuing with the wrong policy as it was before. Dana Lewis /. Host Back Story: (17:04) Well, let me ask you how dangerous is it right now and who fills the vacuum when America is as distracted as it is with its internal political situation, which is very grave and threatening. Even one of the great democracies of the world is, is it a dangerous moment? Do you think with America, not exactly leading on the international stage, whether, whether you care for Republicans or Democrats, they are generally by anybody's account, not leading on human rights and democracy right now, who fills that vacuum? And what if, what if that vacuum is not filled? Linas Linkevicius/ For. Min. Lithuania: (17:37) Usually when we are politicians, those who have potentially power influence, uh, they are not taking lead sometimes. So this hackathon is filled by, by radicalism, by populism. And this has to be the case, not only in many countries, but by the way, we have some radicals in the governments of some countries. It's not in Lithuania. Things got so far, but we know we, we see now Nazi-ism or these radical views coming in, and then we are surprised why it's happening, but it's happening because of lack of leadership and vacuum has never, never, never sought to CMT. And this is the lesson to be seen. And now we definitely need more drive. So to say more responsibility, new leaders, new faces, Dana Lewis /. Host Back Story: (18:25) You're one of those leaders. And you're one of those faces. I mean, Lithuania took EU sanctions against you took sanctions on Belarus before the EU was even debating the situation. And, and you called them out. I mean, you've been great leaders. Linas Linkevicius/ For. Min. Lithuania: (18:41) Yeah. But I mean, it's not enough. You know, you told yourself so small country, we can definitely say something, state something, but we will not make big difference here. We may, we can draw attention, encourage have some incentives, but this is not enough. So it should be really overarching, overwhelming approach. Same as, as I would put the one example, not to prolong, sorry to too much, please know that some, some seven years ago we have the presidency and the council of European union. The also a big challenge for us. And we launched a lot of initiatives that we discussed a lot of issues among them need to fight with the fake news, right? Propaganda, which we told at that time, this is important weapon. And we have to react. We cannot stay silent. And that believe me, it was not understood at the beginning, by majority of colleagues, my immaturity, Dana Lewis /. Host Back Story: (19:34) This is seven years ago. Linas Linkevicius/ For. Min. Lithuania: (19:35) Yeah. I'm getting a lot presidency. So it's not just us, but some other colleagues also raise these issues because less said, what kind of, what am I talking about? Do we need European censorship? Or do we need European propaganda? We said, no, we have to draw attention to what is happening. Because this propaganda machine brainwashing machine coming from that big country is really well organized, well equipped financed. And we cannot see the state as it is because freedom of flying. It's not the human rights, you know, freedom. It's not freedom of media. It's something else. And we have really to take it as it is. It's a weapon now it's different than it was seven years ago. As I said, because everyone has no own experience. You know, usually when we are telling story about something, what is wrong somewhere, not here it's looks like science fiction, but now everybody has own experience. Linas Linkevicius/ For. Min. Lithuania: (20:27) And now it's easier to talk about these things and we are talking so sometimes maybe we can see things more sensitively, or I don't know how that's, that's exit as example. And by the way, you're right. At that time, when we were talking about these things and that's the dangerous policy, we were told that you're too radical. You are too, too. So to see data, there was something you enjoyed the politics coming. We didn't listen to you at that time. Tell us now, you know, you, you were right. That was really the set. Not once to me personally as well, but by the way. So that means we should learn lessons through our own experience probably, but so good would be to do, to react before crisis coming, not, not after. So with, to prevent. So with the take lead and being charged before something happening, not that the MH 17, not after souls video, not after the case or before, before react a bit. Linas Linkevicius/ For. Min. Lithuania: (21:26) So that's, that's easy to say, but not so easy to do. Where do we go from my last question to you? Where do we go from here? Do you think, do you hope after this November election in America, that America is restoring itself internationally as a defender of democracy and helping smaller countries like Lithuania, or do you feel that that moment is maybe lost for a while? And that countries like Lithuania and Latvia and Estonia, and they have to band together and do this on their own with European leadership because America is just not going to carry the load as they did before. No, and never get easy with this approach because I believe that we have to stay United and transatlantic here. I'm personally strong transatlanticists I know that both political parties in the United States be Republicans, Democrats, they are really strong believers in that. Linas Linkevicius/ For. Min. Lithuania: (22:21) And this is important. Not only for security on defense, it's important for other challenges of the world, B3 trade meets, climate change, name it, all the officials should be addressed. And if it's not addressed jointly, we will be weak and we will be really not strong, but potentially we community can be very strong players in the world. And that's, that's important. So I'm always trying to object. If somebody's trying to talk about autonomy, about distancing, about splitting, which is imitation, you know, to say, well, friendship not happen. So let's, let's do something else. No, there's some something else [inaudible] replaceable. And we have to understand all of us that this is so important. And this is sitting on the side of small or big. This is important to know and important to implement. It's great to have reminders from you about leadership and freedom of speech and how to deal with this information and how to deal with the bullies on the block. Uh, even if you're not the biggest Dana Lewis /. Host Back Story: (23:23) Country and the neighborhood you've shown great leadership. So Linus Linas Linkevičius. foreign minister of Lithuania. It's a really great pleasure to talk to you. Thank you so much. Appreciate sort of thanks on the best. And that's our backstory on the little country that could and does speak up and stand up for freedom that the waning backstory appreciate support. All you have to do is press the subscribe button wherever you listen to podcasts, to get all our episodes. We usually have one or two weekly and please share this podcast. I'm Dana Lewis. Thanks for listening. And I'll talk to you again. 
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mattmartelli · 7 years
hi everyone im lina !! im fifteen n i live in the cst timezone so im usually on around this time of night !!! also my pronouns are she/her ! im super excited to be rping w yall ??? u should all hmu bc i wanna be friends w all of you.
DYLAN SPRAYBERRY - Did you hear MATTHEW MARTELLI joined the drama club now? Yeah, apparently they’re a SIXTEEN year old JUNIOR at Washington High. I heard they’re playing KURT KELLY in HEATHERS. Let’s hope they don’t fuck that up. I’ve seen HIM before in the FOOTBALL PLAYER table at lunch. At that table, they’re known as the GOLDEN BOY, because they’re +PERSPICACIOUS, but also -POLLYANNAISH. I wish them good luck with their slushy facial, though.
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theres a stats page here and i’ll make a plots page but i already have two of them here !!!! message me to plot or like this and i’ll come to you once i get over my whole shyness thing
matt was born matthew alexander hemingway-martelli on august 29th, 2000 ( he's the youngest junior in the school heh ), but his family no longer say their father’s surname ( hemingway ) in order to honor their mother after their death. now they all just go by martelli, though they are still legally hemingway-martelli.
he was born in manhattan, ny into an upper class family but moved to rivercreek when he was three, the town his parents met and grew up in.
when he was in his mothers womb, matt got sick. this left him with fine hearing in his right ear, but very very limited hearing in his left ( he can really only hear loud noises really close to his ear, and everything sounds mumbled and blurred. therefore, hes fluent in asl and learned it alongside english growing up. he uses a cros system at the moment but is always afraid he’ll be bullied bc of it so he keeps it hidden and only those close to him knows he even hard of hearing. u dont wanna know how many times hes had to lie and say he was attracted to someone who caught him staring at their lips ( aka reading )
his family has five members. he has his dad william, his mother olivia, his older brother maxwell (21), and his older sister ________ [to be added by another rper] (17-18). hes the youngest of them all and his siblings never miss a chance to tease him about it.
his mom was a surgeon, and matt never really liked going to work w her bc when she was at the hospital she was always so serious yet at home she was the most fun person ever ?? she always encouraged him to be healthy and do well in school and was basically his biggest role model. when he was thirteen, she died after being hit by a drunk driver, leading matt to make a vow never to drink or do drugs. ever.
the entire family was devastated by the loss of their mother. thank goodness they turned to each other instead of bad coping mechanisms like drinking or drugs, and ultimately it made their family bond even stronger.
his father was/is a very successful businessman, and used to be very very involved in his large chain of pizzerias that were nationwide, but its hq was in manhattan. when he had kids, he started to focus more on family and when matt was three, he decided to step back a bit and do most of his work from home in order to take care of the kids bc their mother was v busy. hes also a rlly good chef ( hence the pizzerias ) and they often have family dinners around the table ( in fact, when their dad is home its mandatory every night theyre free ). now that the kids are old enough to take care of themselves, hes started to go back to nyc and get back in the swing of things. for the past two years, it isnt uncommon for him to spend a few days there every few weeks.
matt is the kind of person youd call a ‘gifted child.’ ever since he was a kid, hes always been that kind of cookie cutter kid pulled out a 40s comic strip - the all american boy next door whos nice to everyone and good at sports and has a 4.0 gpa thats friends w everybody ( yall know what character im talking about ) - but having that burden placed on him at such a young age has begun to stress him out big time
his after school activities include various volunteer stuff, football, track and field, gymnastics, peer tutoring, national honor society, and now theater. he also is taking seven classes ( not including pe ) - four honors and three aps
when matt grows up he really wants to be an engineer but also wants to follow in the footsteps of his mother, so hes torn between becoming a surgeon or a biomed engineer.
hes lowkey obsessed with maintaining his perfect image. he spends hours upon hours studying each night, works out and practices football and gymnastics almost every day, and on top of that, now he has this freaking musical to top it off ! ( yes, that says freaking. he doesnt swear. )
speaking of the musical, lets just say matt is not pleased. his sister encouraged it based on how much matt enjoyed choir when he was in junior high ( which unfortunately he had no time in his schedule to continue ) and urged him to audition and play a member of the ensemble as a time to destress at the end of the day and do something fun. but no, they just had to give his kurt kelly. while its not a leading role, its still enough that now hes stressing about lines and his singing and dancing and not knowing if what hes doing is realistic because hes never been drunk or a douche how is he supposed to know?!?! i mean he still enjoys it tho but its just kinda like the icing on top of the cake
idk. i’ll update this but plot w me for now !!! yeet
also im not gonna be able to be on or opening tomorrow bc i have rehearsal for my play til 7pm cst so whoops
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