#and u fall asleep to the distant sounds of chattering and laughs going on in the other room
myelocin · 4 years
stressed with kenma! -miri
here’s a virtual hug for u bc i hope you stumble on a reason to smile today ╰(*´︶`*)╯ i’m rooting for u!
song: right here - keshi
sorry for the delay! it was lunchtime for me 
There’s something that never fails to tick you off about the rush hour. Whether it’s that random person breathing down your neck because he just had to squeeze his way in the train, or the fact that the Japanese subways are unnervingly quiet-- you just settled with hating the rush hour altogether. 
Work wasn’t the best today, too. Your boss decided today was a good day to overload you with paperwork and the juniors you were training also decided today was a good day to ask every question a minimum of twenty times. You didn’t have it in you to lash out either, you’d rather go over the procedure twenty times and have them do it right once, than go over it once and have them mess up twenty times. 
Still, you thought to yourself, today’s just too much. 
The trip back to the apartment was something you weren’t looking forward to eitherway because Kenma had texted you earlier in the day that he’d be home a little later because of some last minute meetings he needed to attend. So upon arriving, it didn’t really surprise you when you opened the door to an empty apartment. 
After taking off your shoes and saying Tadaima to no one in particular, you walked through the dark hallway, entered the bedroom and proceeded to just plant yourself face first into the bed. 
You shoot Kenma a quick text letting him know that you were home and to just pick up something to eat if he wanted dinner because you were too tired to prepare anything for yourself that night. His response was immediate and despite your lack of energy you smiled at his text.
“u ok? feel sick?”
“just a rough day. :(” you quickly text as a reply and less than a minute later a photo of him fast asleep on a beanbag lights up your phone screen signaling his request to call.
“I thought you had a meeting?” You mumble, your voice muffled by the pillow.
“I do, but you can keep me on the phone if you need some company.” He says in a whisper, so you hum a thank you and close your eyes.
Eventually you fall asleep to the sounds of distant background chatter, Kuroo’s signature laugh ringing out from time to time, and Kenma’s soft voice talking about business related things you don’t bother to try to decipher.
You figure it’s close to midnight when he comes home because you wake up with a slight nudge to your shoulder and a kiss on the cheek. 
“Eat something at least,” you hear  Kenma’s voice break the silence and smell the familiar scent of your favorite takeout permeating the space in your bedroom.
“Too tired,” you mumble but don’t complain when you feel him lift you up from bed and slowly walk to the kitchen. Automatically, your hands wrap around his neck and you press a sleepy kiss against his jaw. 
“Tadaima.” Kenma says, and you smile.
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pinencurls · 4 years
Feels Like Home
Hiii this is another one shot I had in my drafts for awhile, hope u enjoy!! 
A trip to visit Bestfriend!Harry pulls up feelings from the past.
To find places that feel like home when you're so far away from your own is always a blessing. I often find myself cooped up in train carriages for long empty hours travelling up and down the country - sometimes to nearby neighbouring countries too, with only a book and the view for company. Work in the photography and journalism industry can take you pretty much anywhere, photoshoots and research pieces usually mean I have to travel frequently. I've probably spent more weekends in hotels the past few years than I have in my small London flat, its lavender walls presenting more as a storage place these days and occasional safe haven for when I return.
Most of it is manageable - and exciting, really really exciting. A few times a year a piece will land me in the States and away from my bubble of European arts and culture. The company I work for has a New York branch outside of the London one, so in the times that I find myself flying miles away from home, I'm lucky enough to be welcomed by one of my oldest friends' open arms - and his guest room.
Harry works a lot too, splitting time between London and New York, but on this trip - as always, he's sworn an evening out of his day to pick me up from the airport. I don't get to see much of him anymore, we grew up spending every summer in each other's houses, our parents' old friends from university, but he moved away three years before me and never came back, at least not in the same way that allowed youthful abandon to drive us into the woods to build forts and swim in the river, or make us forget how old we were and fall asleep on his mum's old sofa watching questionable rom coms. I'd happily slip back into our shared holiday practises - every time I visit him there's a shadow of nostalgia when he brings two teas and a joint out to the living room, the same smirk clear on his now slightly unshaven face.
I try to focus on that moment, only a few hours away now. We'll spend tonight and tomorrow together before he can't miss any more studio sessions and I have to report to the office and start my week of work - an article on the rise of youth activists in underprivileged areas of the city. It's a heavy topic but something I've been interested in for a while - I love the music and cultural subjects I've written on before but I've wanted to branch out into a more political field for awhile now. Sandy, my editor, assigned me this a few days ago, a smirk on her face when she nonchalantly delivered it to my desk Monday morning.
. ... . .
My arms are folded up against my chest at an unnatural angle - I've spent the last hour like this in an attempt not to elbow the snoring banker to my left who is, undoubtedly, taking up more than his fair share of the three-seat row. I can't see much good coming from waking him to point this fact out so I stay settled in my awkward position. An eight-hour flight in the middle seat was never going to be comfortable anyway.
My morning had been typically rushed, I missed breakfast in favour of catching my flight before it left without me and found myself bustling through the crowds of families, business people and tourists that fill the airport as soon as I leapt out of the taxi. I didn't have to check any luggage in so sped through security straight to the gate being called overhead. I swear I've got to stop booking early flights if I'm never going to wake up in time to get a croissant from Pret en route.
I turn my focus to the phone in my hands and slip my headphones over my ears. There's only an hour left until we land, seeing no point in starting an inflight movie now, I open my "calm times" playlist and close my eyes. Soon I'll be sleeping on an unnecessarily expensive mattress bigger than this whole row.
. ... . .
"Excuse me, M'am?" The chipper voice of a flight attendant wakes me up, slightly muffled under the Adrienne Lenker song that continues to play through my headphones. The seat to my right, previously filled by a woman a few years older than me, is empty. On my other side, the suit-wearing man spreader is starting to stir. "We'll be landing shortly, please secure your seatbelts and pack away any loose items."
I stumble over a quick 'Thanks' as she leans out of our row and moves on to the next, her perfect customer service smile ready again. The missing woman makes her way down the aisle towards us and takes her seat, she seems hurried and agitated. Out the corner of my eye, I watch as she wrings her hands a few times, sighing heavily and leaning back in her seat. A nervous flyer. I lean over and pull my bag up from the small slot under the seat ahead and slide the book I'd taken out hours before, not having read a page of, back on top of my sweater and the wine gums I'd bought as a makeshift breakfast in my final flurry before boarding.
Overhead, the usual pre-landing announcements chime as people clip in their seatbelts and slip superstitious remedies between their lips. Suited man spreader has chosen a particularly eye-watering peppermint gum to finish our flight off with.
Closing my eyes I focus on the quiet music, too distant to take me out of my body as it's interrupted by the chatter of excited travellers and constant beeps around me. I don't hate flying, but I have developed a favoured fondness of trains. I've seen the ins and out of so many towns and mindlessly people watched for hours, always having the option to hop off at the next station and stretch my legs if any part of the journey is particularly unbearable or a city is too enticing to leave unexplored.
I fiddle with the two buttons along the side of my phone for a second, raising the volume a little and willing my thoughts away from the swooping plane as the familiar wary feeling settles in the pit of my stomach. Maybe I'm a nervous flyer too. But, with a clunk and a slight wobble, we're back on the ground. I keep my eyes shut a little longer, knowing the gridlock of impatient passengers to come is unavoidable. The orange light above me dims and I release the seat belt that had been cutting tightly into my shoulder. The woman beside me is noticeably calmer and we share a giddy - we're strangers but we're smiling at each other - look for a second.
I call Harry when I'm through baggage claim, having packed only a rucksack and a small duffel - both fitting as hand luggage, I head straight through customs where the queues are just starting to build up. I beeline to a near-empty desk on the far right as the dial tone rings against my ear for the third time-
"Hello!" Harry greets down the phone, his voice sounds far away, most likely using the speakers in his car whilst he parks - "M' just parking, love."
"I just got to customs, I'll be ten minutes - meet you outside yeah?"
"I was gonna come in, I'll only be a second." He always pushes to meet me before I make it out the airport, obsessed over the classic reunion scene from all his favourite rom coms. It was well-intended and actually really sweet but it wasn't worth the risk of new rumours being spread across the gossip sites if photos got out of Harry Styles meeting a 'mystery girl' at the airport, as I'd previously been labelled the few times shots of us out dancing in the city or talking over lunch in L.A had gotten out. Harry's protective over his private life and I prefer to keep out of his public one.
"I'm almost through customs...I'll literally be one minute Harry, just wait in the car - wait a sec..." I hold the phone up against my shoulder when I'm beckoned towards the free customs desk, smiling politely and sliding my passport towards the teller. I reply 'work' to her question and thank her when she pushes it back to me, freshly stamped with red ink. "-Okay I'm out, are you by the taxi bit again - you know you're not actually allowed to park there?"
"Actually I'm just...oh god you really are blind aren't you?" He laughs down the line, I look up, confused and only halfway across the long white room towards the exit. Even amongst the crowds, there's an unmistakable figure waving from the benches to the side, phone in hand. "Hey."
I laugh and hang up, slinging my duffel over my shoulder and making my way over to where Harry is now standing, an infamous grin etched across his face. Before I can complain about just how close I am to the car park already, he leans down and engulfs me in a hug.
"Been a while, hmm?" Out of instinct, my arms wrap around him and hold tight. He's right, it's been almost five months since we last saw each other in person. I was away the last few times he came home to London and he's always jetted back to L.A for important meetings by the time I'm on my way back. "Missed you, lovie."
Pulling away to get a better look at him, I rest my hands on his shoulders, his hair's a little longer, and he looks tired but cheery - as usual.
"I missed you too." There's that weird hesitant few second feeling when neither of us breaks eye contact and for a moment it suddenly feels surreal to have each other as real people you can touch and hold.
"Now help me with this bag - the flight fucking murdered my back."
He misses a beat and my duffel hits his leg abruptly, he grunts and grumbles for a second before picking it up and draping his free hand over my shoulder, turning us to face the exit. I forget for a moment that the group of very unsubtle girls on the other side of the room will fuel the newest dating rumour by the morning with photos of Harry pulling my against his side and holding my hand casually - like every few days out of the year we get to spend in each other company, it feels like we're fifteen again and blur into the background, too caught up in our own conversations to notice anybody else.
"Come on - I reckon someone's already pissed that I'm parked in the taxi rank."
... . .
It's late in my jetlagged brain, but not late enough in the city to miss the last bit of rush hour traffic. Harry taps his ringed fingers against the steering wheel to the beat of Peter Gabriels 'Sledgehammer.' I've pulled my knees up to my chest and slouched against the passenger door staring up at the busy lights and cloudy sky. My eyelids dip momentarily, the blurred scenery lulling me out of focus.
"Don't fall asleep on me, I've got a nice dinner planned yet." Harry protests, squeezing my hand in his, eyes on the road as he lifts and moves our now intertwined hands in the air, swaying along to the final chorus playing through his iPhone."C'mon, a little bit of Peter Gabriel should wake you up."
"I hate Peter Gabriel," I mumble and pull my hand from his, poking his cheek when he lets out an exaggerated gasp. I can't help but laugh at his appalled expression, too distracted to object when he pulls my hand back into his and continues his fun as the speakers click and a new song comes on.
Our faces glow yellow against the street lights. My legs ache and my head feels heavy - I tilt it back against the window and watch as Harry sings along to an old Scott Mckenzie song. He's let our hands fall against my seat now, focusing on the busy roads as he turns closer to his apartment. I notice now, for the first time, his subtle disguise; the grey hoodie and dark shades pushed back in his hair. He looks...soft. He laughs when he slips off-key and shoots me a glance, smiling again when he takes in my half-asleep state. He squeezes my hand, his rings are cold and clunky and wake me up a little. I peer out at the road ahead - Harry lives fairly near the airport so we must be getting close, the cafes start to look familiar and I figure we're only a few minutes from home, and sleep.
I wake again at the jolt of the car stopping and the consistent white noise of the engine cutting off when Harry's keys clatter against each other. His door opens and shuts - I think I'm awake?
I must have shifted slightly in my sleep because when the passenger door swings open I stay upright against the seat. I look up to see Harry's hand stretched out towards me.
"C'mon, missing my luxury homemade dinner s'gonna be a lot more comfortable in a real bed" He teases, his smile yet to leave since I first saw him twenty minutes ago sat on that bench - sticking out despite his 'disguise'
I take his hand and tumble slightly haphazardly to stand, looking up briefly to see Harry with both my bags over one shoulder, lifting his free arm to wrap around me. We start towards his building, moving easily through the lobby and into the elevator. I look up again from where my head's resting on his shoulder, surrounded by his hoodie. Yeah, he looks...soft.
When we get inside I head straight to the guest room, nudged forwards by Harry's instructions for me to get some rest before he starts dinner - I've stayed in Harry's apartment enough times to know my way around fairly well, the guest room, where I always stay, is down the hall on the left. The bed is made and there's a fluffy white robe folded on the nightstand. Already head to toe in comfy travel wear, I clamber under the duvet and breathe in the freshly washed sheets - washing detergent with a hint of Harry's vanilla aftershave. My eyes are heavy and my thoughts wander a little. It feels like home.
... . .
When I open my eyes, it's to a darker room. Harry must have come in and closed the curtains while I was asleep, my bags have been leant up against the dresser too. I sit up and look around the room, rubbing my knuckles against my eyelids, still groggy from sleep, but hungry now, the lack of a real breakfast and unsatisfying plane food catching up to me. The alarm on the bedside table reads nine pm, I'd been asleep for almost an hour - I change out of my well-worn flight clothes and into a sweater and soft grey jogging bottoms Harry had left at my London flat last time he stayed over, although it'd been long enough ago they might as well be mine by now.
The kitchen sounds get louder as I make my way out of the guest room and down the hall, yawning into the crook of my elbow amidst pulling a soft yellow scrunchie off my wrist and taming my hair into a lazy, loose ponytail. Harry's occasional grumbles and soft singing fill my ears when I reach the end of the hall and get the full sight of him, in just a t-shirt and jeans now, leaning over a pan of spaghetti trying to twist a strand onto the fork in his hand before dangling in into his mouth with a light hum.
"How's it going, chef?" He turns to see me, eyes wide as he fingers the end of the pasta into his mouth and smirks down at me.
"S'good, was just about to come get you," He turns momentarily to fiddle with what looks like courgette and red pepper frying in a pan behind the spaghetti before looking back at me and motioning for me to bring him the plates he'd left stacked on the counter.
He mixes the courgette, pepper and a fresh-looking tomato sauce into the main pot and stirs it all together before filling my plate up and handing it back to me - all while looking incredibly pleased with himself. He nods over to the table and I set my plate down, taking two wine glasses from beside him and filling them with the wine he's just opened. After double-checking the stove's been turned off safely and our glasses are full, Harry takes the seat in front of me.
"So-" He starts, smiling up at me over the gorgeous dinner set in front of us. "How're you?"
A burst of laughter escapes my lips at the situation, We hadn't been in the same room for months and within the first hour of reuniting I'd fallen asleep, now we were sat down to dinner, ready to discuss our day like old times.
"I'm good, sorry I fell asleep before we could talk," He chuckles before taking a sip of wine, we hear about each other's lives at least once a week - usually phone calls when our jet lag causes our time zones to match up, and always texts throughout the week - this kind of small talk seems silly when I'd spoken to him just this morning before my flight. "How's your mum and Gem?"
"They're well, haven't seen Mum in a little while, every time I call she always seems more interested in you," He replies between bites of spaghetti, "Apparently you're quite the enigma these days."
"Wha-How!" Anne was like a sister to my mum so our families were always close growing up, she often acted just as motherly to me and my sister as she did her own children.
"You don't call anymore." Harry smirks, recalling a frequently used quote from Anne herself.
"That's such I lie - I saw her a few weeks ago when she came down to see Gem and I always call, it's hard you know, I have my own parents to keep track of too."
Harry laughs at this, pleased to have his mothers attention shifted from his own absence for once.
"I'm not sure, apparently she's been gossiping with your mum and you're never home anymore." He must not notice the irony of his words because he's hosting the smuggest expression, staring back at me over his glass.
"Hey - you disappeared first, I'm allowed to have my turn." I fire back, shaking my head jokily.
Harry doesn't seem to catch my light tone though, or he's not keen on my choice of words. He turns rigid opposite me and stares back, agitation brimming in his gaze.
"What's that mean?" He's not bubbly and blushing anymore, sober now with a steady assertive tone as he questions me.
"Come on Harry, m' just joking, relax," He doesn't. "You moved away years before me and never came back, it's not exactly a secret, I didn't mean anything by it."
His fork clatters when it lands on his plate. He puffs out a heavy breath of air before speaking up again, making no effort to hide is disdain this time.
"Fuck off, I came back." I look up to watch him, he hardly curses outside of mild frustration or a lighthearted voice, this is different. "That's not fair and you know it."
"I'm not blaming you Harry I was just making a joke - forget it." The remaining food on my plate is an unsuccessful distraction, nothing's enough to stop Harry when he starts.
"No, you always do this. I didn't disappear, I was working for five years and then I continued to work after that, I came home as much as I could so don't pretend I was all aloof or something." I'm used to holding his gaze through an argument, and this is an argument we've had before - "It was my job to travel for months at a time, you can't blame me for not being around every time we see each other like I just ran off and never called."
"So it's not work for me then?" I shoot back, instantly angry that he finds it so easy to offload all the blame onto me when he's the one who made a meaningless comment into a fight in the first place. "And it fucking felt like that."
Harry's quiet. I finish the last of my wine and pour a second glass.
"I came back."
"Not properly." I put my glass down and massage my fingertips over my temple, this isn't the time to unpack childhood grudges. "I'm only here for a week, can we not fight...please?"
Neither of us speaks for a few moments, my words linger in the air. We never have much longer than a few weeks together before one of us is off again, there's never going to be time to confront that stuff. The transition between only having Harry a few hours away, treating his home like mine on the weekends me and my sister, Ellie, would visit him and Gem and moaning our way through hellish GCSEs together (he was a year ahead so always had a little more to complain about) to him travelling the world and everyone knowing his name was almost nonexistent. It all happened so abruptly, Harry went to London for a few days to film his follow up audition and never came back. I didn't see him until the Christmas of that year, by which time he'd already moved into a place in London and experienced so much that it was hard to act like anything would ever be the same again.
"What did I do wrong, just tell me and I'll fix it, please," Harry begs, earnest as he finally speaks up.
"I don't blame you for anything Harry, I didn't mean it like that..."I sigh, wringing my hands out as nervously as the women beside me hours before on the plane. "Let's just have dinner, yeah? It's really nice Har."
We finish our food with a little more small talk, he asks how Ellie's doing even though he already knows from Gemma's updates that's he engaged now and thinking about moving to London, I ask after a few of his bandmates I met last time I was in L.A. Things are too quiet when we lay down on his sofa to watch the notebook for the 20th time. Neither of us recites the lines we know off by heart and always mock - the air hangs heavy with the lingering anxiety of an argument we're never going to settle, we sit apart stiffly and far too composed for film nights we've shared since we were kids before heading our separate ways to bed.
... . .
Work goes well, the young people I talk to pretty much write the article for me with how much insight they offer up. There are so many parts to the topic that deserve to be covered well that my workdays and evenings at Harry's blur together and soon I've emailing my final draft to Sandy for notes and packing for the airport.
Neither Harry or I have brought the first nights argument up and it looks like it'll be brushed under the rug before I leave tonight. There's been a definite cloud over the last week - I think a more before I speak and Harry's eyes linger on me a little longer when I do.
He stills seems frustrated by our fight, I can't blame him, I am too. He's sat on the sofa with a guitar in his lap, going unplayed as his eyes trail after my last-minute rush around the apartment to gather together all my possessions that had found themselves seeping out into his home over the past week. He watches closely, contemplating whether to speak or just let me go like nothing happened.
"Have you seen my sweater?" I call from the guest room, the wardrobe's empty and my bags are laying on the coffee table in front of Harry - my sweater missing from both.
"The one you brought with you?"
He appears in the doorway, leaning against the frame of the door and peering down at where I'm kneeling before the bed, searching through the very empty and sweaterless dresser, humming a response back at him.
"Yeah, that'd be mine." I snap my head back to look at him, he must be joking.
"Um no, it's mine," He smirks, eyes still sad but fainter now in the looseness of the moment. "I've had it for years, I bought it in Amsterdam in that little thrift store by the cafe with the really good bagels."
"No," He chastises. "I bought it in Amsterdam in that little thrift shop by the cafe with the really good bagels, and you took it home when you left."
He's definitely wrong. Sure I might not remember all of the trip I took to Amsterdam to visit him on tour, but I remember the hours we spent traipsing through thrift store on his day off munching on really good bagels.
"Wrong - please return it now, kindly." I stand and hold out my palm to him.
"No can do," He grins, nudges my hand away from him to fall limply by my side.
"Harry, come on!" I whine, letting my maturity slip slightly as my patience lessens. "I'm already running late, I've gotta finish packing and I can't miss my flight."
"Why not?" He challenges, smiling still but paired with a serious tone now.
"Because, I'm not about to swim back to London."
"No, why can't you stay?" My hand wavers slightly at my side, I'm not sure if he's joking or I can hear sincerity in his voice - it reminds me too much of his solemn begging from Saturday night. "Just stay, a little longer."
He's asked me to before in the past. He isn't afraid to try and steal another day off of me to tag along to an artist friend of his' show the next night or just to get dinner at a restaurant I 'couldn't miss'. On occasion, I've given in to his pestering and rearranged a flight for a few days later. I could, I could. I'd just handed in my work for the week and it was only Friday morning, I won't be needed again until Monday. Flight's would be ridiculously expensive to change this late though, and this 'stay a little longer' felt less for the sake of good food and his favourite spin class and more of a, we need to talk - 'stay a little longer.'
"I can't," I reply simply, closing off the conversation by brushing past him into the hall towards his own room in search of my stolen sweater.
"I'll pay for your flight back." Harrys voice trails after me. "You've worked hard all week, you can afford to take the weekend off."
"I cant." I brush off again, avoiding his gaze as I scan over the room in front of me, heading to his tall chest of draws first and pulling open the one I know is filled with jumpers.
"I want to talk," Harry says softly. He lifts one arm from where he has them crossed over his chest and motions to the chair in the far corner, I investigate and sure enough, my sweater is tucked under a small pile of t-shirts. "Love, you can't ignore me."
"M' not, we're talking aren't we?" I'm just hovering in the middle of the room now, sweater in hand but Harry's tall figure blocks my way out adamantly.
"You know what I mean,"
"Harry, I can't-"
"I'm not letting you leave like this again." He takes a few steps across the room as he talks, "You said we couldn't fight cos you're only here a week, so stay a little longer."
"I don't want to fight." I shake my head, pulling my hand away when he reaches out for it.
"Then we'll just talk."
He's got that determined, soulful look about him. He reaches for my hand again and I let him, he brushes his fingertips over my knuckles lightly. His other hand comes up to my face and guides my head to look at him, still peering down at me expectantly.
Harry and I have always been open with one another. There was never enough time to tiptoe around what was bothering us when he was only home for a few weeks before work or another tour called again. Our parents always joke that we were twins separated at birth, the way we used to huddle in the garden as little kids and whisper to each other. He's my best friend, no matter how far apart we are he never hesitates to talk through his troubles with me, sure there are times we drift with our schedules, but there's too much pulling us back together for it to last long.
"I can't," It's a whisper, but he's close enough to hear it. I pull my hand from his and turn my head to the side. Inhaling, it's far too shakey to hide my nerves and before I can control it there are tears stinging my eyes.
"Love-" Harry coos, fighting my own hand to clear the tears from my cheeks.
"-I can't, Harry I," I say again, the lump in my throat making my words sound choked. He's looking down at me with that sad soft expression again and I can't piece together how we got here. "I can't."
He pulls me into his chest. His arms rest around my shoulders and he presses his face into my neck. He mumbling something but I can't make it out anymore, everything's warm and teary and slightly distorted by heavy breaths.
"We've gotta talk....we've gotta talk," He gets louder, "Love?"
I pull back to see his face. There's a red blush over his nose and cheeks and his eyelashes shine where they're wet. I push back, creating some space between us and clearing my throat.
"I didn't mean anything, we don't have to-I shouldn't have said what I did, I'm not angry, and I have no right to be so can we just, can we please just forget it?"
He shakes his head lightly, rubbing his hands against the back of his neck and standing straighter, feeling taller and intimidating.
"It's more than that, you know," He's swallowed the wobble in his voice, continuing to talk clearly now. "It's not about that, we've needed to talk for awhile - I don't want to leave it for weeks and weeks again, I can't keep pretending like nothing's going on."
"I've got a flight to catch Harry I really can't do this." I insist, walking around him and through the clear doorway, although his footsteps chase closely behind.
"Miss the flight!" Harry shouts as we make it to the living room and I start packing away the last few things on the coffee table. "I'll get you a ticket for Sunday night, just stay."
My throat burns when I push down another round of tears and furiously shove books down the side of my bag. Harry hovers to my side, fiddling with his rings and bouncing his knee back and forth.
"I love you."
I have a flight to catch. I have a flight to catch.
"Don't say it like that- I love you, of course, I love you too" I sigh, slowing down and turning to face him. "...my car's going to be here in fifteen minutes."
"No, I love you."
I have a flight to catch. I have a flight to catch.
"I have a flight to catch."
... . .
I feel shittier on the plane. I've got the window seat this time though so at least I can mope in peace. Not much more had been said after that, my car came, I thanked Harry for having me and our hug lasted longer than usual, again.
Maybe I should have stayed. Maybe I should have talked about the feelings that he'd noticed too before I left, or better yet, the first night I arrived. I'd spent hours stuck in an unproductive thought spiral on the subject over the years, we've had moments in the past, Christmas eves when we're the last ones up and the space between us dwindles down the further we get in our confessions or catching each other in a particularly domestic act in one our homes when it feels like it all just comes naturally and why isn't it like this with any of the guys I've dated?
It doesn't go unnoticed by us that we acted like a couple more often than we did close friends. Gemma and Ellie have confronted me, and most likely Harry too, together and separately for answers on several occasions. I always say the same thing - "We're just friends, we've always been close."
This time's different though. Harry's never brought the subject up outside of the jokes comparing us to his friends in relationships, he's always been in relationships and there's no chance of me broaching the issue of any potential romantic feelings I may or may not have for him while he's seeing somebody, even when he wasn't, it's not worth the risk of it all blowing up in my face and having to spend infinite Christmases in awkward humiliation.
I'd played with the idea of us as a couple, allowed myself to daydream about what it could be like for a few moments before reminding myself how low the possibility of Harry ever feeling the same is. Even if he did, the long-distance friendship we have now would never survive as a relationship - you can't go months without the person you're trying to build a life with.
But, maybe I should have stayed.
Maybe, when he told me he loved me, I should have been braver. In the one moment, it all finally felt clear and possible, and like I wasn't completely delusional and hopeless, I should have told him I love him too.
Either way, I have eight long, back aching hours ahead of me to decide.
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sternenteile · 6 years
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BOLD  whatever applies to / attracts your muse.    
TAGGED BY :  gently pilfered this from @legendcrown......... TAGGING :  i’m half-asleep rn hodijgoishigg i cant think of names just! do it if u want to!!
BROTHERS KARAMAZOV : orthodox monasteries , deep woods , starry nights , the sound of paper being torn , dimly lit rooms , withered roses , an unfinished letter , piles of books  , the sound of shattering glass , ticking of clocks in a silent house ,  heavy wooden furniture , the air before a storm , the smell of earth  , a crowd of people dressed in black , distant murmurs ,  emptied streets , the fear of walking alone in dusk
CRIME AND PUNISHMENT  : coldness of the skin against a blade , slender pale fingers & slightly shaking hands , a red stain blooming on white fabric , lonely steps in a corridor ,  the slow dripping of water , looking out of the window into the thickening darkness , a single dying candle on the table , listening to one’s breath  &  counting heartbeats ,  too many stairs , the desire to be invisible , a subtle memory of kind words
THE IDIOT  : classical statues , wealth covered with dust , a dark house tainted with inherited madness , an unsettling feeling , long walks in a park  , useless chatter , a silken ribbon forgotten on a bench ,  a melancholic face , an unexpected spring rain  , the joy of reading one’s favorite book , the clarity of mind after fully perceiving the world around , looking at cloudless sky
ANNA KARENINA : fields of crops , flowers brought from an early morning walk , the wind caressing a girl’s hair , a bowl of fruit , the smell of ripe pears , the clatter of a spoon against porcelain when stirring tea , children’s laughter coming from the garden , soft sunlight  & white curtains  , the sensation of velvet against skin  , pearls from a ripped necklace spilling on marble floor , a sudden silence in a room full of people
WAR AND PEACE  : a glass of wine , the brightness of  a crystal chandelier , white lace , a raging snow storm , the sound of a door being gently closed , the moment of holding one’s breath before walking in a ball room , indulging in looking at a beautiful earring against light , closing one’s eyes for a moment while dancing ,  the sweet smell of strawberries  ,  a pair of gloves left on an armchair  , light scent of powder
THE MASTER AND MARGARITA  : the chaos of a lively city , ambient jazz in an expensive restaurants , jumping on a moving tram , the sight of moscow from the roof of a house , yellow flowers in a vase , leaning out of the window , shelves stacked with books , a small tin box with old photographs , strange shapes in the night sky , laughing in the middle of the night on a balcony , colorful posters for a magician’s show floating in the wind
EUGENE ONEGIN : a lonely mansion , reading a book in the parlour , faint piano melody lingering in falling silence , long evenings , passing seasons ,  discussing french novels of the moment , unspoken thoughts , leaning against the door frame , eating a peach absent-minded , bright mornings , footprints in snow , a loud gun-shot terrifying a flock of birds nearby
FATHERS AND SONS  : birch groves  , morning mist ,  moss-covered stones near a moor , scientific books , white roses , cheap champagne , shabby pocket - watch , light - hearted irony , a maladroit cello sonata , freshly mowed grass , letting thoughts come & go , a slow yawn , picturesque plates / bowls filled with traditional dishes , drinking tea on the porch
DOCTOR ZHIVAGO  : a strange feeling of loss , writing poems in a diary , traveling by train , the hesitation before touching someone’s hand , the gaze of one lost in thought , the warmth of cinnamon , a scarf brightly embellished with flowers , a glass of water , a threadbare jacket  , the tempting void , the evanescent serenity of yesterday.
CHERRY ORCHARD  : a lone chair in an empty room , falling blossoms , old samovar , the unsettling need for change , a mirror reflecting full moon , the disappointment of a glossy object turning worthless after second glance , a piano out of tune.
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hazohazahazbro · 6 years
Airport Heat-Wave
Pairing: Tom x Reader
Featuring: Tom Holland
Warning: fluff
Request - Could you do a Tom imagine based off the song "Anywhere with you is home"? (The one with Alyson Stoner) The line that made me think of Tom is "My passport's thick from all that we've been through, but the best thing that I've seen is you." <3 love u
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 There was a four-hour delay on the last flight home and you were seated in the airport, drenched in sweat from the 13-day heat wave that hit. The airport had been having difficulties with its air conditioning and all you, and the other waiting passengers, could do was sit and fan yourselves with whatever you could find. It wouldn't be that big of a deal to you but tomorrow was your anniversary and you wanted it to be something really special for you and your boyfriend of two years. You definitely did not want to be stuck in a hot airport with a bunch of strangers who were starting to stink.
"Babe?" You turned to look at your boyfriend as he walked over to your seat. His white t-shirt was starting to show the sweat that was building under his arms. His hair was falling into his eyes but he was smiling warmly down at you. With two bottles of water in-hand, he sat back in his seat beside you.
"Thank you. You are a God." You smiled as he handed a water to you. Without any pause, you jugged the refreshment back.
"Geez, if I knew you were that thirsty I would've been faster." Tom joked, sliding down his seat more so he could rest his head back. "I'm on fire."
"I know, we all are." There was no denying how much you wanted to scream that out. And then run and jump into a pool of ice cubes.
Tom brought his hand down on your thigh and gave it a squeeze. It was a small act but it made you melt inside. It was always the small things he did. Even if he was just brushing past you and accidentally touched you, your body would start to vibrate and you would feel queasy. It was a good kind of queasy, like butterflies in your stomach.
"I'm sorry about the flight," Tom grumbled, leaning over so his head was on your shoulder.
"It's your fault. You don't control air traffic." You laughed softly with as much humor as you could muster.
"But we could've taken a private flight and be there by now." He sighed. You could feel the heaviness of your eyelids as exhaustion swept through you. But the thought of what Tom said was keeping you from falling asleep.
"We agreed, Tom." You said, remembering the deal the two of you made before taking the two-month summer vacation in Europe. It was silly to Tom when you suggested it, but eventually, he warmed up to the idea because you wouldn't have it any other way.
"I know, I know. But we could still call the pilot-"
"Tom." The firmness in your voice made him stop and the two of you fell into the silence of the airport. Or well, the silence just between the two of you. The rest of the airport was alive with chatter and the sounds of different flights being called and distant planes taking off.
"Right, okay. No luxuries." His voice was small and you laughed at the grumpy two-year-old in him. His hand was still on your thigh and it was the only distraction from the loud airport and the disgusting heat.
"This isn't how I imagined our anniversary would go," Tom spoke. "Or the end of your trip, for that matter."
"Me neither. This heat is ridiculous."
"It would be much better if we had some cold drinks, a sandy beach, the sun – but of course a cool ocean breeze – and just you. No airports." Tom mumbled on, his hand that was on your thigh started to make small circles, and the feeling was making you comfortable enough to want to doze off. You didn't want to be stuck in an over-heated airport either but there was no other option, and you didn't want Tom's luxuries to have to save the day.
"A cold drink would be nice." Subconsciously, you nodded along and it made Tom laugh.
"But, I mean, this airport is everything I want and more." He said, making you turn your head to look at him. Although he was already staring up at you with his childish humor in his eyes.
"Sarcasm like that will get you killed someday." You shot back. But Tom only shook his head laughing.
"Not even, I'll have you to protect me." He said, pulling himself up from his chair and quickly pecking you on the lips. His hand on your thigh slipped further up your leg with the motion and then was pulled away completely. The action caught you off guard and as Tom leaned back in his chair with a smug grin, you stared at the ground in awe.
"Okay." You sighed, closing your eyes briefly to try and calm your body. The heat was getting to you and now your body was beginning to heat up further from the actions of your teasing boyfriend. Tom sat upright and looked at you with his eyebrows raised.
"Okay, what?" Tom asked though you knew he knew what you were talking about.
"Okay, you can call the pilot." You breathed, staring at him. "Let's get out of this fucking airport." Tom laughed and quickly pulled out his phone and called the pilot. You watched in bemusement as there was no hesitation as Tom made the call to get you out of the heat wave.
"He'll be here in twenty," Tom said as he hung up the phone, sliding the device back into his pocket. You smiled at him greatly. "You won't even regret this because you'll be so glad to get out of this airport."
"I know. I just wanted one summer with no luxuries." You sighed, shrugging your shoulders making Tom snort.
"We just spent two months practically hitchhiking through Europe and you're still complaining about luxuries?" He asked, the humor clear in his voice but you could also see the seriousness in his eyes. The thought made you laugh and soon Tom was laughing alongside with you.
"Okay, you're right." You settled down from the laughter, with your sides hurting. Your body was still overheating but the company of Tom was taking your thoughts elsewhere.
"Even though we were hitchhiking, and now dying in an over-crowded, over-heated airport-" Tom stopped his laughter completely and was staring at you entirely serious, making you stop your movements. "There was and still is, no place and no person, I'd rather be hitchhiking through Europe with and dying in an airport with. Or accidentally getting in a vehicle with an ex-con." The last one made you snort and Tom couldn't help but smirk at the memory.
"I love you." You said, leaning toward him with your body buzzing just to feel any contact with him. "But let's please, never get in a car with an ex-con again." You two shared a smile and all you wanted was to just be held by him. Sweaty and smelly bodies and all.
"I love you too," Tom mumbled against your skin as he kissed your cheek and then your lips. The two of you getting lost in your own little world.  
okay so i’m back and i’m not 100% how often i’ll be posting but i’ve been going through a lot of mental and physical problems right now so please
bare with me.
i love you all and thank you for being so patient.
Prompt List I: (x)
Prompt List II: (x)
Prompt List III: (x)
Masterlist: (x)
Tag List: 
@tomsleftbrow @rock-n-roll-queens @1022bridgetp @captainaudreystark @castellandiangelo @artberries @the-red-world-of-jess-chibi @marvel-fanfiction 
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