#and ugh i said we’d do a class party tomorrow so i guess im going to the shops after work for snacks
dontwanderoff · 9 months
the kids are a new type of feral wherein they cannot be tamed by just putting a movie on anymore
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breeeliss · 8 years
[Femslash February]: Snow
im actually a piece of garbage i should not be trying to do this
if you take a peek at how the prompts are split up, there’s one box of color per week. so this is begging for one pairing per week. gonna have Chlonette be my blue box :) so for the next seven days i’ll fulfill the prompts with the two of them before switching to a new pairing!
oh. do not support this. i have homework to do. seriously. stop me. i’m actually 75% serious. 
Day 1: Snow (Chlonette)
Words: 1473
Link to Archive of Our Own: [AO3]
[Next: Asleep]
“Oh, dammit!”
Marinette called out from the kitchen with her mouth full. “What?”
Chloe was standing in front of the apartment windows with her hands on her hips. “Are you seeing what’s outside right now?”
“The sky, hopefully.”
“No! I mean what’s in the sky! Come, this is an emergency!”
She rolled her eyes, left her empty breakfast plate on the kitchen table, and looped around the corner, jokingly mirroring Chloe’s position in front of the window. “What’s the emergency?”
Chloe scoffed and turned to Marinette. “Are you serious right now? You see this, don’t you?”
“Yes, I see it, what’s your point?”
“What the hell!? That’s my point!”
Marinette’s eyes widened and she laid a gentle hand on Chloe’s shoulder. “Oh my gosh, wait. I’m being so insensitive. Sometimes I forget that you’re so sheltered you’ve never seen snow before. This must be a shock for you.”
Chloe shrugged Marinette’s hand off with a glare while Marinette threw her head back and cackled. “Oh, shut up! That’s not what I meant!”
“Darling, it’s winter time. It’s cold out. It snows. These are all very normal things.”
“We were supposed to get our hair done today,” Chloe muttered. “I wanted to take you to that Indian restaurant I found the other day, too. We haven’t gone out in forever.”
Their apartment windows were completely whited out from all the snow that was falling. It was hard to see many of the buildings that were right next to theirs. It was more snow than they’d ever gotten in a while, and she was sure it wasn’t going to let up until later this evening. She wrinkled her nose. “Yeah, I don’t think this is weather to be going anywhere in.”
“You’d think it’d have the decency to warn us in advance when this sort of thing is going to happen.”
Marinette smirked. “It being the weather?”
“They’ve been talking about this on the news for like three days,” Marinette teased. “You just never check it. But it does look like it’s coming down way worse than they said it would. Doesn’t seem to safe to travel until it calms down.”
The sight of all her plans being covered up by inches of snow must have started annoying her because Chloe purposefully turned one of the armchairs away from the window and towards the front door before she sat down so that she wouldn’t have to look at it. She even crossed her arms and slung one knee over the other to make her displeasure clear. “I had plans, and they’re ruined....” she grumbled. 
Marinette smiled fondly and moved to settle herself in Chloe’s lap, wrapping an arm over her shoulders. Chloe immediately hugged Marinette around the middle and leaned her head against hers. “We can always try to go out next weekend. I know you’re busy tomorrow. At least it won’t be violently snowing and we’ll have the whole weekend to ourselves. I’ll clear my schedule.”
“Ugh, I’m tired of being cooped up in here though,” Chloe complained. “I wanted to go out with you.”
Marinette hummed. “We can have a date in here. I’ll cook you dinner.”
“Mmmmm, only if we dress up tonight. With like candles and nice music, the whole shebang.”
“You know, you are surprisingly very cheesy.“
“God forbid I want to wine and dine you! Lord...”
Marinette pressed a kiss to the top of Chloe’s head and was at least happy to see that Chloe was smiling, but she knew how much Chloe hated having plans cancelled, especially when she went through so much trouble to plan them in advance. Something about having dates cancelled annoyed her even more. Plus, Chloe had a point. It was the holidays and they were both spending most of their time in their apartment to keep out of the cold. It would’ve been nice to get some fresh air even just for a little bit. 
And then Marinette had an idea. 
She shook Chloe’s shoulder and waited for her to look up at her. “Let’s go play in the snow!”
Chloe squinted. “What?”
“Play! In the snow!” Marinette said excitedly. “We can go out in the front courtyard, we can spend time together, and we get to go outside and enjoy the weather!”
“Marinette, it’s shit outside!”
“So?” She hopped out of Chloe’s lap and pulled her out of the chair, leading her to the back of the apartment where their bedroom was. Chloe still sounded too confused to put up much of a fight, and Marinette took advantage of her silence to start digging through her drawers for her thermals. “The snow’s already sticking and there’s at least five inches on the ground. Ah! We can have a snowball fight!”
Chloe was pressing fingers into her temples. “Darling, we are adults. Grown adults. With jobs. And salaries. And health insurance.”
Marinette sighed pitifully. “I understand what this is. You’re afraid you’re going to lose the snowball fight.”
“I’m not....what the hell, I’m not afraid I’m going to lose the snowball fight. It’s just that it’s a horror show outside, and I don’t want to ruin my new snow boots. Besides, I freaking rock at snowball fights!”
Marinette turned her back to her. “Debatable...”
Chloe gasped. “Excuse me!?”
“I dunno, babe,” Marinette sung, pulling out her snow boots and rifling through her closet for a warm sweater. “Kinda sounds like you’re overcompensating....”
“You little brat, move over!” Chloe bumped shoulders with Marinette and started throwing sweaters and scarves from her half of the closet behind her and onto the bed. “I’ll have you know, Adrien reigned me the ultimate snowball champion when we were six years old and I still have the medal he made me out of cardboard, so I’m legit.”
“Psh, like that means anything,” Marinette chuckled. “That was almost twenty years ago. I’m afraid you might have gotten a little rusty.”
Chloe was pulling off her sleeping pants and pulling on her thermals while Marinette layered on two sweaters. “You are so undeniably rude. I will not have you stand here calling my skills into question. You’re an absolute terror.”
Marinette stuck her tongue out. “You love it.”
“Alright. I’ll make you a deal.” It was really hard for Chloe to look imposing when she was wearing that bright yellow bumblebee sweater that Marinette had gotten her as a joke last year -- but always wore and never threw away despite how garish it looked -- but Marinette sobered up and nodded solemnly as she waited for the conditions. “If you, by some God given miracle, manage to beat me, I will.....go to the gym with you.”
Marinette burst out laughing. “Wait, no, that’s not good enough. You have to come into the weight rooms with me. You can’t just cheat, go on the elliptical for five minutes, and sneak into the Pilates class.”
“You enjoy my impeccable core strength, don’t lie and say you don’t.”
Marinette rolled her eyes. “Fine. Would’ve loved to have taken you camping so we could’ve gone outdoor rock climbing, but I guess I’ll take the gym.”
“I’m not doing that!” Chloe repeated for the tenth time. “Unlike some people I don’t enjoy dangling by rope from 500 meters up. Plus it’s outside! With bugs, and germs, and animals, and gross shit, and no, and ew, and kill me.”
“You have safety harnesses. And nature is good for you. We’d be in a cabin with freaking Wi-Fi. It’s healthy for you!”
“We do not share your death defying extreme sports hobby or your enthusiasm for the outdoors! Let it go!”
“Like I said,” Marinette grinned. “We’ll work up to it. Also, this coming from the woman who’s literally about to go outside and face the elements with me.”
“My honor is on the line. You have to put up yours too.”
“Fine, fine,” Marinette groaned. “If you win I will....dress up as Chat Noir for Adrien’s costume party next month.”
Chloe actually jumped in the air and screamed. “Holy shit, you are so getting your ass handed to you! Adrien bet me a hundred euros you wouldn’t do it, and he is going to look so stupid when he pays me.”
“You two are betting on this?”
Chloe paused. “....no sweetheart, never behind your back, I love you.”
Marinette gave her a flat look as she pulled her hat on. “Keep talking. You’re gonna be eating ice in a few minutes.”
Chloe yanked on her gloves. “You really underestimate how petty and ruthless I can be.”
“If I’ve handled it for five years, I can handle it now,” Marinette promised. They were both dressed, and Marinette gestured to the bedroom door. “First five hits to the face wins?”
Chloe finished pulling her hair into a bun and putting her hat on over it. Heaven forbid her hair get ruined because of a snow ball fight. “Child’s play, my dear. This will be over very quickly.”
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