#and uh maybe get married 👉👈
rosicheeks · 2 years
Rosie, the blooming flowers of your soul,
Carpets the mind of this humble writer,
Your radiant smile is made to console,
The world so it turns ever so brighter.
Poetry made manifest by your celestine power,
Continue being a soft candle ever glowing,
To rain upon the darkness as a gentle shower,
Sprouting forests in beauty growing,
Healing all you touch.
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differenteagletragedy · 6 months
could we maybe get some more group poly hcs but them as parents 👉👈 i just think that household would be chaotic (affectionate)
-- Baxter learns to sew. He's never been like averse to the idea, but having such a large family it just sort of makes sense. Then he gets into it and makes curtains for the house, the kids' Halloween costumes, etc.
-- Derek reads the bedtime stories. Baxter embellishes them. Sometimes he goes too far and Derek makes him leave.
-- Before you have kids, Cove needs to make absolutely sure that everybody is all in, because his parents' divorce was hard on him and he doesn't want to do that to his own kid. There are going to be lots of long talks.
-- Baxter and Derek both join the PTA and they are not going to hold back.
-- Cove teaches them how to swim in the pool as early as possible. Derek installs a serious security fence around the pool. Baxter worries anyway.
-- The preschool is doing a dance recital and they need a parent to volunteer to help? Fine, Baxter will choreograph it, but he won't like it (it's because he will love it).
-- This isn't like breaking news, but Cove cries over everything with the kids. Everybody expects Baxter to tease him about it, but he never would, he thinks it is so precious.
-- Cove goes overboard with birthdays and Christmas. Like, really overboard. He just loves giving gifts! But Christmas, with the gifts for everyone, is an actual nightmare. Just piles and piles, Derek's scared it might be a fire hazard.
-- This isn't about the kids, but Derek makes sure the tree is safe for Baxter's cats.
-- Baxter teaching his kids to dance before school dances.
-- The kids coming up to their dads and asking them for dating advice and all three of them are like "Uh ... well ... you see ...."
Cove: Could you try attaching yourself to their hip for years and never ever admitting how you feel and getting embarrassed if they ever bring it up?
Derek: Maybe you could ask them to marry you but then tell them that you don't like them like that but tell them that you see yourself marrying them anyway?
Baxter: Perhaps ... no, don't listen to me.
You: *deep sigh*
-- You know that scene from the beginning of "Home Alone" where everyone is running around and they order like 20 pizzas and it's all loud and crazy? Yeah it's kind of like that every day.
-- But it should go without saying that none of them would ever forget an entire dang kid at home when they go on vacation.
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mr-ding-dong · 5 months
DBD men... And would I blow them?
The Trapper - No, I just feel like he'd be way too rough.
The Wraith - Yes yes yes... I will not further explain my reasoning.
The Hillbilly - no, I know he's musty from being in those walls for ages. But I'd give him a hug.
The Doctor - HELL NO... he creeps me tf out, and he's a huge psychopath... Most killers are, but he's on a special level.
The Shape - Probably, like in a really odd circumstance.
The Clown - Nope, I know for a fact he probably has some disease down there. Mungy clown.
The Cannibal - No... But I'd give him a hug and head pats.
The Legion (Frank) -... Maybe, he's a mixed bag for me. Probably not, simply because of Jules.
The Legion (Joey) - Yes, he's hot. Duh.
The Nightmare - Nope, I'd rather kill him.
The Ghost face - Yes, why not, seems like a fun time.
The Oni - I'd be down, ngl. Like 👉👈 perhaps I'd go down if my life was spared from his blood rage 👀
The Deathslinger - Nope, notta chance. Sorry... But no.
The Executioner -... Yes, he's definitely musty... But I'm willing to somewhat look past it. Just no damn scarab beetles.
The Blight - Nope, I don't want any of the infection juice he's having. I wouldn't even high five him without ten gloves on.
The Trickster - Nope, I hate him. I don't care if he's hot, he's not getting any, I'd rather kick his ass.
The Cenobite -... Probably. Not in the chatter skin, but if the chains don't go through my skin and just kinda tie... I'd be okay.
The Dredge - Wtf even is it? Does it even have one? No... Ew.
The Mastermind - Nah, I'm good. He doesn't need more of an ego trip. I'll be passing on that even if he's British.
The Nemesis - No... Again... Does it even have one?
The Singularity - Does it even have one #3? And no! I'd rather feed it a bomb and watch it explode, before high fiving Gabriel.
The Knight - Handjob... I feel like something is wrong down there so my mouth ain't touching shit.
The Good Guy - No, he's a married man and a doll. And a father! No... I'm not that type.
Jake Park - Yes, already on knees. No hesitation.
Dwight Fairfield -... Out of pity, sure. But only once.
David King - Nope. Not my type, too rough and weird face... Ngl.
Bill Overbeck - No, he's cool... But like in a badass grandpa type of way.
Ace Visconti - No... I can smell the STDs off of him, I don't trust that man.
Adam Francis - Sure, he seems nice, probably clean too.
Jeff Johansen - Nah... I'll pass. A bit too much like a relative.
Quentin Smith - Sure...if I don't stare at his face for a long time, because they really messed up his face.
Steve Harrington -... Yes. I won't deny it.
Ash Williams - He looks like my father, so no.
David Tapp - Nope, probably married or something and I don't do that.
Felix Richter - I just don't vibe that way, I forget he exists most of the time. So no.
Leon Kennedy - YES. Sorry Ada, but YES.
Jonah Vasquez -Nope, I just don't really... Like the vibes... I'll pass.
Yoichi Asakawa - He's so sweet, so yeah... Plus he's pretty. I'd be down.
Gabriel Soma - 100%, he's definitely traumatized but who isn't from the survivors...and killers.
Vittorio Toscano - I don't usually go for much older men or beards....but I'd be down.
Renato Lyra - I like messy hair, I'm a sicker for it. So as long as he doesn't cut his hair, my knees are on the ground.
Nicholas Cage - No! He is a married man with kids. Nuh uh.
Alan Wake - Nah... No offense but he looks like a cheaper Keanu Reeves. I'll pass.
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halfagone · 8 months
DID YOU SAY THAT YOU READ WEBTOONS? What uh.... What are your favorites? 👉👈 I'm still trying to wean off reading manga, and the only webtoons I've read are Queen Cecia Wears Knickerbockers and Wayne Family Adventures 😂
Yes, I have read quite a few Webtoons in my day (Why do I sound so old right now?) I have not heard about the Queen Cecia Webtoon, but Wayne Family Adventures is a very good choice, in my totally unbiased opinion. 🤣
If you want more DC Webtoons, then there is Red Hood: Outlaws and there is Zatanna & The Ripper. I haven't caught up with either of them, but if you do love those characters or want to see more from them, I definitely commend checking those out. There was also the Vixen: NYC Webtoon, but unfortunately that one seems to be cancelled now. 🥺
If you're interested in completed Webtoons, then I have a few offerings. I love Siren's Lament, it's a wonderfully complicated Webtoon even if it does hurt my heart sometimes. Gourmet Hound is more of a slice of life with some drama for added effect, but I really did adore that Webtoon that the art was just so cute!! Flow has some incredible worldbuilding mechanics and it's just so tasty. If you want more hero Webtoons, then there's I Don't Want This Kind of Hero, although that one does contain some distressing themes at times so like... beware. And then there is one of my ultimate favorites, which is called Gepetto, which is inspired and based on the Pinocchio tale but more futuristic and dystopian, if that's your fancy.
As for ongoing Webtoons, there's Marry My Husband, which is one of those time travel Webtoons where the MC dies and comes back to life sometime in the past and tries to fix their future. The main story is done, but they do have side stories which have been super cute to read.
There's the ever famous The Remarried Empress, and you'll probably see a lot of references to characters from this Webtoon if you read other Webtoons with a similar premise of- arranged marriage, terrible consort, attractive male lead that is decidedly not the husband, but don't worry he will be.
There is a newer Webtoon called I am the Villain, which is part of the Isekai genre, I would say. It's a beautiful Webtoon, the art is just stunning, and I have no idea what's going on but I'm having a great time.
For more action-based Webtoons, there is Eleceed and if anything happened to my boy Jiwoo I will kill everyone in this room and then myself. And apparently I've done a poor job of that promise because this boy has gone through it, but he still a sweetheart and I love him for that.
There's also the Omniscient Reader, which was actually originally a webnovel called Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint, but has since been turned into a manhwa and it's so long but it's so good. I love my sunfish man and ugly squid king (bonus points to anyone who knows that reference).
Here is a Webtoon I have complicated feelings about: Tower of God. This was actually the first ever piece of media I published fanfiction for. It's this really incredible, complex, mind-bending fantasy Webtoon. It is very long, it currently stands at 581 chapters and counting. Unfortunately, the fandom ruined the experience for me, and I pretty much quit all of my fics and that's how I found myself here in the DPxDC fandom! There is an anime for it, currently just Season 1 is out but fingers crossed on Season 2! 🤞But definitely read it first before you watch because the pacing is a little fast for the anime and you don't get that same sweet, sweet tension. I am lucky enough that I do still have one beloved friend that I can talk about Tower of God with, or else I think I probably wouldn't have put it on this list at all.
Eleceed, Omniscient Reader, and Tower of God are all manhwas, which are Korean manga for a shorthand explanation. So if you want to wean yourself off those forms of fiction then... maybe stay away from these because they can suck you in.
Speaking of beloved friend, @midnightenigma recommended to me the Like Wind on a Dry Branch Webtoon, and I am still so upset about it because I will never be the same. 😭 The worldbuilding for this Webtoon is amazing and I adore the slow building romance and plot, and the exploration of grief and just- I am not okay.
I have more things I could recommend but that's... probably as much as I should offer now. lol I hope you find a treat to read from the bunch, though!
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lonesome--hunter · 2 months
hi josiah has been on my mind a lot lately bc im writing a cult whump story and stuff... and im like obsessively imagining my protag (mary) being married off to josiah instead of her canon wife naomi... and like being indoctrinated into a different cult (the cult of horrible suffering and pet whumpees)... and like, she could still have her prayer closet and she could be locked into the closet by josiah and she could still be starved and have it be called "fasting".... and all that...... im foaming at the mouth i kinda rly wanna write a crossover fanfic but i'd have to reread the entirety of the devil's highway to get a good grip on my man again. god i love josiah. he would be SUCH a horrible husband to mary in many respects but then he would also be a very good husband in some ways and aaaaaaaa mary would absolutely 100% believe divorce is not an option and she would also help josiah cope with his suicidal tendencies and GOD ALL OF IT IS SO GOOD IN MY HEAD. im even coming off anon to share all of this even tho im usually too afraid AJDJSKSKSK anyway uh what do u think abt me writing a little fanfic maybe potentially sometime in the future...👉👈 im saying it now tho, i will Not be able to get josiah's awesome accent to work bc im not good enough of an english speaker for that AJDJDKDK but yeah i. am rabid about this concept
in my head, the fic would kinda go like this. mary's upbringing would be the same as in canon, so her family dies in an accident and shes raised by her religious grandma. her grandma passes when shes 19 and from then on shes very alone. and in the crossover she would like work as a waitress in the small town josiah frequents, in a diner he frequents. and they meet often and they kinda fancy each other and mary is religious like josiah and they talk abt jesus sometimes and also josiah eventually takes her out. and then josiah is just like okay that was enough courting i am now taking her By Force. so he kidnaps her on their next date. and then mary is just forced to be a nice stay at home wife and put up with josiah's human pets and cook and clean and go to church with him. they have a backyard wedding in front of god only because thats the only guy that matters anyway. mary is like fucking terrified all the time forever but also she has good moments with josiah and she grows to care for him deeply... im sorry i rambled so much but like yea this lives in my head rent fucking free
I've been feeling crummy with health stuff and this makes my day so much!
I cannot wait to read it!
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themountainsays · 2 years
I been thinking about the cursed AU were everyone is allowed to be incestuous except Isabela like she is asking Julieta who is sitting on Pepa's lap while pepa kisses her neck if she could pretty please be allowed. to join the Grandchildren poly relationship (Minus Antonio) she really just wants Mirabel but she wouldn't mind being included with the rest but Mirabel is her desire and Julieta goes no you have to marry a guy to preserve of our image once you do that and have a few kids than maybe you can go be with them.
Omg reverse curse of venus yes. Curse of Mars or something. And poor girl 😔😔 we know she's sistersexual, exclusively attracted to her own sisters, she can't stand seeing everyone else get to smooch and hug Mirabel (and... sit her on their laps 👉👈). She wants some Mirabel too 😭😭😭😭😭
Also i love the implication that everyone is so open about their feelings and big on PDA like Julieta is there getting hickeys from her sister or something and chatting with her daughter about whether or not she's allowed to date baby sister Mirabel. I find that oddly adorable for some reason, like the kids grow up seeing the adults so in love with each other uwu. Despite the, uh, innappropriate aspect lmao
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alovesongshewrote · 3 years
vamp doux x reader 👉👈
Munch Munch | Hisirdoux Casperan HCs
munch munch, tw for blood and some spice (it doesn't go too far), hope you enjoy anon!
Taglist:  @furblrwurblr​ @sorrels-scribbling​ @anxious-stitcher​ @alive-and-afraid​ @animedweeb333​ @douxiesdamsel​ @saroski05 @blixeon​ @mxcheese​ @prismarts @lady-of-a-castle
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Ok, i’ve gotta be honest
If douxie was a vampire, i don’t think too much would change
What, he has to avoid the sunlight now?
He did that already
Nothing is changing there
Wears mostly black and has a home decorated with skulls?
That’s just how he lives
The only major difference between normal wizard douxie and vampire (wizard?) douxie is uh
The whole thirst for blood
It stands to reason then, that dating vampire douxie is very much the same with a few notable exceptions
1) There are fewer dates involving garlic bread
And 2) His skin feels a lot colder to the touch
Other than that, dating vamp douxie is mostly staying up late with him while he tells you to go to sleep
Cuddling with him in the summer because it’s like cuddling an ice cube
Sharing an umbrella on sunny days
Wearing silver when you’re irritated at something he’s done
(which results in vast amounts of puppy dog eyes until you forgive him)
Or… maybe that would be baby bat eyes?
Dating vamp doux also includes:
Not getting married in a church
Learning about vampire lore and history
Cuddling with douxie, but he’s in bat form (or wolf form- because apparently that was a thing dracula could do)
Keeping douxie away from garlic
Avoiding his fangs when you kiss him
Admiring his fangs in general
And having him teach you how to fight vampires
Those are some cute headcanons
But uh
I know what you’re really looking for
It’s the biting
And the blood drinking
And the being turned into a vampire by your beloved so that the two of you can live your vampire lives side by side for however long you please
I mean
Whoever turned douxie gave him those fangs for a damn reason, and i intend to write about it
There are two ways vamp douxie could bite you (and drink from you)
And there another two ways douxie could turn you into a vampire, plus one where he isn’t the one turning you
We’re gonna start with the biting, because it’s fun
Way 1: you convince Douxie to bite you because you’re curious, and you want to know what it feels like to get munched
And i mean
It takes some convincing to get him to bite you
But once he agrees to do it?
You’re in for a ride
I'm thinking
You pull him into your bedroom
You lie down on the bed
(because you’re preparing for some mild blood loss)
You pull him down with you
And he lands with his hands on either side of your head, holding himself above you
His hair is in his eyes
His necklace is in your face
And it makes you laugh
And like
He would laugh, too
But uh
He’s kind of nervous about biting you
He’s afraid that he’ll lose control
That he’ll taste you, and that he won’t be able to stop
He looks into your eyes
And he sees how much you trust him
That makes him believe he can do this
He can please you without killing you
And when you sit up and kiss him
When you put your hands on either side of his face and smile against his lips
That just makes him even more confident
He kisses you back
And you lie down again
And this time
You uh
You slowly move your shirt off of your shoulder
Maybe undo a few buttons
You move it further from your neck
Exposing the skin of your throat, some of your chest
Inviting him to bite
And you maintain eye contact with him the entire time
You can see his pupils dilating
You can see how much he wants you
You run a hand through his hair
Just to torture him a little
And it works
He bows his head, kissing your neck, your shoulder
Basically everything you just exposed
He’s ready
He’s gonna bite you, he’ll do it
He just
Needs to ask
“Are you sure you want this, love?”
The unheard question being- “Are you sure you want me?”
And i mean
You don’t even answer this time
You just nod enthusiastically and kiss him again
This time, he laughs
Because you’re adorable, and he loves you
He kisses your neck again
And then
He sinks his teeth into you
It doesn’t hurt as much as you thought it would
But you gasp nonetheless
You dig your fingers into him
And you cling to him for a bit
But you are smiling
Does it hurt a little? Yes
But there’s more to it than the pain element
There’s something else
Something you can’t define just yet
(probably because of the blood loss)
And it feels good
You just
Lie back
And let yourself enjoy the moment
Meanwhile, on the opposite end of the scale
He’s mildly ashamed to admit it
Douxie is actually kind of enjoying this
It’s easier to control himself than he thought it would be
He can feel your heartbeat
It’s more than that, actually
While he’s biting you, you are all he feels
Your heart, your soul surrounds him until there’s nothing left but you
He loves it
And like
You taste pretty good
He’s satisfied
He stops drinking just as you start to get light headed
He asks if you’re alright and you’re like
“Fuck yeah I’m alright, vampire boi- let’s do that again!”
To which he responds, “I love you, but maybe later”
Because, y’know
He doesn’t really want to drain you of the liquid that’s keeping you alive
He kisses your hand
And goes to get you a snack so that you don’t pass out on him
He Does Not want that
After you’re back to where you should be medically
He just kinda
Attaches himself to you for the rest of the day
Which is fine by you, because if he didn’t
You would’ve attached yourself to him
Either way, what bliss?
Anyway, that was too sweet, get ready for some angst
Way 2: Douxie has been starved
He’s been captured, trapped, or otherwise in captivity
And wherever he is, he’s been deprived of blood
He’s starving
And quite possibly on the brink of death
That’s when you find him
He’s probably on his knees and chained to something, be it a pillar, a wall, etc
And the second he feels your presence
The second he hears your heart beat
The second he smells your blood
He goes slightly feral
He thrashes against his chains, his fangs flash
He’s terrifying
But you don’t run from him
Even when he begs you to get away from him
To save yourself
You don’t run away
You kneel in front of him
You take his face in your hands
He stops struggling, then
And he starts begging you to escape
But you don’t leave
You refuse to
No, instead, you take full notice of how starved he looks
He’s thinner, and the shadows beneath his eyes are darker
His bones are more prominent
He appears gaunt, fragile
And hungry
Rather than running away
You pull yourself closer
And you ask
“Can you control it?”
And without waiting for an answer
You roll up your sleeve
And you give him your wrist
And he just gasps out a “No”
Because he’s scared
He’s scared that he won’t be able to stop
That he won’t be able to control it
That he’ll kill you
Like, he was already afraid of it, but in this situation?
It is so much worse
You, though
You aren’t afraid
And uh
He’ll die if he doesn’t drink something soon
You tell him it’s okay
And i mean
He doesn’t have much of a choice
He’s hesitant
And at first he tries to pull away
But then you give him a “friendly” reminder that if he doesn’t do this, he’ll die
He bites
Now, uh remember
He’d never bitten you before this point
At least not with way 2
So that is an experience
You gasp and cling to him as he drinks you
You rest your head on his shoulder
You’re starting to feel light headed
And you groan a little bit
Meanwhile, Douxie
He’s starting to regain his strength
He destroys his chains, pulling himself free and wrapping one of his arms around you while the other grips your wrist
He keeps drinking
His fangs sinking deeper as you cry out his name
He has just a bit more blood
And then
He lets you go
He managed to control it
And you’re so proud of him, but also, you’re a few seconds from passing out
Douxie lies you down
He catches his breath while you catch yours
You don’t pass out
But you do need a minute
And once that minute is done, you just
Lean over and kiss him
You taste your own blood on his lips, but y’know what
You can deal with that
Doux picks you up and takes you home, and that’s the end of way 2
Way 1 is kinda boring, so we’ll start with that
Way 1: you ask Douxie to turn you into a vampire, and he’s hesitant about it because being a vampire is rough, and he doesn’t want to put your immortal soul in danger
But he does it, because you’re sure that it’s what you want, and he loves you
You’re turned into a vampire, and the two of you vibe for the rest of eternity
Onto way 2:
Way 2: you’re injured on the battlefield
Douxie sees it happen and runs to your side, destroying anything that dared threaten you on his way
He gets to you as fast as he can
Is pretty fuckin quick for a vampire
And yet
He still doesn’t make it in time
That’s false
He doesn’t make it in time to save you
He is in time to watch you take your dying breaths in his arms
Now, uh
I don’t know about you
But i don’t think douxie would accept that shit
You’re in the middle of telling him that you love him
And thanking him for the best few years of your life
When he just
“I can fix this. I can turn you, I can fix this. Please let me fix this.”
You say yes
Which is fucking valid
I mean
For one thing
You aren’t super jazzed about dying
And for another
I don’t know if he did it intentionally
But he was doing the puppy dog/baby bat eyes when he asked
And like
Who can say no to that?
I can’t say no to that
Douxie presses a quick, but intense kiss to your lips
And sinks his fangs into your shoulder
A little more than you expected
Maybe you scream
Maybe a few tears fall
And it breaks douxie’s heart
But by the end of it
You’re alive
It doesn’t matter
Whatever you are
You’re okay
And you’re with douxie
He can keep you safe
He won’t let anything hurt you anymore
Annnnd that’s way 2
Bonus way three involves you getting turnt, but not by douxie
Way 3: you’re kidnapped by another vampire
Which like
Considering the wizards are vampires now
The vampire that takes you is probably morgana?
It could also be the arcane order
It could also be merlin
Whoever it is
they holds you for ransom a little bit
Maybe they take a drink from you, or make fun of douxie for not drinking from you, or make fun of him for not turning you
Or all of those things, i don’t know
Either way
You simply do not vibe with this
You’re a sassy little shit who’s loyal to douxie, and maybe the guardians of arcadia depending on where the hell we are in the timeline (and on which timeline it is- thanks for that jim)
And eventually
Your captor grows tired of your smart mouth
They decide to put an end to your useless blabbering
Do they kill you?
Oh no
It’s much worse
They turn you into a vampire spawn
So now
Your have all the thirst for blood
All of the drawbacks
None of the power
And, oh yeah
As their spawn, you are under their complete control
Which means they can use you to fight douxie
I mean
They know he won’t fight back
Not when it’s you that he’s fighting
Vampire spawn or otherwise, he is terrified of hurting you
As he should be
I mean
You’re your captor’s servant now, and you’re a vampire spawn
But it’s still you
You are awake
You are conscious
And you know what you’re being forced to do
You are completely aware
Both when whoever’s captured you forces you to kneel by her throne
And when they force you to fight the man you love
If the worst happens
You’ll be awake when they force you to kill him
But y’know what, it’ll probably be fine
Douxie’s fought morgana and the order before, he can do it again, probably
And if it’s merlin, well
He’ll figure it out
He’ll save you and the two of you can go off and live your vampire lives in peace, right?
That’s the end of way 3
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thahiree · 2 years
High Hopes
2,3k words. Future Fic. Established Relationship. No real plot here. Just Steve panicking over Tony casually calling him husband and being embarrassed by how much he liked it and wants to hear it again 👉👈
also on ao3
"What—? What is this?"
The comment was out before Steve could stop himself. He had to bite his lip to not laugh at the look of offense on Tony’s face.
"Lasagna," Tony replied, pursing his lips and narrowing his eyes in a way that didn’t bode well for Steve.
Morgan and Steve shared a look from across the table. The unidentifiable mess of burned something Tony had just put down on the table between them was a lot of things, but lasagna sure as hell wasn’t one of them.
Steve had seen quite a few disastrous attempts of cooking from Tony over the past six years they’ve been together, but this took the cake. Not only did it not look edible, it looked like the kind of thing one might get served as, like, a punishment by an evil sorcerer while being held captive in their dungeon. It was that bad.
Morgan was the first to speak after a few moments. "Dad, I love you, but, uh, I think at some point you have to realize—" She trailed off at the look on his face.
"Yes?" Tony asked, cocking one eyebrow. Morgan squirmed uncomfortably in her seat and looked at Steve imploringly.
"What Morgan’s trying to say," Steve cut in, giving Tony a wide smile, "is that we very much appreciate you trying to cook for us, but, maybe, uh, how about we order something instead, hm?" He paused, looking to Morgan for support, and found her enthusiastically nodding, "Haven’t done that in a while. What about that nice Vietnamese place that just opened up in Greenwich Village? Bruce told me they do amazing vegan summer rolls."
Morgan clapped her hands. "Yes, please!"
Tony huffed, crossing his arms over his chest. "Oh, I see how it is. I slave away in the kitchen all day to put food on this table, but nothing is good enough for my daughter and husband."
Steve blinked, opened his mouth to speak— to say what exactly?— then shut it again, still blinking like an idiot. After a too-long moment, he finally got out, "We’re not married," which was the only thing that came to mind. It came out a little more serious than the situation warranted, possibly, if the way Morgan’s eyebrows went up her forehead was any indication.
"No, we aren’t," Tony huffed, "And we sure as hell won’t ever be with that attitude, mister." He reached between them to pick up the "lasagna" and then headed straight for the kitchen with it without sparing Steve another glance. Steve opened his mouth to speak, but by the time he had gotten his thoughts somewhat into order, Tony had already disappeared from view.
"Morgan," Steve began, once it became apparent Tony wasn’t coming back out, "Did your dad, uh, just propose to me?"
"I think, like, the opposite," Morgan said cryptically, twirling a lock of hair around her finger and tapping away on her phone, looking completely unconcerned about the fact that her father—
That her father had casually called Steve his husband.
"The opposite," Steve echoed, mind still blank. The opposite did not sound good. "I should probably—", he began, and then shook his head and got up to look for Tony.
He was by the sink, aggressively scrubbing a pan and muttering under his breath when Steve came in. Steve winced even before he saw Tony’s entire body go rigid the moment he came close.
Slinging an arm around his waist and burying his nose in the side of his neck (which had been his initial plan) was out of the question, then. Steve settled for leaning against the counter opposite Tony instead, with his arms crossed. He could be patient. Tony had to break at some point.
When nothing happened for a whole minute, he sighed loudly and stretched out one foot to nudge Tony’s calf. "Hey, can you turn around for a second? I think—"
"That was a perfectly fine lasagna at some point," Tony interrupted, of course without turning around, "but then I thought of a way to modify the thrusters for the suit and forgot the time and that happened," He pointed at the lasagna, still not looking at Steve. A beat, then: "I can cook."
Steve hummed instead of replying because Tony’s cooking prowess was debatable.
Tony cocked one eyebrow. "Pepper likes my cooking."
Steve very much doubted that, too. "Well, give me a few more years, and I might come round to it. Exposure therapy, and all."
When he saw Tony’s lips twitch upwards, he allowed himself to get a little closer, reaching out a hand to brush along Tony’s flank. He felt Tony relax against him, but the thoughtful look on his face remained. Steve waited for him to speak, snaking his hand under Tony’s shirt to trail his fingers over the warm, soft skin of his lower back.
Tony’s voice was subdued, when he finally spoke. "I know I can’t cook for shit. Just wanted to surprise you, is all."
Steve couldn’t help himself. "It is nice coming home to your husband cooking for you." Lips twitching, he added, "Would be even nicer if it was edible."
Tony groaned, twisting away.
"It’s a yes, by the way," Steve rushed out to say before Tony could wiggle away from under his arms.
Tony stopped struggling abruptly, turning to face him again. The carefully neutral look on his face made Steve want to take back his words and, also, die from mortification. That was the face made when he didn’t want to, to upset Steve with what he was thinking.
He hadn’t—
Of course, he hadn’t meant it. Steve squeezed his eyes shut in embarrassment. He was such an idiot. It had been a joke, of course, it had been a joke. Even Morgan had gotten it, and she’d only been half-listening the entire time.
Steve was the only one who was weird about it, and why exactly?
"Steve," came Tony’s voice after a moment, before Steve could examine what he was feeling too closely and humiliating himself further, even if it was only in the privacy of his own mind.
"Steve, can you please look at me?"
Steve huffed, but he blinked his eyes open. There was a half-smile playing on Tony’s lips, which was very confusing.
"Look, Tony, I’m sorry—"
"You mean it?" Tony interrupted, eyes flicking over Steve’s face.
Tony cocked one eyebrow. "You heard me."
"You don’t," Steve replied, glowering. Maybe a little petty, but sue him. He was a little hurt.
Truthfully, he’d never spared marriage another thought after Peggy. And even then, it was only this blurry, half-formed, after the war kind of thinking about it, nothing that occupied his thoughts outside the few moments that weren’t dedicated to fighting and surviving. He would’ve married Peggy, gladly, would’ve lived a happy, long life with her if they had the chance, he was pretty sure, but it was nothing compared to what he felt with Tony. For Tony.
When Tony had called him that word, Christ, just for one single second, before the shock set in, it’d felt exactly right to be that.
To be Tony’s husband.
Steve was embarrassed with how much he had wanted to hear it again.
"Steve, you’re killing me," Tony said, startling him out of his thoughts. He was still smiling. Then he abruptly started laughing, which—
Steve narrowed his eyes. He felt like he was missing a lot of information here. "What?"
"No, okay, sorry," Tony said, once he had quieted enough to speak again. "Here’s the thing -" and then he broke off, shaking his head. "God damn it. I had this all planned out, okay? Figured you’d mess it all up for me."
"I don’t understand," Steve replied, even though he was beginning to, and it was making him panic.
"Stay here," Tony said, already backing away.
"Just. Wait here, please." A beat, then: "Think of your answer, yeah?"
"Oh, jeez," Steve replied, but he crossed his arms over his chest and stayed put.
Tony gave him a lopsided smile and then turned and ran from the kitchen to— Christ, to presumably get the ring he apparently had planned to propose to Steve with or something.
Steve didn’t want or need ring, but, well. Steve also didn’t want or need to be anyone’s husband, and yet, here he was.
Letting out a heavy breath, he plopped down on the nearest chair. After some deliberation, he stood back up, busying himself with drying the pan Tony just so thoroughly scrubbed. He had to do something that wasn’t thinking himself into a panic while he waited for Tony.
Tony took an awfully long time to return. By the time Steve heard him in the hallway leading to the kitchen, Steve had scrubbed and dried the sink and the counters and opened a bottle of wine that wouldn’t do anything for him, but at least kept his hands busy. He drained two glasses, and then turned around to lean against the sink, poker face on.
Tony wasn’t alone. Morgan was trailing behind him, shyly smiling at Steve. Steve crossed his arms over his chest again, and then uncrossed them again, mustering up a smile of his own. He could do this. "Don’t even," he began, but Tony had already smoothly slid down to his knees and produced a ring from his pant’s pocket.
"Tony," Steve said, his breath leaving him in a whoosh. That was— an actual ring. A simple, thin gray band, stone maybe, with one single, tiny red ruby in the center, glinting in the low light of the kitchen. Steve swallowed. It was a beautiful ring, not too flashy or too simple. Just right. It was obvious Tony had put a lot of thought into this.
"Steve," Tony said gravely, "When I met Pepper, I thought that’s it, that’s the woman of my life. And she is. Wait, there’s a point to this," he hastened to add when Steve furrowed his brow. "She is the woman of my life, yes, but she’s not the," He paused, taking a deep breath. "She’s not the person of my life. That’s you, Steve. I can’t imagine anyone else by my side. I don’t want to imagine anyone else. It’s you, Steve, it’s you or nobody. I knew it the moment we kissed for the first time."
Steve couldn’t help but smile at that. As cheesy as it sounded, so did he.
"I know we don’t do romance," Tony went on, "and, and we’ve been together for six years, six really awesome, happy, crazy years, and we don’t need a visible sign of our love, but I have to admit, I do occasionally think about it, okay, what it’d be like— you know, to call you my husband, and then, one night, I semi-seriously searched for engagement rings for men with FRIDAY, not really looking for anything, but we came across this," wiggling the ring. "It’s, ah, it’s made out of a meteorite which was found in the Arctic, inlaid with rubies, which are your birthstone." He paused. "Interesting that your birthday is red, by the way, but." He waved his hand dismissively. "The point is, uh, the point is that this must be some sort of sign, or something. I mean, I’m not one to look for meaning in random things, but this felt pretty, uh," He paused, scrunching up his nose, "It felt right. Yeah, I suppose, right is the word for it. It felt right to order it, and it felt right to ask you to be my husband. What do you think?"
Steve swallowed heavily. Tony’s eyes were wide and dark, expectant. Steve could see that his outstretched hand was trembling lightly. Steve felt more than a little overcome and nervous himself. It felt like the sink behind was the only thing keeping him upright.
"I think this is the part where you say yes," Tony said, giving him a wide smile, but Steve could see the uncertainty creeping in.
"Or, no," Morgan piped up from behind him.
Both Steve and Tony turned to look at her. She had her phone out filming them. When she noticed them looking, she clasped a hand over her mouth. "Sorry."
"I mean, she’s not wrong. That’s an option, obviously," Tony said, turning back to Steve. "Please don’t, though. Please say yes, and make me the happiest man on earth." He grimaced, probably at the cheesiness of his words, but it was enough to get Steve out of his stupor.
"I— of course, yes, Tony." He let out a choppy laugh. "Fuck. How many times do I have to say it? Come here," Steve said, reaching out for Tony at the same time as Tony reached for him, and then Tony was in his arms, slipping the ring onto Steve’s fingers with shaking hands. "Oh, god, Tony," Steve said, voice hoarse, clinging to Tony. He felt hot tears pricking at the side of his eyes, but he didn’t feel too self-conscious about it, because he could feel that Tony was overcome, too, hiding against Steve’s neck.
He loved this man. Loved their life. Loved his child he was allowed and honored to raise, too. Without looking up from where he was hiding his face in Tony’s neck, he reached out a hand, making a grabby gesture, and a moment later, Morgan was in his arms, too, and then they were all hugging and crying.
"That was so unromantic," Morgan said from where she had her face pressed against his sternum.
"It was perfect," Steve countered, smiling like an idiot, and leaned in to kiss his future husband.
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lucien-calore · 2 years
i just noticed i’m quite literally a variant of dorian but a different race and gender/genders (????? idk maybe),,,, so uh , , , when do i get to marry the chaol of my universe 👉👈
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