#and when she was taking pics with all my pride merch she said put the trans flag d
mypimpademia · 4 years
Taishiro (Fatgum) and Keigo (hawks) w a black s/o
Fatgum x black!reader x hawks
TW: Swearing, suggestive
This man knew he was in love with you from the moment he saw you
Expect him to always be admiring you
He just thinks youre so beautiful
And please wear your natural hair around him
Especially in an afro if you can
And for when you have it done, passion twists or dreadlocks
He just really enjoys wild looks
He'll also touch it a lot as long as you let him
Tells you how beautiful you are and how much he loves you on the daily
Plus kisses on every inch of your body
Please let him do golden hour photo shoots with you🥺
If you dont want to, at least sit by a window for him so he can absolutely worship you
He likes to help you on wash day
He just loves watching your hair go from long, to short, then long again
Buys you all they hair products you need
Always makes sure you're wrapping it or wearing your bonnet before you go to bed
"Did you wrap your hair while I was on patrol last night, gumdrop?"
Believe it or not, hes on of the main ones that gets irked rude and racist comments
They all do, but he definitely gets more mad that some of the others
You were receiving more once you and Taishiro started hanging out to begin with
And when you started dating it only got worse
You mostly ignored them, even if some of them stung, and so did Tai
But you knew more than anyone how mad they actually made them
If he'd been hearing rude and racist comments about you all day and managed to bottle it up, he'll come home and rant while doing things like cooking and picking up around the house
But sometimes, he'll snap at fans
He'll try to keep his words to be less hurtful
But his facial expression and tone could make a grown man cry
"Why is fatgum with a black girl? Did he not think of how his fans would feel? If he really cared, he wouldve had a girl from literally other race."
Since you were out in public surrounded by fans, he'd usually just squeeze your hand and try to wait till you could get home, but today he just wasn't having
"Fans? Youre no fan of mine sayin suff like that about my s/o. Im embarrassed that you left the house in my merch to say things like that about my s/o and her race. You make me, and my fans that are actually good people, look bad."
What he said was sort of in character
But again, his expression and tone were from a whole other person
The girl started crying on the spot, and when the two of you walked passed her and Taishiro mean mugged tf out of her, she ran in the opposite direction
After days like this, he can't even function properly till he gets it out of his system
So he'll mostly pace around and rant, maybe even punch a pillow
Taishiro just really doesn't understand how people could be so hateful to others because their skin is different
And it just makes him want to protect you from the hate of the world even more than he already does
He's probably cried over it more than once because it made him so mad
In cases like this, he pretty much just sits there, stares at a wall, and cries with his brows furrowed together
You try to calm him down and say its not his fault people are like this, and he shouldn't get so worked up over something he can't control
But he just can't help it because he loves you so much and he hates racism and hate speech in general
Summed up, Fatgum loves you
Hes so prideful of you
Literally shows you off every chance he gets
I feel like Keigo has been all over the world so hes seen how black women get treated
So manz had been defending you before yall were even in the talking stage
Of course all of it upsets him, he hates the way people hate on others for things like race and religion
But out of everyone hes the most chill confrontation wise
If he can maintain composure without saying anything, he'll just shoot people this mean ass glare if they say something
If he can't, then he's pretty mild on words too, but they definitely leave a sting on die hard fans
"Really? A black girl? And its her? You could do better. For example: me."
"You? Sorry, wouldn't date you if were the last person on Earth while you're talking about my S/o, and saying racist things like that."
And yet another fangirl running off crying
He really loves your hair
Like almost a little too much
When its natural, he likes to see it with a side parted afro if you can
When you get it done, he likes box braids, goddess braids (cornrows), and dreadlocks
His hands will be in your hair 90% of the time when you cuddle (as long as you let him ofc)
The king of taking golden hour pics
He'll fly you to different places to get a good picture or better lighting, use his feathers to fix your hair or clothes, and fly or even get on the floor to get a better angle
"Just a few more pictures, dove, then we'll be done."
Most likely calls you "golden dove" during golden hour (only if you're okay with it, hes a respectful man)
He literally worships you
Probably spends 2 hours a day just telling you how gorgeous you are
Gives you kisses while he uses his feathers and gives you soft touches
Speaking of his feathers, theyre the perfect tool to cut out old braids with
Like it takes a single second to cut every single braid
Then he'll help you unbraid all of them
And he'll help you wash your hair because like I said, he loves touching your hair
If he travels and has to leave you behind for any reason, he'll bring you back hair products for you to try
When he sees you sleeping without your hair protected, he uses his feathers to wrap it/put your bonnet on for you without waking you up
In conclusion, youre the only god/goddess he'll worship
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abigail-ravensong · 4 years
So here's a headcannon dump of me & my wife's wiz characters (who are dating)
Some things first:
* Abby is Malistaires Daughter, like no one knows for obvious reasons
* Abby is 16, is a death student but considering a secondary school
* Fallon is 19 and is Ahead of Abby in school
* Fallon is Myth/Fire
* Abby has a pet blue Shadowbeast named Midnight
* Fallon has a pet Imp
* Abby has Narcolepsy
- Fallon has a bunch of creepy stuff scattered around her room that Abigail got for her, she doesn't..love the aesthetic but keeps it anyway because it reminds her of Abigail, plus it makes Abby smile
- Abigail has a pet cyclops but it stays at her dorm
- they constantly tease eachother about eachothers stereotypes & teachers, Abby has old family pics of Cyrus when he had an afro lol
- Fallon buys Abby a bunch of colorful/girly stuff it clashes with all the black in Abby's dorm
- Abby spends time with the death tree in nightside, she'll sit against him and listen to his stories, often falling asleep with midnight on her lap
- they both will wait for eachother outside their schools after class (they get out at different times), no one really pays attention to Abby but Fallon looks pretty out of place at nightside, no one's mean though
- they'll often have lunch together, usually have picnics at different places around wizard city
- Fallon knows more about death history than most death students, both thanks to Abby and because of her need to know everything
- Fallon could totally blackmail Cyrus with all the family secrets if she wanted (so far hasn't, she just likes poking fun at him when she can get away with it)
- argue about which school is better, sometimes gets heated because they're both very passionate about school pride (not malicious though)
- apology gifts include stuffed animals or minions in Fallon's case with a note saying "sorry you think your school is better xoxoxo"
- facetiming but with magic mirrors
- pet/minion howlers during class
- naps! Usually around ravenwood, in school towers or against trees, Abby falls asleep on Fallon (Fallon usually gets a nap in too)
- Fallon has a little "Abby nap time" bag with like snacks and usually a blanket & pillow, and treats for midnight, little creepy trinkets to give to Abby when she's sad (teeth, bones, poisonous herbs, graveyard dirt, Halloween toys etc.)
- "follow moody Abby around" day is actually a thing, in their calanders. Abby gets to drag Fallon around anywhere she wants and nerd out about whatever Fallon likes it because:
a.) Learn new thing
b.) Abby is adorable
- hide & seek!
- Abby loves following/stalking Fallon when she's doing school stuff, half the time she sits in on class (Cyrus deals because..what's he gonna do?)
- sitting on eachothers desks
- playing with & braiding hair during class
- help eachother with homework!
- Fallon will go with Abby during class on bad days and take notes in case she falls asleep
- Abby puts dead twigs in fallons hair; usually braids them in, Fallon has no idea why and is just very confused about it
- Abby won't answer why
- neither of them like..really understand eachothers schools? Fallon grasps more than Abby but she still just..doesn't get some of the things the death kids do.
- "She's confused but she's got spirit" for both
- Like fallon will always ask before getting Abby anything like graveyard dirt because she doesn't want to cause anything bad or whatever, doesn't get why she just knows its important
- Cyrus thinks their cute & tries really hard not be biased toward them
- they're pretty open. Wizard city is pretty accepting, everyone knows their together
- they both put random shit in eachothers bags/pockets
- rocks, crystals, dirt, twigs, candy, trinkets, handy/cute school supplies (troll & vampire pencil caps etc)
- Each school has a merch store
- Abby is the goblin friend
- Abby's favorite nap place is ravenwood, she loves being by the school trees (death life & myth are her favorites)
- like Abby spends times with those 3 trees a lot. They appreciate it greatly, only a handful of students actually spend time with them (well.. a lot of life students do but this isn't about them)
- Abby actually gets along pretty well with life students, myth students..hit or miss, and she's too nervous to talk to other death students
- moolinda really wants Abby to join her class
- mental picture of Fallon sitting on her unicorn in nightside waiting for Abby to get out, other death students just kinda watching her as they walk by, confused as to why she's there
- Abby, asleep against the myth tree waiting for fallon
- they go to eachothers school parties, the students just kinda accept this because no one is gonna tell them they can't party together (Usually it's myth/death school only)
- Fallon has beef with either an ice or storm student. Said student is..terrified of abby
- death students are known for their theatrics and are working on getting a theater club up and running
- Abby talks to herself, or spirits. Fallon isn't sure
- Abby had to collect something in sunken city, at the end of it she literally told the mobs "hello yes I hate you all please have a terrible day rotting in this dusty cave" flipped them off and roller bladed away
- Abby got Fallon into roller blading. They both have actual mounts, but Abby roller blades like 85% of the time
- usually with midnight either on her shoulders or flying beside her, they race
- Fallon barging into abbys rooms and opening curtains "you 👏🏻 need 👏🏻 some 👏🏻 sunlight!"
"You may be a death student but your not actually dead come on lets go get Boba"
- Proceeds to drag a half dead Abby out of bed and out the door
- Will totally summons a minion to get her up
"This troll will destroy everything in your room if you aren't up in 5 seconds!"
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broadwaycantdie · 5 years
Disneyland / Part 2...The Destination! - Newsies (Pride) Month . Day 9
( all ) + ( modern ) + ( hc story )
a/n: i wanna go to disneyland so bad // also ah disney has pride merch now that’s so cute ! // ps. i will not make a 3rd part of the ride home cause that’s already too much lmao i just had a lot of fun with the road trip part i wanted to split it up
( this is part two of them actually at disneyland, click here for the road trip and journey of them getting here...it’s a wild one )
warnings: none
background: Every year the newsies all get together and go on their annual Disneyland trip. They drive from Manhattan to Anaheim because it’s cheaper than buying 20+ plane tickets. They also have a collective jar in the lodging house that everyone puts money into to help pay. Davey plans the whole thing for months and somehow things still go wrong. It’s never not a wild ride with their family. But every year they still enjoy it.
before they left the hotel, Davey made them plan everything out
it wasn’t a strict plan, but he knew that total freedom meant total chaos
he made a set of rules
rule #1 : you cannot be alone, stay with your buddy or a group at all times
rule #2 : meet back at the entrance after the fireworks so everyone can be counted and we can find people who are lost or don’t make it back in time and we can go to the hotel together
rule #3 : have fun
of course Davey would add “have fun” as a rule
he’d forget if he didn’t
they could barely sleep, everyone was so excited
so they got to the parks bright and early at 8am
they grouped themselves off
they ended up with 6 main groups
Jack, Davey, Bill, Darcy, Katherine, Sarah, and Les
Crutchie, Buttons, Henry, and Kenny
Specs, Romeo, Jojo, and Tommy Boy
Smalls, Sniper, and Finch
Mush and Kid Blink
Spot, Race, Albert, Elmer, Mike, Ike, Hotshot, Bart, and Myron
sometimes people broke into smaller groups depending on who wanted to go on what rides, when someone wanted to eat or didn’t, or when some people just wanted to be alone together
the smaller groups stayed together the whole time—Smalls’ group, Crutchie’s group, and Mush’s group—but the bigger groups sometime split up
especially Spot’s group
they started together but by the 3rd ride they split up
they would periodically meet up throughout the day to eat or ride certain rides
mainly the couples split up and the single friends stayed together
Davey and Jack left their group for a little while unexpectedly and it was actually Albert who found them making out in a bathroom stall
“Oh! So it’s like that now, huh? Way to go guys! Didn’t know you had it in ya!”
“You’re not gonna tell anyone, right, Dasilva? You know we aren’t usually like this...it just kinda happened yanno, happiest place on Earth and, uh, we were feeling that.”
“Oh, I can tell! Might wanna pick some tighter pants next time, Jacobs!”
the cocky bastard walked out, finally having something on Davey
he’d never let them live that down
Smalls’ favorite ride is Peter Pan’s Flight
they love that ride with all their heart and their group didn’t mind waiting in like for 45 minutes just to ride it
everyone—and i mean everyone—played heads up while waiting in line
it was just a given—that’s what you do
Race, Spot, Albert, and Elmer all got in a teacup together
it was absolutely chaos
while everyone else spun along nicely and enjoyed the ride
these boys used all of their combined strength—which was a lot—and spun themselves as fast as possible the whole time
Ike almost got sick just watching them
Katherine is a rollercoaster junkie
she rides every coaster and can’t get enough
Sarah also liked rollercoasters!
just not as much
but she does ride every one with Katherine and boy do they have fun
“Wow, I haven’t screamed that much since we left”
Katherine almost choked
( they shared a “special” night together right before they left so they could get a fill and not be as tempted like some other people )
everyone bought ears
it was like an unspoken rule that you had to get a pair every year
this year was special though
this was the first year that disney released its pride collection
so of course everyone was on that
Race spent most of his money on pride merch
he got rainbow shirt, ears, sunglasses, socks, and a pin
he was so happy about the collection, Spot secretly bought a pair of earrings from it and put one in just to see the look of joy on his boyfriends face
it was worth the money
Crutchie ate so many churros
half of his money went to just churros
worth it tho
Bill and Darcy really liked The Little Mermaid ride
Bill’s love of fish and Darcy’s love of mythical creatures
what other ride would they like more?
they cuddled up close in the seashell and watched the ride play out with so much happiness in their eyes
Sarah and Katherine took the iconic photo of “let’s kiss in front of the castle” and it was the cutest goddamn thing of all time
Mush and Kid Blink made out on Rodger Rabbit’s Cartoon Spin ride
but what’s new
everyone at some point rode Splash Mountain
it’d be a sin if you didn’t
Spot and Race rode it together
Race made Spot sit up front cause his big body could block most of the water
also because Spot was wearing a white t-shirt
“Damn, babe! You haven’t been that wet since the car ride here!”
Specs, Romeo, Jojo, and Tommy Boy all rode the Matterhorn together
and Specs glasses flew off his face during one of the quick turns
after the ride everyone was panicking but he just calmly pulled out a second pair of glasses from his backpack and continued on with his day; unbothered
Crutchie would never admit if his leg hurt but about halfway through the day while walking to the next ride he fell
his leg just gave out and he just sat on the floor trying not to cry
everyone with him helped him up and Buttons got him a wheelchair
it wasn’t all bad though
Crutchie and Buttons got to go to the front of all the lines!
somehow everyone got the idea to meet in toontown at the same time
everyone decided to get embroidered hats
most people got their name or the date or something cute
like Mush and Kid Blink got matching ones that said “Blush”
or how Kenny got one that said “Ken-Ken” cause that’s his nickname of his nickname
and Jojo and Tommy Boy got each other’s pet names on theirs—Jojo’s says “Darling” and Tommy Boy’s says “Sweetheart”
while Jack and Davey got the date of when they first met because it was instantly love at first sight
but some of these dumbasses...are dumbasses
Hotshot would never stoop down to that level of stupidity
so he got together the Brooklyn Boys and got hats that said just that
Mike and Ike have been dumbasses since birth
so their hats got their full names on them
you know
Mike’s said “Michael and Ichael”
and Ike’s said “Isaac and Misaac”
“Those aren’t your real names!”
“And? How would you know my names not Michael Misaac Garcia? And his isn’t Isaac Ichael Garcia? Huh?”
Albert and Elmer didn’t get anything too crazy
but they did get a something that just they would understand
they got the date of the day they lost their virginity to each other
and when people ask they just say it’s the first time they said “i love you” to each other
and now Spot and Race
do these boys have ANY chill? ever?
they literally got a sex joke on theirs
Spot’s said “Calvary’s Coming”
and Race’s said “I’m Calvary”
but to even it out, they also got cute ones
cause they are a couple who can do both
so they got “tu sei amore” and “you are love “ on their second pair—Race’s was in Italian because that’s how he always says it to Spot to make him swoon, and Spot’s is the same in English for when he repeats it back
everyone was so scared of getting lost or losing someone
not only because that’s completely terrifying
but because Davey would never let them hear the end of it
for extra caution, some people held hands to not be separated—Katherine and Sarah, Jojo and Tommy Boy, Mush and Kid Blink, Bill and Darcy—some just had a mutual understanding to not wonder off—Specs and Romeo, Jack and Davey, Hotshot and Mike, Albert and Elmer—and some...well not some...just Race
Race was on a fucking leash
like one of those monkey backpacks with the leash for children who wander off
cause every year Race gets lost so this year no one was gonna risk it
Spot holds on to the leash and everytime Race starts running towards another ride he yanks him back
he’s fallen a few times
and every time, mr. dramatic himself will pull the “woe is me” routine and wouldn’t get up until Spot lifted him up
he tried to get Spot to carry him and it only worked once when he actually cut his knee on the ground
it might’ve looked weird but hey, at least Race didn’t get lost this year
when it got dark they all went to the firework show and watched the magic
all the couples decided to be cute and take the “kissing my partner at the fireworks” pics
and they were all fucking adorable
some were soft and cute while others were a little saucier
but they all came out really good
they all met up where Davey told them to meet and they actually all made it there in one piece!
what a surprise! actually!
they all went back to the hotel full of joy, love, and happiness
and they couldn’t wait to go back next year <3
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