#and while I leaned towards Pabit at the time
ennaku-sirri-da · 2 years
Not One, but Two Baby Bitches
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[ ID: Traditional art showing a crossover between the games Faith and Smile For Me.
The first four are of Michael Davies and Pabit(puppet Habit). They are uncolored and drawn on lined paper.
The first shows Pabit pissed off and barfing teeth with the text in allcaps,’Epic Teeth Barf’ while Michael laughs and mocks him with the text in allcaps,’’You know nothing pendejo!’’
The second is Michael puppeteering Pabit and making him say things. Pabit says, ‘’bla bla Frick jesus bla bla’’. MIchael amusedly says, ‘’ Say Fuck’’ and Pabit replies with a pointed,’’no’’.
The third is Michael smiling, crawling on all fours, while Pabit sits atop him and throws his hands up enjoying himself. He says, ‘’corn-age’’ while Michael says, text in allcaps, ‘’Carnage’’.
The fourth is Michael sitting upright, cross-legged, tears escaping his face as he gives a small smile, saying,’’I feel like a child again’’. Another sketch shows Pabit with Michael’s tears on him, looking confounded and a little scared. He thinks, ‘’I don’t understand...this feeling..?’’
The fifth is a sketch by my friend Mika done in pencil and scribbled over with yellow marker in way of coloring. In here Pabit, Michael and Amy Martin are hanging out and wearing flower crowns. Amy hugs Michael with her regular hands and hugs Pabit, holding him up in the air, with the demonic hand from her face. end ID]
----------talk under the cut!
@askpabit​ this was inspired by your AU and a conversation with my friend Mika!! The last drawing is by her : ) (smiley emote)
We agreed Michael and Pabit could bond over being bastardous children (\affectionate) and kind of...lost? Like Pabit is being put into this whole new everyday life he’s not coping with much, and Michael had to undergo being exorcised which is a turmoil-filled experience as well. I think they both would need lots of time to adjust to peace. Possibly difficult father figures with Garcia and Habit? Also hating John Ward and Flower Kid LMFAO;
 Michael does the Big Swears which Pabit is horrified yet intrigued by because I feel like Pabit’s more a ‘’Dookie head!!’’ kind of boy when cussing FK out
I think they’d piss each other off a lot though but eventually be begrudging kind-of friends
Also it really gets me that they’re both just kids, in a difficult life. Did you know that if you pause Michael’s animations, you can get an easter egg where he holds his head and shakes it, looking uncomfortable? I see that as him fighting his demon. I think having a toy friend like Pabit could help him.
Here’s a jokey (that one Toy Story song but they’re a little fucked up TM) that I did:
And when she was lonely
I was there to comfort her
And I knew that she loved me
So the years went by
I stayed the same
But she began to drift away
I was left alone
Still I waited for the day
When she'd say, "CARNAGE!" (Plain text: Carnage!)
They try pranking each other all the time.
Michael loves to crawl out of fuck nowhere and jumpscare Pabit 
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[ ID: a GIF where two small cats wave their tails and look at each other before one jumps the other down to the floor. end ID]
Pabit does the like
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[ ID: a GIF where a bunch of dolls creepily walk slow on their own, passing by someone who stands up and looks in surprised fear, folding away the paper they were reading. end ID]
..towards Michael but it just makes the binch laugh a ton
They prank John and Amy together sometimes absolutely
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[ ID: Official art where a muscular Michael  sneaks up behind an obliviously smiling John. The Martin house is in the BG. ]
Emotions are hard for both.
They just. Hang out for some reason and keep doing it. They make each other feel something familiar but they don’t know what it is, yet they lean into it anyway.
Being cared about, etc...;w;(crying smiling emote) found family!! Pabit begrudgingly admits that he wouldn’t steal all of Michael’s teeth if he had any...maybe a bicuspid or two though- Pfff its his way of saying he cares
Amy is their joint big sister who cleans up their messes.
Michael eats a guy in chapter 2 so maybe he’s gross sometimes by bringing pieces of that stuff to show affection. Like a cat bringing you a dead rat but its Human Pieces TM. I’ll say hes gotten better at not murdering them and only tears off itty bits or something 
Hes improving!! Amy’s so proud of him. Him and Pabit trade bits and teeth. Maybe Michael’s really careful one day and brings Pabit teeth from someone. 
Pabit tries to act nonchalant but hes actually super flattered(and a little confused). He eats them slowly and gives Michael a full review about it 
Offers constructive criticism on how to extract them without getting as much of the gums left over. He shares those with Michael. Dude does that uh
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[ ID: GIF where a gray sprite runs like its dancing. It looks goofy. end ID]
Celebration dance.
Amy doesn’t get any😔(pensive emoji) but she watches those two playing fondly.
Amy’s like...older and went through a ton of shit so I bet Michael doesn’t get whats going on with her a lot. He tries to cheer her up using Pabit. They make cool bone and tendon bracelets for her face arm and she’s grossed out but will put up with it this time. Maybe she shows them how to make flower bracelets instead next time LOL
They’re all together in the fields with flower crowns🥺(pleading emoji). Michael feels something wet on his face and he’s like, ‘’Whats this?’’ Pabits like, ‘’That’s tears stupid’’
They tell Amy she looks very pretty with all her new accessories!! She is happy to hear it! She hugs them with her regular hand and her face hand somehow.
John is like ‘’shouldnt we exorcise those three?(unsure) ‘’
and Father Garcia is like ‘’nah hijo let those bitches live’‘(Pats John on the back)
‘‘Don’t make them feel alone twice.’‘
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sapphire-strikes · 2 years
After a long wait they're finally here!
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Got them in the mail just this morning and I'm so happy with how they look! I've been stressing since I first placed the order but finally having them in hand is such a relief.
I plan to start shipping them out first thing tomorrow morning and I also have something else to share as well!
Along with these, all of you who helped make this possible by pre-ordering will also receive a little bonus!
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I ended up making enough from the pre-orders that I went ahead and did another SFM pin I'd been wanting to do and I have them in hand now as well! These (as well as the Pabit pins) will be going up for sale soon but if you pre-ordered the Pabit pin, you get one of these as a pre-order bonus!
Thank you all again! Will post another update tomorrow when everything is shipped and back up for sale!
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lillithenettix · 4 years
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Part 3
Part 4/?
Part 5
With Putunia out of his view, Habit wanted to turn around. Look after her as she ran as if that would give him any answers to all the questions appearing inside his head.
Read the rest of the fic under the cut!
He still remembered the day she got checked in by her parents. She was very loud and violent. Jumping around his office as soon as she entered, not even sparing him a glance.
So rude! He wasn’t looking forward on having to handle her at the time.
At least she seemed to appreciate his wall art. He liked it when his creations got acknowledged and fawned over. It caused him to feel a sense of accomplishment. Throughout his life he learned to cherish the little things. They kept him going. Pushing him forward when nothing and no one else did.
As he started talking with her parents, something felt oddly familiar. It scratched at the back of his head like a caged wild cat trying to escape its small prison. He didn’t let it show. He just answered all their questions. They had so many it was almost making head hurt. Most of them were just silly, even in his less-than-sane opinion.
Is it really free? Is it legal? We don’t have to come to check up on her until the very end, right? Could you provide a free ride for her to get back home?
At some point he stopped paying attention to the parents’ blabbering and just kept nodding, while looking at the little girl still engrossed in the paintings. He hoped he could get the parents out of his hair soon. He really wanted the mind-scratching to go away.
Once the parents seemed satisfied with everything, they called Putunia over. Habit was still looking at her, not sure if feeling delight to meet his newest Habitician or something akin to annoyance.
Not even a second later, he decided it was annoyance. As soon as Putunia set her eyes on him she, for some reason unbeknownst to him, decided that he was a super villain. He was taken by surprise when she sprinted towards him only to punch him where she really shouldn’t have. Not even a man built like Boris could keep standing after that.
Once he was done dealing with the pain on the floor he ushered the father away even if he was trying to help him. Boris stood up, trying to contain his annoyance at the whole situation. He wished he had Pabit here with him right now. He was sure he could’ve stayed calm with him on his hand.
As he was about to take a few deep breaths, maybe count backwards from ten, he saw what was going on. Putunia standing straight and tense with her eyes closed so hard her whole face was wrinkled, her mother raising her hand above her head-
Suddenly, he knew what the scratch in his mind was. It was abruptly so obvious. So painful. So familiar.
He saw a much younger Boris, his father, and his Lily. They were standing in front of him. He was frozen still. It took him only a blink to get back to reality. See the little girl, her mother, and her boxing glove.
His body moved on its own. It felt like he had no control over it. He grabbed the mother’s raised hand in a flash, maybe a bit harshly at first, but he let go just as fast. Thankfully, it seemed to get the point across.
Don’t hit her.
He remembered being in a bit of a shock for a while, his voice completely lost to him. That’s when he drew the first anti-violence poster, or rather, post-it note.
He didn’t do many things right in his life but, he thinks, that’s the one thing he didn’t screw up.
His reminiscing got put to a halt when, immediately after the little girl was out of sight, a man with bright pink spectacles appeared before him.
It was Dallas, the painter. The first thing he noticed were the paint stains on him. He was always messy when it came to painting. Different colors were smudged on him every day. You could almost tell what he was painting just by looking at those.
Then, looking up, he noticed a snowdrop hanging above Dallas, stuck behind his headband. He couldn’t tear his eyes away from it for a while.
Purity, innocence, sympathy… That’s what the flower meant. Though, somehow, that didn’t sound right.
After burying the Tooth Lily seeds, he didn’t have anything to do with flowers anymore. He avoided them for so many years. It was easier ignoring what his heart yearned for that way. Only once he was brought out of his manic state by Flower Kid did he allow his mind to wonder about flowers, study them, and appreciate them.
He had to think harder. What does a snowdrop mean?
A hand casually put onto his shoulder broke his train of thought.
Boris finally looked down, away from the flower and towards Dallas. The younger man put his other arms onto the table, and leaned his head on his hand. The relaxed smile plastered onto his face made Boris feel calm. It’s like his smile was telling him-
“Don’t worry, dude.” Dragging out the words like he usually did. “All’s cool.” He took off his glasses, hooked them onto the low collar of his shirt leaned closer. His smile turning a bit more devilish.
Habit could feel his breath now. As seconds passed he got more and more flustered at their proximity. His heart skipped a beat in anticipation as Dallas closed his eyes, puckered his lips, and sent a kiss to Boris.
Boris wasn’t sure how to react. Another kiss, just for him! Blushing, he opened his mouth to say something, he wasn’t sure what but he needed to fill the silence. It was simply too much!
Dallas didn’t let him get even a squeak out before he removed the snowdrop from his headband and tucked it behind Habit’s ear next to the other two flowers.
He gave Habit another pat on the shoulder, “You can, like, relax now.” And continued on the same path as Putunia.
Ah, he remembered the meaning now.
When Dallas came across the Habitat website during his art block he thought he found his solution. The page was totally inspirational. Like, the bold colors, the doodles, the everything! It really didn’t take him long to pack up his art supplies and make his way there.
Even before entering the Habitat, when looking at the whole area, he was itching for a brush. The whole resort was an art project, if you ask him. Especially the weirdly shaped tower. Honestly that one looked ready to collapse at any moment, but he was no architect, he’s sure it’s fine.
When he entered the place he was getting a bit giddy seeing all the wall art. Could his art block, like, really end here? Is this the inspiration he needed?
Wanting to soak in as much of the view as possible in as little time as possible, he jogged around the place. The more he explored the calmer he got. It was a big place. A unique place. And the whole experience could be an inspiration by itself. The giant wall doodles were also nice, but it wasn’t quite cutting it. Something was missing. He wanted something more.
Should he really stay here? He wasn’t sure anymore.
Not having time to think his decision trough, someone grabbed him by the shoulders and spun him around, using enough strength to not give him room to resist.
The person responsible was like, super tall, very green, and kinda pretty. Taking in the comically fluffy hair, giant blue coat, and little top hat on top of his head, he put two and two together.
“Whazzup, Doc?” He made a little peace sign, as if it added to the conversation.
The doctor tilted his head, seemingly waiting for some elaboration from Dallas.
Okay, maybe it was like, totally weird to come in unannounced and then wander around for who knows how long, instead of going to the medical professional running the place. But who can blame him? He’s an artist in need of motivation!
“So, like, I want in.” Does he, really? “Into the Habitat, dude.” Guess so.
The tall guy instantly perked up, hooked his hand around Dallas’ own, and dragged him towards the tower.
“Oh, then follow me!” He was already dragging him places, but okay, got’cha. “You will love it here!”
Dope, he sounds genuine. It’ll be, like, fine.
It’s been so long since that day.
Besides his first week there, he barely saw Habit around. Eventually, he forgot about him. Well, kind of. There were so many self-portraits and doodles decorating the Habitat it was hard to keep him completely out of mind. Only towards the end of his stay, when the creepy PSAs of his started playing every night, did Habit start lingering in his mind for longer periods, rather than just quick and easily forgettable reminders.
He wasn’t sure what exactly went on with Habit behind the scenes, but it didn’t seem very… chill. He might’ve been a bit dense, but not blind.
In the end, he ended up hearing about the events that transpired during the big event from others.
Maybe it was the fact he hadn’t experienced any of the bad stuff directly. Maybe it was the fact he’s a criminally chill dude. Or maybe it was the fact that Habit was genuinely remorseful about his actions, by the tone of the letter, even desperate. Whatever the reason, it didn’t take him long to make up his mind and accept the Doc’s invitation.
He even thought of the perfect gift to bring him, to celebrate his new beginning. Something representing hope.
A snowdrop.
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