#and while i dont think my cousin would think that her grandparents dont respect her or her sisters privacy at all and sometimes
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........maybe lead with that, grandma.....
#also possibly include more information#did they say when they were exposed?#are we talking like exposed this week? last week? yesterday?#i need to weigh the risks now grandma#on one hand i hope they were exposed last week and just tested now as a precaution#but on the other hand i kind of hope that's not what happened cuz that means they decided going on a trip was#still a good idea#but also that means theyre going to a restaurant during a time when sitting outside is not advisable due to the heat#and potentially exposing people when the tests may just not be picking it up yet#like im going to assume since theres 5 of them (hopefully only 4 tho. i dont wanna see bob) and they hopefully all got tested#and all the tests came back negative theyre /probably/ safe to be arounf#BUT I DONT KNOW THAT#BECAUSE PEOPLE DONT GIVE ME SUFFICIENT INFORMATION#like yes i should just text my cousin and ask some clarifying questions but i have anxiety around doing that#because when ive done that in the past people got mad at me cuz apparently thats rude to some people#and while i dont think my cousin would think that her grandparents dont respect her or her sisters privacy at all and sometimes#read their texts and the things they find rude are weird even by neurotypical standards so i dont know how to talk to them#(or in this case talk to my cousin and risk them reading my messages and getting offended somehow)#fuckin rich neurotypical catholics#its like i have to play fuckin chess just to talk to these peoplw#and im awful at chess#and if i do go do i wear my headphones to block out background noise in the restaurant????#that would likely help but i get the feeling everyones gonna wanna comment on it and question it cuz they do that with everything i do#and no one except grandma and MAYBE grandpa know im autistic and i while i dont care who knows#i also dont wanna risk getting interrogated about it in an Applebee's
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motakimask · 5 years
Living on Icarus Colony Part 4: The Rel clan.
Nemmenitah, known for many things such as being one of the most social races on their native galaxy or being exellent hunters even at a young age but, a little detail that surprises some, is their clans, and our local Nemmenitah, Zet, is going to elaborate a little bit on how they work.
Zet: Aye´teh, Io-tah´me coibrea-ih (Okay, I´ll ask her), Tia! can you come here for a second?
Tia: Yeah, why- Hi Ms. Aih,Rel.
Aih´Rel: You can call me Aih, ih´okora (translate to a formal version of daugther in law)
Tia: I cant, it feels like I´m disrespecting you...
Aih´Rel: that how we do it here, no need to feel ashame for it...
Zet: Ey´phe, we already talk about this, humans dont have the clan system we got...
Aih´Rel: Ke! ah-meih´tó coah! io-kota´náyoh! (Ke! come here! i got a question!)
Ke´Rel: Aye´teh- Zet... Hi Tia...
Zet: Hi Ae´phe...
Tia: Hi mrs. Ke´Rel...
Aih´Rel: Dont humans call their parents in law by their names?
Ke´Rel: If they are somehow close and sometimes because they hate each other, as far as I know, but I could be wrong, why do you ask?
Aih´Rel: see, you can call us by our name!
Zet: *Facepalms*
Ke´Rel: Aih, humans have different manners...
Zet: Yio´káh! (thanks you!)
Ke´Rel: by the way, when are you getting married?
Zet: *Almost falls of the chair* Ae´phe!
Tia: Whit all respect, we aren´t thinking about marriage right now, I know how important of that but we agree on giving ourself some time before that kind of decision...
Aih´Rel: Well, when that finally happends you´ll be welcome into the Rel clan!
Ke´Rel: Please dont get her scared...
While Zet´s parents discuss over that, the voices of two little kids and what would be a girl into what Nemmenitas call teenage years scream at the background...
Min´Rel: ih´vira!
Tia: hi...
Ya´Rel: Tia! When are you coming to visit us?
Min´Rel: it shouln´t be difficult, aren´t you half Eldemaeran?
Di´Rel: Aye´teh! hu-ku´reahn tsóht! me´to-shiou coah... sorry for that (Hey! you plittle pieces of shit! come back here...)
Ke´Rel: we... we´ll thalk abot that later...
Aih´Rel: Ok... when your simblings start a fight means that we already talk enought... We´ll talk another day, Yóh´nneah!
Ke´Rel: Yoh´nneah ekoro...
Zet´s simblings: Yóh...
Zet: Yóh´nneah ve!
Tia: Ok... goodbye...
After an awkward goodbye (specially for Tia) Zet just turn of the holo-screen of the phone and just fell on the floor and covered his face while screaming “why”...
Tia: Dont get me wrong, I like your family but sometimes they can get a little bit...
Zet: Annoying? I know...
Tia: Dont worry, I can handle everyone in the clan...
Zet: You got no Idea how our clans are?
Tia: Huh?
Zet: *Gets up* Nemmenitah clans are big, like seriously, seven simblings like yours are nothing, in fact, everyone criticizes my parents for having only five, and now one is dead...
Tia: Ok... Tell me everything... You always listen to my stuff so the least I can do is to do the same...
Zet: Is not only my parents and simblings, you also got my grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousins, even the pets are part of the clan and let me tell you, it is a mess, everyone in my mom´s side is... a mess...
Tia: And on your dad´s side?
Zet: I dont know them, that how it works, when a couple gets married one moves to the clan with more “prestige”... I cant find a better word...
Tia: kind off like someone taking their spouse´s last name?
Zet: Yeah... acording to dad, he came from a clan of gatherers, he met mom when he joined the local hunters, at the point they got married dad join the Rel clan and he ended up staying home to raise my simblings and I...
Tia: So you get married, lost contact with your family and abandon your job to take care of the kids?
Zet: I know it sound bad but... I´ll give it some context, dad never get along with his orininal clan, in normal circumstances we would actually knew his clan, as for the job and kids part, it use to be a rule a long time ago but nowadays is not necessary, dad started to work from home when Xa was born...
Tia: Doesn´t sounds as bad as I tought it was...
Zet: Listen, I love my family, I love my clan, I got nothing againts them but... For us marriage is something important, a lot, more than what you spect and I love you but I dont want to preassure you into-
Tia: I dont think we are ready for marriage,but I´ll still want to be with you, I know your parents probably want some sort of ceremony but I... may have an idea...
Zet: What are you talking about?
Tia: Didn´t you have a tradition involving necklaces?
Zet: Engaged couples give them to each other, is like humans using rings.
Tia: We aren´t engaged but I guess we can buy a pair of those and explain your clan that is our way to say “hey, we love each other even if we haven´t get married”
Zet: Well... my dad made my mother´s necklace, and Xa´s fiance give her something personal, grandpa got grandma something with her name...
Tia: Does it needs to be something specific?
Zet: If we are going to do that I want to give you something that has a meaning...*takes off an extremely long bracelet* here... it´s not a necklace but i guess if you untie it...it could fit on your neck...
Tia: but I got nothing to give you... WAIT!
Tia runs towards the wardrobe in their room and searches for an old dress she hasn´t wear in a while, rips off something located on the back of the dress and gives it to Zet.
Tia: I never knew why someone would put strings with of crystals in the back of a dress but hey, they finally got a purpose... I hope this counts...
Zet: It´s... More than perfect! *hugs Tia*
This obviously ends up in both of them just kissing, laugthing and just such way that this narrator can only describe as “so sweet that would give you diabetes”...
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Motaki´s notes: the ending says it all, besides I felt like I should write something focusing on their relationship, at least how it is when they have those cliche and sappy moments because most of the time they just act the most casual way ever, and yes, this happened before Naga visited them... And i deleted the original post and re-upload it because for some reason it would disappear from my porfile and then appear after re-loading the page for a few times...
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carlenggg-29-blog · 6 years
My name is Carla Mae Sales and I was born on the 29th of November,2000 in Marfrancisco Pinamalayan Oriental Mindoro. My parents are Ruel B. Sales and Karyll Ann Sales. I have two siblings named Jhencell Ann Sales and Leimar M. Sales. I have three siblings taht are already desease. The first one died because of some unknown reason and second is her stomach is not well when she was born and died after some seconds and third one is because she cannot breath properly. She’s our little angel when she was born she’s a cleft chin and have 24 fingers. Some says shes a lucky charm for us and yes shes indeed our lucky charm but fate didnt agree with us she died a week after she was born. I remember when she cried and I carry her my tears keep rolling in my face thinking she dont deserve all of these but I know God has plan for her and for us. My early childhood was a typical middle class environment in the late 2000s. My Papa is a tricycle driver and my Mama is a housewife. I had a happy,normal childhood having fun with my friends whos age is same as mine. Back when I was born my Auntie told me taht my grandfather dont want me and my Papa in their family. My Lolo wants to sue me he dont want me in their life so he wants me to throw on the sea just to get rid of me. So my Papa make a move on the I was born he called my Auntie and said wait for us on the outside of our grandfather house near the window in our room because he will pass me through the window. My Papa succeed and let us all out of my grandfathers house without him knowing. My parents lived on my grandparents house on my fathers ‘till when I was 7 yrs old. We lived on the house where the prostitutes are living because my Mama was a manager there but shes not the owner of the bar. And now we still lived there but the bar is already closed so my Mama is now housewife. I remember when I was 6 yrs old my Mama and Papa had a fight I saw how my father punch my mother in the face. So they got separated for almost half a year and my Papa promise my Mama that he would not do it again. Our family faced a lot of problems until now we lost four special persons in our life. The three of them is my siblings and the last one is my grandfather in my fathers side. I was grade 7 when he died I remember the last time that I spent with him. Its 4th of January 4:00 pm when we arrived at our grandfathers house. When we arrived therehes already outside their house on his wheelchair smiling at us. I come closer to him and he hug me tightly and kiss me all over my face while saying he misses me so much and he loves me and Im his favorite granddaughter. He never let me feel that Im not alone, that Im not a trash in my mothers family. Hes the only person except my parents that Im a person,a child who should be treat right. Before we say goodbye to him I give him a kiss,hug and talk but the love he gave to me is forever here in my heart the same as mine. I can say that hes the best grandfather to me. Even if he is not rich and hes job is collecting plastic,bottle etc. that can make his family eat 3 times a day. And he always give me a bread with peanut butter and zesto. Im so thankful to him for giving me the feeling that I deserved to be loved,cared and respect. After all of that I continued my life and always thank God and him for always giving me strength for everyday of my life. Since my grandfather died I join volleyball training in our school but didnt continue because I was shy. As the time passes my shyness in joining volleyball are gone. I joined volleyball league in our barangay with my cousin, tita and friends for 4 consecutive years and always got the title champion. I learned that life must go on. We should continue our life because there’s a lot of people who trust and loves you.
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