#and while what you could treat as her recompleted equivalent *does* become her own person after xiara's destruction
void-kissed · 2 years
13 and 15 for the SI Development Meme, for whichever SI you would like to answer those for? (Dragonsmooch)
Sure thing, friend!! Thank you very much for sending these!!~
(question source: "Self-insert Development Meme" by blushpanda)
Hmm.. after taking a look at the specific questions being asked here, I think I will answer these for my Kingdom Hearts self-insert Xiara, if that's alright with you!~
13. What are your self-insert’s goals? Her hopes and dreams for the past/future/present! Does she intend to achieve it no matter what? Could anything stop her, big or small? - Xiara's.. not really the outwardly ambitious type, in all honesty; she can seem fairly content with almost any circumstance and find a way to fit in or adapt. However, one thing that does drive her is knowledge, or more specifically missing information - learning more about those around her, more about the worlds and their natures, and learning about her own self and its nature. After all, while she is certainly assumed to be - and treated as - a Nobody, the fact she lacked any memories of her previous life (unlike most of the other members, save Roxas and Xion) and the fact she's since picked up on what seems like some innate dissimilarity between herself and the others mean she seeks to find answers. Not much could stop her going after those answers if she found a lead, with the possible exceptions being having to harm those she cares about or seriously risk her life to do so.
15. Does your self-insert have any enemies? What’s that dynamic like? Why are they enemies? Did they ever get along in the past? Is patching up differences out of the question for the future? - As a member of the Organisation, Xiara is initially opposed to Sora, because he seeks to defeat the Organisation. However, she holds no particular animosity towards the boy himself, even despite how hostile he himself is by the time she encounters him in Castle Oblivion (she fights him once in the upper floors and is then recalled from the castle, therefore inadvertently becoming the only member other than Axel to survive it). After all, she holds no real loyalty to the Organisation itself - she's with them because that's about all she remembers being, and because she figures completing Kingdom Hearts and gaining a heart of her own might give her the sense of completion that she lacks, but she holds no particular respect for the others' authority or anything. (As proven by her execution of "monitoring Roxas and Xion for Vexen" being "becoming friends with them both and helping them where possible including lying to Vexen's face about their actions", among other things.) And I think Sora would want her to be on his side if given the choice, because he's just sort of like that - so, they would definitely have been able to reconcile and Xiara would have helped him stop Xehanort! ..If not for the fact she is destroyed following her second boss fight with Sora, that is.
I hope that those answers were alright, dear dragon! Thank you very kindly once again for sending these~
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