#and will still go and be croatias best player
fazcinatingblog · 6 months
Oh great, April 1st, when the footy humourists tell me Alex Fasolo has retired and I'm like WHAT NO HE CAN'T and then I realise what day it is and breathe a sigh of relief that Alex Fasolo still plays football and
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pedripics · 4 months
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Pedri via Residency - May 14, 2024
Favourite Colour? - “Blue.”
He has never worn glasses before and hopes he doesn’t have to for a while
“My day today was typical post-game: training, treatment, hyperbaric chamber and little else.”
“If you are going to Tenerife, be sure to go to Tegueste. Although the south is more touristic.”
Favourite Movies? - “Action movies”
Dream in life? - “My dream in life was to play football and play for the national team and for Barça. Now it would be to win the World Cup and the Champions League”
Advice for Lamine and Cubarsi? - “I would tell Lamine and Cubarsi to enjoy themselves and to stay calm, both in good times and in bad times.”
Favourite Subject in School? - “I didn't have many favorite subjects... Physical Education.”
Favourite Childhood Memory? - “The best memory of my childhood is the time I spent playing ball with my brother and father when I was very young.”
Barcelona or Tenerife? - “Now Barcelona, when I retire Tenerife.”
“In the future I want to have children and hopefully a family like mine. But there's still a little bit left for that because l'm 21 years old.”
Job if he wasn’t a footballer? - “If I wasn’t a football player... well, I'd probably be a firefighter or a waiter in my family's restaurant.”
He couldn’t be a goalkeeper like his dad because of his height (we know pedrito)
Croatian NT? - “Croatia has always had a great selection and one of the midfielders that I have focused on the most, which is Modric. Playing against him always teaches you things.”
“The best and most difficult decision was to leave my family and leave Tenerife to play football. Thanks to them I have come this far.”
Any pets? - “I don't have pets. Maybe in the future (Dogs)”
He had to go because dinner was ready and his family was already starting to look at him badly
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pablitogavii · 1 year
heyyy, i love your works and i was wondering if you could do one where after the final croatia-spain gavi comes home to the reader angry and frustrated because when he was speaking the fans started insulting him/barca/his mom, the reader has calmed him down / reassured him and tell him that he did the best thing ignoring them after she does a live and in the comments the insults continue, at this point she gets angry and like defends him or in any case makes it clear that it is not a right / normal thing
take your time, thanks in advance if u do it <3
My Angry Bird
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You were sitting on the stands near the benches of the players with your VIP pass as one of Gavi's family members hearing everyone yell "P*** Barça" as your boyfriend walked out of the pitch.
You saw from his face that he heard it, looking sad and disappointed but still choosing to ignore them instead of reacting like he often does. You were very proud that he had matured quite a bit during this season and didn't let their words pull him into a problem.
You were escorted to the pitch as Pablo walked towards you having plastic bottles and trash thrown at him from the stands paired with the constant insults. The worst part is that it came from the Spanish fans. I hugged him tightly while he hid his face into my neck away from the hateful fans from the stands.
"You should go home, amor.." he said sadly not wanting things thrown at you as well because he was near you and you gave him a sad look holding his face and pressing your lips to his.
"You won and nobody can take that away from you mi vida" you say and he gave you a weak smile kissing your lips once more before helping you walk towards the tunnel followed by boos and angry screams.
"Gavi, Hijo de Puta!!" they screamed and you felt Pablo tighten his fists but you took them in your hands placing them around your waist instead. Pablo loved his mom so much and to hear them insult her like that was certainly crossing the line.
"Bet I can have your girl Gavi!" some fan said and I felt Pablo try to move towards him but I stopped him turning my head to the side.
"No you can't gilipollas!" I said while snaking Pablo's arms around my waist and hugging him tightly as he sighed heavily.
"Go celebrate with your friends, and I will see you at home mi amor" you said and he nodded kissing your lips before leaving back to the pitch away from the booing insults.
When he came home, you were already in your pajamas watching Friends on TV while snacking on come ice cream.
“Welcome home, cariño” you said and he just plopped on the bed besides you laying in your arms and resting his face into your neck.
You moved the ice cream to the side, pausing the episode and starting to play with his hair gently.
“It’s one thing to be disrespectful to my club but insulting my mom and you…I just can’t take it anymore amor” he finally spoke tears falling down his face and I kissed his nose smiling sweetly.
“You had such an amazing season amor. You won LaLiga and Nationals. You put in the work and you deserve it all mi vida. Those people hate that you still succeeded despite everything..and I was so proud you didn’t let them provoke you” you said while he listened to you with big eyes and pity face that looked just too adorable.
“I was so close to punching his stupid face when he said he could have you!” He said frustrated and you smiled nodding your head knowing how protective he gets.
“But you didn’t because you know you are the only one who can have me amor” you said and he smiled nodding his head and leaving wet kisses on your neck.
“I promised you an interview if we win..so let’s do it on live?” He said and you asked him whether he is sure he is up for it and nodded his head giving you your phone to start the live.
The moment you turned it on there was already 30k viewers asking questions and leaving comments for the two of you to read.
“How does it feel to win your first national title?”you read one of the comments and he smiled laying his head in your shoulder and saying how
exciting it was to lift that trophy.
“Who is your role model?” You ask next and he thinks for a few moments before saying a few good words about Xavi and his influence.
Then comments “p*** Barça” started again and you felt Pablo sigh in annoyance so you decided to do something about it.
“Players have such respect for each other no matter the team they play for, they are professionals so fans should also act like that too! There should be no hate in sports, competition exists for the best team to win but hatred has no place here!” you spoke while Pablo looked at you in awe smiling when you looked down at his adorable face.
“Her protecting him is so sweet!!” Pablo read the next comment before smiling and kissing your blushing cheeks this time him not being the one who let people get to him.
“Nobody can touch me when I hide behind my 5’4’’ warrior queen!” He said chuckling while you blushed telling him “callate!” Before reading some more questions for him to answer.
After some time, you saw him yawn knowing that he must be exhausted so you did one last question before turning the live off.
“I love you, did you know that?” He said still rested in my arms and I smile nodding my head.
“Yes, I do know that…and I love you too. Let’s go to bed cariño” you said and he smiled groaning and asking you to carry him obvioisly teasing you.
“You are my baby but you are also twice my size and with all those muscles!!” I said and he chuckled pulling me down and getting on top of me with a smirk on his handsome face. Little devil!
“Mmm you like all these muscles, don’t you princesita” he said and you blushed nodding your head while touching his flexed bicep.
It ended up with him carrying you to bed instead and getting some well deserved reward ;))
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mrs-santoss · 2 years
This Is It - Neymar Imagine
okey, i know the orders are closed but the defeat of Brazil leads me to want one where neymar is comforted by his wife.
you are one of the only people who writes about it and I LOVE the way you do. ☆

Author's Note: Thank you for requesting it. I'm still affected by the defeat, however, I decided to write about it right now while I'm still experiencing these emotions. I only said one thing to Neymar before the game. Don't overthink, just enjoy it and give your best. He was extremely nervous, he kept glancing at me during the breaks the whole time. I always gave him a smile and cheered for him, letting him know he's doing amazing. When Neymar scored, I became the happiest person alive. I was confident we could win it. Neymar seemed more relieved, he still tried to remain calm and didn't do any dancing celebrations.   It all came down to penalties. I hate penalties. Neymar hates penalties, too. He hates the idea of a penalty deciding everything, probably because of the pressure he feels when he has to shoot.  Brazil takes the first penalty and misses. This is devastating. Neymar looks extremely worried and anxious, as do the rest of the team. Croatia manages to score. It all comes down to Marquinhos. He needs to score the penalty for a winning chance. He gets to the ball, he shoots it, he misses. I drop down on my seat. I hear cheering all around me from the other team's fans. I can't believe this happened. Brazil lost. Neymar lost, he didn't even get the chance to shoot. I can't hold my feelings inside anymore and I begin to tear up. I look down at the field and spot Neymar sitting on the field with is head on his hands. This sight broke my heart. I can't contain myself anymore and I decide to go down to him. I go behind him and hug him from the back, standing behind him on my knees. He can tell it's me. He keeps his head down and sobs uncontrollably. "Ney..." I hug him tighter. He doesn't respond he just keeps crying. I decide to go around in front of him and face him. I take his face on my hands and try to get him to look at me. "Amor, look at me." I can't stop my own tears from falling, I place my forehead against his. He grabs my shoulders and hides his face in the crook of my neck. I feel his tears on my chest. I rub his back and kiss his shoulder repeatedly. I want to get him out of the field and calm him down. I know what he's thinking. He thinks he's a failure, he thinks he's worthless. "Ney, amor. It's okay. You did amazing, bebê. You gave all you had, I know you didn't hesitate once. You took all your chances, amor. You should be proud of yourself." I say to him, we're still in the same position, he's not moving or reacting to my words, he just keeps crying. "Let's go sit inside and calm down, Ney. Okay, yeah? Can we do that?" I ask him, hoping he will agree. I see Dani coming up to us and rubbing Neymar's back, he tries to comfort him but fails. I ask Dani to help me make Ney stand up.
We go inside the hall and all the players head to the changing room. As soon as we are out of camera's sight, Neymar turns to me and wraps his arm around me, continuing to cry.
"I could've done more. This wasn't supposed to end like this." he speaks for the first time since the loss.
"You gave it all you had, Ney. Everything. Your heart, your soul, you talent, everything. Please, don't blame yourself. Please, amor." I kiss his neck.
"No, I didn't. If I did, I would've been over there celebrating our win. Not here, feeling defeated."
"Yes, you did. You fucking did, Ney."
I let go from the hug and grab his hand, leading him to the changing room. I decide to wait outside the door for him.
"You go in there and change so we can go home and just lay together and sleep, you need to rest. I will wait right here for you." he nods and leaves.
Once he comes out, he reaches for my hand and we walk towards the exit to the parking lot. I can tell he's still extremely disappointed, which is expected. I can't stand to see him like this. I want him to get over this as soon as possible. He deserves every good thing in this world. 
"Ney?" I look up to him as we're walking towards the car.
"Please don't make this harder on yourself. I need you to know that you're the best player, the best team mate, the best person out there. I love you with all my heart. I'm so proud of you. I'm proud of you every single day."
He cracks a small smile to me for the first time ever, which is enough for me. He stops and leans in to kiss me.
"Thank you for being here, I love you, Y/N. With all my heart."
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jusalle · 2 years
Richarlison Imagine!
•You tried your best•
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Richarlison Pov:
I tried so damn hard. Just to be subbed out eventually. I knew I wasn't doing the best. I had faith I would do better. I thought they would put me back in eventually.
They subbed me out at the 84th minute. I switched with Pedro.
We were doing so damn good against Croatia when it was 1-0, but once it hit 1-1 everything just went downhill
We had to do penalties because we already went with overtime and that didn't uneven things out, it started off good but then we ended to 4-2. Even though I wasn't in the game during the penalties, I feel like let down everyone even my country.
The game finished 10 minutes ago. I'm just standing in the middle of the field. I look around at the crowed of people and see them just staring. Then I look at my teamates and I see Ney crying. Once I saw that it broke me. I look into the stands one more time
I see my beautiful wife. Her eyes have tears in them. She had believed in me, I let my own wife down. That's when everything hit me.
Tears start filling my eyes, making my eyes blurry, my head hurting from the tears.
I let everyone down today
Readers Pov:
Brazil is now eliminated. I see my husband just standing on the field. He just looks around and once he sees me, his face just breaks.
Meu Amor is crying.
I know its rough but it's not his fault. I'm proud of him. Especially he made it this far into the stages. He could never disappoint me.
I see him walking to the lockerooms by himself and I decide to see how he's doing.
I walk into the lockeroom. The sound of banging goes throughout my ears. I see Richarlison just banging on the lockers, his face full of tears. He can't even take a second to breathe.
Once he sees me he completely just breaks down.
"I-I-.. I'm sorry Y/n, if only I've don't better and I know I disappointed you and probably hate me like everyone else. I let down my own country and my own wif-"
You didn't want him talking anymore. Especially the way he as talking in between sobs was breaking my heart.
You go up to him and give him a big hug as he puts his head on your chest. Listening to your heartbeat.
"Meu Amor, you did so good today, never ever doubt yourself, next world cup you'll come stronger than ever. Also you can never disappoint me. I was so proud on how you were doing Amor. You country loves you Richarlison De Andrade. You are the heart of Brazil Amor. Your the best player I know"
By now Richarlison has calmed down. You always knew how to calm him down. All he had to do was listen to your heartbeat and just focus on what your saying.
He gets up from the position he was in and cups my face and stares in at me.
"Meu Amor, you don't know how lucky I am to have you. I really don't deserve your support and love. Your too good for me Amor. Thank you for everything."
Richarlison got all his stuff and you decided it was better to go straight home and relax.
The car ride home was silent. Which didn't suprise me because I knew Richarlison was still upset.
You guys got home and you guys get everything out and go inside. You guys get ready for bed and decide to go on the couch to relax.
You two sat in silence. It wasn't a awkward silence, it was a silence where you just want to be in eachother presence.
"You tried you best Meu Amor, don't listen to what those stupid people say about you. Your the greatest player I know. Don't beat yourself up about it. You said quietly, not knowing how he's going to respond
He just nods and kisses you gently and caressing your cheek.
"Amor, I really don't deserve you. But thank you for being with me since day one and always dealing with my bullshit even though sometimes I can be annoying and an asshole somtimes."
You just chuckle at what your Husband said about himself.
"Meu Amor, if we're in this together. I'll always be by your side no matter what. You did fantastic today. Don't listen to people. Things happend for a reason Amor, things will eventually come your way soon."
He just smiles at me and lays on my chest again.
Listening to my heartbeat
HELLOO lovelies, ik this is short but this one is based on today's game. I hope you guys enjoyed. ALSO if yall have request ILL GLADY ACCEPT💛🐦
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gvardiol · 2 years
Croatia can’t be explained
allow me to give you a little translation of some segments from an amazing article about this insane team (source: telesport)
“Croatia isn’t a football team. They’re like science fiction, an unstoppable force from another dimension, a collective of 11 who transform into something that defies the laws of physics and biology on the pitch, whenever they’re playing a big game”
“how else would we explain the fact that Croatia - which, against Japan, had the oldest 11 in the WC knockouts since 2006 - against allegedly unstoppable Brasil, runs into attack in 103rd minute”
“but the fact remains that this Croatia is terribly, even impossibly, difficult to defeat in big competitions”
“it is a fact that this national team didn’t lose one single match in regular time in big tournaments, and it is also a fact that this Croatia is score-wise one of the greatest knock-out phase teams in the history of world cups. it seems we will need some time to become fully aware of that.”
“neymar scored, because of course the best player of the world’s best team is going to score during 120 minutes, Croatia equalized, because of course Croatia, inexplicable Croatia, the team that shatters all analytical models and makes journalists wonder whether they know anything about the sport that they write about, will remain undefeated. about penalties... maybe some other time. it seems like we still don’t have a rational explanation about what decides in a penalty shootout, but one thing is certain: this Croatia simply doesn’t lose”
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CFWC Writer of the Month - July 2023: AlwaysMyChoices
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Each month CFWC highlights one of our talented fanfic writers, and this month’s writer of the month is @alwaysmychoices. We hope you will enjoy learning more about them and their work below! The writer is selected at random. More info can be found on the navigation page.
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Tumblr Blog: AlwaysMyChoices Blog Masterlist
How do you want to be known on Tumblr? May
1- When did you start playing Choices? What was the first book you played? 
I started playing The Royal Romance in December 2017. I have no idea how I found the app, but I was obsessed with that story. My memories from this time are super vague -- I know there was a connection between Cordonia being based on Montenegro and Croatia (two countries I studied abroad in the next summer), a well-placed advertisement, and a Christmas vacation where I was snowed in with too much time on my hands.
2- When and why did you join Choices fandom?
I joined the fandom in January 2018 because I desperately needed to talk about the Royal Romance. I didn’t have any friends who played (and was embarrassed to share), so I started off liking posts from my “real” account (which was a Sims account) and then made this as a “side blog.” Later, that Sims account got abandoned, which is why all of my likes come from a different Tumblr.
3- How did you pick your blog name? 
I had three criteria -- it needed to be (1) somewhat punny, (2) dramatic and angsty, and (3) tangentially related to the game. Though I was a Royal Romance stan, I wanted to give myself room for growth, so I didn’t name my account anything to do with the book. The name I really wanted was taken, so I settled for AlwaysMyChoices. But honestly, I love it now.
4- Pull up the first post in your archive, and tell us about it!  
My first post is expressing my disappointment that the Royal Romance’s Book 2 wasn’t angsty enough -- and that perfectly sums up my account. Four days later, I posted my first Choices fanfic.
5- How long have you been writing fanfiction?
13 years. I started writing in 2010 on Fanfiction.net for Percy Jackson. I was very, very young, and it shows in those initial works -- which is pretty ironic because this was the phase in my fanfiction career where I had the most success. I got millions of views on some of those stories, and they’re objectively terrible. After about six or seven years on that website, I went to college and ended up taking a hiatus. I wasn’t inspired to write anymore, which was pretty devastating at the time. Finding Choices brought back my passion for writing fanfiction.
6- What is your favorite Choices book, and what is your favorite Choices book to write about?
Here’s the thing -- I love Open Heart, but The Royal Romance has to be the best. Are there flaws? Definitely. Did the series go off the rails? Eventually, yes. But TRR understood pining. It knew that the readers wanted tender moments with LIs, but they also wanted pain. We wanted tropes, but we didn’t want it to feel tired. We wanted incredible supporting cast members where even the tiniest background player was well-crafted and interesting (and the villain was iconic). We wanted growth and well-structured arcs, and surprising twists. Plus, the LIs checked all the boxes -- the prince bound by duty, the lover’s best friend, the supportive friend turned lover and the woman who had been through pain but always saw the best in people. I wish I could go back and relive that magic.
At the time, I loved writing about TRR, too, but I’ll admit that Ethan Ramsey was made for angsty fanfiction.
7- Share the first fanfic you wrote with us. Do you still like it, or would you change it if you were writing it today?
My first fanfic for Choices was “Come to Bed.” This was when I still wrote in the first person, which feels like a lifetime ago. As for my thoughts, it’s fine. I wouldn’t do anything differently, but I also probably wouldn’t publish it. When it comes to my Choices fics, my biggest complaint is that they’re often too tied to a moment. I wrote them because I read a chapter in whatever book, felt overcome with emotion and inspiration, and put that into my word processor. They’re my reactions more than a story, and aside from a few angsty quotes or steamy scenes, I generally forget about them when the moment passes.
To be honest, I totally forgot about “Come to Bed.” I thought my first story was “Prove it,” a much steamier TRR story. 
8- What is your favorite fic that you’ve written?
A Weekend with Dr. Ramsey is my legacy in this fandom, and I’m happy with that. I’m proud of that series. But if it had to be a single fic, it’s either “Him” or “Never Had a Chance.” Both are pairings I don’t often write (Ethan x Tobias and MC x Drake, respectively), and both stories focus on these grand, explosive loves that burn up too quickly but eventually settle into comfortable, platonic admiration. It’s the kind of love that lingers long after the romance has died. 
9- Do you have a fic that you didn’t expect to be well received, but it was? What about one you expected to be but found could use a little more love?
I never expected my Ethan & F!MC "Calling to Say I’m Marrying Someone Else” headcanon to blow up. That was such a pleasant surprise, and I love it to this day. As this fandom has dwindled, engagement naturally decreased, but I have to admit I hoped for a bit more love on “You’re a Devil.” Sexy pining at a Halloween party? The color red symbolizes danger and decadence they can’t accept? I still think it’s great.
10- If you could write only angst, fluff, or smut for the rest of your writing life, which would it be and why? 
Angst. I love reading fluff and smut, but I’m really in the zone when I’m writing angst. For me, that’s when characters become something bigger than an idea -- they’re growth and change and cathartic and tragic and triumphant. If I never wrote angst again, I don’t know how I’d ever find that feeling anywhere else.
11- Do you ever recognize yourself in any of your MCs or in your writing?
Oh yeah. My MCs are generally versions of me with some exaggerated character flaws -- pride for Collins, indecision, and stubbornness for Charlie. I’m not as messy as my MCs, but at my core, I think I want to be.
12- What element of writing do you struggle with most?
Consistency. My issue has always been finding that inspiration and holding on to it. I’m very dependent on the “flow” of writing. When I’m in it, everything is easy -- the dialogue is effortless, the descriptions are perfect, and the pacing is impeccable. When I’m not in it, I’ll write the same thing over and over until I give up. I have a bad habit of letting inspiration come in all-consuming waves without any safety net of pacing or discipline. If I burn out or get distracted, it’s all over.
Oh, and length. Those stories are always way too long.
13- Do you have any neglected work you really want to finish?
Omg, yes, all of it. I need to finish With and Without, but I know I’ll be devastated when I do. Then, there are the dozens of notes on my phone, reminding me of all these new stories I’ve abandoned.
14- If someone you know in real life (who isn’t involved in fandoms) asked to read your work, would you let them? If yes, what would you recommend they read first? 
I am super weird about keeping my fanfic life separate from my real life. It is a barrier I very rarely break, but when I have broken it, I’ve run into the same problems -- because it’s fanfiction, I give no exposition. So, if you’re reading it without any fandom knowledge, you’re lost. With that in mind, I think I would give them a quick recap and then give them “A Weekend with Dr. Ramsey.” It would kill me to be that vulnerable, but I think it’s the best reflection of this account. 
15 - Are there any writers (published authors and/or fanfic writers) who influenced your writing? 
So many! Particularly in the fandom, I’ve learned from so many creators. Early on, I remember @boneandfur and @heauxplesslydevoted were such big TRR influences for me. So many amazing creators have deactivated -- even someone who taught me my entire bullet point format for HCs. Now, I’d say I’m pretty inspired by @jerzwriter, @terrm9, @utterlyinevitable, @the-pale-goddess, @mvalentine, and @queenbirbs. I’m definitely forgetting so many amazing people!
16- Which one of your stories would you most like to see as a movie/series? 
I would love to see A Weekend With Dr. Ramsey adapted into a mini-series with a devastating ending. 
17- Do you write original fiction? 
Yes, but not as often as I wish. Fanfiction has always been easier for me because I have somewhere to share it. Without that, I find I end up losing steam and forgetting about it. I do, however, have a phone full of story ideas, and one day, I’m determined to do them justice.
18 -  What other hobbies do you have?
I am a big reader, an occasional bullet journaler, a dog lover, a movie buff, and a fan of British mystery shows. 
19 - What’s your favorite emoji? 
The eyes emoji 👀It’s one of those amazing emojis that adds nuance to a text, and I use it way too often.
20: BONUS - tell us anything you’d like (if you want to).
____ I am truly so grateful to be part of this fandom. I know I’m not good at being in the fandom -- I disappear, I suck at answering, etc. But I truly love this group and am so happy to be part of it.
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match-notes · 3 months
Time to say Goodbye 😢 (2/8)
It's taken us some time to come to terms with it but the group stages of Euro 2024 have come to an end and we've lost a third of the teams. We bid a sad farewell to the early leavers and look back at some of their best bits.
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Croatia- end of a golden era?
The surprise early exit in our opinion, while their path to the round of 16 was going to be difficult- despite Spain a powerhouse of talent and Italy the defending European champions also being part of group B, most assumed Croatia would somehow find a way. After all they were runners up in the 2018 World Cup and finished third in Qatar less than two years ago. Their start was abysmal, a 3-0 defeat to Spain seemed to shell shock the players (and us!). Their second match, a draw against Albania seemed to pose more questions than answers. Their last match, also a draw against Italy, sealed their fate and Croatia walked away from the tournament without being able to celebrate a win. Sadly it was not meant to be for Croatia, so does this mean their golden era has come to an end? Only time will tell.
Our favourite moment- Luka Modric scoring a goal almost immediately after missing a penalty. Poetic
*this goal also makes him the official oldest goal scorer in Euros history ( Although both Ronaldo and Pepe could still snatch that title away this tournament)
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Just another fan calmly watching his team play
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Doviđenja Croatia! 🇭🇷
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realmadridfamily · 2 months
Honestly Madrid players haven't done well in these continental tournaments :(
France was underwhelming, same for Brazil. Germany gave a good game but they're out. At least Arda gave good games and even scored a fantastic goal. Modric is definitely no longer fit for 90 minutes. I feel bad for Valverde after the mess in Copa America.
Only Dani (and Nacho and Joselu sort of) can say they've done okay. Oh and Jude is also there carrying England.
You don't even know how much I miss Real Madrid. Let them go home now!
This is a very good tournament for Dani and it's not shocking that his teammates from the Spanish national team are talking about the Ballon d'Or for him or about being among the candidates … it's a pity that people don't realize what he does for this team and how much fear there was before the match against France because of his absence. Nacho is Nacho. He showed that he is not here by accident. And well… I will keep my fingers crossed for Spain on Sunday, especially for them. Because this is their last chance and they deserve it not only because of their current condition, but also because of their entire career. Anyway, Spain is the best team at Euro in my eyes and they played the best matches. I feel sorry for Fede because individually this tournament was good for him. How this guy develops from year to year and what an example he becomes for others is very impressive. Our future captain! Brazil … Rodrygo hasn't been himself for a few months, so it's not a surprise for me. I'm worried that maybe it's a mental problem. Vinicius tried to do something (which sometimes seemed selfish), but it's difficult when you have three rivals around you and no help from your teammates. He won a penalty or two for Brazil, but the referee, well… maybe I'd better keep quiet, but I want to point out that it could have looked different at the end. I will leave Endrick alone because he is still a young boy with no experience. He still has time. I talked about Militao a few days ago… the fact that he took part in the Copa America at all is admirable. He played quite well, but was unlucky in the penalty shootout. Well, life. England, like France, played below any expectations. Looking at their names, we expected much more. Of course, I didn't expect fireworks from Jude due to his health problems, but he helped his team a lot on the way to the final. Thanks to this, he is still in the fight for the Ballon d'Or or maybe he has taken the lead. Anyway, the match against the Netherlands was England's best match at the Euro. They deserved to play in the final. France… tell me what you want, but Mbappe's performance in this tournament is not just bad luck with his nose, but a summary of the entire difficult season. Physically he was not properly prepared and mentally he was tired. It was visible. Cama played well when he could be on the pitch and Tchou had good and bad moments, although I was worried about him because of the injury from which he had just recovered. Mendy didn't have a chance to perform properly. But France also had their chances to play in the final and then the narrative could have been different. Arda … what can I say? Our diamond. Croatia also had its problems, although Luka made the difference. But… he doesn't have as much strength as before. Toni had a difficult last match, let's face it. He got carried away by emotions, which is new for him, but he himself changed this team with his return. That's the truth.
Well, not everyone can win and someone had to be eliminated. This is football. You either win or you fail. Sometimes it's difficult to transfer your potential from the club team to the national team because you have to adapt to a different style of play, to a different profile of players around you. In the club you play from memory, automatically. And I'm not just talking about our players, because many others also "failed" because the expectations from them were high. Even Cristiano and Messi have been criticized for this over the years.
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shannybasar · 3 months
Euro 2024 stories - 6
Unexpected outcome in Group D after Austria beat Netherlands today, and France drew with Poland:
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Very few people saw this coming, but one did:
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At least Mbappe finally got a goal in the Euros, albeit from a penalty:
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and France finally got a goal:
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Even though France didn't top their group, you can never have too much N'Golo Kante appreciation:
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The unexpected results have led to some potentially great knock out games:
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Own goals is increasing its lead as the top scorer thanks to the Netherlands:
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Still loving the fan action:
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I am missing Albania, and their fans:
“People claimed they would put four past us in the first game, five in the second, and we wouldn’t show up for the third,” Sylvinho, Albabia’s coach, had said, but they did show up, as they have done throughout their 10 days here. Thousands had come to enjoy this and their team had come to compete too, so they did: going at Spain, giving everything and getting beaten, sure, but by no greater scoreline than more than illustrious footballing nations, departing with Sylvinho insisting he was proud: “I lost many nights’ sleep but it was worth it,” he said. Albania, who began with players from eight leagues, are the most international team here. They are also a brave one, a side that scored after 23 seconds against Italy and late against Croatia went for Spain. For a short while at the start they appeared determined not to let Spain out. Almost as soon as they did though, it was decisive.
And I hope we haven't seen the last of Luka Modric at international tournaments:
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And the less said about the England's 0-0 draw the better. But at least Slovenia qualified for the last 16 in a major tournament for the first time ever:
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Only one thing was clear at the end of this uneasy fever dream of a 0-0 draw in Cologne. The best piece of news to emerge from England’s progress through Group C is that England’s progress through Group C is now finally over. Happiness is defined in some schools of thought as the relief from pain. In which case the world is at least a sightly happier place today. Following England through these three games in Germany has been a gruelling experience, even as gruelling England tournament experiences go, the football equivalent of being very slowly and methodically beaten to death with a bin bag full of meat.
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anyways-wonderwall · 4 months
Eurovision Special!
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I would just like to start this by saying woah. I have been keeping up with Eurovision for the past 7 years and have written about the last four, and this is easily the biggest shitshow I have ever seen. Never before has my Twitter been solely about Eurovision, and never have I seen Americans actually kinda care.
Just to make it clear from the beginning, Israel should not have been in this competition and should never be invited back after all they did this year, although we all know that since they own Moroccan Oil they will never face any consequences. Not only that but their song this year sucked! It got the lowest rating from me this year, even putting controversial stuff aside.
Anyways, it is time for the annual tradition of me telling you what my five favorite songs were and what I thought of the entries this year. If you've read any of my other Eurovision posts (I've reviewed 2021, 2022, and 2023), you'll know that I go through and grade all of these songs on a spreadsheet through a very objective rigorous process. I grade on five categories (which are eerily similar to what the jury does): Singer, Song, Catchiness, Performance, and the bonus points category Diversity. The max score is technically a 40, but that last category can and has put some songs over the edge. Oh and this ranking is based on how much I like the song, so the order may not fully match the scores.
All the drama aside, this was one of the best years song-wise for Eurovision (this was definitely the hardest its been to rank the songs ever). I think countries are starting to understand that being quirky pays off, so now we're getting real song diversity and really amazing performances. Also, Eastern Europe really gave it their all this year and I cannot thank them enough. (Oh and all of these songs, minus Croatia, are NOT IN ENGLISH!! Truly an incredible year)
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5. Netherlands - Europapa by Joost Klein
Score: 35/40
Notes: good energy song itself is meh
Final Ranking: uhhhhhh, that's a long story
Look I get it, this song truly embodies Eurovision in every way. It's in Dutch, one of the silliest languages out there, he's out there wearing crazy outfits and has a silly haircut, its a euro-techno hit, he has the emotional angle since it was dedicated to his parents; this is one of the most perfect Eurovision songs to enter. All that aside though, its not that interesting or awesome as a song. The main riff is incredibly catchy and the production choices with the piano are pretty cool, but it just feels like a rip off of the silliness of last year's "Cha Cha Cha," down to ending in a boring techno breakdown. I think this song is a clear response to that (down to the shoulder pads) but it still is pretty good and did a great job making this year even crazier than anyone thought possible.
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4. Greece - ZARI by Marina Satti
Score: 33/40
Notes: I've never been more flummoxed
Final Ranking: 11th
This song on the other hand, is one of the most interesting things I have ever heard. Marina Satti as an artist and this song has been occupying my thoughts nonstop, because what the hell is happening here. It's like Rosalina-style cumbia got lost in the East Mediterranean and the music video leaves me even more confused. The crazy jumps from Arab traditional flute sounds to strings to a cumbia baseline to a men's choir, to a melodramatic echoey bridge? I took a whole class on writing about music and I can't find the words to describe this one. And all of her media around it uses 2005 word art fonts and clip art? And she is serious about everything the entire time. Everything she does is hilarious and off the wall, yet she continues the persona of a pop diva. I seriously cannot get enough of her.
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just want to point out that this is one of her real album covers. The word icon doesn't cover it.
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3. Armenia - Jako by LADAVINA
Score: 41/40
Notes: Trumpet player hot or not
Final Ranking: 8th
Speaking of icons, look at these two! I really think this year was countries really embracing their native genres, whether that be Eurodance, Mediterranean Cumbia, Eastern European Emo, or Armenian folk music. This song just truly embodies fun. The lively beat, the screaming and yipping, a crowd cheering, the wailing trumpet, the random instruments whispering in the background. Listening to this makes you feel like you are a part of the coolest party ever, with flute and ukulele solos, and freedom to yell as loud as you want. I cannot get enough of this song and the energy these two bring to it, and I am so glad Armenia picked an absolute banger to represent them this year.
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2. Estonia - (nendest) narkootikumidest ei tea me (küll) midagi by 5MIINUST x Puuluup
Score: 44/40
Final Ranking: 20th
This song is just awesome, in every way. You have this weird Estonian string thing, voices so low that it sounds like throat singing, all mixed with that kind of techno that feels so intrinsically Eastern European. The music video has them driving around a Soviet-style building complex just messing around in abandoned warehouses and parking lots. This is what I'm talking about when I say that countries are going back to their roots and not just trying to send what they think is the most marketable. I see this as a sequel to Moldova's entry last year, which involved a Eurovision veteran with some new faces, mixing old and new to make a masterpiece that has so much personality.
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Croatia - Rim Tim Tagi Dim by Baby Lasagna
Score: 43/40
Notes: Meow cat, please meow back
Final ranking: 2nd!
Look at this guy, he looks like someone who you would love to bring home to your parents and would like cats. He wasn't supposed to compete for Croatia this year and was put in last minute and I'm so glad because my life would have been so much darker without this banger in it. It's a classic emo anthem about leaving your farm-filled hometown to go to the big scary city, but he doesn't take himself too seriously with a name like "Baby Lasagna" and a chorus of nonsense words. The music videos as sped up farmers dancing and a cat that looks exactly like mine (both one-eyed and orange), and is a perfect mix of vulnerable and silly. This really seems like someone who was genuinely making something fun and expressing himself, and just happened to almost win Eurovision in the process.
Here's to hoping Eurovision actually happens next year after everything that went down, and if you're curious my least favorite songs were the offensively boring entries from Israel and Albania.
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pedripics · 3 months
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PEDRI | Interview with RNE - Tablero Deportivo (june 22, 2024) - Translation
Pedro González, Pedri, very good morning. Few moments of Oasis are granted in a competition as short and as tough as this European Championship, but that's how we are on this Saturday. Qualified as first, relaxed, time to recover which is very important.  When it was known that Croatia and Italy were going to be the first two opponents, I imagine that it was difficult to imagine this situation now.
"Yes, it's clear. When you have those two opponents in the group, first you think that you're going to see how it's going to happen, but the truth is that I was confident in the team we had, in how we were going to get there. I think we had played very good games before coming to this European Championship and we are showing that we have a very good level."
Pedri, you don't know, well, I'm sure you're even happier, but you don't know how we're glad to see you so well after such a complicated year.
"Yes, to be honest, I am very happy above all. I have already said that I have worked hard to get here, to be well at the end of the season and I knew that the work was being done and in the end it was going to pay off."
But was there a time when you thought, well, this summer I have a long vacation or did you knew that Luis de la Fuente was going to wait for you until the end?
"Well, the truth is that Luis has always been interested in me, he has called me, I have had conversations with him when I have had setbacks, and he has told me to be calm. And well, there was always the doubt, in case I had another relapse, in case it could happen. But well, yes, I knew that if I worked hard and was well, I knew that I had the opportunity and the confidence of the mister."
I can assure you that this season all the Barça games we've commentated, which are all of them, we've always said the same thing. We ended with the phrase, let's see if in the end Pedri arrives with the best version for the Eurocup because I don't know if you are aware of how important you are for the team's scheme and for this team in general.
"Well, I do feel like an important player, it's clear that all of us who are here are important because it's complicated to decide the list for the coach and, well, until the last moment there were three players who could have been left out and it's clear that it's complicated to come to the Spanish national team, there is a very good level of players and we are seeing that every day we are growing more and more."
I think I told you that we had the opportunity to talk in Qatar in an interview during the World Cup and I told you about it but when we landed in Doha there were some huge posters of players and the one of Spain was your picture, it was the picture of Pedri. I don't know if the profile of Pedri, of the Pedri who came to the World Cup two years ago, is a bit different from the Pedri who today, because of the circumstances, because of the complicated season you've had, has taken you out of the spotlight a bit and that's been good for you, or did you want to give a blow on the table and say, look, I'm the same?
"Yes, exactly. I've always been the same. It's true that there are a lot of people who say that I'm not the same, but it's true that I have to keep getting into a rhythm to reach my best version, which is still to come. And above all, that's what I have to do, work to get my best in the next rounds."
Well, that's what I'm happy about. Because there is one thing that I think worries us all a bit, which is that we have started so well. You know that at the end of tournaments you have to go from less to more and I don't know if you can go any more after the great game the other day against Italy.
"There are a lot of people who say that, for example, you have to lose the first game, you're going to be champion or things like that. But that's what it is. I prefer to win and be more relaxed."
It scares me a lot to go in with nine out of nine. It's like in the Champions League. You say you win everything, then you never win the title.
"Well, I think it will be good for us to get there. Nine out of nine. That's what we're going for. We'll try to beat Albania and have those nine out of nine and then face the last 16."
The thing is that the Albania match. Well, it's good. The coach is going to give others a chance. I don't know if you already know, Pedri, if he has told you and you're going to rest or not. But well, Rodri won't be here because of the cards and there are people who are a little bit injured, it's logical that there should also be minutes for everyone because this is a great group, but there's a long week left for the real match, for the match of the last sixteen…
"Yes, let's see, it's clear that we're all looking forward to the last 16, but we have to focus on Albania. They're a complicated team who have made it quite difficult for the other teams and I remember we played a match against them at Espanyol's ground and they were a complicated team who made it difficult for us. I think we scored in the last few minutes and it's clear that it's not going to be an easy game."
Look, there are headlines after the other day's match against Italy, which I'll confess is one of the best things I've seen in football, not just from Spain but in football for a long time. “The national team dances to the rhythm of Pedri and Fabian. Spain gets gold from Lamine. The flanks with Nico and Lamine destroy an Italy that didn't even show up.”  Are we overdoing it? Are we getting a bit over the top?
"Yes, you've put a bit of magic into it, but well, when you win, it's normal for people to get behind you. We are seeing that a lot more people are supporting us. It's normal that at the beginning they come with more doubts, but well, we try to resolve them on the pitch and that they are with us."
Yes, that's it, that's it, the praise from the press, but for an opponent to say, as was said in the mixed zone, we knew they were better, but not that much better. I don't know if there's a bigger compliment than that.
"No, I don't think so, that the rival you played against says so is the biggest compliment you can have, because on the pitch it's a different experience. It's true that watching a game when you see one team superior to another you see it clearly, but on the pitch, to see that and say it is different."
I imagine the dressing room of the national team in the leisure time, when you're working and you're working, but it's kind of like a flea market and also when you're eliminating each other in ping pong and you're playing pool, well, hey, but there are conversations. Do you talk about this a lot? Hey Nico, you or Nacho, they tell me you're going to leave. Morata and they're throwing you the cane from I don't know where. Do you talk about this a lot?
" No, not really, there aren't many conversations about what our team is about, about the situation that each of us has. But well, sometimes if you ask him what you're going to be next year, how are you going to face it? But the truth is that there are very few conversations. Well, I don't know if the others talk about it, but I've had very few conversations about it."
So, you're not giving us any news with this, are you? Yeah, but I thought so. Hey, and another thing. You're the only national team that has the chance to be the first to win four European Championships, which is great. Are you thinking about these things when you're playing or there's that rumour that we're making good history?
"No, it's clear that we think about it, we've come to Germany to try to win the fourth. But on the pitch, you don't really think about it. You try to win that game however you can and that's it."
Hey, Manu, what a nice guy, very, very nice. The truth is that I see you more relaxed, which is something that is always cool, the season is different, the season is another thing, the selection... I think it changes your face. There are a lot of people you already know, but the atmosphere, everything feels completely different. Well, to begin with, the Federation is completely different from the coach as well, but you notice the joy that the younger players have given and you have very few, you are a kid. Has it changed the team a bit?
"Yes, of course. When young people come, they always try to joke around. When you see Nico and Lamine around, they're always joking and laughing. Fermín is next to them and well, it's different, because then you look, for example, at the other table and you see Nacho, Carvajal. People end up a bit more serious, some are laughing all day, but well, there's a bit of everything and I think there's a great group as I said. I think that's very important and you can see it on the pitch."
Listen, just like a card player, having a lot of options is good for you. For you, who is a playmaker, you look at one side, you see Lamine who is just 16 years old, you look at the other and you see Nico, that gives you life, right? This is playing with two wide-open wingers.
"Yes, it's clear. I think they're different from the wingers we're used to in Spain. They are two daggers on the flanks and well, it's much easier when you turn and see Lamine and Nico or the other ones we have. I think the others who haven't played are also at spectacular training levels and I think they can all do amazing."
Are you going to give Lamine a hand with his homework and stuff? I heard him in an interview the other day saying that he has to take time out for homework and exams and stuff like that.
"Math, I can help him, but if it's my turn in English, I don't know what I can do, hahahahahaha."
Hey, how are you doing with your German? Because I don't know if you've had time to pick up the phone and talk to the new coach. But I'm terrible at German, I have to tell you.
"I'm asking Dani Olmo about the German, but it's quite complicated. I think it's going to be easier for him to learn Spanish than for me to learn German."
If you put it in perspective, in 2021 would you have made a different decision, would you have said hey, look, I'll do this but not this? Or is the illusion of being able to play both tournaments so great that you would?
"If I would be in the same situation right now, in my first year in the elite, so to speak, Barça, Selección, I think I would have gone. I don't think I would have changed anything. Now that I have done it, because of what has happened, it happened, I got through it, I live and moved on to the next thing."
To finish this off. Do you have time to do something else? Discover the places you go to? In Italy, they have this controversy because they won't let them play the Play.
"We don't have time to go and discover the areas and things like that before the games and the free time, so to speak, we spend it playing the Play or watching the games. Now, for example, with Dani Olmo, I'm playing a tennis game on the Play and we spend a lot of time there."
Well, well, well, I like that. Well, the last one who sat in that chair (de la Fuente), the one you're sitting in right now. What a scolding he gave me when I told him that we lacked some of these stars, but what a good team we have, right? He called me a figurehead. Do you think Pedri is a star? Yes, yes, yes. Dani Olmo. You too. Yes. Can I say that or not?
"Well, of course they are. For me, the players in the national team are stars. They are all, apart from being spectacular teammates and spectacular people, they are cracks on the pitch."
Very good. So, this is as far as we've got with Pedri because time is running out. It's a pleasure to share a few minutes with you Pedri and let's see if there are still many weeks of competition ahead. A big hug. Pass it on to the team and thank you because you are making us enjoy it. Listen, it will end however it ends, but we're having a great time and that's priceless, my friend.
"De Nada. Let's hope we give the fans more joy and thank you very much."
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xdominiklivakovicx · 1 year
Also I forgot to post an ice breaker so here it is;
Name ; Ashley | Ash | Ashie | Trashley
Age range ; 15-17
Nationality ; Croatian 🇭🇷 | Russian 🇷🇺
Pronouns ; She | Her ♀️
Hobbies ; Drawing | Writing | Animating
Interests ; Art | Football | Animation in general | Rock Music
Since when did you start following football?
Since 2018 when the World Cup in Russia started
Favorite National Teams?
Croatia NT - because they achieved so much those past 5 years, yes I know they like to move games to penalties and play with our nerves, but I still feel like I am part of their family like other Croatia NT fans :)
Russia NT - because I simply like Russian people and I am half one, so I really fell in love with that team. They played so well during the WC in 2018 and during WC qualifiers. I was literally so miserable when I found out they will not be able to participate in Qatar
Serbia NT - idk I love them simply because they are our neighbours and I always love supporting my neighbours during EURO and WC
Who was your favorite player then and why?
(Wow wut a hard question I have asked myself) Livakovic obviously. I know he was being kept on a bench, but I always knew he would be a great goalkeeper, he is our number 1 and very important member of the National Team, yet I didn't post stuff about him at all because I didn't have Tumblr, I was a dumb kid lmfao- but yeah, I can talk about him 'till I die, so yeah I am moving to the next question before I go too far
Do you train football? If you don't, why?
Hell no I don't. First of all; I am very anti-social person (tho there is exclusion when it comes to going on matches I love rooting with other peeps), Second of all; I have very low self-esteem, Third of all; I wanted to be a goalkeeper, but I was always afraid to get goals bc people often get mad at me, fuck them
Favorite clubs?
Dinamo Zagreb - I've been following this club since 2018 after the end of WC in 2018 mainly because of Livi, I love that guy sm he is precious, but the love of this club has grown in 2021 because of its success in Europa League.
Man City - Kova plays in City and he is literally my 2nd fav football player, and one of my best friends roots for City so here we are 👌
Borussia Dortmund - Idk I just love them so much, their mascot is so cute, the club has gotten my hear for some reason 😭
Favorite pic in your gallery?
The one where I took a picture with Livi 💙
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What are your favorite bands?
Sex Pistols
Let 3
The Beatles
Led Zeppelin
Green Day
Daleka Obala
Black Sabbath
- WW2 drawings - x._.unteroffizier._.ashley._.x
- Normal art - punkish._.stoat._.studios
- TrASHLEY#3627
- PunkishStoatStudios
Idk what to tell about myself anymore, so enjoy this short af info about myself :}
And see ya in the next post lmfao
Also check out my art acc! -> @nikitatheweasel2
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cloudsspoke · 2 years
#TODOSJUNTOS World Cup 2022: a review
8 years ago, I wrote a review for WC’14 to remind me that all of my fave teams won the medals; Gold for Germany, Argentina the silver, and the Netherlands got bronze. As for WC’18 I wrote none because of Argentina’s catastrophic result. And now after the La Scaloneta fucking finally became the World Champion I know I have to write how history is being made from my point of view.
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And to write better I also know I have to sort out all information that I have before I put it into words. The problem is, tho it has been a week since the most stressful night, my emotion is still fucking raw from what happened, and my head is dizzy thanks to my PMS, but I want to write it soon while my memory is still fresh. So, pardon my messy review.
I start this by telling you what I did an hour before Qatar played their first game against Ecuador. I went to google to know the players who’ll play this year. I wanted to check how many familiar names I know since I am no longer an avid soccer/football fan like I used to be in the past.
For starter, Der Panzer. They still have Neuer, Muller, Kimmich, Gotze, and Gundogan. As for Argentina even though I claim myself as their fan but tbh I really am not familiar with them since their last 2018 squad, so I only know Messi, Dybala, Di Maria, and Otamendi. Netherland: Van Dijk, Depay, De Ligt, and Blind. Spain: Busquets, Morata, Asensio, Dani Carvajal, and Jordi Alba. France: Mbappe, Griezzman, Giroud, Lloris, Dembele, Varane, Pavard, and Coman. Some other familiar players: CR7, Pepe, Suarez, Cavani, Ochoa, Modric, Harry Kane, and Maguire.
And then I also looked out to which games that worth watching because my old body can no longer wake up at 02.00 am to see my fave teams play.
You’d be surprised if I tell you that as far as I can remember I only watched Qatar and England’s 1st game, Spain vs Germany, some Les Blues’ games but I forgot the opponents, Netherlands vs USA (Round of 16), Morocco vs Spain, Netherland vs Argentina (QF), Argentina vs Croatia (SF), and ofc the Final match between Argentina vs France. #shameonme to only watch the last 3 games of Argentina. But I remember that I said this to myself, 
I won't forgive myself if Argentina drops out of the tournament before I have a chance to watch one of their games.
Ironically the first game from La Albiceleste that I finally watched was when they went against the Netherlands. My heart is already torn into pieces because one of them will go home. Before Weghorst tied the game, I was confident for Argentina to face Croatia in Semifinal. But I wasn’t confident if they could beat Croatia since I heard news about just how marvelous Luca Modric’s team was (they brought tears to Neymar ffs!). But after Weghorst forced them to play extra time, my heart shifted direction toward Der Oranje. And so, they gave in to penalty shoot-out. Dibu Martinez blocked not one, but 2 penalty shoot-outs from the Flying Dutchman squad. 
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Funny how I wasn’t that sad for the Netherlands maybe because I know they are all still young there’ll be next time.
Next game, Argentina vs Croatia. My only comment was just how lucky Alvarez was to play alongside Messi in this World Cup. Messi’s assist to his 2nd goal was just the absolute best. 
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And I was happy that Scaloni finally gave Dybala a chance to play for the first time when he replaced Alvarez 15mins before the game ended. Not only that, but I also read how Scaloni wasn’t afraid to let the young players take part by letting them play.
There was 2 days break before D-day. I used it to watch La Seleccion’s docu-series the one available on Prime. It tells about Argentina’s journey to win Copa America 2021, Finalissima 2022, and their Road to Qatar. By watching that docu I got more insight into this team and learned more about the players.
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While watching Argentina I noticed they have Walter Samuel as one of their Assistant Coach. But from the docu, I just realized that they have Pablo Aymar and Roberto Ayala as well. I am familiar with the three of them, but I don’t remember their coach Lionel Scaloni as a player at all.
From the docu I believe we’re all agreed that one of the factors that this team looks pretty amazing is because of the camaraderie between the players and the whole Coaches/Staffs. It’s obvious. 
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The players show so much respect towards Scaloni. And I love how the young players really look up to the senior players (to Messi, I mean) while at the same time the senior players seem like make sure these chicos are comfortable during the whole training sessions and thus, they create such a strong bond.
In one interview Dibu said he’d be happy to see the senior players win the title, seeing just how much pain Leo, Di Maria, Kun, and Otamendi had to face from all the previous losses (4x Runner Ups: 3 Copas, 1 WC), he also added that he’d die just to win the tournament on behalf of Messi. I think everyone on that team is more than willing to die just to see their captain lift that World Cup trophy.
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Then I thought, my decision to watch that docu could backfire on me because now I know the inside story of this team, it’d crush me more if they lost for the 5th time. I mean, I’ve been there in all those devastating final games, I don’t think my heart can afford to see if Di Maria cries one more time, not when I know this final will be his last game with La Seleccion. That’s why I only watched 3 eps out of total 6 episodes from the docu series.
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Everything about this final game is nothing but pressure. And without further ado, to the final game we go.
First of all, something I didn’t get it is when I read some fans said they don’t wish to see Di Maria in Scaloni’s starting lineup. Some fans said Di Maria only plays better as a replacement. 
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But guess what? Scaloni did the opposite and Angelito was the reason behind Messi’s first goal, which was taken from a penalty kick after Dembele’s foul on Fide.
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Not only that, he also showed us once again his magic. That this guy always scores a goal in every Final game that Argentina ended up winning. 2008 Olympic game 1-0, 2021 Copa America 1-0, and the latest 2022 Finalissima 3-0.
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Then he was benched in the 2nd half. The pundit said there was a change once Di Maria was out because Acuna couldn’t play like him, and meanwhile, France got their chance to attack back and that’s how Mbappe tied the score with his 2 goals which led to the extra time. I wondered why Scaloni had to wait until ET to play Lautaro and Paredes. And oh boy, once he was in, Lautaro gave new energy for Argentina right away and that’s when Messi scored his 2nd goal,
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 but the celebration didn’t last long when Mbappe scored his hattrick that made Di Maria cover his teary worried face with a towel. El Fideo cried already.
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At last, a Penalty shoot-out would determine the winner.
I’m telling you this, I always feel like throwing up every time I get stressed because of watching a penalty shoot-out. That happened again in this game. And I always cover my ear and shut my eyes when it’s my fave team’s turn to kick. I did the same when Messi, Dybala, and Paredes kicked the ball. But I was aware when Dibu blocked Coman’s penalty and closed my eyes again when it was Montiel's turn.
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Otamendi Kun is exactly me during the penalty shoot-out
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Players marched toward 3 different points; Messi, Martinez, and Montiel.
    So that’s how history is written. One that will definitely live in our head rent-free. How Messi led his team to win the World Cup. Added 1 star for Argentina’s jersey, the 3rd title after the last one they had with Maradona in 1986. Everyone agreed this final is one for the book with all the dramas that happened on the field. Mbappe stole the Golden Boot with 8 goals, while Golden Gloves, Best Young Player, and Golden Ball all belong to Dibu, Enzo, and Messi.
What a night. What a memory.
 Interesting stories from this WC to name a few:
The host Qatar sparked controversies at the beginning of the tournament. One of the reasons, due to the weather FIFA delayed the tournament until December and put a temporary pause on the ongoing European Leagues, which caused so many star players couldn’t participate due to the injuries that happened during the leagues.
The most-shocking result came from German, who failed from the first start thanks to Japan. 
Marocco steals everyone’s heart by beating Spain (Round of 16) and Portugal (Ronaldo’s last World Cup, he returned to the dressing room walked in tears) as they marched toward semifinal, becoming the 1st African country ever to do that.
As from the Argentina squad, people from across the world unite as one to celebrate Messi made his dream come true. While haters talked about how this is a rigged tournament as they believed FIFA is in favor to let Messi win World Cup because half of his goals are from a penalty kick.
And then we got Emiliano Dibu Martinez who sparked controversies after controversies which later gave him this....
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Are you #TeamDibu or not?
And Kun Aguero who retired last year due to his heart problem, came to Lusail Stadium (as per Messi’s invitation) with Otamendi’s #19 jersey, blended in just fine with the other ‘official’ squad when Argentina celebrated their winning over France.
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People don’t get John Terry’s jokes istg something is wrong with those people. I mean, I even get the joke!!
As for Dybala, crazy how he played no longer than 30-40mins throughout this WC but ended up as one of the key players for his successful penalty shoot-out in the Final and his last minute’s tackle/clearance over Mbappe’s attempt.
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Dybala later said Dibu gave him the direction to where he should point his shoot
And my personal favorite goes to the jokes of the year about how people nicknamed Rodrigo de Paul as Messi’s bodyguard, just because when there’s Messi, you’ll see De Paul right next to him. Always together, rarely separated.
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Also, it’s a crime not to mention how Papu transformed himself into ‘Beckham’ with his new haircut which also began “the Beckham jokes”, all thanks to Kun’s Twitch streaming which took place a couple days before the QF game.
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And again, thanks to Kun’s IG Live streaming, we saw all the crazy stuffs La Scaloneta squad did as part of their celebrations on their dressing room.
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Messi gone crazy + Nico (one of their staff) took a dive into a trashbin
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I can’t wait to see Messi goes back to France, meeting Mbappe on PSG after his whole squad did this to his clubmate 😂
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+bonus pict: Kun & Beckham Gomez
The final night felt so magical. Maybe because everything is about Messi and his dream. Although this team started off badly, losing to Saudi Arabia in their 1st match but they came back stronger afterward. And people who believe in such a thing as fate will say that the stars have aligned for the Scaloni team. Copa America 2021 for instance, they should have played the 2nd game against Brazil in Argentina, but due to Covid19 they were forced to play the final in Maracana. It was later revealed from the Netflix Docu (the one I don’t watch yet because the series isn’t available on my country) that Messi's pep talk to his team was about how fate led them to win the long-awaited trophy against their long-time rival, Brazil, in their enemy’s own place.
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De Paul also got his prediction correct for the 2nd time; first when he -while intoxicated- said in a video that they will win Copa in Maracana, and 2nd when he wrote “La Seleccion will win World Cup 2022” on his jersey.
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As if all that Nostradamus prophecies isn’t enough, Di Maria’s wife also revealed the WhatsApp chat Fide sent to her a day before the final, for her husband who strongly believed they will win the trophy and for him to score another Final goal.
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Now, can we talk about Di Maria?
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This national team has been through so many thin moments ever since the Messi era, but I stay loyal since 2007 Copa America because I have my favorite players (Mascherano then, Di Maria now), and Fide was the reason I felt so overpoured with emotions. 
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This is the feeling that, even though I cheer for Germany & Netherland NT, but with them I have no players I dote on. And I’m beyond relieved knowing both Fide and Leo stay for more games with their Argentina jersey, cuz I can’t afford losing the legendary trio (Leo - Fide - Kun) altogether in such a short time.
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In short, this World Cup is really a happy ending story for so many souls. Most notably, as I said previously, this triumph belongs to the trio Leo - Kun - Fide who’ve been side-by-side since the 2008 Olympic games, bestfriend from that moment, although club-wise the three of them once a rival in La Liga -before Kun finally moved to Barca only for Messi to leave him to play with Fide in PSG for a while (Kun only has a roommate priviledge but Fide won the prize for being a clubmate with Leo)-. Within a year, the trio helped their National Team to win all 3 prestigious tournaments.
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 p.s: I cried watching the crowd erupted when Fide-Leo hugged each other 😭
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Such an unforgettable moment for us to live by as we are all so lucky to witness this World Cup final game :’)
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cant-get-no-worse · 1 year
The situation with Gavi and Spain fans has really rattled me and got me thinking. It is shameful that they are treating this 18 year old boy who is the same age as me the way they are. He deserves respect for the way he gives his all for his club and his country and to see his efforts be rewarded in such ways is just sad. For me, those “fans” who are treating him the way they are aren’t really fans at all and I have no respect for them. This situation also got me thinking about what football, both club and country, mean to me because I simply cannot comprehend hating on your own player who won a trophy for you so enjoy this brain vomit of mine.
How do I perceive football and what does it mean to me?
Football is the whole country holding its breath during the penalty shootout. It’s the sweet taste of victory and the disappointment of defeat. It’s celebrating every medal like it’s gold because our players have given their all and deserve to feel how proud they made us. It’s watching football in school because of the winter World Cup. It’s driving towards my grandparents house during Brazil-Croatia game and not being able to sit still while listening to live commentary. It’s my mum agreeing to let me put on a football match(even though she would like to watch something else)because she knows how much I want to watch it. It’s Croatian football songs playing at 9am the day of the match. It’s believing we play better in white and red checkered kits. It’s Luka Modrić 10 and Leo Messi 10 at the same time. It’s me(who is a Barca fan through and through) and my friend(who bleeds Madrid white) sitting side by side on the bus while coming home from swim competition and watching El Classico at one shared phone. It’s the bragging rights each of us gets for a day when our team wins. It’s me losing my mind at stunts Gavi pulls and her laughing her head off at my reaction. It’s her congratulating me on Barca winning La Liga and me congratulating her on Madrid’s UCL run this year. It’s her hoping we sign Messi(when it still seemed like it would happen) and me hoping that Madrid manage to sign Bellingham (because she was really excited about the idea of it even before it was a reality ). It’s me and my other friend (who is City fan) shit talking one another’s club just to rile each other up but agreeing that Pep is the best. It her already planning to visit me in London so we can watch some City away game even tho I still have to get the grades for my offer to even be sure I’m going to be studying there next year. It’s me rattling out stats for any player my guy friend ask me about and getting their respect. It’s me checking the scores of the games while preparing for my exams and having a silly victory dance when we score. It’s the beginning in love with Barca’s defense and midfield and attack and defending them even when they suck. It’s the pain of saying goodbye to Camp Nou and the happiness of having had the chance to see it as it was. It’s the brightness of the future that lies ahead of this Barca team and the happiness that I will be there to witness it. Its every Visca Barca and Visca Catalunya. It’s the pride and the joy and the love. It’s the beautiful game. 
Sorry for sending in such a long ask which isn't even an ask but I wanted to share my thoughts with someone and you have such a beautiful paragraphs about Messi and Barca that I thought you might appreciate it🥲
I've kept that ask a few days in my inbox just to re-read it; it makes me proud and joyful to have created such space were you feel you can write this. Thank you for sharing this beautiful bits of your life, these bridges thrown, connections created, memories formed at such odd little corner stones of our lives that make futbol, ultimately, more than just shouting at some 22 players on a field. Also serves to remind us, although the institution is ugly to look at, although these players often disappoint us, that ultimately it's not about them, but above the sport itself. 💕
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aussiesportscorner · 2 years
One could be forgiven for having a strange sense of deja vu for this year’s FIFA world cup. Australia’s group stage opponents, France and Denmark, were also in our group in 2018. The fourth and final member of the 2018 group C, Peru, was the last hurdle for the Socceroos to qualify for the 2022 edition, a game we eventually won on penalties, 5-4. Back then an own goal against France and a 2-0 defeat at the hands of Peru was enough to send us back home from Russia.
9 minutes into our first game of the 2022 FIFA world cup, like in 2018, against France, a country dared to dream, with Craig Goodwin scoring our first goal that was not a penalty at a FIFA world cup since Tim Cahill’s iconic left foot volley against the Netherlands in 2014. However, 18 minutes later France would equalise, and after that, it was all one-way traffic, as France ran out 4-1 winners, a margin 2 goals bigger than our encounter 4 years before.
4 hours earlier, a 0-0 draw between Tunisia and Denmark would prove pivotal in our hopes of progressing to the knockout stage.
For our second game of the tournament, against Tunisia, a second loss would surely see us go home, but 23 minutes in, Mitchell Duke scored and this would be enough to see Australia’s first win at a FIFA world cup since defeating Serbia 2-1 in 2010, but unlike that tournament in which Australia missed the knockout stage on goal difference, the Socceroos would still have one more game to play, but our defeat to France made missing on goal difference a very real chance yet again.
The equation would be simple, win and we go through to our first knockout stage since 2006, and the so-called golden generation, a draw would see us relying on a France team resting players to defeat Tunisia, something that would not occur, and a loss would see us losing out on spots in the knockout stage to France and Denmark yet again.
After a scoreless first half, anyone awake at 3am Sydney time would have surely been nervous, our fate was in our hands, and with the hero against the French, Craig Goodwin subbed off shortly after play recommenced, Australia was holding out for somebody, anybody, to put them in front, and with 30 minutes of play to go, their prayers would be answered, playing in his third world cup Matthew Leckie would score his first goal in the tournament with Australia holding onto this lead for the half hour that remained, qualifying for the knockout stage for the first time in 16 years.
But what about The first golden generation, how did they fair? After a come-from-behind win of 3-1 against Japan, and a 2-0 loss to Brazil, a 2-2 draw to Croatia would be enough to see us qualify on 4 points for the knockout phase. But Australia’s 2 wins in the 2022 edition would see us make it with 6 points. As manager Graham Arnold said “I’ve been listening and hearing about that golden generation of 2006. They got 4 points and now we’ve got 6.” Suggesting that his team should go down in history as better than that team, and who am I to argue.
Next on Australia’s radar is Argentina, a team we last played in 2007, and have only defeated once in 7 matches, back in 1988. A team that also boasts one of, if not the best player of this generation Lionel Messi. There’s always a chance that we get past the round of 16 teams, but a scoreline similar to that of a game against France would not be out of the question.
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