machiattostudy · 1 year
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Samedi 11 février 2023 
Hello there how are you doing ? 
4 months left until graduation. 4 months before becoming a doctor :)) Life is rough and exhausting. Everyone is so stressed out and suspicious since they aren’t enough places for all of the students. I might chose internal medicine. 
I try to stay out of this toxic environnement. I hate competition. 
I hope you guys are doing good. May we all be walking safely and peacefully towards our goals. 
Take care. 
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reasonsforhope · 5 months
"Bria Peacock chose a career in medicine because the Black Georgia native saw the dire health needs in her community — including access to abortion care.
Her commitment to becoming a maternal health care provider was sparked early on when she witnessed the discrimination and judgment leveled against her older sister, who became a mother as a teen. When the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in 2022, Peacock was already in her residency program in California, and her thoughts turned back to women like her sister.
“I knew that the people — my people, my community back home — was going to be affected in a dramatic way, because they’re in the South and because they’re Black,” she said.
But even though Peacock attended the Medical College of Georgia, she’s doing her obstetrics and gynecology residency at the University of California-San Francisco, where she has gotten comprehensive training in abortion care.
“I knew as a trainee that’s what I needed,” said Peacock, who plans to return to her home state after her residency.
Ever since the Supreme Court decision, California has worked to become a sanctuary for people from states where abortion is restricted. In doing so, it joins 14 other states, including Colorado, New Mexico, and Massachusetts. Now, it’s addressing the fraught issue of abortion training for medical residents, which most doctors believe is crucial to comprehensive OB-GYN training.
A law enacted in September [2023] makes it easier for out-of-state trainees to get up to 90 days of in-person training under the supervision of a California-licensed doctor. The law eliminated the requirement for a training license and also permitted training at programs such as Planned Parenthood that are affiliated with accredited medical schools.
“By allowing physician residents to come to California, where there are more opportunities for abortion training, and by allowing them to be reimbursed for this work, we’re sending a message that abortion care is health care and an essential part of physician training,” said Lisa Folberg, CEO of the California Academy of Family Physicians, which supported the bill.
The question of how to provide complete OB-GYN training promises to become more urgent as the effects of abortion bans on medical education becomes clear: 18 states restrict or ban abortion to the point of effectively stripping 20% of OB-GYN medical residents of the opportunity to get abortion training, according to the Ryan Residency Training Program in Abortion and Family Planning. That’s 1,354 residents this year out of 5,962 OB-GYN residents nationwide.
The restrictions in some cases aim to reach beyond state borders, spooking medical students and residents who fear hostility from anti-abortion groups and right-wing legislators...
Pamela Merritt, executive director of Medical Students for Choice, pointed to a Kansas law that requires repayment of state medical school scholarships — with 15% interest — if residents perform abortions or work in clinics that perform them, except in cases of rape, incest, or a medical emergency.
Doctors point out that abortion training is not just about ending pregnancies. Peacock recalled a patient who started hemorrhaging badly shortly after a healthy delivery. Peacock and her team at UCSF performed a dilation and curettage — a procedure commonly used to terminate pregnancy.
“If we did not have that skill set, and the patient continued to bleed, it could have been life-taking,” said Peacock, chief OB-GYN resident at UCSF...
Peacock, for her part, is adamant about returning to Georgia, where abortions are banned after six weeks. “I’m still going to provide abortions, whether that’s in Georgia or I need to fly to a different state and work in abortion clinics for a week out of the month,” she said. “It would definitely be a big part of my work.”"
-via The 19th, January 2, 2024
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amnhnyc · 6 months
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Do you know someone who is interested in teaching science? The Museum’s Master of Arts in Teaching Earth Science Residency Program (MAT ESRP) is a fully-funded, accredited degree-granting fellowship program—and application is open through January 16, 2024!
Learn to teach Earth and space science for grades 7-12 in New York. Benefits of the program include:
• A full-time, 15-month program • $40,000 stipend for living expenses • 100% employment rate post-graduation • Experience teaching in schools • Science coursework at a world-class museum, led by research scientists and teacher educators
Play your part in the intellectual, cultural, and social community of New York and inspire the next generation of scientists! Learn more or sign up for an information session.
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lizziedoesvetpath · 1 month
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Squamous epithelium, intestinal epithelium, respiratory epithelium, fat, cartilage, bone... All in one tumor
It's everyone's favorite game of pathology bingo - TERATOMA!
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itscolossal · 5 months
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February 2024 Opportunities: Open Calls, Residencies, and Grants for Artists
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oksfranta · 2 years
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the cutest bean [x]
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snowandstarlight · 5 months
today i learned that there's a grey's anatomy "fellowship" where they actually hire surgery residents to help with the medical writing and fact checking
the sad thing is that it pays more than actual residency
the other sad thing is that this is not a new thing, so either the residents they hire are really bad at their jobs or (more likely) the show writers just ignore them
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sparklecats2009 · 6 months
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Residency ended and I (kinda) finished my mural!
Thanks for checking it out.
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kuvirametalbender · 3 months
Residency update!
Soo thanks to y'all who helped me a lot with my previous donation post i managed to pay all the last minute charges the hospital sprung up on me and i've been doing my residency since the 26 of february without a hitch. but life doesn't seem to stop and like they say calm seas don't make good sailors or something like that so i have to pay one final 200$ bill.
like i said im getting paid until the end of april and what little i managed to set aside from the donations for myself has basically run out and i basically don't have anything to eat and i have to pay this ASAP
so again and hopefully for the last time if you could help a freshly started Pediatric Resident eat until April I would be eternally grateful. (adding 50$ so i can scrape something to eat)
Im literally so so close to my goal so pls consider donating to my paypal if you can and reblogging this helps with reaching.
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emgoesmed · 3 months
I matched!
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When you’re burnt out from working 80 hours a week and on the edge of losing your damn mind from sleep deprivation but then someone gives you a small snack or you have time to sit down and drink a cup of water:
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Today I had the chance to drink a whole cup of water between OR cases and I almost cried of happiness. When the highlight of your day is that you had the chance to pee once, something is wrong.
Residents like me work 80 hours a week (sometimes more) for what calculates out to be less than minimum wage because this is how residencies are structured and because we are the last line between patients and unsafe care. You didn’t hire enough nurses? Have the resident remove/place foleys and NG tubes. You didn’t hire enough transport staff? Have the resident transport patients. I can’t in good conscience let my patients have less than the standard of care, but it becomes unsustainable when you don’t have enough staff. To top this all off, my hospital CEO got a raise of millions of dollars this year, but my raise to next year doesn’t even keep up with inflation. People justify this treatment of residents by saying that oh well we will be rich when we’re attendings, as if having a higher salary in the future justifies this kind of exploitation. I know residents right now who are struggling to afford healthcare for their children, who struggle to find affordable housing within the area we are required to live because of home call. There is simply no justification for the amount of work we do compared with our pay (or the hours we work period).
Maybe this is just a long way of saying please be kind to residents in the hospital. We work really hard within a really broken system and care a lot about our patients.
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wayfaringmd · 9 months
She’s fine, she’s just psychotic. Sometimes people are just psychotic and you have to deal with it.
- local psychiatrist
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kylieforeverandever · 7 months
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lizziedoesvetpath · 2 years
Got distracted part way through making a to-do list
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That seems achievable...
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itscolossal · 14 days
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June 2024 Opportunities: Open Calls, Residencies, and Grants for Artists
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slayerofthevampire · 1 month
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Snow in May. What do you know?
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