#and with like the catra applesauce meow meow too
Hey just to know, what you think of Catra surname (applesauce meow meow) and the supposed backstory that she was found outside Horde base on a box? Cause i personally hate how unserious that is
eh. i don't really have an opinion on it. i think it's fine that they made it a little goofy but it does bother me that they never expand on her true origins. supposedly she comes from a whole line of magicats and it was hinted in the show too, but like adora's origins, it was pushed aside for the sake of a horribly written ship.
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cookiescr · 4 years
I'm kinda wondering now if noelle thought juliet's name on the spot or like said as a joke because we don't often get normal names like i was really expecting her to say generalia or spme shit like that
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Adora and Catra adopting Finn either as an orphan or abandoned kid like them?
It wasn’t so much that anyone thought Adora or Catra would be any good with children. (They also didn’t think they would be terrible with them; the couple just wasn’t the first choice for taking in an orphan.) But the child’s furry little body and pointed ears had immediately made Scorpia think of Catra, and who would know more about a part-cat person than someone who was one herself?
“I’m not sure this is a great idea,” Adora was slowly saying as Catra peeked into the small room where Bow and Scorpia were sitting with the child, attempting to teach them how to play cards. There was something so profoundly sad in their eyes. Something Catra recognized.
“I’m not either,” Glimmer admitted. “But the Fright Zone is still being rebuilt and there isn’t really anywhere for them to stay right now, and they seem kind of... skittish. It’s just until we find their parents.”
“And if you don’t? If they’re dead, or don’t want them?”
“Then we go from there. But the kid still needs someone in the mean time.”
Catra slipped into the room, leaving Adora and Glimmer to their debate. “Okay, you put down a nine, so that means - oh, hey Catra,” Bow said cheerfully when he saw her approaching the table. The child looked up, ears twitching slightly at the sight of the woman.
“Hey.” Catra sat down across the child, giving them a small smile. “Deal me in.”
“You got it.”
It was a well known fact that everyone hated playing with Catra - she knew all their tells and easily called their bluffs. But Bow wasn’t going to fuss in front of the kid when they were trying to gain their trust.
Catra leaned conspiratorially across the table, grinning. “Okay, so first thing you gotta know - Scorpia’s tail twitches when she’s bluffing. She can’t lie to save her life. And Bow’s left eyebrow goes up when he has a bad hand.”
“It does not!”
“Oh really? How’s your hand this round?”
“It’s great, thank you very much.” But Catra saw his eyebrow twitching. She winked at the kid, who laughed a little.
“The game’s all about being a good liar. Everyone has a tell. The trick is making sure no one knows what yours is. So, who’s starting?”
“I will,” Bow said, picking cards out. “Clockwise around the table.”
“So you’ll go after me,” Catra told the child, who nodded.
“Two threes,” Bow said proudly, putting the cards down.
“End,” Catra said immediately, throwing down an eight. Bow groaned. “Eight is the card that ends the entire round. So back to Bow.”
Bow frowned, looking his cards over. Finally he put two more down. “Two tens.”
“Two kings,” Catra said proudly. Bow groaned. “The only thing that beats a king is a nine or an ace. Got either of those?”
The kid searched their cards, frowning, then slowly put an ace down. “Pass,” Scorpia sighed.
“Nice. Good job, kid.”
The tips of their ears turned red, but they smiled shyly. “Top of the round,” Bow said, putting down a nine with far too much smugness. Catra simply raised an eyebrow and put an ace down. “Oh come on!”
“Pass,” Scorpia said sadly. The child hesitated before slowly putting down an eight.
“You’re a quick learner,” Bow said, grinning. The child’s eyes flicked to Catra, then back to Bow, and they nodded.
They went through this four more times, until Catra and the child were both down to two cards. Scorpia still had most of her hand, thanks to some well played eights blocking her before she even got a turn, and Bow had five cards left. Bow put down a nine; Catra immediately tossed an eight in front of it.
“Aw man,” Scorpia groaned, resting her head on the table. The child giggled, trying to hide their smile behind their cards. Bow looked at his four remaining cards, then at Catra, who was smiling smugly. He put down a king. She threw down her last a card. An ace.
“First out,” she said, leaning back in her chair, arms crossed behind her head. Bow glared at her before turning to the kid.
“Catra’s out of cards, which makes her the winner this round, so she’ll be king next round - er, queen, I guess. You’ll probably be out next, which will make you the richest. Then I’m guessing I’ll be the poorest, and Scorpia will be the beggar.”
“I’m always the beggar.”
Adora was biting her thumbnail, thinking. “I dunno. Catra, what do you - Catra?” She turned, surprised to find her wife was gone. There was laughter coming from the other room; Glimmer grabbed Adora, and they teleported over to peek in. Catra had joined the card game, and was clearly having a good time teaching the kid how to rile up Bow.
“Wow.” Glimmer sounded impressed. “I thought she was the one who’d be terrible with kids.”
"Hey, it’s okay. They’re all jerks.”
Adora paused at the sound of her friend’s voice, then slowly peeked around the corner. Catra was kneeling in front of a small girl nursing red hands and raw knuckles. Adora recognized those wounds - belt across the knuckles. She must have been caught misbehaving.
“You gotta ice them, or they’ll swell and it’ll feel worse. C’mere.”
The girl scooted forward uncertainly, offering her hands to the teen. She winced when Catra put the ice pack on them. “I know, it sucks. What’d you do?”
“F-Force Captain Octavia caught me drawing during class,” the girl whimpered. Catra rolled her eyes.
“She’s the worst, isn’t she? Hey, you know how she has that eyepatch?” The girl nodded. “That’s because of me.”
“What? Really?”
“Yeah. Clawed her eye when I was eight. It was an accident, kind of, but she was trying to grab me so I attacked.” She left out the part where she spent a week in solitary. The girl was looking at Catra like she was a goddess. “What’s your name?”
“Cool. I’m Catra.”
The girl’s eyes were roaming now, fixing on Catra’s head. She sighed. “You wanna pet me, don’t you?” Kana nodded. “Okay, go ahead.”
“Sure. Just don’t tell anyone else, okay?”
Kana nodded eagerly, standing, one small hand scratching Catra’s ears. Adora watched for a moment with a small smile before turning and going back down in the other direction.
“I’m not surprised,” Adora said with a small smile, nudging the door open and stepping inside. Catra looked up and caught her eye, grinning.
“Hey Adora.”
“Hey. Having fun torturing Bow?”
“Absolutely. Kid and I have beaten him twice so far.”
“You’re helping them cheat, aren’t you?” Bow grumbled. Catra just shrugged, smiling innocently, then looked back to the child.
“We can’t keep calling you kid. You got a name? I wouldn’t leave it up to us, our track record with names is pretty freaking awful. Adora tried to convince me that my name was Catra Applesauce Meow Meow for the longest time.”
“We were four.”
“Catra Applesauce Meow Meow.” Glimmer sounded transfixed by the idea. “How did I not already know that? I need to have known that like five years ago.”
“I’m sorry, what’s your name again? Glimmer?”
The small voice almost went unnoticed over Glimmer’s annoyed huff. But Catra had good ears. She looked back at the kid, who met her gaze. “Finn, huh? That’s a cool name. Do you like it?” They nodded. “Finn it is, then. Wanna play another round?”
Finn’s eyes flickered to the new arrivals, then back to Catra. “Is it okay?”
“Of course.” Catra leaned across the table as if to convey a secret. “You can watch me beat the queen of Bright Moon and the savior of the universe at a card game. It’s pretty great.”
“Bring it on,” Glimmer said, grabbing a seat. There were no other chairs in the room, so Adora simply nudged Catra and made her move until they were sharing, one of Catra’s legs thrown casually across both of Adora’s.
“Finn, do you know anything about your parents?” Adora asked carefully as Bow dealt the cards again. Finn shook their head. “Well... would you maybe want to stay with us for a bit? Me and Catra, I mean. But we live in the castle.”
Finn’s eyes widened. “You guys live here?” they asked in awe.
“Yup. Possibly not for much longer if Bow’s dads have their way. But then you’d get to live in a giant library.”
“Which is really fun,” Bow added. “Trust me, I grew up there.”
Finn was chewing their lip, eyes on the table. “I... I dunno.”
“You don’t have to decide right now,” Catra assured them. “Just... spend a night or two here and see how you feel.”
The child looked at Catra again. They trusted her. The realization went around the table in shock, save for Adora, who was just smiling. She wasn’t surprised. Catra was easy to trust when she didn’t have her walls up.
And she was trying. * * * * * * * * * * * The bed was empty when Adora awoke, some time around three a.m. She yawned, eyes searching the room for any sign of Catra, and finding none. There was also no Melog, which made her feel slightly better. Wherever Catra was, she wasn’t alone.
And she wasn’t that far, it turned out. Finn had been put in the suite next to theirs; Adora peeked in, and saw Catra asleep on the floor next to the bed, curled up in a blanket nest. Melog had tucked himself into bed with Finn, who was cuddling the alien cat as hard as their slim arms would allow. Something about the sight ignited a warm, fuzzy feeling in Adora’s chest. She slipped into the room and went to join her wife. Catra stirred slightly as Adora settled in next to her.
“Didn’t want to leave them alone?” she guessed in a whisper. Catra shrugged, yawning, and nestled closer to Adora. “Softy.”
“Shut up.”
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catracorner962 · 4 years
Coming Soon From Catra Corner
The Nine Lives of Catra Applesauce Meow: Catra has burned through eight lives. The next one will be her last, and she knows it. At least she did, before her body and mind were taken over by Prime. She’s a puppet now. A true tool of the Galactic Horde. Catra can do nothing but try to fight against it. Final chapter drops on A03/Tumblr by 3/7/21
Flashfics and One Shots: Multiple shorter stories including karaoke bars, post-cannon fun and more. Chapters come out on a rolling basis whenever the idea strikes me! 
Untitled Glitra Slow Burn: Catra and Glimmer on Horde Prime’s ship. The two of them dance wary circles around each other and eventually...find they are more common than either of them would like to admit.
Beautiful Children: Three years after the war has ended, two years after Adora and Catra’s marriage, on a mission to quell an uprising of Horde sympathizers on a remote planet they come across an infant magicat. Tiny and totally alone. While Adora jumps at the chance to take it in and care for it, Catra is less convinced; doubting her own ability to love and raise a child when their upbringing was so tumultuous. First chapter anticipated drop on A03/Tumblr 3/14/21
Requests are still open too! See my pinned post for my details!
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antagonyaist · 4 years
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Are mun intros a thing again? My name is Link, and I am 24 years old. I go by She / Her / They pronouns. 
I write a lot. I like coming up with new ideas and plots for my characters so my dms are always open. I’m not really shy about talking to new people at all. I don’t have an rp twitter right now, but my private twitter is @linkzeldi. I am chill with follow requests so you can just ask me. My main fandoms right now are MHA, and She-Ra. I’m also into Fate, Danganronpa and the Magnus Archives recently. 
My muses are Catra Applesauce Meow Meow from That One Show with the Lesbians and Shigaraki Tomura from my Hero Academia. They’re both characters who are very near and dear to my heart so I try my best at them. Shigaraki is a muse I’ve had for sixish years now. I tend to rp villains but I also like to be chill so I’m just as down with a thread of Catra doing silly cat things, or Shigaraki going to taco bell at three in the morning. I am a very silly person sometimes. I’m probably not as funny as I think I am. 
Facts about me. 
 I got a haircut recently, and I wanted to get my hair cut just like Catra’s, so I handed the lady at the salon a picture of an animated cat girl and asked her to please cut my hair like that. 
I have a shrine dedicated to Shigaraki Tomura. I will show you pictures of it if you ask me, I have no shame. You cannot shame me. 
I’ve been at Isola for ahwile but I tend to not talk too much in ooc posts, I’ve been trying to be more social and reach out to more people lately. I’m very proactive so if you ever have a problem with me you can come to me and I’ll do my best to fix it.  If I’m ever annoying you you can just tell me too I don’t tend to take things personally. I get really excited to write with people, so I hope I don’t ever come off as bossy or pushy. I have a day job and tend to write and be more active at night. I also ramble a lot like I’m doing right now. So, uhhh. Done talking now. Yes. 
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isagrimorie · 4 years
For the ship meme: Root x Shaw and Catra x Adora
 From this meme
1) who can outdrink the other?
Shaw, definitely. She can drink anyone under the table, girl runs on diesel.
2) who says “I love you” more?
ROOT. And at the most inconvenient of times too, much to Shaw’s annoyance. It’s why Root keeps doing it, tbh.
3) who has trouble sleeping alone?
Pre-Samaritan abduction, they don’t have trouble sleeping alone. Post-abduction, Root’s definitely had nightmares plaguing her, and the time she got Shaw back anytime she’s alone in the bed, Root panics.
4) who swears more?
Shaw, definitely. But, Root, when moved to swear does so in the most creative and colorful way, that Shaw’s almost always enjoys it when Root starts swearing.
5) who does more of the housework?
Shaw. Much to her annoyance. She’s used to a certain level of cleanliness and she does not appreciate Root leaving her things everywhere. It’s almost always what they bicker about the most because Shaw doesn’t like repeating herself and Root’s not used to living with anyone else.
16) who gives the other cringe-worthy pet names?
Adora. Who do you think came up with Applesauce Meow-Meow as a name for Catra???
Catra doesn’t like to be reminded of the time Adora beat her to the computers and now that’s forever her name on the Horde database. And on Brightmoon.
17) who fusses over takes care of the other when they get sick?
Ooh. I think it’s both, especially growing up. They’re so used covering for the other person when they get sick, and the only sole caregiver for the other. So its always a shock to both Catra and Adora when everyone is so... into taking care of them.
18) who finds it impossible to stay angry at the other for long?
This is definitely Adora!
19) who clings to the other for comfort when they’re sad or scared?
I think... after Horde Prime, it might be both, although, probably took longer on Adora’s side because she’s always so used to being the Strong one who keeps things together for someone else.
20) who is more ‘physically passionate’? (hugs, kisses, or maybe more…)
It’s a narrow margin but I think by virtue of being a cat, Catra is more of the physically affectionate, but things get skewed when Catra does something cute and Adora can’t help but hug and smooch her as often as possible.
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catracorner962 · 4 years
The Nine Lives of Catra Applesauce Meow Meow Ch 4 Remember
Nine times Catra died and the one time SheRa reset those lives.
Based on the tweet from Noelle Stevenson that Catra burned through all nine lives throughout the course of SheRa and then got those lives reset after Save the Cat.
Portal'd in "Remember"
*Warning for suicidal ideation*
Adora screamed over the crescendo of cracking earth and splitting light. Catra grunted as Adora seized her shirt and tugged her forward, precariously close to the glowing crack that split the ground between them. She wrenched away, nearly falling as the forest floor buckled.
Yes! Finally! FINALLY! This is happening Adora! You can’t stop me this time...you’re NOT going to win. She-Ra can’t save you now! Can’t save either of us! It’s all for show isn’t it?! Ha! I’ll show you...I’LL SHOW ALL OF THEM!
Catra laughed, her voice cracking as explosive white light tore through the forest all around them. Trees and branches, rocks and dirt tumbling below into the chaos beneath. She lunged forward, claws ready to swipe and caught Adora’s jacket, gripping it tight.
“Catra! Don’t!”
Adora’s blue eyes were wide with shock, with terror, Catra laughed again, a horrid bubbling sound swelling up from the darkest most malicious parts of her being. How good it was to see Adora so rattled. So horrified. Some warrior she was. Ha! Catra cackled, twisting the fabric in her grip. With a single pop, Adora’s Force Captain badge broke free. Catra watched it cascade down into the fissure of white light now widening between them. Adora screamed something. Whatever it was, it was loss to the snapping cracking trees and the tumbling of the boulders. The whole world was coming apart and she, Catra had done it. She’d destroy this world. This world that condemned her to misery and spite. The Etheria that had abandoned her, the world that deemed her worthless..that hurt her. The Etheria that took her best friend away from her.
If only I could see the look on Shadow Weavers dumb face!
She could picture it, that horrible woman falling down into the bleak oblivion that was tearing the world apart. She would probably cry out, aghast at what was happening. Unable to to anything about it, even with her Black Garnet magic.
Do you get it now? How it feels...to be scared...to be helpless?!
Catra glanced back at Adora’s stricken face. Illuminated by white light. Wind tugged at her ponytail, strands plastering to her face and whipping around.
Do you get it NOW Adora?! THIS...this is what Shadow Weaver did to me. What YOU did.
Adora had shattered her world, had cleaved her in two like the ravine between them. Adora left her, abandoned her for something better. In her desperate need to be the hero she’d left Catra alone...at the mercy of their childhood tormentor.
Adora shouted as Catra teetered backward, even her nimble balance was no match for the crumbling woods around them. She looked down at the veins of white light beneath her feet. She gasped the ground falling away under her into pure oblivion. Clods of dirt and rock fell into the white light, lost. Claws lashed outward instantly digging into a rock. Catra dangled over the white void, wind howling in her ears.
Above her Adora’s eyes welled with frightened tears.
Of course she didn’t fall…
The girl above her tried to reach out, white light striking all around them. Catra watched her fall back on her hands and feet, crawling backward.
If you let go you’ll die...maybe for real. This isn’t like all those other times.
It didn’t matter. She would tear herself and the world asunder if it meant vengeance for her younger self. If it meant keeping Adora by her side. If it meant winning. She had lived now without Adora in the Fright Zone, she’d suffered Shadow Weaver’s abuses, Hordak’s mistreatment. She didn’t want to endure it anymore. She wanted to win.
She locked eyes with her former friend, with SheRa, with the girl she’d grown up with and known for so long, the girl she grieved for and hated and definitely did not love...and she let go. Consigning herself to the tearing of reality.
There was a being, and it was being dissevered. Along with the trees and the animals and the rivers and the castles of Etheria.  This creature was a magicat and it was being torn to shreds. Ripped piece by piece until it was only a fragment of its former self. In the shards of time and space created by the portal machine, the creature’s body twisted and split, warped. Corrupted. The worst parts of it melding and shaping, calcifying with malice. Until it covered one whole half of it’s form. The being that was once a magicat gathered itself up, slowly, clawing its way through the harrowing winds. Searching, searching for the thing that had caused it this pain. The source of its discord. The other being, the warrior. The fool, the had-been friend. The corrupted thing made its way across the tattering land, stepping through the destruction with relative ease, for it had already been unmade. Unmade directly or indirectly by its own hand.
The corrupted being who had a name but that name was gone now, along with the Fright Zone and Brightmoon and the many other places that had once dotted Etheria, found the cause of it’s hurt. A person, crying, standing amid the white blinding light, blonde hair streaming in the torrents of wind. It too was in pain. It too was suffering. Confused, not the grand warrior it once had been.
The thing that had been a magicat crawled forward, trying to retain its form. It reached out, some part of it remembered something else. Not about SheRa but about the true person this being was. The half magicat half corrupted thing reached out, flicking a shadowy finger upward, pressing firmly against the girl’s brow in a mocking tease. The girl’s eyes looked up, beholding the ruined being with wide eyed terror. The gusts of wind and teaming earth tore at them. But the only thing that the half-magicat half-void creature could see was the girl before her. The one who made it this way, the supposed savior of Etheria. The eternal champion of the First Ones. Someone that it knew from sometime before...in another reality unmarred, untainted. When the thing spoke, its voice was not entirely its own.
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catracorner962 · 4 years
The Nine Lives of Catra Applesauce Meow Meow Chapter 5 The Portal
Portal’d Again! 
The creature so filled with hate and corruption recognized this girl. This girl had a name, the name that the spiteful being knew from somewhere deep inside of it. This girl before her, Adora. The source of its agony, surely the catalyst for the cataclysmic event. Yes, it all came rushing back now.
The sword
The rebellion
Adora looked up at it, mouth gaping wide in fear, eyes watering. Her face was pale and body trembling. Hair fell from her now loose pony-tail. Triggering from within a profound rage, seething and thick, filled with resentment.
This one...this one made me this way.
It lunged, slamming the blonde girl backward, into another point in time. The Crimson Wastes. Adora flailed on the counter and the corrupted girl dove for her, landing on top of her, smirking down at a wide, comically confused face.
“Awe,” a cruel bemused grin spread across her face, “where are your friends?” Adora struggled to speak, but the being who was once Catra only attacked, claws sharp she swiped at her victim. A shiver of glee spreading through her as Adora screamed and tried to dodge. It didn’t last long. Adora seized her arm, squeezing.
“Catra! Stop!”
Had that been its name? Yes maybe it was once, in a different reality.
Adora begged her, squeezing her arm.
Assured, soft, pleading.
No, this isn’t right...w..what happened to me...I...Adora? What’s happening…
How dare she tell you what to do!
The dark fractals seemed to take her over, her one corrupted arm reached out, shoving Adora’s face out of her way. The bubbling self satisfying laughter returning.
“It’s always that same with you Adora! Oh I have to do this, oh we have to do that!”
Adora groaned as Catra pulled at her hair, the grip on her arm now shaking and full of force to try and thwart her away.
Adora never wanted me...never wanted a friend, she wanted a pet.
Catra stood, hauling Adora up with her and twisting her arms behind her back. She sunk in close, head resting on Adrao’s tense shoulder, she whispered in her ear, deliciously sweet.
“Let’s be honest, all of this is your fault!”
You’re fault reality is broken
You’re fault you left
You’re fault Shadow Weaver hates me...beat me...it’s your fault…
You’re fault I’m like this….
I never wanted to be….
The fuming rage took over again, like tidal waves across her body as she flung Adora off the bar table. Into another scene, this one the northern reach. Adora fell against a snow bank, wind tugging at her hair. Catra watched her struggle to stand.
“If you hadn’t have gotten captured, your sword wouldn’t have opened the portal.”
She reached her clawed hands out once more, grinning ear to ear as she leaned closer. Adora’s fear reflected in those large blue eyes.
Catra picked her up easily and pushed her forward against the hard railing of one of the bridges. She kicked, her calf meeting the back of Adora’s knee. Catra laughed, watching the other girl stumble to her knees.
Now...now you see what I’m capable of?!
Catra picked her up and pinned her against the railing,
“If you hadn’t found the sword and been the world’s worst She-Ra none of this would’ve happened!”
Adora’s face fell, ashamed, believing.
Catra’s gut churlled with distaste, somewhere deep inside her.
This is wrong….
Is it so wrong? This is what Shadow Weaver did to you isn’t it? The shards of corruption whispered into her mind. Demeaned you, disrespected you, made you feel like a failure. Isn’t it time Adora learned what her absence did to you?
You hurt me Adora….
So I’m going to hurt you…
Fueling her anger, Catra pushed her off the bridge, down into the icy depths. Into the water. Salienius.
Catra yanked at Adora’s ponytail as she tried to resurface, holding her dangling.
“Admit it! The world would still be standing if you had never come through that portal in the first place!”
She dunked her into the waters once more, another brief scene before Catra chased her into the Fright Zone, shoving her down to the floor with one clawed foot.
Adora tried to turn over her shoulder while pinned to the ground, but Catra was not stopping. Could not stop, did not want to stop. She fisted the fabric or Adora’s jacket in her grip and hauled her forward mercilessly, throwing her forward into the seat on Mara’s ship.
Catra leaned in closer, savoring the terror in Adora’s face, the helplessness.
Make her pay
Make her hurt
She destroyed you!
She tore apart the world
Your world
The world you were going to rule together.
“You broke the world,....And. It. Is. All. Your. Fault!”
Catra held her breath, watching Adora’s eyes go even wider...full of guilt, shame, shock. Then froze…
“No it’s not!” Adora’s eyes narrowed, her teeth clenched, before Catra could react Adora pushed her forward, back into the place they’d been with time and space shredding itself apart. Debris and rocks scattering around, white light everywhere.  Catra stumbled backward.
“I didn’t make you pull the switch!”
Adora advanced, Catra tried to strike out, one long black arm eager to tear through her flesh but the other girl grabbed it with renewed strength. Yanking her forward,
“I didn’t make you do anything!”  Catra screamed as she tumbled over Adora’s shoulder hitting the ground.
“I didn’t break the world!” She declared, glaring daggers at Catra. “But I am going to fix it!”
Self righteous little bitch
That’s all she is.
She wants to be the hero and she will hurt anyone to do it.
“...and you?” Adora whispered, full of fury, advancing on Catra with renewed determination. A golden child, a champion amid the chaos. “You made your choice!”
Catra screeched, this time truly feral, ready to pounce for the kill.
Destroy her!
The blow hit her in a single crushing instant, Adora’s fist slamming into the tender side of her face, uncorrupted, the flesh soft. Catra twisted, her head swimming and she fell forward, unable to catch herself. Adora’s words echoing in her ears before everything faded from her mind.
The ground was splitting apart, shards of light, breaking and cracking but she couldn’t move...didn’t want to move.
Catra felt herself slide forward, down, falling down into oblivion once more. But she couldn’t open her eyes this time, her head throbbed too much, it was too bright. In free-fall her body twisted, limp and at the mercy of gravity. Her skin, it was splitting, fiery white electric pain. But she couldn’t scream, her lungs, her mouth wouldn’t work. She could feel the air through her fingers, but could only continue to fall.  Those dark shadowy fractals, the corruption spread, overtaking her with its misery, it’s rage. Until there was nothing left of Catra.
She felt it when her body was torn to shreds by the magical energy, the remnants of her divided up and finally, dissipating, disappearing into nothingness.
This time she died with rage in her heart, terror in her mind, corruption covering her body and an inexplicable disgust in her soul.
But even that would not be the worst death.
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catracorner962 · 4 years
The Nine Lives of Catra Applesauce Meow Meow Ch. 7 Destiny Part 2
Ass fatally kicked by Hordak in Destiny Part 2
Warning for suicidal ideation
“AAAAAHHHH!!!!” A scream broke through Catra’s hardened resolve when she found herself being slammed back by the blast from Hordak’s cannon. Heat singed her fur, body arching through the air like a hapless rag doll.
Catra  twisted mid-air, arms and legs splayed out, claws instinctively flashing outward the second she connected with the ground.
“Ughhh,” her chest pinched, her words tight. “H...Hordak...whatever you’re doing….”
“I know about Entrapta,”
A cold numbness flooding through her body as Hordak loomed over her, his weapon aimed between her eyes.
You’re in too deep now. There’s still a chance….he could believe you.
Catra held her breath, right arm tingling in pain. Swollen and bleeding from a gash down to her elbow.
Must’ve broken it…
She held the limp limb at her side, left eye squeezing shut in pain.
“Entrapta…” she sucked a thin breath, throat caked with smoke, “was a traitor. What else is there to know?”
Hordak glared, red pupiless eyes teaming with bloodlust.
“I. Trusted. You!”
He seethed, voice breaking but for a moment. Any discernible amount of hurt was quickly laced with hatred. The cannon on his arm spun, whirling red energy all around it.
Well, who’s fault is that?
Catra gasped, flinging herself away from its' aim just in time. The blast of fire and smoke nearly caught her as she dashed down the hallway, faster on four limbs than two, despite the one that cracked in pain each time she attempted to move it. Catra grit her teeth, surging forward in any direction, anywhere away from Hordak’s relentless wrath.
“Your days we're numbered the moment you crossed me!” He shouted, the weapon already recharging.  Catra’s heart pummeled against her chest, each beat crushing. Still she fled.
You did it now you insolent child!
Did you really think you could lie forever? How long did you think you could keep this up?
No...I...took over the Horde...I did! I’ve been running things for awhile now I…
“Ahhhhhhaa!” Catra stumbled, agony in her side caused her to crumple momentarily. She glanced down, hissing at the thick red blood oozing from some unseen wound, through her clothes.
W….when did that ha...happen?
She tried to focus, eyes blinking slowly. She picked herself up, running with a limp now, through another set of doors. The fiery blast sent her forward, her back scalding in agony. The smell of burnt flesh and fur assaulted her nose. This time she tried to land on her feet, but missed, her broken arm hitting against the hard floor. She tilted her head just in time, the side of her mask taking the brunt of the impact.
Breathe….breathe...just stand. That’s it...go... She coached herself through each stab of pain, talked herself through every bruising breath. The same way she’d done as a young cadet when Shadow Weaver would beat her. Even when she’d past the point of fighting, she could endure. That was not nothing. That was what she was best at.
Look around….y...your i...in the B...black Garnet Chamber…
She blinked again, focussing on the fixed point of the large stone for a few dizzying minutes before it came into focus.
“And after I’m through,” Hordak’s estranged threat mounted louder with each step. “You can’t even begin to imagine the punishment’s Horde Prime will inflict upon you.”
Ha! No one’s better at punishing me than myself, she thought bitterly.
Catra ducked behind the massive stone, crouching in the shadows, pressing one hand to the wound at her side. Her fingers instantly growing slick and sticky with red.
“Oh because he’s going to swoop down and fix everything for you at any moment right?”
Fucking idiot...lazy creep! We don’t all have a big brother to come save us! You’re the worthless one! The one who needs saving!
“You’re lying to yourself now!”
Hordak spun, firing off another round from his cannon. Catra shrieked, adrenaline pushed her through the scalding pain, making her dash out of the room once more. Another blast, this one larger, knocked her from her feet, sending her soaring through the air in free fall off one of the Fright Zone’s main buildings. This time she channeled her misery, flipping, feet first, arms spread and stuck the landing.
“Uuuuhhhh, fuck...f...fuck,” Catra half crouched, half fell to all fours.
Run, run, run, just get out of here. GET OUT...go...go….go! She ran forward, towards the forge.
That will buy time, he’ll have to go around the longway.
Catra stopped, panting for breath, large pools of the molten rock below bubbling. The heat wafting towards her from below. She glanced up, towards the massive clawed machines.
I can make it….it’s just a...just a little higher than usual….th...that’s right...I can..d..do it. Even if I don’t...it doesn’t ma…
“Aaarrrhh!” Hordak’s ruefully cry echoed down the hall.
Now or never,
Catra steeled herself from the agony of it and crouched, aiming for her landing point. She pounced, holding her breath with panic before landing clumsily. She rolled, cursing as her arm and side split in agony.
He’s….a failure! I should be the one Prime rewards! I’ve done more to crush the rebellion then Hordak ever has! Yeah….hahaha! She giggled, for a moment, then straightened, watching Hordak below who had now entered the forge searching for her.
“Why would Horde Prime care about you?” She held her arm tight for fear of crying out in discomfort. “You’re a defect!” She screamed, “a mistake!” He turned, looking up at her with unrivaled hate. “HAVEN’T YOU NOTICED I’M RUNNING THINGS HERE!”
Beyond words, Hordak swung his cannon, firing another blast toward her. Catra’s heart caught in her throat, letting out a small exhausted gasp before jumping from the platform. She reached out, claws catching on the large suspension tubes. Giddy with wrath Catra somersaulted through the air,  towards Hordak. Coming down fast she seized the arm cannon in one claw, using it to gain purchase and momentum, striking out with her fist, slamming gloved knuckles into Hordak’s face. He groaned, head knocked back. She jumped off his chest and swung around, kicking one leg up and then bringing it down upon the weapon with such a force it split and shattered. Hordak reeled, eyes red and wild, intent to kill. Catra snarled, fangs bared. No matter how hard the Horde had tried to purge her of her more feline instincts, it was a part of her and in her fire tinged wrath Catra now hissed and clawed.
That will show him! Show all of them! He’s no match for me. He’s weak! A weak, lying, fool! He’s not worthy of anything! I’m the one who’s worthy! Ten times stronger than he is!
She landed on two feet again, just in time to jump and smash her foot into his side. Hordak screeched, stumbling backward. She smiled through her misery, watching him slip and slide across the metal floor. Catra huffed for air. Her back still radiated with raw agony, her flesh scrapped and bubbling, her fur burnt. The wound at her side now dripped onto the floor. Still, she stood tall, defiant. They always thought she was a nuisance, a trouble maker who wouldn’t go away. Indeed she was. She’d be a thorn in the side of the Horde until they were all destroyed.
“Now we can fin...finally end...end this! I didn’t need Entrapta, I didn’t need Adora or Scorpia! And….I...DON’T...NEED...YOU!”
Hordak made to regain his footing, but she didn’t let him. Catra lunged, claws out. She leapt on him, yanking out the first one's data crystal with a satisfying rip. Horak backpedaled and she kicked him again once more in the chest for good measure, standing back and watching him falter. He glared at her, clenching his fists. She only stood tall, masking the throbbing in her side
I win
She smiled, cathartic. Sweet dripping satisfaction, shallow but defiant spread across her face.
Let him try me.
Her ears twitched,
Something creaked above them, Catra’s eyes snapped up. Watching as one of the large beams above was pulled taunt and snapped, falling instantly, crushing Hordak where he stood. The whole floor vibrated, a plume of smoke enveloping her for a moment. When it cleared, Catra could only stare.
I...I did...it...I won….
Her arm ached with discomfort. Catra adjusted her footing, her vision beginning to darken.
I...won, I won...I won….
Whether she was trying to convince herself or relish in it. She did not know.
I won… I show them...it...it was worth it….no matter what. It was… I...I’ll…
“Hey Catra.”
That voice...no…
Catra stiffened. All fragile confidence diminished. She turned towards that voice. The wound in her side throbbing. Her vision continued to blur in and out. She stumbled forward, listless.
Blonde hair...red jacket…
“No! You...c..can’t do this!” Indignation swelled in her chest. “You can’t come in and take this from me now!”
“Woah!” Adora gaped, “I knew this would get a rise out of you but still! You really are obsessed aren’t you? Kitten.”
Double Trouble threw Adora’s head back in laughter. Catra watched, trembling. The rush of excitement and fueled drive to subdue Hordak now evaporated. Overcome by exhaustion.
“You know, it took me a while but I finally figured out your character.” They transformed once more, this time into Catra herself. She shivered, stomach threatening to wretch. Her arms and legs were so heavy….
“You try so hard to be the big, bad villain.” They circled her in her own form, leaning against her nonchalant. Catra flinched as her...Double Trouble’s tail flicked at her nose. “But your heart’s never been in it, has it?” They cocked a brow, inciting a weak fury in her.
“W...what are you…” her voice cracked, trying to keep her eyes open. “Stop! Stop it!’ In blind rage she lashed outward only for Double Trouble to catch her wrist tightly in their grip, pulling her inches from her own blue and yellow eyes.
“People have hurt you, haven’t they?”
Yes, a small childish voice whimpered.
Double Trouble pressed forward, even as they transformed. This time into Shadow Weaver’s omnipresent terrifying form.
“They didn’t believe in you,” that deep voice that had wormed its way into Catra’s soul and burrowed there now bit at her. Catra sniffed, her skin peeled and still radiated heat, each breeze sending searing pain across the bubbling wounds. Double Trouble did not relent, continuing to hold her grip tightly as they pressed forward. They transformed again, this time into Hordak.
“They didn’t trust you.”
Hordak…is he…
Catra tried to glance back over her shoulder to where the Horde Commander now lay but her head spun. She wrapped her free arm around herself, trying to cover her wound. Her knees now quaking.
P…...please...s...stop….stop it. P...please…
Hordak dissolved, changing back again into Adora. Those brilliant blue eyes, even when they weren't her own, starred into Catra cruelly. Double Trouble took her hand pressing it to the side of Adora’s cheek.
So soft….gentle...no NO! Stop it!
Catra let out a weak breath, with no strength to summon tears behind it.
Resentment and rage and grief mixed in her stomach. Longing and loathing in equal measure, indistinguishable.
She let out a choking breath, blood sputtering onto her lips. With the last of her strength she wrenched herself free from Double Trouble’s grip, tipping backward onto the ground with a sickening thud, the breath snatched from her lungs.
She tried to get air, desperately, but the wound in her side still leaked. The burns on her back still fresh, each movement sending them splitting open. Her chest threatening to crack.
“But did you ever stop to think maybe they’re not the problem?” Double Trouble’s shadow enveloped her. Catra, heaved for air, trying to look at them with any shred of dignity she had left. They only frowned down at her, before transforming once more. This time she watched in abject horror as they grew larger in stature, shoulders spreading out, tail curling. The shadow overwhelming her now stretched.
If Catra had not already been dying. This sealed her fate for the seventh time. Scorpia’s ever kind, gentle face. A face she herself had brought to tears many times, those large forgiving eyes now sealed...not with contempt but with disappointment. And her words, her voice….
“It’s you. You drive them away, Wildcat.”
“W...why are you doing this?”
Catra begged, breathlessly. Her head was truly sinking now, barely able to  hear Double Trouble’s voice. How much blood had she lost? How deep had her burns gone?
“It’s for your own good darling,” Double Trouble crouched down, mercifully changing back to their own form. “We both know this was never what you really wanted.”
The only thing Catra wanted in this moment, she would get soon enough.
She groaned, glancing at the fingers that still pressed into her bloody wound. Vision clouding a final time, barely able to focus on the screen Double Trouble held before her.  
Tanks, bots, ships, troops, all of them destroyed. Brightmoon was nothing but defenseless. I failed after all.
“Y...you...be...betrayed me,” she gasped through bloody lips. Double Trouble only stood.
“It’s nothing personal darling. You knew how this ended.”
Whatever else Double Trouble meant to say was lost to the erratic beating of her heart. It’s frantic pumping noise rushing through her ears.
She knew the signs by now. Not too much longer…
Double Trouble crouched down before her once more, one long finger flicking her nose.
“End scene,” they pushed her nose and Catra teetered backward, watching them through the haze of her vision as they disappeared down the corridor. She managed to scoot herself backward, sitting up against one of the slabs of metal debris that had come crashing down. Several feet away, Hordak lay still under the rubble.
It’s better this way….Adora….why couldn’t you just stay? None of this would’ve happened if you just...if I had just…Scorpia...I never should’ve...and Shadow Weaver never believed in me. I was a fool to think she ever would. Hordak….Entrapta...i...it’s better like t...this….yeah…..b...better for e...everyone...
Thoughts sloughed together, her vision clouded, she leaned her head back against the hard metal, each breath catching. Catra folded her arms over her middle, trying to curl up, and close her eyes.
Please…..j...just let this be the last time… I don’t want to do this again...please just let me go. I don’t want to...I don’t want to get hurt again… that small girl inside her shriveled and not yet avenged pleaded.
But Catra rarely got what she wanted.
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catracorner962 · 4 years
The Nine Lives of Catra Applesauce Meow Meow Chapter One: Princess Prom
Nine times Catra died and the one time SheRa reset those lives.
Based on the tweet from Noelle Stevenson that Catra burned through all nine lives throughout the course of SheRa and then got those lives reset after Save the Cat.
t had never happened before. Not really. It almost had. Lots of times. Times when she’d jumped too far or climbed too high. Times when she was sneaking about in places she shouldn’t. Once when she’d almost fallen into the forge. Several times during her earliest missions. Other times to...when it came even closer. When Shadow Weaver beat her, when she unleashed her magic, static electricity burning her skin. It has almost happened many, many times. But it had never truly, actually happened. Not until now. It was about to though. Of that Catra was certain. This choice, this deliberate decision. Would kill her. She glared up at Adora’s horrified face, somehow still so pretty. In her billowing read dress, her golden hair pin stuck into the ice. Catra tightened her gloved grip around Adora’s hand as she hung suspended from the cliff-face. Chilly air whipping around her.
Oh Adora, so determined, so silly. What a hero.
The girl before her, her used to be best-friend, even now so hell-bent on saving them both.
She wants to be the hero? Ha. Not this time Adora. This time I win.
Surely the satisfaction would be enough. Enough to make her let go. Enough to allow herself to fall down, down….
So far down...but it’ll be fine. Scorpia  and I planned it all out. She’ll catch me in her ship. I’ll land...it’ll be fine. I won’t actually….
“Just hang on!” Adora cried over the wind, desperately trying to tug them both upward. Catra’s hand twisted through the other girl’s grip.
Here goes nothing.
“Oh Adora, I don’t want you to.”
Before her better judgement could stop her, Catra squirmed, her hand slipping from Adora’s. The warmth of that grip instantly disappeared as Catra plummeted down through the pale blue sky. Her stomach dropped, her fur on end.
Adora’s scream vibrated through her sensitive ears even as she fell.
So she does care. Hmph, should’ve thought of that before she left.
Catra thought bitterly even as she continued to fall. Her thoughts become disjointed. It was cold, so cold. There was nothing to grab onto. Scorpia could’ve easily made a mistake. Knowing the Force Captain, she probably got lost amid the Princess Prom and was late to getting to her ship.
Panic surged through her, even as she tried to flail to catch hold of the cliff-face. The wind and snow hitting painfully against her face in icy shards.
No...no...please...no...not like this! NOT like this…!
Too late. She’d made her decision. Her petty decision and now she’d pay the ultimate price for her dramatics. Catra’s eyes were pushed shut against her will. The world turning dark and frigid cold.
How long had she been falling?
Was it worth it? You worthless little creep?
Shadow Weaver’s insidious voice echoed in Catra’s head.
Was it worth it?
Catra’s heart raced in her chest, her tail and limbs scratching at nothing. Lashing out for any purchase.
There was a whoosh, a thump and Catra screamed feeling herself slam into something solid beneath her. Things cracked, pain, splintering and breaking. She tried to open her eyes but couldn’t...Adora’s face, wide-eyed and screaming projected against her closed eyes in the muddled darkness.
She tried to open her mouth to speak, to move any part of her body. Every move was agony. Sending blinding pain through her and up to her head. Dizzy and unable to speak or move, she tried to right herself again, and instead fell into an unfeeling, unending dark.
It had happened. This time, for real.
“Catra! Speak to me!”
Like sound through water, muffled and distorted Catra came too, opening her eyes and blinking up at Scorpia’s concerned face.
“Catra!” The woman sobbed in relief, pulling her instantly into a strong, suffocating embrace. But it didn’t hurt...stiff maybe but nowhere near the blistering misery she’d felt earlier.
“W...where are Sparkles and Arrow Boy?”
She shoved herself out of the larger woman’s hold.
“They...they’re right there,” Scorpia gestured to where the two were passed out in a heap. Catra grinned, raising to her feet.
She thought oddly even as she got up and strode over to her captives. She was somehow, remarkably, fine. No broken bones, no blood, nothing. Maybe a little headache and bewildered, but otherwise, fine.
“Catra,” Scorpia started after her, “a...are you sure you’re okay? You just fell like...a lot! You didn’t land on  the mat we discussed,” the Force Captain’s face blushed severely. “I may have moved it slightly to the right of where we initially talked about it. The opening in the ceiling is kinda big...and I wanted to center it just right but I didn’t have any measuring tape and...you kina...splattered! I thought you were dead!”
Was I?
Catra looked over Glimmer and Bow, making sure they were still down for the count. She punched the ship’s codes from hovering to acceleration, up past the distance she’d just fallen.
“You...you were dead Wildcat,” Scorpia looked at her  with worry. One large scorpion claw poised just above her shoulder. But even the affectionate Force Captain knew better in this moment than to touch her.
Huh, that makes sense, Catra pieced together bitterly. A mischievous smile unfurled across her face.
“Cats have nine lives Scorpia. Guess I just burned through one of them,”
The ship hovered before the cliff and Adora came into view. Still dangling. She stared into the ship with shock. Catra threw her head back in laughter.
Oh yes, it was worth it after all.
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catracorner962 · 4 years
The Nine Lives of Catra Applesauce Meow Meow Ch 3 Reunion
Takes place during the Reunion episode where she gets suffocated by Hordak! Really dark if you think about it...and trust me I thought about it. 
“You….wanted to see me Hordak?”
Catra entered the sanctum with her usual cool disposition, a front of course. A good one, but a lie all the same. Hordak, his sanctum, all of it made every hair on her body stand on end. Instinct propelling her to run. But she ignored it, chin high and defiant, stance commanding. She was a Force Captain. Force Captain’s were not weak, they were not scared.
“Yes  force captain,” his low voice emanated from somewhere in the bowels of his labyrinthine sanctum. “I wished to touch base as you said.”
A smile graced her face,
Yes, I’m doing it. It’s going to be okay. Scorpia was right.
“Everything is going according to plan,” she reported easily.
“Does this mean Shadow Weaver has been transported to Beast Island as I commanded?”
Shit. No…..
It’s fine. Breathe. You’ve lied before you can do it again.
After all, any modicum of respect or position she had ever earned in this place was thanks to her lies and scheming. Telling half-truths or fragments of truths laced with carefully constructed lies. Adora might be strong, but she was savvy.  It was the only thing she had over the blonde. Catra grimaced at the thought. Hordak turned, glancing over one broad shoulder, eyes glowing fiercely red.
“Yes! I sent yesterday! Believe me we are never going to see her again!”
Catra held her breath, tail switching back and forth.
Good job, see? It’s done. You did it. Simple as that.
“I lost Shadow Weaver!”
Catra’s ears dropped, stomach plummeting. A flap of wings drew her fretful eyes upward where the little imp circled, pleased with himself.
“S...Shadow Weaver escaped,” she flinched at the broken uncertain echo of her own voice. “I have to find her before Hordak learns the truth.”
The little creature flying around and landing on Hordak’s arm.
Run! Run now! Get out!
She crouched, ready to leap away. But years of hardened training would not give in so easily. To be a Horde soldier, a Force Captain was to obey and Hordak had not dismissed her yet. Tail on end, claws out, Catra waited, staring at the tall man with dread.  
He’s going to kill me.
“You lied to me,” he snarled, low and dangerous. Before she could spring backward he stormed forward, one clawed hand pulling some sort of lever. Panic mounted in her chest,
Come on, come on, come on, THINK?! It was a misunderstanding, you were lying to Scorpia not Hordak...right. It was taken out of context! I had to tell Scorpia I lost her..to...too...what..damn it...what?
Something sounded above, a bright white light, flashed and then went out. Catra blinked, eyes instantly adjusting to the darkness before a brilliant series of purple electric orbs illuminated just above her in a circle, electricity dancing between them. She reeled backward, heart hammering in her chest. Her body going rigid anticipating the burning string of those lights, electrocution like magic she knew all too well from Shadow Weaver.
Purple light bathed all around her, Catra starred, instantly searching for a way out, some sort of escape, somewhere to run, to hide, to climb to…
The rushed breath she attempted to take only mustered a pathetic wheeze.
Air?! There’s no air?  
She gripped her chest instinctively, clawing at her own skin.
Her mouth hung agape, chest still moving, still trying to take in oxygen but there was nothing to breathe...just...emptiness.
“I know your lapsed security allowed Shadow Weaver to Escape,” Hordak’s voice echoed through the airless chamber of light, his reprimand but a dim echo in her frenzied mind. Her chest burned, lungs heaving, trying to break through her ribs with the effort to get some semblance of oxygen. Her head spun.
No...no...I...c...c...can’t di...die...not again...n..not in front of Hordak...if...if he finds out I...he’ll… tears inched into her eyes at the thought, the pain he could inflict on her if he knew she could die and come back. There would be no end to it.
“I know you’ve been covering it up,” he continued, striding into the airless circle around her, unencumbered.
Why did I even protect that bitch….I should’ve sent her to Beast Island like he wanted! I….n..nneed ...a...air….
Her legs shook, before she could stop herself Catra felt her knees fold and she fell to the ground on all fours, gasping for anything.
“But worst of all,” his voice now dominated her fading mind. Catra struggled to keep her eyes open, the colors fading, the lines going soft.
Is this really all it takes for someone to die? Just a few seconds? I wonder how long Adora would last
“I gave you the chance to come clean,” he leered over her incredulously. Totalitarian. Catra gasped, coughing but unable to get any air. “To prove your worth to me. To the Horde,” she tried to breathe though it was pointless. Something escaped her mouth, the sound more like a soft frightened whimper or a whine.
You can’t prove your worth if you’re worthless. Shadow Weaver was right. Hordak is right. Why did you think you could keep secrets from him? You’re nothing. No one. You will die as no one.
Not a force captain….not a friend to Adora….not a….whatever you want to be to Shadow Weaver….worthless…
Catra’s mind fogged, her brain heavy in her skull she tipped her head forward eyes down, staring at the cold floor.
She always hoped it would be outside at least. Up on the roof where she could see the sky. Where she and Adora would play and talk and whisper...but now….she’d die at Hordak’s feet.
How pathetic. How fitting.
“This was a test,”
She was dimly aware of Hordak crouching down to her level, even as she could feel herself start to fade.
Don’t do it, don’t do it, that bastard. Look at him!
With a final grunting cry Catra forced herself to glare at him, tears gathering in her eyes. His pale angular face twisted in a grimace.
“And you FAILED!”
She tried to form words, any sort of cry, any protest. Any attempt to get in a final word, but her vision was growing dark. Hordak’s words sinking into her ears, into her bones. She blinked slowly, even as blackness took over.
Two red glowing eyes, filled with hate, with disappointment and disgust.
You failed….
That’s it….easy...you’ve done this before…
Catra opened her eyes slowly, as she’d learned to do. A stone cold floor, cool green walls. She groaned, then stopped.
I can breathe!
Catra mustered a husky laugh at the novelty of it. Patting at her chest assuredly nearly amused by…
There was something on her wrist. She glanced down, her mind still not fully recovered but….
She stared at the heavy metal things on each of her wrists and lazily followed two glowing green chains from each cuff to the wall. Her laughter shifted from relief to bitter irony.
Shadow Weaver’s old cell.
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catracorner962 · 4 years
The 9 Lives of Catra Applesauce Meow Meow Ch. 6 Pulse
Ass fatally kicked by Glimmer in "Pulse"
The Glitra is strong with this one!
Like my work? Toss a coin to your writer oh fanfic’s a’ plenty! 
“Get those bots secured, I wanted them powered up and out into the whispering woods an hour ago!” Catra shoved her data pad into the arms a of a trembling cadet who quickly scurried away to do her bidding.
“Faster! Man what does it take around here too..” something smelled off. Something smelled of...glitter.  Catra turned, ears perked.
“What are you?!”
The rebellion princess only charged forward, fists alight with shimmering pink magic.
I thought teleporting was her…
Catra dodged erratically, leaping away from the lazer fire that terrified her guards and sent them running. A loud boom as the blast hit the nearest bot. It creaked and groaned, collapsing. Catra regained her footing, heart hammering. Her tail lashed in excitement.
“Oh, it’s you?”
I expected Adora to barge in here but the princess? Ha that’s bold even for her. She’ll be fun to toy with.
“Who else would it be?” Glimmer taunted, her eyes shone in the firelight with a ferocity Catra had yet to see before. Her muscles wound with tension, ready.
“Argh!” Another shot of bright pink magic, Catra flipped backward, tumbled, flipped again, inches away from the hot supercharged rays. She landed on the nearby crates only to run on all fours as the princess took another blow, aimed straight for her. The boxes burst into flames upon contact with the magic beams. Catra leapt upward aiming for the suspension bridges.
Sparkles is really going for the kill. It would’ve made her laugh under different circumstances. But this magic, these were no party tricks. She’d grown up around Shadow Weaver’s sorcery.  Understanding that magic users were not to be meddled with. The scars under her thin fur were a testament to that.
Fiery anger and spite propelled her forward, still dashing on all fours away from the flames.
“Come on Catra, didn’t anyone ever teach you to clean up your toys?” Glimmer jeered, fists balled with magic, head high with determination. “Otherwise someone might come and break them!”
The high sing-song self righteous pitch to her voice grated on Catra’s ears. She unsheathed her claws, darting upward towards the bridges, crouching.
“You think I don’t have more?”
Catra jeered, watching Glimmer below, trying to locate her, those pink-purple eyes shifting with mirth and determination.
“I think most of your bots are busy with SheRa, leaving you defenseless!”
Oh, that’s rich!
Catra jumped forward crouching on one of the suspension bridges, laughing.
“Wow using your own friend as a decoy? I didn’t think you had it in you!”
“Guess you don’t know everything,” Catra’s ears perked, the princess’s tone dangerously low. She sprang away then screeched to a stop as Glimmer materialized before her.
Two shining orbs of magic lit up the princess’s fists. She leered down at her with a wicked smile. On instinct, Catra raised a clawed hand in front of her face, twisting to get away in time.  Glimmer’s magic charged, the small orbs now growing stronger. Through the haze of bright light Catra watched sweat shine on the princess’s brow, trying to concentrate.
She’s not in control….not yet. She can’t totally control it. She’s angry. Emotion driven, ha. Just like Adora. Only smarter. 
 Catra couldn’t decide if she admired that difference or not and there was no time to think about it. Glimmer groaned with the effort and Catra spun away, up onto the railing and then, aiming carefully, jumped away just in time as the magical lazers fired, blasting the bridge away. Catra angled herself as she fell, twisting to her right and grabbing for her whip. She flicked it out, upward, aiming for where Glimmer stood and grinned with satisfaction as she felt it go taunt in her grip. Catching around the princesses leg.
The princess turned, trying to fire another round of magic at Catra but the Force Captain was faster. She yanked at the whip. Glimmer cried out, the charged energy in her palms shooting upward as she fell into three of the storage tanks. Catra continued to fall, but held the whip in her hand, wincing at the heat and the burst of explosion. Everything lit up in white orange light as they crashed down, Glimmer falling beside her now. Catra landed, triumphantly on her feet huffing for breath.
That was close..too close. Damn princess is going to get all of us killed with her stupid powers! Why Adora left me for this dumb ass….she can’t even fight. Catra’s stomach clenched with hurt, which she easily subverted into rage. Through the smoke and flames she tried to search for Glimmer.
Maybe she finally got crushed.
Catra couldn’t help but smile at the thought, watching as one of the beams from above crashed to the floor. Still, she sniffed...
No, she’s here somewhere…
True to her aggravating nature, the princess of Brightmoon was not gotten rid of so easily.
But that’s the fun after all. The thrill of the chase. Cat and mouse, if you will.  
Something moved, Catra’s ears turned to the sound. Behind her. She made to whirl around,
Glimmer’s war cry vibrated through Catra’s ears with alarm. She was used to hearing her name laced with disappointment, anger, sorrow, and even hate but Glimmer’s exultation was fueled with something far more vast. She slammed Catra down with the force of her attack, tackling her to the ground. In a panic Catra writhed and bared her fangs hissing in contempt before sinking her teeth into the princess’s wrist. Glimmer shrieked, and Catra elbowed her, ducking away.
“Uch,” she spat, “you even taste like glitter!”
She readied her whip again, striking as Glimmer ran towards her, palm forward alight with magic.
The whip struck true, coiling it’s way around her arm and snapping around. Her hand, charged with magic now caught, Catra watched the princess struggle, whine in alarm. She tugged back against the grip of the whip, lifting her arm, her magic pulsing. Glimmer seized the whip with her free arm and her magic released, spiraling down it’s length with electrifying force.
Crimson electricity. Burning, shattering, firing. Shadow Weaver…
Memories of such magic crashed through her assured stance. Catra screamed as the full force of Glimmer’s magical energy hit her square in the chest. Every hair on her body pricked up with stinging pink light. Air scuked from her lungs, Catra was thrown backward off her feet and moaned with pain, her back colliding with the metal wall. Her fur smelled burnt, her heart beat erratically thumping against her chest, each beat crushing against her bones.  She collapsed on all fours, head swimming.  She tried to shake it off, tried to get away.
Why does it hurt...s...so...b...bad…
Smoke rose from her fur, each intake of air threatened to pass out. She binked, slowly trying to cling to consciousness.
“What’s wrong Catra?”
“Not scared of some sparkles are you?”
Catra tried to force the words out through her clenched chest. The magic still sending off pulses of agonizing energy throughout her body. Her heart beat wildly, manic, until another flare of magical current made it thrum erratically and then stopped.
She pitched forward. This time, Catra was already dead when she landed against Glimmer’s chest.
Glimmer reached out on instinct, catching the limp Force Captain. Holding her at arm's length, her body radiating magical heat, fur still smoking.
Catra’s head only fell forward limply, brown hair obscuring her face along with her headgear. Glimmer shook her by the shoulders.
“CATRA?! If this is some sort of trick…”
Glimmer peered under the force captain’s limp form, trying to see her face. When she met her eyes, Glimmer froze. She’d been in this war long enough to know what death looked like. How the eyes were always still and glossy, staring into eternity. Never to blink again.
Did I do this?
She stared at her gloved hand for a moment, before settling Catra to the ground.
“On your feet Horde Scum! We’re ending this!”
It’s already ended, she knew with trepidation. You won!  But the satisfaction was not there. The triumph unfelt.
Glimmer looked Catra over, examining her still form.
“If this is some sick joke,” she tried again. Catra’s glazed eyes only stared vacantly upward. Sending a chill throughout Glimmer’s entire form. She reached down carefully pushing Catra’s eyes shut. She let out a shaky breath, letting her eyes roam only Catra’s body. Only to be extra sure she was not breathing of course. She was not admiring her taut muscles or her light frame, built for fighting. Different from Adora who was brute force, Catra was built slighter, but still strong. The difference between a broadsword and a katana. Both lethal. Both….appealing. Glimmer shook her head, looking around at the smoldering ruin of the Horde’s base.
“Catra I mean it,” Glimmer took one of the clawed hands in both her own. Still unconvinced that she had truly killed the Force Captain.
It’s not murder if she’s evil, Glimmer reasoned. She held Catra’s hand examining her claws. Up close they were just as intimidating and sharp, curved to really claw and tear into flesh.
But the palm of her hands, they were arm and calloused. Glimmer squeezed gently. Leaning over Catra’s face,
“I mean it! You’re getting up and I’m taking you back to the palace!”
Catra did not move. Glimmer looked her over again. The hair on her tail and ears did not appear to extend throughout her body. Just warm brown skin though…
Glimmer reached out, holding her breath, fingers trembling as she touched Catra’s still face. It was like prompting a sleeping bear, or trying to disarm a bot.
“I killed her,” Glimmer whispered aloud. She studied Catra’s quiet face, the freckles dusting the ridges of her cheeks and across her nose.
Why don’t I feel better?
Her foot tapped with anxiety. She adjusted her grip on Catra’s hand, lacing their fingers together.
“Come on Catra, get up...we’ll end this fair and square! I’ll even let you scratch me if you want. But not too hard. Come on Catra! Get up!”
The fingers entwined with her’s twitched. Catra stirred.
Glimmer starred at the Force Captain, who slowly blinked awake.
“S..Sparkes,” she whispered shakily. Glimmer expected her to leap away, but Catra only lay there, their hands still held tight together.
“I thought I killed you,” relief swelled in the princesses gut, looking down at Catra’s still slightly red face. At least she was no longer turning pale. The force captain shifted but did not move. Glimmer slid her hand under Catra’s head, supporting it. Those glowing ominous heterochromatic eyes no longer so distant and dead slipped shut once more and Glimmer could have sworn Catra leaned against her touch for the briefest moment.
“Psh, takes more than some fancy magic to take me down.”
Catra smiled and pulled herself up with Glimmer’s help. She slipped her hand from Catra’s after a beat, less the Force Captain take notice.
“You still planning on unleashing those bots?” Glimmer asked, half hoping Catra would forget about it. But the force captain threw her head back, laughing. Sliding back into her own chasm of gile and malice and uncaring ruthless pursuit of the rebellion. Of Adora. She ran forward to the controls.
“I’ve been saving this for a special occasion,” she pressed the buttons on the controls. “But this’ll do.”
The newly upgraded bot turned on, spinning and whirling.
Glimmer’s fists charged with magic, face riddled with indignation once more.
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