#and with magic returned maybe she can now disguise herself as a pony and come on land again
emeraldstarlight · 2 years
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Introducing Seafoam Serenade the shark pony 🦈🌊
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dzamie-oc · 5 years
6: Hidden
“...so by adjusting the variable theta here in the matrix, you can alter the angle of rotation.”
Ocellus kept her eyes on her note paper, making clean, orderly brackets to house the grids of numbers and trigonometric functions. She flicked her forked tongue, getting a cursory taste of the emotions in the room. The delicious, cool flavor of learning and understanding, soured slightly by a smattering of confusion. A couple spicy motes of frustration, largest from where Smolder sat. The changeling glanced towards the dragon, finding that her friend’s own eyes were darting between the chalkboard, Headmare Starlight, and... her. Pulling herself back from the draw of nibbling on the emotions, Ocellus startled when she realized she had missed two entire equations being written. That they were just the first steps in a practice problem was small comfort to the blue-chitin changeling; who knew what verbal instructions she could have missed, too?
After catching back up in her notes, she chanced another taste, intending to take more of a passive taste, paying more attention to class. However, what she intended was overruled harder Princess Celestia denying Prince Blueblood the last bite of her cake; an intoxicating wave of lust filled her tastebuds, overpowering nearly every other emotion in the room. Reflexively, Ocellus turned towards its source, both surprised and suddenly hungry - although she hated to admit it. Not only was it filling yet almost nutritionally useless, the taste and her reaction recalled memories in her from before the Great Reformation, when she had been drawn towards and fed on such strong love-adjacent emotions.
Nonetheless, she found herself staring at her dragon friend, who was now staring entirely at her. A light blush crept onto her cheeks as she considered the implications: her unsubtle, willful dragon friend was focused wholly on her, and thinking incredibly lewd thoughts at her. Her thoughts were once more diverted when the lust suddenly cut off, replaced by a more platonic desire. In the back of her mind, she acknowledged that Headmare Starlight was going over the answer to the problem on the board, almost unconsciously copying down the correct answer for later comparison; at present, though, she noticed Smolder repeatedly moving her hand. Thumb and fingers together, save for an extended pinky, rocking back towards the dragoness twice. Pause, hand still in position, and another two rocks. It was a sign the two of them had worked out - miming the high-society griffon etiquette for holding a teacup.
Ocellus smiled and nodded ever so slightly, then waited until Smolder smiled back, put her hand down, and turned back to the front of the class before doing the same herself. She mentally kicked herself for dropping her attention from class, but reassured herself that friends were important, as well. After all, the School of Friendship has “friendship” right in its name... as well as school, so she resolved to stay focused on the lesson until after class. Her pencil once more found the paper when the headmare moved onto three-dimensional transformation matrices, and her tail subconsciously began to sway back and forth as she drank in the learning - almost literally, as an emotivore!
After class, Ocellus met up with the dragon, who was leaning against the wall outside of the classroom. “Was that... necessary?” she asked, her blush returning with the memory of the wave of lust, “I mean, you could have asked me after class; I tend to linger the longest to speak with our professors.”
Smolder smirked. “No, but I wanted to make sure you wouldn’t stay for an hour or two after Starlight Glimmer dismissed us and take up all the time we could’ve used. Seeing your reaction was just a bonus. So, same place as before?”
Ocellus nodded, starting to walk with her friend. “That works. I’ll drop off my stuff back in our room first, and then we can head out.”
“Sounds good. I’ll tag along; I’ve gotta grab a-” the dragoness cut herself off, looking around at the ponies and creatures around, “a... a thing. My thing.”
Back in their room, the two students swapped out their schoolbooks for a small selection of carefully-folded dresses. Ocellus levitated a tube of lipstick into Smolder’s bag for her, and added a bottle of hoof polish and a compact of blush to her own. Loaded up with their secret payload of fancy fittings, the two girls strode out of their room, sharing fanged smiles.
They made it to the main hall before somecreature noticed and approached them. Silverstream, with her distinctly bubbly step, strode up to the pair. Ocellus flicked out her tongue and got back a hefty dose of curiosity from the hippogriff, fighting against that spicy taste of frustration (and the faintest hint of shame) from the dragon beside her.
“Hi Celly, Smolder! Are you two heading out?”
The changeling nodded. “Yep. Just the two of us.”
“Ooh, girl’s night! Or, girl’s afternoon. Whatcha gonna do?” Her bright, innocent smile was infectious, and Ocellus found her own lips curling up. She stayed silent, however, unwilling to tell her friend where she was going with the dragon.
Fortunately for her, Smolder had had years of hiding her secret interest. Unfortunately for her, Smolder was Smolder. “We’re going to set a new record for longest two-creature lesbian makeout session. Do you want to come?”
The sarcasm flew straight over the hippogriff’s head, and her enthusiastic nodding only abated when Smolder’s deadpan expression and admission that she had just been messing with her sunk in. With a promise to have a good time given, the pair strode out of the building, before making their way through the meandering, misleading path to a secret spot in the woods.
Ocellus and Smolder walked up to the large, flat stump in the middle of the forest clearing and set about setting up. From Smolder’s pack came a white tablecloth, fringed with lace. From Ocellus’s, a teapot, two saucers, and two teacups. The makeup came out next, and finally, the dresses. Smolder slipped hers on with an ease that came from far more practice than she would ever admit. As for the changeling...
“So, myself or Professor Rarity? She has the accent and mannerisms for it.” Ocellus held two dresses aloft in her teal magic, looking between them.
“Hmm... Probably not Rarity, but...” Smolder’s off-center stance and stroking of her chin were a stark contrast to the frilly, pale pink dress she wore as she thought, “I think, maybe... Oh! Could you do Gallus? I bet he’d look ADORABLE in a dress!”
That drew a grin and a giggle from the changeling. A wave of fire washed over her form, and in the next moment, a pair of yellow eagle claws caught the two floating dresses before they could hit the ground. ‘Gallus’ handed one to Smolder to fold and return to Ocellus’s bag, and the griffon set about fitting into the other one. After a little difficulty, getting stuck twice, and ultimately asking Smolder for help with the wings, ‘Gallus’ was proudly sporting a pale yellow dress. “Well? How do I look?” ‘he’ asked the dragoness.
“Heh. Actually, not bad. The next time we play Truth or Dare with the boys, I think I’ve got a good idea.” Smolder leaned to one side, then the other, taking in the griffon’s form. “But, I think you’re missing something very important.”
The grinning dragon held up a couple of the makeup implements before setting them down. The pair of friends spent some time matching blush to their scales and feathers, picking out the right lipstick - or beakstick, as it were - painting each other’s claws, and otherwise gussying themselves and each other up until they both looked like slightly exaggerated versions of the fanciest fancy bourgeoisie to be found in Canterlot - nay, all of Equestria.
Smolder cleared her throat. “Now then, Madam Gallus, shall we?” she prompted in a Received Equestrian accent, “it would be a terrible shame to come all the way here for some tea, and to then forget the beverage in entirety!”
‘Gallus’ gave a proper curtsey, then stepped up to the stump. ‘He’ picked up the teapot in one hand, held the lid on with the other, and gracefully tipped it over, pouring a cup for Smolder, and then a cup for ‘himself.’ With two steaming cups of tea properly set on their saucers, the well-dressed duo took their seats. ‘Gallus’ added two sugar cubes to the cup in front of ‘him;’ Smolder added only one. Keeping their pinky claws extended, they lifted their cups and politely toasted their friendship. 
Hidden away in the calm, peaceful grove, the disguised changeling and her dragon friend traded light gossip, homework tips, and compliments. Their table manners would put several Canterlot nobles to shame, and over time, the level of tea in the teapot declined. The pair were in the middle of discussing which creature in their friends group had the shapeliest rear when Sandbar wandered into the clearing and promptly did a double-take.
The three of them stared at each other for a minute, before ‘Gallus’ finally spoke up, “we... lost a bet to Ocellus. Why she has these dresses, I haven’t the foggiest, but she’s, uh...” the griffon turned his head to look around, “well, she’s one of these branches around, to make sure we keep the deal.”
Smolder’s look of shock faded as her friend spun the tale. “Yeah, but look. This whole thing? Never happened. You’re gonna leave, and next time we see each other, it’s like we weren’t even here, even if you ask. Right, Gallus?”
‘Gallus’ nodded. “Yeah, you’re actually lucky I’m not denying this right now. Anyway, we’ve got, like, another teacup to finish before this is over. See you back at school.”
Content with their answer, the pony silently nodded and walked back off through the forest. Once they were sure he was out of sight and hearing, both of the well-dressed creatures let out a big sigh of relief. Their secret was safe. And they still had some tea left to talk over.
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atc74 · 6 years
I Owe It All To You
Square Filled: high school au (for @spnfluffbingo)
Square Filled: Friends to Lovers (for @spngenrebingo)
Warnings: fluff, nervous Rob, cuteness, implied sexy times
Summary: Y/N signs up for the senior talent show, asking Rob to play guitar for her. Little does he know, she had a whole plan.
Pairing: Rob x Reader
Word Count: 1600-ish with lyrics
Written for: @spnfluffbingo and @spngenrebingo
Thank you to my beta @hannahindie - yous the best!
This fic was inspired by this photo (courtesy of Rob Benedict’s Instagram)
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“Hey Rob!” Y/N called out as she spotted Rob in the hall after lunch. He turned around as she caught up with him.
“Oh hey, Y/N. Um, uh, how are you?” he stumbled.
“Oh, yeah, I am so good! Did you see the sign up sheet for the senior talent show?” she asked, her excitement evident in her voice and her body language; the girl could not stand still.
“Oh yeah. I saw it. So, a-are you going to sign up?” he asked, staring at his feet, unable to make eye contact with her.
“Well, I want to, but I was wondering if you would sign up with me? You know, maybe sing and play guitar?” she smiled sweetly up at him.
“Oh, yeah, I think I could do that,” Rob mumbled, shuffling his Chucks on the worn tile floor.
“You would?!” she exclaimed. Jumping with delight, she threw her arms around Rob.
He fumbled for a moment, losing his balance. He regained his footing, hesitantly patting her on the back. “Sure. I’d do anything for you, Y/N.”
“Thank you so much Rob. This is going to be so awesome!” she squealed, then ran off in the opposite direction.
Y/N and Rob had been friends since childhood, going to the same elementary, junior high and then highschool. Y/N was the bubbly child that made friends easily. Whereas Rob was a little on the shy side, immersing himself in music and learning to play the guitar. He was kind and sweet and they remained friends.
Y/N had been waiting for all year for the senior talent show. She had been hiding something from Rob for a few years, but she decided the talent show would be the right time. Prom was right around the corner and she needed to get a move on. She gathered the sheet music she had purchased and skipped all the way to Rob’s house, a smile on her pretty face. She stopped at the garage door and knocked loudly three times. Rob answered the door and she pushed her way inside.
“What were you playing?” she asked as she took a seat on the stool next to where he had set up. “I really liked it.”
“Oh, it’s nothing and it definitely isn’t finished yet,” Rob said, nervously rubbing the back of his head and neck. “So is that your music?”
“Oh yeah! Here!” she shoved the papers in his hand and stared at the sheets.
“This is what we are singing?” he asked.
“I love this song!” she shouted. “I listened to it all the way here on my walkman!”
Okay. I can do this. Rob thought to himself.
“I am going to need a couple days with the music. Are you planning on having any other instruments, or just guitar?”
“Just guitar. But if you think it needs drums and a synthesizer, I could probably round them up…” she leaned in a little closer.
“I mean, it is an upbeat song and it might sound a little better with more, but we can make this work. You’re sure you want me to sing this with you?” he asked skeptically. He could sing, but she made him nervous.
“Yeah, Robby. I’m so sure. So, I’ll come back on Saturday afternoon, say about three? We can start rehearsing. I am totally excited and there is only two weeks until the show!!” she jumped up and down, clapping her hands together! With a twirl she was out the door. Rob just stared at the spot she had just vacated, not believing what he had gotten himself into.
The night of the talent show came faster than either of them had anticipated. Y/N paced excitedly around the girls dressing room. In her bright pink top with matching denim mini skirt and cropped jean jacket, she was ready. She checked her hair one more time, making sure the side pony was positioned perfectly. She pursed together her bright pink lips and left the room, walking to the backstage area where she saw Rob waiting for her.
He was dressed casually in gray pants and a t-shirt, with a gray and white striped button down. His guitar was already strapped across his body, but he looked nervous. This was it, she thought and she ran up to him.
“Hi Rob!” she panted with excited energy. “You ready for this?”
“Hey, Y/N. Yeah this is it, huh?” he looked around.
“I really think we have a shot at winning. This is so cool!” she squeaked. “By the way, you don’t need the guitar. I found the instrumental music so I gave them that instead. This way we can just concentrate on singing.” Rob’s eyes went wide at her confession.
The previous act, a ballet dancer, hobbled off the stage and through the curtain, clearly having hurt herself. “Good luck Y/N.”
“Thanks, Lucy,” Y/N replied as she limped away. “Well, that totally sucks for her.”
“Ladies and gentlemen, please put your hands together for our next performers, Y/N Y/L/N and Rob Benedict!” The audience started clapping. Y/N grabbed his hand and pulled him through the curtain with her.
Rob blinked his eyes a few times, adjusting to the bright stage lights. Y/N handed him a microphone just as the music started. She gave him a nod and he started singing.
Now I've had the time of my life
No, I never felt like this before
Yes I swear it's the truth
And I owe it all to you
Y/N met his gaze as she started the next verse.
'Cause I've had the time of my life
And I owe it all to you
They traded verses as the song played.
I've been waiting for so long
Now I've finally found someone to stand by me
We saw the writing on the wall
And we felt this magical fantasy
They both joined in, their voices harmonizing perfectly.
Now with passion in our eyes
There's no way we could disguise it secretly
So we take each others hand
'Cause we seem to understand the urgency
Just remember
You're the one thing
I can't get enough of
So I'll tell you something
This could be love because
No, I never felt this way before
Yes I swear it's the truth
And I owe it all to you
Hey baby
Rob hit the lyric with just the right amount of grit in his young voice.
The crowd started clapping along with the beat of the music as they continued their performance.
As the last chorus came along, Y/N moved right next to Rob, turning to him and looking him right in the eyes and singing with him. The music faded out but she never looked away, but neither did Rob. Applause filled the auditorium, but she only saw and heard Rob.
He finally broke her trance by grabbing her hand and pulling her to face the audience. They took their bows before Rob pulled her off stage. The two of them hugging once the current closed.
“Rob! Thank you so much! This was totally radical! I don’t even care if we win!” she hugged him once more.
“I think I already did,” he whispered as he held her close to him.
“Rob, I really have had the time of my life. I couldn’t imagine doing this with anyone else. You’ve been my best friend for years,” she confessed.
“I owe it all to you, Y/N,” Rob told her.
“So that is the story of how Rob and I went from friends to more than friends. Thirty years later, we’re still here and better than ever,” Y/N told the audience. “I hope that answers your question, Doll.”
“I think that more than answered her question, Honey,” Rob’s voice sounded through the ballroom as he walked back out on stage.
“Well, I feel it it required a thorough answer!” Y/N exclaimed, looking at the audience for confirmation. Rob stood beside her, wrapping his arm around her waist and kissing her on the cheek. The crowd “awww’d” at the sweet display of affection from the couple.
“Sorry, Honey but that was the last question for you. You ran out of time,” Rob tsked as he walked back to the microphone.
“But...there is so much more to tell! Like our first date, when you proposed, the kids…” Y/N rambled on. Rob finally took her mic away from and she feigned offense.
“Can we keep a few things just between us?” Rob looked at her, pleaded with his brilliant baby blues.
“Well if you insist. But I can promise you tonight, there won’t be anything between us,” she winked and waved to the crowd as she made her way off stage.
Later when Rob returned to their hotel room, his wife met him at the door.
“Did you have a good night, Babe?” she asked, a glass of wine in her hand and she extended the other toward him.
“I had the time of my life, but nothing compares to coming home to you,” he answered. “But we’re in trouble. Everyone I met today requested we sing that song at the concert tomorrow night, so Mike and Billy went out and got the sheet music. You think you’re ready to do that in front of a much larger crowd this time?” He asked, his eyebrows raised.  
“I am more than ready and I owe it all to you,” she whispered, pressing a kiss to his lips.
The Whole Enchilada - join the fiesta: @sis-tafics​  @holyfuckloueh​ @gh0stgurl​ @hobby27​  @bethbabybaby @anspgene​ @paintrider13-blog​ @cyrilconnelly​ @just-another-busy-fangirl​ @just-a-touch-of-sass-and-fandoms​ @roxyspearing​ @heyitscam99​ @iwantthedean​ @jpadjackles​ @mogaruke​ @smoothdogsgirl​ @x-waywardaf-x​ @myoutletforfanfiction​ @growningupgeek​ @spnbaby-67​ @wonderange​ @emoryhemsworth​ @impalaimagining​ @feelmyroarrrr​ @docharleythegeekqueen​ @katymacsupernatural​ @hennessy0274-blog​ @rockhoochie​ @charliebradbury1104​ @pinknerdpanda​ @hannahindie​ @wingedcatninja​ @highfunctioning-sociopath​ @speakinvain​ @evansrogerskitten​ @percussiongirl2017​ @blacktithe7​ @theoriginalvicki​ @mrswhozeewhatsis​ @sweetpeamoose​ @sandlee44​ @mottergirl99​ @meeshw777​ @squirrel-moose-winchester​ @milkymilky-cocopuff​ @meganwinchester1999​ @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester​ @grace-for-sale​ @andkatiethings​ @nanie5​ @monkeymcpoopoo​ @adoptdontshoppets​ @drakelover78​ @dolphincliffs
Rob Worshipers: @natasha-cole @ellen-reincarnated1967 @a-queen-and-her-throne @shanghai88
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