#and yeah yeah they're on different sides in the criminal underground yadda yadda but i dont think it really gets in the way of things
voltrixz · 5 months
Silver Sable and Shocker friendship real and true to me actually. Why? It's funny to think that Shocker is good friends with the ex of his boss's right hand man
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httphoneyb · 5 years
Fatal | Mobster!Tom x OC!
Summary: Violet Thorne and Tom Holland are both on opposing sides in the midst of a mob war. What happens when fatal collides with dangerous?
t w o
"Dad, I don't know what you want me to do here!" Violet sighed loudly throwing her hands in the air. Her father watching her pace back and forth infront of his desk.
"My love, I don't understand why you insist on me giving my seat to your brother. You are my first born thus, it's yours," he explained in a hushed tone.
"I want out of this dad! I've been trying to get out of this! And I can't do that i-if you keep dragging me back in!" Violet didn't understand how her father couldn't comprehend what she's been trying to say for the past hour.
The skin on her arm felt raw. Her nails dragged across it continuously since the topic was brought up.
"Then explain to me why, Violeta!" He stood slamming his hands on the dark oak desk.
Violet knew he had a rule about speaking to his children calmly, reserving his assertive voice for their enemies and prisoners.
He was always a gentle man around her and her brothers, some would say you wouldn't be able to tell he ran a mob while he was around his children. This circumstance was a rarity in her family.
So she stood and let the silence envelope the room.
"Exactly my point. You have no reason for wanting to be out of the business. Not a valid one anyway."
When in fact she did.
Her whole life Violet watched her brothers grow up like soldiers. As soon as they could walk, a gun was placed into their hands and the boys were taught how to shoot.
She didn't want a family like that. She's terrified to have a family like that.
"This could all be yours, my love. This...this empire was built on first borns, you are to continue it on. I'm growing old, Violeta. I need you to take my place. Especially when we're in the midst of a war."
"A war?"
"The Hollands have been crossing multiple mob boundaries in the past months. They're making alliances with the Diaz mob and broke their truce with the Rizzos. They're expanding. I can't do this on my own, Violeta."
"Pappa but you're not on your own..theres five other boys in the house waiting to take your spot. Leo has a knack for this, Dad. Use him!"
He chuckled lowly, "We both know you'd give Leonardo a run for his money."
"That's not my point. What I am saying is tha-" Violet was cut off by Luca, the youngest of the six, as he swung the wooden doors open doors open.
"We found the mole," was all he said before turning around and leaving.
"Mole? What mole?" Violet walked with her father out of his office, confusion written all over her face.
"Some of our info was leaked and other mobs got ahold of our shipments, drug and weapon outlets, even some safe houses." She could feel her father getting angrier as she reached the basement of their mansion.
Angelo, the third oldest joined them, "We found a usb full of our shipment dates and outposts. It was a cook, says the Hollands sent him."
Of course it was
She watched her father take out knives and guns as he headed for the lowest floor. The mere smell of that place made her stomach churn.
"You coming?" Angelo stopped midstep and turned to her.
"Yeah I'm just gonna save myself the trouble and head out for the day," Violet backed away from the flight of stairs.
"Hey Vi..just so you know, you're gonna have to suck it up one day, this job has no place for personal morals," Angelo turned around and decended the stairs, leaving Violet chewing at her lip.
What if he was right?
What if she really just needed to suck it up?
What if this was meant for her?
What if
What if
What if
"Earth to Violet!" Leo waved a hand infront of her face.
The raven haired girl was dragged out of her own throughts.
"Tom wants to talk to you." Leo whispered, afraid that their father someone would hear.
Violet's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "Tom? Tom Holland?"
"Yes Tom Holland! Who else!" Her brother sighed in annoyance, "He sent a letter this morning, good thing I got to it before Dad."
A light blue envelope was placed in her hand.
"A letter? Guy doesn't own a phone?" she scoffed, eyes skimming through the writing, the letters were smooth and neat, contrasting the many wrinkles on the paper.
"He's traditional I guess. Whatever. It just says he wants to meet with you to discuss some things blah blah blah...some thing about weapons yadda yadda.." Leo talked animatedly. His hands always waving around as he spoke.
"Why not Dad? I'm not in charge."
"Dad has it out for him, he's paranoid these days. Thinks everyone's out to get him."
"And what if it's a trap?"
"I'll have men tail you for protection, but other than that I think this is you know...good."
"Good? Good how?"
"Look, I don't wanna see this war that Pappa's been talking about happen. People will die. If theres a way to stop it, I think only you can pull it off."
"As much as I'm flattered, there's no point in me talking to him. I'm not taking Dad's place."
Leo rolled his eyes at his stubborn sister.
"No one said anything about that! Just go talk to him and see what he wants!"
"Oh no."
"You have to handle that southwest gang of criminals scamming our casinos."
"Have they replied?" Tom asked as Harrison walked into the room.
"She's on her way now, actually. Eager girl," Harrison chuckled. "What do you want with her anyway?"
"Nothing harmful. Just trying to see if she could hold her own." Tom smirked as the burn of scotch travelled down his throat.
Violet rolled up to the front of the Holland mansion, a bit bigger than the Thorne's but then again, who's keeping track these days? Right?
Sam Holland walked to the car and opened the door for Violet. "Miss Thorne."
Violet took his hand and bent to look back at her driver in the car.
"When should I pick you up ma'am?"
"I'll call for you, Artie. Thank you." she smiled gratefully and followed the twin into the house.
"Bring a weapon with you, Thorne?" Harrison called from the top of the foyer.
"You think I'm gonna go into enemy territory without one?" she retorted. "Whoa! Kid! What're you doing!"
"Can't take any chances." Sam began to pat her down staring from her waist.
"Think we're gonna roll and show our bellies just cos you're a woman?" Harrison chuckled.
"I was counting on it.." she pouted as Sam seized her gun.
"Now there's no need for that ,Sammy." All of a sudden Tom appeared next to Harrison and started decending the stairs. "Don't you know how to treat a lady?" He grinned at her, "Let her keep the gun."
"Let her keep the gun." Venom dripped from Tom's voice as he spoke slowly, "After all, this is just a casual talk right?" His eyes moved to hers, an ominous meaning behind his words unsettled her but stayed holding his gaze.
"Sure is." she took her gun back and slipped it on the band on her jeans as Tom looked behind her and whispered, "Then tell your men to turn around and go home."
Violet's heart dropped to her stomach and turned, the men Leo had sent with her we're parked outside the gates of the mansion, headlights turned off and obvious guns in hand. She sighed and called her brother.
"Tell them to go home." she said simply into the phone as Tom smirked at her.
"Vi, you can't be serious."
"Just do it."
She hung up the phone and threw a taunting smile at the boys before her.
"Follow me." Tom led Violet up the stairs and into what she assumed was his office. Much like her father's, the office was very manly and dark.
Taking a seat infront of his desk she asked, "Why am I here, Holland?"
"I want a cut of your drug profits." Tom said simply.
"And what do I get in return?" Violet leans forward to place her forearms on the desk.
"Safe travels. I know that for years your family has been funneling your weapons through my side of the city to get to them across the Atlantic. And for years my guys have been giving you trouble," Violet nods, pouring herself her own cup of scotch, "All I'm asking for is say..20% of your drug profits and I let your guys through with no hassle."
Violet finally breaks eye contact with Tom and doubles over in laughter, catching the mob boss off guard.
"20%?! Ha! You're delusional." She scoffs at him.
He stared at her with a look of both amusement and annoyance.
"Mr. Holland," Violet recollected herself as she sat with poise, sharp eyes looking at the man before her, "did you know that my family runs America's biggest underground drug cartel? We have 8 different bases across the country, and 2 abroad. Bringing in approximately twenty-million dollars a year each. You're asking me to cut 20% of my 200 million a year to..what," she did the math quickly in her head as Tom gaped at her in disbelief, "$160,000,000 for safe travels, as you put it, for one of our outposts?You've gone insane. Your men aren't anything mine can't handle. Now if you'll excuse me."
Tom ran his calloused hands up and down his face in exhaustion. Man she was a hassle.
Violet sat back down and looked at him in boredom.
Tom cussed outloud and leaned back in his chair. "8% and I'll tell you what the Rizzo's down south are planning."
"Why would I care about some shithole mob?" Violet scoffed at his poor attempt to negotiate.
"They're trying to kill you."
Tom saw that what he said piqued the stubborn girls interest.
"Fine. 16 million a year. Now, tell me more."
Tom inwardly smirked at this, "They think that killing you would kill your empire. They know Robert would never give his seat to anyone else. And they also know you're refusing to take it. If you're gone..all they have to do is wait for your dad to die and your mob along with it."
The room was filled with silence as a million thoughts ran through Violet's mind.
"Huh," she chuckled.
She's laughing? Why would she be laughing at the fact someone's trying to kill her? Tom thought to himself.
"Guess that's just another thing on my list," she got up and slid her coat on, "enjoy your sixteen million, Holland."
"Pleasure doing business with you, Violet." The pair shook hands before Violet said, "Buy your share under a different name, my dad would never sell to a Holland."
"Will do," Tom walked her to the front door, "And for the record..I wouldn't mind you being the business, Violet. You'd be a worthy opponent." Tom complimented her genuinely.
Violet only looked back at him, winking she said, "You bet your sweet ass I'd be."
Tom chuckled as the click of her heels faded and Harrison was at his side.
"Ferocious that one.. smart too." Tom had a sly smile decorating his face.
"But I've got her right where I want her."
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