#and yeh ppl can do whatever but dont twist her to be an icon for something she is NOT
anime-grimmy · 3 years
I wanna be a negative nancy today so hottake bout a HZD/HFW fandom opinion:
Before I go bitchin about, Imma say that I love the HZD/HFW fandom. There's a lot of fun and creativity to be had and reading character analysis is an absolute blast cause people manage to pick up on things I wouldn't even have thought about. And I really don't mind ppl changing characters/settings to fit their needs, after all, I'm guilty of doing that as well. As long as you're having fun, you do you, dude.
But there's just one thing that absolutely grinds my gears, only because it seems widely accepted among the fans; if most say it only as a joke/ironically, Imma look like a dumbass but just the sheer amount of likes that these posts get make me think otherwise.
I'm talking about posts like these: (stitched this together myself btw)
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Well, the meme is fine in itself, but Im more talking about the broader consensus that Aloy just, doesn't care the least bit bout the male NPCs and acts as if their troubles are just them whining, but is super nice and gentle to the female NPCs. And I just, I don't get where this is coming from??
I mean, I guess you can get that impression from the first game since most ppl you help out are kind of scumbags, but then I also think about how gentle Aloy is with the dad of the literal second sidequest and how "I don't give a shit" she is at the start of Talanah's quest.
I also can't see it when in HFW Aloy is exasperated with every second Oseram she comes across, be it man or woman, how she thinks both Drakka and Yarra are being stupid, or how fucking gentle she is with the blind Tenakth boy or the dad with dementia.
What it boils down to, I think, is that Im just so sick and tired of ppl putting Aloy on a pedestal of sth she isn't.
I get it, she's a great, strong female lead that isn't just an emotionless piece of cardboard or just "man, but as WOMAN". She has her flaws, but that just makes her more grounded and interesting. She's headstrong and doesn't give a shit about ppl's petty whining, and I get you wanna project your own ideas and ideals onto a character like that because it reflects them in a good light.
But I'm so sick of ppl making Aloy out to be someone she's not, only to mold her brash personality into their own beliefs.
I'm sick that they twist her compassionate heart into a men-hating, self righteous bitch, when, just like her mom, she wants to save the world because she cares about everyone.
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