#and yes I know they said they’ve used Saint-Saëns
deci-doodles · 3 months
This was originally a request from a friend but I figured I might as well post here coz I think it’s too funny
Audio: Berlioz, Symphonie Fantastique Mvt. 4. March to the Scaffold
Would highly recommend listening to the whole track coz it’s a banger but also it’s literally the composer having an opium-induced fever dream about him getting his head lopped off at the guillotine so
#genshin impact#focalors#neuvillette#I’m not sorry#this whole thing spawned from me ranting about Fontaine’s OST for like the nth time#for context I’m a classical musician and while I don’t think Fontaine’s music is necessarily bad#and I get what Hoyomix was aiming for#the direction they chose just frustrates me so much that I could probably scream about it for a good ten minutes or so#again not saying Hoyomix is bad I love their stuff too it just#FRSUTRATES ME#that the nation primarily inspired by what I’m assuming is Belle epoque France#fails to capitalise off of using French romantic composers from the era#and yes I know they said they’ve used Saint-Saëns#Ravel and Faure but I can’t hear it outside of the original Travail motif which was repurposed to just Arlecchino’s#and no imitation compositional technique isn’t making it super obvious either#but somehow we get a lot of Russian and Soviet composers#and I LOVE their stuff#but I was expecting Shostakovich and Stravinsky for SNEZHNAYA NOT FONTAINE#and also Khachaturian while we’re at it#SERIOUSLY WHY IS THERE A SUPER STRAVINSKY SOUNDNING TRACK IN SOME FRENCH CAVES#for reference the track is Magick Without Tears#I mean if we got Chopin at least question mark#but the dude is still Polish and famously homesick despite living in France#but seriously how did we get fricking Le Mer referenced in INAZUMA BUT NOT FONTAINE#no track names alluding to Debussy’s famous works don’t count either we could’ve had La Cathedral Engloutie underwater or something likE#IMAGINE#*cathedrale oops#and don’t get me started on how one of the few references I can find to French Impressionism is just Satie’s gymnopedie#and they named it Gymnopedie too LIKE#or any reference in the OST to the operas in Furina’s constellations like those are som serious bangers
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